> Lecherous Luncheon > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dine In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lunch special, hayburger and carrot fries, only 5 bits, the words effortlessly scrawled over the stoic brown mare’s side, as she leisurely paced before the eatery. Some ponies gave her a curious glance, with a few even taking heed of her advert, though a great many went along without giving her a second look. Sighing, Sign glanced down at her carpus, while causing the print of a watch to appear there. With the lunch rush nearly passed, she’d be able to soon take her allotted meal break; she just hoped that her friend wouldn’t be late for their date. Furrowing her brow, continuing on her seemingly ceaseless back-and-forth tour in front of the restaurant, she displayed the rolling notice of the ongoing sale.  Even in regards to other unicorns, Sign’s latent ability was an abnormality. Her magic allowed her to alter her coat, shifting its color to a midnight black with but a thought; the skill was immeasurably useful, considering she’d been mute since birth. Though she lacked the capacity to verbally speak, her sorcery did the talking for her. Quite literally - and ironically - she was often employed as a walking sign. Several local businesses frequently hired her to advertise their wares or cuisine, although it wasn’t terribly uncommon for her to work large venues for special events or exhibits. She’d likely never strike it rich with her typical labor, yet she always managed to get the bills paid. All told, it was a relatively simple and boring affair, but it gave her a reason to get out of the house. Come on, get your lunch here, it’s cheap and greasy, Sign repeated, her patience wearing thin. She’d been at it for a hoofful of hours already and she was growing impatient with the hopefully impending arrival of her friend. Standing near the door, she produced a large arrow on her rump, directing any would-be patrons inside. “My, my, my...Why shouldn’t I be surprised that you’re using your best asset to garner attention…” a lilting voice chuckled, causing Sign to turn. There, naught but a few feet away, stood a plump alabaster unicorn. Snow white from head to hoof, save for her crimson mane and tail - each streaked with a shock of black - the mare smugly smiled back at her. A smattering of freckles sat on her cheeks, just above her mischievous smirk. At the sight of her, Sign couldn’t help but grin; it was rare that she and Lilith went out with one another, so she’d be sure to relish their all-too-brief time together. “Darling, it’s been far too long,” Lilith cooed, trotting forward to hug her friend. Wrapping one hoof around her fellow unicorn, giving the mare a squeeze, Sign stepped away. Not my fault, since you stay cooped up all the time, she countered, scrunching her snout. “Nothing’s stopping you from visiting more often, my door is always open for you, Dear,” Lilith demurely laughed, holding a hoof to her face. Truth be told, each had fallen into a bit of a routine. Lilith often haunted her mansion, busying herself with art or toying with the help, since she had no concern of making ends meet. Sign, however, would occupy her free time with, as she put it, “typical nerd stuff”. Sculpting miniatures, painting them, and occasionally using said models for tabletop games were her usual ways to relax, although she wasn’t opposed to reading the periodic romance novel either. “So, is this fine - Ahem - delicatessen a suitable location for our unforgettable luncheon?” Lilith asked, peering over at the painfully pedestrian restaurant.  As good as any, plus I get a discount, the text lazily scrolled over Sign’s chest, beneath her nonplussed face. “In that case,” the ivory unicorn began, holding up a foreleg expectantly, “shall we?” Sign nodded and took Lilith’s hoof in her own. Leading her friend into the eatery and selecting a small, vacant booth, the two ponies seated themselves. While the former was acquainted with the available meals - partially because she’d printed the menu on herself several times over - the latter wasn’t as familiar with what the place had to offer. Knitting her brow, Sign noticed the distinct absence of Lilith’s companion. Bubbles, a disembodied skull, had been a confidant of hers for ages. She’d crafted the familiar as a youth, upon first discovering her ability to form constructs from ink. The floating cranium typically followed her around like a disconcerting, cynical puppy, so it was odd that he wasn’t present. Where’s bubbles? the query materialized down Sign’s shoulder, as she eased herself back. A moment passed without reply, before she realized Lilith was too busy scanning the room. Nudging the mare’s inner thigh, with the hoof of her hind leg, she drew her friends attention. Lilith started, as the keratinous appendage brushed against her. Positioned as she was, with her equipment dangling over the edge of her seat, Sign had nearly prodded her package. “Hmm? Oh! He’s at the manor, tending to our new maid,” she responded. New maid? The words, replacing the former question, were punctuated by Sign cocking her head to the side. “Yes, Mother hired some additional help for the estate. Granted, she failed to consult me about the matter, although the new servant is quite the catch, especially after I was done properly outfitting her for the role,” Lilith explained, tittering slightly. Let me guess...the words crept over Sign’s foreleg, while she shamelessly simulated a blowjob with her hoof. “You know me too well,” Lilith laughed, wriggling in her seat. It was true, she had equipped their new family employee with a marecock, though the girl had hardly seemed to mind.  Sign simply rolled and closed her eyes, allowing the letters SL and UT to adorn her eyelids. For as long as she’d known Lilith, the cheeky dickmare had possessed a wanton penchant for lewd shenanigans, so she wasn’t at all surprised by the admission. Retracting her hoof, caressing her friends inner thigh, she withdrew. “Sign, behave!” Lilith giggled. The scandalous game of hoofsie, while unexpected, wasn’t genuinely unappreciated. Between the ruminations of her newly acquired staff member and subtle tease, her length twitched slightly. Before their conversation could continue, a waitress briskly trotted over to their table and smiled congenitally at the two. “So, what can I get you young mares this afternoon?” “I believe I’ll have the house salad and an iced tea. Sign?” Lilith ordered, looking to her friend. Hot tea with milk and two sugars, the brown mare silently responded, extending a hoof to clearly display the message. “Can do! It’ll be out in a jiffy!” the server responded, giving them each a nod. Watching the waitress flee, Sign turned to her friend. You should have hired me instead, crawled over Sign’s arm, as she rested her head on her forehoof. Reclining, spreading her forelegs over the back of the seat, the dark silhouette of an illustrated cock crept up her abdomen. After all, I could give you a thorough cleaning...seamlessly flowed over her, just above the dark image of stallionhood. Waving a hoof, Lilith averted her gaze. “Such a tease,” she sighed, fanning herself. Though the notion of embellishing her friend with a stallionhood was entertaining, she knew better. Sign understood her better than anypony, so such a development would lead to nothing but endless hijinks. Shifting in place, keenly aware of her steadily growing erection, she sought to distract herself. “So, where have you been staying while working in Canterlot?” she asked, attempting to change the subject. Sitting back, fully cognizant of Lilith’s effort to steer the conversation, Sign decided to indulge her companion.With a friend of mine, she responded. Coffee Caramel, at the Doppio Day. It’s a cozy little café here in town, I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it. “You’re staying in the cafe?” Lilith pressed, askance with the notion of her friend sleeping on the floor of a coffeehouse. Sign simply gave the mare a sidelong look and wrinkled her nose, before she resignedly shook her head. Not in the cafe, above the café. Caramel’s apartment is over the shop. “Well, that’s certainly a relief. I’d be hurt if you thought you’d have to stay on the floor of some establishment,” Lilith huffed, put off by the thought.  Beginning to materialize a rebuke on her shoulder, Sign caught herself. She’d almost been diverted from getting her friend worked up - almost. Reclining, seemingly made herself comfortable, she indifferently looked to the side. So, about your maid… “Oh, she’s a treat! She took the job with us after her graduation. Of course, I don’t anticipate she’ll be with us for too terribly long, although I’ll surely enjoy having her around,” the pale unicorn continued. When did Victoria hire her? Sign asked, feeling a pang of amused pity for the poor young mare. “Just the other week. Oh, thank you!” Lilith chirped, as their beverages were delivered. “But she’s taken to the position like a fish to water.” A twinge of jealousy shot through Sign, though she did her best not to show it. Sipping her tea, she felt compelled to goad additional details from her friend. I hope you haven’t been too hard on her... “Not at all, other than on her first day. Though, I must say, the poor girl was positively shocked when she ‘accidentally’ found herself swinging that log of flesh around,” Lilith giggled, remembering distressed expression her employee had gotten; clearly, she hadn’t minded that much, considering she’d succumbed to her newfound urges rather quickly. Sensing weakness, with the topic back on course, the barest hint of a grin flashed over Sign’s face. How big? rolled over one forelimb, as her friend looked over. “How bi…” Lilith began, before she slowly squinted at Sign. “You mean the cock I gave her, don’t you…” Sign simply nodded, as she held her forehooves before herself; languidly spreading them apart from each other, numerals appeared on her chest. The larger the gap became, the higher the visualized measurement crept, as she attempted to decipher the approximate size of dong the poor housemaid had been outfitted with. “About that size, I should think,” Lilith remarked, noting the counter reach nearly twenty-seven centimeters. With the length determined, having plastered the number on her shoulder, Sign moved to measuring for width. Reaching the rough girth, just over five cm across, the measurement joined the first. Impressive...Sign silently remarked, giving a noiseless giggle. “Not the biggest I’ve had, to be sure, but Fleur seems to be getting the hang of wielding it decently well,” Lilith commented, as her mind steadily drifted into debaucherous waters. All the talk of stallionhoods wasn’t helping her situation in the slightest, leaving her own tool to throb lightly. Growing ever larger, gently pressing against the underside of the table, she attempted to remain collected. With any luck, the conversation would steer away from lascivious subjects and allow her to recover. Unfortunately, her company wasn’t one to let a sleeping dog lie. Leaning to the side, peeking beneath the table, Sign smiled openly. As she’d suspected, the dickmare was rock hard, or very close to it. Lilith, while generally impish and lighthearted, was a bit deceptive; while out and about, the well-off unicorn would generally act aloof and well mannered, befitting her family’s status - although, should certain conditions be met, she could get rather indecent. Sitting back up, brushing the mane from her face, Sign apathetically looked over at her friend. Might want to do something about that, materialized on her foreleg, as she pointed towards the dickmare’s crotch. “Darling, exactly how do you propose I do that?” Lilith groaned, rolling her eyes.  Thoughtfully tapping her chin, Sign found herself in a pickle. Were she not on the clock, she would have gleefully wriggled under the table to choke herself on the length of inky black pony meat. Sadly, given the restaurant was a regular employer, she wasn’t willing to abandon the source of income for a throat full of dick. Still, that didn’t mean there weren’t other ways she could take advantage of the situation. As a waitress walked by, levitating a tray of salads to a nearby family booth, Sign was stricken by an idea. Glancing over, noting a group of stallions at the large table, the corner of her mouth turned up. Quietly nodding her head towards the nearby bunch of studs, she rested her forelimbs on the table. Could always offer those gentlecolts some dessert… Lilith’s eyes went wide for a moment, before smirking playfully at her friend. “Are you insinuating that I…” she trailed off, as her gaze wandered to the neighboring group of stallions. The dull Thud of her tool impacting the underside of the table finished her statement, saying far more than she ever could. Without a word, scribed upon herself or otherwise, Sign sidled off of her seat and into the isle. Casually ignoring Lilith’s attempts to gain her attention, she boldly trotted over to the booth of ponies. Placing her hooves on their table, drawing their attention, she looked to each of them in turn. Is everyone enjoying their meal? she inquired, the words rolling over her foreleg, as she waved at them. A congenial response of nods and muted affirmations greeted her, signalling that she proceed. Turning, strolling back to her booth, she extended a hoof to her friend. Lilith eyed her friend, attempting to discern the mare’s motive. True, Sign was intimately aware of her wanton proclivities, though that’s exactly what had her worried; she trusted her friend, of course, yet that trust had seen her into several sticky situations in the past. Clutching her companion’s hoof, sliding out of her seat, she was gently pulled towards the group of stallions. Gentlecolts, Sign began, the script winding over her limb, may I interest you in a complementary final course? The party looked at her, assuredly confused about the question. Without skipping a beat, she pulled her friend to herself and turned the mare to face away. Lilith’s heart began to race, as she came to terms with what was occurring. If she had wanted to, she could have easily fled or told Sign to stop, though that wasn’t the case. Standing there, feeling a hoof pry at one snowy cheek of her rump, her tail reflexively swung to the side. Gnawing her lip, forcing herself to stay quiet, she silently waited for the scene to unfold. As you can see, Sign continued, gesturing to the prominent black pucker nestled in the cleft of Lilith’s tush, this salad needs tossing. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind a thick hot injection of creamy topping...Several of the ponies openly blushed, but there was one who had his eyes locked on Lilth’s ass. Seizing the moment, she nodded to him. I take it you’d like a taste? The stallion immediately shoved his nearly empty plate to the side, clearing an area before himself. Walking to Lilith’s side, placing one foreleg around her friend’s neck, she walked the mare to the table. While her companion remained mute, silently complying and moving towards the group, she ushered her friend forward. Placing one hoof onto the table, rearing to her hind legs, Lilith’s freely visible equipment slapped against her underbelly. Pulling herself onto the wooden surface, she carefully eased herself down and brought her derriere to the aforementioned diner’s face. Splaying her hind legs, resting them on the stallion’s shoulders, she waggled her backside invitingly. Without preamble, the customer drug his tongue up her taint and towards her backdoor. A shiver went up her spine, as he sniffed and kissed his way around her ass. Beyond the physical sensations of such treatment, the situation as a whole was undeniably hedonistic. Glancing over her shoulder, surveying the gathered ponies, her eyes eventually settled upon Sign’s smug face. Sign smiled to herself, while she watched the stallion worship her friend’s ass. Under normal circumstances, should a pony do something so audacious in a public space, they would have been immediately asked to stop, but that wasn’t the case. Lilith’s family, exceptionally old and undeniably wealthy, held no small amount of clout within Canterlot, so they were often left to do as they pleased.  While such shameless displays were relatively rare, they were dealt with in a concise, professional manner. Victoria, quick to cover for her daughter’s wanton urges, would buy the silence of any onlookers or participants, often with a hefty amount of bits. It may have been a crude way to handle matters, but the family’s matriarch didn’t have much room to talk, since she was prone to lascivious proclivities of her own.  Trotting to Lilith’s face, Sign pointed a hoof towards the pony with his muzzle in her ass. You should tell him he’s doing a good job. Customer Service 101. “Mmmmmm, really get in there,” Lilith purred. Igniting her magic, she pulled the stud’s face into her behind, as he fought to oblige her request. Tingles of bliss coursed through her, causing her to wiggle her rump contentedly. Even though Lilith did her best to maintain her composure in front of commoners, the prod had a marked effect. A groan escaped her, as her eyes wandered to each of the stallions. All of them were intently watching the spectacle, save for one who dejectedly continued to poke at his meal. Rocking her hips back, nearly entombing her suitor’s snout, she relished his treatment. Proudly observing her friend, thinking of how she could next up the ante, Sign felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. Turning to see who’d disturbed her, she found a duo of stallions shifting uncomfortably next to her. Kinda busy, she hastily noted, brightly displaying the words on her shoulder. “Oh - uh - we wanted to see if we could get next?” one of the two responded, anxiously smiling. Gesturing the pair to the side, next to the booth of sinful activity. Start a queue there, her instructions appeared on her flank, as she strolled over to the stud with his countenance in Lilith’s derriere. As entertaining as the show was, she realized there was an opportunity knocking at the door. Softly patting his shoulder, Sign drew the stallion’s attention. Rearing back, with saliva smeared over his muzzle, he confusedly looked up at her. The appetizer is about to conclude, she explained, pointing a hoof towards his painfully turgid length, but you get to make your own creampie for dessert.  The pony’s eyes went alight, as he read her noiseless message. Practically scrambling out of his seat, attempting to mount Lilith on the table, Sign swiftly snatched up a menu with her magic and bopped him on the nose. Enthusiastic or not, there was a right and a wrong way to rut somepony on a table. Looking positively wounded, he peered down at her. You’ll be first, hold your horses. Give me a second to get things ready, Sign scolded, waving the over-eager pony down. The flurry of activity, paired with the jarring removal of the tongue in her ass, caused Lilith to glance over her shoulder. Given Sign’s lack of auditory output, she had no way of knowing what her friend was up to. Strangely, the quiet brown unicorn seemed to be orchestrating something, pointing here or there, so she realized there was some manner of game afoot. Grabbing one of Lilith’s fetlocks, Sign gently pulled upon her friend’s hind leg; ultimately repositioning her aft over the end of the table. Her initial placement, while optimal from a diner’s perspective, wouldn’t quite do for what she had in mind. Hauling the mare around, allowing her inky black package to flop over the polished surface, she gave the unicorn an affectionate pat on the flank. Peering over at the growing line of stallions, as well as a hung mare or two, Lilith’s heart fluttered. To be sure, the last thing she’d expected from a lunch date was to be presented for a bunch of worked up ponies, though she wasn’t about to complain. Spreading her hind legs and lifting her tail, she awaited her first patron. You’re up, appeared on Sign’s chest, as she clapped the young stud on the shoulder. Gleefully, the unnamed pony trotted forward and unceremoniously mounted the alabaster unicorn. Watching the stallion bucking away, his tool ricocheting off of one meaty bun, she turned her attention elsewhere. Excitement or not, she realized that the stunt may not go over well with her employers, and that they likely wouldn’t want their establishment being known for such activity - as such, she speedily concocted a countermeasure. Briskly strolling to the front of the eatery, she moved to the servers’ station. Plucking a coin filled fish bowl from beside the cash register, which the restaurant used for tips, she returned to her post. Furrowing her brow, wondering why the stallion hadn’t found home yet, Lilith peeked over her shoulder. Beyond employing her magic, there wasn’t much she could do. The prodding was ceaseless, smearing her rear with pre-cum, as he bucked away. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of missed thrusts, she opened her mouth to speak - just as the blunt tip of his length hammered against, and into, her entrance. Her protest died in her throat, being replaced by a guttural groan, when she was penetrated. Wasting no time, shuffling into position, the stallion plunged into her with reckless abandon. Plowing her like a colt on prom night, lacking any finesse or grace, he committed himself to slaking his thirst. Tips are welcome! Sign proudly displayed, walking past the growing queue of ponies. Trust me, she mutely laughed, setting the tip jar on the floor, this mare could use a drink after this! The comment drew a few chuckles from the assembly, though two immediately stepped forward to toss a few bits into the container. Sitting beside her friend, giving herself a prime view of the action, she made herself comfortable. Turning her head, Lilith looked Sign in the eye. “E...enjoying - Unf - yourself?” she wheezed, rocking slightly under the impetus of her partner’s frantic movements. Sign simply grinned and stuck out her tongue, upon which was printed Ye. Clamping down around the stallion’s shaft, milking him with the backstrokes, Lilith bit her tongue. Though she knew nothing about the guy, he was clearly a novice in the bedroom, exceptionally excited to get his dick wet, an exhibitionist, or some combination of the three. His waist rhythmically slammed into her, as he jackhammered her behind. Slipping a glance over, realizing he likely wouldn’t last terribly long, she took stock of the growing line. Bucking away like a beast possessed, the stud’s motions steadily lost cohesion. Snorting, gritting his teeth, he hunched over and hilted her, jamming every inch of his dick into her backdoor. A small deluge of seed went coursing through his length, painting the unicorn’s interior as he came. Feeling her partner dismount, Lilith rolled her eyes. She’d figured he would be a relatively quick shot, given how fervent he’d been, though she hadn’t anticipated he’d pop that quickly. Curling her forelegs under her chin, making herself comfortable, the absence of her first suitor was replaced by the all too familiar feeling of hooves locking around her waist. As the second stallion, an older pegasus this time, got into position, Sign hopped off her seat. Considering there was nearly a dozen ponies waiting for a turn, and that Lilith didn’t have any manner of padding to relax upon, she sought to remedy the situation. Proceeding to the front of the diner, she snatched up a pair of pillows from two vacant chairs. “Yeah girl, I bet you love this, don’t you?” the pegasus grunted, plundering Lilith’s rear. “Uh-huh, yeah, that feels great,” she absentmindedly hummed, hoping that somepony in the line would make for a better mate. Being fucked, while physically stimulating, was only part of a good sexual encounter. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the mediocre sensations afforded by the stallion. Returning to her seat, making a passing note of the pegasus humping away, Sign resumed her post. Patting Lilith’s cheek, causing her friend to look up, she held one of the cushions aloft. Here, she displayed, sliding the pillow under her head. “Thanks, Darling,” Lilith cooed, placing her face on the proffered cushion. Thrusting into the dickmare, sending his nuts slapping against her package, the stallion’s hips became a blur. Gradually, the tip of his member began to flare, adding a touch of resistance to his plunges. Confidant that he’d outshone his predecessor’s lackluster performance, he unleashed his full fury upon the mare. Sliding her foreleg in front of Lilith, Sign subtly nodded to the queue. A dickmare is next...she clandestinely noted, waggling her eyebrows. “Finally,” Lilith hissed, keeping her voice low. Clearing her throat, she threw her head back. “Oh Celestia! Rut me harder, Daddy!” she wailed, hoping her theatrical outburst would push her mate over the edge. The lecherous cry had a profound and immediate effect, damn near causing the stallion to blow his load immediately. Caught off guard, mid thrust, his tool slipped free, spattering the floor with his load. Coughing, leaking spunk from his twitching dong, he unsteadily hopped off and threw a few bits into the tip jar. “Hope it was as good for you baby,” he croaked. “Oh, of course...Next,” Lilith bleated, weary with the stallion’s antics. One moment, Sign interjected, slipping the second pillow under Lilith’s belly and waist. Waving for the aforementioned dickmare to proceed, she reclined in her seat; whether or not the newest taker could outperform the prior two was yet to be seen, but she knew her friend had a penchant for well equipped mares.  Looking over to the stallions who’d remained seated, including the one who seemed hellbent on finishing his salad, she smirked cheekily. Better than dinner and a movie, am I right? she asked, giving the nearest one a playful nudge. “Would you look at that,” the scarlet dickmare chuckled, running a frog up Lilith’s length. “Well, if nothing else, those guys warmed you up for me,” she continued, circling the cum slick pucker with her hoof. “Dear...You’re not going to show them up, are you?” Lilith purred, peering back at the brightly colored unicorn. “That’s the plan,” the mare laughed, rearing back to grasp waist. “Name’s Forsaken, by the way,” she nonchalantly added, smoothly slipping her cock into Lilith’s well-used hole, “but for now, you can call me Mommy...” - with that, she steadily started pumping her hips. “Oh, Mommy…” Lilith groaned, her eyes fluttering. A gout of pre-cum escaped from her dangling prick, as the crimson mare’s medial ring ground against her prostate. Forsaken definitely had a better grasp at the carnal arts, in comparison to the previous two ponies. Taking her time, gradually thrusting deeper and deeper, the carmine unicorn gave Lilith her first adequate servicing of the afternoon. Sure, she may not have been as well hung as the older pegasus who’d made a mess of the floor, but she knew how to properly doll out a dicking. Humming contentedly, fixating on the sublime treatment, Lilith arched her back. Clenching and relaxing her hole, synchronizing her ministrations with the mare’s movements, she felt herself growing close. Not only was Forsaken the third pony to administer a pounding, but the comments of “Mommy”, as well as the fact that she was a dickmare who had some notion of giving a suitable rutting, pushed her ever nearer to the edge. The sight of watching the newest participant must have proven too much to bear, as one of the remaining stallions at the booth exited and joined the ever-growing line. With the additional space cleared, Sign spread her legs and absentmindedly massaged her marehood. Being privy to a salacious show was one thing, but seeing Lilith actually enjoying herself was another. “H...harder,” the pale unicorn whimpered, flexing her pelvic muscles. The act caused another jet of pre to jet from the crown of her shaft, adding to the puddle beneath her.  Feeling Lilith’s thighs tremble, a wicked grin split Forsaken’s face. Leaning in, draping herself over her mate’s back, she brought her muzzle to mare’s ear. “Be a good girl and cum for Mommy…” As the words drifted to her ear, Lilith acquiesced. Violently clamping herself around Forsaken’s length, bolts of pleasure shot through her frame. Pulling to her loins, her coal black nuts pumped foal batter up and through her rigid length, sending fitful bursts of jizz from her flared head. Mewling, squirming under her partner, a string of lewd expletives escaped her pouting lips. “Good girl,” Forsaken rasped, ramping up the speed and force of her thrusts. Pulling out the stops, now that she’d well and thoroughly one-upped the prior stallions, she jackhammered into the mare. Lilith’s eyes rolled wildly, at the dramatic change of pace. Caught mid-orgasm, the violent pounding caused her climactic bliss to redouble, leaving her breathless. At the dickmare’s mercy, shivering in delight, she moaned unintelligibly. With a load bludgeoned from her p-spot, she feebly sought to reciprocate her partner’s ardent humping. Burying her tool into Lilith’s ass, transitioning from long, steady plunges to short, energetic pistoning motions, Forsaken knew she was at her limit. Screwing her eyes shut, giving in to the pleasure, she fully hilted the mare. Growling, disgorging her foal batter into the unicorn’s depths, she surrendered herself. Sign’s hoof glided over her nethers, periodically drifting to her winking clit, as Forsaken leapt free. Hauling her soften dick from Lilith’s hole, leaving it to feebly grasp at the empty void, the scarlet dickmare trotted away. The line crept forward, as the next pony, a lanky unicorn, trotted forward and jumped into action. Finding herself increasingly worked up, a series of incomprehensible scribbles and nonsensical lines of frustration jittered over Sign’s flank. Gazing at Lilith’s sweat-streaked face, noting the tongue hanging limply from her maw, an idea began to formulate. Pushing herself up, she awkwardly crawled onto the table and put her precipitately thrown together plan into action. Wheezing, hauling air into her lungs, Lilith was lost to the post-coitus euphoria. It wasn’t until something hot and humid bumped against her snout that she opened her eyes. Peeking out, noticing a butterscotch colored marehood languidly rubbing against her muzzle. She grunted, instinctively lapping at the meaty folds before her, as the fourth pony drove themselves into her rump. Leaning back, bracing herself on her forelimbs, Sign savored Lilith’s oral. Not only did it feel great, but her positioning let her get a particularly captivating view of the action. Winking around her friend’s tongue, quietly sighing in satisfaction, she allowed the pleasure to wash over her. Enjoying herself, gyrating on Lilith’s face, Sign lost track of the procession. Stallion after stallion, dickmare after dickmare, one thrusting figure was replaced by the next, as the debaucherous parade proceeded. Biting her lip, as her friend fixated on her clit, obscene words sporadically appeared and disappeared about her frame. As her rapture mounted, the grip of her ability became tenuous. Random scribbles, explosions of blackness, and fractured statements wildly streamed over and within her body. Freeing one foreleg, she pulled Lilith’s head to herself, virtually cramming the mare’s muzzle into her snatch. She was so close, precariously teetering on the edge of relief, all she needed was one final little nudge. Subconsciously sensing Sign was at her limit, Lilith affectionately lipped and nibbled the sensitive bud of flesh on her lips. Her efforts were rewarded by a veritable eruption of nectar, as her friend peaked. Being plowed from behind, rocking forward into the succulent marehood, her face was coated sweet, tangy essence. Panting, Sign wiped her brow. While she hadn’t intended on getting involved or giving a free show, she felt sublimely refreshed. Staying in place, waving at the next pony in line, she drew the stallion’s attention. Hey, what number are you? Looking around, the earth pony shrugged. “Maybe tenth or twelfth? I didn’t keep track.” Mutely grumbling to herself, Sign shakily descended from her perch. All but the one stallion at the table had departed, either leaving the eatery or joining the queue to rut Lilith. Curiously, the one who’d been obstinately eating his meal remained, though he was blushing heavily. Upon closer inspection, the underside of the table was streaked with cum; apparently, at some point, he’d either gotten himself off or spontaneously ejaculated. Hopping back into her seat, just as the most recent taker busted the umpteenth nut in Lilith’s backside, Sign waved the next pony forward. Served: shone one one foreleg, while 16 appeared on the other. And so, the cavalcade of perversion continued. Equines of all shapes and sizes, as well as a lone gryphon and hippogriff, all had their way with Lilith’s immaculately displayed rump. Unfortunately for Sign, having sated herself, the show grew somewhat mechanical. Resigning herself to count their earnings, she let each of the would-be participants file by. As the ponies came and went, the scene of depravity didn’t go unnoticed by the restaurant’s patrons. Some customers fled, wanting no part of the bawdy show, while others sat and sated their voyeuristic lust. As would be expected, as word slowly spread, several ponies filed into the establishment, solely intent on getting in on the fun. As the hour passed, with each tool being quickly replaced by another, Lilith’s grasp on reality began to wane. She’d cum three times, or possibly four, but she couldn’t be sure. Lying there, being used, had taken a heavy toll on her senses. Awash in carnal contentment, with her mind in a haze, everything became a blur - that was, until it all ground to a halt. The all too familiar sound of a distinctive Tsk Tsk Tsk caused her to stir and drowsily glance over her shoulder. Her eyes went wide, despite her exhaustion, when she realized who was behind her. Standing at the end of the table, eyeing her heavily, stood an almost perfect mirror image of herself. Save for a difference in mane style, and looking slightly older, the mare could have been Lilith’s twin. A dark, pitch black length of stallion hood lie slung beneath her. Shaking her head, softly laughing to herself, the doppelganger was none other than Madam Victoria, her mother. Directing her attention to the silent brown unicorn, she dismissively waved a hoof. “Sign, I trust you’re doing well. If you could lend a helping hoof with my strumpet of a daughter,” she humbly requested, gesturing to her offspring. Sign nodded, clamored onto the table. Dragging Lilith further onto its surface, leaving her sticky loins to drape over one of the two cushions, she eased herself onto her friend’s back. Lying atop the mare, bringing her face above her companion’s derriere, she pried the mare’s sticky buns apart in preparation for Victoria’s impending punishment. “Lilith, I’m disappointed in you,” Victoria began, climbing onto the table, “out having all this fun and not even inviting your dear, sweet mother…” Positioning herself over her daughter’s behind, dragging her length between the spunk spattered cheeks of her rear, she rocked her hips back. Bringing the head of her mammoth marecock to her progeny’s swollen and agape backdoor, she drove herself into Lilith’s ass. As cum drunk as she was, Lilith raised her waist to her mother. Their relationship was interesting, to say the least. It wasn’t all that uncommon for them to fool around, oftentimes with Victoria taking a domineering role or ‘punishing’ her for some minor transgression. Of course, she’d often provoke such provocative encounters, but that was half the fun. “You’ve - Mmmph - been a - Nnngh - very bad girl,” Victoria grumbled, slowly beginning to rut her daughter. Angled as she was, perched directly above Lilith, the angle of her thrusts directly impacted the mare’s prostate. Like a locomotive, the inexorable force of her bucking hips steadily increased. A rictus grin spread over Lilith’s face, as she was fucked by her mom. Pre-cum gushed from her untouched length, spilling over the table and pillow. Even though she’d climaxed several times in the past hour, she could sense another growing ever nearer. The thought of being rutted by her own mother, in front of an audience, was simply the icing on the cake. With her face a scant few inches from Lilith’s stuffed hole, Sign had an unparalleled view of the action. The titanic ebony shaft rhythmically plunging into Lilith’s bottom was hypnotizing. The girthy length, disappearing and reappearing from the abused hole, glistened in the light of the diner. Given how positively engorged with jizz her friend was, there was no need for lube, as all the previous participants’ culminated foal batter proved more than adequate. Victoria’s neatly styled mane became undone, leaving wisps of her hair to drape over her face, as she screwed Lilith. Truth be told, she’d intentionally abstained from any release, in the hopes of fooling around with their new maid, yet her daughter had sabotaged her plans. Hammering downward, enjoying her child’s slippery and warm interior, she growled to assert her sovereignty. “I...I’m so sorry, Mommy,” Lilith whimpered, seizing herself around her matriarch’s tool. Pushing herself back, meeting Victoria’s movements, she yearned for the scalding influx of the older mare’s seed. Pistoning into her daughter, feeling herself starting to flare, Victoria fucked Lilith like the alpha dickmare she was. The bloated, fat crown of her length scraped against the unicorn’s depths. As the seconds passed, a weak dribble of cum grew to a miniature tsunami. Continuing to plow the lass, while disgorging untold pints of hot, virile seed, her motions did not cease. As badly as Lilith wished to beg for more, her body and mind had reached their breaking point. Howling, being bred by her mother, her orgasm undid her. Shaking uncontrollably, writhing in place, she was nothing more than a living receptacle for Victoria’s jizz. With the substantial load being added to the ejaculate sloshing around within her, her belly swelled and sagged. Submitting to the ecstasy, having been shown her place, her consciousness faded. Breathing heavily, leering down at her comatose progeny, Victoria’s eyes drifted to Sign. “Be a dear and get her home and cleaned up, if it’s not too much to ask,” she stoically noted, ingloriously unsheathing herself from the mare beneath her. Sign saluted, more than pleased to fulfill the request, as Victoria calmly descended from the table. Trotting away, casually tidying her mane, she made a mental note to compensate the restaurant for putting up with her child’s unruly behavior. Proceeding out the door, intent to get home and shower, she found some small solace in the fact that Sign would safely see Lilith home.  Crawling off of Lilith, watching cum seep from her friend’s ass, Sign got to the floor. Show’s over. Back to business as usual, she signaled, shooing away the remaining hoofful of interested ponies. Gathering up the overflowing tip jar, she strolled to the front of the diner. Lingering by the register, glowering at her, was the owner. Sorry about the mess, but maybe this will help, appeared on her front leg, as she held the heaped container of bits aloft. Snatching the jar from her grip, shaking his head in consternation, the proprietor disappeared into the back. Content that she hadn’t been disciplined, Sign turned and strode back to her friend. In all her years, she’d only seen Lilith in such a state once before, but it wasn’t good; the mare was a mess, painted and filled with more spunk than she fathomed to guess. Trotting over, easing her friend down, she gave the unicorn a gentle pat on the cheek. “W...where’s mom?” Lilith slurred, groggily looking about. Home. Come on, Sign responded, stooping low and getting Lilith’s foreleg around her neck. “Did we win?” the dazed mare asked, sluggishly glancing at her friend. Sign nodded, knowing there was no talking to Lilith at the moment. Shuffling along, making their way towards the door, she smiled to herself. Impromptu public use aside, her friend seemed relatively pleased with the outcome. Passing the register, to her surprise, the owner stood with a to-go bag. “Here,” he grumbled, holding the parcel to her, “y’all didn’t even get to eat.” Oh yeah, whoops. Thanks, Sign replied, levitating the offering with her magic. Strolling out the door, looking to the setting sun, Sign moved in the direction of Victoria’s manor. With her friend and meal in tow, she realized what the situation meant. Tasked with seeing the perverted unicorn home, she’d be free to spend the evening with her. Knowing she’d more than likely be out late, she figured she may as well make plans to crash at the lavish estate for the night. Plodding along, with her companion leaving a trail of jizz behind them, the corner of her mouth turned upward. With any luck, she’d be spending more quality time with Lilith in the day to come… > Take Out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sign gently awoke to the faint scent of vanilla invading her sinuses, as well as the sensation of something warm pressed against her belly. Cracking one eye open, she peered upon a disheveled, unmistakable crimson and onyx mane. Closing her eyes, relishing the moment, she sighed. Sign had known Lilith for longer than she could remember. Unlike herself, the unicorn was from a rather well-to-do family, so money wasn’t a concern. While she had to make a living as a walking promotional board, her friend was able to wile away her days in a mansion doing as she pleased. She wasn’t resentful about it, though it made finding time to visit difficult for her - which is why she’d been so excited to have a lunch date with her companion. The day before, after she’d escorted the cum-drunk mare back to her manor and gotten her washed up, she’d laid her down to bed. Given her lodgings were on the opposite side of town, Sign decided to stay the night. Lilith had offered to let her crash there for the evening, so she felt comfortable making herself at home. Truth be told, she could have chosen any number of guest rooms to stay in, but that wasn’t the case. Rolling around in a bed by one’s self was immeasurably dissatisfying, in comparison to sleeping with another - as such, after a brief shower, she’d returned to Lilith’s room. Slipping under the covers, cozying up to her fellow unicorn, she’d drifted off for the night. A sudden, gentle movement shook Sign from her reverie, robbing her of the chance to rest further. Peeking out at Lilith’s face, she brushed a lock of scarlet hair away from the mare’s eyes. She smiled, basking in the warmth her friend afforded - that was, until she felt something hot and fleshy flex against her abdomen. Realizing what it had to be, she focused on her companion’s tranquil visage. Somehow, even in her sleep, Lilith managed to pull off quite the adorable look. From her peaceful expression and pouting lips, to her gentle breathing and relaxed frame, she was the embodiment of serenity. For lack of a better word, it was all simply perfect. A second gentle nudge against her belly left her to smile, reminding her of yet another charming trait of the mare. Sign peeked down, noticing the cover draped over a prominent imprint at her friend’s waist. Lifting the blanket, knowing full well what awaited her, she looked beneath the sheets. The broad, fat tip of Lilith’s flaccid length lie against her stomach. Long, vascular, and jet black, the dickmare’s tool gorgeously contrasted her pale coat.  The mere sight of the appendage was enough to make her mouth water, sparking an idea. Considering she rarely spent the night in the same house as her friend, let alone in the same bed, she was given an exceptional opportunity. Glancing up to the mare’s face, she grinned impishly. Lilith hadn’t always been equipped with such a magnificent tool. Her ability to control ink allowed her to outfit ponies with fully functional bits of biology, so it was no surprise that she’d gifted herself the additional hardware. Given the fact that her mother was a dickmare was only part of the equation; given she also had a fondness for hung females, she’d simply decided to make herself one as well. Regardless of the meaty cock, there was no denying that Lilith was an exceptional mare. Short, cute, and deliciously plump, her aesthetic was only outshone by her personality. While externally reserved and pithy, she was also delightfully depraved and playful. Sure, she may not show it all the time, but her depravity always lurked below the surface. As stealthily as possible, moving with glacial speed, Sign inched down the mattress. Her face passed Lilith’s neck, chest, and belly, before it came to a halt in front of the semi-erect length of stallionhood. Inhaling through her nose, she savored the aroma of the girthy tool; earthy and rich, the scent wafted to her, causing her heart to skip a beat. Looking up, ensuring Lilith was still asleep, she leaned in. Bringing her snout to the mare’s onyx package, she softly pressed her snout to her friend’s weighty balls. Even without trying, the dainty perfume of musk tickled nostrils her, sending a shiver up her spine.  Dark as a moonless night, the hoof sized orbs contained untold pints of spunk. Fondling one in her hoof, she appreciated it’s heft for a moment, before moving on. Reaching over, Sign carefully drew her hoof over the somewhat soft log of flesh. Besides its color standing in stark contrast to Lilith’s fur, it was just an outright beauty to gaze upon. The gradual taper, leading to its thick base, was picturesque. Drinking in its every detail, her eyes danced up the shaft, past its broad tip, to the slumbering mare above. Sign grinned, as she watched her friend sleep. Sliding forward, she rested her cheek on the mare’s tummy. She saw no reason not to make herself comfortable, so she did just that. Easing her head down, taking care not to disturb her friend, she repositioned herself. Moving her face lower, bringing her muzzle to Lilith’s sheath, her lips parted. Her tongue crept forward and pressed itself against the warm, velvety flesh before her. Moving up the exquisite shaft, delicate, somewhat salty flavors washed over her taste buds. As she reached the ridged crown, she lazily rolled her body to the side and spread her hind legs. Running her tongue around the tip of Lilith’s tool, she affectionately kissed the battering ram-like crown. Internally, it was a precarious situation, to be sure; a part of her wanted nothing more than to leap upon the blasted thing, cramming it into her muzzle, yet she didn’t want to awaken her friend - at least, not yet. Adjusting her position, Sign opened her maw. Slowly, she pressed her head forward, allowing the pliable cock to slip into mer muzzle. Gingerly wrapping her lips around it’s shaft, just below the head, she closed her eyes. There was something undeniably hot about the sensation of a stallionhood in her mouth, especially if it was her friend’s. Pursing her lips, she clandestinely serviced Lilith. Gliding her tongue over it, while it neared the back of her throat, she sweetly sucked upon its silken length. She inhaled sharply, as her marehood involuntarily winked. Hell, she hadn’t even touched herself and she was already leaking like a faucet. As her sex seized upon itself, she administered her amorous ministrations. A faint murmur interrupted Sign, causing her motions to slow. Lilith stirred beneath her, though she didn’t move much. As she was, she couldn’t check to see if her friend was still slumbering. As the seconds dragged on, without hearing a peep, she smiled contentedly. The dickmare audibly smacked her lips and hummed to herself, assuring her that she hadn’t awoken the girl; even though she wasn’t conscious, it seemed as though the attention hadn’t gone completely unnoticed. Sign felt the tool in her maw lightly throb, quietly reminding her to continue. Renewing her efforts, fully aware that her friend was steadily getting hard, she took a deep breath. Craning her neck and closing her eyes, she committed herself to the task at hoof. Languidly rolling the tip around in her mouth, getting her first delectable taste of pre-cum, she failed to notice a lone, crimson eye peering down at her. Honestly, the only reason Lilith had woken up was due to the acute attention she’d received on the sensitive rim of her glans. She couldn’t say how long Sign had been down there enjoying herself, but she was hardly going to complain - still, being surreptitiously toyed with demanded some sort of retaliation. Glancing over, willing ink to flow from the well on her desk, she set her hastily devised plan into motion. Pattering to the floor, the fluid crept across the polished hardwood. Upon reaching the bed, in a gravity defying fashion, it crawled up a hanging piece of fabric towards the pair. As indisposed as Sign was, she had no clue what she was in for - which was exactly Lilith’s intent. Making a beeline for the chestnut mare’s loins, the dark substance moved with a purpose. A cool feeling on her groin was all the warning Sign got that something was dreadfully amiss. Rearing back, silently dislodging Lilith’s dick from her maw, she pushed the covers upward. Upon her crotch sat a black, seething mass, roiling and forming itself into a swell. Before her very eyes, it formed and molded itself into a very familiar shape.  There was no doubt about it; she’d been caught with her hoof in the cookie jar and she was suffering the consequences. Wheeling around, scrunching her snout, she leered up at Lilith’s face. To no shock whatsoever, her friend was quietly giggling and holding a hoof to her muzzle. “Darling,” the dickmare chuckled, affixing Sign with her signature come-hither look, “you didn’t presume I wouldn’t notice?” Shifting her attention slightly lower, watching the obsidian stallionhood and pair of testes grow from her friend’s nethers, her smile broadened. “You’ve always been rather vocal - pun intended - about your love of oral.” Sign raised a hoof to protest, but thought better of it. Frankly, she’d teased Lilith about being adorned with a dick on several occasions, so she wasn’t upset. Bringing a hoof to her mouth, in mock shock, her eyes went wide; just because she didn’t care, didn’t mean she couldn’t make light of the situation.  Oh no! she displayed, holding the foreleg to her forehead. Whatever will I do!?! “Oh hush,” Lilith tutted, waving a hoof at her friend, “as if you haven’t been curious about wielding such a thing before.” Well, Sign began, crawling up Lilith’s frame, since you put it here, maybe you could give me some pointers… The words seamlessly rolled over her shoulders and forelimbs, while she slowly dragged herself over her friend’s belly. She flinched, as the newly formed nerves in her dick sent foreign sensations through her. The fabric of the blanket, in comparison, was course and uncomfortable, compared to Lilith’s velveteen coat and soft skin. It almost felt like her clit, although the sensation was hard to articulate. Portions of her tool were more sensitive than others, namely the tip and underside, but not unpleasantly so. As tempting as the notion was to stop and play with it, giving herself time to experiment with the organ, she had every intention of taking advantage of the situation. Bringing her face to meet Lilith’s, Sign faced the unicorn. Beyond being a friend, there was something downright bewitching about her. Her muzzle drifted forward, closer and closer, until their noses were nearly touching against each other. Gazing into her eyes, she lost herself. Sensing weakness, Lilith’s head shot forward. Locking lips with Sign’s own, her tongue wormed into her friend’s mouth. Her playful ambush worked exquisitely, rewarding her with a hot, rigid sensation on her belly. With their stallionhoods virtually pressing against one another, and their nuts snuggled together, she wriggled contentedly. Retracting her head, Lilith tittered slightly. It was funny - despite Sign having just administered a stealthy blowjob, it was the kiss that left her looking flustered. Disjointed scribbles and nonsensical gibberish drifted across her blushing cheeks and wide eyes. It was, without a doubt, adorable. “I can taste myself on you, you naughty filly,” Lilith snickered, giving her friend’s snout a peck. Hearing the salacious words, Sign was shaken from the spell. Well she began, grinding her crotch on her friend’s midriff, I can give you more than a taste… Pushing herself up, Sign stood, straddled the mare, and assumed a sixty-nine position. Between the teasing, fellatio, and lilting words, she was getting a bit worked up; not to mention she hadn’t been able to finish her job. Turning in place, she carefully stepped over Lilith’s supine form. Once repositioned, she lowered her head and looked down her belly. Her cock dangled over Lilith’s face, prompting her to shake her hips; the move sent her package swaying invitingly, an open invitation for what she had in mind. Lowering herself slowly, she draped her junk over the mare’s face, while she descended towards the ebony shaft beneath her. As Sign’s equipment drew nearer, Lilith appraised her work. The pitch colored equipment wasn’t quite as sizeable as her own, yet it was still charming. An adequate tool, replete with a pair of plump, ripe balls - yes, any mare or stallion would be pleased to wield such a fine package. Even though it’d been crafted mere minutes ago, there was a faint bouquet to it. Leaning in, she gave it a cursory lick. Quick to respond, Sign fully rested herself atop Lilith. Raising her waist slightly, giving her friend ease of access, she kissed and suckled upon the cock before. The warm, moist sensation of lips on her tool, while divine, surprised her. Reflexively bucking her hips, yearning for more of the thrilling new feeling, she smeared herself against the mare’s muzzle. “My, someone’s enthusiastic,” Lilith purred, turning her head to the side. Sign ignored the comment - mostly. Diving in, the first few inches of Lilith’s shaft slipped into her maw, though she wasn’t about to let Lilith’s taunt go without a rebuke. With a thought, she sent her friend a silent message. Looking up, Lilith noticed the word Faggot appear on Sign’s rump and thigh, just beside her taint; it was a cute touch, really. Shaking her head, moving a smidgen of spare ink from the linens, she added I’m a to the message. Even if she was the only one who could see it, it amused her nonetheless. Still, fun aside, it would be uncouth not to reciprocate. Yawning, she magically guided Sign’s length to her mouth. Skillfully bobbing her head, relishing the freedom of movement, Sign expertly worked Lilith’s stallionhood. Massaging it with her tongue, applying vacuum on the backstrokes, gently twisting her head from side to side, she was an orchestra of motion. Sure, the alien feeling of having her member sucked was exciting, but not quite as thrilling as giving head to a sexy dickmare. Leisurely sucking on Sign’s length, Lilith basked in the attention. From an outsider’s perspective, it would have seemed as though she were casually disinterested, but that was untrue. There was a certain satisfaction taken from letting her friend sate herself with the blowjob, so she was content to let Sign do as she pleased; of course, her oral was just the icing on the cake. Inhaling deeply, Sign rammed her head forward. The tip, while somewhat pliable, obscenely bulged her throat outward. Hampered by the trunk-like lower portion of the member, her plunge slowed incrementally. Peeking out, watching the steady approach of Lilith’s nuts, she endured. It wasn’t until her nose bumped against the dark pair of balls that she paused. The intensity of it, of having her esophagus stretched around the log of flesh, was singular. Many a night she’d woken herself up with dreams of fellating juicy cock, oftentimes in a pool of her cooling nocturnal emissions. Needless to say, with or without a tool of her own, the act of servicing another was what held her interest. Pulling back slightly, she began rhythmically moving her head forward and back. Her lips stretched slightly, as the girthy medial ring passed in and out of her muzzle. Almost as an afterthought, her prick twitched in Lilith’s mouth. Swabbing her throat, giving herself the occasional breathe, she closed her eyes and fixated on fucking her face. Lilith could scarcely believe the intensity with which Sign was throating her. She’d gotten sucked off by the mare before, yet this felt different. Even though she couldn’t put her hoof on why her friend seemed hellbent on choking herself, she knew one thing for certain; the tool in her mouth was throbbing madly and starting to flare. Sign was so enrapt with the cock in her gullet that she didn’t notice Lilith move until it was too late. One hind leg shifted, crossing behind her head, before it was joined by the second. Before she knew it, she found herself locked in place. She felt resistance, as she went to withdraw, while her face was forced back down. Popping Sign’s member from her mouth, magically stroking its shaft, Lilith tittered. Ramming her hips upward, savagely plowing her friend’s muzzle, she gave the mare what she wanted. Between her leg-lock and forceful thrusts, there was no escape. “Allow - Mmmph - me to - Nnnnph - help,” she grunted, brutally plowing the mare’s face. Rutting her captive’s muzzle, Lilith enjoyed the snug confines of Sign’s esophagus. Would it have been anypony else, there would have been muffled gags and choked coughs, but that wasn’t the case. Without any verbal cues, she was left to guess how long she could go at it. Seconds passed, then minutes, as she pushed her friend to the limit.  Robbed from air, without a way to escape, Sign fought back the only way she could. Constricting her throat, she pursed her lips around the base of Lilith’s cock. Doing her best to hold out, the corners of her vision began to darken. Impending blackout or not, all she cared about was getting a thick load blown into her stomach. The maddening combination of arousal and lack of oxygen took a toll on Sign’s body. Strange bubble-like shapes materialized and popped over her body. Whether it was a physiological response to the situation, or a subconscious manifestation of some sort, she couldn’t say; though it gave a rather striking visual display of her breathless state. Sating herself with Sign, Lilith’s domineering streak leapt to the fore. She realized she couldn’t keep her friend down there forever, so she took action. Clenching her ass, sorcerously squeezing her prostate, she forcefully evoked a climax. The tip of her stallionhood expanded, locking itself just short of the mare’s stomach, as the first shot of cum surged through her shaft. Sign’s eyes flew open. A sudden pressure welled within her, flooding her interior with heat. Starved of air, being used, her body trembled uncontrollably. The heady cocktail of rapturous bliss and extreme euphoria overtook her. Her prick erupted, just as Lilith wrapped her lips around it. Like a mobius strip of degeneracy, the ponies climaxed into one another. While Sign was quite literally pumped full of spunk, Lilith demurely swallowed down shot after shot of cream. Gradually, the sinful tide subsided and the two started to move; not because they wanted to, but due to necessity. Igniting her magic and uncrossing her legs, Lilith assisted her friend. Pulling Sign free, hearing the muted Pop of her slightly softened shaft escaping the mare’s maw, she let the girl breathe. Magically guiding her fellow unicorn over, watching her shake and falter with each step, she rested Sign beside herself. “Have fun?” she whispered, wiping an errant strand from her friend’s cheek. Coughing weakly, clearing her abused throat, the gratification of the moment outshone any lingering discomfort. Wrapping a foreleg over Lilith’s chest, she snuggled up to her friend. Curiously, though she’d just achieved release, there was a strange, persistent yearning within her. Rolling to her back, shuffling herself to Lilith’s side, she looked down at their twin lengths. As baffling as it was, while they’d become marginally less turgid, neither was flaccid. It must’ve been an attribute singular to dickmares, since she’d never seen a stallion with a nonexistent refractory period. “Now you see the appeal,” Lilith noted, seemingly reading Sign’s thoughts. Turning, meeting her friends eyes, she kissed the mare. With any luck, the experience would help her understand why she preferred the additional hardware. Hungry for more, Sign pulled herself onto Lilith; swinging a hind leg over, she mounted her friend. Chest to chest, with their packages rubbing against each other, their heads drifted closer. Closing their eyes, more than pleased to continue, they kissed passionately. Bracing herself on her forelegs, Sign pressed her face to Lilith. Their tongues entwined, caressing and sensually warring with one another. Grinding their waists together, frotting with the movement, the pair’s motions became heated. A moan here, a thrust there, each lustful act spurred another, until each was sporting a fully fledged erection once again. Where one mare had a ravenous appetite for all things carnal, the other was coping with a very sensitive, newfound appendage and enjoying time with her friend. In short, neither had any intention of stopping until they’d had their fill. Sliding her hips forward, Lilith’s tool sprang between Sign’s buns. The sensation of having her shaft sandwiched between the supple cheeks of Sign’s tush was a welcome surprise. Cracking one eye open, Lilith hummed invitingly into her friends mouth. Flexing her pelvic muscles, slapping herself against the mare’s backside, sudden inspiration struck her. It was impossible for Sign to know just how wonderful having one’s prostate stimulated could be, considering she hadn’t had one until a few minutes ago. Even if she ended up getting shot down, she couldn’t let the opportunity slip through her hooves. Pulling away, breaking their kiss, she grinned. “Sign, dearest, would you be interested in trying…” she trailed off, prodding the mare’s behind. Sign glanced behind herself, then back to Lilith, giving her friend an unsurprised look. Her horn emitted a faint glow, as words materialized on her deliciously flat chest. So predictable, always wanting to do butt stuff, Sign teased, smirking and shaking her head. Such a FAGGOT, she concluded, doubling the size of the final word. Her playful jab elicited a heartwarming giggle from Lilith. “I’ll take that as a yes?” Lilith purred, punctuating her question by drawing her length between Sign’s buns. Beyond being open to the new experience, Sign trusted Lilith implicitly and would try practically anything with her - with perilously few exceptions. Looking around, she sought out a vital element. Where’s the lube? scrolled over her belly, realizing she’d desperately need it. She’d never had all that much experience with anal, so some of the slick substance would be a necessity. Without a word, Lilith magically pulled open her nightstand drawer and retrieved a small bottle; hovering it over, liberally applying its contents over Sign’s bottom, as well as her stallionhood, she cast it aside. Adjusting herself, bringing the tip of her length to her friend’s pucker, she gave an experimental prod. At the nudge, Sign rocked back. Screwing her eyes shut, she tried to relax herself as much as possible. Gradually, applying more of her weight on Lilith’s cock, she was rewarded with success. As the thick head wormed into her, her entrance clamped around the shaft. Giving herself a moment to adjust, she steadied herself. Bearing down, she slowly impaled herself. As the broad tip of Lilith’s equipment passed over her prostate, she shivered. The sensation was startlingly pleasant and sent a dribble of pre-cum from her tool. Inspired, she continued her descent. “Here,” Lilith muttered, waving Sign to her, “let Mama help.” Scrunching her snout and rolling her eyes at the comment, Sign relented. More than happy for the promise of more contact, she rubbed her face on Lilith’s neck. Slowly, aiding her efforts, her friend started lightly thrusting. Unlike the rough, primal face-fucking from before, there was a tenderness to her motions. Slowly and undeniably sensually, they pressed their bodies to one another. Wrapping one foreleg around Sign’s back, while the other rested on the mare’s waist, Lilith delved her friend’s depths. Bracing her hind legs, she casually humped the succulent tush. It was a rare treat for the two, so she had no desire to rush things. Taking her time, enjoying the snug confines, she bucked her hips. Synchronizing their movements, Sign pushed back to meet Lilith’s thrusts. Feeling the root-like base of her friend’s shaft bumping against her, she steeled her resolve. If she was going to get fucked as a dickmare, there was no half-assing it. With a forceful shove, she hilted herself and triumphantly wiggled on her companion’s lap. “Feeling cocky, are we?” Lilith snickered, amused with the small accomplishment. Supremely smug with herself, Sign waggled her eyebrows. Sadly, her self assurance was knocked down a peg, when Lilith began energetically pounding her backside. Pushing herself up into a seated position, her erection swayed and bobbed with their movements. If nothing else, it’d give her friend one hell of a show. “A...arch your back a little,” Lilith stammered, her eyes locking on to the hypnotically bobbing cock before her. Doing as asked, Sign leaned back slightly. The subtle shift increased the pressure on her tender p-spot, sending yet more pre to sling from her member. Oh BuCk YeS!!! appeared over belly, as the pleasure struck a blow against her ability. The sight of Sign enjoying herself poured fuel on the burning fire of Lilith’s desire. More often than not, she preferred to bottom, though dominating a mare, especially one as cute as her friend, was certainly entertaining. With increasing speed and force, she drilled Sign’s rump, while sneaking her head forward. The shock of warm lips upon her dick caused lightning bolts of bliss to course through Sign’s frame. Balancing herself on one foreleg, she reached forward and grabbed Lilith’s mane. Riding the mare beneath her, while being suddenly fellated, sent jittering lines of abstract letters and figures flowing over her body. Looking up, loudly slurping around the dark stallionhood, Lilith met Sign’s pleading eyes. Having the mare wrapped around her hoof, feeling her shiver with delight, was priceless. Gyrating with each plunge, adding yet more stimulation to her stricken friend, she took care to pay close attention to the dick in her mouth; she had something special in mind for their finish. Sign’s thighs quivered, her limbs felt weak, and there was a peculiar warmth burning in her loins; it felt amazing, there was no denying that, especially since she’d never experienced anything quite like it before. Doing her best to keep up, while maintaining her balance, she clenched her pucker. Be damned if Lilith was going to break her that easily. Pulling away, magically stroking Sign’s tool, Lilith gazed up at her friend. The mare seemed on the brink, with a slightly glazed over look in her eye. Rubbing her chest, reaching for her friend’s neck, she sweetly brought her muzzle to Sign’s ear. “Cum for me,” she whispered.  Without waiting for a reply, Lilith moved and deeply kissed her mute companion. The soft words stood in stark contrast to the wild fucking, adding a sinfully sweet layer to the experience as a whole. Though she may have appeared composed, the raw passion of the moment had sent her rocketing towards another climax. At hearing the honeyed words, Sign broke. Her entire body spasmed, from her hooves to her head, as she made out with her dearest friend. Jizz erupted from her stallionhood, painting their underbellies with her hot essence. Though she was unable to cry out, detonations of pigment materialized over every part of her, inside and out, as her markings went haywire at the rapturous overload. Lilith didn’t slow, as she reached her peak. A torrent of seed coursed through her pistoning length, flooding Sign’s interior. Despite the tight seal around her shaft, gouts of spunk escaped her friend’s tush, pouring over her nuts and inner thighs. Nearly as productive as the first load, the second was deposited in the mare’s behind. Awash in ecstasy, sloppily making out, the two ponies slowly ground to a halt. Weary, slick with cum, and tremendously satisfied, they withdrew. Eyeing one another, they panted quietly. As Lilith opened her mouth to speak, Sign held a hoof to her muzzle. Words could wait; for now, she simply wanted to bask in the moment. They knew they’d need to get up and shower, to wash the ejaculate from themselves, but they let the seconds drag on. Unsteadily pushing herself up, Sign gazed at her friend’s sweat streak face; even with her unkempt mane and exhausted expression, she was still gorgeous. Squeezing her battered backdoor around Lilith’s prick, she drew the mare’s attention. “I...I presume you enjoyed that?” Lilith softly noted, shooting her friend a wink. Maybe a little, Sign commented, mutely tittered. But next time...the words dissolved, replaced by an animated depiction of two ponies doing it doggy style. “Next time? Oh, you minx,” Lilith giggled, batting a hoof. Sharing a laugh, their eyes met. With little else planned, there was nothing stopping them from frittering away the day with each other. Sadly, Lilith’s softening length broke the moment, as it slipped free from Sign’s behind, sending a small deluge of cum to the blankets. As silly and lewd as it was, it evoked another bout of laughter from them. “Yes, maybe we should take a shower -” Lilith was interrupted, as marking appeared on Sign’s chest. Then cuddle in bed? the brown mare interjected, smiling hopefully. The corners of Lilith’s mouth turned up. “Yes, and breakfast in bed, after I get Fleur to change the sheets,” she sighed, wriggling from beneath her friend. Fleur? Sign asked, stepping to the side of the mattress. “The new maid, I mentioned her yesterday,” Lilith clarified, hopping to the floor and offering Sign a hoof. “She’s quite fetching, I’ll introduce you.” Helping her friend down, they proceeded to the bathroom, hoof in hoof. Grinning gleefully, Sign trotted along. Given how fun her newly acquired equipment was, she may forget to ask that it be removed for a couple of days. As she idled by the door, waiting on her host, she grinned to herself. Yeah, it was going to be an absolutely wonderful day…