Secrets of the Library: Ursula Blackwood

by Flora Blossom

First published

The findings about what happend to Anubis Blackwood and the eleven ponies that suffered.

This is a sequel to Secrets of the Library: Amber Blackwood

Anubis Blackwood never came back to Equestria. However, Ursula Blackwood was still tempting to retire her self early for the secrets of the library. Princess Sunbeam wanted to know that what was going on in the human world and wondered why five brave ponies were all bruised and had scars. Ursula one of the decent sage can see threw a ponies mind by casting a spell. The only thing that she wished she hadn't gone threw were some of the ponies minds.

Artist Cover by Flora Blossom

One Shot Bang Chapter

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There was a time of a unicorn that had honor before magic. Her name was Ursula Blackwood; a sexy unicorn that loves the place of pleasure.

At the age of eighteen.

The assassin organization brought back all of the ponies from the human world and was to investigate what happened to them when they were on the other side of the rainbow.

Ursula Blackwood went deep into the ponies' minds seeing what happened to them, ordered by the princess.

Five ponies were being questioned on what happened. None of them spoke a word. Most of them couldn’t even speak. Two ponies mentioned that they saw Anubis Blackwood.

Ursula felt like she had no choice, but to go into their minds and saw what happened.

She cast a spell to go into the first pony of her mind.

Every pony was there sitting at the table with local humans. She noticed that all eleven of the ponies had chains around their necks.

“What happened?”

The motion was there however, she noticed no pony was eating the food.

“Toxic or untrust?”

Unfortunately the mare that she went into had seen the humans and what they look like. All of these humans had a weird mask on like the assassination organization but different.

“I need to know where Anubis was at.”

One of the guards that was wearing a tall white hat had taken one of the ponies.

“So this pony must have died by cutting her up into chunks of food. Well, it could be possible since I don’t see her here in Equestria. However, why did she go with the chef?”

Few ponies were taken by a human.

“So, this means that something must have happened to the other four.”

It was time when the pony got up with a guard. Ursula followed her to see where they were going. So, they walked all the way to the basement. The pony walked in the room putting her head on the bed. The human pulled down their pants and started to ram her vaginal area. The pony had water drops from her eyes that ran down her cheeks. The human used his right hand and hit her on the right side of her rump.

Nothing about her mother. Went out of her mind and took a break.

Ursula walked to her room and went to bed.

The rise as a new day had spoken.

Ursula opened her eyes and walked down getting a fresh cream of unicorn milk. She obviously chugged the whole thing. Putting the cup down she headed back to the place where the ponies were. She went to another pony's mind that had all the answers.

Six ponies in the room left.

“So where are the rest of the ponies? This doesn’t make any sense at all. Unless…”

The chef brought out some meat. The ponies didn’t seem to want to take another bite. The chef left the room.

A few hours later.

The chef came right at the moment putting a pony head on the table. The head was Anubis Blackwood.

“So, it all makes sense. The humans were trying to brainwash a species trying to make them a cannibal. Slave abuse is one thing, but eating your own species is the worst thing that a pony has to thrive.”

Soon the pony assassin organization came in and saved five ponies. The one they left behind got shot with some kind of weapon. Ursula looked at the pony that died. It had a hole at the forehead.

Ursula went out of the pony’s head.

“I know a cure for what you just witnessed a human can do.”

The ponies knew nothing of the sort all they could do was look down on how many ponies that died.

“Forgive me then. Clover your up.”

Clover used some kind of stone and shined it on the five ponies.

“What about you Ursula?”

“I think I like to keep my memory this time.”

Clover opened her mouth with her teeth together.

Ursula walked out of the room and headed back to her house. Once she got there, a letter was in the mailbox.

Meet me in the library for your freedom from the curse of lewd.

By Celestial

Ursula walked back to the city, rain poured down on her, the dawn was at its peak. Once she was at the library gates she opened the door and walked in.

“Hello is anyone there?”

“Ah, Ursula you got my message?”

“Isn’t it royal Celestia? The keeper of the secrets of the library. Even at a young age.”

“Don’t flatter me. Well, I mean. You know why you are here?”

“Of course to see my other lewd sisters.”

“Shh… I’m just a filly. You know I'm underage.”

“Oh, right little one.”

“Just hurry up and go.”

Ursula opened her mouth with her teeth together.

“The gate for it is just two columns that way. When you're there pull the sun and moon book at the same time.”

“One more thing before I go to lewd town. Closed the rainbow gates. It’s rather urgent that we don’t let humans come to this treasure world.”

“I’ll keep that in consideration I promise to close them once you go into that weird bookshelf.”

Ursula walked to the bookshelf and pulled the sun and moon book while Celestia used her magic to wink towards the rainbow gate. Pink smoke came out of the bookshelf when it slid to the right. Ursula walked in the most lewd fate that awaited her.

Celestia used her spell to lock the secret gates to the human world from the rainbow itself.

Ursula saw the forbidden restriction gates and it opened for her. She walked in and saw her cousins with yellow eyes glazing in the pink fog.

Celestia used magic to go home to her room. She looked out of the window when it was dark and saw something that was coming, used her tea cup and had nothing in it.