> Entering The Multiverse > by Great Humanity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prolouge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equestria is currently under siege, many of its inhabitants have been taken captive by the Changelings who constantly invade every kingdom/town in all of Equestria. Even the strongest forces of Equestria (The Elements Of Harmony, The Pillars Of Equestria, Discord, Or the princesses) were not able to stop the invading changelings. With no hope left in sight, it seemed as though Equestria would fall to the changelings. Celestia was the only Princess to not get caught by the changelings yet, she was doing her best to hold off the changelings in Canterlot, but it was no use, they constantly fought back, not letting up. ‘I’m afraid I cannot hold on much longer’, Celestia thought to herself as she slowly lost more and more of her magic, it would only be so long before it was all gone, so with just enough magic left, she sent out an S.O.S to 5 different timelines in hopes of finding reliable allies in this time of disaster. In the Revenged timeline Henry had just gotten revenge on Reginald for betraying him just a week ago, he felt he was finally at peace, knowing he had finally finished the job, He was dressed in a grey jacket with black undershirt and pants, wearing black fingerless gloves, and to top it all off, A eyepatch covering the burn on his face. He was hesitating of calling the government to at least let them know that the Toppats weren’t gonna be a problem anymore, kinda as a way of saying sorry for Betraying them, but he pondered it nonetheless. “I guess it’ll have to happen eventually, but I got all the time in the world” Henry said, admiring his other accomplishments But little did he know, he would never be able to tell them, cause at that moment, a portal opened up In Henry’s Living Room, and he was sucked into it. “Aaaahhh” was his last words as he was sucked into the portal In the Toppat Civil Warfare timeline Ellie had been maintaining leadership of the Toppat clan after the demotion of Henry, removing him as leader, She was dressed in a pink outfit with a Pink tophat to match. Despite the deaths of Reginald and the Right Hand Man Reborn, Ellie managed the Toppat Clan with an iron fist and sheer hatred for Henry, promising to one day take him down. She was very heartbroken that Henry had left her behind At that moment, a member of the clan came in to address Ellie, “Excuse me Ellie, We have Three Government helicopters closing in on the airship” “What?! Well what are you waiting for? Get as many members on the guns as you can, the rest of you support by defending the airship from being boarded!” “Yes Ma’am” He stated as he ran off. Ellie soon realized that she was going to have to take charge, so she grabbed her Ak-47 and started to fire at the helicopters, but they were very armored, so they were not easy to take down, But at that very moment, Ellie was thrown off the airship by an unsuspecting Government soldier, as she fell, all she could do was close her eyes and wait for it all to be over, but instead she fell into a portal that opened up beneath her. Now she was freaked out, she started screaming, “Aaaaahhh”, and she was gone into the portal. In the Special BROvert Ops timeline Charles Calvin, Spec Ops member of the government, was just enjoying his day, a day with no missions, but he did promise Henry that they would hang out later today, so he had to be ready for that meetup in about an hour. “Alright, I have at least an hour until I have to meet with Henry, I’m so excited!” He said with much excitement And just like Henry from Revenged, Little did he know he wasn’t gonna get around to that meetup, cause as he was getting ready, dressed in a military jacket with Blue jeans and boots to go with, he was sucked into a portal after opening his front door. And “Aaaaahhh” were his last words before getting sucked into the portal. In the Toppat King timeline Reginald, Former toppat leader, and Right Hand Man Reborn, loyal partner of Reginald, were currently raiding the Retro Exhibit of the museum. “Work faster, Right Hand Man, These items will be great additions to the orbital station’s vault” The Right Hand Man simply said nothing, continuing to fight off the law as Reginald collected everything in the Retro Exhibit, It was 5 minutes later that Reginald had collected it all. Soon after, the two of them, along with the goods, were beamed up to the orbital station, with the treasure reaching the station first, but as the two of them ascended up, a portal opened in front of them, almost sucking Reginald in, had it not been for the Right Hand Man, but he too was almost sucked in, until his thruster lost all its juice and morphed back into legs, after that they were both sucked in. “Noooooo” were their last words going through the portal. > Chapter 1: Introductions? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Equestria was being taken over, Celestia was taken captive by the changelings and cocooned, but not all hope was lost. Somewhere in the Everfree Forest “Ughh, where am I” Said Henry as he checked his surroundings, he took notice that he was in a forest. The forest around him was very deep, as it looked like it went on for miles. That’s when Henry’s thoughts were interrupted by A scream, one that sounded like a girl, She was falling out of the sky, Henry quickly flew up and caught her, one thing he noticed was the red hair, he began to remember who this was, ‘Hey, its that red-haired girl from the complex, what’s she doing here, and why is she wearing a Top hat?’ Henry questioned as he landed. That was when she woke up in his arms, and quickly punched him. “Ooww, what was that for? I just saved your life” Henry asked with a slightly annoyed expression and tone. “You deserved that for abandoning me at the complex, You heartless bastard” She said, With a rather angry expression on her face. “Abandoned you? I don’t even know who you are, we never got the chance to interact with one another, as far as I know” Henry stated, rather confused. “Wait, you don’t know who I am?!” She asks with a shocked expression. “All I know about you is that you were waiting for transfer just like me in the complex, and after they moved you to a cell, I never saw you again.” “How come?” She asks with curiosity “Well, after I got transferred, I got help from the toppat clan in escaping, but was later betrayed by my partner Reginald, which is my spine and hand are artificial body parts, I later got revenge on Reginald, and I proceeded to live my life from then on.” She seemed really shocked that this Henry was betrayed by his own member of the Toppat clan, much less the ex-leader, she almost felt sorry for him, but refused to believe it. Her thoughts were interrupted by Henry asking her, “I never got your name, what was it?” “Ellie, Ellie Rose.” “But why did you punch me when I saved you?” “Cause were I come from, Reginald and the other members of the toppat clan and I decided to vote you off cause I told them how I helped you get up to the vents, and you left me behind, and afterwards, he voted you off for not having any dignity.” “Typical Reginald, what happened next?” “Well, you and three other loyalists took an escape pod, killing Reginald and the Right Hand Man on the way down” Henry showed a smile on his face, “And I took over the Toppat Clan, Fighting against you and the three loyalists.” Henry was actually surprised to hear this… him betrayed not once, but twice, “Wow, I really don’t have a good track record with others, but i’m sorry about leaving you behind in that timeline, I probably wouldn’t have done that in the first place had I asked for your help” He said wholeheartedly. What happened next caught Henry off guard, cause Ellie had thrown herself onto Henry in the form of a hug, she looked up at him and said, “Thank you, it means alot.” She smiled at Henry, and Henry smiled back 2 hours later “So you’re saying you escaped the wall, but were dropped into the cold water by Reginald? I can’t help but say You deserved that.” Ellie says with a chuckle “Its alright, I deserved a lot of things, Being arrested, Shot, Punched, Kicked, the list goes on and on” Henry says, remembering all those times he had those things happen to him. It was at that moment that another portal opened up, this time dropping someone out of the portal, Henry reacted quickly and flew up to save him, catching him and setting him down on the ground. “Do you know him, Henry?” Ellie asked with a confused look. “No i don’t thi-” Henry then notices the headphones, “Wait, I know this guy, this is Charles Calvin, he shot me in a hamster ball onto the Toppat’s airship back when they hired me to take them down” At that moment, Charles slowly opened his eyes, first spotting Henry “Henry? Is that you, where are we?” He asked with as much confusion as Ellie. “Charles, this may sound weird, but I’m not the same Henry you know.” Henry said, revealing his cybernetics to Charles. Upon hearing this, Charles Bombarded Henry with questions, which Henry went through the explanation one more time for Charles. “You were betrayed by the Toppat clan and dropped into the water? Why did you side with them anyways?” Charles asks worried. “I thought I could trust them after helping them out, but I was wrong, needless to say, I did get my revenge in the end” Henry said, clutching his only flesh fist. “Well, did you take their rocket down also?” “Oh yeah, the airship had crashed right into the rocket, destroying it and pretty much leaving them stranded on earth” “Oh, that’s good” Charles than looks at Ellie, “Who are you?” “I’m Ellie, In my timeline, i’ve taken the position of leader in the toppat clan after henry’s demotion, I’m currently ruling the Toppat Clan with an iron fist in my timeline” Ellie and Henry then looked at each other, and asked Charles in unison, “What happened in your timeline?” “Well, I had just rescued Henry up from the Wall, and Me and him teamed up to take down the toppat clan, the mission was a success, and about a week later, I was going to Henry’s house to hang out with him” Charles explained. Charles finally brought up the question, “Where are we?” Ellie was just as confused as Charles, “Yeah, where are we Henry?” Henry scanned his surroundings, and made a conclusion,”It appears to be some kind of forest, that goes on for miles” Charles spoke up, “Any way to get out of this forest?” Henry checked again and found no exit, “Not for a couple 5-10 miles, I estimate” “So you’re basically saying we’re stuck in this forest?” Ellie asked worriedly “I’d say we should find an exit, but its almost night,” He points towards the setting sun, which was soon replaced by the rising moon, “So I suggest we rest up tonight and head out as soon as everyone’s read-”, but just before Henry could finish, he noticed someone falling out of the sky, who was swooped up by a cyborg just like him, and soon after swooped down to their location. “Henry, Ellie, what are you two doing here?” The man with the two top hats said, the other cybernetically enhanced one staying silent. Henry wasn’t too happy to see them, Ellie was shocked at what she was seeing, and so was Charles. “What are you two doing here!? I thought I killed both of you!” Henry said with a puzzled yet angry expression, ready to pummel Reginald right there. “Whoa, what ever do you mean Henry? We work under you” Reginald said, rather startled and confused. “Yeah, that was until you betrayed me when you dropped me off the airship at the complex” Henry said, now just angry and not confused. “The complex, you mean the Wall in Russia? But you came to our secret jungle base with Ellie, we never picked you up from the complex, let alone with Ellie by your side” Reginald explained, still confused. “So you mean you’ve never seen this before?” Henry said, exposing his Cybernetics. “Whoa, those are rather nice cybernetics, but no, I’ve never seen you have cybernetics before” “How do I know you’re not lying?” Henry stated, keeping his attention on Reginald. That’s when the Right Hand Man decided to speak up, “Henry, he’s telling the truth, I’ve been using my lie detector the whole time, and he hasn’t lied once” Henry then decided to calm down, and stated calmly, “Alright, I believe you, but how did you guys get here?” Ellie chimed in and said, “Yeah, I also thought you guys were dead when an escape pod from the airship came crashing down on top of both of you, how are you guys here right now, and what happened in your guys timeline?” Reginald was too exhausted from falling that he said, “Right Hand Man, I’ll leave the discussion to you” The Right Hand Man didn’t hesitate to explain, “Well you see, we were working on our rocket project for the orbital space station, and then Henry and Ellie show up, and shortly after, the government launches an attack on our base, Henry and Ellie helped the clan get into space in time. After that, Henry remained the leader of the clan, with Ellie joining as the Right Hand Lady,” Which made Ellie smile at Henry, “And me and Reginald were made commanding officers of the clan, performing many heists across the globe.” The Right Hand Man paused, then continued, “But it was after a week, that during one of our raids at the museum on earth,” Which made Henry remember him stealing the diamond, “we were having the loot beamed up to the station, with us being beamed up behind it, until we were both sucked into a portal that appeared as we were going up, and now we’re here” Reginald then finishing the explanation by saying, “And that’s our story, so what about all of you?” “Well, I think it would be better if me, Ellie, and Charles all explained our stories all one at a time” Henry concluded Henry was up first, explaining how he was betrayed by Reginald, and dropped off the airship at the Wall, he continued by saying how he then seeked out revenge against Reginald and the clan, with Reginald cowering behind The Right Hand Man, Henry continued by saying he put an end to the Right Hand Man, with The Right Hand Man staring angrily at Henry, but nonetheless, Henry continued explaining, saying that he eventually stapled Reginald to the ship for him to go down with the airship crashing into the rocket, that was, until Reginald had shot Henry in his artificial spine, Henry concludes by explaining him surviving, and Reginald dying, which only made Reginald cower more. Next was Ellie, who started by explaining how she had been left behind by Henry back at the wall, yet she managed to escape on her own and hitch a ride up to the airship, starting a mutiny amongst the clan against Henry, she continued by saying that Henry had been denounced as leader of the clan, with Henry fleeing the ship with three other loyalists, finishing off with the fact that she was elected the new leader and rules it with an Iron fist, surprising The Right Hand Man, and bringing a smile to Reginald’s face. And last but not least was Charles, who explained how he rescued Henry from the Wall, with the two of them teaming up like they did when they got Reginald and The Right Hand Man arrested, with both of them wondering who had taken over in their place, with Charles saying it was some Toppat named Sven Svenson, disappointing both Reginald and The Right Hand Man, Charles continued by saying that Henry found his way to the top of the rocket, stopping it from taking off, and getting the last remaining members of the clan arrested, which made Reginald cry, and The Right Hand Man glare Charles down with an angry expression, Charles continued by saying how he and Henry were promoted to Special Covert Ops, and would continue to be not only good friends, but partners as well. Reginald then asked, “Is there any way out of this forest?” “Not for at least 5-10 miles, but we’re setting camp here tonight due to the moon” Henry said, pointing to the now glimmering moon. “Which is why we’ll need some firewood for heat” The Right Hand Man pointed out, which was good because at that moment, Three wolves coated in what looked like wood showed up, ready to eat them, The Right Hand Man was about to blast them with his laser, but Henry stopped him, explaining to him that they would be ignited and on fire within first contact, so Henry, Ellie, and The Right Hand Man all squared up, ready to kill the wolves, while Reginald and Charles got behind the three of them for cover. After 30 minutes, The wolves seemed to have died, prompting Henry to set up the campfire, using the leftover logs as a mean of furniture, once the campfire was set up, Right Hand Man ignited the campfire, with it spreading warmth all around the campfire. Henry and Charles sat together to make up for lost time, while Ellie was being praised for keeping the clan alive by Reginald and The Right Hand Man. After what seemed like an hour, everyone got comfy and drifted off to sleep. Henry was busy dreaming, reminiscing of what had happened to him, he was having a nightmare, then he was dropped off the airship, but to his surprise he was rescued by a lavender blue unicorn, who had set Henry down on solid ground, far away from the wall. Henry was really shocked to see this and said, “Who are you, and why did you save me?” The lavender unicorn spoke, “Greetings Henry Stickmin, I am Princess Luna of Equestria” Now Henry was really shocked, “Okay first, how do you know who I am? And second, what is Equestria?” Luna answered, “I’ve seen every one of your “scenarios”, I’m quite a big fan of you, even though my sister doesn’t think so, and second, you and the others are on a Planet known as Equis, which is the planet you are currently on” Henry was now calm, and asked, “But why were we all brought here? We each have our own lives to get back to.” “And you all will, in due time, but we need everyone of you to help, which reminds me,” she then brings Ellie, Charles, Reginald, and The Right Hand Man into henry’s dream All of them were shocked when they entered, saying things like “Is this Henry’s dream?”, Why are we here, Right Hand Man?”, “Why does henry dream of Russia?”, “Stay close to me, Reg!” But they soon set their eyes on Luna all asking in unison, “Who are you?” “Greetings all, I am Princess Luna, the planet you are currently on is known as Equis, and you are all currently in Henry’s dream, but when you got here, you were all in the Everfree Forest.” Ellie was the first to say something, “So what exactly are you, you look kinda like us with the legs, hands, and obvious private parts, but then there’s the hooves, the tail, the wings, the horn, the flowing mane, and then there’s the muzzle, is your race some kind of Human/Pony race?” The Right Hand Man also pointed out, using his x-ray vision, “And what’s with the mysterious mark on your flank? The ponies back on earth don’t have those” “The right term would be Anthropomorphic Pony, we share some features of common humans, but with the obvious features of a pony, and the mysterious mark on my flank is called a cutie mark, it symbolizes a pony’s special talent, or something they excel at.” Luna said, rather embarrassed by The Right Hand Man’s question, but decided not to argue with him, due to his cybernetics.” That’s when Charles decided to chime in stating, “Well, back on Earth, we have ponies, but unicorns and pegasi are considered to be myths to humans, but we’ve never seen a pony with a horn and wings, could you explain that to us?” “Here in Equestria, there are four different races of ponies, there are Earth Ponies, who have no magical abilities and cannot fly, but do possess their own talents, which make them special. Then there are Unicorns, who have horns on their foreheads, which allow them to cast spells and use magical artifacts and tools just by using magic. After them are the Pegasi, who simply possess the ability to fly, with some of them being able to manipulate the weather, and the last race are The Alicorns, which are a combination of the other three races of pony, who possess the strength of Earth ponies, the magic of Unicorns, and the flight capability of Pegasi, they are commonly Female, and are often seen as a form of Royalty” “Now onto the thing you probably all want to know, is why you’re all here. Well, allow me to explain. You see, one of Equestria’s greatest enemies are the Changelings: Nasty, bug-like creatures who want nothing more than to soak up your love and drain you of your strength so that you’re no longer a threat to them, but the reason you were brought here was to free us from their capture, cause all resistance has been subdued by the Changelings, and I promise you all safe return to your timelines when this is over, do you promise to help us?” “Yes, I’d be happy to help” Henry agreed “I would do anything for a pony, they are such majestic creatures!” Ellie agreed in an enthusiastic tone. “As a Special Covert Ops agent, It’d be my duty to lend a helping hand” Charles agreed “Count me and The Right Hand Man in, the only payment we need is a ticket back home” Reginald agreed, with The Right Hand Man nodding in approval “HUZZAH! Then it is settled, when morning comes, you will all travel from Town to Town, freeing every one of them from Changeling rule” She puts her hand in front of her, opting for everyone to do a “Hands on” Type of thing. Henry, Ellie, Charles, Reginald, and The Right Hand Man all placed their hands in the middle, and did “Hands on” into the sky And so begins their quest to free Equestria > Chapter 2: The Journey Begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was now morning as the sun slowly rose up, And Henry was the first to get up. As he looked around, he had noticed that Ellie was sleeping peacefully, which he thought was pretty cute. Charles had been sleeping by the bark of a tree, he had also been listening to “Failure to Success” by CG5 via his phone, which he must’ve downloaded in order to listen to offline. Finally, Reginald had been sleeping against another bark of a tree, the only one who hadn’t been around was The Right Hand Man, but it wasn’t long before he returned. “I’ve found a way out of the forest, the path seems to lead to a small village, and it looks like there are alot of Changelings in the town.” “But how do you know that there are Changelings in the village, can’t they change their appearance?” Henry asked puzzled. “I did a scan of all the lifeforms, and a good amount of them were not of pony blood, but a good way to distinguish them would be to look for any kind of toxicity or rudeness, cause the inhabitants are unusually known to be nicer than Changelings, so watch your back” “Okay, you should let the others know when they wake up, I don’t want anything bad to happen to Ellie, Charles, or you guys, especially Ellie” Henry said, looking over at the ever so peacefully sleeping Ellie, while smiling at the sight. “Alright, I’ll make sure of it.” The Right Hand Man was about to leave, but then asked Henry, “Do you like Ellie?” Henry blushed greatly, “What?! N-no, just as a friend, not like a girlfriend or anything, that would be crazy!?” The Right Hand Man smirked and said, “It’s alright, your secret’s safe with me” Henry calmed down and said, “Okay, thanks Right Hand Man” The Right Hand Man nodded in response and took his leave, taking off into the sky, Henry then sat on a log, thinking when they’ll head out towards the village, his thoughts were interrupted when he heard groaning, it was coming from Reginald. Reginald woke up, slowly opening his eyes as he asked, “Henry? Where’s the Right Hand Man?” “He’s out right now, doing some kind of reconnaissance of the surrounding area. Plus, he found a way out of this forest, we’ll set out for it as soon as everyone’s up” As time passed by, it was now time for them to get out of the forest, and The Right Hand Man had one last piece of advice, “These Changelings also have hostages, so don’t engage unless I mark them down, okay?” The group nodded in unison, and followed him slowly outside of the forest, they stopped at a nearby tree to avoid being detected. Upon looking at the town ahead, they instantly noticed a Mare getting harassed, she had a well-kept mane and was crying with mascara running down her face, her coat was white and otherwise messy. “Please, stop this madness! I just got my hair done yesterday!” The crying mare screamed out, but to no avail, the Changelings kept laughing at her, but never bothered to stop, which upset Charles greatly. “Hey! You leave her alone, you jerks!” Charles screamed as he charged forward and punched one of the changelings, but soon was looked at by the other changelings and got into a fighting stance, and soon enough roundhouse kicked both of them onto their asses knocked out, he slowly looked over to the discomforted mare, “Are you alright, Ma’am?” The mare slowly got up and threw herself onto Charles, hugging him and sobbing into his shoulder, while Charles patted her on the back, comforting her, which also calmed the mare down slowly, with her cries turning into light wimpers, “Thank you sir, but may I ask, who are you?” She asks looking up at him “My name is Charles Calvin, and i’m one of the best pilots around who just saved you, who are you?” Charles asks, not breaking eye contact with her. “My name is Rarity, and I’m the fashionista of Ponyville…” She pauses before continuing, “That was until they showed up and messed everything up, I had just gotten my hair done yesterday!” “Hey, at least I got here before they did anything else to you, come with us and we’ll keep you safe” Charles said reassuringly Rarity took Charles’s hand and walked with him, with Charles asking, “You’re really generous, any reason for that?” “Well’ its probably because i’m the Element of Generosity” “Then shouldn’t you be held captive by the Changelings already?” Charles asked, rather puzzled “While that would be the case, my friends, who were also the Elements, helped me escape from the Changelings, had it not been for you, It would’ve all been for nothing” She states, dropping a kiss on Charles’s cheek, making him blush intensely “Heh heh, thank you!” Charles stated nervously. Henry then took this time to interrupt by saying, “If you two are done with your little “introduction, then we can move on and kill off the last of these Changelings.” Ellie and The Right Hand Man both nodded and proceeded to kill off every remaining Changeling in town until there were none left. The once-littered streets of Ponyville were now filled with nothing but Changeling blood and bodies, corner after corner. Rarity nearly threw up at the sight of it, but Charles was there to comfort her. The group came across one last surviving Changeling, which the Right Hand Man began to interrogate. “Are there any more of you around here?” He asked, holding the Changeling by its throat. “I’ll... never... tell... you” The Changeling said through every breath “Fair enough”, was what the Right Hand Man said as he charged up a laser blast from his eye, the Changeling’s expression now changed into that of fear. “Alright I’ll talk! There’s more down at Sweet Apple Acres, just please don’t kill me!” The Changeling screamed in terror, but The Right Hand Man didn’t care, he snapped its neck without a second thought, dropping it to the ground. “C’mon, we got some hostages to save” The Right Hand Man pointed in the direction of the farmhouse, which everyone set their eyes on. The six of them later arrived at the farm, and approached the farm with caution. Upon walking up, they were stopped by three Changelings. “Who are you all? This is our territory, so you all better skedaddle or we’ll make you” One of them said without fear, but Henry quickly shut him up by decapitating the Changeling, which scared the other two, but were soon blasted by Right Hand Man’s laser. The hostages soon stood to their feet and applauded their heroes, which earned one phrase from Henry, which was, “You are all free to go!”. And with that, all the hostages returned to their homes in Ponyville and it slowly started to rebuild itself. But little did they know that a Changeling that was unseen had seen it all, and quickly flew to Queen Chrysalis’s Hive to report it’s findings. “Queen Chrysalis! We’ve lost control over Ponyville, five different figures, along with one mare, have managed to retake Ponyville!” Having heard this, Chrysalis roared, “WHAT?! But how is that possible? We had at least 75 soldiers guarding the town, and there was supposed to be zero resistance, how could five unknown figures and a mare take back Ponyville!?” “Two of which had appeared to be robots of some kind, while the other three seemed to be normal. Three of them tore through our forces, and the other two defended the mare” “No matter, we still control most of Equestria, nothing can stop us, we are unstoppable!” Chrysalis states, maniacally laughing on her throne > Chapter 3: A "Stick-y" Situation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Its been three weeks since Henry and the others arrived in Equestria to free it from the rule of the Changelings. In the three week time period, they’ve freed several cities and villages from Changeling rule, building a reputation for themselves as the Heroes of Equestria, which didn’t please Chrysalis at all. “How have they been constantly taking back city after city, village after village, and kingdom after kingdom!?” Chrysalis roared fiercely “We do not know, but some of our spies report sightings of them about to enter The Crystal Empire, what should we do?” “Double the amount of troops there, and capture the man with the moustache, he could be of good use to us” Chrysalis smiled mischieviously” 2 Hours Later Henry and the others soon arrived at The Crystal Empire, planning to free it from Changeling control, they stopped just outside the city and gathered in a team circle. “Okay, so what’s the plan, Henry?” Reginald was the first one to speak up. “Well, the plan is, we go inside the city as stealthily as we can, taking down as many Changelings as we can, while also trying not to get caught. Everyone understand?” The group all nodded in unison and slowly snuck into the city, slowly making their way to the castle, for that is where they would retake the Empire. Soon enough, they all reached the castle and breached it, killing every Changeling in sight, littering the halls with nothing but Changeling blood. Rarity stayed close to Charles for both safety and comfort, which Charles didn’t have a problem with. Eventually, the six of them made it to the top of the castle and were greeted by a Changeling general, who said rudely, “Who are you and how dare you burst into the throne room!? This is Changeling territory, you will be punished for bursting in here like that!” He then ordered four Changeling guards to attack them, but they were quickly defeated, and the general was blown up and thrown off the balcony. It seemed as though all was well, until more Changelings were seen making their way towards the top, that’s when the Right Hand Man decided to take matters into his own hands. “Don’t worry, i’ll take care of this” Right Hand Man said with confidence as he headed out the throne room doors. The Right Hand Man slowly made his way down the stairs to the marching Changeling army, which Right Hand Man was ready for. He started to blast and attack each one of them, until they all ganged up on him and overpowered him, which sent him into an emergency shutdown. “M-My c-cybernetics!” The Right Hand Man said as he shut down, and he was soon taken captive by Changeling forces. Henry soon walked down the stairs and noticed the Changelings escaping with The Right Hand Man, Henry tried to stop them, but was soon blasted by a powerful blast of magic. The source of the magic came from the Changeling queen herself, Chrysalis. Chrysalis was manically laughing when she said, “Did you really think that you would stand a chance against me? You must be a fool to think so.” She soon flew away with her army and The Right Hand Man. “NOOOOOO!” Henry said, he tried to fly after them, but the blast had damaged him badly, but at least they had retaken The Crystal Empire. But at what cost? Henry slowly moved up the stairs back to the throne room to address the bad news. He got to the throne room and spoke up, “Everyone, i’m afraid something happened” Reginald was the first to notice, “What’s wrong Henry? Wait, where’s the Right Hand Man?” “He was captured by the Changelings, i’m sorry Reginald” Upon hearing this, Reginald dropped to his knees and immediately broke down into tears, Ellie and Rarity ran over and hugged him, which slowly calmed down Reginald, but just before he got angry at Henry. “WHY DIDN’T YOU SAVE HIM, HENRY?!” Reginald screamed with rage. “I tried, but the queen stopped me short with a blast of her magic” Reginald quickly regained his senses and said, “Then we must pursue them, we must get him back NOW!” But even Ellie thought that was reckless and said, “Reg, I know how you feel, but the sun has gone down, we should wait until morning to find him, and I promise you, we will get him back” Charles, Henry, and even Rarity all chimed in. “Yeah, we’ll do whatever it takes” Charles says “We’ll fight through every single Changeling in our way” Henry says, clenching his fist. “And we’ll stop at nothing until we get him back, darling” Rarity said, smiling joyfully and determined “*Sniff* I guess you’re right, we shall strike at 10:00 tomorrow, on the dot! Team Stickmin 4 ever!” Reginald put his hand in the middle, with the rest joining in, shouting “Team Stickmin 4 ever!” and resting for the day to come. Somewhere deep in the Everfree Forest “Keep working, we need this to work if we’re ever going to stand a chance against them!” Chrysalis insisted. “We’ve almost got it, my queen” The Changeling spoke rather scared. And at that moment, the Right Hand Man powered up, and said, “I await your orders, Queen Chrysalis” Chrysalis manically laughed into the night, now having a fighting force at her right hand, it seems as though its gotten intense TO BE CONTINUED > Chapter 4: The Hive Siege > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was now 8:00 AM, and Henry was already planning the siege on the Changeling hive. Charles and Rarity were snuggling together, Ellie was sleeping on the throne, and Reginald was standing outside by the balcony, staring off toward the hive. There was a knock at the throne room doors. Henry started walking to the door and answered it. “Hello?” Henry said as he answered the door to an alicorn princess. “Hello Henry, I am Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but you can call me Cadence. I am here on behalf of the entire empire, and we would like to reward you and your friends with a banquet in your honor, will you and your friends be there?” Henry was shocked, but accepted her proposal, “Sure thing, we’ll be there, when is it happening?” “9:00 AM, is that good?” “Yeah, actually that’s perfect” “Okay, we will see you and the others at the dining hall, yes?” “Of course, we’d be honored!” Henry said, waving her off as she walked away Henry soon realized that Charles and Rarity were up, looking out over the balcony at the peaceful empire, and that Ellie had been walking up to Henry at that moment “Hey Henry, good morning!” She ran up to him and gave him a hug “Morning Ellie, how’d you sleep?” “Good, what’s the game plan?” “Well, Princess Cadence has offered us a banquet as a form of thanks for saving The Crystal Empire, it happens at 9:00 AM, we should get ready for it” “A banquet? Sounds fun, I look forward to it” Ellie says, proceeding to get ready for the banquet Charles and Rarity began to walk in from the balcony, and Charles said, “Oh Henry, you’re awake, so what’s going on?” “We’ve got a banquet to go to, so get ready you two” Reginald wasn’t too happy bout this, “But Henry, what about the Right Hand Man? We have to save him!” “I know Reg, but we don’t have to save him until 10:00 AM, so let’s not worry about it right now, and just focus on this banquet, we will get The Right Hand Man back, but for now, lets get some food in our tummies and get well-refreshed, cool?” “*Sigh* Alright, I suppose, when is it?” “9:00 AM, so get ready” And with that last statement, everyone quickly got ready for the banquet and headed towards the dining hall. 9:00 AM Henry, Ellie, Charles, Rarity, and Reginald had finally arrived at the dining hall and were greeted by Shining Armor, who was currently taking attendance. “Welcome, guests of honor, to this banquet, please find a seat and the banquet will start soon” Shining Armor said, pointing to the long table in the dining room. Henry and Ellie sat next to each other, so did Charles and Rarity, Reginald was the only one by himself, sitting at the end of the table. Princess Cadence took notice of this and asked, “What’s wrong Reginald?” “Well, The Right Hand Man was taken captive by the changelings, and I miss him so much” Reginald says, beginning to tear up “Don’t worry, we’ll help you get him back, we all will” Princess Cadence says smiling Henry and Reginald say in unison, “Really?” “Yeah, its the least we can do for you all saving us, where is he?” “The Changeling Hive, we move at 10:00 AM” “Then we will be there to help, we all will” Cadence proclaimed, with everyone joining in, and Henry smiling with confidence “Then its settled, we move at 10:00 AM” And with that, everyone prepared for the siege on the Changeling hive, and they will do everything to get the Right Hand Man back. 10:00 AM, The Changeling Hive Henry and the others were just now approaching the hive, they all stopped a short distance away from the hive “So what’s the plan, Henry?” Reginald asked with interest. “Okay, well I was thinking that Cadence, Shining Armor, and the guards could cover our entry into the hive, while me, Charles, Reginald, and Rarity ,make our way to the throne room, is that clear?” “YEAH!!!!” everyone cheered “Then lets do this!” Henry said, and the siege was on. Cadence, Shining Armor, and the guards charged ahead and started to attack the Changelings by the front of the hive, while Henry, Charles, Rarity, and Reginald navigated their way to the throne room, reaching it within minutes. They were then greeted by Chrysalis upon entering the throne room, who addressed them, “Ahahahaha, Welcome to my throne room, i’ve been expecting you” Henry jumped right to the case, “Where’s the Right Hand Man?” “I’ll never tell you, guards! Get them.” The guards charged forward, but Henry batted them all back. Now he was set on attacking Chrysalis, who tried to blast Henry with her magic, but Henry absorbed it, Chrysalis was now cowering by her throne. “Now where is he?” Henry asked, with his sword form equipped Chrysalis smiled and said, “Right behind you” And at that moment, Henry turned around and was tossed aside by The Right Hand Man, who had a green glow in his cybernetic eye. Right Hand Man began to walk over to Henry, ready to blast him, and as he blasted his laser, Charles jumped in the way of the blast, which put a hole in his chest. Rarity quickly ran over to him and covered his wound with her mane, which wasn’t too smart, but it would prevent any infection. Right Hand Man continued to walk toward Henry, proceeding to pick him up and choke him, that was until Ellie showed up and kicked the Right Hand Man in the face, knocking him back. “Ellie, where have you been?” “I was still trying to get my gear together, are you alright?” “Yeah, just not sure if Charles is” Ellie looked over towards Charles and winced tearfully, then charged The Right Hand Man aggressively, only to get knocked back next to Henry, both of them tired out. The Right Hand Man didn’t see Rarity as a threat, so he moved onto Reginald. “Wait! Right Hand Man! Don’t you remember me?” Right Hand Man proceeded to pick up Reginald by the neck and choke him, “Its… me… Reginald…” Reginald got out before losing consciousness. That’s when The Right Hand Man regained his senses, “Reg? What happened?” “They took control of you by reprogramming you, but now you’re back” Reginald said, regaining his breath. Chrysalis was enraged at this, “But how!? My scientists reprogrammed you?!” Reginald spoke up, “You can’t change a man’s allegiance, he will always be a Toppat at heart” “No matter, I still hold control of Canterlot, and that’s our main base of operations, so you will never take us down” Chrysalis then flew out of the hive and retreated to Canterlot. Right Hand Man was about to pursue her, but was stopped by Reginald. “We have to free the hostages” He said, pointing to the cocooned elements and other cocooned hostages “Alright then” Right Hand Man then blasted the cocoons down from the ceiling, releasing those captured. All the hostages were released, and Ellie switched places with Rarity in taking care of Charles so Rarity could reunite with her friends, with them all joining in one group hug Twilight Sparkle now asked Henry, “Who are you five?” “We are Team Stickmin, it is composed of Myself, Henry Stickmin, and a few others, being Ellie, Charles, Reginald, and The Right Hand Man. We were tasked by Princess Luna to free Equestria from its Changeling rule, and were originally brought here by Princess Celestia” Henry carefully explained Twilight was shocked by the news of this, and simply fainted, with Applejack catching her. Henry slowly got up with Ellie in his arms. “Anyways, I say we regroup at The Crystal Empire, lets go!” Henry, along with everyone else, began to head out of the hive, and the Right Hand Man blew up the hive after everyone was evacuated so that the Changelings wouldn’t have much of a shelter to retreat to. Eventually, they all made it back to the Crystal Empire, where Twilight properly reunited with her brother, stepsister, and niece. Rarity finally realized that Charles was still hurt, and quickly saw to Charles’s care, using her magic to repair his wounds. Rarity also casted a spell, which gave Charles the wings of a Pegasus, which practically turned him into an angel. As Charles woke up, he looked around confused, but soon locked eyes with Rarity, “R-Rarity, w-what happen-” But before he could finish, Rarity locked lips with Charles, while Charles held her close, moaning into the kiss, which everyone awed at cutely, Ellie soon woke up in Henry’s arms and pulled him into a kiss also, with Henry moaning into the kiss. After what seemed like 30 minutes of emotions passing by, everyone slowly resumed back to reality. “So where is Celestia and Luna now?” Twilight asked “Canterlot, the main base of operations for the Changelings, and we're gonna need all the help we can get to take it back from the Changelings” Henry answered “Well, we should strike ASAP, who knows how long the citizens of Canterlot have been held captive” “Agreed, It won’t take us long to get there, correct?” “Yes, I can teleport up to twelve of us to Canterlot, just outside the city” “Then its settled, we do exactly that” And with that, the Mane 6 and Team Stickmin teleported just outside Canterlot, planning to take it back from the Changelings. To Be Continued > Chapter 5: The Final Face-off > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Stickmin and the Mane 6 were currently outside of Canterlot, waiting to strike, the time had now turned to night, now was the time to strike. “Okay, now would be the time to strike. Twilight, can you teleport us any closer to the castle?” Henry asked “Not without getting spotted, I can’t” “Alright, got any invisibility spells?” “Unfortunately, no I don’t” “Right Hand Man, you got anything?” Right Hand Man turned to face henry, “I got a cloaking device, but it only cloaks up to two people” Twilight spoke up, “I can adjust it to cloak all of us, it’ll only take 5 minutes” Henry nodded in agreement, “That could work.” Twilight casted a spell on the cloaking device, and The Right Hand Man activated it, and it cloaked everyone “Alright, let’s make our way to the castle” Henry said quietly Team Stickmin and the Mane 6 made their way to the castle, keeping quiet and sneaking their way into the castle. On their way to the throne room, they immediately came to the door to the throne room, which was guarded by two Changelings. “Ellie, Charles, you’re up” Henry motioned Ellie and Charles snuck up behind the two Changelings, putting them to sleep with a stealth takedown. Henry and the others then made their way into the throne room, only to meet a very upset Chrysalis. “How did you get into the throne room!? I had security all throughout the city!” “Brains over brawn, I guess” Twilight answered Outraged, Chrysalis shot a blast of magic at Twilight, with her shielding from the attack. Right Hand Man soon rushed up and held the Changeling Queen by her neck, “What should I do with her?” “Restrain her, and we’ll send her to Tartarus” “As you so wish” Right Hand Man said, restraining Chrysalis, she struggled to escape from his grasp, but the Right Hand Man kept a strong hold on her, making sure not to lose grip. But Chrysalis soon used her magic to lift the cocoons containing Celestia and Luna and dropped it over the edge. “Ahahahahaha, what will you do now?” Chrysalis said as she laughed maniacally, but Reginald and The Right Hand Man raced to catch the two princesses. Reginald dove down and broke Celestia out of the cocoon, and she quickly awoke and saved Reginald, while The Right Hand Man flew down and caught the cocoon with Luna in it, soon freeing her from it. Chrysalis tried to flee, but Henry managed to catch her before she escaped. At that moment, Celestia flew up with Reginald, and The Right Hand Man flew up with Luna, now both princesses were safe. The Mane 6 quickly ran up to the princesses and group hugged in one big group, which put a smile on every member of Team Stickmin. “Twilight, my faithful student, its good to see you again” Celestia said, embracing the group hug “You two, Princess Celestia, its good to have you both back” Twilight said, returning the embrace Luna looked over to Team Stickmin, “I knew that you five would save us all, and not only that, but you helped capture the Changeling queen, Chrysalis” “It was our honor, Princess Luna” The Right Hand Man said, bowing down to the princess “Please, just call me Luna” Luna said while walking over to The Right Hand Man, pulling him in for a hug, which he gladly returned Celestia spoke up, walking towards Reginald, “That was a brave thing you did diving down to save me, even though you didn’t have any way to save yourself if you hit the ground, but I appreciate your bravery” She said, pulling Reginald into a hug “Oh, well it was my absolute honor to save you, Princess Celestia” Reginald said, returning the hug “Please, just call me Celestia” Celestia said, embracing the hug Rarity then decided to walk over to Charles, who must’ve seen where this was going, because he soon pulled her into a hug with his arms and wings, and Rarity nuzzling into him. Everyone awed at the emotions displayed before them, but Celestia cleared her throat, planning to make an announcement. “Everypony, i’m glad to know that these five individuals were able to free Equestria from Changeling rule, I thank each of you for your qualities: Henry, for your leadership. Ellie, for your skill and bravery. Charles, for risking your life for others. Reginald, for showcasing bravery in saving me…” Which caused Reginald to blush slightly, “And The Right Hand Man, for his bravery, diligence, loyalty, strength, and for saving my sister” That’s when Ellie spoke up, “Henry, I have something I want to say to you” Henry turned to face Ellie, “Yeah, what is it?” Ellie took a deep breath and spoke, “From the moment we meet, i’ve felt a deep connection between us, much like a crush, but I never really took notice until a few days ago, which is why I want to say that…… I love you, Henry Stickmin” She says, blushing red. Henry’s face began to turn red, and he pulled Ellie in for a passionate kiss on the lips, which she gladly moaned into, they went on like this for about 10 minutes before Luna said something. “Now would be the time that you all return to your universes, but since you’ve done so much for Equestria, we offer the five of you the option to stay” Luna says talking to Team Stickmin Henry and Ellie know that this is their only chance to be together, so they decide to stay. Charles and Rarity were overjoyed at this, so it was obvious that Charles was staying. Reginald and The Right Hand Man thought about it for a while, but realized that they were now heroes, and that the Toppat Clan would remain strong under their universes Henry and Ellie, so they decided to stay. “Then it is settled, as the princess of Equestria, I declare the five of you official citizens of Equestria, congratulations, Team Stickmin!” Celestia declared, shaking each one of their hands After that, Chrysalis was locked away in Tartarus, and all remaining Changelings were taught about love, and became reformed. Equestria would be at peace for years to come. The End > Bonus Chapter: 10 years later > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It has been 10 years since the Changeling invasion had been stopped by Team Stickmin, a team assembled by five different people from different universes. Over the last 10 years, the lives of Team Stickmin have changed forever. Celestia had just raised the sun, and as she walked to the kitchen to bake some pancakes, and on her way there, she felt something hug her from behind. She turned around and found it to be her loving husband, Reginald. “Someone’s up and about, how are you? My lovely sun goddess” Reginald asked, massaging her breasts gently “Lovely now that you're here, my fair Reginald” She says, sharing a kiss with him, “I was just about to prepare breakfast, are any of the kids awake yet?” “No, they are sleeping pretty heavily” “Well, that’s good, they need their beauty sleep, but it won't be long before they smell my pancakes” “Well, you do make the best out there, or at least in my opinion” Reginald says, tickling Celestia Celestia giggles, “Hehehe, stop that! I need to make the pancakes!” “Please take your time, its a good way to wake up” “Thank you, Reggie” She gives him a small kiss on the cheek A little while later, Celestia and Reginald’s daughter and son soon made their way into the dining hall of the castle, the daughter was named Beauty Sunrise, and the son was named Platinum Copperbottom. “Daddy!” they both screamed as they jumped into their father’s arms “Ahhhhh, good morning you two, how’d you both sleep last night?” “I slept good dad” Platinum said “I had a nightmare, but Auntie Luna and Uncle Right Hand were there for me in my dream” Beauty said Reginald sighed, “Ahhh your Uncle Right Hand, never one to let down family” Celestia popped in, “Right Hand really is a good person, always one to help others” She said smiling By the time Celestia had finished her conversation, the pancakes were finished, and Celestia served them to her husband, children, and herself, and they all ate happily. Elsewhere, at the Carousel Boutique, Charles had woken up to a beautiful sunrise and his beautiful wife,Rarity, sleeping next to him in the bed. Charles carefully started to get out of the bed, but was stopped by something around his waist. He turned around to find Rarity’s tail around his waist and her staring into his eyes. “Charles, darling. Where is my good morning kiss?” Rarity asked, keeping a focused gaze on her lover. “Sorry Rares, I didn’t want to wake you up.” Charles apologized, scratching his head. “It’s alright, Charles, just come here” Rarity said, pulling him back down into the bed The two of them began smooching at great intensity, tossing and turning in the bed, and at two times they almost fell off the bed, but still managed to stay on. This went on for a while until they had to take a breather. “That... was… amazing… darling” Rarity said, exhausted “Yeah… I know… we should… get some… breakfast” Charles said. “Carry me down, my brave pilot” Rarity said, locking her arms around his neck “Roger that, my fashionista” Charles said as he picked up his lovely mare and carried her downstairs They soon arrived downstairs to find their daughter, Amethyst Belle, patiently sitting on the couch. She then ran up to her mom and dad, and Charles swooped her up into his arms. “Daddy!” She squealed excitedly “Good morning to you! My precious Amethyst!” Charles said, kissing his daughter on the cheek Rarity nuzzled her daughter’s cheek with her finger, “Amethyst honey, how did you sleep?” “I had a dream of the three of us at Hearth’s Warming Eve, eating together happily, and daddy was wearing special red and green headphones” Amethyst said, smiling at her mom and dad “Speaking of which, when is Hearth’s Warming Eve, Rarity?” “In a few weeks, darling. Why do you ask?” “Do we have any plans?” “The princesses have invited us to a party before Hearth’s Warming Eve, and guess who else was invited to the party” “Who exactly?” Charles asked in confusion “Our friends, Henry and Ellie will be there, along with their son and daughter” “Oh, that sounds awesome. Are princess Luna and Prince Right Hand going to be there?” “Of course darling, and so is their son” Rarity pointed out “Wait, isn’t The Right Hand Man cybernetic below the waist?” “He used to be, until Luna restored his lower half, excluding his feet, turning them into interchangeable thrusters to which he can still fly” Rarity explained “Oh, well that’s good to know, i’m happy for Right Hand” “Me too, now let’s have some breakfast” Rarity said, beginning to cook breakfast, and after 5 minutes, her lovely family was eating breakfast. Sweetie Belle had come down and joined them for breakfast, hugging her stepbrother and her sister and niece and soon eating with them all. Meanwhile, at a small house in Ponyville, one kleptomaniac wakes up to his red-haired wife in bed. Henry slowly moved out of the bed, making sure not to wake her, he then quietly moved down the hallway, but was surprised when he was cut off by his son, Alex Stickmin. “Good morning Daddy!” he said, hugging his father close “Morning Alex, why are you up so early?” Henry asked, picking his son up “I woke up at 6:00 AM, and you woke up at 8:00 AM, I don’t see much of an issue” “Okay, you got me there, let’s get some cereal” Henry and his son Alex sat down at the table in the dining room and ate some cereal, and as they were eating, Ellie and Henry’s daughter, Mallory Rose, came down the hallway and ran up to her dad. “Good morning daddy!” Mallory squealed, jumping into her father’s arms “Good morning to you, my tiny Mallory!” Henry said, setting his daughter on his lap “Can I have some cereal, please?” “Sure you can!” Henry said with a smile and poured her some cereal As the three of them ate, Ellie came out of the bedroom and down the hall to the kitchen, and was met with her two children running up to her “Mommy!” Alex and Mallory called out, running into their mother’s arms Ellie hugged them, saying, “Good morning, my little troublemakers!” She giggled as she hugged them closely “And good morning to you, my Partner In Crime” Henry said, causing Ellie to walk over and plant a kiss on his cheek “I see you’ve already taken the liberty of serving the kids” Ellie said smiling “Yeah, I didn’t really wanna wake you, so I decided i’d do it” “How thoughtful of you, and its one of the many reasons I married you, Henry “Studman”. She said, causing Henry to chuckle. Henry then changed the subject, “So, when is the Hearth’s Warming party happening?” Ellie answered, “From the letter, it’s in two weeks” Henry then said, “We should get things together a week before, don’t you think?” “Yeah, that’d be great!” “Then it’s settled. We got it all together and figured out” And with that, they all continued to eat breakfast as a family, exchanging conversation and sharing laughs. 2 Weeks later, A day before Hearth’s Warming Eve “Daddy, are we there yet?” Charles’s daughter Amethyst asked him “We’re almost there, honey, just be patient” Charles said, walking to the castle in canterlot with his wife Rarity As they reached the castle, they met up with four familiar faces: Henry, Ellie, Alex, and Mallory. Amethyst quickly ran up to her friends and hugged them, while Charles ran up to Henry, giving him a bro hug. Rarity ran up to Ellie and hugged her. After a little hello, everyone calmed down and waited at the castle. “So Charles, how have you and Rarity been doing?” Henry asked “We’ve been doing great darling, what about you and Ellie?” Rarity answered “We’ve been surviving, haven’t we Ellie?” Henry asked, turning to face Ellie “Too right, Henry” She said, kissing him on the cheek At that moment, the castle doors open to reveal Reginald and Celestia along with their children, Beauty and Platinum “Welcome everyone! Please come in” Celestia said, moving aside. Henry and Charles made their way inside with their respective families, and Amethyst, Alex and Mallory went to go play with Beauty and Platinum. And soon enough, Princess Luna and Prince Right Hand Man soon walked in with their son Dusk Hand. Reginald went to go hug his Stepsister, Stepbrother/Partner In Crime, and his nephew, Celestia did the same, joining in on the hug. After everyone greeted one another, they all sat down in the dining hall and started to eat. The ladies exchanged conversation with one another and so did the men. The kids ate and enjoyed conversation with one another. After dinner was done, the kids dozed off and were put to bed in a separate room, and the adults got out the wine. Henry and Ellie went for tall glasses, Charles and Rarity went for small glasses, and the Princes and Princesses had medium glasses. After three rounds of drinks, all the adults decided to reminisce of the battle 10 years ago and how Henry and Ellie connected, how Charles and Rarity connected, and how Reginald and Right Hand Man saved the princesses, risking both of their lives for royalty. “I’ll never forget what Princess Luna did for me, I thought i’d never be able to have offspring, but that was until I met her” Right Hand Man said, earning a kiss from Princess Luna “Or what Rarity did for me, and what I did for her. It feels amazing to have flight a a natural thing, and I have Rarity to thank for that” Charles said, kissing Rarity with passion “And the bravery Ellie showcased during the hive siege, I really thought that was really loving of you to do, Ellie” Henry said, kissing Ellie on the cheek “I’d do anything for you, Henry” Ellie said, nuzzling into Henry Celestia then tapped her glass, drawing everyone’s attention, “Everyone, i’d like to thank you all for being here and for your undying loyalty to Equestria.” She paused then continued, “If it weren’t for the valiant efforts of Team Stickmin and The Mane 6, we probably wouldn’t be here today” She said, causing everyone to chuckle slightly “But to conclude this wonderful night, I propose a toast.” She paused and shouted with her husband, “To Equestria!” “To Equestria!” Cheered Luna and Right Hand “To Love!” Cheered Henry and Ellie “To Friendship!” Cheered Charles and Rarity And with that, they all cheered off into the night, ready for a new year and a new beginning for Equestria. The End.