> MLP: Payback > by Mystico_ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Payback > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One day in Ponyville, it was recess time at the Ponyville Schoolhouse and all the fillies and colts were playing with their friends. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were playing Catch with a baseball and were having plenty of fun. "Try and catch this, Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom said, throwing the baseball to Scootaloo. "I got it, I got it!" Scootaloo said while she backs up and tries to catch the baseball. "Got it! Here you go Sweetie Belle!" Sweetie Belle catches the baseball after Scootaloo had thrown it to her. "Alright, here it comes Apple Bloom!" Sweetie Belle said while throwing the baseball to Apple Bloom. As the baseball was flying over to Apple Bloom, Apple Bloom was afraid the baseball would hit her in the head and knock her out, so she ducked down and the baseball had happened to hit and break one of the flower pots outside. "Oh no! What have I done!" Sweetie Belle panicked. Apple Bloom felt like she had to tell Ms. Cheerilee about what happened because she thought it was the right thing to do; so she made up an excuse to go tell her. "Hey, ah gotta go use the bathroom, ah'll be right back." Apple Bloom tells Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, before running off to Ms. Cheerilee. "Alright.." Sweetie Belle replied, still shocked of what happened. Apple Bloom was making sure Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo didn't follow or notice her, she didn't want them to know that she went to tell on Sweetie Belle. Once Apple Bloom walked inside the schoolhouse, she shouted, "Ms. Cheerilee, Ms. Cheerilee!" "What's the problem, Apple Bloom?" "Sweetie Belle accidentally broke one of the flower pots outside while we were playing Catch but ah promise it was not on purpose!" Apple Bloom was a little nervous that Ms. Cheerilee would go all out and get Sweetie Belle in a lot of trouble with Rarity. "Hmm, well I guess I'll talk to her after class. Thanks for letting me know." "N-No problem!" Apple Bloom was still a bit nervous though. After Apple Bloom had told Ms. Cheerilee about the incident, she went back outside but as soon as she did, recess was over. Sweetie Belle was still kind of scared and frightened of what had just happened. All the fillies and colts went to sit down at their desks, and Ms. Cheerilee welcomed them back in. Sweetie Belle was still scared until Ms. Cheerilee said, "Sweetie Belle, may I speak with you after class?" Sweetie Belle was very stunned by this question because she already knew what this talk would probably be about. "Uh, sure!" Sweetie Belle answers nervously. A few hours later, class was over and Ms. Cheerilee had let all of her students go, except Sweetie Belle. "Okay class, you are dismissed for the day. Have a good rest of your afternoon! Sweetie Belle, please come over to my desk." Sweetie Belle walked over to Ms. Cheerilee's desk nervously. "H-Hey Cheerilee, what’s up?" "Well, I have heard about what had happened at recess since Apple Bloom had told me." Ms. Cheerilee said. Sweetie Belle was right, she wanted to talk about the broken flower pot. She was also shocked that Apple Bloom, her best friend told her about the incident and it kinda made her mad inside. "Alright, I did break your flower pot but I swear it was an accident and I'm very very sorry! I'll even buy you a new one!" Sweetie Belle confessed. "No, it's fine Sweetie Belle. I understand that accidents happen so you're not in trouble at all. You're free to go for the day, see you tomorrow." Ms. Cheerilee said calmly. Sweetie Belle was so relieved to know she wouldn't be in trouble for that. "W-Wow, thank you so much!" Sweetie Belle had exited the schoolhouse and was walking home. While she was walking home, she remembered that Ms. Cheerilee said that Apple Bloom told her about the flower pot and Sweetie Belle wanted payback right then and there. She came up with an idea to get her back and that idea was to tickle her. She knew she was very ticklish, especially on her hind hooves. Sweetie Belle knew this would get her good for what she had done. Sweetie Belle kept walking home thinking about her plan to get Apple Bloom but to Sweetie Belle's surprise, Apple Bloom wasn't far away from her walking distance so, Sweetie Belle galloped over to her and said, "Hey Apple Bloom, can we talk in the clubhouse real quick?" Apple Bloom was confused and curious about what Sweetie Belle wanted to talk about. "Uhm, ahlright.." Apple Bloom says, confused. They both walked to and inside the clubhouse and after Apple Bloom went in, Sweetie Belle went in after and locked the door but Apple Bloom didn't notice. "So uh, what did ya' want to talk about, Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom asked. “I know that you told on me about the flower pot." "Uh.." Apple Bloom was shocked, she thought that nopony would find out; but she was wrong. "Speechless, huh?" Apple Bloom had no choice but to confess for her actions, "Alright listen, Ah'm sorry ah told on ya' but ah just thought it was the right thing to do!" "I see. Well, I'm not going to let anypony get away with telling on me so I'm gonna have to do something to you as payback." Sweetie Belle then used her magic which levitated out some rope from a chest and tied up Apple Bloom with the rope. Apple Bloom was kind of scared thinking about what Sweetie Belle was thinking of doing to her. "W-Why did ya' tie me up..?" Apple Bloom asked, a bit scared. "Well, you see.." Sweetie Belle uses her magic and levitates out a feather to where Apple Bloom and her can see it. "I know just how ticklish you are so, why not just tickle you?" Apple Bloom was at a loss for words, she couldn't believe her friend was about to tickle her. "What?! Please Sweetie Belle, ah told ya' ah was sorry! Just please don't tickle mah, please!" "Sorry Apple Bloom, but you shouldn't have told on me, you know I hate when somepony snitches, especially on me. Luckily, I know your ticklish spot." Sweetie Belle says with a devilish smirk on her face. "And, what is it..?" Apple Bloom asked. "Your hind hooves!" Sweetie Belle said, laughing evilly. Apple Bloom was very speechless once Sweetie Belle had said that. "P-Please don't tickle mah hooves, I'll do anything, just please don't tickle mah!" "Like I said, sorry Apple Bloom." Sweetie Belle then started to use her magic and ran the feather across Apple Bloom’s hooves. "Hehehe, p-please stop!" Apple Bloom said, giggling. Sweetie Belle just ignored her and continued to tickle. "Hahahaha, it tickles hehe." "That's the point, Apple Bloom." Sweetie Belle then decided to get two feathers, one for each hoof and ran them across her defenseless hooves. This was really making Apple Bloom laugh. "HAHAHA, SWEETIE BELLE HEHEHEHEHE, PLEASE STOHOHOHOP, PLEASE!" Apple Bloom pleaded. "Should've thought twice before telling on me." Sweetie Belle said while continuing to tickle the defenseless snitch. "HAHAHA, OH MAH GOSH THIS TICKLES HAHAHA SO MUCH HAHAHAHA!" Sweetie Belle then grabs a Mane Brush and brushes it against the poor earth pony’s hind hooves. "BWHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH STHOHOHOHOHOP PLEHEHEHHESE!" "Nope." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA COME NONONONONONO, PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHESE!" "No Apple Bloom." Sweetie Belle just kept on tickling Apple Bloom’s hind hooves. After a few minutes had passed, Scootaloo was flying past the clubhouse and heard laughing coming from the clubhouse. She decided to knock on the clubhouse door and see what's going on. "Oh! Somepony is here, I'll be right back." Sweetie Belle said while stopping the tickle torture to see who that was and to her surprise, it was Scootaloo. "Hi Sweetie Belle!" "Oh, hey Scootaloo." "I was just flying around and happened to hear somepony laughing in here. What's going on?" Scootaloo asked. "Oh, well remember when Apple Bloom had to 'use the bathroom'?" "Yeah..?" "Well, Apple Bloom actually told on me for breaking the flower pot because she thought it was 'the right thing to do'. Luckily, I wasn't in any trouble but I still want payback because I don't like other ponies tellin' on me." Sweetie Belle said. "Well, what are you doing as payback?" Scootaloo asked. "Tickling her; I’m actually tickling her now which was why you heard laughing. Hey, since you're here, would you mind helping me tickle Apple Bloom? Could use another pony’s help." Sweetie Belle asked, hoping she would say 'Yes'. "Would I like to help you tickle Apple Bloom? Of course I will! I love tickling other ponies, it makes me feel powerful." "Haha perfect, come on in!". Scootaloo walked into the clubhouse and Sweetie Belle locked the door again. Scootaloo saw Apple Bloom tied up with some rope and her panting from the tickling. She was happy to see Scootaloo. She thought, maybe she can be freed out of this. "Scootaloo! Please help me! Sweetie Belle kept on tickling my hind hooves and I can't take anymore, please get mah outta' here!" Apple Bloom shouted to Scootaloo. "Well, I'm actually in here to help tickle you." Apple Bloom was surprised to hear what Scootaloo had just said. "Oh ya' got to be kidding mah." Scootaloo went up to one of Apple Bloom’s hooves and used one of her wings and flapped it up and down on her hoof while Sweetie Belle used her magic to lift up the feather from earlier and ran it up and down Apple Blooms other hoof. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! THIS IS TOO MUCH, I CAN'T HANDLE IT HAHAHAH!" Apple Bloom said, laughing very hard. "That's just too bad." Sweetie Belle said. "LISTEN, HAHAHA, AH TOLD YA' AH HAHAHAHAHAHAH WAS SORRY!" "An apology means nothing to me, so you can save it." Sweetie Belle said while she continued to tickle Apple Bloom. "HAHAHAHAHA!" Five minutes later, Scootaloo had thought of a really good idea to tickle Apple Bloom good and wanted to let Sweetie Belle know. "Hey Sweetie Belle, let's give her a break, she needs to breathe for a minute. Besides, I have a really good idea of tickling her." "Oh, alright." Sweetie Belle said, putting the feather she used to tickle Apple Bloom with down. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo go to a corner and whisper about the idea. "So, Apple Bloom has a dog right?" Scootaloo asked Sweetie Belle. "Yeah, her name's Winona I think." "Perfect. I was thinking, we can put peanut butter on Apple Bloom’s hind hooves and let Winona lick them clean!" Sweetie Belle was very impressed with this idea. "Why that really was a good idea! Why didn't I think of that before? I'll go get Winona and some Peanut Butter, stay here and watch Apple Bloom for me." Sweetie Belle said. "Alright, I'll just tickle her until you get back." Sweetie Belle exited out of the clubhouse and went into the barn and got Winona and a jar of Peanut Butter and entered back into the clubhouse, hearing Apple Blooms laughter. "HAHAHA!" Scootaloo hears Sweetie Belle enter back into the clubhouse and stops tickling Apple Bloom. "Oh, you're back." "W-Why is my dog and a jar of peanut butter in the clubhouse?" Apple Bloom asked, panting from the tickling. "You'll see." Sweetie Belle says with an evil smirk. Sweetie Belle walks over to Apple Bloom and bends down to her hind hooves and spreads the peanut butter all over Apple Blooms hooves. "Ooh, that's cold!" Apple Bloom said. Sweetie Belle had then fully covered both her hind hooves with Peanut Butter. "So uh, what's the reason ya' put Peanut Butter all over my hooves..?" Apple Bloom asked. "You'll see in a few seconds." Sweetie Belle said. Sweetie Belle then brings over Winona to Apple Blooms hind hooves. Winona gives them a sniff and then begins to roughly lick the peanut butter off. "BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH! MAKE HER STOHOHOHOP HAHAHA!" Apple Bloom pleaded, bursting out with laughter. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo just stayed silent and watched Winona lick off the Peanut Butter. "OH MAH GOSH, THIS TICKLES SO MUCH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Five minutes later, Winona had licked all the Peanut Butter off of Apple Bloom's hooves and Apple Bloom passed out due to all the tickling she had received that day. "Heh, maybe that will teach you not to tell on me next time." Sweetie Belle said. Sweetie Belle had untied Apple Bloom and used her magic to levitate her into her home and into her bed. The next day, it was recess time at the Ponyville Schoolhouse and all of the Cutie Mark Crusaders were now playing Frisbee. When Sweetie Belle threw it, you guessed it, broke another flower pot and Apple Bloom told on her again. At the end of class, Ms. Cheerilee wanted to see Sweetie Belle again. "Class is dismissed! And Sweetie Belle, can I see you for one minute?" Sweetie Belle was probably assuming that Apple Bloom told on her again and sure enough, she was right. "Apple Bloom told me you broke another flower pot with a Frisbee. It's alright though, accidents happen." Ms. Cheerilee said calmly. "Oh uh, okay! Thank you and I'm terribly sorry again. I'll try to be more careful next time!" Sweetie Belle said. When Sweetie Belle was walking home, she said in her head, "Seems like Apple Bloom didn't learn her lesson, I guess we have to go through tickling her again.." THE END.