> The Worst Thing She's Ever Done > by Art Inspired > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: Young and Cold > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nestled far north, and bordering on the edges of the Canterlot mountains was a small bundle of urban towns and villages. Year after year, this part of Equestria becomes blanketed with icy snow. Sometimes, it can get so bad that the roads become blocked for days. It's here, in the western part of a local, rural village that Cozy Glow and her parents one day moved to. It was because of some sort of huge business transaction Cozy Glow's father had finalized, so the family didn't have much choice in the matter, and from day one, Cozy Glow could hardly stand it. Almost whenever she had the opportunity, from within her room, she'd be thoroughly bundled up with at least ten or more blankets, and still, Cozy Glow could occasionally feel the cold that had somehow slipped through all those layers of warmth and comfort. "Mmmh..." Cozy Glow grumbled as she shivered, and slowly, she rose from her fortress of soft fabrics in order to yell to her mother and father, "Would it kill the two of you to turn on the heater from time to time?!" She could faintly hear them replying to her from the other room. Her father was probably saying something about how whenever they do go ahead and turn up the heat just for Cozy's sake, it ends up costing them a whole lot more bits. Ignoring their muffled apologies, Cozy rolled her eyes, and thought about getting out of bed. Something stopped her, though. Her hoof slowly, and loosely moved downwards, and it went right in-between her lower legs only to then be followed by her other forehoof. "Mmh..." Cozy Glow blinked, but she couldn't really see anything, and all she could really think about at the time was just how horny she was, but there's actually a reasonable explanation for that. Ever since Cozy Glow and her parents moved where it snowed so much, the cold had been far too overwhelming for her poor, tiny, and fragile body, and in very little time at all, from within her room, Cozy Glow began groping, and rubbing herself underneath the sheets just in order to stay warm. While still holding onto one of her blankets, she stopped her assault on her round, silky smooth slit, and mumbled, "Y-you..." She started to speak up, but the cold atmosphere of her room stopped her for just about a second, but soon enough, she approached her door, and opening it, she yelled down the hallway, "You remembered to turn on the water heater this morning, right, daddy?" As she walked, there was a shiver with every step she progressively made. She even sniffled audibly as she turned and entered the bathroom. With her multi-colored blanket sliding serenely down her unmarked flank, and along her tiny hooves, Cozy Glow expertly kicked it out of the door, and she then closed it behind herself. She began gingerly turning the knobs belonging to the bathtub with her hooves, and waited a second to see if the water was going to warm up. Celestia would have to be the one to save her father's eardrums if the water remained frigid. The moment she felt the hot streams fighting against her extended hoof, Cozy Glow gave her tub a satisfied grin, and pulling away, she then flipped the switch to the shower. She backed up and waited only a moment or so for the hot water to circulate. Standing there, and listening to the drenches of water while the shower faucet slapped the walls and the white tub below her, Cozy Glow's eager body could sense the usual tingling coming over her again. It was always just underneath her waist, and further along her thighs, and it was all thanks to the cold air behind herself, and the sudden, warm steam that soon started to engulf the room. She took an extra second to feel her quivering pussy with one of her shaky hooves, but as much as Cozy desperately wanted to pleasure herself then and there against the pleasing, and damp black and white bathroom tiles, she couldn't wait any longer. She was dying to coax every inch of her immature and exposed frame with those nice, hot, and sudsy bubbles. She didn't hesitate one bit. As soon as Cozy got into the waters, and felt the all too familiar and welcoming sensation of heat hitting her shoulders and some of her hair, she grabbed hold of the shampoo. Lathering it all over, and rubbing the suds into her coat as well, Cozy Glow sighed while grinning peacefully. She could feel the lines of bubbles slipping and sliding quickly down her pink torso, and right along her stomach. She allowed the soap to get well into the feathers of her wings, too, and as she made sure to wash her backside and tail as well, she felt that same, sexual desire yet again. Soap sloshed to the floor in clumpy, wet puddles. As the soap fell, Cozy Glow just kept scrubbing herself, making sure to get all the hardest places for her to reach. Despite her determination to ignore her temptation towards acts of perversion, she still wanted deeply to just let herself go, and to plunder her forehooves straight in-between her hindhooves. She somehow managed to hold herself back, though, and in time, she got herself all rinsed off. Coming out of the shower, she could only guess as to what was currently happening to her young, cold, and nude body. She came out with a thick cloud of vapors following her trail, and straight back into her room Cozy Glow went without hardly wanting to say a single word to her parents. While closing the door, and looking at her beautifully patterned pink wallpaper, and all of her wonderfully stuffed animals, Cozy admitted aloud, "This early on in my life... I can pretty much already tell that my parents might not actually really be at fault for me being such a brat... but, also... why am I always so uncomfortable down there?!" She just nearly thrusted her hoof down at her twat when Cozy Glow realized what time it was. "Oh my golly! I'm gonna be late for school!" The moment she was dressed and ready to leave, Cozy Glow stormed out from beyond the hallway. Before exiting the house, however, she complained to her mom and dad, "I had school today!" Her mother was busy cleaning dishes, and her father was sitting at the table reading his newspaper. Her mother apologized right away, "Sorry, Cozy..." Cozy's father followed up by asking, "Already that time, sugar lump?" He didn't really seem all that enthusiastic, however. She turned to her father, and said, "I've probably already missed the cart to school!" The dad sighed at his daughter, but said, "Sorry about that... I'd ride you to school on our cart if I could, but as you know, one of the wheels got busted on my way home from work just yesterday." He adjusted his newspaper, and gave Cozy Glow one of his all too familiar shrugs of the shoulder. Cozy Glow hurried out of the house while groaning with frustration after hearing her father's disappointing words, and as she fought against the snow in order to make it to school that day, she said to herself, "I take back the nice things I said about my parents! How dare they make me go to school in this... b-blizzard!" For Cozy Glow, school was always ultimately torturous, but only because she was constantly trying not to touch herself during class, or when she wandered the halls. Otherwise, the poor filly usually couldn't help herself at certain times of the day, and at the very first chance that generally opened up, she'd be going straight to the bathroom in order to continue scratching that questionable itch that she's always got. That day, she was barely able to make it through school due to just how freezing it was. The worst part of Cozy's miserable and harsh day had arrived at last. She was waiting outside of school for her parents to finally show up and take her home with their cart. She could only hope that the steed that her father had rented this time around was a bit faster with his trot than the last. As usual, it was basically another tundra, and Cozy Glow was left waiting impatiently. She blinked the frost away from her eyes, and moved around to shake off even more snow that had collected on top of her. She scowled, and grumbled to herself, "I swear... if d-daddy doesn't get here pretty soon, I'm going to..." She sniffled, and tried to continue, "I'm going to...!" She never did get to finish that sentence, however, because after sneezing rather loudly, she voiced, "Ouch." It wasn't until after rubbing her nose, and tilting her head to the right that Cozy Glow noticed that she had been standing next to another filly. Cozy Glow gasped at this startling realization, but not loud enough apparently to bother the other filly, so Cozy Glow then became stock still, and just stared onwards at this stranger while also trying desperately not to make any sudden movements or sounds. This filly standing next to Cozy Glow had a beautiful, radiant, and white coat. She was a pegasus as well, and her mane was snowy, but her smile was warm. Something about this filly, however, caught Cozy Glow's attention immediately. "Is she... blind?" Cozy Glow thought. Before Cozy Glow could even think of what to say to her if anything at all, Cozy's cart had arrived. The blind pony waywardly glanced towards Cozy Glow after hearing the wheels as they pushed and broke apart the snow, but Cozy had already hastily hopped in. As the cart took off, Cozy nervously stared at the blind filly, and asked her father, "Daddy?" "What is it, pumpkin?" Cozy's face turned sour. "I hate it when you call me that... Uh, also, who's that pony?" "Hmm?" He glanced back for a second, and then said, "I think she's a new student at your school. She's probably going to special classes." Cozy gulped, and asked, "H-her eyes... Is she really... blind?" He just gave her an uneasy look, but confessed, "I believe so." For the rest of the ride home, Cozy Glow stared on behind the cart, and down the long and narrow, white road until they made a sudden left turn. > Chapter Two: Tense Filly Needs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day had already arrived, and that morning, Cozy Glow could be found within her house, and just down the hall. If somepony were to listen closely enough, they'd hear the filly's sounds of strain and agitation coming from inside her closed and locked bedroom door. Luckily for her, Cozy's diligent and hard working parents hardly had any actual time to spend on worrying about what Cozy Glow might be doing with her time. "Mhh!" She allowed herself another lazy look around her beautiful room, and then she released another pant of exasperation. One of her hooves was buried beneath and in-between her lustful thighs. This hoof was also soaking wet thanks to her moistened clip being profusely rubbed non-stop all morning. The other forehoof merely struggled to fight around and against the sheets just in order to join in on the fun. "I'm... s-so close...!" She finally found her way through all the covers that had once blocked her hoof's path, and using both hooves, Cozy made yet another one of her desirable, and sweet moans. "Ohh... Wh-why? Why does this feel... so good?" As she asked this, her eyes flared with heart symbols as her climax neared closer and closer. Question and exclamation marks wafted and floated above her head only to eventually be replaced by hearts. This happened over and over again while she continued her onslaught upon her special, private spot. She huffed, and panted more and more as one of her hooves began to shove its way further against her tight lips. Her Whole body felt as if it were both on fire and underneath ice, but she couldn't stop now that she was at last approaching her peak. The frog of her hoof twirled, and spun its glistening wet surface in all different ways, but still, it remained glued against cozy's shivering, and extremely needy pussy. Sometimes, Cozy would separate her hoof just in order to feel the tingly juices as they lewdly drip, but she was also hasty to plug her full and puffy hole back up only to continue teasing, and playing with herself. She didn't even care about ruining her sheets. The only thing Cozy Glow cared about then and there was when her next release was going to be, and how many times she could do it again before she had to go back to school. All the while, her smirks and grins appeared more and more often as she started to daydream about the filly she had encountered just yesterday. She laughed as her imagination painted naughty pictures in her head. The amount of pranks, and tormenting she could do to this pony became overwhelming for her to fantasize about. Thoughts on how she should proceed with corrupting her entered the perverted filly's mind. Whoever that blind pony might be, Cozy Glow just had to have her, and Cozy didn't even know what that cute filly's name was. "I could..." Cozy Mumbled as quietly as she possibly could. "I c-could totally do some pretty wicked things to her! Not only that, but I bet..." She moaned some more before saying, "I bet her lips, and her tongue's as soft as clouds! I just hope that... they're not also as cold as the clouds are up here." Cozy Glow got an image in her head while those words were spoken. She was way up high in the sky, and she was on one of those clouds. Accompanying her was the other pegasus filly, and she was laying down on her back, smiling, and presenting her perfect twat to Cozy. This drove cozy over the edge, and while cumming hard atop her mattress, and with her head twitching from the pleasure, Cozy Glow began to bite down on the folds just in order to maintain consciousness. Breathing hard into the blankets and sheets, her head was woosy from the thrilling experience. She found it difficult to breathe through her nose, so she soon gave up and huffed, and panted. Her chest felt like it was on fire, but as the same time, the rest of her body still dealt with the freezing temperatures that had taken over the entire house. Getting out of bed, she struggled to gather all her dirty laundry. Once that was over with, Cozy Glow hurried herself along and into the bathroom. She unfortunately didn't have very much time left until the school cart arrived, and even though this would be her fifth time over, she dared not be late to her first class, so she had to hurry. Once she was all dressed, and headed out the door, she began mimicking the teacher that had gotten after her for tardiness yesterday. "If you're not one of the first students in my class, mark my words!" She grumbled, "Ugh! I can't believe they threatened to expel me! It's the only school this town's got. Mom and daddy's way too busy to home school me, so if I mess this up, then what'll happen?" She sniffled, but this time, it wasn't because of all the snow she had to trudge through. "I guess that all that work I've done just to turn my report card around and make straight A's means nothing. They can't even excuse me being late a few times... So what if it's all been in one week!" She coughed as the snow and the winds became slightly more unbearable. "I know what it's all about, though... They still want to expel me for what happened last year..." Cozy recalled the incident only for a brief second. Immediately, she squeezed her eyelids shut, and concentrated on blocking out the remembrance while holding onto her temples. "Just... go to school, get the day over with, and then go home..." She stopped a couple steps away from the school cart in order to also quietly say to herself, "And, maybe... I'll even meet up with that filly from yesterday." School that day wasn't easy despite Cozy's grand relief. If anything, while she trotted down the crystalized sidewalk, she was beginning to consider the possibility that by cumming so much basically every day, she might be increasing her libido. There was no way for a filly at such a young age to know of such perverted terms and slang, but her mind was nevertheless doing the math all on its own, and she was beginning to figure out just how her body really worked. Despite being so youthful, the freezing cold was only stimulating her sexual urges. She stopped before the metal light post, and looked around while doing her best to keep her neck comforted by her scarf, and her ears warm with her headwear. The roads where mysteriously empty as always. Every so often, a random cart might trail by the lone pegasus, but today, there was nopony in sight. Not to mention, everything was white, so everything around Cozy Glow was that much harder to see. She saw no sign of the other pegasus that she had hoped to run into, so she sighed rather sadly. "I just realized something," Cozy Glow thought. "She might've for whatever reason needed a ride only for yesterday." She glanced up with doubt, and scowled at the emptiness in front of her. Cozy had been hearing rumors about the blind filly, too, but all day long, Cozy failed to spot out her fellow pegasus no matter where she searched. Eventually, and just before her classes had ended, Cozy Glow learned from a pair of teachers that the special classes were held in a completely separate building located to the north west part of the school grounds. Remembering this fairly recent memory, first, she looked left, and down the vacant, and blurry road. "Huh," she voiced while noticing a vending machine not five trots away. Then, even more slowly, she looked right. It was at this time that Cozy Glow felt an unpleasant, but all too familiar bone chilling sensation race up her spine. She nearly gasped, and almost made even more noise than the last time this had happened, but somehow, she kept herself under control. Once more, standing directly next to Cozy Glow was the blind pony she had seen just yesterday. Already, Cozy's immature, and devilish mind began to formulate a plan. She smiled, and began to slowly, and quietly walk off. She neared the vending machine fairly quickly, and whispered, "They must've only just put this here... I don't think I remember seeing it yesterday... Now then, let's see here... Which one is the spiciest?" The filly checked for a moment to make sure she hadn't been heard while she was talking aloud. Looking back at the machine, she noticed that the label at the very top advertised that ponies could mostly get cocoa as well as other assorted hot things to drink. Her hoof hovered closely before all of the brightly colored buttons, and Cozy Glow tried to consider her selection very carefully, but most of the words had already been thoroughly covered up by plenty of sleet and snow. She spotted a shimmering, red and black color, however, and while she clicked on it, she sneered. She then picked up the can, and without hardly waiting, Cozy trotted right on up to the white coated pony. She extended her hoof, and allowed some of the warm liquid within the cup to acutely slosh around, making a distinctive noise. The filly looked in Cozy's direction. "Huh?" she asked innocently, and sweetly. "Here," Cozy Glow said. "It's Cocoa..." The pony took it into both of her hooves, and although she had been somewhat frowning before, she now smiled at Cozy Glow happily, and unsealed her treat. Just before taking a sip, she thanked Cozy Glow with a cute nod of her head, and as she began to drink, Cozy Glow was surprised to see her actually enjoying it. "Mmmh!" She sighed after quite a few gulps, and said, "So good... Thank you, whoever you are." Cozy blinked at those colorless pupils in front of her, but soon enough, she'd be glancing down at the can in order to find out what it was that she had actually selected. As it turns out, she hadn't chosen spicy after all. Cozy Glow had apparently chosen upon cinnamon of all things. She just barely managed to hold off her groans after failing so miserably with her prank. "Tch," Cozy scoffed while furrowing her brow. "Don't mention it." The next words to enter her ears would echo within her head for hours. "Snowdrop..." "Huh?" Cozy asked while looking around. "Where do you see a snowdrop? The snow's covering up everything." The filly standing next to Cozy Glow laughed merrily. "N-no," she said. "What I mean was... that's my name." She smiled even more before asking, "What's your name?" Cozy tried not to say much of anything seeing as how she was just nearly about to burn Snowdrop's tongue off. "Err... I just... thought you n-needed a drink was all." Cozy not only shivered where she stood because of the cold, but she also suddenly felt nervous about so much as offering Snowdrop her name. Snowdrop merely blinked, and said, "Well, still, thanks again. I've never had anypony do something like that for me." Cozy gave Snowdrop a rather uninviting stare, and asked, "Don't you have any friends?" Snowdrop didn't respond right away to such a question. At first, she started making a solemn frown. The air around the two fillies briefly became quiet as well, but then, she tried to smile again, and said, "I, uh... actually don't at the moment..." Again, it became quiet. Cozy just gawked blankly at Snowdrop. Luckily for Cozy, Snowdrop couldn't see her stunned face, so she just kept talking. "Most ponies don't want a blind pegasus for a friend, so the only ponies that truly treat me nicely are the teachers, and my mother of course." Once more, there was silence. Cozy could hear herself steadily breathing. She cleared her throat, and then said, "G-golly..." Snowdrop just stared with a tilted head, but in just a second, she'd be saying, "Oh! Your name... That's a lovely name, Golly." Cozy face hoofed, and then said, "N-no, that's just something that I like to say a lot. My name's Cozy Glow." Again, Snowdrop was staring in Cozy's direction, but then, she turned to face the road in front of them, and she sat down. "Cozy Glow... I like that name." She blinked, and then asked with a soft smile, "Could you keep me nice, and cozy, and... warm, too?" Cozy decided to sit as well, but she also couldn't help but to shiver while keeping her eyes fixed on her new acquaintance. She wasn't particularly shaking from the cold, either. Some time went by as the two waited with one another, and soon enough, Cozy admitted, "I, umm... I don't have very many friends either... In fact, now that I think about it... I probably really don't have any, actually." She then said, "I suppose that I don't really understand friendship all that well, either." The whole time, as Cozy talked, she watched Snowdrop's face become animated. "You... don't?" Snowdrop asked. Shaking her head, although Cozy Glow wasn't really sure why she was doing so seeing as how Snowdrop couldn't see, Cozy said, "You... might've heard about me in school, actually..." Snowdrop curled her lips in thought, and she sort of glanced away, but then, looking back, she asked, "Oh, you're... that Cozy." The pink filly hardly had anything else to say on the subject. "D-did you really... break that colt's nose... i-in three different places?" She just exhaled through her nose, and waited a moment longer before continuing the conversation that they were having. "I get that you might want a friend, Snowdrop, but I'm just going to be honest for a change. I think... that I'd be a bad influence on you." The next words that would leave Snowdrop's mouth would catch Cozy Glow by complete surprise. At first, she just fidgeted with her hooves a bit, but then, Snowdrop passionately said to Cozy Glow, "I don't... think that you'd end up being a bad influence on me, and even if you are..." Cozy started to see a trickle of pink cross Snowdrop's cheeks. "I don't mind... because, you can't be all bad. You got me this delicious cocoa as a gift, remember?" Those sweet, and alluring words pierced Cozy's ears ruthlessly. After listening to Snowdrop's adorable tone of voice, she even began to blush, too, but Cozy's cart then finally rounded its corner. At this point, Cozy Glow didn't know what else to say, so she hesitantly looked back at Snowdrop's parted lips, and said, "M-my daddy's here... Uh, we'll see one another again tomorrow after school, okay?" Snowdrop smiled back, and simply listened as Cozy hopped in. "Sure thing," she responded, and as the cart took off, Snowdrop waved goodbye to the new friend that she had just made that day. As for Cozy Glow, she was already greatly looking forward to getting home where it was at least somewhat warmer. She didn't waste any time at all, and went straight to her bedroom where she planned to spend the rest of the afternoon caressing herself as she thought about spending even more time with Snowdrop. It was beyond difficult for Cozy Glow to stop toying with herself, too, until she passed out that evening from sheer exhaustion. Predictably, the following day, she'd wake up only to find out that she was late for school again, and she'd have to rush just in order to catch the cart once more.