> Daring Do and Her First Adventure > by LilSlipsy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - Sticky Situation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stone. Daring Do could feel it below her. She was lying on it. And as she opened her eyes, she noticed the entire room was made from the same green tinted stone she laid on. With a deep breath, she started to wake up fully, sitting on her haunches as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and actually had a good look around. The stone walls weren’t that of a natural cave, but instead made from cut blocks, some even with small engravings: pictures of ponies, trees, and various other glyphs. Daring didn’t remember this place. Why was she down here exactly? The last thing she remembered was being beside a small campfire with her parents as they made their evening meal, after a day spent exploring some jungle-covered ruins on the outskirts of a village. She wasn’t sure if she dozed off, or maybe fell down a tunnel and hit her head. Nothing was particularly sore or hurting, save for the discomfort of sleeping on a stone floor for who knew how long. With a small stretch she stood and noticed that there was a hallway behind her. Where it led was anyone’s guess, but it looked like the only way out. “Mom? Dad?” she called out down the hallway, but only heard her own voice faintly echo back. A small shiver ran down her spine. Was she alone? A filly separated from her parents to face this place by herself? She took a step forward and felt her heart beat faster. It wasn’t out of fear, or at least not entirely. The tingle of adrenaline coursing through her almost felt freeing, energizing...exciting! This was her first time out on her own. She smirked. She’d take this place on and show her parents just what she could do, and maybe even leave with a few artefacts too! The look on their faces when she solves some previously unsolvable mystery would be too much. She almost wanted to dash away, but there was one thing missing. “Oh, there you are!” she said as she saw her pith helmet lying on the ground and promptly placed it on top of her head. It wasn’t as big as her dad’s, but it was hers; something she got from him before she could even remember. It wasn’t something she was going to lose so easily. She headed off through the stone entrance and down the hallway, glancing at the surrounding architecture for any clues. Some large tribe or civilization could have built these, but she wasn’t able to recall exactly who it could have been. It did seem more like a temple, some catacombs, or even a dungeon of some sort; but it was nothing like the dilapidated ruins she and her parents often explored together. Either way, she felt it in her gut that she was far underground and needed to find a way out. That feeling lit a fire inside her as her trot turned into a run. It was a straight shot down the hallway until she reached the end. But it didn’t slow her down; there was a ledge right above her. She jumped as high as she could and landed right on top of it. It looked like the hallway kept going from here, so she continued on, right up to the next ledge at the end. She hopped up, but there was no hallway to continue, only a wall. However, with the ceiling extending up much higher than normal, she spotted another ledge that she could jump to.  With a small running start she vaulted over and landed on her hooves. This ledge was another dead end, and looking up, it seemed like there were a few more jumps needed to be made. After bouncing back and forth all the way up until she was nearing the top, there was an actual hallway to go down now! Running felt a lot better than jumping, but neither was particularly hard; at least she wasn’t carrying a full rucksack with all of her supplies. She was barely even breaking a sweat. “Her first adventure,” Daring started to narrate out loud. “Daring goes through the abandoned temple, far from safety, with enemies all around.” After a little bit of running and a few more ledges to jump up and down to, she eventually slowed down to a brisk trot. The adrenaline of exploration was still there, but it had simmered down for now. Up ahead the hallway led to another more spacious room. It was nice seeing the walls spread further apart, and everything else looked much less cramped. One thing did catch her eye: the centerpiece of the room. It was a large crystal-like rock, blue and almost as big as her head. It was embedded into a stone pedestal, securely held up for anypony to see – at least the very few who came down these tunnels. “O-oh! Treasure!” she called out before looking around and softly sneaking towards it. “And there it was: an artefact from the inhabitants from long ago. Who knows how much it’d sell for, or what museum would be trying to get this prize. But Daring knew she had to get it to safety from the bad treasure hunters.” She licked her lips at the idea of grabbing it as a bounty, but she quickly frowned as she moved closer. There was no way to take it, not without tools or even a pick. Though, even if she couldn’t take it yet, she could still admire it. She walked closer and cautiously placed her hoof on it. Without warning the dark crystal lit up with a bright blue hue, and she could feel a magical energy emanating from it; enough that it tingled her fur from being so close. Darling slowly pulled her hoof away, looking around the room for another clue on what to do. This gem could have opened up a secret passageway somewhere that led right to the surface, but unfortunately, there was nothing besides the same green-tinted stone that filled this room. “Hmm…” she mumbled out loud to herself. What was this for exactly? She looked over the pedestal but could find any engravings; the walls were covered in them, but a simple instruction manual must have been too much to ask on the one important thing in the room… or even the most important thing in this entire temple so far. That would have made her life a whole lot easier, but she could always study it the old-fashioned way. Alas, as much as she wanted to study it for hours, she really needed to get out of this place first; especially since she didn’t come prepared for an extended stay at all, lacking both food and water. A day down here wouldn’t be too bad; it wouldn’t be fun, but she would survive. Although… She patted herself down, feeling along her jacket until she felt a lump in one of the inside pockets. “Ah-ha!” She fished it out and smiled, at least she had a power bar for emergencies; labeled peanut butter crunch. It would be enough to keep her spirits high and fight off hunger if she was down here for long enough. Her tummy did feel a little empty, but she’d save it for later when it was actually needed.     The platforms were starting to get a lot tougher the further along she went. A few of them she had to jump up extra high or as far as she could just to be able to barely make it over. Even a few times she missed and had to try all over again. Luckily, she did have her wings to rely on during those particularly close calls; gliding down instead of a hard landing on the stone. It would have been easier if she could have just flown up like her Mom. Daring still hadn’t mastered the fine skill of getting off the ground – at least by wings – but was quite adept at avoiding a crash landing… mostly from the several times she crashed rather than landed. With one more jump she managed to get to the top of this ledge, and into another section of this place. Opening up into a cavernous room almost made her jaw drop. She saw similar places, but this was the first time she was exploring it on her own. Who knows how long it had been since somepony had gazed upon this place. The sound of rushing water came from the side with waterfalls in the distance, pouring down into the misty depths below. The green-tinted stone on the walls also had earthy browns mixed in, mostly from where bricks had fallen off from the water wearing through the joints. If she didn’t already have a sneaking suspicion that she was underground, this was more than confirming it. Just where and how far now was the issue. Though, another question entered her mind quick enough: the lighting. This entire place was lit up as if the sun itself was able to shine down here. Even the previous hallways were clearly lit up when they should have been pitch black. No answers came to her, but with that magical pedestal existing in this place, anything could have been possible if the builders wanted it to be. Magic was always strange, and this place seemed to match that strangeness quite well. However, before she started to jump over the perilous drop and onto the next platform, she spotted a blue creature on the other side. It looked like a gooey ball no bigger than a basketball. It hopped around, back and forth from the edge on this side to the wall on the other end of the ledge. Daring watched it from the other side, waiting and contemplating before moving forward. This was the way she had to go, and the creature didn’t look particularly dangerous. Though, she probably wasn’t going to be asking it for directions… but who knew? “Hello?” she asked after landing on the other side. The blue slime didn’t even seem to notice her. It was still just bouncing away until it hit the wall on the other end of this ledge. She’d have to jump up high to get over the wall and continue on, but the slimy creature didn’t even bother. Once it hit the end it turned around and immediately stopped bouncing. “H-hel-“ A blue ball rocketed out from the creature. She didn’t even have time to react before it hit her square in the chest. The impact knocked the wind right from her and with it came a sudden shock; like an electric wave of heat that blasted through her all at once. It instantly traveled from her chest and through the rest of her body, but along the base of her tail was where it all seemed to concentrate and heat up. The whole thing felt weird, but what felt weirder was that she couldn’t feel the ground under her hooves. In fact, it wasn’t. She sailed in the air and crashed down close enough to the edge that she could feel her hindlegs slip and dangle down. She lunged forward on instinct, desperate not to fall into the misty unknown below and potentially get hurt or worse if she wasn’t able to glide down gracefully. “Wai-“ she tried yelling out before another glob hit her right on the flank, sending her popping up and crashing down again. The same heat flowed through her on impact, like she just popped a balloon filled with sparking fire. She didn’t know how much more of this she could take, but she was sure it wasn’t a lot more. On instinct, she ran forward with all the effort she had. Another blue glob was shot her way but she jumped right over it, landing right in front of the creature and swinging hard at it. She could feel the warm gooey liquid for just a moment before the creature immediately fell apart. Pieces of it fell to the ground and seeped right into the stone like it was part ghost. Within moments it looked like the creature hadn’t even existed in the first place. It was simply gone. With an exhausted sigh she sat down to collect herself for just a moment, noticing the thumping in her chest from the rapid beating of her heart. She took a few deep breaths to try and calm down. Who knew a ball of slime would be so challenging, and those projectiles weren’t fun to get hit with either. They didn’t hurt per se, but she imagined it was similar to getting hit with a lightning bolt that was on fire. Needless to say, she didn’t want to get hit with those again, especially if she wanted to make it out of here. With one last deep breath, she pushed off the ground confidently and jumped up and over the wall onto the next ledge above. From up top, she could see a bit more of the route she had to go along in this strange maze. She was heading down for a few jumps, and then right back up. However, the route wasn’t clear; gooey blue balls were bouncing along a few of those ledges. With nowhere else to go, she headed off, jumping over and swiping at any of those creatures in her way.     She was glad she was a pegasus. Doing this without her wings would have been unimaginable. The further along she went, the harder these jumps were getting. Some of them she couldn’t even jump to the top or get all the way across with just her legs; those needed an extra flap of her wings, a small little hop that was more like a mid-air jump; just enough that she could get across to safety. The scenery had also changed. The walls weren’t as enclosed as the hallways, but it wasn’t like the cavernous room she managed to get through either. Also, the engravings on the walls had changed as well: filled with pots, tools, and even some ancient looking tribal masks. It was hard to tell what those meant exactly, she probably would have had the same amount of reasoning behind the meaning from someone going to a library, haphazardly picking out some random ancient-looking symbols from one of the books, and showing them to her to decipher. Ancient writings aside, she looked over the edge of one of these ledges and noticed that the same treacherous drops were still there. Instead of mist and mystery however, the long walls headed down all the way into what looked like pools of soft-pink water. Though, it didn’t really look like water, nor was it motionless. Large bubbles popped from the pool like it was made of pink magma, and its entire surface seemed to unnaturally ripple, like a gentle wind was blowing over its surface even if it was quite still in here. Oddly enough, right after this jump there was another one of those rooms, and another pedestal inside; the large blue gem unlit and embedded on the top of the pedestal. With another hop she made it over safely and curiously went to touch the gem with her hoof. Immediately, it lit up with its brilliant blue colour and she felt the magical aura from it coming to life. But this time its magical energy flowed right into her core and she felt oddly refreshed; like she had just had a nice break and was ready to get back into the action. That was… weird. Maybe these were the key to getting out of here? Turn on enough of these and maybe a door opens up straight to the surface? It seemed as likely as anything else she could think of. But, maybe if she had a better look, she might find something else. Should she wait around for a while and inspect it? It could have had something that she just wasn’t seeing. Her stomach growled and she felt the discomfort of hunger upon her. Maybe she could spare a few minutes to have a look… and break out today’s meal while she did so.     It had been pretty fruitless inspecting the rest of that pedestal, but food wasn’t the focus right now; that power bar should keep her going for a long while and the taste of peanut butter still had her licking her lips. Still, she hoped to have cracked this puzzle instead of continuing along her path in defeat. Maybe the clues to this unsolved mystery were waiting somewhere through these never-ending tunnels. At least that’s what she told herself. The way ahead seemed pretty straight forward, jumping and smacking as needed. It was almost perfect, until a slimy bolt hit her in the back of the head. Another of those blue slimes, but this one was in a hidden alcove behind her and got her by surprise. The creature didn’t last long as Daring stormed after it, smacked it, and triumphantly proceeded on her way. Dropping down from a ledge she spotted yet another slime. Though, this one was purple and rolled along the ground until it noticed her. As soon as she heard the familiar sound of slime getting launched she jumped, but a second sound came after it. She was already falling and knew she made a mistake. She tried to pull up but it caught her right on the tip of her hoof before she touched down. It sent her sliding back along the ground, but she was already trying to run at the creature before she even stopped skidding. Her eyes were blurring a little and her limbs felt weak again, but that didn’t stop her legs; it was almost like running on autopilot, knowing the only way to stop it was to get up close. She took the chance and swung at it, hoping that another shot didn't come rocketing out and hitting her point-blank. Her hoof connected, but instead of bursting through, a hissing noise came out from it and the impact rippled across its body. She froze and stared at it wide-eyed. The sound of a wet shot came out, but she flicked her other hoof up and felt it connect right in the middle of the creature before the hot electric feeling blasted through her and sent her skidding back. Like the blue slimes before, this one shredded apart and fell to the floor, pieces slowly seeping into the stone. That was close. She stood there panting out, surprised she didn’t fall down right here or even had any energy to keep going. How much more of this was she able to take? It felt like she was at her end and dealing with more than she could handle, but it wasn’t like she had much of a choice right now. She had to press on.       Was it too much to wish that these purple slimes didn’t exist? The blue ones were fine, but these purple ones were starting to become a pain. It was moderately easy enough to jump up a little bit higher each time they shot to avoid both slimy bullets, and luckily they didn’t seem to shoot up for whatever reason. Though, they were shooting a lot farther, across the large gaps between ledges before she even had the time to jump across. More than once she had to rush back, up onto a previous ledge for safety, waiting for an opportunity to get across. She had to time everything almost perfectly every time she crossed. But, by whatever luck was guiding her through this, she still managed to dodge, jump and double-smack her way through. Who knew how much longer this place was, but she felt like she was getting close; hopefully nearing one of those gems, lighting it up and being that much close to being free. What would she tell Mom and Dad about this place when she got back up? Would they go back down here to get at the real treasure that she most likely missed? Would they- She felt another blob hit the end of her hoof just before she landed and instead got launched back. Though, this one took it out of her. She felt like all her energy just got drained out upon impact, to the point that her wings didn’t even work. The edges of her vision blurred as she felt gravity taking hold, sending her down the pits to a pink pool down below. She landed right on her back as she smacked into the pink pool. It sounded like a hard landing, but she didn’t feel any sort of pain. In fact the pool underneath her sunk down before springing back out like a trampoline. Though, she didn’t go flying, it held onto her tight, almost like some kind of sticky goo. Actually, the more she noticed, it was goo. Daring felt herself starting to sink in as the pool moved around her, it held on tight to her wings and tail, and started to travel up. She didn’t know what to expect, it was warm, but wasn’t like the bubbling pink magma she pictured from earlier. And, she wasn’t exactly sinking. The pink slime seemed to be coming to her. It slowly crawled up along her rump, right where her cutie mark would have been, and it pressed right into the base of her tail before spreading out along her back and starting to reach out between her legs. She could feel it moving up all over, on her back, but oddly enough, there was one place that she noticed the most: on her rear. Instead of the warm goo just covering her it seemed to be doing more than moving, like it was taking a tiny gooey finger and pressing it right up against her butthole. It felt… strange… like she was sitting on a particularly pokey chair, even if she was lying down. It felt odd enough that she tried to wiggle away. Surprisingly, it felt like some energy had returned to her, not enough to fight or break free, but at least enough to be awake, and more than enough to be alert and aware; particularly of the gooey movements down below. She spread her legs a little and looked down as she felt the warmth going up between her thighs. It flowed over her fillyhood and all the way up until it reached her teats. The heat felt almost like a bath, but different in its own exotic way. She never expected to take a swim in this stuff, and she certainly never imagined it would feel so… tingly? Daring bit her lip a little as she stared. Why did it feel like the slime was focusing on this area specifically? The goo on her back and wings felt more like it was just holding on, keeping her in place. While the goo on her privates felt more like they were gripping on, and even pressing in against her. It was almost like a bunch of tiny hooves massaging her down there. It felt like such a weird thing to even think about, but the idea of having a bunch of ponies feeling down there didn’t even make sense. Why would they need to do something like that? “Ahh!” Daring squeaked out in surprise as the goo grabbed onto her fillyhood, squeezing tightly before slowly loosening up. The entire thing sent a sudden shock down her spine, but this wasn’t the same kind of shock from those slime balls up above, this felt more natural and like it came from her. Reflexively she tried shutting her legs but more of the slime flowed up around her mound, covering it and stopping her legs from moving in at all. She reached down to swat at the goo covering her. A wet slap rang out, but as she tried pulling her hoof back she realized she couldn’t. The slime held on fast, and as much as she pulled, her hoof didn’t move in the slightest. Well… not entirely. The slime started to move her hooves down along her belly, past her sides and went even further behind till she was almost touching her spread out wings. She went wide-eyed at a sudden realization: whatever this pool was doing wasn’t as a strange, unthinking pool of water; whatever it was doing was on purpose! She squeaked out again as it quickly squeezed her down below. “W-what are you doing?” she asked but didn’t get any response. It was focused on her for a reason, and like the glyphs on the walls up above, she couldn’t figure out why. Though, just because she didn’t know, didn’t mean the creature was going to stop. In fact, she felt that one gooey finger turn into several, pressing in at various spots down below. The weird massaging mixed in with this exploration made it feel even tinglier down there; like it was tickling her in a way she had never felt before – certainly not like how her parents tickled when they were play fighting. Her hips gently started to roll at the sudden feelings and her belly shivered a bit when it got too much. She watched helplessly as it continued to do whatever it was trying to do. But the more that she watched, the more she could see her own fillyhood start to change ever so slightly. Her lower lips looked a little puffier than normal and she could feel her heartbeat thudding between her legs. Those lips spread apart like two petals on a flower, and she could feel the goo gently pulling on her entire mound, enough so that it could fit into any crevice and crack hidden there. Suddenly her eyes widened as the goo pressed against the top of her fillyhood, it felt like it found something down there, pressed in with goo and was massaging it from all sides. What it was she didn’t know, but her back arched and instinctually her hips bucked right into the creature. “A-ahh! “ Daring half shouted and half moaned out. It wasn’t stopping yet. The gooey fingers down below seemed much more focused as they spread her. She felt it in her fillyhood first, a strange sensation of warmth flowing into her lower belly and she could even see the pink of her entrance starting to spread open. How an ancient pool of pink goo knew it could go in there was baffling. She didn’t know she could even do that! But she was sure learning. The next poke happened in her rear as that gooey finger pressed into her backdoor. At least this sensation she vaguely recognized, if not completely backwards and filled with these strange tingles. She could feel the warmth in her body grow and feel her walls getting stretched from all angles for the first time; it was like she was being blown up like a balloon. She wiggled uncomfortably as it kept going. Her breaths were short as she panted out from these surprising sensations. It felt like she wanted to squeeze her legs in tight, yet also spread them for some extra room, but the goo held her tight and she couldn’t move anywhere, only take what it was giving her. She was pressed out to the max, even her belly had a noticeable bulge down below. Thankfully the pressure slowed, but something else entirely started. Daring rolled her head from side to side, and couldn’t stop wriggling. The slime inside her felt like it was massaging every part of her down there; from the walls of her two holes, to every bump and crevice that didn’t even know existed, but could certainly feel right now. She couldn’t even think of a question, the tingling and heat was building inside her and it was all she could focus on. Her tunnels squeezed against the overwhelming fullness, but did little to counter the goo pressing in. Her hips bucked hard as it caressed every part of her, squeezing in all the right places, until she couldn’t hold on any longer. Her eyes opened wide as she stared up at the ceiling, open mouthed in a silent, screaming moan that caught in her throat. Somehow the slime between her legs felt even wetter as ripples of sensation pulsed through her core. The goo didn’t slow down in the slightest, keeping her at that pleasureful high for who knows how long, seconds feeling like hours, her belly tightening up and relaxing in wave after wave. It was enough that her vision blurred, almost feeling like her soul was leaving her body at that very moment. She gasped out for air as she felt herself coming off that peak, still squirming from the creature continuing to move at its feverous pace. With what remained of her thoughts, there was only one thing that she could think of, one thing that she knew for certain: that was the most intense thing she had ever felt. > Chapter 2 - Return > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her hoof was pressed against the bright blue gem. She stood there, blinking at the pedestal for the longest time before slowly glancing around the room. Wait… how did she get here? She looked down at her own body like she was seeing a ghost. Everything looked real. She looked real. This room looked real, and her world wasn’t pink slime any more. She could move freely and her rear wasn’t filled, stretched, and squirming from the overwhelming sensations. She thought standing here was a dream, but maybe the entire slimy event was instead. She clutched a hoof to her chest just to make sure she was actually here, and felt something odd: a lump in her jacket pocket. It was the power bar from earlier, still fully intact and uneaten. “What…?” Her tummy growled at her and the twinge of hunger hit her fully. Her head tilted at the noise… she was hungry... but she had already eaten, back when she was in this room and after she touched the gem. “Oh… oh!” She eyed the pedestal curiously, looking at it like she was just seeing it for the first time. Maybe this wasn’t the key to the exit she had been looking for, but it was a powerful tool in exploring this place. Though, she still needed to eat… again. Like the weirdest case of déjà vu, she pulled the power bar from her jacket and started to munch down on it as she headed through the hallway. If this really was the same spot as last time, there weren’t any of those slimes for a little ways. After a few hops up onto the ledges, this route only confirmed that she was back where she began. Though, when she got to a large gap, she couldn’t help but eye the pink pool of slime down below as she nibbled on the last of her meal. If that gem did what she thought it did, falling into that pit didn’t seem as permanent of a sentence as she feared. If she fell down again, instead of being trapped in a pink prison, was she just going to appear back at that gem? Well… after it… does those things to her. She shifted her hindlegs a little and swished her tail. There wasn’t any soreness back there… but… did that get all reset too? Almost hesitantly, she sat down on her haunches and looked down at that tiny mound between her legs before touching those darkened lips with the tip of her hoof. Her belly twitched immediately, almost like she accidently tickled herself. It felt kind of squishy as she poked at one of her nether lips. This wasn’t a place she had really explored – there really wasn’t a reason why she needed to – but… that slime seemed to know exactly what it was… and what her butt was too. Her hoof trailed all the way down her slit until it touched her tailhole. She poked at that for a moment, but decided to go back up to her fillyhood: honestly, her mound did feel kind of better in some weird way. It was like she was exploring an entire new world on herself for the first time; sure she touched a hoof down here while washing up or something… but she never really looked, never lingered. She spread open one of the sides of her lips, revealing the pink underneath… didn’t that slime fit in – she maneuvered the tip of her hoof around – here! Her eyes opened a little wider, feeling that strange kind of tingle the more that she felt around in there. Though, she pulled it back when she felt a bit of dampness on her hoof. Was there still slime in there, or was that from her? She brought it closer to her face to inspect it, but the clear liquid didn’t have any hints of pink. Maybe it did come from her… like a tiny mouth between her legs that drooled when something was inside it. Suddenly her head popped up, like she was extremely aware of what she was doing. She looked back, almost afraid that somepony was watching, but no pony was there. This place was still as empty as ever and she was still alone. She wiped her hoof on her fur and stood up; as much fun as it was exploring herself, she probably could do that after she got out of this place. She got to her hooves and took a few steps back, wanting to get a running start across the gap and over the pink pool below. But as she leaned forward, her legs didn’t want to move towards that edge. They felt like lead. What if she fell again? Stuck in that slime and forced to endure… Daring shook her head and took in a deep breath. There was no use being scared now. She has already made it over to several other ledges no problem, and in fact had crossed this one earlier no problem! But a tightness was in her gut; the same kind she felt when she was up high and first learning how to use her wings, or when she took a tumble off a waterfall with her parents. But she always turned out fine. Those perils she’d always bounced back from, and this was no different. With furrowed brows she willed her legs to move, to run, to jump. She cleared the gap and landed on the other side, further than she expected even. A smirk lit up her face as she stopped and looked back. She could do this.     “Ow!” she growled after getting hit with another one of those globs. It was the furthest she had gotten so far, but the platforms were getting smaller, the slimes were getting more numerous, and her chances were running out. It felt like she was running on instinct, starting to not even think, just jumping when she heard those shots. Her heart pounded as another double shot of slime balls came her way. The one in front of her would have been easy to deal with, but the one on the higher ledge shooting at her as well meant she’d have to dodge in the air too. Another jump straight up wasn’t as high as she wanted, but still she managed to narrowly avoid shots whipping under her. She really didn’t want to get hit, she had already been tagged three times and this last one was going to bring her down for sure. Another shot had her jumping back, missing her chance to get a good strike on the purple slime.  The edge was coming up fast behind her and she couldn’t stop. Instead she went with the momentum as she fell, pressing her hooves in and jumping for the safety of the other side. The ground shots sailed under her, but while she was on the apex of her jump, she felt the other slime’s shots on the back of her neck. The warm zap shot right through her and again it felt like all her energy was sucked out in an instant. She lost all forward momentum and felt herself popping up higher upon impact, right until gravity kicked in once more, sending her plummeting down to the pink below.     She stared at the blue gem again, but instead of looking at it for some kind of clue she was glaring at it with a scrunched up muzzle. She was back in this room again; another loss. At least she had some idea of what to expect as she fell, but… that whole ordeal wasn’t something she was going to get used to any time soon. The slime had done pretty much exactly the same thing, covering her down there and making her get all tight and weird inside till she reached that pleasure-filled peak. She couldn’t help but squirm even more at its touch, knowing where it was headed with those subtle pokes and anticipating the feelings to come. But even though she had a vivid memory of that first time, and it did repeat the same basic motions, it still felt like a surprise each time it touched her. Almost like a rollercoaster where she could see the loop-de-loops, and already had been on the ride before, but each time the excitement and adrenaline was still there as if it was her first time getting on. The creature didn’t stop till she could feel those shivers down below, her belly tighten, and something spraying out. Her belly growled. And then she was back here. With a huff she reached in her pocket and yanked the power bar out from her jacket. When she had a ration, she didn’t expect to be eating it three times. It was almost starting to become a chore at this point, if only there was a way… “Hmm…” she mumbled out loud as she scarfed the last bits of that bar down and swallowed. She brushed the crumbs off her hoof before she reached up, touching the gem once more. The magical aura filled the room once more and she could feel it tingling against her fur like before. Did it do its thing? Was this the point she would come back at now? At least she wouldn’t have to eat that bar again; one meal was enough. Although… hopefully she wouldn’t have to find out. Which she wasn’t going to do! This was what? The third time going up there? She was not going to get slimed again.     The first gooey pit she had cleared easily. That hesitation in her legs beaten back down till it wasn’t even noticeable anymore. She had to get out of here and fear wasn’t going to help. It would take a brave filly to get out; one that Mom and Dad would be proud of. She knew where the first slimes were; they didn’t stand a chance. A quick smack or two and each of them were gone, some even before they were able to turn around. After doing this for the third time she was starting to know the first part quite well. She had gotten hit around here before by surprise, but now she knew when to jump, when to wait, and when to dive in and quickly strike. Some of them she even jumped right past; it was quicker to just jump up to the next ledge sometimes. It was weird. She wasn’t having this much of a problem with some of these levels now; she’d already been hit twice by now. Honestly, this was a breeze. “Ow!” she yelped out, more in surprise than from any kind of pain. The first gooey ball hit her point blank in the legs as she swung. She connected but the impact shot her into the air and luckily over the second shot. She flew at the purple slime, kicking it once more as she landed.  The gooey creature fell apart and its pieces soaked into the ground as she shook her head. That was dumb! This part wasn’t even that hard and she passed it without even getting hit last time! She rubbed the spot on her hooves where it hit. It wasn’t sore, but, well… maybe her ego was. Each time those goo balls hit, they quickly zapped through her with that warm heat. But she could feel it subtly focus on the base of her tail each time… and… it kind of tickled her a little lower too. It was the first time she really stopped to notice it, but she swore that feeling lingered down there a little longer than on the rest of her body. Her tail swished around as she stood there, shifting her hips a little as she focused on that area. This place was weird, but… if the pink slime pools were so interested in that spot… maybe other things in this place were too. She sighed again and glanced further down the path. She felt a little bit weaker from that first shot, but she’d have to keep going... and try not to get hit another three times. Hopping over to the next ledge she carried on. The tricky parts were a little bit easier now on the second try, and she could see where she got brought down last. She jumped over when the slimes were rolling away, kept running and leapt over one slime. A few globs came shooting out as the one on the top ledge turned and finally noticed her. She sprang up and soared down towards it, smacking it once before hopping up again. Two more shots came from it. Her hoof came back down upon the creature, ending yet another one. “Heh, that’s what you get!” She smirked at where it once was and felt on top of the world. And besides being trapped underground, she kind of was. She could see the rest of the way down, like a disjointed and separated set of stairs. Mostly purples and even a few blues were there and… her eyes went wide and her smile went almost from ear to ear. “Yes!” At the end she could make out another room and the shape of one of those pedestals with a dark blue gem right on the top of it. “Daring was halfway to safety, and with her smarts and speed, she’d get there in no time!” she cheered. The rest of the way looked easy enough, barely a challenge to what she faced before; the blues mixed in made it that much simpler. She might have even been able to fly down to the doorway and skip this entire section entirely if she was better with her wings, but she wasn’t, so she trotted ahead, jumping down each ledge, across the gaps and hit any of those dumb slimes in her way. She could see it. If it was her reset point she’d never have to do this again! Her legs carried her on, picking up speed as she ran, skipping past slimes now as she stared at that gem. She was here; she could practically feel that magical energy on her fur as she ran closer. Just a bit more left to go. She jumped again, using her wings to soar to the other side of a gap… but by the time she was in the middle it looked too far. Her eyes widened as the gem disappeared from view, replaced by the side of the wall. She beat her wings as hard as she could, popping up in the air and catching one last peek of that gem until it was gone forever, or – she looked back down at the pink pool – at least until she got back here again. At least she could still glide. She banked to the side, heading down in a slow spiral that just prolonged her inevitable pink fate. This was a tight space to fly in, but she could at least manage not crashing into the walls constantly. “And Daring messed up like a dumb dumb… into the dumb pink slime… gahhh!” she let out in frustration. She should really scribble some of this down if she ever made it out… but maybe not this part. Who would even want to listen to a story about filly getting captured and having her rear played with? Her flanks shivered at the idea and the inevitable outcome she was dropping closer towards. Well… maybe it might be a fun thing to read about again in the future when she was long gone from these butt invaders. If only there was an easy way out she thought as her eyes wandered to the walls. “Hmmm…” she said as she looked at them a bit closer. The sides were pretty much smooth. She might have been able to climb up somehow, but she couldn’t see any hoofholds at all. Instead that slimy pool was getting ever closer. Soon she’d plop down into it, her hooves and wings covered in that warmth, holding her in place as it begin its ministrations on her rear; those rubbing sensations covering her mound, poking around curiously before they found their target, and flowed inside her until she couldn’t take any more. A little twitch on her filly folds brought her back from that vivid thought. She could already feel those tingles and she was only half way down, and… she shifted her hips and felt a bit of dampness seeping from her. Why was this making her wet back there? She bit her lip as she squeezed her thighs together, trying to stop that strange feeling, yet only building it up. The anticipation was starting to get too much; it was almost easier just to fall into these holes while half unconscious rather than slowly dropping, waiting, and thinking about what was going to inevitably happen. “Nngh~” Daring let out involuntarily as she felt something twitch hard on her rear. She glanced back at her rump in surprise. It felt like something just kind of jumped out between her fillyhood, something small but very noticeable. The tingles shot down her spine, flashing out like a flare in the dark. It was almost like that little twitch was calling out to her, asking to be touched. As the slime finally brushed against her hooves, she knew one thing: that twitch was going to get its wish. > Chapter 3 – Piercing Problems > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daring stood there, back at the gem. She wanted to scream, she wanted her heart to be racing, feeling what she was feeling a few seconds ago as that slime made her pop again. But she could barely feel her heart pumping away like normal, and she could taste peanut butter on her lips. She huffed and headed down that hallway towards those cursed pools. At least she was right about touching the gem. All she had to do was get to the next one, touch it and then be done with this part forever! With a firm leap she soared over the first gap, coming down with a loud smack on the stone as she pounded into it with her hooves upon landing. She was so close! Either she went too slow and got shot up, or went too fast and fell down like a dummy. Mom and Dad would have never fallen down one of those. They probably wouldn’t have even gotten smacked by those dumb slimes' balls either! She jumped down to meet the first of the slimes, hopped over their shots and smacked each and every one of them. Now to just do that a bunch more times and she would finally get through. Her pace picked up to a steady trot, hopping up and down ledges as they came. As much as she wanted to do this safely, that would have taken forever and she was pretty sure she knew when she could speed past and where she had to be careful. But she could still feel that pit in her stomach from earlier, from slipping up and having to reset this long path again. It almost made her swear to get better at flying when all this was done, then she’d never be set back on an adventure because of her wings! She buzzed them a little more and still felt the first flap lifting her up and then the awkward attempt at trying for another beat of her wings, but it was no use, it was like she had two left wings. Wing problems aside, she focused on getting past the next section. She’d been through it enough that she dodged some of the easy shots without much difficulty. She was almost at the peak and then it would be downhill from here, but those two slimes – one shooting at her level and the other at the level above – were left in her way. She had to time it just right, hopping across as the slimes rolled away. Leaving the bottom one, she jumped right over it onto the top ledge, but she could already hear those shots. One hit her right in the side as she jumped. Daring huffed as she came down on the creature, smacking it out of existence with two quick hits. Really, she didn’t even need to hit them that hard; they were just falling apart from light touch or two. It certainly didn’t feel like it though, when she first was up against the purple slimes it felt like she was putting all her might into the first strike, and they held. It felt like they were made of solid rubber, but luckily they were a bunch of pushovers up close and practically faded away on the second hit. Again, she could look down and spot that gem. She hopped down each ledge, jumping over with more than enough speed to make it through. This wasn’t the time to fail; the last leg of the journey, and a fairly easy section at that. She jumped, she dodged, she flew, and finally there were no gaps left, no slimes in her way. She was here. Quickly she trotted over to it and threw herself at that gem. Its blue glow lit up brightly and it almost brought a tearful smile to her face. Its magical aura tingled along her fur, but she could feel something else, almost like energy being pushed right into her very being. The weakness after getting hit by the slimes felt like it had suddenly vanished, like she was ready to take on whatever else this place had to offer. Though, she could hear it before she could see it: sharp mechanical sounds coming from where she had to go. Before she could think or dwell on the way forward, her hooves were already moving, carrying her through the doorway and into the unknown ahead. After a few hops, skips, and jumps, the sounds were getting much closer. A set of ledges had her bounding down, practically flying all the way through. But something didn’t feel right. She could feel that strange inkling of danger as she landed on the edge, momentum pushing her forward. Her hooves were already off the ground, but in a sense of panic, her wings flapped with everything they could give. Her belly hit the very edge, hooves sticking over to the unassuming floor below as she wiggled back and pumped her wings to avoid tumbling over. A mechanical click sounded out; quiet enough that she was surprised to even hear it. A large whoosh came next as dozens of blue-tipped spears came shooting out from the ground, their hefty tips nearly grazing her face before she got a grip on the ledge and flung herself back. She grabbed her chest and scampered away. That was close. Too close. Daring took fast, shallow breaths as she calmed down and watched the spears sink into the ground with that mechanical cranking sound coming from underneath. When they were gone, it practically looked like a normal floor, well, except for the dark holes dotting along the entire way; that should have been an obvious give away, but then again, conventional traps weren’t really on her mind. It was mainly the rear invading kind that was stuck in her head. She let out a sigh as she got back to her hooves, watching the spears jut up into the air once more. At least this was something that she understood. It wasn’t the first time she’d been through a spear, arrow, and boulder filled hallway, especially with Mom and Dad bringing her along all the time. Although, they did have them disarmed whenever she was around… but that wasn’t the point. The path ahead went on for quite a ways, far enough that she couldn’t see where to go next; the ceiling had sloped down in the middle, blocking her view. She waited until the tips slipped under the ground before jumping down and sprinting across as fast as she could. There was only a few seconds until they’d shoot back up again, and she couldn’t be here when that happened. She got past the middle and thankfully the end was right there. Only a quick hop up and she’d be safe. But she could feel the time running out, anticipating that mechanical whoosh at any moment. Her hooves pounded the ground, rushing faster right up until she heard a click. Without even thinking, she jumped as fast as she could, beating hard with her wings to get as much distance as possible. The spears shot up fast enough that it grazed her tail as she soared past. She wasn’t getting poked today! Her hooves touched down on the end and she let out a small giggle, conquering yet another foe of this place. But as she looked further along, she could see it wasn’t getting any easier. The spiked areas weren’t as long, but they were a lot more numerous, and some of them were even springing up as soon as the others were going down. She sprinted through, hopping up each ledge before the spikes came jutting out. She didn’t know how Mom and Dad managed stuff like this, but she was starting to figure it out. She’d just have to time everything perfectly and she’d be alright. However, timing might be the issue. In the next section the spears were alternating when they came up. There weren’t as many ledges to jump over, but the longer stretches had many of those alternating groups, some long and some small. The first few groups were easy. When both groups of spears were sunk into the ground she ran and then stopped when she was at a safe section. Then after waiting for the spears in front of her to sink back to the ground she’d run again as far as she could till she got to another momentarily safe spot. These spears weren’t difficult per se, but she had to focus. One misstep, going too far, or not far enough, and… she didn’t even want to think about it. She couldn’t. She wouldn’t. With short bursts of speed she made her way forward one group at a time. A slimy shot rang out. She looked up just in time to see a glob of blue slime shooting her way. “Ah!” she yelped as she reflexively jumped over it, landed, and then lunged forward to avoid the spikes shooting up behind her. When did that get here?! She could see a few others bouncing ahead, but this one was stopped and focused on her now. But as she dodged another slimy blue bullet, she smirked as she saw the spikes come up around the blue creature. Her smile dropped in an instant. The creature seemed completely unfazed, like the spears weren’t even there. “No- Ah!” she yelped and dove forward, narrowly missing the spikes again. “No fair!” She looked up and the path was clear, all the spikes were down and that slime was in her sights. Getting to her hooves she sprinted over to that blue slime before it shot. Her hoof made contact and she felt it fall apart under her strike. The floor clicked underneath and the blue tipped spears came up all around her. She braced for the worst as the pointed ends hit her square in the chest, but instead of ending her adventure, it tossed her high up into the air until she came crashing down to the floor. The now-familiar electrifying warmth radiated through her body in an instant; the same kind of punishing heat that everything else in this place gave her. She shook her head on the floor in disbelief. What? Was she going to get violated by a bunch of spears this time? However, it was better than the alternative- She felt the spikes come up and hit her in the back. “Ow!” she yelped. As she came crashing down the floor this time, she scrambled to her hooves and sprinted to the near-by ledge ahead. She had to get out fast. The motors whirred underneath her and that subtle click could be heard as they armed themselves. Daring jumped up high, using her wings to get that little bit of extra lift to soar all the way over. At least here it was safe. Besides another of those slimes taking a few shots for her to hop over, it was a moment of respite. Right… maybe taking a break in the middle of a spiked floor after getting hit like that was a bad idea.     Daring looked up through a straight shaft upwards. All the way up were small, spear filled alcoves on the side that she’d have to jump back and forth from until she got to the very top. The maze had been long, but hopefully this would be the last obstacle until she got to another reset point… or got out of this place entirely, but that might be a little too much to ask. This vertical route was the first time she saw it, but it wasn’t the first time she had gone through this spear section. Another slime shot, and falling onto the spikes right after, had sent her back to the gem in an instant. Luckily, the way back had been a bit easier now that she knew what to expect, but she still didn’t make it out unscathed, managing to get hit twice on the way here. It wasn’t that bad. At least the floor was cold hard stone instead of that soft squishy goo. Though her butt may thank her for that fact, her bones might have a different opinion; hopefully gravity would send her back to the reset as well. The mechanical thrusts above were constant. The spears on the right side of ledges shot out while the left retracted, but by the time they were in the ground, the other side shot out again. She huffed out and trotted in place; she’d have to be in the air before the other side was even clear, leaving that moment where neither side was safe. “Well… there’s only one way up…” she said as she timed the first jump, landing on the ledge and running right to the wall inside a small alcove. The spikes started to go down… and she had to wait… for the perfect… now! She dashed forward with her running start, leaping as soon as she heard the floor under her click. The spears shot out with that mechanical whoosh but she was already gone. The blue tips on the other side were still going down. She beat her wings to get that little bit extra height, and as she saw them sink completely into the floor, her hooves touched down. Only a few dozen more and she’d be out of here! > Chapter 4 – Agency > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The blue glow covered the room again as she touched the darkened gem and felt its reinvigorating magic surge through her body. Another section conquered entirely… and a whole bunch more fun left in the tunnels ahead. Though, there were no mechanical noises coming from up ahead, but instead something a lot… wetter? As she trotted along, she could finally hear what was making those sounds. Large steel grates were affixed to the ceiling, and from each of them came several long tendrils. They looked almost as big as her hoof in size. Some were curled like a snake waiting to strike, though, if they were straightened, they could have easily touched the floor. They were covered in a sheen of wetness. Thin ropes of liquid hung between several of the tentacles like some kind of lewd holiday decoration. “Heh,” she chuckled to herself as she looked at those tips and guessed what they were going to do if they managed to catch her. Her tail flicked at the thought. If she got stuck in them like she did the goo, they were probably going to go straight to her backside, pressing into those two spots, making her all tingly inside. She could feel it now, feel that strange tickle inside her, and it only grew the more that she thought about it. It made her legs feel warm, and… she shifted her hips a little… feel that strange butteriness between her lower lips. She looked at the creature above and couldn’t help but shift back and forth, thinking about her punishment if she failed this time. At least there wasn’t any goo, but… these were different. New. Even if she had an idea, she wouldn’t know exactly what it would do until it caught her… which it totally wouldn’t! She wouldn’t just fall down and let those things inside her backside like that! She’d… Her rear squeezed and she felt something pop out from the top of her fillyhood. She almost jumped at the feeling, like a sudden shock between her flanks. It was that place the slime had grabbed onto and almost made her gush right away… well it did make her gush… just in what felt like an hour. She looked around the area: besides the out of range tentacles, she was safe here… enough to have a look at least. Sitting down on her haunches she spread her legs a little and looked down. Her hoof drifted there too as she poked at one of the puffy lips, but in an instant her hoof was already covered in… well… her. Her belly tensed again and she felt that twitch down below. She could see a hint of pink escape her folds before getting sucked right back into hiding. She pulled at the top, revealing that smooth pink pearl hidden underneath. It felt kind of weird and it tingled now that it was exposed to the cooler air. “Ngghh~” Daring huffed out as it winked out again. Her hoof naturally pressed right into it, holding it tight before she rubbed at it in a slow circle. “Mmm…” That was kind of nice. Almost like what the slime was doing, but certainly not as intense; her hoof felt like a massage; that goo was on her, in her, and probably doing other things she didn’t even know how to explain. She pressed in extra tight as a swell started to build within. It wasn’t that final big push she felt, but if she kept riding a few of those building waves, she might even get there herself. Instead she finally took in a deep breath and pulled at her lower lips again. It was pink down there. Not the same kind of bright hot-pink as the slime pools, but more of a softer pink with maybe a bit of a gentle red hue mixed in. And that hole… she could see the little tunnel hidden at the bottom. A whole new world was inside her that she just learned about. The tip of her hoof slid in and pressed. “Nnngh~ huh…” the tip spread her open a little bit, but it already felt tight with even that small amount squishing against her entrance. It was weird, but her fillyhood felt like this was the first time it was ever getting touched in such a way. Even after the slimes, every time after she got reset, it was like these were brand new parts she was touching. The hot tingles only buzzed more as she pressed. Her hoof wiggled hard as she dug in, almost like she was trying to scratch an itch that kept building inside her. But that itch wasn’t just on her outer mound, it was inside, just out of reach from her hoof. She looked up at those tentacles… well… she did know how to get that deep itch scratched. She felt that strange tingling in her belly come back with a vengeance as she stood up. At least the reset point was literally less than a minute away… but still… was she actually going to do this? “Aw, horseshoes!” she cursed out. She had already made up her mind. It took a deep breath to get her legs moving forward again, but this time it wasn’t the danger bringing fear into her, it was more like an anxiousness building up the more she thought about what could happen. The winking didn’t help either, making her legs tremble as it kept sending a small shock through her; a surprise she didn’t think she’d get used to. She glanced up at the tendrils before looking ahead, digging in her hooves, and finally launching forward in a sprint. With one quick jump she sailed underneath the danger. A wet slap against the stone sounded out not even a second after. She looked back as the tendrils were curling up again, ready to strike. It wasn’t something she could go through slowly, but if she moved fast enough, she probably could avoid these things altogether. Although… avoiding them wasn’t the plan right now. With another breath she hopped forward and felt the wet ropes hit her in the back of the head. That warm shock was sent through her in an instant as she was sent flying backward, almost crashing onto the ground as she landed. “One…” She jumped at it again and felt it tag her hoof, being just a moment too slow. “Ow… two…” “Ow! Three!” With one last hop she landed right in the middle of the danger zone, directly under the tendrils. “Nggghh,” she groaned out as she braced. This was the last one. The burst of heat hit her all over as the tentacles crashed into her again. Instead of getting sent flying, it was barely a hop. She sank to her haunches as she felt her energy leave her completely. It took all of her effort to even twitch her hoof, but mentally, she felt quite aware compared to the first few times getting knocked down. Instead of cloudiness filling her mind, she could make out details she hadn’t even noticed. Like the faint musky scent in the air, the gentle dripping coming from above, or how the tendrils weren’t curling up anymore; they were coming down to meet her. She could clearly feel the heavy beating in her chest, and was practically the only other sound that was coming from her besides a numbed whimper. She gulped as she felt those butterflies in her stomach flapping about; the anxious excitement tingling all over her body was something she’d never felt before in such a way. This was going to happen. There was no going back now, not even if she wanted to. Any second now, that creature was going to sweep down even further and go inside her filly place. At least she was doing this on her own terms this time. She tried moving her legs to open them a bit wider and entice the creature closer, but they wouldn’t respond, didn’t even budge. Two tendrils soon came flying over, wrapping her forelegs up in their binds and raising them above her head. She was defenceless, immobile, and she could already see more on their way. A sudden twitch between her legs from that dot winking had her entire body shuddering and her legs kicking out reflexively. That got her to move. “Do y-“ she started to say with a little more control in her face before one of the tips snapped over and landed in her mouth. “Hmmm? HMM!” she squeaked as it kept going, spreading her throat open as it slid in. This thing felt warm inside her, and she could feel a wet trickle coming from the tip of the creature. It felt super slippery as it covered her throat on the way down and smeared over her tongue as soon as it pulled back up. “Hrrgggrk~ Arrguk~ Mmmmaagh~” she choked out every time is sank into her, trying to gasp for air in the small window when she could. Why was it going for her throat? It certainly didn’t feel the same as down below… but in an odd way it was making her tingle even more. “Mmmmm,” a muffled moan came from her as she tried sucking on the creature; like a giant straw that was put way too far down. More wet tentacles came over, wrapping along her belly and pulling her off of the ground, closer to the grate above, while more grabbed at her legs, spreading them wider. She felt so exposed and just as trapped as with those pools of goo. She could feel her limbs returning to normal and tried pulling as hard as she could, testing to see if she could even get out at this point. But the tendrils held tight; she wasn’t going anywhere. With heavy breaths through her nose and tail flicking hard, her entire body stiffened up as she felt something touch down below. She could barely look down with this tendril in her throat keeping her head up, but she could see one of the tentacles there, reaching that sacred spot. Daring tensed and squeezed her eyes shut as she felt it rub her fillyhood, maybe getting her ready like the goo had been. But she already felt soaked down there, even before jumping into this. Small trails of her own juices were already covering her mound and starting to run down her thighs. Although, whatever warm liquid the tentacle was spreading did make her feel even slipperier down below. She wanted to reach down and try to touch it, but her arms held fast. The tip flicked again that winking dot down below, rubbed along the sides, and even had its tip pressing right up against that hole into her. She felt it there, ready to slide in, but it seemed to be taking its time. “Pwwweees~” she begged through the muffling tendril and thrust her hips at the tormentor. The tease was almost worse than anything else right now. Did it know that this was what she wanted?  Was it just choosing to make her wait? Daring eyes went wide and she let out a throaty moan as the tip slipped into her, spreading her fillyhood wide for what felt like the very first time. She stretched fast, almost straining to hold the intruder down below. It snaked into her, deeper and deeper until it collided with the end of her tunnel, firm enough that she rocked in the air. The hit knocked the wind from her, but she sucked air right back in as the tendril pulled back. There was hardly any time to think about why it was leaving her, before it pushed right back in, sliding almost all the way down before repeating it all over again. “Mmph~!” she cried out, feeling her walls tense, expand, and then relax as it momentarily pulled back and prepared for another push. Daring had been curious what this would have felt like compared to that goo, but she didn’t expect this at all. The tentacle itself was much firmer, and instead of rippling inside her, vibrating, and giving her those weird inside tickles till she finally gushed, these moved. Their thrusts in and out, sliding along her walls was such a strange sensation, but in some instinct filled part of her mind, felt completely right. Every time it filled her, she tried closing her legs and squealed out; full to empty, empty to full in unrelenting movements. She was almost lost in the feeling until she felt another poke down below, pressing against the spot just below her tail: one more place to fill. Her eyes opened wide as she felt its tip poked in and smear its slippery mixture all over. Right… how silly of her to forget her butt. Her nose scrunched up as its girthy length spread that hole open wide and sunk down further and further. It wasn’t her favourite spot to be speared, but it seemed par for the course in a place like this. But as it started picking up speed, thrusting in tandem with the one in her fillyhood, it was getting her closer to that inevitable gush. Feeling the two thick lengths filling her at the same time, she could feel them pressing up against each other, squeezing the sides of her tunnels together and only adding to the weird feelings. The only thing that was missing was her pink button below being pressed, but even then, she didn’t know how much longer she would last with the creature’s relentless assault on her body. She groaned out hard around the tendril making her throat sore; she could feel that peak coming once again. However, even as those tendrils seemingly moved as fast as they could, it felt like it was meticulously bringing her closer to the finish with calculated steps. It kept her at a pleasureful plateau and slowly kept bringing her up to another level, closer and closer up to those overwhelming sensations, like some erotic staircase in her mind. She bucked, twitched, pulled, wiggled and humped, desperately trying to reach the top. It was so close, she could feel it. But that one last part to go felt like the longest, it felt like it was just holding her there for the longest of times, until with one final step she was on top of the world. It felt like a slow release through her whole body; a wave that flowed over and crashed through her mind. The tentacles sped up even more as soon as she hit the point of no return. Being bombarded from all angles as they ravaged every spot she had. Her eyes opened wide as she looked down below, seeing that length disappear inside her over and over again, seeing her belly tense up, and seeing the tentacles hold her tight as she thrashed about in vain. She screamed. Yelling so hard around the tendril it vibrated all the way up to her ears as everything came crashing through her in one final moment. The tension in her body released itself as she twitched, and an audible splash of her juices came rushing out from down below, shooting over the tendrils and crashing onto the floor. Another spurt, and another came after that. She shuddered hard as the tendrils kept up a moderate pace, keeping that intense moment going for as long as possible. A warm glow was replacing the burning need her loans were screaming for. But as she took in a deep breath when she felt the hard waves of pleasure subside, she blinked, and was on the ground in a room holding her hoof to a blue gem. > Chapter 5 – A Little Blue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daring shuddered as soon as she saw the tentacles again. The thought of being wrapped up, enduring those overwhelming feelings, were enough to make her take pause and stare at it. Imagining being tangled in it again was enough to get her rump tingling once more. She shook her head. No. She had to get out of here and getting distracted like that could make this take forever. Maybe she could come back when she was out of here, show Mom and Dad what she found. Her eyes widened at that thought and her face instantly heated. Did she want them to know? ‘Hey, Mom and Dad, I just had a bunch of things in my rear for the better part of the day today. Want to join?’ she thought and shook her head. There was no way that was going to happen. Maybe if she just said that she was stuck in a big boring hole, that would be a little better. Or if she wrote her own little journal about this she could keep it a secret; just for her to read and no one else. “Ok… focus…” Daring reminded herself as she pressed hard against the ground. Like a spring she jumped to action, leaping past the tendrils and they struck the rock floor as soon as she passed. She didn’t slow as she kept jumping, diving and gliding past each creature and danger before her. However, the further in she got, the more she felt that this section was kind of simple. Almost… easy. Either she was getting used to this place and honing her adventuring skills, or the tentacles weren’t that hard at all. Sure the slime creatures flinging their goo made things a bit more challenging, but as long as she leapt quickly they hadn’t even gotten near her. Although, after one hard experiment wrapped up in tendrils, it wasn’t ideal to get caught again; she’d made it too far by now. Honestly, she felt quite far along, like she’d see another gem at any moment. She hurried along as fast as she dared. Some slimes she just ignored as she hopped over them, tentacles she leapt as fast as she could through the danger area. It was only once that she got hit in the back by those tendrils when a few slimes were making things complicated. It made her heart sink as soon as she felt them on her back, but she jumped and kept jumping to safety right until she saw another room with a dark blue gem inside it. The restorative feeling flowed through her body upon activating the reset point once more. She let out a heavy sigh but quickly it turned to a smirk. She could have beaten that entire section without getting caught once! Good thing she wasn’t getting scored on this because taking that slight lust-filled detour would have been disappointing to see ruin this run. She broke out in a chuckle, shaking her head at the very idea. This was an ancient temple! A serious dungeon! And she was treating it like a competition… that she’d totally win if she tried it again. Another headshake to focus again had her staring at the path ahead. “We can think about this later when we get out of here, Daring!” Her eyes drifted to the side walls as she walked along. Instead of engraving, there were just simple blocks of stone, with small, black patches of moss growing in between some of the seams. It felt odd more than anything else; every section before her had some type engravings, yet none were here. Surely she had to be getting closer to the end anyways. How much longer was there? And who even had the time to build all of this just to do dirty things with a pony? She sighed, but it wasn’t all that bad. Maybe when she was out of here she’d do some of her own self-exploration and see if she could get herself to gush. The thoughts were bringing that warm feeling back to her rear as she trotted along. Oddly enough, this section seemed suspiciously simple. It was enough that she casually went up and down a few of the platforms without much trouble. Also, she could see quite far ahead: it looked like only a few slimes, and then a big pair of wooden and metal doors in the distance. Was that the exit? Was this her freedom and then she’d never see this place again? It was an odd mix of excitement, yet… something melancholic mixed in. She spotted another of the blue slimes on the platform below and paused. After all she had been through it wouldn’t have taken much to jump down and smack it… but… It was the simplest creature here, and well… they probably didn’t catch many ponies. Her belly tensed again as she bit her lip and looked back from where she came. Really, it wasn’t that far from the reset point… again… She shifted her legs as she felt a familiar coolness from the air meet the warm wetness coming from her rump. She was going to be down in these tunnels forever. With another hop she landed on the lower level and watched the creature bounce closer, stop as soon as it spotted her, and hurled glob after glob in her direction. She pinged up and down as each shot hit her in the chest, but it wasn’t until the fourth hit that she crumpled to the ground and waited to be claimed. Her legs managed to lock, leaving her butt in the air while her front half sunk down and her face used the stone floor as a pillow. It was weird waiting like this, hearing the slime’s wet hops as it came closer. It wasn’t as familiar as those pink pools or as intimidating as the tentacles, but she knew that the slime had something in mind… probably... would it pop like a balloon as soon as it bounced over to her? She let out a numbed chuckle and drooled onto the floor. If it exploded before she did, she was going to be sorely disappointed. But she felt her heart start to race as it stopped bouncing. Even if it was one of the smallest things here, it was still almost the size of a basketball. It started to crawl closer in an undulating wave until it hit the very tip of her tail. An almost surprising jolt went through her from the expected touch. Even as she watched and practically knew what to expect, her body still seemed to have a mind of its own; her rear shaking a little and her hindlegs twitching as the warm blob pressed against them. She could see it start to press in closer and slowly rise up her leg. It felt almost like it was gently pulling at each individual strand of fur, while also pressing into her skin and massaging her leg. Reflexively, she wanted to widen her stance a little more, but her legs didn’t budge at all; even the need to flick her tail failed no matter how much her body wanted her to. “Mmm…” she let out in a mumble as the warm touch spread up to her thighs, until its gelatine-like feel covered her fillyhood and pressed in hard against her. “Ahh!” Daring squeaked out as the slime spread and squeezed into her, pushing right into the shallow parts of her filly lips and gripping onto that winking dot. It felt so much like that pink slime pool with its comforting warmth, but it wasn’t able to lock in her entire body in for the ride. The goo flowed down her belly and tightened around her teats, spread along her hips and all over her rump until it tugged around the base of her tail like some kind of liquid underwear. But this kind of underwear was tight, snugging along her body and squeezing in all the right places… and pressing. “O-oh!” she let out as she felt a finger of slippery heat press in between her folds and against the inner parts of her tunnel. And it kept going. What was one finger turned into two, spreading her entrance wider, lighting up with the same pleasureful discomfort from her fillyhood being opened for the very first time… again. The flood of warmth kept pushing in, sinking down to her core, heating her body from within. She could feel her tunnel try to squeeze against it, but the goo just pushed back against her walls and more of it flowed in. “O-oh… ngghh,” she panted out, practically curling her hooves in bliss as the goo massaged every part of her filly bits, inside and out. Her head moved sluggishly as she looked back and her eyes widened. Most of that basketball sized creature was gone, and… she wiggled her rump… by the feel of it, most of it was inside her; more than she would have ever expected now that she was measuring. “Mmmph~ b-buck~” she softly moaned, as its rhythmic pulling, squeezing and rubbing had her tail flicking. Her back arched and hips rolled back and forth, treading a fine line between trying to get more and it feeling too intense. It held every part of her sensitive bits, caressing every part of her from teats to tail. Even her tailhole was getting squeezed, and it tickled the very center, threatening to go in at any time, but not yet doing so. These little goo balls seemed so simple… but, she kind of liked that even more than the other creatures here. The slimes were a lot more gentle and weren’t hungry for her butt like the rest of them; even if this one was certainly teasing it. And even their rubbing was gentler, almost like a bunch of slower tickles inside her; still trying to get her where she wanted to go, but felt like they were taking more of a scenic route instead of an all-out sprint. Would Mom and Dad be ok if they kept one of these as a pet? She never really even considered a dog before, but these were certainly worth the thought. Although, they would have to work on not shooting goo everywhere. Who knew what happened outside of this place if they took four goo blasts to the face. But with the idea of the outside world, there just might be something else she could try. Her hoof felt like it weighed a ton, but she moved it under her belly until she could feel her damp fur. Concentrating on lifting it higher was hard with the pleasure-filled distractions still rippling through her, but with one more push, she felt her hoof brush by her teats and stick to the goo. “Mmmm…” Daring moaned out as she pressed in harder, sliding through until she felt a sudden jolt from the soft underside of her hoof meeting the sensitive skin of that pleasureful dot. It seemed like she had displaced the slime, but it still felt like a thin film was between her hoof, goo still massaging that spot no matter how hard she pressed in. She closed her eyes tight and huffed in hard as she jerked her hoof from side to side. It was a perfect addition, a little bonus to the tickles down her stretched tunnel. Her belly twitched every time her hoof reflexively rubbed, and the feeling along her inner walls had her whole body shuddering. The familiar feeling deep inside her was starting to grow, slowly tightening everything up inside her to its eventual snap. She breathed in deep and methodically, like preparing herself for the last part of this marathon she still needed to go. It wasn’t as overwhelming as the last few traps, but this was getting her there like a casual jog over a hill instead of the full sprint from before. She could think about every part of what was going on. That glowing tingle was starting to rise, surging up past that final point. Her legs squeezed together as everything else tightened up in kind. She pressed her face to the floor as she sucked in one last gulp of air. A new kind of wetness seemed to join the gooey mix as soon as the tension started to release. The blissful peak had her letting out a shaky sigh and her hoof dropped limply to the floor. Her tired eyes stared at the wall as another deep sigh of relief escaped her and a smile grew on her face before she reset to that room, touching the gem. > Chapter 6 – Overwhelming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walls and this darn tunnel again. How many times has she zipped back to a previous spot? How long was she down here? Was it all day? It couldn’t have been that long, yet who knew; time wasn’t really easy to keep track of here. She hurried along and thankfully she spotted the wooden and metal doors up ahead. If anything was pointing her to the exit, it was that. Luckily the path ahead was… actually not that difficult. Sure there were slimes, but there weren’t any holes in the floors, tentacles on the ceilings, or any other kind of erotic traps she could see from here. It stayed in the back of her mind as she ran, but it wasn’t something to worry about unless it came up. Daring paused for just a moment as she saw a blue slime bouncing down below, just loving its life in the monotonous route that it took, hoping back and forth forever. She smiled softly as she hopped down and leapt right over the creature. It would have been easy to stick a hoof down, clipping it on the way past and removing it from existence. But… maybe this time, she could let it continue on with its slimy life… even if she could hear the gooey shots behind her. “Maybe next time,” she said with a smirk as she jumped out of harm’s way and onto another ledge above. Well… depending on what was after the next reset point, she might just have to try that again, but- “Ugh…” Daring said as she shook her head. “We have to get out!” In some weird way, this place was starting to feel like a delicious treat that she couldn’t get enough of. The idea of finding even more things, and even more sensations in here was enough to make her cheeks blush. How many more would she legitimately get caught by? And then how many more would she purposely lose to again? It seemed like it took no time to get to the mysterious doors, and finally she pressed her hoof to it. The doors felt old and heavy, creaking loudly and booming out as they collided against the walls. Inside was a large room, almost as big as some of the ancient cathedrals she had read about. However, it seemed like nature had taken this room and made it into its home again. “The final part of the maze, Daring would beat it easily and get out of here in no time,” she said under her breath as she moved. There were several large stone pillars along the very edges of the room, wrapped in vines and moss all the way up. The high vaulted ceiling was covered in large purple flowers, with pink-spotted petals bigger than several ponies. And the room smelt so sweet, almost like sugar in the air that warmed her ever so slightly. It was enough to make her want to take pause, but she couldn’t stop when she saw a stone staircase on the other side of the room, sharply ascending up into the unknown. It just had to be the next place to go through, but in between her and freedom was a huge dark-green gem, held up high by a plethora of vines. It… was another reset point... already? She started to walk closer and another boom sounded out behind her as the doors slammed shut. Everything seemed to happen so fast as the dull gem came to life, shining a dark-green light that made her shield her eyes. The light seemed to fade, or more accurately, get blocked as thick slime flooded out from the gem, enveloping it in an instant and growing until it poured onto the floor. “Hello?” Daring asked, wondering if it could say anything, but also fearing that it just might. A loud groan came from the creature and green vines snapped out and waved around like cobras waiting to strike. “Uh-oh!” Her eyes widened and legs reflexively kicked out, sending her sliding back and narrowly missing a swipe of tendrils that came down hard onto the stone floor. They quickly slid back up into the air, preparing for their next strike. But the creature’s giant-blob form trembled for a moment before a slimy ball came shooting out, followed by another shot, and another. Daring ran back as the three shots came flying her way. She still had to hop and beat her wings as much as she could to even have a chance at getting over that. Luckily, she landed back on the ground, missing those shots entirely. Whatever she just awakened was bigger than anything else in this entire temple; meaner too! It was like it really wanted to hit her, wanted to take her down with everything that it had. She stared at the vines above, getting ready to dodge another strike, but instead she heard a click behind her and a rhythmic series of mechanical clunks. Spears! They came shooting up from the ground behind her like a wave. She ran right at the approaching danger and jumped when she heard the click below her. The sudden rush of air blew against her fur as those blue tips came close to touching her hooves. She landed on the ground, spinning back and preparing for whatever came next. But there was a small lull, just a few precious moments before it came at her again. Each attack by strike, shot, or spikes, it pushed her back more. But she couldn’t go back! She had to push forward and hit this thing! Taking a chance she ran toward the creature as soon as she avoided the spikes, it was enough to get close, but she saw those vines lashing out again. She lunged forward, missing the strike from above. Immediately she jumped up, anticipating the three shots and watching them fly below… all except. “Ow!” she grumbled as the very last one hit her on the hoof. It sent her up a little bit, but as soon as she touched the ground she had to run closer, flinging her hoof out and connecting with the beast. Its entire form seemed to shudder all at once as soon as she did. Daring was almost going to smirk at that, but she had no time to even think with the wave of spikes fast approaching. Another hop to safety, going back and forth with each attack. Her heart pounded in this dangerous dance, one that she couldn’t mess up, couldn’t freeze at all, or pause for even a moment. And regardless with how careful she was trying to be in this chaos, another shot hit her, then a smack from the vines connected. She manages to score a few more hits, but how many more till this thing fell? Or until she fell? She was on her last chance. The vines swung out and she retreated, the spikes came but she jumped back, and with the slime shots she withdrew even more, right up until her back hit the doors. She pressed tightly against it and watched the creature, but it hadn’t shot at her, nor swung with its tendrils. The spikes were still going, but they were absent right at the entrance. She panted out as she used the small break she had back here, though her lungs felt oddly warm. The more she breathed in the more she felt it. It was like a heat in the air that spread out from her chest and all the way along the rest of her, bringing with it a familiar tingle to her rump. A small twitch down below had her lowly groaning. She wasn’t even thinking about that now! This creature looked like it meant business and she couldn’t afford to get distracted! The air in here seemed to have a noticeable tinge of pink. Where had it come from? She glanced up and spotted small streams of pink air coming out from the flowers above. “No fair!” she yelled at them and shook her head. Shouting wasn’t going to do anything and there was no way of beating this creature from way over here. That thing would just sit and wait forever, spreading its sweet smell in this room until she was a sopping mess. “Only a few more taps, and that thing is done,” she reassured herself as she pressed her hooves into the ground before pushing off with a yell. “Yaaahhhhh!” She spirited forward, but she didn’t know what hit her. Any one of the creature's attacks could have landed. All she knew was that all the energy in her body suddenly left as that shocking warmth hit her face. Her legs crumpled on the stone floor, but in an instant she was grabbed and sent high into the air. The green vines had coiled around her forelegs and lifted her up like some kind of limp, pony-shaped bag of potatoes. Oddly enough, they felt quite similar to the tendrils from before – warm and slick – yet they were much stronger and even their tips were a bit thicker. She flew higher, towards the nearest purple flower on the ceiling until her head slipped into the center of it, right where a pink stream of air was flowing out. She gasped to try and hold her breath, but as soon as she opened her lips another slick tendril snapped out from the center of the flower. The petals squished against her head as the length slipped down the back of her throat. A hiss came from inside the plant and then a rush of air came shooting down her throat, blowing her lungs and stomach up like a balloon. Thick, concentrated, pink mist shot out from her nose like a dragon blowing smoke. The scent in the room was sweet, but this she could taste, like pure cotton candy exploding all of her taste buds at once. That would have been the only thing on her mind if it wasn’t for the magma-level of heat instantly flowing over her body and lighting up every nerve she had between her flanks; it hadn’t even touched down there yet! Though, she knew it would. Everything in this place was going trying to touch her down there one way or another. “Nyaaaaghh~!” Daring moaned out hard as the tendril pulled from her throat and retreated back into the flower. She panted hard, her flanks were on fire, and she could feel large drops dripping off her fillyhood. With a sudden pull, her world started spinning around and she was fast approaching that green creature. A wet slap rang out as she landed belly first into it. She tried pulling against it with her hooves, but they wouldn’t budge… actually, they started to sink in! Her entire body was sinking! The goo pulled her hindlegs in quickly and kept going till her rump was in, then all the way to her wings and further. Sucking in a big gulp of air for the slimy plunge, Daring was ready to last as long as she could. But the descent suddenly stopped, leaving only her muzzle sticking out and letting her gasp for more of that precious air. It was the only respite she had right now; she couldn’t move, couldn’t see, and could barely hear with the goo filling up her ears. But she could still feel; every nerve in her loins was begging for a touch, and the all-encompassing creature was doing just that. It squeezed against her hips, pulled at her tail, and pressed tightly against the outer folds of her fillyhood before spreading them out like a flower. Thick fingers of slime teased against her inner walls, caressing the entrance like it was savouring the moment. “O-oh… nnngh~” she let out, feeling so close to releasing that familiar tension. It felt so soon. It was obvious that this thing hadn’t even gotten started yet, but that irresistible need the flower pumped into her made it hard not to be on the edge already. She focused on those tingles tightening her belly, getting her ready to gush again. But there was another poke down below. This felt much more solid compared to the slime covering her, and the thick tip of it touched against her spread lower lips, tracing along the shallow inside of her entrance. It made her belly jump from the slow tease, but another shock went through her as the goo sucked onto her winking button down below. It was too much. She was too close. Her eyes squeezed tight even if the goo was already holding them shut. That knot in her unravelled, sending a euphoric wave rolling over her body in an instant. The grip on her privates and the micro-massages kept the wave rolling along, shooting electricity right from her core to every part of her. If her hooves weren’t bound, she would have been flailing around like a madmare. A heavy gush came shooting out from below, and another, and even more after that! The pink air only made the fire in her burn hotter, making more lava than she could have even imagined squirt out. She couldn’t see it, but she could certainly feel the fiery wetness down below. Heavy pants came out as she felt the crashing wave start to subside; that must have been a record down here. Not even a few moments with this creature and she was already on her way back to the crystal and ready to try defeating this room again. But the tingles below didn’t stop. The goo kept massaging her and there was no crystal in sight. She was still here! Reflexively her eyes tried to open wide in surprise, but they were sealed shut. The prodding vines down below on her privates were getting much more forward, centering against her tiny entrance and thrusting its thick tip in. “A-AHHH!” she screamed out. She should have been back by now! Back at that crystal! She had already finished and now her fillyhood felt extra sensitive to those touches! Fruitlessly she squirmed as her tunnel widened from the intruder, doing little to stop its progress into the deepest part of her. Another poke was right up against her tailhole and it didn’t leave. The tip rubbed right against the center, putting pressure against it until it sunk in. It felt so big, spreading her open to the max. She imagined somepony had just snuck up and shoved both of their hooves in, using her holes like some erotic pair of hoof warmers… at least, that’s what it felt like! Before the one in her fillyhood even hit the end, it already started to pull back, only to thrust in again; the one in her butt soon joining its movements. Neither of them were in time with each other, going at different speeds, filling her up entirely one after the other, then at the same time, then opposite again. She could already feel that tightening in her belly once more as it moved. She couldn’t help that her loins were aching for this touch, practically begging for more, yet her mortal body was feeling the strain on her tunnels. How much more of this she could take without breaking? But it wasn’t like she really had a choice; she was going in whatever direction this creature made her take. “A-ahhh~! O-oh... oh... OH~!” she squealed out loudly, only imagining what it sounded like if somepony was listening to her. “OH… OHHHH-gaaakk-“ Her jaw stretched open as a vine slipped into her maw, pressing her tongue firmly against the bottom of her mouth, barely managing to fit in. The slippery goo smeared all over and coated the back of her throat as it plunged into her. Hard breaths from her nose were all she could manage as it kept sinking down inside her, only to pull out again and slam back in. The creature was stronger; its movements felt harder than anything else in this dungeon combined. The dam exploded down below again as she was sent into another gushing fit. “MMm-aggh~! Nnngh-aaack~!” Her voice filled with a mix of whimpering, moaning, and choking as the orgasmic rise went over and above anything she felt before. From head to hoof it was doing something: a vigorous massage in every crevice and curve of her body, the strong pressure squeezing and kneading everything from tail to teats, and the thick, unrelenting intruders pounding into her. Her fillyhood felt tight, like it was straining to grip around the length thrusting into her, but it did little to stop the creature. Another few spurts came shooting out from her, but in this slimy pool she couldn’t even feel the difference in wetness now. She was soaked and stuck in this mix of pleasure and pain. Her nostrils flared, trying to suck in as much air as she could, but it never felt like it was enough. And they were already working towards another finish, she could feel it, that distinct rise it was sending her up whether she wanted to or not. Was she going to be stuck like this forever? Squirming and gushing till she couldn’t anymore? She felt the wave of pleasure crash through her again, but they kept building it up again, over and over. Her head spun and her nerves screamed out till it all blurred together. It almost felt like it was a dream and that she just needed to sleep. Daring gasped hard when the creature pulled from her mouth. Air! Her lungs burned from the lack of oxygen and the lust-filled mist it pumped in earlier, but sucking down gulpfuls of air brought her mind back. Her eyes opened wide and… she wasn’t covered in slime anymore. Her legs were limp in the vines grasp as it pulled her into the air and- “Nyyah~!” she yelled out, feeling the two lengths suddenly slip right out from her tunnels. The strain down below replaced with an oddly empty feeling as her muscles found some reprieve, and the strange sensation of liquid oozing out from her and dripping down to the ground. The purple flowers looming up above were getting closer as she rose in the air. Trying to test her limbs was no use, she had no strength left to fight, and barely enough to angle her head to watch as it put her in the middle of those giant petals. They started to close as soon as she touched them, encapsulating her in yet another prison; at least she could move around if her arms had the energy to work. The air in here was so thick with that sweet mist that she could practically feel it on her fur; her lungs tingled and sent that burning glow through her body with every breath. Small hints of light came through the pink-spotted petals; not much, but enough to at least see her own hooves… and the tendril snaking down her chest. It curved around as soon as it reached her thighs, lining up with her folds and pressing itself in. Daring softly hissed as it spread her sensitive tunnel open once again, but the needy tingles from the air made the pleasure come through in an instant. Her hips moved into the vine on reflex; it wasn’t much, but it felt like it would take more energy to stop her hips, now they practically had a mind of their own. It kept sliding further and further, but when it touched the end, it didn’t pull back or thrust at all. It kept pushing in deep; really deep. Daring squeezed her eyes shut as she felt the tip press against the end, until it broke through some barrier and squirmed even further inside. She could feel something opening up for the first time, straining against the vine somewhere far in her belly, and the gentle taps as the tendrils searched around almost felt like tiny kicks coming from inside her. Her eyes opened wide. Was this where babies were? Was this the same place a tiny foal would have been if she was planning to be a mother? Faint memories with her parents in a seaside town were in her mind: a pregnant mare there letting her feel a kicking foal; small little taps under her hooves feeling eerily similar to this. She just stared at her belly, watching the little bumps as it explored her insides. But another thing caught her eye: large lumps traveling down the vine and fast approaching. She wanted to grab on to the tendril and tug it out from her, but her hooves felt like they were bricks and barely even budged. The most she did was let out a distressed, “Nnngghhh…” as it got closer. The bulge in the vine started to press against her fillyhood, and there were several more bumps right behind it. They almost looked like an oval… or an egg. Her eyes widened at the thought. Was this what it wanted? Putting this in her foal place to have her hatch its babies? Shifting her hips to the side was as much as she could do to struggle, but it didn’t stop her entrance from spreading open wide as the egg sunk into her. With a mix of this air and that egg’s unique shape, it started lighting up everything down there once again. Her head swung back into the petals and pressed tightly against its soft surface. It felt almost like a smooth rock was hidden within the tendrils, keeping its form even with how hard her tunnel was clamping down upon it. Quickly, it slid down the rest of the way until it reached that second entrance, spreading it open wide, sending her hips into a wild frenzy as a new wave of sensation lit up inside her. It left her panting hard as the egg slipped its way through and plopped out from the vine; there was a distinct weight resting inside her. “O-one…” she whispered out as she tried to catch her breath, but with another egg spreading her open and the bulges in the vine going as far up into the flower as she could see, she knew this wasn’t ending soon. The second one was almost at the end of her tunnel before she felt one more start to slide in. “T-two,” she let out, feeling another get placed in her deepest parts. “T-three-ee~!” she squeaked, bucking her hips as the sensations became too much. She bit her lip, feeling her button below winking out and that familiar sensation rise inside her once again. The unique feeling was getting her to that edge in its own special way. “Nnnghh… eight!” Her belly was feeling tight. “Twelve!” How she was going to fit anymore, she had no idea. Her tummy felt so stretched, and it was starting to show, but there were three more eggs already stuffed into her tunnel and they seemed like they were going to fit one way or another. And each one built upon the sensations, getting her closer and closer to another release. What number she was on she didn’t know anymore as she wiggled helplessly as one after another kept coming in. She felt so full, and so close, until finally her eyes rolled back into her head and everything came crashing down. With her mouth free, she squealed, moaned, and screamed as she gushed out again, shooting hot mist along the vine and the bulges still yet to enter her. “AHHHH~!” she let out with all that she had, giving a final burst. The slow descent off the peak had her gasping for air; she could barely think anymore after all of this and had to sleep. Even as she could feel the vine starting to struggle to put more inside, her eyes started to close and she drifted off. Daring blinked as she stood with her hoof on that bright blue gem. It took a few moments before she even could move, reaching below her to feel at her belly. It wasn’t stuff full, only the flat tummy she had always had. The air felt fresh and free of that tingly mist, and her rear… felt as new as ever… With a heavy breath she looked at the tunnel ahead and grimaced. She was back… and she still had to go through that thing to get out. Her hooves felt heavy as they started forward; hopefully she’d get past it this time.     Daring could smell the fresh scent of air. Following the stairs up revealed actual sunlight at the end. The warmth on her fur felt amazing as she emerged from a rocky outcropping on a hill and gazed upon the trees below. It would have been nice to say that she beat the final creature on her next try, a real good ending to her adventuring book, but that… was not the case. It took a lot more studying to get through entirely, especially after she found out it had a second phase. After what felt like eternity, she finally pulled through when that green gem shattered to pieces. She had conquered this dungeon and, with the resets, technically got out of there unscathed; it was a win in her book. One that she could let every pony know she had won against. She smirked as she saw a village off in the distance, one that she remembered being at just before all of this. But instead of moving forward, she plopped right down on her haunches into the grass. “It was the next place Daring needed to go, but for now she could stay and rest a bit longer… uh… the end!”