In the Dark of the Dungeons

by The Pimp Writer

First published

Long Lance has been tasked with taking out the trash. It just so happens the trash is in fact the heads of Princess Celestia and Queen Chrysalis. And their bodies, naturally. And he's gonna fuck 'em. Naturally.

Long Lance has been tasked with taking out the trash. It just so happens the trash is in fact the heads of Princess Celestia and Queen Chrysalis. And their bodies, naturally. All Lance has to do is get rid of them and he can get back to his usual activities. But, well...

It would be a real shame if all that meat went to waste, wouldn't it?

Contains: Necrophilia, M/F, Size Difference, Bug Pussy, Cervical Penetration, and Reverse Blowjobs

This was a commission for Gorat

Special thanks to Sinful Gold for editing.

Off with Their Heads!

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Long Lance was a simple stallion with simple needs.

He wasn’t particularly remarkable looks wise. He had the standard white coat you expected of a castle guard, a green mane and tail he kept thinking about dyeing blue to fit in more but never getting around to it. He was maybe an inch or so above average height, and decently muscled. He stuck to his training regimen fairly religiously.

He was thankful for that as he dragged the heavily laden cart through the bowels of the castle. It was a pain, but it could have been significantly worse if he wasn’t in as good shape as he was. Nopony had lit any of the torches down in here for at least a few years it seemed, and Lance had to light them himself as he went. At least the stone pathway had a gentle downcline, which made pulling the cart slightly easier.

He tried to ignore his cargo. It wouldn’t do him well to dwell on what he was carrying. As he cast a quick fire spell to light the next torch, he felt the weight in the cart shift and he looked back on instinct.

It wasn’t like he hadn’t already seen them when he was tasked with hauling them down here. All the same, there was just something about seeing Celestia and Chrysalis like this. Both mares were dead; getting your head chopped off tended to do that. Their bodies had been dumped in the cart, their heads tossed in after them. Blood still leaked from the stumps, dripping from the cart and leaving Lance a crimson trail of breadcrumbs for when he had to make his way back.

The execution had been less than an hour ago. Nightmare Moon had defeated the combined might of Celestia and Chrysalis, bringing the unlikely allies to their knees. Apparently not liking the idea of two such mares continuing to live and potentially rising up against her again, Nightmare Moon had them executed barely a week after their defeat. And then, not even waiting for the blood to stop spurting out, she dumped them in the cart and tasked Lance with disposing of them.

“In the pit under the castle,” she had told him. “With the rest of the garbage.”

His new queen had wanted to make a point. Whether it was about the two dead mares or Lance, the stallion wasn’t sure. He had decided to jump the fence and join her not too long ago, so this was likely some sort of loyalty test. Or hazing ritual.

Lance sighed and adjusted the straps of his harness; they kept coming loose. At least, once he was done here, he could go see about that giant orgy of sex, violence, and food that was happening topside. Nightmare Moon had made a declaration about the party lasting forever, so it should last a few days minimum.

He had gotten so used to the path being smooth that he didn’t even register the rock when he trotted past it. He only realized it was there when the wheel ran over it. The rock seemed to coincide with a sudden and sharp increase of the steepness of the path. Before Lance knew what was happening, the cart was tipping and turning, picking up momentum even as it swung off balance.

He moved on instinct, rolling and dodging to the side. For once he could appreciate how bad the harness straps were, as they came apart in an instant and ensured he didn’t get dragged down with the cart. He watched it trundle along, bouncing on its wheels down the sharp incline before hitting more level ground below. It ended up on its side, dumping its load.

Lance sighed and got to his hooves. Just his luck.

He approached the crash slowly, looking over the cart first. Aside from being on its side, one wheel still spinning, it seemed to have weathered the crash just fine. He turned his attention next to the bodies, nose wrinkling not quite in disgust, more annoyance.

Celestia and Crysalis’s bodies were right next to each other, their heads having rolled a few feet away. As Lance approached them, it dawned on him just how big they both were. Chrysalis’s body, laying on its side, showed she was tall and lanky. If she was alive and standing, she would have towered over him with ease. And although she might have been a bit taller, in terms of sheer volume Celestia had her beat easily.

The now deceased Sun Princess was big. She had fallen on her belly, hooves splayed out, giving him a good view of her form. Her shoulders were perhaps only a bit wider than his own, but her hips were truly magnificent. At their widest, they might have been as wide as he was from chest to rump. Maybe ever wider. And speaking of rumps, hers probably weighed more than most ponies.

Lance wasn’t overly worried about getting them back into the cart. He was confident his magic could lift them. It was just… He understood they had to be dealt with for opposing his Queen, but it just seemed like a waste of perfectly good meat.

He breathed a bit shallowly now and he glanced around, as if there could possibly be anypony near enough to see him. He closed the distance to Celestia, approaching her from behind. This close he could smell the faint odor of blood, somewhat masked by a sweeter scent he assumed to be Celestia’s natural perfume. Both smells mingled with the undeniable aroma of sweat. He could see it on her flank, matting her fur. With a trembling hoof, he reached out to touch.

She was still wet, still warm…

He pressed his hoof harder against her flank, feeling the flesh squish under it. A sort of thrill went up his spine. Some ponies had gone their whole lives without getting so much as a decent look at Celestia’s ass, and here he was touching it.

His cock stirred as he put both hooves on that glorious flank, spreading Celestia’s ass cheeks apart and gazing on the prize nestled within. Her cunt was big, enough that he thought he could get an entire hoof up there with ease. The lips were fat and a soft pink color, parted slightly by her sizable clit. Moisture glistened in the torchlight. She was wet down there as well. Lance leaned down and sniffed. By the Moon, she smelled like a ripe mare, one begging for a proper fucking.

Lance wondered for a moment how Celestia’s body was still warm, still wet. Magic?


He nodded to himself. Definitely magic.

Lance couldn’t deny his arousal any longer. His cock had grown long and hard, nearly slapping against his belly as it twitched and throbbed. Some would assume his name to be indicative of his skill with the sort of lance one jousted with. In truth, he had never even held such a weapon and his namesake was instead for the lance growing from his groin. It gave most mares pause when they saw it, leading to more hoof, magic, and tongue jobs than proper sex for Lance.

But, for a mare with as big a cunt as Celestia, it was perfect.

Lance lined his cock up with her pussy, her warm, wet folds inviting him in. He pushed in easily, sliding in the first few inches while he got a good grip on her mountain of an ass. Once he was situated, he buried the length of his dick in her with a single, brutal thrust. Her ass jiggled with the impact and Lance’s legs wobbled. It was almost cliche, but her pussy was heavenly. She was even warmer inside, plush, velvety flesh hugging every inch of his cock.

He gasped and groaned, losing his balance for a moment and collapsing against her. As he rested his chin on her spine, he got a very noticable reminder that the mare he was fucking had no head. Lance chuckled and got his hooves back underneath him. He grabbed hold of her tail with his teeth and, with his new handle, started fucking Celestia’s fat ass in earnest.

The loud slap of flesh on flesh bounced off the stone walls. It echoed back on Lance as his hips impacted hers with full strength for the first time. Her ass rolled and jiggled from the force of it, reminding Lance of a particularly thick bowl of gelatin. He snorted and quickly did it again and again. He increased his speed, until it sounded like a dozen ponies fucking in one big heat orgy. He started spanking her ass while he was at it, making it jiggle even more.

At some point, as his breath grew ragged and sweat dripped down his body, Lance realized he couldn’t stop. Her pussy felt too good, warm, soft, just the right amount of tightness. Her ass was addictive as well, so big and jiggly it was akin to fucking a pair of pillows on a water bed.

Lance couldn’t say if he had been fucking Celestia for two minutes or two hours, only that by the time he came he was as sweaty as she was. He slammed himself to the hilt again and blew his load deep in the dead alicorn’s cunt, the hot cum shooting out of his cock almost painfully. His hips gave a few more shallow thrusts as he once more collapsed against her, slowly slipping down into the valley of her ass crack.

He stayed there for a little while, inhaling the aroma of her sweet scent mixed with sweat, a hint of blood, and now a good amount of cum. His softening cock slipped out of her creamed pussy, a few globules of cum leaking out with it. Slowly, carefully, Lance stood up.

He considered what he had just done. He couldn’t recall the exact laws on necrophilia, but he was certain there were some. He looked at Celestia’s body; even after fucking her, she hardly looked any different than before. Her pussy was slightly agape and oozing cum, but otherwise just the same as before. His eyes slipped away from her for a moment to glance over at Chrysalis’s body just a few feet away, forgotten in his lust for Celestia.

Lance found himself wondering what changeling pussy was like.

“In for a bit, in for a pound,” Lance said with a low chuckle, his horn lighting up.

He flipped Celestia onto her back, spreading her legs and letting her fat body settle. He was distracted for a moment by her teats, formerly hidden under her bulk, now exposed to his hungry eyes. His cock stirred, but he managed to control himself long enough to pick up Chrysalis’s body in his magic. She was significantly lighter than Celestia, which was no surprise, but still heavier than Lance thought she’d be.

He laid the two bodies belly to belly, pulling Chrysalis’s back a bit so her ass and cunt were right above Celestia’s. He noted how the former queen had teats as well, although hers were quite small and flat. Lance’s cock throbbed, almost fully hard again as he spread apart Chrysalis’s pert buttcheeks to gaze upon her pussy.

The outer lips were plump and just as black as the rest of her body, making it a bit difficult to distinguish her individual curves in the low light. Lance reached out with his magic to push her lips apart and found himself gazing upon bright, neon green flesh. He marveled for a moment, so used to the regular pink of Equestrian mares. He leaned in and sniffed. Chrysalis smelled different than Celestia. Tangier, her scent tickling his nose and reminding him of tree sap. He stuck his tongue into her, just a bit, licking up her thicker, stickier juices.

Lance clambered up as best he could the little cuddle puddle of mares he had made, getting a grip on the thinner, lankier Chrysalis and lining his dick up with her snatch. He had some difficulty getting in, more trouble than he had with Celestia at any rate, the bug queen’s cunt smaller and tighter. But he was determined, hungry to know what it felt like to fuck a queen, and persisted, her pussy finally giving way to his unyielding cock.

She reminded him of a regular mare for a moment; on the occasions when one would allow him to properly fuck her, he ran into similar problems. At least Chrysalis couldn’t complain about it hurting.

The comparisons fell away as he slotted in the first few inches. While Celestia was the pinnacle of what a mare’s cunt should be, Chrysalis’s was something else entirely. It was tighter, which was to be expected, but that wasn’t all. It was ribbed.

Her cunt was ribbed for his pleasure.

Lance’s snickers soon became moans as Chrysalis’s cunt sucked him deeper. The ribs were stiff, but not hard, curved inward to suck him deeper. He was more than happy to oblige, feeding the tight, hungry hole his meat an inch at a time. Before he had gone balls deep he ran into resistance, his head battering up against something even tighter. Her cervix?

Lance had never fucked a mare to her cervix before. They usually stopped before he even got close. But, there was no stopping now, was there? He laughed and moaned as he pulled halfway out, her snatch hugging at him, begging him not to go. He quickly slammed back into her, cockhead battering against her cervix. But not penetrating. Not yet.

A clear goal before him, Lance fucked the changeling queen in earnest, the sounds of flesh slapping flesh once again filling the air. He worked like a stallion knocking down a wall, hitting against it again and again with all his strength, feeling it give a little each time. He wormed a hoof down between the two mares, to Chrysalis’s belly, feeling her flesh stretch around his cock as he fucked her, the knowledge itself making his dick even harder.

Eventually, on a particularly brutal thrust, he battered down her defenses and pushed his cock right up into her womb. Or would that be egg sac? Lance neither knew nor cared, only focused on the ungodly tightness. He reached out with his magic as he gut fucked the dead queen, pulling up her severed head by the hair.

Her expression was one of rage, which would make sense if she was still alive. Being turned into some stallion’s personal cock sleeve might be upsetting to the once proud queen. Or maybe she would have loved it. Again, it mattered little.

Lance took in her face, jaws open, drool still leaking from her fangs and lips, her long serpentine tongue hanging out. He brought her head forward for a kiss as he wrecked her innards, sucking on her tongue as he fucked her womb.

When his orgasm came, it technically wasn’t any bigger than it had been with Celestia. But, since Chrysalis was smaller, it was much more spectacular. He never stopped fucking her as he came, the first thick ropes of cum filling her buggy womb to the brim. The next spurts filled in every nook and cranny of her magnificent pussy, even spilling out to run down her thighs. After that, it was all just overflow, hot stallion spunk cascading down both their legs, dripping on Celestia below.

He broke the kiss right about when his orgasm ended, coming away with a wet ‘muwah’. His softening cock slipped out of her ruined snatch, the green and black now almost completely overcome with white.

Lance slowly slid down to the floor again, bringing Chrysalis’s head down with him as he sat on his haunches. He regarded his work, a pair of ruined holes and a healthy glaze of cum on both their backsides. He smirked as he glanced at Chrysalis’s head, something occuring to him.

He set the changeling queen’s head aside and reached out with his magic, groping around until he found Celestia’s head and pulled it over. The former princess’s expression was one of quiet resignation, with just a hint of panic. Lance chuckled as he ran a hoof along her jaw.

“Sorry, Celly, shouldn’t have left you out of the kissing,” he said, pressing his lips to herself. As to be expected, she was softer than Chrysalis, not that he minded.

Suddenly, amid his quickly reawakening dick, Lance had an idea. He broke the kiss and turned Celestia’s head around, revealing the stump of her neck. He forced his dick up through the waiting hole. He gasped softly as her throat clutched at him, her flesh making sounds that could be mistaken for gagging as he pushed up and out of her mouth. He pulled her down until her head was fully impaled on his cock, the head and a good portion of the shaft going past her lips. Next, he pulled over Chrysalis’s head.

The former changeling queen’s face was locked in a snarl, contrasting with Celestia’s more resigned expression. He lined her mouth up with his cock, her tongue flopping out of her mouth, wet drool dripping down. Her fangs scrapped lightly against his flared head as he pushed it into her mouth and then her throat. He took his time, violating her neck slowly, enjoying the strange ribbing her esophagus had.

The two former allies' lips met in a kiss on his cock, their expressions no doubt mirroring how they would have felt had they been alive for such a display. Lance flopped on his back, using his magic to work the two mares’ heads up and down his dick. It was heavenly, able to experience both their contrasting innards at once.

The two mares managed to drag another orgasm out of him in short order. Being so close on the heels of his last, Lance only managed a single spurt of thick cum, which dribbled out the bottom of Chrysalis’s neck. He pulled them off his cock and flopped onto his back, laid there with the heads of the mares on either side of him.

Lance wasn’t sure how long he had been laying there, only that by the time he willed himself to sit up he was feeling thirsty and a bit peckish. He looked at the faces of the mares beside him, then at their stacked bodies behind him. And then at the cart still laying on its side.

With a tired sigh, Lance realized what he had to do. He gently eased the cart back onto its wheels and carefully returned the bodies to it. First Celestia, Lance grunting a little with the magical effort of lifting her lucious form. Chrysalis next, naturally, laid upon the bigger mare. He deposited their heads in the crook of Celestia’s foreleg, right beside each other. That done, Lance conjured up a heavy tarp. It wasn’t hard, just a simple teleportation spell.

He laid the tarp over the wagon, tying it down so it concealed the wagon’s cargo. He then redid the straps around his body and started what he was sure would prove to be a long and strenuous journey back up through the castle and eventually to his home.

Lance knew it was foolish, but he simply couldn’t let this much good meat go to waste. And, in a sense, he was doing just what his Queen wanted. She wanted Celestia and Chrysalis utterly humiliated after they dared to oppose her. And that’s just what Lance intended to do over the next few weeks. Few months if he could find an alchemist to sell him some preservation crystals.

This whole thing might make him miss out of the rager of a victory party that Nightmare Moon was throwing, but Lance didn’t mind. After all, he was at heart a simple stallion. With simple needs.