The Biggest Battle Ever

by MyAwesomePony

First published

The battle for the fate of Equestria..... is coming....

Prepare yourself for the most intense battle of all time as Twilight Sparkle, Lukas and all of their friends try to protect Equestria from the three most evilest villains in all of Equestria, Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis and Cozy Glow. Can Twilight and her friends save Equestria? Will the villains be defeated and what will happen in the future for our friends? Find out in this epic tale of friendship and evil as they try to make a stand for their kingdom.

Chapter 1 - A Shocking Discovery

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The Biggest Battle Ever
Chapter 1 - A Shocking Discovery

It was just like any other day in Ponyville, birds chirping, flowers blooming, and ponies trotting around the humble town tending to their daily business and life couldn't be any more quaint. Me and Pinkie Pie were in the kitchen of Canterlot castle with other bakers. It was Twilight's coronation today and we were both escited about the event. At that moment we were waiting for the cupcakes in the oven to be ready.

"And them I realized that I forgot my hairbrush, but then I remembered that I had it in my mane all along. How crazy was that?" Pinkie had just finished her story about when she almost forgot her hairbrush this morning.

"I mean, that mane is pretty poofy. I'm surprised you manage to store everything in that mane of yours." I said to the energetic baker while stroking her soft mane.

"Stop it, Lukas. It tickles." We both giggled.

Then, we heard a 'ding' come from the oven, which can only mean good things.

"They're done." Pinkie gasped happily. She reached for her oven mitten and pulled the oven door open, we were bombarded with heat, the good kind of heat. Pinkie pulled the freshly baked cupcakes out and gently placed them on a nearby counter as we both took a sniff.

"Wow! This just smells heavenly." I admitted.

"I wonder if they will taste heavenly too" Pinkie asked herself. "Just got to add the finishing touches. "She then shook some sprinkles onto the cupcakes and then she added a cherry on each of them as well. "And.... done." She claimed as she put the last cherry on.

"Phew." I wiped the sweat from my forehead. "Who knew baking cupcakes could be so hard?"

"And now, my favorite part of all, the taste test." Pinkie said in a sing song tone.

We each picked up a cupcake and bumped them against each other, like they were mugs of cider as we both took a bite of the cupcakes, we both let out an audible 'hmmm' in unison.

"I guess I'm a better cook than I thought." I said to myself. Suddenly, a cupcake splattered on me, pink frosting and all. "What the..?" Some more cupcakes hit me as I got more confused.

Then, A sugar war began as ponies started to throw cupcakes and pastries at each other.

"What is happening here?" I asked with confusion.

"It looks like a cupcake warzone in here." Pinkie cried out as she got hit with cupcakes.

"Come on, Pinkie. We got to stop them." I ordered as we tried to stop the war.

"Excuse me, there's no need for this!" Pinkie said to one of the bakers.

"Come on, guys. Violence is never the answer." I said to another baker as she threw a cupcake at my face.

"It's not working!" I heard Pinkie cry out.

"We got to get out of here!" I cried back to her.

As we tried to make our way to the exit, more cupcakes got thrown at us. After what seemed like an eternity in the chaotic kitchen, I finally got a grip of the door handle and I gave it a good push. The next thing we knew, we were spilled out of the doors in a cupcake avalanche. My face was planted into the cupcake pile as I lifted it up and saw the other ponies and Spike staring at us in shock. Pinkie managed to free herself as well as she declared to everyone:

"Do NOT go in that kitchen!" She said with certainty.

"You two looked like you were caught in a sugar war." Rainbow Dash thought as I managed to break free from the cupcakes.

"Oh, we were." I said, getting closer to them. "It's complete chaos in there."

"For some reason." Pinkie added. "The bakers are super grouchy with each other. That unicorn chef started throwing dessert at Lukas! We tried to help, but we got caught in the crossfire!"

She then looked at her frosting-covered hoof with a drool.

"Tasty, tasty crossfire." She licked the frosting off her hoof.

"Seriously, you guys should've seen it in there." I said, then all of a sudden, Pinkie licked all the frosting off me as well, after she was done, she stuck her tongue out like a puppy.

"Thanks for that, Pinkie." I chuckled.

Then, we heard a groan in agony from behind us. We look over and we see the lord of chaos himself, Discord, rubbing his foot in pain.

"My aching metatarsals!" He groaned as Fluttershy walked towards him. "You know, you forget how convenient snap-travel is."

"Wait, Discord?" I said confusingly. "Did you walk here, can't you teleport?"

"Yeah, about that." Discord said with uncertainty in his tone. "I might have made the teeeeeniest boo-boo."

"What did you do now?" I said sarcastically.

"All very well-intentioned and noble on my part, of course, but—" Before Discord could continue, Applejack interrupted him.

"Get to the point, Discord." She said impatiently.

"You remember that whole thing with King Sombra?" Discord asked us. "That was slightly my fault. And by "slightly", I mean... I brought him back."

"You did WHAT?!" I exclaimed.

"But why?!" Rarity asked loudly.

Discord turned back around to face us, and I could see by the look on his face that he felt ashamed.

"Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time." Discord continued as I interfered.

"Hold up." I said, putting my hands up. "What do you mean "a good idea at the time." What part of that plan seemed like a good idea to you?"

"That's just the thing, I promise you I had good intentions. Also, I brought back three other villains who are now on the loose and not really big fans of yours. So... my bad." He said nervously.

We all gasped in unison.

Celestia and Luna just had looks of shock on their faces after Discord had told their story, they couldn't believe that Discord would try to do this. They knew that he was the spirit of chaos of disharmony, but even when they knew all of that, they still thought that Discord took this a little too far.

" Let me get this straight." Luna began. " You wanted to boost Twilight's confidence, so you brought back Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek to attack her?!"

"Don't forget Sombra." Discord added innocently.

"And while you united these three villains, you pretended to be Grogar?!" Celestia boomed.

"Discord, how could you do this to Twilight?! And us?!" Fluttershy cried as I tried to comfort her.

"Look what a great job you did defeating Sombra. All the confidence you gained. Remember the cheering? The hoof-bumps?" Discord tried to add something positive for everyone in the room, but it wasn't working.

"Except it was all a lie." Twilight said quietly.

"A well-intentioned lie." Discord added.

"Discord!" I cried out, my face was probably turning red with anger. "You have NO idea how much I want to strangle you right now!" I walked closer to him, but Rainbow Dash and Applejack held me back, trying to stop me. "Let me go, let me have him, let me have him!" I tried to break free from their grip, but there were too strong for me.

"For all the time you've spent with us" Applejack said, still holding me back. "you really haven't picked up too much in the way of friendship lessons, huh?"

"You've been setting up challenges for us the whole time, haven't you?" Twilight sadly realized as Rainbow and Applejack let go of me. "None of our successes were actually real."

"Of course they were!" The lord of chaos assured the newest protector of Equestria. "You just had an extremely good-looking safety net."

"And how was that supposed to help again?" Spike asked.

"Spike's got a point." I declared, starting to calm down from my little tantrum earlier as Discord came closer to Spike's face.

"I intended to prepare Twilight for anything by orchestrating an epic attack at her coronation." He said, then Rarity ran up and stepped on his beard in anger.

"You beastly beast!" She exclaimed. "Don't you know how much this day means to Twilight?! And me?! I made her dress! Why wait until now for such a horrible plan?!"

"You don't take a final exam on your first day of class." Discord pointed out. "Just think – after defeating three baddies, Twilight would have to believe that she's the leader we all know she is!"

Then Celestia flew up right into Discord's face with an angry expression.

"You have made a grave misjudgment, Discord." She said quietly. "Do you have anything else you'd like to tell us?!"

"Would you like the good news or the bad news?" Discord asked innocently.

"That wasn't the bad news?!" Cried Luna.

"All my chaos magic is... gone. Trapped in Grogar's Bell." Discord declared to everyone in the room.

"So what's the good news?" Spike sighed.

"I don't think there can be any good news at this point." I moaned.

"Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow now have all of the real Grogar's magic." Discord told everyone the "good news"

"IN WHAT WORLD IS THAT GOOD NEWS?!" Rainbow shouted as her voice echoed around the walls.

"Compared to me losing my powers, anything else is good news!" Discord replied to Rainbow's loud question as Celestia flew back to Twilight.

"Twilight, Luna, we need to make a plan." She declared. "Maybe it's not too late to stop this disaster from happening!"

Twilight looked like her brain was going to explode by all of this information as she rubbed her head, trying to process the terrible news Discord had just told everyone.

"I need some time to think." She said, rubbing her head some more.

"Well, there isn't any time!" Discord said in a hurry. "Look what I overheard them saying!"

Discord snapped his fingers, but nothing happened.

"Just listen to my voice and use your imagination!" He groaned as he started to re-create the conversation.

Let the fool go. Without magic, he's no threat. Besides, we have plans.
The "Lame Six" are so busy being perfect, they haven't even noticed what we've been up to. Have I mentioned how great revenge is?
I hope you got a name picked out for your future kingdom. Because it's time to destroy Equestria!
[Laughs evilly]

"They're probably on their way to attack Canterlot right now!" Discord cried out.

"Well then, why are we just standing here talking about it? Let's stop them!" I decided.

"How, Lukas?" Twilight asked me as she flew closer to me. "Stopping Sombra by himself was hard enough! And that was with lord-of-chaos training wheels!"

"Twilight, it doesn't matter if Discord set up your successes or not." Celestia told her as she flew to her. "We believe in you and always have."

"Lean on your strengths to counter your weaknesses." Luna added.

"My strengths?" Twilight then looked at all of us, then gave a smile of determination. "Right!" Twilight said confidently as she looked at Spike. "Spike! Send a letter to Star Swirl!" Spike started to write the letter as Twilight. "Tell him we need the Pillars to guard the border of Canterlot! If the villains are coming for a fight, we'll have one waiting for them! With Chrysalis on the loose, she'll go after Starlight! Warn Cadance and Shining Armor! They're our final line of defense if we fail! The ultimate battle for the fate of Equestria is coming!

To Be Continued...

Chapter 2 - Getting A Little Too Cozy

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The Biggest Battle Ever
Chapter 2 - Getting A Little Too Cozy

Twilight was making a stand on top of the thrones as everyone listened to her motivational speech.

"We've faced enemies of Equestria before." She stated to everyone. "And we've always succeeded, no matter the odds. That wouldn't be possible without all of you."

"You're welcome." Discord called out.

"Dude, read the room." Spike said quietly.

"So I ask for your help again today in what is our biggest battle yet." Twilight continued. "All of Equestria is at stake, and I can't do this alone. But I'm not afraid. Because with friendship as our armor and teamwork as our power, nopony can ever bring us down!"

At that moment, we heard the doors swing open from behind us.

"Oh, come on!" A familiar voice cried out.

We all looked over to see the evil filly herself, Cozy Glow, as she dropped a pile of royal guards on the hard concrete floor, how she was able to take down a bunch of grown ponies is a question that nobody knew at the moment. After she dropped the guards, she stood on top of the pile.

"Where'd you get that? A daily affirmations calendar? Yeesh." Cozy Glow groaned.

"Shouldn't have said that, Twi." I whispered to her.

"Cozy Glow?! You're-" Twilight didn't get to continue her statement.

"About to wipe the floor with you!" Cozy finished for her as she suddenly blasted her with her horn as she flew backwards into the throne, she groaned as she lays on the concrete floor as we all gasped.

"TWILIGHT!" I shouted out.

"Wow! It's true!" Cozy Glow proclaimed. "Alicorns really do have more fun!" She said as she zapped some more magic out of her horn. We all gasped as the beam hurled towards us, luckily, the beam avoided all of us and struck a nearby banner as there was a small hole right in the center of it now. The royal guards managed to maintain themselves after being chucked to the concrete as they stood in formation in front of us, trying to stop the evil filly.

"Oh, whoopie." Cozy cheered sarcastically. "What are you guys gonna do?"

Suddenly, one of the guards blasted a beam from their horn, but Cozy quickly dodged it. Then she blasted some magic from her horn as well and then a big, red forcefield appears in front of the filly. More beams came out of the guards' horns, but they were useless to the forcefield.

"Everyone get behind the thrones and come out when I tell you." Twilight declared to everyone.

"I'm not going to leave you behind, Twilight." I said, refusing to leave the lavender alicorn by herself.

"Come on, Lukas!" Pinkie said as she pushed me behind the thrones and the others followed.

We hid behind the thrones for what seemed like a lifetime, I was really concerned about Twilight, Celestia and Luna, I hope that they would be able to defeat this mischievous filly.

"What are we gonna do?" Fluttershy whispered.

"I don't know, Fluttershy." I replied with slight worry in my voice.

"Okay guys." Declared Rainbow. "Here's what we're gonna do...."

"Stand down, Cozy Glow!" I heard Celestia shout.

"Gee, I guess I could. But... I'm having too much fun!" Cozy said evilly as I heard another blast of magic and then I heard some more magic. I didn't know what was going on, but I hope the princesses are okay.

"Ready, sister?" Celestia asked in a hurry as I heard Twilight's confused stutter.

Then I heard some more magic sounds, but then I heard a noise that sounded like a gong. I wasn't quite sure about the current situation that was happening, but, suddenly. I heard Celestia and Luna as they cried with agony and pain, now I was really worried. We all heard a loud thud as it echoed in the vast throne room as Twilight let out a loud "NOOOOOOO!" in sadness as I heard some loud trotting in a quick manner.

"That's the problem with you magic-types." The menacingly filly pointed out. "You're so reliant on all your special power, you forget to use your brains!"

"Keep telling yourself that!" Twilight said in a sassy tone. "Now!" She shouted.

When Twilight said that, we assumed that she wanted us to go as we all jumped from behind the thrones as I hopped onto Pinkie's back as we began to fight. The battle started with Rainbow Dash flew over to Cozy and started to spin around her until she felt dizzy. Then Rarity picked me and Pinkie up with her magic and flew us right in front of Cozy. I was holding Pinkie's party bazooka right in her face as we both had a smirk on our faces.

"Surprise attack!" We shout in unison as I blasted the bazooka in Cozy Glow's surprised face as she was covered in confetti. As she coughed, Fluttershy came up from behind her.

"Fly, my pretties!" Fluttershy cried out like a wicked witch as the royal geese started to circle the dazed filly. Next was Spike as he jumped up and tried to use his fire breath on the filly.

As we all continued to attack a very confused and dizzy Cozy Glow. Finally, Applejack managed to get her down and pin her to the ground with her lasso as we all surround her. Twilight taunted her with her magical horn. Cozy had a look of fright on her face, then we heard a quiet thud. We all look over to see Lord Tirek and Queen Chrysalis burst through the wall and kicked down one of the thrones that Discord was hiding behind, he fell to the floor, as if he was pretending to be dead, but it didn't work as Queen Chrysalis chucked him with the rest of us. Twilight protected us by using her magic to create a giant purple forcefield around all of us.

"You think your pathetic shield can stop us?" Chrysalis laughed as she stood on top of the forcefield. "The Pillars have been defeated. Your school is abandoned. Face it, Twilight. You've lost!"

"You can attack us and we may fall." Twilight stated. "But Equestria will still stand, united in friendship. And we won't stop until we defeat you, no matter how many ponies you take down!" Her voice cracked a little bit as the trio started to laugh as we all exchanged confused looks at each other.

"Didn't you all notice something was wrong in Equestria? We've been busy." Tirek said in his deep voice.

"A whisper here, a rumor there." Chrysalis cackled.

"Destroy some crops, cause some damage." Tirek continued.

"Turn pony against pony." Cozy joined in.

"Until your whole kingdom is on edge, waiting for just one tiny thing to push them over the brink!" Chrysalis said menacingly.

"There's no backup friends or rainbow magic to save you now!" Tirek boomed out.

"What are we gonna do, Twilight?" I asked her quickly.

"I-I don't know, Lukas." Twilight shuddered.

"Well, we have to do something." Rainbow called out.

"There IS nothing you can do!" Chrysalis shouted.

"Golly." Cozy said while looking around the castle. "I think it's time for some redecorating."

I was not expecting what happened next, there all looked at the wall and the somehow combined all of their magic and power and managed to blast a huge laser beam through the concrete hard wall and probably destroyed half of the castle as a loud explosion sound was heard, rubble flew everywhere as the ground shook like an earthquake.

"You know what's stronger than friendship?" Chrysalis asked as she pounded the forcefield. "FEAR!"

Then, Tirek walked up behind us and got rid of Twilight's forcefield and levitated her up with his magic and grabs her by the wing as he proclaimed to her:

"'Cause when you have to protect yourself, you don't have time for anypony else."

"Too bad they never taught you that in school." Cozy taunted as they hummed up their magic on the poor Alicorn.

Suddenly, I saw Rarity grab a nearby boulder and throws it at the trio, how she was able to lift up that huge boulder is beyond my understanding, but nevertheless, Twilight was safe as she ran up to us. They combined their magic yet again and aimed straight towards us. Twilight grabbed a nearby slab of stone, surprisingly, it was strong enough to save them. Applejack and Rarity ran up to hold the slab.

"Go, Twilight! Get help!" Rarity called.

"We'll hold 'em 'til you get back!" Applejack said.

"No! I can't leave you here!" Twilight cried out with tears.

"It's your only chance!" Fluttershy called out, joining in as well.

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Spike, and Discord joined in as well.

"You got this Twilight." I said to her as I joined the others.

It was really hard to hold back the magic, but it was working. I heard a teleporting sound, which meant to me that Twilight is now trying to think of a plan to get out of this peculiar situation. Then, I saw a bright light and I was out cold...

Chapter 3 - Epic Make-Up

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The Biggest Battle Ever
Chapter 3 - Epic Make-Up

I don't know how many hours I was out, but I slowly opened by eyes and noticed that it felt very quiet as I was starring at the others as I rubbed by throbbing head.

"Wh-What's happening?" I whispered.

"Your complete destruction is happening!" A voice shouted from behind me. I looked over and saw the crooked face of Cozy Glow. "Won't that be fun?"

"Patience, Cozy." Chrysalis said as she walks towards her. "Destruction is so... permanent. We need to show the rest of Equestria that we've broken their heroes first. Besides, we should have fun with our guests."

I then looked around and see everyone else in these green cages of some sorts.

"No! We should hunt down Twilight Sparkle. As long as she's out there, she's dangerous." Tirek boomed out as Chrysalis flew up to him.

"Is that big, strong minotaur that scared of one little pony?" She teased, patting his chest. "Relax. It's not like her friends are going anywhere."

I saw Star Swirl the Bearded try to use his magic, but it wasn't working as he had an exhausted look on his face. Chrysalis flew up to Starlight's cage as she climbed it.

"The fools brought the remains of my throne to Canterlot to protect themselves. Hah! Those shards block their magic." She cackled.

Cozy Glow started to fly towards us, but Chrysalis stopped her. "Careful. Too close and the shards cancel even our powers." She drew a line on the floor in front. "But on this side of the cavern, we're the most powerful beings in Equestria, thanks to Grogar's Bell." She then presented the bell. "Isn't that right, "Grogar"?" She pulls on some chains and Discord is pulled out from the shadows with a miserable look on his face. Even though he's the main reason why half of this is happening in the first place, I actually kind of felt bad for him. Cozy tried to grab the bell, but Tirek stopped her.

"What are you doing?" Tirek questioned her. "You saw what happened when you tried to take Discord's chaos magic."

"Yeah, but there's Alicorn princess magic in there now, too!" Cozy protested as she tried to reach for the bell." I could be so much more powerful if I just could have—"

"What do you mean you could be?" Chrysalis asked.

"Um, hello? I'm the best one out of all of us!" She boasted as Tirek screamed.

"What are you talking about?!"

As they continued to argue about who is the best villain, we were trying to figure out a way to get out of this sticky situation.

"Oh brother." I groaned to myself. "Okay guys, how are we going to do this?"

Spike tried to reach out to the slime, but his claw stuck to it as he shook it out.

"Too sticky." He claimed to everyone. "There's no way anybody could get through this."

"I'm so sorry." We turn around to see Discord in front of us with a sad look on his face. " It made so much sense in my head."

"What was going on in your mind when you thought of this plan?" I asked angrily.

"Twilight defeats her worst enemies and is filled with confidence. I truly did have the best intentions. I swear I'll make it up to you." Discord pleaded, but it wasn't working that well.

"That's gonna need to be a pretty epic make-up." Rainbow said doubtfully, then we heard Tirek yell:

"Stay away from the Bell, you pest!" She tried to zap her, but she avoided it. Tirek walked up beside Chrysalis. "None of us can use the Alicorns' magic until we figure out how to handle that fool's ridiculous chaos magic!"

"I could always tell you how." Discord interfered their argument, while holding a crystal. "It would give you power over all reality. But you'd have to ask nicely and spare my friends."

"No, Discord! This isn't the way to help!" Spike pleaded as Cozy Glow flew over to Discord.

"Spike's right, Discord." I agreed.

"Discord, could you pweeeease—?" Cozy begged, but Chrysalis pulled her away.

"Threats are more my speed. Speak!" She threatened.

"He's lying." Tirek thought, crossing his arms. "He won't tell us."

I certainly won't tell you after the way you lied to me last time we teamed up, you muscle-bound cretin." Discord said to Tirek in a rude tone.

"This "cretin" could destroy you before you blink, so choose your words carefully." Tirek warned Discord as he slammed his fists together.

"You're right. "Cretin" is too polite." Discord started to walk up to the titan. "How about "pathetic centaur who uses magic to compensate for the fact that deep down he's afraid he'll never be enough to please dear old dad, King Vorak"?" Tirek then tried to zap him in anger, I watched it bounce across the room.

"Hah!, you missed." Cozy laughed menacingly.

"Did he, though?!" I heard Starlight called out. Everyone looked to see that Starlight's shards on her cage had been shattered from the beam as she sliced open the cage.

"Get her!" Chrysalis ordered the two as they all tried to zap her, but Starlight kept teleporting at the last second. Then, she teleported in front of our cage as Applejack ran up to her.

"Get Twilight." She pleaded.

"No way!" Starlight refused. "She's always needed you guys!"

Starlight then jumped up and used her magic to free everyone from their slimy cages.

"Good job, Starlight!" I called to her.

"Thanks, Lukas." She replied, but then, she got blasted by a magic beam as she crashed to the floor. Celestia and Luna protected her from the trio as Celestia looks at us.

"Find Twilight!" She declared. "We may not have our magic, but we aren't completely helpless! We'll hold them off as long as we can!" And with that, the two princesses ran up to fight as we all looked at a terrified Discord.

"That... was a pretty epic make-up." Rainbow said with amazement in her voice.

"I have to agree with you there, Rainbow." I said to her.

"Just save Equestria." Discord signaled us to run away, so we did. "And keep Fluttershy safe!" I heard Discord yell from behind us as we all ran out, on our way to find the purple Alicorn.

We ran up the stairs, but the exit was blocked. Applejack then walked up to the blocked exit and prepared her hooves as she lifted them up and bucked the brick wall with all her might. She was strong enough to break a hole through it as bricks smashed to the ground. We all ran out into the open, then we saw a unicorn in front of us with a scared look on his face.

"Why are you out in the open?!" He asked frantically. "Hide!" He started to shake as we walk up to him.

"We could ask you the same thing." I said to him.

"Where is everybody?" Rarity asked.

"The unicorns have been gathering in Celestia's School of Magic ever since the attack. That's where I was headed when I saw you." He told us.

"What about the Earth ponies and Pegasi?" The rainbow maned Pegasus wondered.

"It's everypony for themselves." He said with a serious tone.

"That ain't right." Applejack assured him.

"Well, you can all stand out here and debate. I'm goin' where I'm safe." The unicorn then ran off into Celestia's school.

"Chrysalis was telling the truth." Spike said as he put his claws on his face in shock. "They really have turned ponies against each other."

"We got to find Twilight!" I told everyone.

"You're onto it, Lukas." Applejack said as she wrapped a hoof around my shoulder. "She'll know how to set things right." And so with that, we all ran off to Ponyville, hoping to find the missing Alicorn.

Chapter 4 Coming Soon.....

Chapter 4 - Return Of The Cold

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The Biggest Battle Ever
Chapter 4 - Return Of The Cold

At that moment, me and the others were running towards Ponyville, where we thought that Twilight was waiting for us. As we were sprinting to the village, I started to slow down, since everyone else was faster than me, it was hard to keep up to them. I came to a sudden halt and dropped on the ground, trying to catch my breath. Suddenly, Rarity's face came into view.

"Come on, Lukas. We got to hurry!" She said frantically.

"I can't, it's too hard." I panted.

I began to close my eyes, but just as I did that, Rarity then picked my up with her magic and ran off to catch up with the others. We finally reached Ponyville as Mayor Mare welcomed us with open hooves.

"Because Ponyville's own heroes of Equestria are here to save us!" She declared to everyone as we joined the crowd.

I looked around the crowd and quickly realized that all the ponies here were all earth ponies. I think we all had the same thought.

"Where'd all these ponies come from?" Applejack said as she walked up to her family.

"Earth ponies been pourin' in lookin' for somewhere safe." Granny Smith timidly said.

"We don't have unicorn magic to protect us or a city in the sky to hide in like those cowardly Pegasi!" An earth pony clarified as Rainbow flew up to her.

"Cowardly?!" She said angrily.

Suddenly, we heard some clouds rumbling in the sky as we all looked up.

"They're blocking Cloudsdale! Said they didn't want any "grounded" ponies up in their business!" The earth pony cried out.

"Listen up, buddy—!" Rainbow shouted, they were about to start a fight, but I separated the two.

"Break it up, you two! That's exactly what Chrysalis and the others want, they want us to fight!" I said, separating them with my hands as Fluttershy walked up to me.

"Lukas is right." The butterscotch Pegasus agreed. "We know you're scared. We're here to help."

"You better fix this!" Another earth pony cried out as the crowd agreed.

"Twilight's probably as worried as everypony else and tryin' to find somewhere safe." Applejack claimed. "That's why I was sure she'd be waitin' for us in Ponyville. Where else could she be?"

We all started to ponder to ourselves, wondering where Twilight could possibly be. I then snapped my fingers.

"I think I know where Twilight is." I claimed to everyone.

"Where?" Rainbow asked me.

"The Crystal Empire!" I cried out.

To the train station!" Applejack cried out as we all followed her to the train station.

After a long and nervous train ride, we finally arrived at the Crystal Empire as we swung the doors open to see Princess Cadence holding Flurry Heart and Shining Armor next to her.

"Oh, thank Celestia you're all alright." Cadence said worriedly. "She's upstairs. It's... not good."

Now we were really worried about Twilight, We all busted open the door to one of the rooms and inside, we saw none other then our fellow purple alicorn frantically reading every scroll and book in the room. She looked to us in relief

"You're here?!" She asked in relief before we quickly gathered in a group hug. "I was so worried! Where are the princesses?"

"They put up a crazy fight so we could escape and find you! Mission accomplished!" Pinkie explained. "Now let's save Equestria!"

Then, before we knew it, a banner came down from the ceiling with Twilight's happy face on it as confetti exploded everywhere, how Pinkie was able to set all of this up when we just came in is something that nobody can explain.

"They made a terrible mistake. You all did." Twilight whimpered as she backed away slowly.

"What are you talking about, Twilight?" I asked.

"From the second I got away, I've been searching every book, scroll, and spell for a way to rescue you and stop Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy, but I haven't found anything." Twilight then threw the book she was reading to the ground. "I failed."

"You'll come up with something. We can't save Equestria without you." Spike pleaded.

"You all escaped without my help. You didn't need me then. So why would anypony need me now?" Twilight moaned.

"We know things look bad." Rainbow began. "But we've been in tough spots before, and we always—"

"Look around!" Twilight interrupted. "Nothing we've ever done has mattered!"

Twilight then walked up to a corkboard and picked up a picture of King Sombra with her magic.

"Sombra? Returned and destroyed the Tree of Harmony!" Twilight then crumpled up the picture into a ball, then, she picked up a picture of Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow. "Chrysalis, Tirek, Cozy Glow? Returned and more powerful than ever!" She also crumpled up the pictures into balls. "The School of Friendship? Shut down! Everypony in Equestria is so blinded by fear, they can't remember what friendship is! Nothing we do makes any difference!" Twilight then slammed her face into a nearby desk as we looked at her with concern.

"But we're still free and together." Pinkie said.

"And it's not like things can get any worse."

Right after Rainbow Dash said that, we all heard some howling out as we opened up the window and what we saw rattled us to the very core. Circling around the skies and howling, were the windigos.

"Haven't we learned never to say that by now?" Spike asked rhetorically.

We all stared at the windigos in disbelief.

"You just had to say that, Dash." I said angrily.

"We have to do something!" Rainbow cried as Twilight walked away from the window.

"I've already done enough." Twilight sighed as she slammed her face on a table. Applejack walked towards Twilight.

"You want the truth, Twilight? Bad things happen. No matter what you do, there's never gonna be a time when everything's perfect. But that don't mean you quit tryin'!" Applejack said.

"What if I make things worse?!" Twilight cried before I grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Twilight, listen to me!" She turned slowly towards me as I sighed. "Look, I understand that you're scared, you've come such a long way since you came to Ponyville, I've even come a long way since I came to Equestria. But sometimes, you have to find faith in yourself, it may be a bit hard, but we all believe that you can find that faith within yourself, and when you do, you can do anything you set your mind to. So, what do you say, are you ready to save Equestria?"

Twilight was silent for a moment, before tears slowly flowed down her cheeks.

"Thank you." Twilight then wiped the tears with a tissue. "Sometimes even the Princess of Friendship needs a reminder that there's more to the Magic of Friendship than rainbow lasers."

"Although that part is pretty cool." Spike said.

"I agree, Spike." I agreed as we all gathered in another group hug.

"We still need a plan." As Twilight was thinking of a plan, the doors burst open revealing Cadence, Shining Armor and Flurry Heart.

"That sounds like the pony I used to foal-sit for. Count us in." Princess Cadence said with confidence.

"No." Twilight denied her offer. "You need to stay here and protect Flurry Heart. If we don't... If things don't work out, she's Equestria's last hope." Twilight then turned to us "Okay. Three of our worst villains have taken over, powered up by ancient magic. Everypony in Equestria is so scared and divided that the windigos are circling. And it's up to us to fix it all."

"What are we gonna do, Twilight?!" Pinkie cried out.

"The same thing we do every time, Pinkie. Try to save the world!"

Stay tuned for Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - Beaten Up

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The Biggest Battle Ever:
Chapter 5 - Beaten Up

We were all walking through the hills as the wind was getting stronger and stronger, so strong, that it made Applejack's hat float away, but I was there to catch it.

"Thank you, kindly, Lukas." Applejack said as she put her hat back on.

"No problem, AJ."

"Hey Lukas." Twilight called my attention.

"Yeah Twilight?" I said as I walked beside her.

"Thanks for giving me that speech, I really needed it."

"Oh, it's no trouble at all." I replied with a smile.

"I'll admit, I was acting a little bit crazy." Twilight said.

"Now that's just putting it mildly." Pinkie whispered in Rainbow Dash's ear.

"Enough chitchat, let's defeat those villains!" I cried out as everyone agreed.

"About them. Do you think they know where we are?" Spike asked us,

But he soon got that question answered as a big yellow vortex appeared in front of us an out came the trio themselves, Cozy Glow, Lord Tirek and Queen Chrysalis and they all had smug looks on their faces with Grogar's bell following them.

"I'd say they have an idea" Applejack whispered.

All we could do was watch in horror as the trio walked slowly towards us, while Tirek pounded his fists together.

"That bell has Discord, Celestia, and Luna's magic inside." Twilight declared. "If they use it against us-"

"Discord's magic is so chaotic, he's the only one who can use it." Fluttershy pointed out.

"You just can't accept that you were beaten before you even realized there was a fight, can you?" Chrysalis said.

"You can't beat us if we never give up!" Twilight proclaimed. "As long as I have my friends by my side, I'll put my faith in friendship-"

"Ugh, can we get on with this please?" Cozy Glow interrupted her before spinning around, charging up a magical beam.

"I think we should run." I said with a shiver.

Cozy then aimed the red beam straight towards us, and right when it was about to hit us, I saw a bright flash of purple light. Then, the next thing I knew, we all ended up behind a bush.

"We need to get that bell and get Discord and the princesses their magic back." Twilight said while looking over the bush, then turning towards us. "Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Lukas, you're with me."

"Sweet! I'll grab that bell in ten second-" Rainbow started but was interrupted by Twilight.

"No. We're the distraction." She then pointed a hoof towards Spike, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity. "They're gonna get the bell."

"Twilight, I can't fight them, I don't any crazy powers like you guys." I worriedly said.

"Lukas!" Twilight then put a hoof on my shoulder. "I wouldn't have given you the task if I couldn't trust you."

"Yeah, but still."

"But Lukas, like you said, you've come a long way since you came to Equestria, this is a chance to redeem yourself." Rainbow Dash clarified.

"Yeah." Pinkie agreed. "Show them who is the boss."

"Well." I then pondered for a moment before replying. "Okay, I'll do it, for Equestria."

As me, Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were peaking over the bush, we saw the trio trying to search for us by taking down every single tree and bush in the field.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Chrysalis said with a threatening voice.

"There!" Cozy pointed a sharp hood at us.

With that, me and everyone else sprints out of the bush, yelling out a long battle cry. Then Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow charged straight towards us. As I ran away from Cozy Glow's magical red beam, I tried to look for something in the field that could do some damage. Turning around, I saw that everypony else was busy taking care of the trio, Rainbow Dash was flying around Cozy Glow, Twilight and Tirek was having their own little battle and Pinkie Pie was distracting Chrysalis. I didn't know what I could do to contribute to the fight, but then, in the distance, I saw a pile of rocks. Quickly, I ran over to the rocks and chose my first target, which was Chrysalis. I reached for one of the rocks and steadied my aim, and with one big throw, I sent it flying, hitting the bug queen right at the back of her head.

"Ugh!" She exclaimed. "Who did that!"

She then turned swiftly around to take a good look at me.

"Haha, take that, you repulsiveness!" I declared

Then, she charged up her magic and before I knew it, she blasted a magical beam right at me, I ended up on the grass, bruised. Suddenly, Chrysalis landed on top of me, looking like she was getting ready to shoot another magical beam out of her horn. I cringed and flinched back. Then, I heard the sound of Chrysalis' scream, looking over, I saw that Twilight had shot her own magical beam at the bug queen.

As I stood up, she motioned her hoof towards the bush, as if telling me to take cover. She didn't have to ask me twice as I bolted towards the bushes and ducked for cover.

"Man, it's crazy out there. Well, at least I know I'll be safe in here." I said, wiping the sweat from my brow.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that, Lukas."

Just when I thought I was in the clear, I heard a really familiar voice come from besides me. Slowly turning around, I saw that I was face to face with the evil, menacingly filly herself, Cozy Glow.

"What do you want, Cozy Glow?" I asked, feeling a little bit startled by her sudden appearance.

"I figured that you've been having it a little bit too easy." She declared.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" I questioned the filly.

"What I'm saying is that we've planned a special surprise for you." She said in a rather innocent voice.

"Like I ever will believe you." I said.

But then, instead of taking my word for it, Cozy Glow replied by quickly swooping me up from the ground and was now carrying me through the sky. Then, before I could even process any more, I was slammed onto the ground with a hard thud. I then look up and I see Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow staring at me with menacing looks on their faces.

"Oh gosh, would you look at the time?" I pretended to look at a watch on my wrist, standing up. "I really need to get going." I sprinted away in the opposite direction, but then, I felt a magical force pick me up and drag me back, my body zooming towards a really evil looking Chrysalis.

"Didn't you think that you'd be just a tad bit under leveled for this fight?" She asked me.

"Uh, a little bit." Came my short reply.

"Please, don't hurt him!" I heard Twilight cry out.

"Hurt him? Oh, we're going to do a lot more than that!"

Then before I even had the chance to respond to that statement, I was dropped to the ground again as they all started beating the ever living Celestia out of me, causing me to get severely bruised. I had never felt pain like this before. As they were all tackling me, I heard everyone else scream and cry. Suddenly, I felt something tug at my arms, I saw that it was Rainbow Dash, she was trying to pull me out of their grip, but then Chrysalis blasted the blue pegasus, sending her in the air.

"RAINBOW-mmm." I screamed before Cozy Glow had covered my mouth with her hoof.

I continued getting punched, kicked and shot at by magical beams, feeling more and more pain. Then, they finally disperse and I end up bruised and tattered. Right as when I was about to get up, I then felt an unbearable amount of heat, what I felt was a big burning ball of light. This light energy caused me to fly through the sky and skidded on the ground. My vision became blurry as I heard everyone's screaming.


"Lukas, please wake up!"

"Please wake up!"

And then after that, I fell unconscious, and everything went completely black..

To Be Continued...