Blood From Kindess

by Jregar

First published

A story for MATURE audiences, a HumanxFluttershy with a twist - vampirism

This is my first story, so without further ado, here is the gameplan for the story.
It is a work-in-progress, so I will be adding to it.
It is a story about how a human from Earth lands in Equestria, and falls in love with Fluttershy.

The title WILL make sense, at least at the end.

Hopefully I will have enough time and inspiration to write all the chapters in time.

This WILL be grimdark, but not rape/murder/death, but more just a vampire trying to help Ponyville, but having to feed on them too.
It WILL describe blood and stuff (don't know much about vampires, just thought it'd be cool to have vampire ponies)
It WILL NOT show any death or murder,
It WILL have violence such as fisticuffs and altercations/fights.

It WILL explain the sex scenes, such as orgasms and the like.
It WILL have mild fetishes, such as socks (about as far as it goes, no bondage or domination or anything like that)
Once again, it WILL NOT HAVE RAPE.

I am in school, so I might not be able to update it much, but if I have ideas, then i should be able to put out a chapter a week. I hope.

Chapter 1 : The Crash

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WARNING : "WURST" CHAPTER OF ALL! I didn't do much spell-checking on this one, and in all honesty, I don't do much of it. I write this mainly on my iPod becausejustbecause.

I know a lot of people have done these, and I have never written a fictional story for fun, never-the-less a clopfic. I decided try my luck at it. This is a 2nd person narrative, so just warning you. If you liked it or hated it, please tell me why. ---------- only people above 18 should be reading this, but I cant stop you if you aren't. I'm focusing more on the fic part not the clop part. There are both, but i'd like to connect the story to it.


Yes, i know, no pones but im building to it. Im thinking to go to about 20 chapters, if the first 5 pass with flying colors. I would say this would be the worst chapter, since yknow. Pones are easier than actual realistic-ish stuff. And also this is going to be the only chapter that I don't spell-check. Too lazy, sorry.

give me a brohoof, only been a brony for a couple weeks now /)*(\ since 8/6/2012
if you don't understand any of it yet, don't worry, will explain in later chapters, THE SUSPENSE...
and yes this is based off of a human in the air force. And no, the air force "mini-story" is not based off of a true story and is nowhere by any means near it.
F22s do not belong to me nor do i claim them to be, as this is purely a fictional story not for personal gain (other than confidence i guess) and they belong to Lockheed Martin

Another day, another dollar, as goes the famous saying. Another day you are struggling to get through.

You wake up in your bed, reaching for your alarm clock snooze button... It reads 6:34... "didn't the airbase commander saying to teach the nuggets at 6:45...? Well fuck, guess I can't sleep in anymore..." you say as you stand up from your bed.

You quickly manage to snag a granola bar, wash your face, and get dressed by 6:43, striding out to the airbase hangars and meet your new trainees. You feel something in your jacket and look at the picture, and keep your promise not to let him down...

As the clouds roll in, in phase 2 of training, which was unexpected since it's only been a week since the nuggets got their first plane...

Some of the "nuggets", "newbies", whatever you may call them, are milling about talking with other fellows and as you walk out they form a 3x4 rectangle of people, about 2 feet apart from one another. Taking your 3 members of your squadron, you spilt up the 12 recruits, having 4 squadrons consisting of 1 of your squadron and 3 newbies, you brief your squadron to train them in weather conditions and evasive maneuver, while having the tech department testing their new HV-9 test flight missiles. There have been 0 accidents, and so nothing should go wrong here.

You fly up with your group, in your new set of F/A 22s. You always thought they looked snazzy, and were proven to be devastating weapons, with their superior air-dominance and stealth capabilities, while still having the advantage of being able to hit ground targets with ease.

After briefing the newbies on their training mission, you fly up, saying "Hey Joe, try out the missiles. He grunts muttering something about "stuck" and suddenly he releases all 4 missiles... You gasp as every single plane in your squad releases their rockets, including yours. Since you were so close, you only have a brief second to watch the newbies from the next company have the same problem, as you feel searing pain as your planes wing is hit sending you spinning, breaking your cockpit, and sending a piece of glass into your leg. You throw your eject lever, only to hear a sizzle and a dud ejection. "Well, isnt this a terrible way to go?" as your plane tumbles into the ocean.

...your vision blacks out...

Chapter 2 - The Hospital

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This is the chapter length that I really want. May vary, but this is what I want.
~1400 words ~7500 letters. That's about what I want. But tell me if I'm going too-into-detail or don't have enough.

You wake up, hearing voices, thinking that you are dead, the voices of your anxestors

"......found.......on beach....washed... up ......... on shore.." you hear, from a woman, talking to someone else in the room.

"amazing...., lacerations and hemoragging...... remarkable......still, dont know what it is...." You guess a doctor. He continues with "Well, im leaving, I have other patients." Yep, a doctor. "you can stay if you want"

You hear boots on what sounds like ceramic floor, sounding like 2 people....

You wait for several minutes, listening to the breathing of the person next to you, as they suddenly burst into question.

"Can you speak or understand me?"

You attempt to speak, only managing a wheeze, cough and finally settle with nodding your head.

She exclaims, saying "Oh! You're um, not feeling well are you?"

No, you don't say...

"Well I mean you were... I mean... You just looked bad when i saw you... Do you remember it?"

You hold up a hand, shaking it to show "kind of". She reaches down holding your hand... weird she must have needed a amputated arm... Feels weird, she has no hand...

She decides to refresh your memory, "Well, I saw you on the beach while i was looking for seashells, which is besides the point, and you were all bloody..." you interrupt pointing at your wrist for time and she asks the time "I found you on Thursday at 7AM..." You think about it, sounds right, and then she quietly says "and um, well today is Wednesday,"

How could I be out for 6 days?! It must be pretty bad...

She then elaborates, saying " I um, ran and got Doctor Hooves as fast as I could..." Strange names... She continues, "You um, kept whispering for me to not let you go... You kept feeling my mane and shoulder, it was a little odd, but I guess you had your reasons for being a little um, scared. Oh my, I am so rude, my name is Fluttershy..." You barely hear her name as she got quiet while saying it, almost of she didn't really wanna tell you."I really have to go now, I'll see you tomorrow then, yeah?" Yeah really, where am I gonna go? Anyways why'd you call it a mane? If only you could speak at this moment, as you are bursing with questions.

You fall asleep shortly after, dreaming about your childhood. When you were just 8 you started riding horses, and loved it ever since... Strange that you would dream about that...

You wake up, coughing a few times...

"Well at least youre awake now."

"Yeah, real swell, gonna cough my way to death..." you say as a smartass response.

"Well you can talk too! Well, um I hate to say it, but you were extremely injured, with a broken arm, and shards of glass in your legs and shoulder, I managed to get them all out. You have a cast on your arm, a bandage on your eyes and yet its really a miracle that you lived. You get some rest now, and well see what we can do tomorroe,. "

"Thanks doctor, for taking care of me," you say.

"No problem, its my cutie mark"

"Wait what? Nevermind, just let me sleep..."
You drift off to a dreamlesss sleep, waking up when you feel who you think is Fluttershy holding your hand.

"Fluttershy, Is that you?" you ask.

"AHHHHHHH!" she lets go of your hand and she jumps back. "Oh um, y-y-you scared me... I d-d-didn't know you could um, speak."

"I'm sorry..."

"No, its okay, I'm um, a little shy..."

"So um, did you visit me while I was still unconcious?" you ask.

"No, well yeah... I visited twice, I was kind of busy in Ponyville the other days.." she replys curtly, seeming a little akward on speaking about the topic.

Creative name for a town...

"Are you okay? Is something wrong?"

"Dash is convinced you are some kind of dangerous creature... She went on and on about it. I-I-I mean I dont think that you are dangerous" Fluttershy replies with a giggle.

Wait what? I guess they just don't have my file here and don't know my name...

"Well I'm not dangerous, I assure you. Unless I want to be! OooOOOooo!"

She squeaks and sounds legitimately afraid.

"It was a joke Fluttershy, it was only a joke." you say.

"Oh. Um, hehe, I'm sorry. Now that I've talked to you, you seem very nice... "

An akward silence ensues as you hear other pateints moaning and coughing down the halls, a cacophany to your recently sensitive ears, after the crash.

"Well, what do you do Fluttershy?" you ask.

"Um, well I suppose if you want to know, I um, take care of animals..."

"Wow, that is nice. Wish there were more people like you back at home. There are a few people who take care of animals in my area but really, everyone should be respectful to the animals." you reply.

She responds, saying "Um, I thought you were going to laugh at it... Well um, I guess I'll leave you to yourself. You must be bored of me and you need your sleep."

"No, it's fine Fluttershy, I'm not -um thanks- bored of you. I have nothing else to do here., you say, pausing to thank her for pulling the sheets up.


"Fluttershy?" you ask for her, groping the air and finding her arm-stub-whatever


"Thank you... For saving me, even though you have no idea what I am... "

"Well, you looked like you needed help, and it would be rude for me not to do it.. And deadly if I didn't... So um, it was only the right thing to do." she says as she rests what feels like her head on your chest... "Mmh, I can hear your heartbeat."

You both sit in silence as you reach up and touch her hair "mane", whatever she calls it. Its so silky and smooth. She giggles and says "Well you must like my mane if you were once close to dieing and you MUST touch it."

You laugh and say "Yeah, it feels so soft!"

"Oh well, um, thank you. Rarity helped me with it, and then I just did it the same every other time."

You remind yourself to thank this amazing person named Rarity after this

You sit there in silence, almost falling asleep, when you hear the doctor come in and say "Well, I see you met Fluttershy." Fluttershy giggles, lifting her head off of your chest.

He continues, "Well, I didnt come here for now reason. I'm here to change your bandages and take off your eye bandages. Fluttershy, can you fetch a nurse for me?"

"Sure" she says as you hear boots on the ground. Does everyone wear those?

Once she departs, the doctor slowly peeling your leg bandage off, saying "This migt pinch a bit.." You winch as he applies disinfectant to your leg, as you feel the sting.

"I'm going to take off your bandages now... You might see a bright light and you might freak out at what you see... You aren't one of us, so seeing us might be kind of scary..."

"wait wha-?" you say as you are blinded by bright white hospital lights... At least you arent in a shed somewhere.

Your eyes are adjusting, as you see two blobs walk in, which you presume are Fluttershy and a nurse.

Doctor Hooves whispers to the nurse and your eyes come into focus, looking at your leg, completely scabbed over, "Well, my leg doesn't look so good..."

Doctor Hooves says to Fluttershy "You might wanna step back, and don't be alarmed by this, it's normal... I assume..."

Your eyes spot a thing with yellow hair, and a pink mane and suddenly your eyes widen.

You say very quietly then get louder and louder, "This is a dream. Gotta be a dream, hehe I'll just um, go back to sleep now... This has got to be a fucking DREAM right? This is not real."

As you thought, Doctor Hooves answers, confirming your suspicions. "Son, this is real. We are ponies."

You jump out of bed, having your leg fall out under you as it is under excruciating pain from being shredded. You reach for the door and fall short. Within this entire span of 2 seconds Doctor Hooves is upon you, with the nurse and a sedative at his side... You feel the needle and turn to look at Fluttershy, a look of horror on her face...

Please, be a fucking dream.

Chapter 3 - Rehabilitation

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This is my shortest chapter so far, other than chapter 1, and I don't like it, but I really can't add any more.

I don't care if you think his name is Dr Whooves, I'm calling him what I want damnit!
i have nothing against canadians
i love all of you canadians
i love you
You wake up to the sounds of birds outside your window... What the fuck happened yesterday?

You ponder this as Doctor Hooves walks in, asking "Are you okay now?"

You reply, saying "Yeah, um can you forgive me?"

"Yeah, I probably would have done the same thing waking up in a hospital full of strange creatures. You wont be able to walk on your leg for another two weeks..."

------"Was it really 2 weeks ago? It didn't seem that long ago!" you say to Doctor Hooves as you leave. He hands you some paper.

"Those are bits there, and that is our money... Now Rarity, who owns a clothes store has made some clothes for you but you need to go to her place first." He then points you in the direction of it.

You walk there, getting stares and whispers-behind-backs, which you expect to get used to. As you approach the store, the sign flips from 'Open' to 'Closed'. You knock on the door.

"We're closed for today- oh!" A white pony with purple-ish hair opens the door for you, and points you to a chair.

"Hello! I thought you might need some more clothes, being a newcomer and all. I have some here, but I just need some measurements and overnight to make your clothes."

"Oh, well, um, thank you Rarity."

"No problem!"

She gets your measurements, and you ask for Fluttershys house. You haven't seen her since your "incident" and you wanted to apologize.

Rarity points you on your way, telling you to come back in the evening, tomorrow.

It is approaching 8:00, which your watch still tells the right time, thankfully. You knock on Fluttershys door, and you hear a quiet "Who is there?~"

You reply, "I'm sorry about my incident in the hospital. I just wanted to apologize. "

"Um, do you need a place to s-s-stay? And yes, I accept your apology." The door opens and you see Fluttershy, her mane blowing in the steady breeze. You look at her yellow fur-hair-whatever ponies have.

"Uh well, that would help, thank you."

"Well um, you might have to sleep on the couch... Or maybe with me... I don't mind it, really. Just don't try anything, um, heh, buddy."

Is she... flirting with me?

"Yeah, I wont try anything."

She turns around, walking inside. You look at her flank and rump, checking her out. Normally, you would have thought checking out a pony would be weird, but then again, so is the situation. You notice the butterflies on her. You tell yourself to ask what Cutie Marks are... You follow her inside, saying, "Wow, you have a nice place here, um, thank you. Really. You saved me from dieing and then let me stay here. Um, how long can I stay?"

"Um, as long as y-y-you like..." you see a worried expression that gets worse as she opens the refrigerator. "Um, well as long as I can feed you and the animals..."

"If I cant stay, then it's okay," you say after sitting down on her couch.

"No! I mean, yes. No, you can stay, and um-"

You cut her short, saying, "What is wrong? I can help if you just say..." She sits down beside you.

"Um well...
(easier to read version> the animals are all coming out of hibernation and i really gotta help them but i wont have enough food for you and them!)
theanimalsareallcomingoutofhibernationandireallygottahelpthembutIwonthaveenoughfoodforyouandthem! .... Whew. Thats all."

"Oh its okay. I can eat other places, I just need a place to stay..."

"Oh thank you. I just didn't want to let you down..."

"I'm already in your debt, you can never let me down. Just lay it all out there, I will at least try to understand it."

"Uh-huh, sure." she says with a smile.

"Anyways, I need a job, and I'm not going to survive off of 20 bits, however much that is."

"y-yeah, well um, if you need anything just ask me." She looks at the bags at your feet, one from the hospital with your things, the other 2 from Rarity. "Oh um, you can put those in the bedroom. "

"I though I was sleeping on the couch."

"Well, yes, but um, I have blankets and pillows. Extra ones I mean. For you. And sorry, but you can't leave them in here if you don't want them torn up... but um, I have to wake up early, to take care of the animals... so I'm sorry if it bothers you..."

"What time?"

"Um... 8."

"Oh. Whew. That's not too early. Usually I gotta wake up at 6..." you reply, thinking Fluttershy would "give zero fucks" as the internet saying goes, even though there is no internet here...

"Oh um, that's... nice. I guess I won't bother you too much, eh?"

"Fluttershy did you just... turn Canadian? Um. Nevermind." After seeing the confused look on her face, you remember, you 'aren't in Kansas' anymore. Gee, you sure are full of puns today... guess it's the air.

"Well... We really should sleep. Its getting late." She winks at you.

Uh-oh. This could be interesting.

Come back next chapter, for exciting bedtime stuff!

Chapter 4 - The Job

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You wake up, after an amazing nights sleep. You've been on the edge of the bed, not trying to seem inappropriate, or full-on. Checking your watch you see 8:13. At least you slept in today... Speaking of morning, you get up, get dressed, and walk over to help Fluttershy with her animals.

"Hey Fluttershy, do you need any help?"

"Um well I dont know if you can do it... Or if you like animals..." she says while running around, grabbing bags of stuff.

"Well, I could move bags for you... AH! Your... I dont even know what that is... I guess they dont like me..."

"Bad Victor! Apologize to the human! Um mabye you can um..."


"Um no. Yes. Wait um no..."

"I'll give you your space Fluttershy, it's okay."

Walking away, feeling bad that you cant repay Fluttershy... Maybe you'll have better luck at finding a job...


Walking into town boldly, still in your aerial jumpsuit, not bothering to check Raritys bag of clothes for something, walking into Ponyvilles Town Hall. "Still not quite used to the hundreds of ponies... And the hundreds of ponies then staring at me..."

Walking in, you see the Mayor, saying "Hello, um, if you didnt know, I am in your town. I was wondering where I could find a job, anywhere in Ponyville?"

"Um, a human, interesting... Oh do excuse my manners, there is some work over at Ulaf's Pony Shipping, if you need a job..." Hah. UPS. I see what you did there Ulaf./i]

You head down to Ulafs, walking into his office, talking to him...

"Well sir, I am here for a job." you say to the overweight blue unicorn.

"Well, as much as we'd like to have you, we cannot hire -humans-." he sneers.

"Alright, fine."

"Dont let the door hit you on your way out -human" he says, expressing his hatred towards you.

You've had it. You turn around slowly, looking at Mr Ulaf.

"Listen here you prancing pansy, I am fucking tired of this. I'm fine that you dont wanna fucking hire me, but you dont have to be a giant prick about it. Damn."

Walking out, you wonder if ANYONE wants to hire you.

Walking up to a local food joint, when your stomach growls. "Well, guess I'll eat here."

After eating a delicious meal (although devoid of meat), you see a poster saying "HELP WANTED : Assistant - Needs to be able to be fast and having wings or doing parkour would help." Well, you've never been Usain Bolt, but you were no snail either.

'Mail your application to 641 Saddle Street'

Well, seems easy enough...


Through asking fshy you figure out what to put on your application, sending it in and playing the horrible waiting game

"Awww Fluttershy, I hate waiting!"

"You just have to wait, sorry." Fluttershy says. "Oh! Um could you -"

"Yeah," you say as you walk over, helping Fluttershy get some boxes down from her closet.

She guides you over to the back, where she has a vegetable garden. "Set them down there... Angel, eat your food." she says to her rabbit and you. You've never liked that rabbit, because he never liked you... In the past few weeks, you've gotten to know most of fluttershy's animals. She had you help her with the animals, a smile plastered on her face when you were helping her... She's very cute but how am I gonna take it to the next level? Rarity might know something about this...

Walking back into her house, you hear a knock on the door. Opening the door, you see the mail pony! He hands you the mail, and you look at all the envolopes. You find the one from your potential employer... "Dear Aaron (what your name was on earth) I would like to see you in person, to seal the deal. I will hire you, as long as you pass a test. Go to 243 Mane Street. We will meet you there at 8:00. Go to station A" The envolope didn't say who sent it, only a return address.

"Fluttershy, I got a letter from the job, for an interview!"

"See, all you had to do was wait!"

-------------about 1 hour later ------------

Walking to your job, given the address, which is near the school about a 10 minute walk from Fluttershy's house. Fluttershy went to the spa with Rarity, so you can't ask Rarity about you and Fluttershy yet.

The building that your job is in has 3 floors. This is the subway...
Why do they want me here? You open the door, only to be assaulted by 4 ponies wearing black tuxedos.

"he walked in, he wasn't the one from the letter right?"
You hear an arguement, obviously about you, after you wake up.
"Yeah he was you dumbass!"

"But boss-"

"Untie him now, and maybe- just maybe- he still wants the job. If he doesn't, I will personally see that you will never see the light of day again!"

So, they want me for the job. But why attack people at the door?
Are they criminals? Why are they so afraid of being seen? I should have never come, it was strange enough that they wanted to meet at night...

See what happens next time, as the suspense GROWS! (hopefully, as I am terrible at this)

The Book

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After waking up, you lean forward. You're lying in your own bed, at Fluttershy's house. Scratching your neck you think

What happened at the subway? I can't remember... had a strange dream too, it was like a ship... on a sea of... blood?

Looking at the table next to you in horror, you notice a book that Fluttershy has never had, nor has Twilight.

Oh no. Not me, please no!

You run to the bathroom, looking at your reflection... Just barely, you spot two pencil-sized holes on your neck. Running back to the book titled "Vampires 101", you open it to find a note.

"We've been watching you, human. You're perfect for our orginization. Don't worry, you don't have to join us. But I think you will. Sleep tight brother.

-Grigor.". (his name might change dunno)

"What the fuck is going on in this world?!" you whisper to yourself.

Walking back into the bathroom, you notice that the bite marks are disappearing, litterally before your eyes! On the back wqll, written in blood says "Choose wisely, my Brother." Spinning around to look, you see a regular wall, nothing on it.

Deciding to go on with your day, you walk into the shower, getting clean. you walk out to the kitchen, where you see a note from Fluttershy. It's on a napkin saying "In town. Here's breakfast. <3"

What is that? A heart? A carrot? I guess drawing isn't her thing...

Chowing down, you scarf down Fluttershy's breakfast of eggs, toast and vegetables. Here, everypony is a vegetarian, but eggs are allowed in things. Griffons and other animals aren't really looked down upon for eating meat, but it's not common for places to cater to their needs, that much you've learned in the short time you were here.

Walking around the house, exploring the edges of the Everfree Forest, (which fluttershy is deathly afraid of..) you think about this morning.

"I won't join them. Ever." you say to no one in particular.

You look over, seeing Fluttershy cross the bridge to her house. She spots you, giving you a wave which you return.

Will she still let me stay, even if she knows what kind of... beast I am?

Walking into the house you talk to Fluttershy.

"Hey there."

"Hi Fluttershy..."

"What's on your mind?"

"Well... I am a... I mean, I just wanted to go to town and look around."

"Okay.... Have a nice time!"

After walking through town, you step up to Rarity's house.

Knocking once, twice, thrice, you hear Rarity call out "I'll be right there!" Letting you in and signalling for you to sit, she then asks you a question you weren't ready for.

"Do I know why you're here? Yes. My advice? Just tell her. She might be a little scared, but then leave and come back at the end of the day and talk about it."

"Um. Thanks, Rarity." you reply

"It's not for you. It's for Fluttershy. To be honest, she could have any colt she wanted, but she just crumbles apart"

Sitting in silence for several minutes, you get up to leave.

"I'm not entirely sure about a human with a pony, but I think you are the first pony-person, sorry-to care about FLUTTERSHY, not what she looks like. A lot of colts had crushes on her, but she was so naïve that none of them got the chance."

"I guess I'm just lucky."

"Yeah." she says, while looking at the ground, a frown on her face.


"Great. Looks like a storm."
Walking to Fluttershy's house, feeling nervous, you see Fluttershy sleeping on the couch. Walking over, you sit net to her. Thinking whether or not to wake her up, you accidentally brush your hand across her leg while trying to walk by.

"AAAAHHHHHHHH- oh my... It's just you... " she screams.

"Sorry Fluttershy!"

"No, it's okay. I'm glad you're here. A storm is drawing near... "

"What did you have planned?" you say.

"I mean we could um, but w-w-would you want to? " she says, drawing into a whisper

"Fluttershy, just say it. I care about you. Just tell me." you reply.

"Um.. Did you say-?"

Cutting her off, you interject, "I know it hasn't been long since I met you but, I really like you Fluttershy."

"Oh um... I wasn't expecting this but yes, I feel the same about you." she says. "Yeah. I really like you too." She looks up, with a smile on her face.

Scooting closer to her, you put your arm around her, feeling her long mane in between your fingers.

After sitting for about 5 minutes you realize that Fluttershy is asleep. You fall asleep as well.... Suddenly, you wake up, laying on the couch with Fluttershy on top of you, still sleeping, mumbling something. Her soft hair is laying on your body, her body laying on yours, her neck open and vunerable... Just one bite and... Snapping yourself back to reality, you think to yourself.

I am not a monster. I control it. I am not a monster.

Fluttershy wakes up, saying to you, "Hey babe, how are you?"

"I'm good. Babe." you say, surprised about the sudden affection.

She really feels the same way about me?

She jumps off of you, and goes to take care of her animals.

Getting up, you decide to take a walk. You have a craving for a certain taste, but you can't tell what you want. Fluttershy doesn't want you to go into the Everfree Forest but you decide you'll be safe enough.

You feel at peace here, almost as if the forest -wants- you here. You look through the trees, seeing indistinct shapes, a blur here, a shadow there. You start walking back, turning your head like a security camera, searching for anything

This place is starting to creep me out...

Your fingers start to tingle, as if there is something you need to watch out for. You turn around, looking back at the path, and then you see him, standing on the path.

"Hello brother. I do hope you recieved my note. " he says.

Sorry for the delay guys! procrastination and then I had no ideas for how to string it together kinda slowed things down.