Bets and Deals

by AndwhatIseeisme

First published

Fluttershy and Rainbow have sex with each other and a variety of pegasi stallions

After losing a bet that she didn't really think through, Rainbow Dash finds herself in a bit of a bind. She turns to her best friend Fluttershy for help paying it off. But when Fluttershy discovers that part of the bet was herself, she's less than keen on helping Rainbow make good on it. Can Rainbow Dash convince her to go along with it? Maybe, but it might end up costing Dashie more than she expected.

This will be a multi-chapter story, featuring a whole bunch of sex involving Rainbow and Flutters.

Chapter 1: F/F sex, oral, implied incest, mentions of Discord/Fluttershy/Rainbow Dash threesomes, mentions of reality warping sex, mentions of Rainbow Dash being kind of an idiot, set up for later chapters.

Future chapters will contain bisexual horses, group sex, incest, Zephyr Breeze, and more.

Rainbow and Fluttershy

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"I'm sorry Dashie, but could you run this 'favor' by me one more time?" Fluttershy asked her friend, trying to process what Rainbow Dash was asking of her.

The two mares sat across from one another in Fluttershy's kitchen, sipping tea. Rainbow had insisted on coming over, explaining she had an important favor to ask of her friend. Now that Fluttershy had heard her request, she was beginning to wonder if she should have supplied something harder than tea for their meeting.

"Look, Shy, it's no big deal, really," Rainbow answered. "I just, well, kinda need you to fuck Soarin and Thunderlane for me."

"Um...why?" Fluttershy asked, arching a questioning eyebrow as she braced herself to hear what Rainbow Dash had done now.

"Look, I kind of maybe lost a bet to them over a buckball game," Rainbow explained, "but it totally wasn't my fault! How was I to know Appleloosa's pegasus had come down with feather flu before their game with Winneapolis?"

"It was in all the news papers," Fluttershy mentioned.

"Yeah? Well, until they start printing news in Daring Do books, I can't be expected to keep up with everything," Rainbow countered.

"Okay, so, I guess my, um, biggest question here is how you losing a bet leads to me getting rutted by two of your team mates?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well... I might have maybe promised them that if I lost the bet then you'd, you know, fuck them..." Rainbow explained.


"Look, I know it wasn't the right thing to do without asking you first," Rainbow interupted, "but in my defense, I was really, really sure I'd win and it wouldn't be an issue. I mean, other then you guys, Appleloosa is hooves-down the best team playing right now."

"Except when they're down a player and forced to play with a substitute pegasus..." Fluttershy commented.

"Right, but like I said, I didn't know," Rainbow defended herself.

"But I bet Thunderlane and Soarin keep up with sports news, don't they?" FLuttershy asked her friend.

"Well, I mean, yeah, probably," Rainbow admitted.

"And I bet they were pretty eager to push the stakes of your bet pretty high, weren't they?" Fluttershy prodded.

"Well, maybe..." replied Rainbow Dash, scratching the back of her head with a wing.

"And you didn't think anything was weird that they'd be so willing to bet against Appleloosa with the stakes so high?" Fluttershy pressed.

"I don't know," Rainbow admitted, sighing in defeat and frustration. "I figured they were just being arrogant, you know?"

"Yes. I hear that can be a problem with certain Wonderbolts," Fluttershy mused, eyes locked on her friend over her tea cup.

"Look, how I ended up losing the bet doesn't matter," Rainbow insisted. "The point is, I made a dumb bet and now I have to pay up. And that's why I really need you to let the two of them fuck you. Please, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy didn't answer immediately. She took a sip of her tea, watching her friend squirm in her seat across the table as she awaited her response. After what seemed to Dash to be an impossibly long sip, Fluttershy finished her tea, set the cup back down on its plate with a satisfying clink, and gave her response to Rainbow.


"But-" Rainbow started.

"I'm sorry Dashie, but you know Thunderlane and I have a history, and I'm not going to forgive him just because you made a poor bet," Fluttershy stated firmly. "Can't you find some other way to settle your bet? I'm sure Pinkie Pie would be more than happy to help you."

"Oh please, as if Pinkie hasn't banged everypony on the team already," Rainbow dismissed her friend's suggestion. "Besides, for a Wonderbolt, a bet is nearly as sacred as a Pinkie Promise . Even if I could convince every other mare in Ponyville to fuck them, the bet was that they got to do you, and nothing else is going to settle that." she explained. "That's why you've got to do this for me, Shy. Pretty please?"

"And what happens if I decline and you can't pay off your bet?" Fluttershy inquired.

"Well, for a bet of this size, I'd probably have to spend a week in the stocks back at HQ," Dash replied. "You know, free use for any and every pony on the Bolts."

"Well, I mean, is that really all that bad?" Flutershy asked. "I mean, from what you've told me of your team building exercises, you all are open to each other anyway, aren't you? It always sounded to me like you guys operate the same way you used to run the weather team here in Ponyville."

"Well, yeah, I based most of our policies off what I'd heard about the Wonderbolts back when I took over here in Ponyville. Nothing builds a team's cohesion like wild sex orgies," Rainbow explained. "But the stocks are different. You don't get to say 'no' to anything the team wants to do to you when you're there. I've been in them before, and it's not an experience I want to repeat, if I can help it."

"Is it really that bad?" Fluttershy asked with concern.

"Yes!" Rainbow replied with a shudder. "Let's just say, Fleetfoot has a particular fetish that's pretty gross."

"Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy exclaimed with shock at her friend's comment. "That's a terrible thing to say about another pony's fetish, especially a friend of yours! What would you do if one of our students heard you say something like that?"

"I know, I know," Rainbow replied with a groan. "I shouldn't be judgemental, but look. I just feel like some things are better kept to bathrooms, and we can leave it there, okay?"

"Even so, it's not a very nice thing to say," Fluttershy scolded. "How would you feel if someone said such mean things about your hoof fetish?" she asked.

Rainbow Dash spit a stream of tea across the table, narrowly missing Fluttershy.

"Wh-what are you talking about, Fluttershy?" Rainbow stuttered and asked with a blush. "I-I don't have a hoof fetish! I just, you know, happen to like getting them massaged from time to time. It's perfectly normal."

"And happen to like having them licked, too?" Fluttershy teased.

"Well, that's... that's just a more sensual massage, alright?" Rainbow's blush grew deeper as she responded.

"I see. Well, you certainly seem to enjoy those 'sensual massages'," Fluttershy continued. "Almost as much as you seem to enjoy giving them."

"Yeah, well, gotta repay the favor, right? Hahe," Rainbow laughed nervously as she tried to defend herself.

"Or watching a mare jerk somecreature off with her hindhooves and making him cum all over them, then licking all his cum off her while masturbating yourself and letting him do you in the ass," Fluttershy watched her friend with a smile as she drove the point home.

"Oh, yeah, last Sunday night with you and Discord was pretty fun..." Rainbow lost herself in the memory, a hoof drifting down below the table, before remembering what they had been talking about. "Alright! So, maybe I like hooves a little more than most mares. But it's not a fetish!"

"Hmm..." Fluttershy hummed.

"Hey, um... you don't think it's weird of gross, do you Shy?" Rainbow asked, a hint of worry tinging her voice.

"Oh Dashie, of course not!" Fluttershy responded, immediately shifting from her teasing tone back to her caring, motherly one. "Trust me, I've been with Discord long enough for him to introduce me to so many possibilities and impossibilities, that I don't think another pony would even be capable of imagining something that would make me balk anymore."

"Really?" Rainbow leaned forward across the table with sudden interest, forgetting all about previous discussions. "So, what's the worst thing you two have gotten up to?"

Now it was Fluttershy's turn to blush. While she was no stranger to sharing Discord with her friends, especially Rainbow Dash, she was decidedly less keen on sharing some of the kinkier antics they got up to when it was just the two of them. Still, she supposed if there was anypony she could share her naughtier side with, it was Dash. She leaned across the table to meet Dash's ear and began to whisper.

"Well, recently he and I..." She began, before her voice became too soft for anyone other than Rainbow to hear.

"Wait, seriously?" Rainbow exclaimed, wings fully erect.

"Hmhm," Fluttershy confirmed, still blushing. "And then he..." her voice lowered again.

"No way! How did that even fit?" Rainbow's voice was filled with awe as she prodded her friend further.

"Well, it hurt at first, but then I..." Fluttershy continued.

"Whoa," Rainbow stated, still listening.

" then the goat..."

"Wow. But what happened to the umbrella?"

"I'll get to that, but first I need to tell you about how time travel works..."

"Oh my Celestia! I didn't even know those could come off!"

"Well, usually they can't. But fortunately, we had the umbrella..."

"Wow, can hardly believe that."

" anyway, that's why Twilight is scared of ladybugs and not quesadillas now," Fluttershy stated as she concluded her story.

Rainbow Dash's mouth hung open as she stared at her friend with a mix of horror and amazement. Fluttershy let out a shy giggle as she felt almost relieved at sharing some of the things she and Discord did with a friend. It would be fun to bring another mare into their crazier antics, but she had always been hesitant about scaring them off. After all, she still remembered how nervous she had been before she had learned to just trust Discord and stop worrying about minor things like size, or breathing, or causality. Omnipotence really opened up a lot of doors when it came to sex. Speaking of which...

"Oh my, Dashie! Look at you, you're positively dripping!" Fluttershy said distressed, upset that she had gotten her friend so worked up without even noticing. "I'm so sorry. I'm being a horrible host."

With that, Fluttershy disappeared under the table to tend to her friend's needs. She took a moment to admire the delicious treat presented to her. Rainbow was soaked between her thighs, her fur was matted and damp, and a puddle of mare-juice had formed on her chair and threatened to spill over onto the floor. Obviously Dashie had enjoyed the story of Fluttershy and Discord's escapades. Fluttershy definitely would have to invite her to join in on some of their more extreme sexual adventures. That was a thought for another time, though. For right now, Fluttershy had more important things to focus on.

Fluttershy leaned forward and ran her tongue between the lips of Rainbow's marehood. She smiled to herself as she heard Dash's moan from above the table. Encouraged by Dashie's response, Fluttershy pushed her tongue deeper inside the mare, savoring the taste of her friend's juices as she went.

Slurping away at Rainbow's arousal, Fluttershy enthusiastically ate out Dash's pussy as the other pegasus squirmed and moaned in her seat. Shy's tongue traced the inner walls of the marehood it was exploring, wriggling and circling around inside her friend.

"Fuck, Flutters," Rainbow moaned. "I'm getting close."

Fluttershy decided not to tease her friend after getting her so worked up, and moved to finish Rainbow off quickly. She shifted her attention to the engorged clit winking blatantly out of Dashie's cunt, and wrapped her lips around it. Sucking gently on it as her tongue danced around the nub, it didn't take much longer before she noticed Rainbow's body tense up.

"Cumming!" Rainbow shouted as she squirtted all over Fluttershy's face.

Rainbow Dash was still panting as Fluttershy appeared from beneath the table. She smiled warmly at her friend before grabbing a napkin and wiping Dash's cum off her face.

"You know, Dashie," Fluttershy began to say as she retook her seat across from her friend, "maybe I'm just a little worked up from making you cum, but I'm starting to warm up to your request a bit."

"So, are you saying you'll agree to help me out with my lost bet?" Rainbow asked excitedly.

"Well, I'm still not a hundred percent sure," Fluttershy admitted. "I mean, I don't mind rutting with Soarin if you need me to, but you know I haven't fucked Thunderlane ever since that chili powder incident."

"Hahaha, oh yeah! That was hillarious," Rainbow laughed. "I don't think I've ever seen you move that fast."

Fluttershy said nothing, electing to simply level her best glare solidly down on her friend.

"Um, I mean, yeah, that was terrible," Rainbow Dash corrected herself after noticing the look she was getting. "Totally not funny at all, and I have no idea who would have put him up to such a thing."

"I see..." Fluttershy said coldly.

"Look, I mean, anyway that was all a long time ago," Rainbow tried to salvage the situation. "Thunderlane's matured a lot since then. Don't you think he deserves a second chance?"

Fluttershy considered it for a while. She wasn't exactly excited about having sex with Thunderlane again, but she couldn't deny he had been a pretty good lay back when she had let him have her. And Soarin was certainly easy on the eyes too, plus Dashie had always had nothing but good things to say about how he rutted her. Not to mention how guilty she'd feel if Dashie ended up in the stocks because of her, even if Rainbow was just as responsible for making this stupid bet in the first place.

"Alright," Fluttershy sighed, "I'll do it. On one condition."

"Anything!" Rainbow replied happily, relieved that Fluttershy was agreeing to save her hide and help her out. "Just ask away and I'll do it."

"You have to fuck my brother," Fluttershy replied.

Rainbow Dash stopped. Fluttershy watched with a mixture of concern and amusement as her friend went stock still, looking as if her mind had forgotten all about her body as it went to war with itself. Fluttershy watched the flood of emotions play across Rainbow's eyes, wondering what the blue pegasus was thinking about as she waited for her response.

"Umm... Dashie?" Fluttershy asked, trying to wake Rainbow from her stupor.

"Just, just give me a second," Rainbow replied. "I'm weighing my options. I mean, looking back on it, it's not like it took me that many days to wash the taste of what Fleetfoot did out of my mouth."

"You know, I think if you'd just give Zephyr a chance, you'll find he's actually quite nice to have sex with," Fluttershy tried to push Rainbow into accepting. Now that she'd had the idea, Fluttershy was quite pleased with the thought of finally being able to convince Dash to rut with her brother. Zephyr would owe her big time for this. Maybe she could even get him to wear a gag when they were together from now on.

"Can't I do something else for you instead?" Rainbow pleaded. "Like, what if I agree to join you and Discord in one of your sex things?"

"You're going to do that anyway, Dash, and we both know it," Fluttershy answered bluntly. "If you want me to go fuck a stallion I barely know, and another I don't really like, then I'm very sorry, but you're going to have to bend over and let my brother finally have you. Otherwise, I hate to say this, but the answer is no."

"Ugh. Fine!" Rainbow agreed with an exasperated sigh. She knew she had lost. "But you're going to have to make it clear to him that this is a one time thing, alright? I don't want him thinking he's getting under my tail whenever he wants just because I let him in me once. Oh! And he's only allowed in my mouth and ass. We Wonderbolts may get access to the best, military grade birth control potions available, but I'm still not taking any chances by letting Zeph inside my rainbow factory. Got it?"

"Deal," Fluttershy agreed, fully understanding Dash's concerns. "Just as long as you agree not to drag me into your bets anymore."

"Yeah, no problem. If having to take your brother's cock is the penalty for doing that, then you can mark that friendship lesson down as solidly learned." Rainbow replied.

"Alright, so then, when and where should I meet you to let Soarin and Thunder do me?" Fluttershy asked, hoping to get this over with sooner rather than later. To be honest, now that she had agreed to go along with it, there was a part of her that was getting pretty excited about the prospect of fucking three Wonderbolts at once. After all, wasn't that every pegasus's dream growing up.

"How about this weekend?" Dash suggested.

"Oh, well, I'm covering detention on Saturday at the school... but Sunday I should be free. We can do it then, if that works for you." Fluttershy answered.

"Perfect!" Dash replied excitedly. "Come to Wonderbolt HQ Sunday around noon. I'll make sure to let the guards know to take you to my dorm when you get there. We'll be waiting for you."

"Alright. And when should I tell Zephyr your willing to make his dream come true, hmm?" Fluttershy asked, wanting to get a firm date nailed down before Dash tried to find a way out of fulfilling her end of the bargain.

"Umm, fifty years from now?" Rainbow tried.

"How about something a little closer to today, if you wouldn't mind?" Fluttershy countered.

"Fine," Rainbow sighed. "We'll be training all next week, but I should be free after that. How about two weeks from today, on Thursday?"

"Sounds good to me. I'll tell Zephyr to come over for a surprise that morning, and you can spend the whole day with us letting him use you. Oh, he'll be so excited!" Fluttershy proclaimed. She was thrilled at the idea of how happy this was going to make her brother. Plus, having another mare join them meant Fluttershy could leave the room to take a break from her brother when he got to much for her, without having to listen to him whine afterward. It was perfect!

"Okay, well then, I'll see you Sunday," Rainbow kissed Fluttershy on the mouth before turning to leave. "See you then."

And with that she was off, back to HQ to let Soarin and Thunderlane know that she was going to be able to uphold her side of their bet after all. Meanwhile, Fluttershy was left to ponder what she was getting herself into. All she knew for sure was that if any more chili powder ended up under her tail, Rainbow Dash was going to have to explain to the authorities why Wonderbolt HQ burned to the ground this weekend. She sighed and closed her door.