> Keith the Bat Cum Dumpster > by TheOneWithoutAName > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Punishment of a Unicorn Slut > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keith hums happily as he walks down the dirty alleys of Manehattan. It was getting late and he decided to use a shortcut to head home today. It was not a normal shortcut though, as this one let through a bat pony neighborhood, making him scrunch his face in distaste. He didn’t like those filthy ponies. They were an inferior race in his mind. Just some dirty bloodsuckers that needed to be pushed out of this glamorous city instead of stinking it up, trying to leech off all the opportunities of the normal hard-working ponies. He did post quite freely about this on the internet, telling a lot of them to get back to their own country, where they belonged. It brought him a lot of hostility, though Keith didn’t care for the opinions of some vamp ponies. He was one of the superior races! A strong unicorn no less! He couldn’t help but hold up his head in pride and push his off-white chest out. His black short mane wobbled a bit at the movement as he marched onward, his more rounded, feminine ass swaying with purpose. It felt nice to be proud to be a pony. He wasn’t exactly a strong pony after all and only as tall as a mare. Additionally, his curves didn’t exactly make him seem like a strong masculine stallion. He was often bullied in school because of that, told how he should wear skirts. He was even forced into a cheerleader outfit before and the like. Of course this was all in the past now and would stay in the past. Not to mention that he was more distracted now walking through the stained streets and sprayed walls of this part of town. The graffiti looked like some gangs were around here. Not surprising really for these vamp ponies. And the bats that were standing around in their dark colors didn’t seem like legal-abiding citizens either. No surprise there either. Keith was just glad for the black hoodie he wore. It made his off-white coat not stand out too much among the array of dark coats and buildings. The street-lamps were only lighting a few small pathetic spaces, leaving most of the street in complete darkness. It was eerie and foreboding. Despite that, he was still only a short pace away from the well-lit main street. No way would some criminal bat scum try anything so close to the lawful police force. Still, he couldn’t shake off this feeling as his eyes flitted to left and right, seeing some yellow slit pupils glowing dangerously in dark alleys and windows as if they were watching his every step, before vanishing again. As he trudged on deeper and deeper it almost felt like he was watched. “Dumb bats,” Keith muttered with a shake of his head, not wanting them to get to him. “What was that?” a voice next to him asked, making Keith cry out in a high-pitched voice as he jumped a bit. His head turned to face the small side-alley to the left he had overlooked as a pair of amber eyes shined out of them, before stepping into the light. The stallion seemed to tower over his smaller, almost cowering form. His dark grey coat and black spread wings seeming intimidating as all Tartarus. Not to mention the sharp fangs poking out from his lips. The glare that Keith received only worsened it further. “N-None of your business, bat!” Keith squeaked out, trying to be defiant as the bat pony squinted his eyes at him. “Is that so?” he said slowly, almost dangerously as his eyes wandered over Keith’s body down to his flank. “I would disagree. After all, you are that pony that spouts all kinds of racist slurs against thestrals on the internet, aren’t you? And now you actually walk down these streets here? Didn’t expect that. Then again, I didn’t pick you for someone that was particularly bright.” He was now rounding on Keith as the pony in question backed away, pressing with his rear against the wall, tail tucked tightly between his legs. His ears lay flat against his face as he tried his best to glare the bat away. “L-Look who's talking! Living in this filthy dump! N-Not like you could do anything to me as this street is next to the main road!” The thestral looked upon him as if he was stupid, before pointing with his head down the road. Keith looked, only to be surprised to not see the main road. “You got lost I would say if you think you are anywhere near the safe main road. You are deep in thestral territory with no cops anywhere close. But, you know, I could forgive you this one time for being a dumb pony, if you just knelt down, bowed your head and apologized for being a massive cunt. Sounds good, girly boy?” He gulped hearing that, the reflex not really something he could stop at being confronted with such a dangerous situation. And yet, he actually had a way out. If he degraded himself in front of this bloodsucker, he could go. But then he couldn’t. Keith was just enjoying his newly developed sense of pride. And handing said pride over to a bat didn’t sit well with him. He was a unicorn. So he should be good. Even against some trained vamp pony. With defiance in his eyes, he glared nervously up at him. “F-Fuck off, bloodsucker! I am twicetrice the stallion you could ever hope to be. Now if you don’t get out of my way, I will-!” he tried to threaten back, making his horn glow with his green magic. Only for the bat to suddenly lash out with his teeth and bite down. “AAHHHHHHH!” Keith screamed out as white hot pain flooded through his sensitive horn as he was pushed to the ground. The vamp pony had already let him go as he writhed on the ground, clutching his horn. “Wrong choice, bitch!” he growled darkly while some tears stinged at Keith’s eyes. He could see some silhouettes approaching. More bat ponies that were now glaring down at him balefully. One of them bit into his mane and then dragged him by it across the street. Keith whimpered as he flailed around, only to get a hoof punched into his stomach, knocking all the air out of him. He didn’t know who was doing the punching, just hearing a bat threaten him. “Knock it off, pony. Or next time it is going to be your horn again.” Confronted with this threat, he could do little than getting painfully dragged into some rundown house, without even knowing where exactly he was. The carpeted area was rough and dirty as he got into a living room with two stained, old grey couches and some small wooden table. They let him go at this point, making him sit up and stare fearfully at the group of about a dozen bat ponies surrounding him, grinning at him, their fangs showing. The room was big enough to hold them all, though that didn’t mean Keith could manage to slip by. “T-This is illegal! You have to let me go!” Keith tried, showing some courage, though none of them seemedseem bothered by it. Instead, the bat from before smacked his cheek hard with a hoof. He cried out, holding the hurting side of his face, tears threatening to spill from his eyes from the abuse again. “We don’t have to let you do anything. You brought this upon yourself little cunt. All these posts and you think it was a good idea to come here? This is why we will make sure you pay for your insolence. And I know just the way for you to pay it too~” With that he stepped forward. Keith was with his neck pressing against the front of a couch. The thestral simply stood up, supporting his upper half on the couch as he let a part of his lower body collide with the bitch boy beneath him. Confusion quickly turned to understanding as a massive black cock was slapped on top of his head. The musk was hitting his nose, making him breathe it in involuntarily as he could only stare slack-jawed at the monster bat cock that was resting on his head. The bat thrust his hips, making it slide along his cheek and mane with a clear demand. “Come on, now slut. I know it has to be at least four times the size of your clit, but that is no excuse not to put your full lips around it and suck it.” “W-Well, I w-won’t suck it.” “Really now? Trying this? Want me to nibble on that sensitive horn of yours again, little unicorn? Or maybe you want me to ram my shaft up your ass balls deep without any lube?” Keith flinched at the given choices, neither of them comfortable. Looking around the barely lit room, it was clear that there was no escape. The array of filthy bat ponies here wouldn’t help him. The opposite really as they seem to be awaiting some kind of show. Already he could see the shapes of their hard cocks under their bellies, ready to fuck him up in any way they desired. Quite literally. It made him whimper and pull his black hoodie over his slightly unsheathed cock, hiding it away. Forced as he was, Keith slowly pushed out his tongue and started lapping over the hot, musky surface of this vamp pony dick. The bat hummed in approval as he felt the ministrations. The small inexperienced pony tongue making his shaft shiny with his spit, tracing from the bottom, just shy before the balls to the edge of the tip. He then gripped his mane, pulling him forcefully away from his hard pole, before pressing the tip onto the sissy’s lips. Keith closed up instantly, even as he felt the hot, pulsing member squish against his mouth. Instead of saying something, the bat pony instead reached out and smacked Keith’s horn again. He yelped, but it was quickly interrupted by a gurgle as the massive shaft was plunging into his mouth and then forcing itself right into his throat. The thestral wasn’t fooling around. He simply lurched his hips forward right up until his balls were connecting with the boy's chin. The white-furred unicorn in question could only struggle futilely in response as he suddenly felt his airways blocked and his neck bulging out obscenely, showing just how deep the superior bat cock was reaching. “Aw yeah! I knew this cunt would have a nice throat! Just made for our cocks, boys!” he announced, getting a cheer from the stallions in the room. He held it there for a moment. Enough that Keith was in a panic and trying to push him off as he was slowly suffocating. Tears started to stream down his cheeks, making another stallion laugh. “Seems like that unicorn wimp wants some air, Sharp! He is crying like a little bitch!” “Is that true? Want some air again, slut? How about you lap my cock a bit and I might think about it?” Desperate as he was, Keith instantly did his best to move his tongue under the large cock, trying to stimulate it as if he was indeed a mare. Thankfully, Sharp pulled back until only his tip was inside the sissy’s mouth as he sputtered. He wanted to pull off, but a hoof had a tight grip on his mane. “No pulling off, whore. You already know what happens if you do.” And he knew. It made him tremble as he wanted to clutch his horn in fear. Instead his lips closed around the cock, to make sure it would not slip out. “Eager, aren’t you? I already had a feeling you would be a bitch for bat dick, the moment I read your posts. You were traversing here hoping for this, weren’t you? You were hoping to suck on some fat bat cock?” “N-N-No, o-of course not…” “Why is your clit this hard then?” he asked, looking towards the ponies cock. Keith followed his gaze as well to notice that he was really pitching a tent in that sweater now. Even worse, the spot was even damp… *SMACK!* He cried out as his head flew to the side. While looking down his lips had lost contact with the bats dick. “Lips on my cock, faggot!” he growled menacingly. Keith gave a fearful squeak as he quickly did that, putting the hot member back in his mouth. He could taste the salty tip resting on his tongue as Sharp was getting into position again. With how his neck was leaning against the couch, it was ideal for holding him in place as this filthy vamp dick would facefuck him. It was a realization that set in only a mere moment before Sharp started. The shaft rammed deep into his throat again, before pulling out and then pushing instantly in. The thestral wasn’t giving him any time to adjust to this thorough throat-rape, only caring for his own pleasure. While Keith expected him to be rough, he didn’t expect it to be quite this harsh on him. The mango sized balls were constantly slapping him in his chin as spit and precum were equally smeared around his lips. His face got messier just as his mane. It was quite clear that by the time he would walk out of there, everyone could tell that a juicy bat cock had facefucked him to oblivion and back. Wet noises and gurgles were the only things that escaped his abused throat as he felt the pace increase further. He squirmed under those ministrations as the thestral above him groaned. “I am getting close. Hope you slut are hungry. I will feed you with plenty of our superior seed!” Keith made a desperate squeak of protest as if to beg him to not pump his stomach full with his slimy baby batter, but it was of course no use. Sharp gave a few last sharp and fast thrusts before hilting himself into the ponies throat, grinding right into his muzzle before with a loud groan releasing a large spurt of cum down his gullet. He was painting it white in its color, making sure his breath would reek of bat sperm for weeks to come. Wedged between the stallion and the couch as he was, the unicorn slut could do nothing to stop the continuous flow that was going down his throat and filling up his stomach. A small bulge in his belly could be seen, showing how full Sharp was pumping him. Any pony none the wiser might think that he had been eating heartily at an all-you-can-eat-buffet, not realizing just what substance was now swapping around in his stomach. After that, the thestral pulled out of his esophagus, slowly and deliberately, only letting him breathe shortly before he could pass out. Once the cock was off his lips, Keith coughed violently, taking in big gulps of air as he tried to calm his body again. The bat that had violated him so deeply chuckled in amusement, though not at his coughing. “Your small cock got even harder. Does thestral dick taste that good to you?” he mocked, referring to the clear stain in the sweater with even a full large drip of pre being seen. There was no doubt that it would stain. Not that it mattered a second later as Sharp opened his sharp fangs and ripped the sweater to pieces. Keith squeaked in fright at the sudden violation of his privacy as well as the feeling of the teeth slightly gracing him. “Won’t need that anymore, faggot. A sweater is wasted on your figure. It isn’t accentuating your feminine curves. A unicorn whore, should dress properly, don’t you think?” he asked another mock question before looking back at one of the vamp ponies. “Go, get the clothes,” he told him and the one that was addressed stormed off. Or at least Keith assumed it. It was hard to survey the many stallions from his vantage point, down on his ass with spunk dripping from his lips. The stallion quickly came back, carrying an assortment of clothes. “Perfect,” Sharp said, flicking them to Keith with his wing who looked at them confused. “Dress up. No complaints. No whining. You are just an inferior unicorn slut. And you will entertain us properly. Clear?” Keith wanted to protest, though flinched at remembering the violence that would bring, so he nodded shamefully. “I didn’t hear you, faggot.” “Y-Yes.” “Yes, what?” “Y-Yes...sir?” he asked in an unsure tone as Sharp nodded. Afterwards he quickly got to dressing up. The green and white striped panties were tight and hard to pull on. Even more so with the leering stares of the stallions on him, though he managed at some point. It was rather tight on his ass, giving an alluring view of his rear. Keith blushed in embarrassment and quickly got the short green skirt to hide it. Of course the shirt didn’t fully cover the panties, with how short it was. After that followed a black tube top. It snapped on his chest tightly. This was followed by a green bow that was affixed to the back of his mane. Then came the net stockings on his hind legs as well as some on the front, only that the ones on the front ended earlier, leaving his front hooves free of fabric. It took him a moment to think about why that was, but he assumed that the fabric would be irritating to the touch while...stroking cocks. And that wasn’t all either as they even brought make-up. Make-up they expected him to apply himself. They did herd him to a large mirror that was in the room, leaving him to it. Notable was that the bat that led him to that mirror has done so while freely having a hoof on his ass and squeezing it. Keith did his best to apply it correctly. The green lipstick, eyeliner and blue eyeshadow seemed like a good fit with the outfit. Then he turned back to the others, some wolf whistling and others being more...vocal. “That’s what I call a mare! That colt is more suited for being a bottom bitch to us thestrals, than whining about us.” “Yeah. A lot more useful than sending out posts like a pathetic coward.” “I’m going to tap that sluts ass! Bet it is tight!” “You sure about that? Wouldn’t be surprised if that thing is gaping from getting raped all week by being an insufferable shitposter.” “Ha! True enough!” A whine escaped his lips at the degrading comments, involuntarily drawing the stares back to him as he tried his best to look them in the eyes. “S-So, is this g-good enough?” he asked the stallions, wanting to sound defiant, but actually seeming more shy and nervous. Sharp stepped forward, looking him over before grinning and spitting right in his face. Keith recoiled, “H-Hey! S-Stupid bat!” he protested, only to have a hoof on his throat, pressing him with his back against the mirror. “L-Let me go!” “Or what? You gonna cry again, bitch boy?” he jeered, causing some tears to build up again. “Come on, faggot. Cry and tell us to stop. Tell us to let you go. It is all a helpless and inferior cocksock like you can do. It excites us immensely as well. Just to see you plead to us like the weak prey animal you are. But then…” Sharp continued, starting to muse as he smirked down at him, “...You wanted this. You freak get off to us abusing you. Even now your limp dick is standing at attention. So how about you beg us to abuse you? Beg each and every stallion to rape your throat raw, so that you can be a good little bat pony cum dump?” By now tears were running down Keith’s cheeks as he hiccuped, showing just how weak he was in the face of these hunks who easily beat him down. His lips trembled as he opened them, for a moment not a sound coming out aside from his crying and sobbing. The eyeliner left dark smears from his eyes down his cheek, giving him a more messy look. “P-Please...P-Please rape my face a-and use it as your bat pony cum dump. I-I have been a d-dumb r-racist sissy t-twat a-and need to make up for it. S-So, e-every one of you, u-use me until all o-of your balls are c-completely emptied!” For a moment silence reigned over the room, before Sharp looked to the others. “This will do. Have fun boys!” A loud cheer rang through as Keith was approached by the many thestrals, who were all, quickly rushing towards him. One beat the others to it and quickly stepped over the sitting slut. The pony flinched, scurrying away from the mirror but not really making it anywhere far before a hard sweaty dick was slapped against his stinging cheek. “Open wide, little whore~” Resigned to his fate, Keith did just that, tasting another shaft of these vamp ponies and feeling its weight settle on his tongue. He leaned against his front hooves, prepping his back up with them as the stallion was thrusting inside him. This veiny member was quite impressive as well, even if a tad shorter than Sharp. Of course it trumped his own still by a lot. His small dick was pressing against the fabric of the panties, giving a clear outline of it as it threatened to slip out. “Ahhhh! Those faggots lips are pulling me in!” the new bat stallion groaned as he started to hammer the sluts face. Constant slaps of the thestrals ball sack hitting his chin could be heard as Keith was forced to service him. In his peripheral vision he could see the mirror and his reflection. Spit and precum were hanging in a slimy thread from his chin as his muzzle was pounded like that of a common whores. The outfit only amplified this notion, making him look like a real prostitute. It was a degrading and humiliating sight. The wet gurgles that accompanied the sounds of thrusting didn’t make it any better. For him it felt like each new smack of bat testicles against his face was another strike against his by now already deteriorating dignity. A dignity that was shattering and wouldn’t survive the night, considering the line of vamp ponies waiting for their turn with him. He could see their cocks clear as day even in that scarcely lit room. See how they were jerking themselves to him, imagining how their turn would be. Keith sobbed as the bat pony groaned, his rock-hard rod twitching in excitement at his misery and shame. “Not sure I can hold out for much longer! This girl knows how to suck cock!” “You seen his flank? It’s just like a bitches. I bet 100 bits he had to suck off his bullies during high school like a proper faggot!” Some of the stallions snickered imagining just that. “He certainly is good for some porn vids,” another thestral said and it was then that Keith noticed the smartphone he was being recorded with. A squeal of protest followed as he tried to tell them no, his body shuddering in involuntary arousal. Though this move only served to bring the stallion that was currently receiving service from him to his climax. “Damn slut! Pushing me over the edge like this! You really must love this!” he moaned out as he pulled his pole out of the white-furred ponies mouth and aimed it at his face. It exploded right then, off-white spunk splattering on his face and forehead before he pushed it right into his soft mane on the top of his head. “Ahhhhhh~ Might as well give you some mane gel. How about you bitch thank me for it~?” Keith’s body trembled, his spine tingling as he felt the cum soak into his mane and then run down the sides and back of his head. He felt the hot spunk after that flowing in rivulets down his back. “T-Thank you, f-for the mane gel!” he squeaked out embarrassedly, making the stallion laugh as he pulled away, though not before slapping his face with his cock. “Good unicorn slut,” his head turned then to the one filming, “You best have that all on vid. I want to have a look at this later!” The thestral waved him off. “I do. Boy got talent for this sort of thing. Bet we could sell this for a good price.” “D-Don’t film!” the unicorn sissy said, speaking up, before gulping as the slit-eyed pupils focused on him. “P-Please?” he added as a nervous afterthought. “Nah!” one of them said, approaching him. “If you got time to complain about such little things, you have time to blow a dick. Now crawl under here and show me how eager you are~” A distressed whine escaped his lips, though he did as was commanded, crouching below the strong thestral and towards the rock-hard black shaft that was eager to be caressed by his tight gullet. His lips met the tip in a chaste kiss, which quickly devolved into another blowjob. Keith sucked on the hard dick like it was a lollipop, trying to please the bat as best as he could, lest he got his throat raped again. He had to be mindful of his horn as well, not wanting to provoke the bat ponies into really biting it off. “Ass up!” Sharp called as Keith felt the thestrals coat brushing against his ass as he slid his hips beneath him. The hot piece of bat cock slid between his ass cheeks, making him whimper, recognizing what was to come. Something that was confirmed as Sharp pulled the panties down a bit to reveal his black puckered asshole. He then hocked a loogie on the sluts sphincter, before placing his broad tip on it. “Bet you unicorn slut were looking forward to that the most. How about you beg me? Beg me to rape your ass, or I will snap your horn clean off,” her rumbled with a low growl. A threat. A clear real threat. And much to Keith’s consternation, he felt his small dick twitch at the feral danger and dominance that was being asserted over him. “P-Please… P-Please rape my ass…” the unicorn begged as he pushed off the cock that was in his mouth a second earlier. “Do better,” he growled again. “Which cock do you want? What do you want this cock to do to you, dumb faggot?” “P-Please rape my ass w-with your superior bat cock. M-Make it gape a-and then dump your thick l-load into it. U-Use me as your bat cum d-dumpster!” “Good slut~” he praised, before gripping Keith’s hips and forcefully pulling him down. The tip squished against the entrance, the pucker struggling to stretch wide enough to push inside, before finally giving way, making the pony slut gasp. The thestral at his mouth took this opportunity to gyrate his hips forward, taking his throat, making him essentially get spitroasted between those two strong hips. With a pop, the medial ring slipped right in as his bowels were spread widely, made to accommodate the hot throbbing member. It was harsh. Sharp was putting it all in. Inch after inch. And that only with a bit of spit. Keith could feel the clear uncomfortable pain that would accommodate such a large insertion, crying out around the cock that was occupied with smashing his muzzle. Then his hips reached the bat ponies, a small bit of rest which the whore was grateful for. A small stop to the abuse, but not for long. Sharp’s hooves pulled his ass right up until only the tip remained in Keith’s ass, before sinking every inch back again in one fellow swoop. Another muffled scream escaped him as he felt that and Sharp set the rhythm. The sissy slut just stood there at this point, letting the bats set the pace as they were hammering his face and poor ass from both sides without care or mercy. Tears were streaming again from his eyes and onto the carpeted floor below. The only mercy was that the vamp pony at his front seemed to get closer as he felt the shaft throb inside his mouth erratically, as if ready to blow. Hard breaths were another indicator as well as the speeding up of his thrusts. “Damn! Getting close! Drink it you little unicorn bitch!” he howled before grinding his hips into Keith’s face, letting loose spurts of his virile cum right into his mouth. The stream was fast and with a high quantity of spunk, forcing him to swallow quickly mouthful after mouthful of the bats seed. At one point though he couldn’t quite make it, his cheeks bulging as the cum then shot out of his nostrils. “Whoa! Nice one! Girly seems to have trouble taking the quantity of cum we put out!” the one with the smartphone said with a grin, right before the one at the unicorns mouth was done and pulled out. The pony coughed loudly after he had swallowed the last of it, taking in breaths of air amidst some painful and lustful squeals that escaped him from Sharp plundering his ass. Now with the obstruction over he had stood up and mounted the small bitch, giving him a much better angle to impale this sluts bowel with his mighty bitch tamer. “Look at Sharp go! He might end up breaking him, ha ha!” “AH! AH! AH! AHH! AHHHH!” screamed Keith constantly with each new plunge into his ass. It was a constant noise that reverberated throughout the room and maybe even outside of it, making any passersby know that he was being used like a pathetic sissy. And Sharp wasn’t letting up, smashing the unicorns prostate constantly with his massive dick, raping his ass however he wanted it. “You know, you pony cunt are taking too long servicing us all. Use your horn for something useful for a change and jerk off some cocks!” Just as he said that three vamp ponies stepped forward and in his range. One sat down in front of him, his musky rod right in the unicorn's face, while two others went to his side with a leering grin. “I-I, b-but-!” Keith tried to protest, acting as if he had really any dignity left at this point. Sharp wasn’t going to have any of that. He bit down on the horn, making it crunch lightly as he punctured it with his teeth. A high-pitched squeal of pain followed as the ponies cock twitched inside the slightly pulled down panties. “Jerk. Them. Off,” he ordered with a feral growl along the horn, before releasing it again. “A-AH! O-Okay! O-Okay! I-I’ll do it!” he pleaded, a sob escaping him as his horn flickered unsteadily to life, the use hard with the abuse it had received. It was throbbing uncomfortably, though Keith knew better than to disobey, so he pushed through. A green aura formed along the dicks to his side, encompassing a part of them in a cylindrical shape which started to move up and down. The same happened to the shaft in front of him as he then leaned forward to let his tongue trail along the tip, pleasing yet another thestral. He knew he could not act too slowly, so the trailing quickly turned to suckling directly on the tip. His ministrations showed effect as he could taste a glob of pre coming from it, right before he pushed more of it into his mouth and then forced it into his esophagus. It was clear that this would happen anyway if he tried to avoid it, so he decided to go the easier route, giving the pace himself as he took some of it down his neck, while the rest that he had trouble reaching on his own was jerked by his magic. “Good little pony faggot. Stroke that dick. Prepare it to rape your little ass~” the one at his side purred, making his intentions clear. Keith probably would have reacted more, though something was taking him out of it. A loud whorish moan escaped his lips as his body trembled. And then he came. He didn’t see it coming as overwhelmed as he was with the situation, though he sure felt it as the panties were soaking in his own spunk with each new twitch of his inferior pony cock. The white payload then dripped down on the ground, a clear admission of the sluts enjoyment. “That whore just came!” one laughed making Keith blush as he tried to focus on sucking the wet member in front of him, instead of his still leaking clit. “Not surprising. Wimpy pony sluts like that cannot withstand our thick bat cocks.” “Gotta etch that into him!” another laughed as Keith heard a marker unclasp. The stallion he was currently fellating held his head in place while a wing came into his vision with the black pen. He felt the tip touching down on his forehead, seeking the parts that weren’t slimy from the sperm that was soaked into his mane. ‘BAT COCK LOVER’ was written in bold letters on it before they continued. ‘CRYING BETA SLUT’ and ‘FREE FACEFUCKS’ were written on his cheeks as well as a doodle of some hearts and a cock. “Want to write some too, Sharp?” the thestral asked as he gave the pen to the stallion. “Sure thing. I doubt we will hear him complain any more at this point. Not even with him knowing that this is a permanent marker.” Keith stopped for a moment. After they had written those insults on his face he went right back to blowing the veiny shaft in front of him. Though he didn’t stop for long. Just as Sharp said, he went right back to it, not giving any protests even as the thestral stopped his thrusts from behind to mark his rear. ‘NO CONDOMS ALLOWED’, ‘CREAMPIE THIS ASS’, ‘DUMB WHORE’, ‘FREE USE BAT SLUT’, ‘LIMP CLIT SISSY’, ‘WORTHLESS FAGGOT’, ‘PONY SEX TOY’, ‘BENDS OVER FOR EVERY BAT!’, ‘RACIST LITTLE SHIT’, ‘MASOCHIST PIG’ and ‘HURT ME!’ were written all over his ass, back and side. After it was done, Sharp gave the marker back before getting back to railing the unicorns lowly ass. An ass that was demure as he was servicing four cocks at once via his holes and magic. The one he was blowing had gripped his head by this point, taking over the rhythm and pushing him deeper than Keith was going on his own previously. It was better this way, seeing as he was losing focus to pleasure him with his mouth. The large pillar of flesh that was stuffed up his ass was taking much of his attention. It actually seemed like half a miracle that he still managed to use his magic to jerk off the two dicks by his side. He felt full in any case. The dick stretching his bowels widely was by now sliding in and out a lot more easily as the precum had helped lubricate it enough to erase most of the resistance. The large balls of Sharp were smacking into his behind in a constant obscene cacophony together with the wet slurps and gurgles from his muzzle. The slaps got even louder and more noticeable as he went faster at him. His teeth had gripped his tail as he did that, pulling on his dock and holding it in place. And then he hilted. He hilted it all, giving a triumphant growl as Keith could feel something hot and wet bursting inside. It was cum. His boypussy was being bred by Sharp. Shame and lust were blooming inside him as he realized that. It was hot. Felt hot, even as it stung at the roughed up parts in his ass. He was shooting a lot, just like the first time, filling him up, making his bowels resemble a sea of vamp pony spunk. The medial ring that was stuffed inside hereby kept it all in, not letting a drop spill as it was soaking into his anal walls, marking him, claiming him as a bat pony cum dumpster. And then he pulled back. His ass protested, seemingly clamping down on the medial ring, though of course not posing any challenge to the superior bat strength. A fountain of cum spurted out, hitting the carpet with a wet splat. Sharp gave his ass a spank, making it wiggle alluringly before walking to the side. “I had my fun. Breaker, your turn,” he told the bat pony with the thick shaft that had already announced prior that he would rape his ass. Keith’s magic hold was broken easily as the thestral went to his ass, before setting his fat flare on the now slightly gaping hole. Another stallion came from the side, poking his cheek and demanding attention. “Come on, bitch boy. Stroke that cock with your hoof. Let me see you earn my sperm~” The off-white furred hoof lifted, wrapping around the hot appendage, before his other hoof was grabbed. The one he had serviced with his magic claiming it, while two more stallions approached, presenting their thick rods to him. Obediently his glow surrounded them, bringing the count to stallions he could service simultaneously up to six. Counting the rather wide cock that was now pushing against his ass. Keith wanted to gasp as he felt the flexible ring of his ass stretch to accommodate him, though the shaft skewering his throat of course made that impossible. It was all a blur. He was surrounded by bad dick. More in fact than a prostitute might see in a single day. They dived into him, filling him, getting squeezed by his tight gullet and ass, using him like a mere sex toy. He felt in his hooves those throbbing shafts as well, precum running down on them, smearing them. And he was a unicorn that was supposed to be superior. The one in his front pulled off from his green lips, a clear lipstick ring showing at the base of his cock just how far he had sucked it in. Then suddenly seed splattered against his face like a fountain as the thestral had quickly jerked himself the rest of the way groaning. Keith got some in his eye screaming at the contact and closing it but then choked up as his muzzle was scrunched up into another crotch, his mouth filled immediately. The one behind him pushed in all he had into his stained bowels, squeezing the pony slut together with the one that was now using his front. No mercy. No dignity. Only shame and bat cum. He felt it more and more, cocks spurting his side, flanks, face and always going for his holes as well. And he came. He couldn’t stop it. The ones that were stirring up the cum in his ass were scratching along his walls in just the right way to bring him to another sissygasm. And then he felt more cum fill his sphincter up too, right as his own measly load was spurting inside his panties. Shafts were pulled out and he was tossed around, forced to ride another bat on the couch with his back to him, while continuing to give out hoof and blowjobs. ‘FREE HOOFJOBS’ were of course written on his hooves as well, as if to advertise the service as well as ‘I DESERVE THIS!’ on his belly. His flanks were kneaded by the one he was riding as his cock twitched and he moaned and cried in both pain and lust. And it didn’t stop. As soon as all the bats went through him, a few new ones seemed to arrive. And once these were through, the others that had cum prior wanted seconds. At some point they had just bent him over the table and charged submission for any newcomers. Once the night was over and the light touched through the window, Keith’s boypussy was sufficiently destroyed. Gaping and leaking dozens of slimy strands with a large puddle beneath him. His entire coat and slutty clothes were painted in slimy as well as dried crusted cum, showing him to be an absolute mess. It took the sound of snapping pictures to finally make him stir. He groaned as he pushed himself up and off the table, stumbling and falling down on his back. Another groan followed as his bleary eyes opened to see Sharp stand before him, making another picture. “You got quite the nice set of holes on you, Keith.” The pony blinked at him at the surprise of hearing his name. “Yeah, we went through the remains of your sweater for your ID. We know your name, where you live, where you work. All that fun stuff.” The unicorn's mind restarted, his eyes turning to pinpricks as he stumbled to his hooves. He opened his mouth but could only cough, his voice hoarse. “Y-You-” he finally managed as Sharp cut him off. “We own you now. Simple as that. You are our slut. Our stress relief. And not to mention our little porn star~” he said, showing off a video that showed the events of the night. “Don’t worry. We will only sell it in our home country, so neither your parents nor friends will know of this. That is unless you try to whine and bitch again. Then we will publish the video on every porn site and send a copy over to them as well as your work place. I think that could be an interesting talk you would have, wouldn’t it?” he asked with a cruel smirk. “P-Please don’t,” Keith croaked out. “You know what to do then. You will terminate your rental agreement and move in with us. Every night you get here and ever night you will be our little bitch boy.” There was not much to say to this. He could go to the cops to get this whole nest into prison. Though he knew that it would also mean revealing to all of Equestria how he came from being gangraped by some filthy bat ponies. His cock twitched, though he quickly shook his head. “O-Okay…” he simply gave a way of answer, his head low. “Good slut boy, now get out,” he said, pulling Keith to the door by his sticky mane and giving a kick to his flank on the way out. He stumbled, falling to the ground as many thestral eyes fell on him. It made him acutely aware of how he looked. Like a cheap, used unicorn tramp. He whined in embarrassment and quickly stood up before taking off in a gallop, starting his walk of shame home, while his hard cock smacked up into his belly. Or at least his former home as he soon would be forced to return. Forced to be the plaything of the thestrals.