> Ken 10 > by shadowshild612 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Discovery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Far beneath the soil in a cave near canterlot, a dim light filled the air as Twilight Sparkle, a purple pony alicorn along with her purple dragon spike walked down the dark path. A purple bipedal being made of flame walking behind them, having been hired by said purple pony for extra protection. “Your majesty, I should warn you about these caves, they are as old as Canterlot itself which means they are unstable and could collapse at any second.” the being said, though no one could find the tiniest hint of worry for the Alicorn or her assistant.  "I know Adolfa, but the idea of finding hidden secrets in this cave is just too tempting." Twilight said excitedly, as Spike rolled his eyes. "Why can't a bed ever find you exciting?" He muttered. “I’m serious, princess, we should not be here, don’t ponies ever learn that some things should never be discovered? I mean, thousands of stupid scholars, adventurers, and treasure hunters all died from discovering something from long ago.” Adolfa said, clearly annoyed. “500 bits is not worth dying for.” Twilight sighed. "Maybe you're right…" “Damn right I am, now I think we should leave-” Adolfa started to say, however once they turned to leave the entire cave began to shake. The ground beneath the three began cracking and collapsed, pulling Spike, Adlofa,  and Twilight down. Adolfa reacting quickly, grabbed Twilight and Spike and used her free hand to blast flames to slow down their fall until they reached the bottom. "T-that was scary." Spike muttered, but noticed Twilight staring ahead of them into the cave. "Twi?"  Adolfa used her flames to light up the area, and saw Twilight walking over to a cave with some sort of light. “Damn it princess! We should head back up, not follow the mysterious light!!” "But it could be something magical!" Twilight said excitedly, flying right into the cave. Adolfa, while growling in anger, ran with Spike to catch up to her before she does something she might regret, ‘I know I’m already regretting taking this job.’ The three freeze in place, once they reached a larger ice cave. The three noticed a green light coming from the largest ice stalagmite, making a clear outline of a young human boy, shocking Twilight. "A human?! Here!?"  “How the hell did a human get from Earth all the way to this place? And-wait a minute.” Adolfa looked closer and saw something on the humans wrist, gasping in shock, she placed her hands on the ice and began to melt it.  "What's wrong Adolfa?" Twilight asked slowly trotting up to the fire being. “No time! Need to get them out, specifically the human!” was all she said as she made it to the human and carefully melted the ice around him.  Spike and Twilight glance at each other, not understanding why she was so worried. The human however coughed shocking the two even more before he opened his eyes slowly. "W-what?"  “Calm yourself, you're safe, do you remember your name, young one?” Adolfa asked the boy, showing worry since the first time they started their adventure. "My." The boy paused. "My name's Ken Tennyson."  Twilight's eyes widen as she ruffles through old books and papers in her bag. “What is it Twi?” Spike asked her, “Do you know that name or something?” "I remember reading about a bipedal being named ken that helped in the reconstruction of griffonstone. Before they vanished." Twilight said. "It also said to be one of Celestia and Luna's oldest friends."  "W-wait… T-Tia, lulu?" Ken muttered sitting up slowly and holding his head. “Easy, you must rest, you just came out of ice after being in there for who knows how long.” "Wait… ice?" Ken muttered in confusion. Spike looked at the watch device on Ken's wrist, and touched it before anyone noticed. It glowed yellow, as a black image of a dragon formed on it. “It is the Omnitrix. I thought it was only legend.” Adolfa said in a barely audible voice, but Twilight and Spike heard her. "Uh the everything matrix?" Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow. “Don’t say it like that, you make it and yourself sound stupid.” Adolfa said, then picked up Ken. “We need to find an exit, he needs medical attention ASAP.” Twilight drops her scrolls in shock at Aldofa's worry for the young boy, before she makes her horn glow and teleports the four to the canterlot throne room. Luna raised an eyebrow at the sudden flash as she was about to switch places with her sister. "Twilight? What art thou doing here?"  “How about you warn me next time?! Know what, nevermind, this boy needs medical attention.” Adolfa then ran out the throne room. Luna raised an eyebrow. "We do not understand."  Spike climbed onto Twilight's back. "We found a boy named Ken." He told luna, before Twilight quickly followed the fire lady. Once she caught up her, she saw that Adolfa was looking in different directions until her eyes landed on her. “”Well? Don’t just stand there help me find the medical wing!!” Adolfa shouted out.  "Ok ok!" Twilight said galloping down the hall to the medical wing, quickly passing Celestia.  “Twilight? What is going on?” she asked, gaining a growl of annoyance at being stopped again from Adolfa. Celestia's eyes widened at the sight of Ken. "Ken!?"  “Look, we don’t have time, Ken just got out of some ice and needs medical attention, I’m doing the best I can to bring his body heat back up, but we need to get to the medical wing.” Adolfa said. Celestia blinks and grabs Ken in her magic, quickly galloping to the medical wing. She set him in her own personal bed, and ordered all the medics to work on him. “I really hate magic users, you never know what happens with them.” Adolfa said as she and Twilight entered the room. Ken groaned as his eyes opened again. "Where am i?" “You're in the castle's medical wing.” Twilight answered, walking to him. “We rescued you from the ice you were trapped in.” “Are you alright?” Adolfa and Celestia asked at the same time, though the two either didn’t notice or care. "Im ok and ice?" Ken muttered rubbing his head. "Wait… is that you Celestia?"  Celestia smiled softly and nuzzled his cheek. "Yes Ken, I've missed you." "But… what happened? I just saw you." He muttered confusion clear on his face. “Remember that ice we said? Well, we found you in it, and judging by how old the cave was, I’d say you were in there for quite a while. What is the last thing you remember?” the purple fire being asked. "Um falling asleep in my friends cabin during a snowstorm. I was on my way to canterlot to get supplies to help griffinstone." Ken said rubbing his head more. Celestia glanced at Twilight, Adolfa and spike. "That was over a thousand years ago.."  “A thousand years?!?” Ken asked, shocked by the information. “I’ve been frozen for a thousand years?” "It would seem so, my friend. But it's so great to see you again." Celestia smiles at Ken as Luna walks in.  "Sister what's going on?" Luna asked in confusion. "Sister Ken is back." Celestia smiled.  "Ken? We don't understand your jokes." Luna said  “Not a joke, take a look for yourself.” Twilight said, moving for Luna to see Ken.  "Ken!" Luna said happily, hugging Ken.  "L-luna." Ken said and slowly hugged her back. "W-wow you've changed."  Luna chuckles a bit, whipping away a happy tear. "Well it has been a long time, are you still able to turn into monsters?"  Ken chuckles and nods, showing them all the omnitrix. “You should be able to with Omnitrix, it was the thing that showed us where you were in the first place, which means it still works.” Adolfa said, then held her hand out, “Adolfa, knight and merc.”  "Nice to meet you." Ken smiled, shaking her hand. "Are you a pyronite?"  “Yep, glad to see someone knows what I am, you have no idea how many times ponies mistook me for a fire spirit or golem. It got really annoying.”  "Well I can turn into heatblast, but why are you purple? Did you come into contact with corodium or something?" Ken asked. “Eh, not really, just the way that I am.” Adolfa said, “Oh, looks like you dropped something.” Adolfa picked up a folded piece of paper and held it out for Ken,  Ken takes it and reads it, nodding at her. Who nods back. “Well, if you need me, I’ll be heading to the nearest tavern, good luck with whatever you ponies do, and get better soon Ken.” with that, the purple Pyronite left the room. “W-wait! We still need to explore those caves!! Aaand she’s gone.” Twilight said dejectedly. Ken raised an eyebrow at Twilight. "Cave? Oh I suppose if I was in ice for close to a thousand years dirt and stuff formed around me." “Not really, you were just in a stalagmite of ice in a large cave of ice, which is quite odd seeing how we are in a summer climate and.” Ken decided to ignore the ramblings of Twilight, and looked at Celestia and Luna. “How soon can I get out?” "Well everything seems Ok with you, so i suppose you can go but I'd like it if you'd rest more." Celestia said smiling softly. Ken nodded and got up, making sure all his clothes and items were alright. "And do be careful, ponies aren't used to humans in this world." Luna said softly Ken nodded and began to leave, once he reached the main doors to the castle, he began to head north, getting all kinds of looks from ponies, mostly ranging from awe, surprise or from the usual snob, disgust. But he didn’t care, he kept walking, he eventually saw a building that revealed to be a tavern, walking inside his eyes scanned the crowd for a certain someone, seeing them he walked over to them and sat down. “Glad you made it kid.” came the voice of Adolfa, who had her feet on the table.  "So what did you want to talk about? No offense but I'm still trying to cope with the fact that I'm a thousand and ten years old… and i thought Aang had it hard at one hundred and twelve."  “First let me ask you a question, what do you remember before Equestria?” she asked, her gaze hardening. With shadows covering most of her face combined with the glow from her body, she looked a little intimidating. Ken raised his eyebrow. "Um earth, my parents died then me and my brother got an omnitrix and spellbook from ben ten ended up here." She seemed to glare at him then nodded. “Good, sorry for the whole intimidation, force of habit. Look, you want the simple answer or the long answer on why I asked to come here?” "Judging by the questions i'm assuming your a displaced as well?" Ken asked, smiling as he orders an apple cider. “Hmph, good to see I don’t have to do the whole big speech on your displaced and all the other bull.” Adolfa said, ordering cider as well. “And your right about me being Displaced, though why am I here in your Equestria is beyond me. But I do have few theories. One of them involves the Celestiosapiens.” Ken nods slowly. "That'd make sense." “So, why don’t we get to know each other, throw any suspicion out the window or some shit.” Adolfa said, taking a big chg of her cider once it was brought to them. “Ain’t the Apple families special cider, but tastes just as good.” Ken chuckles and drinks the cider as well. "Wow this is a lot better than the stuff i drank before being…. frozen…"  “Hey, I get that you probably had friends from before you were frozen, but what happens to us is beyond our control, maybe you were frozen for a reason. Maybe the Celestiosapiens or some other higher power, except fate, fate can kiss my burning ass. Saw something that needed you to be frozen for. Who knows?” Adolfa said with a shrug, “But everything happens for a reason.” Ken chuckles with a slight blush. "Yeah… I'm just glad to see lulu."  “Heh, yeah immortality has its pros, and forgive my language, I’m just used to talking with more...mature beings.” Adolfa apologized while taking another chug of her cider, "Ah don't worry about it. " Ken said, shrugging. "I'm just gonna miss the nice family that adopted me, well… took me in I should say." “Hey, they aren’t lost as long as you remember them, not in here.” Adolfa said, pointing at her head, then placed her hand over her heart. “But in here. You understand?” Ken smiles. "Yeah, i know. Thanks though." “No problem kid.” Adolfa gave a friendly smile, and finished her drink and slammed the cup onto the table. “Alright, kid, your turn, ask me anything.” "Well… how did you end up here?" Ken asked after finishing his drink. “Heh, like I said kid, I have no fucking clue, I think it was the Celestiosapiens getting back at me for nearly wiping out the entire universe with the Anialarg or whatever it’s called. Luckily the thing was too broken to work. Good thing too, wasn't too keen on getting wiped from existence.” Adolfa said, ordering another cup. “That’s just a theory though, you know how Celestiosapiens are, don’t get involved with anything unless it broke like a multiversal law or something.” "You tried to use the anialarg… ok you're awesome. And hey with the different color of flames are you a different kind of pyronite?" Ken asked, ordering some chips. “Somewhat, I’m actually my Ben 10 OC, Adolfa was born different than the others, due to her mother being an Anodite, you know the Anodites right?” "Yeah pure magic beings that only gain a body by well having some fun with mortal beings." Ken said, smirking. “Your good kid, yeah basically Adolfa’s mom was Anodite and her father should be pretty obvious,” Adolfa took a drink of her Cider, “Can’t use magic though, well more like don’t want to, I feel like magic is just cheating, where is the rush of adrenaline during a fight? And seriously, we have hands for a reason, no need to use levitation to levitate a cup that is just inches from you, when you pick the damn thing up yourself, ponies too, I see that their able to pick things up with their hooves. Anyway, I’m getting off topic, I don’t use magic, my flames are weaker than candles cause they're tied into my magic, so I make up for it with my swordsmanship and with these.” Adolfa brought up a .44 Magnum. Ken nods, drinking another cider as his chips arrived. "Mind if i try to get a scan? A different colored pyronite would be really cool."  “Hmm, sure why not? Knock yourself out. Just be careful, I haven’t onced used my magic, so I have no idea how strong you’ll be.” "Well magic isn't based on the dna, Anodite don't have dna according to gwens and ben's grandma." Ken said reaching his omnitrix out for her to touch. She reached a finger over and tapped the surface, then a yellow beam scanned her. “Congrats kid, you now have a Pyrodites Dna. Anything else you want to know? Maybe you’d like to hear my adventures, even what I did during my stay here? If you want that is.” the Pyrodite drank all of her cider. "Sure I've got nowhere to be." Ken smiled, ignoring all the looks the two kept getting from all the ponies. “Heh, glad to hear that someone is interested in what I have to say, most of my clients just want me to be the silent bodyguard. Where to begin,” Adolfa thought for a minute then brought her feet down. “Alright, let’s start with how I managed to take down two Tyranopeed’s with Daring Do. Or maybe what I did when I woke up in your Equestria. Yeah the last seems better, I’ll go with that. When I woke up, a family of Phoenix's decided my head was a good nesting spot. After dealing with two pissed fire birds, I realized I was in the Everfree Forest, now I was no stranger to the place so I easily made it out.” Adolfa received a look from Ken that clearly said he didn’t believe her. “Ok, I got lost a few times, managed to piss off an Ursa Major but eventually made it out.” "Wow, and tyranopeeds? Humungasuars predator?" Ken asked. "Really hoping that doesn't mean there's a nemetrix here."  “I hope not. I don’t want to deal with Kyber or some other crazy alien hunter. Anyway, the first thing I did after getting out was head to Applelosa, but as I was walking through Ponyville I noticed the weird looks ponies gave me, I was kinda used to it as I rarely made myself get seen by anyone other than my clients. That was my first red flag. So I asked a random Pony about a guild called the Silent Arrow. It was pretty well known, so I knew I wasn’t in my Equestria. So first thing I did? Find the nearest tavern and drink cider to think about how I got here, and why. Eventually I gave up and started making a name for myself here. That led to Twilight seeking my skills in protecting her while we search a random cave for some guy named Starswirly the Weirded’s staff. That eventually led up to us finding you.” "Starswirl the Bearded." Ken corrected. “Yeah him, thanks kid, usually I’m not much of a scholar. Anyway, that’s how my adventure started here in your Equestria. Anything else you want to hear?” "I think I get the gist of it. I wonder if the celestialsapiens froze me for whatever reason." Ken sighs. "But anyway maybe we can get you back to your equestria… or maybe they're the same world, just different time periods?"  “Eh, who knows, but gonna be a problem with that kid.” "What do you mean?" Ken asked, raising an eyebrow. “Never bothered to make a Token, didn’t see the reason to. Guess I should have huh? Besides, I still have to do a job for Sparkle, and a Silent Arrow Merc always gets the job done, so I might be here for a while. Hey, maybe you should come with us. You know, see if you still got it.”  Ken thinks for a moment. "Yeah that could work… I wonder if my old house is still standing."  “You never know, come on kid, let’s get out of here before we start a brawl. And trust me, I spend way too much on repairs back in my world, I don’t need to start a history here as well.” Adolfa said as she got up. Ken nods, pulling out an uncut diamond and throwing it to the bar keep. "Keep the change."  The barkeep, a green dragon looked shocked. "Wow thanks!"  “Where the everloving fuck did you get that kid? Looks like something those Diamond guys are made of.”  "Pertrosapien and basically, i have a bunch when i first got here i decided to help rebuild griffinstone but had no funds soooo." Ken laughs. "I may have abused my powers ever so slightly but it was for a good cause."  “Don’t we always? Well, Ken I can take ya back to the castle, just be prepared in the morning. Sparkles is gonna have us on a tight schedule, so prepare for her wake up calls.” Adolfa said as the two began to walk to the castle. "Yay." Ken muttered. Adolfa laughed at that. And the two continued in silence, eventually arriving at the castle. “Well see ya later kid.” she said as she began to walk away, “Some friendly advice, wear ear plugs, it helps lower Twilights screeching.”  "Right." Ken said, heading to the throne room, only to be tackle-hugged by luna.  "lulu!"  “Ken! Oh I’m glad you're back, how was your walk? I saw Adolfa walk back to the castle with you, what did you two talk about?” Luna asked Ken, Ken laughs. "Relax lulu Adolfa just told me about her adventures here and my walk was fine." “Oh that is good, I was just worried for you, she isn’t exactly famous for the right reasons. There have been a couple of cases where she stole from museums and many other places. Just be careful around her.” Luna said to Ken, worry in her voice. Ken smiles softly. "Do you remember what I told you about displaced?"  “Um, a little bit actually.” she said. Having a thoughtful look on her face. “Please remind me. "We're humans that get sent from our homes to different Equestrias." Ken said walking onto a balcony and looking at the stars. "Adolfa is one just like me, someone in a world not our own and needing to do whatever it takes to survive… we just have different ways of doing that." “I guess you are right Ken, even though I don’t agree with how she survives, I can respect her skills in battle. I just don’t want to lose you again.” Ken smiles at luna. "I know lulu, and you won't." He said pulling her into a hug. “Thank you Ken, I needed that.“ Luna said, “Now go get some sleep. You still need rest after all.” Ken smiles, waving to her before looking at her. "Um… where am i supposed to sleep?" “Oh! Sorry! I forgot you just woke up, this way.” Luna and Ken walked through the castle and after many twists and turns,  they stopped at a set of doors, “This is where you’ll be sleeping.” opening the doors Ken saw a pretty basic room, a large bed with a desk by the window, a closet and a door leading to the bathroom. “It’s not much, but with a little work you can make it feel like home if you wish.” Ken smiles playfully remembering how they used to play around. "Well as long as you're here it's already home."  “I’m glad Ken, we really missed you. Maybe once you are done with your little adventure with Adolfa and Twilight, me, you and Tia can discuss what you missed.” Luna said. Ken smiles and kisses her hoof.. "I'd love to."  “Good, now get some sleep, you have a long day ahead of you.” Luna left the room, leaving Ken to rest. Ken sighs, laying in bed. "She was much easier to make blush when she was younger."  “I might have built up a small resistance Ken! You’re gonna have to try harder than that!”he heard Luna say from the other side of the door before he heard her hoofsteps fade. Ken blushes and Chuckles. "Oh your on!"  > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken got up early the next day, and started walking through the halls of canterlot Castle not noticing luna following him. "Wow this place sure has changed, i remember when it used to be so dirty you could see your own footprints."  “Well, that’s mostly because as the times progresses, so did the nobles' snobbish behavior that they practically demanded we do something about it, the result is this beautiful castle and city you now see.” Luna said, waving her hoof at the area around them. Ken jumped at her sudden voice. "My god! Um you're not gonna be on me like stink on a wort hog will you?"  Luna gave a small laugh in return, “No, I have a few meetings to attend to, unfortunately. Why? Don’t you enjoy my company?”  Ken smiles getting close to her face. "More than anything."  Luna began stammering while a faint blush appeared on her face, she turned her head and cleared her throat. “I hate it when you do that.” Ken smiles caressing her cheek. "I thought I had to try harder my dear luna?"  “Well, uh, shut up!” Luna said, completely flustered.  Kens face grows closer to lunas, almost like he was gonna kiss her. Unfortunately before their lips could connect Adolfa walked into the room.  “Hey Ken, hurry it up, Sparkle is getting more annoying by the…” she trailed off as she stared at Ken and Luna, both looking like a deer in headlights, Adolfa then turned around and walked out. “Yeah no, I ain’t staying anywhere near that, have fun you two!” Ken smiles and pecks luna on the cheek, before following Adolfa leaving luna blushing. “Geez kid, not even a day out of ice and you’re already hitting on a princess!” Adolfa said, slapping his back while laughing. “Didn’t know you had it in ya!!! Ken blushes and Chuckles. "W-well um i always liked luna before being frozen. And well we always tried to see who could make the other blush more so…"  “Say no more kid, I sorta get it.” Adolfa said, then her cheerful face became sour the moment she saw Twilight walking to them, “Shit. Got those ear plugs?” "Nah i got something better." Ken smiles as Twilight opens her mouth to speak. "If you cut to the chase and get this exposition moving fast ill let you study the omnitrix."  Twilight immediately closed her mouth, a mad grin on her face, then grabbing the two in her magic she galloped out of the castle. “Whydidn’tyousaythatinthefirstplace?!Let’sgogogogo!!!” Ken laughs. "However your not allowed to make a copy of it." That caused her to stop and the two were sent flying before Twilight grabbed them in her magic again, “Shoot!!” “Hmph, fucking mad scientist.” Ken heard Adolfa mumbled, before she began to wave away the magic holding her. “Just put us down already!! I can walk on my own!” "Yeah, and i doubt you could even replicate the omnitrix, no offense but equestria isn't tech savvy enough for that yet."  “HAH!! Not Tech savvy enough my ass! They’re light years away from even scratching the surface of the Omnitrix!” Adolfa said. Ken chuckles looking at Twilight who had a look of determination on her face. "Trust us ms sparkle, it'll save you a lot of time." “Oh fine, but I’m still studying the Omnitrix later.” Twilight said with a huff, “Come on, the staff of Starswirl the Bearded isn’t gonna find itself!” “Ugh, and once again, some things should be better off left undiscovered. But hey, that’s just the voice of wisdom everyone is ignoring.” Adolfa said, "Well… honestly i have my own reasons for looking." Ken said looking at the cave as they approached it. "If you found me in here then there's a possibility… a small one… that some of my friends got frozen and are alive and well…"  He felt someone pat his back and looked to see Adolfa, “I get it kid, your friends are lucky to have someone like you as a friend if you're wanting to free them from ice. And trust me when I say this, I’ll do anything to help you out kid.” Ken smiles softly. "Thanks." “No problem kid, now let’s get in that cave, find your friends, and get that stupid staff!” Adolfa shouted out, walking into the cave, Twilight and Ken following behind. After several seconds, the cave started to get darker as they moved away from the entrance.  Ken looked around, hoping to find someone or something familiar. “Here, let me help you out.” Adolfa summoned a small bit of fire in her hand, lighting up the area. “Glad what I lack in power, I can make up for it in light.” then the ground shook a little, it was faint but everyone definitely felt it. “I suggest we find any of Kens friends quickly, and get the fuck outta here.” Ken nods, noticing something. "What's this stick?" He asked, picking up the staff of starswirl, not knowing what it was. Twilight let out a gasp, “That’s the staff of Starswirl the Bearded!! It was right by the entrance the whole time!” “Excuse me a moment.” Adolfa said, walking away, then the two heard a storm of swearing and shouting, followed by tone hitting stone and many other angry noises. Then Adolfa walked back to them. “I’m better. Glad to see we found that thing. Now let’s find Kens friends, I think the hole was around here somewhere.” Then they felt the ground shake again, this time stronger.  "Uncataloged dna detected." Ken omnitrix beeped, flashing yellow that began glowing brighter and dimmer as Ken moved it. "Um this way then?" He asked, looking confused. “Wonder what does that yellow light mean?” Twilight asked, a scroll somehow next to her. Ken chuckles. "Its a sort of notification, it lets me know when theres sentient life near by whose DNA isn't in my omnitrix database. Then it scans it and lets me transform into that species."  “Pretty useful feature if you ask me. I don’t think I-” Ken and Twilight stopped when Adolfa stopped speaking, turning around, they saw that she was...gone. Ken saw the dirt beneath them was dug up, just as the ground shook more. "I think i know what we're dealing with… Twilight go get Tia and Lulu, we might need their help."  Twilight nodded and teleported away, just as a fist came out the ground from where she just was.Then a giant creature came out, the alien Ken immediately recognized belonged to the Talpaedan  species. Except this one had a few bullet dents and some melted metal. “Damn, a second earlier and I would have gotten her. Oh well, the wielder of the Omnitrix and the Pyronite freak will do.” he said, stomping towards Ken. "Wow you talk a lot better than Andreas did in the show." Ken said propping up the omnitrix. "Now what are you after and where's my friend!" “Don’t worry kid, you’ll find out soon enough.” the Talpaedan said, then a shrill whistle was heard and the ground under Ken gave way, causing him to fall,  "A tyrannopede as well!?" Ken yelled in annoyance, grabbing onto a rock that was sticking out the side of the wall.  From the other side of the hole, the head of a Tyrannopede came out while letting out a roar. “That’s right kid, the Vauxasaurians predator, better let go unless you want to become food for my pet there.” Ken smirked and slammed his omnitrix with his head, the watch and base stayed in  the same spot but became a silvered gauntlet. His body however grew bulky as hair grew all around him, his eyes becoming clear red slits. "Quick claw!" Ken yelled jumping out of  the whole, giving the Talpaedan a good look at him. “Aw, is the little kitty gonna use his claws?” the Talpaedan laughed.  Ken smirked, suddenly getting in the face of the big yellow morron he was dealing with. Using his speed and momentum to make his punch to the yellow mans face three times as powerful, sending his flying back. "Nope."  Then the Tyrannoped came out of the hole with a roar, and charged at Ken, the Talpaedan charging as well, his hands becoming drills. “I’m gonna turn you into mince meat!!” the Talpaedan shouted, sending his arm at Ken. Ken smirked as the two approached from both sides. "Too easy" He said before jumping over the yellow alien, causing the two large stupid beings to collide. The Talpaedan, held his head in pain, “Grr. This is getting me nowhere!” a shrill whistle was heard and the Talpaedan climbed onto the Tyrannoped’s head, both burrowing down into the ground. Ken glanced around, trying to use his feline hearing to try and pinpoint them. He ran down a tunnel after hearing something from that direction, and after many twists and turns, along with a few dead ends, he saw a light down a tunnel, running to it, he gasped at what he saw, different creatures such as dragons, ponies and griffons were all in cages, while many aliens walked around, either caging freshly captured beings, or quietting down someone.  Ken glanced around, noticing Adolfa in a cage with fire suppressants pointed at her. Ken backed away and ran for a bit, hiding behind a rock as he transformed back to human, he put his fingers to his chin in thought. "Ok with how many there are the best option would be…"  Ken smiled once his omnitrix turned green again, flipping through his scans he pushed it down transforming into Echo echo.  “INTRUDER!!” Ken heard an alien shout, followed by another. “Where?!”  “I don’t know! I just saw a flash and that’s it!” the first alien responded. Ken shook his head, running forwards "looking for me?" He asked in an echoed voice. Once all heads turned to him Ken used Echo echos power to replicate into a small army, and screaming to create a wall around them. It created the perfect distraction for an echo echo copy to free Adolfa. “K-kid that you?” Adolfa asked, as a blast from the fire suppressants hit her. "Just relax, i'll get you all out of here." The copy said pulling her out of the suppressants, before turning back to the inhabitants of equestria. Each of the echo echo clones was doing well with distracting the aliens long enough for Ken to free all the equestrians. "All of you get back to the surface, the princesses should be there, ill handle the rest." Ken said placing Adolfa on top of the griffins back. “No way I’m leaving this fight, I want some payback, besides, the Equestrians ain’t the only beings they locked up. Keep them busy!” Adolfa said, getting off the griffon, and running down another tunnel. “Don’t let them escape you fools!!” the Talpaedan from before shouted, as two Vaxasaurians charged at Ken, both wielding large hammers. Three Echo echos made a wall of sound to block the hammers, just as two others scream at two stalactites on the ceiling making them fall onto the two Vaxasaurians. "Get good or go home." Ken laughed at the Talpaedan, before the Echo echos run off. “Morons!! Must I do everything myself?!” a loud shrill whistle rang out followed by a loud rumbling, then three, including the Talpaedan’s Tyranopeds came out of the walls. “Hunt them down and bring me the arm that bears the Omnitrix!” the pirates and Tyranopeds chased down Ken, each one trying but failing to get him. The Talpaedan hit his head with his palm. “I’m surrounded by idiots.” "Nah im just not dumb." An echo echo said behind him, just as a tyranoped attacked. The Echo Echo dodged, causing the Tyranoped to ram into the Talpaedan, sending him flying head first into a wall. “I hate heros.” "Then maybe you shouldn't try exploiting others for profit!" Multiple echo echos said all around him when he pulled his head out of the wall. "Night night." They said before screaming so loud the whole place shook slightly, causing the Talpaedan to pass out. “Good work kid, but let me have a turn.” the Echo Echo’s turned and their eyes widened when they saw Adolfa on top of Crabdozer. The beasts blew steam from its nostrils and let out a roar.  Ken smiled as he turned to normal, all the echo echos vanishing as he did. "Go for it!" Adolfa smiled as the Crabdozer charged, easily tackling the Tyrannopedes and running over any unfortunate pirate to get in its way. Adolfa jumped from the Crabdozers back and a small glow covered her hand as a sword appeared. She then clashed blades with a Opticoid(Eye Guys species) Ken looked around, noticing nearly all the aliens had been incapacitated. "I wonder if i can call the plumbers…"  “You got their number? And are the plumbers a thing here? If they are, don’t mention me, I’m sure Luna told you I did some bad things in the past, and I don’t want to end up in space prison.” Adolfa said, just as the Crabdozaer ran to her and nuzzled her.  "Fair point, but what else can we do?" Ken asked. "If we leave these dummies here they'll just keep doing their own shit."  “True, hmmmm.” Adolfa held her  chin in thought, then snapped her fingers, “Remember how I said I don’t use magic?” "Yeah?" He said raising an eyebrow. “Well I’m gonna break my own rule just this once and send them to the Null Void, course it might take a lot power and I’m a bit rusty with teleportation, so it could be a minute, in the meantime you look around for any clues as to why these guys are here. Maybe grab the Talpaedan and question him.” Ken nods slowly, going over to the Talpaedan and slapping him awake. “Huh?! Who, what? Did we win?!” the Talpaedan asks, looking around before he saw the Tyrannopedes and pirates all tied up as Adolfa was drawing something in the ground around them. "Nope, and now your going to answer some questions." Ken smirked. “I ain’t answering nothing!!” the Talpaedan said, and began to struggle. "Dude do you even know proper grammar?" Ken asked shaking his head, and scratching his omnitrix on the Talpaedans' claws to get a scan. “I don’t care!! I’m not going to talk!! Even if you threaten to feed to that beast,” the Talpaedan jerked his head towards the Crabdozer, who tilted its head in confusion. “I will not talk. So do your worst!!” “Hey, did he say do your worst? Please say yes.” Adolfa said after finishing the rune, sending the pirates and Tyrannopeds to the Null Void.  "Ok." Ken smirks. "How about i turn into a celestialsapien and turn you into a fly?"  If it was even possible, the Talpaedans face turned ghost white. “Um, w-what questions did you have again?” Ken heard Adolfa laughing, “Nice work Ken, no one fucks with those guys!!” "Why are you potching sentient creatures from this planet?" Ken asked. “We were hired to, well, we were gonna do it anyways and sell them to scientists and stuff, but this guy said why start there when we can think bigger, his plan, an army made from the Dna of the creatures of this planet, Talpaedans with dragon hide, pyronites with magic. You know, Omnitrix level stuff.” “Who’s the guy that hired you?” “He said his name was-” the Talpaedan suddenly went wide eyed as a field of energy surrounded him, then he was gone. Ken looked to Adolfa. "I'm assuming you didn't do that? Also i'm assuming it could be Animo." “Sounds like the only explanation, after all he does like messing with DNA so he can Ben 10.” Adolfa said, walking over to him, “So looks like we have to deal with Animo as well.” "Yup, yay." Ken muttered just before Celestia, Twilight and a worried looking luna teleported to them. Luna quickly hugs Ken after looking relieved. “I’m so glad you are safe!! When Twilight told us how you were about to get in a fight, I immediately put on my armor! Ready to save you if you needed it.” Luna said. Ken blushes and smiles. "Hey i may be over two thousand years old now -technically- but im still able to fight." “Damn right, he managed to take down these pirates like they were nothing, all I did was get captured and release my natural predator.” Adolfa said, pointing at the Crabdozer as it knocked down a cage. “This kid is a better fighter than me, and I’m glad for that.” Ken rubs the back of his head. "I mean I just copied some of the stuff Ben did in the show."  “Heh, I know, if you want I can help train you, if you want though.” Adolfa said, “Hell, we can even have Luna and Celestia help, they’ve been around for a long time, they’re sure to see some new fighting style.” Luna looks excited at the idea, making ken chuckle. "Awesome."  “Alright then, first let’s rest up, then we’ll train. But I have to figure out what to do with that thing.” Adolfa pointed a thumb over to the Crabdozer, which just decided to nuzzle her.“Any ideas? Cause I am a bit afraid I’m gonna end up in this things stomach. And why is it so friendly towards me?!” "Maybe because you freed it?" Ken suggested. "Or maybe its a baby and it imprinted on you." Adolfa looked at the Crabdozer, it did seem a little smaller than most Crabdozers that tried to eat her, she then looked back at Ken, “Hmmm, maybe you’re right about the whole baby thing. I don’t know, let’s give it a bit then I’ll decide on this. Anyway, let’s get the fuck outta here, this place is giving me the creeps.” Ken nods as they head out of the cave. "Tomorrow im gonna come back and look around a bit more." “Look for your friends or look for other clues?” Twilight asked.  "Both." Ken said, stretching a bit, yawning. “Think you can use some help? If not I could find somewhere to keep this guy for the time being, never thought I live to see the day a Crabdozer becomes friends with its food.” "That's cool with me." Ken said “Well then let’s get out of here.” Celestia said, everyone nodded their heads and a bright flash later, everyone was at the castle gardens, “The Crabdozer will stay here for the time being.”  “That’s cool with me. How about you big guy?” Adolfa asked the Crabdozer, you seemed content lying in the sun by a pond. “Guess that’s a yes.” “Then let us head inside and get something to eat.” Luna said. Ken's stomach growls really loudly. "I haven't eaten in a thousand years… I apologize for what you're gonna see." Luna and Celestia chuckled at this, “It is fine Ken, we understand.” Adolfa gave Ken a slap on the back. “Yeah kid! It's fine, hell, I would be extremely hungry if I was trapped in ice for thousands of years.” Ken laughs. "Don't let Rarity near me when i eat though." “HAH!! She will fret over your clothes and your manners. Hell, she even complained about me a few times.” Adolfa mumbled the last part to herself. Ken laughs as Twilight looked to them. "Speaking of which, im going to head home and let the others know what's happened." Ken nods slowly. "Pinkie party can't wait." “Please don’t mention her, she literally threw me a party when I told her specifically not to.” Adolfa said, shaking her head with a groan. Ken shakes his head when Twilight teleported away again, before his stomach growls again. "Come on, let's go I can't wait to try lunas cooking again." He smirks making luna blush. “Y-yes, I’ll see if I can still cook, living in a castle does has its downsides.” Luna said, heading towards the kitchen. Ken chuckles. "This should be fun." “Heh, never once saw Luna cook, and if you speak so highly of her cooking then I just have to try, unfortunately, I have some other business to deal with, like finding a place for the Crabdozer, a new source of food, go on some jobs to help pay for said food,” Adolfa let out a sigh, “Sometimes the life of a merc is never done. Well, I wish you a good day to you two.” Adolfa then began walking to the exit. "Are you sure?" Ken asked, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah I’m sure, not even sure I can eat anyways. Besides, I won’t be gone for long. Have fun.” with that Adolfa was gone.  “It’s her loss on missing out on some great cooking. But something tells me she’ll be back.” Celestia said,  Ken nods Petting the Crabdozer. "Yeah her baby is here."  “Not my baby. Not yet at least.” Adolfa said, walking back, “Forgot it was here, come on, I know a few back alleys where no one will freak out upon seeing you.” Adolfa said to the Crabdozer, who just tilts its head. “Now I’ll see you guys later. Come on little one.” the two left, leaving Ken and Celestia. Then the sound of glass breaking was heard. “Damn it! Now I have to hide that before I get in trouble!” Ken tries not to laugh. The same couldn’t be said for Celestia, letting out a small laugh at Adolfas misfortune. Ken heads into the dinning room To see a grand display of dishes, ranging from salads to a beautiful cake.  Kens mouth drops open. "Wow." “I'm glad to see I still got it.” Luna said, walking in the dining room while levitating a plate that had some cooked meat, “We are glad to have that griffon chef around, otherwise I would have lost my stomach cooking this.” she placed the plate of what Ken had to guess, deluxe burgers. Kem chuckles. "Lulu, I appreciate you trying to accommodate to my needs as a human but I can turn into a pony to eat remember?"  “Oh, I guess it’s been awhile that I forgot about that.” Ken chuckles, kissing her hoof. "Its ok, ill give them to the chefs."  “I’m sure the chefs would appreciate that Ken.” Luna said, taking a seat. “Now, I believe we have some catching up to do.” "Yes, so why does tia look so much taller than you?" Ken asked dialing through his omnitrix to find a pony scan. Both sisters had a sad look on their faces, then Luna spoke. “Shortly after your disappearance, me and my sister became distant, and I was jealous of her, jealous of all the love and attention she got from our subjects, I wanted that too, so one day I refused to lower the moon, causing me to b-become…” Luna had a few tears, showing that the memories were painful. Ken facepalmed. "Nightmare moon right! Im so sorry lulu.." “It’s fine, but how did you know?” Luna asked. Ken sighed. "Well remember when i told you about the ben ten tv show? That my powers are based off of?"  Luna nods. "Yes, how you gained powers from entertainment but it doesn't mean the power isn't real. And just because its entertainment doesn't mean that worlds aren't real."  Ken nods. "It's the same for your world." Celestia seems to understand. "So our world is a television show in your world as well?" “Hell yeah.” the three turned their heads and saw Adolfa with dirt covering her along with a few scratches, and appeared to be limping. “You would not believe how popular you guys are. Ow.”  "You alright?" Ken asked raising an eyebrow, throwing the Crabdozer, who was still following her, a hamburger. It happily munched on it as Adolfa took a seat, “RUle number one when taking care of an infant Crabdozer, never let it meet a pair of Ursa Minors, they wrestling can cause a whole forest to disappear. You would not believe how hard it was to separate the three.” Ken nods and pets the Crabrawler as it tries to eat more hamburgers from his hand. "Damn this dudes like a puppy."  “If puppies were giant spider-rhino-like creatures the size of a building and could cause massive amounts of damage, then yes. It is like a puppy.” Adfolfa said. “You should name the little guy.” Luna said, petting the Crabdozer.   "Yeah why not… um…" Ken said, putting a finger to his chin. "I don't know a pun on the fact he's, or she, your predator?"  Adolfa shivered, “Don’t remind me, but hey, it’s not everyday someone has their predator for a companion, anyway I think we should him, er her? You know what, I’m checking the gender later, or maybe, hey kid. That watch got a scanner that can tell us the gender or something?” Ken shakes his head. "This is the original prototype omnitrix; it only tells me when new dna is nearby and has to touch it to scan it." He told them rubbing the Crabrawlers chin. "Who's a good Crawler?"  The large alien seemed to purr, then yawned as laid down next to Ken and was soon asleep. Ken chuckles. "I never thought a potential predictor of mine would be cute." “Eh, the universe is full of surprises. Hell, if time and evolution was right, these guys would one day be sentient like everyone in this room.” Adolfa said. "Tempted to go into the future with clockwork and scan that." Ken chuckles. “Hmm, that actually doesn’t sound such a bad idea. Wonder what they’ll look like?”  Ken shrugs and pets the little Crabdozer. "Maybe you can try and train this little fella to talk and think like a sentient being." “Maybe I will, but for now, let’s eat.” Adolfa said, grabbing a burger and taking a bite. Ken nods, turning into an alicorn roughly the same size as luna. Having a light blue mane with a dark blue coat like lunas, his horn being long and spiraled with two long wings. "How do i look?" He asked with a smile, making luna blush. “I-I had forgotten about that form, you still look great.” Luna said, Celestia smirks nudging luna playfully. "Already crushing on him again sister?"  Luna blushed harder, “S-shut up!” “HAH!! She totally is!” Adolfa said quietly to Celestia. Ken smiles, gently using his magic to eat a hayburger. "Just as good as ever lulu." Celestia playfully pokes luna. "Their great lulu." She giggled. “Yep, I should come over more often if it means I get to eat something this good.” Adolfa said. Luna blushes deeper. "T-thank you."  “No problem Luna, I may be a total ass sometimes, but I still respect you two, if only a little. And that’s about as much as you can get from me.” Adolfa said,   Luna and Celestia looked at Ken, thinking if hanging with her is a good idea. Ken chuckles. "You remind me of my older brother, a complete ass but you care."  “Eh, comes with the job of being a mercenary, sometimes you have to be an ass in order to get some things done, or to get paid cause the employer is being a total asshole after the job is done, but that only happens with nobles.” Ken nods slowly, eating another hayburger. "I can't believe how good these are, way better than any cheese burger." “Hell no! You did not just say that! Take that back!” Adolfa said, “But I must agree, Luna does make good burgers.” Luna blushes again, smiling that Ken thinks her cooking is better than the chefs. Ken eats a apple and smiles, as Twilight walks in with her friends. "Hello, is it ok if we join you?" Twilight asked. "Of course Twilight, you and your friends are always welcome here." Celestia smiles. “Oh fuck me, just keep away from me alright? I’m still sore from our last encounter.” Adolfa said, “Freaking rainbow haired….” whatever Adolfa was going to say, she didn’t say it. Rarity sees Ken as a handsome alicorn and walks over to him. “I believe we haven’t met, Rarity darling.” Rarity held her hoof out. Ken shakes her hoof. "Greetings miss Rarity." “My, such great manners you have, unlike someone.” Rarity said, giving a look to Adolfa, who gave the bird in response. Luna glared a little at Rarity, who sits right next to Ken making celestia giggle. "Jealous sister?" “No! I-I am not jealous, she is just trying to be friendly, that’s all.” Luna said. “She totally is.” Adolfa whispered to Celestia. Ken uses his magic to give all of the main six some hayburgers. "Oh t-thank you." Fluttershy said quietly. "Your welcome." Ken smiled gently sipping from a teacup. “You know, I think some stories should be told to, you know break the ice. Or in this case ease the tension in the room.” Adolfa gave a glare and Rainbow returned it with her own. "Sure, how about i tell everyone how i got to Equestria?" Ken asked smiling, confusing main six sans Twilight. "Um pardon me sugar cube but you're a pony weren't you born here?" Applejack asked raising an eyebrow. Ken chuckles. "Actually i can transform, this isn't what i normally look like. I just turned into a pony to eat to make it easier for everyone." Rainbow raised a glaring eyebrow at him. “So you’re like her then?” “Fuck you. Ken isn’t like me, he is a better being than me.” Ken chuckles. "Although i can turn into her species… and ill show you." He smiled as he returned to his human form. "This is what i normally look like."  “Why, you look a little young, how old are you?” Applejack asked. "Well that's a bit of a loaded question. You see before i came to equestria i was thirty four, but then i got my omnitrix and became i can only guess twelveish. But then i got trapped in ice for nearly two thousand years, seeing as me, Tia. and lulu were friends when they were kids, so now i guess im two thousand and twelve?"  “Dang, that’s a long time. And you said you were trapped in ice? How did that happen?”  Ken sighs and leans back, his eyes glancing up at the Ceiling. "Well… i had just left the palace to visit some friends. A nice Tabaxi family that had taken me in, they were merchants back then and lived where ponyville is now. Well, it was winter and a malfunction up in the weather agency made it so a huge downpour of rain came down right as a cold chill came through. Ome cold enough to freeze plants solid. I went to warn them thinking my pyronite transformation would be enough to keep my dry and that i could get back before the rain… i didn't...and…" Luna wrapped her wings around Ken, nuzzling his neck. "Dang, I heard about that malfunction, the boss at the weather agency said it nearly went through equestria into an ice age." Rainbow said, her usual bravado gone because of the story. Celestia nods. "Yes, it was hard on us all…" she said, glancing at luna, who was shaking with Ken in her wings.  “I can relate.” Adolfa said, more to herself. “Hey, don’’t feel bad kid, if we found you in ice, than surely your friends could be alright as well. We just have to get back in those caves and find them.” "Yeah… but even if we can't, i always have the memory." Ken said, hugging luna back and nuzzling her. “It’s good to remember loved ones, not only in your memories, but in your heart as well.” Luna said. Rarity sees how close luna and Ken are and sighs.  "Those two are so happy together." she said.  Ken pulls away from Luna with a small blush. "Thanks lulu."  "No problem Ken, I'm always here for you." Luna said, a faint blush on her face as well. They hear multiple awes coming from the mane six. “That’s adorable.” Adolfa said, “If you two want, we could leave you alone. If you want.” Luna shakes her head. "N-no, I'm sure we can have plenty of alone time tonight." Ken's face broke into a deep red, his nose bleeding a little at the thought as every mare in the room blushed including some servants. "What?" Luna asked. “It’s what you said.” Adolfa pointed out, “Makes some people wonder what you mean by alone time.” Luna still looked confused, before a look of realization hit her face and she blushed redder than the apples on Applejack flank. "I-i didn't mean that!"  Celestia chuckles teasingly. "Sure you didn't" “Yeah, we’re sure you didn’t, but you may want to be careful what you say next time.” Adolfa said, taking a sip of a bottle of wine that she seemed to just have. Pinkie pie giggled. "Does this mean i can throw a baby shower soon?"  Luna blushed deeper as celestia laughed openly for once. “Okay everyone, leave the two lovebirds alone, even if it is a bit funny seeing them get all flustered.”  Ken takes a sip of his drink, his face still red as he tries and fails to not look at luna. Adolfa sees this and says, “Relax kid, just because of a little teasing doesn’t you can’t look at her, besides, I think you two would be great together.” “Yeah, I even agree with her. You two would make the cutest couple ever!!” Pinkie declared happily. Ken and Luna both blushed deeply, smiling softly at each other. “Aaaw, see? They are so cute together!”  Ken yawns, standing up and stretching. "I'm gonna take a nap, see everyone later."  “Later kid, sleep well. Come on little one.” Adolfa said, taking a drink of her wine as she and the Crabdozer left, though Adolfa seemed to be stumbling a little. Ken walked to his room and flopped down onto the bed, sighing happily.  Then he heard knocking from his door. "Yeah?" He asked. Luna opened the door, “Hey Ken, how are you doing?” Ken smiled. "I'm good, just… processing everything still." “I understand, do you want to talk about it?” Luna asked, Ken smiles and lets her in. "Actually I'd honestly just like to spend time with you."  “Alright, I’m fine with that.” Ken closes the door and lays on his bed, Patting it for her to lay down. She laid next to him, “So, what do you want to talk about?” Ken smiles and rolls over so he's facing her. "Us."  Luna blushes. "U-us?" "Yes, us. Lulu when we first met you hated me. But as we got to know each other we both obviously care about each other and I think everyone was right. Will you be my marefriend?" Ken smiles. Luna blushes and tears up, resting her head on his chest. "Yes i will."   Ken smiles and holds her in his arms. Luna gave him a hug in return, crying tears of joy. “Ken, I’m so happy.” "So am i, I'm just sorry i wasn't here for you when you needed me." Ken sighed. “I-it’s fine Ken, no one could have predicted what happed, all that matters now is that we are together now.” Ken smiles and kisses her forehead. "Goodnight lulu."  “Goodnight Ken.” Luna said, kissing his cheek, and laying next to him. Ken smiles and falls asleep, wondering just what the future will hold for him and luna. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Far from canterlot deep within the mountains in a cave that a dragon once called home sounds of machinery and the zaps of electricity could be heard for miles. Machines made of all sorts of scrap and discarded parts whirled to life, as a man with grey hair laughed musically. "Those pirates failed in acquiring live specimens but I gained more than enough data on them to complete my research. And I shall use it to capture that son of tenneson or my name isn't doctor Animo!"  “Geez, if you keep talking like that, I may as well kill you where you stand!” said a shadowed figure leaning on the wall. Animo spun around. "Who are you!?" “Just someone who is looking for work and is able to get the job done, unlike those pirates.” the figure said, Animo raises an eyebrow, glancing at the small crabdozer behind the cloaked being. "With an animal like that i believe it, how much?"  “Not for sale. This thing is part of my crew, ask me another time though.” the figure said as they and the Crabdozer walked forward, the figure holding a blade. “But I’m willing to do a job for you. For the right price of course.” "I see, well the only thing i want is DNA to experiment with. Tell you what, let me get some dna off your pet there and if you can get me some Dragon dna, I might be able to create something that could be beneficial to your crew." Animo smirked with yellow teeth on display. “Sure, but what kind of dragon? Far as I’m concerned, you would want strong DNA,  like from Dragon King Torch himself?” the figure suggested. Animo puts his hand to his chin. "For now it's only an experiment, so any dragon dna will do. Consider it a test of your skills and the payment is the hybrid of a brand new species on your crew, deal?"  The figure seemed to think for a moment. “Alright, but I also want any currency you have, I know these caves are filled with crystals, I’ll take the hybrid and a couple of gems. Just two for now, just to show how generous I’m willing to negotiate.” Animo smiles and points to twenty gems on a table. "If you get a pony dna sample as well you can have all twenty."  “Deal. And be surprised for what I bring you.” the figure began to walk away. “Better get that Crabdozer DNA while you can, my friend doesn’t like strangers very much.” Animo takes out a scanner gun, scanning the predator. "Good, now go away i have work to do." “Fine.” the figure said, beginning to walk away, then stopped. “Oh, and one more thing.” they turned around and next thing Animo knew, something shot into his mouth, which turned out to be mint. “Brush your teeth for fucks sake.” Animo rolled his eyes, sucking on the mint simply as he continues to work on his computer. The hooded being noticing what looked like a bipedal cat like being whose dna was getting mixed with what looked like crystals. “Hmph, what are you in for?” the figure asked the feline. "He threatened to refreeze me unless i helped him with his experiments." The feline person said. “Heh, should have gone with the refreezing, cause you’re gonna be in there for a while.” the figure said, then began to leave. The feline then noticed what looked like a small piece of paper. "Wait is that Ken?" He asked in a whisper. "He's alive?"  The figure did not answer, but the feline saw a small nod as the figure kept walking. "If you see him please tell him, Tigrin is ok" He whispered. The figure turned a corner and they were gone. “I’ll do what I can.” the figure said to themself. Ken woke up with a small yawn, smiling at luna. He gently pulled out of her grasp and got up, un intentionally waking her up. “Hmm, Ken?” Luna asked, letting out a yawn. “What time is it?” Ken looks at the time. "It's eight am, im sorry for waking you up i just needed to use the bathroom." “It’s fine.” Luna said, getting up. “I needed to get up anyway.” "Oh right, lowering the moon?" Ken asked, smiling softly. "I haven't seen it in so long, ill join you once i go to the bathroom." “Alright Ken.” Luna said, walking to the balcony. A few minutes later Ken smiles as he watches Luna lower the moon, just as Celestia raised the sun. "Great job… my dear." Ken said, kissing luna's cheek. Luna blushed, but smiled and kissed his cheek as well. “Thank you.” Ken smiles. "Now then you made dinner so its my turn by making you breakfast."  “Oh Ken you don’t have to, I could just make it.” Luna began. Ken shushes her by kissing her forehead. "Nonsense, its my job to be romantic. And i have something special planned." He smiles heading into the kitchen. “Alright, I can’t wait to see what you have made.” Luna said, walking to the dining room. Ken headed into the kitchen, making lunas old favorite food. He made everything exactly the way he used to two thousand years ago, hoping she still liked it. Ken carefully brings it into the dining room and sets it in front of luna.  "Bon appatete, waffles with home hay fries and syrup."  “Oh Ken you shouldn’t have.” Luna said, “Thank you for this.” "Anything for you." Ken smiles. "I hope you still like it." “I’m sure I’ll still love it.” Luna said as she took a bite, a content smile on her face as she chewed. “Yep, still delicious, maybe even better than last time.”  "Only two thousand years late." Ken chuckles as celestia walks in. "Good morning." Celestia smiles. “Good morning sister.” Luna replied. "Morning Tia." Ken said, eating some more waffles. "Are those Ken's special waffles and hay fries?" Celestia asked her lips watering a little. “Yes they are sister. And they are better than last times.” Luna said happily, eating another waffle. Ken smiles and eats some more hey fries. "There's more in th-" He didn't get to finish his sentence as celestia went running into the kitchen. “Didn’t take her long.” Luna said, laughing a little. “I mean I expected her to immediately sniff it out and just run straight into the kitchen. Ken smiles. "Maybe her nose has gone soft in her old age."  “Hey I’m not old.” Celestia said from the kitchen. "Tia i knew you when you were six!" Ken yelled. "That was two thousand years ago!"  “So? Someponies actually say I look really young.” was Celestia's reply as she came out with a plate of waffles and hay fries. "Yeah because your an alicorn." Ken said chuckling. "Im just teasing you."  “Your mean sometimes.” Celestia said, playfully pouting. Ken shrugs, winking at luna. "Should you tell her or should i?"  Luna kept quiet, blushing a little. “Tell me what?’Celestia tilted her head in confusion. Luna smiles softly with a blush. "W-we're dating now, after yesterday we decided to make it official." Celestia became wide eyed. Then smiled and hugged both Ken and Luna. “Oh I’m so happy for you two!” Luna blushes and shys away, as Ken smiles. "I've missed you guys." “And we’ve missed you Ken.” both Luna and Celestia said,  Luna gave Ken a long kiss on the cheek, just as the main six and Adolfa walked in. "Ew." Dash mumbled seeing them Adolfa elbowed her in the side, “Shut up Skittles, I for one am happy the two are together.” Pinkie gasped and bounced around ken and luna, jumping over the table at points. "I'm gonna throw you a welcome back/ congratulations party!" “Pinkie you don’t have to do tha-” Luna began but was interrupted by Pinkie "Of course i do! Im Pinkie pie!" She said getting in luna's face. “She got you there. No matter what, she’ll throw a party.” Applejack said, the other Mane 6 nodded their heads in agreement Ken chuckles and holds lunas hoof. "Hey i for one am happy that my first pinkie party will be with you."  Luna blushes as the other mane six sans rainbow giggle. “W-well if you're happy I’m happy, and I’m also glad as well.” Luna said. Ken smiles and kisses her cheek making her blush deeper. "I'm gonna go look for my friends again, i hope someone is alive…" “Alright Ken, be safe.” Luna said,  Ken smiles and stands up, stretching before heading to the door. “Want me to go with ya kid? Or do you want to go alone?” Adolfa asked, idly spinning a dagger. Ken shrugs. "Doesn't matter to me." Adolfa shrugged, “Alright then.” Adolfa then began to walk towards the door with Ken. Though Ken could have swore he saw Adolfa put something in a bag but shrugged and thought he was seeing things. Ken looked around as they passed ponies on the street of canterlot, grinning at the scared and worried faces. "Bunch of scaredy cats."  “Eh, you get used to it after a while. No matter how many times they see me, this happens.” Adolfa said, “And on a rare occasion, a bunch of unicorns come over to try and deactivate me or some shit cause they think I’m a golem.” Ken laughs, just as group of snooty upper crust unicorns walks up to them. "What in equestria are the guards thinking letting beings like you in canterlot, you’re ruining the whole cities atmosphere." “Well fuck you too.” Adolfa said, “And just to let you know buddy. We don’t ruin this city. Snobs like you who think they are better than everyone else are!”  Ken holds his hand out to stop her. "Hey its ok, besides if we're insulting to them then so is luna seeing as im her colt friend." The snobby ponies monocle falls right off his eye. "Ha yeah right like princess luna would like something as hideous as you!"  ADolfa then pulled out her gun and shot the air. The ponies had looks of fear at the sudden noise, “As if you know princess Luna asshole, now here’s what’s gonna happen. You and your buddies are gonna leave us alone.” "Or what freak?" The snobby mare asked. “This.” Adolfa said as she stomped on the ground, and a pillar of flames erupted from the ground.  The snobby ponies screamed in fear, running away from the two. "You know that could bite us in the butt."  “Don’t care, I’m used to it. Another reason why the princesses hate me.” Adolfa said, dispersing the flames. Ken nods slowly, walking out of the city. "Well anyway lets go." The two walked all the way to the cave entrance, and Adolfa brought Ken where the hole where she, Twilight and Spike found him.  Ken glanced around. "I'm not sure anyone else could have survived." “Don’t worry kid, I’m sure we will find somebody alive.” Adolfa said, looking closely at the ice. “After all, we did find you.” Ken nods slowly, following the ice down a passageway. “So, who was with you when you got iced?” Adolfa asked. "My friends Tigrin, I always used to call him tigger." Ken chuckles. “What does he look like?” Adolfa asked, melting a bit of ice to get a sword and a book. "He looks like a tiger, but he did have a scar over his eye." Ken said. “Alright, I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for him.” Adolfa said, putting the book in a bag, and discarding the sword after seeing how rusted it was. “Anyone else I should keep an eye out for? Like a pony, dragon, maybe a griffon?” "I'd appreciate it." Ken said looking around more.  “No problem.” Adolfa said, looking around some more.  Ken sighs as he sees no sign of anyone. "This seems pointless." “Kid, it’s not pointless, I’m sure we’ll find someone. I mean, the cave is big so we’re bound to find someone.” "Unless no one else made it." Ken said. “Hey, you made it. So someone else might have survived too. We’ll find them.” Ken nods slowly. "I understand." “It’s good that you understand. Now let’s keep searching.” the two continued searching, Adolfa often taking anything interesting from the ice, but still helped Ken look for his friends, until they came up to a large ice cave. Adolfa held her arms and shivered, “This place is colder than Pluto!” Ken chuckles, a bright green flash engulfing him and fading to show a big blue butterfly like alien. "Big chill loves it." “Lucky! My flames barely keep me warm seeing how their connected tomy magic, which I refuse to use again.” Ken shrugs. "Why not try lightning something on fire and carrying it with you?" “Good idea.” Adolfa said, “Except I have nothing to burn.” Adolfa looked around then picked up pieces of wood and lit it on fire. “Nevermind. This is the place where we found you, so it probably means your friends are here too.” Ken nods and flies around, looking in each ice shard. "I wonder what made this cave, these aren't normal ice shards." “I know what you mean. Even if the ice is in a mountain, it should have already been halfway melted by now.”  Ken floats back to Adolfa, holding up a hand. "Do you hear that?" Adolfa listened but couldn’t hear anything. “No, what is it?” Ken looked around and pointed to blue lights flashing in the distance. "I have two theories on those lights, and im hoping its the first."  “What’s your theories?” Adolfa asked, pulling out her sword. "One artigwanas species that got trapped here by pirates." Ken said. "Two… DNAliens and highbreeds." “I really hope it’s the first, and they are called Polar Manzardill.” Adolfa said. "Right, i just like the nickname. Way better than ben twenty threes freeze lizard name." Ken stated, slowly going close to Adolfa and her fire in hand before turning back to human and shivering. "Oh yeah, this is cold."  “You think? Even with the fire it’s still freezing. Let’s go check out what you heard.” Ken nods, as the two slowly start heading to the noise. Ken shivered more, noticing the air was growing noticeably colder and harder to breathe. “G-g-geez! T-t-this i-i-is s-starting to g-get a-a-annoying!” Adolfa said, shivering. "M-maybe we're not dealing with either of those theories, in the show it was never this cold for either of them…" Ken said, coughing a bit. "W-we should head back and s-see if Tia or lulu know what's going on."  “G-g-good Idea!!”  "Y-you said your fire powers weaker due to magic right?" Ken asked, the two turning around to head back. “Y-yeah. T-they a-are connected.” Adolfa replied. “A-and seeing h-how I d-d-don’t use magic, my fire is weak.” "W-well what if i infused you with swampfires dna? To increase your own thermal power?" Ken asked, as the two began warming up the farther away they got from the sounds of ice freezing. “Sounds like a good idea. But I’ll have to think about it, besides, what I lack in ‘fire’power, I make up for it in skill.” Adolfa said, making a fire pun, "Haha." Ken fake laughs, breathing normal now that they left the ice cavern. "I hope the ponies have cold protection spells or something." “I’m pretty sure they do. But we also got one of these.” Adolfa said, pulling out the book she grabbed earlier, and Ken could see it was a spellbook.  "When'd you get that?" Ken asked blinking, the sound of the omnitrix reactivating sounding throughout the cave. “Got it from the ice along with some other things too. And what's up with the Omnitrix?” Ken glanced at the watch, noticing an alien had become unlocked. "This thing has had random aliens unlocked randomly from time to time, looks like i just got shocksqwach."  “The alien with a canadian accent? He was pretty cool in the show. But I think Feedback is awesome.” "Oh yeah, mister big bang holder? Imagine what he could do fused with alien X." Ken said, taking in a deep breath of fresh air once they got out of the cave. “Now that would be awesome!” Adolfa said, taking in the suns warmth. “Glad to be out of that cave.” "No kidding… um… we went down, to the right and left and right and right and right didn't we?" Ken asked. "In a sort of snake like pattern?"  “I think so.” Adolfa scratched her head in confusion, “Good thing I marked the cave walls of where we were.” Adolfa sees Ken staring at the cave before slowly turning to look at canterlot, before pointing at the cave entrance not taking his eyes off of canterlot and tracing the way they went. "Left, right, right, right, right…" he said the motion of his hand heading right to canterlot.  “Made some distance huh?” Adolfa said, looking at Canterlot. "If im right, i think that really freezing area is just under canterlot." Ken said sighing. "I wish i was naive and clueless sometimes, less stress."  Adolfa patted his back. “Don’t we all kid, but life of a hero isn’t easy, sometimes we have to be smart and clever to protect the innocent, and those we care for.” Ken nods, heading back to canterlot. "This should be fun…"