> My little pony: Heirs of Chaos > by ChaosEtMundi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - Ashes to ashes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was enjoying her summer vacations as only she could, organizing one and a thousand things with Spike’s help. The little dragon was walking at her side with a to do list that seemed to never meets its ends, although it was nothing compared to her responsibilities as headmare. They were in charge of teaching a whole new generation and Twilight was taking that responsibility very seriously. However, being a princess and the School of Friendship headmare at the same time was tough. She never bothered about hiring guards for her own palace and now she had to deal with all the staff necessary to keep the school working. Fortunately, after the incident with Cozy Glow, the relationships with the Equestria Education Association turned better and now she was getting positive feedback from the one who once tried to stop her dream of spreading the magic of friendship to every creature. Hiring her friends as teachers made everything easier, but chancellor Neighsay made her realize that she needed additional staff, like substitute teachers, and reinforcing some subjects. After all, even if it was the School of Friendship, they couldn’t leave basic knowledge aside as mathematics and history. She was also considering imparting extra curricular subjects, like music and writing classes. However, she could bother about that later. In that moment, the only thing she wanted was enjoy her vacations with her friends and that was exactly what she was going to do after finishing her list. «The school has kept us busy lately, don’t you think so?» «Sure…» Spike seemed worried. «What’s wrong?» «Well… I have been wondering about how close Cozy Glows was to made it out and steal all magic from Equestria. We couldn’t do anything back then, trapped in Tartarus». «But everything went alright at the end». Even when their students were who saved the day, it was very inspiring at the same time. «All our hard work at the school has proved to be worth». «Yeah, you are right. Maybe I'm just overthinking the situation». «Don’t worry, Spike. We have never failed in saving Equestria before and will never do it in the future. After all, no evil can defeat the magic of friendship!» She exclaimed in a triumphant pose, but then a strong and sudden knocking at the palace door made her shrinks. Spike rose an eyebrow and smirked. «Beware, evil could knock the door if you call for it». In a moment like that, Spike felt like having the upper hand, and he enjoyed it. «Fortunately, Spike, the brave and glorious, is here to save the day». Twilight really hated when the little dragon acted that cocky. He then flew to the door and opened it without asking who was there or what they wanted. «Castle of princess Twilight Sparkle and humble home of Spike, the brave and glorious, what I can do for…?» He ran out of words after seeing who was knocking the door. «E… Ember?» «Spike the… what? Who call you like that?» «Who is there, Spike?» Asked Twilight, but the little dragon did not answer her. «Almost everypony at the Crystal Empire?» Twilight pushed him out from the entrance. «Ember! It’s been a while!» She greeted her energetically. «Hey, Twilight». Ember may never get use to pony manners and their friendly stuff. «Sorry for coming by surprise». «No problem, the doors of my palace are always open for the dragon lord». She invited to follow her inside, but Ember had something very important to say before anything else. «Well, actually… I’m not the Dragon Lord anymore». Twilight and Spike were shocked. «How it happened?! Who is the Dragon Lord now?!» Spike jumped on at her eyes level, but, even if they were friends, Ember would not allow anyone to step over her. «I don’t know!» She pushed him away. «Garble came and…!» «Garble?!» Spike exclaimed, being grabbed in the air by Twilight’s magic. «Yes! Garble! Stop interrupting me!» Ember was about to exhaust her patience. «Calm down, Spike» Twilight let Spike in the ground softly. «How did it happen, Ember?» «I was trying to tell you. Garble showed up proclaiming that friendship was making me weak and I was not suitable to be Dragon Lord anymore. He said that I rather prefer the company of weakling critters like you instead of defending our pride as dragons». She remembered perfectly how that cursed red dragon came from nowhere, pointing her with his claw in front of her subjects, and how harsh the gaze of everydragon felt. «He then defied me for the throne and… and…» «You accepted the challenge and lose». «Of course, I accepted! Otherwise I would seem weak in front of everydragon!» Only rage was able to hold her from guilt, but acting like that would not solve anything. She stepped aside and brace herself to keep it down. «I’ve lost everything... I’m the worst Dragon Lord ever». She felt awful, at the very edge of crying and accept how pathetic she was, but then she felt warm and cozy. Twilight and Spike were hugging her and, suddenly, she did not fell alone anymore. «Thank you» She embrace them back, at least until she needed to go back due to her proud dragon-self and pushed them away. «Ahem… anyway, I was planning to stay here just a few days before coming back with my father». «But we can’t stand idly by. Garble could still have intentions of invading Equestria and now he may be gathering as many dragons as he can». Replied Spike. «Besides, we are talking about Garble. He would never play fair and you are stronger and, with no doubt, smarter than him». This last sentence made Ember blush for some reason. «Spike is right. Did he wear some kind of amulet or look odd in any way?» Even Trixe was able to hold great power under the influence of the Alicorn Amulet and just to imagine Garble with such power was shivering. «Well, he kinda had something like that mark of yours». Ember pointed Twilight flank. «A cutie mark?» «I wouldn’t describe it like cute but yes. It was like one of those, however I don’t completely understand how it could matter». «It could matter! Apple Bloom caught Cutie Pox once and, for each new cutie mark, she got a new talent! Maybe he got one that grants him strength!» «Can he do that?! Oh, I’ll make him regret it once I put my claws on him! » The fire in her gaze were enough to set the whole Everfree in flames. Suddenly, she and Spike started to glow. «It has begun. Garble is calling everydragon». «If that’s so, we'll help you». They had to gather everypony, but they needed to attend a certain subject first. Ember’s belly growled. «I will bring something to eat». «Don’t worry, I’ll serve myself». She then got close to a pillar and bit it. «Hmm, your palace is tasty as ever». Babbled with her mouth full as they rolled their eyes. Now they understood the real reason she was there to start with. ------------------------------- Her friends came as soon as possible and gathered at the throne room. Everypony but Starlight. She was enjoying her vacations along Sunburst at the Crystal Empire. Rarity was sewing camouflage disguises just like the ones they wore back then at the Gauntlet of fire. «Thank you for coming and thanks, Rarity, for making these disguises so fast». Everypony was at their respective places in front of the map. «I always knew we were going to need these sooner or later. I just need to do some little adjustments». Replied the unicorn, given the last touches to Pinkie Pie’s disguise. She had to be especially meticulous with it, considering the jump everywhere habit of her good pink friend. «However, what is the occasion? Last time, we used these disguises to protect Spike from those awful… I mean, Garble and his gang». «If the Dragon Lord herself is here, it must be very important». Added Applejack. «That’s the cause of this situation. Ember is no longer the Dragon Lord». Replied Twilight, causing even more shocked expressions on them than the ones she and Spike had. «We are going to the Dragon Lands to help her». Everypony then looked back to Fluttershy. «What? Is there something strange in my hair? » The pegasus checked her mane nervously. «Are you okay with it? Aren’t you afraid of dragons? » Asked Rainbow Dash, but that was part of the past. Fluttershy was more used to dragons now as they were teaching Smolder and befriend Ember. «But how it happened anyway? I thought the tittle of Dragon Lord was earn by a tournament». «Garble believe that Ember is weak for having us as friends, so he challenged her and took the title of Dragon Lord for himself». Twilight resumed the situation as short as she could. «However, we think that Garble cheated by, somehow, acquiring a cutie mark». «Impossible, only ponies get cutie marks!» Said Applejack, remembering how Gabi, the griffin, tried to get one with the help of the crusaders. «How Garble could get a cutie mark?» «That’s what we have to discover. However, we must be discreet because…» Twilight was about to explain, but was suddenly interrupted by Pinkie Pie, unable to hold still any longer. «Because we are overthrowing a potential tyrant to reclaim the throne for the legit Dragon Lord and that is an attack against dragon sovereignty!» Pinkie Pie pointed it out, jumping everywhere just as Rarity feared. Everypony heard how the disguise ripped off. «Sorry». «I’m not done yet, Pinkie. Please, don’t move for a bit». At least now Rarity knew where to reinforce the seams. «Yes… basically». Discretion was not optional, because it was a matter of exterior politics just too complex to deal with. If they fail, they could give Garble a real reason for declaring war and they would lose the support of other nations in a long-term conflict. «Twilight, this is not necessary. I can handle Garble by myself». Intervened Ember. «I’m the cause of this problem and I’m the one fixing it». «Don’t be silly». Said Rarity, just finishing Pinkie Pie’s disguise. «This is what friends are for». «We ain’t lettin you alone». Applejack got up, rising her hoof over the table. «Besides, we will never get a chance like this! A secret mission! Overthrown a tyrant and stop a war before it begins! It will be awesome!» Rainbow Dash was looking forward to jump into a new adventure and she hoofbumped hers, followed for everypony else. «We can do it!» «We are not just doing this for Equestria. We are doing it for you». The good intentions of Twilight and her friends filled Ember’s chest with a warm feeling. «Let’s do it!» It was her turn to rise her claw and join the tradition. «For the Dragon Lands!» «For Equestria!» Exclaimed all the ponies and Spike. «And friendship!» Ended Twilight, rising their hooves and claws. They were determined to succeed. However, none suspected that Ember has been followed to the palace and, at that very moment, a hooded figure was seeing everything from a distant window. The stranger got away levitating and hid under the shadows of a tree, before conjuring a little blue fire ball. «They know». The figure took off the hood, revealing herself as a grey unicorn with bright yellow eyes, resembling in appearance to the night guard of princess Luna at Canterlot. She talked to the flame, being answered by an ominous whisper. «I see… It took less than we expected. Come back at once, Last Flame. We have to proceed before their intervention». The flame trembled and got larger. The stranger stepped back, and the blue fire ball became a portal. «I really missed them». She smiled, turning back to the castle. However, as soon as it came, that smile disappeared. «But you will not stop me. Not this time». Hiding again under the hood, she then stepped into the blue fire vortex and vanished. -------------------------------- Dragons of all kinds and sizes answered the call of the Dragon Lord, summoned from every corner of the world through the annoying shine of their scales. The young ones could not wait to get rid of that itchy feeling, unable to think a reason for Ember to use the power of the scepter and do such massive calling. However, the elders had lived enough to know why they were there. Dragons were going to war and it was just matter of time before the order to burn down the whole world. The biggest ones took the rocky slopes, pushing away the smaller ones from their predilect places without hesitation. Even the enormous Torch was between them, but he was as clueless as the youngsters. Their silhouettes against the shadowy skies of their volcanic home and basalt pillars were a reminder of how powerful and terrible a dragon could be, or at least enough to turn Fluttershy into a shivering statue. «I… I’m terribly sorry… I thought I could do it… but I can’t!» She mumbled in fear. If Ember could know something like that would happened, then she would have come alone from the beginning. «Don’t worry, Ember. It’s just… a minor problem». Spike saw her preoccupation and tried to calm her down. However, time was not their ally. «For each minute, more dragons come. If Garble gives the order before we reach him, you better say goodbye to your cute pony home!» «We will split. The first group will go around the Dragon Lands and climb that hill». Said Twilight at last, pointing a volcano to Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy. «Gave us a signal if you need our help. Meanwhile, we will continue along Ember and Spike. If things start going wrong, Pinkie will create a distraction for us to flee». «At your orders! I will make the best distraction ever!» Answered Pinkie with a military pose, bringing up a confetti canon from nowhere, ready to fire. «Not yet!» Everypony has to stop her before she could ignite the wick and bring color to that shadowy place. Ember caressed her temples. «Do you bear this daily?» «You get used to it». Spike did shrink his shoulders and then the group splitted in two. ------------------------------ Rarity managed to pack a pair of binoculars, both decked out with purple ribbons and jewelry. Too extravagant for Applejack, but there was no other option. The three of them laid at the edge of the volcano, trying to keep their friends in sight among the colossal crowd, reunited around the monumental throne of the Dragon Lord. «I’m very sorry. I shouldn’t be here. I’m just getting in your way». Fluttershy wanted to be helpful, but even at that distance she could feel her knees shiver from fear just by seeing the silhouette of those nightmarish monsters. «There’s no need for an apologize, Fluttershy. You were very brave to come with us and we ain’t gonna make you do something you don’t want to». Replied Applejack, with that countryside accent so rooted to her as an apple tree to the ground. «Besides, we have a better view from here». «Does anypony see Garble out there?» Asked Rarity, trying to reach the throne with the binocular’s sight. «No weasels at the barn». Rarity stared at her with a blank expression. «Nothing at sight, miss». She rolled her eyes. «I… will look around and see what I can find». Mumbled Fluttershy, although they did not hear. She ventured through the rocky slope of the volcano, hoping to find the courage she needed to help her friends. «Come on, Fluttershy! You have seen dragons right into the eyes before! You can do it!» The first step to self-believing was convince herself, but, at the very moment she looked behind and her eyes meet those nightmarish figures on the horizon, she couldn’t do anything but picturing herself as their appetizer. «I can’t! » She hid in one of the many fissures at the volcano’s slope, an ancient fumarole, extinct long ago. However, there she heard voices resounding in the rock. «I need the scepter now! » Demanded the first, a rude and cocky voice. «Listen, you little piece of henchpony, gimme the scepter now or else!» «I… I’m terribly sorry! Let me see what I can do!» Answered the second, weak and insecure just like her. This built up enough confidence in her to venture through the cave and follow the origin of those voices. It may has passed centuries since the last eruption, but it was possible to see the burning shine of the magma at the end of the tunnel. Step by step, Fluttershy went inside that sleeping beast, just like walking into the jaws of a dragon. She felt fear, but the voices got nearer and the weak one woke up in her the need to help as well she needed to stop the second one, who was clearly a bully. Once at the end of the fumarole, she could see what was happening in the heart of the dormant volcano. There she saw a grey as ash unicorn, wearing a ragged cape, followed by a red dragon just as big as Ember. «That must be Garble». Said Fluttershy to herself, sharpening her gaze to figure out if he actually had a cutie mark. However, she was too far away from them to see anything in detail. «Patience, Fluttershy, you must be patient». The unicorn and the dragon got close to a wall, marked with a claw scratch on the rock. There, the unicorn drew an eye with her magic and the rock slid aside, revealing a secret chamber at the heart of the volcano. «Master, Dragon Lord Garble wants…» Announced the unicorn, but the impatient dragon pushed her aside roughly. «I want the scepter, geezer! And I want it now! » Demanded, but the answer took its time to rise from the darkness. «We have a deal, Dragon Lord Garble. I granted you power and you, in return, will lend us the scepter as long as your subjects take to arrive for the invasion» A third voice came out, an outstanding whisper that reached every corner of the magma chamber. «We are not done yet. Be patient, there still more dragons to come». «I’m the Dragon Lord now and they want to see me there! I cannot show up without the scepter!» His demands were followed by an ominous silence. «Hmmm… that is true, you shall be recognized as a strong leader by your subjects» Finally, the third voice seemed to agree with him. «However, you must return with the scepter or the deal will be broken... and you know what it means». The paw of a creature appeared from the chamber, holding the scepter of heliotrope. Fluttershy only could see what seemed like a baggy sleeve. «I have seen enough». Murmured Fluttershy, determined to return with Applejack and Rarity as fast as she could. However, the sound of her hooves was noticed by Garble. «What was that?» He turned fast, but there was nothing else than rock, magma, the unicorn, and the dark chamber. «We are inside a volcano, that kind of sounds are common». Replied the henchpony. «Whatever you say, weirdos». Garble pushed the unicorn again before taking flight and leave the magma chamber of the dormant volcano. «Are you sure about this? I thought you needed more time». She got up, dusting off. «More time would be welcomed, but the scepter already revealed what I needed. For now, we just have to wait until that poet disguised as a bully do his part». Answered the voice as the rock walls slid again to their original position. Fluttershy ran stumbling through the fumarole, almost forgetting that she was a pegasus and could fly just fine as Rainbow Dash. She crossed the volcano slope and came back to Apple Jack and Rarity, agitated, and imbued with the unmistakable odor of sulfur. «What happened to you, darling?!» Rarity took a fancy perfume and tried to took off that pestilence from her. «Where in tarnation have you been?!» «Well, I…» She was about to tell them everything, but in that moment, Rarity noticed a familiar figure flying toward the crowd. «Is Garble!» She exclaimed, pointing the binocular straight at him. «By Celestia! He does have cutie mark! Look at his back!» «Are you sure?! I may be just a tattoo or something like that». Applejack left Fluttershy, trying to focus the binoculars to see what seemed like a blur stain in his back to her. «Well, actually…» «Oh, I’d wish Twilight were here to tell us what to do now». Interrupted Rarity, exhausting Fluttershy patience at last. «Garble is being helped by a unicorn and a clearly evil creature hidden inside the volcano! » She yelled, making them startle and tossing the binocular from the edge. «I’m sorry, it was not my intention». Her authority vanished as soon as it came, but Applejack and Rarity were still astonished. «Oh, deer…» «You are awesome, Fluttershy! Then Garble cheated after all! We only need to discover who those guys are and reveal it to anydragon!» Rarity praised her energetically. «Lead us to the bad guys and we will give ‘em a lesson!» Applejack was ready to cut the problem from root, but Fluttershy didn’t find an entrance other than the fumarole. «Can’t you lift me with your magic, Rarity?» «My magic is more delicate rather than powerful». «You should take magic classes from Twilight to fix that». It was just too late to lament that Rarity preferred to thread a needle with her magic than using it for less practical purposes, like lift herself or an earth pony over a magma chamber and save Equestria from war. ------------------------- Twilight and the others were breaking through the crowd. Ember and Spike procured to divert attention from the rocks that were following them, sneaking up across claws and tails of dragons at least ten times bigger than them. Although not only the giants were called by the new Dragon Lord, there were also the last candidates at the Gauntlet of Fire and smaller dragons like Smolder. She was impatient to flee and return to Mount Aris, where she was spending her summer vacations with her friends. «She first made me go to the School of Friendship and now is calling literally everydragon, just like the summer vacations were not about to end». Complained the young dragon. «What are you up to, Ember?» «Taking back my throne. That’s what I’m up to». Replied Ember, startling Smolder. «What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be up there?!» She exclaimed, drawing the attention of everydragon around. «What’s going on?! » At that moment, Garble flew over them and landed over the monumental throne. «I will tell you what’s going on! All heil to your new Dragon Lord! » The voice of the red dragon was amplified by the natural concavity of the throne. «Gar-Gar? What the…? What are you…? Ugh, never mind… I’m done». Smolder grunted, caressing her face as it were melting. Finally, the scales of everydragon stopped shining. «We will invade Equestria and those puny ponies will be unable to do anything against us!» «THAT’S your plan? If you are going to attack another nation, at least think about some strategy!» Ember rose her voice and everydragon around cleared the area. Everydragon but Spike. «Ember! We don’t know how to beat him yet!» The little dragon tried to stop her, but they could not wait any longer. She had to take Garble down at that very moment. «You already said it, I’m smarter than that boulder head. Just trust me». Ember was filled with determination and Spike could see it clearly as an open sky. «Good luck, Dragon Lord Ember». Smiled as he stepped aside. «What are you doing here?! I banished you from the Dragon Lands!» Garble exclaimed, pointing at her with the scepter. «You even brought that pony lover runt with you!» «I won’t allow you to take our people to war!» Ember took flight and rose over the crowd toward the throne. «Also, even when you did banish me, you also called everydragon and that include us». «Ember! You better have a very good explanation for all this, young lady!» The enormous figure of Torch was unmistakable among the crowd, just as that voice capable to reach every corner of the Dragon Lands without the help of the natural amplifying effect of the throne. «Garble proclaimed that I was weak! But the only weak here is him!» She turned to the usurper in defiance. «You cheated, Garble! I demand a rematch!» «Ha! I’m the Dragon Lord now and I don’t need to accept any challenge if I don’t want to!» He said with a palpable pride. «Also, I already defeated you once. I can defeat you anytime!» «Then prove it». Ember smiled triumphant and everydragon reacted to her defiance just as she expected. «Fight! Fight! FIGHT!» They all chanted, beating the ground with their tails and feet. Garble was against the ropes by his own words. Finally, Ember got the chance to take back what was rightfully hers. «Why didn’t you stop her, Spike?!» Exclaimed Twilight as soft as she could inside her rock disguise. «We don’t know how to beat him yet!» «We must trust her. She can do it». He replied. «That was awesome! And we are at first row!» Rainbow Dash wanted to see every moment and Pinkie Pie gave her popcorn below the disguises to enjoy the show. «Sweet!» «I already want to celebrate once Ember gave him what he deserves!» Said the party pony. «Who at your talking to?» Asked Smolder, rising an eyebrow. «Huh? Emm… with… nodragon? I’m just nervous» Said with a forced smiled in his face and leaning at Twilight, the walking rock. «You are a weird dragon». Smolder sat over Rainbow Dash’s rock, covering its eye holes. «Ah! C’mon!» She complained, fortunately being unnoticed by Smolder thank to all the cheering and noise from the dragons around as the battle was getting set. «I just hope Ember wins». Smolder didn’t know what her brother was thinking, but the idea of turning Ponyville into ashes was terrifying. «She will… GO EMBER! GO!» Spike cheered and everydragon around did the same. Smolder’s hopes grew stronger and she also yelled the name of her Dragon Lord, followed by Torch himself. That was how the whole Dragon Lands resounded with the names of the two contestants, right before both started the battle. Ember underestimated Garble the first time, but she would not repeat the same mistake twice. She was confident about her agility and how predictable that bully could be as his only strategy was reducing her by brute strength. She dodge and counter attacked, grasping him by his arms. «Impossible! You couldn’t get this strong in just a few days! You are totally cheating!» Complained, but then the mark behind his back begun to shine dimly. It was similar to a scarred eye. «I always have been this strong! Unlike you, I know how to use it!» She replied, causing a massive cheering among her subjects. «I will not lose! I HAVE to win!» He roared and the mark intensified its shining. Suddenly, his eyes turned red and emanated a crimson mist from them. Everydragon saw the mark as he enraged, but that wat not it. Suddenly, Garble grew bigger, and bigger, turning into a massive dragon just like Spike did when he was dominated by greed. «I’m stronger than you! I’m stronger than ANYDRAGON!» The red dragon became a monster, smashing rocks with every strike and setting the sky on fire with his breath. Everydragon was astonished. Ember tried her best to dodge every attack, but then he finally caught her in his claws. «Gotcha!» He smiled devilish. «We have to stop him! He is clearly cheating!» Exclaimed Spike, yelling at Torch. But even the biggest of dragons could do nothing to save his own daughter. «Of course he is cheating! But nodragon can interfere!» He replied in frustration, but that was the only thing they needed to hear. «Then we are going to do it!» Twilight got rid of the disguise and she flew right into the battle, conjuring magic beams against the usurper. «Finally! Is our time to shine!» Rainbow Dash was free from that annoying custom to join the party. Speaking of which. «Let’s go, Pinkie!» She lifted her into the sky as she brought out her cannon. «Professor Rainbow Dash?! Headmare Twilight?!» Smolder could not give enough credit to her eyes for what they were seeing. «And Pinkie Pie!» She was a living weapon with an unlimited ammo of fun and cakes, firing at will against Garble. «Ponies?! What are they doing here?!» Exclaimed Torch in indignation. «Saving your daughter! That’s what!» Even if Torch could squish him with his pinkie, Spike would never allowed anyone to talk against his friends, the only ones who could help Ember., and, by the first time in his life, Torch had to swallow his pride and watch how a bunch of little and colorful ponies were saving his only child from the claws of Garble. «No! It’s not fair!» The red dragon tried to get rid of them. However, it was futile. Twilight and her friends were able to release Ember from his grasp and she rose into the skies. «You say that Friendship make us weak! But you are wrong! Friendship make us STRONGER!» Ember propelled with all her might, becoming the most powerful projectile ever seen. She was a meteor falling from the sky, reaching speeds unknown by dragon kind, and then she landed a powerful punch right at his monstrous jaws. Everydragon frowned in sore and saw how Garble fell over his longed-for throne and Ember rose victorious. «Dragons from the Dragon Land! Who is your Dragon Lord!» «Ember! Ember!» They replied, celebrating with burning flames and vigorous roaring as Garble got smaller, shrinking to his original self. Finally defeated, it was moment for some questions. «Where did you get that mark?» Asked Twilight, followed closely by her friends. «Speak up now and we will go easy on you!» Commended Rainbow Dash, while Ember was reaching the scepter to proclaim her victory. Garble grunted and shaked his head in confusion, but he reacted to what Ember was about to do. «Wait! Don’t touch it!» He tried to warn her, but then, at the very moment the burning flames of the Dragon Lord authority came back to Ember, the scepter shattered in an explosion of light. «Oh, Garble, you broke our deal». Hummed a voice, like a whisper in the wind. «What a herald grants; a herald can take». The mark behind Garble's back vanished and the fragments of the scepter turned into dust on Ember’s hands. Suddenly, a magic signal sparked from the volcano. «Is Rarity signal! Let’s go!» Ordered Twilight and they flee at once, lifting a very downhearted Pinkie Pie after that sour triumph. Spike flew toward Ember, but there was no word on the world able to cheer her up. The only thing he could do at a moment like that, was being at her side and share her pain in silence. A silence that spread across the Dragon Lands like never did before. -------------------- Inside the dormant volcano, the ash unicorn galloped through the rocky galleries toward the magma chamber. She was the bearer of bad news, but her master already knew it and she found him contemplating the molted rock at the edge. He was fully covered by a red hooded tunic with baggy sleeves, fastened to the waist by a black cloth belt, only letting see a long beard and a crooked cat-like tail. He was bearing a staff with a blue crystal at its end like a claw of three fingers. But the most remarkable feature was the golden artifact he carried on his back. It just looked like Garble's mark and the one at the collapsed wall: A scarred eye. «I know. They are already here». He did not need to hear it from his subordinate, as the six ponies showed up heroically to face them. «Surrender now and you will have a fair trial!» Twilight said, backed up by her friends and the menacing shining of her horn. «Or you better not and let us have some fun!» Added Rainbow Dash, anxious of beating their flanks and toss them to jail as they deserved. «You ruined the party! You better have a good reason!» Exclaimed Pinkie, aiming her party canon. «There is always a good reason». Answered the tall and mysterious creature under the tunic. «But, for now, the only thing you need to know is that the Heralds of Chaos have returned». He turned to them, showing the unmistakable smile of a feline and then a blue fire vortex appeared at his back. «We will meet again soon, my little ponies». They tried to stop their scape, but the unicorn and the abbysinian vanished into the portal without leaving a trace. «The Heralds of Chaos? Who in tarnation are they?» Asked Applejack. «I don’t know. But this may not be the last time we will face them». Replied Twilight, determinated to discover the identity of that new threat. ----------------------- At a distant place, the insides of a hut at the middle of nowhere suddenly were illuminated by the blue flames of a vortex, before two silhouettes emerged from it and the darkness took over again. «Where are we? Is a heir here?» Last Flame couldn’t see her own hooves in the dark, but she didn’t cast any light spell. «…is it safe?» Then, a little sphere of light appeared at the center of the room. She averted her eyes, obfuscated. They had appeared inside an office-like room, between a deteriorated desk, a fireplace and a poorly made wood door. «We are where we should be. Patience». The abbysinian remove his hood and sighed. His aging face looked tired and a crystal eye hanged over his forehead. «How did it feel to see them again? Did it bring old memories up?» His words were friendly, but emotionless. «And what’s that for?» «We can end this once and for all, but I’m afraid your feelings will interfere. You know them better than anypony in the world and you know what will happen if we fail». «I know… it was… nice to see them, facing us like we were the bad guys». «We are». The unicorn kept silence for a moment. «We still need to find every heir to succeed». She finally broke the silence. «There’s no need for that now, Last Flame». The ash unicorn couldn’t believe it, but the magic of the ancient dragons revealed more than he expected to find. «The heiress of Moonlight is even more powerful than I ever could imagine. She has taken my teachings to a whole new level. Last Flame, she is the key». There was a but of excitement in his tone, but then he was suddenly attacked by headache. Last Flame helped him to sat behind the deteriorated desk. «Be a good filly and make me some tea, please». The fireplace ignited spontaneously with a snap of his fingers and he toof off everything they needed from his baggy sleeves. «We’ve increased the doses every time». She commented worried, pouring water from two different recipients into a kettle. «None is going to get hurt, right?» She added some herbs and put the kettle on the fire. «If what you say is true, we only need the power of that heiress». «Is it important to not hurt anyone?» The unicorn took off her hood and saw him straight in the eyes with her amber gaze. The abbysinian sighed, caressing his temples in pain. «It will be difficult, but not impossible… there is a certain ritual we could use». «What should I do?» The sorcerer took off pen and paper from his baggy sleeves and wrote a detailed list of what she had to gather and where she could find it. «I will be right back». She hid again under her ragged cape and went outside. «Be careful, Klugetown is a treacherous place». He had no need to warn her, but his words just slipped off his mouth. «You are getting soft». «No, I’m getting old… ugh… talking to myself again…» He shacked his head as the whistle of the kettle begun to make itself heard in the gloom. He got up the chair and took off a fine porcelain cup from his sleeve. «Nothing she could do matters. You already know what will happen». «It is true, but that’s why I have to take some measures» He sip his tea ceremoniously and finally came back to his ominous serenity. «I’m sorry, Last Flame, I could not keep my promise». With the same pen, he drew the symbol of the scarred eye in a little piece of paper. > Chapter 2 - Princesses never sleep > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was rising at the Crystal Empire and Starlight was heading to Sunburst’s home. After the Cozy Glow incident, rest what the only thing she wanted, and the summer vacations were the perfect chance. Sunburst were Flurry Heart’s crystaller, but most of his time was not taken by the little alicorn but his research. He was always busy learning something new and, if Starlight were not there, probably could spent days without a meal. Both needed a rest, even if Sunburst did not feel that way. Right after the park with the statue of Spike, the house of his friend was not difficult to recognize. It was the only one between the crystal houses that resembled a wizard hat and hold the symbol of the sun at its doors. «Sunburst! I’m here!» Starlight knocked the door, but nopony came. She sighted, just assuming that Sunburst were probably asleep after a whole night reading books as ancient as King Sombra and his nefarious curse. Fortunately, the door was unlocked. «Sunburst? Are you there?» «This can’t be! What a disaster!» She heard inside that house full of books at every corner. «Something happened?» Her sudden appearance startled Sunburst. «Starligh! By Celestia’s love, don’t scare me like that!» Starlight then noticed the letters over his lectern and a mess of books, brought out from their shelves with urgency. «Twilight prevented a war between ponies and dragons. It seems like somedragon called Garble overthrown Ember and was about to invade Equestria» He then gave her the longest letter, written by Twilight herself. «Sounds like a Tuesday to me.» Starlight was not impressed. After all, the whole world seemed to turn around Twilight and her friends. Even she had the opportunity to save the day once. «Is more complicated than you think. Garble had the help from some evil doers called The Heralds of Chaos.» Still, She didn’t understand what the worry was about. «They destroyed the Dragon Lord Scepter.» «What?!» That scepter was as important for the dragons as the Crystal Heart was for the Crystal Empire. «I know! It’s terrible! If we compare this with the lost of the Idol of Boreas and fall of the Griffin Kingdom, I cannot imagine what will happen to the Dragon Lands! They may go rogue and break havoc everywhere!» «But this says that dragons still recognize Ember as their Dragon Lord.» Starlight kept reading the letter, recognizing the writing of Twilight even when this was a copy from the original. «For now, but we don’t know what will happen next.» Sunburst went back to the open books that were scattered over the room. «Do they think you can fix it like you did with the Crystal Heart?» «There were nothing left of the scepter but dust, even I can’t fix it. But that was not the mission I got.» He then picked a book and showed her a highlighted paragraph. «Here the Heralds are mentioned as the enemies of Equestria, but that’s it. There nothing else, nowhere. Is like they were removed from equestrian history.» «Maybe they were just forgotten. I stole the cutie marks of a whole village and almost cause world complete annihilation by traveling through time and I’m not at any book.» Sunburst rose and eyebrow. «The point is that maybe they were not such a big deal! At least not like King Sombra, Discord or Tirek.» «But why now? It has been a thousand years since the last time they were even mentioned and now they suddenly decide to come back. If I find out who they were, then we’ll know what they are after. That’s my mission.» Usually those tedious searches of information were taken personally by Twilight, but it seemed to be different this time and they needed all help possible to reveal the intentions of the Heralds and stop them. At that moment, seeing him that determined, Starlight felt out of place. While she was barely thinking about enjoy her vacations, her friends were giving everything they got to save Equestria. «I had to be there… coming here was a mistake.» She felt culprit. «What? Don’t say that. There were no way for anypony to see it coming.» Sunburst was not good dealing with emotional stuff, but he had to try. «The only thing that matters now is what we can do about it.» «That’s the corniest thing I’ve ever heard.» She giggled. «Well, where do we begin?» There was nothing better than spend their last vacation days surrounded by old books and the company of her best friend. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The doors of the Crystal Empire’s Library were always open for everypony seeking knowledge. However, there was a restricted collection with the most important and ancient books of all. If something about the Heralds remained, it had to be there. However, most of them were written with the old equestrian tongue and plagued with the discontinued prose of already old ponies from that time. Even decodify a single sentence was not a easy task, but they were the only ones at the Crystal Empire able to find something there. «What a pity that Starswirl is not here. I’m sure he would know what to do.» Sunburst sighed after six hours of unsuccessful searching. The great wizard could easily contact with them, but it was not the same to contact him back. Starswirl were not staying for long at the same place and most letter used to be returned to the sender. Suddenly, Sunburst’s belly groaned vigorously. «I think that’s our signal to take a break.» Starlight concluded, closing the enormous book she was reading. «But we cannot stop now, we haven’t found anything useful.» Sunburst replied, but his stomach reaffirmed its posture. «And we won’t find anything if we faint due starvation.» She did the same with the book Sunburst was holding and urged him to follow her outside the library to get something to eat. «All right, you may be right.» He smiled defeated. «I’m always right.» She smiled back as they were taking a moment to refresh their heads and refill their energies. However, once they reached the public area of the establishment, they noticed it was unusually empty. Something was happening and everypony went out to witness how the streets were covered by the shadow of thousands of flyers announcing the returning of an organization as old as Equestria. «The Heralds of Chaos» Mumbled Sunburst as he was seeing the flyers falling from the sky and covering the streets of the Crystal Empire with the symbol of the scarred eye. «They are here! I must go to the palace!» He exclaimed, galloping as fast as his hooves allowed, afraid of an attact to the royal family from that mysterious enemy in his absence. Starlight followed, but in their way she noticed a dark figure between the crowd. One pony was not afraid, staying calm under their hood. «Wait!» She tried to said to Sunburst, but her friend couldn’t hear her. At that moment, she had to take a decision: Reach the palace and prepare for the worst or trust her intuition and follow that stranger. «What would Twilight do?» She asked as the mysterious pony sneaked out through the crowd. If they were part of this, there would not be another chance to find out. Starlight took a deep breath and focused on keep that hooded stranger in sight, breaking through the astonished and nervous subjects of the Crystal Empire. Starlight went down labyrinthic alleys in a frenetic pursuit, getting faster at every step. Her presence was noticed by the stranger, but Starlight will not allow them to scape without an explanation. They then turned a corner and finally catch up at a dead end. «It’s over! There nowhere to run! Now tell why you were running from me!» «By the contrary, my heiress, Last Flame was guiding you.» She heard at her back, but couldn’t turn before a spell put her in deep sleep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The palace’s guards were at maximum alert, commanded by Shining Armor and his beloved wife. They were trained to repel big scale attacks, but nothing could prepare them to face a invisible menace that seemed to be stalk from every corner. The Heralds delivered their message strong and clear: We are here and there is nothing you can do about it. However, Shining Armor would not bow down to a faceless enemy, just like Cadance. The princess of love did not plan to hide while her subjects were holding fear in their hearts. «Princess Cadance!» Sunburst came galloping into the palace at full speed. «Sunburst, I’m glad you are here.» She said in relief, as they were only a few ponies, apart from him, trustworthy of taking care of Flurry Heart. Speaking of them. «Where is Starlight? More hooves to help would be very welcomed.» «Starlight? She is right behind me.» Sunburst turned around but there was not sign of her. He was shocked but was at that moment when an old unicorn of light mulberryish gray coat and turquoise moving mane appeared. «Your highness.» Mistmane bowed before Cadance. «I know what we are facing.» ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The perpetrators of such ominous propaganda sneak out under the cover of shadows, bordering unguarded alleys and corners. The whole empire was alertness, but nopony saw those moving right behind them. The abbysinian and his henchpony took Starlight to an improvised hideout at the city suburbs, under the crumbling arch of a destroyed house. Despite the glory of the Crystal Empire, there were still a few aftermaths of the failed conquer attempt of King Sombra and the destruction caused by the dark crystals. Following the order of her master, the grey unicorn tied up Starlight to one of the columns of the ruins before she woke up from the spell. «Where… where am I?» She asked disoriented, barely recalling what happened after they left the library. However, the situation was clear once she notice her immobility. «What is this?! Let me go at once!» She tried to use her magic, but there was no effect over that simple knot. As her horn glowed, magic chains manifested. «Somepony help me!» «Magnificent, just magnificent.» Said the feline as he squatted down before her to stay at her sight level. «A thousand years and here it is one of the last vessels of my legacy. Tell me, young mare – Have you made good use of my teachings?» «I don’t know what you are talking about, but why don’t you release me to show you?» She stared him back in defiance. «I may even consider to forget that you ruined my vacations for five minutes.» «A pony with temper, a worthy heir with no doubt… but I already saw it through the scepter. The power you bear does not belong to you. It is a power pass down through generations and, at last, manifested. The ability to take off cutie marks from others and change them at will. That power has opened you the doors of time travel and gave you the chance to beat the paradox. Have some of these sounds familiar?» Starlight could not hide her shock. That abbysinian was aware of what she did in the past. «I think I just hit the jackpot.» He smiled, but his smile was unnaturally wide and creepy. Suddenly, he was suffered a strong head ache and his expressionless face returned. «Last Flame, prepare the ritual. We will take her soul and leave at once.» «Master…» Replied the unicorn, taking off her hood. Starlight recognized in her the features of princess Luna’s nightguard. She was an ash-grey unicorn with amber eyes. «Do not worry, she is a strong pony. She will keep breathing after we are done.» His face lost any emotion again and fulminated her with those scary eyes. «Obey.» Last Flame started the preparations at once. «Well, I guess have some time to spare.» The Abyssinian sat besides the crystal arch, looking at her with predator eyes under the shadows. «Don’t get too confy. The whole guard shall be searching me and be sure they will not be very kind.» Starlight couldn’t find a way to break free by herself, but at least she could try to buy some time. She had to, but the feline was no fool. «You seem very confident. What makes you so special as to mobilize the entire guard?» As they talked, the unicorn drew a circle with salt of weird smell and placing candles around her. «I trust in my friends. They would never allow something bad happen to me.» Even if the whole guard were looking for her, they needed a track or a signal to follow. Maybe she was able to break free from the ropes, but a light beam at the sky would do the trick. «Those magic chains nullify your magic, if you were thinking about a brilliant plan to scape.» The feline seemed able to read her mind with no effort and Starlight got terrified before the possibility. The gaze of the Abyssinian intensified. «You are trying to hide something, aren’t you?» Starlight looked away as fast as she could, trying to avoid those eyes that were breaking through her mind. «Your friends… you are afraid of what I could do to your friends. But why should I bother? Maybe your friends are more important than I thought. I could go inside your mind and find out their weaknesses or use you as an extorsion tool… Equestira at my grasp and I just have to figure out if you are worth. Tell me, Starlight Glimmer, what are you afraid of?» «Master, is done.» Informed the grey unicorn, showing a circle with evil symbols drawn around Starlight. «Oh well, time up. A good job as usual, Last Flame. Let’s beging before someone could hear her.» The candles burned spontaneously with a blue radiance at the very moment the feline stood up. Holding his staff, the feline rose a single claw over her. «We will take our legacy and it will be over for good.» The flames of the candles danced frantically and burned higher and higher as blue fire pillars. At that moment, Starlight felt great pain and she screamed. «Do not resist, you will make it worse that way.» They were not just taking her magic away but tearing her soul apart. She refused to give up, holding to her soul as much as she could, but the feline was right, it just made the pain go beyond her limits. He was pulling out her soul as tearing fabric, but then, when she was about to lose the fight, the pain stopped and the magic chains shattered. That was her last chance and discharge all her magic in a light beam bright enough to be seen by the whole Crystal Empire. «Last Flame…» He turned to the unicorn. «I can’t do it, Mortymer! There should be other way!» Last Flame stood between Starlight and the sorcerer as the sound of galloping hooves made its way into the ruins. «I don’t want to repeat the same mistakes!» «There they are!» Exclaimed the guard. Starlight fell over the symbols and the extinguished candles. «You should have accept my offer.» She grinned weakly, trying to not loose conciseness. «We leave now.» The golden artifact at his back shined under the shadow of the destroyed arch and a blue fire portal opened behind. The sorcerer was severe, but there was no sign of rage. He was calm, disturbingly calm. The unicorn obeyed in silence, following him into the vortex looking at the floor. «Wait…» Starlight was no fool. The one who saved her was that grey unicorn with amber eyes. Last Flame was nothing like the sorcerer, but she couldn’t find the strength to ask her to stay. The world just turned off and she fell, exhausted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Flame and her master appeared at a hall of lost magnificent, very different to the shady shack. Those were the ruins of a old Herald’s bastion, now barely standing. The sorcerer walked parsimoniously through the hall as its glory and majesty were still there, recalling memories from better times, when Equestria was in his grasp and his dream were about to come true. The banners that used to flank the hall were nothing now but rags, just like the long carpet that lead to the end. There were a round table with four dark crystal sits above everything else at the hall to point out the superiority of the ones who used to meet there. «I’m sorry… I just ruined everything…» Last Flame sobbed. However, her master still calmed and serene. It was not over yet. «And yet, here we are.» At his words, Last Flame rose her gaze with a pair of widely open eyes. «It may be a second chance or the results of my contingency plans, but here we are.» «Contingency plans…? The flyers…» Her master nodded. «I always knew that your emotions would betray you at the end, but I must warn you know. The alternative requires many steps, every single one as crucial as the next one. If we fail now, everything will be in vain.» His mind was attacked by a fleeting and dark image. «I want to help you, Last Flame, but you have to allow me to.» He then stood up at the center of the hall, where the sunset’s light seeped into the ruins through stained glass of long forgotten greatness and vivid colors. Last Flame remained in silence. They had a second chance, but there were no guaranties of success. She could not allow her emotions to interfere again or everything they were fighting for would be lost forever. She had to be loyal and trust in Mortymer’s judgment. «Where do we start?» The sorcerer smiled at her. «First, I’m now fully in charge. You must do anything I ask blindly. Second, we will need all help possible.» Mortymer rose her gaze to the stained glass remains, contemplating the pictures of those who inspired terror to everyone in the misery of knowing their existence. The symbols of the four prophets were even more dismal after a thousand years into oblivion. «We will meet again, my old friends.» ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peace returned to the Crystal Empire and little was left of the flyers, burned spontaneously after falling from the sky. No building was set on fire, as the blue flames were cold at touch. However, there were nothing left for the authorities to investigate. The guard cordoned off the area around the hide out of the Heralds, but there were not major findings apart of the candles and the weird smelling salts. By that time, Starlight was enjoying hot cocoa and cookies under a blanket after being attended by the royal medical staff. The pain was gone, and doctors prescribed rest and avoid stress. However, it was no easy task with Sunburst apologizing constantly at her side every five minutes. Her friend was really concerned and felt guilty, with good reason, for what happened. However, Starlight felt no resentment as she understood how important his duty at the palace was. Crisis struck and he acted in consequence, there was nothing else to say about. «I’m so sorry! I could never forgive myself!» He repeated, exhausting her patience. Starlight the filled his mouth with a cookie. «I already did, Sunburst. Geez, you are in more need of a vacation than me.» She said before drinking the last of her hot cocoa and leaving the cup aside. «How can you be so calmed? You should be furious with me. I were a terrible friend.» «Maybe, but I’m a good friend and I forgive you, spite of how terrible you are.» She was no longer feeling like passing out but in the mood of taking a whole week nap. «You learn one or two thing by spending time with the princess of friendship.» «You are the best, Starlight.» «I know.» Trixie would be proud of her confidence, but now they were heading to hear what Mistmane had to say and there no place for such light attitude. «Starlight, I’m glad you feel better.» Once they came into the throne room, they were welcomed by princess Cadance. Starlight bow before her and the meeting started. «Please, Mistmane, tell us what you know about these so called Heralds.» «A thousand years ago, the pillars fought in name of peace. But where good exist, also evil does. The Heralds were our foes, an evil organization that sought to plunge Equestria in chaos and build a world at their image. We faced them untiringly, but the Heralds were more than an enemy to defeat, they were a message. Once the last of their prophets fell, we understood that our efforts were in vain as their message kept spreading through the land. We realized that the only way to stop the rise of a whole new generation of Heralds was erase them from history. We succeed, or at least that was what we thought. Now it seem like our efforts were in vain. The message of the heralds survived.» «Everything makes sense now. Somepony tried to erase them from history after all.» Sunburst mumbled. «And what was their message?» «What a Herald grants, a herald can take.» Those were the same words Twilight and her friends heard when the Dragon Lord’s scepter was destroyed. «Their actions are quite similar. Incite wars from the shadows and instill fear in ponies hearts. However, such massive exposition is unusual, maybe this new heralds are bolder and less experienced.» «Do you know why they took you prisoner, Starlight?» Shining Armor asked, but the answer was something Starlight wanted to avoid. «I… followed one to their hide out and got caught. I guess they didn’t wanted me to reveal their hideout.» By the moment, she was not sure how to abord the situation. The sorcerer claimed that she was his heiress, and she was afraid of discovering if that was true. «Last Flame didn’t seem like an evil doer, but the abbysinian… Mortymer was surely the master mind.» She said casually, but at the very mention of the sorcerer’s name, Mistmane trembled and got pale. «It can be the same Mortymer… Starswirl defeated him, that’s what he told us, he told that Mortymer would never represent a threat for Equestria…» She talked to herself, concerning everypony. Cadance asked if she was allright, bringing the elder pony back to reality. «Uh? Yes, I just… need to talk with Starswirl.» The meeting dismissed and Mistmane were follow by guards just in case by Cadance orders. Starlight and Sunburst left the throne room and contemplated the sunset from a balcony. They could see the whole jewel of the north from there, turning orange under the extinguishing daylight. A beautiful view overshadowed by such mysterious threat. Sunburst still felt guilty, but otherwise they would never know the names of the perpetrator and see the expression of Mistmane. It was too strong to ignore. The old unicorn, living legend of ancient times, felt true fear just by hearing the sorcerer’s name. Sunburst couldn’t understand how it was possible for someone to cause such reaction, but Starlight did. She felt with every fiber of her body the evil irradiated by the feline, like darkness attempting to consume the light. Mortymer was, indeed, someone to be afraid of. «He is there, somewhere. Planning his next move as we talk.» Sunburst said, letting his concerns break free. «If I were there, we could stopped him for good.» «Not again.» Starlight sighed. «There shall be something I can for you.» «The report will not take long to be delivered to Canterlot and then princess Celestia could send it to Twilight. It will be her problem then.» She was even more concerned than him and just recalling the words of the sorcerer were able to cause discomfort. She also was intrigued for the reasons Last Flame had to disobey Mortymer and release her. Last Flame did not want to repeat the same mistakes, but what mistakes? How many times the performed that ritual? How many ponies suffered just like her? The more she thought about it, more questions rise. «You say that like we aren’t joining the searching.» «Sunburst, I got enough of these Heralds. I felt just like you this morning, feeling guilty about something I couldn’t help at all. If the world end tomorrow, I rather spend my last day at Whinny Land than chasing old shadows.» Doctors prescribed rest and avoid stress and that was she was planning to do. Twilight didn’t need her to defeat the Storm King and she was caught by Cozy Glow at the last end of the world. She could miss this adventure too. «Also, don’t you think you are going to get rid of this so easily. You are coming with me.» «But… but…» Sunburst tried to reply, but Starlight silenced him with her gaze. «I owe you.» They shared a complicated smile and went to princess Cadance to let her know their intentions to leave the Crystal Empire. The princess of love did not say a word of opposition but hoping they share a good time together. Starlight also asked if she could keep some details in secret, like she being capture by the Herald. If Twilight would get to know, she could better say goodbye to her vacations. «All right, but you must talk with her about it once you are back.» Agreed Cadance, knowing how Twilight would overreact. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The news indeed arrived to Ponyville soon and Twilight received every single piece of information but the details of how they discovered the name of the perpetrators. However, and just as princess Cadance and Starlight suspected, Twilight overreacted at the point of spending days and night without rest, searching for answers and pointing the tracks in a board filled with notes, pins, and red strings. By that time, the princess of friendship faded out over her desk, exhausted after read books nonstop and find nothing. The Pillars did an excellent work erasing them from history indeed. Spike was worried, everypony was, but she refused to take a break and rest. «Twilight, every time you sleep over the desk you wake up in bad mood. Come, you bed is waiting for you.» The little dragon shook her gently, but that was enough to startle her. Twilight was visibly tired and many notes adhered to her face, however she was unable to keep her eyes open for long and fade out again over the desk. «I’m coming mom… just… give me five minutes…» Twilight mumbled, but Spike didn’t miss the chance to take her off the desk. «Coffee… just a bit of coffee and I’ll be fine…» «No, you need to sleep.» «Spike, the Heralds…The Heralds!» She woke up from the sudden and tried to go back to her desk. However, she stumbled after a few steps. «There is no time to waste, we have to stop them.» She stumbled again. «It has been three days since your last rest. Go to sleep now or I’m gonna tell princess Celestia.» Twilight was twice his own size, but Spike managed to lift her up. «We are not alone. We will keep searching while you take a nap.» For the moment, he would avoid to mention that everyone else already left. Actually, the last one to fall exhausted was Ember. The young Dragon Lord was determined to capture those who were behind the destruction of the scepter and send the order to every learned dragon to help, even if there were just a few. Even Garble was forced to cooperate, but his testimony was barely useful. The Heralds came to him with a proposal just too good to ignore. The dragon lands in exchange for a few days with the scepter. Garble also declared that they choose him cause he was the only one able to save the dragon lands from its inevitable destruction, but it was hard to believe. Twilight suspected it was just a hustle to incite war and the destruction of the scepter was the back up plan. Both failed, thanks to the respect Ember gathered by defeating a dragon ten times her size, even if she had the help from colorful ponies like them. Garble was nothing but a pawn in Mortymer’s game, a piece sacrificed to test the strength of his rival in their first move. The second move was their ominous show up, announcing their return from the darkness. Or at least this was the conclusion Twilight manage to reach before fading away from exhaustion. Spike carried Twilight to her room and closed the door quietly. He just beat his personal record as exhausted princesses’ carrier, if Ember was considered royalty of course. However, his labors as exhausted princesses’ carrier has just begun. Now he had to make sure none would interrupt their royal sleep. «There we go. This should do the trick.» Spike hanged up a Do Not Disturb sign at the palace doors. A simple but very effective solution. «Now, let’s attend my own agenda.» By the meantime, he took care of the palace just as usual, removing dust from the furniture, cleaning windows and washing the crystal floor. He beat a second record that day and felt proud with his labor. The addition of wing to his features buffed his cleaning abilities, doing the same work half the time. «Twilight and Ember sleeping and the palace clean as a whistle. I surely deserve a good rest as well.» The silence and tranquility were ideal for reading, but not those tedious and ancient books that filled up Twilight’s personal library. Spike was aiming to spend that day with the company of his favorite comic books and a bowl full with delicious green gems, his favorites by the way. However, at the very moment he sat, someone knocked the door vigorously. «Sweet gems, I left a sign!» He grumbled, leaving beside his deserving diversions to attend whoever was knocking the door in such a hurry. «The sign say: Do Not Disturb. Come back later.» «Oh, hello there Spike. I’m sorry, but we kinda have a situation at the town.» Spike recognized the mayor’s voice behind the door and sounded very worried. «Okey, what’s going on?» He opened after a long sigh, but as soon as he opened could hear the problem loud and clear from the ponies galloping in panic into their homes. «Diamond dogs invasion! Run!» The screamed. «They came from nowhere and surrounded miss Rarity’s home.» «What?!... excuse me.» Spike then closed the door quietly just to exclaim again. «WHAT?!» The mayor came as fast as she could, hoping that Twilight and her friend could manage the situation. However, the princess of friendship was not able to help nopony by the moment. «I’ll handle this.» In absence of the princess and with Rarity at risk, there were none but him to save the day. However, it was easier to say than do. «Get the other, I’ll buy some time.» Maybe readed too many comic books recently, but he didn’t hesitate and went straight to Rarity’s home as the mayor headed to Sweet Apple Acres. Spike flew as fast as he could, finding the invaders evading everything Rarity was throwing at them from her window. However, there was no an actual aggressive intention from them. They were kinda trying to talk out the whole thing but failing at most. «Leave me alone, you filthy beasts! You will never take me back to your horrible mines!» Rarity exclaimed as Spike arrived. «Spik1 Just in time! Help me get rid off this hideous creatures!» «The gem hunter’s mascot!» The diamond dogs came closer to him. «Please, tell her we mean no harm. We need help.» «First, I’m nopony mascot, and second… wait, you said help?» The bad guys always forgot his name, but he could have time to refresh their memory after. «Aren’t you invading Ponyville?» «Invade? No!» Those were the same diamond dogs that once took Rarity as hostage in order to hunt gems. «We need help, but every pony just run away!» «Have you already dispose of those terrible beasts, Spike?» Rarity were still entrenched inside the boutique. «They don’t want to harm us! Actually, they need our help!» «Our help?! What in Celestia’s good name they would need our help for?» «Why we still shouting! Why don’t you come over here and ask them yourself!» The diamond dogs were not smart enough to pull out a trap like using him as decoy just to make her go out. They were nasty, but simple minded. However, Rarity took her time to decide before going out and get closer. «Thanks, many thanks.» «Well, what’s the reason behind such fuss?» Rarity asked, but then Rainbow Dash and Applejack appeared from nowhere and stroke before the diamond dogs could react, getting tied up in a well practice combination move. «Well done, problem solved!» Applejack said, securing the lasso. «Confess now! Are you with the Heralds?!» Rainbow Dash interrogated them, threatening them with her gaze. «The Her… what?» «Rainbow Dash! Applejack! They were about to tell us why they are here!» Rarity interrupted, pushing out the impetuous pegasi. «Spike, help me untie them please.» The little dragon obeyed at once. «Please forgive our rudeness, we are not used to deal with your kind.» «That was awesome!» Exclaimed one of the diamond dogs, giving props to Rainbow Dash and Applejack as they were untied. «A dragon came to our mines and force us to serve. It is eating our treasure and threat us by eating us instead if we refuse.» Said who seemed to be the leader of the trio as he rubbed his wrists. «We don’t know what to do, but pony friends rescued you before.» Said the tallest. «So we thought we could kidnap you again! Then your pony friends could get rid off the dragon for us!» Added the little one. «Then you actually were trying to kidnap me! Tie them up again!» Rarity ordered, but there was not real need for that. They were just a dumb trio asking for help their way. «Is just a greedy dragon and we are luck that the Dragon Lord is at Ponyville. Let’s help these diamond dogs and return by dinner.» Applejack said, but then she had to clarify that they were not invited for dinner. «I’ll go for Ember. I hope she got enough rest by now.» Spike headed calmly to the palace, relieved that the situation did not required to wake up Twilight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ember could not remember the last time she slept that well and was seriously considering to order a bed just like that to replace the rock she used to sleep over. She was not one of those dragons that enjoyed resting over a pile of treasure, even if it was more comfy than brute rock. However, she was not sure if a bed would make it to the Dragon Lands or if it would endure the harsh conditions of her homeland. There were no flower fields but lava fields just to say something. Leaving the whole bed thing, she then put her attention in the palace itself. It was surely the dream of every dragon and wondered if Spike also bit the walls every now and then. «Building a castle doesn’t sound like a bad idea.» Dragons were the only nation without a proper palace or infrastructure, but she had to consider how big she will eventually get in a couple of hundred of years. Fully grown dragons were just too big for any building. «How many years will take Spike to get bigger?» For some reason, the picture of a fully grown Spike made her smile. «Ember? Are you awake?» The voice of Spike made her startled over the bed. He had such a sense for timing. «Ah… yes, I’m awake.» Spike then came into the room, holding a plate with breakfast gems and a glass of orange juice. «I didn’t know which color you prefer, so I just grabbed a bit of everything.» He left the plate at her side. «I also can bring you some coffee if you want.» She did not know what was or how coffee tasted like, but she was not going to ask. «Thank you, you are very kind.» She drank the glass’s content and then ate it just like the gems. A glass of orange juice tasted well with gems. «Do you make breakfast for Twilight every morning as well?» «Is almost noon by now, so it is more like a brunch I guess?» «Noon?! How much I slept?» «Long enough. I brought you here after you get exhausted over the desk.» Ember didn’t remember that part and felt very ashamed. «Anyway, seems like a dragon took over diamond dog’s territory and we were wondering if you could help us.» «I beg you pardon?» > Chapter 3 - The heart of all dragons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The diamond dogs led the way to their domains once Spike explained what was going on to Ember. The way through those inhospitable lands was most boring, cause there were no natural beauty there but the promise of finding hidden gems. Just arid dirt and rocky canyons sculped by the inclement weather were at sight, but that infertile land was home sweet home for those who only need gems to be happy. While they had a treasure, there were nothing else to worry about. However, now that treasure was victim of a dragon’s voracious appetite as they were walking trough the badlands. Ember was convinced that it would be an easy task and it would not take long to get it done even without the scepter. She was still the Dragon Lord and worthy of the title with no doubt. Finally at their home, the diamond dogs took them to the main entrance of the tunnel system, a gate nopony saw when they came to rescue Rarity, despite the fact that it was more like rescuing the diamond dogs from her instead. Every diamond dog was outside the tunnels and gathered the treasure in an enormous pile just as the dragon ordered them to. «So?! Where is it?!» Ember said with an authoritarian voice, enforcing the Dragon Lord will before those fearful creatures. The answer was no bow or sign of respect but a silent gaze to the dark hollow. «Quiet! You will wake it up!» One of the diamonds dogs warned as low as he could, but they didn’t came from so far and wait to the end of its naptime. Ember rolled her eyes and flew to the entrance. «I don’t know why you made me come. Ember will get this problem in no time.» Rainbow Dash complained. «Tell me about it, I had just gotten a manicure.» Added Rarity. «We are here ‘cause Ember is our friend and we don’t know if those wacky Heralds are around.» Applejack replied, tired of their complaints. «At least we are not far from Canterlot, we could take some rest and tour the boutiques.» It was a good chance to catch up with the new trends at the royal city, as long as the best scenario happens. However, Ember was not in the mood of solving this calmly. «Hey! Come out right now! It’s an order!» Ember’s words resonated through the darkness, reaching every corner and passage of the tunnel system. However, there were no answer but her own eco. «Are you sure a dragon is there?» She turned to the diamond dogs, but was at that moment when an enormous silhouette appeared at her back, rising from the depths of the earth as imposing as a full grown dragon was. Every diamond dog bowed and trembled and the singular trio hid in fear. «Was about time! I order you to…!» «You order me? Who are you supposed to be?» The dragon was enormous, but had a certain semblance to Ember. Her blue scales shinned under daylight as sapphires and her horns coiled horns made them thinks if it was the future image of Ember as a full grown dragon. However, even ponies like them spotted a difference between their gazes. Both attractive, but this one was also ruthless. In the terms of a dragon, she was beautiful. «When I order you to bring me something to eat, I wasn’t meaning this.» The dragoness ignored Ember blatantly and search for the diamond dog trio, finding them hided stupidly behind a rock just too small for the three of them. «By all the sweets and salty crackers in this world, dragons can’t live only with gems.» She then gripped the leader by the heel and hold him at her eyes level. «Oh well, I was kinda curious to know if you were stinky but yummy, or just stinky.» Her jaws opened wide and was ready to devour the desperate diamond dog whole. «Stop right now! What do you think you are doing?! Release that diamond dog at once!» Ember rose before an atrocity happened before her eyes. «Mmm… you are right, I rather avoid get sick rather than satisfy my curiosity.» The dragoness tossed the diamond dog away, losing all interest. The diamond dog whimpered in fear and ran away. «Anyway, I don’t know what problems these three inept cause you, but I can make up for.» Turned her gaze to the others. «How much do you charge for the ponies?» «We aint for sellin’!» Applejack replied outraged as everypony else. «What about this pony shut you up!» Rainbow Dash rose at her sight level. «You couldn’t afford it anyway!» Rarity got an inexpressive look from her friends. «What?» «Are we this kind with ponies after winning the war?» She ignored Rainbow Dash with a disgusted expression in her face. «But we stopped Garble. The war never started.» Spike said, but the dragon was clearly confused and upset. «Garble? Who the hell is Garble? Agh… you know what? Forget it. My sister Scyntilla may be kind, but this is ridiciulous.» The dragoness caressed her temples. «Wait, are you talking about that Scyntilla?» Ember remarked, but no one else knew who they were talking about. «Who is Scyntilla?» Spike asked, to wich the dragoness replied outraged that Scyntilla was none other than the Dragon Lord. «That’s not true. Ember is the Dragon Lord.» «I don’t know who the hell are you, but passing off as the Dragon Lord is a very serious crime.» She warned, but everypony replied the same as Spike and remarked how he was Dragon Lord once, even if it was jut for a moment. «Ridiculous! Even if my sister called for a Gauntlet of fire, only juvenile dragons can answer!» «Spike, come here for a moment.» Ember took Spike aside while his friends were arguing with the dragoness. «There was a Dragon Lord called Scyntilla and she was my grandma. If what this dragon say is true, then she would be technically my grandaunt.» «Your GRANDAUNT?!» Spike exclaimed, draw every creature attention to them. «Sorry.» Ember rolled her eyes and then got closer to the dragoness. «We haven’t introduced ourselves. My name is Ember, daughter of Torch.» Ember did a half bow, extending her wings. It was an old formality, so old that nodragon but royals like her and her father knew how to perform. The dragoness gave her a intrigue look, but acted just like Ember thought. «My name is Agnis, Daughter of Adralin, great general of Dragon Lord Scyntilla’s army.» As a full grown dragon, her answer was sitting straight and half opened her wings. They could spot a big scar in her left wing. «I’m sorry to tell you this, but it has been a thousand years since the last war between us and ponies and at last five hundred years since Scyntilla reign.» «That’s the funniest thing I have ever heard! A thousand years?! You must be kidding!» Agnis laughed hard, but there was no trace of joking or lies in Ember eyes or words. «No… You are lying… It’s impossible! We were at the door of Cloudsdale! Right about to conquer the skies! The world shall be ours. » Suddenly, she felt dizzy and too weak to keep standing. She sat, trembling the earth before her weight. «Every diamond dog can leave now… just… get out here.» «Can we take our treasure?» Asked the leader, revealing himself from his hide out. However, the dragon was not in the mood to deal anymore with them. «I won’t say it twice.» All the diamond dogs trembled in fear and ran away into the tunnels as fast as they could, stumbling over each other in their panic. «Asleep for a thousand years… it’s really hard to believe.» Agnis said before they could recover from the impression caused by that voice full with hate and murderous gaze. She was, with no doubt, a dragon forged and molded at war. «Live in a world reign by colorful ponies… how pathetic.» «It’s not that bad. Technically I’ve raised by ponies, so I can tell.» Spike said. «I have never lacked anything I needed in this world. Food, shelter and plenty of friends… actually, I have much more than I really need.» «Raised by ponies you say? Well, that explains why you are such a runt.» Agnis then noticed his wings and felt curious, because the molting was the treat of every dragon reaching puberty. However, Spike looked like he cracked his eggs just a couple of years ago. «A dragon raised by ponies and who also became Dragon Lord… that’s even harder to believe.» She added, despite it was just as impossible as her sleeping for a thousand years and wake up young anyway. «What’s your secret? I know dragons live a lot longer than us, but there is not a single wrinkle or pale scale.» Rarity asked, aiming to get any clue to preserve her own beauty through time. However, the dragoness wasn’t sure. «I was recovering from injury at the mountains. I never thought it would take a thousand years to heal.» Agnis extender her left wing, showing an enormous scar that crossed it side to side. It sure was a serious injury. «And you recovered from a wound like that? Awesome!» Rainbow Dash felt respect for that petulant dragoness. «That’s what a I call a true battle scar! Is so cool! And the story behind it sure is even cooler!» Agnis has shown herself as cocky and proud, but in that moment she was far from the warrior that Rainbow Dash hoped to see. The dragoness gave a sad looking to her scar. «Don’t ya know the expression don’t open old wounds, Rainbow?» Applejack pointed out and the pegasi understood. «Are you all right?» «No… the world I used to know is gone. Everything has change, but I remain the same… at least gems taste good as always.» She swallowed a clawful of gems just like potato chips. «We lost the war and became pets.» «Hey! I’m not a pet!» Spike replied angry. «Oh, really? Your whole life between ponies and you stay cute and little even in your puberty. How convenient. They just have to give you a collar and a dress.» Agnis had a good point and Spike would skipt the fact he used to help Rarity with her dresses sometimes. However, he was proud of being at princess Twilight’s service. He was liker her personal assistant. «And how much does the princess pay you? I mean, if you work for her, she should pay you… or are you a slave?» «Dragons are not pet or slaves neither.» Ember intervened, even if she agreed with Agnis at some point. Spike technically was a not remunerated worker and a helpful companion. In other words, a slave and a pet. «Before my millenary sleep I buried my treasure in these lands. These gems are rightfully mine. So, if I offer you a thousand gems per month to serve my dear grandniece… Emmm… Ember. Would you work as her personal assistant?» Everypony was surprised before that sudden job offer. They came to rescue the diamond dogs and now Spike could get a big salary by leaving Ponyville and work for Ember. Suddenly, all the attention centered at Ember. «Well… Spike have experience dealing with royalty, so he would be more than qualified.» Honestly, the idea of coming back to the Dragon Lands with Spike to help her was nice. However, the little dragon refused the offer without thinking it twice. «I’m sorry, these ponies are more than my friends. They are my family. Thank you, but I could never leave them for any offer.» «That’s my Spikey Wikey!» Rarity hugged him, followed by Applejack and Rainbow Dash, but none noticed the sad look in Ember’s eyes. She knew the answer from the beginning, but it did not make it hurt less. «In the light of the circumstances, I shall assume they took the Dragon Lord’s scepter away just like they did with our pride.» The scepter was the symbol of the Dragon Lord sovereign authority and the only relic powerful enough to exert their will among them. Ember felt even worse as the scepter was destroyed at her reign. «No, a sorcerer destroyed the scepter a few days ago.» Ember clenched her fist. «Oh, so not everything is lost yet.» Agnis said like it was nothing, enraging Ember. ¿Where was her dragon pride? ¿Was not the scepter the most precious treasure of their people? ¿How she could take its destruction so easily? Ember was about to explode, but then Agnis silenced her thoughts with a single sentence. «We can make a new one.» «A new scepter?!» Ember exclaimed as Agnis showed a perplexed expression. «You didn’t know?» Agnis blinked naively. «OF COURSE I DIDN’T KNOW!» Ember flew at her eyes level. «There no need to yell. I may be a thousand years old, but I’m not deaf.» Agnis cleaned her ear with the claw of her pinkie. «I can show you how and where, but only the Dragon Lord can open the doors. If we are lucky, the will of the Dragon Lord is still inside you and that wouldn’t be a problem.» She devoured a last clawful of gems and layed down before Ember. «You are lucky of having such a good auntie like me. I’ll take you there in the blink of an eye.» Agnis extended her left wing like a ramp, inviting her to ride on her back. However, Ember felt suspicious. It was such a fortunate coincidence, just too good to be real. And she didn’t believed in coincidences and good luck. «Don’t worry, we are goin’ with ya.» Applejack came at her side, despite of Agnis disavowal. She did not want to give a ride to a bunch of colorful ponies. «We just meet ya’, don’t blame us for bein’ careful.» «Ugh… fine, but better hold on tight, cause I’m not going to slow down just for you.» «Ha! You don’t need to slow down for me! In fact, I could beat you in a flying race anytime!» Rainbow Dash said, provoking Agnis. «Oh, please forgive my bold friend, she didn’t meant to…» Rarity tried to intervene, but the challenge was already set. «Is that so, you bigheaded pegasi? We are going to a volcano at the southwestern limits of Yakyakistan, you couldn’t miss it even in a blizzard… if Yakyakistan still exists, of course.» Everyone hold tight to her back, praying to whatever they believed in. «As an act of good faith, I’ll give you the head start.» «Pff… Easy peasy.» Rainbow Dash said, starting the racing at full speed, heading to the lands of prince Rutherford and his subjects. «I could not be more agree.» Agnis giggled malicious, spreading her wings majestically and sending up a dust cloud. Finally, free from the menacing figure of Agnis, the diamond dogs crawled up from the tunnels to claim their treasure. However, as soon as the dust dissipated, the treasure was already gone. There were nothing but rocks and dirt. «No!» The leader of the diamond dogs exclaimed long and dramatically. «At least they took the dragon away.» The little one said and returned to the tunnels to seek more gems to gather for another life spawn. None realized the presence of another Diamond dog, a stranger among their people. «Sometimes I think this is just too easy.» The weird looking diamond said. His voice was absurdly eloquent and his vestments were similar to any other diamond dog, but they were more refined and cleaner with no doubt. He tightened the bow tie of his diamond dog collar and prepared to leave with the copious treasure conveniently gathered by Agnis, storing the last gem inside an old medical-like briefcase. The interior shined bright and the treasure reflected in a pair of thick trifocal glasses. «Blessed be magic and all its applications.» He then rose the head and contemplated the sky, calculating how much it would take them to Yakyakistan. He had more than enough time to go ahead with the next part of the plan and pulled out an advertising leaflet of a pocket. The image of the Flim & Flam brothers replaced the reflection of the treasure in his glasses and smiled widely. «I’m back in business.» ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agnis was getting closer to Rainbow Dash with each flutter of her enormous wings. The pegasi was the incarnation of speed but was not rival for the dragoness’ wingspan. The same distance Rainbow Dash rushed with all her might, Agnis was able to do it as well with a minimum effort. Soon enough, Rainbow Dash was struggling to keep up. «What’s the matter? Tired already?» The dragoness mocked the pegasi, bursting out laughing as she left Rainbow Dash behind. «Wait! What about Rainbow Dash?!» Applejack said, but Agnis was not interested in the safety of an insolent pegasi. «She will catch up eventually.» Agnis answered with a wide smile. «Or maybe not, I don’t care.» By that point they had lost Rainbow Dash of sight and try to convince the dragoness to change her mind was a in vain. It was hard to hold on already and so was trying to speak without getting out of breath. Fortunately, Spike and Ember helped them to not fall from the back of that inconsiderate dragoness. «If this ruins my mane, I’m going to be really upset!» Rarity exclaimed as they went into the blizzard clouds of the north. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yakyakistan had not changed much since the times Agnis used to fly over those lands and she could say thank to the stubbornness of those wooly creatures for preserving their style of life for so long. Even if the city was bigger then, it was essentially the same. The ominous shadow of the dragon projected over the city spreading fear in yaks’ hearts, triggering ancient instincts. However, they were not there to visit prince Rutherford and his kin. Not so far from there, one of the ice peaks was not just rock and snow but a long forgotten extinct volcano. Agnis landing was a blizzard, revealing the ruins they were looking for. «Here we are, my dear grandniece and little pests.» As the snow rose whirling, the entrance emerged from its white prison. It was a stone made door big enough to welcomed Torch, flanked by two guardian statues carved right from the mountain’s rock. They barely were seeing those eternal titans, made to inspire fear to everycreature which gazed on them, but was enough to accomplish their purpose even half covered in snow. Spike felt very uncomfortable, just like everypony else. However, Ember was remarkably stoic and went right to the entrance. «What now? Should I say open door or something?» Ember did not trust in Agnis, but then the peak trembled and the monumental doors slid heavily at the very moment she pronounced those words. There was nothing but darkness in the other side. «We dragons are not very creative as you shall know. Hmp… the light doesn’t work.» There were supposed to be a luminous crystal trail, but maybe she was asking to much for a millenary building. It was already ancient the first time she set a foot there. «Bringing these little pests was not a bad idea after all. You, the unicorn, do something useful with your magic and light up the way.» «My name is Rarity. If you want respect, you should make an effort and respect others first.» «I don’t need your respect, but if calling you by name will save me the trouble of having breath fire all the way, then please, miss Rarity, I would appreciate if you light our path before I set your mane in fire and use it as torch.» Agnis menaced but, before a very offended Rarity could add anything about, Spike intervened. «We will lead then!» The little dragon said, taking Rarity away before she could roast that petulant dragon with words and end incinerated. «Go ahead, I’ll wait for Rainbow.» Applejack was worried, despite it was very unlikely for the bold pegasi to get lost in the cold clouds of the north and even more unlikely for her to give up. «I’ll catch ya later.» «Let us know if anything happen.» Ember said before they went through the monumental doors a leave its horrific guardians behind, entering what used to be the most sacred place for her ancestors. The walls were carved with low reliefs as ancient as the world, older than any book known by ponykind. It was the long-forgotten dragon history from the very beginning. «When the world was new, there were no kingdoms, no rules… anything, but dragons.» Agnis started to interpretate the low reliefs for them as Rarity lighted them up in their way. «Stronger than any other creature, dragons took the world for their own in a reign of fire. However, peace was never an option and then the first war ever known started. Dragons against dragons, scorching the world and reducing it to ashes. Soon, there were less and less dragons until the very edge of extinction. Dragons were facing their worst and last moments, but then something beyond our world happened. It came from above, as a bright red light igniting the night. Dragons never faced stronger enemies than other dragons, but what fell from the sky was the exception.» The low reliefs showed then a horror beyond understanding, so evil than the ones who carved the stones struggled to do their best and capture the image the creature. They could tell, because the engraving was deeper in the rock than any other, like it was carved not once but a hundred times until they finally captured the essence of their nightmare. The result was a creature of pure darkness and many eyes. «It destroyed woods, valleys and mountains, feeding of the very world. Some dragons tried to fight it, perishing in the act. Finally, after centuries of nonsense war, dragons understood that the only way to save themselves was fight together and so they did. Fighting as one, the dragons defeated the creature and saved the world, but the price of victory was high. Less than a hundred dragons survived and every single one of them was afraid of when other of these horrors could fall from the skies again. Those last dragons bonded by fear and swore to protect the future generations from themselves and unknown. They went to the top of the world, here, to make that bond real and unify all dragons under the authority of one and only lord.» As the story reached its conclusion, the galleries led to an enormous chamber and the path under their hooves turned into a narrow rock bridge over a sea of shadows. They could not see top or bottom. It was a true abyss. «May…maybe can you take us to the other side?» Spike swallowed loudly but flying there was no option, even for a dragon general. «This bridge was built to bare dragons even bigger than me but look out and watch your step. Falling will be you doom.» Agnis warned them, enjoying the fear of the ponies and their little dragon pet. However, even she was afraid deep down. «Keep close to me, Spike.» Rarity begged as they were the ones leading. «D… don’t be afraid. I’ll be always at your side.» Spike tried to be brave, but the abyss was just too overwhelming. Ember didn’t need anyone to make her feel safe, but seeing them was heart-wrenching. She could not understand that weird feeling, but as they walked into the abyss, a terrible though crossed her mind. «So vulnerable.» Agnis whispered in her ear with a malicious smile in her face. «I could say it was an accident and none would ever know the truth.» Ember’s heartbeat rose. «What?!» Ember exclaimed quietly, but she could not fool the dragoness. Agnis was saying exactly what was in her mind. «Poor little dragon, he would need his friends more than ever and there you will be to comfort him… ready to fill that gap in his heart.» Agnis voice felt like a hypnotic melody taking over her mind, leading her to a path with no return. Ember’s armed flinched and her vision got narrower. However, at the very last moment, her will overcame that malevolent influence and shook her head before make a unforgivable mistake. «Uhmm… We may be family after all.» «What’s happening back there?» Rarity said. «It’s everything all right?» «Everything is fine, Ember didn’t like my joke about your shiny and big white flank… but nothing of your business.» Agnis answered and fortunately Spike was there to calm down the unicorn before losing her temper. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached the end of the chamber. There was a hall-like platform before a second door, just as big as the main entrance, flanked by two stone guardians. There they could feel safe from falling into the abyss as long as they didn’t try to find the tail of those stone guardians. «Now, you have to read the door’s inscriptions.» Agnis said, bringing Ember back from the mess inside her head. She distrusted Agnis more than ever but follow her game at least could help her forget those terrible thoughts. «This is the heart of all dragons, our treasure and legacy.» Ember read, translating that scripture only known by the highest dragons and taught to her by Torch. She never thought it would be useful someday, just like the dragon law. «Long live the Dragon Lord.» She expected something similar to what happened at the entrance, but the doors didn’t open. Her words were only answered by their own eco. «I knew we couldn’t trust you! You just wasted our time!» Ember exclaimed, but Agnis was truly confused. «I can’t understand, It should react to the commands of the Dragon Lord… unless.» Agnis remembered what the ponies said at the diamond dog’s lair. «Runt, try. It may be a problem caused for rejecting the Dragon Lord tittle prematurely.» «My name is Spike.» He grunted before repeating what Ember said. Nothing happened. «A thousand years is a long time. Maybe it stopped working like the lights.» Rarity said, but Agnis discarded that idea as the magic of that door was meant to be eternal. «Well… what about trying at the same time?» «I don’t think that would work.» «Come on Ember, one more time.» Spike invited her to repeat the words together, extending his claw to her. Ember doubted, but she then took his claw and both said the words. «This is the heart of all dragons, our treasure and legacy. Long live the Dragon Lord.» They said as one and finally, after a dramatic eco, the eyes of the stone guardians shined and a magic seal ignited on the door as a trace of gunpowder. The heavy doors finally opened and revealed the treasure of their ancestors. The chamber that appeared before them was covered entirely by red crystals, just like a monumental geode in whose center hanged the biggest bloodstone of the world. «The heart of all dragons.» Ember mumbled, honoring the name given by their ancestors. Its shape was not as well defined as the crystal heart or Rarity’s fire ruby but was just as magnificent. Rarity was astonished just like them, hypnotized by its solemnity and natural beauty. However, Agnis was not impressed at all. She was concerned. «It’s worse than I imagined.» The dragoness said, giving a look into the pit under the heart of all dragons. «The heat of the volcano had to keep the heart alive, but there nothing left. The heart is dead just like the volcano itself.» «What?! No! We were so close! What we would do now?!» Spike cursed their bad luck, but then the dragoness breathed in deeply and exhaled the most powerful fire blast that Spike or Ember had ever seen. «What are you waiting for? We gotta fire this boiler up!» Agnis urged and then the three dragons their flaming breaths with all their might. Rarity had to step aside to keep her main safe from the heat and doing so she could see how the crystal shimmered from its center and spread through the stem to the whole cave. They were surrounded by a sparkling red glow and, finally, a heartbeat began, first it was a soft light pulse and then strong and warm. Magma springs surged from the jaws of dragons sculpted from rock and bloodstone, flooding the chamber at each pulse. Rarity feared that the magma could soon reach the platform they were standing on, but the excess flowed away through drainage openings. «Where does that lava go.» Rarity asked but no answer from Agnis was necessary as they heard galloping hooves into the chamber. Applejack came as fast as she could. «Stop! Ther… wow.» Applejack was astonished before the bloodstone chamber and the heart of all dragons, but she could stay there with an open mouth all day. She shook her head and focused. «There is lava flowing from the volcano! The yak village is right in the way!» «Oh no, it’s our fault… we have to save them!» Ember said and everyone agreed. Everyone but Agnis. «We cannot stop now! This may be our only chance! Isn’t recovering the Dragon Lord scepter important to you?!» «Yes, it is! But destroying a village in the process?!» «Only fools would build their home at the foothills of a volcano! It’s not our problem!» Agis tried to stop her, but Ember already took a decision. «We may be family, but we are nothing alike.» Ember had nothing to add and they followed Applejack outside. The abyss turned into a magma chamber and the crystals lighted up the path just like it did eras ago. «Don’t say I didn’t try.» Agnis smiled and shrugged her shoulders before turning back to the throbbing bloodstone. It was ironic. Before grasp this heart, they had to bringing it back to life just like young and stupid love. It would take just a little more and then she could accomplish her mission. Meanwhile, her grandniece and her pony friends were fighting against a lava river. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack was digging a ditch with yaks’ help, just like Rockhoof legend a thousand years ago at his own village. Ember and spike used their fire breaths to melt snow and solidify the lava front, buying some time for the ditch to be done. However, if their plan failed, Rarity was leading the evacuation to higher grounds. Fortunately, the plan worked, and the lava flowed around the village through the ditch. «We did it!» Spike celebrated as everycreature. The village was saved, but there was no time for celebration. Suddenly, the earth trembled, and a bright light beam rose from the volcano. «What now?!» He exclaimed and then they could see the Agnis silhouette over the smoking crater. The heart of all dragons was in her grasp. «She did it… the heart has awaken.» Ember mumbled, but Agnis had no intention of retrieving their kind most sacred treasure. She grinded and flew away. «Oh no you won’t!» Not even Rainbow Dash was able to catch the dragoness, but she had to try. «Ember!» Spike tried to stop her, but it was useless. Ember hear nothing and got loss into the freezing clouds of the north. He was about to do the same, but Rarity held him. «Let me go!» «There’s nothin’ we can do, Spike, but wish her good luck.» Applejack said, understanding what Rarity was doing. For now, they had to explain a lot to prince Rutherford and ask him help to get back home. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even when they were the cause of the crisis, prince Rutherford was thankful for their help at saving the village and swore to find that evil dragoness and punish her for all the damage she caused to yaks and dragons. They were gathering the supplies for a safe travel to the Crystal Empire when Rainbow Dash finally landed at the village. However, she had to pay the price of flying through such low temperatures with no equipment. Once they arrived at the Crystal Empire, the medical diagnosis was clear. She caught a cold. «You don’t know how lucky you are of not getting hypothermia after such stup… I mean, bold race. You shall stay at bed and drink this syrup every morning.» The doctor prescribed, giving her a taste of the medicine. «Iugh! It’s awful!... ah… ah-choo!» It was well deserved for being so big-headed. They thanked the doctor and had an audience with princess Cadance to tell her everything they knew about the incident. However, by the moment there was no evidence to connect the Heralds with Agnis but the fact that she came back after a millennium. «Who could know about such place? Sunburst would love the idea of give those engravings a good look.» Cadance took the chance to let them know about Starlight vacations along Sunburst at Coltifornia. «Dream vacations with a stallion. I’m so jealous right now.» Rarity said, beating in mind the option of doing the same and enjoy their last days of summer before the return to classes. «What about those days when we defeated the villain right after they appeared?» «Maybe we are getting o…» Applejack was about to say, but the unicorn shut her mouth in the act. They were too young to think about throwing in the towel and talk like tired old mares. «I hope Ember is fine.» Spike said, gazing into the sunset from one of the very windows of the palace. The summer vacations were about to end and his fears were coming true. What they would do once the classes start? First the Heralds appeared and now Agnis stole the heart of all dragons, the last hope to retrieve the Dragon Lord scepter and heal Ember’s wounded pride. However, the sunset was still beautiful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was not the only one looking at the horizon colored by the setting sun. Curled inside at a mountain hide out, Agnis was calming her melancholy with the view. It had not changed in a thousand years. Those lands were still magical and beautiful. However, a fleeting memory crossed her mind and an unpleasant grimace took over her face. «It has been so long and I can’t forget it.» Agnis mumbled, realizing about the heart she was drawing in the ground with her claw. Angry for that childish habit, she erased the trace with unnecessary fury. «Old wounds can heal. You are the living proof.» The voice came from the dark, but she didn’t needed to turn back to know who was there. A grey unicorn was at his side. «It was easier than I expected, but I feel pity for my grandniece. She don’t know how a broken heart feel like and yet she suffer for the friendship of that weakling.» «It reminds me somedragoness I know.» Mortymer inspected the throbbing relic that shimmered with a warm pulse. The magic of the old dragons was there. «Who knows if she could become an excellent prophet.» «A whole new generation of Heralds. It doesn’t sound half bad. What do you think, Last Flame? Would you like your own band to mess around?» «Eh… sure.» Last Flame was not used to how familiar Agnis treated her, but suddenly Mortymer staggered and leant on the bloodstone heart. «Are you all right?» She was worried. «They know.» Mortymer said but neither Agnis nor Last Flame understood the meaning of his words, ignoring about the meeting celebrated at that very moment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- «It is impossible. This abbisinyan is an impostor for sure.» Flash Magnus thumped the round table, but Mistmane was categoric in her suspicions. «We defeated the Heralds a thousand years ago, there no way for them to come back.» «Impossible as our own return. But yet, here we are.» Somnambula added calmly. «We were there when the dark bastion fell! Starswirl defeated Mortymer as Meadow Brook and I did with Famine!» Rock Hoof rose his voice, but the wizard kept silence. «You did defeated Mortymer, didn’t you?» «Mortymer fell into the corrupted portal and nopony ever heard about him or his heralds again… until now. We can not stay idle, even if it was an impostor.» Stygian concluded before Starswirl’s silence. «Let’s start with their old hide outs.» Meadow Brook proposed and everypony agreed. «I can mobilize the guard to assist the searching.» Flash Magnus needed princess Celestia’s permission first, but he was sure about a good answer. «We also could ask help to the draconequus.» Rock Hoof said, provoking worried glances. «What was his name again? Mmm… Ah! Of course! Dis…» Flash Magnus and Somnambula shut his mouth before pronouncing that name. «What?» «We shall avoid saying that name out loud.» Starswirl finally broke his silence. Mistmane was looking at him from the very beginning of the meeting. «I will inform Celestia about what we have agreed and discuss here.» He stood up from his seat. «The Heralds have returned, and the Pillars are here to stop them once again. It’s all that matters now.»