Common Indecency

by Anachronymph

First published

Gallus and Sandbar have a habit of getting carried away in public.

Sandbar sometimes has trouble paying attention to his surroundings, especially when he's distracted by cocky griffins. Gallus sometimes has trouble caring about social norms, especially when they get between him and a certain earth pony.

Together, they aren't the most discreet couple in Equestria. Some would argue they're actually the least discreet. It's a good thing they're in Ponyville, where a little PDA (a lot of PDA) isn't out of the ordinary.

A short series of cloppy vignettes of Gallus and Sandbar loving each other in increasingly outrageous locales.

Contains: Gallbar, gay sex, and exhibitionism. Obviously.

The drippy parts start in chapter two.


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It was the last class of the day, at the end of the very first week of school, Rainbow Dash was talking about herself again, and Gallus was bored.

He was reclined as far back in his desk as he could without tipping over, his arms were placed restlessly on the edge of the table, and his face was pitched up toward the ceiling. He wasn't the kind of bird who counted ceiling tiles, but he was starting to get close.

Hard to believe Dash's class was the one to finally drain all the colour out of him.

His neighbour, a unicorn pony Gallus didn't recognize, reached over and gave him a nudge. “Um, could you stop tapping, please? It's a little distracting.”

The griffon blinked and looked down at his talons. Sure enough, all six of his talons were thudding rhythmically against the wooden surface. He paused for a second and felt the pent up energy in his talons immediately.

He turned to the pony and rolled his eyes. “Sorry, can't. Predator instincts, you know? If I don't wear them down on wood then I'll have to stick them into nosy ponies instead.”

The unicorn's eyes widened and he jerked back, nearly sliding right out of his seat.

Gallus glanced at the clock—still almost an hour left in the day—and then went back to staring off into space. His eyes slid from object to object, across the backs of a dozen heads, until his gaze landed on Sandbar.

The earth pony sat in the front row and seemed to be paying about as much attention to whatever Rainbow Dash was saying as Gallus. He was looking out the window, a dumb smile on his face. His ears twitched every now and then. Daydreaming, probably.

He was cute, Gallus thought. Dumb, but cute. And pretty good as far as roommates went, even if he did cringe a bit whenever they ate together. Ponies and their weak stomachs, unable to handle even the thought of eating fish. Maybe if Gallus was feeling up to it he'd try to find some decent middle ground there. Ponies liked to ferment things, right? Maybe that was something. If he was going to share a room with such an appealing stallion, he should at least try to bridge the species gap.

Gallus rolled his eyes again and sighed. He felt creatures turn to look at him, and he paid them no mind. Fuck, why wouldn't this class end already so he could be bored somewhere else?

“Sandbar, are you paying attention?”

Sandbar jolted as the real world suddenly asserted itself and he found himself staring down the barrel of Professor Rarity's sights. She had one eyebrow raised, her glasses perched on the tip of her snout, and not much patience in her expression.

“Oh, um, yes, ma'am. Just thinking about something you said earlier.”

Rarity blinked. “Really? It must have been something quite profound then. What was it?”

Sandbar felt himself warm up a bit. “Ah, I don't really remember. It was something about… no, that was…” He struggled to trace his train of thought back to its origin and came up blank.

Rarity sniffed. “I suppose it was a while ago, then. Please stay with me, everycreature, we're almost through this section, and then you can all start on your assignments.”

She carried on with the lecture while Sandbar silently berrated himself. Why couldn't he follow a lecture for more than ten minutes without his attention getting completely derailed? At least this time he hadn't started humming or mumbling to himself. That had happened earlier in the day during Pinkie Pie's class. Thankfully Pinkie was pretty tolerant of that kind of stuff.

He sheepishly glanced around to see if anycreature was still looking at him, but it seemed like the moment had passed. He let out a breath until he noticed one set of eyes that was still trained on him. He suppressed a gulp. He should be used to catching Gallus' gaze by now. They'd been roommates for months, been on more than one adventure together, and yet he still always felt like he'd been caught when he noticed the griffon looking at him.

It may have had something to do with Gallus being just about the most attractive creature he'd ever met. In a strange, griffony way, sure, but that didn't make it any less nerve-wracking. It was a good thing their dorm was nice and roomy, so Sandbar had space to deal with what was very quickly building up to quite the crush.

He turned back to the front of the class and tried to listen to Rarity's lesson, but his mind was full of fantasy again. Going on another adventure with his friends—and with Gallus. Getting separated, maybe? And then he and Gallus would be stuck together trying to find the others, high on adrenaline and stress, right on the emotional razor's edge…

His eyes glazed over as his imaginings seized him.

If Rarity noticed, she didn't say anything.


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Gallus cracked an eye open and groaned as light assaulted his retinas. He rolled over and tried to remember if he had any reason to get out of bed. It was the weekend, so no school. He didn't have any homework (that he was planning to actually do) and he usually avoided A.M. plans with friends if at all possible.

And so he sank back into his pillow and stretched out an arm, expecting to feel the warm, slumbering body of his boyfriend. Instead he found only wall. Oh. Right. He was in his own bed. Alone. Because Twilight's dumb rules said they couldn't push their beds together for some reason.

And there was his elusive reason to stay conscious.

He braced himself, then rolled out from under the covers and landed heavily on all fours. He lurched across the room, muttering swears every step of the way. After far too long in the cold, biting morning air, he reached Sandbar's bed and blinked. Empty.

Tartarus-damned earth ponies.

You'd think that in the months since they'd started dating he'd have gotten used to Sandbar getting up piss-early in the morning, but now here he was, staring dumbly at an empty, perfectly made bed, trying with every firing neuron he had to decide between going back to bed and staying awake to find Sandbar. Unfortunately, there was an unambiguous winner. Barely.

So Gallus trundled out of the bedroom and into the shared bathrooms, took the quickest shower he could, and ran out into the common area. He snagged a piece of freeze-dried jerky from the cupboard on his way out. It wasn't exactly fine dining, but it was about as hearty a breakfast a griffon could get in Equestria. At least Sandbar was willing to share a meal with him now and then, although apparently animal protein was about as nutritious to a pony as cereal was to a griffon. But what was love without adversity?

Or whatever.

He found Sandbar tending to the gardens at the front of the dorms. He seemed to be pulling a weed, his nose pressed to the dirt, his rump in the air. Gallus, sensing an opportunity, couldn't resist. He dropped to his haunches and crept forward, disturbing each leaf and twig of the garden as little as possible as he approached his partner from behind. A familiar giddiness filled his stomach as he stalked his prey, until finally he was close enough to reach out and strike!

Sandbar yelped as something nipped gently at his dock. He darted forward, right to the edge of the garden, before he slowed down and turned. He had already figured out the culprit. “You're up early,” he said as he walked back to Gallus and smiled his characteristic easy smile. He ran his eyes up and down the griffon. “And you look alive. What gives?”

Gallus smirked. “I wanted pony for breakfast, but we were fresh out in the dorm.” He made a show of flicking the sharp tip of his beak with his tongue.

“And I'm just the first pony you saw, huh?”

Gallus took a step forward. He reached out and looped an arm around Sandbar's neck, pulling him in. “You also looked the tastiest.” Usually they were almost the same height, but sitting down like this, Gallus's longer torso won out, so he had to crane his neck down to meet Sandbar's mouth with his own.

Griffon beaks and pony snouts weren't exactly made to kiss one another, but over the past weeks and months they'd gotten pretty good at it. Sandbar let out a happy murmur deep in his throat. Gallus let his arms fall lower down Sandbar's back and felt around the pony's flanks and dock, dragging his talons through the soft coat hairs, massaging the muscle beneath. The air between their bodies was hot and just waiting to flare up.

No pun intended.

Sandbar leaned forward, and they fell together into the garden soil. Gallus stared up into his boyfriend's big bright eyes, shadowed by his stupid, adorable mane. He felt the earth pony's weight settle against him, his strong legs on either side of him. Gallus swallowed. Until just now he had mentally written off sex that morning. Usually unless they caught one another in the shower or woke up in the same bed, things stayed pretty tame until late afternoon at the earliest.

But with his back covered in potting soil and a visibly excited Sandbar on top of him, Gallus had a feeling this particular morning was about to turn around. That feeling was helped by the burning hot sensation of Sandbar's cock hanging millimeters above his own. That was an advantage of dating a stallion. When they were aroused, there was no hiding it.

Gallus put his talons around the back of Sandbar's neck and arched his own hips, bringing their shafts together and spreading a few drops of shared precum down their lengths.

“You said I look tasty.” Sandbar murmured. “What part of me do you want to start with?”

Gallus licked his beak. “I think I'll start at the top and work my way down.” He reached up and drew his tongue along Sandbar's chin line toward his neck. The pony shuddered and dropped his hips, bringing their cocks into contact again.

“Hey, uh, you two all right?” called a voice from a few yards away.

Sandbar yelped, jumped to his hooves, and staggered sidways, nearly falling more than once as he hurried to create some distance between himself and Gallus and shield his throbbing erection at the same time.

Gallus blinked and looked up—barely—at Spike, who stood at the edge of the garden plot with a concerned look on his face. The little dragon looked from Sandbar's disheveled mane and awkward stance down to Gallus' prone form and his completely unshielded crotch.

He paused, frowned, then looked back up at them. “Really? In the school gardens?” He rolled his eyes and turned around. “I thought ponies were exaggerating about college students, geez.” He ambled away into the distance, shaking his head all the while.

After a few moments, Gallus rolled onto his feet and ruffled his wings to get the worst of the dirt out of his feathers. He turned to Sandbar, who was sitting on his rump with one hoof over his eyes and a blush bright enough to light up Tartarus on his cheeks.

Gallus clucked his tongue. “Come on, Sandy, it was just Spike.”

“I don't care who it was, we were just… we almost…” Sandbar half laughed and half groaned. “What is wrong with us?”

Gallus shrugged. “Nothing's wrong with me, and if you'd calm down I could say the same for you.” He extended a wing and draped it over Sandbar's shoulders. “Come on, let's go rinse off. The showers should be nice and quiet by now.”

They walked into the dorm in silence until Sandbar clued in. “Oh, together. Like… together.”

Gallus chuckled. “Uh huh, unless you'd rather we finish up in the flower beds.”

Sandbar picked up the pace at that.

Fluttershy tapped her hoof against the floor of her classroom, gathering everyone's attention. She sighed contentedly. “Thank you all for your participation today. I think we learned a lot about understanding and reconciling differences.” She swept a wing over the blackboard, clearing away an hour's worth of notes on cultural misunderstandings and class politics. For how simple Professor Fluttershy's topics seemed, they sure got complicated fast.

As students scratched a few last minute notes or broke out in hushed conversations with their neighbours, the PA system overhead buzzed to life.

“Happy Friday, everycreature!” Twilight's Sparkle's voice was slightly distorted but characteristically bright and earnest. “Classes are dismissed an hour early today so you can all freely attend the final buckball match of the season against Canterlot University. For those of you watching the game, please remember to be on your best behavior and show everycreature from Canterlot just how much you've learned!”

By the time the speakers fizzed back to silence, not a single student was still seated. They streamed out the door and joined the crowds in the hall.

Gallus hung back, his eyes scanning for the flash of sea-foam green and turquoise that he knew so well. Finally he spotted his boyfriend hanging in the doorway of another classroom. He slid up beside Sandbar and they wordlessly fell into stride together as they followed the throngs of other students out to the buckball field.

The buckball field was newer than the rest of the school, so new that the sharp corners and shiny paint of the bleachers hadn't been worn down yet. Gallus and Sandbar grabbed a corner spot, with Gallus braced against the wall to one side and Sandbar pressed against his other. It was the middle of spring and there was still a nip in the air, but it was hard to feel cold while cuddling with a fluffy earth pony.

Silverstream sat on Sandbar's other side. There was a bigger, more platonic distance between them. Not that Gallus cared, really. At this point they were all a weird kind of family, and she could get as friendly with Sandbar as the earth pony was comfortable with.

Down on the field, the buckball players were warming up, and on the sidelines, the cheer team was doing the same. Gallus waved lazily at Yona, Ocellus, and Smolder, although they seemed too busy to really notice.

Sandbar cuddled in even closer to Gallus' wing and murmured, “It's a good thing you're here. Spectator sports aren't really my thing.”

Gallus smiled to himself. “I hadn't noticed.” He deftly slid an arm between one of Sandbar's forelegs and his body. He ran his talons through Sandbar's coat. Like petting a cat, but more sensual. He brought his beak up to Sandbar's ear and whispered, “You know, they're not really my thing either, but I can't pass up an opportunity to make out with you on school grounds for an entire hour.”

“An entire hour?” Sandbar said, sounding genuinely surprised, as if he'd really thought that Gallus was excited to spend his free time watching an amateur college buckball game.

Gallus made a sound between a purr and a growl. He nipped Sandbar's ear with his beak, and the pony let out a little gasp.

“You okay?” Silverstream asked.

Sandbar blushed and nodded, pulling away from Gallus slightly. “Oh, yeah, totally. Just, you know, chilly. Should have brought a sweater or something.”

Silverstream beamed at him. “Aw, see, this is where feathers come in handy. Come on, Gallus.” She scooted over until her barrel pressed against Sandbar's and one wing rested lightly against his back.

Gallus grinned. “That's what I keep telling him, but he never seems to grow any. Stubborn.” He slid closer too, making Sandbar a very warm, very cozy pony indeed. And the griffon didn't stop teasing and stroking Sandbar's foreleg either.

A sharp whistle sounded, and athletes began trotting onto the field. First the home team, then the Canterlot team took their places on opposite ends. The cheerleaders started a low chant from the sidelines. The overall energy level in the bleachers shot up.

Sandbar let his head drop onto Gallus' shoulder. His eyes drooped closed. His rear legs widened a bit on the bench to keep him stable.

Gallus' talons wandered. Up Sandbar's leg to the earth pony's barrel, then slowly down his side, raking gently through the coat with just enough force to stroke the skin beneath. Gallus reached the top of Sandbar's hips and kept going, kneading and massaging across to his lower stomach. Pony tummies weren't nearly as silky soft as a griffon's chest plumage, but fuck were they ever plush. Gallus applied a bit more force until he could feel the powerful muscles beneath. Sandbar wasn't exactly a masculine powerhouse, but even the slightest earth pony was sturdy under the surface, and his boyfriend was no exception.

Gallus glanced up to his face and wasn't surprised at what he found. Mentally, Sandbar was miles away from the crowd, probably laying on his back in a forest meadow while a dashing griffon worked him over. The oblivious hippogryph cozying up against him, the dozens of potentially prying eyes, the mediocre sports game unfolding mere yards away: all insignificant details to a dreamer like Sandbar.

And as Gallus' hand traveled a bit lower, he knew that Sandbar wasn't enjoying a totally innocent dream. Half of his length was already in open air, and it rose more and more as his touch grew nearer. His talons hovered over Sandbar's pelvis, and his length twitched in response. After a year or so of dating, Gallus liked to think he knew that shaft—and the bits around it—pretty damn well. Well enough that he could confidently bring the pony over the edge without so much as turning in his seat. Nobody would notice unless they looked directly between Sandbar's legs, and at that point they were just asking for an eye-full.

There was also Silverstream. Gallus gave her a fifty-fifty chance of noticing what he was up to, but she'd seen them do worse before. Although she wasn't nearly so close last time. He was willing to roll those dice.

In one slow, fluid motion, he ran his hand down, along the inside of Sandbar's thigh, and underneath his junk. He cupped his boyfriend's balls, not moving them or even supporting them, just touching.

Sandbar moaned quietly.

Silverstream took her eyes from the game and glanced at her friends. “You sure it's just the cold, Sandy?”

Gallus shook his head. “I think he had a long week. Remember that project for Applejack?”

“Oh, right. He took that one super seriously.” The concern in her face turned to sympathy. “He's lucky to have a partner like you to take care of him.”

Gallus slid a talon up the length of Sandbar's shaft, teasing at the medial ring. Sandbar shifted and groaned happily, his legs spreading even wider.

“Oh yeah, I'm great,” Gallus agreed as he felt a few drops of precum underneath his hand. He rubbed at the fluid with one talon, spreading up and down Sandbar's cock. Not quite enough lubrication to cover his entire working area, but it was a start. Knowing Sandbar, he'd have puddles soon enough.

Silverstream turned back to the buckball match, apparently content with that excuse. Gallus felt a brief pang of guilt. He was way too good at lying to his own friends. And even as he continued to slowly stroke his boyfriend's cock, the implications started to sink in. Ah fuck, he had to tell her.

“Hey, Silverstream. Uh, actually…” He raised his hand to scratch the back of his head while he tried to find the right words to explain himself. He winced as he felt the precum on his talons seep into his feathers. That was going to look weird when it dried.

She turned. “Yeah?”

“Just so you know, I don't think he's cold. Or tired. I was just, ahem…” He curled his talons into a loose fist and moved it in a quick up and down motion.

She blinked, then looked down at Sandbar's crotch. Most of the view was obscured by his splayed hindleg, but her eyes widened and her cheeks glowed, so she must have caught a glimpse of something fun. She scooted away from the two, breaking contact with Sandbar's side and raising her hands to her face. “Oh gosh.”

“Sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I didn't plan on things going that far.”

“N-no problem,” she said, her eyes still glued to Sandbar's lower body. “Uhhhhhh… is it okay if I stay?”

He chuckled. He had suspected the hippogryph was a bit of a voyeur when she'd walked in on them a few weeks back. “I wouldn't be jerking off my boyfriend on the bleachers in the middle of a buckball game if I was squeamish about being watched.”

“What about Sandy?”

Gallus reached back down and delicately wrapped his talons around Sandbar's cock. The earth pony groaned and slumped further down in his seat, a hot, guileless breath escaping his adorable muzzle. Gallus smirked. “I don't see him complaining.”

With his other friend dealt with, Gallus returned all his attention to Sandbar. He worked his hand up and down the shaft, taking his time to cover the whole length, giving a light squeeze whenever he got to the top. There was something fascinating about pony cocks. Hard, but with just a hint of give. Long, but almost uniform in shape. Thick, and with a flat tip to make penetration even tougher. They were intriguing in their contradictions. Not that Gallus had a ton of experience with different dicks, but compared to griffon equipment… what a marvel.

He switched up his technique and focused on the upper half of Sandbar's cock, ditching the long, slow strokes in favour of short and quick motions. Sandbar gasped aloud and thrust up into Gallus' hand, precum dribbling from his tip. Gallus took full advantage of the extra lubrication and coated his talons with it, then brushing a single slick digit over the head of Sandbar's rod. With carefully measured pressure he rubbed and pressed at the spot just below the pony's urethra. Another splash of cum washed over his hand and trickled onto the bench.

Gallus licked his lips. He really wanted a taste, but he'd have to get out of his seat for that, and if anyone saw him with his face between Sandbar's legs in public their fun would definitely be over. Besides, it was also pretty hot to finish off with Sandbar between his talons; to feel the throbbing urgency in the shaft, feel the generous dose of equine seed pouring over his wrist. So for now, this one time, he would resist the temptation to get his beak involved.

Sandbar whimpered and his hips bucked. He rolled over slightly and buried his face in Gallus' shoulder, giving the griffon even better access to his crotch. Gallus grinned, lifted his other hand, and sent it to work on Sandbar's balls, rolling them in his palm, gently sliding the sack across the orbs within, all without pausing his other hand's rapid stokes up and down the upper part of Sandbar's cock. Now, at the end of every stroke, he could feel the pony's tip starting to flare, the shaft's twitches getting stronger.

As Sandbar's peak approached, Gallus switched back to long, full strokes, but tried to keep his speed consistent, pounding up and down three or four times between each heartbeat. Sandbar's hips jerked again, and Gallus felt the tension grow in every muscle of his boyfriend's body. He dipped his head down to meet Sandbar's lips with his beak and pressed in for a deep, hurried kiss.

Sandbar started to thrust back into each stroke, the first few movements so forceful that they almost knocked Gallus off balance. For the second time, Gallus wished another part of him was on Sandbar's cock rather than his hand, but it was too late for those kind of accommodations now.

Gallus smiled against Sandbar's lips as he felt the earth pony turn further into his side, the tip of his shaft brushing against the soft fur on Gallus' hips at the end of every thrust. Gallus pressed deeper into Sandbar's mouth and braced himself for the crescendo. His hand refocused on Sandbar's balls as they tensed.

Sandbar moaned loudly into Gallus' mouth, and his whole body shuddered as the floodgates opened. Gallus felt the first splash of cum against his talons, spilling onto his legs and onto the seat between them. He slowed his motions and gripped Sandbar's pulsating cock tighter, trying to milk every drop. The earth pony kept thrusting jerkily against the griffon's body, quickly saturating his fur with pulse after pulse of hot seed.

Sandbar's peak finally passed and he slumped against Gallus' side, his head falling onto his boyfriend's shoulder. Gallus lifted his hand to his mouth and started to lick the digits clean. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Silverstream. Oh right, she'd been there the whole time. She was looking down, not making eye contact with him, her legs gathered tightly underneath her. When he followed her gaze, he realized that his own shaft was sticking up proudly between his hind legs, hard as steel and woefully unattended to.

Silverstream finally realized she was being watched and jerked her gaze up to Gallus' face. “Ah, s-sorry.”

Sandbar sat upright, the post-orgasmic haze and momentary breathlessness finally over. He looked down at his lap, his slowly-receding cock splattered with white, and then at Gallus' soaked and matted fur, then around at the rows and rows of spectators on all sides. His pupils shrank to tiny dots. “G-Gallus, did I just… did you…”

Gallus gave one of his talons a final lick. “Nobody noticed.”

“That's impossible. Oh Celestia, I can't believe…” He ducked his head and dropped his gaze to the ground to avoid making eye contact with any of their neighbours. “You did that on purpose!”

Gallus smiled. “Oh come on, you love it. I know all your kinks. Besides, nobody's staring, right Silverstream?”

The hippogryph flinched. “Huh, oh, um, no. Nope, definitely not. I was just watching the game! Absolutely not watching one of my best friends get a handjob right beside me.”

Sandbar somehow managed to blush an even brighter red.

Just then, a whistle sounded from the playing field below, and the buckball players trotted off onto the sidelines.

“Half time,” Gallus guessed. “I don't know about you, but I think I'm going to pass on the second half. Maybe take a quick shower.” He gestured to his cum-soaked flank and thigh. “You coming?”

Sandbar huffed. “I think I just did.”

The two stood up and made their way down the bleachers and back toward their dorms. Miraculously, nobody seemed to notice the stains and smells clinging to them as they passed.

After a minute or so of walking, Sandbar's ears perked up. “Oh, showers. Like… together.”

Gallus laughed. “Well yeah.” He reared back onto his hindlegs to show off his still-engorged cock. “When have I ever been satisfied after only one round?”


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The month before the end of their second year, students at Twilight’s School of Friendship took a week-long field trip to another kingdom. It was as much an excuse to slack off and enjoy the beginning of summer as it was an actual learning experience—even Twilight knew it when she originally conceived of the event—but teachers and students alike looked forward to it as soon as it was announced.

For Gallus, Sandbar, and the rest of their class, Griffinstone was selected. The kingdom was steadily improving, and while it still wasn’t much when stacked up against Equestria’s peace and prosperity, Gallus admitted that he was curious what his home looked like after nearly two years away. He was even more interested when Twilight mentioned that he could take the lead if he wanted, since he naturally knew the place better than anyone.

And so there they were, twenty or so creatures on the deck of a small airship as it sailed over the border into Griffinstone. Rainbow Dash and Applejack, the designated chaperones of their little trip, stood at the prow, paying less attention to their charges than they probably should have been.

Gallus leaned against the railing on the starboard side, his arms hanging over the sides. Sandbar trotted up beside him and copied his position, forelegs on the railing, shoulder to shoulder with his boyfriend. “Excited to be back?”

“Eh, I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Gallus took a big breath, frowned, and cleared his throat. “Eugh, I definitely didn’t miss how dusty the air is. I never noticed before I moved to Equestria, but it’s like a giant sandpit up here. And trust me, it only gets worse closer to the ground.”

Sandbar tested the air and found Gallus to be exaggerating, as usual. “It’s a little dry, but I kind of like it. Reminds me of you.”

“Cute,” Gallus said, rolling his eyes. “You really know how to cut a bird where it hurts.”

Sandbar kissed his cheek. “You love it.”

Gallus smiled wide and looked away, but Sandbar could see the hint of pink on the griffon’s cheeks. Gallus didn’t embarrass easily, and he didn’t usually get choked up about things either. Being back in his motherland must have been affecting him. Or maybe he was just feeling frisky. It was sometimes hard to tell.

Not that Sandbar minded either way. In fact, if everything went according to his plan, a frisky Gallus would be helpful.

Gallus turned back to look at him, and Sandbar quickly schooled his expression, smoothing his anticipatory grin into a more casual smile. Everything in due time.

“Are you planning something?” Gallus asked with narrowed eyes.

Sandbar blinked innocently. “Me? Plan?”

Gallus kept squinting at him for a second, then relented. “Yeah… right. You? Plan?” He chuckled, not sounding entirely convinced. “Sorry, I’m just a little… I dunno, anxious? I never really thought I’d be back, and I definitely never thought I’d be… kind of looking forward to it. Does that make sense?”

Sandbar patted Gallus’ hand with a hoof. “I’ve always lived in Ponyville, so I can’t really empathize, but you know I’m with you no matter what, right? If Griffinstone is amazing and all you’ve ever dreamed, we’ll just have to move back here together once we graduate.”

Gallus snorted. “Oh no, no way.” He coughed and cleared his throat again. “Just the dust is enough to keep me away.” He shifted closer to Sandbar until their shoulders touched. “But thanks. And if you decide you want to live in… I don’t know, some other horse place…” He shrugged, failing to come up with anything more than that. “Meh.”

“Thanks a million.”

“Don’t mention it.”

They stared out across the landscape, watching the clouds change colour as the sun began to set.

A set of footsteps behind them started the two out of their tranquil reverie. “You two know you’re looking the wrong direction, right!” Smolder said, a hand on her hip and a clawed foot tapping against the deck. “Did you forget about the big fuck-off mountains over there? Like ten times taller than Canterlot?”

Gallus hopped away from the railing and rustled his wings. “Oh, right, the Hyperboreans.” He smiled to Sandbar. “I guess it’s time for me to start the tour. I didn’t think we’d be able to see them so soon.”

“Everycreature’s been gawking at them for like ten minutes. You’d better get your butt over there before we pass them.”

“They’re the second tallest mountain range in the known world—I don’t think we’re going to pass them anytime soon.” But Gallus started to lope over to the tangle of students on the port side of the ship. “Hey! You guys want some history or whatever?”

The crowd turned to him, and Gallus quickly changed course for the prow of the ship so he could stand above them and be seen more easily. Sandbar tensed. This was the moment of truth.

“Wait! Everycreature will be staring into the sun.” Sandbar gestured to the far end of the ship, to the bridge and the window that opened up to face the rest of the ship. “You should do it from in there.”

“Smart thinking.” Gallus narrowed his eyes again. “You’re not Ocellus in disguise, are you? Because if so, not cool. Also, you kissed me, so double not cool.”

Sandbar just pointed into the crowd, where the changeling met their gaze with raised eyebrow and a shrug.

“Huh.” Gallus shook himself. “All right then, bridge it is.”

He jumped into the air and spread his wings, quickly soaring up to the window and hopping inside. Sandbar hurried after him, cantering through the doorway of the crew quarters and up the stairs to the navigation room. He crouched in the doorway as Gallus started his mini lecture.

Gallus braced himself on his hindlegs and leaned his front half out the window. He had to give it to his boyfriend, this was better. It felt like he was giving some kind of royal address from up here. He’d have to treat Sandbar to something once they landed in Griffinstone proper.

He licked his beak and cleared his throat. “Okay, everycreature! As you might have noticed, there are some big fucking mountains over there!” A round of reserved laughter rose from the crowd.

“Language!” Applejack called from down on the deck.

Gallus ignored her. “What you might not know is that these mountains have been home to griffins since before Equestria even existed. Way back, before Celestia and Luna were handling the sky, and maybe even further, back when Discord was still at large, griffons lived in little tribes around the base of the Hyperborian Mountains. If any of you know griffon history, you can probably guess how well that worked out for most of them.” He slid a talon over his throat dramatically. Several of the pony students in the crowd actually yelped out loud.

Gallus smiled to himself as he prepared to shift to the next topic. Class presentations were usually pretty dull, but whether it was the subject matter or the scenery or his elevation over the audience, he was loving every second of this. And it was going astonishingly smoothly, too. He half expected a minotaur warship to appear from behind a cloud or a random lightning strike to send them down to earth, but maybe for once luck was on their side.

He opened his mouth and was about to resume when he felt something touch his tail. He jumped and whipped the appendage behind him to swat away whatever pest was bothering him. He cleared his throat and opened his mouth again. “Sometime after Discord was locked up, some of the bigger griffon tribes started—Eep!” He lurched forward, almost falling out the window, as something grabbed his tail and firmly pulled it to the side. The sudden wave of cold air against his backside almost shocked him more than being touched. He tried to look behind him, but the window frame wasn’t wide enough for him to turn around that far.

He felt a presence directly behind him. A hot breath on the side of his head. “You don’t mind, do you?” Sandbar whispered in his ear, his voice oddly husky. “The view out this window was just too tempting.”

The crowd started to stir on the deck, creatures exchanging puzzled glances, Gallus’ other friends looking up at him with concern. He exhaled. Sandbar was the one who got flustered by public displays of affection. If the earth pony wanted to mess with him while he was delivering a speech, fine. If anything, Gallus worked better pressure.

“Sorry, dust,” he covered lamely. He cleared his throat again and resumed. “Sometime after Discord was locked up…”

In the navigation room, Sandbar was almost giddy. Finally… finally, he had Gallus in his hooves rather than the other way around. He stepped away from the window and returned his attention to Gallus’ tail. It hovered just off the ground, tense and nervous. Sandbar chuckled. It looked like somegriffin could dish it out but couldn’t take it.

Inches away, Gallus continued his presentation. “The first permanent settlements were made of wood and clay, but before long they discovered how to build with stone and—”

Sandbar widened his stance, trapping Gallus’ tail between his front legs, then reached down and grabbed the base between his teeth, tugging gently.

Gallus cut off with a low moan. He dipped forward, almost plummeting out the window again as his hips jerked up to follow his tail. Sandbar maintained pressure, keeping the griffon in place and also sufficiently flustered. Sandbar tugged again, pulling Gallus back on balance. Once he was sure Gallus was back on his feet, he released his tail and stepped back. As he predicted, Gallus’ tail stayed in the air, leaving the exciting parts beneath on full display.

Gallus gulped short, quick breaths of air. Falling was nothing new to any creature with wings, but that little edge of danger was messing with his focus way more than just a little foreplay would have. At least, that’s what he told himself. Unfortunately, all the rationalizing in the world didn’t change the fact that he still had his ass up in the air, a burning erection, and a crowd of confused peers staring at him. At least everything but his face and torso were hidden inside the window, so as long as he kept his cool, no creature would suspect that his boyfriend was toying with him.

“S-stone,” he said, forcing the words out over the tremble in his throat, “and even marble in some buildings. We might not visit any of those early places, since they’re kind of low down and f-falling apart, but if you keep an eye out while we’re c-coming… coming in to land, you might spot some.”

He took a breath and almost choked as Sandbar’s tongue slid over his balls.

Okay, maybe keeping his cool wasn’t a possibility.

Sandbar savoured the heady, masculine scent and flavour of Gallus’ sack, coating both orbs before sliding lower to lap at his cock. It was pressed hard against the wall beneath the window, and Sandbar could already see a little trail of fluid running down the wallpaper. He swiped his tongue over Gallus’ cocktip and caught a few droplets, then continued the motion upward, back to the base of the shaft and the subtle knot at the top.

Then he pulled back and frowned. Gallus’ hips were pressed too close to the wall for Sandbar to slide underneath and properly suck him off. He puzzled at that conundrum for a second or two, then shrugged. It felt wrong to move on to the main event without having a proper taste first, but beggers couldn’t be choosers.

He reached into the saddlebags that he’d been carrying around all day in case of just such an opportunity and withdrew a small, unmarked squeeze bottle. Usually Gallus handled the lube, since his talons were more dextrous than hooves by an order of magnitude, but Sandbar knew the essentials.

Between hurried breaths, Gallus managed to continue his lesson with almost no interruptions. Sure, he’d stammered a bit when Sandbar messed with his knot, and they would definitely need to clean the wall underneath him before they disembarked, but otherwise everything was still under control.

“The castle wasn’t built until the first griffon king, King Ganeo, led his tribe to the highest peak of the mountains and fought off the other two tribes who lived there. It was apparently pretty gorey stuff, but you know history. Always exaggera—”

He gasped and his pupils narrowed as he felt a cold, slick something against his back door. Oh no. No way. Sandbar was not about to… was he? Just the thought of it made his neglected cock throb. Gallus was no prude. He’d fooled around with partners in all kinds of ridiculous places. But he’d never gone this far. Sandbar was actually going to fuck him on an airship surrounded by oblivious onlookers. It was enough to make him triple check that all of the changelings students were still down in the crowd beneath him.

When had his boyfriend become this devious?

Once his cock and Gallus’ hole were sufficiently slippery, Sandbar reared up and planted his upper body on Gallus’ back. The griffon grunted at the sudden weight and wobbled slightly, but he managed to keep his balance this time. Sandbar lined himself up with his boyfriend’s tight pucker and pressed forward, slowly but forcefully spreading the griffin’s ass around his shaft. He kept going up to his medial ring, then he paused to give Gallus a second to adjust. Even as experienced as he was, Gallus could never take all Sandbar had to offer without a bit of time to warm up.

One of the downsides of being an equine, Sandbar supposed, although Gallus never complained.

On the other side of the window, Gallus’s voice rang out, tight and strained and… well, blatantly sexual. “King Grover was the last… mmh, oh! The last griffon king because he lost the fucking… ah shit, the idol… thing.” His hips wiggled, probably unintentionally, and another inch of Sandbar’s length slid inside.

A spurt of precum shot from Gallus’ cock and painted the wall. He moaned, loud and hot, and pushed his ass backward until their hips touched.

Sandbar leaned forward until he was almost visible from the deck and whispered in Gallus’ ear, “This is for the buckball final that we had to miss.” He pulled back until only his tip was still inside, then thrust forward, driving his entire cock inside the griffin in one motion and pressing suddenly on Gallus’ prostate. Another dribble of cum doused the wall.

Gallus shuddered and slumped, his grip on the window frame melting. In a few seconds he went from flustered but presentable to draped over the window frame like a towel on a rack, little moans and squeaks escaping his beak with every thrust.

Sandbar set a steady rhythm, ramming his cock home with just enough force to jostle Gallus’ hips, withdrawing until Gallus, desperate to be filled, started to thrust backward into him.

With remarkable coordination considering the circumstances, Gallus managed to lift one arm back inside the room and reach down to his own shaft, stroking it up and down while his boyfriend gave him the ride of his life.

Sandbar thrust forward, thighs slapping against rump. “This is for the time you jerked me off on the couch next to my parents.” He pulled back, the beginnings of his flare dragging at the griffon’s insides. He thrust again. “And for the time Silverstream walked into our room and you didn’t even stop fucking my ass while you answered her question.”

Gallus whimpered, the barrage of glancing strikes to his prostate milking him swiftly toward his climax. His talons were slick with precum, producing wet squelching sounds with each pump they gave his cock. His knot was swelling fast, his legs were starting to shake, and while his upper body remained outside, his eyes were blind to everything but the buttery haze of pleasure that suffused every inch of his body.

Sandbar never stopped. “And remember the time you convinced me to suck you off under your desk right before I had to do a presentation in Fluttershy’s class, then finished in my mouth when she called my name? I had to stand up there for twenty minutes with—mhm,” he cut off suddenly, clenching his body to stave off his orgasm until he could get a few more solid examples in. “Twenty minutes with your jizz on my chin!” he finished, punctuating it with a single strong thrust.

Gallus spasmed, his hand flying over his cock as his climax crashed into him. “S-Sandy,” he cried out. Pulse after pulse of griffon seed splashed against the wall, the floor, even his own hind legs were sprinkled with a few droplets. He moaned, and his hips bucked, sliding him up and down his boyfriend’s shaft in sharp, unpredictable patterns. The random stimulation was almost too much, each motion dragging the pony’s widening flare across his prostate and sliding the medial ring in and out of his hole.

Sandbar grinned and picked up speed, fucking with wild abandon. “How about the time you showed me off to Ocellus when she wanted to ‘study pony anatomy’? Or the time we had to break into the gym after dark to shower because we were both too covered in cum to walk back to the dorms?”

With one final push, he buried himself as deeply inside Gallus as he could and slumped down overtop of him, his hips rocking and bumping as waves of thick equine cum poured into the griffon, soon leaking out the sides and pouring down Gallus’ taint and balls to drip onto the floor. Sandbar kept going, filling his boyfriend a little bit more with every half-thrust, determined to wring every ounce of pleasure and fluid out of his little revenge plot.

Finally, both pony and griffin were still and sated, slumped and exhausted.

Gallus, still swimming in post-orgasmic bliss, raised his head weakly and looked around. He was greeted by a sea of wide eyes and red cheeks. Sound started to trickle in. Murmurs, giggles, whoops and cheers and shouts. He dragged his gaze across the crowd to find Ocellus, Silverstream, Smolder, and Yona. None of them seemed particularly surprised.

He felt movement on his back, and then strong forelegs hooked his shoulders and tugged him down to the floor.

They fell together into a slightly damp pile. Sandbar ran a hoof over Gallus’ chest. “Gotcha.”

Gallus shook his head. “Fuck, I mean… yeah, I guess you did.” He paused, remembering some of the things Sandbar had said moments before. “Does… does it really bother you that much? I thought you said you liked it when we did stuff in public?”

Sandbar smiled and kissed him square on the beak. “Of course it bothers me. That’s why it’s so much fun. You like fucking with me, so I wanted to fuck with you for a change.” He chuckled. “Literally.

Gallus winced and rubbed at his behind. “Yup, definitely feeling fucked with right now.” He wrapped his arms around his stallion. “You know that this means we need to get even crazier, right?”

“There was never a doubt in my mind.” Sandbar rolled his shoulders. “Uh, we probably need to get this all cleaned up.”

“Showers?” Gallus asked.

Sandbar blinked. “Seriously? That wasn’t enough for you?”

“No, no,” Gallus said vehemently. “Just showers this time. I mean it.”

“We’ll see about that.”