> My Little Pony: Friendship is Tasty (Zombie Apocalypse Story) > by MLPFan9000 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Beginning of The Apocalypse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It starts with Derpy Hooves. She loved muffins and would make them in her spare time. One day, she made the biggest mistake of her life. This very muffin turned her into a zombie. This started the Zombie Apocalypse. Derpy walked over to Doctor Whooves, biting him and turning him into a zombie soon after. Derpy soon broke into Ponyville Schoolhouse and bit Miss Cheerilee, turning her as well. Derpy then went after Diamond Tiara and bit her as well, but by then the other students were escaping. Meanwhile, Doctor Whooves was nearing Fluttershy's house. Fluttershy was watering flowers and notices Doctor Whooves approaching, realizing he's a zombie. "Oh no, a zombie!" She yelled, before running inside. Seventeen seconds later, she comes back outside with a 12 Gauge Pump-Action Shotgun. "I didn't think I'd have to use my Zombie Repellent." She muttered, before shooting Doctor Whooves in the head before shooting him in the right kneecap, killing him. "I've gotta warn the others..." "Octy, the dishwasher broke! Do you know who sells dishwashers that clean the dishes using wubs?" Vinyl asked, hoping Octavia would know the answer. "Vinyl, when we're going shopping we'll be getting a normal dishwasher. You got that, Vinyl?" Octavia responded, not wanting a dishwasher that uses wubs. "Oh, come on Octy! You know that dishwasher was amazing, we have to get another one!" Vinyl said. "Vinyl, we're getting a normal dishwasher and that's final." Octavia said sternly. "Fine, but I promise I'll modify it to use wubs! Vinyl said. "Vinyl, no- what is going on outside?" Octavia asked, as she looked out the window. "What, what is it- oh my Celestia!" Vinyl said, now looking out the window as well. "Is that a zombie?" "Cutie Mark Crusaders! There is a zombie apocalypse and we must prepare to survive out there. " Apple Bloom said, not wanting to die. "Hell yeah! I wanna learn to craft a gun!" Scootaloo yelled. "I don't know... shouldn't we hide in this place and wait it out?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Yeah, why don't we just do that?" Button Mash also asks. "Time is ticking! We need to survive, waiting out in here isn't gonna do us any good!" Apple Bloom shouted. "Let's go survive an apocalypse!" "Yeah!" Scootaloo said, excitedly. "A Zombie Apocalypse?" Rainbow Dash asked in disbelief. "Yes, one came at me and I used Zombie Repellent. Look down and see the zombies for yourself." Fluttershy said. Rainbow Dash looked down and realized Fluttershy was telling the truth. "You weren't lying?" Rainbow Dash asked, trying to comprehend the fact that there were zombies. "Yes, I was right!" Fluttershy said. "Well then, let's go kick some undead flank!" Rainbow Dash says, ready to fight the horde. "Oh my Celestia! Zombies? I'm ready for this!" Rarity says, as she pulls out a wrench and runs outside. She then proceeds to throw it at a zombie. "What's wrong? Can't handle a simple wrench? How weak!" Rarity says, before nearly getting bitten by a zombie. "Agh!" She yells, as she escaped. "Crowbar?" Octavia asked. "Check!" Vinyl said, as she gave the crowbar to Octavia. "Baseball Bat?" "Check!" Vinyl said, as she kept the Baseball Bat as her own weapon. "I've also got an Axe!" "Crossbow?" "Chec- hey wait, since when did we own a Crossbow?" Vinyl asked, clearly confused. "Since about 3 weeks ago." Octavia answered. "It's a little hard to believe I didn't know about that for this long, but alright. Let's go!" "Applejack, when are you gonna come outside?" Apple Bloom asked. "Coming!" Applejack yelled. Nineteen seconds passed without her coming outside. "You're sister is a baby, Apple Bloom." Scootaloo said calmly. "She needs to Pony up and stop being such a bi-" "I'm here!" Applejack said, as she kicked the door open with a Sawn-Off Shotgun in her hooves. "We might need to get Fluttershy as well, she's got 'Zombie Repellent' as she calls it." "That's my big sister!" Apple Bloom yelled. "Awesome! She has a shotgun!" Scootaloo shouted. "Where's a fire flower when you need one?" Button asked. "I don't know..." Sweetie Belle answered. "Pinkie, do you have a weapon I could use to defend myself?" Twilight asked. "Hang on Twilight, I've got cupcakes to stock up on!" Pinkie Pie yelled "Uh Pinkie, I don't think that's gonna he-" "And I can't forget about the mini gun!" Pinkie said, as she pulled out a mini gun. "What the buck?" Twilight yelled in surprise. "Sorry for the language, but do you have any other weapons?" "Of course! I've also got a sniper rifle" She said, enthusiastically. "And a pistol, a machete, some scissors, bad fanfictions, a picture of Justin Bieber, just to mention a few!" "...I guess I'll take the sniper rifle?" Twilight said, confused at how many weapons Pinkie has. "Here you go!" Pinkie said, as she gave the sniper rifle to Twilight before ripping the scissors into two and giving them to Twilight. "Here, have some throwing knives as well!" ,,,"Thanks?" "You're welcome!" 2 hours later, Vinyl and Octavia come back to their house and start barricading the door after all the items they bought have been brought inside. "Front door barricaded!" "I'll go barricade all the windows!" "You do that, I'll go barricade the back door." "Alright, you four will stay around the barn while Big Mac and I get some apples for us to survive on. Got it?" Applejack said. "Got it, Applejack!" Apple Bloom responded. "Fine..." Scootaloo said, clearly disappointed. "Alright then, Button and I will be playing Minecraft in the meantime." Sweetie Belle said. "Yeah, we're gonna fight the Ender Dragon!" Button Mash said enthusiastically. Twilight Sparkle ran into the castle and found the throne room. "Princess Celestia, there's zombies out there and- Celestia? Luna?" Twilight was confused and found a note on the ground from Celestia and decided to read it. Dear Twilight Sparkle, we know you're worried about the apocalypse but I know you can handle this and that you'll get through this, so you don't need my help for this. Sorry if you wanted it, but you can handle it. From, Princess Celestia. Celestia abandoned us? Twilight thought to herself. That's not good, that's not good!