> When The Nest Is Empty... > by Snow Quill > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > ...A Married Couple Does The Thing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny Skies sighed happily as she glanced at her husband, Magnum Shy. To everyone else they were known as ‘Mr. and Mrs. Shy’, mother and father to one of the Elements of Harmony, Fluttershy. Currently, they were sitting at their table enjoying a bottle of wine. Just earlier their daughter had helped them… encourage their son to find his own way.  Sunny took a sip and placed her hoof over her husband's.  “We did the right thing earlier, didn’t we?” Magnum stirred from his thoughts and squeezed his wife’s hoof. “Of course we did honey. Fluttershy was right, Zephyr just needed a little push to find his own place. I’m sure he will do great… eventually.” Sunny seemed relieved, leaning into Magnum’s deceptively strong form. All those years in the weather factory really did add up, and though no one would ever guess it, Magnum prided himself on keeping in shape, even after retiring.  Her grin turned to a half smirk as she pursed her lips and kissed Magnum’s neck.  The stallion gasped, nearly dropping his glass. “H-honey...?” Sunny’s pupils shrunk to pinpricks as she abruptly sat up, adjusting her glasses as her face glowed redder than her hair. “O-oh darling I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to be so forward! It’s just...now that we know that we have the house to ourselves for a bit, and...you know how I get with wine and, and, oh my sun I should have never forced myself onto you like some, some whore. Oh Magnum, can you ever for-“ She didn’t get to finish her rambling apology as Magnum turned her face to his and captured her lips with his own. Instantly, she melted, tears pricking her eyes as he slowly pulled away and pecked her nose.  “It’s okay honey, I’m not mad. I’ve been feeling a bit uh...pent up lately, and with Zephyr coming back home any day I didn’t want to risk anything. You know how sensitive he can be.” Sunny nodded and wiped away her tears, looking down at the table and swirling the sip of wine left in her glass. “S-so uh...does...does that mean…?” Magnum chuckled. “I’ll go get my ‘special cloud’. Meet me in the bedroom in 5 minutes.” Sunny shuddered and nodded quickly, standing up and making her way to the master bedroom. She slipped into the attached bathroom and turned on the sink, placing her glasses to the side and splashing warm water onto her face. She giggled as she stared at her blurry reflection, excitement blooming in her chest as she fumbled around for a towel to dry her face and hooves. Once dried she put her glasses back on and removed her jewelry. Sunny hummed as she fluffed her mane a little before reaching for a bottle of rose perfume. A couple squirts with her wings fanning it around, and she felt ready.  "Alright honeybun, I think I’m just about ready for you.” Sunny squeed softly before heading into the bedroom, only to see her husband sliding off his blue cotton sweater. “O-oh my, no sweater tonight dear?” Magnum turned, a deep blush lighting his cheeks. He bit his lip as he shrugged off his sweater, folding it neatly and placing it on their bedside table.  “Heh, no sweater tonight honey. It’s my favorite one and we just did laundry.”  Sunny trotted over and nuzzled him, “Thank you for being so considerate.” She paused before squeaking out. “It’s...It’s sexy…” Magnum chuckled. “O-oh yeah? Well...I even put a fresh and absorbent cloud layer on the bed so we won’t have too much cleanup.” Sunny shivered, her stiffening wings slowly extending from her back. “Oh you know just how to treat me dear.” Magnum leaned forward to kiss her again, a gentle peck that was full of passion and love. They never parted each other’s lips; even after all their years married, the thought of tongues touching was almost enough to make Magnum faint, but the firm pressure of soft lips pressed together filled the pegasi with lust nonetheless.  Magnum’s wings stiffened and raised behind him as he wrapped his hooves around Sunny, turning them so her back was to the bed. Almost in slow motion, they fell, husband on top of wife.  Magnum nuzzled Sunny's neck, peppering the yellow fur with light kisses. “Oh honey, you used the rose perfume.” Sunny bit her lip and squirmed playfully. “O-of course dear, I know it’s your favorite.” Magnum smiled and kissed her stomach, venturing further down. When he reached his wife’s modest teats he pecked each of them before burying his muzzle in the valley between them. Sunny squealed at the sensation of her husbands lips pressing firmly along her sensitive mounds, his warm fur tickling slightly.  Magnum pulled his face away, pulling over a glass container and opening it. He dug out the bit of storm cloud, licking his lips at Sunny’s needy whine.  “Are you ready honey bunches?” “Oh stars above, yes, please Magnum…” He smiled and put the cloud over her teats, spreading it out with his hooves.  Sunny cooed as the cool and soft texture settled against her, shaking in anticipation.  A soft strike to the cloud produced a low intensity lightning strike, the electricity heading straight for the mare’s erect nipples. She bucked her hips upwards, a strangled cry of pleasure forcing itself out of her. Magnum waited with bated breath; they had done this many times before but he was always worried about hurting his wife. After a tense minute he concluded she was fine and gave the cloud another pat, unleashing more electricity onto his wife.  Sunny squirmed against the bed, desperately trying to grasp the cloud layer as pleasure crashed over her in waves.  Magnum gave her teats one more lightning strike before moving the cloud over her winking marehood. He gave her a moment to recover before pressing on the cloud once again.  The shriek that escaped his wife could have shattered glass for how high pitched it was, and though there were notes of pain Magnum knew that it was mostly pleasure.  He chuckled as the cloud became much heavier, soaked with his wife’s orgasm. “How are you feeling honey?” “B-but...butt…” Panic washed over Magnum like a bucket of cold water. Their safeword was ‘buttercup’, and if his wife was trying to invoke it he went too far.  “Oh shoot, I’m so sorry honey are you okay?”  He quickly pulled the cloud away, storing it in its container before climbing up the bed to cradle his shaking wife. “Honey? Say something please.” "B-b-butt..."   “Honey?” His wife took a deep breath, looking up to him with a fiery gaze. "Stick that giant cock of yours in.my.ass.” "Oh! Yes, dear!" Sunny grinned as her message was finally made clear, rolling over onto her stomach and sticking her rear up.  The sight of his wife sticking her rear up, the smell of her needy marehood, her firm command for him to use her...What stallion would dare refuse? Magnum quickly scrambled to get behind his wife, placing his hooves on her hips as he rubbed his member against her dripping marehood. He didn’t want to be inadequate in lubrication however, so he tapped his wife’s shoulder with his hoof. “Honey, could you get the bottle of lube from the bed stand?” The shivering mare grumbled from the extra delay, but knew her husband was right. One night and a week’s worth of pain sitting for her was enough to make sure they didn’t go too dry again. She fumbled around for the bottle, grinning in victory as her hoof closed around it. She passed it back to her husband before settling back into the perfect position.  She was rewarded with a kiss on her flank, “Thank you darling.” Sunny bit her lip as she heard the cap open, a shudder running down her spine at the squelching sound of a bottles contents being forced out. She shoved her hoof in her mouth at the feeling of her husbands tip, covered in slightly cold lubrication, poke at her backdoor.  She squealed around her hoof as he began to press in, the high pitched note turning into a drawn out moan as he leaned over her. His panting breaths washed over her neck as he sunk into her, the occasional whinny escaping him.  No matter how many times she’d taken him, she was always stunned by the amount of stallionmeat her husband was packing. He sure wasn’t named ‘Magnum’ for nothing.  It seemed an eternity when he finally hilted inside her, his warm and strong body almost smothering Sunny into the cloud layer - not that she minded at all though.  Magnum kissed the back of his wife’s neck before slowly pulling out until his medial ring. Both shuddered as he pressed forth again, going just a touch faster.  Sunny’s body trembled under her husband as he lovingly thrust in and out of her tight tailhole, pausing occasionally to grind into a particular spot.  Magnum was nothing if not a gentlecolt though, for even as he filled her ass, his other hoof roamed around his wife’s hips before making its way to her winking marehood. Sunny let out an exceptionally loud cry as he ground his hoof into her, the tip of it flicking her clit when it poked out.   It was at that point Sunny’s hoof fell from her mouth and she cried her pleasure to the heavens. Magnum was a bit more subdued, his deep grunts a sharp contrast to his normally soft and higher pitched voice.  The stallion’s slow and loving pace began to pick up as he neared his orgasm, his once steady thrusts becoming jerkier. Sunny couldn’t complain about the increase even if she wanted to; Magnum was pressing her deeper into the bed and his mighty battering ram left her gasping for breath. Magnum hilted inside of her one more time, Sunny squealing as she felt his flare stretch her ass and his hoof stretch her marehood. “H-hope your ready honey.”  Sunny nodded as much as she could, squeezing around her husband in an attempt to milk him.  Magnum bit one of her ears as he came, triggering her second and even louder orgasm.  Sunny melted into a very happy, very full puddle of pony, warmed by her husband’s firm, reassuring weight on her back. These moments were almost as good as the sex that led up to it. Almost. They laid like that for a while, just enjoying each other's company. Eventually, Mangum pushed himself up on shaky legs, his softening cock popping out of Sunny's well used tailhole. A pair of soft sighs filled the room, the sound breaking the content quiet that had settled over it.  Sunny stretched out like a cat, groaning quietly as her hips popped. "Mmm, that was good…" Magnum smiled and stepped off the bed, waiting for his wife to do the same. She rolled over and landed on the floor, squeaking as her legs buckled beneath her. "O-oh my, that took more out of me than I thought." Her husband chuckled and supported her with his wing, using his other wing and hooves to roll the cloud layer into a ball, careful to not squeeze out any leftover fluids. "Why don't you go start a shower honeybuns, and I'll take care of this."  "Of course."  Sunny leaned up and pecked Magnum's cheek. "Mmm, I love you dear." "I love you too honey." After a short and very clean shower, the two cuddled under the sheets. Sunny was running her hoof in swirling patterns across Magnum's chest when an idea struck her. "You know dear, I wonder what would happen if we drank actual wine instead of sparkling cranberry juice."  Magnum considered it for a moment before shuddering. "I'm not sure Cloudsdale is ready to find out."