Pretty. Handsome. Awkward.

by Kink-182

First published

After accidentally drinking a growth potion, Starlight becomes the largest creature Spike has seen in years. Regardless, they're not going to let it ruin their perfect date.

A commission for The Eroticator

Starlight and Spike have been dating for nearly a year now and everything is going in a fantastic direction. However, after an incident involving a potion and Spike's knack for poor decision-making, Starlight grows larger. Much, much larger...

Of course, this had to happen on what was supposed to be the perfect date. Nothing in life can be easy, right? Regardless, they're not about to let this little snafu ruin their plans.

It shouldn't be that hard, right?

Edited/Preread by: Not Enough Coffee

Fetish Warning: Gigantism

Art by thebrokencog


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“Alright, Starlight, make sure to keep the blindfold on, alright?”

“Spike, where exactly are you taking us again?” Starlight wanted so desperately to just take a quick peek from behind her blindfold to see where they were at. “Please don’t tell me we’re going to someplace crazy like that one lava-infested place we went on your twentieth birthday. I don’t think my feet could handle it, even with my shoes on.”

“No worries, nothing like that,” Spike responded. “Like I said, you just have to trust me. You’ll love it!”

Starlight let out a sigh and decided to just grip onto his hand tighter. “Well, you better not let me go. If even one claw lets go of my hand I’m taking off. Deal?”

Spike chuckled. “Deal.”

They continued their walk for another minute or so. Starlight did her best to use her unblocked senses to try and get some sort of idea where they were at. From the softness of the ground, she could easily tell they were walking through dirt. Maybe grass? She heard the sounds of animals off in the distance which told her that nature was afoot and she could smell the scent of… wood?

As far as she could tell they were either on the outskirts of town or inside the Everfree forest. Oh sweet, eight-pound, five-ounce baby Celestia, she hoped it wasn’t the latter. The last time he brought her there for a date she ended up with a wild ferret in her hair and part of her shorts on fire. His heart was in the right place, but let it be known, to all things holy that he was prone to accidents… and ill-fated decisions… and especially poorly-timed jokes.

“Hehe,” Starlight chuckled.

Spike paused their walking for just a moment to turn around. “What’s up?”

“Nothing Spike,” she replied, waving it off. “I was just thinking about something funny from the other day. Long story, but it essentially involved Rarity, a pair of dress tights and family-sized can of cranberry sauce.”

“Huh…” Spike said while rubbing his chin. He then shrugged. “Not exactly outside the ballpark for the trouble you and her get up to together.”

“Me?” Starlight said, holding her free hand to her chest in mock offense. “I mean, you were the one who burnt half of her fall line last year when you burped while chugging that glass of rum. If you ask me, sir, you are the one that causes trouble with her.”

“Hey, you know what… I have nothing to back up the beginning of this sentence.” Spike slightly clenched her hand to signal that they were to resume walking. “I guess that’s what happens when you’ve been friends with someone for as long as Rarity and I have been hanging out.”

Starlight drooped her head ever so slightly and mumbled under her breath. “It must be nice…”

They continued walking for a few more minutes and all of Starlight’s senses remained the same. She tried her best to gather more clues, but she could not. All she knew is that her feet were starting to get pretty sore and the drake she called her boyfriend would give her one heck of a foot massage later or pay the heavy price of refusal.

“Are we almost there, Spike?” She asked, punctuating her question with a slight groan. “I feel like we’ve been walking for hours.”

“Psh, weak,” Spike said with a chortle. “We’ve actually only been out for like half an hour.”

“Ugh,” Starlight croaked. “Well, my feet tell a different story. A long, sad, and painful one that begs for a happy ending that may or may not ever come.”

“Don’t worry,” Spike responded quickly. “You know for a fact I’ll hook you up with a foot massage later today. I’ve got your back, girl”

Starlight smiled. That was why she loved her man. Despite his awkwardness and penchant for making clumsy mistakes, he always put her first. She barely ever had to drop hints as to what she needed as he always seemed to be one step ahead.

“Thanks, Spike.”

“You bet!”

Suddenly, Starlight felt him halt in his steps, causing herself to skid to a stop.

“Everything good, Spike?” Starlight asked. “I mean, I’d know if I could see, but I can’t.”

“No worries!” Spike exclaimed. “I promise we’re just about there. All I have to do is move this big rock out of the way and boom, it’s right there!”

Starlight felt his claw disengage from her hand and she heard him walk a few steps away. “Okay, Spike. Just don’t take too long. I hate not being in control of where I’m at and… stuff.”

“Heh,” he cackled back. “Yeah, I’d say your history of political affiliations confirms that.”

After just a few more seconds, she heard Spike release a strained grunt and the sound of a rock scraping through the mud. From what she could tell it must’ve been a big one. Heh, that’s her man.

“Alright!” Spike pranced back over to her and gently took her hand once more. “Just a few more steps!”

Starlight began following his footsteps once again and he wasn’t joking. After less than thirty seconds of walking, they came to a pause. The ground remained soft but the sounds of wild animals in the distance were now replaced with… a stream?

“Excellent, we’re here,” Spike said.

“Oh, finally!” Starlight replied, releasing a sigh.

“Now,” Spike continued. “On the count of three, I’m gonna take your blindfold off. But you have to wait until I’m done counting. Sound fair?”

“Blech,” Starlight groaned, stomping a hoof into the ground. “Oh well. I’ve waited this long. I guess three more seconds won’t kill me.” As she took her next breath, she caught something else in the wind. Something… yummy? “Hey, Spike, is that-“


She could now feel him behind her, his hands gripping onto the blindfold at the sides of her head. Oh well, she’d let him have his fun. No point in spoiling it for him.


She was almost there. So close to learning what this surprise was all about and then maybe getting to just relax at the castle with him for the rest of the day. Although that was entirely dependent on exactly what that yummy smell was.

Here we go!

Two and a half!”

“Spike! Just do it already!”

“Sorry!” He gently began to lift the blindfold, allowing small beams of light to finally cast upon her eyes. “Three…”

And then the blindfold was off. Starlight couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She was standing at the entrance of a massive cave-like area, but instead of being littered with rocks and stalagmite, it was furnished with beautiful foliage and grass. There was sunlight shining through the various holes and cracks in the ceiling, and a small stream running through the center, carrying it’s water to an unknown location in the distance.

Simply put, it was astonishing! And, of course, being the romantic he is, Spike had taken the liberty of setting out a small blanket, with a large picnic basket in the center of it, right next to the area of the stream closest to them.

Spike!” Starlight couldn’t take her eyes off the sight in front of her. “Wha… Whe… How…?”

“You like it?” He asked, now standing right beside her.

“Spike…” She used every last bit of her willpower to peel her eyes away from the sight before her and locked onto her boyfriend instead. “It’s amazing! Where’d you find this place?”

Spike winked at her. “Well, to start, we’re in the middle of the Everfree so I was just as surprised when I saw this place, too. But, to answer your question, Maud actually showed me this place. Her and Mudbriar found it while collecting sticks for his collection. She just mentioned it to me the other day so I had to find it for myself. Just so happens it makes the perfect date spot!”

Starlight smiled and turned back to the beautiful land in front of her. She took a deep breath and inhaled a torrent of fresh air, flowers, and crystal clear creek water. She loved it.

“You’re telling me, Spike” she replied, turning back to him. She giggled and gave him a quick peck on his cheek. “It’s wonderful. Now, am I correct in assuming the picnic layout is for us? Or did you have someone else in mind? Keep in mind that if it’s the second option you probably won’t leave here today alive.”

“Hehe, of course, it’s for you,” he said with a chuckle of his own. “C’mon on, let’s get started!”

“Psh, you don’t have to tell me twice when it comes to food.”

The two made their way over to the blanket and took a seat, one on either side of the picnic basket. Starlight was leaned back toward the stream, her mane lightly dipping into the sapphire stream. It created a bit of a cold sensation so she adjusted once more until she was in a perfect position. There was just enough sunlight poking through the ceiling to illuminate their surroundings, but not so much that it was blinding or uncomfortable, thank goodness. The blanket was nice and warm and the smells coming from the picnic basket provided an even more enjoyable sensation. All in all, Starlight considered herself quite satisfied.

“Alright, Spike,” she spoke up once finally finding a comfortable position on the blanket. “What’d you bring this time?”

Spike gave her a devilish smile. “Girl, you know I’ve got you covered. Let’s take a look, shall we?”

Spike popped the top open on the basket and began pulling items out.

“First off, might I present to the lovely lady… baby carrots as an appetizer!” He took a small bag of carrots out and set it by the basket.

“Ooh, excellent start!” Starlight said whilst clapping her hands. “What’s next?”

“I’m so glad you asked, Miss! For the entree of today’s meal, we have…” This time his claws pulled out of the basket with two sandwiches in its grip. “One hay n’ barley sandwich and one with emeralds and goat cheese! You can have the hay one for sure.”

“Ooh!” Starlight squeed. “That’s my favorite kind! I don’t suppose you packed-“

“Dessert?” Spike winked. “Got you covered. The highlight of this date’s mealtime will be none other than… drum roll please?”

Starlight levitated over two sticks and rapidly tapped them against the basket.

This time, Spike produced what was possibly the most delicious looking thing she had ever seen. “Cheesecake!”

It was a six-piece cheesecake, white in color, but with a bright red cluster of fruits and coloring finished off with a swirl pattern on the top. Starlight could smell its sweet odor from her position and she could practically taste the soft graham cracker crust in the air.

“Oh my gosh, Spike!” She resisted the urge to just leap over the basket and tackle him into a kiss, quite possibly ruining their meal in the process. “These are all my favorites!”

“Of course they are, sweets,” he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. “I wanted to make sure you had a great time. Besides, you totally deserve it after I accidentally ruined our date last time.”

“Oh, Spike,” Starlight said with a wave of her hoof. “Our last date wasn’t ruined. Anyone could’ve accidentally coughed up a gem clear across the room and into the restaurant owner’s eye. It just, you know, happened to be you. And if you ask me, kicking us out for life because of one little incident wasn’t fair.”

“Truth,” Spike said with a nod. “That ruby was way too big, regardless. Anyway, I also wanted the meal to be special because of what today is, you know?”


Starlight immediately scanned her memory banks to figure out why today was supposed to be special. It wasn’t their anniversary, and it wasn’t her birthday. It wasn’t their first kiss or anything like that. Maybe he was going to propose to her?! No, he would’ve picked a much more awkward place for that, like a laundromat or something because that’s just how he rolls. What could it be?

“I’m sorry, Spike,” she said with a shrug. “You’ll have to remind me. It’s not our anniversary, right? That’s not for another two weeks.”

“Nope,” he said with a shake of his head. “And it’s okay, I don’t expect you to remember, honestly. It’s been exactly one year since I asked you out on a date and you said yes. I know it’s not that important in the real world, but I still treasure that day for sure.”

Starlight’s heart melted as she heard him speak. He remembered something like that? Gosh, she loved her boyfriend so much.

“Spike, that’s so sweet!” She leaned over and gently rubbed his hand. As she did so, her hair damp hair lightly brushed against the back of her shirt, sending a chill up her spine, but she didn't care. “I still remember that day just like it was yesterday. If I remember correctly, I was actually kinda shocked you asked me at all. I had no idea you even liked me like that.” She leaned back and resumed her comfy position.

“Hah, yeah,” Spike said with a small blush. “I honestly had liked you for a while, to be honest. I just sucked at showing it. Not to mention we had been friends for a while so I was kind of worried about the whole ‘ruining the friendship’ angle. I couldn’t believe that you said yes, actually. I was expecting the treatment I normally get from mares: a look of stupefaction, maybe a curse word or two and a slammed door or slapped face… whatever is more convenient for them.”

“Hehe, I remember you trying to ask out Roseluck that one time.” She tried her best to stifle her chuckle, but couldn’t. “She literally shut down the shop early for the day and started a new life in Saddle Arabia. Geez, what did you say to her?”

Spike scratched his head. “If I remember correctly, I tried to say that I always thought she was pretty but the only words that came out were something about trade laws and pudding and then I burped a fire blast toward her that nearly set her mane on fire.”

“Ahh, yes,” Starlight replied with a curt nod. “Her actions were justified then.”

“Yep.” Spike laughed out loud for a moment before continuing. “Anyway, I guess I may as well ask you why you said yes? That was the big surprise that day.”

“Hmm, it’s actually pretty simple.” Starlight levitated over the bag of baby carrots, tore it open, and tossed a few in her mouth, sentencing them to a death of a quick few crunches and a swallow. “You see, Spike, I said yes because I really liked you. That easy.”

“Pfft, you actually liked me? You need to raise your standards, girl.”

“I know, right? Next thing you know I’ll be settling for the generic version of cereal that’s already generic. Cocoa ‘Splosion, here I come.”

The two shared a quick laugh together that lasted for a few moments. This kind of banter may not seem like much to the average person, but it meant everything to Starlight. Spike was one of the few creatures around that she always felt completely comfortable with. She absolutely loved spending time with him, even if they did rib each other on a regular basis.

“That being said, though,” Spike continued, grabbing a few carrots for himself. “Why did you like me? You never exactly showed any signs either, you know?”

“Really?” Starlight cocked an eyebrow. “I thought I made it pretty obvious. I literally took my skirt off and changed in front of you that one time we were alone at the house. How’d you not know?”

Spike blinked. “I, uh, I dunno. I thought you maybe didn’t notice I was there or something? Look, I’m really bad at the whole romance thing.”

“Yeah, you’ve never been the best at social awareness.” Starlight shrugged and popped another carrot into her mouth. “Well, I’ll spell it out for you, I guess. You see, you were always there for me when I needed you. It took me a long time to feel like I fit in with you guys but you spent every day trying to make it easier, even when you were younger. Not to mention you were also really kind but never degraded yourself to simp level, which would’ve been totally unattractive. Not to mention you’re not exactly bad on the eyes either.” Starlight punctuated her sentence with a sweet smile and a wink of her own. “Now it’s your turn.”

“My turn?” He asked, putting a hand to his chest.

“Yep, spill the beans, the whole beans, and nothin’ but the beans.” Starlight switched up her position from cross-legged to stretching her legs out in front of her. “Why did you ask me out?”

“Oh gosh,” Spike said with a nervous chortle. “Well, I guess it’s because I just always felt comfortable around you, you know? You always treated me like an equal, no offense…”

Starlight shrugged. “That’s not offensive.”

“…and you seemed so genuine. Like, you were never afraid to speak your mind, even if it made you look like a total idiot sometimes!”

“Okay, that one’s offensive.”

“Regardless, it was awesome to see someone who didn’t care about political correctness or just being cool. You were always yourself and over time I guess I just realized how much I liked, or loved even, who you were. The thing that made me finally ask you out though was when you started hanging out with Poptart more. Figured I had to take my chance before it was too late.”

“Poptart?!” Starlight burst out into a small fit of laughter. “No offense, but if you saw him as any kind of competition, you’re a dumb-dumb. He only hung around because I was investing in his band, CelestiaShallBurn. Really sick deathcore music, by the way. Other than that, he was just a college dropout with like, no real-world ambition or slight interest in anything other than music. He’s a nice enough guy, but there’s no way I’d waste my time with him. You, Spike, had ambition and actually cared about me. Wasn’t even a contest.”

Spike once again blinked a few times. “Really? Well, I mean, yeah I’ve got ambition. I’ve been working on starting my own sandwich shop for years. Didn’t realize that was actually important.”

“Oh, it’s important,” Starlight said with a nod. “Nobody wants to be with someone who doesn’t have any future options.” She instinctively went to grab another carrot only to realize they were all gone and then immediately turned back to Spike. “Well, are we gonna keep sucking each other off, or are we gonna eat?”

Spike snapped his fingers and grinned. “Sounds good to me. Let’s do it!”

The two spent the next half hour or so enjoying their meal together in the beautiful scenery they found themselves in. Arguably, these quieter moments of the relationship were just as important, if not more so, than the more rambunctious or physical times they shared together. It really let them just draw closer to each other and be at peace in each others’ company. They both loved these moments and hoped to spend many more of them together throughout their lives.

“Oh man,” Spike said, falling onto his back and clutching his stomach. “That was awesome. That sandwich hit the spot, I’m telling you.”

Starlight got up from her sitting position and moved the picnic basket so she could lay down next to Spike. She gently grabbed his hand in hers. “You’re telling me. That cheesecake hit the spot.”

“I’m glad you liked it,” Spike said with a smile. “Don’t give me too much credit, though. I also kinda made the cheesecake for me. It’s the nectar of the gods.”

Starlight giggled and rolled onto her side, lifting her head up in the process and resting it on his shoulder. He responded by gently wrapping his arm around her and running his claws through her hair.

“I love you, Spike,” Starlight cooed before planting a soft kiss on his cheek. “I don’t exactly know what I did to deserve all this, but thank you. You just…” She searched her brain for the right words but instead, she could only say the bare bones truth. “You make me so happy.”

“And you know what’s crazy?” Spike responded. “I don’t even have to try. I was just born this way.”

“Heh, whatever you say,” Starlight said, lightly punching him in the side. “But please try to ignore your instincts telling you to say something stupid and don’t ruin this moment.”

He pulled her a bit closer and kissed her forehead. “I’ll try. But just so we’re fully transparent here, you make me really happy, too. We’ve been together for almost a full year now and I honestly don’t think I could be any happier.”

“Same here, Spike.”

The two continued cuddling for a few moments, just enjoying the serenity of the silence surrounding them while in each others’ grasps. It was peaceful, calm, and most importantly, it was just the two of them, and that’s exactly what this day called for.

Starlight gently let go of his hand and released herself from his grasp so she could sit up. “So, Spike, I have a question for you.”

Spike, meanwhile, was completely relaxed laying on the ground with his eyes closed shut. He simply gave her a thumbs up to signify he heard her. “What’s up?”

“When was the last time we had sex?”

That got Spike’s eyes open. “Huh?”

“Sex,” Starlight reiterated with a shrug. “It seems like it’s been a hot second.”

Spike sat up and began rubbing his chin. “Huh, I think you’re right. I mean, we’ve both been pretty busy recently what with you running the friendship school and me helping Twilight out with tax season…” He looked toward the ceiling for a moment to try and recollect his thoughts. “I think it’s been a couple of weeks now, actually.”

“Yeah, I thought so,” Starlight said. “Well, I’d say we’re overdue. You wanna?”

Spike chuckled. “Sure thing. I don’t think I could ever say no. We can as soon as we get home, for sure.”

“Actually,” Starlight said, a sly grin spreading across her lips. “I was thinking we could just do it here.”

Spike gulped and looked around. “Here?”

“Yeah,” Starlight said, stretching out her arms. “Why not? We’ve got everything we need. A blanket, warm weather… us. I mean, you bring the dick and I bring the vagina. We’re golden!”

Spike snickered under his breath. “Alright, fair enough. You don’t have to ask me twice.” He got up onto his feet and walked over to where Starlight had set the picnic basket. “And you know what, I thought our day might end up like this so I came prepared.”

Starlight raised her eyebrows. “Oh, so this was your plan all along, huh? Butter me up with lunch and have my clothes off by dinner, huh?”

Spike turned back toward his girlfriend. “Is it working?”

Starlight unbuttoned her shorts, revealing just enough of her lower abdomen to get Spike’s full attention. “Hmm, I’d say it is.”

Spike smiled at her once more and then turned his attention back to the picnic basket. “So, like I was saying, I came prepared. May I present to you…” Spike reached in the basket and pulled something out. “…Zecora’s magic muscle potion!”

He opened up his palm revealing a small jar of purple liquid that had an arrow facing upward on the label. Starlight’s eyes were keyed in on it.

“Oh… interesting?” Starlight ventured. “What… is it exactly?”

“I’m glad you asked,” Spike said with a wink. “You see, I figured we could use a little excitement in the bedroom, so I asked Zecora if she had any kind of, shall we say, enhancement for our intimate times. She told me to pick this off the shelf.”

“Huh, I didn’t know Zecora made adult things like this,” Starlight said with a puzzled look on her face. “But like I asked, what does it do? Does it make us hornier or something?”

“Kind of,” Spike replied, taking a close look at the jar of liquid. “It’s supposed to relax certain muscles and strengthen others. I guess it’s targeted to ensure maximum enjoyment during the whole process. I figured it was worth a shot.”

“Hmm, that sounds like it could be nice,” Starlight said. “What’s the arrow on the bottle mean?”

“Couldn’t tell ya’,” he replied. “I assumed it meant something like ‘stamina up’ or something since the arrow is pointing upward, but I really don’t know, honestly. I didn’t ask.”

“And you’re sure it’s the right one?” Starlight questioned. “Like, you didn’t just grab some random one off the shelf because you weren’t paying attention, right?”

“Psh, I find your lack of faith disturbing,” Spike replied with a frown. “When have I ever done something irresponsible?”

Starlight chuckled. “Would you like an itemized list or a detailed encyclopedia? I can do either.”

“Alright fine, I’m not the most cautious individual in the world. But, I totally didn’t mess this one up. I’m pretty sure at least.”

Starlight let out a deep sigh. “Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained, I guess. But I swear, if this potion messes up my hair or screws up my voice or something, you’re gonna get it. Fair?”

Spike gulped. “I hear you loud and clear.”

“Alright, well, let’s do this.” Starlight was about to take the lid off the jar but was struck by a notion. “You know what, I’m gonna take my clothes off first so I don’t risk spilling any of this on them. Lord knows it probably stains.”

Spike instinctively licked his lips at the thought. “Heh, I’m down with that.”

“Sir, keep it in your pants for just a couple more minutes.” Starlight giggled and began to strip down. “I hope nobody else finds this place while we’re here, heh. That’d be a little awkward.”

First came off the shoes and then she slowly pulled her shorts all the way down, dropping them around her feet. This revealed to Spike her sexy, black lace panties. He’d seen them before, but it never got old to look at how they complimented her perfect figure. They juxtaposed against her light purple fur in a way that was extremely pleasant to the eye and was rather snug around her excellently curved hips. Even more exciting, however, was how they traveled between her legs, hugging her lower lips just tight enough to give a gorgeous outline while leaving a bit left to the imagination.

She stepped out of her shorts and began removing her t-shirt. She crossed her arms over her front and quickly removed it and threw it to the side and onto the blanket. Spike’s mouth began to water as he looked at her new exposed bra, a lacy black one that perfectly matched her underwear. It caressed her voluptuously large breasts tremendously, adding perk in all the right places. Her chest was the exact size that Spike loved: big enough to grab onto or use as a pillow during cuddle sessions, but not so large that they looked comical. Long story short, they were just right.

“So, are you just gonna sit there and stare all day?” Starlight asked with a devilish smile. “Pants off, please. And make it fast.”

Spike needed no further bidding before he quickly began undressing. He took his jeans off first, revealing his muscular legs and that was followed quickly by his shirt, which he quickly tossed into the pile of clothes belonging to Starlight that were on the blanket. He looked down and his excitement at seeing her lovely girlfriend’s undergarments was quite evident given the growing bulge in his boxers.

“Hehe,” Starlight chuckled after noticing his member. “Don’t worry, it’s almost time. You wanna help me take my bra off? I hate trying to detach the hooks.”

Spike emitted a chuckle of his own. “I swear, you say that every time. If you hate them so much, why don’t you just buy the ones that are like velcro?”

“Because!” Starlight shrieked. “Those are hard to find in the size I need. Plus, if you accidentally make it too tight, it hurts and can mess up breast tissue.”

“Geez, talk about first world problems.” Spike laughed and made his way behind Starlight. He gently grabbed onto her bra straps and began to undo the hooks. It took just a moment of effort but finally got them disconnected and her brazier fell to the ground, revealing her chest in all its glory.

“Thank, Spike! Now we can- Oh!”

Starlight was interrupted as her boyfriend's arms instantly linked around her, pulling her into a firm, yet gentle hug. She couldn’t help but giggle as she felt his body warmth press against her. Not to mention the stiffness pressing against her lower back. That was pretty nice, too. Meanwhile, for Spike, he had the advantage of being a solid six inches taller than her, so he was content having his chin rest atop her head for a moment.

He knelt his head down to her ear. “Hey babe, guess what?”

Starlight playfully rolled her eyes “What?”

“I love you!” He intentionally shouted far too close to her ear than what was appropriate.

“Ugh, that was loud,” Starlight responded. “But I love you, too.”

“Hmm, are you sure?” Spike asked with a suggestive tone to his voice. “Because as far as I’m concerned, the fact that you still have your panties on seems to tell me otherwise.” He briefly rose one of his hands up and ran it over her left breast. He was very gentle with it so as not to cause her any pain, but he relished the feel of her stiffened nipple and lightly flicked it with his claw as he passed over it.

“Hmm,” Starlight hummed in enjoyment. “Well, if my panties bother you so much, maybe you should, I dunno…” She turned to face him. “…take them off?”

Spike felt his heart jump at the suggestion. “Oh man, you don’t have to tell me twice.”

“Then get down there and get ‘em off if you want me to be naked so badly.” Starlight gigglesnorted at the sight of Spike’s eyes lighting up. “Just try not to tear them. This underwear set was expensive.”

Spike gave her a quick salute and dropped to his knees. He was face to face with her nether regions and he couldn’t help but lick his lips. He could tell she was wet already just by the light scent of arousal breaking through the lacy cage. He didn’t want to waste any time.

He carefully took both sides of her panties around the hip and gently began sliding them off. He took it slow enough so as not to stretch them out or tear them, but it drove his mind wild. As they came off, they began to reveal her gorgeous pussy little by little, inch by inch. As the slit became more visible, the smell got stronger and his dick practically began to vibrate. The panties fell further and he took just a moment to look at them. Despite being black, her wetness had left a visible moist spot on the crotch of the garment. This drove him wild.

“Looks like you didn’t need any warming up today, babe,” Spike said with a light chortle. “That’s a nice change of pace.”

“Hey, like you’re one to talk,” Starlight said, pointing at his dick with mock offense. “You’ve been full sail since I took my shorts off.”

“Well yeah,” Spike said with a shrug. “You’re beautiful. It took every ounce of willpower I had to not just rip your underwear off and go to town right then and there.”

Starlight felt her vagina clench with excitement at the idea of Spike just attacking her and forcing his way inside her. Apparently, she had a fetish for that. She made a mental note to try that out on a later date.

By this point, Spike had pulled her underwear all the way down around her ankles. Starlight stepped out of them and picked them up with her feet, holding them up to Spike.

“You want to throw those over with the rest of the clothes?” Starlight asked. “Just make sure to put them by the clothes instead of on them. I don’t need my t-shirt smelling like a vagina all evening.”

Spike gladly took the panties from her and immediately held the crotch area up to his nose and took in a deep inhale, relishing in her scent. It was so good, a mixture of a musky tang with a slightly sweet overlay. After taking it in, he threw the underwear next to the growing pile of clothes.

“Did you just sniff my underwear?” Starlight said, shaking her head while wearing a smile. “You’re so weird, Spike.”

“Hey, blame yourself for being so hot and smelling so hot,” Spike replied. “I can’t help myself.”

“Fine,” Starlight said. “I guess I’ve grown to expect weird stuff like this from you at this point in our relationship. Just never let Twilight catch you doing that. She’d probably have a heart attack and then come back from the dead just to give you a lecture on how germ-ish sniffing my underwear is. Nobody needs that kind of negativity in their life.”

Starlight took a step back, allowing Spike room to stand up. He, of course, had to be inappropriate at least one more time, so on his way up, he made sure to reach a hand between her legs and swiped it upwards, following the texture and shape of her pussy. He had just enough arousal residue on his fingers to be noticeable, but it was quickly gone as put them in his mouth and licked the wetness off. For reasons Starlight couldn’t understand, that turned her on even more.

She wanted him inside her so bad. Strike that: she needed him inside her.

“Hold on one more second, Spike,” Starlight spoke up, earning a frown from him. “Don’t worry, it’s hard for me, too. But, you did go out of your way to get that potion. We may as well try it out, right?”

In all his excitement, Spike had nearly forgotten about the enhancement potion he picked up from Zecora. “Oh yeah! Hurry up and drink some. I don’t know if I can wait much longer.”

Starlight grabbed the potion from the ground where she had set it while taking off her clothes. “No worries, I’m on it. Btw, you wanna cum inside me today? You haven’t in a couple of weeks and Celestia knows I could use some of that action today.”

Spike vigorously nodded. His instincts took over at the mere idea of getting to release inside of her. “Definitely. Gosh, I can’t wait.”

It was time. Starlight popped the lid off the jar and took a quick sniff of the purple liquid inside. It had the slight aroma of some kind of spice that she was unfamiliar with but other than that it didn’t carry a scent at all.

“Did Zecora tell you what was in here?” Starlight asked.

“Nope, but to be fair I didn’t ask,” Spike said with a shrug. “I’d assume it’s made with some combination of herbs and water, maybe with a little magic thrown in.”

“Hopefully I’m not allergic to anything in this, but we’ll find out I guess.”

Starlight took a deep breath and pulled the jar up to her lips. She held her breath and started drinking. She gulped down roughly half the jar before pulling it away from her mouth and letting it settle in her stomach.

“How was it?” Spike asked, cocking his head to the side.

She shrugged. “I dunno. It tasted like… nothing. Do you know how long it’s supposed to last before taking effect?”

Spike scratched his chin in thought. “If I remember correctly, I think it was supposed to be pretty instant. So, you should be feeling something any moment—“

“Oh sweet Celestia!” Starlight instantly bent over and clutched her stomach. She could hear and feel something bubbling inside her. “Oh, this potion seems to be pretty rowdy. Oh gosh, it feels weird.”

“Oof, maybe it’s a dud.” Right as Spike was about to get up and comfort her, the unthinkable happened.


Starlight’s body began to change instantly. She felt her entire bodily structure begin to move as if she were possessed. She was twisting and turning and… growing?

As the feeling of movement in her body increased, she felt herself rising higher and higher, causing Spike to look smaller and smaller from her perspective. Her arms began to stretch out too, as well as her legs. She was getting bigger and bigger.

“Oh, dear sweet baby Celestia!” She cried out, her voice echoing throughout the room they were in. “Make it stop!”

Spike, for his part, had no idea what to do except just stare in awe as his girlfriend grew more and more giant, almost reaching the ceiling. After a few more moments of Spike staring and Starlight crying out in panic, it finally stopped.

It stopped, but Starlight was huge.

Now that it stopped, Starlight was able to collect herself and take stock of her surroundings. As she did, she could feel the panic rising up inside her once more.

“Ahhh!” She screamed. She felt as if she was looking off the edge of a cliff she was so high up in the air. Unfortunately, she looked downward and realized she was not on the edge of a cliff, but was instead still standing on the ground. “W-What happened, Spike? Why am I huge?!”

Spike gulped nervously and shouted up at her. “You know what? I think I may have grabbed the wrong potion.”

“You think?!” Starlight blasted out. “How’d you grab the wrong one?” She did the best she could to give Spike the evil eye, but given the size difference, she couldn’t quite gauge his reaction.

Spike, for his part, nervously rubbed the back of his neck and sent a light chuckle her way. “Well, you see…” Spike had a sudden flashback to when he was at Zecora’s place. Crap! His impatience once again did him dirty. “Now that I think about it, I think I remember Zecora mentioning to grab the potion with the heart on it, not the arrow.” He blushed heavily. “I mean, anyone could’ve made that mistake, right?”

“Wrong!” Starlight screeched. “How do you confuse a heart with an arrow? How! You know what, I don’t even wanna know the answer. I’m pretty sure I could have a scientist do years of research and publish a book on the subject of your natural confusion and I still wouldn’t understand it.”

“Ouch.” Spike frowned. “Look, I’m sorry! But I can tell you that Zecora said the life of her potions is only like… an hour or something like that. So, you know, you shouldn’t have to wait too long. Silver linings and all.”

Starlight let out a deep sigh that practically made the ground shake due to the low end echoing out. “Look, Spike. I forgive you. But you better be glad I love you so much or we’d be having a much more violent conversation right now. But, lucky for you, I’m used to your carelessness at this point in life so I think I can look the other way.”

“Phew!” Spike wiped a few beads of sweat off his forehead. “Look, I promise it won’t happen again!”

“I’d love to believe you, Spike, but this isn’t just a one-time thing for you. It’s a lifestyle choice.” Starlight shook her head and released a quick laugh. “But you know what, you keep things interesting if nothing else.”

The two shared a laugh, Starlight’s being much louder of course, but it was a nice moment all the same. It was at this point, however, that Spike realized one very important fact. His girlfriend was still naked. And now, every part of her body was exaggerated… and it was kind of hot.

“So, Starlight,” Spike began, shouting loud enough for her to hear. “Things may be a little awkward now, but I have an idea. What would you say to, I dunno, picking up where we left off?”

“Where did we leave off? What do you—“ Starlight looked down and came to the same realization Spike did. She was still naked. “Oh.”

Spike nodded and his lips curled into a devilish grin. “Yep! I mean, it could be an opportunity to try something new, right?”

“But Spike, I’m like ten times bigger than you!” Starlight shook her head. “No offense, but I doubt I’d even be able to feel your dick if it was inside me.”

Spike looked down at his still stiff member and then compared it to the vagina above him. “Yeah, you might have a point. But, I’m pretty sure I could find a way to get you off. Like you said, I’m good at keeping things interesting, right?”

“Ugh,” Starlight breathed out. “Why is my life so weird? Where did it all go wrong?”

Spike shrugged. “Probably when you were sixteen and thought HoofenCyde was the pinnacle of musical achievement. Just saying, crunkcore was never good music.”

“Hey! You promised you’d never bring that up!”

“Correction: I promised I wouldn’t bring that up to anybody else!” He chuckled. “It’s all fair game between the two of us.”

Spike twisted her face into a frown of ultimate disapproval. However, she was getting tired of standing and gently brought herself down to the ground. “Ugh, it’s a shame the blanket isn’t bigger. I’m pretty sure I’m getting dirt on my butt.”

“No worries,” Spike said with a wink. “I’ll be more than happy to clean that off when you get back to normal size.”

She rolled her eyes and leaned back a bit, using her arms for support. “Well, look, I’m naked, I can’t possibly fit into my clothes and I can’t exactly go anywhere public while I wait for this to wear off. If you still wanna have sex…” She was probably going to regret her next choice of words. “…Let’s do it.”

“Really?!” Spike’s tail began wagging with excitement at the mere idea. He wasn’t sure if this was his fetish or if he was just really horny, but he couldn’t wait to start. He needed release and he imagined she did, too.

Starlight smiled at him. Instead of answering him immediately, however, she decided to show instead of tell by opening her legs, stretching them out on either side, revealing her vagina to him. “Does that answer your question?”

Spike’s eyes widened to the size of saucers. Actually, that’s an understatement. They were full-on dinner plates. It wasn’t only the sight that was drawing him in, despite how inviting her nether regions were. Her pussy was at least ten times the size that it normally was, after all, providing an incredibly gorgeous and attractive sight. It was as if her body was an open door, waiting for him to enter. But it was also the smell that pulled at his heartstrings, making him all the more hungry for her. It was much stronger now, the smell of sweet arousal mixed with a strong, musky undertone. It was so thick he could taste it in the air. He wanted the real thing and he wanted it now.

“You like what you see?” Starlight asked with a cocky grin. “Go for it, babe. Let’s see if we can make this work.”

Spike needed no further invitation. He dashed towards her as fast he could, running between her legs and making a beeline for her sultry slit. It had just enough fur growing around it to add a pleasant visual, but not so much that it was lost amongst her furry foliage. It was perfect the way it was.

He finally reached it. It was high enough off the ground due to the angle she was sitting at that he was almost face to face with her private area. It was a special moment. This was a level of intimacy he had never felt before and he was the only one that had access to it. He closed his eyes and inhaled one final time, the smell driving him to the brink of insanity and making his cock grow to full length. It was time.

He opened his eyes and dove in. He balanced himself by gripping onto the sides of her vaginal area with his hands as his face planted deeply into her wet pussy. The wetness smeared across his face, drenching his scales in her love juice. He needed to clean her up. He immediately stuck his tongue out and began licking the edges of her vagina. He followed all the textures and subtle changes in shape with his tongue, lapping up the liquid as he did. It tasted so wonderful. A mixture of a bright, sweet flavor from her arousal mixed with a salty, robust taste, no doubt from the tidbits of sweat collected from the long walk. He loved it.

As he moved his tongue in circles, collecting it all in his mouth, getting his face and upper body covered in it, a flash flood of bright colors filled his vision, a chromatic masterpiece of bliss and satisfaction. It was an amazing sensation and he felt so emotionally close to her that it surpassed the enjoyment of the physical closeness they shared at this very moment.

Meanwhile, as he continued his ministrations, Starlight couldn’t help but start releasing small moans, reverberating down her body. “Spike…” she breathed out. “You feel so good. K… Keep… Keep going, please! I need you.”

She was getting wetter by the second, refilling her vagina with arousal, bringing to nothing all the work Spike had done to clean her up. But he didn’t care. He was only concerned with making her feel even better.

He pulled his head back to take a breath of air that he desperately needed. This time, before going back in, he adjusted the position of his left hand and placed it right above her gaping hole and began lightly playing with her clitoris. He knew exactly where it was despite the size change. After the first flick of his claw on it, Starlight let out a squeak, signaling her enjoyment.

“Oh my gosh, Spike. Do that again!”

He acquiesced and flicked it once more, following it up by tracing his claw around it.

“Oh, Spike,” Starlight moaned even louder than before. This feels so… so good!” She kept moaning, almost unable to make coherent sentences. “D-Deeper. I need you deeper inside.”

Spike smiled. He was giving her exactly what she wanted and it was what he wanted as well. He pushed his head further into her body, licking up and down, left and right, diagonally and in circular fashion. No curve was left untouched. No texture variation was forgotten about. All the while, he kept fondling her clit, flicking it with his claws, rubbing it furiously with his palm. He would occasionally bring his hand down to cover it with her own fluids and then bring it back to her most sensitive area, providing it was sticky and sweet lubricant.

Spike began using his free hand to start stroking his member. It left him a little off-balance but all this work in pleasing his beloved had left himself in need. With each pass of his hand over his dick that was growing in sensitivity, he felt the pressure inside him rise. He wanted to release it so badly, but it wasn’t time yet, no. He needed to wait. He needed to make sure that she was able to get off first. After what he did, she deserved it. Not to mention there was still only one place he wanted to release his cum and that was inside of her.

Unfortunately, if he kept up massaging and tasting her vagina, it wouldn’t be long before he erupted against his will. It was time for a switch-up.

“Starlight!” He called out as loud as he could to gain her attention.

This snapped Starlight out of her sexually induced trance. “W-What? Why’d you stop?”

“Let’s shake things up a bit,” Spike said. “I’m getting close and we may as well take full advantage of our situation, you know?”

Starlight closed her eyes, trying to pull herself back into normalcy, and ultimately nodded. “Alright, Spike. What do you need me to do?”

“Lay on your side,” he stated.

“My side?”

“Yeah,” Spike replied. “You like it when I play with your breasts, right?”

Starlight’s eyes brightened and she immediately began switching positions. She got up from her sitting position and maneuvered over onto her side, laying with her head kept off the ground by her hand. “Alright, get to work, Spike.”

He darted across the grass and ran over to where her chest was, Her left breast was hanging perfectly near the ground, which gave him the full access he needed. He knew how much she loved having her breasts fondled and he would give her all that he could.

Her nipple was at the perfect height for his mouth to be able to provide enjoyment to her. He started by wrapping his lips around it. At this size, the nipple took up the entirety of his mouth, but he sucked as hard as he could. As he did so, he snaked his tongue on and around the appendage. He lapped at it and every so slightly and bit down while sucking, just to provide some extra flare.

Starlight once again began moaning, this time putting her hand down between her legs. She began rubbing her clit and slipped two fingers into her pussy while doing so. “Oh, Spike…” she whimpered, rubbing herself faster and faster by the second.

Spike took this as a cue to go quicker and harder on her breast. Now, in addition to suckling the nipple and licking it, he expanded his mouth as wide as he could, allowing access for his tongue to lick her areola as well. Although it was much milder, he loved the taste of her fur and flesh. The hints of sweat that had built up throughout the day, the natural scent and taste of her skin… it was all amazing.

He used arms to gently rub and grope her breast, pulling it even closer to him, furthering the nipple’s descent into his mouth. His ministrations increased the volume of Starlight’s moans, combined with her own care she was providing to her clitoral region. Spike worked as hard as he could to get her as loud as possible. This carried on for a few more moments before Starlight finally cried out to him.

“Spike… Spike!

He pulled his mouth away and looked at her. Her eyes were widened and she had her tongue hanging out of her mouth. “What’s up?”

“Spike…” she continued, gasping for breath. “I need you… inside me. Now!”

Spike looked down at her vagina. Even from the angle he was at, he could see how wet she was and that her lips were getting puffier and red with excitement. He then turned back to her. “But how am I supposed to, you know, go inside? Like you said, you won’t feel anything.”

“I don’t care!” Starlight yelped. “Find a way. But I need it and I need it fast!”

Spike bit his lip and backed away from her. Starlight rolled onto her back and wasted no time in spreading her legs for him. She was serious about this. He ran as fast as he could to her vagina and looked it over. It was a sopping wet mess and it turned him on beyond belief. Yet, still, he had no idea how to properly pleasure her insides. That was of course short of—

A lightbulb went off above Spike’s head. That was it! He finished his trek to her pussy and looked at the turning and winking cavern in front of him. He knew exactly what he could do.

“Hold on, Starlight!” He called out. “I’m going in!”

Spike immediately grabbed onto the top of her clitoral hood and used it to support his weight as he climbed inside her vagina. It was extremely wet which worked to his advantage so as not to cause her any discomfort with his scales. The hole was just big enough for him to fit inside and what little tightness there was flexed around his body.

As he maneuvered as much of himself as possible inside of her, Starlight moaned louder than she had the entire time during the intercourse so far. Spike, for his part, was turned on beyond belief. As opposed to just seeing, smelling, and tasting her most intimate area, he was now inside of it. He was as close to her as he could be and loved every second of it.

He was inside deep enough to where only his head was still outside her body, which he needed so he could breathe. His dick was now straight in the air and having it rub against the slightly textures roof of her pussy felt amazing. Starlight thought so too as every movement he made was now causing her to produce throaty sighs and high-pitched squeals of pleasure.

Sweet… Freaking… Celestia!” Starlight screamed out.

Spike wanted so badly to just creampie her here and now, but she deserved to go first. That being said, he began to use his arms to push himself in and out of her. He stretched his limbs out the best he could to ensure he was making contact with as much of her vaginal walls as he could. Every motion he made caused more wetness to appear until it was forming a small stream underneath him, flooding over to his sides as well.

Starlight’s moans reached new heights and she began to vigorously rub her clit. Spike knew she was close, so he picked up the pace and moved his body as hard and fast as possible. His girlfriend was crying out with pleasure, rubbing faster and faster. He matched her pace. He needed just something extra to push her over the edge. She was right on the verge! He took a single claw out and lightly used it to scratch the most textured area of the roof of her vagina and that was it.

Starlight immediately gasped and her pussy clenched around him, holding him firmly in place, not allowing him to move an inch. Starlight belted out a scream which could probably be heard all the way in Ponyville. As she did, a rush of arousal came pouring from within her, washing over Spike. He was now covered head to toe in the liquid, a good amount of it seeping into his nostrils and in his mouth. He gladly swallowed it all down.

He instinctively began thrusting his hips. As he did, her pussy clenched even harder, now pressing firmly against his dick. He couldn't take it any longer. He felt a wave of pressure start from his back and work it’s way up through his dick and cum absolutely exploded from his cock. He did his best to maneuver his body to shoot it as deep inside her as possible. The pressure caused him to get a massive amount of range, but some of it still seeped on him. As the pressure began to subside, he found himself needing to gasp for air.

He slowly but surely pulled himself out of her, a rush of her cum mixed with his hot seed coming out with him. He took just a moment to catch his breath before looking up at Starlight who was also panting.

“T-That…” Spike began between breaths. “That was something else.”

Starlight turned to him and chuckled. “Yeah… that was amazing Spike. Thank you.”

As if on cue, Starlight’s body began to vibrate.

“Oh gosh, what’s happening now?” She asked, once again having to clutch her stomach.

The universe decided to answer the question for her, for as soon as she finished asking, her body began to shrink all the way back down to its normal size. When it had finished. She simply laid there on the ground, still with her body fully exposed and cum leaking from her pussy. She was in no position to get up.

Spike instead took the liberty of sitting down next to her on the ground. “You know what? Out of the million things I could’ve done today, banging a sixty-foot girlfriend wasn’t exactly on the list. Funny how life works out sometimes, huh?”

“No kidding,” Starlight replied, still working on catching her breath. “There was only one thing we forgot to do, by the way.”

“What’s that?”

“Get over here and kiss me.”

Starlight grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into an embrace before planting her lips on his and giving him a delicate but romantic kiss. She held them together for a few seconds before finally releasing him.

“Did you have fun?” She asked.

Spike nodded. “Yeah. It was kind of a work out though.”

“No kidding,” Starlight responded with a chuckle. “Next time, let’s just do it the old-fashioned way. I’d say that’s enough experimentation for a while.”


“Heh, hey,” Spike spoke up. “Imagine if you shrunk while I was still inside you. That would’ve been weird, huh?”

Starlight lightly slapped his face. “Shut up, Spike.”