> Mare-nual Labor > by Vis-a-Viscera > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sweet Apple Seduction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash’s first sign of how things could easily go wrong today was the cloudwalker potion her friend Applejack was given prior to their invite to the Windbow Weather Factory. The note that came with that concoction helpfully pointed out that it was from her mother, Windy Whistles. She wanted to meet Dash’s friend to try and make up for her and Bow Hothoof’s excess giddiness from before.  All business this time, for sure! Windy’s loopy handwriting at the end of the note promised.   Then Dash saw the bottle the note was tied to, and it was labeled Drink Me. Along with a surprisingly accurate drawing of her blowing a kiss to Applejack’s cutie mark. Immediately Dash’s mind went to Alice in Wonderboltland, that audacious novella about the places being a Wonderbolt would take anypegasus. Oh no… And for the rest of the trip upwards, Dash was looking at Applejack like she had Scootaloo when she’d surprised her parents. If Scootaloo had caused so many issues by blabbing to them about her Wonderbolt status, what secrets would the Element of Honesty let slip? Applejack remarked the second her feet touched the clouds and stayed afloat, it was the first time Dash’s face was as red as the farmpony’s top.  Regardless, the potion worked as advertised - judging by how light the farmpony was on her feet. through the weather factory’s main delivery station sprawled before themselves. The strong yet sweltering light pouring through various rappelling doors bathed the room in a rich orange glow. In front of them all, Windy Whistles seemed to stand out all the more, a blur among the monotonous movements of the ponies loading the skytrucks. Well, them and the clouds they were planning to use to shield Ponyville from the oppressive sunlight. Even the bubbling Spectra in frivolous tanks and pipes seemed to bubble in tune with the bright personality of everypegausus present. And Windy, well, she was still reminding Dash too much of herself.  “Oh boy oh boy oh boy!  You two realize that this is where Bow and I first met?” The way Windy spread out her arms to show the delivery station, it may as well have been the Castle of the Two Sisters. That was Dash’s second clue as to how the day was going to go. “Mooom, are you sure A.J. needs to see this?” she groused. Windy pulled her daughter into a crushing hug, her coppery mane soon lined with tousled waves of rainbow. “Now, Dash, I said I’d be on my best behavior for my little Wonderbolt, and I meant it! Besides, this is the place where I made history - as the first co-owner of a weather factory!” “Wait! Mom, you only said you’d been in this for a short spell before you retired to have me…” The third clue of how Dash’s day would turn out came from the shock running through her body.  “Wait, you and Dad ran this factory?!”  “You bet! This palace is the epitome of everything we both represented! Aren’t you glad to see it, Applejack? I know you take a lot of pride in your farm!”  Quickly, Dash checked A.J. 's face for any sign of distress. After all, it didn’t look like swapping resumes was a big thing for the humble Element of Honesty. But the shimmer in Applejack’s eyes came with a smile, her eyes going from corner to corner of this large room. And when Applejack pulled away from Dash for a brief second, it was to ask Windy just how many knots the Spectra grinders lining the room ran at. “Oh nothing dangerous; only three hundred knots!” Windy chirped. “In fact, that speed was set by me, after a five hundred knot proppeller snapped off and nearly knocked Bow in the Spectra grinder! Could you imagine what’d happen if this machine ground someone I loved into a rainbow?” Dramatically, Windy draped a hoof across her forehead. “Stormy nearly put a hole in the floor with her jaw over how fast I moved that day, and had the gear speed lowered the next!” “Well I’ll be!” Applejack said. “Well, good on ya for looking out for others! Was Bow okay?” “Only his pride… and that pompadour he once sported.” Instinctually, both Applejack and Dash pulled gratefully their own long manes. “Oh, I said I’d never date him with the shaggy long mane he had before! Guess that incident solved two problems!”  “Why, Dash, you never told me your dad had long hair!“  “I didn’t even know mom ran the production floor!” For a moment, Dash’s eyes twinkled in boundless curiosity as well. “Mom, you ran this rainbow factory?” “Yes… eventually.” Windy was so busy nodding at a nearby weather pegasus that Dash almost missed it, but the ‘eventually’ was followed by a worrying frown on Windy’s face. By the time she raised her head again, though, that frown had turned upside down. “Even the Cloud Generators are just how I left them. Applejack, come on and feel this dent!” “Well, shucks, Windy. That is mighty deep.” Applejack whistled. Dash was quite impressed by the power of the clearly pony-made blow upon the metal .”Whoa, Mom. Just that was Dad’s reaction to finding out about his haircut, huh?”  “No. It was... mine.”  Applejack had to pull Rainbow's dropped jaw back into position as Windy spoke. “Dash, I must confess, for your dad’s sake and mine. The time we realized you were a Wonderbolt, it wasn't’ just your awesomeness that made us so happy. It was… how happy you were on the way up. I… wasn’t that happy on my rise.” Windy knelt before Dash, and suddenly, both mares were treated to a mirrored sight. Right under the picture of her on the wall as the Employmare of the Month - a decade old - Windy grinned. The photo looked all the more timeless for how unchanged the mare in it was, despite the yellowed edges. Windy’s cheeks were puffed up beautifully both in the photo and in real life, though her current expression was a bit more somber.  Dash looked away, more out of embarrassment of seeing her mother kneel before her than the tantalizing cleavage she showed. “Oh, Mom…” “Oh, Windy, “Applejack breathed, tugging at the overalls strap slipping off her shoulder. Despite the A.C. whining loudly above them, she could feel sweat welling up under her Stetson hat. It would be Dash that broke the din. “W-wait, Mom. You said you weren’t… happy?” That felt like a Pinkie-Sense-level blow to the reality of Windy that Dash knew.  “Well…” Windy readjusted. “It wasn’t like it disturbed my work. I loved the job! It was why I went into it, right out of the Cloudsdale Campus! But… really soon, I started noticing most of my colleagues weren’t as prompt as they could be in terms of following safety protocol. Eventually, it got so frequent… that it was all I could see.”  “Goodness, what happened then?” Dash could almost taste the tension in Applejack’s concerned voice. The farmpony was used to working with her family her whole life, Dash knew. The thought of a place of work not being kept safe was unfathomable. But in this case, it’d take the experience of a Dash - one that quickly remembered ponies like Lightning Dust and Wind Rider - to know the true limits of Cloudsdale’s hospitality. “You met with the boss about this?” Dash asked. It’d be what Dash would do. In fact, considering Dust, it was already what she had done - to the point of threatening to quit her beloved post in protest. Thankfully Spitfire had come around. A grin touched Windy Whistle’s face again. “I met your father first, Dash. He was the first whose workplace accident was an accident. And he took everything in such good stride. As it turned out, he was quite smitten with me too. Originally I thought he was like the rest, then… he got a little off the top.”  Her eyes traitorously swept back to the hoof sized dent in the wall. “That wasn’t a show of strength, was it?”  Windy shook her head. “Stormy and I pulled Bow away from there. The look in his eyes when I stood over him, checking on him… I couldn’t resist. He’d come from nowhere, risen so fast in Cloudsdale’s ranks, nearly had it cut short, and yet… he was so giddy after the danger passed. Like...” “Like it was the most important thing in their life.” Dash said, her pink eyes widening in realization. “And he made you realize how important it was in yours.” Suddenly, Dash’s mind flashed back to that Wonderbolts story her parents had crashed. At first, all she could think about was the flops they made her cause. But thinking of Windy’s perspective, if it had been her that had the dream job and Dash knew of it - well, Dash knew how she’d react. It took a second of Windy chuckling for Dash to realize she’d been blushing - and that she’d noticed Dash was trying to look away from her. “Yes, Dash! Exactly a look like that!” Windy squeed. “I thought it was because I saved him. Little did I know I was the new light in your father’s life.” “Guess it was love at first sight.” Applejack ran a hand along the edge of her hat’s brim. “Sheesh, sounds like a story after Rarity's own heart.” “Well… Like I said, I had my thoughts about it. It took a while, even after he recovered. We racked up arguments almost as fast as promotions. And he was so stubbornly focused on the others’ recreation. But I think my favorite time was about the vending machines. Took me an hour in to realize I was arguing for more free time and he.. . well, he was backing me up with charts of the factory’s progress. “ “You argued for so long you even argued about agreeing?” At the rate Dash’ jaw was listing open, she’d drool out a water hazard below her.  “You bet! Turns out, we liked hearing the other talk!” Windy spread her arms out to the whirring factory. “Then we liked chatting over dinner. Then…” Suddenly Windy’s grin became dirtier.  “Doing other things over the table.”  “What?!” Rainbow Dash frantically looked around for anypony that might have heard. Thankfully the creaking of gears and backing up of cloud vans kept their conversion discreet. “We’re in public, Mom!” “Oh! Should I have waited until she invited me to Sweet Apple Acres?” “Moooom!” Windy grinned even wider. Applejack’s eyes ping-ponged between both Windy and Dash, unsure whether to give Windy a round of applause or Dash a hug. “Can we please get back to your factory story?” Or anything that might keep me from thinking we just ate lunch on a table here an hour ago, Dash didn’t desperately add. “There’s not that much more to do? He liked play, I liked work, we came in the middle. Add that with the fact that we left all our other competitors in the dark after we got co-ownership…” Windy tapped an index finger along her chin. “And Dash, that balance in life is something I have you to thank for bringing back to us both. Just as you helped make us proud seeing you succeed!” Dash rubbed a hand along the back of her rainbow locks, unsure how Windy couldn’t hear her heart thumping. “Awww… I just wish your first time at the Cloudosseum went better.” “For your dad, it did! This wasn’t the first time we’ve been in that building - just the first time we were together.” Windy said. “Your dad brought our factory’s work-staff there for air shows during our run.”  “True,” Applejack pointed out. Looking warily at Dash’s confused expression, the farmpony continued on. “You mighta been tight-lipped about your time back with your parents, Dash, but Scoots wasn’t. Especially around mah sister. It was kinda cute, really.”  “Besides Dashie, we can make up for lost time!” Now it was Windy’s hand clasping onto Dash’s shoulder. “I know how you’ve been acting as of late, too, so I’m wondering if you’re gonna get us some grandchildren soon.” “Not too sure about that, Mom.” Dash idly tugged at the waistband of her jean shorts. “Short on some crucial equipment here.” “You leave that to me, my little Wonderbolt: If I got Applejack on Cloudsdale, I can get buns in your oven,” Windy’s eyebrows waggled suggestively, “Assuming you’ve an alternative to possibly ruining that sleek Spitfire-impressing body?”  Dash turned purple with her blush again. Applejack took the point on this. “Actually, Windy, I was wonderin’... you said had some stuff to show me at your home?”  “Oh yes, in my letter! Well, I can’t keep you waiting!” Say goodbye to the ponies here, then! And everypony, get your goodbyes in for my wonderful Wonderbolt daughter!”  Dash’s concern about her mother’s wackiness soon died in a sea of appreciative hand-shakers and well-wisher ponies. Even now, the adulation of her city-goers tugged at her heartstrings, and soon she was laughing with the cloud by reciting tale after tale of her time in Ponyville.   It also kept her too busy to notice Windy whispering to Applejack. “Told you my daughter had it hard for you.” Windy said, the freckles on her cheeks swelling with glee. “And you thought that letter I sent you was premature!” “‘A mother knows’, yeah, I got that.” Applejack sheepishly admitted, the last line of the letter still fresh in her mind. “But… I don’t wanna rush Dash neither. You said me comin’ here’d help me prepare for her, so whatsit gonna entail for little ol’ me?”  Windy’s smirk quickly became face-splitting. “You’ll find out soon, A.J.” The second they were in Dash’s parents’ house, Applejack marveled at its warm aura. Despite it being a bit tight in the halls, the house was still full of life - much like the matronly mare leading her through it. Dash had hung back a bit to yank up some ginger ales. “Only a twist of Spectra this time, AJ! Don’t want your mouth to turn into a lava pit like it did when Pinkie tried this stuff!” called the rainbow haired Wonderbolt, as she barreled into the kitchen with all the subtlety of a raging bull. Yes despite this, the only red present was in the youthful blush adorning Windy Whistles’ face. “That’s my little Wonderbolt! Isn’t she great, Applejack?” she chirped. “Yeah…” And hopefully my special Wonderbolt soon, the farm pony didn’t add. Not yet, anyways. Despite her taking the steps two at a time, paranoia swept through her. It wasn’t natural to Applejack to be so shy about voicing her feelings, but she was certain it was because of the honesty. There were so many ways trying to get the fancy of the brash mare that could go wrong.  Just because I’m honest didn’t mean it was to a fault. Applejack waited patiently as Windy snapped open the lock to her and Bow’s bedchambers. The second it cracked open, Applejack gaped in surprise. Speaking of honest… “Whoa, nelly!” “Oh, you’ve met my wedding caterer!”  Well, at least Applejack knew she was plumbing the right source for how to woo the Wonderbolt. Despite passing Dash’s room a door back, Windy’s room somehow had more pictures of her dauntless daughter lining the walls. But the pics were more arranged here than in Dash’s room, arching up like the headboards did on the king-sized bed at the back. And the mare of the house was busy taking down one of the innumerable snapshots of her daughter. “Yup, here it is.” she said, showing the framed photo to Applejack. It was one of few photos that showed Windy herself- -right next to Bow Hothoof on the pier overlooking the Windbow weather factory. Notably, Windy’s otherwise washboard barrel was bulging even past the wrinkles in the laminate. “You were about to have Dash, weren’t you.” “What a keen eye!” Windy slid past Applejack, almost bouncing to the door. “But yes. About seven months along. Quite fast out of the womb, too!” A light chuckle made the door Windy was holding squeaked on its hinges. “Almost as much as Bow and I raced getting married.” “S’a good you stuck it all out.” Applejack set the photo back. “Didn’t know my parents much - at least my birth parents. The accident they faced actually got ‘em. Still have Granny, big brother and little sis, but… it’s been rough sometimes. Still, Dash couldn’t have asked for luck-” Applejack’s ears perked as she heard the lock slide into place on the door behind her, and she quickly whirled on her hooves to face the impishly-smirking pegasus matron. “Applejack, dear, I think it’s time we had a little talk. See, while Dashie is my wonderful gold-willing gladiator of a daughter, I care for her. And those who wish to be with her.” Applejack gulped, but stayed firm. “Of course I wanna be with her, yeah. S’why I’m going up for this. You said you were willing to prep me, and I’m game.” “Do you?” The eyes under Windy’s batting lashes were liquid fire now. “Are you willing to be that mare my beautiful child needs?” “Of course! I’d do anything to prove it.” And with the Element of Honesty saying it, Windy knew she could take it to the bank. Windy snapped her fingers. “Goodies! We should be up and over before Dash’s drinks are!” “And, uh, how d’you reckon yer gonna - oof!” AJ was unable to finish her sentence before a titanic shove from the unexpectedly strong pegasus sent her stumbling back. Soon, the unbalanced family toppled onto the cloud-bed with a grunt. If Applejack denied the strength in Windy that made that dent in the cloud generator before, it wasn’t the case now! “The most important day of my little girl’s adult life isn’t going to be her wedding day - up bup bup, don’t try to deny it~!” Windy wagged her finger as AJ opened her mouth to speak, and the earth-mare’s mouth snapped shut as a fierce blush lit up her face. “It’s going to be her honeymoon. Celestia willing, the only one of her life! So it’s super important that you learn how to please Dashie properly before it comes!” “M-m-miss Whistles, y’can’t be seriously suggestin’...” Applejack paused. She wasn’t sure how to feel about this.. Sure, she may have held an attraction to Dash’s mother. Any mare-fancier would, considering she was a total bombshell  then and now! But she never expected something like this, and so suddenly to boot!  But then that determination welled up in Applejack's bosom again. She was still a mare of her word, up to any challenge big and small! This would be no different. “W-well…” Applejack continued on. “You said this was for Dash’s sake. An’ I’m ready to meet it!”  Windy wagged her finger at the other mare chidingly. “Great to hear! Just wait right there, dear. I’ll be back in a jiffy!” The mature mare then pranced into her walk-in closet, giggling furiously as the door swung shut behind her. “Now, just what crazy idea has Dash’s momma got in her head…?” Applejack mused to herself, though she was drawn out of her thoughts moments later. Windy, with shocking efficiency, re-emerged from her closet. And her Her casual attire from earlier had transformed completely. Now, a very suggestive set of cream-colored lingerie cradled her matronly bosom, wrapping her cute chubby torso in the tightly-weaved, titillating outfit. A pair of white, semi-transparent arm-warmers adorned her arms, and the outfit’s skirt - if it could even be called as such - did very little to hide the vast, curvy expanse of her foal-bearing hips. Draped across those wide hips as much as it was, it really only accentuated them more, the plunging crotch of her outfit giving way to her plump, eye-catching cameltoe at the bottom. “Sweet Celestia…” Applejack gaped. Windy gave a mature, amused chuckle at the other mare’s appreciation, and shimmied her loosely skirt-clad hips to titillate the mare even further - a move which had the farmer’s eyes swinging like pendulums to keep up with her sashaying lower half.  “I knew you’d enjoy this teaser!” Windy purred. “Before all the trimming-down, this was the dress I married Bow in...and after the trimming-down, it was the dress Dashie was conceived in~”  “MOM!” Apparently Dash was faster with the drinks than anticipated. Windy was giving Applejack such a predatory pair of bedroom eyes. The farmer found herself liking the idea that it might happen physically too; it was all but impossible to say ‘no’ to a rockin’ body like Windy’s. And anything that helped her make Dash’s first time better, well… that was all right with Applejack. “H-heh, uh, is that right…” Applejack replied distractedly, too focused on the erotically displayed assets of the mare strutting towards her to provide much of an intelligent response. “I’m a little… mmh… bigger than I was when I first wore this all those years ago, though… it’s, -ahhn- especially tight in the crotch now!” Windy exclaimed, her teasing behavior interspersed with the occasional groans and moans, the mare’s hips bucking against empty air as she spoke. AJ was unsure of their source until, upon the mention of the crotch of Windy’s dress being tight, the farm-mare slid her eyes downward once more and took a longer look at what she’d thought had been Windy’s rather prominent cameltoe. Applejack could not have been more wrong. A raised lump had grown its way up the length of the interior of the dress, angrily straining against the fabric as it halted its advance only a few inches beneath her cleavage. The shifts and swells of the underlying mass gave away its nature in a heartbeat - it seemed Dash’s bombshell MILF of a mother, was a dickmare! And a well-hung one at that! Windy had very clearly intended for AJ to make this discovery when she did, for the smirk she radiated was positively exultant. “Yeah, I guess this big boy’s probably why, heheh~” Windy added smugly, patting her dress-clad length. “I did say Dashie was conceived in this dress, but I never said I did the conceiving~! But still, don’t you think it’s time my little girl got a little sibling?” The older mare growled huskily, provocatively thrusting her hips towards A.J. The farm-mare flinched and blanched white as a sheet, but was broken from her moment of terror as Windy broke out in pearls of laughter, her large bosom heaving tantalizingly beneath the cups of her dress as she did.  “Oh, the look on your face, Jackie! I’ve no intentions of home-wrecking my little girl’s first relationship, and as for where this came from…” Windy patted the underside of her throbbing horsecock once again, urging a moan from her throat before she continued, “Let’s just say that the cloudwalker potion wasn’t the only thing in that order I got from the cities below.  I maaay have chugged two-thirds of the bottle in one go to make sure I was enough of a challenge~” “Tell me more then, Windy...” Applejack struggled out. The sight of the trouser-python tenting the chest of Windy’s dress was still enthrallingly erotic, even if the logical part of her screamed that she’d never fit that monster all the way inside in a million moons. Gripping a previously-unseen zipper at the front of her dress’s neck, Windy took a moment to respond while she slowly pulled it down. “I think you can guess what, Apple of my daughter’s eye! I need to make sure that you’ve got enough endurance to properly please my daughter on her honeymoon! And this thick, throbbing mare-destroyer is gonna be my way to test it” The horny part of Applejack’s brain promptly told the logical part to go fuck itself the very moment that Windy gave her such a reasonable excuse. “A-alright then, bring it on! I ain’t scared’a no test!” Windy, after a nod, continued to unzip her dress. At first, it only exposed the deep valley of her cyan cleavage - The perfect depth for motorboating, Applejack guessed. Then the zip went lower, and the pulsing head of Windy’s eager mare-meat revealed itself to AJ’s dilated gaze.  Applejack felt an involuntary shudder roll through her as she watched it throb hungrily, its thickness surging to a pussy-tingling circumference before going back down to its normal size. As the fat medial ring was revealed, AJ found she wholeheartedly agreed with Windy’s assessment of her new equipment being a mare-destroyer. Thick as it got after that ring, A.J. wasn’t sure if there was a mare in all of Equestria who could take her to the hilt, except the horniest of size-queens! Windy moaned deeply as her enormous tool flopped out of the exposed V-shape of her unzipped dress. Her hefty tennis-ball-sized nuts still pulsing angrily beneath the fabric of her dress’s crotch beneath where the zipper ended. The obscene pillar of flesh jutted out from her hips like a flagpole, its occasional throbs and twitches causing it to bob in a nonexistent breeze. A.J.’s depths clenched hungrily the more she thought about taking Windy’s enormous member, and she was so focused upon its glorious thickness that she almost missed what the older mare said next. “Mmh, fuck does it feel good to get him out of that stuffy dress! He was so angry, being trapped in there! I think he needs a nice, tight hole to came himself down…” Windy purred, patting the side of her member’s thick base. “Would you happen to know where I could find something like that, Applejack~?” The farmer mare bit her lip, hurriedly unfastening the straps of her overalls and cursing their unwieldiness. After some moments of fumbling with the buttons of her overalls, Windy placed a hand on AJ’s, causing the mare to stop in confusion. “Here, dear, let me get that for you…” In a flash of motion from Windy’s wings - and their sharp tips - the crotch of AJ’s overalls was torn open with unerring precision. The motion left the farmer bewildered, but far too horny to care about how the mare had torn open clothing with such soft appendages.  Windy gripped the farmer’s firm, muscular legs with her unprecedented strength. Quickly, she hefted one suntanned leg upwards, resting against her chest and shoulder, while the other was pushed wide to the side. The MILF ground her throbbing thickness against AJ’s sodden entrance, lathering her tool in the other mare’s juices in preparation for her fucking. “Mmph...I’m gonna send you to the mile high club, Jackie!”  “B-b-bring it - oooh…” AJ’s boast was cut short as the head of Windy’s eager prick popped its way past her lips, bulging out her labia and grinding them against the tattered denim of her torn-open overalls in a delightful extra bit of stimulation. “Mmh, you’re just as tight as you look, dear…” Windy purred, snapping her hips forward and surging another few inches deeper. The rush of pleasure tore a deep moan from both of their throats, joining the symphony of sounds being produced by the mating pair. “S-so buckin’ huge…” AJ wheezed, fondling one of her exposed, modest breasts with one hand. The other rubbed at her aching, denim-clad tummy. A bolt of shock and arousal hit her as the head of Windy’s tool pressed into her palm through the layers of flesh and fabric between them, and she found herself uncaring for the how or why she wasn’t in extreme, gut-rending pain right now - it was too spine-tinglingly pleasurable to possibly think otherwise! “Unf! You’ve got...fffuck...amazing muscle control, dear! Haah...” Windy panted out between her breathless exultations of pleasure, each bone-jarring thrust into Applejack’s depths stretching the mare out just a little more than the last. She hugged herself tightly to Applejack’s upraised leg as her hips plunged fitfully into the farmer’s tight tunnel. It turned the farmer into a drooling, moaning mess as her toned body thrashed against the cloud-bed.  Windy couldn’t resist staring deep into Applejack’s emeraldine pools. The intense intimacy of their stare amplified their mutual pleasure even further. The growing emotional connection between them added another dimension to their mutual pleasure; every clench of muscle and grind of sensitive flesh reflected in the twitches of their eyes and facial muscles in minute detail. Their mutual gaze was broken as Windy’s eyes slid closed, and she began to bear down with blazing intensity against the cunt wrapped so delightfully tight around her member. All coherent thought was driven from Windy’s mind as she began properly pounding the pony beneath her. One of the farmer’s hands grappled aimlessly at the sheets as she thrashed against the bed; her other hand still mashing her breast against her chest as she roughly fondled herself. Windy felt herself begin to lose control of her thrusting, her mind and body wholly unused to the sensation of an eager and willing mare wrapped around her cock. A particularly deep thrust from Windy’s jabbing hips caused Applejack to give an involuntary little squeak of pleasure; Windy decided she liked the stocky farmer making such a feminine sound, and did everything in her power to squeeze a constant stream of them from the well-built mare. The crown of Windy’s tool slamming against the entrance to AJ’s cervix was the last bit of stimulation either of them needed to come careening over the edge. The farm-mare gave a deep, satisfied groan as she felt the head of her marefriend’s mom’s marecock swell. Throbbing deliciously against Applejack’s deepest reaches, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Soon, her tunnel clamped down like a soft, squishy vice against the fleshy invader. Windy muttered a curse and bit her bottom lip as she felt AJ’s depths begging for their first taste of her seed, and the sensations surrounding her cockhead proved too intense for her to deny their request for long - with an exultant, fluttering moan, Windy buried every last inch of herself inside the farmer’s depths, the arm-thick base of her cock stretching the earth-mare’s thick vulva unbelievably wide as a pronounced bulge made itself known beneath AJ’s coveralls. Her nuts pulled up tight to her crotch, compressed delightfully by the undersized fabric of her dress, as she felt the first thick gout of mare-seed racing its way up her length. She felt AJ’s glorious apple-bucking legs wrap tightly around her motherly hips, holding the two mares firmly against each other as Windy bred the younger mare like there was no tomorrow. Windy lost count of the throbs and pulses of her cock as endorphins flooded her mind and sent her into a dream-like afterglow, AJ’s tummy bulging slightly as her womb was stuffed to bloating by the MILF’s impressive virility, wrapped so tightly around her cunt-wrecking thickness that there was nowhere else for the mare’s intoxicating seed to go. One orgasm rolled into the next for Applejack as the other mare came inside her with reckless abandon, a warm tingle of pleasure and contentment rolling through her brain as her most basic instincts were triggered by the feeling of seed flooding her deepest reaches. Eventually, though, AJ’s fluttering depths quieted as Windy’s throbs died down, her release slowing to a trickle as she huffed heavily from exertion. “Mmmh...hhh-how was that, Jackie? Huff…” Windy asked breathlessly, slowly grinding her length against AJ’s sensitive spots as the two mares emerged from the heady haze of afterglow. “Ah’d be - ahhfuckyes - lyin’ if I said that weren’t the best sex ah’d - oooh - ever had…” Applejack responded, her own hips rubbing into Windy’s grinding humps as her cum-filled womb jiggled beneath her overalls. “But -um- that ain’t gonna cause no problems in the future, ain’t it?” The mare asked, a tone of concern entering her voice as she gestured to her bloated belly. A light blush filled Windy’s cheeks as she stared at the fruits of her labors, mostly at the scandalous idea of giving Dash a sibling using the mare’s own marefriend as an incubator, but reality reared its ugly head as Windy shook hers. “No need to worry there, dear! Despite the, umm, volume, this only shoots blanks. There was another version I could’ve gotten that was potent, but… despite how much the thought of making you a true Dash family member gets me goin’, a mature mare like me’s gotta show some restraint and responsibility, y’know?” “Cuz nothin’ says restraint and responsibility like dickin’ down yer daughter’s marefriend, right?“ AJ. chuckled, flicking her hips against Windy’s bulging prick to emphasize her point. Windy blushed furiously at being called out, but otherwise held her composure. “Eeexactly! Now, I hope you’re ready for round two, ‘cause we’ve gotta make doubly sure that you’re ready for my girl’s special day!” A.J.’s eyes widened in some strange mix of horror, surprise, and arousal. “Yer ready t’go again now? B-but I thought...stallions…” A sharp, cervix-nudging hip-buck from Windy’s throbbing horsecock interrupted her line of thinking, forcing a deep moan from her lips. “In case you haven’t noticed, dear, I’m no stallion.”  Before Applejack could even respond, the farmer felt her world turned upside down as Windy fell forwards onto the bed, twisting as she did so to leave Applejack straddling her cowgirl-style. It was a shame that Windy wouldn’t be able to see the young mare’s fine apple-bucking ass in this position, but if there was one thing her age and experience had taught her, it was that intimacy was a far more potent motivator than an ephemeral nice view. “Mmmph...darn tootin’ y’aren’t a stallion! No stallion could ever gimme a ride like this…” Applejack groaned, gyrating her cum-paunched waist atop Windy’s lightly bucking hips as her body’s inner fire of desire roared up once again. “Mmh, and don’t you forget it…” Windy purred, kneading AJ’s ass tightly in her greedy hands. A grunt of exertion saw the rear of AJ’s overalls torn completely open, the stitched denim rending under the force of Windy’s musculature as the rodeo-rider’s thick ass was exposed for all to see - and more importantly, for Windy to mare-handle and squeeze however she pleased. AJ’s firm assflesh yielded to the older mare’s greedy, bear-trap grip, and the farmer began to ride Windy as fast and as hard as she could. Meaty plaps echoed through the room as Jackie fucked herself into a stupor on Windy’s pillar of rigid horseflesh, its tip battering relentless against her walls. Deafening smacks, hard enough to make even AJ wince a little, dominated the room as Windy branded her firm ass with reddened palm-prints. Their fucking steadily increased in vigor, roughness, and intensity, the two ponies becoming increasingly desperate to reach another mutual climax. “Mmh, you must really want more of my thick cum in that hungry little womb of yours, don’t you?” Windy breathed huskily into AJ’s ear, holding the other mare close to her as she held AJ’s ass down and kept vigorously pounding away at that tight earth-pony pussy. “You love feeling me fuck you into a cum-bloated stupor…” AJ moaned deeply as the honeyed, debauched words teased her endorphin-flooded mind; her insides fluttered and clenched fitfully around the cock pounding balls-deep within her as the dirty-talk drove her to a shuddering, squealing orgasm around Windy’s battering ram. The squeal trailed off into a muffled moan as Windy pulled her into an intense Prench kiss. Soon, she was dominating both ends of the prideful earth-mare at once. Her cock throbbed and pulsed angrily within Applejack’s depths, warning both of them that her second release was extremely close. Windy broke the lip-lock with a breathy gasp, and brought her mouth up to Applejack’s ear as the flood of unfamiliar male hormones assaulting her mind fueled her dirty-talk. “I’m gonna cum again, dear. Hold it in for me like a good little slut, won’t you~?” she purred enticingly, holding AJ’s ass in a full-palm, double-handed grip as she mercilessly stretched out the mare atop her. “Yes! Yes, Wind-ahhh!” Her enthusiastic answer was cut short as Windy raised her front half and wrapped her arms around AJ’s back, holding her in place as she pounded the young mare against her deeply-embedded breeding tool. AJ’s nails dug furrows into Windy’s back as her strong, apple-bucking legs wrapped tightly around the MILF’s waist. Windy’s sizable breasts mashed into AJ’s own respectably-sized ones, adding another layer of stimulation as their sensitive nipples ground into the other’s soft, furry breasts. “Mmmfffuck…” Windy groaned, giving a final, deep up-thrust into AJ’s clenching depths as she felt her second orgasm arrive with the all-consuming inevitability of a tsunami. A series of pulses and throbs, with her flared crown grinding against the farmer’s sensitive inner reaches, were their only warning before the older mare found her release into AJ’s womb once more. AJ shuddered, shook, squealed, squirmed, and bounced within their tight, chest-to-chest embrace. Windy’s nuts clenched firmly against her length, slipping out of the open portion of her dress to press against AJ’s stretched cunnylips, providing even more stimulation for the farmer as the feeling of the dickmare’s fat nuts churning against her opening sent AJ careening into another orgasm before her last one had even abated. “By the gods, my little girl’s going to love this steel-trap pussy of yours!” The mother mare mewled as she gave a languid hump upwards with each throb of her cockhead, her hips on autopilot as she bred the other mare thoroughly in their intimate embrace. This load was already exceeding the first in volume, Windy’s cum-factories already primed by her earlier release and eager to deposit their payload. Stitches in the front of AJ’s overalls popped loose as her cum-swollen tummy strained against it, her own abdominal muscles overtaken completely by the inexorable white tide as her belly ground against Windy’s own deceptively-strong build. With a final series of grunts, Windy finished off her orgasm with more desperate, reflexive humping as her balls were wrung dry by the eager young farmer.  “Mmh, I guess earth-ponies really do make the best broodmares...that swollen tummy is such a fantastic look on you!” Windy complimented. Pulling back from the embrace, she ran a hand across the blown-out stomach behind A.J.’s overalls; the bulge had the firmness and size of a basketball, the skin stretched taut by the ruthlessly large pair of orgasms that had been emptied into it. AJ moaned semi-coherently, flopping bonelessly to the bed once Windy released her from their embrace. She groaned in discontent as the dickmare’s tool slipped out of her with the loudest, messiest, lewdest shplort either of them had ever heard. Only a small trickle of Windy’s cum left her somewhat gaped snatch, though; most of it being held in by the perpetually-tight barrier that guarded her deepest reaches, despite the abuse Windy had given it. “I’m happy to say, dear, that you’ve passed my test with flying colors - a rainbow of them, if you will, heehee!” Windy exclaimed, patting AJ’s head in congratulations. Applejack only groaned faintly in response, though she could already feel her faculties returning to her. Being the hung dickmare’s pet sounded like a dangerously attractive prospect, to her hormone-addled mind...which hastened both her rapid return to coherence and a pointed avoidance of eye-contact with Windy’s vibrant orange gaze. TAP TAP TAP. “Oh Windy?”  The sound of one Dash fainting rang out from behind the door. However, the Wonderbolt made quite the quick recovery as Applejack and Windy untangled themselves from each other. In fact, they caught Dash pleading with Hothoof by the time they reached the top of the stairwell.  “Oh hi dad nice to see you so early you probably don’t wanna head upstairs, I, um…” Dash struggled for an excuse. “Well, I brought my Daring Do Year One collection to read on it. A-and the weight of it broke the bed. Yeah.” “Oh, again, Dash?” Bow chuckled heartily. “Don’t worry, your Mom and I both looked past that. Besides, the Daring plushies sold enough for us to get another bed!” “Yeah, well, that bed has a bit of a pressing issue too-” Dash’s cheeks flared up at the unintended pun. “-and I was busy keeping that under wraps with - Mom?!”  Dash’s pleading that was all for naught the second the naked Windy fluttered her winged self over the bannister. Touching down in front of the bewildered Bow. “You won’t believe it Bow! Applejack went through our own honeymoon session and she’s still upright! She’s gonna be perfect when Dash is ready!”  Bow clapped his massive hands together. “Really, honey? That’s amazing! Dash, it’s amazing to see just how much your mother’s still willing to do for you, isn’t it!”  Dash seemed to be stuck between another fainting fit and a nervous breakdown. “W-what, what do you mean I’m ready? Ready for what?” Three pairs of eyes slowly turned to Applejack. The ravished farmpony froze halfway down the stairs, keeping her thoroughly exposed backside to the wall - though it did nothing to hide her visibly cum-bloated stomach. “So, yeah, Dash: I think we can explain when we make our way back t’Ponyville. R-right?” “Sure…” Dash said.  Behind her, her mother and father were still deep in their own conversation. “Ooooh Bow, do you know the one thing that your test might not be able to do?”  “Y’mean besides wiping my mind of my mom and best friend screwing like animals?” Dash groaned. “Now now, Dash: moments like that call for cameras, not complaints! Your friend Scootaloo could teach you quite a bit on that front!” Bow went on, missing Dash’s eyes shrinking to pinpricks. “And I think I know what your mom means! We’re probably gonna be short on foals!” Windy tapped a finger on Hothoof’s chest. “Unless….”  Her mischievous smirk returned full force. “You get the candles, Bow, I’ll find Dashie’s baby blanket!”  Dash paled. “You mean the one you promised me you threw out, Mom!?” But it was too late, Bow and Windy already pawing at each other’s remaining scraps of clothes as the pegasi couple clambered up the stairs. Soon it was only Dash and the antsy Applejack in that hallway. “Well, s’not like I can get more rustled.” Applejack turned to Dash. “Would ya like to go visit the cider market with me tomorrow, Dash? Without the others. Or, y’know… the map?” “No Twilight or friendship problems? Heh, the way you say it it sounds like a da-Oh.” Then Dash’s eyes locked onto Applejack’s jade. “Oh.” Then her eyes swung upwards. “Ohhhh...Mom just screwed my marefriend” Applejack grinned, hopefulness bright in her eyes. “So you an' I' are marefriends now, huh?”  “What? I-yeah! Of course!” Dash pulled in Applejack close with one arm, keeping her face too closely wedged to the farmpony’s for her to notice the sheepish grin. Dash also hadn’t commented on her new marefriend’s cum-gut, but AJ figured the other mare was probably trying to avoid thinking about it. “Just wondered what took ya so long, and all. Sides, now we can plan how that market trip goes!” “Sure, Dash. Might need a cover, though,” Applejack said. “What for that incoming rainstorm? It’s only gonna be a two-incher. Also, thanks mom, A.J. coulda used that blanket instead of-” Then the whistling crack of a towel-snap rang out. “Nevermind, keep it, mom! Heading out with A.J.!”  “Dunno, I’m wishing I had a blanket myself when your mom… put me away wet.”  Dash’s eyebrows cocked up. “Then... why do you want a wrap if it’s not about getting soaked?”  Applejack sighed, turned around, and spread out her arms. “See for y’self.”  The second Dash saw the sorry state of the back of her overalls, the Wonderbolt covered her mouth with my palms. “Right. Walk in front, I’ll cover you.” Never before had that phrase been spoken so literally by Dash. “Let’s skedaddle, this house’ll become a splash zone soon.” “Now wait one second, Dash! My hat’s still up there-” CU-WHISH! WHAP! Applejack’s jaw finally dropped at the sound of Bow’s rapturous moan. “On second thought, y’can just mail it to me after they’re finished up.”  “Hope you don’t mind it coming back...waterlogged.” grimaced Dash, squeezing the doorknob open. “And, uh, if you think Mom’s messy with her orgasms… well, there’s a reason Dad was called the “Trembling Typhoon”?back in flight school…”