> Remember Vaginas? > by chokingchicksandsodomy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Me Neither > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Anyone else remember vaginas?” Soarin quipped. “Those were the good ol’ days!” Spitfire barely even bothered to raise an eyebrow as she looked down at him, just guided his head with a hand on the back of his neck and pushed her cock into his mouth. “He’s so jealous,” Rainbow laughed, pointedly eyeing Soarin’s less-than-comparable equipment from where she stood beside Spitfire, clapping her on the back with one hand while tousling Soarin’s hair with the other. “Yeah, but vaginas never made him this hard,” Fleetfoot said from Spitfire’s other side. Cock in hand, she whacked it a few times against Soarin’s cheek, then tried to force it into his mouth alongside Spitfire’s. None of them missed how his own cock throbbed in response. With a last chuckle, Rainbow reached for the shower controls and twisted, sending a downpour of warm water over them all. Spitfire could feel her mane turning slick against her scalp. Within seconds, the water was soothing the muscles in her shoulders, aches in her deltoids or trapeziuses just melting away. Just because it had been only the four of them at practice today didn’t mean she’d gone easy on them. Nopony had had any doubt she wouldn’t. Just like none of them doubted the session would end with Soarin on his knees in the showers. Why, he’d pushed himself even harder than normal on the track that morning, no doubt eager to impress. He might as well have winked at them and licked his lips. “In fairness, it must be quite strange,” Spitfire said, reaching for Rainbow’s cock with her spare hand, because she couldn’t bear to see it go unattended but even Soarin wouldn’t stand a chance of fitting three in his greedy mouth, “going from one day being the most sought after pegasus pole in the building to being surrounded by much bigger ones the next, all on mares who used to ride you several times a week and now wanted you as a service maid.” With strong, slow strokes, she worked Rainbow’s shaft, all the while still ‘swordfighting’ with Fleet for control of Soarin’s mouth. “That’s not something ponies often have to adapt to.” “Definitely the last time we’re letting Pinkie near Discord’s chaos magic,” Rainbow grumbled. “I mean, I love having this and all, but my pussy was really nice.” “It was,” Spitfire said, adding a twist to her hand motion each time she reached Dash’s tip, a little persuasion that maybe things now weren’t so bad. Fleetfoot nodded too, wistfully, no doubt remembering all the times she’d eaten Dash out after practice. Even Soarin nodded, which Fleet was having none of, pulling her cock from his mouth and slapping him sharply with it, while Spitfire pushed in deeper and put his throat to work. “I’m just glad the adjusted uniforms have come through at last,” Spitfire said. It came out as more of a grunt, because although Soarin hadn’t been great with his tongue in the old days, he’d figured how to please a cock with it in no time at all. “That was not a comfortable two months of flying, packed into my old suit.” Rainbow shuddered, but Spitfire wasn’t sure if it was because of the memory or the hand jacking her off. “At least Soarin’s embraced it,” Fleetfoot said, entwining her fingers with Spitfire’s on the back of Soarin’s neck and helping to push his head up and down. “Thunderlane just looks lost half the time when we’re in the middle of things, and Silver Zoom… I don’t think I’ve seen him in the showers once since we grew these, he waits til all the mares are done and sneaks in after.” “He’s old, and set in his ways,” Spitfire shrugged. “I hope he’s ok, but I think we’ll manage without him.” She eyed Dash as she spoke, taking in the wet hair, the trim frame, the jiggling tits, and the oversized cock being vigorously pumped at full speed. Evidently Rainbow had now been a Wonderbolt long enough to quickly pick up on leers and bedroom eyes, because she leaned in and kissed Spitfire just as desired. Spitfire could feel Rainbow’s tits against her own as their bodies pressed closer, followed by a cheeky hand fondling her ass. Although, experience had taught her, there was every chance that was Fleetfoot’s, and Spitfire couldn’t be sure with her eyes closed. Her tongue played with Rainbow’s, her dick filled Soarin’s throat, and everything was pretty good in her world. Then it tumbled and fell, of course. Her eyes snapped open at the change of sensation downstairs. No, the hand on her ass had definitely not been Fleetfoot, who, it now became clear, had had a plan with a very different goal in mind. Soarin’s head, with Fleet’s fingers curled tightly in his hair, was now being forcefed Fleetfoot’s cock. But Spitfire’s indignation died away when she saw the serene smile on Soarin’s features, even as Fleet’s hips worked to pummel it away. Well, Spitfire had been hogging his mouth a bit anyway. And Fleetfoot, too, had a precious look about her when she was fucking Soarin’s face. Like it was something she’d wanted to do for years and years and now would never get tired of. Spitfire gave Rainbow another look, one that said the two of them were going to have to claim Soarin’s mouth for themselves as Fleet had done, if they wanted any time with it at all. Funny how Dash was usually the last pony to get rough, until Fleetfoot would go and prove how necessary it was sometimes. But before either of them moved for Soarin, Spitfire kissed her again. Fleet had earned a bit of time to enjoy herself first, after all. Once that lovely kiss was over, Spitfire had to face the fact that her hand could only do so much, and it was definitely time to find a nice mouth for Rainbow’s cock. Together they wrestled Soarin away from Fleetfoot, sinking Dash’s length into his mouth, and Spitfire helpfully spanked a palm against Rainbow’s rump a few times, each resulting buck of the hips feeding Soarin a little more. Soarin moaned, looking dazed as he knelt there gurgling on fat blue cock, and Spitfire shared a very fond smile with Fleet over it. Thankfully Soarin was now into his rhythm enough not to keep them waiting long, bringing a hand up to cater to each of the unattended cocks, and in Fleet’s case using a wing too. “Soarin’s a good boy,” Fleetfoot said, closing her eyes as he ghosted his primary feathers over her tip “He is,” Spitfire agreed, content to enjoy Soarin’s hand on her cock while she watched him more focused on tending to Fleet, more aroused than envious over the sight. Dash was doing her part too, of course, lazily humping his face. “And thank Celestia we’d all been sleeping together for years before the change. It would’ve been unfortunate if not, if we’d ignored the colts complaining about blue balls right up until suddenly we had them too.” “No one likes a hypocrite,” Fleetfoot said, almost to herself as she leaned her head back into the shower stream. Spitfire was treated to the sight of rivulets all down Fleet’s body, making the view of Soarin’s feathers doing their thing even more delightful. “I dunno,” Rainbow said, “I’d take Soarin swallowing my dick over not being a hypocrite.” “Element of Loyalty right there,” Spitfire grinned. “Hey!” Soarin chose that moment to switch his attention, pulling his head back from Rainbow’s groin and shifting his hand to it from Spitfire’s instead. Dash might not be the team rookie anymore, but apparently she was still an amateur when dealing with a cocksucking stallion. Not holding his head down, of all things, with somepony as conscientious as Soarin? He’d get all sorts of funny notions about it being somepony else’s turn if you gave him the chance. He looked up at Spitfire needily. ”You’re such a slut,” Spitfire told him, shaking her head as she looked down at him, wondering if her eyes were as full of warmth as his. “I so am,” he said, obviously trying hard not to crack up at the admission, and distracting himself by diving straight at Spitfire’s cock, taking it deep all in one go, lips almost touching her abdomen. With both hands on the back of Soarin’s head, Spitfire held him in place for a few seconds, indulging in the tightness of his throat. She could feel the tremors of him fighting his gag reflex, and thought maybe his eyes were leaking tears from the strain, though it was difficult to tell in the shower. But as soon as she released him to cough and splutter, he pulled himself right back onto her shaft, impaling himself just as much as before. Soarin wasn’t as good at cocksucking as some of the mares, who’d been doing it for years, but none could fault his enthusiasm or commitment. Then Fleetfoot intruded on their little moment together, sidling close to Spitfire and cupping a breast in each hand. Sparks flew through Spitfire as Fleet caressed each nipple with a thumb. “Spits, stop teasing him and fuck his throat already,” she said. Rainbow cosied in from the other side, snaking an arm around Spitfire’s waist. “Yeah, look how much he needs it. Making him wait is just mean.” Spitfire, now thoroughly embraced from each side, complete with salvia-slicked dicks grinding against her hips, arched an eyebrow and directed it at everypony nearby. “I think you underestimate how much he needs to work for it.” Deliberately, she gave his mouth a few bucks of her hips, each time pulling a few inches out slowly and then driving in hard. “Shall we see what he thinks?” Another brutal thrust, and the feeling of her balls slapping his chin. She gazed into his eyes, which were locked on her own. “More?” Then she dragged her length free, paralysingly slowly. Soarin’s eyes went wide, almost panicking at the imminent separation from Spitfire’s cock. His hands, Spitfire noted, were vigorously wanking Dash and Fleetfoot, but those two managed to keep their attention fairly rooted on him, despite the odd groan. “What do you say, champ?” Spitfire asked, as the last inch of her dick popped out into the open air. “Marry me,” Soarin panted, the second his mouth was free. Spitfire smiled down at him. “Someday.” Then she gave him what he wanted, grabbing two handfuls of hair and stuffing his face again, dragging him back up as soon as he reached the bottom to repeat the movement, ramming her whole length into his mouth again and again. She moaned at that, the friction of her dick scraping his tonsils, but he moaned louder. His eyes were screwed shut, but she thought maybe the odd tear leaked out, matching the thick ropes of drool that leaked from his mouth and decorated his chin despite the shower. “That’s better,” Fleet murmured in Spitfire’s ear, accompanying it with a healthy squeeze of her tits. Then she raised her voice so they could all hear, while she watched him at work. “You could get one of those bridles that holds a pony’s mouth open, and make him wear it for the whole honeymoon. Use his mouth anytime you feel like, day or night.” Stroking Spitfire’s ass with a stray wing, Rainbow added, “Call in the rest of the team to keep him in use while you’re recharging.” Spitfire had had enough practice fucking Soarin’s mouth that she mostly could carry on a conversation as normal despite how incredible it felt each time she hilted in his throat. “Oh, so you’re assuming it would be that kind of marriage?” Lacking any sincerity whatsoever, Fleetfoot gasped. “Surely you wouldn’t keep him all to yourself?!” The heels of her palms pushed circles around Spitfire’s nipples, increasingly firmly. “That depends how well he behaves.” Spitfire grinned down at Soarin, watching his reaction. If a stallion could orgasm from being throatfucked alone, she thought he would have cum at that very moment. Meanwhile Rainbow leaned over forwards, hands on her knees, and spoke into Soarin’s ear, though loud enough for everypony to hear. “Hey Soarin… wanna get your ass fucked?” Rainbow got to see Soarin’s shudder, but Spitfire got to feel it, a tremor around her cock earning her a jealous look from Fleetfoot. “Oh dear, Soarin,” Fleet said much too sweetly, “I hope you realise just how much Spitfire’s going to absolutely fill your stomach with cum.” He shuddered again, of course, even more violently than before, and Fleet’s grin was wicked. They all watched as Rainbow coolly brought a hand over Soarin’s, stopping its furious motion on her cock and then deliberately unwrapping his fingers from it. Life with Rainbow Dash on the team had meant getting used to putting up with her showing off. But, despite daily exposure to her, Spitfire had never seen her saunter with anything like the ‘all eyes on me’ attitude she had in that moment. She wandered around Soarin where he knelt until she stood behind him, and Spitfire got the impression that, even though Soarin’s head was being hammered into Spitfire’s crotch several times a second, he still knew exactly where Rainbow was standing. Spitfire glared and fucked his mouth all the harder in mock severity for having the audacity to focus on anything but her, but she couldn’t fault him. She’d never seen a stallion enjoy having his ass fucked quite as much as Soarin did, and she had no plans on letting him know how ever-so-sweet she found watching him. Such a slut! Fleetfoot just watched, casually wanking as she took in the view. With the same slow, feigned casualness, Rainbow lowered herself to a crouch on the tiles, and then sat back. Though she wasn’t really known for her grace – at least on the ground – she very daintily slid her legs under Soarin, between his own, which he enthusiastically rearranged himself to make room for. A shuffle forwards later, and Spitfire felt Soarin’s jaw go just the tiniest bit more slack, no doubt at Rainbow poking around his entrance. And then his jaw tightened again, with a grimace on his face. They all knew what that meant. It was enough to break any mare’s heart, how desperately Soarin wanted that big cock inside him but how it still hurt him to take it, at least at first. Spitfire did what any good friend would do in that situation and redoubled her efforts on Soarin’s mouth. If Rainbow probing his ass made him clench up, then Spitfire would just have to batter her way through. She took a break from her rhythm to force his head down as far as it could go, as if she and Rainbow might touch tips in his stomach somewhere. Continuing to hold Soarin’s head in place even as Rainbow completed her brief cock warmup and started going to town on Soarin’s ass brought more alternating between pain and pleasure from him, all transmitted to Spitfire through the tightness of his lips around her cock. Pretty quickly, though, he was slack-jawed and drooling even more than before, showing he was firmly in ‘having the time of his life’ territory. “I know you’re enjoying yourself and all,” she said, releasing him and bringing her fists to her hips, “but you’ve got a job to do here.” She pivoted her hips back, drawing her shaft from his mouth so fast it flopped down to dangle in front of his face, an engorged, veiny mess of stallion drool. Moving one hand to the base let her swat him across the face with it, a couple of times from each direction. The wet slaps against his cheeks sent tingles through Spitfire – and probably everypony else there, she thought – but Rainbow working away down below almost drowned them out. Soarin’s mouth was hanging open, but he wasn’t quick enough with it to reach Spitfire’s cock again before she’d whip it out of the way and beat him with it as he frantically tried to change course to intercept. “I think you’re asking a bit much of the poor fellow,” Fleetfoot said, kneeling down beside Soarin on the shower floor. She reached for his chest and pinched at his nipples, making him cry out wordlessly and lean closer to her. Taking advantage of his open mouth, she brought her hands to both his cheeks and kissed him, deeply but still delicately. Just as Spitfire was beginning to lament the lack of cock action she’d been enjoying up until that point, Fleet’s nearest hand flew to Spitfire’s shaft. Which she’d found without opening her eyes, of course, because she was a Wonderbolt and precision was their thing. Would any but Spitfire’s wingpony of many years have known the exact moment when she’d get bored with just watching? Then Fleetfoot dove forwards, swallowing the better half of Spitfire’s length on her first attempt. Spitfire saw Fleet’s beautiful face every day of her life, but it never looked more perfect than when wrapped around her cock. Especially when they were beaming at each other, and Soarin was looking on jealously. And making Soarin jealous of anything at all while Rainbow was rutting his ass was quite the achievement. But in far too few moments, Fleet pulled away again, and gained Soarin’s attention with a hard slap across his face, followed by another in the opposite direction. Spitfire felt a glow of pride – Soarin’s silence at the first blow might have just been from being too stunned to speak, but the same response to the second could only be from Wonderbolt stiff upper lip. After having slapped him twice, Fleet put a hand on the back of Soarin’s head and pushed him onto Spitfire’s cock, making sure he took it all the way to the hilt. Then Fleet leaned forwards where she knelt, wordlessly dipping her head into Soarin’s lap to suck him off. No one could fuck a stallion up like Fleetfoot. From where she stood, Spitfire could see it all. Rainbow’s chest bouncing up and down as she ploughed Soarin from below. Fleet not so much wanking as rubbing circles on the tip of her cock with her fingers, no doubt a remembered habit from the pre-futa days, all while Soarin’s fingers desperately clenched and opened alternately in her hair. It really didn’t take much conscious effort on Spitfire’s part to keep up the pace at driving her cock into Soarn’s throat again and again. She just gripped his hair with both fists and let her hips do what they naturally felt like. And Soarin’s throat was at that perfect stage of receiving that mistreatment, where the way had been cleared with repeated thrusts, lubricated with all the thick saliva he had, but still remained just as tight and unyielding as Spitfire could wish for. She wasn’t going to last much longer. But Soarin, from the looks of it, was going to pop even sooner. And Spitfire could hardly blame him, with two mares working his holes and a third doing everything she could to coax him into cumming in her mouth. He quivered where he knelt and clutched hard at the back of Fleetfoot’s head, driving her face into his crotch. Spitfire even heard a chuckle from Fleet’s throat, despite the dick it was busy accommodating, and saw her tongue slip out cheekily to prod at his balls. Soarin’s eyes were clenched shut, but Fleet’s were open and looking mischievous. Part of Spitfire was tempted to pause for Soarin’s climax, to push all the way into his throat and hold him there, feeding him dick to gag on as his own sputtered out everything it had for Fleet. Rainbow would follow her lead, of course, and Soarin would be stuffed to bursting, as if all the cocks were forcing his cum out of him with how much space they took. That was a hot thought, and he probably did deserve it as a reward for how well he’d handled all three of them. Maybe next time. The reward he really needed was their commitment to using him as a cocksleeve, and that meant following their pace, not his. At least that was the reason Spitfire was sticking to for not breaking her rhythm when she wasn’t that far off cumming herself. Fat chance she’d pause and risk having to start again! A whole lot of previous post-practice fuckings had taught her firsthand how Soarin’s ass would try to clamp shut as he came, and how the convulsing muscles squeezing in from all sides would be a final, insistent demand that whoever was fucking his ass should cum at that very moment. Nopony was surprised then, when Soarin’s gasps and spasms led to Rainbow slamming in deep and holding herself there, bottoming out in his ass with a long, guttural moan. She shook a few times as her muscles locked up, and Spitfire watched Soarin’s face as his ass got squirted full with cum. Nopony on the Wonderbolts base produced half as much cum as Rainbow Dash. That mare’s balls were a factory, with spunk supplies to last for days. Soarin’s initial gasps became gurgles, which felt ever so satisfying to keep fucking his mouth through. Then there were even some plaintive little whimpers, as his ass struggled to stretch and contain all that cum on top of Dash’s whole length still lodged inside him. Zero sympathy was shown, of course, because they’d seen time and time again how much he’d miss being that full the second he wasn’t. Dash spanked his ass a few times, swatting a cheek while still pressed against it, and Fleet was sucking hard on his cock, despite it no doubt already being empty. They all knew firsthand how that trod the line between pleasure and discomfort, but Soarin’s hands were still just as tightly pulling Fleet’s head down, giving her everything he had and needing her to take it. “That enough cum for you, Soarin?” Rainbow smirked, grinding her hips up into him so he moaned again. “There’s never enough... for him...” Spitfire said, through clenched teeth. A lesser mare might have been panting by her point, but she wasn’t tired, just far to close to cumming for her body to focus on anything else. “Stay… inside… til I cum.” “Ohhhh, you hear that, Soarin?” Rainbow said. “We’re gonna pump you full from both ends. You’ll be too heavy with cum to fly for a week!” Spitfire barely heard the words. Or the water, or the wet slaps of her groin against Soarin’s face, or his groans, her own grunts, anything. Even the physical sensation of her cock against his throat was fading in the background, and all that mattered in her life was a sensation like liquid fire crawling its way up her tubes, gradually spreading higher up her shaft, so close to its destination but taking so long to get there. Every muscle was clenched, all moving as fast as possible in that singular pursuit of covering the last little bit of distance, which was moving, tiptoeing, creeping closer and closer… One. Last. Thrust. And… Life, energy, happiness – it exploded through her, and out of her, and radiated from her cock until it filled her, just like the physical contents of her orgasm filled Soarin. Unthinkingly, she stuffed her whole length into his mouth, mashing his top lip into her abs. She could feel rope after rope of broiling cum jetting out of her deep in his throat, a fresh squirt each time she clenched. And Soarin swallowed, valiantly enough to make any Wonderbolt captain proud. But of course Spitfire was wedging his throat open, so every swallow squeezed its way down her shaft from base to tip, eeking out all the cum she had left in her and giving him even more of it to deal with. He still had Dash buried all the way in his ass, and the load she’d pumped in there, so he’d been fully taken over by his role as group cum dumpster. Spitfire pictured his stomach being filled from both ends, even though biology didn’t work like that. Thanks to Fleetfoot his balls were empty, so at least one little bit of him wasn’t full to the brim with Wonderbolt semen. From the smug little grin Fleet wore as she slid her lips off his cock and licked them, Spitfire cumming had pushed him into spurting a bit more himself. “Good job, everypony,” Spitfire said, her voice just as steady as ever. She released her grip on Soarin, stroking his hair with a hand as she slowly drew her hips back, dragging her length out inch by inch as if any faster would hurt him, even though she’d been going full pelt ten seconds earlier. “Especially you, Future Husband Material.” That talk had a different ring to it without a raging hard-on to fuel it. Not an unpleasant one, though. “Captain’s pet,” Dash chuckled, and lightly punched Soarin in the shoulder. “Now who’s jealous?” he raised his eyebrow, his voice a hoarse whisper that soon broke into a few coughs. Soarin and his overworked throat, which would be begging for more of the same far too soon. All around Spitfire, erections were subsiding. Rainbow was working her way out of Soarin slowly, whose own dick looked as lifeless and exhausted as he surely felt. Spitfire’s cock hung limp and heavy, enjoying the tingling of the shower water after its work out. Being a Wonderbolt was just as much about being aware of your teammates as it was about flying. So none of them were under the illusion that their work was done, not while one erection remained. “Fleet, d’you think you’ve got enough there to bukkake all three of us?” Spitfire’s gaze drifted between Fleetfoot and her cock, which was so hard it seemed to be straining towards them. Last week that had been Spitfire; being last mare standing was never fun. “My balls are literally blue. I think I could give the showerhead a run for its money.” Fleet stood with her hands on her hips, and Spitfire just didn’t have the heart to put her through emptying her tanks unaided. She glanced over at the other two, now sitting on the shower floor with their backs against the wall. Soarin was obviously exhausted and would never admit it, and had earned the right to sit back and enjoy being coated in Fleetfoot’s cum without raising a finger to help out. And Rainbow, while she’d no doubt be willing to go again, much like Spitfire would need a few minutes before she was back in the mood. Another glance at Fleet’s equipment. Bulging veins and a deep purple head. That couldn’t wait a few minutes. She sighed, turned away and looked back at Fleet over her shoulder. “Do you wanna fuck the captain’s ass?”