Solar Force's Day At The Beach

by Solar Force

First published

Heading to the beach for the first day of his summer break, 18 year old Solar Force meets a girl who will give him a summer day he will never forget.

Solar Force, a shy, recently turned 18 year old, heads to the beach for the first day of his summer break. He's hoping to just have a relaxing day and have some fun, not really expecting to meet any girls, as he's never had any luck with them. But when he arrives, he meets a girl named Adagio Dazzle, the most beautiful and gorgeous girl he's ever seen. Little did he know that this little encounter would lead to the most memorable summer day of his life.

A/N: I saw the artwork for this story and I just had to do something with it. I adore Adagio!:heart::yay:

Best Day At The Beach Ever

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It was the first day of summer vacation. The sun shone, and the breeze of the sea wafted across the boardwalk. It was a perfect summer day. Perfect for paying a visit to the beach.

Which was exactly what a certain 18 year old boy was here to do. The boy had amber coloured skin, shoulder length red hair with light orange streaks, and bright emerald eyes. He wore a white T-shirt with an image of a sun that looked like a beam of energy was being reflected off of it, a pair of deep red swim shorts, and a pair of red sandals. His name was Solar Force, and he was here to have a nice, relaxing day at the beach. He needed it.

He walked along the boardwalk, thinking back on the last few months. They had been both busy, and hard, and he was looking forward to a well earned break. Busy due to it being his last months leading up to his graduation from high school, and hard due to his lack of a social life, and growing sense of loneliness.

He had never been exactly popular, and that was mostly due to him being very shy. He had had very few friends, who had all moved on with their lives. Also, he had never had any luck with getting a girlfriend. Teenage girls were hard enough to talk to with his shyness, but they all seemed to just be the same self absorbed, mean spirited airheads who would either be looking constantly at their smartphones, gossiping to each other about shallow, superficial nonsense, or drooling like dogs over one of the school jocks whenever they came strutting down the hallway like they owned the place.

In short, his last days of high school were miserable, and he was very relieved that they were finally over. Still, just because his high school days were over, that didn’t mean his loneliness problem was solved. If the girls outside of school were anything like the ones inside school, maybe it wasn’t worth it to try to meet one.

He shook his head and sighed. Never mind that now. Solar was here to have a relaxing day at the beach and just forget about his problems. However, he wasn’t going to be given the chance to forget just yet. He lifted his head to take a look out at the ocean and take in the sea breeze… when he stopped in his tracks, gazing in wonder at the awe inspiring sight in front of him.

There, leaning casually against the boardwalk fence, gazing out at the ocean with a look of peaceful contentment on her pretty face, was a girl about Solar’s age, if not slightly older. He couldn't take his eyes off her. This girl was gorgeous! He also couldn’t help letting his eyes roam all over her body from head to toe. She had pale yellow, soft looking skin, large, gingery, very puffy hair which flowed down her back like a large ponytail, which was done up with a dark purple hairband with golden spikes, and beautiful, alluring, ruby red eyes, which would be so easy to become lost in. He couldn’t help blushing as he took in the rest of her fabulous body. Long, well sculpted legs, which led up to wide, curvy hips, a nicely thin waist, a flat, beautifully toned stomach, and the cherry, or rather, cherries on top, her large, perfectly round, perfectly full, perfectly plump E cup sized breasts. All of this was on perfect display, as she wore dark purple string tied bikini bottoms, which rode high on her hips in a classic deep v cut, along with a matching dark purple string tied bikini top, which hugged and lifted her breasts in the most alluring way, and showed off her deep, sexy cleavage. There was also a thin choker around her neck, with some kind of clear jewel hanging from it. Put all this together and you had the most beautiful and sexiest girl that Solar had ever seen.

He suddenly became fearful of getting any closer to this bikini clad goddess, as a dreadful thought crossed his mind. What if she looked over at him and accused him of being a pervert for checking her out? He had heard all kinds of stories of boys and young men getting their entire lives ruined just because they looked at a woman in a perfectly innocent manner, which was more often than not, which they somehow perceived as sexist. Why were girls so impossible to approach these days? He thought that maybe he should try and distance himself from her so she won’t notice him, but at that moment, the girl turned her head and saw him.

Solar remained frozen on the spot as they made eye contact. They gazed at each other for a brief moment, before she smiled at him, turning to face him, and placing her hands on her hips.

“Well, hello there,” she said. Even her voice was sexy. Warm, soft and soothing, like melted caramel. “Visiting the beach today?”

“Err, y-yes,” Solar stammered, a blush covering his face. He didn’t expect her to speak to him first. “I-I’m actually hear f-for my summer vacation.”

“Really?” The girl said, smiling even more. “It just so happens that I’m here to get away from things for a bit myself.”

“Oh, I s-see,” Solar replied sheepishly. “Well, then, you’ll probably won’t want me around, bothering you.” He didn’t want to intrude on what was most likely her own vacation. Not to mention, a girl as beautiful as her most likely had a boyfriend. Probably some snobby rich boy, or worse, a chisel jawed, muscle bound athlete. He really didn’t want to find out.

“Actually,” The girl replied with an amused smirk, “I’m here by myself, and you seem nice enough. So, if you want, I wouldn’t mind the company.”

“W-what? Really?” Solar asked in surprise. He didn’t expect that.

“Yes,” the girl said. “Tell me, are you here by yourself, too?”

“Err, yeah,” Solar admitted.

“Well, since we both came here alone, why don’t you spend some time with me?” The girl asked, stepping forward and holding out her hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m Adagio Dazzle. What’s your name?”

“It’s Solar Force,” Solar replied, with a blush and a smile, reaching out to shake her hand. It was soft and warm, and he didn’t really want to let go. “It’s nice to meet you too, Miss Dazzle.”

Adagio blinked in surprise, before raising her hand to her mouth and letting out a hearty giggle. “Miss Dazzle?” She said in amusement. “No one’s ever called me that before. That’s so adorable.”

“I was just trying to be polite,” Solar said humbly, scratching the back of his head. “I was always raised to be respectful to girls.”

“Well, regardless, it’s very sweet, and just shows how much of a gentleman you are,” Adagio said with a happy smile. “But there’s no need for such formalities. Just call me Adagio.”

“OK, sure, if you just call me Solar,” Smiled Solar.

“Deal,” Said Adagio with a nod. “Now, come on, let’s head down to the beach.” She turned and headed off down the boardwalk, Solar following behind.

As they walked, Solar couldn’t help letting his eyes roam down Adagio’s lovely back, becoming lost in the alluring, graceful way she moved. The gentle sway of her hips was almost hypnotic, while the muscles of her plump, generous ass swung and undulated erotically, which were barely hidden by the tight, shiny material of her bikini bottoms. It was very tempting to reach out and palm those beautiful, sweet, soft looking cheeks.

“See something you like?” He heard Adagio say, causing him to snap his eyes upwards, seeing her looking back at him with narrowed eyes and a teasing smile.

He blushed heavily, looking away from her. “Uh, s-sorry about that,” he stuttered. He scolded himself mentally. What was he doing, perving on a girl he only just met?

“Oh, relax,” Adagio said with a giggle. “I get looks like that from guys, and sometimes girls, all the time, so I’m used to it. Plus, you apologised. That’s more than most of those meat heads who just perv on me would do. Now, come on, the day’s wasting.”

“Uh, right, sure,” Solar replied, as he followed Adagio along the boardwalk and down a set of steps on to the beach. They made their way across the white sand, as Solar looked up and down the beach. To his slight surprise, despite it being summer vacation, there weren't that many people about. He followed Adagio until they came to a relatively out of the way corner of the beach. It was quiet and shaded, the perfect spot to just lay in the sun and relax.

“Ahh, here we are,” Said Adagio with a satisfied smile. “This will do nicely.” She put down her beach bag and bent over to look through it. By doing this, she stuck out her butt right in front of Solar, whose eyes were once again drawn to it. He couldn’t help it. Her voluptuous, juicy, sexy booty was to die for. It was almost like she did it on purpose. He quickly looked away and began looking through his own beach stuff.

Adagio pulled out a towel, a mat and a bottle of sunscreen. She laid down the mat before sitting down on it. Solar laid down his own towel so he could sit down next to her. Once he sat down, he turned to look at Adagio, as she opened the sunscreen bottle, squirted a dollop of the white cream onto her hands, and then began spreading it slowly onto her skin, starting with her arms.

Solar couldn’t help but watch as she ran her hands up and down her arms, rubbing in the sunscreen, and making her lovely skin shine in the sun, making her look even more beautiful. She moved on from her arms to her long, sexy legs, humming softly as she ran her hands up and down her legs. The way she took her time applying the sunscreen, and her almost sensual humming was quite a thing for Solar to see. After doing her right leg, she moved onto her left leg, before looking up at Solar, making him once again avert his eyes. He had to stop staring at her, lest she think he was a creep. “Solar?” Adagio said, making him look back at her, as she smiled sweetly at him. “Would you do me a small favour?”

“Uh, sure,” Solar said with uncertainty, “What do you need?”

“Could you please do my back for me?” Adagio asked, holding out the bottle of sunscreen.

“U-uh, OK, if you're sure,” Solar said, unable to believe that he was being given the chance to actually touch her.

“I think I can trust you,” She said, before turning around and laying down flat on her front. Solar’s eyes then widened as she reached for the back of her bikini top and undid it, letting the strings fall loose at her sides, and then pulling back her hair to reveal her completely bare back. “When you're ready, Solar,” She said with a slight purr in her voice. “And please, don’t hesitate to be thorough.”

“Uh, alright, sure,” Solar said apprehensively, as he squirted some of the sunscreen onto his hands, and then very gently placed his hands on her shoulders, deciding to start at the top and work his way down. He slowly moved his hands in circles on her shoulders, rubbing in the sunscreen. He was enchanted by the feel of her skin. It was warm and silky soft. But what was more enchanting was the soft humming and cooing coming from Adagio.

“Mmm, that feels nice,” she said with a relaxed sigh. “Have you ever given a massage before?”

“Um, no,” Solar replied as he moved his hands slowly down her back, moving them in slow circles to spread out the sunscreen evenly over her skin. As he applied the protective coating, her whole back began to glisten and shine in the sun. He couldn’t help blushing at the sight, as well as Adagio’s soft gasps and murmurs of approval.

“Well, I think you could be a very good masseuse,” She said.

“A masseuse? Me?” Solar said curiously as he reached the middle of her back. Looking down at her, he blushed even more at the sight of her squishy looking breasts, as they were splayed out beneath her. The way they swelled as she breathed in, and then spread out as she breathed out was an alluring sight. They just looked so soft and inviting. As he kept moving his hands in circles, his fingers were spread out across her sides as he moved them up her back. He paused, blushing heavily, with his fingertips mere inches from the sides of her boobs.

“Oh, yes,” Adagio said, as she lifted her head to look up at him, seeing the look on his face. “Is something wrong?” She asked curiously.

“Uh, no, everything's fine,” Solar said as he continued to apply the sunscreen.

“You were trying to avoid touching me in an inappropriate place, weren't you?” Adagio said a teasing tone.

“W-what makes you say that?” Solar stuttered in denial.

“There's no need to coy about it,” Adagio replied with a giggle. “It just proves that you're a gentleman and not just some perverted horn dog.”

“Uh, yeah, I guess,” Solar said as he went back to applying the Sunscreen. He moved his hands further down her back, hesitating as he reached her lower back, coming up to the curve that led up to the cheeks of her plump, beautiful ass. How tempting it was to slip his fingers beneath her bikini bottoms and feel those divine, plush cheeks. He shook his head and mentally scolded himself again. What was he thinking? Did he want her to think he was a creep? He finished rubbing in the protective cream and looked up and down her back to look at his handy work. Adagio’s whole back was now shining in the sun, adding to her beauty. He sat back and admired her for a moment. “OK, I’m done, Adagio,” He said.

“Thank you, Solar,” Adagio said as she re-tied the strings of her bikini top and sat up, before turning around to face him, giving him a happy smile. “Now, how about I do the same for you?” she offered, taking back the bottle of sunscreen.

“W-what? Uh, n-no, t-that’s OK,” Solar said hesitantly. “I c-can do that myself.”

“Come on, it’s only fair,” She said with a teasing look. “I don’t mind doing it. And besides, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it,” She gave him a seductive wink, making him blush heavily. “Now, take off your shirt, and lay down.”

“Umm,” Solar said sheepishly. His heart was racing. This couldn’t really be happening. “OK, if you really don’t mind.” He reached for the hem of his t-shirt and slowly pulled it up, fully aware that Adagio was looking at him the whole time. Shy as he was, taking off his shirt in front of someone made him self conscious, and it was worse in front of a girl. He finally pulled his shirt over his head, exposing his chest to her. He looked up at her, only to be taken aback by the admiring, sultry look she was giving him as she ran her eyes up and down his front.

“Ooh,” She cooed, "You're quite the handsome boy, aren't you? Do you work out at all?”

Solar blushed even more. He wouldn’t say he was out of shape, but he wasn’t exactly a body builder either. And Handsome? The only person who had ever called him Handsome was his mother, and in his mind, that didn’t really count. But the way Adagio was looking at him, it was like she thought he was the most desirable boy in the world. “Uh, well, I did try and exercise whenever I wasn’t busy studying, but I wouldn’t exactly call it working out,” He explained. “Mainly just going for jogs and long walks.”

“Well, whatever you did, I’d say it did you good,” Adagio said, giving his upper body another, appreciative once over with her eyes. “Now, lay down on your front, please?” Solar nodded and laid down. Once he was comfortable, he heard Adagio moving, and was suddenly taken aback when he felt weight on his upper thighs. Why was she straddling his legs? He thought she would just run her hands over his back.

A moment later, he didn’t care, as he felt Adagio lay her warm, soft hands on his shoulders, and began rubbing in the sunscreen. He blushed heavily as he realised that, in her position, she must have had to lean forward to reach up his back, as he could feel her bare stomach pressing into his butt though his swim shorts. He was glad he was on his back, because her slow, gentle touch was sending waves of pleasure through his body, causing a reaction inside his shorts. If Adagio found out that he was getting a boner from what she was doing, she would probably run off screaming, and forever labelling him as a pervert.

As she continued to rub in the sunscreen, she gently needed and squeezed the muscles in his back and shoulders, humming softly and approvingly, like she was enjoying what she was feeling. To Solar, it was almost like she had offered to do this for him just so she would have an excuse to touch him. Also, this felt like a massage more than anything else. He couldn't deny it felt good, and he was trying hard to stop himself from moaning in pleasure. But then, he gasped as he felt something… two somethings, press into his back. Two things which were large, round and very soft. Were those her breasts?! All he could do was lay there as she continued to need his shoulders and upper back, and slowly and lightly press and slide her breasts up and down his back. It felt so good, he was struggling not to show how much he was enjoying it. He then shivered as he felt Adagio’s warm breath on his ear. “Are you enjoying this?” She whispered softly.

“I-I t-thought that you were… (gasp)… just putting on sunscreen?” Solar struggled to say as he blushed heavily.

“Oh, I am,” Adagio said. “But, I just thought I’d have a little fun, and since you made it feel good for me, I’d make it feel good for you.”

“B-but,” Solar said hesitantly, looking down the beach. “Won’t someone see what you’re doing and get suspicious?”

Adagio giggled. “Oh, don’t worry about that,” She said reassuringly. “This is why I chose this spot, so we could have some peace and quiet with just the 2 of us.” She then laid down on top of him, resting her chin on his shoulder, and pressing her soft, warm boobs into his back, causing him to gasp again. “Besides,” She continued in a low, sultry voice, “If any boys look this way, just think how envious they would be of you, having such a nice time with a beautiful girl.” She ran her hand down to his hand and took hold of it, lacing her fingers with his. “And I can’t help but think of all the girls who would be envious of me getting to spend time with such a cute boy.”

Cute? No one had ever called him cute, let alone a girl. “I-I don’t want anyone to be envious of me,” He said out loud. “In my experience, when someone gets envious of you, it gets you beaten up.”

“Well, don’t worry, that won’t happen with me around,” She said reassuringly.

“Um, thanks,” Solar said, “But I don’t think any girls would be envious of you for being with me.”

“Oh?” Adagio said curiously, “What makes you say that?”

“Because girls don’t like me,” Solar said with a hint of sadness.

“Aww, now that’s not true,” Adagio said with a gentle squeeze of his hand. “I’m a girl, and I like you.”

“Maybe,” Said Solar doubtfully, “But I don’t really see why you would.”

“Oh, why not?” Adagio asked.

“You said it yourself,” Solar said with a frown, “You're a very beautiful girl.”

“Aww, thank you,” Adagio said with a warm smile and a light blush. “That’s very sweet of you to say. But why would that mean I wouldn’t like you?”

“Well, a girl like you could get any guy you want,” Solar explained. “Why would you settle for a guy like me?”

“Settle,” Adagio said with a concerned tone, before he felt her weight lift off his back. “Solar, sit up and look at me,” She told him. Solar sat up on his knees before turning to face her, before she gently placed her hands on his shoulders. “Now, what has made you think so low of yourself?”

“Because, um,” Solar said, hesitating, before sighing, and continuing, “Well, I’m not exactly the most interesting guy in the world, no one really paid much attention to me, and any friends I had left me a long time ago, and there weren't many of them to begin with.” He looked down and huffed. “And as for girls, they all completely ignored me, and I wasn’t good at talking to them anyway.”

“Sounds like you’ve been alone for quite a while,” Adagio said with a sympathetic tone, placing her hand on under his chin, and gently lifting his head so his eyes met hers. “It’s obvious you're a bit on the shy side, but to lack such self confidence?” She then gave a warm smile. “Maybe I could help you with that?”

“Help me?” Solar asked in confusion. “How?”

“From what you’ve told me, you’ve never had a girlfriend, have you?” Adagio asked. At Solar’s reluctant shake of his head, she continued, “Well, what if I asked you if you’d like me to be your girlfriend?” Solar blushed heavily, and opened his mouth to protest, before she placed a finger against his lips to shush him. “I know, we’ve only just met, and what’s to say that I’m not just trying to set you up? I assure you, this is no trick, and I do genuinely like you,” She narrowed her eyes and gave a warm smile. “I think your sweet, a true gentleman,” her smile turned sultry, “and really cute,” she finished with a seductive voice, causing Solar to blush even more, as his whole body shivered. “Now, what do you say? Would you like me as your girlfriend?” Solar looked deep into her lovely ruby eyes, before giving a gentle nod.

“Wonderful,” Adagio said happily, before wrapping her arms around his neck. “Now, as your girlfriend, I’m going to help you feel confident and comfortable with me, and we’ll start with something simple.” She slowly leaned forward as she puckered up her soft looking lips. Before Solar could fully take in what was happening, her lips came into contact with his own. His eyes widened in shock. She was kissing him! His first kiss! He’d never felt so tense in his life. Adagio gently deepened the kiss, wrapping her arms around his upper body more tightly, running her hands slowly up and down his back.

The feel of her soft, warm lips, along with her gentle ministrations, made the tension melt away, slowly relapsed with a feeling of euphoria from the moment. He wrapped his arms around her waist, as Adagio hummed in encouragement, deepening the kiss even more, and pulling her closer. To Solar’s surprise, she shifted her position, moving forward, causing him to sit flat on his ass, before she straddled his legs, and sat down in his lap, pressing her large boobs into his bare chest. He almost gasped as he felt her hardening nipples through the thin material of her bikini top. Having a gorgeous, scantily clad girl sitting in his lap, and making out with him, was almost overwhelming, but Solar couldn't deny that he was enjoying it. He pulled her closer, deepening the kiss, and feeling a little bit bold, ran his hands up and down her back, causing her to moan into his mouth. He felt her tongue poking at his lips, which he parted, allowing her access to his own mouth, their tongues dancing together erotically.

Their make out session went on, until, needing to breathe, they pulled apart. Breathing deeply and blushing, Adagio smiled warmly at him. “Mmm, that was lovely,” She said softly, “How was that for your first kiss?”

“It was amazing,” Solar smiled back.

“I’m so glad,” Adagio smiled, “I have to say, for your first kiss, you were quite good yourself.”

“Oh, come on,” Solar said humbly, “I sure I wasn’t that good.”

“Now, don’t put yourself down, you did fine,” Adagio said reassuringly. “With a bit of practice, you could be an expert kisser.” She narrowed her eyes and purred, “And I would be more than happy to help you practice.” She then grinded her hips against Solar’s lap, causing him to moan, as she smirked at both the sound, and the feeling of the growing bulge in his shorts. “Umm, someone is excited.”

“Uhm,” Solar said, blushing heavily as he realised what she meant. “S-sorry about that!”

“No, it’s alright,” Adagio said, gently stroking his cheeks. “I find it quite flattering. It just means you're enjoying this, which is what I want. Now, let’s move things along.” She reached behind her back, and, much to his shock, undid her bikini top, letting it fall away, revealing her large, beautiful breasts.

“A-Adagio,” Solar stuttered, “What are you doing?!”

“Shhh,” Adagio said softly, “Don’t worry, no one’s watching. Just enjoy the moment. Do you like my breasts?”

“Yes,” Solar said, “they’re so beautiful and look so soft.”

“I’m glad you like them,” Adagio said with a warm smile, thrusting out her chest, making her large boobs bounce erotically, drawing Solar’s eyes to their every move. “Would you like to touch them?”

“Umm, yes, if you don’t mind,” Solar said with a smile and a blush.

“Not at all,” Adagio said seductively, "go ahead." Solar raised his hands and planted them very gently on her plump boobs, causing Adagio to moan softly. “Umm, yes. How do they feel?”

“They’re so soft,” Solar said as he marvelled at the fullness of her breasts. He began to caress, squeeze and manipulate her boobs, as she moaned happily and heatedly. Feeling bold again, he leaned forward, and took one of her pretty, sweet looking nipples into his mouth, sucking and kissing it gently, as Adagio moaned and squealed in pleasure, before wrapping her arms around his head, pulling him tighter to her voluptuous bosom. Hearing her enjoying her self made Solar feel happy that he was the one bringing her pleasure. He kept on kissing and playing with her boobs, switching from one nipple to the other and back again, giving both of her beautiful chest pillows equal attention, as Adagio moaned, hummed and gasped above him, biting her lips to try and stifle her moans of pleasure.

Adagio slowly grinded her hips on his lap, her panties clad pussy rubbing against the bulge in his swim shorts, causing her to hum approvingly at the size and hardness she was feeling. She gently patted Solar on the head, causing him to pull his head back from her breasts to look at her, as she smiled sweetly at him. “Mmm, that was lovely,” She purred erotically, “You are really good at this. However,” She reached her down his front, causing him to gasp and jolt in surprise as she gently touched the outline of his cock through his shorts, “I think it’s time I showed you how good I can be.” She pulled back off his lap, resting on her knees. “Stand up, Solar.” Solar did so, as she eyed the now visible lump in his shorts, licking her lips. “Ohh, that looks good.” She reached for the rim of his shorts.

“W-wait, what are you doing?” Solar stuttered, blushing heavily. “We’re out in public!”

“Relax,” Adagio said softly, “No one will notice us here.” She then leaned in close as she pulled down his shorts, his hard cock popping out and hitting her gently on her cheek. Her eyes widened as she gasped in awe at the sight of his fully erect dick. “Oh, wow. I could tell you’d be big, but I didn’t expect this. It’s huge!”

“R-really?” Solar said shyly. This was his first time being completely exposed in front of a girl. “S-surely it’s nothing special.”

“Non-sense,” Adagio said reassuringly, before taking his cock into her soft, warm hands. “Your cock isn’t just big, it’s so beautiful. I love it.” Solar gasped again as she ran her hand down his long shaft to his ball sack, rolling his balls gently between her fingers. “And these are lovely, too. Mmm, they fit perfectly in my hand and they feel so full.” She leaned in and laid light, gentle kisses on each of his nuts, as she stroked and caressed his meaty shaft with her other hand. She then looked up at him with a hungry smile. “Turn around for a moment.” Solar did so, and heard her hum in approval once more, along with a sultry giggle. “What a cute ass you have,” She said as she palmed his ass cheeks, planting a kiss on each one.

She placed her hands on his hips, pulling him back around to face her again, giggling as she watched his cock bounce from the movement. She took his member back into her hands, stroking and caressing him gently. “I just can't get over how big and gorgeous your cock is. It’s so hot in my hands.” She kept stroking him, before eyeing his precum dribbling from his tip. She licked her lips at the sight. “I wonder how it tastes.” Before Solar could say anything, she leaned forward and slowly took his cock into her mouth, until she was half way down his shaft. Solar was completely stunned at being given his first blowjob. The inside of her mouth felt incredible. So warm, tight, and moist, along with the feeling of her soft lips wrapped around him.

Adagio slowly bobbed her head back and forth along his length, as well as swirling her tongue around it, humming and moaning softly. Solar had to bite his lip to stop himself from moaning out loud, worried he may get someone’s attention. Adagio continued to bob her head back and forth along his length, pushing further forward, until she stopped and moaned as the tip of his dick hit the back of her throat. She had taken all of him. She pulled off his cock and gasped. “Mmm, your cock tastes so good,” she said lustfully. She quickly took his cock back in her mouth and bobbed her head even faster. Solar placed his hands on her head to try and slow her down, but she simply increased her efforts, humming and moaning softly.

This went on until she pulled off his cock, and thought of an idea to make Solar climax even faster. She sat up, and surrounded his shaft with her breasts. Solar moaned at the luxurious softness that now surrounded his cock. Adagio then began giving him a titty-fuck, as she sucked hungrily on his tip. She moved her boobs faster and sucked even harder, until Solar could feel his end approaching fast.

“A-Adagio,” He said in a strangled voice, “I-I can’t... take much... more! I’m gonna cum if you don’t stop!” This only seemed to encourage Adagio even more, as she squished her boobs around his penis even tighter, sucking even harder, and lavishing his tip with her tongue. Solar let out an intense moan as he came, firing his thick hot seed into Adagio’s mouth, and down her throat. She moaned happily as she savoured the taste of his cum, and kept on sucking his tip, trying to coax out as much of his seed as she could. Once she had sucked out the last few drops, she pulled off his cock, and opened her mouth to show him what was left of the sticky white substance, before closing and slowly swallowing.

“Mmm, and I thought your cock was tasty. Your cum is simply delicious. I could drink it all day and never get tired of it,” Adagio said with a satisfied smile, as she stood up, wrapped her arms around Solar in a hug, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Well, did you enjoy that?”

“Oh, yeah,” Solar said, blushing, and a little short of breath, “I’ve never felt anything like that. That was amazing. Thank you.”

“Aw, you're very welcome,” Adagio said sweetly, before running her down to his front, and taking hold of his cock once more. “Ooh, you just came, and yet you're still so hard,” she said with a sultry voice. “That means our fun can continue.”

“Really?” Solar asked, “What’s next?”

“Isn't it obvious?” Adagio said teasingly.

“Y-you don’t mean…?” Solar asked with a heavy blush.

“I certainly do,” Adagio smiled, giving his cock a gentle squeeze, “I would love to feel this monster of a cock inside me. But, before we get to that, I think there’s one more thing we can do.”

“What’s that?” Solar asked.

Instead of answering, Adagio let go of his cock, reached for the strings of her bikini bottoms, and slowly untied them. Solar watched with rapt attention as her shiny purple panties fell away, dropping to her feet, and revealing her beautiful womanhood. It was wet and shiny, like the rest of her body, and was completely shaven, leaving her luscious lower lips on full display. “Before we get to the best part,” Adagio said, “I’m going to teach you how to truly pleasure your lover.” She then laid down on the mat, and gestured with her finger for to join her. Solar knelt down, and she spread her legs, giving him a perfect view of her pussy. “Do you like what you see?” She asked with a seductive purr.

“Yeah, it’s so beautiful,” Solar said, his eyes filled with wonder at the sight of her bare, wet pussy.

“I’m so glad you like it,” Adagio said appreciatively, “You’re so sweet. Now, I’ve had a taste of you, so I think it’s time for you to have a taste of me. Come closer.” Solar laid down on his front and slid up between her legs, leaning in close to her pussy. He took a deep sniff of her sweet scent, sighing blissfully, as Adagio giggled softly above him, enjoying watching him take in the sight of his first womanhood. “Well, what are you waiting for?” She reached down and spread her lower lips with her fingers. “Dig in.” Solar leaned in, pushed out his tongue, and took his first lick of her lower lips. He instantly loved her taste, and began licking away eagerly. Adagio moaned and gasped erotically, as she gently petted Solar’s head. “Ohhh, yes, that’s it. That’s so good. Keep licking.” Solar kept lapping up her juices, until she said, “My clit. Play with my clit.” Solar looked up at her cute little pink bud, before taking it between his fingers, and began to gently pinch and pull on it, making Adagio squeal in pleasure. "OHH!! Oh, fuck, yes, Solar! Keep doing that! That's so good!" Solar kept on licking and playing with her pussy, until, she suddenly climaxed, spraying her juices over his face, as she bit her lip to muffle her moans of bliss. He wiped his face with his hand and licked up the remnants of her sweet pussy juice. Panting slightly, Adagio sat up and smiled warmly. “Mmm, that was lovely," She said appreciatively. "Now, let’s get to the best part.”

“You mean…?” Solar said slowly as he sat up.

“I certainly do,” Adagio purred, “Time for you to become a man.” She leaned forward and kissed him softly. “Now, lay down, handsome.” Solar nodded and laid down on his back, as she straddled his waist. She reached down, took hold of his stiff cock, and aimed the tip at her soaking entrance. “Since it’s your first time, I’ll take care of everything for now,” She said, looking down at him with a sweet smile. “Are you ready?”

“Um, shouldn’t we use protection?” Solar asked, not quite able to believe what was about to happen.

“Oh, trust me, you won’t have to worry about that,” Adagio said with an enigmatic smile, “besides, you should be able to enjoy your first time all natural. Now, I’ll ask again, are you ready?”

“Yeah, I guess I am,” Solar said with a blush, “I’m just a little nervous.”

Adagio giggled. “That’s so cute. Well, alright then. Here it comes.” She slowly lowered herself down and pushed the head of his cock through her outer lips. She continued to descend, taking in inch after inch of his shaft, as they both moaned and gasped gently. At last, she came to rest on his waist, his cock buried to the hilt inside her tight warm love tunnel. She threw back her head and gasped euphorically. “Oh, yes, that feels perfect.” She looked down at Solar and smiled warmly. “You’ve just lost your virginity, handsome. How do you feel?”

“I feel so happy,” Solar said with a warm smile of his own.

“That’s good,” Adagio said as she laid down on top of him, pressing her large soft breasts into his chest, and giving him a kiss. “How does my pussy feel?”

“It feels amazing,” Solar said with a blush, “it’s so tight and warm. It feels so good, I'm worried I might cum too fast.”

“Aww, don’t worry about that,” Adagio said encouragingly. “This is your first time, you don’t have to worry about impressing me. Feel free to cum whenever you want.” She narrowed her eyes and said with a purr,” Also, let me just me just say, you feel so good inside me.” She gently began to gyrate her hips, stirring his cock inside her, causing Solar to moan out loud. “Mmm, you like that?”

“Y-yeah, it feels so good,” Solar said.

“You know, you’re free to touch me as much as you want,” Adagio said, as she sat up, and began to bounce her hips up and down on his cock, causing her huge breasts to bounce erotically. Solar took up the offer by reaching for her boobs, and squeezing them gently. “Ohhh, yes, that’s it. Keep playing with my body, cutie.” Solar kept needing her soft boobs, pinching her pretty nipples, making her gasp loudly, before sitting up, and taking her right nipple into his mouth, sucking on it hungrily, while keeping his hand busy with her left boob. Adagio wrapped her arms around his head, holding him to her bosom, while she moved her hips faster, alternating between bouncing up and down on his length, and grinding them in circles. Solar switched between one breast and the other, giving them both equal attention, much to Adagio’s delight.

This went on until he decided to touch one part of her body he hasn’t touched yet, which he had his eye on since he met her. He took his hands off her boobs and ran them down her back to her beautiful, sumptuous ass, squeezing and kneading her soft cheeks, and guiding her hips as she continued to bounce in his lap. Adagio was thrilled that he was taking control of the pace of their love making. Her pussy became hotter and tighter around his cock, causing Solar to moan lustfully, before, feeling especially bold, he pushed her down onto her back, and began thrusting his hips back and forth at a quick pace, the new position allowing him to fuck her even deeper, pushing in to her womb each time he hilted. Adagio moaned in delight, wrapping her arms and legs tightly around him, pulling him even deeper inside her. “Ahhh, yeees! That’s it, Solar. Fuck me. Fuck me harder! Ohhh, by the stars, I love this!”

“Yeah!” Solar called out, “I love it too! This is the greatest moment of my life!” He thrusted his hips faster still, pounding away at Adagio’s pussy like a jackhammer.

“Yes, keep fucking me! Don’t stop!” Adagio cried, before pulling his head in for a sloppy, hungry kiss. This lasted for a minute, before the kiss slowly changed from desperate and heated, to loving and passionate.

Finally, Solar broke the kiss as he felt a familiar tingling in his loins. “A-Adagio…” he stuttered, “I… I’m getting… c-close.”

“So… so am… So am I,” Adagio said warmly, “h-hold on… just a moment... let’s finish... together.” Solar grit his teeth, trying hard to hold back his climax, but it was a losing battle. Adagio’s pussy was getting so hot and tight, it was simply inevitable. At last, Adagio nodded her head. “Solar, do it now! Pour all of your of cum inside me!” He grunted loudly as he thrusted as deep as he could into her pussy, pushing into her womb, and releasing spurt after spurt of his cum inside her, flooding her pussy and womb. The heat of his release was the push that Adagio needed. She pulled Solar into another kiss, muffling her scream of bliss as she sprayed his crotch with her pussy juice. The two lovers went rigid for a moment, before Solar collapsed on top of her, breaking the kiss, as they panted in exhaustion. Adagio smiled adoringly, as she tenderly ran her fingers through his hair. “Oh, wow, Solar, that was fantastic.”

“Yeah,” Solar said warmly, “that was amazing. I can’t thank you enough for this.”

“Your very much welcome,” Adagio said with a giggle, “I enjoyed it too.”

Solar chuckled as he rolled off Adagio to lay next to her. “I never expected to lose my virginity on a public beach, and never to such a beautiful girl like you,” he said with an awestruck tone.

“Aww,” Adagio cooed with a light blush, “you’re so sweet,” she leaned over to kiss him on the cheek, “and so cute, too.” She wrapped her arms around him for a cuddle.

“Still, thank you,” Solar smiled, before blushing slightly. “Uhh, maybe we should clean ourselves up and put our suits back on.”

Adagio sighed. “I suppose you’re right,” she said with a slight pout, before sitting up and reaching for the discarded pieces of her bikini. Solar did the same, putting on his swim shorts again. Once her bikini was back on again, Adagio looked down at Solar and said, “Well, after that bit of fun, we’re a bit of mess, aren’t we?”

“Yeah, I’d say we are,” Solar said as he stood up in front of her.

“I know I am,” Adagio said, before leaning in to whisper in his ear, “I can still feel your jizz splashing around inside me,” causing Solar to bush. “How about we go and rinse off in the ocean.” She then gave a teasing smirk. “Race you!” And with that, she dashed off, laughing and giggling happily.

“Hey,” Solar laughed as he gave chase, “Wait for me!”

For the rest of the day, Solar and Adagio laughed and frolicked on the beach and in the sea, and Solar never stopped smiling once. He couldn't have been happier. This was easily the best start to the best summer of his life.

The End.