> Peeping Taps > by Isseus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Keeping Tabs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tender Taps, the dancing prodigy, was out of breath. When he'd decided to take up long-distance galloping over the Summer break, nopony had told him that it would be such a hot and sweaty hobby. Doing it on what had to be the hottest day of the season didn't help. Not bringing a water bottle with him had also been quite dumb, he now realized. The forest path swam in his vision. Swam. Swimming. Oh, Celestia, just the thought of jumping into a cold pond right now made him shake his head and focus. Just a bit more, and he'd be there, in his own, private, paradise. "Just a bit more. Do it for the fillies, Taps!" he muttered out loud between breaths. Galloping was probably very healthy and all, but that wasn't why he was doing it. He'd read in a grown-up magazine that if there was one thing that fillies loved more than anything, it was stamina. Good muscles came right after that. Tender Taps was very flexible and lithe for an Earth Pony, not what anypony would call very masculine. He'd even heard a few colts call him faggy and a twink behind his back. A part of that was surely from his love of dancing and of wearing flamboyant costumes while doing so, but he was very definitely into fillies. And he could do a split without warming up, which had to count for something, right? The narrow path twisted and turned through the forest, the trees so close that Tender Taps had to constantly dodge from side to side to avoid the low-hanging branches and jump over the thick roots crossing his way. He'd chosen this route exactly for that reason: Nopony would see him practise here, and that also meant that nopony would be at his destination. His legs felt like they were on fire, but he pushed himself up the last slope, knowing what lie behind it. There, between the trees, he caught a bright flash of the sun touching the surface of water. A few dozen painful, yet exhilarating steps more, and he finally arrived. The small pond lay in front of him, it's surface still like that of a mirror. Without a second thought, he dove in. The icy coldness of the water slammed into him. He didn't know how a pond like this could still be cool during the Summer, but it probably had something to do with a spring or something. He didn't really care. All he knew was that he'd finally managed the trek in one gallop, not stopping to walk at any point. He swam back to the surface, taking several huge gulps of the fresh forest air into his aching lungs. He did a few lazy laps around the pond, before he finally gave in to his thirst and swallowed several crisp mouthfuls of water before laying back panting, letting the cool water keep him afloat. He didn't know how long he'd been there, but after the longest time the water started feeling cold instead of just rapturously cool, so he finally pulled himself out of the water. He fell on his back on the soft grass and rested his head on his forehooves, the hot rays of the sun soon warming him back again. He grabbed a tall piece of hay from next to him and lazily bit down on it. As he looked up at the cloudless blue sky, he felt his eyes slowly droop shut. His last memory was of the birds in the trees singing him a gentle lullaby. When Tender Taps finally opened up his eyes again, the sun had moved across the sky, morning turning into afternoon. He was slightly startled as he felt his fully erect member twitch, before remembering that he was most definitely alone in the forest. With a lazy hoof, he gave it a few strokes, feeling waves of pleasure pass along his length and into his hips. It wouldn't have been his first time jerking off near his secret pond, but the thought of doing so outside, where anypony could see him made it all the more exciting. He knew it was basically impossible for anypony to actually see him, but the thought still made him shiver. He might have loved performing on stage to other ponies, but this was one show he definitely wanted to keep to himself. It wasn't long ago when he would have been terrified of even dancing in front of other ponies. His thoughts drifted to the filly who had helped him get over his stage fright, and who had been constantly on his mind ever since. Even now that cute, encouraging smile cheering her on from the edge of the stage sent his heart fluttering. She'd been willing to make a complete fool of herself for him and in the end he'd gotten his cutie mark thanks to her. He thought of the two of them dancing together, inhaling his scent and rubbing their muzzles together. As they locked lips in his mind, it quickly drove him over the edge as his tip flared and he felt his orgasm coming. He barely had time to turn to his side before he shot his load onto the grass next to him, just narrowly avoiding soiling his coat with his spunk. He was left panting in the warm afterglow of his orgasm, though the unfortunate clarity that seemed to soon follow his every load quickly crept upon him. He'd barely had the time to think of the filly before he'd already come, nowhere even close to a minute in total. According to the magazine he'd read, that was basically pitiful. He looked at the strands of cum drooping from the strands of grass next to him and sighed. He had a long way to go. He got up and stretched his legs, getting ready for the gallop back to town. He circled the pond and found the path he'd arrived by, but his ears perked up. Had he just heard somepony? He stopped to listen, his eyes darting from left to right to maybe find the source of the sound. No, it had to have been his imagination, right? Right?!. There was no ways there was anypony here. Tender Taps shook his head and took a deep breath. It had been nothing. And then heard it again, and this time there was no mistaking it. Several voices, female voices, carried over from somewhere to his side. Had they seen him jerk off? He tried to tell himself that it was a completely irrational thought, that there was no way... but then again, maybe? And who would be this deep in the forest? He thought of just running away as fast as he could, but his curiosity and guilt stopped him. Instead, he started to bravely trot towards the sounds. He made it almost ten paces before he realized he was carefully watching where he placed his hooves and tried to keep to the shadows and behind the largest trees and bushes. Eventually he found himself almost crawling on the ground, his eyes barely on ankle level. He crept ever closer, before he finally got to the edge of a small clearing, and as he peeked through a bush, his breath caught. There, right in front of her, were the three fillies he most often found himself fantasizing about. There was the fluffy and poofy unicorn filly, Sweete Belle, the feisty pegasus Scootaloo, and above all, there was the cutest filly he'd ever met, the ribbon-maned Apple Bloom. And what they were doing made his eyes bulge almost out of his head. Sweetie Belle was sitting down on the ground, her legs spread wide, rubbing her nethers on a thick root, Scootaloo was standing on just her hind hooves with her chest pressed on the ground and rubbing vigorously beneath her tail, and in the middle... Oh, Celestia, in the middle, leaning against a tree, her hind legs spread apart, everything splayed on display, Apple Bloom, jerking herself off right on front of Tender Taps. There was barely ten feet to the trio of fillies from the brush he was hiding under and the air was filled with moans and the lewd smell of arousal. Tender Taps couldn't believe his eyes, and every thought of announcing himself immediately vanished from his mind. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but there was no way he could turn away from the sight in front of him. He should have just snuck away the way he'd come and never tell a soul. Or maybe walk a bit further away, then make himself known by whistling or something. Instead he felt his member pop from its sheath faster than ever before in his life, the tip dragging along the ground, making a grunt escape from Tender Taps. His eyes immediately shot open in horror, but to his relief, the fillies were clearly fully consumed in their lascivious acts. As he watched, Scootaloo's hind legs trembled as she groaned out loud, rivulets of fillycum running down from her cunny and down the sides of her legs. He thought she was done, but instead she kept going and going, soon repeating the gush, sending even more juices on the grass. Next to her, Sweetie Belle was clearly in bliss as well, but he couldn't really see what was happening, but from the noise she was making, he was sure the treeroot she was humping would be well watered. And Apple Bloom... he could see everything, how glisteningly wet her slit was, how her hoof was frantically pumping up and down on her cunny, her spread legs twitching in arousal. And as for Tender Taps, it was the first time he'd ever cum without touching himself. He hadn't even thought of jerking off yet, his body taking over from his overwhelmed mind. Even though he was basically lying on top of his member on the ground, he could feel his spunk shoot out and spread everywhere it could. It ended up on the ground, on his chest, aven underneath his chin. His orgasm turned almost painful as he kept shooting load after load out from his swollen member. He felt like fainting right then and there from the sheer exstacy of the most extreme orgasm of his youth. He could barely register that in front of her, Apple Bloom had come as well, moaning and shivering, right along with him. "WANKER!" came the shrill scream right next to his ear. Tender Taps shot up, his hooves trembling under him. He realized he'd completely blown his cover, standing in clear view of the three fillies he'd just been peeping on. "YOU'RE A BUTT!" shouted the voice next to him. He barely registered the flutter of heavy wings as he turned to run. He made it almost ten paces before he tripped over a treeroot and landed heavily on his face, the world turning into stars around him. He tried to scramble back up, but only stumbled to the side and fell on his back. And then he felt a heavy weight slam right on top of him, driving the rest of the air from his lungs out. "I got him!" Scootaloo shouted from atop him. The other two fillies soon followed Scootaloo and surrounded Tender Taps. "Wait, Tender Taps?" Apple Bloom asked. Her voice was both incredulous and tinged with clear disappointment. "Uhh... hi?" Tender Taps managed to say. He knew there was no escape now. "He was totally peeping on us!" Scootaloo yelled. "If it wasn't for that mockingbird he would have gotten away with it too!" The stars were slowly disappearing from Tender Taps' vision. Speaking was still a struggle, thanks to the surprisingly heavy filly sitting on his chest. "It was *gasp* an accident. I'm sorry!" Apple Bloom tried to pull Scootaloo away from Tender Taps. "Let him go. He might have just stumbled on us when we were... He said it was an accident!" "Accident my BUTT!" Scootaloo yelled. "He was totally jerking off and watching us. He even has cum on his face from cumming so hard." "Cum..." Sweetie Belle added helpfully. Scootaloo pointed an accusing hoof at Tender Taps' face and the generous dollop on his chin from before. "Right here, see? He probably followed us all the way from town!" "Maybe it's just sweat," Apple Bloom said. "How would you even know what cum looks like?" "I know, okay?" Scootaloo said. "And why are you protecting him? He was totally watching you just now." Apple Bloom couldn't really answer, but her face did grow even a darker shade of red. "Dick..." Sweetie Belle said. She pointed at the still quite erect member poking at Scootaloo's back. "Wha—EWWW!" Scootaloo said as she jumped off from Tender Taps' chest. "Watch where you're pointing that thing! I don't want any of your filthy cum on me! Omigosh, I was just on his chest, did I get any of his cum on me?" She frantically tried to brush all the (mostly) imaginary colt fluids from her legs. "Ha-aaah" Tender Taps gasped for air. "It was... *cough* it was an accident. I didn't follow you at all. I was galloping in the forest and just happened to hear you." "Just galloping in the forest? Is that the best you can come up with? Who does that?!" Scootaloo said. "I come here a few days a week. There's a pond where I go swimming nearby." "Well you still jerked off while watching us. You can't say you didn't!" Scootaloo said. "I, uhh..." Tender Taps swallowed. There was no way to really wiggle out of that one. "Kinda." "You hear that? You hear that?!" Scootaloo said. Her expression grew even fiercer. "He even admits it. I'm gonna knock out his teeth!" Scootaloo moved closer, raising a forehoof threateningly towards him. Tender Taps could only cover his face pitifully. Apple Bloom grabbed Scootaloo's hoof. "We ain't knockin' anypony's teeth in. Don't be daft." "But he—" Scootaloo said. "I know!" Apple Bloom's eyes were already filling up with tears. The sheer look of disappointment she gave Tender Taps hurt him more than any amount of lost teeth could. Apple Bloom angrily wiped a hoof over her eyes. "Just let him go. He ain't gonna tell anypony on us 'cos we'd tell on him too." She looked away from him. "I don't wanna see him ever again." Tender Taps felt his own eyes burning as well. He clumsily got on his hooves, trying to figure out where to go through his blurry vision. He was just about to bolt away, when a hoof gently tapped him on the back. "Did you really just stumble on us in the forest?" Sweetie Belle asked. Her eyes were like large pools of gentle forgiveness. Tender Taps swallowed the huge lump in his throat, but couldn't say anything. He just nodded sadly. "I mean, we were doing kinda naughty stuff there," Sweetie Belle said, blushing quite fiercely. "So we can't really blame him for getting, you know, aroused. He's a colt, after all." Tender Taps' shoulders shivered as he was on the verge of sobs from Sweetie Belle's kindness. "S-sorry." Apple Bloom looked at him with her expression going through anger and disgust, finally landing on pity. "C'mon. Colts shouldn't cry. That's so... un-stallionly." She took a deep breath and looked at the ground. "I guess he couldn't help himself." "I still think we should knock his teeth out," Scootaloo muttered. "Well what would you have done if you'd stumbled on a few colts?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I would totally have told them to stop being disgusting!" Scootaloo said. "Even if one of them was Rumble?" Sweetie Belle asked innocently. Scootaloo's expression turned from high and mighty to blushing confusion faster than Tender Taps thought possible. "i... uhhm... you know that's not fair, Sweetie." "I'm really sorry for what happened," Tender Taps said. "You have all the right to be angry." He did his best to look at the fillies in the eyes as he said it. Scootaloo's muzzle was still scrunched up a bit, but at least she wasn't threatening to smack him any more. Sweetie Belle's eyes were full of understanding and compassion, warm enough to melt a marshmallow. And Apple Bloom... "Girls, huddle," she said. The fillies walked a few steps away and put their heads together. Occasionally, one of their heads would pop out to look at him, before diving back down. Tender Taps couldn't really hear what they were whispering about. He took the opportunity to wipe the moisture from his eyes and the sticky clump from beneath his chin. He took a look between his legs, and was relieved to see that at least his member had the decency to go back to its sheath. The fillies broke their huddle and walked back to him. Apple Bloom cleared her throat. "We've decided that, umm, that—" Scootaloo cut in. "What Apple Bloom is trying to say is that what you did really sucks." Sweetie Belle took her turn. "But we understand that it was also kind of an accident, so..." "So..." Apple Bloom continued. "We decided that we'll forgive you, if we get to give you a punishment for what you did." Tender Taps gulped. "A-and what's the punishment?" The fillies looked at each other and nodded. "A spanking," Apple Bloom said. "A what?" Tender Taps stammered. "A spanking" Sweetie Belle said. "What you did was wrong, so you need to be punished somehow, and I don't think Scootaloo would let things be if she could't give you a few good smacks, and, well—" "We basically thought what would grown-ups do to us if we were caught doing something like what you did," Apple Bloom finished. "It's up to you, really," she tried to say nonchalantly, but the threat of far worse consequenses was clear in her voice. Tender Taps couldn't really believe his ears. "You're serious about this?" he finally said. The fillies nodded in unison. "And we're cool after that and all?" he asked, not even realizing he was looking straight at Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom fidgeted with her forehooves a bit, but finally nodded. "I'll forgive you." Tender Taps felt more confused of the events than ever before, but if that was what it took... "Okay, I'll do it. Or take it. Or something" "Okay!" Scootaloo said, her face in a wicked grin. "I'll go get a switch!" Sweetie Belle stepped in front of her. "Scoots, we agreed, hooves only." "Oaaww..." Scootaloo whined, but soon turned to look at Tender Taps. "Okay, you know how this works. Come over here then and get on my lap. And wipe off all the cum on you." Tender Taps nervously brushed his coat from his neck down to his crotch to remove anything that might have been left. Scootaloo had said he knew how this worked, but he'd only heard about spankings from the horror stories his friends told at school and from seeing the occasional roasted rump. He'd always been very nice to everyone and hadn't really gotten into much trouble, and even if he had, his parents mostly scolded or grounded him. He remembered once as a younger foal being dragged home from his ear, and that had been the worst he'd ever gotten. With a nervous gulp he walked over to Scootaloo, who had sat down on fallen down tree trunk. He hesitated a bit when he got in front of her, because it was the first time he realized how small the filly was compared to him. He'd hit a growth spurt in the Spring and was probably almost twice the size of the lithe pegasus. Scootaloo's hoof shot out and grabbed him by the ear, dragging him forcefuly over her hind legs. To her credit, she managed to hold him there for several seconds, with her eyes bulging from her head and her forehooves flailing desperately, before they both plummeted down, with Tender Taps barely catching himself before he completely crushed Scootaloo underneath him. With both her ego and butt bruised, Scootaloo quickly struggled up from beneath him, looking even more sour than before. "You jerk! You did that on purpose!" The snickers from Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle quickly made Scootaloo turn to her friends instead. "Not. Funny," she said very deliberately. The other two fillies tried to cover their mouths with their forehooves. She turned back towards Tender Taps. "That just earned you, umm, extra smacks!" She rubbed a forehoof on her sore rump, brushing away the thistle burrs stuck there, getting them caught on her hoof instead. She tried to shake them off, with little results. She finally managed to get rid of them by picking them away one by one with her teeth and spitting them off. There were some more sniggers from Apple Bloom and Sweetie. "What is it this time?!" Scootaloo asked. "Heheh, nothing," Apple Bloom tried to deadpan. "Yeah, nothing, Ms. burdock burr-dock," Sweetie Belle said with complete innocence. Scootaloo pointed an angry hoof at her friends. "What are you, a biology textbook?!" She turned to point at Tender Taps. "And you! That's... that's—" "Extra smacks?" Tender Taps said, trying to hold her laughter as well. The heavy atmosphere from before had almost completely disappeared. It was hard to imagine that just a few minutes ago two young ponies had been close to tears. "And for that too!" Scootaloo growled. "Okay, new plan. Lie down." Tender Taps did as he was told, lying down and tucking his hind legs underneath him. Scootaloo sat down on the grass next to him and indignantly yanked his tail up. Tender Taps expected the first smack to land, but it didn't. Instead there was some more grumbling. "Scoots, I don't think that's gonna work..." Sweetie Belle offered. "I know, okay!" Scootaloo said. She'd also realized that now that Tender Taps was on the ground, his tail was already almost touching the ground, so there was basically no way to actually smack him on his rump. "What if he was on his back?" Apple Bloom offered. "I was just gonna say that!" Scootaloo said. "You heard her, roll over." Tender Taps rolled over, holding his forehooves close to his chest and his hind legs straight down. "W-wow," Sweetie Belle said. It was only then that Tender Taps realized he was now fully displaying all his goods to the fillies. He felt an instinctual twitch in his ballsack. At least his member was still sheathed. "Okay, this'll work. Lift your hinds up and hold them there," Scootaloo said. Tender Taps complied, lifting and spreading his hind legs. If anything, that made him even more vulnerable, now also displaying his butthole to the fillies. He felt his face burn, and a familiar stirring in his sheath that would soon mean a full-blown erection. *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* "Eeep!" Tender Taps whined as the first smacks landed on his rump. All the pent up frustration Scootaloo had been gathering was unleashed on his rear. *smack* *smack**smack* *smack* "Hnnngh," he groaned. On instinct his hind legs extended and he rolled to his side, almost catching Scootaloo on the muzzle. "Hey, stay still! Get back into position!" Scootaloo said. "Sorry, sorry!" Tender Taps quickly got on his back once again. *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* The jolts of pain were quite sharp on his rump, and he had to bite his teeth together not to cry out. He hadn't expected the filly's smacks to hurt that much. He squirmed, trying to hold his hind legs up as best he could. *smack* *smack* *smack* *sma—* "H-hey!" Without meaning to, Tender Taps had rolled onto his side once more. "Girls? A little help?" Scootaloo called out. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle soon arrived, sitting next to Tender Taps' sides and pulling him back to position, pulling his hind legs up and far apart. If it wasn't for the amount of stretching and splits he'd done, he would have surely sprained something. He also felt utterly vulnerable, especially from Apple Bloom's side, where her vice-like grip made sure he couldn't move his leg even if he wanted to. *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* The spanking finally proceeded as planned, with Scootaloo unloading rapid-fire smacks all over Tender Taps' bottom. He squirmed and whinnied, almost immediately losing all the little masculinity he had as he struggled in vain against the fillies. The smacks weren't painful enough to make him cry, but he did feel his face burning from embarrasment and the proximity of three fillies that he'd oftentimes fantasized about. Those thoughts soon vanished as the punishment continued, and Scootaloo didn't seem to be tiring down at all. *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack**smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* "Eeeh! Hnnnghrh!" Tender Taps' butt felt like it was now at least as hot as his face. Either Scootaloo knew what she was doing, or was learning very fast and enthusiastically. Her slim hoof hurt far more than he'd expected, especially when she struck her at the part where his rump joined with his thighs. As she noticed the stronger reaction there, she focused most of her attention there, making Tender Taps wiggle his lower body desperately. "Scoots, leave something for us too," Apple Bloom said. "Just a few more!" Scootaloo answered. *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* "Auwhhh!" Tender Taps finally howled out loud as Scootaloo's finishing sprint brought out her last remaining strength. "And a..." *SMACK* "And a..." *SMACK* "There," Scootaloo said after landing her last, heavy blows. She was panting heavily, clearly having given her all. "Phew. I didn't know spanking someone was hard work. And my hoof hurts now." Tender Taps tried to wriggle his burning butt from side to side to maybe rub it against something to cool it off, but the two fillies made sure he couldn't touch anything and that his forehooves couldn't reach down. "I think his butt hurts a bit more," Apple Bloom said with a grin. "Feel better?" "Yup!" Scootaloo said. Her earlier dour demeanor had melted away, replaced by a wide, happy smile. "Really needed that!" She tapped Sweetie Belle on the shoulder. "Tag." Sweetie Belle let go of Tender Taps' hind leg, but before he could even stretch it out, Scotaloo pinned it back down. Sweetie Belle moved down between his legs. "Wow," she said. "It's really red!" "Told ya!" Scootaloo said proudly. "Are you sure we should give him any more?" Sweetie Belle gently rubbed a hoof over Tender Taps' burning bottom, sending jolts of both pain and pleasure through his body. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom looked at each other. "Well, I mean, it's up to you," Apple Bloom said. "But didn't you say he needed to be punished?" "Well, umm, I didn't really mind being, you know..." She blushed fiercely and looked away. "...watched." The other two fillies grew a few shades redder as well. Sweetie Belle's forgotten hoof kept massaging the sore rump in front of her. His member started pushing its way out from his sheath, immediately catching the fillies' attention completely. To Tender Taps' horror, they leaned in closer, as his penis rapidly pushed out, first snaking along his stomach, but soon filling completely and bouncing up. "Whoah." "Would you look at that!" "D-dick...." The fillies muttered. Tender Taps on his part just wanted to sink under the ground from shame. He'd tried to make sure nopony could see him when he got hard, often hiding behind bushes or whatever he could find until it went away. Some of his friends had actually gotten worried when he'd constantly need to run to a toilet. If nothing else, he was overjoyed that his dancing outfits were very tight and oftentimes frilly, so him popping a boner in the middle of a performance wouldn't ruin it. Obviously he'd gotten caught a few times, what with usually not wearing clothes outside the dance school, but most he'd gotten was a few casual ribs from his friends. He'd of course seen his friends pop some boners as well, but had always pretended not to notice anything. These fillies weren't pretending at all. Instead, they were mere inches from his throbbing member, mouths open, practically salivating at it. Scootaloo was the first one to even remotely recover. "Sweetie, it's your turn, remember?" Sweetie shook her head, trying to get her eyes off from the protruding, throbbing brown member in front of her face. "I don't like hitting other ponies." Apple Bloom was still staring at the waving tip, completely mesmerized, so Scootaloo continued. "We agreed we'd all do it, right? So you gotta do it too." "Fine, but just a little bit," Sweetie Belle said. She pulled a hoof back and slapped it against Tender Taps' behind. The hit wasn't that hard, but it made Tender Taps twitch a bit, causing his member to swing wildly from side to side. "Wow," Sweetie Belle said. She rubbed his bottom absent-mindedly, then gave him another slap. They were nowhere close to the smacks Scootaloo had given, but enough to sting just enough to make Tender Taps fidget a bit. She kept up a slow pace, slapping, then rubbing his rear, his erection giving all three fillies a private dance show. For Tender Taps, this was a place both in paradise and hell. He had never been both so embarrassed and aroused in his life. He was actually getting worried that he'd soon burst his load if Sweetie Belle kept going, her gentle hooves both teasing and pleasuring him in ways he'd never even imagined. He couldn't help but grunt and moan happily as her hooves found some of the more sensitive parts of his rear, stroking along her crack, gliding over his butthole, even touching his balls a few times. But all too soon it was over. "I think I've punished him enough," Sweetie Belle said. Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo sighed audibly. Apple Bloom silently swapped with Sweetie Belle, ending up between Tender Taps' hind legs in turn. She took a look at the red rump in front of her. "That's a good start right there, but Ah think Ah can make some improvements." She spat on her hoof, then immediately gave a swift smack on his butt. It was immediately clear to Tender Taps that he wasn't getting off as easily as he'd done with Sweetie Belle. "Now these two fillies, they've heard about spankings," she said. A heavy smack landed, eliciting a grunt from Tender Taps. "Mostly because Ah've told them how Ah get punished at the farm if Ah land mahself in trouble." *SMACK* "Ah know Sweetie's gotten a few smacks from her big sister..." *SMACK* "And Scootaloo's Aunties sometimes give her the hairbrush if she does something dumb." *SMACK* "But not half as often as they should, as we ARE talking about Scootaloo here." *SMACK* "Hey!" Scootaloo interjected. "But over at the farm..." *SMACK* "We got three very strong Earth Ponies with some verra strict ideas." *SMACK* "And Ah ain't ashamed to say there ain't been a smackin' Ah've gotten that didn't leave me in tears." *SMACK* *SMACK* The words were having at least as much effect on Tender Taps as the very painful smacks had. He already whinnied through his teeth, realizing that Scootaloo hadn't been the worst bit by far. The rapid-fire smacks of Scootaloo had been replaced by hard, meticulous whacks from what felt like a paddle. "Now, if Applejack or Big Mac heard Ah'd been peeping on ponies during their private time, they'd be absolutely furious." *SMACK* "Ah could be sure not to walk proper for sev'ral days." *SMACK* "So Ah hope you understand you're getting of easy. *SMACK* *SMACK* Tender Taps was definitely not feeling like he was getting off easy. Each smack felt like it was harder than the last, and Apple Bloom wasn't showing any signs of slowing. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had their work cut out for them trying to keep his legs down and apart. Everypony seemed to have forgotten his member, which had fallen flaccid against his chest. Apple Bloom wiped a bead of sweat from her brow. "Now, Ah've never given nopony a spankin'." *SMACK* "But Ah sure as hay know what Ah'm doin'." *SMACK* "But there's this thing mah sis always says when she's makin' me holler over a barrel." *SMACK* "That it hurts her as well." *SMACK* "Ah thought that dumb, but you know what?" *SMACK* "You know what, you dumb colt?" *SMACK* "It's because mah sis says it hurts when you hafta smack someone you like." *SMACK* "So as them not getting up to no good again." *SMACK* "And when ah saw you standin' there, peepin' on us" *SMACK* "One of them nicest colts Ah ever did meet." *SMACK* "It sure as hay hurt." *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* "And it hurt twice as bad" *SMACK* "Because Ah think Ah *sob* really like you." Tender Taps had heard every word, despite his eyes filling up with tears. But after that sobbing confession, he noticed no more smacks were landing. He couldn't say anything, a huge lump in his throat making it hard to even breathe. But he heard every word, and every sob. When his vision cleared a bit, he could see tears rolling fown Apple Bloom's cheeks. "Y-you like me?" Tender Taps managed to say. "Ah do, you darn peepin' butthole!" Apple Bloom shouted. "Wow, she really said it," Scootaloo whispered. "Shush," Sweetie Belle said. "I... I like you too, Apple Bloom," Tender Taps said. He'd been dreaming of telling that to her ever since they'd met, and the feeling had just grown since then. He'd never imagined it happening like this, but now he was desperate to tell it to her. Over and over again. He felt the pressure from his hind legs ease and he rolled forward so he was sitting face to face with Apple Bloom. "I felt so awful when you saw me and looked at me with that disappointment that I thought I was going to break." "You over-dramatic, sappy, dumbbutt!" Apple Bloom said, and grabbed him in a huge hug. She quietly sobbed against his shoulder. It went on for a long while, but Tender Taps couldn't have been happier that moment. He'd finally confessed to her, and she liked him too. There were no words in his mind, or any pain in his rump at that moment. Just sheer bliss. After the longest time, they parted, and smiled widely at each other. Tender Taps hadn't even noticed he'd been crying, and had to wipe a hoof over his eyes. "I'm sorry for peeping on you." "Ah forgive you," Apple Bloom said, nuzzling him underneath her muzzle. "Almost." "Wha-huh?" Tender Taps was left staring with his mouth open. "Weeell..." Apple Bloom gave him a mischievous smile. "Ah know you agreed on the spankin', but me and the girls thought you might want to give us a bit more?" "Huh?" "We gave you quite a show earlier," Sweetie Belle cut in. "So we think it's only fair if you give us one too," Scootaloo said. All the three fillies gave him a crooked smile, looked at his sheath, and blushed practically in unison. "You want me to..." He pointed down between his legs. The three fillies nodded, inching slightly closer to him. There was clear hunger in their eyes. "Err..." he pushed himself back a bit, but soon bumped against the fallen tree trunk. There was no escape. "Eeep!" "Please?" Apple Bloom said the magic word. There was nothing he could say to that, the last vestiges of his resistance crumbling. "Ugh, fine," Tender Taps said. He took a slightly better position and after hesitating some more, spread his legs. And nothing happened. His member was definitely in hiding. "Well, go on!" Scootaloo cheered. "Get on with it already!" "I don't think I can do it when you're watching." Tender Taps said. "Oaww... But you were ready to go before!" Sweetie Belle said. "Sorry, umm, it was, and, uhh, err..." Apple Bloom sat next to him. "Well Ah've an idea. Maybe you just need some encouragement?" She leaned forward so she was barely an inch from his ear. "From your new fillyfriend?" She leaned in and planted her lips onto his. He reciprocated hungrily, desperately, one more of his longest-time fantasies being fulfilled. "Well, that was fast!" Scootaloo said. "Isn't it even bigger than before?" Sweetie Belle asked. The kiss was over almost as fast as it had started, but the effects were immediate and very erect. His member had shot out of his sheath at a speed usually reserved only for rainbow-coloured pegasi. Tender Taps gave it a short glance, then turned back at Apple Bloom. "One more for good luck?" Apple Bloom just stuck her tongue out. "Just do it already!" Tender Taps took his member in his hoof. Three cute fillies gathered closer to watch him take his first stroke. This was what he'd trained for! All that stamina training would sure— *Squirt* "Ahh!" Tender Taps moaned as the orgasm hit him only after the first of his spunk was already airborne. He shot out a load after load, his eyes turning upwards in exstacy, his hoof barely touching his member. His whole body shivered, the world spinning around him. His balls were already hurting, yet he just kept on unloading. Finally, after an eternity, he fell limp on the ground, his every ounce of energy spent. Only then did he lazily open up his eyes, which soon shot open in horror. The three fillies around him were all covered in various amounts of his semen. Scootaloo was vigorously trying to rub it away from her mane. Sweetie was looking at a drooping yoyo of cum dangling from her horn. And as for Apple Bloom... The filly had clearly gotten the most of his shots onto her. Her mane, ears, face, even chest were covered in ropes of his cum. Her expression was somewhere between surprise and fury, though it was clearly going for the latter. "Ooops?" Tender Taps stammered. "You could have warned us, you dumbbutt!" Apple Bloom shouted. "It's not coming off! It's not coming ooooofff!" Scootaloo shouted in horror. "Cum. Cummm. Mmmm. Cum," Sweetie Belle added. Apple Bloom wiped her hoof across her face, getting a large dollop of Tender Taps' cum onto it. She looked fiercely at him, then slowly stuck her tongue out and licked her hoof clean and swallowed. "Huh. Salty," she said, her expression melting into happy grin. "Did you just swallow my... " Tender Taps stammered. Apple Bloom grinned even wider. "I might get used to it." She wiped a bit more from her ears, though this time just shaking it off onto the ground. "I thought you colts were supposed to last longer. Even I can go for a few minutes." "I'm still practising, okay?" Tender Taps said sullenly, yet still unable to stop looking at her cum-covered fillyfriend. "Well, that wasn't much of a show. Can you do it again?" Apple Bloom asked. Tender Taps shook his head. "Againt? Like, right now? No way." "Pfft. Boring," Apple Bloom said. She sidled right next to Tender Taps and put a hoof around him and leaned a head on his shoulder. "You're gonna have to give me a private show later." Tender Taps turned to whisper in her ear. "We'll have to make it a duo performance". They watched quietly for a while as Scootaloo rolled on the ground, trying to rub leaves against her mane, only managing to make her tousle get even more messed up and clumpy. "Don't worry about her. She just has a thing about cum," Apple Bloom said. "Sure looks like it. Is she gonna be okay?" "She's just going crazy and pretending she's totally not into colts at all and anything to do with them is icky. Except she has a huge crush on a colt and doesn't know what to do." "Rumble?" Tender Taps asked. Apple Bloom turned to look at him. "How'd you know that?" "He never shuts up about Scootaloo. Dude's got it bad for her." "We should get them together," Apple Bloom said. They sat in silence for a while, enjoying each other's warmth. Sweetie Belle waved her head from side to side, the string of cum swinging like a hypnotic pendulum in front of her face. Her eyes had turned into rolling spirals. "Cummmmmm," she said. "Did you say there's a pond nearby? We should probably get ourselves cleaned up," Apple Bloom said. "My butt votes yes," Tender Taps said.