> An Excessive Dream of Victory > by Bugfriend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > From the Jaws of Defeat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I don't have the strength to repel them..." "My love will give you strength." No! Queen Chrysalis thought as she stared at the royal couple. Princess Cadance in her tattered wedding dress and Prince Shining Armor in his guard's uniform, clasped hands as they stood on the throne room's podium. Their eyes began to glow as they were enwreathed in light, their mutual love powering up Shining's unicorn magic. The ponies slowly levitated into the air, waves of bright pink magic radiating from their horns. The queen of the changelings fell to one knee, knocked off balance by the building repellent spell. Dismay and fear welled up within her as she realized that she had lost. Even as her changeling swarm terrorized the streets of Canterlot below, after her own magic had defeated Princess Celestia herself, and as the Prince's sister and her friends had failed to stop her, she was being beaten by the very ponies, the very love, that she had tried to feed on. The queen's mane flowed behind her as gusts of magical energy began pushing her backwards. In moments the spell would be released and she and her changelings would be blasted away from Canterlot, banished back to the badlands they had hidden in...or worse. There was one hope left. A spell the queen had been crafting during the weeks she had been impersonating Princess Cadance. A spell combining the natural magic of changelings with old unicorn magic, which Chrysalis had surreptitiously taken from the Canterlot archives. A bewitching spell more powerful than what she had used on Shining Armor, more powerful than ANY changeling magic she knew, useful for corrupting the minds of a room - or a castle - full of hapless ponies. Queen Chrysalis still felt the power of Shining Armor's stolen love welling within her. She took a breath and focused herself, quickly weaving the spell in her mind and dumping all of her remaining magic behind it. Her crooked black horn glowed a bright green , pushing back against the waves of pink still erupting from the royal couple. The spell was untested - it might not even work - but the desperate queen focused it anyways, her stubborn pride and spite overwhelming any concern she had for safety. Just as Shining and Cadance's magic reached a crescendo, Chrysalis finished the spell. The changeling queen took one last look at the royal couple, then willed herself to cast it. There was a crash of window glass around her, a bright flash of blue-white light before her eyes, and then blackness. --- "...queen, are you alright?" "Ugh..." Chrysalis groaned as she came to. The changeling queen opened her eyes to find herself in the familiar throne room of Canterlot Castle, lying prone on the red carpet leading up to the podium. Her breath hitched as she looked up to see Shining Armor standing above her, hand outstretched, a look of concern on his face. The queen's muscles tensed, and she pushed herself up into a kneeling position, willing away a mild headache in the back of her head, wary of any attempt to attack her while she was dazed and unprepared. "You must have fainted while we were rehearsing the ceremony. Are you sure you're alright?" Shining asked again. "Yes..." Chrysalis replied, warily taking his hand, "I'm fine." She pushed her mane out of her eyes with her free hand, then looked around the room. Cadance was gone. There was no sign of the pink alicorn princess. Princess Celestia was also missing, though she was securely cocooned against the chamber wall just moments before. Chrysalis surveyed the crowd and observed that Twilight Sparkle and her five friends were absent as well. The only ponies present were a few dozen wedding guests in tuxedos and dresses plus several Canterlot Castle servants in their starched white uniforms. They all stared back at her with looks of concern and apprehension. "Shining, I-" Chrysalis turned back to Shining Armor, but fell silent upon looking into his eyes. There was a pale green glint around his blue eyes, nearly imperceptible to passers-by but a dead giveaway for changeling mind control magic. "Yes, my love?" Shining Armor smiled back warmly. A feeling of elation began bubbling up inside the queen as she dropped Shining's hand and paced towards the assembled guests. Everypony had the same green glint around their eyes. An evil smile crept onto Chrysalis' face. It worked! Her inner voice cried. The bewitching spell actually worked! She strolled back to the prince and took his hand. "What day is it, Shiny?" she asked innocently. "What do you mean?" Shining replied with a chuckle. "It's the day of our wedding, my queen." The changeling bristled upon hearing the word 'queen.' She looked down and realized, somewhat obviously, that she was undisguised. Her dark-skinned form was clad only in the holed black fabric slip she usually wore while in disguise. This must be the spell's doing, she thought with trepidation. It works without me hiding my true form! "Of course, Shining." Chrysalis replied smoothly. "And will my drones be arriving soon?" Shining Armor frowned. "Drones? I...don't think we're expecting any more guests..." Queen Chrysalis stared back in puzzlement. Her mind felt alone, the weak magical link she shared with her changeling swarm unusually absent. She also couldn't help feeling that she was naked, standing there undisguised amidst dozens of ponies who didn't consider her a threat. Shaking off Shining's hand again, the queen crossed her arms as if cold and strolled over to the castle window. She looked outside to see ponies happily strolling the streets of Canterlot - and no protective magical shields or swarms of changeling drones in sight. "I...must go...find my hive," Chrysalis muttered, making eyes for the doors. "Go?! There's no time, your majesty! The ceremony begins in an hour!" a nervous servant-pony proclaimed. "You don't want to call off our wedding, do you?" Shining asked worriedly as he stepped towards her. Chrysalis turned and surveyed her stallion prize, as well as the crowd of ponies murmuring behind him. She felt the glow of his love radiating towards her, warming her body and empowering her magic. The same glow she felt more faintly from every other pony in the castle. It felt good, very good, and it was all directed at her, the real her, not the prissy pink princess she had forced to disguise herself as. The prospect of leaving this love behind, even for a moment, suddenly seemed foolish. She had WON, Shining was hers, she had snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. The marriage awaited, along with a feast of affection from the hapless, bewitched ponies of Canterlot. This day really was going to be perfect. "No, of course not, Shining," Chrysalis replied, licking her lips and grinning evilly. "Let us be married today!" > The Perfect Wedding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door to Princess Cadance's royal bedchamber snapped open and Queen Chrysalis strode through. Or rather, stumbled through, as the triumphant changeling was more than a little drunk on both love and copious amounts of wine. The monarch was ensconced in an elegant wedding gown of white silk trimmed with gold lame, minus the veil, train and gloves which she had discarded as the night wore on. This day had truly been perfect! Chrysalis twirled into the room, giggling with glee. The castle servants had ensconced her in this magnificent dress, and within the hour she had walked down the aisle with Shining Armor. The ceremony had gone off without a hitch - no meddling little sisters and NO vengeful princesses had interrupted. Chrysalis had planned to cackle and begin monologuing about her victory once the vows were complete, but Shining's infatuated gaze had given her pause. It was unnatural - despite the obvious signs of bewitching, the stallion radiated pure love for her - no disguise, no magical draining at all! It was so novel, so intoxicating to be freely fed love that the changeling could barely concentrate on the vows without salivating. His 'I do' kiss electrified her whole body, leaving her knees weak and mind blanking as she was bathed in his unfiltered love. Every pony in the audience felt the same way, the room was a hothouse of affection for her, so much that the queen could barely think of leaving until several hours later as her wedding reception was winding down. And the food! Queen Chrysalis did not normally partake in pony food beyond simple sustenance, but she had absentmindedly sampled the champagne and hors d'oeurvres on the way to the reception, and was surprised to taste the same delicious love tainting every sip and morsel. The castle chefs must have cooked their 'love' for her into the food! The unexpected combination left Chrysalis's stomach growling for more. After cutting their gleaming white wedding cake, Shining Armor had smushed a piece of it into her mouth - some kind of prankish pony tradition. The queen responded by swallowing it all, then seductively licking her prince's fingers clean. As the reception proceeded, Chrysalis devoured several plates of the delectable food and at least a dozen glasses of wine and champagne - enough to make her stomach ache with fullness and the room spin as she drunkenly danced and mingled with her new subjects. "Oh, what an unexpectedly delicious victory!" Chrysalis crooned, licking her lips as she sauntered over to the full-length mirror in the corner of the bedroom. Once the room stopped spinning, the drunken queen steadied herself and parted her mane to gaze upon her own reflection. The gown was impeccable, likely intended for Princess Cadance, though it obviously looked better against the queen's black body and superior good looks. Chrysalis flashed a pleased smile at herself and struck a few poses, giggling and admiring how the gown curved around and accentuated her rakish figure. Her vanity satisfied, Chrysalis suddenly reached up to her neckline with one hand and began tearing the fabric with her sharpened nails. The silken material popped and groaned as she slashed it apart across her breast. Her shoulders wiggled and the ruined gown slid off her shoulders, crumpling into a pile around her hooves. "I could care less about the dress," Chrysalis said smugly to her reflection, a wicked grin flashing across her face. With the gown tossed aside, Chrysalis took a second to gaze at her naked form in the bedroom's full-length mirror. Her body was lithe and slender, the product of a lifetime of struggle, subterfuge, and hunger. Her limbs were long, with just enough weight and muscle tone to keep her feminine curves. The changeling's breasts were pert and modest, with barely any cleavage to speak of. The queen twisted around and laid a hand on her hip, noting that her thighs were still tight and slim, her rump almost embarrassingly small. Chrysalis huffed, her tail twitching as she remembered some of the pampered, fuller-figured mares who had attended her reception. The one exception to her half-starved figure was her normally concave middle, which bulged out pregnantly around her food-stuffed stomach. The changeling hummed with pleasure as her hands gingerly massaged the taut flesh of her tummy, and the pounds of food, wine, and wedding cake which churned within. "Hmmm..." Chrysalis hummed with pleasure as she fondled her food baby. Her flesh was smooth and warm, her body comfortably sated with love and nourishment for the first time in years. Her heart beat a little faster as she realized that this was no temporary meal - she had won, Canterlot Castle was hers, and she could take as much love as she wanted tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day... "Oh, I could get used to this," the queen purred. Chrysalis cooed in between hiccups as she smoothed and massaged her stomach. Her hands began drifting lower as her nethers suddenly flushed with warmth. After practically orgasming at the reception, Chrysalis had pushed aside her libido, maintaining control all through the rest of the party. Finally alone, her body's lustful pleasure at feeding on so much love welled up again. The changeling traced her fingers around her marehood, her face flushing as she felt her own heat. The queen moaned quietly as a finger slipped between the lips of her labia, feeling her own warmth and wetness. Suddenly lightheaded, the queen sauntered over to her new bed and collapsed upon the covers. Chrysalis placed her head upon the comfy pillows, curling up her legs as she contemplated relieving herself. If only one of those hapless pony males were around to please her, she thought. That would just make this evening perfect. As if on cue, the door to the bedroom cracked open, and the stallion of the evening entered. Shining Armor eased into the room, still wearing the loosened shirt and black trousers of his wedding tuxedo. "My love..." Shining addressed the changeling with a dreamlike smile. Chrysalis grinned, propping herself up on the embroidered pillows as she gazed lustfully at the stallion. The supine changeling slowly spread her bent legs, revealing her waiting pussy. "My dear Shining," Chrysalis beckoned as her captive stallion pulled off his shirt. "Are you ready to consummate our love?" > Indulging in Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Nnnff...come on...fit, you worthless garment!" Queen Chrysalis growled to herself as she struggled to pull her new dress down over her body. The dress was a beautiful thing, crafted by the castle tailors from deep green silk with delicate embroidered shoulders, and fitted to her exact dimensions - at least, it was when she was measured last week. The Queen had managed to pull the garment over her hefty bust, but it had stretched taut around the curve of her soft, black potbelly and refused to be pulled lower, even after several minutes of tugging. Chrysalis finally let out an irritated sigh, then drew in a breath and sucked in her gut. The fabric loosened and she hurriedly pulled it down past her waist. The dress was cut short, and came down to barely cover her thighs. Relieved, Chrysalis exhaled, then cringed as she heard the sound of threads stretching. Her hands roamed the surface of her gown, but could feel no tears. The changeling queen looked about the castle bedchamber to the full-length mirror, then stepped forward until she was in view. She sighed in dismay. It had been weeks since she had last worn a formal gown, and this one was doing NOTHING for her figure. Her plump breasts were barely contained by the straps, the fabric barely covering her nipples and exposing a scandalous amount of cleavage. Yet most noticeable was how the dress was stretched taut around her belly, which bulged out almost past her chest despite its silken constraints. The material even left a noticeable divot where her bellybutton was. The bottom hem was stretched tight around her thighs, which only made the curve of her gut more noticeable. Chrysalis reached behind her and groaned as she felt the fabric's tightness around her rump. The dress stopped just short of covering her chubby butt. After her wedding night the queen had thrown herself onto her captured kingdom, glutting on love from every direction - food, sex, and even the praise and flattery of her bewitched pony subjects. Love flowed at the changeling queen from every direction, and all she had to do was passively absorb it. It was so easy! Yet even a changeling queen could only convert so much love to magical energy, and without enemies to battle or a disguise to maintain, her magic went unused. Her modest weight began creeping higher as her body metabolized the love, her black flesh softening under a growing layer of pudge. "Incompetent tailors," Chrysalis mumbled to herself as her green eyes met her gaze in the mirror. Her arms and shoulders were noticeably thicker than before her victory. Her features had softened, her cheeks were rounder and the beginnings of a double-chin could be seen on her neck. Yet the haughty queen felt only annoyed disappointment that the garment did not fit. Losing weight? Dieting? HA! The queen smirked at the thoughts. This love was HERS, every drop of it - she would never deny herself such a rich and easy pleasure. And nostalgia for her hungry, waifish figure was the LAST thing on her mind. After all, she was no heavier than some of the spoiled pony courtesans who dutifully attended her court appearances. Thinking of them reminded the changeling that it was once again time to grace the throne room with her presence. She turned towards the door, licking her lips in anticipation of the love awaiting her. --- Chrysalis huffed with frustration as she sauntered down the hall to the throne room. Her new dress was rapidly becoming an annoyance with how tight it was. The taut, stretchy fabric was an uncomfortable reminder of how jiggly her fatter body was becoming. Every step forward made her breasts, butt and belly wobble and push against the garment. Her thick legs chafed against each other as she walked. Worst of all, the gown kept riding up over her plump thighs, exposing her chubby rump to the open air. Pulling the gown taut over her rear for the tenth time, Queen Chrysalis finally arrived at the doors to her throne room. Two royal guards clad in their formal uniforms greeted her, then reached to open the doors for her. Chrysalis grinned as she felt their love warm her body, like sunshine on a sandy beach. The doors opened and the trickle of warmth became a deluge, like stepping into a hot greenhouse on a cool day. Several dozen ponies turned to face her, a mix of servants, guards and courtiers, all of which had been her wedding guests. Their faces lit up as they saw her, their eyes all gleaming slightly with the effects of the bewitching spell. Chrysalis sighed as she felt their love washing over her, composed herself and then strolled down the maroon carpet path to her throne. Her daytime courtiers and servants all turned to greet her, smiling and belting out compliments. "I love your new dress, my queen!" "It looks amazing on you, your majesty!" "Beautiful dress, your highness!" Queen Chrysalis held her chubby chin high and smiled smugly. "Yes, I do look beautiful, don't I?" she replied with haughty pleasure. The indulgent queen sauntered forward, smiling as she basked in the warmth of their love, the dress momentarily forgotten even as it once again rode up over her exposed ass. At the far end of the room was her throne, an elegant chair of gold padded with red velvet, sitting atop a dais draped in more maroon carpeting. The queen ascended the dais, turned, and plopped herself onto the throne, sighing with pleasure as her rear sunk into the plush velvet seat. "You look absolutely stunning, love," said a familiar voice from beside her. Chrysalis glanced to her left, suddenly aware of Shining Armor sitting beside her. The Prince sat on his own 'throne,' a plain wooden chair taken from the servant's quarters which she had allowed him to place next to hers. He sat straight up on the uncomfortable thing, adorned in his white formal uniform with the yellow sash, gazing straight at her with big, infatuated eyes. "Hmm, why thank you dear," Chrysalis responded sarcastically while parting her mane. She suppressed a grin as she felt the tingly sweet warmth of his love. Shining's emotions were by far the most delicious and empowering for her to absorb - so tinged by undeserved affection and lust for his 'wife.' Chrysalis tore her attention away from Shining as the master of ceremonies, a pale blue stallion wearing a stuffy embroidered shirt and pants, approached her throne. "My Queen, may we begin today's court session?" "Very well," the queen replied with a flourish of her hand. A well-dressed mare approached her. "Perhaps we could start with administrative tasks? There are matters outside the castle regarding your subjects that-" "No!" Chrysalis said curtly. "Save those trifles for later. I have more important needs...like bathing in the affection of my dutiful subjects." The changeling slipped a wicked grin. The courtiers registered her order and smiled. "Very well, my Queen," replied the first stallion. "Dedications of love shall come first. Form an orderly line!" The ponies complied, and a line of a dozen mares and stallions formed on the carpeted center aisle. "Which of you will be first?" the master of ceremonies asked. "A song for you, my Queen!" one excited stallion exclaimed as he came forward. "Hmmm...very well," Chrysalis motioned for him to continue. Her admirer beamed, clearing his throat and adjusting the cravat at his collar before beginning to sing: "There's none whose hooves I'd ra-ther kiss, Then our majesty, Queen Chrys-a-lis!!" The stallion continued for two stanzas before the changeling hurriedly waved for him to stop. "Ugh..." Chrysalis grunted with distaste, feeling the meager stream of his love, barely distinguishable from the rest of the crowd. "Next subject!" The stallion shuffled away, replaced by an energetic pegasus mare who produced a flute and began playing a lively solo 'in honor of our great queen.' Chrysalis tilted sideways, propping her head against one arm as she listened with disinterest to the tune, scoffing as she finished and bowed at the paltry amount of love the mare had shown her. Next came another poem, then a juggling act by two clownish earth ponies, then a gift of some hand-carved wooden furniture...the changeling's boredom turned to irritation as she received each pony's offering. These gifts were pathetic...insulting! Chrysalis' unsatisfied appetite for affection gnawed quietly within her. She motioned for the line of gift-givers to stop. "Incompetent ponies...these devotions are piddling! WORTHLESS!" she berated them. There was a moment of silence; her courtiers flinched at the abuse, though their bewitched expressions quickly returned to placid smiles. "My Queen, do you wish to break for lunch?" a serving stallion inquired. "It's a bit early, but..." Lunch! Upon hearing the word, the queen's mouth began to water. Since the wedding she had mandated that all meals be prepared fresh and served to her promptly. Packaged pony foodstuffs tasted as bland as ever, but everything made by her bewitched kitchen staff was curiously delicious, the flavor somehow enhanced by their love as they cooked for her. Mealtimes were rapidly becoming her favorite times to absorb the ponies' love while indulging her newfound tastes in Equestrian cuisine. Her appetite for their cooking grew daily, though the unneeded sugar and calories only added to her creeping love-weight. "Yes!" Chrysalis crowed eagerly. "An excellent idea. Bring in my lunch at once!" Despite it being only a few hours since breakfast (a sumptuous spread of freshly-baked doughnuts, fruit juices and deviled eggs), Chrysalis' stomach began to growl. The changeling absentmindedly placed a hand on her plump gut as she drummed her fingers on the arm of her throne. "Hurry up, peasants! I'm growing famished!" the queen spat. The throne room doors opened and two mares dressed in immaculate chef's garb trotted in, pushing a large serving cart. "Your majesty, lunch is now served." Queen Chrysalis grinned, sitting up in her throne as the chefs uncovered the cart's platters, revealing a lunchtime feast: a half-dozen hayburgers, dripping with grease and condiments, accompanied by a half-round of chocolate cake, richly frosted with strawberry icing. The changeling licked her lips, fangs watering as the smells of freshly fried hay and sugary chocolate wafted towards her. Even from this distance the changeling could sense the love-energy the cooks had infused into her food. "Well, hurry up, peons!" the queen cried eagerly. The chefs obeyed, hoisting the platters off the cart and holding them up before her, one on either side of the throne. The changeling reached out and grasped a burger, ignoring a proffered napkin as she brought the steaming, savory thing before her mouth. Chrysalis sank her fangs into the hayburger, moaning in pleasure as the taste of greasy hay and sweetened condiments filled her mouth. Through it she could taste the cooks' love for her, which suffused the food with an irresistible tang that sent shivers through her body. She smiled, eyes lidded as she chewed the delectable bite, then swallowed heavily. The hayburger warmed her bulging throat as it sank down into her stomach, radiating love through her upper body. Six chomping bites later and the first hayburger was completely devoured, its greasy mass resting heavily inside her hungry belly. The queen licked salt and sauce off her lips as the empty plate was pulled away. Chrysalis motioned for the cake next. Her servers promptly cut her a generous slice and held it forward as she forked a big bite past her fangs. The Queen shuddered with delight as moist, fluffy cake and rich, cool icing, all enhanced with latent love, danced across her taste buds. The sugary treat almost burned her senses as she fed off the affection her hapless subjects had baked into it. After five bites the cake slice was no more, the changeling sighing in pleasure as the last bite joined the burger in her stomach. Her servers stepped closer with their remaining offerings. Chrysalis greedily reached out to grab from both trays at once. Holding a hayburger in one hand and a slice of cake in the other, she proceeded to take a big, sloppy bite of first one, then the other. "Mmmph...ummph...oomfh...mmmfh!" the gluttonous queen moaned as she stuffed her mouth with food. Her eyes closed as her swollen cheeks struggled to chew and swallow each massive bite. Crumbs of cake and dollops of sauce fell from her maw, staining her expensive new dress and dribbling onto her hefty cleavage. Her stomach gurgled as it slowly filled, feeling hot and tingly as her body absorbed its meal of love. A third serving mare suddenly appeared with a tall glass full of strawberry milkshake, topped with whipped cream and cherry, a bent straw inviting her to take a sip. Chrysalis leaned forward and slurped on the straw, the cool sweet beverage a refreshing complement to the salty burger and rich cake. Gulps of milkshake rolled down her throat as she drank, the liquid swelling and stretching out her rapidly filling stomach. Satisfied, the queen stopped sipping and the half-drunk milkshake was pulled back, and the remaining burgers and cake were brought forward again. Chrysalis sensed movement as Shining Armor rose from his chair. The stallion bent over to her side, an amorous twinkle in his green-tinted eyes. He moved to kiss her, but pulled back as she stuffed another bite of hayburger into her mouth. Chrysalis eyed him lazily as she chewed, feeling the lusty affection welling up within him but unwilling to interrupt her meal. "I love you, my queen!" Shining opined, his expression pleading. A deliciously naughty thought flashed through her mind as she swallowed. "Then show it," she replied, spreading her legs in front of him. "Can't you see my mouth is busy?!" Shining Armor smiled obediently and knelt before her, his blue-maned head disappearing underneath her rounded belly. The queen huffed and groaned as she felt his warm lips and tongue suddenly prod her dampening nethers. She slouched down in her throne and spread her legs wider, allowing Shining to push his muzzle between her thighs and against her marehood. Her whole body shivered as his tongue tickled and teased her pussy. Warmth and a wave of pleasure flashed across her body, mingling with the warmth from her digestion and causing beads of sweat to form across her brow. Chrysalis could barely finish her burger as Shining passionately probed and teased between her pussy lips with his dexterous tongue. The two chefs watched them for a moment before turning to cart the leftovers away. "N-no..." Chrysalis gasped, motioning with one hand for them to continue feeding her. Her servants obliged her, picking up hayburger and cake from the serving dishes and holding them before the queen's face. Chrysalis opened her mouth and a burger was PUSHED inside, nearly gagging her before her fangs could tear off a massive bite, her cheeks swelling with food. She chewed furiously before gulping down the hayburger, throat bulging as she forced it down into her stomach. The queen gasped, panting for a moment until a slice of cake was forced between her lips. Her body quivered as she forced herself to focus on chewing and swallowing while Shining eagerly pleasured her. The changeling shuddered as she was fed from both ends, the sugary, salty love of her chefs swelling in her stomach as the heavy, decadent lust of her Prince filled her loins. Fabric quietly groaned as it stretched, her dress growing uncomfortably taut around her middle as her chubby belly bloated round with food and love. Her hot, swollen stomach also groaned as it was packed full of rich, half-digested cuisine. Chrysalis let out a muffled squeal as the last bite of cake was stuffed into her mouth. Her eyes began to tear up as she was overwhelmed by the sea of pleasure and love her body was swimming in - so much, so fast, so good...The queen's sweaty body shook as she came explosively, spraying crumbs from her gasping mouth, her warm juices soaking her Prince's eager face. A loud RIIIP tore through her orgasmic bliss. Chrysalis gasped as she heard the sound of fabric tearing and stitches popping. She looked down and saw a long tear appear down the length of her dress. The fabric split as her bloated belly burst through, tight black flesh swelling outwards in a taut sphere as the tattered remains of her garment fell away. Chrysalis suddenly felt a pang of self-consciousness as she realized what had happened. Shining's face suddenly appeared as he pulled away from her nethers, pulling a bit of her ruined dress off his snout and staring amorously at her above the taut swell of her packed gut. The changeling glanced at Shining Armor's bewitched blue eyes staring up from between her legs. Despite her bloated stomach, her now-wrecked dress, and being eaten out in front of a dozen courtiers, the last thing on her mind was queenly duties or court decorum. Not a single pony had voiced surprise or shock throughout her meal. They all stood staring at her, dopey smiles on their spell-bound faces, eagerly radiating affection for their 'ruler.' "My dear Queen," one courtier asked, "have you had enough?" "No," Queen Chrysalis replied, her eyes gleaming with greed. "More hayburgers! Another cake! And more love!" > An Excess of Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door to the Canterlot Castle banquet hall opened and a chubby-cheeked face peeked out, two large green eyes checking both ways if the coast is clear. Seeing nopony, Queen Chrysalis swung the door open and pulled her bulky body forwards. Her ballooning hips squished tight against the doorframe as she passed. Sighing with relief as she cleared the door, the queen turned and began shuffling towards her private quarters. The changeling queen was almost unrecognizable from the hungry waif that conquered Canterlot three months ago. Plump calves thickened into bloated, almost spherical thighs, which rounded out into a fat ass that swayed and jiggled with each labored step. The queen's enormous black belly swelled out several feet before her, its bulk sagging past her knees. It also jostled and jiggled side to side as her meaty thighs strutted underneath it; the changeling kept her gait extra wide to keep from kicking her own gut as she walked. Two fat, meaty breasts were perched atop the curve of her chest, their bulk obscuring the queen's view of anything below eye level. Her soft, thick arms alternated between waving in the air to steady her poorly-balanced bulk, and gripping her thick love handles and belly sides to steady her swaying paunch before losing balance and toppling over. Her black body was entirely naked - none of the bewitched ponies seemed to mind, and the fat changeling found little use in constricting garments that she outgrew within days. The swell of her gut above her deep navel was swollen taut, her stomach bulging with two hour's worth of dinnertime feasting. Chrysalis had felt fit to burst, so before the final course was wheeled out she had rolled herself out of her throne and lumbered towards the door. If she could just get to her chambers, she could lock the door, send any courtiers away with a feigned illness, and get some much needed time alone to digest. Chrysalis huffed and panted as she waddled her way down the hall. The queen was unused to even the mildest of exercise; with an entire castle at her beck and call, everything was done for her, and a pony servant was seemingly always present to dissuade her from expending any effort herself. Dripping with sweat, she steadied herself against the wall with one arm, then reconsidered and pressed her whole back against it, digging in her hooves and leaning her whole bulk against the wall as she caught her breath. A pang of regret crossed the queen's mind as she surveyed her heaving chest with a labored grimace. In the beginning Chrysalis had reveled in her thickening body - her plumper breasts, her fatter ass, and her new jiggly, swelling potbelly. Yet her bewitched subjects never seemed to STOP - as the spell took greater hold they only provided more food, more sex, and more adoration. Chrysalis could never coaxe them into cutting back, and she didn't dismiss them for fear of the spell breaking. The ponies' lengthy sessions of flattery and singing soon bored her to tears, and the kinky orgies they organized became too much even for her, so the changeling turned to food as a way to keep her subjects busy cooking and out of her sight. She decreed larger, more complex, more elaborate meals in the hopes that it would slow the tide of love directed towards her. But alas, her subjects adapted to their new duties, and now the queen had to contend with a tidal wave of rich, fattening food, every dish infused with their love as the chefs and servants labored to please her. Chrysalis had fumed and fretted as her body ballooned, every inch of her swelling with thick, heavy fat, but the arrogant villain never refused a meal, instead choosing to berate and belittle her oblivious servants for making too much as she gorged herself on their cooking. Even as her appetite (and her stomach) stretched to accommodate each meal, the portions grew larger and more calorific, leaving her stuffed close to bursting at the end of every day. Just this morning, after her usual quickie from Shining Armor, she had been treated to a rich breakfast of pancakes, crepes, and other pastries laced with icing and candy, then a full-service buffet of pizza, hayburgers, and pasta for lunch, and finally a dinner banquet of roast game, a fully dressed turkey, baked ham and steak, all served with buttered vegetables, piles of sweet rolls, cranberry jelly, and at least five different dishes of potatoes. Not even meat dishes could slow the vegetarian-leaning pony chefs down. The changeling wondered, suddenly worried, if it would ever stop. "My Queen, thank goodness we found you!" Chrysalis groaned and turned her head to see two earth stallions trotting down the hall towards her. The two were dressed in cream-colored tunics and white aprons - more members of the army of servants that slavishly attended to her. The one on the right had pale white fur and a blonde mane neatly combed back. His partner was colored sky blue with a dark silver mane, and was holding a serving dish covered with a white cloth. The two stopped once they reach her side, smiling blandly, their eyes betraying a faint shimmer of the bewitching spell. "Your Majesty, we apologize for not having it ready sooner, but you mustn't leave your dinner without dessert!" The blue stallion yanked the cloth away, revealing a pile of dark fudge brownies stacked three layers high, each studded with chocolate chunks and flaky crust. "Ugh, take that away," Queen Chrysalis said in disgust. "I will not be eating anymore today." The two servants looked absolutely devastated for several seconds, before recovering their composure and again breaking into big smiles. "A clever jest as always, my Queen. We would be happy to feed them to you!" the blue stallion replied, taking a confection from the tray and strutting towards her. "No, I-MMPH!!" Chrysalis cried as a brownie was suddenly forced into her mouth. A burst of sugary, chocolatey flavor hit her taste buds - the taste was excellent, of course, but she was in no mood to enjoy them. The changeling queen glowered down at her server as she noisily chewed, mentally rehearsing the verbal tirade she was about to unleash on this impudent pony. She gulped down the cakey dessert, opened her mouth to berate him but instead squealed in surprise as another brownie was smushed between her lips. "Not to worry, my Queen. Let us help you enjoy them. We live to serve!" the pale stallion sang as his partner lifted up another brownie to feed to his queen. "Shtoff...idiosh...no mor-MFF!!" The queen managed to warble before the third brownie was forced upon her. She struggled to chew the massive mouthful of thick cake and chocolate chunks, her fists clenched in anger and her eyes screwed shut in effort. Slowly she managed to chew the mouthful down to size, then swallow it with a heavy GULP. The changeling felt the mass of rich dessert roll heavily down her throat and into her sloshing, already-full stomach. Her eyes opened and she gasped for breath, rolling her head back as she recovered form the brownie assault. She regained her composure and looked down to find the two ponies staring at her with concern in their eyes. "My Queen, are you not enjoying them?" The serving stallion asked worriedly. Chrysalis' mouth curled in a silent snarl, her nostrils flaring as she spoke through bared teeth. "I will not...be enjoying...any more food tonight. Leave...me...at once." The two courtiers stared at her blankly for several seconds with the same bewildered sadness. Her server's partner suddenly grinned. "My Queen, I will help you enjoy yourself while you finish your dessert!" In a flash he was down on his knees and crawling under the swell of her belly, his mane tickling her flesh as he positioned himself between her legs. "No...idiot...what are you-" Chrysalis gasped, then let slip a low moan as the eager stallion squeezed his way in between her thighs, pushing aside the soft fat and nuzzling the plump lips of her marehood. The changeling's cheeks flushed as she felt a pang of warmth within her nethers. Vile, debauched pony slaves! How dare they violate her without permission! But even as rage welled inside her, the changeling queen felt a wave of pleasure as the stallion kissed and nuzzled her pussy. Her stupid, gluttonous body, so conditioned by the past few months, refused to turn down love no matter the source. Chrysalis moaned again, then squawked in surprise as a new brownie was smushed between her lips. Her green eyes refocused on the server stallion as he withdrew his hands, reaching back to the platter to grab another with a sickeningly pleased smile. The feeding continued. One by one, stallion #1 pushed brownies into the changeling queen's unwilling maw. Meanwhile stallion #2 began slowly tonguing her marehood, tenderly stimulating her pussy while periodically lapping up her hot nectar. Chrysalis' mouth was crammed full of confections, her plump cheeks swollen with massive mouthfuls of sinfully rich chocolate. The queen laboriously chewed, swallowing when she could, if only to keep from gagging on the massive meal. Each attempt to protest was met with another slab of brownie, keeping her mouth too full to utter more than moans and gasps of protest. Her stuffed stomach groaned as it was filled to the brim, slowly bulging higher above the fat swell of her belly. Chrysalis huffed as the last brownie was forced between her lips. The serving stallion beamed as he mercifully pulled the empty platter away and bowed. "I'm glad that you enjoyed them, my Queen!" The changeling gave him an exhausted glower as she chewed, her mouth so full of cakey brownies that she could barely close her lips. Occasionally her body jiggled and she let out a muffled moan, spraying crumbs into her cleavage, as her overzealous courtier continued tonguing her nethers. Chrysalis wished she could crush the stallion between her thighs for his impudence, but the lethargic villain could barely keep herself upright and balanced right now. And as much as she burned in embarrassment at this indignity, her slick nethers and glowing horn betrayed the intense pleasure her greedy body was absorbing from the decadent combination of food and sex - all laced with the blind, bewitching love of her captive pony courtiers. Moments after swallowing the last huge mouthful of chewed-up brownie, the changeling queen finally came, her fat legs shuddering as the guard between them lapped up her juices. The stallion emerged from beneath her belly, matted with sweat and marecum, his horsecock painfully erect against his breeches. "Thank you for the pleasure, my Queen!" he intoned, bowing and strolling away, his hand reaching down to jerk himself off as he wandered back to the kitchens. His partner bowed and followed, leaving Chrysalis panting and quivering alone in the hallway. The queen suddenly felt incredibly exhausted, her stamina drained from struggling to remain upright as she was assaulted with food and sex. Her flabby legs buckled and she awkwardly slid down and collapsed onto the floor, her flabby body jostling heavily as her huge rump slapped against the palace floor. Chrysalis hiccupped and heaved forward, feeling momentarily like she might vomit. Her stomach lurched as the huge quantity of half-digested food sloshed within. Chrysalis' breath hitched, but instead she let loose a loud, dry belch that set her body jiggling again. The nausea slowly passed, and the queen reached out with her thick, flabby arms to feel the side of her gut. She moaned feebly, then belched again as her hands gently squeezed the taut sides of her packed stomach. She had failed to resist, and once again her own triumphant gluttony left her stuffed, helpless, and alone. Worse still, she was stuck in the castle hallway, far away from the comfort of her bedchambers. Her lips and muzzle were caked in chocolate, and crumbs and flakes of brownie dusted her ample cleavage. Her throat was parched, the sickly sweet taste of chocolate inescapable. Chrysalis cringed as she realized she would awake tomorrow, another inch wider and a dozen pounds fatter, for another belly-bursting day of food, sex, and love, love, love. It was too much for one changeling to bear. Despite her massive ego, the queen finally realized she had made a mistake. The changeling suddenly became aware of moving shadows and the patter of hooves on carpet. Chrysalis felt a twinge of relief - perhaps she could persuade some of the castle guard to carry her off to bed without alerting the whole court. Instead she gasped as the entire evening waitstaff came into view, trotting in line towards her, each carrying a bowl or platter. She spotted more brownies, assortments of cookies and sweet frosted pastries, dishes of candy, a platter of sticky-sweet baklava, plump frosted éclairs and donuts glistening with sugar, and a three layer cake drenched in vanilla icing, so massive that two servants had to carry it. A dozen mares and stallions crowded around her, each holding their dessert up around her face. The smells of sugar and melted chocolate wafted over her. The changeling grimaced in horror, her stuffed belly groaning in protest as the servants began scooping up handfuls of treats and inching towards her mouth. "Your Highness, dessert is served!" > Entirely Too Much Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Queen Chrysalis groaned as she awoke from a feverish, restless sleep. Her mind felt hazy, her vision blurry and dreamlike as she opened her eyes. The castle throne room was littered with pillows, mattresses and other furniture that had been dragged in from other rooms in the castle. The changeling looked around at her court and grimaced. The bewitching spell had gone out of control. All around her, the weaker-willed courtiers had descended into orgiastic displays of debauchery and indulgence. A pale-colored stallion lay sprawled on a sofa gnawing on a giant turkey leg, his gut a packed sphere which bulged pregnantly and jiggled in his lap as an equally potbellied mare enthusiastically slurped at his cock. Nearby two obese mares sat at a table, hurriedly cramming slices of cake into their muzzles while spilling crumbs and icing across their bare, flabby breasts. Everywhere were mares and stallions, stallions and stallions, mares and mares, eating, fucking, or eating and fucking, in all manner of positions - some taut and slender, others hopelessly fat, but most sporting round, plump middles. Somehow her brainwashed subjects had begun indulging themselves in all the excess food and sex she had demanded of them. Any love they could not provide their queen, they directed at themselves, devolving from occasional makeouts and private fondling into open fucking in the castle halls. The ponies threw themselves upon the endless stream of food prepared by the castle kitchens, expanding their meager meals into gluttonous banquets interspersed with constant snacking. Decorum had broken down as anypony not serving the queen roamed the halls, looking for excess food to devour or a partner to relieve their needy lust. The air was thick with rich, decadent love, a changeling paradise that now felt stifling and oppressive to the shapeshifting queen. Chrysalis groaned again as she recalled her own predicament. The queen's legs had finally failed her after another belly-busting feast, the unbalanced weight of her swollen gut sending her toppling backwards onto her rear as she had tried waddling off her throne. Though she could pull herself back up with magic, her feeble limbs could barely carry her more than a step or two without buckling. Her hapless subjects were far more concerned with her 'comfort' than her mobility, rushing to bring her cushions or massage her flabby back. Within hours the dreaded chefs had returned to ply her with more food and drink, and within a day her fat body had swelled past her legs' ability to stand. The changeling queen's elephantine form now sat immobile on a bed of pillows in the center of the throne room. Her body was an ocean of fat, her belly swelling out impossibly far, a thick lower roll bloating out across the floor and round her sides to swell into her enormously thick ass. Bloated near-spherical thighs swelled out on either side of her, tapering down to two stubby hooves which lay uselessly at her sides. Chrysalis' great dome of a gut towered over the crease of her bellybutton, tight black flesh and many inches of quivering fat stretched around her massive, churning stomach. It was always packed with food, swollen near to bursting at nearly every hour of the day. Huge, meaty breasts lay jiggling atop her gut, their greenish nipples exposed for any who cared to see. Her cleavage was dusted with crumbs and sticky with spilled food, despite her remaining servants' best efforts to bathe and freshen her massive body. The queen's neck was ringed with flab, her plump muzzle swelling into a thick, round chin. Two extra chubby cheeks rounded out her face. Her unkempt mane lay draped over those cheeks, and flowed behind her onto her fattened upper back. A clatter of wheels caught the changeling queen's attention as two ponies entered through the throne room doors, hurriedly pushing a silver serving cart. A haggard-looking unicorn stallion pushed from the rear, navigating the cart past carelessly-strewn pillows and the sprawled-out bodies of several overindulged court ponies, bringing it to rest alongside the changeling's bloated gut. At his side was a plump purple servant mare, chef's tunic improperly buttoned around her generous potbelly. She grinned and gestured to the cart's contents: three massive éclairs, each almost two feet long and many inches wide, still jiggling with momentum from their rushed trip from the kitchens. "Fresh pastries from your loving chefs, my queen!" the mare exclaimed. The unicorn's horn glowed and first éclair levitated before her, the doughy pastry swollen heavily with fattening buttercream which leaked from its rounded sides. A thick layer of chocolate icing powdered with sugar coated the top. The éclair turned and presented one end to the queen's mouth, a dollop of filling spilling out onto her bosom. The scent of buttercream wafted towards her nostrils. Chrysalis wasn't hungry. The gnawing hunger for love within her, present within every changeling, had long since been satiated. Her greedy, queenly appetite for power and affection had been overwhelmed by these bewitched ponies. Love flowed at her from every direction, every lovesick glance, every carefully cooked meal, every sultry touch or sexual favor. And all of it had nowhere to go but straight to HER. The changeling queen felt helpless, a prisoner in an out-of-control nightmare. Yet even as her conscience screamed at her to refuse, to turn away, her stupid, bloated body obeyed, more out of habit than any conscious act. Chrysalis opened her mouth and the éclair was pushed in. Her jaws were forced wider and wider by the massive pastry as it slid past her lips. Her tongue burned with the taste of sugary chocolate and sickeningly sweet love. Chrysalis slurped icing from the pastry's gooey center, her cheeks bulging as her mouth filled to capacity. Her eyes screwed tight as she forced herself to bite down on the huge dessert, breaking off a bite and chewing laboriously. After a tortured minute of chewing, the queen arced back her head and forced herself to swallow, pushing the mass of sugary dough and creamy filling down into her groaning stomach. Then came the next bite...and the next bite...and the next bite. One by one the other éclairs were levitated forward and pushed into her mouth. Chrysalis moaned, pitifully wiggling her hooves and hands as her maw was stuffed full of sugary pastry. Her tired jaws struggled mightily to bite down and chew each enormous bite. Huge swallows of pastry rolled down her throat into her massive, roiling gut. Finally the queen slurped up the last bite of éclair, gulping it down and panting as she caught her breath. Her lips and cheeks were sticky with sugar and buttercream. Her stomach bulged painfully above her gut, the cold mass of dessert inside warming intensely as the changeling's body worked furiously to digest its latest meal. Chrysalis glanced away from her gut and grimaced as the debauchery around her intensified. The haggard chef stallion turned and wheeled the empty serving cart away, while the purple mare was approached by a hefty aquamarine earth pony wearing an ill-fitting ballroom gown and holding a plate of shiny glazed doughnuts. She lifted them up and began feeding them to the serving mare, who moaned seductively while eagerly accepting each bite. The purple mare devoured the doughnuts one by one, a button popping on her chef's tunic as her belly bulged with fullness. Once the treats were devoured, the well-dressed mare moved in and kissed the other. The two mares backed away from the queen, eagerly making out as they retreated to a nearby pile of cushions where an obese stallion lay flanked by two partners who took turns feeding him candies and massaging his swollen gut. Chrysalis tore her gaze away from the scene as she became aware of another pony entering the throne room and trotting towards her. The queen grimaced as she realized it was Shining Armor. The princely pony stood before her, a lecherous grin on his face. The once fit and trim stallion's middle rounded into a soft, round potbelly - even her would-be husband was not immune to the gluttony of her court. He was wearing nothing but the cream-colored breeches of his dress uniform, his pudgy pecs and overfed gut on display for everypony to see. "Mmmy queen..." he drawled, suddenly loosening his breeches and pulling them down past his thicker thighs. Chrysalis blushed, in spite of her surroundings, as the black shaft of his cock sprang to attention below his soft tummy. She huffed with effort, trying to send him away - she was most certainly NOT in the mood - but all she could muster was a low groan of protest as the stallion approached her. The horny idiot pressed his horsecock to her belly, spreading his arms as he hugged himself against her titanic gut and eased his length into her navel. Chrysalis moaned as the heat of his lust washed over her, her obese gut creaking as her flesh began absorbing his love directly. Shining began slowly thrusting into her, her belly rocking back and forth as he humped into it. The changeling huffed and panted as she felt her body slowly swelling bigger, her rump bloating larger, her tummy stretching wider, as a burst of metabolism added dozens of pounds of love-fat to her sprawling form. Chrysalis' eyes widened as she suddenly spotted a trio of servant ponies marching in from the kitchens carrying what looked like a snake in their arms. As they tramped closer she saw that it was a canvas hose which snaked its way back through the door to the kitchens. They arrived before her and a unicorn in the group began levitating the silver-nozzled end of the hose towards her mouth. "A new treat for you, my hungry queen!" the lead pony exclaimed. Pain and fear finally overwhelmed her complacent body. "Nnno...nnno moree!" she warbled to her bewitched pony slaves...but to no avail. The helpless queen's mouth was pulled open and the metal nozzle clamped between her fangs. The tube quivered and a moment later thick, warm liquid chocolate filled her mouth. Chrysalis' cheeks swelled as she tried to resist swallowing, to spit it out, but the nozzle remained tightly in place. Mounting pressure overwhelmed her effort and she swallowed, a stream of decadent calories spiced with sickening pony love gushing down her throat into her overtaxed stomach. Her body worked desperately to metabolize both the massive meal, and the waves of love she absorbed from her courtiers. Chrysalis whimpered as she felt her flesh stretching taut, her belly bloating higher, her ass swelling further, her sides growing thicker. Her massive stomach groaned in pain as it was packed to its limit with gallons of hot, sugary chocolate. Chrysalis could do nothing to stem the flow of liquid; her mind was too unfocused for magic and her limbs were too soft and swollen to do more than wiggle pitifully in protest. Dark red stretch marks appeared on the front of her belly as it was packed to its limit. Shining Armor continued mindlessly humping away, oblivious that her bellybutton had flattened out under the pressure. All around her were the moans and groans of her bloated, bewitched pony subjects, mixed with the sounds of chewing and flesh smacking as they fucked and stuffed themselves into a stupor. All she could see beyond her swelling body was an orgy of plump breasts and erect horsecocks, round, straining bellies and tangles of fat arms and legs in all manner of positions. Suddenly, the Queen felt absolutely sick of love. Tears appeared in Chrysalis' eyes as she continued to be pumped full of chocolate. She desperately willed her limbs to move, to escape, but all she could manage to do was feebly shift her flab-ringed arms across her sides, her plump hands feeling nothing but thick, fattened flesh. Her skin stretched painfully taut as it struggled to contain the overwhelming mass of fat and food. Her eyes shot open in a silent scream of panic, but all she could do was furiously gulp down the last few gallons of chocolate. Her belly creaked, then surged outwards a final time as Shining Armor suddenly came, spurting cum across her overstretched navel with a pleasureful groan. Just as she felt something inside her tear with a sickening SMACK, her vision blurred, then faded to black. > Aftermath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Nnf...NOO!!!" Queen Chrysalis gasped as she awoke, her breathing ragged, her body damp with cold sweat. Slowly her mind stopped reeling, and her senses realized that she no longer inside Canterlot Castle. The changeling opened her eyes to find herself lying prone outside on a bed of grass. The light here was dim, the skies fading to purple twilight as the sun set. The queen lifted her head to make out her surroundings, but her gaze was stopped by two hooves standing a few feet from her. Chrysalis looked upwards to behold a tall, blue alicorn with a lustrous mane of twinkling stars, dressed in a pale blue evening gown and staring sternly down at her. "Princess of the Moon," Chrysalis muttered, remembering Celestia's sister from her brief appearances around the castle. "Greetings, Queen Chrysalis," Princess Luna replied, her tone as stern as her gaze. Chrysalis glanced around, realizing that she was lying on a grassy hill overlooking the outskirts of Canterlot. The mountain-straddling city glowed with warm light along its streets and windows as the sunset glowed beside it. The faint sound of music and laughter could be heard on the wind emanating from inside. Looking down, the changeling suddenly realized that her hands and arms no longer swollen with flab - her body felt as light and agile as she had been before conquering Canterlot. Touching her smooth forearm, the queen looked back at Princess Luna. "What have you done to me?" Chrysalis asked, trying to hide her puzzlement. "Our nighttime duties kept us from attending the royal wedding," Luna remarked, "but we sensed your swarm's attack and raced to our subjects' aid, reaching the castle in time to find your changelings being repelled by the Princess of Love." The moon princess loosed a wry smile. "Having listened to your monologue against our ponies, we decided to abduct you here and...test your motives with a dream-spell of our own creation." "Dream...?" the changeling queen replied, mind reeling. "No, it was my spell, my triumph, all those weeks of love..." "We intervened before your magic could be cast. T'was indeed a dream, created by our magic. In truth, only a few hours have passed since your defeat." Defeat? Chrysalis suddenly welled with rage. "YOU SABOTAGED MY VICTORY!!" she snarled at the blue alicorn. Luna stiffened, dropping her royal 'we' from her speech. "You had sabotaged your own victory. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's love had overcome your magic. I merely intervened before you were blasted away from Canterlot." The changeling glowered at her, brow furrowed in anger. "Why?" she growled at the princess. "To teach you a lesson," Luna answered. "You told my subjects it was your duty to find food for your swarm. I merely granted you a dream where you could choose between that duty - and your own selfish victory." "Trickery!" Chrysalis spat. "T'was no trap," Luna replied sternly. "Had you merely left the Castle grounds in search of your true subjects, the spell would have broken, and you would have awoken here." The princess placed her hands at her hips and continued her lecture. "My sister and I have encountered several changeling queens during our reign - but none as selfish as you. You would sacrifice your own hive as pawns just to glut yourself upon our subjects' love. "When separated from your drones, you did not even attempt to find them. You ensconced yourself in our castle, gorged yourself on stolen love, fattened yourself to bursting without saving a single scrap for others. A true swarm-mother would have sought out her changelings and awoken immediately. But your own selfishness and gluttony trapped you in my dream." Chrysalis burned with embarrassment as she realized that the princess had watched over her entire imagined victory. All that food, all that sex... "W-what kind of pony princess are you, capturing me just to teach some puerile lesson about duty?!" Luna smiled. "My independence allows me a bit more...freedom in deciding how best to defend Equestria. I choose not the direct solutions that my sister prefers. You are defeated, and nopony was seriously hurt or killed in your attack, so for now you have my mercy." The princess turned and pointed south. "Your swarm was blasted several leagues thataway, towards the great badlands. They are bruised and battered, but alive. You are free to go to them, and hopefully you will take my lesson on proper royal duty with you. "However," Luna turned and stared at the changeling, her voice suddenly cold. "If you ever dare to attack my sister, or our subjects ever again, I will grant you no such compassion." Chrysalis rose to one knee, then pulled herself upright, but a feeling of stretching fabric followed by a loud *RIIIP* stopped her cold. The changeling looked to her side and realized that the black slip she was still wearing from before the dream had split several inches down the side. Glancing around, she suddenly noticed that her breasts were larger than she remembered. Her hands moved lower to find her slip stretched taut around a soft, pudgy belly which pooched out against the remaining threads of her dress. The queen grimaced as she felt around her noticeably thicker thighs and budding lovehandles to find her rump also softened with fat, her fleshy cheeks bulging tight against the skimpy garment. "What...is this..." the changeling queen asked in flushed embarrassment. Luna smiled. "A curiosity of changeling biology. You absorbed a great deal of love from Prince Shining Armor prior to your defeat. T'was too dangerous to let it empower your magic, but I have allowed you to keep it...just in a form you should now be more familiar with." "Consider it a reminder of the lesson I have tried to impart on you." Chrysalis glowered at the princess, her teeth grit in embarrassment as her hands vainly covered her chubby new tummy. Princess Luna suppressed a smirk as she stood to one side and motioned for her to leave. "So long, changeling queen. I am sure your drones will be very interested to hear why you are looking so...well fed compared to them." > Extra Scenes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ahhh...aaah YES!" Chrysalis moaned as she felt Shining Armor's thick horsecock enter her. Her hands clenched at the silken bedsheets as her kneeling form leaned into her bed's pillows. The stallion prince was on his knees behind her, his steady hands gripping her flanks as he pushed his member into her warm, waiting sex. The queen had been 'good' these past few days, content to savor the ponies' decadent love without making a pig of herself. She awoke each morning to a brainwashed hubby eager to pleasure her in bed while the sun rose outside. After a luxurious shower the queen usually spent the day surrounded with fawning courtiers, each plying her with gifts or lavishing her with praise and compliments. Chrysalis gleefully encouraged them to continue, basking in the warmth and sugary sweetness of their love. Delicious food also continued to emanate from the castle kitchens, and the queen ate heartily, tucking in to three scrumptious meals per day, with the occasional snack in between. A full day of courtly affection often left her feeling pent-up, however, so as the sun was setting Chrysalis would depart for her bedchamber, motioning for Shining Armor to follow. The changeling queen moaned again as she felt the prince enter her again. Every part of her body jiggled as he began to thrust; her chubby rump cheeks as he thrust against her, her rounded potbelly, still swollen from her lunchtime debauchery, her plump breasts dangling between her softened forearms. Chrysalis was not blind to the fact that she had put on some weight since her victory - in fact, she reveled in it. The queen spent odd moments admiring her smoother, softer body, and had yesterday enjoyed a massage from one of the castle mares that left her bubbling and shivering with pleasure. Fullness and getting 'fat' were near-foreign concepts to changelings, who spent so much of their lives in hunger and near-starvation. Even the queen had always kept a bony, waifish figure. The revelation that she was growing plump, that she now had curves like an earth pony mare, was delightfully pleasurable. The thought flashed into Chrysalis' mind again that this was all hers, that she had WON, and before her stretched an endless banquet of affection and praise, food and gifts, kisses and sex and food and fat and cum and LOVE- Chrysalis gasped as she climaxed, her slick nethers tightening around her brainwashed husband's cock. Shining grunted in response and thrust into her, his member erupting and pumping seed into his 'wife.' The queen groaned as her belly tightened again, her womb swelling with cum and pushing against her food-stuffed stomach. Their orgasm faded and the prince slowly withdrew his cock, a dribble of their combined juices staining the bedsheets beneath her. Chrysalis turned onto her back, licking her lips and grinning as a hand fondled her swollen tummy. Shining kneeled at the foot of her bed, face flushed but eyes calm, his naked horsecock starting to soften. The queen briefly thought of commanding him to pleasure her again, but her body felt tired and lethargic, and the warm velvety bedspread beckoned her to sleep. "Off to bed now, Shining Armor," Chrysalis commanded with a lazy flourish of her arm, banishing him to his own (much less opulent) bedroom next to hers. "I'll have use of you again in the morning...~" ----- The changeling queen had felt a bit peckish as she summoned three of her more well-endowed courtiers for her evening fuck. She had sent away for 'something sweet' from the kitchen while sauntering off to the bedroom. Ten minutes later she was greeted with an entire sheet cake - fluffy and yellow, with thick chocolate icing, still warm in the pan. The shapely mare who had brought the dessert now sat on the bed in front of her queen, feeding her large square slices with a lecherous grin. Meanwhile, a handsome silver-maned pegasi stallion knelt behind his mistress, hands gripping her flanks as he slowly thrust himself between the queen's hefty rump cheeks. Chrysalis groaned as eager hands pushed another thick slice of cake into her mouth. Her chubby cheeks swelled as her maw was filled with cakey, chocolaty sweetness. Each huff or moan of pleasure sprayed crumbs and icing down her double chin and softened neck. The queen had packed on at least a hundred pounds since her victory. Her flabby arms lay sprawled around and under two soft, pendulous breasts which spilled out onto the bedsheets, tender nipples erect with pleasure. The queen's fat gut swelled round her sides and sank heavily into the mattress. Chrysalis could feel her stomach slosh with each thrust of her current lover, even as it was packed full of cake. Her bloated ass jiggled high above the soft rolls of her back, two spheres of flab which widened out even further to her titanic thighs. Chrysalis moaned in ecstasy as she was stuffed from both ends. She eagerly gobbled down each hunk of cake, messily scattering crumbs and frosting over the bedsheets as well as her generous cleavage. Her brainwashed lover quickened his pace, grunting as he rammed his horsecock deeper into the changeling queen's pussy. A dull ache pulsed through her gut as his thrust put pressure on her overful stomach. Chrysalis fought back the taste of bile, determined not to lose one crumb of her love-stuffing, and instead wolfed down another big bite of sheet cake. Waves of heat pulsed through her sweating, jiggling black body as the pony servant railed her. Her ass and tits quivered and shook as he frantically thrust into her, straining as he approached climax, though the weight of the changeling's bloated gut kept her pinned to the creaking bed. The queen suddenly gasped as the stallion hilted and erupted inside of her, her body shuddering with orgasm as his thick seed filled her sex. Her gut groaned as it swelled out tighter, its flabby bulk sinking slightly further into the mattress. Chrysalis felt the bed shift, and suddenly the next stallion in her "personal guard" was behind her, his hands eagerly squeezing her flanks and ass. The queen shivered and motioned for the next slice of cake, which was pushed into her mouth just as the next erect horsecock was slipped between her heavy ass cheeks. Chrysalis moaned once more as her nethers absorbed his hot, lusty love, while her maw absorbed the sweet, sugary love of her bakers. Her belly gurgled, slowly swelling fuller and heavier with each gulp, each thrust, as the changeling queen's debauchery continued long into the night... ----- "More!" the queen spat. "More meat, more sweets! Made with love - ALL your love!" Chrysalis gnawed on a thick hock of ham, sugary juices dripping from her mouth as bewitched pony servants swarmed around her. Mares and stallions in kitchen whites and servant dress, clothes stained with sweat and cooking grease, worked tirelessly to serve their queen. The changeling queen glowered at them as she chewed, her enormous body stuffed into her personal throne. Her old gold-and-velvet chair had been ruined weeks ago - the sturdy wood had finally cracked under the weight of the queen's ever-expanding rump. Her servants had been forced to fashion Chrysalis a new perch, this time made of polished crystal from the mines underneath the castle. Yet even this generously-proportioned chair could barely contain their master's bloated majesty. Their naked queen's massive belly swelled out beyond the crystal seat, obscuring her knees and pinning her hefty legs against the throne's base. The cavernous dimple of her navel wavered inches away from the lip of the crystal table where exotic delicacies for the queen's evening meal had been piled high before her. Chunky black love handles overflowed the arms of her throne, fighting for space with her thick, flabby arms. Chrysalis gulped down the last bite of sweetened ham, smacking her lips as she tossed the bone aside. The queen salivated as a servant levitated the next dish forward, a tray of mincemeat pies browned and studded with sugar. The tray floated above her belly, its upper curve swollen taut by her filling stomach, and past her fat pendulous breasts, to hover just before the queen's flabby face. Chrysalis opened her mouth in anticipation, her plump fingers reaching out to grasp the pies and shovel them into her mouth. The queen noisily gobbled them down, one after another, her eyes hazy and half-open as she basked in the sweetened flavors and tainted love contained within the festive treats. Chrysalis continued her feast for another twenty minutes, devouring another plate of pies, then a side of candied yams, a dozen buttered biscuits, a plate of cookies and several slabs of frosted gingerbread. The ponies had apparently prepared a Hearths Warming feast for their queen this evening - not that she gave a fig for pony holidays or celebrations. Finally the dishes dwindled, and the queen sat licking her lips, her overfull belly gurgling in pain but her mind clouded with self-satisfaction. The doors to the kitchens flew open one last time as the ponies brought out the final dish - a massive pot filled with a thick holiday pudding, chilled to perfection and dusted with sugar on top. The pot was rolled in on a serving cart, and it took half a dozen scrawny servants to lift the hefty dish onto the table. The changeling queen licked her lips in anticipation. "Well, what are you waiting for? SERVE your queen!" she crowed, impatiently waiting for the dish to be lifted to her lips. "My Queen, the dish is too heavy," a stallion in a stained chef hat intoned. "And all the castle dishes are dirty at the moment. In just a few moments we will have washed-" Chrysalis huffed indignantly, cursed the bewitched ponies for their laziness, and placed her hands on the arms of her throne as she moved to rise from her seat. But her massive rump, wedged tightly into the ill-fitting throne, and the new weight of her food-stuffed stomach kept her rooted in place. The queen groaned as her poorly-exercised limbs struggled to lift her stuffed, fattened body. "GET AWAY!" Chrysalis snarled as her attendants moved closer, then flitted away at the sound of her voice. Slowly, the changeling rocked herself back and forth, shimmying her thighs and ass forward and out of the throne. Her belly groaned as her packed stomach shifted, the weight of her flabby gut pulling her forward towards the floor. Finally, with a dim burst of green magic, Chrysalis pulled herself upward, her globular rump cheeks sliding out of the throne as she got to her hooves. Her round, fleshy body wobbled and sloshed as she readjusted her weight. Panting softly, the queen loomed over the table, flopping her swollen ball of a belly onto its surface. She reached across with one hand, grasping the pot's rim and dragging it towards her. Throwing etiquette aside, the changeling dipped her hands into the vessel, scooping up a gloppy handful of the cool dessert and pushing it into her mouth. Warm tingles of festive pony-love danced in her mouth as she savored the chocolaty sweetness of the holiday pudding. Chrysalis groaned with pleasure as she slowly gorged on pudding. Chocolate-coated hands splattered fudgy goodness across her neck and cleavage as she shoveled globs of the stuff from the pot into her maw. Her belly gurgled as it was packed to capacity, its sticky upper swell bloating painfully outwards as her stomach was packed to its limit. The changeling queen huffed with fatigue in between mouthfuls as she fed herself, her flabby arms struggling to keep pace with her gluttonous desire for the love-tinged dessert. Pony servants watched with dull placidity as their queen devoured the contents of the pot, her exposed breasts and belly quaking as she scooped handful after handful of pudding to her lips. After several minutes Queen Chrysalis finally stopped. Most of the pudding had been devoured, and her exhausted arms were no longer willing to reach for more. The changeling basked in a post-meal haze, green eyes half-lidded as she lazily licked chocolate from her lips. Dollops and smears of pudding covered her chest and hands, mixed with crumbs and grease from the rest of the feast. My Queen, have you had enough?" a nearby servant stallion ventured. "Do I look like I've had enough?" the queen groused. A pained groan emanated from her stomach in response. Chrysalis gingerly placed a hand on her upper belly, feeling how taut the strained flesh was. "Nngh...never mind. I'm going to bed," the queen mumbled. She slowly backed away from the table, gasping as her gut slid off its surface and its full weight sloshed against her thighs. She nearly lost her balance, gripping the table to steady herself as her gargantuan gut gurgled and swayed. Carefully she bent backward to distribute the weight and made for the exit. Chrysalis moaned quietly as she waddled towards the door. Her belly felt so full, so packed, that she feared another bite would burst it apart. As she approached the chamber's exit two servants bowed and opened the doors. The changeling scowled with irritation as Shining Armor appeared in the hall, wearing nothing but a dopey grin and the tattered pants from his white wedding attire. The stallion's bewitched eyes lit up and he rushed toward her. "My Queen!" Shining Armor effused, throwing his arms around her middle. The changeling belched heavily as the stallion squeezed her bloated middle in a warm hug. Ire rose in her throat, but before she could begin to berate him the aura of his lusty nuptial love washed over her. The Queen huffed, her plump cheeks blushing at the familiar feeling of her nethers warming in the presence of her captive pony husband's bountiful love for his 'wife.' Chrysalis groaned, her over-sexed libido overwhelming the pain of her overstretched stomach. "F-follow me, worm..." she intoned, deciding that the bewitched stallion could spend the night licking crumbs and pudding off her once he had sufficiently pleasured her.