> Just Us Girls > by KingdaKa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Just Us Girls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as she felt the distant heat of the faraway star dissipate against her skin, the resplendent woman that stood upon the tower gave a sigh of relief that carried with it a weight of exhaustion. The days had begun to shorten in preparation for the arrival of fall, yet this harvest season was often among the busiest periods of her life. The surplus of tasks that came with the dying throes of summer’s heat were a constant until at last completed: crops needed to be harvested, stored properly so as to survive the cold of winter. Houses and homes would have to be refurbished to help the occupants not face the frozen bite. Northern cities would require extra supplies if fierce blizzards came through, which meant more work on the salt mines. On and on the list of tasks grew, and the approval of the throne was always requested whenever they began. Signed paperwork, seals upon orders, tokens issued as proof of statement, speeches to be given… Princess Celestia gave another wearisome sigh and felt her body subconsciously slump under the weight of all the work that would have to be accomplished. It needed to be done- it was good to do such things that would help her subjects. After all, their care and happiness was something she valued. But to say that the exhaustive work was something she enjoyed would be more than just mere fabrication. It would be a long time before she felt anything but fatigue- fatigue she would simply have to power through, if she were to continue to be the leader her people required. “You know you could sit down,” came the serene, familiar voice, the only other voice that ever came calling upon this spire. Celestia turned and saw her sister striding forth from the depths of the tower stairwell and into the darkness that was hers to command. “Perhaps you would feel better if you allowed your legs a moment to rest.” “You’re a bit late this evening,” Celestia remarked in a tone she hoped wasn’t unkind. “Unusual for you to arrive in a fashion.” “I arrive precisely when I mean to,” Luna said. “And behold, look there- on the edge of the horizon, where the sky meets the earth. A sliver of pale silver to meet our home.” Celestia turned to see and beheld the sight with welcome, wearisome happiness. The beacon that shone to signify her time for rest and recuperation, graced upon her by her dearest sister. Cratered, spattered with dusted dark, the moon that shone in adoration of its Princess rose steadily to meet the shadowed lands that they ruled, blessing it with the cold, yet gentle presence of its light. Wicked things would shy away from its piercing rays, the fearful would find comfort in its unrelenting light. Beneath it their people would slumber and rest among good company and feel safe, for the one who called it to their skies was a courageous force indeed. “You’ve done wonderfully, Luna. As always,” the Princess of the Sun whispered. “As always, I am glad to hear you say it,” Luna replied. “Now, if you would heed my advice, I would prefer that you take a seat. You stand like a pillar set to shatter.” “I believe nothing affords us but the floor beneath our feet.” “Then that is something I shall rectify,” came the prompt reply- and with a snap of the fingers, there appeared behind them a comfortable bench upon which to sit, Luna leaning back and giving the most luxurious sigh for added emphasis. “Afraid to sit next to me, are we?” “I see you’ve awoken in a pleasant mood,” Celestia remarked, acquiescing to her sister’s request and taking a seat on the conjured bench. Almost instantly the advice she had heeded proved its merit, the ruler’s frame slumping against her seat and truly relaxing. “Oh, that feels so much better.” “Oh my! Who would’ve thought it?” Luna remarked. “Thank you, Luna,” Celestia said, a tired smile gracing her features. “It was a welcome gesture.” “You push yourself too hard, dear sister. If you are intend to wear yourself down to the nub,” Luna said, “then I suggest you give your body the kindness it requires to reach such points. Although…” “Although,” Celestia guessed, “you wish that I did not push myself to such excess?” “It certainly does you no favors,” Luna admitted. “You are Princess of Equestria, not some common slave in a faraway land. You, of all people, should realize that working beyond your limits does no one any favors.” Celestia shook her head, peering down at the denizens of the city in which she dwelled. They were her responsibility, her greatest concern and care- just as much as any other soul in any other city in this kingdom she called home. “They need whatever I can give to them,” she whispered. “Hard to pour water out of an empty cup,” Luna said drily. “I must do something.” “And doing something means caring for yourself as well,” the wild Princess insisted. “If I must convince you, then stay where you are. I’ll make you see.” “Luna, what are you doing?” Celestia asked, watching as her sister rose from her place beside her and came around the back and placing hands upon her shoulders. Tia felt the grip Luna had upon her; firm, but not tight. “I am going to massage the muscles for a moment,” Luna answered. “Now, let us see how this goes…” Celestia, who had seen everything that could be seen under the sun, now was faced with a different surprise as she felt the pleasant, though somewhat painful sensation of capable hands working across the muscles of her shoulders. Pressing deeply where it was needed, with more gentle motions that seemed to sing at the feel of it. Swirls and motions that cascaded over her skin and prodded expertly at the crying muscles below came as though the blessings of heaven, and the Princess of the Sun sighed as she felt her sister’s touch continue along. Some pain was there, a bit of discomfort- but the release as tightness dissipated was more than enough to make up for it. All too soon, the welcome treat came to an end, leaving Celestia somewhat disappointed. “And how did that feel?” Luna asked. “Wonderful, Luna, thank you,” Celestia murmured, the smile that had once been tired now glowing up at her sister’s fair face. “When did you learn such things?” “I learned such things so as to care for my own body,” Luna answered. “To help recover from marches and battles, fitness and form. And when I gave such attentions to you, dear sister, you were as hard as a stone.” “That’s… bad?” “Perhaps your muscles should not feel as though they have run a marathon when you are simply partaking in Day Court.” Celestia groaned, leaning forward and trying to wipe away the emotions beneath with her hands sliding across her face. She should listen, and it was not as though Luna was saying such things to be spiteful or irritating. But that sense of dedication did not die so easily, nor would it allow her to surrender without protest, even if such things were words of wisdom. “And if I allow myself reprieve? Who suffers?” “No one, of course,” Luna said simply. “Good heavens, Tia, you’re the Princess. If you take care of yourself properly then it encourages others to do the same. Your actions would be a benefit for others, not a detriment.” She hadn’t seen it in such a way before. “That is… an idea.” “Surprised?” “Only that it came from you,” Celestia answered, the teasing words earning a playful swat from her sister. “Such cheek! And I gave you a much-needed massage,” Luna cried, acting as though she were scandalized. “Well, so much for kindness and decency- night eternal once more!” Celestia laughed now, the sound clear and genuine as it was given further delight in the overacted snarl Luna gave in return as she reclaimed her place beside her sister. “Enough of me,” Celestia said finally. “What of you and your night, Luna? I hope no fresh battle scars find a place upon your skin tonight.” “It is an occupational hazard, that is all,” Luna said casually. “If some foul hellbeast raises its ugly head for me to lop off, then what of it?” “And here you were fretting about me only a moment ago,” Celestia mused. “You find me a tad hypocritical?” “Only because I worry you’re reckless,” Celestia replied. “Please, sister, you don’t actually try to get yourself hurt so badly, do you? It gives me no happiness to see you beaten and bloodied.” Luna smiled. “I will keep your words of caution in mind. That I promise, Tia. And tonight, I believe, should be a peaceful one. The cooler weather will keep the worse predators aground, keener on hibernation than carnage. It is the pests that will keep my warriors focused tonight. Harvests will be guarded, and the dreams of restless folk kept soothed.” “Fall is a busy season for you as well, then?” Celestia asked. “Because it is for everyone else,” Luna said. “Their hearts are exposed in their dreams, sister. Their fears and worries of the days to come… it is good that I can help them find the courage to face it. After all, I used to be one of those fears.” Even still, that small sliver of bitterness could come through. Luna had come a long way since her return, but that long presence in the midst of her own sins was not something that would simply fall away easily. To reject such darkened thoughts was a daily struggle; to forget a millennia in which they dominated was impossible. “Is it still difficult sometimes, Luna?” Celestia asked. “Hmm? Oh, Nightmare Moon… it can be- and then it can’t. Some days are easier than others, and on the bad days… well, whom have I to turn to?” “Luna…” Celestia reached out and took her sister’s hand, looking directly into those ice-blue eyes. “You can always come to me. You know that, I- want to hear your bad days.” “And how often do we see each other?” Luna asked sadly. “You are my sister, our rooms just across a solitary hall. Yet we seem to be worlds apart.” Celestia felt the barb on those words, and a small portion of her realized that Luna may have been trying to reach this point for some time. “Luna, I…” “It’s OK. I know it wasn’t on purpose,” Luna said. “Being a Princess doesn’t leave much room for personal comforts, does it?” The constant busy schedules, the dealings with the political elite, the numerous meetings and paperwork and dreary drudgeries of daily life that came with a crown flashed across the memories of her mind, and Celestia gave an unhappy nod of assent. “I’ll try to make it up to you, Luna. I promise.” The Princess of the Night smiled at the words of assurance. “Tonight has been a good start,” she remarked. “If you like, we can continue to meet like this.” “I would love to, Luna. Every night, let’s meet here on the tower. Just the two of us,” Celestia said. It was a happy thought, the personal comfort and confidence that came from a close bond that was eager to be tightened even further. “Should I bring us something to drink? Tea, or coffee for you?” “Whatever we wish to bring! Goodness, Tia, it’s just me! I’m not some pompous, puffball noble. I want to be with you, and that’s that.” “I’ll be glad to make you happy, then,” Celestia said. “Thank you for the marvelous idea, Luna.” “Oh, but it can’t be that simple,” Luna replied, a gleam now shining bright in her eyes. “One condition, set for the both of us. There cannot be the hint of a crown, at all. When we spend our time together, it’ll be as just a couple of girls- not royals.” “But I don’t even have it on… oh for heaven’s sake." Celestia reached up and pulled the golden artifact from her hair and setting it aside. “Maybe that is a good condition to have after all. Sorry, Tia.” “Not as sorry as you’ll be if you show up with it!” Luna teased. “And what sort of punishment do you have conjured in your head?” “It’s quite simple. If either of us are on this tower with a crown, then the crown is the only thing we’ll be wearing,” Luna crowed. The words went in one ear and just as promptly went out the other, Celestia sitting there with some measure of uncertainty as to whether or not she’d actually heard that. “Umm… Luna, do you actually mean just-” “One crown upon a very beautiful, very naked body,” she confirmed. “Of course, if you’d like me to show up without clothes in the first place, I’d be happy to oblige.” Celestia blushed fiercely, far too much for such a woman to allow. “Luna, you ditz!” “I hope you’re not too tempted to show off,” Luna added. “After all, rules are rules.” The joke was perhaps funny to her sister, but the tired Celestia had yet to find the punchline. “Luna, don’t you have things to do, and places to be?” “Alas, I believe I do,” Luna replied, rising from her place on the conjured bench and beckoning for her sister to join her. “I suggest that your place would be your bedchambers so you can rest.” “I will certainly try, then,” Celestia answered, taking in her sister for a warm, welcome hug that gave comfort to them both. “Thank you for your help, Luna.” “I love you, Celestia. Sleep well tonight,” whispered the beautiful Princess of the Night. “And I you.” A release, then on last smile as the two women separated. The calm, confident woman of moonlight turned her face skyward and gave a snap of her fingers, disappearing from before her sister’s eyes and vanishing to whatever wild and far-flung place her duties would call her. With a sigh, Celestia turned to the stairwell that would lead her to a realm of deep slumber, the memories of her sister eager to hold a strong presence in her mind. Now, as only the recollections of their time together to cling to, the expectations would turn to tomorrow, when she would be with her dear Luna again. “There you are! And I’d begun to wonder if you were showing!” Luna called, lounging back on an elegant sofa that had not been there the night before, a wineglass comfortably filled and swirling in her hand. In truth, Celestia had nearly forgotten to remove her crown before appearing, knowing full well that Luna would make her keep to the price of forgetfulness. She came forward and offered her sister another embrace as greeting, grateful for the warmth with which it was met, the sun-kissed Princess summoning a seat from the ether so as to relax alongside her equal. “You certainly seem comfortable,” she remarked. “I like to enjoy myself when I am in my free time,” Luna said, letting her form be flaunted to stress the point; a comfortable, lightweight gown, plush slippers adorning her feet, and another sip of wine to help drive it all home. “No crown upon your head, I see. And here I thought you’d want to flaunt your body for me.” Celestia rolled her eyes. “How long have you been up here?” “Oh, not long. I awoke sometime this afternoon, and decided to enjoy your handiwork,” Luna answered. “There is another glass, if you’d like to partake. A grape-grower I encountered last night offered it to me. It’s quite nice.” Celestia welcomed the offer, taking in the scent of the red wine as it entered her glass in a steady pour. The taste was just as welcome, pleasant and smooth on her tongue. “I would agree. This is exquisite, Luna. Why did he give it to you?” To her surprise, her sister began to laugh, the beautiful Princess giggling madly at the memory of the story. “Sister, you would hardly believe me if I were to tell you,” Luna chortled, tossing her midnight-colored hair back in place from the throes of her mirth. “It was- hrmph! Oh goodness, I could hardly stop laughing when it happened!” “What happened?” “Oh Tia, he’d been-” Another maddened bout of giggles, then a struggle to regain self-control. “Tia, a bat had gotten into his house while he was sleeping,” Luna explained. “And for some reason the poor creature decided to land on his face- he awoke with such a fright that he ran out of his house in only his underwear, I heard the yell for help and found him halfway up a tree!” The moment lasted a little longer as the two sisters shared their mirth with one another, Luna’s incensed laughter spurring Celestia to fits, who perhaps laughed more at her sister’s joyous merriment than the story itself. It took some time for the two to at last catch their breath, each giggle and chuckle begging for the other to continue. “Oh goodness… what did you do, after that I mean?” Celestia asked. “He told me some monster was in his house, so I went in and found only that sweet little bat in the corner, positively terrified from the fright. I set it on a nearby tree and told the poor man he could return to his house in safety,” Luna explained. “He gave me the bottle as thanks, and a promise that I wouldn’t spread the story to anyone else.” “And here you’re telling me! You little sneak,” Celestia cried. “Oh, you’ll never say a word,” Luna fired back playfully. “Besides, what’s a few secrets between sisters? Come on- what silliness did some puffed-up member of nobility get up to today?” “How does a story about Blueblood sound?” Celestia inquired. Luna’s eyes shone and she downed the rest of her glass before turning to her sister, her expression the very semblance of rapt attention. “I am all ears,” she whispered delightedly. As Celestia let the story flow out from her mouth in spoken word, an event that had been a period of annoyance only a few hours before now became a story worth telling, full of all the emotion that had found strength in her mind during its occurrence- now teeming with humor that came from afterwards. Luna was the perfect audience for the subject, asking questions only when necessary, and giving the reactions that make a storyteller feel as though they’ve done their job well. The longer Celestia regaled the tale, the more the frustration that had been brought about with it now found itself disappearing like the morning mist, her sister’s delight from the story tempering the negatives into something better. “Goodness, the patience you possess,” Luna remarked, gazing at her sister with a measure of admiration and exasperation. “Why you haven’t filed him down to an inch high is beyond me, I would’ve done so years ago.” “I wish I possessed your resolve to do it,” Celestia replied. “Every time I want to, I find myself looking at little more than an overgrown child who hardly knows better. His parents coddled him so, and I don’t know if such behaviors could be uprooted this far along in his life.” “Does the thought of disownment not creep in from time to time?” “Luna…” “It’s just a joke! Well- somewhat,” she admitted. “At the very least, no one would ever think that you are the unforgiving sort.” “What would you suggest, then?” “Letting him work would be a start,” the moonlit sister answered. “Let him be around normal people for a change, where that sort of attitude wouldn’t be tolerated. See how long that ego lasts.” “As in, around your soldiers for a few nights?” Celestia mused. “Now that would be excessively mean. You wish for ego deflation, not outright depression.” Celestia giggled, letting herself fall to silence as she watched the beautiful moon creep further into the heights of the sky above. Her sister’s handiwork was always lovely to behold, but rarely had she enjoyed it in her company. To watch as the hands that had been so gentle upon her flesh just the day before command such a power with all the might and life beheld within it was a beautiful sight. One she had not seen enough. “You seem morose,” Luna said. “Is something the matter?” “Not really, Luna. Just…” Celestia paused. “I cherish your company. And I only wish I’d- we should have been doing this long ago.” “But now we’re here. Together.” Luna rose from her luxurious accommodations and took her sister by the hands, guiding the sunbound royal to a place beside her. “I’m happy for that, at least.” “It shouldn’t have been something we had to think of, Luna,” Celestia said mournfully. “I love you, shouldn’t that be reason enough to give you my time?” “Isn’t that what you’re doing now?” “I mean before this. Far, far before now.” Celestia felt like she was on the verge of tears, a place not usually in the domain of her emotions. Blame this wine, she thought. “Tia…” Luna held her sister tightly, trying to break the spell of such dispirited feelings. “I’m glad to have you here now. Goodness, and I thought I was lonely- please don’t fret about what we can’t change, I don’t want you to feel bad when you’re spending time with me!” “That’s not what I…” Celestia sighed. “We’re a couple of silly girls, aren’t we?” “Every now and then,” Luna remarked. “It feels nice to loosen up, doesn’t it?” “In the strangest way, yes.” Luna looked into her sister’s beautiful face and smiled, pushing the hair away from her teary eyes so as to dry whatever wetness could be found. Though nothing could be done to rectify a lost, unhappy past, at least there was something she could do to stop such dreary thoughts from marring the here and now. Celestia was touched by the gesture, and could only smile as an expression of her thanks. “You know, Tia,” Luna said slowly, “there’s something I’m rather curious about. I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while now, if you don’t mind me doing so.” “Of course! You can ask me anything, Luna.” Celestia, feeling particularly charitable toward her warm-hearted sister, felt glad there was at least something she could do in return. That gleam was in her sister’s eye once again, that playful, teasing brightness shining amidst the icy blue that matched the cheek in her voice and smile. “When you were here without me for all those years,” she said slowly, “I’m curious as to how you managed it all. You and I were quite close, I hope you weren’t lonely.” “I…” Celestia felt a faint flush begin to spread across her face, and the smile she now held wasn’t exactly of her own choosing. “I- managed. I likely could have done better. But also could have been worse.” “Oh for heaven’s sake, how long did you wait before trying to make friends again?” Luna asked, giving an overly comical groan. “Sister, you had an entire kingdom to yourself and you became a shut-in?” “I missed you! I didn’t want to be- joyous or anything improper,” Celestia protested. “And I didn’t do it forever, only a few… uh- few- centuries.” “And I thought your reaction to stress was a poor one,” Luna remarked drily. “You just had to let me keep punishing you, is that it? Did you hope to make me feel bad?” “I- no! I just-” Celestia scowled. “You’re not being fair. You’d tried to kill me, I had to banish you. Nothing was happy about that time.” “That makes me feel better.” “Well, what should I have done, then?” she asked of her, feeling no small measure of exasperation. “I lost you, and I thought maybe forever. I… I promise I didn’t want to hurt you further.” “I know. But if Nightmare Moon can’t get her revenge, then I’ll get it by teasing you relentlessly,” Luna said. “Such a pity. An entire kingdom that adored you, and nothing to show for it. Not even a girlfriend, just for fun?” An oddly personal question, yet Luna’s expression appeared to be earnest- eager, even, judging by how closely she was leaning in. Celestia wasn’t sure whether she found the situation amusing or simply awkward. “Luna, are you feeling alright?” “I am only the most mildly buzzed because you and I have been drinking wine for nearly three hours now,” Luna said pleasantly. “Now please, don’t avoid the question… fraidy-cat.” “Hmph! Well to answer your question, I remained alone. It would have been improper,” Celestia replied. “Besides, why are you so interested?” Luna, however, was laughing delightedly. “I knew it. Poor Tia, you always did think I was the prettiest woman in the world! You missed me!” “Well of course, I- wait, like that? Luna-!” There were a great number of feelings and sensations that came at the thought of such things, and the heat in Celestia’s face was a deep shade of red. Some things were better left unsaid, even when alcohol is involved. “You’re acting ridiculous.” “And you never wanted anyone to love you while I was banished,” Luna teased. “Well don’t worry, Tia. I’ll always love you, no matter what. And I’ll be here whenever you need me.” This conversation needed to come to an end, if she had anything to say about it. The day had been long, Celestia was tired, and Luna had her own duties to attend to- or at least should attend to. The moon was far too high in the sky for Luna to be remaining here with her sister, even if the company had been welcome. “Luna, don’t you have your own royal activities to handle?” Celestia asked. “As in, some that you should be attending to right now?” “Alas, dear Tia, I believe I do,” Luna answered with a dramatic sigh. “But fear not! Your beloved sister will be here tomorrow evening, and I will be more than happy to be with you whatever way you wish.” “You are quite annoying tonight.” “And you’ve loved every minute of it,” Luna replied. “Goodnight, Tia. I love you.” “And I you- you weirdo,” Celestia said, and without another word she was gone. She wasn’t sure she could take much of Luna’s antics. Luna wasn’t just fashionably late at this point, Celestia realized. She might not even be coming. Celestia had wondered if she herself should show late for their time together, a means of pointing out Luna’s awkwardness from the night before. Instead, cursing herself for it throughout, she’d arrived a little earlier just in case. But that had been six hours ago, and still the Princess of the Night had yet to make an appearance. Not a hint, not a messenger, not anything. Yet, Celestia still waited. This was Luna, her dearest sister, the person she loved most in the world. If Luna actually did show up and Celestia was not here to greet her… the fallout would be crushing for them both. The tender-hearted Princess of the Sun had no desire to wound someone she adored so deeply. So she waited, and waited- and as the next hour passed, she waited some more. “Oh for heaven’s sake, Luna,” Celestia whispered. “Why must you be like this? With your weird flirting and teasing- and now you don’t even bother to show up! What’s keeping you?” Wait a minute. What was keeping Luna? Why hadn’t this thought occurred to her already? Was something wrong? Was Luna hurt, injured somewhere in the wildlands? She could be dealing with a true disaster and her sister didn’t even know of it! Yes, Day Court hadn’t mentioned anything, but Luna was secretive, elusive; if there was a real threat out there to deal with, she might very well be keeping it hidden! “Oh drat it all!” Celestia said, now wringing her fingers. “I need to try and find her, see if she’s alright, and- and-” And before she could finish the sentence, the sound of a tremendous Crack! echoed across the tower and there in a heap of laughter and torn clothes was none other than Luna, reduced to a heap of relentless giggles. “Sorry I’m late,” she managed to sputter. “Luna! Are you alright, where were you? You had me worried-” As Celestia reached down to embrace her sister, the unmistakable scent of drunken wine hit her nostrils just as the wine bottle came into view in her hand. “Luna, are you drunk?” “Yes! You should join me, this is so fun, I feel way better right now!” Luna cried happily, practically leaping into her sister’s arms for a hug. “You were late because you were drunk!” Celestia accused, not sure whether her anger or her hurt feelings were the bigger issue to deal with first. “No, no, no… I only got done working like- an hour ago!” Luna protested, falling onto a swiftly conjured bench and giggling, beckoning for her sister to join her. “And the wine helps because everything hurts- a LOT!” “Why does-” Celestia caught sight of Luna’s tattered clothing, torn and shredded as though struck by the massive claws of some fell beast. And there on the fringes of the many tears and gashes, evident even against the dark-blue colors of the moonlight princess, was the stain of blood. “You’re hurt!” “Well yeah,” Luna replied, “That’s what happens when you spend an entire night and… and day! Having to wrangle some gigantic sea monster and make sure nobody knows it’s there because otherwise everybody freaks out!” “What happened?” Celestia left all thought of betrayal and anger behind and promptly tended to her sister’s wounds, some of them still slowly oozing. To see her beloved sister in such condition, to be hurt so when she could have been there to help… “I kicked its butt- duh!” Luna declared. “Even though it took… like, forever!” “How did it hurt you so badly? Oh, Luna!” “Well that’s what happens when a big, giant sea jerk decides to have claws on every suction cup on its twelve tentacles!” Luna said, almost nonchalantly. “But I promise, you should see him now- oh wait, you can’t. I blew him up.” “You could have been killed, Luna!” Celestia cried, trying to heal what wounds she saw. “Doesn’t that bother you? I could have lost you!” “Aww, you do care!” Luna said happily, her fingers now gently patting at her sister’s face. “I knew you did!” “Yes! Of course I do, I always have!” Celestia said, hardly believing that her sister still doubted such a thing, after all this. “Luna, I love you. I will always love you, so please- if you’re in danger, ask me to come help you! Don’t ever put yourself at risk like this again!” “Ha! Haha… hypocrite,” Luna teased. “Guess we’re… both. Both! Sorta silly, aren’t we?” It was a wonder if Luna was even going to remember this conversation, judging by the heavy scent of wine on her breath. She must have been in some tremendous pain if this is what it had taken to make her body numb, and her eyes were certainly bleary to the point where recollection could be lost. Yet still they shone, gleaming with that playful light as she gazed up at her doting sister. “You should get some rest, Luna. Not be trying to drink yourself into a false slumber,” Celestia counseled. “No! I wanna spend time with you,” the inebriated Princess protested, suddenly rising up and throwing her arms around her sister yet again and this time holding tightly. “You look sooo unhappy right now!” “You scared me. I was worried about you.” “Because you love me?” Luna asked hopefully. “Yes, because I love you,” Celestia said. “As I always have.” “Good! Because I love you lots,” Luna replied, leaning into her sister for a snuggle. “And you deserve it because you’re always great! And you’ve been alone for way too long and that’s super sad because it’s my fault!” “Luna..?” Celestia felt sensations of touch in places she hadn’t in centuries, weaving across her body far too sensuously for her current comfort. The clouds parted to let the burst of moonlight through and for the first time since she had arrived, Celestia realized just how badly torn Luna’s patrol uniform was- and what flattering things she wore beneath. “Oh heaven­-” “You couldn’t find anyone better than me, so you decided to be lonely! Luna teased, her arms now around Celestia’s neck. “And I hate that because I love you and want you to be happy!” “Luna-” “So here!” Luna cried, leaning forward and placing upon her sister’s lips a forceful, drunken, passionate kiss that reeked of alcoholic flavor. What seemed like forever was instead only a few seconds before Luna relinquished Celestia from the depths of her kiss with a hearty Mwah! and suddenly turning to giggles. “You’re blushing! I knew you’d like it!” Celestia, absolutely wide-eyed and unable to answer, could only sit there in shock. She had kissed her sister full on the mouth and that was something that required real thinking power. And just how was she supposed to feel- Luna erupted in a triumphant cheer and tottered toward the stairwell, crying, “I kissed her, I kissed her, and she liiiiiiked it!” Just before she would keel over and fall came the snap of a pair of fingers and the drunken warrior disappeared, leaving behind a still-stunned sister who wasn’t quite ready to describe her cocktail of emotions. She couldn’t ignore it. She felt the sensation still. On her lips, the force of where Luna had kissed her. And the rush that had come afterwards- Celestia gave herself a rough shake of the head, trying to clear the thoughts away. She had other things to attend to now. No distractions. Not when there was work to be done in the here and now. She’d been this way since late last night- or had it been very early this morning? Ever since Luna had disappeared in her fit of laughter, the Princess of the Sun had struggled to keep her concentration on the moments before her. What was she supposed to think about all this? Better yet, how was she supposed to actually focus on anything else when such a… moment- had occurred in the first place? It wasn’t exactly the easiest thing to put out of sight, out of mind. But Celestia had Day Court to attend to, people and things to discuss and to deal with; a distracted princess was of little use to her people, especially when so many things had to be dealt with in a timely manner. But she still felt Luna’s lips on her own. How was she to ignore such a sensation? Celestia found her mind drifting again and again, pondering ice-blue eyes and beauteous form that had been so eager for her affections- Enough, please. Another mindful shake to force her attentions back to the present world. It would be a long day, if it had to be, but she would see it done. Easier said than done, however. Celestia found her day emptier than she had expected, especially as the morning hours turned to afternoon. Her mind flickered away more times than she could count, drifting to recent memories and ones so far back that were still so similar. They’d been so close once, during the days that felt like another lifetime. Luna surely remembered, her millennia in imprisonment leaving her with little to do but plot and ponder. When she’d returned, the world had changed so drastically, leaving Luna with memories and mentality of days long lost. It had been hard for her when they’d come to this place to rule. A palpable, painful loneliness… “You can’t go back,” Celestia whispered, perhaps mournfully. “It can’t be like that again.” “Your Majesty?” Celestia’s eyes nearly bulged out of her skull as her presence returned to body. She was not alone, but instead sitting upon her throne with her attendant at her side, who was now peering at her charge with concern. “Forgive me,” Celestia replied, another intended shiver running across her fair form. “I am merely thinking aloud. Pay me no mind.” “Of course, Your Majesty.” And not another word was spoken, merely an acquiescent bow. Celestia struggled until at last Day Court came to a merciful end, she more than eager to escape into solitude where no prying eye could reach her. But her rendezvous with Luna tonight- how could she find the will to arrive, or refuse to show? Both options were undesirable. She needed to think, to truly ponder the proper course of action- and understand her own desires. Sitting there in her bedchambers was no place to do either, she discovered; privacy in familiar comfort offered little conduction to useful thought. She wanted elsewhere. Quietly, discretely, Celestia took herself to the royal baths, sealing the door so as none of her attendants could come to find her. Relishing the steam that billowed up from the water pouring from the showerheads, Celestia gave a sigh as she came to stand under its cleansing, purifying flow. So wonderfully warm, comfortable as streams rained down her flawless skin. Stress began to melt away, thoughts became unhindered and were granted freedom to roam and resolve themselves. Feelings and sensations, only moments ago clouded by formality and present duty, now came back to life- and were welcomed. She was alone. A smile, half-broken and torn. Conflict, for only a trace of a moment. Memory and feeling intertwined together as Celestia hesitated… and then turned to movement as she stood beneath the warm rains of the heated water. A hand rested on her exposed breast, an almost subconscious movement; the other traveled down further and hesitated at the edge of anticipating lips that found pleasure in reminiscences near and far. A small, almost inaudible sigh filtered across her lips as one finger crept to its goal, then another. How could she forget and hold back now? Presence that had been unnoticed now pressed up from behind her, luxurious and delicate as it did so. A pair of hands moved to meet her own, gentle fingers plying slowly and softly; teasing lips that felt like the wings of a butterfly found flesh and kissed gently along the shoulder, slowly moving upwards across the collarbone and toward the neck- Celestia’s sigh became louder, more pleasurable. It felt wonderfully good, resplendently soft, to be caressed and tended to like this, by one who knew how. “More,” she said. “Of course,” Luna replied, fingerwork starting to intensify as kisses flowed so naturally up to her sister’s awaiting cheeks- Luna! Celestia gave a gasp and promptly broke away despite every urge screaming not to, she separating herself from the beautiful Princess of the Night and turning to face her, only to be shut back into silence by the sensuous, naked form that stood sopping wet beneath the shower’s flow. “Tia,” Luna whispered- “Luna, I can’t!” Celestia cried, already rushing over to her clothes and not daring to look upon that pristine figure again. “I’m sorry, I- just, I can’t!” She couldn’t find the strength to say anything else, snapping her fingers and disappearing from sight. Even when she arrived back in her bedchambers still soaked, she couldn’t find her voice quite yet. She needed to dry off- completely. Her mind was a whirlwind, tossed about in an endless number of directions. She couldn’t go back to Luna, she couldn’t stay in her private quarters, she couldn’t be anywhere. So there she stood on the edge of the tower, overlooking the world and wishing she could merely forget all that she had known of her life within it. The sun was setting; it would soon be time for her to have it sink below the horizon and fall away to… to the night. The night of Luna. As if on cue, she heard the echoing crack of her sister’s appearance, the gentle footfalls of the deepnight huntress approaching where she stood. “Tia…” “Why now, Luna?” Celestia asked, turning to her sister by instinct. Of course she saw longing and confusion and hurt in that gaze. “You’ve been free of Nightmare Moon for so long now- why this?” “Do you not love me any longer, Tia?” Luna asked softly. “Is that what holds you back from what we once were?” “Luna, we can’t. It can’t be again,” Celestia said, though she hated the sound of it. “We can’t, not in this world. We’re rulers of a kingdom, not just two simple girls. What we had doesn’t fit, doesn’t belong any longer.” “It can belong again, if we wish it,” Luna replied. “Who’s to stop us? Who’s to know?” “Everyone would know! How would we… Luna, if I were certain, then yes. Yes, I would. But nothing stays secret for long anymore. I don’t… want to hurt you again. Please.” “And to see you there, longing and alone- that does not hurt me?” Luna countered. “You’ve spent a hundred lifespans alone, Tia. When I was taken from you, you waited and hoped. I wish to see that fulfilled.” “And I do as well, Luna. But…” Celestia faltered. “But we can’t be in love any longer?” Luna said. “If that is what you wish, Tia… say so. Say it and it will be over. I will let it remain in the past. But if not- my love, now is the time.” Celestia looked into that desperate, hoping, desiring gaze, took in that graceful, perfect form, the dark-blue hair that begged to be threaded and touched- lips that begged to be kissed yet again. They had been as one once before, and it had been a dull ache since their separation. To have it in finality, forever as two… “I can’t say it,” Celestia admitted, relief as the coinflip of emotions revealed her choice. “I won’t leave you again, Luna.” “Tia..?” Luna’s face exploded into wild hope and delight. “I- I love you, Luna. Deeply, truly, magnificently. And I always will.” “Oh Tia,” Luna cried, running forward and taking her sister in a joyous embrace. “I’d almost lost hope- thank you, thank you!” Celestia smiled, her eyes starting to water as cherished memory returned in full measure, no longer inhibited by denial and fear. She knew what would come now, this meeting of night and day. “I missed you, Luna.” “And I you,” the darkened Princess whispered, looking up at her beloved with shining eyes. “I wish to kiss you again- I wish for you to kiss me.” Celestia giggled quietly, gazing lovingly at that eager face, eyes half-lidded in anticipation. “Very well, my dear. This is for fire-” Lips found Luna’s right cheek. “This is for faith-” a gentle press against the left- “Tia-” “And this,” Celestia whispered, “is for love,” and her lips met Luna’s in the softest, gentlest kiss they had ever known. There was no forceful pressure in this romantic meeting, no wild sensation of overload emotion. Simply a graceful, peaceful union that came in the form of a kiss that was worthy of repetition, once more for good measure. “I love you, Luna.” Luna did not speak, only smiling and wrapping her arms around Celestia’s neck as she returned the kiss in soft, warm fervor, the two women holding one another as their string of loving kisses continued pleasantly, joyously, peacefully. It was the new face of older days and younger loves, when there had been no space between them. As the moments passed, the two lovers broke apart but remained held fast by the grasp of one another, Celestia’s face flushed to match her sister’s. A hand found Celestia’s fingers and became interwrapped, Luna nuzzling gently against her chest. “That was- missed.” “It… doesn’t have to stop there,” Celestia replied. “Do you still remember, Luna?” Luna gazed up at her sister in surprise- only for her eyes to glow with rejuvenated desire. “I have never forgotten,” she whispered. “May I?” “Of course you-” Luna did not wait for the rest of the words to fall, wrapping tightly around Celestia as she kissed the radiant Princess again and again, the forcefulness of her romantic passions causing the two to nearly topple over- Celestia quickly recovered and took her strength in hand, cradling Luna in her arms and kissing back just as fiercely, the two royals becoming more and more intertwined with each press and touch of lips. Kisses upon kisses came forth in blissful longing as hands caressed and touched and stroked along soft skin as the Sapphic desires of the two women, long repressed and held back, came into glorious meeting. Celestia could not have stopped herself from enjoying the sweet presence even if she had wanted to, that coolness of Luna’s lips on her own as welcome as the warmth of a moonlit night in summer. She had hungered for it, longed for it, and now it was hers again. She did not stop, would not stop- A sudden squeak of surprise. Something wet was pressing on her lips, poking and plying for further, and more. When her mind turned to recognition, Celestia blushed in happiness, opening her mouth wide as Luna’s tongue came slithering forth to find her own, the sublime slickness of the pink organ more comforting than she had even been able to remember. One stroke, then another, and another! Luna’s affections were like the perfect notes of a songstress, touching and plying in all the right places. A coo of pleasure, albeit muffled, arose in her mouth; Celestia brought life to her own tongue and wrestled back, the two women now twirling and swirling together like two dancers intertwined as their sloppy, passionate kisses intensified- A hand felt through her robes and touched flesh that shivered with delight at the sensation, their romantic desires starting to overwhelm. No more confined to the depths of thoroughly explored mouths, the jabbing, prodding tongues of the two lovers escaped out into the open air, still writhing and lapping away at one another in delight as saliva intermingled and became as one- only for Celestia to recall a particular pleasure and relinquished her own pink muscle, returning to bring slickened lips forward placing kisses on Luna’s tongue- Luna openly sighed, the long-lost sensation igniting her senses beyond logical measure and into the realms of pure, romantic emotion. It had been so, so long since she had felt this-! Celestia did not relent but instead continued, lips granting kisses all along Luna’s outstretched, eager tongue, until she now turned to sucking away madly, as though that glorious pink organ was the waters of life. The moment was glorious, so deeply desired that Luna simply released her mind and allowed the sensuous massage to continue unabated, delighting in the feel of her sister’s lips. What felt like a lifetime later and yet only a few short moments, Celestia at last gave her last suck, granting one last kiss to Luna’s lips as a farewell. When the two women broke apart they were gasping, eyes wide and brimming with lust that demanded prompt, immediate satisfaction; Celestia felt a chill on her skin and looked down to see her exposed breasts, the trim of her robes having been pulled down by Luna’s handsy explorations. “Luna…” “Make love to me, Tia,” Luna whispered, leaning up and giving an ear a delicate nibble. “Right here and now. I still remember what made you sing… do you remember the same of me?” “Yes,” was the whispered reply, an added kiss on lips for emphasis. “How could I forget?” Luna smiled and made to snap her fingers- “No!” Celestia said, bringing her sister’s actions to a halt. “I want to do it. To reveal them…” Placing her sister upon the nearby bench and spreading her wide for examination, Celestia began to quiver. She hadn’t done this in so long, yet she knew for what she longed. Hands came to the lightweight robes and pulled downwards, undressing the dark-haired beauty of moonlight and revealing magnificent nakedness underneath, pert breasts so ripe for plundering, a set of dribbling lips that called for tender care that only she could provide. Luna had not been this way for her in eons; it was the long-lost treasure of a forgotten life now returned. “Go on, Tia,” Luna said happily. “I am yours.” Celestia fell upon her sister and began leaving a series of kisses; lips that pressed sloppily against lips now moved downwards, granting graces and gifts to neckline and collarbone, to nipples that hardened at the touch, down the chest and to where a magnificent cherry awaited its lover- and into did Celestia dive. At first tender, slow and gentle so as not to overwhelm, a gentle sensation that came into action by the bounds of love. But as the sweetness met her tongue, as lust and longing grew into ferocity, Celestia’s actions grew stronger and swifter, pouring ever deeper. Everything she could reach and lather with her tongue was sought after and found, more and more for her to enjoy. Luna writhed, held firm and gave cries of happiness at the longed-for delights, struggling all the more until it seemed to be nigh uncontainable- “Wait! Tia, stop!” Luna at last managed to gasp, trying to pull herself away from her lover’s grasp. “Hold on, not- not yet!” “Luna!” Celestia felt scandalized, ripped away from her juicy delight. It had been wonderful- “Not yet, love,” Luna said, pushing herself into her sister’s lap and practically tearing at the white-and-gold robes, extracting her sister from within their clutches and allowing her hands to now explore naked flesh unhindered. “I… I want to do this first. To give you happiness.” “Luna…” “You’ve been so alone, Tia,” Luna said, pausing to give a swift lick to an exposed nipple. “So tired-” A finger played gently at the fringes below. “You’ve waited for me for so long now…” A pause in all feeling. “But tonight is where this ends. I have you now.” Fingers no longer held back and now began to play within folds like it were an instrument, Luna’s mouth taking to Celestia’s breasts and lapping away as though it were a succulent candy- the sudden, overwhelming sensations of rapturous happiness causing the Princess of the Sun to cry aloud. It had been in another life that she had felt this, by hands and tongue that so intimately knew her desires and touches so deeply! It was more than welcome, it was a completion of feeling, an absolution of happiness that had been absent from her life for so long that she had forgotten how much she had missed it. This was heavenly, a gift from above- and only Luna knew how to grant it, to bring it to life. Celestia did not want to hold back her happiness, to give any doubt as to how it felt… and it all ended far too quickly, she almost on the edge of climax when Luna’s work came to a halt. “No. Please, don’t stop!” Celestia cried, kissing Luna again in her plea. “Don’t stop now-!” “We won’t Tia,” Luna replied. She took her legs and applied them carefully until the two paramours were straddling one another, the minutest distance to separate them. “Together?” Celestia understood and smiled. “Together.” It did not take long for the blissful spirits to return, each firm press that they brought against one another adding to the one before. Again and again their lower lips met, slowly and then more swiftly, each new union more intense and more delightful than the other. Celestia was struggling to breathe now, Luna not relenting in her actions- and neither would she, the two princesses uniting in singular force as they grinded together over and over until at last they held one another tightly, their unabated cries mingling together as orgasm overcame all thought and words, juices overflowing and pouring out into the world, mingling together into one singular, sticky flow. But even as the height of their delirium faded, still they continued on for a time, pressing against one another all the more until all roaring feeling had dissipated like a weakened storm. Gasping for breath, naked breasts heaving from the effort, Celestia and Luna raised themselves up and threw their arms around one another, holding each other tight as they kissed fiercely, over and over again in an exhausted, delighted union of lips and tongue. Frenetic passion slowed and became soft, lust deepened to romance, each kiss becoming less rapid and gentler, slower so as to be satisfying and cherished individually. Hands held softly, lips pressed gently, soft coos of happiness echoing in one another as their frantic display of affections came to a close. “Luna…” Celestia felt as though she could cry. She was whole once more, with the only one she had ever loved. “I missed you.” “And I you, Tia,” Luna replied, her hands playing with Celestia’s frazzled rainbow of hair. “It has been too long.” “And it never will be again. Whenever you wish, I will be with you,” Celestia promised, sealing the words with a soft kiss. “This shall be our practice, our joy as Princesses- evermore.” The two women held each other as the hours passed. Occasionally the silence of the night would be punctured by a sigh of happiness, a coo that came in the wake of a new kiss. Naked forms of pristine glory held one another. It was their time together, and no spell or voice could break it. “Tia? Darling?” Luna asked. “Yes, Luna?” “So this shall be the joy of a Princess, you say?” “Of course,” Celestia assured her. “It shall always be with the title.” Luna smiled, and her eyes regained that gleam. “If that is so,” she said slowly, “then I believe there are two others who deserve such graces. It would be unkind to leave Cadance and Twilight absent of our love, do you not agree?” What would have been shocking talk only a few days ago now seemed reasonable in the Princess’ mind. A slow smile gained strength and turned to a mischievous grin, a hand casually playing at Luna’s breast. “I,” Celestia said at last, “agree completely.”