> What happens in the barn stays in the barn. > by OctaScratch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A taste of something different. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One evening down in Sweet Apple Acres, Rainbow Dash made a quick visit to her friend Applejack. Rainbow Dash flew down to the barn. The door was left wide open, which was a bit unusal considering the time of day. All the other animals should be put in for the night, Apple Jack is never one to slack on the job and for get things. She shook off the idea that anything was wrong and peeked inside. "Aj? You here?" Rainbow Dash called, looking around inside. No one answered. It was pitch black in the barn, all the candles were blown out and the only source of light was the moonshine making its way through the small window at the top of the barn. Dash walked in slowly, making sure not to step on anything, leaving the door open behind her for more light. "What are you up to..." Dash mumbled to herself, holding her hooves out in front of herself to make sure she didn't run into anything. Early that day, Applejack told her to stop by the farm because she had something she wanted to show her, but no matter how much Dash pleaded she wouldn't give her any clue as to what it was. Rainbow Dash, being the curious pony she is, reluctantly agreed without any further questions. "Over here, Dashie." Applejack murmured, coming up behind Rainbow Dash, shutting the barn door behind her. "Oh hey, what did you want to show me?" she smiled, eager to find out the surprise. "I've been waiting all day, its killing me!" Applejack continued to walk towards Dash, ushering her closer to a stack of hay. "Oh, nothin' too special..." Rainbow Dash's heart sped up, she could tell from what little she could see of Applejack's face that she wasn't her usual self. She seemed more.. daring. This frightened her, Applejack was never like this. No matter what the situation was, even if they were arguing like usual, Applejack never seemed like this. "Y-You're freaking me out a bit, Aj..." Rainbow Dash laughed nervously, backed up all the way against the hay. "Don't worry about it, Dash, you're going to enjoy every bit of whats about to happen." she smirked, putting her hooves on Rainbow Dash's shoulders. ”Just lay back, I know what I am doing,” the orange mare scoffed, pushing the other mare down against a pile of hay. “B-but Aj!” RainbowDash squeaked, her rump hitting the stack with more force than necessary. Applejack looked into the blue mare’s eyes, a rather pouty grimmace surfacing beneath the straightened mane. “What?” “Someone might…they might see,” an uncharacteristic blush crossed her blue furred face, and her hoof covered her muzzle. The horny pony overtop her scoffed again. “Though closed doors and window shutters? Not possible. Now. just sit—back.” With more force from her hooves, Applejack pushed Rainbow Dash further down onto the hay, her rump and rear legs sliding out from under her and into the space in front of her. The rather erotic display of the blue mare’s privates, presenting itself in front of Applejack’s face, was anything but an accident. The chilling smirk emerged from her muzzle, and her green eyes focused on the cute, pink folds of Rainbow Dash’s precious flower. Applejack nuzzled her warm cunt, a drip of wetness covering her nose. Rainbow Dash let out a sigh, shuddering under the slight cold of Apple Jack’s muzzle against her. “What are you doing?? This... isn't... right...” She struggled to speak, her words coming from her lips like a strained whisper. The orange mare, with her muzzle buried in the fur around her groin, chuckled, the vibrations tickling Dash’s clitoris and sensitive folds. ”I don’t hear you complaining,” Applejack smiled, looking up at her beautiful blue mare, eyes peering from beneath belly. Despite her cruel and unusual tendancies, Applejack made sure to take care of Dash. It meant a lot to her to keep this quivering, desireable mare happy. Applejack’s tongue explored within the folds of Dash’s burning crotch, dragging across her twitching clit and flexing hole. Slowly wrapping her arms the blue mare’s hips, she pulled that precious thing closer, dipping her tongue inside the moist cavern she longed for. “Hnn….Aj—” “My real name, Dash. I wanna hear my full name.” She nipped at Dash’s clit, and the blue mare seized, eyes wide in pleasure as a squirt of hot cum covered her lover’s muzzle. “Ah-AH…A….Applejack…..” The name fell on her ears like the softest of music. Taking this as a cue, the orange mare dove her muzzle in, savagely licking at every inch of this beautiful mare before her. Dash squirmed and squealed, hooves pressed firmly against Applejack’s head, keeping her close to her dripping cunt. Her hips thrusted into the sticky muzzle servicing her, panting and whining incoherantly. “M-More….AAH—” clenching and squirting, Applejack wouldn’t cease sucking and licking her throbbing bud, the almost endless torrents of cum covering her lips and tongue. She asked, Applejack gave, bobbing and licking, feeling the blue mare writhe under her tongue, the cruel smirk rising over her face. Nipping and licking fiercly, she made sure to send Rainbow Dash into a blissful comatose state. Feeling her hips buck against her muzzle, until her final thrust sent a scream and painful jerk into Applejack’s muzzle, the final jet of hot, sticky cum covering her face as she pulled away to watch Dash's flower spasm and squirt. Applejack licked up her hips, around her cunt, inside her burning folds, and finally, a gentle kiss against her throbbing clit. “Dirty foal,” she whispered as Dash laid back, relaxing and panting heavily. “You owe me one.” she tipped her hat and fell to the side, just a little worn out. > Thinking back > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This just didn't sit right with her, why would Applejack do this? Theres never been anything between the two, for a very long time that is. But that was so long ago, what would bring back past feelings? The two maintained a good friendship, they never spoke about the break up after it happened. Everything seemed fine, atleast Rainbow Dash thought. She blushed thinking about what just happened, this was just so odd. "Something must've finally snapped in Applejack's head, she would have never done this. This definitely wasn't like her." Rainbow Dash thought to herself as she scurried out of the barn and flew into the air before her 'friend' attempted to do anything else out of the blue. This was just all too much for her to take in at once. Back at the barn, Applejack laid back on the floor, rubbing her forehead. She just watched her pegasus friend run off without even trying to talk about anything that just happened. "What the hay did I just do?!" Applejack asked herself, feeling hot tears fill up in her eyes. "I just ruined everything..." she muttered under her breath, getting up and walking to the door. Rainbow Dash was already out of sight, she obviously wanted to get away fast or she'd probably still be lingering around. Rainbow Dash, finally arriving home, flew into her bed room and crashed on the large plush bed. Thoughts running through her head, she began to think of everything that had happened from before. The two mare's close relationship, that of two bestfriends that turned lovers. It was perfect, or atleast it was for the main part. She truely loved Applejack with all her heart. They had so much fun together and all their friends fully supported their relationship. But after awhile there was just too much coming inbetween them. Rainbow Dash finally realized what went wrong. She had been too self obsorbed, at the time she didn't think too much of it. She just thought Applejack was overreacting most of the time. She didn't think about Applejack's wants and needs, she kept her mind on her dreams. Wanting to join the Wonderbolts. She knew that it bothered her, constantly trying to impress them. Trying to get with them as often as she could. Of course Applejack fully supported her, wanting the best for Rainbow Dash, wanting her to be happy, but eventually it took its toll. "I love ya, Dash, I really do. But I can't keep trying to be there for you when you won't be there for me." she remembered the sadness in Applejack's voice. "Its like ya love those darn Wonderbolts more than me... I know you don't, but it just seems that way and I don't wanna come in second place to them. Lately thats all you talk about, all you think about. I'm sorry, Dash, I can't do this." After saying all that, she rubbed Dash's shoulder and said she still wanted to be friends. Just the thought of being so close and not being able to touch her anymore killed her. But she knew this was for the best, atleast she thought. The tears rolled out from Dash's eyes, just remembering that once she held Applejack so closely and now, there was nothing. "What just happened... had to be out of spite. To get back at me or something. Thats all it could be!" Rainbow Dash convinced herself that it was nothing, grabbing her pillow and holding it tight. "Atleast, I think..." > Hangover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun crept through the curtains and began to light up the darkened room. Strands of light flew over the floor, crawling up the bedside and over a large lump under the comforter. A pounding sound coming from the wooden door filled the room. "Uhn, you gotta be kiddin' me..." the swollen eyed pony moaned as she pushed the comforter off herself and onto the floor, knocking almost everything that was once on the bed onto the floor. Empty cans of cider, apple cores, rolled up tissues and old photographs covered the floor as Applejack hopped off the bed and struggled to get across the room. She grabbed the door knob and turned it slowly, just opening the door enough to peek out to see who was on the otherside, her big brother stood outside with a concerned look on his broad face. "Applejack, did I wake ya up?" he asked, noticing the swollen, bloodshot eyes and uncombed mane. She looked around behind her and shrugged her shoulders. "I needed to wake up anyways, thanks Big Macintosh" she yawned, pushing the door the rest of the way open and walking out into the hallway. "Well, I heard a lot of noise comin' from your room last night, I didn't want to bother you or anything but I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Big Macintosh admitted, following his sister down the hallway and into the kitchen. "I mean, ya sounded really upset from what I could make out.." "I'm fine!" Applejack hollered as she grabbed some juice from the refridgerator and poured herself a glass. "I was just a bit upset, nothing to worry yerself sick over!" Big Macintosh stood there for a moment and sighed. "Fine, if thats how ya wanna act then fine! I'm just worried 'bout ya Applejack. I don't want you getting all worked up over some mare.." he implored as he made his way out the back door. Applejack spun around in shock, dropping her glass onto the counter. "Darn it!" she spluttered, grabbing a towel to soak up the juices. She then gathered the pieces of broken glass and threw them into a small box on the floor. "Can't believe I just did that." shaking her head, she continued wiping the counter, making sure all the juice was soaked up. Obviously too frustrated to get a simple drink, she returned back to her room, shutting the door relativly hard behind herself. She looked around once again, noticing everything she had knocked onto the floor upon waking up. Kicking things as she walked closer to her bed, she stepped on something that made a small 'cracking' sound. "Whats this?" she fumbled to pick the item up. In her hoof sat a small trinket of some sort. It looked like it belonged on a charm bracelet, with the small hoop attached to the top. It was shaped to look like an apple, the only reason she knew that was because it was painted red, but honestly looked more like a red blob. Applejack turned it over and looked at the small, scribbly writing on the back. It read: "RD & Aj" Suddenly remembering where this came from, Applejack sat on the floor and looked at it more carefully. RainbowDash had given her this charm just a few days after they had gotten together. RainbowDash had the stupidest look on her face when she gave it to her, a mix of embarressment and pride, but obviously it took a lot for her to give it to her so she just smiled and accepted the charm. "Oh, RainbowDash..." Applejack moaned, putting her hooves over her face. "I need to go talk to you, explain everything..." "Explain what??" a voiced asked, that could be no other than Pinkie Pie's perky tone. She was jumping up and down outside Applejack's window. "PINKIE!!!"