> An Advantageous Advancement > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Suited Suitor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Well?” Celestia asked, unable to keep a subtle note of excitement from her voice. Anon had suspected that something was amiss that morning, since the Princess rarely waited for him outside of the throne room. Ushering him inside, passed the duo of praetorians flanking the door, she had appeared a bit more spirited than usual. Typically speaking, before they’d had breakfast and tea, she was less energetic, yet he quickly discovered what had her in such an animated state. He stared wide eyed, unsure of what to say or how to say it. Displayed on a human shaped mannequin, resting just beside the Princesses’ thrones in the grand hall, was the most ornate armor he’d ever seen. The suit was immaculate, from its winged and visored helm to sabatons on its feet, and would fully encase the wearer in brilliant protection. Forged from lustrous steel, inlaid with golden filigree, the plate had to have cost a small fortune to craft. Whatever artisan had designed the suit must have been a savant, due to the sheer intricacy and details of the thing. The joints, while armored, appeared to be highly articulated and capable of a wide range of movement. “Is it not to your liking?” the alicorn pressed, turning her head towards him. Snapped from his stupor, Anon shook his head. “No - I mean, it’s beautiful. You had this made for me?” Celestia nodded, trotting over to the armor clad dummy. “Considering we’ll be touring the country this week, it seemed only fitting that you be properly adorned for the occasion.” “You didn’t have to commission a full suit of armor,” the man halfheartedly protested. Sauntering around the mannequin, the Princess cocked her head and faced him. “Did I not? I thought my royal confidant and faithful knight would appreciate something to reflect his status.” Her demure statement brought a grin to Anon’s lips, as he walked over to appraise his new uniform. Lifting one gauntlet and vambrace, the weightlessness of the metal caught him by surprise; whatever it was constructed from definitely wasn’t any material he’d encountered before. Rapping at the cuirass with a knuckle, hearing a high-toned ring from the chest plate, he raised an eyebrow. “It’s Uru,” Celestia interjected, drawing his attention towards her, “far lighter than steel, yet just as durable.” “I...I really don’t know what to say,” Anon murmured, awestruck by the moment. While he’d often imagined being some valiant paladin of medieval ages, as a youth, he’d never expected to actually get to live out his fantasy - then again, he hadn’t anticipated finding himself in a world of talking, magical horses either. Regardless, he was moved beyond words at the Princess’ gesture - his Princess’ gesture. Turning to face her, he sweetly stroked her cheek. She peered over at him, with those bewitching magenta eyes, and smiled. She was, by far, the most enchanting creature he’d ever had the good fortune of meeting. Tall, majestic, and remarkably humble, she was a paragon of benevolence and grace. Despite their differences, he’d found himself increasingly drawn to her. Stepping forward, he wrapped his arms around her neck.. “Anon, please, a thank you would have been enough,” she giggled, gently pushing him away. Leaning in, she tenderly pressed her lips to his. Over time, since she’d given the man a place on her staff, the two had grown increasingly close. Anon had, for all intents and purposes, initially been a curiosity to her - some strange alien, from a far off and mysterious land, with bewildering tales of his world. As the months passed, after his unexpected arrival, they’d found themselves enjoying each other’s company more and more often. What started as a mutual interest with one another had blossomed into a wonderful friendship which grew stronger with every passing day. Considering the Princess had been gracious enough to act as his guide, offer him a job, and afford him a quarters within the castle, Anon viewed her with an admiration he held for no other. Celestia, having spent millennia looking after her people, considered his presence and kind nature wonderfully new and refreshing. Their relationship had eventually come to a head, after a discussion regarding the equines of Earth and their bond with humans. Perhaps it had been impulsive, being driven by the spontaneous joy they shared, but the two had crossed a line together and things hadn’t been the same since. Caving to their inner urges, spurred by a literal flight of fancy, they’d ended up sharing a bed one fateful evening. So far as they knew, their passionate encounter had gone unnoticed by anypony and everypony. While it wasn’t unspeakable that a Princess indulge herself with a potential paramour, they’d decided to keep their budding romance a secret - at least, for the time being. Still, even without any formal declaration, the palace staff had likely taken note of their closeness. Celestia and Anon were virtually inseparable, within both their official capacities and without, and it wasn’t uncommon to find them taking leisurely strolls within the castle gardens or on jaunts through Canterlot. If anypony disapproved of them spending so much time together, they’d kept their opinion to themselves. Even if the soldiery or citizens knew of their affair, their bond wouldn’t have been that bizarre, given the relative frequency of interspecies courtship. The pair were, in a sense, each rather remarkable, albeit in their own ways. Anon was an otherworldly creature, having been thrust into a land that was not his own. Celestia was a living demigod and diarch of an empire. As odd as it may have appeared, each took comfort from the other’s uniqueness. The sensation of the man’s hand slipped around Celestia’s neck, pulling her into a deeper kiss, shook her from her reverie. As much as she pined for his affection, she realized it was neither the time nor the place for such things. Reluctantly, with an extreme exertion of will, she pulled away. “So - um - when are we supposed to be leaving?” Anon inquired, blushing heavily and taking a step back. “On the morrow,” she responded. Shuffling in place, keenly aware of the warmness in her cheeks, she averted her gaze. “I wouldn’t ask that you wear your armor throughout our travels, if that’s a concern, I simply thought that-” “Hmmmm,” Anon hummed thoughtfully, inadvertently interrupting her. A conspiratorial smirk crept across his face, as he was stricken with an idea. “You know, I think I should take it for a test drive.” “A test drive?” Celestia parroted, tilting her head.. “It’s a phrase. I’d like to try it on and see how everything fits,” he explained. “Why certainly! I’d hoped to see you in it!” she exclaimed, her eyes going alight. “Can you, you know, whoosh me and the armor back to my room? I don’t think it would look too good if somepony trotted in and I was found changing, in the throne room, in front of a Princess,” Anon chuckled. As amusing as the thought was, he’d hate to have to explain that to the royal guard or a palace staff member. “O...of course!” she stammered, setting her horn alight.  In a blinding flash and pop of displaced air, she magically teleported the man and his new outfit to his chamber. While she hadn’t planned on whisking him off in such an abrupt fashion, the mental image of him stripping sent her pulse racing. Even though she’d only seen him nude on one occasion, the notion of watching him undress was thrilling. Trotting to her throne, easing herself down, she resigned herself to impatiently await his return. The instantaneous transition from throne room to his bedchamber was a bit jarring, yet Anon had slowly become accustomed to the mystical method of transit. Giving himself a moment to get oriented, he looked over to the mannequin. As he moved towards the adorned dummy, unbuttoning his shirt, his only concern was how tricky the thing would be to get on. As the minutes ticked by, seemingly dragging on into infinity, Celestia unseated herself and began pacing about the expansive room. Considering she’d meticulously and surreptitiously taken Anon’s measurements, with some help from the royal tailor, the armor should fit him perfectly. She’d enlisted two of the best blacksmiths in Equestria to craft the raiment, and it had taken them a month to complete the herculean endeavor, so any adjustments would likely take weeks to amend. Truth be told, some educated guesswork had been necessary for the construction. It wasn’t like there were any other humans in Equestria to add input on the articulation points and fitting, so they’d resorted to Celestia’s input and educated guesswork. It would probably function properly, if designing the protective and elaborate suit could be equated to a standard piece of clothing, although they’d have no way of knowing until Anon donned and tested it. Suddenly, without any warning whatsoever, the entrance swung open and a figure appeared. Glinting in the colored light of the stained glass on the walls, bedecked in the resplendent plate, Anon strode forward. Armored from head to toe, he almost appeared as if some mechanical war machine. She sat mute, watching him approach her, before he came to a halt and bent a knee. “My Princess,” he intoned, bowing in supplication, “I live to serve.” The room was so silent that you could have heard a pin drop, as the two sat motionless. Only after a fleeting second passed did the man raise his head to peek up at the mare. Noting the impassive look on her face, he raised his visor and knit his brow. Her expression was impossible to read, leaving him with a vague sense of unease. “Is everything alright?” he asked, attempting to alleviate any concern. For the first time in ages, Celestia found herself at a loss for words. Seeing his kindly visage, entombed within the polished uru of his helmet, her heart swelled. The juxtaposition of cold, unfeeling metal, gear made for conflict, against his soft skin and compassionate eyes moved her. Her guards routinely wore armor, yet this was different. First of all, the man was almost completely covered in some form or fashion. Even her elite soldiers weren’t afforded the level of protection his armor provided, although that was primarily with good reason. Given how rarely dire conflicts ever occurred, it seemed unfitting to have the palace sentries festooned in such an imposing fashion. Secondly, and most prudently, Anon gave off the extraordinary air. He was already larger than a great many ponies, so his adamantine wardrobe made him seem like an unstoppable dreadnought. She would have been ill at ease, had she not realized who she was facing, but that wasn’t the case. Beyond any shadow of a doubt, she knew that he would be her aegis. Anon swallowed hard, grappling with the situation. The Princess just stood there, staring at him, without saying a thing. He’d hoped that his theatrical entrance would have entertained her, perhaps giving her a giggle, yet he’d gotten anything but amusement. Pushing himself up, he innocently held his hands out to his sides.  “Sorry I took so long getting it on,” he sighed, shaking his head and laughing weakly. “The few staff I passed didn’t help much either; I got stopped three times and had to explain why I was wearing it.” The corners of Celestia’s mouth turned up, shifting from a smirk to a broad smile. “I should have known they would,” she remarked, casually trotting past him and towards the exit. His statement, while innocuous enough, had given her inspiration. As she reached the doorway, listening in vain for any sign of him following, she peered over her shoulder. “Aren’t you coming?” Nodding, with his armor clattering slightly about his frame, Anon jogged over to her side. “Where are we going?” he asked, almost as an afterthought. “Since I’m sure that ponies will see you in such a getup, if only for formal events or special occasions, I thought it only fitting that we go into town for breakfast,” she merely stated, magically opening the doors and leading the way. While she’d hadn’t intended on showing him off to the townsponies in such a precipitous manner, she saw no reason to delay the inevitable. The creatures of her dominion would eventually learn to know of his status, so a nonchalant introduction of her glimmering protector may assuage any concerns of his newly acquired apparel. After a few dozen citizens spotted him in his gleaming suit, they’d be sure to inquire about the reasoning behind his attire - speaking of which... “Shall I address any questions from the public about your title or would you rather do it yourself?” she modestly asked, glancing over at him as they walked through the central corridor. “I...title?” Anon countered, scrunching his nose in consternation. “I told you that I was going to make you my knight,” Celestia coolly responded, without breaking stride. “You’re seriously going to make me a knight?” Anon exclaimed, taken aback by the remarkably informal declaration. Celestia nodded, as if it was the most trivial matter in the world. “Anon, royal knight of the Empire,” she mused, letting the words experimentally roll off her tongue. “Has quite a nice ring to it, if I do say so myself.” “Princess, being knighted is a big deal,” he lamented, strolling along beside her. “There’s a ceremony and a sword and-” “A test drive,” she cheerfully tutted, cutting him off. Supremely pleased with herself, she peeked over at him. “We can deal with any of the formalities later - for now, consider it a test drive.” Shaking his head, realizing he’d been rather deftly outwitted, Anon’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “Well, in that case, you can definitely help. Given that the only ponies who didn’t stop me were the guards, don’t be surprised if we get swamped outside.” “Duly noted,” Celestia muttered, trying and failing to keep a straight face. Regardless of what sort of reaction the inhabitants of Canterlot had, she was certain they’d be quite the spectacle. While it wasn’t exceedingly rare that she went out to mingle, it would be the first time that anypony had seen a human in such an ornate getup. Although she’d been truthful in her justification for going out, she did have a slightly selfish reason - she felt compelled to show him off. Trotting next to the armored titan, even within the castle, was positively electrifying. The heavy plate somehow magnified his commanding presence, yet it was a bit of a charade. Beneath the imposing shell, he was a gentle giant - her gentle giant - and she wished her people to bask in his splendor. Making their way through the palace and into the courtyard, the two were bathed in the overcast morning sun. It had showered the night prior, leaving the paving stones and grass damp, filling the air with the delicate scent of fresh rainfall. As they passed into the city proper, moving towards the nearest of several local bakeries, the populace quickly took note of the radiant duo. “Should...should we stop?” Anon murmured, keeping his voice low. “Would you like to? I could make a formal announcement, if it pleases you,” Celestia remarked. Stretching her wings, she drew yet more eyes in their direction.  Though she’d never directly asked, she presumed Anon didn’t mind being in the spotlight. He was, after all, one of a kind and it wasn’t like he’d ever expressed any dismay about the curious ponies whom he’d encountered - still, he didn’t broadcast his presence or take overt enjoyment from introducing himself and explaining his origins to strangers. Scanning the area, noticing roughly a dozen of the townsfolk in the immediate proximity, she took a deep breath. Hearing the sharp inhale, Anon’s focus swiftly shifted to the Princess. Though he’d heard the noise only once before, the moment was seared into his memory. Shortly after he’d arrived in Equestria, having been ushered to meet with the diarchy, Luna had drawn such a breath before bellowing the most cacophonous greeting he’d ever heard. Thrusting a hand towards her shoulder, desperately hoping to intervene, he was a split second too late. “FAIR PONIES OF CANTERLOT!!!” Celestia thundered, her voice likely carrying throughout most of the city. “ANON SHALL HENCEFORTH BEAR THE TITLE OF KNIGHT. THAT IS ALL!” Standing mute, with her voice ringing in his ears, Anon stared dumbfoundedly over at her. Slowly turning her head, bearing what had to be the biggest, smuggest grin he’d ever seen, she peered over at him. If there was one thing he’d learned about Celestia, it was that she was not above the occasional prank or bout of mischief. Thankfully, either by luck or because they’d become acquainted with similar outbursts, the vast majority of the onlookers went back to their morning routines. “Now then, with that out of the way, shall we?” she chirped, sauntering onward without a care in the world. The impromptu announcement, paired with just how smoothly she’d played it off, left Anon speechless. Her proclamation had been brazen and impish, wholly unfitting of a Princess, yet she’d done it all the same. In spite of her cavalier attitude, or perhaps because of it, he snickered. She really was amazing, there was no question about it. “Fair knight,” Celestia softly protested, stopping and peering back at him, “are you planning on standing there all day or are you going to join your Princess?” Attempting to wipe the silly smile from his face, he trotted over to her. “Sorry, I think that Royal Canterlot Voice of yours may have rattled something loose.” “Or…” she lowered her tone, bringing her muzzle closer to his ear, “perhaps you were just savoring the view of my backside.” No sooner had she finished speaking than she promptly withdrew and shot him a devilish wink. The one-two punch of her raucous edict and very forward flirt was too much to handle; Anon burst into laughter, with his armor clinking and clanking about his frame. He couldn’t say whether or not his mirth was the cause of it, but the Princess’ dainty laughter soon joined him. The sound of her merriment, even if it was at his expense, was like a symphony from heaven. Reaching out, he fondly caressed her withers. Under his soft touch, her amusement dulled to a faint titter and ultimately a contented hum. The sensation of her velvety fur against his palm, compared to the cool metal on the back of his hand, was soothing beyond belief. Her warmth and the silken sensation of her fur evoked a deep, inexplicable sense of peace within him, leaving his hand to linger. As Celestia felt his hand pull away, his fingers reluctantly departing from her coat, she calmly extended her wings. Lazily wrapping one feathered appendage around his back, pulling him to herself, she re-seated his palm to her upper back. Positively chuffed, a joyful nicker escaped her. “That’s better…” “You know,” Anon began, continuing to rub her shoulder, “ponies might just start to talk, if they see us doing this.” “Talk of what?” Celestia inquired, feigning shock. “Would they speak of how the Princess’ brave champion stands by her side to tirelessly guard her at every turn?” she continued, faultlessly maintaining her act. Walking his fingers up her neck, he leaned over and breathed hotly against her ear. “As you wish, my Princess.” A shiver of excitement coursed through Celestia, upon hearing his words. Giggling like a school filly, she playfully shoved him away. Some casual contact while out and about was one thing, but being seen openly flirting after making such a scene was another. She wasn’t upset - far from it, in fact - though they’d probably caused enough excitement for one morning. Walking side by side, they made their way into the bakery. The aroma of fresh bread and pastries assailed them, upon entering the building, immediately reminding them both that they’d yet to have anything to eat that day. Hosting a small dine-in area, as well as several tables out front, the venue would allow a number of clients to sit and relax - even if the overwhelming majority made their purchases and left. “I’ll get our order, if you find us a seat,” Anon noted, moving towards the register and display rack at the side of the room. Glancing back at her, he slowed. “Apple fritter, right?” he quipped, knowing they were one of her favorites from the shop. “And a darjeeling tea, if you would,” she replied, appraising the tiny dining area. With two of the five tables already occupied, she altered course and trotted back to his side. Given how pleasant the weather was, she’d be comfortable out in the open air. Mere moments after making his order, Anon was presented with their breakfast. The apple fritter was absolutely massive, larger than his outstretched hand, while his meal rested within a small paper box. He’d been unsure of exactly what he wanted, unlike the Princess, so he’d opted to get an assortment of doughnut holes. Reflexively reaching for his pocket, looking down at the orbs of fried dough, he went rigid. It was only at that moment that he realized one of the many drawbacks of armor - there was a glaring lack of places to store things.  Groaning, feeling like a fool, he hung his head. “Can I bring the bits back later? I left them in the castle.” As embarrassing as it was, his neglectfulness wasn’t a catastrophic ordeal. He visited the bakery at least once a week, oftentimes to procure items for the Princesses or for himself, so he was on good terms with the owner and employees - still, despite having every intent on making a second trip to pay his tab, he felt self-conscious about the blunder. The baker smiled and shooed him away, dismissing his concern. “Don’t worry,” Celestia slyly remarked, reaching up and tapping a forehoof on the counter, “I know where he lives.” Stifling a giggle, the mare behind the register fled to the back towards the kitchen. “Did you pick out a spot?” Anon asked, surveying the room. The Princess nodded and trotted past him, heading out the front door. Following behind, carrying their food and drink, he watched her stop and sit at a shaded table.  Eyeing the pastry, as her mouth began to water, Celestia levitated the fritter from the tray. Hovering it to herself, she took a bite and nearly swooned. The fried amalgam of apple and dough, covered in a syrupy glaze, was downright sinfully good - especially when it was still warm. Taking a second bite, savoring the sweetness on her tongue, a muted grumble caught her ear. Anon sat across from her, holding his visor up with one hand and frustratedly plucking at a doughnut hole with the other. The face plate, while gorgeous, clearly hadn’t been designed for eating in mind. Setting her pastry down, she shifted the focus of her magic to the more pressing issue. It took Anon a second to realize what was going on, when a faint golden light surrounded his helmet. Feeling the slight weight leave his hands, as the visor was sorcerously held in place, a levitating ball of fried dough floated to his face. Peering over at the alicorn, he exhaled in exasperation. “You don’t have to feed me,” he petulantly groused, feeling all the more useless. “I know I don’t,” Celestia knowingly responded, guiding the doughnut hole towards his mouth. Opening his maw, allowing her to slip the cake-like morsel inside, he chewed. Peeking down at the box, seeing a mixture of blueberry, chocolate, strawberry, and cinnamon flavors, she was tempted to help herself to one, yet abstained. “Just tell me which kind you’d like next.” “Bwewbewwy,” Anon answered, muffled by his first bite. Grabbing hold of his chair, he slid himself around the table and closer to her. Shuffling through the box of confections, the sound of metal on stone drew Celestia’s attention over to the man. Twisting her head, just as he plucked her fritter from the tray, she scrunched her snout. “What are you…” “Here,” he insisted, leveling the apple pastry at her muzzle, “if you’re gonna help me out, I’m gonna help you out.” The Princess shifted slightly, continuing to hold his visor open, and faced him. As their eyes met, they silently gazed at one another. In that innocent moment, having a meal and enjoying each other’s company, something passed between them. Though neither said a word, the look they shared spoke volumes. The simple act of feeding each other was an accurate portrayal of what they’d come to be. Each leaned heavily on the other, in some form or fashion, even if they weren’t fully aware of it. What they had transcended titles, lay beyond such paltry things as their species or homeland, and the realization of it resonated within them. In that brief instant, they weren’t a Princess and a man - no, they were two parts of a whole. As the sun broke through the cloud cover, bathing them in brilliant light, time seemed to slow. A soft breeze sent the mare’s ephemeral mane wafting behind her, wreathing her face in the glimmering pastel hues of her otherworldly hair. Her magic faltered, if only for a split second, causing the fried dumpling to fall from her magical grasp. The disruption, as faint as it was, broke them from their trance. “Sooooooo...Anything planned for today?” Anon awkwardly inquired, lowering the fritter slightly. “Yes, I’m afraid so. There are a number of stately affairs I’d like to handle, before we leave, and I’ve yet to pack,” she responded, absentmindedly retrieving the blueberry munchkin. Glancing down at his breakfast, Anon reached over and slowly closed the box. His appetite was gone, replaced by tempestuous thoughts and a racing heart. Pushing himself up, taking his breakfast with him, he stepped to her side. Gently patting her shoulder, as she looked up at him, he nodded towards the palace. “We should probably get back then,” he whispered. Though it wasn’t necessarily what he wanted to say, he couldn’t bring himself to act on his impulses. While they had shared a moment of intimacy, it had been a lone and spontaneous instance. He cared for her deeply, yet he’d never brought himself to truly confess his feelings. Though he hoped - no, prayed that she felt the same for him, they hadn’t openly discussed the matter. Were they not in public, he would have likely broached the subject right then and there; but, alas, that wasn’t the case. Standing, releasing her sorcerous hold of his helmet, Celestia dismounted from her chair. She had no way of knowing it, but she shared the same tumultuous concerns as Anon. If somepony had told her that she’d find herself falling for a visitor from a far-flung world, just a year prior, she would have thought it a joke - now, things were very much different. Quietly fetching her fritter, she led them towards the castle. Quietly walking back, entering into the courtyard, the pair bid farewell and parted ways. Celestia busied herself with her obligations, ensuring things would stay running smoothly for her week-long absence, while Anon occupied himself with running his various responsibilities. Though they were separated by physical proximity, their minds dwelled on one another… > Rise to the Occasion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Celestia and Anon had suspected, the remainder of their day had been busier than usual. Aside from their ordinary duties, each took steps to ensure things would be tended to while they were away; none of it was terribly difficult, consisting primarily of notifying various officials and palace staff that they wouldn’t be available for the following week, yet it was a laborious and time consuming endeavor. Though they did see each other a handful of times, before the evening was upon them, their time together was concise and short lived. Shortly after returning to the castle, before he’d ensconced himself in his duties, Anon had carefully removed his armor and arrayed it back on the mannequin. The accompanying gambeson, while surprisingly breathable and comfortable, stayed with him throughout the day. The garment was slightly more formal than his usual attire, but he thought it looked rather fetching and it reminded him of his newly acquired rank. As the sun dipped over the horizon, with his work finally concluded, he returned to the throne room to make his final report to the Princess; it wasn’t expressly necessary, yet it gave him one final chance to see Celestia before he retired for the night. Opening the heavy doors, seeing himself inside, he found himself facing an alicorn - although it wasn’t the one he’d been expecting. “Ah, Anon, I trust thou farest well this fine evening?” Luna asked, unseating herself and trotting over to greet him. The younger of the two sister Princesses, she was slightly smaller than Celestia. Her mane and tail, each a shimmering gossamer of rich blues, complimented the indigo of her coat. Stopping before him, peering over with her piercing teal eyes, she smiled warmly at the man. Honoring her acknowledgement, he dipped his head. “I’m doing alright, if not a little bit tired from running around all day. How has everything been going with you?” he countered, returning her geniality. Though Luna and Celestia were siblings, with each holding vast magical power, they had their differences. The younger sister had suffered through a millennium of banishment, which had kept her away through hundreds of years of technological and societal progression. She was a friendly pony, that much was for certain, although she was a touch more old timey than most. “I’m doing well, my thanks for asking,” she responded. “I presume you’re looking for my sister?” “Yeah, I was going to tell her to have a good night…” he trailed off, unsure of what else he’d been intending on saying. “Anon,” Luna began, using her sorcery to close the door behind him, “hast thou confessed thy feelings for my sister?” The bluntness of her question caused him to start and left a lump forming in his throat. He’d heard that the younger Princess held the ability to observe or interfere in dreams, although he’d never encountered her while he slumbered; if she had been clandestinely peeking in on his unconscious imaginings, there was a distinct chance she knew how often Celestia occupied his thoughts. Clearing his throat and standing straight, he did his best to appear relaxed. “Confessed?” he parroted ignorantly. “Anon, please, forsake the charade. It’s been obvious to anypony and everypony in the castle that you harbor feelings towards her,” Luna groaned, rolling her eyes. “I…” Anon faltered, shifting uncomfortably. “Is it that obvious?” he sighed defeatedly. “‘Tis,” the Princess glibly replied. “And my sister is no better than thee.” The mention of the elder sibling being no better stirred a curious combination of hope and anxiety within Anon. Trying not to get ahead of himself, he took a metered breath. “How not?” “‘Tis not my place to say, although I suspect you already know the answer. If you’re so perplexed, perhaps you should address the matter with her,” Luna tutted. Looking to the alicorn’s face, seeing her exasperated expression, Anon’s shoulder’s sagged. He was tired physically and mentally, he hadn’t had dinner yet, and he most certainly hadn’t expected to be berated by the Princess of the night. It wasn’t like he had anything against Luna, but their schedules meant he had perilously little dealings with the younger diarch. It was bad enough that his budding affection for Celestia was slowly consuming him, so being so flippantly admonished did little to sooth his nerves. “Honestly, I don’t see why you haven’t struck yet,” she continued, leisurely pacing around him. “How would I even start?” Anon lamented, massaging his temples. “She’s basically a demigod, a royal, and -” “And she won’t stop chattering excitedly about you to me! Granted, it’s typically just before sunrise or shortly thereafter, but it’s become a bit of a routine,” Luna groused, tapping a forehoof against the polished marble flooring. “Though I am happy for her, I feel like we’d both be more content if she just spoke to you about it.” The Princess’ frank directness and glib tone hit Anon like an avalanche. “Is that true?” he blurted, locking eyes with her. “What sayeth thine heart?” she countered, grinning faintly back at him. He knew good and damn well what his heart said, he’d been thinking about Celestia more and more with each day that passed. He looked forward to seeing her every morning and visions of her smiling face often saw him off to bed at night. Like it or not, she’d become a founding pillar of his happiness and he couldn’t imagine living without her in his life. “You know,” Luna whispered, moving around to his front, “if you hurry, you may yet catch her before she drifts off…” The umbral Princess’ words, though brief, were the spark which ignited Anon’s resolve. Turning away, he sprinted to the door, cast it open, and fled down the hallway. Passing a handful of ponies, running as fast as his legs could carry him, he moved with a purpose. Part of him was aware that he’d need to come clean with Celestia, yet he’d put it off time and again; spurred by Luna, the moment had arrived. Driven by passion, heedless of the repercussions, he burst into his Princess’ chamber. The sight which greeted him left him frozen, panting and sweating, just inside her room. Celestia lay atop her bed, with a thin sheet draped over her lower back and hind legs. With a book under one forehoof, and her head upon a pillow, she rested - asleep. Her tranquility gave him a moment of doubt, unsure if he should rouse her. Mere moments ago, he’d been hellbent on professing his feelings for her, shrugging off the crushing weight of his burgeoning adoration of her - now, finding her in such a serene state, he was hesitant. Placing his hand on the doorknob, taking a small retreating step, he noticed her stir - fate’s patience, it seemed, was at an end. Fidgeting slightly, opening her captivating eyes, she wearily looked about the room. Surveying her chamber, shaken from her slumber, she peered over at him. “A...Anon?” she murmured, pushing herself up on one forehoof. “Is everything alright.” “I…” Anon gulped, his emotions waging war within him. Clenching his fist and setting his jaw, he steeled himself. He’d come this far and there was no going back. “Do you have a minute?” “Of course,” she responded, shifting and unintentionally knocking her book to the floor. “I must have dozed off while reading. Please, come in.” Closing the door behind himself, Anon gave them some privacy. The last thing he needed was for one of the guards to stumble upon them. Walking over to the Princess, keeping his eyes on the floor, he knelt by her bedside. “Celestia, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you,” he breathed, hanging his head. “You’re the sweetest, most gentle and charming mare I’ve ever been lucky enough to meet. I don’t care about our differences, because they’re eclipsed by the joy you bring to my life. You are the light that brightens my day, you took me in, and you’ve given me everything a man could ever hope for - well, all but one thing.” Celestia’s grogginess disappeared entirely, replaced by the feeling of butterflies in her stomach. As he looked up at her, staring amorously into her eyes, she swallowed. Her mouth felt as though it were full of sand, her hair stood on end, and one ear twitched reflexively. She needed to know what he hoped for, praying desperately it was the one thing she’d longed to give him. “What’s that?” she asked, her voice fainter than a summer breeze. “I want to be with you - not just as a confidant or knight or champion, but as a lover. I…” the words died in his throat, as the Princess’ eyes began to water.  She blinked, a glistening tear rolled down her face, and he felt as though his heart may stop. A tidal wave of dread and apprehension surged through him, rending his soul and threatening to crush him completely - that was, until he noticed her quivering smile. Extending an arm, wiping her cheek, he grinned back at her. As the warmth of his fingers met Celestia’s flesh, she broke. Drawing him to herself, with one foreleg and her magic, she draped her head over his shoulder and sobbed. Sniffling, rubbing her neck to his, she embraced him. She’d prayed that he cared for her, spent evenings arguing with herself on if she should speak with him, yet he’d beaten her to it. Very much like the olden fables of heroes rescuing a Princess, she found herself in an all too real fairy-tale moment. Moved beyond reasoning, Anon wrapped his arms around her. Burying his face in her neck, failing spectacularly to remain composed, he wept. He simply held her, returning her affection in relative silence. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she steadily pulled away. His hands drifted to her face, as he stood before her. Drawn to her, he leaned in and kissed once, then a second and third time, until he found himself quietly making out with her. Closing her eyes, giving as good as she got, she pressed eagerly back against him. Her warm, muscular tongue pushed passed his lips and into his mouth, urging him to return the exchange. Rolling onto her back, effortlessly levitating Anon and bringing him along with her, Celestia shamelessly made out with the man. Wrapping her legs around him, she trapped him against her belly. Her dreams had come true, she felt as though the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders, and her passion roared into an inferno. Even though she’d suspected that he cared for her as more than just a friend, the knowledge that he actually did was an enormous relief. Matters of the heart weren’t typically compelled by logic or reason, so she’d been held hostage by her reservations and uncertainty for weeks on end. Had he not found the courage to come and speak with her, she feared that her torment may have been eternal. Anon’s fingers wandered over her back and shoulders, his tongue warred with hers, and he found himself held firmly by her powerful legs. Though he had a bit of purchase, with his waist restrained by her powerful, ample thighs, he definitely wasn’t going anywhere - nor did he have any want to - still, his impulses got the better of him. Digging the ball of his foot into the mattress, as he wrapped his arms around her, he pushed off with one leg. Celestia’s world went topsy-turvy, as she was rolled over on top of him. Her nostrils flared and her pulse quickened, finding herself straddling him. His feat of herculean strength, beyond being impressive in and of itself, stoked the flames of her desires. Retracting her head and craning her neck downward, she tugged at the top of his jacket. Wriggling one hand between them, questing for his belt buckle, Anon’s fingers graced something a warm, velvety soft bump. Gently squeezing the fleshy nub, eliciting a muted groan from the Princess, he peered at her face. Unintentional or not, he’d happened upon her teat. Softly fondling her bosom, appreciating its heft in his palm, his arousal soared. “W...would you like a closer look?” she huffed, halting in her efforts to disrobe him. Anon nodded, perhaps a bit too eagerly, as he felt the blood rush to his face. Squirming in place, getting her hooves beneath herself, she cautiously stood. Straddling him, she took the utmost care not to accidentally tread on him in any way. As she loomed over his supine form, without so much as glancing at his lower half, she ignited her horn and deftly wrenched his pants off. The startling speed with which his slacks were removed, while jarring, caused his manhood to spring free. Fumbling with the buttons on his gambeson, he fought to undo the garment over his chest. The article, while comfortable, clearly wasn’t designed to be donned or doffed in a hurry, leaving him to struggle. His motions slowed, as the mare stepped and leisurely turned around above him. With her heart racing and hind hooves coming to rest on either side of Anon’s head, Celestia faced away. Even with as worked up as she was, excited in every conceivable way, she blushed at what she was doing. Splaying her leg, while flicking her tail to the side, she gave the man an unabashed view of her nethers and groin. The sight of Celestia’s loins was downright godly. From the way her snow-white coat gave way to her darkened teats and winking, moistened marehood, she was sensuality incarnate. Bending at the waist, hastily removing and abandoning his jacket, Anon moved his face to her groin. The scent of her femininity struck him first, inviting and primal, just before the heat of her sex graced his countenance. Feeling his breath upon her flesh, Celestia suppressed a shiver. Bending her forelegs, kneeling over his waist, she craned her neck to the side. Given their differences in mass and form, it was next to impossible for her to see anything other than his feet and shins. Closing her eyes, promising herself that next time the roles would be reversed, she gently swayed her hips from side to side. Reaching between her thighs, Anon cupped one of the Princess’ teats. Bearing some similarities to a human’s bosom, yet profoundly different, the soft, supple skin weighed heavily in his hand. Toying with her nipple, he delicately squeezed the bud. She immediately shivered, as her marehood dribbled and winked in excitement. Licking his lips, unable to help himself, he pressed his face to her sex. Her clit bulged against his lips, her nectar trickled down his chin, and she heatedly snorted, while his tongue pressed into her. Tart and grassy, refreshingly pleasant, her essence coated his taste buds. Propped on one arm to steady himself, he groped her breast and feasted upon her succulent loins. Celestia gnawed her lip, subconsciously rocking back against her lover. Stallions were rarely inclined to pleasure a mare in such a fashion, yet Anon took to the act with gusto. Tilting her head, inclined to offer something in return, she could just barely make out his waist and manhood. Evoking her sorcerous might, she enfolded his turgid length with her aura and began stroking him. Anon paused, glancing down to his glowing crotch. The sensation of magic upon his flesh was odd, but far from unpleasant. Her mystical grip felt similar to being in water, albeit with more resistance than normal. Wrapping his lips around her clit, he focused on the extraordinarily sensitive organ. Celestia gasped, the light about her horn flared sporadically, and a tremble ran up her thighs, as she found herself bearing the full brunt of his oral assault. Squatting slightly, she rammed her backside against his face. As absolutely amazing as his skills were, she wanted more. Willing herself to concentrate, she levitated him back and away from herself. Leaning to the side, wiping his mouth on his forearm, he looked to her face. He would have been content to service her to climax, yet she’d had other plans. Her twinkling, heavily lidded eyes, ripe with desirous passion, gazed back at him. He nodded only once, as he got to his feet and positioned himself behind her. Celestia kept her head turned, watching the man preparing to mount her. With her tail flagged high, feeling a trail of her hot juices running down her inner thigh, she awaited him. Though the moment only lasted a scant few seconds, she felt as though she’d go mad with anticipation. Suddenly, tauntingly drawing up and down her marehood, the touch of his manhood graced her sex. As his tip came to rest over her entrance, she broke. “Please,” she whispered, all but begging him to continue. With that one word, he sank into her depths. Quickly bracing her hind legs, preparing herself for the inevitable onslaught, she stifled a whimper. Deeper and deeper still he plunged, filling her canal with his majestic manhood. Grasping her waist, steadying himself, he only relented when his hips pressed against her rump. Holding her tightly, after giving them each a moment to breath, Anon steadily began to withdraw his length. Hot and velvety, her vice-like confines clung to his fleeing shaft. Working roughly half of himself free, he drove himself back into her. The throaty groan which escaped her was like an inspirational sonnet, emboldening him to continue. A second thrust followed the first, succeeded by a third and fourth, before he was rhythmically bucking his hips. Blissful sensations accosted Celestia, as he unhurriedly rutted her from behind. Swinging her hips back, hilting herself upon him, his nuts slapped against her winking clit. Unlike their spontaneous bout of intimacy before, the air was charged with romantic energy. They’d broken free of their self-imposed restraints, blasting away their reservations with their infatuation for one another, elevating the moment to one of divinity. Clenching around him, milking his shaft on the backstrokes, she did what she could to pleasure her lover. Though his wondrous length was beyond reproach, that was only one element of her rapture. His hands clutched and pawed at her, his heavy breaths filled the air, and the heat of his manhood permeated her to the core. Grabbing ‘hold of her dock, with a firm and tender grip, she squealed with delight. The Princess’ joyous sound was the sweetest of symphonies, causing Anon’s motions to quicken. With gradually increasing speed and force, he succumbed to his baser urges. Pulling her tail, giving himself slightly more leverage, he plowed her like a field in spring. He’d dreamt of sharing another erotic evening with her, though he’d had no way of knowing it would be as perfect as it was. Surrendering herself to the moment, she threw herself back to meet him. Much like her paramour, she’d gotten herself off to thoughts of their previous exchange. Arching her back, meeting every ounce of his zeal with her own fervor, their bodies continually slammed together. Working in unison, each fought to push the other to the limit. Save for the soft sounds of flesh upon flesh, as well as the occasional lustful groan or murmur, the air was still and silent. In the cool twilight of the dimly lit room, the two consummated their feelings. Enthusiastic though they were, there was a distinct fondness to their motions - not as purely some bestial need, but as lovers. Despite his resolve, hoping that their time would be infinite, Anon’s motions grew frantic. Unable to control himself, railing against his body’s dogged need for release, he grit his teeth. He desperately wished for nothing more than to have her peak with him but, alas, his fortitude was found lacking. Screwing his eyes shut, fighting haplessly against the oncoming tide, it was a losing battle. “I...Inside!” Celestia bleated, teetering on the brink. Anon acquiesced, having received her blessing. His hips became a blur, as he frenziedly pulled out all the stops. If he was going to yield to her, he was going to spare no effort at her expense. Tightening his grip, fiercely pulling her to himself, he unleashed everything that he had before ultimately burying his length as deeply as possible. The relentless assault had astonished Celestia, but the sublime heat which surged into her depths was her undoing. Throwing her head back, howling like the claimed mare that she was, she was cast into a maelstrom of ecstasy. Brilliant light overtook her, her marehood spasmed and gushed nectar over her mate, and the gates of heaven opened. In unbridled bliss, she flung herself backwards and upended the man. Crashing atop him, in a seated position, her enthusiasm ended up getting the better of her. Struggling to right herself, her limbs failed to comply. Fortunately, as awkward as it was, her paramour didn’t seem too bothered. Weakly snickering beneath her, he patted her flank. “I...I’m so sorry,” she croaked, her cheeks going a bright crimson. “You’re not hurt are you?” As cumbersome as she was, Anon had survived the unanticipated weight. Mercifully, her mattress was inordinately soft and forgiving, causing the soft material to absorb most of her heft. Chuckling, trying not to burst into laughter, he smiled up at her. Though it had been an abrupt and comedic end to their passionate act, he was left far from displeased. With a titanic exertion of strength, mortified that she’d nearly crushed the man, Celestia heaved herself up onto unsteady legs. “I swear, that’s never happened before…” she muttered, unable to meet his gaze. “I bet - Cough - you tell that to all the stallions,” Anon teased, falteringly pushing himself into a seated position. Sweat-streaked and disheveled, the pair shared a moment of silence. What had started as an impassioned evening of confession, leading to an amorous juncture, had resulted in an ill fated and droll finale - at least, that’s what Anon had assumed. As the Princess dismounted from the bed, shakily trotting towards her bathroom, he found himself surrounded by the aura of sorcery. “What are…” he hesitated, as she peered back at him. “I simply will not forego spooning with my lover, Anon, but we’re both in need of a shower,” she clucked, hovering him into the lavatory beside herself. Smiling smugly to himself, he stroked her shoulder. Passing by a frosted window, seeing the radiant light pouring into the room, he cocked his head. Even in his post coitus haze, he realized something was amiss. It was only as he saw the blazing sphere through the cloudy pane of glass did he comprehend what must have transpired. “Sun! Sun!” he dumbly repeated, vigorously patting her side and pointing towards the window. “Su…” Celestia drew silent, suddenly understanding what he’d meant. Immediately releasing the man, leaving him to fall to the floor with a dull thud, her eyes went wide. Shunting her ability to set the sun, she sought to undo what she’d inadvertently done. Only once had she spontaneously moved the star in such a fashion, but that had been when she was a lustful youth. “I’m guessing that wasn’t supposed to happen…” Anon grunted, standing and rubbing his behind. “Luna is going to kill me,” she grunted, speedily amending her climactic mishap. Setting the shower to warm, he stepped to her side and wrapped an arm around her neck. “Don’t worry, we’ll think of something to tell her…”