Flurry's New Power

by CycleD

First published

Princess Flurry Heart has grown up and learned new magic, now she wants to share it with everypony... with kisses

Many years have passed since Equestria was saved for the final time and Twilight Sparkle was able to ascend to the throne. In that time Flurry Heart has grown up quite a bit and has started to learn new and interesting magic. One spell in particular fascinated her to the point that she wants to share it with everypony. Everypony will get a kiss and be hers.

I was greatly inspired by Citrus Recluse's story Her Way with Words and wanted to take my own stab at a kissing/lipstick fetish fic. Bear in mind I'm not much of a story writer so this probably isn't going to be anything great but I'll try my best.

Content warning:
Lipstick fetish, mind control

Smooching Start

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In the Crystal Empire, much has changed in the years following the great battle for Equestria. Flurry Heart had grown into a respectable young princess ready to rule the empire alongside her parents, indeed things were looking up. It was the evening in the palace and a guard was making his rounds through the halls, looking for anything off. Fortunately it was just another normal, peaceful day so there was nothing to report. However, that changed when he saw Flurry Heart walking towards him.

“Oh, princess. What brings you by here?” He inquired

“Oh, not much. Just wanted to see you.” Flurry replied with a sultry tone that was somewhat lost on the guard.

“See me, but why?”

“I just wanted to give you a nice reward for all your hard work, doesn’t that sound nice?” Flurry put a hand on the guards face seductively and he blushed profusely.

The guard took a few steps back and finally noticed what Flurry was wearing. Calling it scandalous would be putting it mildly. There was purple cloth with a small crystal heart over her shoulders, some cyan cloth with magenta outlines draping over her breasts like curtains, leaving a heart shaped outline showing her ample cleavage. Flurry had indeed grown up in more ways than one. Her hands had simple purple gloves on them. Her midsection had nothing beyond a pair of magenta panties with a cyan heart over the crotch and some crystal above them and finally she was wearing purple stockings with a heart cutout at the top of each. Flurry also had purple lipstick on her lips, which seemed thicker than normal. “Princess Flurry Heart, what has gotten into you?”

“Nothing, I feel great. In fact, I feel so great that I want to share it with you. Come here and give your princess a kiss.” Flurry then puckered up and walked towards the guard. The guard knew better and stepped backwards. After a bit of this Flurry stopped and blew the guard a kiss, that kiss manifested into a flying kiss mark that zipped right over to the guard's lips and began to kiss him. The feeling was incredible, it was as if Flurry’s lips were enveloping his own even though she was a fair distance away. Flurry took this opportunity to walk over to the guard and give him a big kiss on the lips. That wonderful feeling only seemed to multiply as Flurry kissed him. His irises were replaced with hearts and on the chestplate of his armor a big purple kiss mark appeared on it. Flurry broke the kiss and then followed up with a peck to his forehead, leaving behind a purple kiss mark.

“Now how does that feel?” Flurry asked with a malicious smirk

“Amazing mistress.” The guard said, fully entranced

“That’s what I thought, now if you’ll excuse me, I have to spread the love to the other guards.

Cadence was walking through the palace simply enjoying her day. Her life was great, her sister-in-law had ascended to the throne of Equestria, her daughter was growing up into a beautiful princess and her husband… well, he hasn’t changed but that was just fine by Cadence. While walking down the hall to her chambers, Cadence noticed something amiss. A guard that had a peculiar marking on his armor; she decided to go up to the guard to see what was up.

“Hey guard, what’s with that mark?” Cadence said while getting in front of him. It was then that she noticed the kiss mark on his forehead and the hearts in his eyes. “What in the world?”

“Ah, Princess Cadence. I feel amazing right now. Mistress Flurry Heart helped me realize what true pleasure is.”

“Mistress… Flurry Heart? What is going on?”
Determined to find some answers, Cadence went down to the room of her adult daughter. Without any regards to privacy, Cadence opened the door and found Flurry at her vanity applying lipstick.

“Oh, hello mother. What brings you by?” Flurry said nonchalantly, seemingly unbothered by the intrusion.

“Don’t give me that young lady! I saw the guard you did… something to. Just what is going on with you?” Cadence asked angrily

“Oh mother dearest, you must understand.” Flurry turned around and gave her thick purple lips a pop. “I’m doing something special. I’m sharing this incredible pleasure with everypony.

“Incredible pleasure? That guard looked completely mindless, what have you done?”

“I found something magical. When I was studying magic, I stumbled upon an ancient spell. When I used it a tube of lipstick appeared and when I applied it oh, it just felt magnificent.”

“Flurry Heart, you must be being controlled by this magic, you have to fight it!”

“On the contrary, I am controlling this magic. Now it’s time I share it with you.” Flurry then blew a kiss at her mother which became a solid mark that flew towards Cadence. However, Cadence realized what was going on and shot the kiss mark with her magic, causing it to vanish.

“I’ll save you Flurry Heart.” Cadence said with a determined expression.

“But that implies I need saving.” Flurry blew more kisses at Cadence and each one she shot. “Oh mother, how long must you prolong the inevitable? I guess I’ll have to try something different.” Flurry’s own horn glew a soft blue and she drew an outline of lips with her fingers that flew over to Cadence and landed on her lips; however, nothing seemed to happen.

“What was that?” Cadence asked confused

Flurry simply smirked and puckered up her lips. Suddenly, Cadence’s own lips puckered up against her will and they began to drag her towards Flurry. Cadence tried to grab the bed to keep her from going over, but it was futile. After a bit her lips met Flurry’s own and it was all over. Cadence felt immense pleasure flowing into her body. Just like with the guard hearts appeared in her eyes but unlike the guard there was another change. Underneath Cadence’s dress, her undergarments changed to the same panties with a heart like Flurry had and her bra became much skimpier and was decorated with two large blue hearts over her breasts. Flurry relished in the kiss for a good few seconds but then broke it, leaving her lipstick all over Cadence’s lips.

“How do you feel now mother dearest?”

“Oh Flurry, I was all wrong about you. This is amazing, just like you said.”

“I knew you’d see things my way. Now how about we show the rest of the empire this feeling.”

“Of course mistress. Leave your father to me, you go show all the citizens the amazing feeling of your kisses.

Flurry gained a malicious smirk. “I shall do just that mother.”

Flurry went off to gather the guards to share her magic with the rest of the empire, and while she was doing that Cadence went to her and Shining’s chambers and stripped out of her dress, leaving her in just the heart bra and panties. Some time later Shining walked in and was quite surprised.

“Uh honey, what’s all this?” He asked confused

“Isn’t it obvious Shiny honey?” Cadence said, making bedroom eyes. “I want you, now why don’t you come over here?” Cadence used her magic to close the door behind Shining.

“Something isn’t right here…” Shining then looked into Cadence’s eyes and saw they were hearts. “Cadence what is-”

Before he had the chance to finish the question, Cadence blew him a kiss and it landed right on his lips. The kiss mark made a satisfying sound to Cadence, the sound of sucking. Shining meanwhile was feeling utter bliss. He always loved Cadence’s kisses and this was like all those multiplied tenfold. Seemingly against his will he began to walk over to Cadence and began taking off his clothes. Once he joined Cadence on the bed Cadence joined her lips to his and showed Shining just what he was missing. The magic of the lipstick Flurry had given Cadence flowed into Shining as well. It overtook him and just like the rest he gained hearts in his eyes, he was under the spell of the smooch.

Cadence broke the kiss. “Shiny, Flurry has gained this incredible new power. Doesn’t it feel just amazing to be kissed like this?”

“It does my love. It truly does. All I can think about is feeling that succulent lipstick all over my lips.”

“Why stop at just your lips?” Cadence said with a lusty glare.

Some time passed and Cadence joined Flurry on the balcony of the palace. “So how did father enjoy this?” Flurry asked.

“He couldn’t love it more. I kissed him over and over and over again. Every part of his body was covered in my smooches and your magic lipstick.” Cadence remarked.

“Wonderful.” Flurry looked over the crystal ponies all gathered outside the palace. All of them had heart eyes and a kiss mark on their foreheads. “This is just the beginning. I want to spread this magic everywhere. And I think I’ll start in Ponyville.”

Kissing Classes

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Smolder was quite happy as she walked towards the school of friendship, ready to start the day as the school teacher. She and most of her friends all decided to become teachers at the school as it helped bring them all together. The day went by as it usually did, but as Smolder was heading home, she saw a note on her desk.

“ Meet me in the gym for a special surprise.” There wasn’t a name that signed the message, only marked with a kiss at the bottom.

“Okay, not sure who this is from, but I might as well go check it out,” Smolder said before heading towards the gym. It was mostly empty except for one occupant. A certain pink alicorn. “Wait a sec, aren’t you…”

“Yes, I’m Princess Flurry Heart.” Flurry interrupted

“Okay, but what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at the Crystal Empire or something?”

“Nope, I’m precisely where I need to be, Smolder. Because I’m about to expand my reach, starting here!”

“Expand your reach? The heck does that mean?” Smolder asked, quite confused.

“You’ll know soon enough. Tell me, have you ever thought of taking up cheerleading again?” Flurry asked with a wry smirk.

Smolder immediately started getting angry. “Nuh-uh, no way! That was a one-time thing!”

“Really? That’s a shame because a couple of your old friends would love for you to join them~.”

As if on cue, two figures jumped out from out of nowhere and began flipping around.

“Over and over and over again.
Just one kiss, and you’ll feel good out and in.”

Smolder’s eyes widened when she recognized the two. They were two other cheerleaders with her during her cheerleader stint, Shimmy Shake and Lighthoof. However, their cheerleader attire was quite different. It consisted of a top with a kiss mark that was a bit too small that showed ample cleavage and allowed their buxom breasts to bounce freely, a short skirt that barely hid the fact that they weren’t wearing anything underneath, and purple stockings. Much like Flurry’s other minions, they had hearts in their eyes. But unlike most of the others, they had kiss marks on their cheeks instead of their foreheads.

“What did you do to them?!” Smolder demanded.

“Oh, nothing special. I just gave each a loving kiss,” Flurry said nonchalantly, puckering her painted lips while eying the drake suggestively. “Want a taste~?”

“No way, I’m out of here!”

But before Smolder could get out, Shimmy flipped in front of her and bounced her breasts into Smolder’s face, sending her tumbling back, allowing Lighthoof to press her check to Smolder’s. For a brief moment, it felt like somepony kissed Smolder on the cheek. Shimmy then followed up by pressing her cheek to Smolder’s, then Lighthoof bounced Smolder with her bust. Smolder grew more heated from being rocked around, getting her face impacted by bouncy titties, having her cheeks squished by their cheeks, and occasionally feeling their pom-poms on her body. Eventually, they stopped, yet Smolder continued to sway as if the momentum from the actions continued.

“What’s… going on? I feel…” She tried to say, but Flurry simply put a finger to Smolder’s lips.

“Shhhh. Just listen to me,” Flurry instructed before giving Smolder a deep kiss on the lips. Smolder could do nothing to resist the princess, Flurry’s body leaning into her own to press their lips further together. The hearts almost immediately appeared in her eyes as Flurry pulled away. “You love being a cheerleader.”

“I do?” Smolder asked her mind not entirely there.

“Yes, but to be a good cheerleader, you need to look the part.” Flurry’s horn glowed a soft blue, drawing a heart shape with her fingers before pushing it over to Smolder. When it made contact, the spell enveloped Smolder’s body in a shimmering aura before vanishing, leaving the dragon with a skimpy cheerleader outfit similar to Shimmy Shake and Lighthoof’s. Her breast size went up a couple of cups as well. “ There! Doesn’t that feel so much better~?”

“Y-yes, you’re right, mistress. I love being your cheerleader!”

“Excellent! Now let’s see what we can do to help your friends~.”

Silverstream and Ocellus were walking through the hallway of the school, conversing about their day.

“So, how have your students been taking to the material this semester?” Ocellus asked with curiosity.

“Things have been going pretty well. That kirin especially has been doing great.” Silverstream replied with glee.

“That’s great! I must say, the stuff I’ve been teaching in my class is utterly fascinating. Did you know that-”

“Wait a sec, do you hear something?” Silverstream interrupted. “It sounds like music.”

The sound was quite odd, unlike anything they’ve heard before. They walked around for a bit to find the source, which led them straight to the auditorium. Inside, Flurry was on stage, dancing along to the rhythm in exotic wear. Simple purple cloth covered the front of her breasts, leaving most of her cleavage exposed to jiggle around; her lower half simply had a small loincloth over the crotch and sheer purple stockings over her legs. All over her outfit were decorative bracelets, sashes, and jeweled rings. The princess paused her fluid dancing the moment her eyes found the hippogriff and changeling.

“Oh, excellent! I was worried I wouldn’t have an audience for my dance routine.” Flurry said with a small pout.

“Dance routine?” Ocellus asked. “What kind of dance?”

Flurry simply chuckled before answering. “Just watch.”

She resumed her sensual choreography. Most emphases were put on her hip movements, but she gyrated her chest enough to give her tits a bit of a shake. Throughout, she would occasionally make heart shapes with her arms and hands, and the gems on her outfit subtly glowed. Silverstream and Ocellus didn’t know what to make of the dance. However, after a bit, their eyelids started to droop slightly, and their eyes began to glaze over. Flurry smirked; her enchantment on the gems cast a short hypnosis spell. Not enough to fully take control, but certainly sufficient to have them remain focused on her. Once Flurry was sure she had entranced the two,, she used her magic to detach the sash from one bracelet, then flicked her arm towards the hippogriff and changeling and chucked the sash at the two of them. It wrapped around the two and then glowed a soft purple before tightening around them. Flurry then began to saunter over to them, and, without her dancing, Silverstream and Ocellus came back to their senses. They were both surprised to be bound by the cloth, struggling out in a futile attempt.

“What’s going on here?” Silverstream asked in dazed astonishment.

“It’s quite simple. You two are going to become my devoted minions just like everypony else. All it’ll take is one little smooch.” Flurry purred with lidded eyes and a seductive smirk.

“Minions? Oh no, this can’t be good.” Ocellus said with absolute worry

Flurry then caressed Silverstream’s face. “I wonder how a Hippogriff will feel against my lips.”

“Ocellus, you have to get out of here and go get help! Quickly!” Silverstream panicked.

“But what about you?” Ocellus said with worry for her friend.

“Forget about me, just go and- mmph…” But Silverstream couldn’t finish her sentence as Flurry had put her lips to Silverstream’s beak to give her a loving kiss.

Ocellus decided to waste no more time, turning into a small fly to get out of the cloth binding and then turned back to her standard shape before making a beeline out of the auditorium. Flurry Heart made no attempt to stop her, far too focused on her magical kiss. Silverstream started to moan into Flurry’s lips, her eyes fluttering about before remaining open, hearts shaping in her pupils. When Flurry released her lip lock, she used her magic to release Silverstream from her binding; then drew another magic heart outline with her fingers, which went over to Silverstream, and a shining blue aura surrounded her. Once the aura faded, a new belly dancer outfit adorned the hippogriff, equally as scarce, with the top barely concealing her surprisingly large bust and small panties with stockings for her lower half. A sash was also connected between two rings on talons on opposite claws. She even gained a little feather headdress to go along with it.

“Oh, mistress, this feels so amazing!” Silverstream said lovingly

“I know it does. A shame your friend didn’t stay long enough to share in the euphoria”.” Flurry said with feigned despair.

“Oh, don’t worry about Ocellus. We’ll make her see.”

Ocellus was nearly out of the school, only one more round to cross before she was out. Silverstream was waiting there as she got around the corner, flaunting her new attire.

“S-Silverstream… what’s going on?” Ocellus inquired nervously

“It’s something beautiful, Ocellus. Mistress Flurry Heart will show us all the path to true pleasure. Let me show you how amazing this feels.” Silverstream then started to dance just like Flurry did. Knowing the dangers before her, Ocellus turned around and was about to high tail it before smacking right into Flurry Heart. The princess blew a kiss right at the changeling, which landed on her forehead, paralyzing her.

“W-what’s happening?”

“A new kind of effect from this magic. I can enchant my kisses to do a variety of effects. Such as keeping you in place.” Flurry murmured, stroking the cheek of her frozen prey.

Silverstream then stepped up and got right behind Ocellus and wrapped the sasg between her talons around her. “Just relax, soon you’ll feel pleasure like you never knew before.” Silverstream punctuated that with a kiss to the cheek. This left Ocellus dazed, allowing Flurry to move in for her corrupting kiss unimpeded. True to Silverstream’s word, she could feel unreal pleasure pouring into her. The cloth looped around her started to glow and envelop her body, and when Flurry released her kiss, the process was done. Now Ocellus was wearing a belly dancer outfit nearly identical to Silverstream’s. Instead of a feather headdress, hers had a rigid choker with a kiss mark around her neck.

Flurry was quite pleased with this. “That’s three down, only three more to go. Unfortunately, I know only two are in Ponyville, but we’ll cross that third bridge when we come to it.

Yona was walking through the halls of the school whistling a merry tune. She was in quite the right mood as her students were doing well, and she had a date with Sandbar tonight. It seemed like nothing could go wrong for the Yak. However, she stopped when she bizarrely heard what sounded like someone writing on a chalkboard. This was odd as classes should be over, so she decided to find out where the sound came from. After passing by a few classrooms, she found where the sound came from, Flurry Heart waiting inside. She had changed her attire once again; this time, she looked like a teacher. She was wearing a white blouse shirt, a black skirt, and black stockings, and she also had a pair of glasses on for some reason. However, that shirt had a plunging neckline showing off her lacy bra and immense cleavage, and her skirt was relatively short, allowing one to see her thighs above her stockings. She looked at Yona with a lidded stare.

“Oh good, you’re here just in time for your lesson.” Flurry said with a sultry tone.

“Lesson?” Yona asked with a raised eyebrow. “Yona confused! Yona not student anymore.”

“Oh, but that’s just it. You need a lesson in being the best teacher you can be.” Flurry then used her magic to yank Yona into the classroom and shut the door behind her. She then blew a kiss at the entrance, which sealed it shut.

“Yona doesn’t like this. Yona wants out!” Yona demanded.

“I’ll let you out once you’re done. Now please take a seat so we can begin.”

As she had little choice, Yona took one of the desks in the front row, and Flurry began writing on the chalkboard, occasionally giving Yona some side-eye.

“Now, the first thing we’re going to talk about is discipline. When a student gets rowdy, or you just want to teach them something privately, you need to show them who’s in control.” Flurry then picked up a ruler. “Something like this can really show them who to respect.”

“W-wait, shouldn’t Yona respect students? This doesn’t seem-” Yona was then interrupted by the sharp sting of the ruler smacked against her cheek.

“That is exactly the kind of behavior that should be punished. You should know better than to talk back to your teacher.”

Yona rubbed her now sore cheek before looking back at Flurry pleasingly.

"Of course, if you're a good student, I'll be sure to… reward you."

"Reward? What will you give Yona?"

"Well, why don't we get into that?" Flurry began writing on the chalkboard again, drawing things like hearts and kiss marks in addition to keywords such as "smooch, " love," and “Good Student.” All throughout, Flurry kept popping her lips at random times, and the kiss marks on the chalkboard seemed to shimmer. Yona was worried initially, but over time her mind slowed down, and she started to gain a dazed expression. "When a student has been a good student, and they have earned a reward, you can show them that you care for them and you love them. Now Yona, do you think you can be a good student?"

Yona didn’t respond with any words; she simply nodded slowly. This still pleased Flurry, and she began to saunter over to Yona.

“That’s what I thought, and since you’re a good student, you’ll get your reward.” Flurry then cupped Yona’s cheeks and gave her a hot, passionate kiss. Yona had been waiting for this moment, and it felt as unbelievable as she was hoping. It felt like every hair on her body was standing on end and that she was feeling pleasure she never thought was possible. Yona moaned into the kiss passionately as her irises became hearts, just like her friends. After a bit, Flurry released Yona from her smooch and then followed up with a quick peck to Yona’s forehead. “That’s right, you’re a good student for your mistress, aren’t you?”

“Yes! Yona good student.” Yona replied, still in a daze.

“Of course, you also want to know what it’s like to have a good student of your own, don’t you? But first, you need to be in the right state of mind.” Flurry then kissed one end of the ruler she was holding, leaving a kiss mark in its place, and then handed it to Yona. When Yona took hold, the kiss mark started to glow a deep purple, and that aura enveloped Yona. After some time, it faded, and Yona stood up. She was now wearing a sexy teacher attire herself with a maroon shirt showing off her cleavage just like Flurry, except she had no bra, and she also had an incredibly short black skirt and sheer black stockings. She even had a pair of glasses, even though her eyesight was already excellent, and her face was decorated not just with Flurry's lipstick but with purple eyeshadow that made it so Yona would give a sultry stare to anyone she passed. “Perfect, now you’re ready.”

“Yes, Yona will find a good student to play with,” Yona said with a sultry smile.

“I think I know just the pony for you.”

Sandbar was heading home after another full day of teaching at the school. He was quite happy knowing he had a date with his girlfriend to prepare for. However, as he was walking through town he noticed something odd: there was nopony around. Even the farmer’s market was deserted.

“Man, that’s weird. Where is everypony?” Sandbar asked nobody in particular. Sandbar would have been content to just head home and reflect on the oddity, but then he saw someone approaching. It looked like 3 figures were… flipping towards him? Before he had a chance to question what was going on, they got within earshot.

“Over and over and over again.
This pleasure’s fantastic, that's for certain.”

Sandbar’s jaw dropped when he saw Smolder with Shimmy Shake and Lighthoof all in that skimpy cheerleader outfit. And he could have sworn Smolder wasn’t so busty.

“Smolder, what are you doing?” Sandbar asked with worry.

“I’m simply expressing myself. I absolutely love being a cheerleader.” Smolder replied, her voice now much cheerier instead of her usual raspy tone. It was then Sandbar noticed the hearts in their eyes and the kiss marks on their cheeks and got very concerned. He tried to turn and run but Smolder simply flipped in front of him and blocked his path. Shimmy and Lighthoof then came to his sides, leaving him totally surrounded. “Come on Sandy, let us show you what you’re missing out on.”

The three cheerleaders then all came together and smooshed Sandbar’s face between their buxom breasts. Sandbar moaned in defiance, but a part of him liked it. Nonetheless, he managed to push his way out, but the girls grabbed him by the shirt and tore it off, leaving Sandbar topless. Smolder gained a saucy smirk upon seeing Sandbar’s slightly chiseled top and then looked to Shimmy and Lighthoof. The three of them then blew kisses at Sandbar as he tried to run. One hit him on the side of his neck, one got his back, and the third managed to get ahead of him and hit his chest. Sandbar started to feel a bit woozy but managed to shake it off, running away to escape Smolder. Oddly, the cheerleaders didn’t bother to pursue him as Sandbar ran back towards the school, figuring it would be safe.

“Okay, something is definitely going on. Smolder would never be a cheerleader again.” Sandbar tried to wipe the kiss marks off, but they wouldn’t even smear. It was as though they were permanent. “Okay, also, this lipstick doesn’t come off. Are there any more oddities I’m in for?”

As if to answer his question, Sandbar heard music playing nearby. Against his better judgement he decided to go check it out. Once he rounded the corner, he saw Silverstream and Ocellus in their belly dancer attire doing a sensual dance to the music. They didn’t stop once they noticed Sandbar.

“Oh, look, it’s Sandbar. Did you come to see our dance routine?” Silverstream asked with glee

“I think he has. Let’s show him just how special our dance is.” Ocellus said while bouncing her chest.

The two continued their sensual belly dance just like Flurry did. However, Sandbar knew something was up with them just like with Smolder and decided to book it in the other direction. Silverstream and Ocellus were displeased with this but decided to each blow a kiss at Sandbar, chasing him through the halls. No matter how much he ran, he couldn’t shake them, and eventually, they landed on his shoulder and his cheek. That woozy feeling returned, and that slowed him down, but he redoubled his efforts when he saw more kisses heading his way. He ran towards an open door and slammed it shut once he was inside. He saw the kisses smack the outside of the door and breathed a sigh of relief that he avoided them.

“Good, Sandbar here for his class.”

That voice sent a chill up Sandbar’s spine; he slowly turned around and saw his girlfriend Yona standing there in sexy teacher attire, holding a ruler with a kiss mark on it, giving Sandbar serious bedroom eyes with her heart eyes.

“Oh no, not you too, Yona.” Sandbar tried frantically to open the door, but it just wouldn’t budge. While he attempted to escape, Yona grabbed his shoulder and roughly pulled him away from the door, and dragged him over to a desk.

“Sandbar will sit down and be quiet while Yona teaches him. Does Sandbar understand?” Sandbar simply gave a scared nod to answer; he knew better than to anger Yona. “Good, and if Sandbar is a good student, Yona will be sure to reward him.”

Yona started to draw on the chalkboard, just like Flurry did, and just like Flurry, she would occasionally pop her lips. Sandbar pretended to pay attention, but when Yona had her back wholly turned, he started to slowly move away from the desk. Unfortunately for Sandbar, Yona noticed, and in the blink of an eye, Yona smacked Sandbar with her ruler, specifically the end with the kiss mark. Aside from the smack, Sandbar also felt the brief sensation of a kiss on his cheek.

“Now now, Sandbar, Yona not done teaching. Maybe Yona should show Sandbar what it means to be a good student.” While Sandbar was still dazed, Yona blew a kiss that landed on Sandbar’s forehead. The woozy feeling returned, but Sandbar didn’t get a chance to shake it off as Yona had walked up to him and cupped his cheeks. “Time to wake up, Sandbar.” Yona then began pelting Sandbar’s face with kisses, all over his cheeks and forehead. Sandbar began to feel pleasure all over his body with every kiss. After a bit, it stopped, and Yona pulled away. It took Sandbar a bit to realize that it had stopped, and when he looked up again, he saw Flurry Heart in the room as well; she had somehow slipped in when Sandbar was distracted.

“Hold on… what’s going… on?” Sandbar asked, still quite groggy.

“There’s no need to worry about that.” Flurry said as her horn started to glow. With that, her lips glistened a soft purple, and all the kiss marks on Sandbar started shining as well. Sandbar moaned as he felt the sensation of kisses from all those marks on him. “Now it’s time to cement my control over Ponyville.” Flurry then held Sandbar’s chin and finally gave Sandbar a kiss on the lips. Between that kiss and the kisses all over his body, Sandbar was overwhelmed. If it weren’t for Flurry holding him, he’d likely fall over. Of course, when she released her kiss and her grip, he did fall onto the floor. Flurry smiled as she looked upon her last victim for the town before using her magic to pick him up. She then drew yet another magic heart outline, and it went towards Sandbar, enveloping his body in its aura. When it faded, Sandbar was wearing new attire, and most of the kiss marks on him had vanished, leaving just one for each of his cheeks and one on his forehead. He had a tank top with a kiss mark on both sides on it, as well as a nice pair of jeans with space at the crotch to hold a notable bulge. It was quite the feminine attire for Sandbar, and he even gained some light eyeliner to go with the lipstick now covering his lips.

Sandbar then came to and opened his eyes, showing the hearts in them. “Oh Mistress Flurry Heart, why did I deny this pleasure for so long? Please forgive me.” He said pleadingly

“It’s alright, my little minion. I hope you don’t mind the new look; you seemed like quite the girly boy to me.”

“Oh, I love it so much.”

“Perfect, now with almost everypony in Ponyville feeling this pleasure, it’s time to move on to bigger pastures. Of course, my auntie and her friends are in Canterlot, and they would want to spoil my fun. Hmmm… I think we’ll pay the former princesses a visit. ” Flurry said with an ominous chuckle.

Pucker Up Princess

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Celestia was simply relaxing on the beach, reading her book. Ever since she and her sister retired to Silver Shoals, they’ve been able to enjoy the quiet, relaxed life they never got to experience before. Of course, they still kept in touch with Twilight and visited Canterlot every so often, but they were content with merely living their lives this way. The sun was beginning to set, so Celestia felt it was time to return to her condo. However, before she got up, she noticed she was no longer alone. Silverstream and Ocellus had shown up on the beach while Celestia was engrossed in her book. They were both wearing belly dancer outfits, which made Celestia raise an eyebrow.

“Hold on, I remember you two. You’re Silverstream of the Hippogriffs and Ocellus of the Changelings. You went to Twilight’s School of Friendship. What are you doing here?” Celestia questioned

“It’s simple, Celestia,” Silverstream responded. “We came to see you.”

“And we want to show you our dance routine.” Ocellus added.

“Dance routine?” Celestia asked, confused. “What kind of dance requires outfits like that?”

Silverstream giggled before replying. “Let’s show you.”

Ocellus and Silverstream then began their sensual belly dance. The two made many slow, exaggerated movements that emphasized their hips and their large busts. They’d also occasionally give Celestia a saucy wink and purse their thick lips. Celestia was baffled at their dancing and was about ready to leave, but the more she watched, the slower her thoughts became. The two dancers took notice of her drooping eyelids and sauntered over to her. Silverstream cupped Celestia’s cheeks and looked her in the eyes. Celestia’s eyes then shot open when she noticed the hearts in the Hippogriff’s eyes. Realizing the situation couldn’t be right, she teleported out of Silverstream’s grip, appearing a fair distance away. However, there was already a group of ponies waiting for her, led by Smolder.

“Hiya Celestia, are you ready to feel the pleasure?” Smolder said with a huge smile

“The pleasure?”

“Yes, you’re gonna get a big kiss and feel amazing!. Come on, everypony, let’s show her!” Smolder then blew a kiss at Celestia. Celestia was quick to react and put a barrier up, which blocked the kiss. However, as the rest of them all blew kisses at her, Celestia knew her wall would never last long against all that. So she decided to run for it. After a bit of running, she heard her barrier break, and she looked behind her to see a swarm of kiss marks all heading straight for her. Fortunately, Celestia saw her condo right up ahead, so she ran inside and slammed the door shut. The impact of all the kiss marks hitting the door could be heard, yet the door held firm, preventing any marks from blasting inside. Celestia took a sigh of relief, but her victory was short lived.

“Hello there, Celestia.” A familiar voice rang.

Celestia turned to see Flurry Heart sitting on a chair.

“Flurry Heart, what are you doing here? What is the meaning of this?”

“The ‘meaning of this’ is gaining control of all of Equestria. Perhaps beyond Equestria in time. You’re next on my list, former princess. Why don’t we just cut to the chase, and you can make it easier on yourself.” Flurry stated before puckering her thick, purple lips.

Celestia managed to put all the pieces together. “You’re the one responsible for everypony out there looking like mindless servants.”

“Yep, each and every one of them feels unreal pleasure. This magic lipstick is really something.”

“You’re a fool if you think I’ll submit so easily.”

Flurry simply chuckled at that. “Oh, Celestia… What makes you think you have a choice?”

Flurry went to blow a kiss; however, this time, she put both her hands over her mouth, and when she released the kiss, it grew in size rapidly. Before Celestia had a chance to respond, it smacked her body, pinning her to the wall. All but her head was now restrained by a giant purple kiss mark sticking her to the wall. Naturally, she tried to struggle out, but no matter what she did, she couldn’t get out of the sticky, slimy hold. Celestia’s horn glowed as she tried to use magic to free herself. But Flurry was quicker on the draw, sending another kiss that latched onto Celestia’s horn, causing the magic aura to fizzle out. All she could do was struggle and moan heavily, her horn throbbing with stimulation.

“How does that feel, Celestia? I know horns on unicorns and alicorns can be quite sensitive.” Flurry asked with a wry smirk.

“I won’t give up! Do you hear me?!?” Celestia said defiantly

“We shall see about that.” Flurry’s horn then started glowing, and the giant kiss mark glowed with it. The sound of a kiss resonated through the room as the kiss mark applied more pressure to Celestia’s body. It was particularly forceful around her breasts, as there were hearts around her tits, using extra pressure. Celestia moaned loudly, and her face became flush. However, she still shot Flurry Heart a defiant glare, which amused Flurry more than anything. “Now now, Celestia, no need for that. Let me show you just how great this feels.” Flurry then cupped Celestia’s chin and delivered a kiss to her lips. Flurry moaned into the kiss, pulling away before she released Celestia.

Celestia was motionless for a bit, but when she picked her head back up, she shot another glare at Flurry, her eyes still normal despite the magic lipstick on her lips. “I told you… I won’t… surrender!” She said, though somewhat shaky.

“My my, you’re quite the fighter, aren’t you?” Flurry asked with feigned concern. “But no matter, you’ll break just like all the others.”

“How do you plan to…” Before Celestia could finish, Flurry’s lips started glowing, as did Celestia’s, finding her lips puckered.

“I think I’ll leave you like that for a bit while I kiss the rest of your face. I’ll deny you of the pleasure your body so desires.” True to her word, Flurry began to kiss Celestia’s face all over. Her cheeks, her forehead, even her chin were covered in kisses. All the while, Celestia’s lips remained puckered, awaiting the almighty kiss on the lips. The little shots of pleasure weren’t enough; she needed release. Flurry knew this, of course, but she continued kissing Celestia everywhere but her lips. After a few minutes, she stopped. “Now then, let’s try this again. I am a benevolent ruler, and I think you’ve suffered enough.

Flurry once again gave Celestia a kiss on the lips. After all the previous teasing, this kiss felt like utter heaven. Celestia moaned loudly as Flurry gave her a big smooch, which was music to Flurry’s ears. Once Flurry released her kiss, the mark holding Celestia to the wall disappeared, the older alicorn falling to the floor. Slowly, she got back up and opened her eyes, hearts within them.

“Mistress, I was oh so wrong. How could I have denied this pleasure like I did?”

“It’s okay Celestia, nopony knows what it’s like before they feel it.”

“Well, we should make sure everypony can feel this amazing pleasure.”
“Of course, but first, how about we give you a better look?” Flurry then drew another of her magic heart drawings, and much like the others, it enveloped Celestia with a blue aura. Once it had faded, Celestia had new attire. She was wearing a showgirl outfit complete with a gold headpiece with purple, green, and blue feathers to match her mane, a sparkling golden top that wrapped around her enormous boobs, a short skirt with more feathers sticking out of the rear, and a pair of elbow-length gloves on her arms. “You’ll be the one to show off just what being one of my underlings is like

“Oh, Mistress, this is amazing. Thank you so much. How about we show my dear sister this next." Celestia said with the biggest grin on her face.

Luna was taking a night walk around Silver Shoals; she found it quite relaxing. The cool breeze, the sounds of crickets and owls, the serenity of the moon and stars all added together to create a perfect moment.

“I truly do treasure nights more than I used to. Now that I don’t have to worry about saving ponies in their dreams, I can focus on simpler things.” Luna said with calmness

However, she quickly snapped out of her calm when she felt something hit the back of her neck. Going to rub it, she didn’t feel any marks or anything, which left her confused. But when she turned around, she saw a ton of kiss marks heading straight for her. Deciding not to take any chances, she ran for it. Despite that, some of the kiss marks managed to catch her and kissed her on the cheeks and arms. The more kisses she got hit by, the slower and woozier she became until she tripped and fell, allowing all of the kiss marks to smooch her all over. When she looked up, she saw a pony and four familiar creatures. Using what little strength she had left, she shot a telepathic message towards Canterlot, hoping it’d reach its recipient. Shortly after, she managed that Sandbar, Yona, Ocellus, Silverstream, and Smolder all mobbed Luna and started kissing her all over her body. Luna could barely hold her consciousness for long. With a spurt from her lower lips, she passed out.

When Luna came to, she felt like she was being held up against a wall. Sure enough, there was a big kiss mark binding her. Her attempts to struggle out resulted in the print tightening its bond.

“You know, your sister tried the same thing. Didn’t work for her either.” An ominously familiar voice said. Flurry then entered Luna’s vision, and Celestia followed soon after. Luna was utterly shocked at what had happened to her sister.

“Flurry Heart! Explain this madness! What have you done to my dearest sister?!?” Luna asked angrily.

“You know, I’m getting tired of explaining this over and over again.” Flurry said, rolling her eyes. “Isn’t it obvious? I’ll be the new ruler of Equestria using this magic lipstick.”

“Have you gone mad?”

“No, quite the opposite. Take a look at your sister and consider those former students.” Flurry got face to face with Luna. “This is real, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.”

“I shall not give in,” Luna said defiantly.

“Of course you won’t; your sister was quite the fighter too. Celestia, why don’t you say hello to your sister?”

Celestia practically skipped over to meet Luna face to face.

“Celestia, you must fight this. You can break free from her control.” Luna said pleadingly.

“But why would I want to do that?” Celestia asked with a smile. “Being with mistress Flurry Heart means I can feel amazing pleasure all the time. Here, have a taste of it.” Celestia then gave her sister a quick peck on the lips, and Luna moaned.

“Try as you might, Flurry Heart, but I won’t be so easily swayed.”

“Of course you won’t, dear Luna, but I know exactly how to break you.” With that, Flurry puckered her lips, and they glowed purple, then all the kiss marks on Luna’s face started burning too.

Luna moaned as she felt all those sweet, tender kisses. “No, I will not surrender; I will still fight.”

Flurry simply gave an amused smirk at this because she had a particular plan for Luna. The kiss holding Luna to the wall vanished, but before Luna could do anything, Flurry blew another kiss that landed at Luna's feet. That mark then shot out a mass of purple slime, which enveloped Luna before taking the shape of a large heart. Inside that heart, Luna tried to force her way out, but it wouldn't budge. Then suddenly, a part of the slime glowed and took the shape of a kiss and attached itself firmly to Luna's lips. Luna could do nothing but moan as more of these kisses appeared and kissed her all over, adding to the marks on her body. After some time had passed, the kisses retracted, and the pod opened up to release Luna. She now had heart eyes and kiss marks all over her body. Flurry gave a triumphant chuckle and then made another heart drawing that enveloped Luna the same as Celestia. When it faded, Luna seemed to be wearing a blue leotard over her entire body. Well, everywhere except her breasts and navel. Her nipples and vagina were covered by pasties in the shape of kiss marks, and she had a pair of blue bunny ears on her head, and most of the kiss marks had disappeared, save for one on her forehead.

“I think this look suits you, don’t you, Luna.” Flurry said with a smirk

“Yes, I now see what Tia was talking about. I hope to be under you forever, Mistress.”

“That’s what I was hoping to hear. Now there’s just one more place to visit. Time to say hello to my auntie in Canterlot.”

In Canterlot, Princess Twilight was meeting with her best friends during one of the scheduled meet-ups. She always adored these meetings, getting to see the ponies she learned so much from and seeing how every one of them is doing. Everything was just perfect, but then Twilight heard something in her head.

Twilight Sparkle, it’s Luna! There is a malevolent force attacking me. I think it has already gotten to my sister, and I will soon be gone. Prepare to fortify Canterlot; I assume it will head there.

“Oh, no!” Twilight gasped

“What is it, Twi?” Applejack inquired.

“I’m not completely sure, but it looks like something attacked Celestia and Luna. And odds are they’ll be here sooner or later.”

“Definitely sooner.” Pinkie said, looking out the window. There seemed to be an army approaching the city.

“There isn’t a moment to waste.” Twilight exited the throne room to see Gallus outside. “Galus, I need you to round up the royal guard and get ready to defend the palace.

“Absolutely, princess,” Gallus said as he saluted. He then headed off to gather the rest of the guards.

The first line of defense gathered outside the palace. Needless to say, they were quite befuddled to see what looked like ordinary ponies, but they all had hearts in their eyes and kiss marks on their foreheads. Nevertheless, they stood their ground, but all the ponies did was blow kisses at the guards, causing many marks to fly towards them, hitting them all on the forehead. The guards were all immediately paralyzed, and ponies from the group each took a guard and gave them all a kiss while the rest continued on through the palace.

One by one, each line of defense fell quickly. Gallus, however, remained steadfast. He would defend the princess at all costs. “I can handle anything. They won’t get by me.” He said with confidence.”

What he wasn’t expected, though, was to see his best friends come up towards the throne room, looking very different. Smolder in her cheerleader outfit, Silverstream and Ocellus in their belly dancer attire, Yona looking like a teacher, and Sandbar being a total femboy.

“Guys, what's going on here? You’re part of this too?” Gallus asked with surprise.

“That’s right, little Gal Gal,” Silverstream said seductively. “And now it’s your turn to join us in this pleasure.”

“No! I won’t submit. You guys might be my friends, but that doesn’t mean I’ll give up on my job!”

Gallus’ five friends merely started giggling at that.

“Awww, Gal Gal thinks he has a choice.”

“Let’s show him what it means to submit.” Ocellus said

The five of them then all blew kisses right at Gallus. One of them grew and hit his midsection, knocking him down and pinning him to the floor. The other four each hit a claw or foot to immobilize them. Gallus tried to struggle out of the kisses, but they wouldn’t budge.

“What is this? I can’t move." Gallus asked with worry

“That, my dear griffon.” Flurry replied as she walked into the room. “Is the power of my magic.” Flurry sauntered over, and Gallus’ friends dutifully followed her. “You know, I enjoyed converting your friends into my loyal minions, and they just love it. Don’t you?”

“Yes, mistress Flurry Heart, we love this feeling.” They all replied at once

“And now it’s time you join them.”

“No way, you’ll never get me. I’ll hold out, I’ll-” Flurry kissed Gallus on the forehead, and that silenced him. “What’s going… on?”

“You already feel it aren’t you? The sheer pleasure of this magic. You know, Sandbar made for quite the nice girly boy, so perhaps you’ll make a nice boyish girl.”

Before Gallus could question what that meant, Flurry drew a magic heart, and Gallus was enveloped in its aura. Unlike all the others, this drastically affected his body. He started to gain curves as his hips widened, his waist shrank and a pair of moderately sized breasts formed on his chest. His armor was also changed to suit his, or rather her, new physique.

“There, now why don’t you get to know your friends just a little bit better.”

As Sandbar eyed Gallus’ new female form, the bulge in his pants began to grow. Each of the girls went to his sides, and Sandbar went right in front of him and pulled out his girthy cock.

“Sandbar… you gotta… fight this,” Gallus said weekly with her now feminine voice.

"Don't worry, Gallus, you'll love feeling this pleasure. And don't worry, Yona doesn't mind sharing me with you. She could even give us both…" Sandbar seemed to shudder with anticipation. "Detention."

Gallus was beside herself with worry, but there was nothing she could do to stop the cock from entering her mouth. Sandbar began repeatedly thrusting as the girls all gave her a kiss on the cheeks.

"No, I have to resist this. I can't give in." Gallus thought. She did his best, but when Sandbar finally came and shot his seed down her throat, the pleasure was overwhelming. The kisses on her cheeks and her forehead glowed brightly as hearts formed in her eyes. When Sandbar removed his cock from Gallus' mouth, she moaned. A kiss mark formed on the chest plate of her armor, solidifying Flurry's control.

"Wow, this really does feel amazing," Gallus remarked.

"That's what I thought. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go see my aunt." Flurry said before going over to the door to the throne room.

When Flurry Heart entered, it elicited a round of gasps from the mane 6.

"Flurry Heart? You're behind this?" Twilight asked with shock.

"That's right, dear auntie Twilight. You should consider yourself honored. You and your friends will be my last conquest of Equestria." Flurry said arrogantly

"Oh yeah?!?" Rainbow shouted, raring to fight. "Let's just see you try!" Rainbow rushed towards Flurry, but all Flurry did in response was blow a kiss towards the floor where Rainbow would be. When Rainbow was on top of the mark, she was encased in a slime, which took a heart shape with Rainbow trapped inside. Before anypony else could react, Flurry blew 4 more kisses that all landed at the feet of Twilight's other friends. In mere seconds they were all inside purple slime hearts.

"What have you done to my friends?" Twilight inquired with great concern

"Don't worry, auntie, I haven't hurt them." Flurry replied. "Quite the opposite, actually. They’re inside my special 'pleasure pods.’ They've never felt better because they've never felt this kind of pleasure. And now it's your turn." Flurry then began a sexy saunter over towards her aunt. Twilight knew she had to act, but she didn't want to harm her niece. Instead, she cast a shield spell and surrounded Flurry in a magic bubble.

"Flurry Heart, I won't hurt you, but I know you have to still be in there."

"Auntie, I've told everypony else. This is me now. Perhaps you need a visual demonstration." Instead of forcing her way out, Flurry simply began kissing the magic shield, leaving multiple purple kiss marks behind. She also pushed her boobs up to the edge of the shield to show them off to her aunt. Twilight was confused but also blushed profusely at the perverted display. "What's the matter, auntie? Does the sight of your niece all grown up showing off her body turn you on?"

"N-no." Twilight stuttered. "And it doesn't matter; it won't get you free from my magic."

"It didn't have to. I just needed to hold your attention while I waited for your friends to be finished."

"Finished?" Before Twilight could ponder what that meant, Rainbow's pod opened up, revealing the technicolor pegasus with heart eyes and a kiss mark on her forehead. Soon after that, the other pods did the same. All of Twilight's closest friends were now Flurry's minions. "No! Girls, you have to fight this!"

The girls wasted no time and surrounded Twilight before starting to cover her in kisses. With Twilight's focus broken, the shield surrounding Flurry disappeared, and she began walking towards Twilight. The rest of the girls stepped away, showing Twilight with kiss marks all over her face and a dazed expression.

"Like I told you, auntie Twilight. You'll be my last conquest." Flurry then gave the ruler of Equestria a deep, passionate kiss on the lips, and it was all over for her. Everypony in Equestria was now under Flurry's control. Perhaps one day she'd expand her regime, but for now, she was content to just enjoy the company and the sweet lips of her aunt.