> The Mission > by DopeySpike > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike looked around, confused, puzzled, confused, and perhaps a little bit annoyed. Where is she? He thought. Rainbow Dash, his lover, was supposed to meet him by the creek at 1:30 (pony time), but all he could see before him was the endless blue and cloudless sky, the sun just above his head, pleasantly warming up his back, and wait! Was that Rainbow Dash? Nah! He discarded the thought quickly. The speck on the horizon seemed to be too small and insignificant to be Rainbow Dash, the Pegasus of his dreams, his mare, and the most beautiful pony in Pony-ville. “Damn!” sighed Spike as he lay down on a warm rock, soaking in all the heat the sun could possibly offer. He stared up at the sky as he warmed his chest, imagining what each passing cloud resembled. That one looks like… a cloud. He thought in mock enthusiasm. He scoffed, and reached into a green linen shoulder bag that he carried all of the time, and produced a small pipe made from the horn of a Unicorn, and a small bag of Rarity weed, that resembled strands of fire-red grass leaves. “Rarity’s weed, the finest in all of the Earth and Heaven,” he mocked Rarity’s advertisements. But it was true. Rarity did produce the best weed in all the land. He poured the small bags contents into the pipe. Spike struck a match and put the burning end into the pipe, inhaling deeply as he did so, savouring the taste that it brought, because Rarity weed always tasted the best on the first puff. After holding the smoke in his mouth for a few seconds, he released some of the smoke, creating one of his famous “Perfect Brony Smoke Rings™” then quickly blowing a smaller one with the rest of the smoke he had left, and watched in wonder as it went through the first one and was broken apart by the wind. He coughed lightly and exhaled through his nose, watching the smoke come through his nostrils, making him pretend that he could breathe fire. Spike couldn’t wait to breathe fire. But he couldn’t, because (his excuse was) he was not perfect in Celestia’s eyes. Looking up, he saw the mysterious speck had grown larger. Much larger in fact. So large, that he jumped up to avoid collision with the object. Could this object be Rainbow Dash? He thought. It must’ve been, because he noticed her beautiful features as soon as he removed the pipe from his mouth, which was blocking his view. Spike stared in wonder as he admired the Pegasus’ enormous strength, as she soared so effortlessly over the sky and the world below. Spike was bust admiring Rainbow Dash’s hearty rainbow mane shone as the Sun’s rays bounced off every single strand of perfect hair, when it got into her eyes, and she had to flick her head to the side to get it out. In that brief lapse of concentration, Rainbow Dash collided with Spike. Spike was caught off guard and as he was hit, his pipe seemed to float in the same place as he was slammed down the steep hill that separated the creek from his new cottage. As the pair rolled, they held fast to each other, doing their best to not let go. Then Spike realised something. They were not going to die by drowning in the creek; they were going to die as red pancakes on the wall of his cottage. Spike and Rainbow Dash held their breaths as they prepared for the huge impact that was going to come soon as they rolled faster and fasted down the steep and unforgiving hill; when they just… stopped! Oh, shit! Thought Spike. I’ve just died, but when he opened his eyes, Rainbow Dash was sitting on top of him panting and looking down at his face, a smile curving her lips. She slapped a hoof against her chest and bellowed, “Rainbow Dash and Spike, conquerors of steep hills!” Spike laughed at the suggestion, when she looked at him straight in the eye, and leaned towards him, touching her lips to his, slathering the insides of each other’s mouths with their tongues, grappling at each other’s backs. Spike closed his eyes as he grabbed Rainbow Dash’s swaying hips, when she scolded him. “Look at me while I rut you!” she laughed. Spike opened his eyes just as she started licking his chest, working her way down, to his stomach, and to his quickly hardening shafts (Spike has two), kissing them affectionately. She started teasing them gently with the tip of her tongue and lips, putting his both his shafts into her mouth at one time, slowly working her way down. Spike turned around, putting his mate near Rainbow Dash’s mouth, but her entrance near his mouth. “Take me, Spike! Take me!” she laughed as Spike put his tongue into her entrance, hearing Rainbow Dash groan with pleasure, as ripples of pleasure ran through him, making Spike want to blow his load all over Rainbow Dash’s face, but he knew that they both wanted a child, a Drony (Half Dragon, Half Pony) so he resisted the urge to blow all of the pleasure welling up inside of him. Her hooves grappled at his lower back, bringing both of his penises further into her mouth. Spike returned the favour, doing the same, making her groan with pleasure, hot liquid bursting from her entrance all over his face and neck. “I think that’s enough natural lube for what we’re doing,” grinned Spike as he got up and turned back around, and lay on the floor facing up where he grappled at Rainbow Dash’s hips and lowered her ass onto one of his shafts, and her entrance on the other one. Rainbow Dash whinnied with pleasure, screaming as if it were her first time. He pulled her up and lowered her onto his shafts again, and repeated the motion. Up and down, up and down she went, making her breasts jiggle furiously. “Dash, I think I’m going to… going to… Argh!” Spike clenched his teeth as he ejaculated his fresh creamy semen into Rainbow Dash’s red and tender vagina. She pulled herself up off of Spike’s shafts slightly, then dropped onto them again, sending even more semen through her body, making her groan as she felt the warm fluid entering her body, from the front and behind. Three more times she repeated this action, before lying down on Spike, his shafts still embedded in both her entrances kissing him on his head as he lowered his head to suck on Rainbow Dash’s breasts, still humping her rhythmically, ejecting some more semen every time, until it started leaking out through the front of her vagina, but he still continued to hump her, licking in between the crack of her breasts as he felt her hooves go around his ass, pushing his penises further and further into her entrance. Spike then removed his shafts from both of Rainbow Dash’s entrances before making her get in her hands and knees, before he put both of his shafts into her ass in the same time, his hand wrapped around her waist and rubbing her entrance, playing with her flaps and clitoris in a way that has never been done to her before, and his other hand massaging one of Rainbow Dash’s wings, before he stuffed it into his mouth, putting it into his throat as far as he could without choking, making Rainbow Dash kick with pleasure, screaming loudly, urging him to go faster. He did, his mouth producing more saliva to pleasure the wing, his hips going in and out faster and further than he had before, and now inserting his fingers into her shaft. “I’m going to cum!” Rainbow Dash screamed. “Wait a second,” Spike replied as he slid under her legs and started licking wildly. Just as she ejaculated, he put his entire mouth over her entrance, the juicy sweet liquids that followed were too good to explain, the hot, sweet taste, the feeling of her entrance tensing, the love that she poured out for him in the form of wetness… was too good to be true. He swallowed before getting up and leading Rainbow Dash into the cottage and into his bed, where he put his shafts into their own special hole, one gets the entrance, one gets the ass, and they went to sleep… just like that, with Rainbow Dash’s breasts pushed up against Spike’s face, and his tongue in between the sweaty crack of her breasts. He sucked on them affectionately, before dozing off, tired and sore. Spike and Rainbow Dash were woken up by a loud knock on the door, and whoever’s a hoof was pounding on that door was pretty desperate. Spike looked at Rainbow Dash, slapped her breasts quickly, but affectionately. The pair got up and walked to the door and opened it slowly, not wanting to see anyone but each other. To their surprise, they were met by Twilight Sparkle, the Unicorn. She giggled when she saw the white marks around Rainbow Dash’s lower body, and walked away holding her mouth. “What’s wrong, Twilight?” asked Rainbow Dash nervously. “You guys should wash yourselves,” she laughed. “One second,” smiled Spike, his face turning red, however it was quite un-noticeable against his purple scales. “Rainbow Dash, you clean yourself up, I’ll see what Twilight Sparkle wants,” Spike suggested. “Alright, just meet me in your room when we’re done,” she smiled. “Um, alright!” he laughed happily. “I’m afraid that probably won’t be possible,” said Twilight Sparkle through the door quietly. Crap! She can hear everything. Can all Unicorns do that? “You must come outside really fast, for I have a message from the fair Princess Celestia,” she cooed, “Although it may not be of great joy for you to hear. It is an important message, so speed up!” she added. Soon, the three were in Spike’s cottage’s living room. “Now, tell us what Celestia must say to us,” Rainbow Dash cried elatedly, extremely happy that the Princess Celestia had a message for her and Spike personally! “Would it not be better if the fair Pony told you herself?” Twilight Sparkle replied, a smile curving her lips. Then, out of the blue, an image seemed to project itself from Twilight Sparkle’s horn. I had no clue Unicorns could do that! Thought Spike, amazed. “Greetings, Rainbow Dash,” said the beautiful Princess, motioning towards Rainbow Dash with her head. “And greetings to you too, Spike,” she grinned when she saw the stout Purple Dragon. “I must be brief and simple, for there may be unwelcome ears nearby.” Spike scoffed. “I need you to meet me in my palace, for I have an important job for the three of you. Be fast, and bring nopony.” She stressed. “Oh, and Rainbow Dash?” “Yes, O beautiful one?” replied Rainbow Dash. “Clean yourself up,” laughed the queen, her laughter bringing joy to everyone’s hearts, except, of course, Rainbow Dash’s. When the Princess saw Spike laughing, she added quickly, “And Spike! Try not to miss next time!” Spike went red in the face. “We’ll be right there, Princess Celestia.” Mumbled Spike. Soon, the trio had eaten, cleaned up and were ready to visit the Princess of Equestria. The trio walked up the large hill and looked beyond the forest that separated the Palace of Celestia from Spike’s lone cottage. “Can you keep up?” Rainbow Dash asked Twilight Sparkle. Spike, knowing what was going to happen next, so he jumped onto Twilight Sparkle’s back and held on as tightly as his stubby arms could. “What’s wrong Spike?” asked Rainbow Dash. “I’m not flying!” he retorted. Twilight Sparkle nodded, ignoring the minor setback. “I’m ready, and I’m sure I can keep up.” She said lightly. “Alrighty!” smiled Rainbow Dash. “Everypony ready?” “Let’s go!” laughed Twilight Sparkle, breaking into a fast gallop into the forest, her hooves making no noise against the grass, while Rainbow Dash took off into the now evening sky.