> Fulfilling Pinkie's Dream > by AJ Aficionado > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Things I Do For Science > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A smiling Twilight Sparkle crested the peak of a round, green, dew-covered hill beneath a cloudless star-studded sky, the moon shining brightly overhead. The happy Unicorn was carrying a notepad, lawn chair, a length of tarp, a basket of food and what appeared to be a gem-covered salad strainer with massive holes cut into the bottom.  “Perfect visibility. Nopony around for miles.” Twilight spoke to nopony in particular, laying out the tarp with her magic. “Excellent night for looking at the stars, eh Pinkie? Uh, Pinkie?” “Whoa! Whoa! Whaaaaaaa!” A series of thuds greeted the Unicorn’s ears ending in a groan. “Pinkie! Are you alright?” Twilight slid down the hill and offered her garishly pink friend a hoof up.  Pinkie’s baby-blue irises rattled around inside her eyes before refocusing themselves and she giggled. “Not a worry, Twilight. My ears broke my fall!” She gave her prodigious pinnae a wiggle, covered in fluffy pink fur across their length; dipping one more than the other nearly sent her tipping over on her side. “Whoopsy! I almost went for an oopsy again!” Twilight giggled into her hoof. They’d only known each other for less than a year but long enough for the intellectual Unicorn to develop a fascination with her that had started from a total lack of comprehending Pinkie’s bubbly, hyper-extroverted personality and seeming disregard for all manner of rules: physics, logic, and scheduled obligations. She seemed to be little more than a chaotic jumble of vaguely partyish impulses coalesced into the living embodiment of all things loud and obnoxious, and Twilight had asked herself more than once why in the name of all things harmonious they’d ever ended up hanging out together. That all changed, ironically, at the lowest point in their history as friends. Driven by an obsession to understand the source of her uncanny ability to predict the future utilizing body twitches and simple intuition, Twilight had driven herself to the brink of insanity by following Pinkie everywhere she went to study and spy on her, all while the unknowable forces of the universe seemed to conspire against her to preserve their secrets. Her pride broken, along with several of her bones, Twilight was forced to admit her loss and accept that her current understanding of science and magic didn’t have all the answers. Despite all the pain she’d gone through and never getting a satisfactory answer from her friend on how her illogical abilities worked, she gained something ultimately much more valuable than knowledge — respect. Respect that only grew over time, nurtured by their every interaction as adventurers, defending the wild frontier of Ponyville from all manner of calamity.  Respect that was slowly blossoming into love. It was that respect for her friend she’d dismissed as lacking understanding that had changed her destiny forever. The experience had ultimately changed her, transforming her from a sheltered introvert trying to derive ultimate knowledge and purpose from data points and magical theory to the leader her circle of friends could look to for support. Twilight was never big on understanding feelings much less on explaining them to others, particularly when she had to divide her attention between five friends. She needed a reason to talk to Pinkie about her growing desire to take their relationship to a higher level when one presented itself.  Acting on a request from Pinkie herself, Twilight had created a portable anatomy enhancer device, an energy blaster powered by arcane crystals and tipped by a bundle of tangled wire, all of which allowed for more enhanced use of particular receptors in Pinkie Pie’s body she used when predicting the future — most of which turned out to be concentrated in her ears.  Of course, getting Pinkie to agree to a time and place to meet and test out the new advice wasn’t the same as getting Pinkie to stop what she was doing and actually show up. But being the accomplished spellcaster she was, Twilight was able to teleport back and pry her away from playing with Cake Twins; it helped that it was after hours at Sugarcube Corner and their parents were more than happy to look after their own foals.   “Let me help you up the hill this time. But how is your reception right now? Did the fall affect it?” “Nope! I still got a full one-hundred and eighty degrees range on both of these babies and I intend to use it!” Pinkie clopped her hooves determinedly before deploying her ears out to their sides like a pair of stabilizing wings and trotted full speed up the hill, leaving Twilight half-wondering if she could glide with them in that configuration.  “Wait for me!” Twilight had just made it to the top when she slipped on a wet stone and lurched backward ominously. With a sudden twitch of ears, Pinkie anticipated it, reaching out with her hoof and catching her just in time to spare her friend a long, grass-smeared trip to the bottom. “Whew! Thanks, Pinkie! Who’d have guessed that your Pinkie Sense would end up saving me a trip to the hospital in the end rather than causing it?” Pinkie’s ears drooped until they were nearly touching the ground beneath them. “I’m really sorry about what almost happened to you, Twilight. I’m still not entirely sure how my Pinkie Sense works! Sometimes it’s there and sometimes it’s not! It’s almost like it has a mind of its own!” Twilight gave a half-smile, half grimace, giving a nervous glance to the sky which was thankfully free of meteors, anvils, or Pegasi moving vans. Aside from Pinkie and the equipment Twilight had carried up the hill, there was only a lone tree; its leaves rustling gently in the humid breeze that promised a scheduled rainfall later the next day. “I think I’ve figured out that so long as I acknowledge its existence but don’t try to discover its secrets, it won’t try to murder me in the most gruesome way imaginable,” Twilight snarked. “But even within those parameters, there’s still so much for me to learn!” “Oh, Twilight! You’re always trying to figure out little old me!” Pinkie waved a bashful hoof at her friend. “I’m not here to learn anything! I just want to have fun with my friends like you!” Twilight felt her body warm with the sincerity of Pinkie’s words. She’d decided long ago that Pinkie was an enigma wrapped in a riddle, but not a threat to her understanding of an ordered and sane universe. There was only the task of discovering where to place her odd abilities in the field of scientific understanding. From there, the socially inexperienced Unicorn’s mind quickly fast-forwarded to rather more entangled experiments.  She was going to be alone for hours out on a hill with a mare she was growing to pine for with all the tools at her disposal to experience something completely new — push the boundaries of ignorance back just a little bit further and progress Equinity toward a brighter future. And if all else failed and she failed yet again to make headway with Pinkie… there was always progressing the advancement of their relationship and with any luck, the two could bring each other to orgasm… for science.  The idea had been growing in Twilight’s mind for weeks now. At first, it was an unexpected, curious whim — but soon she found herself looking for a way to bring their deepening relationship to a new, exciting level. Twilight grinned, winking at her friend. Put the other mare at ease and put yourself in a position to bargain, just like the books say! “You know, Pinkie...” Twilight said conspiratorially, “... there’s no reason the two of us can’t have what we want. We’ll do my little experiment now and we can do whatever ‘fun’ you want later — as friends!”   Pinkie eyed her friend skeptically, withdrawing a bubble-pipe from her curly mane and sticking it in her mouth. Complete silence broken only by a stream of rainbow-colored bubbles dragged on before she finally stashed the pipe back in her hair. “Alright, Twilight. You’ve got yourself a deal!’  She grasped Twilight by the hoof and gave her an awkward, pump-handle hoofshake. Twilight cringed slightly, finding the gesture as off-putting as when her other Earth Pony friend, Applejack, had first tried it on her upon her arrival to Ponyville a year earlier. She supposed shaking hooves with Earth Ponies was just going to be an uncomfortable experience to her and offensive to her sensibilities no matter what. “Excellent!” Twilight quickly broke contact and added Pinkie's name to the “do not shake’ list of which Applejack was the charter member. It was a small miracle she’d gotten Pinkie out at night in the middle of nowhere, and it was to no surprise whatsoever that the notoriously flaky party pony would need to renegotiate a deal she’d agreed to just an hour earlier. “Now all that remains is to test the full range of your abilities and maybe figure out a way to use them! If we can learn more about them, we can use them to foresee threats and hopefully keep Ponyville from being destroyed… again!” Pinkie grinned, a squeal escaping her lips as she pronked happily. “And then we can throw an early saving-the-town party without even having to save it! Imagine, Twily! Pretty soon none of us will ever have to save anypony again and we can just throw non-stop parties for all the saving we never had to do!” “Oh yes…” Twilight couldn’t help but vividly imagine the possibilities: Alcoholic cider flowing; Pinkie’s mane straightening out into a soft curtain of sinfully straight luscious locks of free-flowing hair as the night wore on. Fortified by liquid courage, Twilight would surely be in a position to explain her affection, however unlikely, for her Earth Pony friend. And she’d surely hear her out? Pinkie was, if nothing else, a very tolerant mare who’d be willing to give her a chance! And all else failing, she’d still be drunk enough to think it’s a good idea!  Twilight internally squeed and congratulated herself for her own genius.  She could imagine it now,  her ‘research’ would start with light-kissing and back rubs before quickly progressing to burying her muzzle in her friend’s enormous pink cleavage and giving her round, firm teats the tongue-bathing they deserved! The pair would then put every single sex toy in Twilight’s laboratory — which she owned strictly for science— to work on each other until the break of dawn. Perhaps they might even dare to indulge in a little ear exploration?  Scratch that, a lot of ear exploration!  She blinked at her own increasingly lurid thoughts, surprised not so much at the direction they had gone as the tangent they had rather sharply veered off on. But that doesn’t make any sense, it’s an EAR! Ears aren’t sexual! Twilight reminded herself, but couldn’t shake the strangely compelling fantasy; the shame of her forbidden desires hitting her anew and replacing her resolve with some confusion. Maybe this was just too soon, then? Maybe she should wait until she had a better frame of mind and understanding of why she felt this way? And maybe, in the meantime, she could settle for asking Pinkie out on a date? Even aside from her incomprehensible ear obsession, the idea of doing anything sexual with her Earth Pony friend seemed so much easier in fantasy than reality: she’d prefer a rematch with the hydra to seducing her.  In truth, Twilight felt unworthy of her, especially after treating her as little more than a lab specimen for her powers — could she ever live down the fact she’d nearly gotten herself killed for simply refusing to accept her friend’s unorthodox magical abilities? And what if Pinkie rejected her advances because of it?  Stuffing her own fears and doubts as far down into her as she could, Twilight magically grabbed her friend by the shoulders and lay her down on the tarp. “Curb your enthusiasm, Pinkie! There is science to be done!” she reminded herself along with her friend, setting up her instruments as much for distraction as anything analytical. “Okie dokie Lokie!” Pinkie instantly agreed, watching in only idle interest as Twilight began to ready her equipment. Within a minute, she was ready. “So all that’s left, is… this!” Without further ceremony, Twilight picked up the odd salad strainer device and carefully slipped it down onto Pinkie’s fluffy head of hair, only barely managing to thread her oversized equine satellite dishes through the gap. Twilight checked the screen, the crystal readout registering an active and stable link with Pinkie’s brain with a pair of flashing amber lights.  “Success! Now Pinkie, I just want you to turn your ears to the sky and try to pick up something. It doesn’t matter what, just anything at all no matter how insignificant that might be happening to anypony... anywhere.” Pinkie Pie rubbed her chin. “Hmm… This is going to be a toughie! It’s not so much picking up one pony’s signal but separating all the signals out there. My ears are so sensitive, now!” She wiggled them again, immediately drawing Twilight’s attention, and then blinked. “Oh! I am picking up something!” she announced. “Really? What?” Twilight instantly turned her full attention on her again, only for her eyes to wander back up to her twitching ears, one of which pivoted back and forth a couple of times before locking briefly but directly on Twilight herself! The barest of smiles broke out on Pinkie’s lips as her ears lingered on Twilight for just a moment before resuming their radar-like motion.  Twilight could just make out the slightest aberration in Pinkie’s facial expression, the barest hint of her inner prankster rising to the surface, but the allure of long, fuzzy softness was too great to complete the mental circuit.  “Pinkie…?” she prompted again, mildly disconcerted by the strange sense and certainty she’d just been scanned. Did she just pick up something… from ME?  “Oh! Um… I’m picking up something, but it’s kind of fuzzy… in fact, it’s really hard to make out! So you know, I might need a little signal boost!” Pinkie reached into her mane and pulled out a small bottle. “Here, Twilight! Use this on me!”  “What is…” Twilight reeled from the shock of seeing her unrequited love using her floofy mane as a saddlebag before turning her attention to the bottle. “Pinkie, is this vanilla extract?” Pinkie looked at her friend in stunned disbelief. “Well, of course, silly! What kind of baker would I be if I didn’t keep a bottle on me at all times? Twilight, the need to bake a cake can hit a filly at all hours of the day!” She waved her ears once and then spread them wide, as if in offering. Twilight looked back at her friend in stunned silence — during what precious few moments she could tear her eyes away from Pinkie’s enormous ears. Just keep her talking, Twilight. Just keep her talking until something makes sense! she reminded herself. “And you think this will help?” she asked, realizing only then how dry her mouth had gotten. “Why wouldn’t it? It’s never failed to improve the taste of whatever I’ve made, so why wouldn’t it boost my Pinkie Sense, too? Just put a coat of it all over my ears and I’ll be able to pick up traffic from the entire Twisting Nether! You’ll see!” Pinkie nodded to herself in agreement as she pointed up at the night sky. Despite her legs going momentarily weak at the thought of getting to touch and rub the entire length of Pinkie’s incredibly long ears, Twilight arched an eyebrow at the surprising phrase. “The Twisting Nether? What do you know about the source of all thaumic energy?” “I know it’s where all the demons live, Twilight!” Pinkie’s smile dropped for just a moment as her eyes grew unfocused and distant. “And it’s also the home of the Thestral Highborne colonists; space marines who’ve dedicated their lives to keeping them from enslaving us all!” Pinkie looked back up her friend, slightly fearful.  Twilight’s jaw dropped, her aural fantasies briefly forgotten. “Pinkie! I had no idea you’ve studied the ancient religious texts of the Highborne or how in Equestria you managed to find time to study them but never mind that! I just want to know how is… vanilla going to help us?” she decided she had to ask despite the chance Pinkie would change her mind and withdraw her offer, also deciding not to inquire what a space marine was. One mystery at a time, Twilight... She gave a girly giggle, her good humor instantly restored. “Don’t be silly, Twi! It’s not going to help the space colonists! Well, unless they get hungry and need me to bake a cake!” Pinkie gasped. “Omigosh! Omigosh! Twilight, do you think Celestia will let me send cakes into outer space? There are sooo~ many Thestral colonists and soldiers fighting on the front lines going without their birthday party!”  “Ugh!” Twilight brought a hoof to her face, finding her cheeks hot, not just from growing arousal but exasperation, wondering again how anypony could be so incredibly alluring yet so incomprehensibly annoying all at the same time. “Fine! I’ll coat your ears! Just let me get a hoofkerchief and…” Twilight’s tail began to flag wildly behind her and her heart began to race as the thought of not just touching but nibbling on Pinkie’s vanilla-scented ears added fresh fuel to her suddenly fierce fantasy. “I-I’ll put it on you.”  “Yay, Twilight! Just… don’t forget to work it in deep and hard! I want to feel everything~!” Pinkie hung on the last word with calculated lewdness. Or did Twilight just imagine it? “So don’t be shy about it!” Twilight’s face burned as if she’d just downed a bottle of Neighican tequila — her nethers began to churn. Nothing about what was happening seemed right — it wasn’t that she was inexperienced; she’d helped other fillies out with their estrus growing up, even being as introverted as she was. She’d even fantasized about her brother during the height of her own heats.  But those events and attractions she could at least half-justify, while this was a pair of comically huge, ludicrously proportioned and indecently fuzzy ears! They made Pinkie Pie look like some absurd pink, pronking, rabbit pony! And yet there they were and she couldn’t take her eyes off of them! Couldn’t stop thinking about them… Couldn’t stop wanting to touch them... Behind her, Twilight’s marehood began to wink and drip, giving off the scent of freshly-pressed blackcurrant juice as Pinkie’s ears twitched again and her smile only grew, turning something almost coy.  “Well, I’m waiting!” she called out jovially again. And was there an element of eagerness in her voice? “R-Right…” Twilight spoke around a hard swallow, trying to take her mind off the ear and back to her work. She reminded herself firmly and repeatedly that it was just an ear, however erotically enticing for its size. She reached what she could with her hoof but had to stop when she got a whiff of her own scent and her horn gave off a series of electric pink sparks that announced her arousal further and briefly lit up the surrounding area. Twilight cringed at their involuntary release — surely she had more self-control than that! — But Pinkie either didn’t notice or gave no sign she had. Twilight knew she was being silly, but at that moment, she sensed the physical contact between them was sexual in an unspoken but very visceral way, and her body was reacting without considering her well-reasoned counterpoints. Reasoning that she wouldn’t give herself away again if she was channeling a spell, however basic, she poured more vanilla into the rag and started levitating it to work it inside her friend’s ear, coating the cochlear portion with a thin glaze that glowed pearl in the cool moonlight. It didn’t help that Pinkie kept cooing in her high-pitched, girly voice as Twilight struck her many sensitive — and highly erogenous as she knew from her anatomy books and romance novels alike — Earth Pony pressure points along the entire length and width of her enhanced auricles. A new scent, that of cotton candy, soon made its presence known and began to fill Twilight with nervous excitement, as its source was unmistakable.  Wh-what’s going on here? Does that mean… Pinkie wants me to… to rut with her? Did her enhanced ears enable her Pinkie Sense to pick up on ME? Or is she just being Pinkie? Her mind wandered and raced. I can’t be sure! There’s just no way to know!  And then, as if in response to her frantic thoughts, Pinkie rolled over on her side, her round but firm barrel slapping down against the tarp as she rolled over on her back like a dog, revealing a pair of swollen buckball-sized teats resting lazily against her inner thighs, capped with long, perky nipples — two gorgeous mounds of mammary tissue larger than all of Twilight’s own and other friends’ cleavage put together and just as impossible to ignore as the equally beautiful mare who owned them. The presentation made her mouth water and caused the hoofkerchief to begin to tremble in her magical grasp. “Oh, Twilight! You are the best ear rubber ever!” Pinkie closed her eyes and bit her inner lip, a growing flush spreading its way across the whole of her face. Her eyes closed to better concentrate on the waves of pleasure crashing over her listing bow, her ears standing to rigid attention as they accepted the sweet scent and stimulation. “It feels so good! Don’t stop now!” “S-sure…” Twilight’s heart leapt as she saw Pinkie’s marehood twitch eagerly below her, nectar slowly rolling down over and into her pucker before slowly pooling the furless dock at the base of her tail. She nearly lost her hold over the rag which wavered further in her magical grasp as she shot off another flustered scattering of pink and golden stars from the top of her brightly glowing horn.  Oh, thank the Night Pinkie had her eyes closed! But how is she DOING this to me!? Twilight asked even as she involuntarily snuck a hoof between her slick and trembling thighs and took a swipe at her long, throbbing clit before grinding into it, fully convinced in her own ability to stop when it was absolutely necessary and keep her efforts hidden in the meantime.  Probably. Hopefully… It wasn’t like her friend was going to mind if she noticed anything, surely? Twilight knew Pinkie loved to see other ponies enjoying themselves, even sexually, and she wasn’t ever going to insult a friend for expressing her true self. She was far too open-minded to be put off by such a sincere appreciation for her friend’s feminine beauty! For her rock-hard, rock-farming rump…  For her soft and huggable teats that you just wanted to bury your entire face within… For her sweet-smelling sensual juices... And last but hardly least, for her sparkling fathomless blue eyes that Celestia herself, in all her wisdom, would never deny the beauty of.  Twilight then swallowed hard, her sodden femininity soaking her groping hoof, weeping freely onto the ground beneath her as her horn threatened to erupt again, this time with a far more powerful and unmistakable display.  I… really need to stop now before I do something very unscientific!  With great willpower and discipline befitting Celestia’s prize student, Twilight finally extracted her sopping, wet hoof from her marehood, reloaded her rag with the rest of the vanilla and finished her task silently, save for the eager moans and occasional doggie leg kicks of her gloriously well-endowed heartthrob. Each of the latter caused her belly breasts to jiggle enticingly; the twin teats that capped them visibly engorged and briefly causing Twilight’s fantasies to shift from nibbling her ears to suckling each teat in turn. Until she noticed she was almost completely out of vanilla. A shake of the bottle confirmed about a squirt or two at best remained in the plastic container — she’d been using it so freely and eagerly she’d run almost completely out of it while only halfway through coating her second ear. Twilight bit her lip and looked around guiltily. She slightly frantically double-checked her picnic basket which was pointless because she hadn’t packed any vanilla in there or anywhere else because why in Tartarus would she bring vanilla as a snack?  Pinkie lay still and quiet as Twilight paused her efforts, a rare treat for anypony engaged with her for any length of time. Twilight knew she could ask her if she had another bottle, to which she might reply with a yes or a no but would inevitably lead to a breaking of the moment and a disruption of the perfect harmony they’d somehow attained. And thus, a hopelessly aroused and excited Twilight knew what had to be done… for science, of course!  So while Pinkie wasn’t looking, she ground the hoofkerchief against her sopping wet entrance, soaking the entire rag before squirting the rest of the vanilla over the top of it, masking her scent with that of the extract. Surely Pinkie would never notice! And hopefully neither would her Pinkie Sense, but Twilight trusted in the integrity of her scholarly intentions even as Pinkie’s ears twitched again as if seeking the touch that had been temporarily withdrawn. Intentions that were only turning her on even more as she realized she was applying her own scented juices to her friend’s exquisitely in lieu of enough vanilla, causing her to fumble the handkerchief slightly.  “Ooooh! Spicy!” Pinkie giggled as she felt the rag reapplied to her ear, leaning it into the hoofkerchief. It dripped from the sheer volume of fluid soaked into it, rolling down into the round cups of her concha like half-thinned honey as Twilight nervously polished her inner auricle to a sparkling shine. “Ooooh… I love it! Keep going!” she further invited, and Twilight did her best to oblige even as she felt ready to faint. Does she know what I did? Oh, of course, she does! That mare knows everything, even though she has no right to! Twilight was started to suspect Pinkie had picked up on her intentions from the beginning, thanks to the ears Twilight herself had enhanced. But on the increasingly unlikely chance she wasn’t, the helplessly horny Unicorn mare resolved to never admit to what she’d done, though she was almost sure the ‘spiciness’ Pinkie was talking about had nothing to do with Taco Tuesday over at the Hay Bale cafe. “All finished!” Twilight announced, perhaps a bit too cheerfully as she wet the last of the surface, knowing that even if they did nothing else, she was going to be fantasizing about what she’d just done for many self-pleasuring sessions to come. Pinkie’s eyes opened, her serene smile transforming to a look of characteristic wild-eyed excitement. “That’s great! Thanks, Twilight! I feel like I should be paying you for the work you did. Somepony’s definitely got a cake in their future! Or maybe a cream pie!” > First Contact > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uncertain whether Pinkie had made a deliberate double-entendre, Twilight Sparkle smiled nonchalantly, silently thanking Celestia for Pinkie’s discretion. “You make it sound like you get your ears polished often.” “Oh but I do!” Pinkie said insistently, nodding like a bobblehead. “Me and Roseluck both have our ears done at the spa! That poor mare has ear issues even worse than I did! Twenty inches! I can only imagine how long she’d be once you got done with her with that rooty, tooty point and shooty of yours!” Twilight’s ear-altering device had looked like a science-fiction raygun straight out of the comic books. Twilight winced at the Pinkie’s incorrect grammar and a second time at the thought of Roseluck bent over, her large curvy rump mingled with sweat, watering the bushes outside the Flower Trio’s home/greenhouse/floral shop, teasing a group of stallion standing behind her. Accepting her invitation, the largest one mounted the florist, her gorgeous green eyes glistening with emotion as the team of construction workers lined up to rut her under the tail as her inner flower wept onto the cobblestone below. What the hay is wrong with me, right now? I’m so alone in this world! Twilight resisted the urge to not just facehoof again, but slap her head hard enough to rattle her skull. “Yes… Roseluck certainly does… stand out in a crowd, doesn’t she? I suppose that’s one thing the two of you have in common! Well, besides your uncommonly large aural receptors.” “Oh, you’d be surprised!” Pinkie rotated her giant ears, doing a three-hundred-sixty degree sweep of the surrounding area before her right one paused facing Twilight. “We actually have quite a lot in common, though she’ll never admit it, the silly filly!” She’s aiming her ear at me! She knows! Twilight swallowed hard, feeling like she was being subjected to interrogation — or perhaps an earterrogation might be the way to put it? There was nothing accusatory about what she said or how she said it but Pinkie Pie gave off that aura of just knowing something; a secret she wasn’t supposed to learn. It was maddening! “Really? I would never have guessed,” Twilight replied in a manner she hoped didn’t sound too guilty, staring at her slightly askance as she couldn’t help but feel she was somehow being led by the nose. “Well… You didn’t hear this from me, but Roseluck has this friend she lives with named Lily Valley — one of the cutest mares in Ponyville but she’ll never believe you if you tell her — and she has the biggest crush on Roseluck!” Pinkie smiled as if she couldn’t conceive of a more wondrous notion in all the known world. “She has it sooo bad! But the poor filly just can’t bring herself to pluck up the courage to ask her out.” “That’s…” That is so me! Twilight couldn’t help but acknowledge to herself. “That’s a real shame. A pony shouldn’t feel ashamed for what she feels on the inside but confront it.” “Well said, Twilight!” Pinkie punched at the air. “She needs to confront the fact that to her, a mare is a beautiful, sexual creature that needs to be celebrated on a daily basis!” Pinkie looked up at Twilight’s horn, softly glowing pink. “That every part of her is a creation of the divine. That seeking to pleasure that which is beautiful is the highest calling of any lover!” She paused dramatically for effect and winked. “Even if... her ears are the object of her attention and over three feet long!” Despite the fact that she already suspected Pinkie had guessed it, Twilight nearly fainted from shock. “Pinkie, you knew!” Twilight wiped her forehead in shock but also a growing sense of relief. “So I’m not the only one then? There are other disgusting deviants out there looking at ears?” “Twilight, that’s no way to talk about yourself! You’re the most normal deviant I’ve ever met!” Pinkie chuckled at her own joke. Twilight plowed ahead, wanting to get the worst out in the open before Pinkie changed her mind and dropped something on her head — her Pinkie Sense could detect falling objects, but with the new size of her ears, was there a chance it could cause them too? “Oh, Pinkie… I am so relieved to hear it! You wouldn’t believe how awful it was, standing there in front of Princess Luna after we drove the Nightmare out of her, wanting to hug her, kiss her, tell her how sorry she was to have been banished for a thousand years and being able to do nothing but stare at her ears! “They were so long and so fuzzy and so big and I just wanted to nibble on them for days and weeks and months! And-and…” Twilight paused to catch her breath as her eyes went unfocused and her heart skipped a beat. “And yours are even longer and sexier, and oh by Celestia what is wrong with me, Pinkie?” She clutched her head, hard, and began to cry. Pinkie focused both of her ears onto Twilight, cupping her forehooves pensively and regarding the Unicorn with an uncharacteristic air of seriousness. “Twilight? You know I’m your friend, right?” Twilight nodded once, jerkily, struggling to both keep her eyes clear of tears and away from Pinkie’s ears. “And you know that I’m the absolute last pony who would condemn another pony just for being themselves?” “Y-yes…” Twilight sniffled. “Good! Now here’s the really, really important part! Do you think that I would ever turn on a friend for finding something attractive about another pony? Especially if that pony was me?” her serious expression suddenly turned into a wink and a grin. “N-no…” Despite her best efforts, Twilight felt tears of relief and gratitude start to stream down her cheeks. “Almost there! So, then, Twilight! What do I like more than anything else? And before you answer parties, what do I like about parties?” For one of the few times in her life, Twilight was taking a quiz that she felt entirely unready for even though she knew the answers. “That… p-ponies have fun?” “Exactamundo!” Pinkie exclaimed, giving Twilight’s hooves a squeeze with her own. “I want ponies to have fun, and I want them to have fun with me! So all that being said…” Her eyes turned outright sultry in an expression a grateful and now-sorely aroused Twilight had never seen on her face before. “Do you want to do more than just think about what you want to do with my ears, or do you actually want to do all those things?” she wriggled them with enticement. Twilight felt a sensation like her heart leaping all the way from her chest into her neck. “I couldn’t, Pinkie! It’s just… ears aren’t supposed to be sexual!” Twilight pleaded despite not being able to tear her eyes away; her marehood winking hard behind her at the sight and offer. “All they do is channel sound into the inner ear so you can hear better. And they’re all waxy!” She gave a disgusted look. “Oh! Well, I take good care of mine, Twilight! I promise they’re nice and clean!” Pinkie went rigid, her ears both focusing in on their friend. “In fact… they’re picking up on something right now… a contradiction!” Despite her excitement, Twilight’s cheeks puffed up with indignation. The walking definition of contradictions dare call her a contradiction? “I’ll have you know my study of the anatomy of pony ears is very thorough and entirely lacking any contradicting statements! For example, did you know they’re self-cleaning devices that don’t require one to insert objects into their ear canal? Statistics show that over seventy percent of all Equestrians use cotton swabs to clean them! Think of all the unnecessary ear infections this is causing!” “Maybe they’re doing it because it feels really good! It’s a good enough reason for me!” Pinkie giggled at her friend’s appalled expression. “But that’s not what I mean by contradiction. I mean to say that ears aren’t nearly as disgusting as the hole beneath your tail! And yet thousands of ponies fantasize about putting things inside of them on a daily basis…” “I don’t like where this conversation is going!” Twilight’s righteous defense of her academic knowledge visibility deflated as she found their conversation being dragged off kicking and screaming down into a somehow even more embarrassing patch of metaphorical weeds. “... Including yourself, Twilight!” Pinkie held out a prosecutory hoof. “Curse you, Truth or Dare!” Twilight ground her teeth together. “Pinkie, I thought we agreed to never talk about my completely ludicrous fantasy about my brother rutting me under my tail during my estrus!” Left unsaid was the fact he’d actually done it for her as a favor. That one time! Still, that was nopony else’s business but his and she was admitting nothing! “I just thought it was worth mentioning, that’s all!” Pinkie declared with an air of finality. “Thanks for the polish, by the way. Excellent form! Say, can I have you do it more often? I do like spa trips but they cost money and I can’t always make it in as often as I’d like to… responsibilities and all...” “Pinkie!” Though sorely tempted and almost unbearably aroused at the idea of getting to service Pinkie’s ears whenever she wished, her fears still had hold of her. Twilight then grabbed hold of her friend’s shoulders, her face frantic, leaving Pinkie’s nose scrunching from where their muzzles touched. “Pinkie, you are not taking this seriously enough! What if I’m losing it? What if I get corrupted by the Nightmare next and start enslaving ponies to satisfy my unnatural craving for outrageously-proportioned auricles? What if I turn evil and you have to find a new Element of Magic to defeat me? Then Celestia will have to banish me to the Moon, Pinkie!” Pinkie slowly pushed Twilight back away from her. “Orrr you could just indulge all those fantasies and do all those things with your close friend and willing participant whenever you like!” Pinkie’s pensive expression became jovial again. “I mean, you could be holding out for a bigger pair of ears than mine but I’m the biggest pair around and you don’t even have to leave this hill to find me!” “B-but…” Twilight swallowed hard. There was no way anypony would want to have her imagination unleashed upon them, let alone ask for it! She checked the sky for objects hurtling toward her head courtesy of Pinkie’s newly enhanced Pinkie Sense but found nothing. She then checked for the odd cloud a hiding Rainbow Dash might be concealed behind, ready to laugh at her for being such a nerd and pervert. But there was nothing except the two of them. “So you’re saying… you’d actually let another pony… you know…” She still couldn’t say it out loud. Pinkie shook her head with a pitying expression. “Twilight, I’ve had stallions rut me in the mouth, under my tail, sandwiched in my teats, along my nose, through my mane, over my hooves, across my tail, and in my ears even before you zapped me with the ear laser! Trust me, sister, if you can think of it, I’ve done it!” Twilight gasped like a fish out of water. “Under your tail!? In your ears!? How does that even work? The ear canal isn’t pliable; you can’t realistically penetrate the bones in the ear, even if one ignores the eardrum which rupturing could cause…” Pinkie held out a silencing hoof to her friend’s muzzle. “What can I say? Bat Ponies are total ear aficionados and they know how to par-tay!” Pinkie pounced on her friend, pinning her to the ground. “Now I’m going to do us both a favor and get you loosened up!” “Oh, Pinkie! You really shouldn’t! I mean — Mmph!” Pinkie drew them both into a deep kiss before she could finish the thought, scattering her thoughts and her remaining doubts instantly. Twilight reached up with a hoof, running it through her thick, pink mane when Pinkie finally broke free from their lip-lock and took the Unicorn’s horn in her mouth, an unneeded sensitivity spell fizzling on its tip with a wet crackle before fading entirely as Pinkie tongued its spiral length with circular swipes. Despite the intense pleasure that left her pawing weakly at the air, Twilight still tried to protest. “Pinkie… this is crazy! We’re... just…. friends!” Twilight gasped breathlessly as she finally gave herself over to the lust that had been threatening to overtake her all night, an act of total surrender that Pinkie had caused by taking the full length of her friend’s horn into her muzzle, bobbing up and down on it repeatedly. “Oooohhh…” was all Twilight could say Pinkie gently but insistently pushed her onto her back, laying her on the tarp. She then reached down to press a hoof between Twilight’s thighs and began rubbing her winking pink love nub, leaving Twilight squirming beneath her practiced efforts and all but squealing with delight. The uneven but gentle surface of Pinkie’s hooves exploded with stimulation on Twilight’s nethers as the Earth Pony continued bobbing up and down on Twilight’s magical organ, pleasuring, nay worshipping the very essence of her Unicorn identity, her ears cupping Twilight’s head, making her head swim with the mingled vanilla and blackcurrant scent she had herself applied! “Pinkie… don’t… stop…” she just barely managed to plead. “Stop? We’re just getting started, you silly filly!” Pinkie said around a mouthful or horn as nimble hoof pads, soft as a cat’s paw, found their target, trapping the wriggling fun nubbin between them. It was enormous by pony standards, two-inches of slippery joystick but no match for Pinkie’s impossible equine hoof-suction. Grasped firmly in her hooves, but by no means satisfied with her prize, Pinkie worked the nail of her hoof around and inside the velvet-pink folds. She tickled her urethra playfully as Twilight’s halfhearted protests gave way to deep, sensual moans, glistening precum trickling from Pinkie’s hoof. The sight, scent, and sounds of her own ear-aided seduction and the wild excitement it brought sent Twilight over the edge, a schoolgirl whinny building deep inside of her from the base of the tail, spreading upwards through her diaphragm and lungs before breaking loose with ear-piercing insistence as she squirted forcefully, sending bullets of blackcurrant-scented mare-passion flying across the hill to a distance of ten paces. Pinkie’s mouth filled with a similarly-scented gel which oozed from pores hidden inside the rings of Twilight’s horn which she lovingly licked clean before making a display of swallowing the load whole. “So, Twilight… how was that? A knowing Pinkie asked, laying out beside her while still cradling her friend’s head with an ear. Unable to reply right away, Twilight lay on her back, chest rising and falling from the sudden erotic activity and intense release, gazing dreamily at Pinkie. “Oh, wow… that was… I don’t have the words. But I have to find them! I have so many notes I need to make! I have to document everything… what I felt, the sensations on my horn — you have no idea!” her barely-working aura fumbled for her pen and parchment. “Twilight, aren’t you forgetting something?” Pinkie teased with a light poke of her chest and a mild but mirthful tone of scolding. Twilight bowed her ears. “I’m… sorry? What am I forgetting?” Pinkie stretched herself out like a cat, brushing her thin coat up against Twilight’s, causing the latter to shiver with delight. “Twilight, when your partner does something for you, it’s a courtesy to ask them what they want in return! Think of it as… ooooo! As an advanced friendship lesson!” “Hey, I didn’t ask for you to pounce on me!” Twilight replied defensively. “And you weren’t fantasizing about pouncing me?!” Pinkie replied with a lopsided grin. “Don’t hold back, Twilight! You can do whatever you like with me, whether it’s my ears or my teats — yeah, my Pinkie Sense picked up on that, too!” she confirmed as Twilight found herself ready to both rut and run away. “If you need help with suggestions, I don’t suppose you’ve noticed how very phallic your horn is?” Twilight brought her forehooves to the side of her head in a Lily-esque display of horror. “My horn? Pinkie, I have a lot more on my plate right now than thinking about my horn! I was just hoofed off by one of my friends! Everything is different now! How will the others feel about it? Hay, how will I feel about it tomorrow? And worst of all, how in Equestria do I put that in a letter to the Princess!?” Pinkie held up a hoof to her lips, shushing her instantly. “You only have one thing on your plate right now, and that’s me! The only thing that’s different is that you now know how completely awesome sex is! The others will be happy for you if they’re really your friends — isn’t that a lesson you yourself learned and shared with the Princess before?” she reminded her friend. “And if you really want to tell Celestia about your sex life, that’s your business but personally, I’d wait until we’re engaged before dropping that sort of news on her!” “E-engaged!?” Twilight kneeled before her friend in a traditional bow, regretting only that she had no gift to present her as was customary. “Pinkie does this mean you want to herd with me?” “Absotudilutly!” Pinkie flicked Twilight’s bangs playfully, causing Twilight’s blush to deepen. “Just so long as we get to pick up and share a stallion or two later. This little filly has been dreaming of being a momma for as long as she can remember!” Twilight stared at her in disbelief, her mind still reeling. “I don’t think I’m ready for foals yet Pinkie but I’ll be happy to share a stallion with you someday! So, um... what do we do now?” What do I do first? She had no idea how to answer despite all her earlier fantasies. Pinkie brought a hoof to her chin in what Twilight could only describe as mock seriousness. “Weeell, I can’t help but notice you’ve got this adorable, supple, and delicious purple horn I’ve been wanting to feel inside me ever since we’ve met. And you’ve been wanting to learn more about me and my Pinkie Sense, right? So what could be more fun and educational than putting all six of those inches up inside of me and seeing what happens?” Twilight’s eyes lit up like a filly on Hearth’s Warming Eve as her horn involuntarily fired off another spark. “Pinkie, you’re a genius! That could actually be very useful… if a little wet and… awkward.” Twilight trailed off before taking a deep breath to bolster her resolve. “But you’re willing and I’m able and… by Celestia, if it pushes back the shroud of ignorance over ponykind back even just a little then we’ve gone a great service to not just science, but all equinity!” she reasoned. “That’s the spirit!” Pinkie kissed her glowing appendage, causing it to crackle and give off sparks that warmed the pair to the touch. “But once we’ve completed our experiment, I get to spend time with your... ears. Is that okay?” Twilight cringed slightly, cautiously optimistic but still half-expecting Pinkie to buck her off the hill in spite of herself. “Alrighty, but horn first! This is my fantasy, so come on. Come on. Come ooon!” she pawed at the ground impatiently. “Pinkie! We need to be safe about this. Lay down on the lawn chair and I’ll… pray that nopony happens upon us doing this because I really don’t want to have to explain myself…” “We’ll be fine, Twilight! Nopony about but a few Thestral couriers at this hour! So… how do I look?” Pinkie spread out on her back across the lawn chair, her poofy mane hanging over the back while her ears dangled over the sides; her round, firm plump body filling out the chair with pudgy softness. Her supple mounds of sweet-enhanced flesh rested in front of her feminine entrance, serving silent guard duty to the sacred chambers within. Pinkie, easily reading Twilight’s expression, continued. “Yeah, I could lay on my belly but where’s the fun in that?” “Pinkie, you’re not worried I might… poke you?” Twilight prodded the hard tip of her horn with a hoof, surprised when her own touch sent a shiver passing through her. “I’m worried you might not, Twi! Help yourself!” Pinkie reached down to cup both of her breasts in each hoof, causing the undulating pink flesh to ripple enticingly. Twilight felt her heart leap hard again. “I suppose a bit of supplementary study of your anatomy couldn’t hurt!” She lit her horn and began to caress her magnificent cleavage, delighting in how it felt against her aura. It felt so good, and yet, it wasn’t enough! She had to feel them on her hooves! So she did so, tentatively at first but with increasing eagerness, sampling their hemispherical forms and deliciously soft and yielding texture. Getting bolder in her efforts, she planted a kiss on each nipple before cupping them lovingly, gently suckling them with the pads of her hooves while Pinkie cooed and arched her lower belly at the efforts, urging more from her friend with an additional and unmistakable wink of her marehood. Twilight inhaled the wave of cotton-candy scent it emitted, taking incentive from the promise of future reward from it — as if their present fun wasn’t enough to warrant motivation! “Oh, Pinkie, you are so… excessive! And I love you for it!” Twilight said longingly, kissing the warm, furry surface of her equine teats before popping one in her mouth and suckling it. “I already feel jealous of any foals you have that get hold of these!” ‘Oh, Twilight! Now you are beginning to understand the joys of being a mother!” Pinkie rested her hind legs around Twilight’s back as she feasted on her tender teats, massaging her own ears with her free hooves and perhaps realizing only then how much more sensitive and sensual they had become since her enhancement. “You’ve always looked so happy when you’re around Pound and Pumpkin!” Twilight licked her mammaries with worshipful fanaticism, never wanting to be separated from them again. “I’ve no doubt you’ll make a wonderful mother someday, Pinkie!” “Thank you, Twilight…” Pinkie moaned gently. Twilight could recognize it in Pinkie’s kind face; the look of a professional doing what she loved most. It was the way she felt while gazing into the night sky through her telescope. “You’ve no idea what that means to me! It is my dream… no, my ultimate purpose to bring more life and laughter into this world. Foal-sitting for Pound and Pumpkin Cake taught me that — as well as how huge a responsibility it is! I just hope I’m up to it when it finally happens! And I hope it happens soon!” “I’m sure you will…” Twilight murmured around an erect nipple as the two fell into a contented silence, Twilight continuing to massage Pinkie’s mammaries until curiosity could be put off no longer. For Pinkie’s, most intimate and enticing depths lay before her after shifting her breasts out of the way with her hoof. Twilight gazed up into the Pinkie’s erotic entrance, examining it with great interest. My, it really is so much smaller an aperture than mine. Or maybe I’m just far larger than the mean? Grabbing her notepad and scribbling a quick note to re-examine the Canterlot Library for peer-reviewed literature on the topic, she turned her attention back to Pinkie’s puffy pink lips and prim, aroused clit, rimmed by a dark, pink vulva that set itself apart from the rest of her fur. Comparing sizes, Twilight noticed that while Pinkie's clitoris was much shorter in length, it was far girthier and made for a very inviting target. But now wasn’t the time! Twilight lit up her horn, tearing her eyes from the sight of her nubbin and took careful aim at the tender slit just below it. “Okay, this is it! Pinkie, I’m going in!” “Good luck, Commander!” Pinkie gave her friend and offhand salute, propping her head up with her ears to give herself a better look. Lining up her horn, Twilight dithered indecisively before the Earth Pony’s powerful hind limbs forced matters by wrapping around her neck and pulling her in, the magical appendage being swiftly driven all the way into her scalp with a wet plop. “Ah!” she couldn’t help but cry out in surprise and pleasure as her horn tingled fiercely. Its surroundings were warm, moist, and indescribably intimate, her friend’s cotton-candy essence quickly beginning to pool on Twilight’s forehead. And then Twilight felt a massive magical power surge through her horn that nearly knocked her flat; a massive sensual jolt through her like an erotic electric shock that left her both twitching and tingling from head to toe. “Pinkie, what... just…. Happened!?” she asked weakly, finding herself barely able to move and completely unable to withdraw her horn from her friend’s depths. Twilight blinked and when she opened her eyes, she could no longer see from them but now saw from what could only be Pinkie's perspective, looking up into space. Pinkie’s eyes glowed white, her curly hair standing on end. Of their own accord, her ears zeroed in on a single point of light in the night sky. “Oooooooaaaaaaooooooooh! Never mind the vanilla, Twilight, you’re boosting my Pinkie Sense with your horn! I’ve got a signal link all the way to the Bat Yam colony on planet Elunaria! I can finally wish their commander a Happy Birthday! Oooo… I need to introduce him to both of us! We’ve never spoken before and you deserve to meet him too for helping me!” Despite the intense pleasure and ongoing magical absorption she continued to experience, leaving her singularly disinclined to move, Twilight felt compelled to speak up. “P-Pinkie, I don’t think that’s a good idea…” She felt no right to question what was happening or who in the known universe Pinkie was sending personal letters to but agreed with the great griffon scientist Stavian Hawkwing that contacting aliens as a general rule was courting disaster. Pinkie, however, was not so constrained. “Happy Birthday, Commander Netherspite!” she shouted into the very nether itself. Twilight gaped as the sensations of Pinkie’s chaotic powers manifested along the entire surface of her horn, bringing the image of a terrified pale-furred Thestral into her mind’s eye, dressed in some sort of military uniform and looking through some sort of glass window into her pale, blue eyes. The terrified ‘Commander’ was now listening to Pinkie sing a full, multiple-verse personalized song congratulating him on reaching his 300th birthday in spite of the mortal danger posed by the interdimensional demonic threat. A song in an alien language with elements that were in the ultrasonic register of a normal pony’s hearing. It was surreal, to put it mildly. After Pinkie was finished, and a number of other uniformed, pale-furred Thestrals in similar uniforms had gathered in front of the clear-paned window, jabbering tensely to each other in their strange language, Twilight lost the image and the power drain on her magic was cut off. To Pinkie’s disappointment and Twilight’s relief, Pinkie had released her horn, sending her reeling, forcing her to fall back on her haunches, leaving her coated in a sheen of sweat. “Whoa!” Twilight Sparkle reached up and rubbed her horn with a trembling hoof, the phantom sensations still throbbing through her magical conduit, sending fresh thrills of pleasure through her as her horn continued to absorb the magical essence imparted to it. “Pinkie, is this how you know so much? Have you seen it all firsthoof? Please, Pinkie, I must know more!” she pleaded, her desire her knowledge overriding even her sexual desires in that instant. Oh! Well, um…” As Pinkie rubbed her head, Twilight noticed that her eyes had gone back to normal but the tips of her curly locks still smoked slightly. “I don’t know that I can really explain it well enough by describing it… but here goes! I can travel across space through portals located throughout Ponyville where things don’t work the way the rest of the world does. “The Pinkie Space makes you smaller so you can fit inside of it which means you also come out in reeeeeally, really tight places and visit ponies you’ve never met! It has rules and all that… I actually can’t just pop up anywhere I want to! Distance is a real biggie. I mean, until you came along I could never send a message that far before! So thanks, Twilight! You should stick your horn in me more often!” Twilight’s brain had spun into high gear, her synapses starting to sizzle at both the information and suggestion. Once or twice she thought she’d interrupt Pinkie for clarification, but decided to just let her continue. Maybe some of Pinkie’s disjointed thought processes had been imparted to her along with a measure of her magic, as it almost made sense in a weird way. If only I could gain some observational data! she despaired of never having any, for that was always the maddening caveat when it came to Pinkie’s abilities. Unless… her brow furrowed despite the lingering pleasure as an idea came to her. What was there to lose? After all, she’d already entered horn deep into her marefriend and experienced enough metamagical phenomena to keep learned ponies busy for a hundred years hard at work, but, she now realized, the real prize was potentially just one question away. “Pinkie… I’d really like to experience this for myself! So, um… could you send me, someplace?” Twilight asked in a falsely casual tone. Pinkie looked surprised by the request. “Through Pinkie Space? I’ve never done that before but…” Twilight’s casual expression instantly collapsed into a strained smile. “Pleeeeeeease?” “I dunno…” Pinkie’s expression grew pained as if her mind had conjured up the world’s largest falling piano over the top of her friend’s head. “Oh, I can send you wherever you want to go inside of Ponyville with your power boost but don’t really feel smart enough to say what will happen to you when you get there! Thing is, being inside Pinkie Space is very… different from what you’re used to. Takes a different way of looking at the world.” Twilight felt a surge of excitement. It wasn’t quite a yes but far from a no — a hoof in the door, which was certainly much easier to obtain than a horn in her friend’s marehood. “A different way of looking at the world?” Pinkie put a hoof to her chin, articulating her thought before her eyes brightened. “It’s like… being an ant! On the other side of where you’re going is where you want to be but it takes something more than just walking there to reach it. You need to crawl with all of your might, even if it looks impossible for you!” Twilight nodded. She would be called upon to take yet another leap of faith but yet it wasn’t fear but anticipation that now filled every corner of Twilight’s consciousness. “I think I understand exactly what you mean, Pinkie! Can you send me somewhere close?” Pinkie gave an equine shrug of her powerful shoulders. “Close? Sure, but unless I go with you, I can’t guarantee exactly where I’ll send you. There’s a whole lot of holeys out there leading to all sorts of places in Ponyville! I’m talking thousands of them! But don’t worry — since I remain behind, you’ll remain linked to me, and that means I can always pull you back if something goes wrong.” Relatively safe and consequence-free and involving Pinkie, no less? What am I waiting for? Twilight clopped her hooves, happily. “That sounds perfect! So you’ll send me through?” Pinkie still looked reluctant but whatever it was that was bothering her had passed. “You are a good friend, Twilight, and you make a great lover too! I owe you one for powering me up earlier so consider it done!” The pair bumped hooves. “Excellent! Pinkie… I’ll see you on the other side!” Twilight lined herself up with Pinkie’s marehood. “Horn ready!” “Pinkie Sense ready!” Pinkie chirped back cheerfully. “Good luck, Twilight and come back with some juicy gossip!” Twilight gave Pinkie’s rear a reassuring pat, before inserting herself back in all the way up to the scalp. She allowed the familiar sensations to wash over her before the world abruptly disintegrated into a wild whirl of color, the summer night sounds of birds and crickets chirping distorting and becoming distant before sinking into the magical void. > Roseluck's Zebra Zaturday > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <-=======ooO Ooo=======-> “Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Twilight found herself hurtling across a brightly-lit tunnel of light, her mane and tail whipping behind her as she was guided by an unseen force past numerous branching forks in the tunnel. Above her head, she could see the outlines of trees and houses and the sky above as if the earth beneath them had become transparent. She could make out ponies walking around outside on the roads and even inside their houses! She felt a pulling force, like a giant sea anchor dragging her up and into one of the many smaller portals Twilight noticed connected with the ground level above, surging directly into one of the houses and everything went dark.  The next thing she knew, Twilight felt dirt above her head and the muffled sound of a mare moaning.  Something wasn’t right. She couldn’t make out what she was standing on, but it felt very firm and decidedly not magical. She’d reached her destination… wherever that was. She felt tiny, insignificant but the sound outside roused her curiosity. She tapped the dirt with her hoof, as if expecting it to reveal a secret passage but nothing happened.  Then she heard it again, the sound of a mare having a very, very good time with another pony. It was nearby, the sound effortlessly reaching through her prison of earth. Despite having no comprehension of what she was experiencing, the magic scholar had enough sense about her to know that outside was where she wanted to be, where the air was fresher and the fevered sounds of coitus promised an explanation to just what in Tartarus was going on. A hop, skip, and a jump! Twilight could hear Pinkie’s words inside her mind, as if through a pair of tin cans connected by a string and separated by fathomless lightyears of empty space. “That’s it! I just need to jump through it!” Twilight gave the dirt barrier a defiant look and pronked as high as she could, the dirt giving way instantly. She felt a wave of sex-filled air greet her nose as she breached the surface of the flowerpot, roots and all sitting neatly atop her multi-hued mane. She was inside a pony’s bedroom — a very lucky pony’s bedroom, judging by not just the sounds she heard, but the powerful male she saw!  As her vision cleared further, a shock of vivid red and pink striped spiky mane belonging to a very familiar mare came to the forefront. She was in the throes of passion, eyes faced towards a second-floor window that looked out on Ponyville. Her massive ears stood tall and erect, her flank adorned with a single red rose. It was then Twilight recognized Roseluck, Ponyville’s most eligible bachelorette and renowned stallion aficionado.  Mounted to her back was a very large, very well-endowed teenaged Zebra stallion, his black phallus as thick around as a colt’s leg. His muscular flank was adorned with the cutie mark of a wood-carved statue; that of a Zebrecon fertility god if Twilight had to guess.  His entire body was coated with aromatic sweat, tinged with the pleasant yet still-masculine scent of tea leaves. His sapphire eyes looked steadfastly forward, his hips churning, thrusting himself deeper and deeper into the Earth Pony mare with each thrust as his large seed sacks plapped wetly against her weeping flower. “Colonize my womb, master! I am your most faithful servant!” Roseluck cried out zealously, her whole body trembling, and stomach bulging with each penetrating motion, the sight of not just that but the flower pony’s trembling ears held rigidly out to the sides of her head instantly restoring her arousal. “I am forever yours!” “As you wish, my mare of great worth! ‘Tis my offspring alone you shall give birth!” He grunted back, in a couplet that would do Zecora justice.  “Yes, my Zebra master…” Roseluck’s face was flush as her impressive ears then bowed low, in complete submission to be used as breeding stock for a creature most ponies still feared even after Zecora’s appearance in town. Though sorely aroused by the sight, Twilight was also quite troubled — she shouldn’t be seeing this! The things ponies would say! The things Roseluck would say! Twilight wanted to leave, to never speak of what she’d seen again, even as she felt a swell of both envy and pride for the coquettish Earth Pony. She’d been sooner than almost everypony in town to welcome a strange pony from a faraway land not only into Ponyville but into her most intimate place as a mare! Thinking of escape, it only then occurred to her to see where she was and gasped, finding her head was in fact sticking out of a flower pot.  A tiny flowerpot she stood zero chance of ever fitting inside.  In the midst of the crowded room, she screamed as she recognized the impossibility of her placement, her voice echoing off the walls and the inside of her own skull.  The two lovers stopped their rigorous pumping and looked over at her in complete shock, the Zebra stallion frozen in mid-thrust. Roseluck’s own look of surprise was replaced by one of cold fury as an angry snort left her lips. “Pinkie Pie sent you, didn’t she?” she deadpanned. Twilight screamed even louder, the sound drowning out the pop of the Zebra disengaging from Roseluck’s marehood. “My dear Rose, this Unicorn is surely a spy! For what reason she is here, I can only ask why?” the Zebra asked Roseluck who paid him no attention. “I don’t know and I don’t care!” Roseluck then got out of bed and stalked over to Twilight, whose voice had failed completely. Trapped, she looked up at Roseluck in a look of sheer terror, all her considerable power and magical arsenal somehow useless before the flower filly’s fury. “I’m only going to tell you this once, Twilight Sparkle… You. Saw. NOTHING!” Roseluck positioned a hoof over the flowerpot, getting a whimper and a nod back from the trapped Unicorn. “I’ll have words with Pinkie about this tomorrow!” She then pushed Twilight’s head forcefully back down into the pot. Twilight felt a familiar sinking as the room disintegrated into a whirl of color, an invisible plug being pulled beneath her that drained all of reality into the void once more. <-=======ooO Ooo=======-> After another sojourn through the network of underground portals, Twilight awoke on her back, face towards the starry sky. Pinkie hovered about her, an initially concerned look becoming one of her usual cheeriness. Back so soon?” Pinkie smiled and lifted her friend up onto her back. “So where did I end up sending you to? I hope it wasn’t too boring! There’s nothing worse than finding a blocked tunnel and winding up conking your head on the sofa! I was worried I might send you someplace boring and just sent you where it seemed like things were happening in the best possible way! Give you a really good show! So how was it? Tell me! Tell me!” “Don’t tell me what I saw was somehow real!” Twilight groaned, rubbing her overstimulated horn, already knowing the answer. “I was in Roseluck’s house. She was… never mind. She didn’t want me to tell anypony what I’d seen and I don’t blame her. I thought she was going to throw me out the window!” “Ahh, it’s Saturday, isn’t it? Yeah, I can see why she didn’t!” Pinkie giggled into her hoof. “She really doesn’t like it when ponies bring up Zebra Zaturdays to her! They’re not supposed to know about it.” “Zebra… Zaturdays?” Twilight repeated reluctantly. “Yep-yep!! She always has Zebras over on Zaturday and Zunday. Weekends are reserved for them! She doesn’t actually call it that, but I add a ‘Z’ because it’s more fun to say that way!” Twilight stared up at her again, then chuckled, the shock of her experience slowly fading back into a mixture of contentment and utter amazement. “Pinkie, you are the most irresistibly adorable mare I have ever met, but I will never understand why!” She hugged the Earth Pony around her barrel, feeling slightly drunk and unsteady after her sojourn in Pinkie Space. “But I think you’re going to need more than just free cake and balloons to fix your friendship with Roseluck!” “Twilight, you’re so silly sometimes. But who cares why? All that matters is that you complete me!” She nickered contentedly and nuzzled her friend, still clinging to her neck, delighting in her sugary scent. “And don’t worry about Roseluck. She won’t hold a grudge as long as we don’t share her secret. I do feel sorry for the poor filly, having to hide who she sleeps with...”    “When you put it that way, Pinkie, I mean… I guess it’s ok if I can call you my marefriend, right?” Twilight planted a kiss on Pinkie’s withers. “Yup-a-rooni!” Pinkie returned the gesture by licking the Unicorn on the cheek. “We can worry about the herding formalities later.” Drawing strength from her Pink friend’s stability — a thought Twilight never thought she’d ever have! — she dismounted Pinkie’s back and the two shared a kiss. “Thanks for being my rock, Pinkie. Do you still want to test out your new abilities? Or would you rather just finish with having my horn in you again? I rather think we’ve accomplished quite a lot tonight and the notes I’m going to produce will fill at least thirty-five feet of scroll paper! And no offense, but I’m still kind of freaked right now, so maybe we should call it a night and pack up.” “Well, maybe you’re right. In that case — Oh! Wait…” Pinkie’s tail took on a corkscrew shape and rotated twice. Her ears went completely rogue, flapping like a bat in a circular swimming motion before stopping abruptly. Then her legs began to shift wildly across the surface of the tarp as if she were the sole contestant in a game of Twister and climaxed in spectacular Pinkie fashion with her spinning upside-down like a top on her head, her body morphing into a pink tornado. “Oh my gosh, Pinkie! What’s happening?” Twilight cried out, barely able to keep the wires from getting tangled in her spinning legs, uncertain and afraid at what consequences one might suffer from interrupting Pinkie at the top of her chaotic form. “Oooooowowowowowoooow!” Pinkie finally stopped spinning and collapsed in a dew-soaked pile. “Twilight, it’s coming! The Mother of All Happenings is upon us!” Twilight realized Pinkie was being serious and a surge of adrenaline and lightheadedness went through her. “The mother of all happenings? Pinkie, tell me! What’s coming?” Crash! > Male Call > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight turned around and saw the lone tree on the hill swaying wildly back and forth as parcels of mail went flying through the air. Lit by the full moon, a Thestral stallion, unconscious by the look of him, hung limp atop one of the branches, still tied to his mailbag, swaying slightly from the lanyard attached to his inert form. “That!” Pinkie pointed to him, all business again. Twilight instantly stowed her sensual desires out of the need to help a fellow pony. “You weren’t kidding about something big, Pinkie! We need to get him down from there and see if he’s alright!” Carefully untangling him from the tree he was caught in with her magic, Twilight levitated him down to the ground, carefully as not to jar his spine, and turned him over on his back before checking for signs of life; she was relieved to find he was breathing normally and his pulse was strong.  Then she began stripping off all of his clothes — his uniform, mailbag, and leg-warmers which gave a clue that he’d flown off from a location high up in the Foal Mountains or perhaps was headed there instead. She set each article in a pile out of the way, inspecting them for blood. His uniform had been shredded badly by the tree on impact but to her great relief, she found no blood either on him or his personal effects.  Knowing a bit about Thestral anatomy and care both from books and from watching Fluttershy taking care of some injured fruit bats, Twilight lay him carefully on his back and gently unfolded his webbed bat wings to check for damage. He definitely looked like he’d bruised the arm of his right wing, which glowed an angry red. He might be able to fly a short distance on it but he’d be in major trouble trying to fly the leg over the Canterlot mountains. Certainly, he wouldn’t be doing it tonight, as his appearance of an overnight courier suggested that he had intended to do. At the very least, there weren’t any broken bones that she could make out after going over him with a magical scan. Pinkie removed the brainwave reader from her head and put it on the folding lawn chair. She doubted it’d been much help anyway after spinning on top of it. “Twilight, do you know who this Thestral is?” Twilight looked back at her friend and arched an eyebrow. “Not a clue. Have you met him  before?” She started gathering up what she could find of the mail and stuffed it into his bag which she slung around her back, intending to deliver it personally to the Ponyville Post Office, knowing she’d hear no end of it from Derpy or her boss, Certified Mail, if she failed to take care of the mail. “We’ve only just met, but I’ve waited my whole life to meet him! He’s going to sire my foal!” Her eyes filled sparkling stars. “Sire your…?” An incredulous Twilight reflexively raised her hoof up as if to object and caught herself. The suggestion was plainly absurd, but she then decided she should at least entertain the notion first given Pinkie’s proven track record of claiming the impossible to be true, only to be later proven correct. So she considered the matter briefly, but was finally forced to conclude it really was that absurd — for how in the name of Celestia herself could she think that of a pony she’d just met, let alone one who’d fallen injured before them? What in Tartarus is that mare thinking? “Pinkie, that’s nonsense! Take a good look at him. He’s injured and can’t even talk right now, let alone do… that! Now stop joking around and move that brain reader aside so I can put him on the chair.” It wasn’t just the illogic of the statement that irritated her, either — what was Pinkie playing at, talking about being impregnated by the first stranger who showed up just after having sex with her?  Am I just a completely inadequate lover and some random stallion would be a better lay? Twilight made a mental note to study up on proper sexual form for mare-on-mare sex the next time she and Pinkie did it as the pair completed the transfer. Nevertheless, Pinkie stood in front of him, a look of wonderment on her face. “So it’s you… is it?” She leaned in closer and ran a hoof through his messy, windswept mane, as blue as the summer sky, streaked with silver highlights. “It’s okay to wake up now! Momma Pinkie is going to take real good care of you!”  Pinkie took a step back to get a better look at him. Twilight put a hoof to her temple, feeling the headache beginning to build common to many a pony who’s experienced long-term exposure to Pinkie Logic.  Still… she did have to admit he had a rugged beauty to him. “I’ll say this much: He is a rather handsome Thestral! Such a lovely blue head and mane! He looks a little like my br —” Twilight just caught herself and cleared her throat hard before she could finish, thinking that perhaps now wasn’t the best time to be thinking about her BBBFF she’d shared some highly illicit moments with on more than one occasion. , Forcibly purging an image of what he might be doing with Cadance at that moment — did she like anal from him, too? — she forced her attention back to the injured Bat-Pony’s care and well-being “There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with him so I don’t see any harm in just… waking him up, eh?” She dipped a spare hoofkerchief in cold water, intending to apply it to his forehead. Pinkie shook her head. “No need, I saw his eyes move. He’s waking up now!” The Thestral groaned, reached up with a hoof to rub the sticky out of his eyes and groaned as he reached over and touched his tender wing. He was very large by the standard of Thestral males — they tended more towards the smaller side of the equine average when compared with the other pony tribes due to their chiropteran heritage. Despite that, he stood as tall as Applejack’s brother, Big Macintosh, though with a far leaner build befitting his avian characteristics.  Her desires still roused from earlier, and thoughts of past acts with her brother suddenly surging through her mind, she traced her eyes southward along his thick-gray coated stomach to his groin and mentally oohed with curiosity.  At that moment, his feline eyes locked with Twilight’s, causing her to freeze. Did he catch me looking? she couldn’t help but wonder, her tail flagging free with obvious enthusiasm behind her. “Hewwo!” The Thestral spoke in a deep voice of strongly accented equish, his eyes exploring his new surroundings. “You hewped me?” His kind gaze never faltered. “I am not speaking much ekkish... So-rry.” He tapped the side of his head and shrugged. “Thanks for hewp!” He bowed his head, in what Twilight interpreted to be a respectful gesture before licking at his sore wing. “You are so very welcome!” Twilight gushed, clopping her hooves together. “It’s not every night I get to care for injured stallions!” Very tall, very muscular stallions with such remarkably well-defined deltoids, especially! To say nothing of their… the thought died stillborn as she realized he was showing nicely, his hybrid organ already spilling halfway out its sheath and swelling slowly before her eyes. She found herself staring at the display, but couldn’t help it, having never been so enrapt to see it since the first time she saw it happen on her brother’s body, having snuck into his room and pulled down his sheets to get a closer look at it. The Thestral’s partially erect jet-black bathood lay limp and astonishingly long despite being half-flaccid, already snaking nearly halfway up his strong, chiseled abdomen. His fat and prosperous seed sack was filled to bulging and rested invitingly between his thighs.  Twilight had studied her fair share of male anatomy and sampled quite a bit of it as well from her hidden toy box, but the sight of this particular phallus with its unique tube-like structure, the tapered head giving way to a diminutive, all but vestigial medial ring, unlike anything the other three Equestrian pony tribes possessed. It was part bat, part pony and fully enrapturing to behold. To say nothing of several orders of deviation larger than anything she’d ever seen on any stallion not named ‘Shining Armor’!  Sorry, BBBFF, but I think you just lost your title of most well-endowed pony! she mentally apologized to him as the pace of his excitement accelerated and he then surged the rest of the way to full erection under her gaze; he might have been watching her but Twilight couldn’t tear her gaze away to check. For his impressive stature combined with all she knew of the Thestral races from countless hours of study, the conclusion was unmistakable: He was an Alpha, a breeder. She remembered reading about them in an old essay titled Comparative Anatomy Among the Equine Subgroups, one of many fascinating texts available in Canterlot’s Public Library, a copy of which she kept back at Golden Oaks Library. The lines came back to her in that moment word for word: The Alpha or ‘breeder’ phenomenon among the Thestral sub-race of the hybrid-equine subgroup of Bat Ponies inhabiting present-day Thestralslovakia is believed to have evolved to reflect the mating strategies of their chiropteran ancestry, rather than their equine ancestry, leading many scholars to place them outside of ‘proper equinity’ and into their own racial category. Others insist the distinction is impolite and shows a callous disregard for what they call the ‘fourth pony race’’. Because of the fractious nature and ethnic and cultural unrest between the united pony tribes and Thestrals stemming from these discussions, the controversy is kept quiet and never acknowledged in any official, legal or diplomatic capacity by the Crown or Crown officials. Born primarily from the ranks of Thestralslovakian nobility, the traits that produce them are recessive and they are thus but three percent of the population. But their stock is said to be responsible for around ninety-five percent of the present post-scarcity Bat Pony population, the genetics of the old medieval peasant populations that one made up their majority being gradually replaced due to attrition caused by malnourishment, war, epidemics and the high-infant mortality rate stemming from these Mulethusian scenarios which caused undue hardship on society’s poorest.  Thestrals, being far more prone to competitive mating behavior than ponies, thus put in place social norms to encourage these fitter males to breed with as many partners as possible, leading to dramatic morphological changes present in the population over time. While outgroup selection among Thestrals has been observed, their tendencies toward ingroup preference and cultural isolation make this quite a rare phenomenon indeed.  Twilight felt a sting of regret considering that last fact. She forced herself to look into his eyes if only to pry her gaze from his glorious endowment, finding his irises dark blue and glittering brilliant in the moonlight like a pair of lapis lazuli gems. He shook his head, seemingly still dazed by his collision with the tree, his mouth gaped open slightly, revealing a pair of razor-sharp fangs. He seemed not in the least frightened but fascinated by the sight of Twilight staring down at him in this place that must seem completely foreign to him. She felt herself flushing even harder under his scrutiny. And was it her imagination, or had the tip of his impressive organ wobbled towards her as if to look at her? “Do you have a name mister… mailpony?” Twilight asked delicately, unsure if it was considered impolite to refer to him as a ‘pony’.  He stared at her but then shrugged sadly. “No… under-stand. Sorry...” “Oh.” She’d not had very much experience dealing with Thestrals, mostly relying on books to fill her in on the finer points of the night-loving hybrids. The ancient lore held that Thestrals were created by the original Alicorn or Alicorns who created Equestria, combining the magical essence of the native ponies, sabercats, and large fruit bats into the keepers and caretakers of the vast forested region.  Indeed, not many ponies had direct dealings with Thestrals, who administered Luna’s crown holdings east of the Everfree Forest from their capital city of Hollow Shades. The mysterious metropolis hadn’t formed an exclave within Canterlot until Luna had been freed from the Nightmare; the majority of bat-kind preferring the quiet and magically-created darkness of the hills and woodlands of Thestralslovakia.  “I’m Twilight Sparkle!” she said as she regarded the curious Thestral with a warm and genuine smile, tapping her chest as she spoke her name. “And this is my friend, Pinkie Pie!” Twilight pointed to her friend who winked at him suggestively. “Hi there, cutie! I’m Pinkie Pie! And this is my pink pie!” The baker-pony quickly turned and flagged her tail at him by way of greeting, causing his eyes to go wide and his organ to twitch hard. It seemingly moved of its own accord to point away from Twilight and back towards Pinkie, to what Twilight recognized as genuine excitement from the latter while feeling a surprising degree of disappointment and even jealousy at his shift in interest.  Suddenly and very keenly afraid of losing his attention, Twilight spoke up, quickly dismissing the strange temptation to give him the same greeting Pinkie had but not quite succeeding as her tail flagged involuntarily behind her, though she just managed to keep herself from turning towards him to give a full view.  Feeling flustered, Twilight laughed nervously, waving dismissively at her friend. “Oh, Pinkie! You’re such a kidder!”  Twilight levitated over his mailbag and showed it to the Thestral, garnering an instant look of recognition from him. “I’m glad you’re alright. I gathered up as much of your mail as I could for you… Is there anything else we can do to help… assuming you know what I’m saying right now?” Twilight maintained her professional student’s smile, sure she’d just aced her friendship performance, putting her guest’s interests above her own more personal pursuits.  Wait — was it after midnight? This might even count towards the following days’ friendship report! Twilight made a mental tick on that particular box even as she scolded herself thinking about the Princess at a time like this. Unaware of her warring thoughts and desires, he smiled back with a patient nod, leaving her certain he understood nothing about what in Tartarus was happening. Twilight followed his gaze as he focused fully and adjusted to the low light level his eyes were designed to see in, cat-like pupils dilating fully as he took in the sight of the young and uniquely patterned lavender, pink and blue Unicorn standing before him. Twilight wondered what he might be seeing in her: maybe she seemed nubile, earnest, innocent...  Vulnerable? There was something altogether thrilling about the simple act of looking him in his feline eyes; the glowing gaze of a natural-born hunter and predator equipped by the Goddesses with night vision and whisper-quiet flight who regularly sunk his teeth into the flesh of animals he himself had slain. Twilight would never admit it to anypony, not even her own family, but she had a grudging respect for the carnivorous lifestyle.  She supposed it had to do with early equinity’s own need to develop crude weapons and even hunt for survival; to this day the Pegasi of Cloudsdale were occasionally known to eat imported meat from the Griffon Kingdom. It might also be her general adoration of fit, healthy stallions that possessed a degree of martial acumen — powerful stallions who could look after themselves during hard times and provide for their herd. Given this Thestral’s size and fitness, he was quite an accomplished hunter indeed.  To say nothing of being equipped with an impressive spear to penetrate a Unicorn to her very core! A shiver passing through her at the thought, Twilight felt her most intimate place began to wink. Twilight blushed further as she realized his breeder status meant he could likely recognize the effect he was having on her, and even encourage it in her further. As if in confirmation of her own analysis, he turned towards her fractionally an open display of his own arousal, pushing it slightly towards her and allowing its tapered head to seemingly focus exclusively on her again. As she licked her dry lips, she was given a strong impression that his bathood was not unlike his coiled serpent poised to strike at her from beneath his belly; she felt all but mesmerized by its one-eyed gaze.  So mesmerized, in fact, that she didn’t realize he’d spoken a few sentences in his native tongue until Pinkie broke into her thoughts. “Twilight, what language is that?” Pinkie tilted her head like an attentive animal as she looked at the Thestral. “It sounds cute!”  “Huh?” The sound of Pinkie’s voice broke Twilight from her trance, filling her with embarrassment at where she’d been staring, only to be overridden by an all-too-familiar skepticism surrounding her friend’s inexplicable magic powers and a desire to refute it. “What language? Wait a minute, Pinkie — you know this stallion is going to breed you but your Pinkie Sense can’t tell you anything about his language or where he came from?” her slightly befuddled mind finally locked onto her friend’s latest contradiction. “Of course not, silly filly! It doesn’t tell me everything!” Pinkie waved a dismissive hoof. “Besides, I don’t need to know what he’s saying! Sex is a universal language, Twilight! He’s not going to have sex with me in Equish!” Twilight winced as Pinkie’s riposte shattered her suspicions into so much inconsequential dust. When will I learn to stop questioning her abilities? “Oof! You got me there…” Twilight thought back with some difficulty to her time as Celestia’s student, rubbing a hoof behind her head. She had heard Thestrals speaking in their own unique dialects before since their couriers regularly delivered to Canterlot and could distinguish the big three languages well enough: Poniska, Nagyar, and Romareian.  There were others too like Stirrupska, Slewvene, and Slewvak but they were nearly dead dialects by all accounts she’d read, and she’d certainly never met anypony from that part of Thestral Country! “Well, he’s definitely speaking a slewvic language —  Poniska if I’m reading his accent correctly. He’s probably making a long-distance delivery to somepony in someplace that has a Thestralslovakian embassy who can speak his language. Canterlot being the obvious choice as it’s closest.” “Cant-erwot?” His eyes lit up with recognition at Twilight assumed was the name of his destination. He then pointed at Twilight, followed by his uniform. “Wook where!” “Oh!” Twilight understood what he wanted her to do and immediately searched his uniform with her magic, half wishing he was in it so she could feel up his well-toned physique in the process. Putting the strangely heady thought aside, and trying not to pay attention to his undeniably alluring erection that seemed to somehow be tracking her as it continually wobbled to point at her, the search turned up a helpful shipping manifest with a list of delivery locations and a crystal tracking device, one Twilight easily recognized by its magical ping as one that would let whoever sent the courier track him down if he got into any trouble.  It also had his name written down in both Equish and Poniska, ‘Triton/Tryton’, along with his cutie mark of a clay-colored moon, set in front of a second blue moon, a bit darker than his fur. Twilight’s eyes scanned the paper, making sure she understood each detail exactly before nodding her head, making an internal excuse for not returning his uniform that she wasn’t sure he didn’t have other injuries it might mask. “Right… um… so his name is Triton and he’s delivering some mail from Moon City to Canterlot. He’s got a wingbat of sorts; a tracker by the name of Io who’s based out of Ponyville.  “He’ll have been alerted by now since it’s giving off an active signal, so it looks like we’ll need to, uh, keep him company until he comes to help him out.” Her blush intensified again at the lurid thoughts again surging through her psyche; she swore there was a smell of… something just on the edge of her senses she couldn’t quite pick up or pinpoint, but she somehow knew it was there. As she looked up, Pinkie gave a knowing smile. “Keep him ‘company’, huh?” Twilight waggled her hoof disapprovingly even as another image of the stallion’s erect organ slowly penetrating her, invading her innermost sanctum flashed unbidden through her imagination, though she couldn’t be sure if it was because of this Alpha-Thestral’s allure or the exciting events of the erotically-charged evening. She picked up the barest hint of an odor again and started to wonder if he was giving off some form of magical pheromone.  But it passed. Twilight cleared her throat and blinked her eyes, doing her best to banish the lurid thoughts and regain her composure and demeanor. “Now, wait a minute Pinkie! This could all be some coincidence. And I don’t want you doing anything to this stallion without him being able to consent properly! We can hardly call ourselves a friend if we start helping ourselves to him like he’s just a side of hay fries!” she insisted, uncertain of what she was feeling was his doing or just hers. “I dunno, Twilight. He looks pretty ready to go!” She pointed at his towering and visibly throbbing bathood, the tip shining wetly in the pale moonlight as Twilight turned her attention back to it again. She felt herself being drawn to it like a moth to flame even as, to her immense frustration, it wobbled back to point towards Pinkie Pie once more. “I call dibs!” She was about to object, that primitive feminine part of her brain protesting that she should get the first crack since he was so obviously into her more and had done more than anypony to make sure he was alright, only to barely catch herself, choking back the purple sparks that her horn was threatening to emit again.  “That… that doesn’t mean anything! He can’t help it, Pinkie. He’s just a stallion!” Twilight said with an air of speaking an obvious truth even as she mentally willed his organ to point back towards her.  “If you were him, you’d be confused and feel put upon by the sight of two unfamiliar and exotic-looking equines ogling you, too!”  She looked at the Thestral sympathetically. “You’re probably used to looking at other Thestrals like you, aren’t you? It’s okay, Triton, we’ll take good care of you until we can get you back to your friends!”  “O-kay.” Triton looked back longingly, his mouth slightly agape as he looked into Twilight’s eyes. Then he slowly nodded giving the Unicorn a fang-toothed grin, earning a deeper blush from Twilight and a fresh shiver passing down her spine. For the first time, Pinkie started to act genuinely disconcerted to Twilight, standing up and beginning to pace back and forth. “No, this can’t be right…” She went through what Twilight understood to be the motions she’d performed earlier, making a series of gestures with her hooves. Her frown only deepened after she’d retraced events. “Twilight, I’m certain this Thestral is going to make me pregnant. There’s just no way I can be wrong!” Twilight grunted angrily. “Pregnant? Pinkie, you just turned eighteen a couple of days ago!”  “I know, right?” Pinkie threw up her hooves in disgust. “That is waaaaay too late to be getting started! I’m practically an old mare! What would my Mom say? Any respectable filly starts when she’s sixteen at the latest! That’s when my Mom had Maud and me!” Twilight could feel her fur beginning to smoke with the same elemental fire that had exploded out of her the last time one of Pinkie’s ‘doozies’ had been revealed to her. “Patience, Twilight…” She composed herself and calmly regarded her friend with a pleading expression, afraid she might scare the slightly bemused but still sorely aroused Thestral stallion off with her fiery temper.  “While I respect the traditions of your parents, you have to understand the choice to have foals is ultimately yours and not your parents, and they’re a huge responsibility! And they cost money! And they create messes!” She thought of a roomful of horned and bat-winged babies destroying her entire laboratory one delicate instrument at a time as she looked on in horror. “Yeah… I guess you’re right, Twilight. But that’s how we Pies have always done it for generations! Don’t get me wrong, growing up on a rock farm wasn’t the most fun experience, but I agree with Applejack; the old ways were the best! Bringing foals into the world Is worth more than just sharing a smile, it’s sharing the experience of being alive!” Pinkie beamed with pride.  Though not unaffected by the passionately delivered statement, the idea of having foals of her own gaining a sudden and inexplicably strong sway within her, Twilight still slammed on the brakes. “Hang on, even if that’s all true, and you want this, uh, prophecy of yours to come true… We can’t know that this Thestral feels the same way, Pinkie!” Twilight jabbed in the direction of their mute guest with an accusing hoof. “For all either of us knows, he just wants to sit here quietly and be left alone!”  With me… the thought rose up within her unbidden as she glanced at him and blushed again. The Thestral smiled back and nodded, adding a wink, making her wonder if he could read her thoughts. It’s like he’s enjoying the idea of two mares fighting over him or something! But we’re NOT fighting over him! I mean I’m only trying to… her thoughts stubbornly refused to stay on platonic paths and her marehood winked hard again behind her, the aroma of blackcurrant beginning to grow heavy in the cool night air once more. “Well of course he wants to be left alone… with me, silly!” Pinkie explained in a maddeningly matter-of-fact tone. “He’s a stallion. He wants to breed, and I want a foal! So we’re both getting what we want! It’s like exchanging gifts on Hearth’s Warming Eve!”  Twilight kneeled on her hind legs, reaching out with her forelimbs as if begging for sanity, both from her friend and from her own increasingly fevered thoughts. “Pinkie… I know you’ve got your own… unique ways of looking at the world, but raising a foal is an enormous amount of work!”  “I know, Twi! I’ve helped raise twins. And even when they were being difficult I loved every second of it!”  Twilight clutched at her stomach as if she’d had the wind knocked out of her. It had been a rather effective rebuttal, one that even found resonance within her as she found the idea of getting bred by this incredibly fertile male evermore tempting. “B-but he has a home far from here and a job that takes him all over Equestria! He won’t be there to support you!” she argued, trying to convince herself as much as her friend. “You don’t know that, Twilight! But even if he isn’t, I can still take care of our baby.” She looked lovingly into his eyes, taking in what Twilight increasingly suspected were the very potent Thestral pheromones and male musk, the latter filling the air with an aroma of burning sandalwood.  “B-but…” Twilight’s face began to twitch and her teats began to harden up beneath her belly as the same scents began to register fully on her own senses as well, tugging her down a path she found herself increasingly tempted to follow. But still, her common sense tried to override her freshly surging desires.  “Pinkie, w-we came here to test your Sense! We just got into a relationship and talked about herding, but that doesn’t mean that either of us is ready to have foals yet! You just turned eighteen two days ago and I’m only three days older than you. You threw the party for me, remember? So I say we get back to taking readings while we wait for our new friend’s friends to come and rescue him. ”  And hope one of them speaks Equish! Twilight’s internal monologue confirmed the prudence of her latest suggestion.I admit… I’m a little curious to find out if this stallion really is interested in me — I mean one of us! He sure is well-endowed and quite… erect down there! She swallowed hard for a second, finding her gaze drifting back to his assets. You know, he could give my big brother a run for his bits. What a gorgeous specimen and so much tamer-looking than my brother’s! His head isn’t nearly as thick and stretchy. But with that tapered tip, I bet the anal he’d give me would blow my mind…  She blinked again at where her thoughts had gone. Wha—? Now I want him to do me… there? She asked herself in disbelief as her upper opening offered its own opinion on the matter by puckering hard in eager anticipation at the idea. Okay, this is officially getting freaky! Twilight began staring at him intensely, recalling the exact details of Alpha Thestrals’ enhanced fertility capabilities described in the essay, Comparative Anatomy Among the Equine Subgroups she’d referenced earlier. Fortunately, she wasn’t too lost in her growing lust that she couldn’t recall it instantly: As a dedicated competitive mating strategist, the Alpha Thestral’s breeding capabilities are, in a word, remarkable. The Alpha’s enhanced size not only supports larger genitalia on average but the amount of semen stored in the testicles is over five times that of your typical Earth Pony stallion, capable of replenishing itself at as astonishing ten times the rate of recovery and boasting over ten thousand times the number of healthy sperm, all but guaranteeing impregnation if an egg is present.  And even if one is not, it is rumored that some Alpha Thestrals can even bring about a state of temporary fertility in a potential mate through the release of pheromones, causing them to release an egg out of season, though such claims lack sufficient evidentiary support and seem, on its face, absurd.  More concretely, the Alpha does possess an enhanced empathic sense, not unlike the ability Luna and the dreamwalker Thestrals possess, allowing them to scry the deepest desires of their prospective mates, and giving him an insight into their equine prey that all but assures a willing and eager participant gets seeded. This includes an instinctive understanding of what they like and what they wish, enabling them to use their quarry’s own fetishes and desires against them… The last line lingered in her head, both heady and a little frightening to her. Then this means… just like Pinkie did, he already KNOWS I’m interested and what I want him to do? She swallowed hard. “Hmm…”  Twilight turned to face Pinkie, the sound of her voice snapping Twilight back to attention. Pinkie was looking at Triton, who looked back at her with only casual interest. If Twilight had to guess, he seemed almost bored with the proceedings.  “Twilight, are you trying to steal the ‘first one of us to get pregnant achievement’ for yourself?” “What!?” Twilight snorted defensively, her honor and integrity as a friend and scientist so directly questioned yet again. She tore her attention away from his throbbing, black pony pleaser to make her honorable intentions clear to her pink friend. “No! Getting pregnant was your idea! And I’ll have you know, my next estrus isn’t for another three weeks and I am never so much as a day off schedule!” Twilight snapped back even as a pang in her nethers reminded her that consequence-free sex from a willing and very well-endowed stallion stood mere feet away from her.  But that’s completely illogical! You can’t just have sex with random stallions dropping out of the night sky on a whim! How am I supposed to put that in a letter to Princess Celestia? She fretted again. “OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOh! He can’t actually get you pregnant!?” Pinkie gave an exaggerated intake of breath. She turned to face the Thestral, her face a look of calculated calm gesturing casually at her friend. “In that case, Mister Bat Pony? You have my permission to give my marefriend Twilight Sparkle the night of her life!”  Despite the language barrier, his eyes lit up as if he was being served up a plate of fresh mango licking his muzzle top and bottom with a swipe of her long pink tongue. How was Pinkie communicating with him across language barriers? It was impossible to know for sure and there were far more pressing concerns at hoof, such as the Thestral pressing every throbbing inch of his supple obsidian spire into her to see if she could take it.  Cursing her raging, immutable bisexuality — and Pinkie’s — Twilight fought to bring her flagging tail under control, trying with all her remaining will from letting her horn announce her desires — or worse, her magic from acting on him in pursuit of them! I’m overthinking this. I’ll just ask Pinkie if she can communicate with him and be done with it. Still, she couldn’t help but wonder in some part of her brain that hadn’t yet committed itself to the task of deciding whether or not to get tucked in by a stranger: Was Pinkie’s prediction of the stallion breeding one of them correct to begin with? Because if it was that would imply a degree of risk that she could end up tangled up into the prophecy instead of her pink marefriend. Pinkie herself reacted with surprise that things weren’t going according to plan... No, that’s absurd! This entire prophecy is farcical! Twilight thought to herself slightly frantically, the heat of her nethers now quickly spreading throughout her body as she teetered on the edge of surrender. I’m not fertile! It’s entirely impossible! Prophecies such as the one predicting Nightmare Moon’s return had been historically verified so the subject of prophecy itself wasn’t an issue for the skeptically-minded empiricist. But, as Twilight reminded herself, there was no way any of them could prevent her coming back making the event being prophesied in a very real sense inevitable and thus render the prediction ultimately inconsequential — an academic matter with little practical value in hindsight, outside of a day’s headstart to mobilize a team of perfect strangers together to resist her.  Pinkie’s prophecy, on the other hoof, could very easily fail through the use of basic countermeasures any of the three parties present could employ to ensure events didn’t come to pass. Twilight herself could teleport them both away from the hill and leave the Thestral with his tracking sensor, leaving him alone but with food and drink. Or she could teleport the Thestral away to a safe location, perhaps her own home to be looked after by Spike and remove any possibility of intercourse taking place that way.  B-but what fun would that be…? She squirmed again as part of her internally rebelled at the thought. But even if she wasn’t willing to act for reasons both illogical and immoral, the Thestral himself could flap off to the Ponyville Post Office and find shelter there among his fellow postal workers while his wing healed and his compatriots followed his magic beacon to him. He could expect to be rescued in a matter of hours or even minutes given his contact lived in Ponyville.  Or hay, even Pinkie herself might end it if she wished at any time simply by coming to her senses, deciding to think long and hard over whether he truly wanted to have foals with a pony she’d just met who spoke a language she didn’t even know! In the end, despite all she had felt and experienced, Twilight couldn’t imagine a more flimsy premise for such a prediction. And whatever wondrous powers it did impart, she seriously doubted that even Pinkie Sense could drop a stallion out of the sky and into Pinkie’s vagina given the complications involved.  But wait — there was in fact the perfect solution to the Pinkie Predicted Impregnation Paradox, a way to thwart her prediction that could be pulled off without even alerting Pinkie to Twilight’s subversion — She could simply use Pinkie’s permission to let him rut her first! The more she thought about it, the more it made perfect sense! Letting him penetrate her slowly inch by inch and in whatever orifice he wanted until she was stuffed entirely full of him and he was completely spent of his seed was the surest way to not only debunk Pinkie’s argument, but in turn prevent her from getting pregnant by a total stranger! It was brilliant!  “Pinkie, you can’t actually communicate with this stallion! We established earlier this isn’t a part of your abilities… right?” Pinkie sauntered over to Twilight and put a leg over her shoulder, stealing a kiss on her ruddy cheek. “Of course not, Twi! But let’s face it, a flank like yours doesn’t need explaining!” Twilight shuddered and sent a drip of hot, mare cider tumbling the ground as she felt what she could only describe as her second sensual wind preparing her body for further action. “I’ll tell you what… Why don’t I… That is to say we… agree that perhaps I should be the one to… you know…” She shuffled from hoof to hoof uncertainly. “I knew it!” Pinkie proclaimed, pumping a hoof in the air. “You really are interested in him! You want this large, powerful stallion to hollow you out with his oversized horsemeat — sink his fangs into the back of your neck and break you in like no mere pony could ever dream of doing!” As Twilight watched, Pinkie zeroed her ears in on her, her face awash with mischievous glee as Twilight herself could only cringe and flush so deep she was certain her cheeks had gone nearly the same shade as Pinkie’s fur. “You want this uncivilized Thestral to show you all of the things you’ve been missing because no Canterlot stallion could ever do it for you!”  Twilight realized she’d not only been found out, but been idly needling her marehood with her own aura the entire time, hurriedly cutting off her spell. “Listen, Pinkie, that’s not fair of you to say at all, even I might be sorta very much interested in this Thestral — There, I said it!” Twilight kicked forward, stamping her forehooves down hard on the dewy-tarp, meeting Pinkie’s gaze defiantly. “But I am not one to be jumping to conclusions that I somehow regard other Unicorns as being beneath me!” Twilight tore her eyes away, a shock of guilt rolling over her, realizing that, when confronted, her mind had seized on the second accusation while disregarding the first. “A-and I don’t call Thestrals uncivilized either, for that matter!” “Of course you never did, silly!” Pinkie replied in the annoying carefree way that made Twilight want to both kiss her and recoil from her, having been seemingly cornered only to escape reason and logic by digging her way under the metaphorical chain link fence and escaping justice once more. “It’s something you don’t think about, you just gotta have it! The need for it is unspoken, only revealing itself to you in times of weakness.” “Get to the point!” Twilight spoke through gritted teeth, sparing a look at the Thestral male again, who she could see was now listening in some interest and wearing what she could only describe as a lazy expression. “Oh, how do I put this? I’m not as good with words as you are, Twily…” Pinkie brought a hoof to her cheek. “Twilight, you are really powerful. Like crazy powerful at magic! No other Unicorn in Ponyville can hope to match what you do. And you’re Celestia’s personal student! Twilight… you’re one of the most powerful mares in all Equestria!” Twilight felt herself blushing again, this time from praise. “I… never really thought of it that way, Pinkie but… I suppose it’s fair to say that.”  “Of course it’s fair! What you do is incredible! I’ve always been amazed by what you can do with magic — with that horn of yours...” Her gaze lingered a bit at something above Twilight’s head and out of sight. Pinkie averted her gaze, much to Twilight’s surprise. Was she staring at my horn? I never thought anypony would find such a basic tool of spellcasting to be at all interesting! Pinkie was never known to be modest or even tactful — probably why she and Rainbow Dash got on so well — but if Twilight didn’t know better, she’d say Pinkie was being shy.  “When you saved Ponyville from the Ursa, you acted like it wasn’t anything. And to you, it probably wasn’t. But what I’m getting at is — I don’t think any Unicorn could ever satisfy you, Twilight! There’s just nopony else on your level short of the Princess herself! In fact, I don’t think any Unicorn stallion in Equestria would ever approach you given your reputation. They’re all too scared...”  “I... see…” Just when it makes sense for Pinkie not to make sense, she starts making the most sense of any mare I’ve ever met. “You think this stranger from another land might be the only one who could stand up to my abilities, is that it? Well, that’s not important to me right now, Pinkie!” Twilight drew herself up proudly, like the leader Celestia was expecting her to be. “I’m here to stop you from making a terrible mistake, so I’m going to look after this stallion until his friends show up and whatever happens in the meantime, well… I guess it... just happens.” “If you think it’s for the best…” Pinkie nodded, her face lined with worry. “Still… if you’re not ready for foals yourself, you should be careful, Twilight! I know for a fact that estrus can be wildly unpredictable! Why, I had one show up a full month early once!” Her enormous ears twitched again. But Twilight waved off her concerns. She’d already been over this with her and there was no need to belabor the point, but she knew well by then that Pinkie was nothing if not persistent. “Unicorns are the most predictable of anypony when it comes to estrus cycles.” Twilight brought her forehooves together excitedly, smiling at the prospect of teaching a student a new and interesting fact about the world.  “Did you know that every single Unicorn mare in Equestria is timed to the exact same day? My cycle synced the very year I arrived in Ponyville. Just think, I, in effect, joined the Ponyville herd in a biological sense and am now part of a superorganism joining all of us together in sisterhood! It’s so cool, that of all the things we could have adapted from our horse ancestors, synchronous estrus would be one of them.” Twilight could already feel the sexual tension of the situation loosen ever slightly having allowed her scientific mind to reassert itself, even if for just a moment. “You’re so cute, Twilight!  Well, in that case — have fun!” Pinkie chuckled with a parting kiss. “Just try not to wake the whole town while he’s going down on you!” she teased with a wink and then turned away from the pair to look up at the sky, rotating her ears and occasionally twitching an ear or a leg. “If you need anything, I’m going to be trying to apologize to those space colonists for scaring them earlier. I still feel kinda bad about it.” Then she bounded off before Twilight could reply, the salad strainer hat still on her head.  The Thestral stallion watched her with a slightly befuddled expression before settling his gaze back on Twilight. She caught a glimpse of his pupils, fully dilated under the pale light of the starry sky, appraising her from head to toe, then going back for a second scan. He must really like what he sees! Then his organ twitched in his lap as he sat up slightly to get a closer look, sniffing at the air. And what he smells…? She wondered how keen his nose truly was, designed as it was to sniff out fruits and possible prey. Feeling a sudden attack of nerves, Twilight immediately tore her eyes away from the sight, looking instead at Pinkie who’d just laid down and directed her full aural attention toward the night sky.  She was aroused, more aroused than she’d ever felt, and yet the sweet sensation of having snagged such a fine stallion on her hook couldn’t bring her suddenly anxious mind peace. Great… just great! Twilight, what have you gotten yourself into?   Twilight bit her lip as she continued watching Pinkie scan the skies as she sensed more of her feminine essence leaking out of her onto the tarp and no doubt signaling her arousal to the keen-nosed Thestral nearby. “I’m doing this for Pinkie, not just myself!” she reminded herself, not entirely convincingly. “And I’m willing to assume any risk for the sake of my friends!” she insisted to herself, trying to silence her nerves and the pounding of her heart. “I just need to —“ A sudden presence making itself known, Twilight turned around to look at the Thestral who, to her shock, was now sitting right next to her, barely an inch away. She hadn’t even heard the tarp crackle of crunch. It was like he’d just appeared there out of thin air.  He smiled politely and draped his uninjured wing around her back, whispering something in his native tongue to her that imparted both a sense of reassurance and promise, even without her knowing the words.  He was even larger up close. The top of Twilight’s mane couldn’t even touch his chiseled chin. And this was to say nothing about how wide he appeared with his enormous wings which, unfurled, could span almost ten feet — a third larger than the size of Pegasus wings! As she studied him, she was again forcefully reminded of her brother’s physique: tall, athletic, and cut in a way that betrayed years of dedicated physical training. He might even have been a soldier like her dearly beloved Big Brother Best Friend Forever before adopting the life of a fearless courier, one braving the perils of long-distance travel alone to get ponies their much-needed packages.  Perhaps he even won the heart and soothed the aching loneliness of the occasional mare along the way! With another soothing murmur, he nuzzled her mane, tossing her bangs aside and drew in a powerful breath, turning Twilight immediately self-conscious again about what it was he could smell. Do I smell good to him? She wondered half-frantically. I suppose he would leave if I didn’t! But here he is, right beside me! I can’t believe this is happening! Twilight thought as she nickered back at him, playfully.  She couldn’t help it — he was so much like her brother, probably a big, goofy, lovable, and faithful companion despite his dark fur and membrane wings, to say nothing of the uncanny sight of his cat-like pupils that glowed a pale blue. Then there were his long, pointed fangs, which preferred the taste of fresh fruit and perhaps even a freshly caught fish to the crispness of freshly-cooked hayburgers.  “My friend is really something else, huh? Twilight told Triton shyly, her anxiety ebbing away more and more by the moment and took the time to put her at ease. He is clearly well-practiced in what he is doing, trying to relax me! She knew he wouldn’t understand her words, but if he was as intelligent as she’d suspected, he’d be able to understand the intent and the sound of her own voice made her feel less awkward and uncertain.  “You are so… dashing!” Twilight whispered in spite of herself, tracing a hoof over the curvature of her ear in an instinctive act of seduction, catching herself far too late and soothing herself with the knowledge that at least she was speaking gibberish for all he knew. He replied with a few words of his language. Before she could wonder what he was saying, Twilight then felt his wings caressing her back, stretching slightly like a rubber band across its contours as gentle as a whisper. She could make out the touch of all five of the elongated finger bones which made up his wing, a hand much like Spike used to write with, connected one to the other with a thick membrane stretched between them that allowed him to soar through the sky — alien to the pony anatomy but similar enough to her most trusted assistant to bring her comfort. She felt the tension between them begin to ebb away as they gazed into each other’s eyes.  She put a hoof around his middle with some difficulty due to his size and leaned into him. She felt him draw her in close with his own in return. Twilight savored the sensation of his well-toned and nicely muscled barrel pushing back against him; his warm stallion body pressed against hers. It was the most intimate moment she’d shared with a male since Shining Armor had left her behind to join the Royal Guard, leaving her lonely and bereft with nothing but Celestia and a library full of books to keep her company — books that would later become her only comfort in life. By Celestia, I was such a foal! she told herself, recognizing only at that moment what she’d been missing her whole life and been depriving herself of, vowing she would start making up for lost time right then and there. Even as she settled deeper into his embrace, Twilight tore her eyes away from the Thestral to glance at Pinkie. It occurred to Twilight that she wasn’t being much more subtle than Pinkie was with her mating signals, thus taking advantage of his situation. The thought gave her immediate pause — whatever his prior experience, this poor stallion had to put up with such uncivilized behavior as if he’d been taken hostage by a Maregolian warband of matriarchal raiders, being passed between them without even a word of courteous communication in written or spoken form. Not that it looks like he’s complaining? Despite her very real and still growing excitement, she felt a sudden and very strong pang of guilt over her actions, thinking she should be defending his honor and chastity at all costs not only from Pinkie, but herself as well! It was then she decided — no. No! I can’t do this! It’s too quick! I can’t just take advantage of him like this! As difficult as it was, Twilight vowed to do the harmonious thing, pulling back from him fractionally to his visible surprise. It hurt her as well, but she soothed her disappointed desires by promising herself that her reward would come later in knowing she’d acted righteously in defense of the vulnerable male.  “So… nice night, isn’t it? The stars are particularly clean and bright tonight!” Twilight asked in a friendly but far more platonic tone, removing her hoof from his back and putting a short distance between the two of them. “I really should learn how to communicate with you later so we can be pen pals! I bet you have a few interesting stories to tell, being a courier and all!”   Picking up her quill and notebook, she began jotting down Pinkie’s unique actions she’d observed to that point. She was just beginning to write down a notation regarding Pinkie’s tail, which was at that moment turning like a hoof-crank mechanism when she felt hot breath on her neck followed quickly by a pair of fangs biting down gently on the tip of her ear, the Thestral whispering something in his native language into it before licking it from base to tip. > Male Delivery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight gasped and dropped the clipboard from her aura as his tongue, coiling from front to back along its slightly waxy surface, sent shockwaves of pleasure throughout her body. Twilight turned her head in to face him, eyes closed and bathed in his scent and pheromones; his warm and powerful preference. Her fragile defenses instantly shattered, she whispered the dearest wish upon her heart; the words she’d been trying to put off all night in a futile attempt at chivalry. “Do what you will with me, Triton!” she begged him as the first fresh sparks of passion flew off her horn. He smiled Twilight felt his lips brush softly against hers, smelling his sweet Bat-Pony breath before resting his forehooves on her shoulders and drawing her into a prench kiss, his versatile member guiding her along, putting her through her paces. She needed only to submit to his every whim and fancy like the prey that she was to him. To let him break her in like no mere stuck up, snobby, passive-minded and hopelessly mediocre Unicorn stallion with an elementary grasp of magical theory ever could! May the Goddesses forgive me, no pony could ever give me this… exhilaration! The heady rush of belonging to the stranger from the East was a more potent rush than Twilight had ever experienced but It wasn’t nearly enough and Triton seemed to agree, separating himself for her and applying gentle pressure against her breastplate until she was lying supine beneath him, his bathood dripping onto her stomach. He ground its length happily between her less notable but still prominent belly breasts as the pair tongue wrestled, deeply honored that her mare mounds met his approval. The sensual length of his chiropteran tongue squishing noisily inside of her maw, she moaned, needing ever more of him inside of her, savoring the feeling of being dominated by the powerful male. Her technique was rusty but far from amateur, having years of experience with her brother. Still, she was more than happy to let him restrain her tongue fully, wrapping it a full three times with his own and holding it in place all the while massaging her diminutive pink member. Her hips bucked reflexively like he was already inside her, trying to pull him in deeper. She knew he wasn’t, but she couldn’t help it. She couldn’t ever remember feeling so turned on since the throes of her last heat; the patch of warmth on her cheeks grew and spread as her whole body began to warm like fields of grass come the arrival of her mentor’s sunrise. The Unicorn’s ears twitched toward the sound of Pinkie talking from outside her field of view. “Twilight, I knew you had it in ya!” she called out, and Twilight dimly realized that by the wet squishing sounds, Pinkie sounded as if she were getting lucky herself! “Oh well! Something fun for me to watch at any rate! Drill her good, batty! But save some for meeee!” There was then silence from Pinkie, followed by the sight of the Earth Pony dragging a lawn chair into Twilight’s field of view, giving her fillyfriend a wave which she caught out of the corner of her eye. Twilight could just see Pinkie begin grinding a hoof hard against her dripping marehood as she and Triton continued their foreplay, which was better than any she had ever had before! Every nip of his pointed teeth was exquisite; every brush of his long tongue divine. It had already progressed to the pair of them on the ground, the Thestral pinning Twilight down beneath his powerful stomach and legs, her horn bright aglow and throwing off sensual sparks at the rate of several every second, further enhancing her excitement and announcing her need to not just to him but the world at large. So lost in her passions she couldn’t even focus enough for a minor spell, the entrapment only deepened Twilight’s sense of submission and building arousal. A pool of spice-tinged love juice continued to grow between the Unicorn’s thighs; the erotic heat and woody scent of his long, throbbing bathood soaking into her coat and stoking her inner furnace further until it was blazing into a raging inferno. A heat of passion and pure sensation so intense, in fact, that she couldn’t remember feeling it since — “Oh, shoot!” Pinkie cried out. “Twilight?” She opened an eye to peek out at Pinkie and give her the stink eye. As nice as it was to have her marefriend giving her moral support while she was about to be claimed by a tall, handsome and all-around hunky stallion, interrupting her with queries was not at all welcome at that moment. “Not… now…” she just managed around breathless kisses of her new mate. “Hey! I’m serious! Now hang on a minute, you two!” She sniffed the air around her, becoming visibly more agitated. The pair finally reluctantly separated from each other, a string of spit still connecting the spot they’d disengaged from each other’s eager mouths. The pair looked stunned as if coming momentarily out of a trance, their eyes still locked with each other’s, finding in them a mate and match they’d never even thought existed before. Despite her continuing hunger for him, Twilight tore herself away from his soulful eyes and looked at Pinkie. “Now, Pinkie. You told him to do it, remember? I have every intention of sharing him with you! I just… I don’t think you should be having a foal yet. So… I’m doing this for your own good!” Pinkie shook her head, looking slightly panicked. She appeared to be repeating a series of Pinkie twitches with her ears, legs and tail as if working out an equation only Pinkie could calculate. “Twilight, I really don’t think this is such a good idea. I’m not certain I’m the pony that signal was intended for! I’m still working out this sequence — it’s super-complicated, trust me! I don’t know the answer yet, but you’re taking a very huuuge risk!” Is she still on this? I already told her I’m fine! “You weren’t saying that just a minute ago! You told him to help himself… twice, actually! But now you’re — Ah!” she exclaimed as Triton silenced the debate by attacking at her exposed ear, which turned to face him after she turned her head, grinding his tongue in deep as Twilight whooped with delight, his muffled slurps and heavy breathing echoing wetly and turning her on even harder. At the rate he was going, she realized, he might bring her to climax from the auditory sensations alone! But after bringing her close, he backed off. Dazed, she turned her gaze back to Triton, giving him what she hoped to be a very alluring smile, her ears flopped submissively. Words failed her utterly at the sight of the wild, unrestrained masculinity of the breeder Bat Pony standing over her, claiming her body and soul. Eying his massive erection, oozing white from the tip, she vowed then and there that she was going to write a thoroughly exhaustive report on at least one beautiful and exotic specimen and its capabilities atop the wet, grassy hill that night! Twilight winked up at him, spreading her hind legs for him and peeling back at her dripping lips with her purple aura. “So, Triton...Interested in helping me with my… research?” In response, Triton smiled and lined himself up with her marehood, Twilight having more than enough experience with Equestrian clopfiction to know what he was playing to do, obligingly locking her hind legs firmly behind his back. Licking his lips hungrily, his eyes mere inches from hers, he pushed his oversized bathood into her dripping purple entrance, expanding it slowly as she gradually engulfed his tapered tip. Twilight gave a moment’s thankful thought that, as overly large as he was, his shape made the process of filling her far less initially uncomfortable than might have been the case with the larger heads common to most stallions, given how long it had been since she was last with one. It was with only the slightest of stretching that she gobbled the rest of his head; his meaty shaft sliding into her depths comfortably. Twilight cooed at him lovingly, thinking back to one particularly memorable line from one of her novels. “You are the first stallion to back into my stall, Triton! You’re a big stud but I’ve got plenty of room to accommodate you! Why don’t you make yourself at home?” she asked, patting her belly suggestively. His hungry gaze glittered as he spoke in his own language again. “Obiecuję zachować szczególną ostrożność!” She didn’t know the words, but his blue eyes burned with arcane fire, giving a fang-toothed smile before driving his hips forward in the first of many powerful thrusts. “Oh, I can’t watch!” Twilight heard Pinkie say even as she cried out in delight, savoring the sensation of the Thestral stallion driving himself roughly into her. Her eyes watered, legs trembling as her orgasm quickly began to build from his presence within her alone. She could feel each individual pleasure bump lining her inner walls cry out in bliss from the sensual contact; feel even curve of his shaft and every vein of its slickened surface. She’d promised him all the room he’d need but he was growing ever larger inside of her, feeding off her Unicorn mating magic and stretching her more and more. She gazed lovingly into his eyes; so foreign and so beautiful. “More! Give it all to me, Triton! By Celestia’s sun, I swear I can fit all of you! “I can’t believe it! All this time, I was wrong!” Twilight heard Pinkie call out again from the lawn chair. “Now I get it! That signal I picked up wasn’t meant for me… it was meant for Twilight the entire time! And Pinkie Sense made it happen to her… again! All because I lured him in! And I asked Twilight to help me and now I’m responsible for this! Look what my giant ears have done to my friend!” She gave a very Rarity-like cry of dismay. Oh Pinkie, it’s not true! Twilight wanted to call back to her but she was having difficulty forming words, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she looked reverently at the gorgeous Alpha, her nocturnal hunter that had flown for untold miles to deliver his seed into her aching, needy womb. She felt a trickle of her own drool roll down the left side of her face — a meaningless detail compared to the sweet friction her lover provided. Who cared what her friend’s Pinkie Sense was doing anyway? All that mattered was what the Thestral was doing to her and that he never stopped doing it! Triton gave a pleasured hiss, halting in his efforts and withdrawing himself the entire way, leaving Twilight in a momentary state of panic. Why had he stopped? Was he going to leave her like this? The cool night air rushed into her slick, gaping orifice giving Twilight a chill that settled into her bones. If this was Tartarus, laying back waiting for a climax that may never come, she wished never to visit for any length of time! She whined needily but Triton was unmoved, his eyes closed and his dripping stallion meat creating a small puddle atop Twilight belly. He appeared to be in a trance, his eyes closed, mouth open wide, and breathing shallow. After what seemed like an eternity but she later realized was probably no longer than ten seconds, he opened his eyes, his intent, predatory gaze giving Twilight a sudden thrill of danger and anticipation. It’s like I’m a juicy steak to him! And... I want him to eat me! Twilight instinctively bore his neck to him, her forelegs spread out atop the tarp in full submission. Her eyes closed, trembling with anticipation as she sensed him draw closer. The cool dew of the late-night hours coating her body and chilling her, she felt it: a firm but gentle bite to her neck, quickly followed by several more. As they continued to rain down on her, Twilight felt a warm trickle of her own precum down her leg as her marehood readied to receive him once more. “I want you… to eat me!” Twilight whimpered as he continued to nibble and lick up and down her neck even as he positioned himself at her entrance yet again. “Yes, Triton! You’re such a mighty hunter!” “I really should put a stop to this! But should I really intervene?” Pinkie said, having climbed out of her chair and was now standing a mere body length away. Twilight made an irritated shooing motion at her from the ground, trying to get her attention so she’d go away. Don’t even think about it, Pinkie! Twilight thought to herself, though given her lustful state, if she did intervene, Twilight might just have her instead! “Yes! By the stars above, fill me! Take me! Make me yours, my fine and fertile Thestral!!” Twilight cried out ecstatically, her mane splattered in a sweaty pink and purple mess behind her helplessly sparking horn; her expression growing more primal as he pushed ever-deeper inside of her, her femininity parting far more quickly and readily to admit him to her depths this time. She could feel his hot breath on her face, see the sweat and dew rolling down his handsome face. His eyes were lost in hers just as the massive male organ was lost in her body, consuming and claiming her from within. He will never forget me! He must spread his seed inside me! Oh, by Celestia, this is so hot! Twilight couldn’t help but tell herself as her nethers swallowed inch after inch of him until he was over a foot deep inside of her; his tip already probing impossibly at her innermost entrance while his vestigial medial ring was pressed hard against her opened lips, starting to slip inside. And that meant he still had more length to spare! Despite the pair’s obvious ecstasy, Twilight heard Pinkie’s monologue continue. “If I put a stop to this, I am defying a fate far greater than myself. Am I, Pinkamena Diane Pie, a baker and thrower of parties wise enough to seek to defy a will and purpose far greater than I can even understand? One that is the source of my magical abilities? I can’t even begin to understand what purpose my abilities even have! Nopony ever explained them to me or instructed me on their use! How am I supposed to know when to intervene in fate and when to let things continue as they are?” As occupied as Twilight was, she couldn’t help but empathize with Pinkie’s ill-timed existential crises. It brought some peace to her mind that even Pinkie, as seemingly infinite her knowledge was and how overpowered — for want of a better term — her powers could be, she wasn’t the infallible force she had at times appeared. Not that any of this should really matter right now! Twilight grunting as she felt Triton bottom outside of her. His advance suddenly halted, the nearly vestigial medial ring had done its duty of forming a firm plug inside of her that his best efforts couldn’t defeat. He looked down at Twilight pleadingly. “Tviwight… I vant... to go in... more!” “Y-You can talk to me!?” Twilight sputtered at him in surprise. “Nevermind that… Triton, you’re as far in as you can go! You’ve filled me completely, my love!” “No! Still more, to go!” He clenched his jaw shut and pushed again. The only part of me he hasn’t filled is… my uterus! What madness would possess him to attempt that!? Unless... Pinkie had told Twilight that Triton was sent to impregnate her. Triton gave her his rugged, handsome look of pleading once more that reminded her instantly of her brother when they were younger. He looked so cute when he was upset, having an uncanny ability to show vulnerability without appearing weak. It wasn’t something just any stallion could do; only one such as Triton or Shining could manage to exude such machismo so effortlessly during a time like this. Twilight knew what had to be done. If he couldn’t make it himself, she’d just have to give him a boost! “Don’t worry Triton! I can help you!” Twilight’s instincts kicking into overdrive, her horn lit up pink. Drawing upon her race’s ancient mating magic, she enchanted her lover’s phallus to gain with another six inches of length, his girth filling out even more. Twilight felt her stomach bulge alarmingly as her already overfilled lovenest strained to contain him. From the right side of Twilight’s field of view, Pinkie soared through the air, landing with a series of cartwheels to Twilight’s left, twisting atop her tail like a coiled spring — a pink distraction, nothing more. Gritting her teeth, she braced for his final push... Twilight gave a whinnying cry as with one powerful push, he broke through her inner barrier and drove himself all the way to her core, sinking another six inches deep inside of her slippery depths and bumping roughly but deliciously up against the walls of the uterus, the last barrier between herself and her smiling, happy stallion lover, their combined uices pouring into her womb through the partially-opened gap. “TwiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIght youUuUuUuUuUuUuUuUuU…” Pinkie cried out in panic, the spinning pinknado stammering uncontrollably, but Twilight ignored her except to note her shout, her awareness narrowing to the interface between her body and his, feeling every inch of his organ and every throb of its fertile flesh. “Oh, my mighty Triton, you’re so close!” Twilight pulled with all of her strength against his sturdy back, drawing herself ever so slightly in deeper as her breached inner wall allowed more and more of his seed inside of her. “Don’t give up on me!” His eyes flashed with something like fear. Was he giving up hope? “AaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAare goOoOoOoOoOoOoOiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIng toOoOoOoOoOoO beEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeE…” Twilight knew he couldn’t fail. She had no idea why but he had to penetrate her fully, otherwise he’d have let her down. This would all be her fault! Retaking Magic Kindergarten would be too good for her after letting this sweet Bat Pony down! “Our foals are counting on you to pierce me my aching womb, Triton!” The words tumbled out of her mouth before she had the time to properly edit them out. Why did I just say that!? “Eep!” The plea seemed to push him over the edge as, with a mighty roar, Twilight felt him thrust his magically enhanced bathood all the way to the back wall of her uterus before filling it to the brim, his medial ring damming up her womb and keeping all his precious seed safely inside. But Triton himself saw nothing, his eyes having almost fully rolled into the back of his head as he slammed his hips forward for the final time and arched his back to its limit. Twilight’s face was disbelieving, unable to comprehend the sight of her belly slowly expanding with each pump of fresh seed. She felt like a balloon, being stretched out from the inside with the fluid pouring into her. In a daze, she pressed a hoof up against it to see what it would feel like before experiencing her most powerful orgasm yet, which backed up into her birthing chamber causing her to expand even more. Her magic enabled her to accommodate far more than she ever thought possible, and yet… “I’m going to… burst!” Twilight rasped out, the fluid pressing against her diaphragm and making it difficult to breathe. “Pppppppppppppppprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...” He visibly panicked, shouting something in his native language while trying to release himself from Twilight’s uterine penitentiary. Twilight, you dummy, let him go! The little pony in her head demanded, and finally, she listened. Coming off the highs of her own climax, she turned off her horn, allowing Triton to disengage with a loud pop. With a sucking, wet gulp of air, their slickened essence arced out of her like water from a burst dam in great gouts as the ragged remnants of her orgasm was finally lost to the night. “... PREGNANT!” “TWILIGHT, NOOOOOOOOO!” Pinkie rolled over onto her side, curled up in the fetal position, shivering. Hearing those words, Twilight’s brain switched back on. “Pinkie… Pinkie!? What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, sighing with relief as she sat up enough to empty another pint of their shared sexual lubricant, which splattered noisily on the tarp below. “Ohhh I’m going to be feeling this is the morning…” Pinkie moaned pitifully as the aftershocks of her latest ‘happening’ resulted in a series of hoofy kicks, tail twitches, and ear rotations. > Duet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Wow… I thought I was spent, but you look like you’ve just run a marathon, Pinkie!” Twilight smiled at her friend, the Thestral close behind her. Appearing next to her, he gave Twilight a significant look, seeming concerned by Pinkie’s behavior. Finally shrugging at Twilight, he continued to rub her back with his wing as he licked the post-coital residue from her horn. He is such a gentlecolt to not panic and fly away from Equestrian craziness! “I understand your concern, Pinkie but… I just know everything is going to be fine!” She patted her belly as she looked back over at Triton, having heard the unmistakable sound of a very large equine body falling to the ground. He was lying supine in what she could only describe as a post-coital daze beside her — a look of deep satisfaction splashed across his azure-furred face. His shriveled, empty seed sack began to glow pink; an effect Twilight recognized as her own Unicorn fertility magic, replenishing his depleted stocks and quickly working to revive him. He rolled back onto his belly, his bathood slapping the tarp beneath him with a wet flop, his eyes eager with anticipation. Twilight lay next to him and was soon treated to the welcome touch of Triton’s tongue continuing to lick at her still slick horn. “Twilight... it’s too late to change what’s happened. I’m so sorry!” Ohmysun! And now it’s happening AGAAAIN!” Pinkie screamed as if she’d been struck by lightning, her tail corkscrewing and legs dancing crazily as both Twilight and Triton watched incredulously. Before their eyes, Pinkie spun once more atop her head while flapping her ears like bat wings, before collapsing into a pile once more.  Twilight’s ears splayed back against the sides of her head as she recalled what had happened the last time Pinkie had happened that way, and what it led to. “It’s what!? Pinkie, you can’t be serious about another Bat Pony just falling out of the sky! The odds must be one in a —” “Waaaaaaaah!” A second Thestral stallion swooped in making an unannounced landing, his hooves catching the sex-slickened tarp and slipping, forcing him to fall rump-over-teakettle into a pile on the ground. “Oof!” Triton, who had been working on Twilight’s horn, stopped to laugh at him and said something to him in Poniska before licking his new partner on the cheek, who giggled and gently brushed him aside. Her body spasms having ended, Pinkie helped him to his hooves while he looked up at her, gaping. Beneath his mail carrier’s uniform and bag, he had a camouflage green fur coat she’d never seen the likes of before and a close-cropped ginger mane and tail.  “You…!” The stranger pointed at Pinkie with a commanding tone in barely accented Equish. “Your ears have got to be at least three feet long! I don’t suppose you were trying to signal me in, were you? Can’t say you’ve got the technique of a Thestralslovakian signal corpsbat but you sure are obvious from a mile away!” He puffed out his chest proudly, military medals covering his mail carrier’s uniform. Pinkie giggled and gave the new arrival a flirtatious flick of her tail. “Thirty-seven-point-three inches, but who’s counting?” Finally, a Thestral who speaks a bit of Equish! Twilight cleared her throat, hoping the smell of wet slippery sex would go uncommented on, dispersed by the refreshing night breeze she felt cooling her overheated body off. “Twilight Sparkle…” the Unicorn bowed her head slightly in greeting, “... and this is my friend Pinkie Pie. We found Triton here after he crashed into a tree. Did you come looking for him?” “That I did, Miss Sparkle!” he replied, continuing on in the authoritative tone of a drill instructor. “I picked up a signal from his specially hoof-crafted tracking crystal and came out as soon as I could…” his expression grew embarrassed. “Once I woke up, that is. You won’t tell anypony I was sleeping on duty, will you? Anyway, I’m not surprised he wound up trapped on this hill with such lovely companions as you two!” He regarded the mares with a nod before having a conversation with his Thestral coworker in rapid-fire Poniska, who snuggled up against Twilight at certain points in the conversation as if he was worried she might be carried off by his comrade into the night. “This is exactly what I think it is! He saw those pretty, pink, furry ears of yours, got excited and the big dummy crashed into the tree!” He punched his friend on the shoulder. “But I can see the pink one wasn’t the one who stole his heart in the end!” Twilight’s eyes narrowed to a point. “What did you call him?” her horn lit up with an angry red glow. The Equish-speaking stallion put out a hoof defensively “Easy there, Miss; I meant no offense! Your new coltfriend and I are good buddies and we pick on each other all the time. My name’s Io but some call me ‘Chest Candy’ because that’s what my lovely chest is covered in!” He thumped the front of his uniform, the medals slapping together with a metallic clink while Pinkie oohed with delight. “Triton is a good bat but he isn’t always thinking with his big head… just his smaller head... that’s also really big... kinda like mine!” He sounded flustered for a moment and shifted uncomfortably, turning fractionally away from them and making Twilight wonder if he was trying to hide something. Her attention was caught by the movement of Pinkie’s ears perking up.  She eyeing the newcomer closely, seemingly liking what she saw by the sneaky smile on her face. Looks like the Pinkie Sense brought in backup! Twilight surmised. One for me and one for Pinkie…? She found herself appraising him as well, but quickly shunted the thought aside, remembering what she already had and never wanted to give up. Turning back to Triton, Twilight pressed a hoof against his chest lovingly, caressing his powerfully-built body. “So you’re both named after one of the Jove moons? How fascinating! One of my hobbies is astronomy. I enjoy mapping out the stars and keeping records of where everything is… even if Luna does like to change things just to keep me busy.” “That we are! Though most of us name-theme as you ponies do. You’d be surprised how many bats take their names from wine grapes but that’s neither here nor there. We’re quite taken to learning to map the stars as well.” Io chuckled, shaking his head about something. “Some of us Thestrals take it a bit too seriously though.”  “What do you mean?” Twilight asked. Io lowered his voice conspiratorially. “This will sound crazy but the leucistic Thestrals — they call themselves Highborne — They actually think they’re going to conquer the universe someday and fly around in spaceships seeking new alien civilizations! Sounds pretty far-fetched, doesn’t it?” Pinkie smiled, her ears focused on the night sky and shook her head. “Nope!” Before a surprised Io could reply, Triton looked at his friend and started talking, his voice serious. He looked over at Twilight, brushed her mane with his hoof, and for a moment, his eyes shined with such intense emotion that she thought he was going to cry.  Io looked at Twilight in amazement. “Who are you and what have you done to my wingbat? He sounds like he’s fallen out of the sky to end up in love with you!” Pinkie cringed slightly but said nothing while  Twilight hugged her new coltfriend around his middle. “He does? Io, I must speak to him! I beg of you, please let me talk to him!” “Easy there, filly!” Io laughed at Twilight’s eagerness. “All you had to do is ask. I can translate for you two if you have something on your mind. And from what he just told me, you can be sure he’s got plenty he’d like to say to you!” he cackled again, looking over at his Thestral friend.  “Thank you…” Twilight then looked into Triton’s blue eyes, whose pupils were locked on her, his gaze gleaming with the intensity of a distant supernova. “Nocturnal hunter, what hope is there in this world of escaping your ever-watchful eye? You’ve pierced my body and soul. Without your touch, there is no warmth. Without you inside of me, there is only the vast emptiness of the void, filling me.” Twilight trailed a tongue up the length of his muscular neck. “Would you fly away without me? Would you leave me without the whispered touch of your webbed wings? Would you leave me without your exquisite tongue upon my ears? Without your hardness inside of me, parting me like a curtain to fill my very depths with your seed?” Io took a deep breath and mopped his forehead with a hoofkerchief from his uniform pocket. “Oh, sweet Luna in her glory… You’re really going to make me repeat that to him? With all respect, Miss Sparkle, that is not a very bro thing to say to your bat bro!”  Twilight said nothing more, but looked back at him pleadingly, her eyes glimmering. “Alright! Alright... guess I can’t say no to that face...” Io breathed a heavy sigh and translated Twilight’s words, who could just make out him whispering “No homo!” under his breath in equish through gritted teeth once he finished. Once he’d heard her words in his own tongue, Triton gripped Twilight around the back with his wings, so that only her horned head was visible from above, her tail poking out beneath the winged curtain but twitching anxiously. He spoke reverently as Io provided translation for him, though not before he gave a light slap of a hoof to his forehead. “Seriously…?” he groaned under his breath, but translated again “Great magus, heroine of myth and legend. Your might and power are known across the Twisting Nether. The universe whispers thy name and worlds beyond pony ken feel the great pull of your magical connection with each casting of your magic spells. Still further in the depths of eternity, word of your beauty and grace is spoken of by traveling merchants in the furthest reaches of space!” Io at that point felt compelled to cut into his translation. “Yes, he really is cutting into using Old Poniska. My bro is really laying it on thick!” He cackled with delight as his friend looked back at him, frowning. “Io…” Twilight said dangerously, feeling her elemental fire coming dangerously close to emerging. Io laughed nervously, speaking in an unnaturally high-pitched whimper. “Right! Right, I’ll just shut my trap and do my job, eh?” He quickly continued translating, his voice recovering its natural timbre.  “What mortal can compare to thee, Mistress of the Arcane? Could the daughters of Great King Oberon — the winged denizens of my eternal home — hope to compare to you? In all of their majesty and splendor and dressed in finery befitting their noble blood, not one could hope to snare me such as you! Not one could bring me so low and bind me with cords of spider’s silk. Mighty some have called me but I am now but your plaything — a trinket for thy amusement. I am no more capable of leaving your side, than our Moon may flee Equus’ grasp.” “Oh, Triton, that was so romantic!” Twilight lit her aura and pressed it against his body, delighting in its firmness even against her magical touch. He couldn’t have more than eight-percent body fat on him! And to even imagine such words of his could be true? To be so treasured even above the many mares he’d undoubtedly already mated with as a breeder alpha? “You speak so beautifully of a love eternal, but could this really be true? Am I not surely surpassed by one other more worthy than myself?” Once he heard the translation, Triton shook his head sharply. He then kissed her horn which caused her breath to catch as she cast a fresh stream of pink sparks into the sky. “Not in all of Thestralslovakia nor of distant worlds unexplored will I hope to find another mare such as thee. I would spend the rest of my life breeding you, succored by your magical embrace. I would pierce you again and again until the light has left my eyes. I would penetrate your divine curtain until the world is filled with legends and heroes once more! I will breed you, Twilight Sparkle, if it’s the final act in my life’s story!” Twilight felt her heart all but melt at the declaration, even slightly awkwardly translated as it was by a fiercely blushing Io. “Oh, Triton, Hunter of the Shadowed Realm, I am your prey to be ravaged at your whim and pleasure! If I am to be torn asunder from within, let it be for you! If I am to be made a broodmare, let it be for you, dearest Triton. I am yours, forever!” She drew him into a slow and sensual kiss, separating only after hearing Io’s voice behind her, speaking directly to her. “By the Moon and Stars, you have both got it baaaaaaad!” Io looked at Twilight with something like wonder in his catlike eyes before translating while Pinkie sat on her haunches, her mouth gaping open as she slow-clopped. Even for as incredibly happy as she was, Twilight felt a fierce pride welling up inside her at having driven her pink pony friend to silence for the first time, perhaps in her entire life. “Whew! Well, I suppose I better leave you two be. You take good care of Triton for me! Just have him back to me by sunrise sharp tomorrow or the boss will have my head!  “I’m already on probation from falling asleep in a crate back at the mailroom and getting woken up six hours later by the Boss. Me showing up late responding to Triton’s distress beacon isn’t going to end up doing me favors either...” he scrunched up his nose, “... but I don’t suppose you want to hear about all of that...” He then cleared his throat.  “I’ll just take his mailbag and be on my way. They’ll kill me if I don’t at least save the mail! They’ll be peeved enough that I’m not bringing back our missing courier but…” Io gave a sort of wing-shrug to them both, “... what can ya do?” “It was nice to meet you, Chest Candy! Thanks for all the translations, and I’ll be sure to get him back to you in one piece.” She felt a long bat-like tongue begin to lick at the helical rim of her ear, meaning conversation time was officially over. “G-goodbye!” Pinkie said nothing, sparing Twilight a pitying look. Her hair had even gone deflated! What is her problem anyway? Probably still worrying I’m going to get pregnant! What a preposterous notion! Although, if I was going to get pregnant, our foal would likely have great genetic prospects! Twilight thought to herself as Triton drew her attention back to him — as if he could ever be overlooked! — and pierced her lips once more. She sighed, relieved to be wrapped in his tongue’s embrace once more. Twilight heard Io speak to Pinkie Pie, listening in to find out if she was going to get lucky that night as well. “So! Are you doing anything tonight, little filly? Besides causing us poor couriers to crash into this here, hillside?” “Ehh, nothing too important. I’m just sitting here, waiting patiently for a strong, well-bred military Thestral to do some physical training with!” Pinkie replied confidently; even distracted as she was, Twilight couldn’t help but admire how incredibly assertive and self-assured she was, comparing her slightly awkward early efforts with Triton unfavorably.  Twilight imagined the scene in her head, Io strutting over to Pinkie, tickling her back with his wing and teasing her marehood with a flick of his close-cropped tail. Perhaps it was just a side effect of Triton’s alpha-breeder presence, but she found herself getting impossibly turned on by the notion of the stranger rutting Pinkie as she cried out for more, even if it meant a far-too-young pregnancy for Ponyville’s Party Pony.  “Well, it just so happens I’ve not only got a background in intense physical training but several metals for orienteering!” she heard Io boast, opening an eye enough to see him give her friend a backward brush of his wing beneath the tail, earning a happy noise. “If you need a Thestral who can find the old g-spot, then good old Chesty’s your bat!”  Hearing that, Twilight had a stifle a chortle, one quickly duplicated by Triton as he queried his friend between kisses and got a quick translation back. separated herself from Triton, the pair both looking over at the scene unfolding next to them. Pinkie regarded the Bat Pony with half-lidded eyes, returning the tease with a flick between his legs that brushed up against his stallion package. “I want you... to deliver me a package, hot and fresh... and if you do, I’ll bake you up something nice in return!” Pinkie traced a hoof along her belly. “If you can wait twelve months, that is...” she said just as she arrived at his sheathed malehood. With a sudden intake of breath, Io’s generous endowment immediately dropped out of his sheath before Twilight’s eyes, nearly touching the tarp beneath them! He really IS as big as Triton! She quickly realized as Triton himself fired his friend a mock salute with a wing.  “I like your gung-ho attitude, sister! While I’m delivering your package… I’d like to take a closer look at your pride and glory, and maybe teach you how a real signal company corpsbat does it! So just relax, let it all hang out, and enjoy the flight back to my place! Let’s gooooooooooo!” Io bellowed before wrapping his legs around Pinkie and taking off with her, flying away with her into the night. “We’re going to get pregnant, Twi! Woooooooooooo!” Pinkie cheered before the two disappeared out of sight and hearing.  Triton and Twilight watched them leave before they turned back to each other and started kissing frantically again. > Mango Meltdown > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Triton’s seed sack continued to swell, assisted by Twilight’s hormonal teenage mating magic as the pair tongue wrestled unsteadily across the sex-slickened tarp.  But magic or no, even biology had limits and Twilight realized that she was reaching hers. Realizing how hungry and thirsty she was, Twilight reluctantly broke the kiss and gave the picnic basket sitting atop a checkered cloth a longing look, causing Triton to follow her gaze and smile. Certain he understood what she wanted, Twilight gestured towards the basket. “We should take a break, huh? I’ve packed enough food for both of us and seeing as how Pinkie’s left, you’re welcome to join me instead!”  The Thestral gave a happy screech and flew over to pick it up in his teeth. Giggling, Twilight looked around at the slippery mess her, Pinkie and Triton had managed to make in such a short time, combining with the dew-saturation on the tarp. The night was unusually warm and sticky, eighty-degrees Fahrenhoof at least! The tarp which had seen such a good idea before coming now proved woefully inadequate to the task of keeping anypony dry. Additional furnishings were therefore going to be essential! She closed her eyes, concentrating hard on her kitchen and summoned her breakfast table and two chairs atop the hill with them.  Triton dropped the basket onto the table and clopped his hooves happily for her display of magical prowess, making a show of bowing low before her while saying something else she couldn’t understand. But she didn’t need to know the words to recognize the praise within them. “Oh, it was nothing, really!” Twilight flicked at her bangs, confidently before pulling a chair for him to sit next to her. “Now… let’s see if I can find you anything that will interest you…” She withdrew a stack of celery stalks, but he shook his head. She withdrew a cucumber sandwich to the same reception. More cucumber sandwich for me, anyway, I’m starving! Twilight told herself, taking a large bite and setting the rest on a plate at her side of the table. This Thestral was probably not going to want anything but fruit or meat and Twilight had neither. The avowed herbivore didn’t have any source of meat as it was but fruit... Well, she’d used magic once already, why not do so again? She tapped the basket with her horn which glowed lavender for a moment before opening it again, this time summoning the contents of her pantry. Triton gasped at the sight of mouthwatering goodness that sat before him. There were apples wrapped in cloth to keep them from bruising, pears and cantaloupe, even an entire uncut watermelon and… Mangoes!  “Oooo, mango!” He exclaimed in accented Equish, excitedly pointing and clapping his wings above him. “Give mango?” He looked at her with somehow even more interest than before, coiling a hoof on top of hers. Twilight was about to hoof one over to him when she stopped short. This wasn’t just a friend she was giving this bit of fruit to. This was the stallion who’d just spent the last half an hour giving her the time of her life, pumping her full of untold quantities of his sexual fluids! She needed to put in more of an effort for the stallion she was going to be sharing with Pinkie.  Of course, she had yet to explain all of this to a Thestral who spoke first-grade Equish at best, but that could all happen later. She knew Pinkie would be cool with any idea Twilight ran past her anyway, so there was no need to worry about her, either. Long-term thinking was not Pinkie’s strong-suit and at that moment, holding hooves and gazing into the stallion’s azure eyes, neither was hers! Igniting her aura, she picked up the red and yellow fruit, bringing it to Triton’s mouth, who accepted the offering in his teeth. Looking into each other’s eyes, juice dripping down their chins, they cleaved the mango in two and began to masticate slowly. Twilight giggled as he watched her coltfriend’s tongue poking out of his mouth as he ground up the fruit in his mouth. Curious at this strange way of eating and the way his cheeks were puffing out, it occurred to her that he wasn’t grinding it up with her teeth as ponies were accustomed to doing, but pressing it against the roof of his mouth!  “How fascinating! You must have a hard-palate to grind and pulp your food! In which case, you’ll be wanting more in your mouth, won’t you?” Twilight bit into another mango and brought it to his mouth. To her surprise, he managed to fit seven halves into his mouth, dribbling messily down his chin as he chewed, before finally extracting all the juice and then swallowing the pulp. He sighed contentedly and patted his belly, licking at the juice that clung to the short fur around his muzzle. “Perfekcja!” Some words needed no translation — Twilight’s analytical mind cluing her in on the obvious loanword origins from Equish. I wonder how many other words they’ve taken from us? I really need to study his language when I get a chance!  “Oh, look at us; we’re all sticky! Think you can... clean me up a bit?” Twilight emphasized her request by giving his chin a suggestive flick of her tongue. He got the idea immediately. Twilight cooed happily as he lapped up all the juice on her chin and neck, offering his own in turn for her to return the favor. “That was good for a starter! We’re quite messy eaters, aren’t we?”  Triton nodded, picking up a banana in his hoof and winking lewdly. Twilight got the joke immediately. “Oh please! You’re much bigger than that banana!” She said with a wink, spreading her hooves nearly two feet apart. “And so much more… firm… rigid… and tight inside of me!” The muscles around her marehood clamped down hard at the remembered feel of his massive length inside her. Triton hissed gently, the corners of his maw curved up in a smile as his impressive organ began poking free of its sheath again. “I have you ah-gain, Tviwight!” He lowered his head and took a step towards her, a predatory gleam growing in his gaze again. “You will have me again, Triton, after we eat!” Twilight insisted, stopping his advance by putting a hoof on his nose. He seemed to pout, but just for a moment. “Yes… ve eat!” Triton peeled the banana slowly, his eyes never leaving Twilight’s. He put one end in his mouth and offered it to her. With a wink, Twilight took the entire banana down her throat, leaving a slick coating of spit down nearly its entire length as Triton’s eyes bulged and jaw fell open at her suggestive display. Twilight giggled at his reaction, proud that she’d still had the knack overcoming her gag reflex after so many years since attempting the trick with Shining Armor. The pair slowly enveloped the banana, meeting in the middle and pulping the fruit in each other’s mouths. Five bananas, three mangos, and one cucumber sandwich later — Triton had even partaken a couple bites of the latter, even though Twilight was sure he was just doing it to be polite — she was feeling quite comfortably full.  Twilight felt the table begin to lift off the ground, tipping the picnic basket over. Confused, Twilight looked under the table to see his massive bathood, apparently fortified by his meal pushing up against the bottom of the table. In fact, it looked both thicker and longer than it had earlier and better yet, his round, firm seed sack was filled to bursting once more.  She felt her heart skip a beat at the sight. So why not feed him some more? You never know the limits of progress until you strive to reach them! “You’re quite a healthy eater, Triton! But don’t forget to keep your fluids up!” Twilight smiled slightly sinisterly, picking up a gallon jug that had escaped the confines of her picnic basket. “This is mango juice...” Twilight popped the cork with a satisfying thunk and gulped down a healthy amount of it, the excess spilling down her front. “According to my studies, it has a significant aphrodisiac effect on Thestrals such as yourself… but in excessive quantities? Well…” Her marehood shivered in anticipation. “More man-go? Yeeeeeees!” Triton grabbed the jug and chugged half its contents in one go, gripping it tightly from both sides over his head, the bottle tilted dangerously atop his unstable stoop before he slapped it back down with a haughty smile and a loud belch. “Ahhhhhh!” Triton rubbed his belly and hoofed the rest of the bottle over to Twilight. “Now you have! Drink! Drink! Drink!” He cackled loudly and slapped his hoof on the table again. “Maybe a small sip will do. I wouldn’t want to overdue myself!” Twilight teased, taking the daintiest of sips. “Nie! Nie!” Triton shook her head and then made a gesture of tipping the entire bottle into his mouth while rubbed his belly. “Drink more, feel better!”  “Well, I feel pretty good right now…” Twilight replied, evasively, making like she was going to put the bottle down before pulling it back towards her chest. “But I suppose… I could do with a bit more. A mare’s got to stay hydrated when she’s active!”  Twilight grabbed the jug from both sides just like Triton showed her and chugged as he cheered her on. She lost count of how much she’d drunk but soon felt very full and heavy. Expelling the last gulp down her chin, she slapped the bottle down, it’s contents sloshing wildly and rubbed her belly. “How’s that for a mare? Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp!” She belched even louder than her in a gesture that would have appalled Rarity but earned accolades from Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rainbow Dash alike! “Hohohohohooo! Wspaniałyyyy!” Triton clopped excitedly. “Pijesz jak mężczyzna!” Very good~!” The table wobbled ominously as if a pony was pushing against it from below with her hoof. Twilight looked under the table, knowing that this being Ponyville, the idea a pony could be horsing around beneath some random table out in the middle of nowhere was entirely possible. It wasn’t a hoof and it didn’t belong to a pony. But it was as long and as firm as one. Triton grinned wickedly and winked as Twilight brought her head back up. “You know, Triton…” Twilight gave an exaggerated smack of her lips… “I’m starting to feel my mangos already!” Ohhh, this is going to be extremely messy with both of us eating it. The Ponyville Weather Team is going to have to shower our cum off the hilltop when we get done! Twilight lowered her head and joined Triton’s fifth leg under the table. He can’t possibly be over two feet long… can he?”  The Thestral went silent, his pulse racing through his obsidian hardness, pushing up the center of the table as if it were made out of rice cake. Surprised to find it so close, she booped his hardness with her nose, making him leap out of his chair, sending the contents of the table spilling to the ground with a crash, the remaining mango juice noisily spilling out onto the tarp.  “Easy, Triton! I just need to take some notes!” Twilight breathed in the smell of his musky sack — a mix of sandalwood and Twilight’s own distinct blackcurrant marejuice. She lit up her horn and summoned over her clipboard and self-filling quill as she examined his phallus up close, a rosy glow beginning to grow on her cheeks as the mango juice settled into her. “Interesting combination! A Unicorn stallion is supposed to smell like whatever attracts a mare the most but with Thestrals, it’s a lot more specific. It’s very nice though!”  Twilight ran her hoof along his regal foreskin, down the length of the shaft and examined the medial ring in more detail. “It’s so perfect! Longer than ponies by far and smoother to allow for an upside sex participant to breach the birth canal itself! An ingenious way of overcoming the challenge of a vestigial medial ring structure as a result of being composed of three different species! Though you didn’t have any trouble breaching me from the ground, did you, Triton?” Twilight gently took the glans of his massive bathood into her mouth, pulling it away from the table and sucking it clean of their juices, leaving Triton arching his back and groaning with approval. “Even for a breeder alpha, you’re quite the outlier, all things considered!” Twilight took him in her mouth again, lunging forward to take more of him into her mouth before withdrawing, leaving him sweating and his saliva-streaked shaft twitching, seeking the envelopment that had so cruelly been withdrawn. “Funny how good my own mareseed tastes to me… Don’t tell anypony I said that!” Twilight then licked him all the way from his sack to his tip traveling along the urethra tube, gathering up the juicy deposits gravity had run downward and clung to the underside of his stallion equipment.  “You know, you really do eat a lot of mangoes! I, uh, knew a stallion once who was a really big fan of pineapples! His sis — I mean marefriend… well she would kinda ask him to eat as much as he could just so she could enjoy tasting how sweet he was!” And now that I think of it, I’ve never known Pinkie to not send him a pineapple cake for each of his birthdays. Just another thing my friends have known about and never bothered telling me!  “Tviwight… you… are so… cute!” Triton pieced together in halting Equish, his breath coming out ragged as she worked on him. Twilight felt her face get warm, pausing momentarily in her efforts. “Oh, I’m not that cute! I mean outside of my rather unique color pattern, I’m rather less-developed than my age-mates in terms of height, muscle definition of the sexually developed regions such as my thighs, hips, teats, flanks, and rump. My horn is too stubby and even my ears are pretty boring… I’m really not that pretty. Except to you, of course!” she hastened to add, then grimaced.  That came out a bit more bitter than I intended it to! Maybe I should stop comparing myself to AJ or Rarity or even Dash, because they’re older and more developed! And that’s to say nothing of Fluttershy… she felt compelled to add, as her pegasus friend was, even by vote of Rarity herself, easily the most effortlessly beautiful mare of the group. “Not… pretty?” Triton sounded aghast. “You very pretty! Your ears... they cute! So purpoh... and… and tasty! Could wick you for days! So I wick you more wayter, Tviwight!” The Unicorn heard him give a wet slurping lick across his muzzle, oozing precum from his moistened tip. “Yes… wayter — later!” Twilight imagined a ghostly lick from his foot of wriggling, agile flesh dancing eagerly across her ear and felt a drenching surge of mango-enhanced moistness between her hind legs. If this is before I start having sex, I don’t even want to imagine what’s going to happen to me later!  “But first… I have something for you you’ll really enjoy!” She cleaned up his bathood from hilt to tip, savoring the sweet load along the tip of her tongue, spreading it all over the inside of her mouth — her tongue all but tingling from the taste. “But for now…” Before he could reply, Twilight struck, taking him all the way down to her throat, gagging slightly as he pushed his way to the back of her throat. She found it more difficult than they remembered and swore internally, vowing to renew her practice sessions on the banana the following day. It’s the back of the throat every single time! If you could take Shiny, you could take him! Focus Twilight! He pushed deeper inside, sliding down into her esophagus, Twilight thanking the Goddess of Creation that Unicorn magic didn’t enhance a sexual organ being inserted into the throat.  Triton squirmed in his chair, moaning blissfully and speaking in his strange tongue as Twilight worked her tongue along his length and she bobbed up and down, working cautiously as she savored the rich, masculine flavor filling her mouth. “Such wonderful chemistry! Triton, you are a Prince!” Twilight moaned gently against his throbbing shaft — an act that proved to be the finishing blow for the son of royalty who gave an almighty EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee! and let loose a thick, mango-flavored stream — fully prepared, Twilight trapped most of it in her maw. She snorted harshly, feeling part of his overload shoot up the back of her throat where it launched into her sinuses and even leaked out of her nostrils.  Waiting a few seconds for it to subside, she withdrew from underneath the table, feeling as if she’d just aced her magic exam, gave a curtsey to the sitting Thestral and opened her maw to display his seed to him before swallowing the delicious load in one gulp, patting her very happy and slightly distended belly again, still amazed at the volume he could generate. “Not bad, huh? I suppose I have to deduct points for the gag at the beginning… the downward leg, once you get to the back of the throat, is the hardest part of the whole affair by far!” Twilight batted her fangs nervously, his expression neutral if somewhat dazed. “I did good… right?” she licked her lips of some stray seed. “Perfekcja!” Triton’s gaze grew intense, hissing slightly as he climbed down from his chair. “Now I show you my best move!” Before Twilight even saw his hooves leave the ground she was being whisked through the air on silent wings, held by his powerful hooves while soaring through the air, their short flight ending when she sensed his strong, prehensile tail wrapping itself around one of the mighty branches of the tree he’d crashed into earlier.  Twilight’s heart leapt in terror, suddenly unable to think of anticipating her inevitable contact with the unyielding earth below. But he held on, the pair dangling upside-down from the tree by his powerful tail. “Don’t drop me! Please don’t drop me!” a terrified Twilight screamed, trembling in his vice-like grip, sweat, fruit juice, and love fluids trickling slowly down her back, sides, and belly, trailing into her eyes and mouth. Unable to focus enough to cast a spell, her fear and arousal drove her adrenaline to new heights the bookish Unicorn had never known. Every kiss of the wind and trickle of wetness registering a hundred-times more significant in her lust-crazed mind. Triton hissed in her right ear — the one she’d traced over with her hoof to tease him — before burying his tongue into it, licking her cochlear folds greedily before taking the whole auricle in his mouth and suckling it, working his tongue with practiced skill on all her most sensitive points as she squirmed helplessly.  He then went to work on her other ear, his tongue wetly sloshing against the folded, furless interior — Twilight’s marehood now leaking heavily down her back and belly like a mango-charged fountain. His efforts not only calmed her but consumed her, feeling herself being claimed in the most primal manner imaginable by this magnificent male who had fallen out of the sky into her lap and life. This sensation! I never want him to stop! Twilight blinked hard, snorting the cascade of fluids rolling down her body out of her nose and breathing heavily from her mouth to avoid choking on her own sex. If only I could let Pinkie enjoy him!  Pinkie? Her mind jolted to her being carried off into the sky recalling something she’d said as Io carried her away… We’re going to get pregnant, Twi! she’d said. Despite the blood and fluids rushing to her head, she snorted lightly. What a ridiculous notion! Stallions don’t get pregnant!  Twilight’s pupils shrunk to the size of pin-pricks. Pinkie’s prophecy surely had nothing to back it up and yet the possibility, however remote, could not be discounted.  And then it came to her, as fresh as if she’d just finished reading it… a barely remembered passage in her research. It’s rumored that some Thestral Alphas can even bring about a state of temporary fertility in a potential mate through the release of pheromones, causing the mare to release an egg out of season, though such claims lack sufficient evidentiary support and seem, on its face, absurd.  It was me! I’m…  He hissed seductively again, thrusting himself hard down into her boiling nethers from above as her overstimulated body convulsed from the sudden erotic sensations coursing through her — demanding more of his seed. Her inner walls clamped down on him like a vice even as the panic inside her began to rise again, the contradiction between biology and reason striking a dissonant chord as her Bat Pony lover sought to breach her body, again and again, with his augmented stallionhood. “I’m going to be a mother at eighteen!” She half-moaned, half-whimpered as he expanded inside of her again, her Unicorn magic disobeying her to automatically enlarging his member still further, unable to distinguish the already oversized Thestral stallionhood from the on average smaller Unicorn ones her magic was intended to enhance. The hill was alight in electric pink fire emanating from her horn on a rogue mission to ease the intruder’s entry into her womb. My scientific research! My friends! My foal will need its sire and I will need him too! Twilight clutched again at the bulge in her stomach, unable to fully accustom herself to its presence even as she craved it—craved him—more and more. We can’t even fully communicate with each other! So why can’t I stop myself from having him? Have I gone insane!? She asked, only for the other part of her to ignore her sudden doubts and respond with sheer, unadulterated desire, sucking him ever-deeper until he once again ad pushed all the way to the precipice of her inner entrance, his pounding head already starting to demand admittance to her most sacred sanctum. She knew what was happening. She knew what would happen if she continued. But she couldn’t stop. She wouldn’t stop! For she was meant for him! Meant to be found by him! Meant to be loved by him!  Meant to be bred by him!  A great shiver went through her at her own admission, her final mental and physical barriers crumpling again to his repeated thrusts. More! More of him! I need more of him inside of me! She pled to the Sun Goddess herself. “More!” the word leaked out through her gritted lips  In response, he bit down hard into the scruff of her neck, using the additional purchase to easily break back into her womb, preparing to fertilize it once more. And she wanted it. Wanted it more than anything else she’d ever wanted before! “Yes! By Luna, give it all to me, Triton!” She hadn’t meant to say it but her tongue could no more will itself to speak differently than the rivers could deny their tribute to the sea. She’d taken the leap of faith; her true test of the virtue Pinkie had taught her. Whatever happened, they would be there for the life they’d created, come what may. “All…” He gave a muffled grunt into her fur, fangs piercing her shoulder slightly with a startled squeak for the fertilized Unicorn. He blinked back the tears caused by the mango-tinged sweat burning his eyes. He felt his hips lurch hard, pushing his way to the back of her womb once more before bolting load after sugary sweet load directly into the source of all life and the mistress of magic he now wished to call his mate. The horn went off like a barrage of Romane candle rockets, exploding with pink and purple stars as her orgasm again backed up inside of her, the fire of need finding no release as her belly ballooned once more. Behind her, Triton groaned with relief, having finally released the three and a half pounds of weight and tension from his aching groin.  But there was no such relief for Twilight, who felt her belly ripple like the surface of a waterbed, plugged by the still erect length of Triton’s bathood sealing everything inside. Triton reached around her with both wings and began to massage her belly, whispering into her ear in his foreign tongue. She knew not the words, but recognized his tone as both worried and soothing. He knows! “Yes, Triton. I’m fine! Our foal is inside of me, growing stronger by the second! I-I didn’t plan for this but… I just know you’re going to be there for her! I bet she’s going to have big, beautiful wings just like her daddy!” She wished she could look into his eyes, imaging them on their foal which Twilight anticipated would be a daughter. But what if it wasn’t? What if she were a handsome stallion like him, gifting his love to the next generation of mares? She couldn’t decide which option she liked more. Giving her ear one last kiss — He sure does love them despite them being so average! Twilight couldn’t help but think to herself as her scientific mind began to revive— he deployed his wings and, flapping them with all of his might, managed to lift off with Twilight in tow, flying a short distance back to the picnic site before setting her down, still trapped inside of her marehood prison. He grunted, trying to withdraw himself but she would not yield, his erection refusing to go down. Twilight tried helping by pressing herself forward but it was no use, even with the pair of them working together. After a couple of tense minutes of the pair trying and failing to extricate himself from her, worried they were going to be found by like this and having to explain themselves, Twilight felt Triton’s hoof cup itself over the tip of her horn, extinguishing its glow. He went soft enough to pull out with a loud pop and an alarmed squeak from Twilight followed by the gelatinous gloop of over a gallon’s worth of slippery sex emptying itself with a splatter onto the utterly ruined tarp, joining the scores of other puddles to form a small pond atop the hill. Once she was able to, her magic quickly working to restore her body as much for her coming foal as well herself, Twilight turned to face the handsome stallion. “You will stay for our foal. You will stay for me, won’t you, Triton?” she asked, patting her belly for emphasis. His eyes reflected back pink from the sparks that still filled the night air, pupils dilated to take in more of her soft, nerdy but utterly adorable cuteness. “Y-yes!” he replied, completely unaware of what he was agreeing to but being wholly unconcerned. “For… foal… and for us… Tviwight… Sparkul! Below her, she continued to unload their sexual ballast as the combination of youthful hormonal attraction, her completely overcharged mating aura and all the mango juice they’d drunk brought them back in for another long, sensual kiss.  “Want… more…” He broke free quickly and lined his glazed and dripping bathood up with her tailhole, pressing it up against her hot, tight lips. Realizing his intention, Twilight began to beg for him to continue, wincing from the expansion of her forbidden tunnel and evoking Luna’s name, forcing more of him inside of her by pushing back against his stallion member. Twilight’s horn fired pink once more, expanding both his length and girth yet again but this time bringing tears of pain to her eyes.  It’s been too long, Shining! I’ve let myself get too tight! Twilight mentally apologized to her brother, casting off a quick bit of magic to suppress the pain until her lover had sufficiently stretched her fiery furnace and evenly spread their natural lubricant evenly. To his credit, he recognized her initial discomfort and refrained from being too rough; she knew instinctively he was awaiting her word to continue even as he wished to push forward and claim her in a whole new manner.  Finally, she was ready, and braced herself against the ground through holes in the torn tarp beneath them. “Rut me, Triton! By the moon and stars and fair Luna above, you will rut me until this hill crumbles beneath our hooves!” “YYYEEESSS!” Triton shouted as he proceeded to fulfill her fondest wish, claiming her tail again and again. For the rest of the night, Twilight’s endless orgasms lit up the sky and rippled across the hills and hollows of rural West Ponyville, eyes rolling into the back of her head as Triton made good on her request — taking her by the scruff of the neck and repeatedly bottoming himself out inside of her. Twilight’s world disintegrated into a haze of pure rapture and endless pleasure, frenzied thrusting, and the slow patter of their shared love batter pooling up inches deep around her. > The Happy Homemaker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie pulled a pair of flight goggles from her mane and slapped them on, secure in Io’s grip. Behind her, the hill and the pair of lovers upon it they’d departed quickly disappeared from sight, becoming indistinguishable from the rest. Her ears flapped and fluttered behind her, waving every which way like party streamers in front of a large fan. From out of the depths of Pinkie Space, she’d managed to pluck a convenient set of flight goggles and looked expectantly out into the darkness for something familiar to draw her gaze. Io was quite the adventurous flyer, dangling Pinkie low enough such that the tops of the trees tickled her hooves with their leaves, while she squealed with delight.  Now here’s a colt that knows how to party! I bet he’s going to be loads of fun in bed! Or… anywhere else, really! Oh, I hope he doesn’t mind if I bring the cannon to bed with me. Because if he doesn’t say yes to cannon, it’ll never work out between us! That’s like saying no to me personally! Pinkie shook her head. For now was not the time to doubt the Sense’s will! “Aren’t you worried about crashing? I can barely see anything!” Pinkie supposed the fact her goggles were rose-tinted and the Hoofred von Nickerthofen aviator cap wasn’t entirely necessary were in fact to blame, but they were the first pair she was able to reach and nopony should fly without the cap… ever. Pinkie supposed it was rather dark outside too, though by his skillful maneuvering through the top of the tree canopy, the lack of light was no impediment to him at all. “Nope! With the sky so lit up by stars, it’s like walking outside during the day for you Ponies!” The forest giving way to farmland, Io rose up over a green-swathed row of hills and banked towards the light of many windows in the valley below. “So, having fun down there?” Pinkie Pie looked up at his chest, all four legs tied around his back. “You bet I am, Chesty!” “Uzzah, Pinkie! Most Earth Ponies I’ve met hate being off the ground! So, feel up to me doing some stunt flying?” he asked her hopefully. “Ooooo… yes! Yes! Do a barrel roll, Chesty!” she shouted back, clapping her hooves together excitedly. “Alright!” Io folded his wings in ever-so-briefly, sending the two them into a tight spiral, Pinkie screaming joyously all the while the Thestral stallion held her firmly, giving her an additional thrill by dropping alarmingly fast before effortlessly recovering from the stall with his large bat wings. He dipped low enough for the tall grasses to tickle her belly before using the added speed of the dive to soar back up into the sky, to Pinkie’s glee.  “That was amazing!” Pinkie jiggled excitedly from beneath his belly. “I had no idea bat-ponies could fly so well!” “Well, don’t tell any Pegasi, but Thestral flight is some of the most stable flight out there! There’s no stall these two beautiful flappers can’t handle!” Io bragged, then pointed toward a row of treehouses. “That’s where I live! I’ll drop you off there and head to Ponyville Post Office to explain the situation to them. Not that I’m going to tell the truth or anything!” Io gave a derisive laugh. “No way! Chest Candy ain’t no snitch, especially when it comes to who your bat bro is sleeping with. That’s like… rule one of being a good bat bro!” “Really? My rule one of being a baker was always ‘the cake isn’t done until the toothpick comes out clean’.” Pinkie thought about that for a moment. “Buuut I’m not a bat bro. I guess I’m a baker bro! Except I’m not a bro… I’m a sis! To three sisters, in fact! Does that make any sense?” Io chuckled. “Yeah, that makes sense! To the mare with an apron, every problem looks like a chocolate chip!” he replied earnestly, banking towards the treehouse on the far end of the row of houses. Pinkie felt her harm warm at the words — It’s like he spoke into my very soul! “That is so true, Chesty McChesterton! You wouldn’t believe how many ponies don’t understand this simple concept! It’s so rare to find one who does” She hugged the Thestral hard around the middle, causing his eyes to bulge out slightly. “You’re definitely a keeper, Io! But there’s one thing I must know… Do you enjoy cooking too?” “Cooking? Nah. Well, nothing you ponies would like, anyway. I mean, I can char meat pretty well. I got the grill marks down and everything! Even baste it in butter like that Bighorn chef, Gordon Ramsheep says! Anything outside of that? Only the bare basics; oatmeal and cut fruit. I make pancakes sometimes but they usually turn out too runny and it feels pointless learning a lot of different dishes when you’re living by yourself, you know? And when you’re not good at cooking as it is, there’s not much incentive to do it.” Io’s enthusiasm seemed to drain away with each successive sentence. “So it’s mostly fast food and travel rations for me. We do get some good ones from our comrades in the Griffon Express, at least.” Oh, poor Chesty! I bet he’s living all alone with nopony to take care of him. Pinkie gave the Thestral a reassuring belly rub. “I know what you mean. I cook for others a lot more than myself! It’s really yucky when it’s already hot outside and you’re stuck in a room with an oven all day. I was really lucky to have a Mom who was really devoted to making sure all of her daughters were good at cooking so we could keep our stallions fed and happy!” she recalled wistfully.  Io chuckled. “That’s such a wholesome thing to say! You remind me so much of my sister talking about the joys of cooking for stallions! Daddy’s little filly, that one…” He grumbled, shaking his head with something that looked like wistful nostalgia of his own to his pink pony passenger. “You won’t know this living in Equestria but Thestral mares are more generally, stay-at-home, take-care-of-the-homestead type folk, at least until they visit Equestria and well… completely lose their minds and have a night of mango-fueled debauchery in Las Pegasus, like my cousin Night Tracer…”  “Oh, really? What’s she like?” Pinkie’s interest was piqued. Instead of responding, Io gave a shudder and made a guttural grunting noise as if somepony had just offered him baked bads. “Never mind. My sister Callisto though? She really believed all that stuff about the Thestral way of life and the folkish way of our ancestors and foresires and all that business. My point is you don’t get any more traditional than her! She’s a mare from a different age; a simpler time when the Bats hated the Ponies and the Ponies hated us Bats and we pretended the other didn’t exist until it was time to pay the Princess off for allowing us our lands or the Pegasi off for their weather control services… I guess what I’m saying is that Callisto isn’t just a Thestral mare. she is the Thestral mare!” Pinkie’s right-rear ankle began to wiggle, cluing her in to some powerful secrecy coming from her friend. Where she might have normally cut him off with a question, her sense was telling her to let him continue his ramble. “See, a few years back, when I was still hunting… Oh, sheesh! I have to explain that now, huh? Well, in Thestral society, the stallions hunt when they’re on the cusp of stallionhood so they can offer their first successful kill to a potential mate.”  “Eww!” Pinkie had one experience with eating meat other than eggs when her friend Applejack gave her worm-filled cupcakes and she’d sworn off ever trying meat again, even if some of her friends, like Rainbow Dash, had a taste for it for reasons she still couldn’t comprehend. “Yeah, I know, gross right? A Thestral likes his meat and he cannot lie! You grasschewers can’t deny! That when a boar walks by — “ Io cleared his throat, abandoning the half-singing, half styling manner of speaking he’d slipped into briefly. “You get the idea. I’m getting off-topic again… So hunting, yeah. The logic behind the Callisto’s Call Hunt is that any stallion worth mating will be strong enough to hunt in order to take care of their herd so we need to go out and kill an animal and present the meat to a prospective wife.”  Pinkie felt it, even though the arms with which he held her aloft. He was feeling tension about the topic at hoof and needed something to bring it down. “If somepony presents me with anything other than baking flour or a good joke, they can forget about getting a piece of this!” She gave her rump a jiggly smack loud enough to made itself heard over the sound of flapping wings.  “Ha! Duly noted…” For a moment all Pinkie could hear was the sound of Io’s wings rising and falling with a rustling like the envelope of Twilight’s hot-air balloon. “There’s a bit more to it than just having something to eat. It has less to do with that than building a strong character. It’s a holdover from our Lunartarian religious traditions that distinguish us a great deal from you sun-lovin’ Equestrians. The long and short of it is, I had to go out hunting for three years before I got anything,” he concluded in what she concluded was mild but self-directed disgust. Her sense told Pinkie it was safe to ask a question, but it also warned her not to embarrass him or display any further disgust for hunting. If she did that, he’d think she was judging him personally. “How long does it normally take before new hunters have their first success? I suppose it has to be hard with all the running and shooting and trees in the way, huh?” “You don’t know the half of it!” Io exclaimed. “Our boars aren’t the friendly little oinkers you have back at the farm rolling around in their own slop, oh no! These guys are covered with thick, spiky hide and have razor-sharp tusks. And they’re for beginner hunters! When you get really good, you get sent out to fight the flying boars. I’m talking two-hundred pounds of armored death piggie here, and they’ll impale you in a heartbeat! Ah, but I never got to fight one of those… No, three-years is a very long time to get your first kill. So while my fellow bat bros were claiming the best mares with the cutest ears for their offerings, I kept getting held back another year. It made me feel pretty bad at the time…” She couldn’t see them but could easily imagine his tufted ears drooping above her. “Awww, poor Chesty!” Pinkie snuggled him again. “But you don’t feel so bad anymore, right?” “Nope! My sister showed up at the end of the hunt all three years — all the mares in our town did. But while the other mares gave fruit in exchange for meat to the successful hunter, she presented me with fruit and bread as a sort of… well consolation prize, I guess you can call it.” The swelling of his stallion nether parts against her back told Pinkie the price had been a bit more than a baguette and a bowl of cherries without needing to resort to her magical talents. Omigoshomigoshomigosh! He’s into his sister! That’s so cuuute! Pinkie grinned, willing herself not to speak her thought aloud. Wait until I tell Twilight so she can feel better about Shining! Of course, then I’d have to tell her I know about him, too! “Ooooo… that’s so sweet! She sounds like the bestest sister ever making you feel all better!” The swelling in his stallionhood got more pronounced, and Pinkie couldn’t help but grin. “She is, Pinkie. Mom and Dad named her after the hunt, Callisto. She had plenty of stallions offer themselves to her — quite a few, in fact! But she turned them all down…” his voice grew hollow. “Oh, she eventually met a stallion, but I do feel like a bad brother for keeping her from her dream of being a loving housewife, even if only for three years. You have to understand though, she turned down some pretty worthy bros just to show up and offer me food. She’ll never admit, but it was just to be nice to me because she couldn’t tolerate seeing a stallion in her life deal with failure. She’s always looked up to me, just as she looked up to Dad.” Pinkie wasn’t sure if she imagined a catch in his voice. “She sounds like the biggest sweetie indeedy! I’ll have to throw her a party someday for being such a great sis! How old is she now? No time is too early to get the decorations ready!”  “She’ll turn nineteen later this year. She’s just a couple of years younger than me…” Io admitted, sounding distinctly uncomfortable. “And before you ask, yes, the mares get started real young where I come from.”  “Oh, not at all!” Pinkie replied brightly. “My family is the same way! It was Mom’s saying — if the barn’s got hay, that filly’s in play!” She gratified to hear him give a genuine laugh. “Well said, Pinkie! I can see the two of us are truly kindred spirits!” Io pulled into a hover over a good-sized wooden deck wide enough for two ponies to stand side-by-side comfortably high up in the tree where Io’s house stood and Pinkie dropped safely onto it. “The door’s open. Help yourself to anything in the fridge! My roost is your roost! Be back in an hour!” He flew off into the night. Pinkie looked down over the edge of the deck and immediately regretted it. She hadn’t minded flying with him, but without him, It was a long way down! “I think I better just go inside…”  She opened the door and was immediately struck by the distinctive smell of pineapples. The inside of the home was lit by calming, if not very bright topaz crystal lamps mounted to the roof, quite an upgrade from the kerosene lamps Pinkie had back home but she couldn’t see how they turned off and on. She supposed they were meant to not hurt his eyes, better-suited for low-light environments. A cutting board atop a table was still stained by the sticky tropical fruit, the knife used to cut it sitting atop it. Decorations were sparse and the entire room bore the unmistakable air of a bachelor’s living space. There were crumbs on the floor, on the old couch, and an assortment of pointy sticks mounted to the walls on crude iron peg hooks.  Pinkie Pie checked the bathroom; the hole-in-the-floor toilet had an overhead water tank and pull string she surmised drew rainwater from a reservoir on the roof to wash all the nastiness away. I definitely didn’t have a treehouse this nice as a foal! Or any treehouse now that I think of it.  All I had were rocks. Feels bad. Her mane deflated slightly at the thought. “But our foals will have a treehouse! And probably be able to fly!” Pinkie spoke aloud, her mane poofing back up. “I wonder what he’s got to eat around here?” Poking around, she found he had all sorts of cooking utensils and ingredients one needs to cook but they looked almost uniformly brand-new and unused, his crystal-powered convection oven, in particular, looked brand-new despite being an older model that was probably installed when the treehouse was originally constructed.  Checking further, she found he had oatmeal and dried fruit as well as fresh fruit inside a cabinet and eggs inside the icebox. She supposed she could have made up some oatmeal with some cut-up fruit but where was the effort in that? She looked around for sugar and flour, finding them inside two containers near the can-opener. Success! Alas, for the lack of strawberries in the fridge. Maybe he’s allergic or something? Still, Pinkie had baked with less. Checking the clock on the wall, Pinkie found she still had fifty-five minutes before he got home. She could have a cake over halfway done by then easily! “I’m going to make this house a suitable home and nopony is going to stop me, or my name isn’t Pinkamena Diane Pie!!” Pinkie laughed maniacally before launching into preparing the batter after greasing the pan and setting the crystal oven to three hundred twenty-five degrees. A lesser mare might have sufficed to use a nine-inch pan but for the colt about to impregnate her with boy-and-girl twins — her sense had been very specific on that point! — only a fourteen-inch baking pan would do so he could have enough to help replenish his strength and still have plenty left over afterward!  This is going to be the BESTEST cake ever! she promised him as she started into her task. Withdrawing a liquid measuring cup from the cupboard, she sat it down on a chair and dipped one of her mammoth milkers into it, squeezing it against her thigh until she had more than enough for the recipe; her lactation having been earlier enhanced by Twilight’s mating magic and her apparent love for teats!  I’ll save some for you and Triton too, Twilight! She promised her future herdmate as well as she found herself at least slightly regretting spending any of it on anything other than sex or her future foals. Ah well — there’d still be plenty more later for her stallion when he got home! Her mix all ready and lacking only vanilla, she resorted to using the emergency, emergency backup bottle she kept inside her mane; one that was only to be used in times of dire circumstances! And what circumstance could be direr than not having enough ingredients for my colt’s first cake? She shivered in fear at the thought, resolving to replenish her Pinkie Space stocks as soon as possible. Adding a few drops of the extract and mixing it in, she poured the prepared batter into the pan and left it sitting atop the oven. “Somethings missing… something… I got it!” Pinkie found a covered bowl of pineapple he’d been eating from, still good by the looks of it, and mixed it up by hoof into a fine puree. She then covered the bowl, and squealed loudly when the oven announced it had pre-heated with a long, loud beep! “Gotta hurreee!” She carefully picked the tin pan up by her teeth and pushed it into the oven.  The cake finally cooking, she proceeded to clean the entirety of the house at high-speed. She dusted, swept, scoured the kitchen countertops, washed dishes, and even found time to mop. She even polished his ancient weaponry with a bottle of some expensive solvent she found in a nearby cabinet, hoping she was doing it right. If he’d have owned one of those modern automatic washing machines, she’d have done his clothes too.  She next took two sacks of trash outside for pickup in a large, green container. The colt was going to need to buy some more paper towels but for now, he had a properly sanitized environment to live in. She wiped her forehead with one of her ears and poured herself a glass of grape juice before sitting on the couch.  “Ahh! That’s more like it!” Pinkie lay back on her couch, sitting back and spreading out, her legs dangling over both ends of the couch, gripping the tumbler of grape juice with her right ear before bringing it forward to sip from. Her augmented auricles were proving themselves useful for far more than just predicting the future and reminded herself to thank Twilight again in the morning. Her right-hind leg jiggled again, indicating Twilight Sparkle had just orgasmed for the twenty-ninth time, earning a happy smile and chuckle at the fact that her tail curled as well telling her she was getting it under the tail again and again. “Oooo… guess you really were missing Shiny, Twily! You don’t know it yet, but you’re going to love having twins! And Pound and Pumpkin Cake will love having new playmates!” She set down her glass and looked back at the clock. Any second now... The door opened, revealing a smiling-turned-stunned Io, his jaw falling agape and gaze shifting between the sight of his clean house and the display of her great, heaving mare melons in full display, as the mare who owned them looked up at him from his couch with a coy expression. His cheeks going flushed and his sheath visibly starting to swell, he tore himself from his uniform as if it were engulfed in flames.  “By Luna’s eighteen-inch ears, I can barely recognize my own house! You did all of this yourself?” he said as he finally freed himself fully from the restricting garments. He made to toss them haphazardly to the side, but he hung them on the coat rack by his front door instead, not wanting to mar his newly immaculate home. “You don’t throw as many parties as I do without cleaning up a fair share of them!” Pinkie smiled innocently, one forehoof between her thighs, the other running through her curly mane, showing off how soft, supple, and thick each strand was. “But that’s not really important to me right now…”  “Oh? Io’s bathood dropped quickly out of his sheath, his eyes focused on the long bubble-gum-colored aural appendage, cutting through her flowing mane like a jagged stone sticking up from the shallow bottom of a gently flowing stream. Without waiting for further explanation, he cradled the impossibly long ear in his hoof and began stroking and licking it reverently, outside and in with draconic greed. “Smells like Vanilla… and blackcurrant?” he noted in approval but then said no more; a silence filling the room broken only by the wet slurping sounds of his newfound life’s mission. “Mmmm… that feels lovely, Io. But I think you can do even better… with a little help from your new friend!” She flicked her aural appendage out of his grasp and coiled it around his erection like a soft, furry glove, the slick inner folds easily enveloping his member in sweet friction.  He gave a hissing gasp and arched his back as he began thrusting into it. “This is incredible! I’m not even going to ask how you can do that!” He fell back to his haunches, his back arched up in the air and wings splayed for balance as he felt his climax begin to build. ”But please don’t stop!” “Never rutted a gal in the ear before, have yah?” Pinkie teased as she continued milking him remorselessly, countless thousands of exquisitely sensitive nerve-endings along the entire surface of her ear exploding in harmonious bliss.  “I’d say it’s more like it’s rutting me! But either way, the answer is still no!” He gave a silly grin and closed his eyes in pure bliss. “Oh, Pinkie this is some of the best sex I’ve ever had but…” his breath hitched. “Can’t hold back… I’m about to make a real mess in there!” he felt compelled to warn her. But she only giggled, intensifying her efforts further. “Messes are fun, silly! Do it! Do iiiiiiiiit!” Pinkie shrieked pumping him even faster. The feedback of pleasure from the aural stimulation added to the stimulation of her intimate passage with skilled hoofwork brought them both to a simultaneous climax, leaving the pair moaning in mutual delight, Pinkie soaking the couch with a thick coating of love jelly as Io bolted five spurts down into the depths of her ear before collapsing back against her, wondering what in the name of Luna’s Moon he’d done to deserve such a wonderfully sensuous creature. Io opened his eyes another minute later and saw his new marefriend, lying there, smiling seductively, a streak of milky white running the entire length of her ear and down into the canal, the rest splattering on the coach and even into Pinkie’s mane.  “I told you messes were fun~!” Pinkie licked her slickened hoof, enjoying her sugary sweet taste; on that reminded him of some pony fairs he’d visited on his travels in the past.  “Not as much fun as cleaning up!” Io wrapped his tongue around the whole of his muzzle, leaving streaks of wetness in the short hairs all over his face. “So let’s get started…” Pinkie gave a gasp of delight as she realized his intention; one her Pinkie Sense hadn’t seen fit to inform her of. “Io, are you really going to do it? You’re going to do oral on my ears? You are so hooooooooooooooooooooooooooot!” Pinkie’s eyes looked on the verge of popping out of her head as she felt his tongue make contact, lighting all her enhanced nerve endings up again and causing the displays of the distant Highborne colonists to suddenly display the scene as seen through Pinkie’s eyes. Before long, he’d buried his muzzle into the depths of her concha, his long tongue lapping up his own copious load before tracing a path up the length of her ear. His cheeks bulging, he then made to deposit his reclaimed seed directly into Pinkie’s open maw. Pinkie drew him in for a kiss instead, the load being tossed like a small ship in a storm amidst the clash of their long, pink tongues.  After minutes of sharing himself, as Pinkie’s marehood continued to weep into the couch, he reluctantly detached himself from her mouth and looked into her eyes. “Pinkie… I want you to know that if you were anypony else, I would never have even considered what I just did. Not even for —” his eyes went wide and he bit off his next words. “Just… I’d only do this for you.” She grinned, guessing even without her Sense that he’d been thinking of his sister. “Well, I’m going to have work on you some more if that’s the case! After all, Twilight’s going to ask for the same thing, I just know it!” A leg twitch confirmed her suspicions on the matter, Twilight having come for the thirty-fifth time while Io has been pleasuring her ears yet again. “But there’s time for that later. What’s most important to me, Io is that you fulfill my destiny and fill my lonely womb with your seed!” “Oh, Pinkie…” He looked touched, and then his eyes began to water. “I never dreamed anypony would ever ask me for that! I will do that gladly! How could I refuse the world’s most perfect mare? For me to not bring your foals into this world… to deny such a perfect mare anything she asked, would be unforgivable!” He kissed her delicately on the lips, which still carried the taste of his load on them. “Not only to have ears that are as tall as I am by themselves but to cook and clean without being asked? Why, in all the stars of the Milky Way, has no stallion claimed you yet?” Pinkie giggled. “Because I was waiting for you, you silly stallion! You like ears as much as Twilight does! I’m sure you and she will get along well when we all get together! You didn’t hear this from me but she likes to receive as much as she likes to give!” “I’ll probably have to wrestle her away from Triton first!” He wrapped his wings around her, forming a love cocoon between them before parting her lips with his tongue. After but a short while he reluctantly withdrew with a wet pop, causing Pinkie to give a needy whimper. “Wait… Pinkie, I have to ask.” “Now, Chesty? But I want you to put the bun in my oven!” Pinkie whined, wondering if she was doing Rarity justice.  “I won’t keep my lady waiting long, trust me! But I just have to ask one thing… How did you know I’d agree to give you foals? A Thestral like me and a pony like you — we’re not exactly common to see together, are we?” Twilight cried out again, miles away as her thirty-sixth orgasm soaked her lover’s groin while he rutted her hard under the tail — Pinkie’s leg twitching hard. That was a big one! “I have a way of knowing ponies, Io. Twilight says it’s a magic I have; a friendship magic! I can’t explain it except to say it’s something I learned when I first came to Ponyville. I consider everypony my friend and so they’re a part of me and I can… feel when something is going to happen to them or when they are going to happen to me!” Pinkie slipped an ear underneath his belly and gave his hardness a quick tug. His still-sensitive stallion made him groan his appreciation. “So you mean to tell me it was you who made me fall out of the sky with a magical prediction?” His expression became thoughtful before nodding slowly. “You know, that’s just crazy enough to be true!”   “Naaah! Nothing like that. I just had a teensy feeling you might show up and… you did!” The oven beeped. “Ooh! That’s your cake! Before you put a bun in my oven, let me take something out of the oven for you…” Pinkie was stopped by Io’s gentle hoof.  “Whoa there, Pinkie! I think you’ve done more than enough for me tonight. You’ve done all the work tonight, so you just relax while ol’ Chesty takes care of everything!”  “Don’t forget to check if it’s done first!” Pinkie called out to him as he got up. “Stick a fork or toothpick in! If it comes back clean, it’s done! Then set it on the counter to cool! We’ll have to wait seven minutes or thereabouts before we can remove the cake from the pan, otherwise, it’ll fall apart!” “Ten-four, Pinkie!” Io saluted and headed for the kitchen, his stallionhood still fully erect beneath his belly. Opening a drawer, he pulled a toothpick out and then dipped it into the cake. He turned to show her that it came back clean. Satisfied at the nod he received, he turned off the oven and withdrew the hot pan with a pizza paddle hung over the oven and then set the pan on the counter to cool. After setting the timer for seven minutes, he trotted back over to Pinkie.  “So do you normally carry around ingredients to make a cake with you or do you just have an immaculate game with stallions?” He cast a look of ironic suspicion on her. “Yes,” she stated in deadpan before drawing him back in for another kiss, sweeping him onto the couch on top of her; his respectable thirteen-inch erection furrowing its way through her soft belly fur. Pinkie went on the attack, licking at his fangs and ably wrestling his full-foot of tongue with her own. As she stimulated him orally, she worked her ears up under both of his wings and began oiling and grooming them — vigorously rubbing all over the supple flesh until it began to secrete a fatty lubricant Thestrals and Pegasi used to keep their wings airworthy. His wings flexed and spasmed but he kept them folded, all the better to absorb her furry touch, hugging her dextrous and deliciously large ears to his quivering flight muscles. Pinkie broke the kiss and, with the bouncy agility party mare was so famed for, she flipped the pair of them upside-down so that she was on top of him, eying his outstretched wings hungrily. “Sorry to interrupt our fun, but I know a pair of unpolished wings when I see one! Pinkie tut-tutted with a waggling hoof. “Don’t look so surprised! We’ll just start with your leftie”. “Oh! Uh… y-yes ma’am!” Io obediently extended the wing facing the back of the couch, his thumb claw touching the wall behind it. Pinkie dove in, her muzzle coated in his oils, licking and brushing the bottom of his massive wing while she worked the tops of his wing with her ears. His wing stretched, forming a mask of her face as she worked the soft leather. She eagerly licked him from one side of the wing to the other, not missing a single patch of skin, suckling each of the clawed tips of his finger bones as she worked from left to right.  Io trembled as the sensations rolled over him, groaning and even occasionally hissing in pure pleasure as she expertly groomed and stimulated him. “Luna above, you are amazing! My own sister couldn’t do better!” Io suddenty stiffened and clapped a hoof to his mouth, his expression turning instantly from blissful to frightful. “No! No! I didn’t say that! You didn’t hear that!” It’s not what you thiiink!” He rolled away from her and buried his teary face in his hooves. Pinkie looked into his eyes, face covered in oil and giggle-snorted before covering her mouth demurely with a hoof. “Oh, Io… You were pretty obvious earlier when we were talking about Callisto. Don’t feel guilty or weird or anything like that! I mean, you’re not even the first pony I’ve met who’s had relations with their family!” Io peeked up over his hooves at Pinkie, giving her a disbelieving look. “Really? Y-you’re not saying that to make me feel like less of a creep?” he sniffled. “Of course not, silly! Earth Ponies do it all the time! Nopony calls us out on it because we don’t make hay about it. One of my friends belongs to a clan of over a hundred ponies who all inbreed and she came out just fine! Honestly, I think the family was more disappointed that she invited my Pegasus friend, Fluttershy into her brother’s herd than anything else.” Io winced and shook his head, suppressing another shiver despite her reassurance. “Thestrals aren’t so cool about it, trust me! If my Dad found out what sis and I were doing with each other, he’d have beat me to within an inch of my life and banished us both into the wilderness!” An appalled Pinkie arched an eyebrow at him, her smile disappearing as she realized he was serious. “But why?” “Because… we as a race view incest as the most depraved, sick, and dishonorable act of moral degeneracy imaginable! Inbreeding is an evil that seeps into the offspring, producing laziness and apathy toward higher virtues like duty and honor. It’s even said to lead to the formation of clans that hold allegiance to family over Nation, which leads to subversive in-groups promoting their own kin through nepotism to subvert the very idea of Thestral society and destroying it from within!” he explained shortly. Pinkie rather thought that mating with an Earth Pony instead of another Thestral would be perceived as worse on the no-no list of sexual misdemeanors in a monoglot culture, but she knew even without her Pinkie Sense that now was hardly the time to poke that particular Flash Bee’s nest. “Just keep her in mind, Io, that whatever other Thestrals may say about clans and nepotism, it sounds like you’re still very much in love with her and my sense tells me she still loves you too! You should invite her to Ponyville so the two of you can talk things out and I can get a chance to meet her! She sounds like my kind of bat!” Io looked anxious and uncertain but nodded. “I’ll see what I can do. But Pinkie...?”  “Yes, Chesty?” she asked as he gave her a look she could only describe as askance and very uncertain. “Can you, uh… do my other wing?” He half-cringed at the question even as he offered it up to her. “You work wonders with those ears of yours and your tonguework rivals that of Callisto herself! I beg you, please continue!” he pleaded with her, his entire body trembling. Smiling, Pinkie gave him a peck on the muzzle. “You don’t even have to ask! Alright, mister, now hold still…” By the time Pinkie was done with both wings, the alarm went off, the pair climbing off the couch and heading over to the oven, where the cake pan had cooled enough to allow the cake itself to be removed safely. Insisting the next stage of the baking process would be better left in her capable hooves, Pinkie cupped an oven mitt onto her hoof, and, holding a knife in the other hoof, expertly extracted the slab of cake and put it on a spare plate to cool until it was ready to frost. “This will be ready for the topping I mixed earlier in about an hour. Until then… I believe you promised to take care of me, Io. And you know, I’ve been… lactating pretty heavily today.” She pinched the nipple of one of her large, firm, full teats which squirted into her hoof. “I’ve noticed the burden you’ve been carrying around you,  Miss Pinkie,” Io replied smoothly, kneeling behind her and savoring the sight of her equine udders, his mouth beginning to water. “But how long have you been producing milk? You don’t look like you’ve given birth, from what I can tell!” Pinkie stroked his well-muscled abdomen. “Oh! Well, funny thing, that. It started one day after I’d hit puberty. I went into town with my family and I was waiting in line to buy groceries from the market when this baby started crying for milk. I heard it and within minutes I was lactating heavily! It was like my whole body wanted to do its part for that foal and there’s been nothing I can do about it but drain these babies about twice a day ever since!  “It’s worse whenever I go out and hear another foal making a hungry cry; within seconds I start to feel unbearably heavy and if I go more than a couple of minutes without draining, I leak everywhere! I don’t know what it is, Io, but I just want a mouth for me to feed so~ badly!” Pinkie gave an exaggerated sigh before getting a mischievous gleam. “In fact… I just so happened to put some milk of mine in the cake we’re about to eat...”  She shifted on her back hooves, making her mammaries jiggle playfully and drawing his feline eyes instantly. “But it wasn’t nearly enough! Especially after getting hit with Twilight’s mating aura earlier — that filly can really supercharge seed and milk production with her magic! — I still have so much more love to give!” she said breathlessly, the very thought of infant foals causing her to drip more of her mare’s milk onto the kitchen tile. “So dig in!” “Don’t mind if I do…” Io replied in a husky voice as he ran his hooves over Pinkie’s soft, round and bountiful rump. He kissed her party balloon cutie mark before dipping his head beneath her crotch and giving the large mass several reverent kisses that caused Pinkie to squeal in pleasure before latching directly on to her left nipple. The milk began to dribble into his mouth instantly; her aroused nipple expanding from the stimulation and need to nourish, all the better to fill his hungry belly faster with her motherly gift. He continued stimulating her rear all the while, so soft and jiggly as he eagerly sucked her sweet milk down, pouring into his throat so fast he could hardly keep up. “Oh, Chesty! You’re so hungry! But don’t drink too fast, my batty friend or you’ll get all burpie! Mommy loves you too much to see you get a belly-ache!” Pinkie said lovingly, gushing over his very large and very adult baby colt.  He could only moan needily at the statement, continuing to greedily drink her down. He switched teats when her flow finally began to ebb, bobbing back and forth and swallowing mouthfuls that dribbled down his neck and chin, some disappearing into the dark, thick fluff of his chest.  A minute later, Io extracted himself to Pinkie’s immediate disappointment, gulping down much-needed air in the process. “Momma, you’re so… full! I want to drink every drop, but If I keep this up, I won’t have room for dessert!” he all but whined like a foal. Pinkie smiled anew at the statement. “Well we wouldn’t want to miss out on our cake, now would we?” Pinkie said sweetly, tickling his stallion package with her tail. “Just let me go frost it, and I’ll bring it right out!” He blinked, but then smiled. “Oh! You misunderstand. That’s not that dessert I had in mind, Miss Pinkie!” He then pressed his nose hard up against her throbbing clit. “Woohoo! Now we got ourselves a par-tay!” She trembled in stimulated ecstasy as her Pinkie sense began to pick up the flood of carnal desires — Io’s intentions meshed with the sweeping licks of his tongue probing deeper than most stallions could ever hope to reach, even with their malehoods. But his tapered, flicking tongue had evolved to fleck even the smallest drop of nectar from the buds of flowering trees, and he used to excellent effect on her as within seconds, he reaped a bounty of hot filly creme that not even the juiciest apple from the orchards of Sweet Apple Acres could compare. His muzzle still buried between her swollen lips, he worshipped his goddess’s flanks, squeezing them as if to empty more of herself into his maw.  Pinkie squealed and bucked her hips, clutching a nearby chair for support as the sensations threatened to overwhelm her completely. “Ioooooooooo! It feels… so… good! This is going to be a big ooooooooone!” Her eyes watering, she leaned into the kitchen chair, eyes crossing as she let out a cascading surge of sugary secretion, fortified into a formidable tidal wave by her Earth Pony heritage. The solid jet of molten cotton candy beat at the back of his throat, escaping his trapping tongue only by virtue of the extreme volume rushing inside. Io heaved slightly, his gag reflex acting in the defense of his windpipe and sent most of her load spraying down the back of her legs, coating the thick pink fluff in streaks of pearl. “I... was not… prepared!” Io hastily poured a glass of water, taking sips between his coughing fits. “I’m sorry, it was so much... and so... sugary!” he licked his lips once his throat was cleared. Pinkie patted him on the back. “It’s okay, Io. I get that reaction a lot!  You know some ponies say I can be just a bit excessive! And sometimes I think they have a point…”  Io tossed the glass into the sink and started licking her previously unmolested ear, caressing her back with his wings and running his forehooves over her strong Earth Pony back. “I want you, Pinkie…” he whispered into her ear before nibbling it gently. “I can’t wait to take you to bed, I must have you now!” “Yes, Io! I can already hear our foals… crying out to me!” Pinkie said, and it was no passionate plea and she could indeed hear them in her mind; their future hunger calls causing her mammaries to swell ominously again.  “I hear them too, Pinkie!” He mounted her from behind, burying his nose in her sweet-smelling mane. His bathood swayed — not nearly as long as Triton’s at thirteen inches but still very respectable and thick enough in circumference to give even one of Roseluck’s Zebras pause. Pressing himself up against her entrance, he faced immediate resistance to his massive, flared, and very thicker-than-usual head.  “Umpf! You’re tight, Pinkie!” “And you’re a very big, healthy batty bro!” Pinkie felt her lover carefully bite into the scruff of her neck, working himself slowly inside of her. “Don’t give up, Io! I’m just veeeery stretchy!” “Mpffff! Unnnn! Unnf!” Io sounded like he was waging war against the entire Vegatablese army, equipped with little more than a frosting dispenser and a tablespoon and needed her help and encouragement if they were to save the day for sugar-lovers everywhere.  “Oooh! You’re quite a trooper, Io, to push this far inside without coming!” she told him, but Io only whimpered by way of reply. “Oh, don’t give out on me now, Chesty, I’m starting to feel really good and stretchy now!” She patted her belly, a phallus-shaped indentation making itself known.  “So… good…” He managed as gave a muffled moan of ecstasy, drooling heavily into her neck, his eyes staring off into space as his progress ground to a halt. Pinkie’s expression grew frantic. Was her Pinkie Sense wrong again? No that was silly. He just needed her encouragement! “Come on, Io! Don’t break down on me now, batty bro! Get it all in there! Our foals are counting on you! I am counting on you to deliver that batty batter to me hot and fresh!” His eyes snapped back to attention like he was back in basic training. The siren song of impending climax beginning to fill his ears as all doubts and fears were banished from his mind in response to her orgasmic order and plea. “Mfff! Mffffffffff…” He began slowly pushing forward moaning deeply again as he felt the rest of his length bathed in the warm hotness of Pinkie’s moist and heavenly palace of sugary delights. Bracing himself, his wings flared behind him and he started pistoning inside her, her neck scruff popping up and down rhythmically as his groaning intensified.  “That’s it, Io! Ahh! I’m ready — Mmm! — to receive your gift!” She dripped freely from her marehood with each thrust; the wet slapping along of flesh against flesh along with their mingled moans, the whooshing sounds of his wings, and the sound of Pinkie’s filled teats squirting hard onto the floor composed an erotic symphony along with the smells of both sex and cake they brought to the kitchen.  The sound of her own sustenance spraying a symphony across the kitchen floor was the last straw for Pinkie who felt her loving embrace around Io’s member tighten, the better to receive his gift. Finally, grinning dreamily, Pinkie’s orgasm came, her twisting walls gripping firmly around his diminutive medial ring and forming a solid plug. He released his grip on her neck. “Io!” “Pinkie!” “Babyyyyyyyyyy!” “Huzzaaaaaaaah!” Pinkie heard a deafening wet splat as she drove himself all the way to the hilt inside of her, feeling his bulging bathood press down on every one of her numerous internal love buttons, as he released his seed deep inside of her. Her itchy chin and sudden impulse to sneeze informed her that Io was successful in not only getting nearly his entire load into her birth canal but at that very moment, the strongest little swimmer was diving into her awaiting egg like a foal into a pile of freshly-raked leaves.  Pinkie’s ears both began to corkscrew, and indicated not one but two new lives had been brought into the world as predicted. And then she sneezed with the force of a confetti cannon barrage from twenty-one guns. It was good to be proven right at least once tonight! The deed complete and her climax concluding with a final burst of warmth and rapture fading into a warm afterglow, Pinkie turned to Io, the pair still bonded together as one, nickering happily. She shared a long kiss with him that lasted until the sound of the oven alarm pulled them both out of their reverie, indicating their cake was now cool enough to add the topping. “I love you Io!” Pinkie nuzzled the older Thestral, who was so strong and yet so uncertain all at the same time.. “I love you too, Pinkie!” He pecked her on the muzzle as he withdrew herself from her, the still-pressurized mixture of love juices spilling out onto the floor beneath them. “You knocked me up, Io!” Pinkie looked at him adoringly, patting her belly. “I can already tell I’m pregnant! Is there anything you want to tell your new sons?” Io lowered himself level with her marehood. “I'll give you more brothers and sisters as soon as I can! That’s a promise, soldiers!" Pinkie Pie giggled and ruffled his spiky mane. “You bet there is! But first, we let them eat cake!” “Yes ma’am!” Io saluted the newly-minted mother as she produced the bowl of pulped pineapple, gratified to see his nose twitch at the sweet scent of it reached him. “Is that what I think it is?” “Sure is! But you know… we need a song for adding the topping! It’s something of a tradition of mine with special cakes, like for birthdays or cutie ceneras. So, do you have a special song you want to sing?”  Io nodded. “I sure do! A traditional Thestralslovakian marching song. It’s so easy you can sing it along with me! Here goes!” he cleared his throat as she waited expectantly.  “I don’t know what I’ve been told...”  “I don’t know what I’ve been told!” “Windigo marehood is mighty cold!” “Windigo marehood is mighty cold!” “I don’t know but I do fear...” “I don’t know but I do fear!” “Nightmare Moon is a pain in the rear!” “Nightmare Moon is a pain in the rear!” She’s got the nightmare fangs and the Plothole of Fear!” She’s got the nightmare fangs and the Plothole of Fear!” > Full House > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight smiled, emerging from slumber to the familiar sensation of a long, batlike tongue slipping in and out of her ear.  “Mmm! Triton, I’ll never get any rest if I keep letting you have your way with me!” Twilight said sleepily but flirtatiously, suspecting the very sound of it was driving him wild.  In truth, she’d had very little sleep. After Pinkie and her prospective new coltfriend had left, she and Triton had enjoyed intense and nearly non-stop lovemaking for three straight hours judging by the position of the stars just before she’d fallen asleep in a puddle of their own mingled fluids. From there, he’d taken to waking her up to empty himself into her puffy tailhole again and again as she shouted his name, mentally apologizing to Shining Armor each time for giving his favorite orifice of hers to him but vowing to make it up to him later.. Her consciousness reasserting itself slowly, she recalled the previous night, how Pinkie had predicted Twilight would become pregnant. She reflexively touched her belly; her elevated body temperature Twilight credited to her elemental fire had cooled off. In its place, she could feel the slow thrum of a magical power drain drawing energy from her horn into her womb. She was suddenly very aware that his bathood was still buried deep within in her backside and she was very sore. And yet, part of her hoped it would remain within her forever, claiming her over and over again. It happened. It actually happened! What am I supposed to tell my friends? She asked herself, but to her surprise, found she wasn’t as worried or fretting as she might have been, mostly for her new stallion’s continuing presence.  As if somehow knowing her thoughts, Triton began to massage her back, quieting her fears at least for a moment. "Tviwight! Tviwight! Ve go see Io!"  "Io?" Twilight looked into Triton's beautiful eyes. "But it's still dark. Can't we stay together a little bit longer?" The sky was a purple-ish black, Celestia's warning that sunrise was going to commence within half an hour of its appearance. Looking into his eyes, she finally understood. "It's light soon and you can't see well in the sun! You’re right; we'd better go." "Yes, yes. Sun hurt!" Triton held a hoof out in front of his face and hissed, mimicking his reaction to bright light. "Ve go... razem. Me and you?" Twilight nodded. "Okay. We'd better hurry! I'll grab my things..." She felt his softened member pop back out of her, still more of his endless supply of Thestral seed spilling out as her magic spared some mana to heal what little damage he had done to her and also make her more able to accept him should he tuck her tail again later..  The tarp slid beneath her as if she were walking on ice. The table, chairs, and the picnic basket they'd been eating from were discarded on top of it, covered in a clear inch of viscous love jelly that sealed it to the surface like beeswax. She tried lifting the basket, which had upended fruit all over the place and could barely manage to yank it out of the goo without exerting herself. She looked on in astonishment to see shiny gossamer strands, stretching as tall as a pony, binding the wicker basket to the tarp like glue. She exchanged a wry look with him. "Maybe we should just... go. I think we're going to need a team of weather Pegasi and a localized cloud burst to clean up this mess!" She brought a hoof to her face only for it to become stuck to her forehead. She wrenched it off, her face aflame, and nodded at Triton. "We’ll need to get cleaned up too, once we get over to Io’s house. Let's go!" The two flew the short distance silently, legs hooked into each other carefully, with Twilight adding the protection of her magical aura to help keep her from sliding away from him. Her entire body was soaked to the skin and it was a long way to the ground. For his part, Triton flew very slowly and carefully, Twilight guessing he was deliberately not engaging in any stunts he might have otherwise engaged in to impress her. The pair stopped off at a convenient lake nestled in a wooded lot and went for a swim to wash the sticky goo from their bodies. If Twilight hadn't met very many Thestrals in her time as Celestia's student, she'd certainly never swam with one and got the educational experience of a lifetime watching his webbed wings beat themselves along the surface of the pond with a speed no other pony subrace could dream of, short of the rumored Seaponies.  Padding her hooves like she'd learned to do as a young foal, she stood no chance of catching the wily Bat Pony who swam circles around her playfully, the pair indulging in a brief and very one-sided splash fight that left a cheerful and well-hydrated Twilight looking like she'd just emerged out of the deep ocean. In the end, they arrived at Io's not a moment too soon; the sky overheard going from purple to pink to blue in under an hour. Triton deposited Twilight carefully onto Io's large, wooden deck, leaving the deck dripping wet but mercifully semen-free. She mentally thanked the Thestral for knowing about the pond, not relishing presenting herself to Pinkie or Io in the state she’d been in previously. Triton knocked at the door, and to Twilight’s relief, Io opened it less than a minute later with Pinkie at his side. The smug grin on his face toldTwilight that he too had greatly enjoyed his night with an Equestrian mare, and the contented look on Pinkie’s told her that her friend was now with foal as well. “You brought him back at sunrise, as promised! Come inside, let’s have breakfast.”  Twilight wasn’t feeling very hungry at that moment as the four sat at the kitchen table, the reality of her situation settling in. Pinkie had set down a large, metal pot of oatmeal on the center of the table, surrounded by four bowls which the four ate from in silence, each very hungry after last night’s action. Finishing her bowl, Pinkie went for the coffee brewing on the kitchen countertop. “Sorry about how cramped it is in here,” Io poured the new arrivals a cup of coffee. “These courier houses weren’t really built with permanent occupancy in mind. It’s just a place for long-distance mail carriers to crash for the night. Or day in our case.” “Yeah… about that…” Twilight rubbed her sleepy eyes, taking a sip off the scalding cup of black coffee, feeling its bitter bit sink in. “Oh, I needed that!” “Yeah, we probably should talk about that, huh?” Pinkie gave her equine friend a guilty look.  “For what it’s worth Pinkie, I don’t blame you for what happened.” Twilight eyed the Thestrals with a steady gaze. “What I need to hear is the two of you are going to look after us now that I’m… that we are going to be carrying your foals.”  “It’s going to be okay Twilight…” Pinkie rested a hoof on her friend’s shoulders. Her confident smile brought the Unicorn some relief but Twilight had to hear it from the lips of their new stallions.  Though he didn’t know her thoughts, Io gave Twilight a deep and respectful nod. “I understand that you’d want to hear it again given how brief our discussion was last night.” Io sweetened his coffee until the coffee was nearly pure white, as did Pinkie. “Let me talk with my friend here while Pinkie brings you up to speed on current developments. Sound fair?”  “Fair.” Twilight nodded and turned to Pinkie, the sounds of two Thestrals conversing in Poniska registering vaguely in her conscious mind. “Pinkie? I’m scared. I mean, are these two Thestrals really going to stick around and not just fly off back to their country and leave us here?” She let the fear leak into her voice.  Pinkie instantly took Twilight’s hoof. “Of course they are! Io says he’s looking to settle down and start a new life here in Equestria and I’m his type of mare! Would you believe that where they come from the stallions get up and go to work while the mares keep house? How cool is that? All the things I already love to do and now I’ll get to do them all the time!” Pinkie drummed her hooves on the table and did an improvised sitting-down party dance.  “That’s great for you, but what about me, Pinkie?” Twilight bowed her ears sadly. “I can’t just end my studies so soon! Celestia gave me a mission in life, a purpose! She wanted me to go out into the world and learn how to bring ponies together! I studied my whole life improving myself so I could one day improve the lives of others! I’ve read every single book in the Canterlot library and learned every spell!” But instead of looking as grim and uncertain as Twilight felt, Pinkie pursed her hooves and urged her forward with a smile. “Go on!” Incredulous, Twilight looked back at Pinkie Pie, pleading for her to comprehend the obvious. “I’m perhaps the most advanced magic-user alive in Equestria and I’m soon going to be stuck changing diapers!”  To Twilight’s shock, Pinkie returned the expression, looking at her as if she’d failed Magic Kindergarten. “Twilight, we’re all in this together! Isn’t that entirely the point of being somepony’s friend?”  “Well... yeah.” Twilight waved her hoof dismissively. “But I have far more important things I could be doing!” Anypony could be giving birth and raising their family, why should I be doing it? Twilight stopped herself from saying it, knowing how it would sound. Was she really saying that having foals was beneath her?  Yes, Twilight. Yes, it is! A cold voice from inside her mind replied. Every second you spend on foals is time that could have been spent on research and development of new technologies. It’s knowledge hoofed down from generation to generation that went unread because you were cleaning up spittle out of your foal’s coat! You don’t want to admit it to Pinkie, but I will admit it to you because I am you. You’ve spent your entire life up to this point training to be a leader in Equestria’s future, not just an ordinary Ponyville citizen! You are not like other ponies, you are special! You can’t sacrifice the Princess’ time and energy she spent tutoring you by settling down and becoming a broodmare for some— Twilight cut her thoughts off. She wasn’t going to allow herself to even think of Thestrals as a lower order of equinity for their different cultural traditions, even if part of her felt that way. She put her head in her hooves, sinking into the misery she’d been pushing aside all night. “I’m sorry. I know how this must look to you, but I’m just so scared…” Pinkie lowered her ears as well, an empathetic reaction to her marefriend’s uncertainty and doubt. “Twilight, you can still do everything you wanted to do, you just have to help raise our family too! It’s not the end of your life but a new beginning!”  “A new beginning?” Twilight repeated, uncertainly. “Then everything that came before… was useless?” Pinkie facehoofed. “Ouch! My face!” Pinkie rubbed her forehead vigorously. “Let me write this down! I need to not hit myself, it’s painful…”  Twilight gaped at her friend mutely, at a complete loss for words. “Not even a chuckle? Aw. But that’s not important right now. What is important is that you’re being too literal!” She reached across the table to give Twilight’s shoulders a shake. “You’re not understanding what I’m trying to tell you! You’re getting all frowny because you think your life is over, but it’s really not! You can keep all your old interests and I’ll be there for you, Twilight! And so will Io!”  She motioned over to where the two Bat-Pony stallions were still talking in their own tongue. “And what about… Triton?” Twilight bit into her hoof nervously. “H-he’s not your typical stallion, is he? I read about colts like him. He’s a breeder; he won’t want to commit to a herd so soon in his life!” Twilight covered her mouth reflexively, remembering her inner monologue about becoming a broodmare for a strange pony from a strange land. Hearing it coming from her mouth as it had, it sounded blunt, judgmental.  “We don’t know that, Twilight. Io said he was really taken in by you! And have you forgotten those wonderful things he said to you through Io?” Pinkie took Twilight by the hooves, gently caressing her short, silky fetlocks. “Remember the hydra, Twi? Remember what I told you about taking that leap?” Twilight nodded back at her glumly. “When you jumped into the water, you weren’t just escaping the hydra, you were doing something far more important… trusting your friend! That’s what all of us have to do right now and hope for the best.” Twilight gave a weary smile, sniffling slightly. “Maybe… You’re right, Pinkie. You know something?” Pinkie gave Twilight’s hoof a reassuring pat. “What do I know, Twilight?” “I’ve learned more about not only magic but friendship in one night than I have since I moved to Ponyville. Maybe this has been the next step all along?” Twilight’s expression brightened. “Maybe… maybe Celestia intended for this to happen all this time! It’s so difficult to comprehend what an Alicorn thinks, you know?” “Then tell me what you think, Twilight!” Pinkie blurted out, somewhat more forceful than Twilight was accustomed to, earning a slight cringe. “What is it that you want to do? Princess Celestia has her own cupcakes to worry about to concerned with your brownies all the time! What about your brownies, Twilight? Think about your brownies!” “You’re right, Pinkie,” Twilight bowed her head. “Celestia isn’t going to… um… bake my brownies for me.” She sighed and shook her head slowly. “I’m going to send Celestia a letter and tell her that the nature of my work in Ponyville has changed. As of this moment, I’m going to limit my field of study to a single, very useful end.” “Not studying me, I hope!” Pinkie giggled. That would get pretty boring!” “You’ve got it partially right! Pinkie, I want you to help me build a device that can transport ponies to distant lands, realities, and dimensions ponies have never even visited!” Twilight’s eyes gleamed fanatically. “Places ponies could never even imagine existing!”  Pinkie took a long, exaggerated intake of breath that halted the two stallion’s conversation as they now look over at the two pony mares expecting something significant. “Twilight… are you saying we can go visit Commander Netherspite!?” “Pinkie, with Celestia as my witness, you will throw each and every one of the space colonists a birthday party by the time I’m done!” “YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!” Pinkie threw her hooves around Twilight’s neck. “Party! Party! Party! Party! Par-tey!” “Whoa there! What is this about alternate dimensions? If we’re going to have foals in alternate dimensions, it better be one with Pinkie’s baked goods!” Io cleared his throat as Pinkie’s joyous shouts got their immediate attention. “Anyway, I just had a chat with Triton. Twilight, he feels really guilty about what happened and thinks there was a mix-up that led to some confusion earlier.” “Confusion? Guilty?” Twilight held his breath, fearing the next words to come. Was he really going to abandon her? “Let me explain, Twilight. So Pinkie and I talked it over about what she saw happen between you three before I showed up — how Triton showed up and kinda… helped himself to you.” Io made a gesture like he was stuffing a very large pillow into a too-small pillowcase. “Triton thought when you were flagging your tail at him earlier that you were… offering yourself to him,” Io explained, Triton nodding his head, before bowing apologetically. “How do I explain this delicately? Triton… he’s slept with a lot of different mares; I mean a lot of different mares! Like scores of them in a month. Sometimes he’s hooked up with more than one in a day!”  Io winced seeing the color beginning to drain from Twilight’s face. “That wasn’t very delicate, was it? What I mean to say is Triton saw you step away from him back while you were watching Pinkie wearing that science thing on your head, yeah? And he thought you were teasing him because you were showing every possible signal of a mare wanting to mate otherwise.  “But then you backed away from him and he was confused. He knew you were fertile and that rutting you would result in a better-than-one-hundred percent chance of breeding you and couldn’t help himself. He feels bad about it because he understands now that you weren’t ready for a family. He wants you to know he’s sorry and he truly does think you’re special. He loves you and he wants to make things right and be a part of your life… if you’re willing to have him?”  Twilight pounced from her chair and tackle-hugged the surprised Thestral who hit the floor with a loud grunt, before hugging Twilight with all four legs, the smaller Unicorn mare disappearing entirely beneath his protecting wings which he draped over her back. “Tell him he’s forgiven and yes I want him to be a part of all our lives! And let him know he’s learning Equish too so I can tell him I love him!” “Oh, he knows that phrase! He’s not great in complex social exchanges but he knows perhaps a bit more than he’s letting on.” Io assured her.  Nearly collapsing with relief, Twilight buried her face in his musky, powerful chest sighing with relief. “I love you, Triton!”   “Kocham Cię, Tviwight!” Triton replied, the pair locking lips. The room soon filled with the sounds of slurping and light sucking. “My marefriend will never be the same, old Serious Sally again, Io! I’m so proud of you, Twily!” With great reluctance, her thighs already brought to saturation by her brief encounter with the gentle giant, Twilight untangled her tongue from his and emerged from her lover’s winged grasp — giving Twilight the silly impression of emerging from Triton as if she were a pearl pony from inside a giant clam. “You’re right, Pinkie. These two should really be — Oh, Triton! Not nooooow!”  She felt him jam his tongue into her eager depths, sloshing wetly as she looked on helplessly at the two voyeurs, pleading with her eyes for them to do something as her vision became obstructed by a downpour of pink and purple glimmers from her horn, making her enjoyment obvious to their audience, whose presence only turned her on further, her eyes flitting back and forth between them, and occasionally darting beneath their bellies.  Her reaction was not lost on Pinkie, who watched the scene and the searing sparks she emitted with hooded eyes. She nudged Io, who had looked to her to be on the verge of restoring order — he’d stood up out of his seat at the kitchen table — but now tore his eyes away from Twilight’s unplanned peep-show, his expression suggesting to Pinkie that he was both aroused and embarrassed for her.  He opened his mouth but no words came out, and Pinkie smiled as she saw he was unable to keep his gaze away, and Twilight, in turn, was unable to keep her gaze off him! “Ooooo… she really likes it! And she likes us seeing it! Be a shame to not join in, don’t you think?” So before you go and fly us down from here, we should really have a group moment, don’t you think? As a real herd?” Pinkie put extra emphasis on the last word for Twilight’s benefit.  Twilight squeaked at the suggestion, her eyes going wide and mating aura intensifying as Triton’s tongue plunged in even deeper, feeling a familiar magical drain that told her his tongue had been augmented in length. His hooves gripped her cutie marks like a vice; the sound of his licks and her wet, dripping flesh filling the room. Her legs quaking and face aflame, she felt a single rivulet of hot scented oil roll from the base of her horn, between her eyes and into her mouth — the now all-too-familiar taste of blackcurrant juice.  “Are you s-sure you want t-to d-do this… now!? W-with Io?” And with his tongue? Pleeease? Twilight gave a lopsided grin, alternating between Pinkie’s and Io’s hungry expressions. “I’m… ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Twilight felt her hind legs relax, as her eyes rolled up into her head as she came once and then a second time, each burst as long and as hard as the last.  Twilight’s eyes snapped back into place, after how long she couldn’t tell, a third climax beginning to build unchecked as Triton continued juicing her nethers unabated.  “She’s ripe and ready! I’ll take her horn while you give her a party in her mouth, Io!” Pinkie’s face shined with manic glee. Io looked at Pinkie as if she’d lost her mind, a sentiment a sorely stimulated Twilight couldn’t help but share as she imagined the stallion she’d known for all of an hour rutting her alongside the stallion she’d been with all night!  For his part, Io visibly reeled even as his wings stiffened in excitement. “Oh, Mother of Celestia, you’re serious, Pinks? You sure know how to put a bat on the spot! Maybe I can take her to dinner or something first?” he offered even as his own bathood quickly dropped again at the display and subsequent suggestion, hardening up quickly beneath his belly. Despite her own desires, Twilight was ready to accept his proposal until Pinkie, having ignored Io completely, hopped out of her chair and enveloped her horn entirely in her muzzle. She cried out as it fizzed ecstatically as Pinkie wrapped her tongue around it, nearly making Twilight’s front legs collapse along with her hind ones. Now stimulated from both ends, Twilight grit her teeth and climaxed again as the magical feedback flowed up from her horn and back into her brain.  “Don’t… stop… Pinkie!” she pleaded, then turned her dazed eyes on Io. She tried to grab him and drag him forward by his phallus, but her unfocused aura couldn’t get a grip from its blissful position inside Pinkie’s mouth, succeeding in only a few tingling caresses that caused him to gasp and nearly fall forward  He pulled himself up with some difficulty, “Luna strike me dead with a comet from the Kuiper Belt! You were up all night and still have this kind of stamina? No wonder Triton is so into you… You should have been a soldier, not a scientist, Twilight Sparkle!” he proclaimed even as he took a halting step forward, closing the distance between them and placing a hoof beneath her chin. He looks like a stallion who knows a thing or two about personal fitness! Twilight reasoned, noting his smaller stature compared to his friend left him no less well-defined behind his camo-patterned fur. “I did win… Mmphf!... fifth place in a… ahn!... a m-marathon this year!” Twilight smiled hopefully as Triton and Pinkie continued to pleasure her from both ends, leaving her amazed she was even capable of chatting. “My first race too!” “Incredible!” Io whispered, his scent of spicy cloud creole scent intensifying. “So I have not one but two worthy mares to exercise with now!” He gave Twilight a chaste kiss on the cheek. “But are you sure you want me?” he had to ask even as Pinkie giggled around Twilight’s horn, the vibration sending fresh shocks of pleasure through Twilight, who sensed her very mind and body being rewired by all the rutting rapture she had received. Oh come on, you need to do better than that, Io! Twilight eyes focused onto his slightly gaping maw, inside of which was well over a foot of tongue he could be putting to better use. She bowed her head and ears submissively. “Will you… mate with me too, Io?”  Appealing to his paternal Bat Pony instincts apparently worked as he leaned in hesitantly, his slitted orange eyes locked with hers when she felt Pinkie Pie disengage from her horn.  Twilight turned to face Pinkie who swallowed thickly, her horncum visibly bulging her friend’s throat. “You look like you two could use a bit of help making friends!”  “Oh, Pinkie, we’re… AHHHH!” Twilight came again, her eyes streaming as Triton seemed to gain fresh incentive to devour her marehood with greater fervor after each orgasm. He’s going to merge with me completely if he keeps this up! she thought half-fearfully and hopefully, though the idea of it sounding very curious and inviting. But would it make my research more or less difficult? The half-serious thought flashed through her fevered mind.  Pinkie waggled a hoof. “I’ll be hearing none of it! Io, you take the other side. We’re going to party with Twilight properly!” With Io following Pinkie’s lead, the pair jammed their tongues through either side of Twilight’s muzzle and began wrestling in earnest as Triton continued working her from below. It was too much and Twilight gave a whimpering moan before climaxing again, launching a Romane Candle rocket from her horn that struck the ceiling and burst into hundreds of tiny sparks that floated down from above like mist from a waterfall.  Twilight watched it all with her eyes wide open, suddenly fully aware that she had been clopping alone in her laboratory to erotic fantasy fiction, not twenty-four hours previous. It had described a lurid group scene involving four ponies who had just met each other. And now she was here, being rutted by three other ponies, including two exquisite stallions and one of her very best friends! I’ve become the very thing I’ve read about... for... years! The thought alone caused her to climax again with a loud cry around the two tongues still in her muzzle. Twilight shuddered as she felt Triton withdraw his tongue from her nethers, a shock of cold air flowing up the slickened gap. At least my mouth is still warm! Twilight consoled herself before the pair withdrew shortly after. “That was better, you two! But I think you can do even better!” Twilight felt Pinkie return her attention to her horn, coiling a hoof around the base and licking the residue from the tip. “Twilight… you can’t truly call us a herd until you’ve had both of them inside of you at the same time.” “Pinkie!” she protested, even as she felt her magic betray her once again forming an aura around the threstral’s bathoods, stroking them to full erection. “But wh-what about you?” “Ah, I’m good! I’m having waaay too much fun watching you get tucked by everypony!” Pinkie giggled and licked her horn again. “Besides… I can tell you’re loving it! And my Pinkie Sense knew it all along — this is what you were born to do!” “She’s not wrong, you know!” Io chimed in, climbing on her shoulders, his thick stallion member and seed sack swaying heavily as they inched closer towards her mouth. “Never too much for Tvi!” Triton added his endorsement, clamoring onto her back. “Alright everypony, let’s show our new Lead Mare who’s the bestest, most cunning and  adorkalicious lover who ever stepped off the chariot into Ponyville!” Pinkie shouted to the cheers of the stallions. Cadance help me, I better not gag this time! She gave a silent prayer to her old foalsitter, wondering again what she and Shining were doing at that moment. Maybe later they could join us too! “Thank you, Pinkie… All three of you! We’re going to make this work one way or another… and then I am going to pass out cold for about a week!” “That’s the spirit, Twi!” Pinkie responded with an affectionate pat on Twilight’s back. “Get ready Twilight… Let’s go, fellas!” Twilight quickly braced herself around Io’s rump and reeled from the triple shocks of Pinkie taking her horn all the way to the base, drooling slightly into her scalp while Triton drove himself all the way to her core, reaching the entrance to her womb on his first thrust as Io’s length slid over her tongue, bumping up slightly against her tonsils — working slowly like a true gentlecolt. He was even thicker than Triton has been but Twilight knew she was prepared as he bumped up gently against the back of her throat, his medial ring brushing up against her tonsils, and yet, to her great relief and pride, she didn’t gag.  Settling into the scene, Twilight worked her tongue, and nethers, gripping the pair gently from both ends as she savored Io’s spicy flavor, eagerly whisking her tongue across his throbbing, vein-covered meaty circumference — his initial slow, deliberate pace now hastening to match the enthusiastic Triton and Pinkie.  The pressure impossibly building inside of her again, Twilight reached out with her magic, casting a weak but functional aura that passed harmlessly through Pinkie’s mouth that covered all four of them in her field of perception. It was a variation of a telepathy spell she’d come up with once though she never actually thought she’d get a chance to use it; experimental magic for her to try to get ponies to climax at the same time by sharing both thoughts and sensations.  but she was adamant that would do this together.   I love you Twilight! Pinkie’s thoughts resonated through Twilight’s mind. I love you too, Pinkie! Twilight replied mentally, trusting that she’d be able to hear her. Holy hay, I can hear what you’re thinking! I can feel what you’re feeling too! You really are made of stern stuff, Twilight! Hoo-ah! Io chimed in through the telepath network. Raz, twa, trzy! Raz, twa, trzy! Raz, twa, trzy! Raz, twa, trzy! I come for you,Tviwight! Raz, twa… trzyyyyyyyyyy! Triton chanted into her mind, in cadence with the tattoo of his sack beating against her belly with each powerful, wing-driven thrust, each participants feeling not just their own sensations, of echoes of what the others were feeling as well.. And then three things happened all at once. Io began to drip heavily into her throat as the muscles began to relax as the four of them climaxed simultaneously. In a fit of what Twilight could sense from their mind connection was a irrational but very strong fear of drowning his new partner, he panicked and pulled out, emptying his seed in her face — and in Pinkie’s! — as he roared. Despite the shower, Pinkie remained silent, never leaving Twilight’s horn, her tongue dancing playfully over her supple hardness with practiced form. She could feel the intense feelings of love pouring off of her as Pinkie pleasured herself with a hoof reached down to between her hind legs, alternating between her milk-laden teats and marehood as she went.. Triton speared through Twilight’s cervix with his last thrust, leaving the young mage feeling the familiar swelling inside of her once more —  flashes of his all-consuming desire in that final moment to claim and impregnate his lover fed back into her mind and confirmed what Twilight already knew but could in no way comprehend. It was like a second-mind had superimposed itself over Triton and had taken control. He wasn’t just driven, it was like he was possessed… to breed!. Her latest climax disrupting her spellcasting, Twilight closed the connection, releasing Triton’s malehood in the process. Twilight’s felt her legs skew off to the sides as she plopped onto her enlarged belly. “Oooooh!” Twilight rolled over onto her side, unable to deal with the pressure, lying on her back in a puddle of her and Triton’s juices. “You know, I think I’m almost getting used to this! Almost…” She watched the puddle slowly expand around her as the sound of Pinkie’s applause filled the kitchen while Io sat back on his haunches, looking to her both spent and stunned… and very happy. “Triton… you have to do me next some time. That looks like some serious fun!” She knelt down and started rubbing Twilight’s bulging belly. Io and Triton kissed Twilight’s stomach, the former looking up at the clock on the wall. “Well, fillies… that was more fun than any of us had a right to enjoy, but to the crows with me, we’re seriously late! Do you need us to fly you into town? “Actually, I’m going to take a nap,” Twilight rubbed her eyes as she yawned. “I can teleport Pinkie and I back down after I’ve… drained out.” The three laughed and exchanged kisses with each other and Twilight, agreeing to meet again later that night. Waving goodbye, the two flew off into town, where Twilight knew they’d reach without much trouble during the early morning hours, the sun being mercifully at their backs. > Deluge Denouement > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Poor Triton… having to go into work after being up most of the night…” Twilight gave another shuddering yawn and rubbed her eyes with the tablecloth. Oh, she was going to need a bath later after her impromptu facial and would probably need to help Pinkie mop the floor. I hope the post office has good homeowner’s insurance!. Twilight felt Pinkie’s warm, squishy barrel press up against her, followed by a leg draped over her back. “Io didn’t get much sleep either. That doesn’t mean we have to suffer, eh fillyfriend?” Pinkie replied with a wink. Twilight threw a leg over Pinkie’s back in kind, winking back. “Not at all, Pinkie. Not at all…”  Twilight’s eyes began to droop, fading off into sleep... Only to be rousted by a crack of thunder outside the window. The two yelped in surprise, scrambled up onto all fours and promptly slipping on the wet floor beneath them. “Huh? But there was nothing in the weather schedule about a thunderstorm!” Twilight ran to the front deck and saw that the sky was almost entirely clear in all directions, but the scene was belied yet again by another sharp crash of thunder. Hey, what gives?  “Twilight? Come here on the back landing. Look over there!” Twilight ran over to where Pinkie had indicated and saw torrential rain and dense, black clouds hanging over one particular forested area — the place where they’d just been camped. Pinkie turned to look at Twilight, her cheeks puffed up, snorting with suppressed laughter. Oh no… Pinkie snorted again as she giggled into both hooves. “Oh go on, laugh!” Twilight waved a hoof at the sky, irritably. “Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha!” Pinkie rolled over on her back, legs flailing and blue eyes streaked with tears of mirth. “They’re going to end up naming that hill after you, ya know!” Twilight stared forlornly over at the storm, a cloudburst circled by a team of Pegasi, who were using it to douse the hill she and Triton had been camped out on, cleansing it with a massive monsoon. Worse, she could make out most of the team working on it given how close they were, including Cloud Kicker who could reputedly identify the smell of marecum from a mile off and was good enough with identifying said marecum to have her testimony submitted as evidence in court.  Her ears and shoulders slumped at the knowledge that her reputation was about to be ruined. “I don’t know what’s worse… that I’m going to have to go back over to collect a thousand bits worth of ruined property, or that everypony working on that storm will identify that property as mine!” She buried her head in her hooves. Pinkie froze mid-hysterics, drawing Twilight’s gaze as her eyes went wide, pointing over the top of Twilight’s head. “Actually, Twi… there might be one teensy thing worse than either of those two things...” “What do you —” Twilight looked up too late to see a pony-sized nimbus cloud suspended mere inches above her head which burst forth a deluge, saturating her in seconds.  “Rainbow Daaash!” Twilight shouted into the cloud which dissipated quickly after expending its payload, revealing a cyan-coated, spectral maned pegasus. “A little something to cool ya off, Twilight Spunkle!” The cyan pegasus flew off laughing to the cheers of her weather team, who gave Twilight herself looks that ranged from impressed to outright leering. Pinkie Pie chuckled again. “Twilight… Spunkle!” Twilight shook her head slowly, smiling despite her dripping mane and fur. “I earned that one, didn’t I?”  “Yes… Yes, you did Twilight!” she agreed. “And I couldn’t be prouder!” “Thanks, Pinkie.” Twilight walked back inside, Pinkie laughing on her shoulder all the way to the bathtub.