> First Times > by Snow Quill > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marble bit her lip and looked up to her mother. “A-are you sure?” Cloudy Quartz nodded her head. “Yes. Thou art a mare now Marble, tis time thee go through the sacred rite of passage.” Marble nodded and let out a slow breath, her stomach growling at the thought of food. Real food, not the scraps and pieces left from her family’s dinner. Not that she minded of course, she was the youngest Pie after all and therefore did not need as much.  Until now that is.  She looked over at Limestone and her father, comforted by their reassuring nods. She had known this day would come eventually, she had been prepared for it. No longer would she rely on Maud for her sustenance, no longer would she go silently hungry as Limestone greedily took more than she needed. Tonight was her night, her hunt… Her food.  She stood up, tail flicking nervously as she left the farmhouse and went to the small shack they had set up for the various farm workers that came through. Currently, they had employed a pompous unicorn that talked about herself whether or not anyone cared or listened. Secretly, Marble had been hoping she would be her first. The unicorn, while loud, boisterous, and with a high pitched whine, was an attractive one. Marble licked her lips, wondering what she might look like when she was finished. Would she be even more ravishing? A light shudder encompassed her and she paused in front of the shoddy wooden door. Her ears perked as movement sounded from within, the steady scrape of hooves against a hay and dirt littered floor came closer and closer, until the door was opened by the occupant.  Trixie’s eyes were lidded, the cocky smirk on her face snapping to a look of confusion upon seeing Marble at the door. “Oh, it's you. What do you want?” Marble’s smile grew coy and a mischievous glint twinkled in her eyes as she leaned forward, slowly looking over every inch of the blue mare in front of her. She let out a soft yet approving “Mmhmm~” She casually flicked her tail and gyrated her hips in a slow rhythm, just like Limestone had shown her.  Remember Marble, even the most chaste and pure mare or stallion can be swayed with a little shimmy. You have hips, use them to your advantage.  It seemed to work as Trixie’s gaze focused on her rump, the mare apparently without any shame. Perfect. Marble delicately coughed, bringing Trixie’s eyes back to hers. Yes, that's right, look at me. You want me and I want you. Open the door and let me in.  Trixie’s eyes took on a hint of a green shine as she stepped to the side, “Trixie doesn’t care much for foreplay, come in and let’s have some fun.” Marble sauntered past her, flicking her tail at Trixie’s muzzle. She looked around the small shack. It was simple, it's only furnishings being a cot in the corner and a chest on the wall. She felt Trixie come up behind her, nuzzling her flanks. “Trixie is surprised, she thought for sure your father would come. It seemed he couldn't stop staring at Trixie’s flank earlier.” Marble bit down the flare of anger at Trixie’s arrogance. If there was one sore spot for her, it was mares that assumed her father would be unfaithful. No matter, she would pay for her assumption.  Marble looked back at Trixie and fluttered her lashes.  Your eyes are one of your most important tools Marble. Not just your magic, but how you look at a pony. Make them feel like you desire them with all of your being. You were blessed with beautiful eyes and long lashes, a little flutter can go a long way.  Trixie leaned forward, seemingly entranced. She inched closer, but it was Marble who closed the gap. She pressed her lips to hers, taking a moment to savor the soft feel of it. It was strange, but not an entirely unpleasant sensation. She could see why ponies enjoyed it.  As the kiss deepened, she pulled a sampling of the emotions swirling through the unicorn.  Mmm, lust of course, a tiny bit of... I don’t know what that is, and... is that some fear? How interesting.  Even if she hadn’t just tasted her emotions, she could sense some hesitation in the kiss. Marble gently separated from Trixie and whispered, her voice soft and slightly scratchy from lack of use. “Are you scared?” Trixie shuddered, her eyes flashing as the green haze that covered them grew darker. “Trixie is...concerned of what might happen if you are caught here. Trixie may be an only child, but even she knows the youngest of a family is fiercely protected by the others.” Marble blinked in surprise, it seemed there may have been some sort of conscious self in the mare after all. Doubt and a bit of guilt started to creep into her mind, but then came Maud’s last words to her before leaving for school. Marble, never doubt yourself and never look back. We do what we must to survive. We are predators, and predators must eat.  Her stomach growled again, almost in agreement. As part of the tradition, she had fasted the entire week and now, so close to her first meal, she was absolutely ravenous.  She smiled reassuringly at Trixie, “Don’t. It’s okay.” She glanced around before grinning and leaning in to whisper in her ear, throat itching as she spoke. “Not the first time.” She leaned back with a giggle and a wink, selling the lie. Trixie seemed to believe it without a second thought. Not that Marble couldn’t have simply ‘persuaded’ her to believe it, but her magical reserve was running low. She had just enough to keep her complacent and open-minded, but not for too long.  She glanced pointedly in the direction of the cot with a suggestive, “Mmhmm~?” Trixie grinned and kissed her again before trotting off towards her bed. Marble followed after a moment, almost laughing at how easy Trixie was making this. Hmm, maybe a bit too easy for my first one, but probably for the best in the end. Once I’m stronger I can go after more complicated prey. For now… Trixie was on her back, legs spread wide and showing off all her naughty bits. Marble cooed and nuzzled her inner leg and thigh, breathing over Trixie’s marehood and teats as she crawled up her body. Trixie squirmed under her, hooves roaming and groping her as she settled on top.  Marble giggled and pulled Trixie into another deep kiss as her hooves wandered to her cutie marks. The mares moaned in tandem as Marble pulled another delicious little bite of emotion from Trixie. Mmm, much more lust this time. Good. Marble had never eaten enough to really be able to differentiate the various tastes and nuances of emotions, but she was beginning to understand. Well, she was beginning to understand Trixie’s tastes at least. Her family had always told her every pony is different, even if slightly, depending on their experiences.  Trixie’s lust was tangy and acidic, the flavors exploding across her tongue like popping rocks. As the kiss continued, a softer flavor followed on the edges, smooth and sweet like honey. They both panted as the kiss was broken, Marble’s mind swimming from all these new revelations and flavors. She knew lust well by now, but that other flavor was not so easily identified. Could it really be that ever elusive emotion, the hardest for her kind to come by naturally - love? As she thought about it, the more she seemed to know and understand, like the voices of her ancestors were whispering their knowledge to her. The ‘love’ was not familial, nor was it romantic, but it seemed Trixie wanted to love her in some capacity, be it even as a friend or close companion. There was a bitter undertone to the smooth honey, the taste of...hmm. She couldn’t be quite sure yet. It seemed Trixie had met some hardships in the past, events that may have made her slower to trust and even slower to truly love. I wonder, if I didn’t already have her under my control, would I feel any love at all? She was brought out of her thoughts by a nibble on her neck, a surprised gasp escaping her. Trixie chuckled beneath her and nibbled across her collarbone. Careful Marble, never make it seem like you are distracted.  Marble pulled Trixie’s head up, a light smirk on her lips as she dipped her head to nibble along her neck. Trixie seemed to enjoy it, if the breathy moans and gasps and squirming around were anything to go by. Marble mused for a second the irony of her, a predator, nibbling on the neck of her prey as a sexual act. Ponies are such interesting creatures. Marble wasn’t quite sure what to do now. Was this considered foreplay? Should she try to do something...down there? What should she use? Her hoof? Her mouth?  She absentmindedly began to kiss her way down Trixie’s chest but was stopped by pale pink magic surrounding her. Before she had a chance to react, Trixie had flipped her around so she was looking down at Trixie’s teats and now flushed marehood. Marble shuddered at the feel of a breath on her own flower, a soft moan escaping her as Trixie laid a firm lick across her.  Butterflies erupted in her stomach at the funny feeling and she slowly lowered her body so she could lay on Trixie. Limestone had told her many mares enjoyed this sort of position and she was starting to see why. She shuddered as magic began to squeeze and knead her teats, clumsily bringing her hooves up in an attempt to replicate the movements on Trixie.  Trixie bucked her hips upward, startling Marble a bit. She gulped softly before lowering her head and performing the same, solid lick across her lips Trixie had done earlier. This earned a vibrating moan from the unicorn, the butterflies intensifying for Marble as a result.  G-goodness this, this is gonna be harder than I thought… The same ghostly whispers that brought information earlier now brought comfort and support. Marble was doing a good job so far, and how she wanted to treat her prey was completely up to her.  Marble had many fantasies on how her ‘first time’ would go. In some, she would play until the sunrise, exploring every possibility before finally draining her victim in their sleep. She would grant them a peaceful end after the best night of their lives. Other times she had been too famished to even think and pounced on them without so much as a word.  Now that she was actually here, she was leaning towards the latter. Her stomach was growling near constantly, even if Trixie was too preoccupied to hear it. Exploring would come later, right now she needed to eat. If she did it right, Trixie would still have a good time, and that helped lighten some of the guilt that lingered from earlier.  Another rumble and all guilt was erased.  Marble dropped her full weight onto Trixie, clenching her legs around her head but leaving enough space for her to pull back and breathe. Marble shivered as Trixie dove in, wiggling her tongue as deep as she could into Marble’s winking depths. Her magic fizzled out, but Marble didn’t mind, finding an interesting pleasure in grinding her nipples against Trixie’s soft fur.  Trixie let out an impatient whine and bucked her hips again, snapping Marbles attention back to her jiggling teats and winking flower. She breathed over Trixie, teasing her for a few more moments before finally gracing her with her tongue. She knew she shouldn’t have been surprised, but the taste of Trixie’s physical ‘love’ was quite different from the emotion and she wasn’t sure she liked it.  Marble’s surprise passed; it’s not like she would be tasting it for long. She wiggled her tongue into Trixie, licking this way and that, diving deep and flicking shallowly. When her tongue lashed over Trixie’s clit, the unicorn pulled back from her flanks to let out a short scream of pleasure.  Marble frowned ever so slightly. Earlier this mare was concerned about her family finding them together and now she had the audacity to make a racket? The thought of her family re-sparked the rage she had smothered earlier at Trixie’s assumption her father would dare grace her cot.  Marble waited patiently for Trixie to return to her rightful place under her flanks and decided the mare had enough air. If she’s just going to waste it keeping my family up then she doesn’t deserve it. Not like she would need air much longer anyways… Marble’s body felt hot, and even as shivers of pleasure danced up her spine, she found the intoxicating warmth of power overwhelming the physical pleasure from Trixie’s tongue. Ahh yes, you don’t know it yet my stupid prey, but you are going to be devoured soon. Marble chuckled as she nipped at Trixie’s clit, the muffled scream of pleasure vibrating through the unicorns muzzle and into her. As Marble delicately licked and provided the barest of stimulation, Trixie began to thrash around, desperately trying to push her off as it seemed she needed to breathe. Marble counted to five before finally raising her flank and swiftly turning around to face Trixie once more. Trixie was able to gasp down half a breath before Marble attacked her with a deep kiss, pressing her tongue into her mouth with reckless abandon as she began to take greater pulls of Trixie’s emotions. That same tangy lust from earlier dominated her palette, tinged with the bitter, almost burnt taste of fear. Marble moaned loudly as she continued to draw from the weakening unicorn, waiting until she was afraid she would pass out before finally releasing her deadly kiss.  Trixie flopped down onto the cot, her coat color dulled a bit as she desperately grasped for breath. She attempted to light her horn, but was unable to summon even a bit of light.  Marble was panting heavily, intoxicated on the rush of power now flowing through her. Everything seemed...sharper, brighter, like the satisfying ‘crack!’ from finally cracking open a stubborn rock to reveal a beautiful geode.  She sniffed the air, able to pick up on the ambient notes of panic, pain, and confusion emanating from the unicorn below her. Marble giggled, an almost mad twinge to the sound as she ran a hoof down Trixie's face. This was the best she had felt in...well she didn’t think she had ever felt this good.  She felt strong, giddy, grounded and floating all at the same time. Another giggle spilled from her lips. “You know, I lied earlier. You are my first, and what an amazing first you were~” She leaned back, tittering even as a bewildered hoof rubbed at her throat. Her voice was strong as well now, smooth, like the satisfying rumble of marbles against a wooden floor. Trixie let out a terrified croak, staring up at her in horror, finally seeming to grasp that she was in danger.  Marble tsked and stared into her eyes. Don’t give me that look. You’re having the best night of your life, pleasures like you have never experienced before.  She watched as Trixie’s gaze changed, albeit slowly, like the mare still had some strength left to resist. She looked confused, lost and exhausted. Huh. I think Maud did mention at some point unicorns are slightly more resistant due to their mana stores or something like that.  Marble reinforced her will upon her, and Trixie’s eyes took on a dull green shine as her face started to morph back to the cocky, lidded stare she wore when opening the door earlier. Marble leaned down and nibbled her ear, “We are having fun aren’t we Trixie?” “Mmhmm...T-Trixie has, has never laid with a mare quite like you, Marble.” Marble purred and brought her hind hoof up to grind into Trixie’s soaked sex. “I’m glad to hear that, Trixie. It’s getting late though, I’ll have to get back to bed soon…” Trixie moaned weakly at Marble’s hoof, “P-please, let, let Trixie. Trixie thinks she is, is satisfied for tonight.”  Marble slowly moved her hoof away, letting out a gasp as Trixie jerkily moved her own leg into position. She grunted in concentration, “Trixie is sorry, she can’t quite seem to…” Marble cooed and nuzzled her cheek, beginning to grind against Trixie’s leg. “It's alright, that orgasm took quite a lot out of you, didn’t it?” Trixie nodded numbly, staring at her with glazed over eyes. Marble grinned and brought her into another kiss. This time, she didn’t bother trying to limit herself. She drank deeply from the well that was Trixie’s soul and emotions, swallowing every last morsel until nothing was left. Every draw brought a new burst of flavor, now tinged with that smooth honey love. Sharp and spicy notes of pain, small hints of bitter fear, and the earthiness of deeper, long held feelings of shame and self deprecation.  Marble licked her lips as she drew back, rubbing her chin in thought as she watched Trixie exhale for the last time. Those last flavors had been interesting, it seemed Trixie had dealt with many demons in her lifetime.  The door to the shack opened and Limestone stepped in, chuckling as she trotted over and looked down at the pale, empty husk that was once Trixie Lulamoon. “So, how was she? We heard the scream a bit earlier.” Marble rolled her eyes, playfully pushing Limestone to the side as she climbed off the unicorn’s corpse. “Mmm...Good enough.” Limestone snorted, “Good enough? Your first meal and already you are too good for her? You’re more stone-hearted than Maud, sis.” Marble stuck out her tongue and both sisters giggled. Limestone spared one more glance at Trixie before starting out of the shack. “Come on, let's get to bed. Trust me, you’re gonna want some sleep after your first meal.” “Mmhmm.”