> The Real Rarity > by LewdChapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Breakfast > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the moment she woke up, Rarity knew today was going to be a long one for her. Friday was the day the Boutique was to be closed for the week, although this ironically made for the most work-intensive day of all. Nothing she wasn't prepared for. Even still, her already early rise was brought even further up; Rarity was out of bed by 5 AM, already headed for the shower. She didn't dawdle long, as there were much more pressing matters to attend to. Ten minutes later, she was in her room, wrapped in a towel and preparing her outfit for the day. Before her lay two dresses, two choices for how to present herself to the world. To her left was a long, tasteful black office dress, the fabric stopping just about at her knees. The narrow, tube-like shape of the dress had a thinning effect, making the wearer seem more slender. To her right was a dress that had an opposite philosophy to the office dress. A pink tube dress that just barely came to halfway down the length of the thigh. The top of the gown was tailored such that it would just barely cover the nipple, exposing much of the breast and cleavage. The gown would cling to the body tightly, showing off her every curve and crevice. A year ago, Rarity wouldn't even be able to imagine designing such a dress, nevermind wearing it. The office dress was much closer to her sense of style. It was beautiful, elegant, classy, sophisticated. Rarity tossed the office dress to the ground on her way to her dresser in search of proper undergarments. A bra with the tube dress was out of the question, and whatever panties she decided to wear didn't particularly matter in the end, but she still considered her choice carefully. After a short search, Rarity retrieved a simple pink garment with flowery lace around the edges. Pink wasn't Rarity's color, but she had a special fondness for this particular pair. A smile crept to Rarity's lips as she slid the panties up the length of her legs, moving gingerly to avoid aggravating the bruises on her hips and thighs. Once the panties snugly hugged Rarity's ample ass, next came the dress. It was a tight fit, the snug design of the garment boosting Rarity's rack and making her already sizable breasts seem even larger. Perfect. Rarity looked herself in the mirror, gathering up her makeup to put on her face. She derived no small amount of pleasure and relaxation from her daily ritual, applying her foundation heavily to hide the bruise on her cheek, adding a thick application of eye shadow and mascara to obscure her mostly healed black eye. Her face was still a bit ginger and sore from the past week, but it was nothing Rarity couldn't withstand. Lastly came lipstick, something Rarity formerly didn't bother with. In the rare instances that she did partake, she tended to opt for lighter shades, like a soft, natural pink. Today, she instead grabbed the brightest, reddest, cheapest scarlet lipstick she could find, applying the shade to her lips. Her makeup was excessive, tacky. The best word Rarity could think of was whoreish. That's the only way to describe her appearance. Rarity, by her own assessment, looked like a proper, cheap, easy, streetwalking whore. Once she had her makeup applied, she made quick work of combing and brushing her hair. From there, she simply slipped into her shoes, six inch platform heels she bought to go with the dress, and proudly strutted out of her house before 5:30. Even early in the morning, before the town truly awoke, Rarity could feel the eyes on her. Lingering gazes from the few men and women who were out on the street, each set of eyes setting a flame in her core. It was good that Rarity's walk was a short one, or else she might find herself too hot and bothered by the hungry stares to continue on. She bit her lip as she crossed the town, wondering if she'd be able to make it to her destination undisturbed. Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, no one bothered to stop Rarity before she arrived at the Friendship Castle. Her heart pounding in her chest, Rarity looked both ways, as if afraid of being seen, and pushed open the door to her "friend's" home. It was certain that Twilight was still asleep, and Rarity didn't have any plan to wake her up. Instead, she made her way to one of the few places Rarity believed a mare like her belonged and began to cook breakfast. Both she and Twilight preferred tea over coffee, so Rarity set the kettle on as she went about making eggs and toast. She was only busy for around ten minutes before she heard the sound of approaching footsteps from behind. Rarity gulped, her core shaken by the new, powerful presence, and she merely continued with her cooking. "Good morning, Goddess," said Rarity, pulling the eggs from the heat before finally turning to face Twilight. The princess was nude, as was typical for her morning routine. Her chest wasn't quite as pronounced as Rarity's, nor was her ass, but that was the least of Rarity's interest. Twilight had something Rarity lacked, the thing that mattered, the reason Twilight had value while Rarity did not; Twilight yawned and stretched, her half-hard cock dangling proudly between her legs, catching Rarity's gaze and stealing her attention. Even now, not quite fully hard, her throbbing member went down between her knees. Such a thick, meaty horsecock, it was all Rarity could focus on, jittering and running her legs together with desire. "Is my tea ready?" asked Twilight. "Yes, Goddess. Earl grey, and a bit of honey," said Rarity. "Just how you like it. If you would give me just a moment, breakfast will be…" Rarity trailed off as Twilight approached her, the divine figure silently and dauntingly crossing the kitchen. Due to her alicorn nature, Twilight stood nearly a full head taller than Rarity, her sharp, powerful horn only adding to her height. No words were exchanged, Rarity not daring to speak in the face of her superior. Twilight looked her over, tilting her head curiously before grabbing a knife from the block on the counter. Rarity's blood ran cold, but she stood motionless, leaving herself at the deity's mercy. "I like this dress," said Twilight. "It really suits you." "Thank you, Goddess," squeaked Rarity. "I chose it especially for you. I hoped you would find it appealing." "Hm. It is very nice, very appropriate for something like you. But…" Twilight raised the knife and slipped the blade between Rarity's tits; She sliced along the length of the gown, splitting the dress down the middle, stopping just before her belly button. Satisfied with her handiwork, Twilight returned the knife and pulled Rarity's ruined dress down further, entirely exposing her fat, round tits. "This is much better. If you're going to cover something up, it shouldn't be something I want to use." "My apologies, Goddess. I did not intend to make it inconvenient for you to use my body. I am yours to do as you wish," said Rarity. As if to test this claim, Twilight pinched Rarity's nipple between her fingers. She gave the sensitive little nub a sharp twist and a pull, dragging Rarity to the tips of her toes as she squealed in pain. "You're absolutely right." Twilight gave a dark little chuckle before releasing her grip on Rarity. She hiked up the hem of Rarity's dress and gave her ass a sharp, stinging spank. "Finger yourself while you finish cooking." "Yes, Goddess." Immediately, Rarity did as she was told, using her off hand to rub her cunt through the front of her panties. "M-may I cum?" "No. Pinch your clit for asking such a stupid question," ordered Twilight. Rarity whined as she complied, which wasn't enough for the princess; Twilight grabbed a handful of Rarity's hair, yanking her head back sharply to stare into her sapphire eyes. "You can do better than that. Harder. I want to see tears." "Y-yes, Goddess." Rarity's voice was little more than a gasp, her heart pounding in her throat at the way she was being manhandled by the divine princess. She squeezed and pinched her throbbing, pulsing clit harder, her toes curling and her fingers twitching from the pain, until tears formed in her eyes and slowly trailed down her cheek. Twilight laughed again, leaning forward and placing a tiny kiss on Rarity's cheek. "Good whore. Don't burn my toast." Twilight spanked Rarity again, just as hard as earlier, before turning for the dining room. Rarity stood there, pinching her clit until she was sure that Twilight was gone, then finally did what she wanted to do since seeing Twilight enter the room. There was a gentle thud as Rarity dropped to the floor, pulling her panties aside and vigorously thrusting her fingers into her cunt, grinding and humping her left hand while she covered her mouth and muffled her moans with her right. She knew she didn't have much time before she needed to serve the princess, only a minute or so to rub her pussy raw, so she took full advantage of her time. She counted the seconds while she pumped herself to the edge, keeping herself there as the seconds ticked. Fifty-five. Fifty-six. Fifty-seven. Fifty-eight. Fifty-nine… Rarity let out an almost pitiful whine as she pulled her hand from her dripping cunt, slipping her wet, sticky fingers past her scarlet lips and sucked her juices from her digits. Even so early in her day, Rarity was as horny as she'd ever been, but that didn't matter. Breakfast was about ready, and so she quickly plated Twilight's meal onto a tray. After the addition of the teapot and two cups and saucers, Rarity scooped up the tray and carried it out of the kitchen and to the dining room. "Breakfast is served, Goddess." Rarity placed the tray before Twilight, who was too absorbed in the article she was reading to respond. Nonplussed by the way she was ignored, Rarity quietly laid the plate before Twilight, and poured tea both for herself and the princess. "Is there anything else I can get you, Goddess? Perhaps a—" "Shut up and suck me off," said Twilight sharply. She didn't even glance at Rarity as she read the news. "Yes, Goddess. As you wish." Rarity kicked off her heels and dropped to her knees, crawling awkwardly under the table to service the princess. She inhaled Twilight's scent, fragrant and earthy, masculine yet floral, as she ran her tongue along her Goddess' cock. The taste of her flesh, salty with sweat and heavy with a heady musk, was enough to have Rarity's eyes roll back in her head. She very nearly came on the spot. "I haven't showered yet. I'd ask if you mind, but…" Twilight snickered as she sipped her tea. "I don't really care. You're going to tongue my cock clean whether you mind or not." To say that Rarity didn't mind was a bit of an understatement, but that was a bit too complicated of a thought to properly express while messily slobbering over a fat dick like Twilight's. "You're not trying very hard," noted Twilight. She took a bite of her eggs and hummed. "Eggs are good, though. You managed not to mess that up, at least." "Thank you, Goddess," breathed Rarity. "I—" "I didn't ask you to speak." Twilight swiped her hand across Rarity's face, slapping her sharply across her pale, overly made up visage. "I don't keep you around to hear your voice. The only sound I want to hear from you is the sound of you gagging on my cock. Understood?" "Yes, God—" Twilight slapped her again, this time hard enough to knock Rarity to her hands and knees. A gasp escaped Rarity as she clutched the spot where she was struck and rubbing the sensitive, stinging skin gingerly. Her eyes welled with tears from the pain, but that was nothing compared to the sheer arousal she felt. No matter what she was before, this was Rarity now. A desperate, cock-hungry whore that got off on being hurt. Her friend, one of her best friends, had just slapped the taste out of her mouth, and all Rarity could think about was how hot it made her feel. "Don't speak. Obey." It was clear from Rarity's expression that she got the message loud and clear, but that didn't stop Twilight from slapping her again one more time to make absolutely sure. Rarity only took a short moment to recover from the strike, to savor it, before she finally parted her plump scarlet lips to take Twilight's flare onto her tongue. The princess sighed in contentment, grabbing Rarity's luscious sapphire hair and pulling her down deeper and deeper. "There's a good cunt. That's much better. I'm so glad you finally realized what everyone else already knew. You're no good as a person. I think we can all agree that you're much better when you're acting like the stupid whore you really are." "Am I interrupting something?" Twilight and Rarity turned toward the voice, the latter struggling to see on account of her position and preoccupation. The princess laughed airily, waving her assistant into the room to join them. Spike yawned tiredly as he entered the room, adjusting his baggy pajama pants to fit on his waist. Despite their baggy nature, Rarity could still easily see Spike's cock as it swung in his pants. "I can come back later." "I didn't realize you came back home yesterday," said Twilight, smiling warmly at her oldest friend. "You should've told me you were coming home last night, I would've made you breakfast." "You would've made me breakfast?" "I would've made the whore make you breakfast." Twilight rolled her eyes at the way Spike snickered. "You know what I meant." "Heh. Don't worry about breakfast. I gotta head out to Sugarcube Corner anyway," said Spike. "Figured I'd grab a coffee and a bagel or something." Spike glanced down at Rarity, messily slurping on Twilight's cock. "But if you're still feeling generous…" "Not that generous. I've got a ton of paperwork to do today, and you know how I get when I have to work without being able to bust a nut first," said Twilight. Her grin shifted, becoming more mischievous in nature. "Didn't think you'd be interested, seeing as you have the much prettier one in your bed." "Well, you know. Sweetie is great, and I love her, but… If I wanna have a nice, classy night out and cap off date night with some sweet love-making, then Sweetie is the girl for me." Spike grinned to match Twilight's expression. "But if I wanna fuck… Well, that's what Rarity is for, right?" "Mh-hm. I'll try not to rough her up too badly. Maybe there'll be something left for you when you get home." Twilight laughed, and gently, condescendingly patted Rarity on the head. Rarity moaned in delight, bobbing her head deeper, slurping and sucking Twilight's meat as if her life depended on it. "Still, I feel bad for hogging her all morning… Hey, whore. Give Spike your panties." Rarity did her best to nod, a feat made difficult by the large amount of Twilight she was currently choking on. She shimmied and folded herself even more uncomfortably as she pulled her panties from beneath her dress. The lacy pink garment was now marred by a big, dark wet spot from Rarity's hot, sloppy cunt, and she reached up to pass the panties to her princess. Twilight gave Rarity another slap, this time seemingly just for fun, before snatching the panties and tossing them to Spike. "Here. Something to rub one out to, if the mood strikes you," said Twilight. "And why don't you take a couple of bucks from my purse, take Sweetie someplace nice for lunch. If we're gonna make a mess of her sister, the least you can do is take her on a nice date." "Wow, Twi. Someone's in a good mood," hummed Spike. "You actually are being generous today." "What can I say? I get to take out most of my stress on this slut." Twilight threw her head back, pushing Rarity down harder. "I don't have much to complain about, except maybe she talks too much." "Looks like you've got a handle on that last part." Spike waved nonchalantly as he turned for the exit. "I'm gonna hit the shower and head out. "Give the slut some love for me." "With pleasure." It burned Rarity up to hear her friends talk about her in this way, the way they called her a whore and a slut. That she was just something to abuse. Lesser than her sister in every way. A year ago, neither Twilight nor Spike, (especially not Spike), would have ever considered being this cruel to a friend.. That was before Rarity's "awakening" as she tended to call it. Before she realized how much stress and pain she was needlessly causing herself by trying to maintain the facade that she was a person deserving of respect. Even just thinking that was enough to make Rarity roll her eyes at her own naivety. Such a silly thought. Ideas like that were one of the many, many reasons why Rarity believed she shouldn't be thinking at all. Now, that was all behind her. Now, she was able to openly be what she always was deep inside, and her friends were there to support her in the way she needed them to. In that sense, Twilight and Spike weren't being cruel at all. They were being true friends, and Rarity was eternally grateful for them. Rarity gagged and choked as she forced more and more of Twilight's length into her throat. Her tears ran down her face freely, her eyeshadow smudging and streaming down her cheeks as she worked the princess' rod. She hadn't taken a breath in quite a while, because as far as she was concerned, she didn't deserve one. Not until she tasted the base of Twilight's cock. Good whores didn't think about themselves. Good whores only cared about whoever's dick was currently under their nose. "Try not to vomit. Again." Twilight sighed, a bit of contempt and annoyance creeping to the edge of her words. "Last time you pushed yourself this hard, you made a mess and ruined my appetite." Hacking and choking around a dick wasn't much of a language, but Rarity tried to convey a response in that way regardless. She wouldn't fail her Goddess this time. No matter how much her lungs burned, no matter how red her face bloomed beneath her makeup, Rarity had to keep going. "Come on, you can do better than that…" Twilight pushed her hips up, yanking on Rarity's hair to pull her down. The princess groaned in delight as she forced her way into Rarity's tight, hot, convulsing throat. "Let's feel those tonsils…" Rarity began to go limp, her head swimming and her vision going fuzzy from a lack of oxygen. Even as her mind began to fade, she still had the wherewithal to do what she was made to do, the only thing that gave her any sense of worth. With what felt like the last of her strength, the last bit of consciousness she had, Rarity pushed herself all the way down to the base, her tongue twitching and flicking in a futile attempt to lick at Twilight's fat, heavy balls. Finally, Twilight pulled Rarity up and shoved her away, sending her tumbling into the nearby table leg. She gasped for air, clutching where her head connected with wood as she choked down breath after breath. Twilight watched Rarity's face return to its natural color, stroking her cock in amusement while watching her whore catch her breath. "Don't pass out on me yet, fuckpig. I still have to cum, and that's not quite as fun when you're unconscious." Twilight pushed her chair back, standing up and grabbing a fistful of Rarity's hair. "You like choking on my cock, fuckpig?" Rarity whined, but didn't respond, not until Twilight yanked her up to her feet. "You can speak now. Until I decide you can't." "Y-yes, Goddess. I do," coughed Rarity. "But…" "But?" "What I like doesn't matter. I exist for you to use however you like. My feelings don't matter." Despite her words, Rarity could feel her cunt blazing with desire, and it took all of her resolve to avoid finger fucking herself to completion right then and there. "I don't deserve to feel good. Fuckpigs like me don't deserve pleasure or comfort. Fuckpigs like me deserve to be put in their place by their superiors." "Good. You'll do anything I tell you, and all you can do is obey. No matter how painful or humiliating. And you love it!" Twilight pushed her breakfast to the side, her eggs half-eaten and all but forgotten, to clear out a space on the table. "Oink for me. Oink like the fat little fuckpig you are." "Oink, oink…" Rarity did her best pig impression, barely getting a third sound out before Twilight shoved her head down, slamming it against the table. "Louder. I want the neighbors to be able to hear you squeal like the animal you are." Rarity tried again, louder, more animalistic. She did more than just oink, she squealed and snorted until her princess was laughing almost as loudly as the pig noises. Rarity felt her ears burn in embarrassment, the sensation making her pussy burn even hotter. She couldn't touch herself, not without her Goddess' permission, but she needed something. A taste of cock, a hand around her throat, spit in her eyes, anything to distract her from her starving cunt. "Please, Goddess… Your fuckpig is so horny…" Rarity oinked in between her begging, doing nothing to protect any dignity she may have still possessed. "Fuck my throat, Goddess. Please…" "Get on the table. On your back." Twilight pulled Rarity by the hair, throwing her into the table's surface. Like the good little whore she was, Rarity moaned at the impact, doing her best to follow her Goddess' orders. She turned herself over onto her back, looking up at Twilight with want and need in her eyes. Twilight gripped her cock, wet with Rarity's saliva and smudged with scarlet lipstick, and swung it against Rarity's face. The slapping of flesh on flesh continued to ruin Rarity's makeup, the process expedited when Twilight rested her fat, heavy, sweaty balls on her face. "Show me how much you want it, pig. Come get your breakfast, greedy little piggy." Rarity didn't just want it. She needed it. She oinked and squealed, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she tried to taste her Goddess. The weight of Twilight's nuts, the heat and the musk, it all came together to drive Rarity wild. She whined and squirmed under Twilight's weight, trying her best to lick and kiss at the heavy sack pressed against her face. "Oh, you poor thing. Let me help you." Twilight hooked a finger past Rarity's lip and wrenched her jaws open, before roughly shoving the fat flare of her cock against the back of Rarity's throat. She groaned with satisfaction, sliding herself into Rarity's snug, twitching throat. Twilight reached forward and firmly grabbed a handful of Rarity's fat tits, digging her fingernails savagely into the soft flesh as she viciously bucked her hips towards Rarity's face. "There's a good pig, choke on my cock…" As Twilight pounded her throat, her heavy balls slapping her forehead with each thrust, Rarity decided she could control herself no longer; Rarity slipped four fingers into her cunt, pumping her sloppy pussy vigorously. She was so close, from fingering herself, from the way she was being spoken to, from the way she was being used. Her hips jerked against her hand almost as spastically as her throat convulsed around Twilight's massive meat rod. Before she could jill herself over the edge, Twilight fiercely brought her hand down to slap Rarity's cunt, spanking her puffy lower lips until her pussy was a screaming, angry red. The pain was enough to renew Rarity's tears, and she was certain she could feel Twilight grow harder from the sound of her crying. "Did that hurt? Good. I didn't say you could touch yourself." Twilight buried her shaft to the balls in Rarity's esophagus. She traced her finger across the great bulge in Rarity's throat before firmly grabbing her neck with both hands. "Keep slapping that greedy pussy, pig. I don't want you to stop slapping that cunt until I've cum down your greedy little throat." A choking, whining moan was the only response Rarity managed before she did as she was told. Soon, the only sounds louder than Rarity's hand spanking her own pussy were the wet slap of Twilight's balls against Rarity's forehead and the hacking, coughing sounds of Rarity choking. She not only gagged on Twilight's cock, but the princess also squeezed the whore's throat. The princess moaned in delight, the added tightness from her squeezing ramping up the pleasure considerably. Although the princess was enjoying herself considerably, she had to assume that Rarity was feeling at least a bit uncomfortable. Luckily for both women, Twilight didn't care about whether or not Rarity was comfortable. The only pleasure that mattered was Twilight's, which was precisely what Rarity wanted. It's why she sat there, slurping and throating her Goddess, letting her eyeshadow run and her lipstick smear. Twilight choked her tighter, pounded her face harder, until Rarity's face shifted in shade yet again. This time, they skipped straight past red and landed directly on a tepid blue, her eyes becoming bloodshot as the pressure in her head mounted. It occurred to Rarity, in her dazed, fuzzy mind, that Twilight could kill her. If the princess wanted to, she could just strangle her, wrench the life from her body, and no one would care. The only loss the city of Ponyville would experience would be the loss of the town cumbucket. Rarity's eyes rolled back in her head, her hand going limp as she brought her palm down to her cunt one last time, as what could have easily been her last thought flashed throughout her mind. This is all a cunt like me is good for. Twilight let out a groan of delight as she buried herself in Rarity's throat, her cock swelling as she spewed cum down Rarity's throat. The last thing Rarity felt was a flood of hot, sticky cum into her belly before Twilight pulled her cock free, letting Rarity gasp down much-needed air (and almost as much cum). The princess glazed Rarity's face, her cum mixing and running with her makeup as hot seed dripped into her eyes and up her nose. With plenty of cum left, Twilight turned her aim to the left, and deposited the last of her load onto her half-eaten breakfast, taking good care to shoot into Rarity's mug. The cum filled the cup to the brim, the last few drops from Twilight's firehose causing the cup to overflow onto the table. "Whew. What a way to start the day," chuckled the princess. She grabbed a fistful of Rarity's hair, formerly lush and elegant, and used it to wipe the drool and cum from her cock. "I think I'll have that shower now. There's a list on the coffee table of things I need you to do before lunch. No need to clean yourself up, you and I both know you'll just end up a mess again before you get back." "Yes, Goddess…" wheezed Rarity. The princess laughed, giving her whore another series of firm slaps to the face. "When you're done with your breakfast, make sure you clean this mess up. I don't need my dining room smelling like cum." Twilight finished cleaning her shaft with Rarity's shiny locks, turning for the exit before stopping. "Don't forget your manners, pig. What do you say?" "Thank you… For using my worthless body…" Rarity barely kept her eyes open as Twilight happily and energetically bounced out of the room, her sights set on the shower. It took about every ounce of her strength, but Rarity finally sat up, clutching her throat and squeezing her left eye shut to protect it from the glob of cum that was threatening to drop down. She looked to her "breakfast", little more than the cum-drenched scraps of someone else's meal. Someone better than her. Rarity smiled as she lifted her teacup, taking as delicate and dignified of a sip of hot cum as was possible given the circumstances. Her Goddess had once again reminded her of her place, and once again showed the world what the real Rarity looked like. > Sugar Cube Corner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Rarity! Just who I wanted to see!" After an encounter such as Rarity's "breakfast" with Twilight, it could be presumed that Rarity would have difficulty smiling and enjoying the day. Whether she was asking for it or not, Rarity had still nearly been strangled, and that was the sort of thing that put a damper on one's day. That just spoke to the power of Pinkie's positive attitude. "Hello, darling," croaked Rarity as she entered Sugar Cube Corner. Pinkie stood behind the counter, her blue, button-up blouse covered by a bright yellow apron, and waved Rarity over. "How are you doing today?" "To tell you the truth, I'm swamped. The Cakes are out on vacation, and it seems like everyone and their mama needs baked goods today!" As Rarity approached, she took notice of the tired shadow behind Pinkie's eyes. It looked as if she hadn't slept that night, which was very much so a possibility. "I could really use a hand." "I'm not much of a baker, and to be quite honest, I don't imagine you want me in your kitchen like…" Rarity gestured to her face, sticky with saliva, makeup, ball sweat and cum. "Like this. I'm not supposed to clean up yet." "That's no problem! I wasn't gonna ask you to cook anyway, that'd be a waste. No, you've got all the right stuff for customer service!" explained Pinkie. "You'll take orders, nothing you're not used to, and make sure the customers leave happy, while I handle the kitchen. Between the two of us, it should be easy peasy, lemon squeezy. So get that bubble butt behind the counter!" "Yes, ma'am." It didn't take more than a direct order like that to get Rarity moving, and she quickly rounded the counter to the register. Pinkie reached into her big poof of pink hair and emerged a short minute later with a lock box that was far too large to feasibly fit in the space that she put it. She sat the box into the counter and flipped the lid open. "Erm… May I ask what's in the box?" "Just some stuff to make your job a bit easier. Hop your caboose on the counter for a sec." Pinkie dug through the lock box as Rarity boosted herself onto the counter. After a few moments of rustling through her various doo-dads, Pinkie grabbed up a tangle of pink wires that were connected to a trio of bullet vibrators. "Spread 'em." "I'm afraid I still don't understand…" Despite her confusion, Rarity still spread her legs as wide as her ripped tube dress would allow. Pinkie untangled the vibes and, with a short roll of waterproof tape, stuck the vibe directly onto Rarity's already abused clit. "Question! What makes a man more willing to leave a tip?" Pinkie didn't wait for an answer. "Answer: a hot lady taking their order. What makes them leave a big tip?" "A hot—" "A hot, slutty lady taking their order." Pinkie pulled Rarity's already ripped dress down, further exposing her sizable breasts, and carefully stuck a vibe to each nipple. "And what makes them wanna leave a huge tip?" It grew quiet for a moment, Rarity waiting patiently for an answer. "Uh… Aren't you gonna guess?" "Oh. I thought you were just going to tell me," said Rarity. Pinkie tilted her head in confusion before finally breaking out into a fit of laughter, and she patted Rarity atop the head the same way one might pet a dog. "Oh, Rarity. You never were too bright, how did you get by before you had us to tell you what to do? It's okay, though. You're really pretty, so you don't have to be smart." Finally, with all the vibes attached and secured, Pinkie set down two pink remotes: one labeled with a "T" and the other with a "P". "And you know what, you made me lose my train of thought, so it doesn't matter. What matters is our foolproof tip system!" Pinkie went on to elaborate on her setup by setting a tip jar on the counter beside the register and hastily scribbling onto a small dry erase board. They displayed the various prices and services. For a tip of $2, the patron could slap Rarity as hard as they like, wherever they like. For $5, they could adjust the vibes on either her breasts or clit by one level. For $10 and $20, Rarity would jump onto the counter and shove a toy (Pinkie left the box that contained several dildos under the counter) into her cunt and ass, respectively. "Do you really think this will help?" asked Rarity. "Absotively, positutely! Just gotta get the ball rolling." Pinkie set the vibes to level two (out of ten), and set the remotes on the counter beside the tip jar. They buzzed to life, earning a tiny gasp from Rarity. Her nipples were always fairly sensitive, but all of the slapping and pinching of her poor clit from earlier made the mild vibrations feel a thousand times stronger. Her leg twitched, but Rarity stood her ground. After a moment of consideration, Pinkie slipped $2 into the jar. "People are always more likely to tip if they think someone else already did. Which means…" "Eep!" Rarity squeaked in surprise when Pinkie brutally brought her hand down against her juicy ass. Pinkie giggled as she watched Rarity's lush behind jiggle slightly from the impact. "God, you make the hottest sounds when you get hit. Makes me wanna rip off this apron and just nail you across the counter!" Pinkie giggled, giving Rarity's increasingly sore ass a gentle little squeeze and jiggle. "Oh well. Maybe later. You need anything before I go?" "Oh! I nearly forgot why I came here in the first place!" Rarity palmed her forehead. "Stupid little ditz… Goddess Twilight would like two dozen of your cookies for a dinner she's having on Sunday." "Consider it done. I'll call her later for the deets." And, with that, Pinkie bounced out of the room and into the kitchen, leaving Rarity alone in the front of the store. Rarity was used to this sort of work, as it was one of her duties at Carousel Boutique. Granted, she didn't often work the register at her Boutique while having her delicate bits teased constantly (unless Goddess Twilight decided to pop in for a visit), but Rarity was certain she could do the task. While Pinkie wasn't exactly her Goddess, Rarity still sought to obey her betters in any way possible. She wouldn't fail Pinkie, for any reason. "Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner!" Rarity slipped into the greeting as if she had rehearsed it a hundred times upon the entrance of the day's first customer. The stallion seemed perplexed as he neared the counter. "My name is Rarity, and I'll be serving you today. What can I do for you?" "Rarity, was it?" The stallion peered at Rarity carefully, more concerned with her topless form than the bakery's menu. "I know that name. Aren't you the…" "The town's brainless cunt cumdumpster, yes. That's me. As you can see by my makeup, folks around town seem to like me." Rarity giggled, chewing on her lip and folding her hands behind her back. "I would ordinarily offer to suck your cock, but I'm unfortunately being put to work, so I'm afraid I'll have to satisfy you some other way." "Right… Was wondering if you guys did coffee?" "Yes, sir. How would you like that?" "Just a small black. And, you know what, I'll have a muffin, too. Blueberry," said the stallion, his eyes glued to Rarity's breasts. Her soft, heavy tits rose and fell with every breath, and they bounced slightly as she nodded along. "I guess that'll do it." "Very good, sir. That will be $7.88." The man paid his money, and Rarity returned his change before pouring the man's coffee from a carafe behind her and scooping up a fresh blueberry muffin from behind the glass and depositing it in a small paper bag. "Enjoy, and if you found my service satisfactory, please consider a tip." "Are these for real?" he asked, looking the sign up and down curiously. Rarity nodded, which only added to the man's intrigue. "So $2 extra lets me slap you anywhere?" "Anywhere sir so desires," nodded Rarity. "If you are interested in suggestions, Ms. Pinkie Pie seems to enjoy spanking me. I suppose a fat ass like mine must be good for something, even if it's—" The man brought the back of his hand fiercely against Rarity's face, the strike knocking her into her aforementioned plump backside. A sound left Rarity that was halfway between a gasp and a moan, and she gingerly rubbed her cheek as she stood up. "Thank you, sir." Between the slap, the vibrators, and all the abuse she had suffered at Twilight's hand earlier, it's a wonder Rarity hadn't cum yet. "Will that be all?" "Huh. That's pretty hot…" The man slipped a $5 bill into the jar, and fiercely slapped Rarity again. This time, she openly moaned from the impact when she got the ground, and she stood up and thanked the man again. "What will the extra dollar get me?" "Hm… I'm not certain. Ms. Pinkie Pie didn't say…" Rarity tapped her sticky, cum-coated chin in thought. "My body isn't normally worth paying for, but this is for Sugar Cube Corner… I suppose you could spit on me. That seems fair, no?" "Open your mouth." "Oh, no, sir. In that case, I'm afraid that's going to be a dollar fifty," said Rarity gently. The man grabbed two quarters from his pocket and tossed them into the jar. Satisfied, Rarity closed her eyes and let her mouth hang open. "Ahhhhh…." With a foul hiss from his throat, the man worked up a great gob of saliva that he spat harshly into Rarity's tongue. She let out a little hum as she savored the taste of this perfect stranger, dutifully gulping down his spit like a good little whore. "Thank you for visiting Sugar Cube Corner!" said Rarity with a bright smile. "We hope you return to abuse this cunt soon!" Rarity waved to the nice gentleman as he departed, feeling the familiar drip of desire down her thighs from the rush of being slapped so hard by someone she'd never met. She oh so loved it when the townsfolk put her in her place, whether she knew them personally or not. It just made her position as subhuman all the more apparent. She may have even stopped to finger herself at her experience if not for the arrival of two more customers. "Hello! Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner!" Despite her attempt at focusing on her task, Rarity couldn't help but twitch and rub her legs together from the constant vibrations. "What can I do for you gentlemen?" Based on how little time and concern the pair of men wasted on ordering, Rarity had to assume that they weren't terribly interested in baked goods. The two placed their orders almost as an afterthought, most of their focus on the sign beside the tip jar. Word of mouth travelled fast in Ponyville, especially where the resident slut was concerned. The pair ordered quickly, just an order of scones, before turning their attention to the tip jar. Rarity watched them discuss among themselves as she accepted their money. They didn't say anything to her as she bagged up their treats and delivered it to them. "Thank you for coming!" said Rarity with a wave. "Enjoy, and if you found my service satisfactory, please consider—" BZZZZZ! Rarity yelped in surprise, the sudden powerful buzzing against her chest nearly taking her off her feet. The burst of pleasure was so intense that it was easily mistaken for pain, especially to Rarity, someone who didn't really see much of a difference between the two. Even still, her breasts were so sensitive that it was almost too much for her. Rarity had to brace herself against the counter as she moaned, tongue hanging from her mouth like a dog. "Cool." One of the patrons, a unicorn, held the vibe remote, thumbing the dial up to four. "I heard you were a slut, but I didn't think you'd be the type to play with yourself at work." "I-I am just trying to help Ms. Pinkie today," said Rarity shakily. "And, while I th-thank you for taking the t-time to tease me… You're really only meant to go one level at a time, and they're for—!" Rarity squealed again as the unicorn dialed the vibes up another level. "Oh, sweet merciful Goddess… The dial p-privillege is meant for tipping customers!" "What's the difference between the remotes?" The other man, a shorter pegasus, grabbed the other remote and, surely intended to fiddle with the settings if not for Rarity's intervention. "That one is for my clit, and I really must say again that you are really supposed to tip before you adjust the remotes." Rarity spoke as carefully as she could while still maintaining the proper respect when addressing a man. "If you wish to tease me, please let it not be at the expense of Sugar Cube Corner." "You think we can get her to cum from just the ones on her tits?" asked the unicorn. "Let's find out." "P-please, sirs, I must ask you to respect the tip—" Rarity stopped in her tracks when each man pulled out a crisp $20 bill. They lazily dropped the money into the jar, at which point Rarity smiled and folded her hands behind her back. "That's very generous of you. Tease away!" Between all of the slaps, the physical and verbal abuse from Twilight, being spit on, and the hellish task that was resisting the urge to touch herself for the duration, it was a wonder Rarity had been able to defy her orgasm for as long as she had. Finally, she would get her chance to cum, assuming the patrons' tipping was sufficient. Heat bloomed in Rarity’s chest, her chest heaving as she felt the fire burn in her core. The men that now controlled her nipples acted slowly, dialing the vibes up bit by bit. They had brought the vibrations down to the lowest setting before slowly ticking them forward. Each second of gentle buzzing sent hot, tingling bolts throughout Rarity's body, making her legs twitch and her pelvis jerk ever so slightly. She had to grip the counter tightly in order to deter herself from plunging her fingers into her aching, starving pussy. Then came the laughs, the jeers, the mockery. The men were watching her, total strangers waiting for her to cum right there in public. That anticipation, the weight of the gazes upon Rarity's breasts, it was just as exhilarating as the vibrators themselves. Her legs jerked and nearly buckled at the scorn and derision in the men's eyes, that blazing, burning pleasure in her chest blossoming as another patron entered the bakery. "H-hello!" moaned Rarity, waving shakily to the mare approaching the counter. "If you would be so kind…" She whined and squealed in time with the increase of power of the vibrators. "Goddess… Please, I will be with you in just a moment…" "What's the deal with the slut?" asked the mare. The stallions snickered, pointing to the tip sign. "Trying to make her cum from her tits," said the unicorn. "Is it working?" "Y-yessss…." breathed Rarity. "Goddess above, I'm so close…" "She's not foolin'," snickered the pegasus. "That's really all it takes, huh?" "I know, right? How horny can you be?" laughed his friend. "So pathetic." Pathetic. That's what she was, absolutely pathetic. Disgraceful, really. A year ago, Rarity was the pinnacle of dignity and grace. Now, she stood before a band of perfect strangers, panting, all but drooling as she was brought to the edge of orgasm for all to see. Anyone could see her, anyone could come in and laugh at her expense, contribute to her pleasure or pain. It was these men who decided when she'd cum, and it only cost them $20 to earn that right. "P-p-please, sirs…" Every word seemed a struggle, each sentence growing harder and harder for Rarity to form. So close. All she needed was one last push. "I'm so close…" "Make her beg for it," suggested the mare, pulling a cell phone from her pocket. She began recording, something her fellow patrons followed suit. "You heard her, bitch," said the unicorn. "Beg for it." "P-Please, sirs. Let this little whore c-cum," Rarity moaned. "I'll do anything… Just make me cum…" The three patrons shared a look and, after nonverbally deciding it was good enough, the unicorn pushed the dial up to max power. If Rarity thought the buzzing was intense before, then there was no word that did justice to how she felt now. The fire in her chest spread to her entire body, the tips of her fingers numb from how tightly she clenched her fists. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, her eyes rolling back slightly. It was a feeling so intense, so electric, so powerful that Rarity couldn't put the experience into words. All she knew was that it felt so, so good. The orgasm that hit Rarity then was unlike any she'd ever experienced. She felt her pussy clamp and convulse around nothing, and she let out a long, shrill moan as she jerked her hip into the edge of the counter. Her cunt gushed, a veritable waterfall of indecent fluid streaming down her quivering thighs, barely able to support her frame. Her tits felt like they had been lit aflame, every square inch of her breasts bristling with passion and pleasure. The buzzing continued, and so too did Rarity's orgasm, until her mind was fried and she could barely keep her eyes open. Finally, after he was satisfied with the video he had gotten, the unicorn turned Rarity's vibes off entirely, finally letting her fall forward onto the counter to catch her breath. "Whoo!" Pinkie's voice rang from the kitchen, her bubbly enthusiasm in no way hampered by all the work she was stuck doing in the back. "First orgasm of the day!" "Th-thank you, sirs, for visiting… Sugar Cube Corner…" panted Rarity. Her eyes had glazed over somewhat, and she was so deep in her afterglow that it wasn't entirely clear whether or not she was completely conscious. "We hope you return… To abuse this cunt… Soon…" Rarity turned over, head still resting on the counter when she addressed the mare who had been patiently waiting her turn. "May I take your order…?" "So, how are we doing out here?" Rarity was so out of her head that she only barely recognized that she was being spoken to. She had been at it for hours, tending to the patrons and being summarily teased, slapped, spanked, insulted, and spat on. Her body, dripping with sweat from her constant stimulation, was barely being supported by her weak, trembling arms braced against the counter. The line before her was short, but constant, and Rarity scarcely had time to take a breath for herself since her first orgasm. "Doing just… marvelous…" panted Rarity. Pinkie slid into the spot beside her, watching with a grin as Rarity completed another transaction. Rarity did her best to smile politely to the customer. "Thank you for visiting Sugar Cube Corner…" The man in question snorted, then slipped $2 into the now overflowing tip jar, before smacking Rarity across the face as hard as he could. She moaned and winced, a bruise from the constant abuse beginning to show through her messy, smudgy, ruined makeup. "Please come again…" breathed Rarity with an almost delirious grin. "Wowzers, Rarity. I knew you liked it rough, but these guys aren't holding back!" giggled Pinkie. "You sure can take a pounding!" "Goddess above, I wish…" "Huh?" "While I am immensely grateful to the kind men and women who used me…" Rarity sighed wistfully. "Sadly, no one has seen fit to allow me to use any toys…" "Hm? So what have you been up to this whole time?" asked Pinkie. Rarity took in a shaky breath as she handed the next customer his scones, quietly thanking him when the man spat in her eyes. "Have you cum?" "Yes. Nineteen times, if memory serves me. Just let me check…" Rarity craned her head to read the tip sign, which she had previously adjusted to include prices for spitting on her, as well as to keep track of her orgasms, and she quickly counted the tallies. "Twenty-two, actually. Eight of them from just my nipples…" "Nice! Well, you're doing a good job, and I am plum-tuckered out from the kitchen, so…" Pinkie reached into her mane and withdrew a crisp, fresh $100 bill, which she folded and dropped on top of the pile of cash. Rarity felt her heart pick up, and she glanced back just in time to see Pinkie undoing her pants and pulling out her thick, hard package. While the baker lacked a few inches in terms of length when compared to Rarity's Goddess, she made up for it with sheer girth. "Buckle up, slut, my balls are aching!" Before Rarity could even begin to prepare herself, a shriek of pain rang throughout the bakery as Pinkie shoved half of her massive meatstick into Rarity's starving snatch. The thrust brought Rarity up to the tips of her toes, the pain almost too much for her to bear. Of all the men, futas, and any other creatures with penises that Rarity had pleasured, she wasn't sure if she had ever felt a fatter cock then Pinkie's. It felt like it was going to split her in half, and she could already imagine the gape that would result from such a sudden, remorseless introduction. Rarity felt a hand on her shoulder, and another grasp her messy, sticky, cum-coated mane. Pinkie yanked back on the sapphire locks, painfully jerking Rarity's head back to look her in her eyes for just a second before forcing Rarity down the rest of the length of her cock. As the medial ring painfully popped past Rarity's puffy pussy, the fusion of pain and pleasure brought Rarity right over the edge; The slut let out a desperate, twisting howl, amusing the customers in line with her shameful display. "F-fuck…" Rarity's legs kicked and her feet jittered beneath her, her cunt clamping down around Pinkie's cock, jerking her hips back against Pinkie's pelvis from the force of her orgasm. Rarity grabbed her marker in a shaky telekinetic grasp and added another tally mark to the white board, marking another orgasm. "Thank you, Ms. Pinkie…" "Hehe. One pump is all it took, huh? Well, I still need to cum, and I'm not a quickshot like you," giggled Pinkie. She moved her hand from Rarity's shoulder to her ample hips, grinding against the whore's fat, juicy rear. "Hey, just cause I'm on break doesn't mean you get to take a breather, too! Look at all these customers!" "I don't think anyone here minds waiting." The man at the front of the line piped up. "We came for a meal and a show, and you're giving it to us." "True… But she can multitask, I swear. So…" Pinkie fiercely spanked Rarity's ass, earning a pained yelp and almost immediately leaving a stinging, angry red handprint on Rarity's bouncy cheek. "Back to work!" Taking orders was hard enough while being teased by vibes, and it was borderline impossible for Rarity to pay attention while being split in half by the single fattest cock she had ever taken. Even still, Rarity did all she could to provide adequate service both to her customers and her current boss. Her body shook as Pinkie rocked her hips, slamming into her abused pussy with no sense of patience. Rarity felt every throbbing inch of Pinkie's length twitch against her insides, pounding painfully against her cervix. "Thank you for—" Rarity let out a sharp yelp, nearly dropping her customer's change when Pinkie yanked on her tail and slammed herself even deeper. Pinkie had taken Rarity off of her feet with the force of her thrusts, leaving the slut's toes curling as she lay across the counter. "Please come again… Oh! Ms. Pinkie! Goddess, you're hurting me!" "Huh?" Pinkie stopped, leaning forward and pressing herself down on Rarity in an attempt to better hear her. "What'd ya say?" "I s-said you're hurting me." "Oh. Okay." Pinkie grabbed a fistful of Rarity's hair and slammed her head harshly against the countertop. "How 'bout now?" Rarity didn't say anything, too stunned from the pain to respond, but the way she twitched and tensed around Pinkie's length told the baker all she needed to know. "Did you just cum from me slamming your head against the table?" "Yes…" The marker floated in Rarity's magic, adding another tally mark. "Thank you… May I help whoever is next?" "Hey, I don't actually want to buy anything." A rather tall, rather curvy earth pony mare approached the counter. Rarity could barely see through the stars in her eyes, but, through some sort of cockslut's sixth sense, she noticed the sizable bulge in the mare's jeans. "But I've got a job interview in like ten minutes and I need to take the edge off. How much to beat off on her face?" "Hm… $15," said Pinkie after a bit of thought. "I'll give you $25 if she licks my sack while I jerk it." "Deal!" Before Rarity had a chance to argue, as unlikely as that was, the mare had undid her jeans to allow her cock to flop into Rarity's face. Immediately, the intoxicating musk wrapped around Rarity's mind. The masculine smell of the mare's package was addictive, almost succeeding in making Rarity cum again. Rarity nuzzled against the hardening shaft, taking a deep huff of the mare's earthy, powerful essence. She jerked herself forward with an almost animalistic desire, eyes rolling in her head as Pinkie essentially fucked her into this woman's crotch. "P-please, ma'am…" panted Rarity. "May I please kiss it? I just need a taste…" "As long as you bring those fat lips of yours down when you're done," sighed the mare, pulling the money from her pocket and depositing it in the top jar. "Hurry up, will ya? I can't cum unless you play with my balls, and I really need to bust a fat one before this interview." "Thank you, miss. Thank you for your kindness…" Rarity pressed her lips against the flat head of the customer's flare, leaving a faint mark of her fading lipstick on her flesh. "Your generosity…" She licked around the flare, greedily lapping up a sticky bead of pre. "Your delicious cock…" After licking down the mare's shaft, savoring every musky, salty, sweaty inch of marecock, Rarity finally brought herself down to her main target; somehow, the smell and taste of the mare's dick paled in comparison to what hung below. The smell was so powerful that it almost began to sting Rarity's nostrils, though this was the least of her concerns. Unable to contain herself any longer, Rarity parted her plump lips and took the fat, hot, heavy balls onto her tongue. She moaned in delight, almost purring like a cat, and she sucked greedily on the mare's sack. "Fuck me…" The mare spat into her hand and quickly went about stroking her stiff rod. She threw her head back in delight, letting out a contented sigh. "Where do you find girls like this?" "She wasn't always this way. Before, she was all uptight and snooty," giggled Pinkie as she slammed her hips against Rarity's cushy rear. "A little… Let's say itchy, twitchy, rhymes with witchy. Then, one day, outta the blue, she just decided she'd rather be a slut. And why be a little slutty when you can be all the slutty!" Slut. Whore. Cocksleeve. Cumdumpster. Rarity heard all of these jeers before, and worse, and they always had the same effect on her; an electric tingle ran up her spine as she was belittled, humiliated, used. It was what she lived for. "I should probably get back to the kitchen soon…" sighed Pinkie. "Oh well. Fun is fun, but there's work to be done. Get ready, I'm gonna stop holding back now." The idea that Pinkie was fucking her this hard and was apparently holding back should've been a terrifying prospect, and yet, Rarity only felt even more excited. She squirmed forward, letting Pinkie hold her by her legs for maximum control and penetration. Rarity sputtered out a bit of saliva, getting the mare's balls nice and wet before pulling her lips away and rubbing her face against the heavy sack. She could tell by the way the mare twitched, how her balls tensed slightly, that she was getting close. Meanwhile, Pinkie shimmied out of her pants entirely to allow herself free range of motion, a freedom she took advantage of by stepping one leg up into the counter. She gave Rarity's juicy ass a spank before slamming her hips forward, piercing through Rarity like a drill. Rarity could feel Pinkie bulging in her stomach, rearranging her insides with the same amount of respect one might show a sex toy. That's all she was, at the end of the day. A fuckdoll for the public's amusement. "Fuck…" Pinkie let slip a rare swear, a sure sign that she was reaching her limit. She moved her hips with even more aggression, sending shockwaves through Rarity's body. It felt so good, the pain almost paralyzing in its intensity. Rarity could no longer feel her legs, only the fat cock that was currently ruining her. She was getting close herself, not that such things mattered, and she parted her lips again to taste the divine flesh of the hefty futa balls before her. As she messing slobbered over her balls, the mare hunched forward, clutching Rarity around the head in an attempt to keep her balance. She gripped her tightly, yanking on the ruined amethyst locks as she too reached her limit. Rarity was the first to cum, harder than she had previously. As the walls of her cunt twitched and clamped around Pinkie, she followed right behind her; a long, low grunt escaped Pinkie as she buried herself to the balls in Rarity's cunt, her already thick cock pulsing even more as she spurted a flood of hot cum directly into Rarity's womb. Her body milked Pinkie, demanding every last drop from her hefty balls, a payload Pinkie herself was more than willing to provide. She could feel Rarity twitch around her, sense the way her weak, feeble legs kicked from beneath her, and it all just made Pinkie's orgasm all the more enjoyable. The mare pulled her sack from Rarity's fat lips with a wet pop, stroking her meat vigorously in the slut's face. So high on cock, musk and cum, Rarity's glazed eyes just barely managed to see the pulse of the futa's flare in time. She lazily opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue just a second before the mare unloaded. Jizz shot in thick, heavy jets, the first connecting directly with Rarity's eye while the rest fell a bit short, dripping onto her nose and down her chin. The mare sat her cockhead on Rarity's tongue and let her suckle the last few drops of cum straight from the tap. "I wish I had more time to mess around with her," sighed the mare. She pulled her cock free and found a clean portion of Rarity's hair to wipe the slobber and cum with before tucking herself away. "Next time, advertise that you'll be doing this. I would've come in earlier, you'd have gotten twice as much business from me." "We already made more in tips than we did in sales!" giggled Pinkie, pointing to the overflowing tip jar. "Although, this was a hit… maybe I'll make this a more regular thing. Oh well, I gotta get back to baking, feel much better now that I don't have a gallon of cum weighing me down. Thanks for the pussy, Rara." Pinkie slapped Rarity's ass again, as hard as she ever had, and began to skip away when she stopped. "Oh, by the way, that was your lunch break. Hope that cum was enough. Keep up the hard work!" Rarity didn't respond, too focused on savoring the mouthful of cum she was holding on her tongue. The salty, bitter goo was what got Rarity out of bed in the morning, and she was eternally grateful that she lived in a town with people willing to give a slut like herself what she needs: a firm thrashing and a mouthful of jizz. Rarity waved to the woman who had just glazed her, gulping down the cum happily before looking up with a dazed, dizzy, satisfied smile. "May I help whoever is next?" > Favors > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even before Rarity's awakening, she was always more than willing to help out her friends in the ways that she could. Whether that be by designing their outfits, mending their wardrobes, or even just lending some emotional support during hard times, the old Rarity was always able to lend a hand, albeit in a shallow, superficial manner. She refused to do anything she saw as dirty work, which often meant she was effectively useless in regards to things such as Applejack's farm. That was back when Rarity had some misguided sense of pride and self-worth, when she was still perpetuating the ridiculous notion that she somehow had more value than the dirt she so detested. Now, as she strolled nude down the road to Fluttershy's cottage, it was clear for all to see that the real Rarity had no such backwards beliefs. "Oh, you're here!" Fluttershy waved to Rarity from her porch, smiling her soft, gentle smile as her friend approached. "I was afraid you'd be busy with Twilight." "I was, but I managed to convince Goddess Twilight to wait until later to facefuck me unconscious," said Rarity as she neared the cottage. She shared a brief hug and a kiss on either cheek with Fluttershy before stepping back and crossing her arms behind her back the way Twilight often instructed. "She punished me by taking my clothes, but I don't imagine we'll need them today." "No, I don't think we will. Come on, I'll show you the boys." Rarity nodded, then followed close behind Fluttershy as she entered her tiny house. While all of her friends supported the real Rarity in her new lifestyle, they tended to do so in different ways. Whereas Twilight went all in on owning and demeaning Rarity, Fluttershy perhaps predictably took a much subtler approach. She was very rarely ever outright cruel or violent towards Rarity, and while the slut sometimes felt herself wanting for a strong hand across her face, she also took solace in how casually and freely Fluttershy treated the situation. If one were to base their guess off of the way Fluttershy spoke to Rarity, it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that Rarity had always been a slut. "I'll admit, Ms. Fluttershy, I wasn't expecting this sort of favor from you," said Rarity, wearing nothing but a smile and a face of ruined makeup as they approached the back door. "This wouldn't be the first time someone has used me as a centerpiece for their orgy, but that never seemed to be to your interests." "I think you might have misunderstood," giggled Fluttershy. She pushed open the backdoor and stepped into the yard, where Rarity followed. "When I said I had some boys who needed relief, I didn't mean people." Rarity blinked at the sight of the veritable menagerie before her. A trio of wolves sat in wait in the grass, waiting restlessly for their mistress to return. They perked up upon hearing and seeing Fluttershy, their attention darting to Rarity as soon as she entered view. Rarity thought she knew what it felt like to be eyed down, to be looked at like a predator looked at a hunk of meat, but this was different. Now, in this crowd of nature's beast, it was entirely possible that she would end up as prey in the most literal of senses. "Oh. I see." Rarity tilted her head, noticing that the wolves especially were staring her down, their fierce golden eyes glued to Rarity's bare breasts. She smiled at the thought that even wild animals knew what parts of her were worth looking at. "This is certainly different than I expected." "I have a contract with an associate in Manehattan," explained Fluttershy. "They supply me with grants every year to continue taking care of animals around Ponyville. In exchange, they sometimes ask me for data to help them with their research. Normally just weight and size measurements, that sort of thing. But now, there's talk of this new pesticide that will hopefully keep some of the nastier bugs from the Everfree out of town, and there's concern on how it might impact the wildlife. So, they asked me to send them a few samples. I've already got blood and fur and the like. Now, I just need a semen sample." It went quiet for a moment as Rarity considered what it was she heard, ending when she shrugged in Fluttershy's direction. "Ms. Fluttershy, you must understand. Even before my awakening, I wasn't especially bright," said Rarity. "Now that I'm embracing what a stupid cunt I really am, I didn't understand a word you said aside from 'semen'. But I think that's more or less all I need to know, hm?" "That's right. You normally sleep with anyone who asks you anyway. I figured my animal friends would be the same?" "Absolutely! My body is an object to be used by my superiors, and that includes nature itself!" Rarity smiled, folding her hands behind her back and swaying dreamily on the spot. "How may I help, Miss?" "Here, you'll need this." Fluttershy approached, pulling a small glass jar from her pocket. "Open your mouth, please." With an eager spark, Rarity let her mouth hang open, a pang of disappointment striking her when Fluttershy refrained from spitting in it. Instead. Fluttershy unscrewed the jar and swiped up a bit of the clear gel, putting her finger in Rarity's mouth and smearing its interior with the sticky goo. The gel tasted vaguely of latex, but the flavor faded far too quickly for Rarity to really decide what it was. Once done with the mouth, Fluttershy turned her attention to a different pair of lips; After getting two fingers coated in the gel, she forced her hand into Rarity's cunt, twisting and turning her fingers until the hole was thoroughly slick and sticky. "What's that for, Miss?" asked Rarity curiously. Her heart jolted as the wolves growled in her direction, pawing the ground restlessly. It seemed as if the only thing keeping them where they sat was an outstretched hand and a stern glare from Fluttershy. "My, they seem… eager…" "Which is why I'm afraid I don't have time to explain exactly how it works right now. They've been so patient, I don't know how much longer I can make them wait," said Fluttersh as she pocketed the jar. She pointed to the ground in front of her. "Get on your hands and knees, please. You'll need to offer yourself to the alpha, that'll be Sky here." Rarity nodded, watching carefully as one wolf slightly larger than his brothers inched forward. She gulped before slowly setting herself down on her hands and knees, heart pounding like a drum as she turned away from the pack. At Fluttershy's behest, Rarity brought her head down and her hips up, shaking her juicy ass in the direction of the lustful beast. Though she couldn't see him, Rarity could hear him approach, could feel his presence as he came nearer and nearer. "Wait. Wait, boy, wait…" Fluttershy cooed to the animal in the way one might train a puppy, her tone making Rarity just a bit jealous that she wasn't one of Fluttershy's wolves just then. "Good boy. Ready for your treat?" The alpha wolf, Sky, let out a low, rumbling growl. "Okay, Sky. Go breed your bitch!" All Rarity could hear was the scrambling of paws against dirt before Sky had mounted her. The wolf was clearly excited, as evidenced by the thick, drooling, knotted red spear of a cock that it sported. Sky weighed down on Rarity's back, bringing her almost completely to the ground as he poked and prodded her rear with his member. It took a bit of searching from the animal to find his treat, but when he managed to locate Rarity's entrance, he made up for lost time but ramming himself into her cunt forcefully. She let out a squeal when Sky pushed her down with his paws, digging his nails gently into Rarity's tender flesh as he fucked her. Fluttershy watched her friend be claimed by the alpha for a moment, giggling into her palm before coming around to Rarity's front. She put her foot beneath Rarity's chin and gently lifted her face from the dirt, beckoning to the other two wolves as she did. "Corey, Wraithy, you can take her mouth!" called Fluttershy. The two wolves scrambled forward, their stiff cocks drooling precum as they approached their new bitch. "Hm. I suppose you'll have to take turns. You two always managed to play nice, so I'm sure you—" The wolves, having been as patient as they could muster, promptly ignored their mistress' continued speaking in favor of claiming their share of the treat. With an almost practiced sense of synergy, the two wolves reared up and placed their paws firmly against Rarity's head and shoulders. This left her at eye level with the beasts' sizable equipment. Perhaps more important than sight was smell, the earthy, musky, feral aroma stinging Rarity's nose and sending her head spinning. Though Fluttershy was a general guardian and caretaker to the animals of the Everfree, she always tried to refrain from meddling with the balance of nature too much. As such, it was rare that even these somewhat domesticated wolves received a proper bath, something Rarity became more and more aware of as the dripping, tapered heads came nearer and nearer to her lips. "Goddess, he's so—" Rarity let out a yelp as Sky the Wolf gave her a particularly forceful thrust; as her mouth went open, the two awaiting wolves darted in, sliding their dirty cocks past Rarity's plump lips. The taste of their flesh was overwhelming, like fireworks on her tongue. That intense taste, coupled with the rough growling of Rarity's new masters and how quickly and deeply they forced themselves to the back of her throat, caused her to gag and choke almost immediately. "That works, too," said Fluttershy with a giggle. She watched her pets as they did a number on her friend, both of Rarity's holes taking quite the pounding. She looked right at home as the pack's bitch, and Fluttershy was happy she was able to help in that way. "Sorry to say, but these three aren't going to last much longer. They're not used to someone as… experienced as you." Rarity could barely hear what Fluttershy said to her over the sound of her own gagging, over the growls and snarls of the beasts that were making use of her body. Rarity was never one to expect a tender hand, least of all from a pack of animals, but even she had underestimated just how rough and aggressive they could be. Sky from behind slammed himself into her with no remorse, digging his sharp claws into the soft, tender flesh of her back as he bred her. In the front, Wraithy and Corey mercilessly fucked her face, forcing the musky taste of their unwashed cocks down Rarity's gullet, snapping and barking at each other as they fought over the whore's hole the same way they might fight over a bone. The wolves yapped and growled louder, pounding and clawing at Rarity until she had tears streaking down her face. She gripped the ground, her fingers digging into the dirt as she did all she could to endure. As the wolves increased their ferocity, all but humping her into the ground, Rarity began to doubt her chances of enduring. There was just too much, too much raw animalistic lust, too much wild, unpredictable thrusts, too much dirty, musky cock. One of the wolves attacking her face (Rarity thought it was Corey) let out a growling bark, bringing his hips out just a bit too much; he popped out of Rarity's mouth just as he began to cum, dousing her face with his seed. He didn't stop thrusting, even as he fell from Rarity's mouth, and made do with stabbing at her face with his cock. His cum splattered all across Rarity's face, a few jets even going into her eyes and up her nose. Finally, after poking her nostril with the tip of his red rocket, Corey was satisfied and dismounted happily from Rarity's face. "I figured we'd lose a sample," said Fluttershy with a nod. She crouched down and beckoned to Corey, patting his head when he approached. "Luckily, I only really need two. Just… please don't spill the rest." Rarity did her best to assure Fluttershy that she would be holding onto every last drop of wolf cum, but much of her linguistic capabilities was taken up by the animal pounding her face, so she could only grunt and moan and hope the message was delivered. It was becoming harder and harder to focus, to breathe through the musk and cum in her sinuses, but Rarity did her best to stay on task. She slurped on the cock in her mouth as dutifully as she would any man or futa who would use her, taking a special sort of delight in the way the bestial organ twitched and throbbed on her tongue. If she knew cocks, and there were few people who knew cocks better than Rarity, she would say that her canine master was close. The alpha behind her was even closer, letting out a bowl before burying his bone as deep into Rarity as he could manage. Fat blasts of hot doggy cum shot into Rarity's tender cunt, although something wasn't quite right. The sensation of being filled seemed to stop short, and Rarity never got the pleasantly warm flood of cum into her womb; the sign of a good creampie. She hummed quizzically, the extra vibrations from her voice being enough to tip the last wolf over the edge. Rarity prepared herself for the blast of cum down to her belly but, again, it never seemed to arrive. Instead, her mouth was filled with the bitter, salty, almost metallic taste of wolf cum, the seed getting stopped in her throat when she attempted to swallow it. The obstruction choked her in a way she hasn't been prepared for, the strange bulge in her throat almost entirely cutting off her ability to breathe. A bit of confused panic flashed across her face, a panic Fluttershy was quick to alleviate. "Don't worry. This is perfectly normal. Just let me help you…" Fluttershy whistled, and the satisfied wolves pulled away from Rarity to sit before their mistress. After giving each of them a loving scratch behind the ears, Fluttershy rounded to Rarity's back side and reached two fingers into her snatch. "One, two, and…" Fluttershy slowly pulled and, to Rarity's confusion, came out with one end of what appeared to be a latex condom. She tugged the condom free from Rarity's hole, sending a shiver down the slut's spine from the sensation. After tying it up and depositing the sample into a little cup that Rarity hasn't noticed before (too focused on cock, she reckoned), Fluttershy came around to Rarity's face. She reached into the whores mouth and pulled again, followed by the strange sensation of the bulging balloon of cum sliding out of Rarity's throat. After a moment of pulling, the condom was yanked free, giving Rarity her first proper breath in the last few minutes. "There we go. That's our samples," said Fluttershy, depositing the second condom in a cup of its own. She turned to her wolves and smiled. "You three did wonderfully. I'm so proud of you! Why don't you three go play while I finish up here, okay?" The wolves barked in response, the tone seeming to imply an agreement. "Don't forget to thank Rarity before you go." "That was… strange…" panted Rarity. She smiled politely as each wolf approached, giving her a lick to her lips before bounding off for the forest where they belonged. "That gel…" "Magic condom fluid. Morphs into a perfectly formed latex condom upon contact with semen," explained Fluttershy. "It's harder to keep a rubber on a wolf than you might expect. Was it fun?" "It was, of course! Not that it matters if this whore had fun." "That's good, because I actually had one last teeny favor to ask." "I'm an object to be commanded, Ms. Fluttershy, I'll do whatever you ask of me!" Rarity slowly turned over, resting on her cushy bottom while she spoke to her superior. "Is it more of your animal friends? What kind? More wolves? Pig? Bear? Horse?" "Um, actually…" said Fluttershy sheepishly. She slouched slightly, letting out the rest of her sentence in a hushed whisper. "It's Zephyr…" As soon as she heard the name, Rarity threw her head back and let out the loudest, most annoyed, most exasperated groan ever heard by man. "Just one date, and then I promise you don't have to do it again," amended Fluttershy quickly. "I know how he is, but I promised him for his birthday I'd get him a date with one of our friends, and Rainbow is the only other one of us with a vagina." "And I don't imagine Ms. Rainbow would be generous enough to spare a poor slut from this fate?" "Last time she saw Zephyr, I nearly had to call the police. It has to be you, Rarity, please!" "But Miss… He's so… Ugh!" groaned Rarity. "The things he says to me, the way he talks to me, the way he treats me… he makes me feel almost…" Rarity shuddered at the horrible thought. "Respectable." "Don't be silly, Rarity! No matter what my brother says about you, everyone knows the truth," said Fluttershy kindly. "You're the least respectable person I've ever met!" "Do you… do you really mean that?" "Of course, dear. You just had sex with three wolves just because I asked you to. You're an irredeemable whore that I don't think anyone ever respected, especially not me." "Aww… That's so kind of you to say…" Rarity sat up a bit straighter, sniffling slightly and inadvertently filling her nasal passages with more wolf cum. "Just a date?" "Just one date," said Fluttershy with a nod. "Then, when you get back, you can help with more of my animal mating demonstrations. I have a grizzly friend who's been eyeing you for weeks now." "Well… if it would please my mistress, then I will do whatever it is I am asked." Rarity stood up, swiping up a bit of salty cum and sucking it from her finger. "I suppose i had better get ready." "Wow, you look…" Rarity waited with bated breath for the rest of the sentence. She had returned home after her visit to the cottage in order to prepare for her "date" and, as it was so spur of the moment, she didn't have a proper outfit ready. All Rarity had to use were bits from her old wardrobe, the remnants of who she used to be. Long, tasteful dresses and high cut, conservative blouses, it all felt so wrong. Even with her safer, less revealing outfit, Rarity did her best to show her true self. She had adjusted her blouse slightly in order to reveal a bit more cleavage, and she raised the hem of the skirt up to hopefully give passersby a glimpse at what lay below. Her panties were thin, a barely-there G-string who's waistband rose high past her skirt and sitting comfortably, and visibly, on Rarity's hips. She looked easy. Slutty. Hell, considering the circumstances, Rarity would settle for tacky or unfashionable. "Amazing!" said Zephyr with a grin. "You're absolutely gorgeous!" "Ugh…" muttered Rarity. She forced a smile and spoke a bit louder. "Why, thank you. It's really nothing, just something I threw together. I don't even match." "Not just anyone can pull off a blue skirt and green blouse, but you are killing it, my girl!" Zephyr offered her arm and gestured down the path from his rented home in Canterlot. "Shall we go?" "Yes. I suppose we shall…" Rarity tried to fight back her grimace as she hooked her arm with Zephyr's and set off down the way. Already, this night was a disaster. Despite all of her hints and gentle nudges in the texts and phone calls the two shared in order to set up this date, Zephyr still insisted on behaving like a perfect gentleman, and it was already driving Rarity mad. The last time she was on a "date" was when she was choking herself on her Goddess' dick while Twilight watched a movie. Rarity would choose that over the pleasant, respectful conversation she was enduring with Zephyr, any day of the week. The pair approached the restaurant where they would be dining, and Rarity nearly recoiled at the sight of the building. It was a fairly new, fairly upscale Prench bistro that Rarity had heard nothing but good things about. It was far too nice for her and, to be brutally honest, it was too nice for Zephyr. As far as Rarity knew, he was broke and shouldn't have been able to afford more than fast food. She was banking on that, hoping that the humiliation of being taken to a cheap, dingy drive through on a date would be enough to get her through it. "Zephyr Breeze, party of 2," said Zephyr to the hostess as they reached the front of the restaurant. The woman consulted her books for a moment before giving a nod and smile. "Right this way, sir," she said, gesturing through the door. Zephyr and Rarity followed her through the restaurant to their table, the atmosphere so perfectly romantic that it made Rarity's skin crawl. Zephyr made things all the worse when he politely pulled out a chair and offered it to Rarity with the utmost chivalry. "What can I get you tonight?" asked the hostess, whipping out a pen and a pad. "The catch of the day is going to be red snapper, and our special for the night is a pan-fried duck with a lovely cranberry and orange pan sauce." "I think I'll have the sirloin," said Zephyr after briefly consulting the menu. "And Rarity?" "Er…" Rarity was a bit flustered, but not in a pleasant way. She never got to choose what she ordered. When she went out with Goddess Twilight, she would be lucky to eat at all, and here she was now being given total freedom to have whatever it is she liked. She hated it. "The duck will do fine…" "Oh, and what wine do you reccomend?" "Can't go wrong with the pinot noir," said the hostess with a smile. "Then we'll do that, thank you." Zephyr grinned across the table, gazing longingly into Rarity's sapphire eyes as the hostess departed. "This is something of a celebration for me. My salon just got a big bump, Songbird Serenade came in for a styling and absolutely loved us! Business has been going swell ever since." "How nice…" Rarity sighed to herself. At least Zephyr still seemed to be his typical, self-absorbed, narcissistic self. Perhaps if he was rude and arrogant enough, this date might be tolerable. "But hey, enough about me. I want to hear about you." Zephyr smiled charmingly, leaning in to give the impression that every word that was to come from Rarity's mouth was of the utmost importance. "I've always had a bit of a crush on you, if I'm being honest. I'm glad to have this chance to finally get to know you better." "Oh boy…" Rarity sighed once again. Of all the times to learn tact, respect, and chivalry, Zephyr had to pick now. "Where do I even begin?" "Well," said Zephyr. "I guess this is it." Not a second too soon, as far as Rarity was concerned. Her night with Zephyr had been terribly pleasant, horribly nice, and, worst of all, absolutely boring. After dinner, where Zephyr was a perfect gentleman, the two had a delightful stroll through the cool night filled with respectful, charming conversation and an unnerving, frustrating amount of genuine compliments. Zephyr waited on Rarity hand and foot, bending over backwards for her and treating her like a princess. It was awful, just more reminders of the fool Rarity used to be. The old Rarity wanted to be worshipped. The real Rarity knew that she was the one who should be doing the worshipping, but Zephyr couldn’t seem to see that truth. He seemed perfectly happy with drooling over Rarity, worshipping the ground she walked on and all but kissing her feet as the night wrapped up and the pair arrived at Zephyr’s doorstep. “I suppose so,” said Rarity flatly. Fluttershy had asked her to be on her best behavior during the date, and so she had been holding back much of her frustration throughout the night. Thankfully, the night was over, and all she had to do was take the train back home. Perhaps there would be another horny commuter who would be willing to use her face as a fleshlight. That’s really what Rarity needed, after the awful, delightful, terrible, perfect date. “You know, it’s getting late. I don’t want you having to take the train all the way back to Ponyville at this hour.” Zephyr gestured to his door, giving Rarity a genuine smile. “Would you like to come in? Maybe the night doesn’t have to end here. Maybe you can stay the night with me?” Rarity didn’t immediately react, but Zephyr didn’t let that deter him. “I don’t think there’s anyone I’d rather have breakfast with tomorrow than you.” “I…” Rarity’s words faltered for a bit, and she struggled to get herself together. Zephyr was seriously committed to being a good first date, to the point where Rarity almost admired it. It made her question herself, question her decisions and who she was. She was convinced that she had no value outside of being a cumrag for strangers, but Zephyr clearly seemed to think differently. Who was Rarity to argue with a man? Maybe he had a point. Maybe there was some of the old Rarity hidden away. "I really should head home. My sister, and the Boutique… An entrepreneur of your stature must understand?" "Oh, absolutely. Totally understand. It's just a shame that our night has to end here. But, alas. All good things must come to an end, right?" It was clear that Zephyr was disappointed, but he was also being very kind and understanding, which further irritated the whore. "I can walk you to the train station, if you like, and… Well, would it be alright if I were to maybe kiss you goodnight?" At that point, when Zephyr asked the purest of questions in the most respectable of manners with the most wholesome of intentions, Rarity finally snapped. "Actually, no. That would not be alright. Do you know why that is?" Rarity couldn't control herself, the fire from her frustration finally boiling over. "It's not just because you're a tacky hair stylist with as much personality as a bag of chips. It's not just because you're such an unfuckable deadbeat that your sister had to literally order me to go out with you tonight. It's not just because I caught a glimpse of your 'bulge' through your slacks and had to choke back a laugh." "Rarity…" "It's because you are, without a shadow of a doubt, the most limp wrist, weak, pussy-whipped, impotent simp I have ever had the misfortune of having dinner with!" snapped Rarity. "Do you understand, Zephyr? I live a life in which all anyone need do to see my breasts is to command me to remove my shirt. I will suck off literally any single one of my neighbors who ask, and even more who don't even bother. Earlier today, I had a foursome with a pack of wolves because your sister told me to, and I would fuck every last dirty, smelly, disgusting, savage beast in the Everfree three and a half times each before I'd even consider letting you touch me!" "Hey, I think you should calm down…" Zephyr stiffened somewhat, his face having fallen into a watery frown. "I thought we were having a moment. That we had something." "This is exactly my problem! You've treated me with nothing but respect and kindness, and here I am taking the piss out of you because you were too nice! You should be furious! Yet you're on the verge of tears!" shouted Rarity. "Push me! Slap me! Call me a cunt and spit in my eyes! Do something!" Zephyr turned away, bowing his head to hide his expression, which did nothing but infuriate Rarity further. "Unbelievable. I never would've thought that out of the two of you, it'd be your sister who got the balls in the family. If I spoke to Ms. Fluttershy this way, she'd have me touch my toes while she caned my ass raw and let a bear rape my face. To think she has more spine than you!" "I'm sorry you feel that way," said Zephyr. He slowly turned back to face Rarity, his jaw clenched and his fists balled. "But I really think you should leave." "Oh, believe me, I'm leaving! Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll bump into a real man who'll slap me around and put me in my place. Since you're too soft to do it." Rarity scowled and, just for good measure, reared her foot back to kick Zephyr square in the balls. Her date let out a pained grunt as he buckled, but still didn't quite react in the way Rarity wanted. "Good night! Pussy." Rarity managed about three steps before she felt a hand grab her by the hair and yank her back. As Rarity stumbled forward, she bounced off of Zephyr's chest before he grabbed her firmly by the blouse. He ripped her top down the middle as he tugged her forward, baring one of her fat tits before he reached up to yank Rarity by the hair with one hand and choked her around the throat with the other. There was an uncharacteristic rage in his eyes, the abuse finally growing to be too much to take. "You better watch your mouth when you talk to me, you stuck up bitch!" Zephyr grabbed her throat with his other hand and throttled her with both hands. "I'm a pussy, huh? Is that right? What do you have to say now, huh?!" "About…" Rarity croaked out the words, rolling her eyes as she did. "Fucking… Time…" If Zephyr heard her, he was too busy wringing Rarity's throat to respond. His fingernails dug into her soft flesh, the pressure in Rarity's head mounting with each passing second. She flailed in Zephyr's grasp, weakly trying to sway his arms away, but to no avail. She was fading, her eyes bulging slightly from her skull as her eyes went red and her face went blue. When it was clear that she had no chance of fighting free from Zephyr's grasp, Rarity found a better job for her hands; She let out a croaking, raspy moan as she slipped her hand down her skirt and furiously rubbed at her clit. She was seeing stars, her vision tinged a deep, bloody red, and she rubbed herself even faster in an attempt to get off before it was too late. Rarity could feel her eyes roll back, her head seemingly moments away from bursting, and finally, she faded. It was a sharp pain between her legs that woke Rarity up, the harsh, sudden introduction of Zephyr's cock into her cunt. She had hit the ground after she passed out, and Zephyr must have tossed her forward onto the doorstep before moving on to violate her. The cool breeze against her stinging ass told her two things: she had been stripped nude while unconscious and spanked raw shortly thereafter. She tried to push herself up to her hands and feet, but a strong hand forced her head down against the concrete step with authority. "Who's weak now, bitch!" Zephyr pushed down on Rarity's head, pressing her against the ground while he raped her. He moved with no restraint, no patience in the way he penetrated her. For as much as Rarity mocked him for his size, that bulge of Zephyr's felt plenty big now, the way he slammed against her cervix. "Oh f-fuck…" Rarity let out a wheezing moan, her cunt twitching around Zephyr as she came. She couldn't breathe, and pain racked her entire body from beneath Zephyr's weight. He was using her like an object, tossing her around, hurting her, abusing her just the way Rarity said he couldn't. Maybe Zephyr had more balls than Rarity realized. "Dirty slut! You're actually getting off on this!" growled Zephyr. He reached forward and hooked his fingers into Rarity's mouth and yanked back, jerking her head back while he drilled her to pieces. Rarity scrambled, flailing out of some reflex to escape. She hadn't been prepared for this level of ferocity, this level of aggression, and it began to dawn on Rarity that she may have poked the wrong bear. Zephyr looked to be on the verge of seriously hurting her, but it was that danger that heightened the experience enough to make Rarity cum again. She barely got out her moan when Zephyr brought her head down to the concrete step with authority, and she once again blacked out. Based on how stiff and uncomfortable she felt when she woke up, Rarity concluded that she must have been out for quite a bit longer than last time. Aside from the bruised hickeys she suddenly felt on her nipples, and the thick, somewhat cooled stream of cum running down her thighs, the most glaring change of scenery was the view of Zephyr's pelvis as he rammed his sticky, cum-coated cock down her throat. She was on her back, with Zephyr over her and pistoning his hips relentlessly against her face, and Rarity did the only thing that made sense; She maneuvered her hand to her cum-filled snatch and forced four fingers into her hole, fucking her hand until she came for the third time (at least, the third time that she was consciously aware of). "Every time I saw you, every time I heard your voice, I thought of this," huffed Zephyr. "I dreamed of winning you over, taking you to bed, and fucking you until you couldn't tell up from down. It didn't have to be this way, but since you wanna act like a cunt… how about I make a mess of that pretty face of yours." Zephyr buried himself deep, his balls to Rarity's chin, and held there for a bit. He groaned at the way her throat twitched around him, at the way her eyes rolled back as she threatened to pass out once again. Before she lost consciousness, he wrenched his cock from the slut's mouth and let it fall against her cheek, striking himself over the edge. Zephyr groaned in satisfaction as he came, firing off thick, hot ropes of cum against Rarity's face. Semen sprayed into her hair, up her nose, a few stray spurts even splashing into her open eye. Rarity let her mouth hang open, hoping to catch a drop or two, and was rewarded when Zephyr wrenched her mouth open and cleaned himself using her tongue. "I'm telling Shy that she owes me another date. I asked for a nice night out and she sets me up with some psycho bitch who needs to be knocked out in order to get off," snorted Zephyr as he replaced his slacks. "I'm gonna catch some shut-eye. Don't wait up." "W-wait…" croaked Rarity, doing her best to sit up. While she only managed to prop herself up on her elbows, the new vantage point allowed her to see the remnants of her clothes, shredded and strewn around. "I've not got any clothes… Could I please stay with you after all? I'll do anything you ask, sir." "Anything?" asked Zephyr. Rarity nodded her head obediently. "Alright. Spread your legs." Rarity grinned, dazed in some combination of punch and cock drunk, and did as she was commanded. She was expecting Zephyr to undo his pants, drop down to the ground, and rape another load of cum into her womb. Instead, he reared back his foot and swung it right between Rarity's legs, the toe of his shoe slamming unforgivingly against her clit. The whore let out a wail of pain, her shriek devolving into pained sobs when Zephyr grinded his foot down against her bean, giving her already abused cunt a firm stomp for emphasis. "Now thank me for it," ordered Zephyr. Rarity, doubled over in pain, fighting back tears and yet another orgasm, took a second to respond. "Th-thank you, sir…" gasped Rarity. With a snort, Zephyr stepped over his used slut, putting all of his weight against her cunt before walking past and unlocking his front door. Before she could even turn to see him leave, Zephyr slammed the door closed behind him and locked it with a click. With no clothes, her purse having been tossed who knows where, and no way of getting back home until tomorrow when she could perhaps suck some dick for money, Rarity had no other choice but to curl up on Zephyr's cold, hard front step and attempt to fight through the pain to sleep. As her eyes fluttered closed, a smile crept to Rarity's lips. She was right. The old Rarity was dead and buried, after all. > Dinner Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ooh, Rarity! That's such a slutty outfit!" Rarity smiled, giving a gentle bow in Pinkie's direction. She loved the uniform her Goddess had ordered her to wear, deciding it was the perfect blend of revealing and humiliating. A standard Prench maid uniform, with a few key modifications; the blouse haltered at the point just above Rarity's belly button, showing off her new piercing in the shape of Twilight's six-point star. The skirt was also abnormally short, showing almost all of her leg and giving any passers-by a healthy glimpse at her lacey white panties. The rest of the outfit was about what one would expect, with smart black shoes and knee-high stockings held in place with a garter. The only other change lay in her hair, the amethyst curls split into two long pigtails. Something for guests to grab onto, Goddess Twilight had said. "Thank you, Ms. Pinkie," said Rarity with a giggle. "Might I say that you look positively stunning tonight!" "Aww, thanks Rare-bear!" Pinkie twirled a bit, modeling her gorgeous yellow cocktail dress for Rarity. "Have the girls shown yet?" "You're the last to arrive, I'm afraid. If you may permit me the honour, I will show you to the banquet hall." "Okie doke!" Rarity bowed again, folding her arms behind her back and leading the path through the Friendship Castle. Pinkie, of course, knew the way, and Rarity knew that it was ultimately unnecessary for a brainless set of holes such as herself to attempt to direct an actual person, but the task was bestowed upon her by her Goddess. Just like all tasks from Goddess Twilight, Rarity happily and eagerly obeyed. The banquet hall was packed, with several long tables housing a great number of important figures from Ponyville, Manehattan, Canterlot, and even some from beyond Equestria. There was a buzz of conversation throughout the room, the many esteemed guests mingling as various servers delivered their meals and drinks. Unlike Rarity, these men and women were dressed respectfully, tastefully, with their dignity still intact. Thankfully, Rarity found herself unburdened by such things, unbefitting of the inferior whore that she was. "Your seat is just across the hall, Ms. Pinkie," said Rarity, gesturing to the table in question. There was a trio of special tables near the back of the room, each housing the most special of guests. One housed delegates from Griffonstone, Chiroptera, and even the Dragon Lands, while another held Prince Blueblood, Princess Cadance, and a series of Canterlot Castle staff visiting on behalf of The Regal Sisters. The final table, on a raised platform a bit behind all of them, was the table reserved for Goddess Twilight and her close friends. There were seats for all of them, even Trixie, although some were currently unoccupied. "Pinkie, glad you could make it!" Twilight stood up, crossing around the table to give her friend a hug. "I know this isn't exactly your favorite kind of party, so it means a lot that you're here." "Just because I can get a bit wild doesn't mean I can't be all posh and sophisticated like you polite society peoples." Pinkie's voice was heavy with an exaggeratedly posh accent, earning a giggle from Twilight. "Besides, I was curious about how your, uh… Ore, bore, rhymes with store…" "Pinkie Pie, you are a grown woman. You can call Rarity a whore." "I just mean since this is such a big party. You've never shown her off like this before, in front of this many people," noted Pinkie. "How are you gonna handle it?" "Hm. That's a good question." Twilight turned to the table and grabbed her half-finished glass of champagne, as well as a small fork. She tapped the glass loudly, sending sharp tinks of metal on glass throughout the room. "May I please have everyone's attention!" Slowly, the buzz of the party began to die down, with every set of eyes landing on Twilight. The Goddess herself stood proudly wonderfully in her sparkling blue dress, smiling that polite, charming smile that she had learned from watching her mentor at so many banquets of her own. "I would just like to thank you all again for coming. It's no Grand Galloping Gala, but I hope you all have a good time nevertheless," said Twilight. "Enjoy the food, the drink, and most importantly…" She grabbed Rarity by her pigtail and dragged her forward until the whore was standing just in front of her Goddess. "Enjoy this. This is Rarity. Say hello, Rarity." "H-Hello!" Rarity wasn't exactly expecting to be put in the hot seat, which only served to make the embarrassment of so many eyes on her scantily clad form even more exhilarating. "Rarity is not a person, she is a party favor. If there is anything you want or need—And I do mean anything—do not hesitate to call her. Or better yet, grab her by the conveniently placed handles positioned atop her head." Twilight wiggled Rarity's pigtail, earning a laugh from the crowd. "She is here to serve and entertain you, no matter how belittling, cruel, or, let's be honest with ourselves here, perverted your requests are. Rarity here is forbidden from disobeying any of your commands tonight. Why is that, Rarity?" "B-Because I am just a worthless whore to be used by her superiors!" answered Rarity, taking a dark sort of delight at the murmurs of the crowd. "I hope that even an inferior object like m-m-m—" A sharp slap echoed throughout the room, the sound of Twilight's powerful hand against Rarity's face. A gasp of surprise escaped both Rarity and the audience alike, another gasp soon following when Twilight struck her property a second time. This second slap was strong enough to send Rarity tumbling to the ground, hand gingerly clutching her face. The crowd looked on, shocked, curious, intrigued, as Twilight grabbed Rarity by the hair and yanked her to her feet. "Quit embarrassing me," said Twilight, giving her another forceful slap. "Not even you're so stupid that you can't get through a simple sentence." "Sorry, Goddess Twilight." Rarity couldn't believe herself. She was right, of course, Goddess Twilight was always right; This stammering and stuttering was out of character. Rarity chalked it up to nerves, her confidence shaken by being on display in front of such a large crowd for the first time. "May I please try again?" "Hm. You had better have something to offer my guests, as an apology for fucking up so badly." Twilight rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to her guests. "Can you believe this girl almost placed an order for just two dozen cookies? For a party this size? If it weren't for Pinkie, this whole night could've been a disaster!" "I'm sorry, Goddess…" "You should be. And now, you get to show my esteemed guests just how sorry you are." Twilight grabbed the front of Rarity's dress and tugged it down, exposing her fat tits and the new accessories Twilight had installed just for the party; each of Rarity's nipples was pierced with a hoop-shaped ring, a small amethyst onset in the band like an extravagant door knocker. The crowd murmured amongst themselves, breaking out into laughter when one party-goer let out a loud wolf whistle. "There. Now start over, you dumb bitch." "Hello! I am Rarity, and I will be your party favor for tonight!" said Rarity, her voice shaky with embarrassment. She could feel every single set of eyes crawling up her topless form, staring her down like she was a piece of meat. It was such an exhilarating sensation, Rarity could scarcely control herself. "I am just a useless whore to be used by her superiors, and I hope that an inferior object like me can still entertain you all tonight!" "See? Much better! She can be a good girl, when she scrounges up a few spare brain cells to rub together," snorted Twilight derisively. "Feel free to show her your appreciation when she goes past your table. And, just in case you need an invitation..." Twilight flared her magic, creating a burst of sparkling purple light that condensed and manifested itself into the form of a dark purple buttplug, about as thick as Rarity had ever taken. She brought the toy to Rarity's lips and, like the obedient whore she was, she opened her mouth to suck on the cool, slick metal bulb. After giving her slut a few moments to show off just how talented her mouth was, Twilight removed the toy and spun Rarity around, bending her over at the waist. Her skirt was so short that it essentially hiked itself up, so the princess needed to do little more than yank down Rarity's soaking wet panties and spread her fat cheeks before slowly, agonizingly slowly forcing the toy against Rarity's tight pink ring. The guests whistled and applauded at Rarity's pained, uncomfortable moans as more and more of the toy entered her until, finally, the bulb popped into place and Rarity was filled with that familiarly addictive sensation of being spread and stuffed. It wasn't her Goddess' perfect cock, of course, but it would do in a pinch. "Now she should be good and ready for anyone who wants a go on her." Twilight slapped Rarity across the ass, the sound of the smack echoing throughout the room. "Now that we have that settled… Please enjoy your night." The crowd applauded politely, some raising their glasses in a toast to the proclamation of the princess while Twilight herself redressed Rarity and dragged her away by her pigtails. She chuckled at the way Rarity flushed red, stopping back at her table and taking a seat beside Spike and Starlight. After greeting each of her superiors at the table, the last of which being Fluttershy, Rarity returned to her Goddess' side, subconsciously gripping her already sore, stuffed rear. "You've arranged a truly wonderful party, my Goddess," said Rarity, bowing her head to her mistress. "I hope you are enjoying yourself thus far?" "If you're not going to be under the table, choking yourself on my dick, you'd better be busy tending to my guests," said Twilight, not even bothering to bless her property with the privilege of eye contact. "Yes, of course. Just… One thing, Goddess. I notice there are quite a few guests visiting on behalf of foreign nations. I was just curious…" Rarity cleared her throat with a cough. "Is there any chance that the Zebrican Prince is making an appearance?" "And why would a thing like you concern yourself with Zebra royalty?" Though it was worded as a question, the chuckle in Twilight's voice made it clear that she had her theories. "I just happen to be very interested in their culture and—" "You want to fuck a zebra, don't you?" "Yes, ma'am," admitted Rarity, though she smiled at her owner regardless. "Actually, 'Zebra creampie' is the last space I need on my Bingo Card." "You have a Bingo Card of the different races you've fucked?" chuckled Twilight. Rarity nodded excitedly. "Well, I'm afraid Prince Zayne was unable to make it tonight. So no Bingo for you." Twilight reached up past Rarity's top and tugged on her nipple ring harshly, earning a pained squeal from her object. "Now quit being such a horny cumsock, shut your cock-warmer, and do your job." "Yes, my Goddess. Right away." Rarity bowed to her owner before departing to tend to her mistress' guests. Twilight had explained her duties many times in the previous few days, making sure that she spoke simply and plainly to avoid confusing her slave. Even a simple thing like Rarity should be able to manage. First, Rarity joined the rest of the waitresses and table attendants, making sure that each and every single one of her Goddess' distinguished guests was well-fed and watered. There were quite a few guests, mostly from outside of Ponyville, who were unfamiliar with Rarity and her lifestyle, so Rarity made it her business to demonstrate. She allowed perfect strangers, some men around twice her age, to grope and squeeze her soft, supple body to their content. A few tables requested to see the buttplug, to prove it wasn't some sort of elaborate Alicorn illusion, and one gentleman even pulled out the plug and replaced it with two fingers. "Hey, slut! Over here!" After reclaiming her buttplug, Rarity quietly excused herself from the table to attend to some other guests. She frowned somewhat when she noticed who it was beckoning to her. One of the main tenets of Rarity's new philosophy was the idea that she was objectively inferior to anyone she may encounter, and as such, she would and should obey them with no hesitation. "Hurry up, you brainless bimbo!" That said, Rarity tended not to care for Trixie Lulamoon. "So sorry for the delay, Miss Trixie." Rarity cleared her throat and put on her best smile, although she was certain that the strain to do so was obvious. She approached Trixie’s section of the table, her seat positioned next to Starlight’s, and gave a little curtsy. “What can I do for you?” “First of all, Trixie does not appreciate how long it took for her to be seated," complained Trixie. "I was waiting outside for ten minutes while Twilight Sparkle gets to just waltz in like she owns the place!" "Er… She does own the place, it's her—" "Trixie was not done. Shut up until Trixie gives you permission to speak." Trixie stood up, grabbing up her fork and pointing to it. "Look at this. What am I holding, brainless?" "A… fork?" "Very good. I know how hard this 'thinking' thing is for you, so I applaud your persistent attempts to… Oh, those words are too big for you, aren't they? Let me try again." Trixie cleared her throat, patting Rarity atop the head condescendingly. "Good girl. You're trying so hard!" "I'm afraid I do not see the problem, Miss," said Rarity flatly. Even despite her general disdain for Trixie, particularly the way she spoke of Twilight, Rarity couldn't deny that being belittled in such a manner was turning her on all the same. "It's a fork." "It's bent, you idiot! Look at this!" Trixie pointed to the offending fork and, after peering at the utensil for nearly a full minute, Rarity noticed that one of the four tines was, ever so slightly, bent out of place. "You expect me to eat with defective silverware? While the Pretentious Princess Twilight Sparkle has perfect utensils? I think not!" "Firstly, Miss, this is Goddess Twilight's party, in Goddess Twilight's home that she so graciously invited you to spend the evening in." What angered Rarity more than Trixie's rudeness towards her was the flat-out disrespect she displayed towards the single most divine woman Rarity had ever known to exist. "Second, while I do apologize for inconveniencing you in this way, although I think anyone can agree that this cannot possibly be my fault, I still do not understand why this is such an issue." Rarity pointed to the bowl that was in front of Trixie's seat. "You ordered the gazpacho. You don't even need a fork." "Oh, and another thing! This soup is ice cold!" By this point, Trixie had done what she did best by causing a scene, attracting the curious gazes of the diners. Even Twilight herself, who had crossed the dining hall to mingle with her guests, had turned her stern gaze to the ruckus being caused. "What sort of rinky-dink operation is Sparkle running, anyhow?!" "Miss, it's supposed to be cold." "Only a cock-brained nimrod like you would come up with an idea that dumb." "Well, ma'am, if your dish is not to your liking…" Rarity ignored the ridiculous nature of Trixie's disputes, as it was not her place to question her betters, even if that better was someone like Trixie. She lit up her horn, grabbing the offending soup in her magical aura. "I would be more than happy to bring you something more to your preference." "You'd damn well better. I'll have you know, Trixie had to decline a great number of other invitations to make it here tonight, as a favor to your lowly quote-unquote 'princess', so you—" Rarity wasn't exactly sure what happened next. She wasn't sure if she had, in a split instant, made an impulsive decision or if she was distracted by Trixie's ranting, or if she was perhaps just more useless than she realized. All she knew was that, for one reason or another, her magic faltered as she attempted to grab Trixie's bowl, dropping it to the floor and splattering Trixie's expensive, open-toed heels with soup. There was a gasp from the diners, and Rarity immediately knew that she had made a grave mistake. "Do you have any idea how expensive these shoes are, you dumb cunt!" Trixie brought the back of her hand across Rarity's face fiercely, sending the clumsy maid down onto her cushioned ass. "Clean this mess up!" "Y-yes, of course," stammered Rarity. She attempted to rise to her feet, to fetch cleaning supplies, when Trixie grabbed her by one of her pigtails. "Miss, I—" Trixie yanked down on Rarity's head, slamming her face against the cold crystal floor with a sickening crack. The maid let out a wail of pain, tears in her eyes as blood began to fill her mouth. She looked up at Trixie, who was scowling down at her in disgust, and felt a sick shudder of delight go through her body. It had been a good while since someone treated her with such contempt, and it made her cunt burn with desire. Rarity spat onto the floor, shooting out a jet of blood and a fragment of her right incisor that had chipped on impact. "Your only talent is using your mouth, so you may as well put it to work here." Trixie scraped the bottom of her shoe against Rarity's face, pushing her back down to the floor. "Lick it up, bitch!" Rarity nodded shakily, bringing her face forward to lick up the soup from Trixie's bare toes. Of all the things Rarity had been forced to do since her awakening, she could think of few tasks more humiliating than lapping at the feet of her Goddess' arch-nemesis, but she couldn't even consider disobeying. Even with as much pain as she she was in, her mouth throbbing from the impact, she could do little more than dutifully clean the magician's shoes with her tongue. Rarity could feel the stares, the derisive chuckles at her shameful, pathetic display, and shuddered in that uniquely dark, perverted delight that only came from being forced to serve someone she despised. As the average Ponyvillian was quite agreeable, that perverse feeling was hard to come by, and Rarity found herself begrudgingly savoring the sensation. "There. All clean," said Rarity, looking up bitterly. "Is this sufficient, ma'am?" "No. Trixie did not hear you apologize once!" Trixie snapped her fingers and, with a flourish of magic, brought Rarity's face back to the ground. Her tongue forced itself from her mouth, pressing against the floor by some external force. "Trixie will consider releasing you once you deliver an adequate apology." "Ahm schowwy…" It was difficult to speak without the use of her tongue, but Rarity was used to having her mouth somehow preoccupied, anyway. "Ahm thowwy!" "Sorry for…?" Trixie placed her foot on the back of Rarity's head and forcefully pushed her face against the cold crystal floor. "Come on, whore, Trixie isn't going to hold your hand through this whole process." "Thowwy for being thush a clumthy bith!" "Alright, that's enough." Rarity's heart thumped in her chest, unable to fight back the smirk when she heard the dry, unamused voice of her approaching Goddess. The weight from Trixie's foot diminished, and the grip of her magic faded, allowing Rarity to raise her head up just in time to see Twilight approach. Any anger she held in her heart was being restrained, her only display of emotion being the arched brow she gave as she approached. Such a powerful, disciplined figure, Rarity was once again awed by the majestic perfection of her Goddess. "Sparkle," said Trixie, a dark chuckle in her voice. Twilight stopped just in front of Trixie, giving a glance down to Rarity for a moment before responding. "Are you having fun damaging my property?" asked Twilight. The princess spoke with little amusement, her energy cold and focused. "I thought Starlight taught you better by now than to break my things." "The Great Trixie was simply explaining her entirely justified grievance and seeking an apology from the help," Trixie smirked. "You did tell us to be as rough with her as we like." "Uh-huh… Yet, for some reason, the only person so far to break her has been you. Can't help but feel like I should take that personally." Twilight grabbed Rarity by the hair, tugging her head up. "Slap her, punch her, choke her, all good and well, but if you break something, then you're vandalizing my property, and I can't abide by that. Fair?" "Very fair. Won't happen again, so long as you keep the bitch from ruining anymore of my shoes," said Trixie. "She won't." Twilight looked down at Rarity and frowned. "Which tooth? Show me." "Yes, Goddess," said Rarity. She smiled wide, from ear to ear, to display her newly chipped tooth. Twilight leaned in to inspect her property, scanning its mouth with her watchful eye. "Just a small chip. That's an easy remedy, just hold still…" Twilight snapped her fingers, sending a wave of shimmering purple light forward and wrapping it around Rarity's head. Energy built at the base of the damaged tooth, slowly rebuilding the enamel and bone until it was as good as new. "There. How's that?" "It's perfect, Goddess! Your faithful piggy thanks you for—" A similar grasp of magic gripped Rarity's head and, quite suddenly, slammed her head down against the floor, twice as hard as when Trixie had done so. The disturbing crack of skull against crystal was even louder, and Rarity screamed in pain from the impact. She jerked her head back, immediately grasping her bloody, broken nose and trying to keep the blood from her freshly broken tooth at bay with her hands. Twilight swatted Rarity's hands away, using her magic to dig through the whore's mouth and grab the tooth that was just barely hanging on in her mouth, yanking it out and dropping it to the floor while Rarity cried and screeched in unmatched anguish. Her shuddering wails morphed into a moan, the impact rattling her brain hard enough to make her cum right there on the floor. "Her teeth are mine to break, Trixie. Not yours." Twilight grinned sinisterly, turning her attention to her plaything. "What do you say, piggy?" "Th-thank you, G-Goddess," sobbed Rarity, still recovering from the spike of pain and pleasure that ran up her spine. "For blessing my worthless f-flesh with your d-divine presence…" "Good bitch. Now clean this mess up, then I suppose you can have a break. I've saved you a spot next to me." Rarity clutched her broken face, nodding with teary eyes as Trixie returned to her seat. Twilight, in all of her kindness and generosity, used her magic to fabricate a rag for Rarity to clean with. The maid licked up the blood that dripped onto her lips before wiping up her mess from the floor, grinning a crimson grin as she did. She couldn't help herself. Being belittled and damaged by Trixie was an unfortunate side effect of Rarity's new position beneath the collective boot of her superiors. Being belittled and damaged by her Goddess, on the other hand, was nothing less than a blessing. By the time Rarity was done cleaning, the bleeding had mostly slowed, and she was able to conduct herself in a somewhat normal fashion. She gingerly made her way across the dining hall, attracting stares and jeers all along the way, until she found herself by her Goddess' side once again. Twilight said nothing when Rarity arrived, too enthralled in a conversation with people who actually mattered, and so Rarity waited until there was a break in the conversation. Even before she could interject, Twilight rendered that unnecessary; with a snap of her fingers, she conjured a purple doggy bowl, with the word "PIG" scrawled along the side in bold black letters. The bowl was filled with scraps from Twilight's meal, bones, and bits of things she didn't quite finish, which made it more than sufficient a meal for a thing like Rarity. "Thank you, Goddess." Rarity took the bowl and placed it onto the ground beside Twilight, stooping down on all fours to enjoy her dinner. "So kind… Goddess Twilight is so good to me…" "Remember that when I'm punishing you later," snorted Twilight, looking down at her slave. "If you embarrass me in front of Trixie ever again, I am going to whip your fat ass until you cannot move, and then keep on whipping. Understand me?" "S-sorry, Goddess…" Though Rarity was terribly ashamed to have disappointed Twilight, she couldn't deny that the threat had a certain degree of allure. "Is there any way I can make it up to you?" "You can shut up and let me enjoy a meal with my friends." Twilight gave Rarity a firm push with her foot. "Geez. You're always so clingy and needy. Might need to get you spayed or something." "Ha! Good one, Goddess, very funny," giggled Rarity, wincing slightly at the pain such an act caused. As she laughed, she noticed that her Goddess had not joined in, and she slowly trailed off. "Er… That was a joke, yes?" "Keep annoying me and you'll find out." It grew deathly silent between the two, tension and fear building until, finally, Twilight cracked a smile. "Before you eat, you're going to choke down my cock. Make me cum and I'll think twice about the whole spaying thing." Rarity didn't exactly need a threat to compel her to properly serve her Goddess, but it certainly didn't hurt. "Hurry up, whore. I'm ready to turn on for the night." Rarity looked up from her work, the cart of dishes she had been loading up, to see her Goddess in the doorway. With the dinner over, and most of the visiting guests departing, the party was decidedly over. Even still, a few close friends of the princess lingered around for a bit, having a little extra fun drinking and mingling. The rest of the wait staff had been dismissed, each promised a healthy bonus for their excellent service. Rarity, on the other hand, was given a yank on the nipples, a slap to the face, and an order to clean the whole place for her trouble. More than adequate compensation, Rarity thought. "You needn't wait for me, Goddess," said Rarity. She hummed to herself as she cleaned off her last table. "I still need to clean the restrooms before I can go." "Think you can walk yourself home at this hour without getting raped?" "Does Goddess want me to?" "I want you to crawl home on your hands and knees. If someone sees you and decides to use your body, then I want to see video of it." Twilight turned and waved, stifling a yawn. "After the work you've done today, though, you need a shower. Go home, I'll fix your nose and teeth tomorrow. I expect to feel those fat bimbo lips around my balls by the time I wake up." "I'll be up bright and early, ready to serve! Have a wonderful night, Goddess Twilight!" Rarity waved eagerly as Twilight left, already fantasizing about how sore she'd be after her crawl home and how wet she would be if some stranger saw fit to fuck her face on her way, and hurried about finishing her tasks. With the dining room tidied, all that she need concern herself with was the restroom. Rarity hummed gleefully, swinging her wide hips from side to side as she bounced out of the room. The restroom was a short little jaunt away, and it should have been entirely deserted. Based on the raucous laughter and general commotion Rarity heard as she approached, this was not the case. The maid stopped outside of the restroom and gave the door a firm knock. "Hello? It's the cleaner!" called Rarity through the door. "I'm afraid I really need to—" The door swung open, pushing outward and catching Rarity firmly in the face. She let out a sob when the cold crystal door connected with her broken nose, the collision renewing the bleeding from her nostrils. Rarity peered through her teary eyes, a bit surprised to see Rainbow Dash, of all people, standing in wait. Though lacking in Rarity's height and dimensions, Rainbow seemed to make up for her "shortcomings" with confidence and personality befitting a woman twice her size. "Oh shit. Hey, Rares," said Rainbow, the slur in her voice and rosy tint to her tan cheeks immediately giving away that she was three sheets to the wind. She turned over her shoulder and yelled into the restroom. "Yo! Babe! Guess who I just bumped into?" "I don't give a shit about that right now, Dash! Now get ya scrawny ass in here and help me find this damned key!" "Oh, yeah. My bad!" Rainbow laughed, turning away to re-enter the restroom. She made it about three steps she stopped and jumped back out to grab Rarity by the wrist. "C'mon, AJ needs us! You, mainly, but…" "Oh, of course." Rarity stumbled into the restroom, looking up at the absolute mountain of a mare that was Applejack. Easily the tallest of the group, even taller than Twilight with her alicorn height boost, Applejack was a looming, intimidating figure contrasting starkly with her thin, wiry girlfriend. She had a great deal of muscle to back up her height, a toned physique from years of hard farm work, a strength that did her no favors as she attempted to navigate a large key ring in front of one of many stalls. "What seems to be the problem?" "Some jackass decided to lock the men's room and every stall in the lady's room," grunted Applejack. "Probably Pinkie's idea of a prank." "Yeah, that's such a dick move!" laughed Rainbow. She leaned over to Rarity and whispered quietly. "It was me… Don't tell anyone…" "And now I gotta find this fuckin' key, gotta keep an eye on Dash's drunk, horny ass, keep her from humping a wet spot on my jeans, and all the while I gotta piss like a fuckin' racehorse!" Applejack let out an annoyed grunt, punching the door to the stall in frustration. "Why the fuck are there so many damn keys on this thing anyhow?!" "Goddess Twilight has a great many rooms in her castle," said Rarity, nodding her head. For the first time since she entered the restroom, Applejack looked back towards her, tipping her hat in the maid's direction. "Yeah, I s'pose… The fuck happened to your face?" "Goddess Twilight broke my nose!" said Rarity brightly, the lingering pain masked almost entirely by the throbbing pleasure between her legs. "I'm afraid I don't know which key it is, exactly, but I do know it's one of the silver ones. The bronze ones are for the basement, and the golden ones are for Goddess Twilight's personal closets." "Well, that narrows it down to about twenty fuckin' keys…" grumbled Applejack, inspecting the keyring. "Rares, do me a favor and keep a handle on Dash. She gets frisky when she's been drinking. Just do whatever she wants to—" "Eat me out! Eat me out!" chanted Rainbow. Applejack buried her face in her palm for just a moment before returning to search for her key. "Fine. Eat her out, just lemme focus on not pissin' myself…" "I would be honored to pleasure you, Ms. Rainbow," said Rarity with a bow. "I hope to—" Dash grabbed Rarity by her conveniently placed pigtails and yanked her down to the ground, pulling her shorts down just as quickly. Normally, whenever Rarity was forced to her knees by a superior, it was to service a fat dick, but this wasn't the case with Rainbow. Instead, Rarity found herself level with Rainbow's tight, snug little pussy. Even still, Rarity knew how to pleasure her betters, and that's exactly what she did when she dove in, licking and kissing Rainbow's cunt. "Oh, yeah, that's the stuff…" Rainbow leaned against the wall, sighing in satisfaction. "You should teach AJ how to eat pussy, Rares. She always gets too scared to dive in there like you do." "I'll show ya scared, when I'm shoving a foot-long marecock in your big ass mouth," snarled AJ, leering back at her girlfriend. Dash just laughed, giving Applejack the finger with one hand and using the other to push Rarity's face deeper between her thighs. "You know, she's got more than just a mouth. Why don't you get that big dick of yours ready for when we get home?" suggested Rainbow, grinding her snatch against Rarity's tongue. "Unless you're afraid of that bitch-breaker of yours running out of gas?" "For fuck's sake, Dash, I gotta pee!" "Just hold it, you big baby. I wanna see you fuck this bitch into my pussy!" "You get so dirty when you're drunk… Alright, fine," With an almost defeated sigh, Applejack undid her jeans, crossing over to Rarity and Dash. Always eager to be used, Rarity had already tugged her panties down and spread her pussy with her fingers, giving AJ a nice look at the tight wet tunnel. "Don't know if you remember, but I only fuck Dash's pussy. Just feels like I'm being unfaithful otherwise. So I'm gonna take your ass, alright?" Rarity moaned her agreement, licking Rainbow even faster, wiggling her tongue in deeper as she used her magic to pull her buttplug free and drop it onto the floor. Perhaps predictably, Rarity had a bit of an obsession with anal, especially dirty, dry anal in a semi-public place like a restroom. She could think of few acts that more accurately and clearly displayed her status as a filthy whore. The pain from Applejack sliding her frankly too-big tool into her barely-prepared pucker was just the exclamation point on that idea. “Damn, how does Twilight keep this thing so tight?” grunted Applejack as she forced her meaty shaft into Rarity’s ass. She slammed her hips forward, bouncing off of Rarity’s cushioned rear with each deep, painful, unforgiving thrust. “Twi probably doesn’t do her in the butt,” snickered Rainbow. “You know how she is, probably says it’s too unsanitary or something.” “Still, someone’s gotta be hitting this fat ass from time to time.” ‘“Goddess Twilight has a spell she uses on me every three months,” said Rarity, speaking in between deep lashes of her tongue into Dash’s cunt and deep thrusts into her poor, sore ass from Applejack. “F-fuck, that’s good… To keep me tight, clean, and ready to be used!” “Huh. Go figure.” Rainbow shrugged, then yanked on Rarity’s pigtails, bringing her back to licking. “Now shut up and eat. AJ has been teasing me all night and I’m antsy.” “Have not!” shot Applejack. “You kept grabbing my bulge and tryna get me to finger you under the table!” “And if you woulda just done that, we wouldn’t be here.” “How would finger-blastin’ you prevent me from drinking six glasses of water?” Applejack arched her brow at Dash, smirking in spite of herself when Rainbow offered no response. “You forgot why we were here, huh?” “Maybe a little…” “You’re all types of fucked up, ain’t ya?” AJ stopped, most of her throbbing, veiny shaft buried in Rarity’s tight hole, tapping her chin thoughtfully. “Hey, ain’t you have to pee, too? How’re you holding it so easy?” “Oh. Not gonna lie, kinda forgot,” admitted Dash. She pursed her lips for a moment before breaking into a devious, mischievous grin. “Hey, AJ, I got an idea. Wanna hear it?” “Sure, why not?” “So, we gotta pee, right? And we can’t get into the stalls, so…” Rarity recoiled in surprise when a stream of hot urine sprayed across her features, splashing against her face and into her mouth. Laughter filled the room, Dash’s laughter as she continued to empty her bladder onto Rarity’s face. Rarity, to her credit, adapted quickly, gulping down the unpleasantly salty liquid as best as she could to minimize the mess. Even still, her face, hair, and clothes were all wet with piss by the time Rainbow was done. The athlete grinded against Rarity’s face one last time before carefully stepping over the puddle she had left. “Problem solved!” laughed Dash. She patted Applejack on the back, jumping up to peck her on the cheek. “You want me to look for the key to the stall or…?” “Ah, fuck it,” grunted Applejack. “You were bound to have a good idea eventually…” The farmer let out a sigh and, just as surprised as when Rainbow had let loose, Rarity jumped when she felt the significantly more forceful stream of urine spray into her. She sputtered from the unexpected sensation, in no way prepared to have a firehose of a cock spew anything but cum into her. While the sensation wasn’t the same as a good creampie, the sense of fullness from Applejack’s emptying bladder was comparable, and Rarity found herself enjoying it quite a bit more than she would have expected. A firm push sent Rarity sliding off of Applejack’s pole, slipping and sliding into a puddle of piss. As the urine leaked from Rarity’s ass, Applejack continued dousing her, directing her stream towards Rarity’s head and face. After her hair was thoroughly drenched, Rarity finally scrambled to her hands and knees, letting her tongue hang out of her mouth to accept the gift that Applejack was blessing her with. Applejack sighed again in satisfaction, shaking her hefty equipment to get the last few drips out and onto Rarity, who jumped up and greedily suckled every last salty drop straight from the tap. “Woo. Felt like I was fixin’ to burst,” said Applejack, tucking her dick back into her jeans. She glanced to Rainbow, who was grinning and snapping photos of the scene. “You ready to get out of here?” “Your place or mine?” asked Rainbow. “If I bring your horny ass home like this, you’ll give Granny another heart attack. Come on, String Bean, it’s getting late.” Without so much as a wave goodbye, Rainbow and Applejack made their way out of the restroom, either ignoring or not hearing Rarity’s thanks. She had done a lot of perverse acts ever since discovering her true self, but this was unique. No one had ever thought to piss on Rarity before, nevermind in her ass. Now, Rarity realized as she sat herself up in the pool of pee, she could add “urinal” to her list of degrading titles. “My Goddess sure can throw a party,” chuckled Rarity. She looked down on herself, dripping with piss, and crinkled her nose as she was assaulted with the admittedly foul smell that was wafting from her person. A frown formed on her features, less from the smell and more from the implications of it; She couldn’t serve her Goddess like this. “I need a shower…” > Dicks and Dignitaries > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity posed in front of the tall, crystal mirror, admiring the dress that she wore. It was a long, violet affair made of the most expensive, luxurious silk she could get her hands on. It was one of her more plain designs, balancing elegance with simplicity in the way that the gown flowed down her body, lacking any particularly gaudy finishes. The only design features of note was the very low cut, covering her nipples but exposing every single inch of cleavage that she could get away with showing. Though Rarity thought the dress was gorgeous, that was also the problem; It was far too nice for her. It felt wrong, disingenuous, artificial. It felt like the old Rarity. Luckily, she didn't imagine the dress would stay on for terribly long in any case. "Are you ready?" Rarity inhaled deeply, turning away from the mirror to face her Goddess. Twilight was wearing a gown similar to Rarity's, albeit superior in every single possible way. Rarity had lost sleep ensuring that Twilight's dress was perfect, better than perfect. It was more intricate, with thin, wispy lace of pure gold going from the shoulders to the wrists, and strings of platinum wrapping around her middle. Rarity liked that dress much better. It brought a dark, shuddering delight to know that even this dress had more value than she did. "Just about, my Goddess," said Rarity, getting a healthy eyeful of her owner. Unfortunately, it seemed that the princess had enchanted the dress to better conceal her third leg, leaving Rarity with only her memory and imagination to get by. "Just need to work on my hair. Such a worthless cunt, I can't figure out what to do with it…" "Here. I'll do it." Twilight crossed the dressing room in a few strides, standing behind Rarity and turning her to face the mirror. The princess grabbed a brush and began running it through Rarity's hair, the sapphire locks having been returned to their former luster through various charms and treatments. "Are you going to behave for my guests?" "Yes, Goddess. Of course," said Rarity, already fidgeting at the thought. "Although I will admit that I'm already missing your presence." "Don't worry. Once we patch you back up, you'll have more of my 'presence' than you know what to do with." The princess chuckled almost sinisterly, pressing a kiss onto Rarity's soft neck. "Of course, the weekend is a long time to be without my cocksleeve. I may not be able to wait long enough to fix you." "Do you think the delegates will hurt me?" "Oh, yes. Absolutely. They’re going to hurt you worse than I ever have," snickered the princess. She tied Rarity's hair back into a ponytail, brushing through it to give it some of her trademark curl. "And what are you going to do when they hurt you?" "Beg for more." Some part of Rarity knew that her answer wasn't what Twilight was after. She couldn't help but let it slip out, because it was the truth. Even still, Twilight reached around her front, grabbing her by the throat in her deceitfully powerful hand. "What else will you do?" "Th-thank them. I'll thank them for hurting me…" breathed Rarity. After a few beats, Twilight released her grasp on Rarity's neck. "Goddess… What if they… ‘damage’ me? What if they make it so you can't use me to your satisfaction anymore?" "Aww. Your concern is so sweet. Don't worry, the delegates know whose property you are. I doubt they'll do anything I can't fix with a bit of magic." Twilight grabbed Rarity's ponytail and yanked, arching her head back to look into the princess' eyes. "As worthless as you are, I don't especially feel like finding a new toy, so make sure you hold yourself together there. Understood?" "Yes, Goddess. Whatever is dished out, I'll take it. For you." Rarity allowed herself a smile, her heart soaring when Twilight matched it. "Is it time?" "Just about. Remember, for the duration of the weekend, these men, the delegates, are your Gods and Goddesses." Twilight spoke sternly, as if talking to an excitable child. "That means you show them all the respect and obedience that you show me. You don't have a safeword. You don't have a limit. You don't matter. What matters is making our honored guests feel welcome. Once I give you over to them, I won't be back to fetch you until they depart, so they may not even let you out of the room." Twilight's eyes lit up, a devious grin spreading across her features. "Which reminds me. I got you something…" Rarity let out a curious hum as the princess worked her magic, pulling at reality with the energy of her horn to produce the gift in question; Twilight wrapped the thick, rough leather collar snugly around Rarity's neck, as tight as she could without actively choking her. Once the collar was secure, Twilight went on to attach a sturdy chain leash. She gave it a firm tug, smirking at the surely uncomfortable way Rarity's head jerked. "There you go. What do you think?" asked Twilight. She thought about what she said and laughed derisively. "Pfft. Not that I care what you think. Or even if you think!" "It's beautiful! Thank you so much, Goddess!" Rarity reached for the collar, running her fingers across the cool, tough leather, and felt her heart thump in her chest. Twilight had often treated her like an animal, but to be leashed like one was thrill unto itself. "I don't deserve such a nice gift, but I will make sure to show you my appreciation." "Not me. My guests, remember? Or is your head so full of cocks that you forgot a conversation from two minutes ago?" Twilight yanked on Rarity's leash, pulling her slut forward until they were chest to chest, and Rarity had to look up to meet her Goddess' gaze. "I'm sorry, Goddess. I remember, I promise," said Rarity, her voice quivering. Even though Twilight very rarely raised her voice, and she wasn't especially violent, compared to some of the townsfolk who used her, Rarity always felt this unmatched sense of terror when in Twilight's presence. It was as intense as it was addictive. "I'll be a good girl. A good slut." "You know I don't mind sharing you, but this is different." Twilight spoke in a husky whisper, her voice crawling up and down Rarity's spine. "This time, I won't be able to snatch you away when my cock needs warming. For the first time, maybe ever, I'll have to wait my turn, and it is taking every ounce of restraint I have to stop myself from ripping that dress off of your body and fucking you until you can't tell up from down." "G-Goddess…" "This strengthened alliance with the other races is worth a weekend without my fleshlight. I just want you to understand…" Twilight grabbed Rarity under the chin, firmly while still taking great care not to leave a mark on her face. "I expect you to make it up to me the very second they leave my castle." "Yes, Goddess! I will, I promise! Every drop of cum that you're able to part with, I'll take it wherever you like," swore Rarity. There was a hint of desperation in her voice, an eagerness to please her Goddess. "Anything you desire…" "And why is that?" "Because I'm your loyal fuckpig, Goddess." Rarity smiled as she spoke, absolutely brimming with what she could only describe as pride. She took her thumb to the tip of her nose and pushed up until it resembled a snout. "Oink, oink, oink." Twilight grinned, gripping the leash tightly before giving it a firm tug as she led Rarity away. Rarity stumbled forward a bit, nearly hitting the ground from the force at which her Goddess pulled her along. Even though they were only travelling the length of a single hallway, the anticipation and anxiety Rarity felt made the sensation more akin to travelling to another planet. The reality of the situation seemed to grow more and more real the closer she got to the guest hall. She could hear the murmurs of the delegate on the other side, could almost feel the energy mounting through the door, and her heart pounded in her chest like a drum. “Goddess…” breathed Rarity. “I… I’m a bit scared…” “Good. They’ll like that.” Twilight swatted Rarity firmly across the face, the strike somewhat soothing in a way. It helped to ground Rarity and remind her of something important: She was the Goddess’ property, and Goddess Twilight didn’t let people get away with breaking her things. “Open the door, pig. And get ready for a long weekend.” Rarity nodded and, without giving herself a chance to hesitate, pushed open the door and stepped into the guest hall. As soon as she crossed the threshold of the room, she could feel the familiar sensation of all eyes being on her. What was new, however, was the underlying energy behind some of those gazes. Even the delegates that she would formerly consider friends, such as Dragonlord Ember and the newly-appointed Griffonstone ambassador Gallus, had a smoldering disdain and distaste behind their eyes. Perhaps most concerningly were the unknown quantities, the people Rarity hadn’t ever encountered in any capacity. The Chiropterans, the Saddle Arabian Sheik and his entourage, and a minotaur noblewoman who seemed as short in temper as she was tall in height. To Rarity’s mild disappointment, there didn’t appear to be any zebra delegates there to join in on the festivities, not that she had time to worry about such things. With the way she was being eyed down, it was clear that she would have her work cut out for her. “Honoured guests, welcome!” said Twilight, giving a bow of respect to the delegates. There was a chorus of responses, some more polite and enthusiastic than others. “We can worry about the boring diplomacy another day. For now, I give you… My personal fucktoy. Rarity, introduce yourself.” “Hello! I am Rarity, and I’m here to do whatever the lords and ladies desire,” said Rarity, feeling the many eyes devour her. “Who would like to be first to use Goddess Twilight’s personal pony slut? I assure you, I will do anything you desire to—” The back of a hand struck Rarity, sending her to the ground with a yelp. Before she could even begin to return to her feet, Rarity was hit in the face again, a closed fist to her eye this time, and she scrambled to see who it was attacking her. Her assailant quickly tore at the front of Rarity’s dress, baring her breasts and nicking her skin with the lethal claws of a dragon, making it clear that among the flurry of scales and strikes was the Dragonlord. The group of dignitaries whooped in support of Ember’s attack, which meant there would be no help or reprieve for Rarity. For the first time in a while, she was afraid, truly afraid. This wasn’t the energy of a cruel superior giving little thought to her well-being. This was a predator, an alpha, who was looking to tear her to shreds. “M-M’lord?” squeaked Rarity, a significantly noticeable quiver of fear in her voice. Ember said nothing, instead continuing to claw at Rarity’s clothes and skin. “G-Goddess Twilight! Goddess, I—ACK! A hand, a strong, rough, clawed hand, grabbed Rarity around the throat, stealing away her pleas for help and replacing them with pained, breathless gasps. Rarity’s eyes darted to Twilight, as did the Dragonlord, though the Goddess said nothing at first. After watching her property be choked for a few moments, Twilight smiled, turning for the door and giving a wave to her guests. “I’ll leave you to it,” said Twilight as she departed. “Feel free to fuck her up however you wish, my honored guests.” "You talk too fucking much, pony whore," growled the Dragonlord, resuming her descent on Rarity. Ember tore the rest of Rarity's dress off of her body, until the slut was entirely naked save for her collar. The Dragonlord glanced down, a frown floating to her lips at the sight of Rarity's legs pressed together. She grabbed the whore's thighs, a sharp cry of pain ringing out as jagged claws were buried into soft, tender flesh before Ember yanked Rarity's legs apart. She saw her prize and immediately went for it; no prelude, no teasing, no foreplay. Ember simply dropped down onto Rarity and shoved her impossibly thick, impossibly hard, sharply-scaled cock into the waiting cunt as deeply as she could. Rarity wailed, uncertain if she felt more pain or pleasure from the sharp, curving scales that lined the dragon's length. Twilight once said that the scales existed to stop an angry dragoness from tossing their potential partner away too easily during mating, which used to make sense to Rarity. That was before her awakening, and now she wondered why anyone in their right mind would try to get a horny dragon off of them at all. "Merciful Goddess, you're so big!" squealed Rarity. As soon as the word left her lips, a heavy, powerful hand clasped against her mouth. Ember dug her razor sharp claws into Rarity's face as she gagged her with her palm, snarling and snorting black smoke from her nostrils. "If I hear your annoying fucking voice one more time, I'm gonna rip your stupid fucking face to shreds.” “Save some for us, will ya?” Gallus strode forward, looking down at his former teacher with disdain. “Some of us have been waiting a really long time to use this thing.” “You clowns can draw straws on who gets its face,” snarled Ember. She pounded her cock as deep into Rarity’s cunt as possible, gripping her by the legs and drawing blood with her claws. “But if you want its cunt, you’re gonna have to fight me for it.” “I can wait to hit its pussy. Mind turning it over for a bit?” Gallus watched patiently as Ember let out a frustrated snarl, pulled out of Rarity, tossed her over onto her belly, and savagely forced herself back into her cunt, all in the span of about three seconds. “Thanks a million, Dragonlord.” “And what makes you think you can skip the line?” snorted the minotaur, stomping forward. “You’re the youngest, and least experienced, person here. Show some respect to your elders.” “Respectfully, Lady Clara, I’ve been in line to pump this bitch’s face for something like five years now,” said Gallus. “Do you know how many times I’ve been given detention by this brainless bimbo? And now I have a chance to get even and—” “Your youth shows itself.” The sheik advanced, sliding out of his sandals as he came to a stop before Rarity. He raised his foot and, without needing to be asked, Rarity parted her lips and accepted the man’s foot into her mouth. “Watch carefully, boy, and you will learn how a true ruler behaves.” “Fine, Lord Saharah. Do as you will.” Gallus crossed his arms and pouted. “I waited five years, I can wait a bit longer.” “I’m not quite so patient,” snorted Lady Clara, her twelve inches of fat bullcock twitching beneath her loincloth. “And I don’t imagine Noctis is either.” “It’s just after noon. Too early to fuck,” yawned Noctis, the Night King of Chiropterans. He remained in his seat, leaning back to enjoy the show. “I’ll have my turn with her once night falls. In my country, it’s tradition to claim a woman once she’s fallen asleep.” “Well, I like for my slaves to be awake when I break them. Lady Clara tapped her foot impatiently. “So either move your foot or I’ll have to take the Dragonlord up on her challenge.” As Lord Saharah forced his foot deeper into Rarity’s mouth, his dirty toes nearly down her throat as he essentially kicked her in the maw, Rarity let out a shriek of pain and pleasure and all that lay in between; Dragonlord Ember growled savagely and buried every last inch of her cock into Rarity’s poor twat, a flood of scalding hot dragon cum pumping directly into her womb. Rarity screamed, tears running down her cheeks from the sudden surge of nearly boiling hot seed. Despite the pain, and indeed because of it, Rarity’s cries warbled away into a moan, and she came around the scorching dragon cock that had been previously brutalizing her. “Give her a minute to cool off, and she’s all yours, Clara,” said Ember, wiping her brow and sliding out of Rarity. The sudden rush of cold air was almost as painful as the initial heat, and Rarity sobbed loudly into Lord Saharah’s foot. She couldn’t confirm it at the moment, but Rarity was convinced that Ember’s cock had managed to cut and scratch her pretty bad, the necessary proof coming when the Dragonlord came around to meet the minotaur noblewoman; Aside from her own steaming cum, Ember’s cock was coated with a thin film of Rarity’s blood. “Only because I like you. You’re probably the toughest person here, aside from me.” “I’ll try to repay the kindness by leaving her cunt in a usable state for you,” said Clara. She tore her loincloth free, exposing a member that was closer in size to a parking bollard than a dick. Rarity could only barely see Lady Clara as she approached her from behind, but she certainly felt the shaking of the ground when Clara fell down onto her rear. “I wouldn’t hold my breath, though.” “My clothes.” Lord Saharah raised his arms and, in a flash, his entourage was on him, peeling off his expensive robes and baring his body to the world. Finally, he removed his foot from Rarity’s mouth, giving her a moment to collect herself and finally let out a proper shuddering sob. “We will see if your tongue is only good for cleaning my toes, whore.” “Yes, m’lord,” coughed Rarity. She let out a yelp of surprise when she felt a single, very powerful, hand grab her around the waist and hoist her up; Lady Clara plucked her up like a toy, and seemed intent to use her like one as well. The noble minotaur dragged Rarity into her lap, positioning the waiting hole over her own formidable cock and slowly forcing Rarity down. Rarity looked down and began to panic, a distinctly visible bulge pressing out through her middle, the fit so snug that you could see nearly every vein and feature of Lady Clara’s cock through the skin of Rarity’s stomach. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuuuu—” Rarity didn’t even get to finish her expletive before a hand yanked her head forwards and she felt her face be swallowed up by what she soon surmised to be the ass of the Saddle Arabian Lord. Though taken by surprise, Rarity knew her place, and even while being split in two by a cock too big for anyone to be expected to take, she managed to keep her focus enough to lap at her superior. She shuddered in shame, disgust, pain, and ecstasy, savoring the salty, sweaty, bitter taste of the older man’s flesh. “This blows,” grumbled Gallus. Ember laughed, patting him firmly on the shoulder and nearly knocking the young griffon over. “What’s so funny, Dragonlord?” “You let these idiots walk all over you, kid,” said Ember. “You can’t be scared of them, or else they won’t ever respect you. If you wanted to use the fucktoy, you should’ve pushed everyone aside and taken it.” “Yeah? You would’ve let me do that?” “Hell no, I’d have you plucked and roasted in no time at all, little birdie.” Ember shoved Gallus in a manner she saw as playful, but others might deem closer to aggressive. “And, to be fair, Clara’s not a good one to prove yourself with either.” “Who speaks my name?” snarled Lady Clara, barely slowing as she used Rarity. She wasn’t so much fucking her, more like jerking off with a living fleshlight, but even in her pursuit of pleasure she still managed to radiate fury and intimidation. “Is there a problem, Dragonlord?” “Focus on ruining her cunt, Clara. I’ll handle the boy,” remarked Ember. She turned back to Gallus, rolling her eyes somewhat at her equally aggressive colleague. “Look, Gallus, if you want it, take it. Saharah’s like 70, you can take him. Just push him aside and mark your territory.” “I don’t know…” “Come on, kid, have some balls. Worst case scenario, he pushes back, and I’ve got your back if he does.” “You’re a lot nicer all of a sudden,” noted Gallus. Ember shrugged. “I’m in heat, just really needed a good fuck.” One last time, Ember pushed Gallus, sending him forward and towards the Lord, the Lady, and the fuckdoll. “Go get ‘em, kid.” With a surge of confidence, not all of it fabricated, Gallus advanced, unbuckling his trousers as he did. Ember was right. He was just as important a delegate as the others, and he wasn’t about to sit here and be disrespected! It wouldn’t look good for him, or Griffonstone for that matter, if he was such a push-over. It was time for him to take a stand. “Move it, old timer.” Gallus shouldered Lord Saharah out of the way, leaving the sheik staring incredulously. As the young griffon pulled his throbbing erection from his pants, Lord Saharah smirked in spite of himself, placing his hand on Gallus’ shoulder. “I’m done waiting, so if you’re gonna lecture me about my youthful arrogance or whatever, save it.” “Far from it, boy. It seems the Dragonlord had a word with you?” Saharah watched intently as Gallus approached. “What do you have planned for our toy?” “Ember said to mark my territory. So…” Gallus positioned his dick level at Rarity’s face, directly in front of her mouth. “Open wide, whore.” Rarity was being fucked so deep, the minotaur’s cock damn near pounding her heart, that she didn’t have much choice but to let her mouth hang open. Clara repositioned slightly, holding Rarity horizontally with both hands to properly drill her in two, and Rarity was in the process of letting out a screech of pain when she felt the stream of Gallus’ piss splatter against her tongue. By some reflex, Rarity gulped down the salty liquid, only stopping when she received a firm kick to the jaw from the Saddle Arabian sheik. “Hold it in your mouth, whore,” ordered Saharah. He took his own dick into his hand and after just a moment, he too was relieving himself in Rarity’s mouth. Even while Being fucked in half, Rarity was still aware enough of her faculties to give her masters a good show; She slid her fingers into her own mouth, fish hooking her maw as wide as it could go, so wide that it genuinely began to hurt. Even still, that pain was a drop in the bucket compared to how her insides felt, the massive organ of the minotaur noblewoman slick with cum, blood, and Rarity’s own juices as it threatened to punch a hole straight through her fat tits. That pain was steadily mounting into pleasure, and it wasn’t long before she came, silently and almost immobile, around Clara’s massive pole. “Move over, boys, let me show you how it’s done.” Dragonlord Ember approached, her cock still hard and sticky with Rarity’s various fluids. She took a spot to the side of Gallus and, with careful aim, let out her own stream of piss onto Rarity. The steaming dragon urine was extremely hot, about the temperature of fresh coffee, and Rarity screamed through a mouthful of piss from the sudden, shockingly hot liquid splashing on her face, ruining her makeup and sending mascara running down her cheeks. The way the liquid in her mouth bubbled while she screamed gave Ember an idea, and she grinned a bit wider as she emptied her bladder onto the messy fucksleeve. “Hey, I wanna see you gargle it, pony bitch.” “Good idea,” remarked Gallus, shaking the last few droplets of his stream into Rarity’s eyes. “I want you to be tasting our piss for hours.” Rarity gave a tiny nod, doing her best to display her obedience without spilling her precious payload. She tilted her head back slightly, accepting the last of the steaming, burning stream of urine onto her soft, tender tits, and gargled her mouthful of piss. She made sure to get the salty, bitter taste all around her mouth, coating the back of her throat, swishing it around her mouth to saturate her every taste bud and stain her teeth yellow. After a whine and a begging look from Rarity to her superiors, Gallus gave her a nod, and she gulped down every last bit of pee on her tongue. She even went as far as to bring her face to the floor, smearing her features with the spilled urine, scooping it up with her hands and washing it through her hair. “When I’m done breaking this slave, you three are going to answer to me,” grumbled Clara, placing one giant hand on the back of Rarity’s head to pin her in place while she reamed her into the accumulated puddle of piss. “You idiots got pee on my feet…” “I will… Oh, merciful Goddess, that hurtssss!” Rarity moaned, letting her tongue hang out and taste even more piss from the floor. She felt herself shake and quiver, cumming again under Lady Clara’s imposing size and mighty power. “Oh, fuck, yes… I will gladly clean… Every inch of your body with my tongue… should it please m’lady…” “See? She’ll clean you up, no big deal,” said Gallus with a shrug. Clara snorted, turning her attention more to the whore beneath her. “So, are you gonna finish with her sometime today, or—” Lady Clara let out a deep, guttural, decidedly unladylike growl, slamming her hips against Rarity with reckless abandon. She was bestial, both in her sounds and her movements, nearly crushing Rarity’s head against the floor as she came harder and deeper than anyone Rarity had ever been with. Each spurt of hot bull cum felt like a gallon’s worth of seed spraying with the force of a power washer into Rarity’s guts. Her stomach ballooned even more as each load filled her womb, the floods maintaining strength and volume with each spurt. The pressure inside of Rarity grew, the cum accumulating until the volume was so great that it needed somewhere to go; Rarity felt the strange, unsettling sensation of a flood of thick, hot cum working its way up through her body, pulsing up her throat, and eventually flooding out of her mouth and spraying from her nostrils. Rarity, naturally, took great pleasure from this uncomfortable, downright painful demonstration of her position as a literal cocksleeve, and she came one last time, quivering in the pool of fluids. “Hm. She lived.” Lady Clara, none too gently, pulled her cock from Rarity, watching the cum gush out of her gaped, ruined cunt with an air of something that seemed almost like respect. “I’m impressed.” “Princess Twilight sure does pick the best cockholes,” said Gallus with a smirk. “If she lets me borrow Professor Slut here every now and then, I think Griffonstone will be more than willing to play ball with Equestria.” “The Dragons were always willing to negotiate with her,” snickered Ember. “I just really wanted to hurt a pony. Call it an instinctual thing.” “Hmph. I’ll need to think on it more.” Lady Clara stood up, cracking her stiff neck before turning to the door. “I’m hungry. Gonna hit the kitchen.” “I could eat,” said Ember with a shrug. The men behind her nodded in agreement, so Ember grabbed Rarity’s leash, mostly forgotten, and dragged her cum-swollen body by the neck over to the nearby crystal table. The Dragonlord tied the leash around the table’s leg, checking the knot to ensure that she would be going nowhere. “Hey. Pony slut. You want something while we’re out?” “W-water… Please…” coughed Rarity, still choking out cum. Ember laughed, giving Rarity a firm, rattling swing to the head, knocking the poor bitch silly. “Thank you, Lord Ember…” “We’ll get you some water, alright. Might be a little salty by the time you get it, though.” With that, the dignitaries were gone, leaving Rarity alone with only the sleeping Night King for company. She turned her bloated, sore, battered body over in an attempt at comfort, letting her eyes flutter shut for a rest. She knew it was unlikely that she’d get much of a nap in before the Chiropteran delegate raped her awake, so she sought to get as much rest as she could. Her Goddess wasn’t exaggerating when she said it’d be a long weekend for Rarity. > Day Off > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What's your problem?" Rarity certainly heard her Goddess speak, and she most certainly wanted to respond. However, given her predicament, few could blame her for the delay in her comment. She lay, motionless on the cold crystal floor, her battered body covered in bruises, scratches, piss, and an unreasonable amount of cum. Her body twitched, her head stirring in the direction of her comparatively pristine and put-together owner. "Uuuuuggggghhhh…" Rarity couldn't manage much more than that just then, not even as Twilight gave her a firm kick to the middle. "Goddess…" "Spike said you haven't moved since the delegates left," said Twilight, cocking her brow. "That was last night. So… What's your deal?" "Hurts… came so much… Tired…" Rarity was limp, even as Twilight grabbed her by the hair. The Goddess dragged Rarity by the dull, sticky locks to a chair, her faithful fuckpig too tired to even properly moan in pain, nevermind resist. Twilight frowned as she sat down, pulling her dress up to free her fat, bitch-breaking cock, which she deftly shoved into Rarity's waiting mouth. "So you've been used, abused, beaten, snd fucked for three days straight," mused Twilight, using Rarity's throat to jerk her cock off. "You haven't had a solid meal since Thursday, and you're operating purely on instinct, a compulsive need for my approval, and somewhere between two and five gallons of semen." Twilight shoved Rarity's head down to her base, feeling the weak quivering of her cocksleeve and letting out a contented sigh. "As much as I'd like to rape your body into fat, cum-bloated bits until Thursday… Me and Spike have plans with our parents, so we'll be taking the trip to Canterlot for a few days. So you should take that time to recharge your batteries. Take it easy, get some rest. Stay in bed and schlick all day for all I care. And, when I get back, you should be rested up enough to take my cock for as long as I decide to stuff it into your greedy cunt. How does that sound, bitch?" Twilight glanced down and, to her surprise, Rarity was out. Not unconscious from the fat schlong in her throat, nothing so serious. Just asleep. The Goddess rolled her eyes, pulling Rarity up by the hair and tossing her down to the ground. No sense in wasting cum on the whore when she wasn't awake to properly savor it. Instead, she sighed, shaking her head at the sorry state of her plaything. "What am I going to do with you?" sighed the princess. "You're no good to me like this… And I was really looking forward to making you cry before my trip. I really need you to rest up, but who can I trust to keep an eye on you—" Twilight's phone rang, the special angelic ringtone she had reserved for her personal friends (except Trixie, who got a demonic chant instead), and she grabbed it up curiously. Nobody called her these days, why would they? The only thing people would ever bother her for would be to use Rarity, and everyone in Ponyville knew the rules by now. Then, as she read the caller ID, Twilight smiled and answered the phone. "Oh, hi! Really glad you called. Listen, I need a favor," said Twilight, looking down at her incapacitated fucktoy with a grin. She nudged Rarity with her foot, getting nothing but snores in return, and went about making plans to get her ready. "Oh, nothing big. Just need you to keep an eye on something for me…" Rarity let out a yawn scratching her piss-drenched hair tiredly as she rolled over on the cold crystal floor. At least, that's what was supposed to happen. Instead, she found her hair was dry and combed, and the floor was in actuality the soft cushion of a very comfortable bed. Immediately, Rarity found herself confused, so confused in fact that she didn't immediately recognize the piece of paper stuck to her forehead. After she regained some of her faculties, Rarity pulled the note free, turning it over to read her Goddess' elegant handwriting. "Dear Useless Cunt," read Rarity, a smile forming in her lips. Her Goddess always did have the sweetest pet names for her. "Hopefully, you're not too stupid and cock obsessed that you've forgotten how to read yet, though it wouldn't surprise me if you have. As I said to your mostly unconscious body yesterday, Spike and I have to go to Canterlot for a bit, and you weren't invited. My parents have a strict no animals policy in their home, and even though I tried to convince them you were more like luggage, they decided that you count as a pet. Furthermore, you've been through the wringer as of late, and you clearly need some rest before you can get back to worshipping me as you should. As such, I've left you in the care of a friend of mine until Spike and I return. Obviously, you will obey your caretaker's orders completely and without hesitation, but to be honest… This should be an easy few days for you. Behave yourself, and make sure you're at 100% when I get back to brutalize you all over again. That's an order. Signed, The Reason Your Life Has Any Modicum Of Value, Your Goddess of Perfection, Princess Twilight." Rarity smiled at her Goddess' words, regretting somewhat that she couldn't be at her feet at the moment, when she noticed a postscript at the end. "P.S. your caretaker is a wee bit sensitive sometimes and if I find out you hurt her feelings in any way, I am going to make you wish you were never born. Do not fuck this up." Below the postscript was a purple stain that initially resembled a kiss mark. Upon further inspection, however, it was clear that it was a kiss of a different sort; Twilight had used Rarity's lipstick, the same that the slut wore right then, on her flare, thus "kissing" the paper with her cockhead. Such a simple gesture, one that managed to be sweet, crass, and domineering all at once, was a prime example of why Rarity happily worshipped the ground on which Twilight walked. Rarity couldn't help but kiss the lipstick mark on the paper, and, if she thought about it very hard, she swore she could taste her Goddess' cock on her lips. "Sensitive, eh? Who of Goddess' friends are sensitive?" Rarity surveyed the room, still uncertain as to where she was at the moment. She had been in nearly every Ponyvillian's house at some point, normally sleeping in their floor after a rape that wemt over schedule. This house, or at least the bedroom, was entirely unfamiliar to Rarity. She stood up, looking down at the old sheer nightie she wore, a relic from the Old Rarity's closet. Luckily, the modification of the skirt's hemline, altered to stop before even properly reaching Rarity's pussy, saved it as a garment appropriate for the Real Rarity. "Oh good! You're up!" To Rarity's surprise, the voice she heard was one she was very familiar with. Many a stressful afternoon at the post office in her past life had meant Rarity spent a lot of time with Ponyville's klutzy, but well-meaning postmistress. Strangely, Rarity couldn't recall seeing Derpy at all since her awakening. Whether that was due to Derpy avoiding her because of her new status (a possibility Rarity definitely understood) or just pure cosmic chance, was unclear. "Ms. Derpy?" Rarity tilted her head, thoroughly confused. "Are you my caretaker today?” "Yep! Twilight said she needed me to look after you, so she sent you here while you were sleeping!" said Derpy, giving a little clap. "Hope you were comfortable." "More comfortable than a thing like me deserves, I assure you," said Rarity with a curtsy. "So, Ms. Derpy, what can I do for you?" "Huh? What do you mean?" Derpy tilted her head in confusion. "I thought I was supposed to be taking care of you?" "Erm… I think there may be a misunderstanding…" Rarity cleared her throat and straightened her back, giving her caretaker a little nod. "I suppose we haven’t seen each other much as of late… Well, in any case, Goddess Twilight has instructed me to obey your every whim and desire. I am yours to command, Ms. Derpy. My only desire is to please you.” “Oh. Oh! I get it now!” Derpy nodded in understanding. “That explains what Twilight meant in her text… So you’ll do anything?” “Any task that you ask of me, I will comply.” Rarity was beginning to get excited, wondering what sort of degenerate tendencies or vile requests someone like Derpy could have. It was always the most kind, polite, and innocent of people who had the biggest skeletons in their closets; Rarity herself was living proof of that. “No matter how debasing or humiliating, I will eagerly obey!” “Perfect! I have just the thing!” Derpy disappeared, leaving Rarity in anticipation, which very quickly became disappointment; Derpy didn’t return with a strap-on or a whip or any such thing. Instead, she entered the room with a sealed jar of grape jelly. “Could you open this? Lid’s stuck.” “Oh. Well, of course, but…” Rarity took the jar in her magical aura and, with little effort, popped the lid open. “This isn’t the sort of thing people typically make me do…” “Huh? What sort of things do people make you do, then?” "Well, generally, they, you know…" Rarity tapped her foot almost nervously, genuinely unsure as to how Derpy would take it. "Fuck me. And hit me." "That's awful! Why would anyone wanna hit you?" gasped Derpy. "You're one of the nicest people I know!" "Because, almost a year ago, I asked them to. I enjoy it, you see," explained Rarity. "It makes me feel good when people treat me badly. Goddess Twilight was the first to hurt me, and then pretty much everyone in town got in on it." "Everyone? Everyone except me, I guess…" Derpy sighed, her crossed eyes drifting downwards in shame and disappointment. "Gee, Rarity, I can't believe I didn't know about this… I thought we were… No, it must be my fault, for not noticing sooner…" Rarity frowned, thoroughly unhappy to see Derpy in such a position. For her to somehow blame herself for not knowing about Rarity's admittedly preposterous lifestyle was just the sort of sensitivity Goddess Twilight had warned about. This just wouldn’t do. Even if Twilight hadn’t specifically ordered her to avoid hurting Derpy’s feelings, Rarity would want to do everything in her power to make someone as nice as the Ponyville postmistress satisfied. “No, don’t be silly, darling, it’s not your fault! It’s mine, really,” said Rarity, bowing her head in apology. “I’ve been a horrible friend, I should have come straight to you as soon as I had a chance.” “I just wish I didn’t miss out on all the fun…” “Nonsense! There’s still plenty of time for you to participate! Let’s do a bit of catch-up now.” Rarity leaned forward and offered her cheek. “Go on, darling, hit me! I hear it’s very satisfying, some people say that once they start they just can’t stop until I’m all bruised and—” Rarity prepared to lose the rest of her sentence with the introduction of a small, but surprisingly powerful hand against her cheek. It was normally how these things went: Rarity invites someone to hit her, she runs her mouth to reaffirm that she wants it, and is then interrupted by a sharp slap across the face. This time, there was a slap, and she was interrupted, but not in the manner in which she had grown accustomed. Someway, somehow, Derpy swung and missed wildly, only barely clipping Rarity’s ear with a pinkie. The whore was so confused that she didn’t immediately respond, which brought a frown to Derpy’s face. “I’m bad at this…” lamented the mailmare. Rarity seemed to be awoken from her stupor at that point, and Goddess Twilight’s words rang throughout her empty head like a gong. “What? No! You’re very good at this!” promised Rarity, hoping to avoid embarrassing Derpy in any way. “I didn’t even hurt you.” “You did! That hurt a lot! In fact, I was so shocked by how much it hurt that I didn’t know what to say.” Rarity “gingerly” rubbed her cheek, doing all she could to sell the idea that she had been struck. “Nobody’s ever hit me that hard on their first try, so I was surprised, is all. Here, have another go. Why don’t you slap my boobs? People tend to enjoy that, too.” Derpy nodded, reinvigorated by Rarity’s false praise, and gave a wild swing to the whore’s left tit. Despite receiving a much larger target, Derpy still managed to nearly miss, only catching Rarity’s tit with her fingertips. Still, she seemed encouraged by this, and no doubt entertained by the way Rarity’s boobs bounced from impact, she slapped her again. Even though this strike was a bit better, it still didn’t hurt very much, which meant Rarity would need to brush off her acting skills. “Ow! Ms. Derpy, please! You’re so strong!” moaned Rarity. In a past life, she had a bit of a reputation for “faking it”, just not quite like this. Even still, the skills transferred over nicely. “You’re gonna leave a mark!” “Hehehe, this is fun!” Derpy continued slapping Rarity’s breasts, giggling at the way the fat tits jiggled. “I think I’m getting the hang of it!” She stopped suddenly, eyes going wide with joy. “Ooh, can I get other stuff to hit you with?” “Absolutely!” Rarity clapped excitedly. Maybe with some improvised weapons, Derpy could do some actual damage. “What do you have in mind?” “I’ll be right back!” And, with that, Derpy was gone, hurried down the stairs in search of improvised weaponry. Rarity couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm, despite the somewhat rocky start. Say what you would about Derpy Hooves being a bit clumsy and scatter-brained, she certainly put her all into everything she tried. Rarity appreciated that, and she was eager to see what the gold-hearted mailmare had in mind. Unfortunately for Rarity, it wasn’t Derpy Hooves who entered the room next. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Derpy’s daughter had always been a bit odd. Awkward in the way she spoke, tended to keep to herself, and generally unpredictable. Rarity could recall Sweetie Belle coming home from playdates with Dinky a bit confused by the girl’s antics, with some kids even saying that Dinky was one bad day away from going off the deep end. Now, an adult, it seemed that Dinky’s strange, somewhat unsettling aura had only intensified; She carried a backpack over her shoulder, and her clothes were covered in grass stains and dirt. She seemed to smolder, clenching her fist tightly around the baseball she held. “Oh, hello, Ms. Dinky.” Rarity tried to keep her voice from quivering, but she was thoroughly unsuccessful. “I thought you were away for university in the Crystal Empire.” “Spring break,” said Dinky simply. “Had a baseball try-out today.” “Oh, yes, you play baseball! You’re quite good, too,” said Rarity politely. “So, how did your try-out go?” “I didn’t make the team.” Dinky slowly closed the door, locking it with a click. Immediately, Rarity got concerned. “Coach said I’d never play for his team for as long as he was in charge.” “Oh. Well. I’m terribly sorry to hear that—” “You’re a stupid cunt and I hate you.” Though those words in that order weren't necessarily unwelcome, there was an unsettling venom in the way Dinky spoke that sent chills down Rarity's spine. She watched, transfixed by the girl's uninvited malice, as Dinky slowly untied her shoe and peeled off her sock. Next, Dinky produced a baseball from her backpack, which she slowly dropped into the sock. "Er… I beg your pardon?" said Rarity, the concern in her voice steadily mounting. "Then beg." Dinky gripped the sock tightly by its opening and, without saying a word, viciously swung the improvised flail into Rarity's middle. Rarity squealed and recoiled from the impact, taken so far off guard that she couldn't even think to protect herself until Dinky had struck her again and again. By that fourth strike, Rarity had dropped to her knees, hands up to protect her face by some unshakable reflex. Dinky didn’t slow her assault even a step. She just kept swatting Rarity with her madball, venting her frustrations on Rarity’s soft, tender, steadily bruising body. Dinky twirled the sock over her head, building up speed and momentum, before she finally swung it with all her might into Rarity’s face. The whore screamed, clutching her nose as blood began to gush from her nostrils. Rarity had been hit in the face enough to know this sensation well; Dinky had broken her nose with that one, well-aimed swing. “I hope you choke on your own blood and die, you useless idiot cunt bitch.” Dinky threw the sock at Rarity, catching her squarely in the middle, watching with a twisted, hateful grin as Rarity whined and buckled. The doorknob began to jiggle behind her and, in a flash, Dinky had replaced her shoe and switched her expression from one of hate and disdain to a genuinely pleasant smile. She switched faces just in time for the door to open, and for Derpy to enter with her arms full with a broom, rolling pin, lamp, two clipboards, and, for some reason, a cardboard milk carton. As she saw her daughter, Derpy’s drifting eyes lit up, and she dropped all of her things to embrace her child. “Dinky! I didn’t know you were home yet!” she said excitedly. Dinky smiled and hugged her mother back, in an act that was so pleasant and heartwarming that Rarity might’ve found adorable if not for the fact that she had just been beaten into a bloody mess. “I just got in, Mama. I had tryouts today, and I wanted to tell you about it,” said Dinky, as if she hadn’t just enacted a hate-crime level beating on her mother’s acquaintance. “I got cut from baseball, but Coach said I’d do better on the volleyball team, so he let me play a few games. Turns out, I’m so good that he made me Captain!” “Wowie! That’s amazing, Dinky!” Derpy clapped excitedly, giving her beautiful angel of a daughter a kiss on the forehead. “We gotta celebrate! Why don’t you go wash up, we can go out to dinner together. You used to love our Mommy-Daughter dates.” “That sounds great. Thanks, Mama. I’ll go get ready, I need a shower.” Dinky ran out of the room, stopping in the doorframe to add. “Oh, you might wanna check on your friend. She looks out of it.” “Oh, right, Rarity. Get a load of my kid, isn’t she great?” Derpy smiled as Dinky departed, looking down at the crumpled form of Rarity. “Oh, wow… I musta hit you harder than I realized! I must be pretty good at this, after all!” The whole situation was so genuinely bizarre and unexpected that Rarity had no immediate response. Normally, whenever someone was hitting or insulting her, she was being fucked or otherwise sexually tortured at the same time. This just came out of left field, and between Derpy being somewhat ineffective in her punishment and Dinky being perhaps a bit overzealous in hers, it took a moment for Rarity to collect her thoughts. Well, Goddess Twilight did tell her to spare Derpy’s feelings. “Excellent shot, Ms. Derpy,” wheezed Rarity. “You really gave me what for…” > Cover Band > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octavia took a sip of her morning tea, earl grey with just a splash of cream, enjoying the soft tranquility one could only find at that time of day. The drink was hot, smooth, and a perfect blend of spices and sweetness. Leaves rustled gently outside the kitchen window, mixed with the chirps and cheeps of birdsong. The gray mare had half a mind to retrieve her cello and add its low notes to the morning symphony. Not five seconds after Octavia thought this then the peace was shattered by a loud, reverberating sound. Octavia imagined it to be close to the sound a machine might make if it was being castrated. It was in fact Vinyl's alarm clock, a necessary evil as Vinyl often slept like the dead. The horrid screeching sounded again, irritating Octavia to no end. Thankfully, the sound was cut short as Vinyl no doubt gave the alarm clock a good smack. A minute or so later, a disheveled looking Vinyl stumbled into the kitchen. The two mares could not be more dynamically opposed at first glance. Octavia was an earth pony, Vinyl a unicorn. Octavia's coat was a smokey gray and her mane charcoal black, whereas Vinyl had a coat like freshly fallen snow and a loud, electric blue mane. Octavia was the taller of the two by a noticeable amount, standing a full head over Vinyl. And there was their music as well. Classical for Octavia, and techno for Vinyl. Of course, that didn't stop the pair from being in a relationship. "Good morning, Tavi," Vinyl said, giving her girlfriend a rather wet kiss on the cheek. A little too wet for Octavia's liking, but she kept her annoyances stamped down. "Good morning, Vinyl," Octavia replied, wiping her cheek with a napkin as discreetly as she could. "Sleep well?" "Eh..." Vinyl shrugged, pouring herself a cup of coffee. Sloppily too, a few drops of the stuff running down the side of the mug. She drank it straight, which was something that baffled Octavia to no end. How anyone could enjoy such a bitter drink was beyond her. "I could have turned off your alarm and let you sleep in," Octavia said, sipping her tea again. "Nah, I need to be somewhere today," Vinyl said, yawning and putting her mug on the kitchen table, the spilled drops leaking onto the tabletop. Octavia resisted the urge to grab the mug and wipe it and the table clean, sipping at her tea as she watched Vinyl pull a wrapped sandwich from the fridge. "Something urgent?" "Nah, I just need to see Twilight about my pay for that gala thing," Vinyl replied as she sat down. "And I think she's got something else planned soon, so that's another gig for me." She opened the wrapping on the sandwich and then, for some infuriating reason, began to pull the sandwich apart. She picked off the cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and red onions, leaving them in a little pile in the sandwich wrapper. She then rolled all the meat together and began eating that, leaving the bread like a discarded shell in the wrapper. Octavia's eyes twitched, but she kept sipping her tea, her blood simmering. Vinyl finished her breakfast of just the meat pulled out of a perfectly good sandwich, beginning to crush up the wrapper filled with everything else when she hesitated. "Oh, uh, hey Tavi? You want the rest of this?" Octavia forced a smile onto her face and nodded. "Sure thing, Vinyl." She reached across the table and pulled the leftovers of Vinyl's frankly maddening breakfast over to herself. "Thanks," she added, unable to keep a very slight hiss out of her voice. If Vinyl noticed, she brushed it off, grabbing her coffee mug and downing the rest of it in a few hurried gulps. There was a dark little ring of moisture on the table where the mug had been. "Sorry to run off so soon," Vinyl said, actually putting her cup in the sink and offering Octavia an apologetic smile. "And I'm probably gonna be gone all day. But, uh, why don't we go out for dinner tonight? My treat." Octavia nodded, her smile not having to be forced for a moment. "That sounds wonderful, Vinyl. But don't rush. Jobs like this for Princess Twilight are good for the both of us. I don't mind waiting for you." "You're the best, Tavi," Vinyl said, giving Octavia a quick peck on the lips before hurrying for the door. Octavia listened for the sound of the door closing before she allowed her smile to fall into a scowl. She quickly wiped up Vinyl's mess, tossing the gutted sandwich remains into the garden. Her blood was boiling something terrible. It didn't help that, in addition to Vinyl being out the door so quick, she had been 'too tired for sex' last night as well. There was just something that needled at Octavia like nothing else that a horndog like Vinyl turned down sex. Octavia finished off the last of her tea and went about brewing another cup. She wasn't going to get any real work done in her current state. She needed to work out her frustrations first. And she knew just the mare to help her with that. Rarity was confused. This wasn't altogether strange, really. Almost a year into her Awakening, and Rarity's mind wasn't what it used to be. While she never considered herself especially bright to start with, even Rarity had to admit that so much time of focusing purely on cock and balls had an effect on her. Even still, her Goddess had trained her well enough to still understand one crucial thing: Obey your superiors. That was why Rarity asked very few questions when she was ordered to dye her hair a shocking electric blue and wear this very particular outfit before visiting her dear old friend from college. That felt like a lifetime ago, and despite how much things had changed in their respective lives, one thing stayed the same; Octavia was calling on Rarity to gossip and complain about the ever-present thorn in her side, none other than Vinyl Scratch. It was nice, in a way, to remember the good times of her old life, and Rarity smiled pleasantly as she knocked on the door to Octavia’s strange, mismatched home. For a few moments, there was no response, and so Rarity gently knocked again. “Just a bloody minute!” Rarity was taken aback, but not because she had been spoken to in such a way. No, Rarity was used to that, relished that sort of verbal abuse. Instead, Rarity was surprised to hear Octavia, of all people, sound so aggressive and angry. Rarity had always known her friend to bite her tongue, to keep her anger and frustration well-restrained for the sake of polite conversation. If she was giving such abrasive responses to just anyone who happened to be knocking, then Octavia must have needed this vent even more than Rarity initially realized. Finally, after standing with equal parts concern, confusion, and intrigue for nearly two minutes, the door opened, and Octavia made her presence known. “Oh. It’s you. Finally,” said Octavia. “I’ve been waiting nearly thirty minutes.” “A thousand apologies, Ms. Octavia. It took a while to find the appropriate clothing.” Rarity turned on the spot, allowing Octavia to inspect her outfit; The shortest, tightest shorts in her boutique that strayed closer to being denim panties than legitimate outerwear, a pair of impractical, frankly ridiculous platform heels, and a sheer, fishnet crop top that left Rarity’s fat pink nipples perfectly visible to anyone who glanced her way for longer than two seconds. “It didn’t help that Goddess Twilight saw me in this outfit and saw fit to fuck my face.” Rarity giggled with delight, always beyond overjoyed to be used by such a superior specimen as her own Goddess. “Had to redo my make-up after that!” “I knew it, I fucking knew it…” grumbled Octavia. “Cheating fucking whore…” “Eh…? I beg your pardon?” “Hm? Oh, right, nothing.” Octavia shook her head, then stepped aside. “Come on in, I’ll explain why I called you here.” “I presume it’s about Vinyl again?” asked Rarity as she made her way into the house. Octavia was in charge of decorating the living room, which is why it was a subtle, classy affair, as opposed to the more in-your-face style of Vinyl’s furnishings. Part of Rarity, the old, dying part, appreciated Octavia’s choices as she watched the head of the household take a seat on the couch. “Come to think of it, I look a bit like Vinyl with my hair like this…” “It’s always about Vinyl,” said Octavia. She gestured to the couch. “Have a seat.” “Oh, no, thank you. I can’t. Goddess Twilight says animals like me don’t belong on furniture.” “I see… Well, regardless, you seem to have been figuring things out. You were always one haircut away from looking like my lovely girlfriend.” There was a not-insignificant amount of bitterness to Octavia’s voice when she described Vinyl as “lovely”, something Rarity definitely noticed even if she thought herself too stupid and useless to do so. “And I thought that might come in handy today.” “Oh?” Rarity said, clasping her hands in front of herself. “How might I be of service?” Octavia blew out an angry puff of air. “I think you’ve heard me complain about Vinyl enough to understand how she can… irritate me.” Rarity nodded. “She has a way of getting under your skin.” “She doesn’t mean to. Doesn’t help I don’t say anything about it,” Octavia let out a sigh that was more weary than angry. “Vinyl makes me happy, truly. But sometimes I just want to slap the ever-loving shit out of her. But, good mares don’t hit their girlfriends.” A subtle smirk pulled at Octavia’s lips. “And that’s where you come in.” Rarity tilted her head, not unlike a dog. “Whatever do you mean?” “Listen, Rares, the bimbo airhead routine is cute, but I’m going to need you to focus for me on this one. I don’t want to blow up at Vinyl or scare her off by suggesting I tie her to our bed and whip her lily ass red. Which is why I had you dye your hair and called you here, see?” Rarity nodded slowly. She would have spoken up and clarified that being an airheaded bimbo wasn’t a routine and simply who she was, but Twilight had explained to her quite thoroughly that she wasn’t to interrupt her betters. “You… want to hit me instead of Vinyl?” Rarity asked, speaking slowly. Octavia smirked. “That’s right. But, I’d like it more if you pretended to be Vinyl too, alright? If I wanted to smack around some whore, I could have gone downtown and picked up any old streetwalker. You look like her enough to make this really work.” Octavia hummed, touching her chin in thought. “We should have a safeword, though. I used to have a training dummy for this, but I sort of... broke it.” “Oh, Octavia, there’s no need for that, I assure you,” Rarity said with a happy nod. “So long as you don’t kill me, there’s no need for me to interrupt your pleasure.” Octavia raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? I carry a cello around all day, if you recall, Rarity. Even if I don’t mean to, I could actually hurt you.” A shiver ran up Rarity’s spine and she let out a happy, trembling sigh. “I am well aware, Octavia. But please, hurt me as much as you like. I have a high metabolism, so I heal quite quickly.” Octavia snorted and shifted her legs a little on the couch. Her dick had twitched at that. “Well, that… certainly simplifies things,” Octavia said, eyes roaming Rarity’s body. She was a little thicker than Vinyl and her tits a little bigger and her still rather posh voice a far cry from Vinyl’s more rough way of speaking. But she looked enough like Vinyl to trick Octavia at a glance, and that would be more than enough for what Octavia needed. Probably. “Octavia?” Rarity said trepidatiously, pulling the mare from her thoughts. “Yes?” “I don’t mean to rush you, but…” Rarity bit her bottom lip and squirmed, bending her knees a little to make herself seem smaller. “Perhaps you could hit me? Just a little…” Octavia laughed. “You really are eager, aren’t you?” Rarity nodded rapidly. “The only thing I’m good for is being used for others’ pleasure. And I like to do that as often as I can.” “Well, it is what I called you over here for,” Octavia said, getting off the couch and standing to her full height, towering over Rarity much the same way she did Vinyl. “Okay, I hope you remember those improv classes we took.” “Of course,” Rarity nodded. “They come in handy when-” Octavia slapped Rarity across the face. An opened-handed, full-force slap, the crack of Octavia’s palm against Rarity's cheek almost echoing around the room. Rarity gasped at the stinging pain, then moaned as the heat of it washed over her. Her legs trembled and her cunt clenched. Twilight always hit her best, but Octavia could give the Princess a run for her money. “Nice of you to come home, Vinyl,” Octavia growled, circling Rarity like a predator. “You’re late, not that I’m surprised.” It took Rarity a few moments to gather her thoughts and realize it was her turn to speak. “O-oh, I… I got held up… at the club. You know how my parties can…” Rarity stood in front of Rarity again, eyes smoldering with barely contained anger. “Vinyl, I want you to listen to me very carefully. If I hear one lie, one fucking fib slither past your teeth, I’ll knock them out.” Rarity swallowed thickly, her arousal managing to look enough like fear to keep Octavia placated. “I… I stayed for a drink, alright?” she touched her stinging cheek, suppressing a moan. “There were some fans and they… they wanted to buy me a few drinks so I thought why not. I just… lost track of time.” Octavia snorted. Rarity was doing a piss poor job of imitating Vinyl’s voice, but having her looking like she did and cowering in fear was making Octavia’s pants tight. “Is that so? Just a couple of drinks? Nothing else?” Rarity shook her head. “Nope, not anything-” She stopped short when Octavia grabbed her nipple through her mesh top. “Not a single thing, Vinyl?” Octavia asked, bending down so their heads were level. “You didn’t have a cigarette or bong hit? Didn’t let one of those fans eat your cunt or snort coke off your tits?” Rarity took a shuddering breath. “N-no…” Octavia began to squeeze and twist, eliciting a whine from the back of Rarity’s throat. “For a mare who lies a lot, you are phenomenally bad at it, Vinyl,” Octavia said, turning up the pressure as Rarity’s poor nip. “One more time: did you fuck around on me?” Rarity whined, losing herself in the moment and enjoying it a little too much. She remembered herself a moment later. “I didn’t do anything but drink, I swear.” Octavia released Rarity’s nipple, making the unicorn whine a little more now that the pain and pleasure were gone. Octavia snapped her hand upwards, her fingers not quite a fist, hitting Rarity’s chin and making her teeth clack together and snapping her head back. “I want to believe you, Vinyl. I so desperately do,” Octavia said, giving Rarity another backhand before she could even consider responding. “Convince me and I’ll stop hitting you.” Rarity’s pain slut brain didn’t process much more than ‘I’ll stop hitting you’, which was the equivalent of threatening to take away her favorite toy. Rarity didn’t think before she answered, which was something that tended to get her into trouble anyway. “Oh goddess, hurt me m—!” Rarity’s begging for more abuse got her what she wanted, but not for the reason she wanted it. Octavia gut-punched the unicorn with significantly more force than her little love taps from before. The words died in Rarity’s throat as the air was driven from her lungs. “Stay in fucking character,” Octavia hissed in Rarity’s ear before grabbing her by the mane and forcing the mare to look her in the eye. “I’m not going to ask again, Vinyl. Were you fucking cheating on me?” Rarity was choking trying to gulp down air, but that wasn’t the only reason she was having trouble answering. She wasn’t exactly sure what sort of answer Octavia wanted to hear and it wasn’t like she could just ask for stage direction. The lack of an answer seemed to be cause enough for Octavia to give Rarity another firm blow to the middle. Rarity's legs gave out and she crumpled to the floor, slipping out of Octavia’s grip and losing a few hairs in the process. She was on her knees now, her stomach none too happy about getting a hard one-two. She tried to stop it, but her efforts were futile and Rarity vomited some of her lunch onto Octavia’s nice wooden floor. Considering her lunch had consisted of Twilight’s cum, it wasn’t too messy. Still, that was her goddess’s cum she was wasting. She’d need to make up for that later. “Fucking-!” Octavia said, recoiling at Rarity’s nerve to be sick on her floor. She stopped when she saw just what the unicorn had vomited up. Cum. “You… you cheating fucking whore!” Rarity was wiping her mouth when Octavia grabbed her by her mane again and wrenched her head back to look up at the earth pony’s face. “Too fucking tired for sex… I should have fucking known that the only way a mare like you would turn down sex was because you were getting it elsewhere,” Octavia snarled down at ‘Vinyl’. “Not too tired now, are you? It doesn’t matter. I’m going to get some fucking satisfaction no matter how you feel about it.” Octavia brought her foot against the side of Rarity’s face, booting her over onto her tummy. Rarity coughed and wheezed, choking down air as she tried to force herself to her feet; She only managed to get to her hands and knees before Octavia delivered another kick, this time slamming the tip of her expensive dress shoes against Rarity’s cunt. She screamed as she crumpled, her vision going blurry from the pain. Rarity’s head fell forward, her hips staying up and leaving her ultimately quite vulnerable. “There you go, show your ass,” snarled Octavia. “It’s what you’re good at, isn’t it? Go on, you’ll show your body to anyone who buys you a cheap beer. Pull down your shorts.” Rarity couldn’t choke out a response just then, some instinctive part of her frazzled brain compelling her to attempt to crawl away. She didn’t make it far before Octavia brought her foot down onto “Vinyl’s” leg, pinning her in place by the ankle. “Take off the slut shorts, because you’re going to hate what happens if you make me do it.” As much as Rarity doubted that, the tone in Octavia’s voice made it very clear that arguing that point would be foolish, as would be anything but obeying the command given; With trembling, unsteady hands, Rarity reached to her waistband, not even lifting her face from the carpet as she undid her shorts and pulled them down the curve of her soft, jiggly ass. Unsurprisingly, given how much she had already been hurt, a thin strand of her own arousal connected the denim shorts to her puffy, sloppy, starving pussy. “How many dirty knobs have you let into your twat today?” asked Octavia, very much so rhetoric in her questioning. She unzipped her fly to free her cock, and an impressive one, it was. From Rarity’s brief glimpse of her shoulder, it seemed almost comparable to her Goddess’ bitchbreaker, although she’d never make such claims aloud. As far as Rarity was concerned, no cock could compete with her owner’s. “You make me sick, you little cheating bitch. How long have we been together? Do you know how many people I’ve been with since we met? Just you. And you repay me by tossing your pussy from fanboy to fanboy?” “T-Tavia, please…” It wasn’t entirely clear if this was Rarity begging for more or “Vinyl” begging for mercy, but the trembling sound of Rarity’s voice made Octavia’s fat cock twitch nevertheless. “I didn’t… I swear…” “Hmph. I really wish I believed you, but you’ve always been a liar, Vinyl. Always been a nasty little hussy.” Octavia dropped to her knees, and roughly grabbed Rarity by the hips, digging her nails into her soft, alabaster flesh. “And if you don’t respect our relationship, or even your own body… Well, why the hell should I?” Octavia brought the flare of her cock up, sliding it against Rarity’s lower lips for just a bit before setting her sights higher. She let out a satisfied little grunt, forcing her dickhead into Rarity’s tight, unprepared pucker. Rarity screamed in pain, biting her lip hard enough to draw blood and very nearly came just from the slow, dry insertion. It hurt so much that she couldn’t breathe, that her pussy twanged with need, and all she needed was a small push over the edge. Luckily for her, Octavia gave more than just a small push, but a deep, harsh, unforgiving thrust into Rarity’s tight, quivering asshole. The whore gripped her like a vice while she worked her hips, and the shivering of her body and the sound of “Vinyl” crying out in pain only served to make Octavia harder. As her cock throbbed inside of Rarity’s tightest passage, Octavia grabbed a fistful of electric blue hair, able to thoroughly convince herself for a moment that it was truly the love of her life that she was drilling in this manner. If she had to choose a word to describe how it felt, the feeling of hurting “Vinyl”, of making “Vinyl” regret every second she ever stood out late with fans, the word Octavia would choose was “cathartic”. If she could choose a second word, though, she’d likely land on “hot”. Very, very hot. “Cry harder and I might forgive you for being such a slut,” grunted Octavia, slamming her hips into “Vinyl’s” quivering body. She yanked on that tacky neon hair again, arching Rarity’s back and forcing their eyes to meet. “Say you’ll never sleep around again.” “I s-swear… I’ll never sleep around again…” sobbed Rarity, barely able to choke out the words on account of the blinding orgasm that descended onto her. Her cunt convulsed around nothing, hungry for a fat cock, and being denied something to fill her needy hole only turned Rarity on even more. “Fuck, it hurts so m-m-much!” “Good! I want it to hurt! It’s what you get!” Octavia took deep, measured strokes, each buck of her hips slamming every single inch of her mare meat into Rarity’s poor, punished ass. “You never thought about me, how much it hurt to know you didn’t care enough to even fucking call when you were out! You never thought about how scared you made me when you don’t turn up when you say you will because you’re too busy doing blow and getting railed by strangers instead of coming home to the woman you love, you selfish, immature cunt!” Rarity let out another shuddering sob, rocked by not just the physical pain, but the (manufactured) emotional trauma as well. Octavia's anger, her pain, her power, Rarity felt it in every thrust, every tug of hair, every scrape against her intestines. It was the most intense experience Rarity had in a while, if for the mental aspect alone. "I'm sorry T-Tavia…" rasped Rarity, gripping the carpet tightly as she came yet again. She crossed her legs over one another, her body twitching and spasming in a complex cocktail of pain and pleasure. “P-please… I’m sorry…” “You’re getting better,” grunted Octavia. “I almost believed you that time. Almost.” Octavia released her grasp on Rarity’s hair, and her face hit the floor with a thump. Now with her hands free, Octavia was able to grab Rarity’s wide hips tightly, a deceptive power in her otherwise elegant and delicate limbs. “Milk my cock and you might just convince me.” Octavia dug her fingers into “Vinyl’s” shapely ass, scratching at her soft flesh with her fairly sharp fingernails and went to town. She drilled her ass harder and faster than ever before, piercing Rarity to her very core with each and every painful thrust. Rarity could feel every ridge and vein of Octavia’s thick meatstick violate her, raping her ass with the intent of turning it inside out. Octavia’s anger and intensity mounted as she neared her orgasm, each thrust somehow more savage and unforgiving than the last, until Rarity could feel Octavia’s flare nearly in her throat. A low, gravelly growl left Octavia as she came, her already thick, hard cock flaring and pulsing as it dumped thick, hot ropes of cum into Rarity’s guts. Each flood of jizz was accompanied by a sharp buck of the hips and a satisfied grunt from Octavia, until, finally, she had filled Rarity’s hungry, whorish ass to capacity. With heavy, labored breaths, Octavia pulled herself from Rarity and stood up, watching as her cum leaked from Rarity’s gaping, winking hole. “You’re very close, but I still need a bit of swaying,” said Octavia, giving Rarity’s fat, well-raped ass a kick. “On your knees. Show me how ‘sorry’ you are, Vinyl.” With heavy, labored breaths, Rarity pushed herself up onto her knees. Her makeup was beginning to run from sweat and tears, but she didn’t look too worse for wear. Not yet. She stumbled, wobbling unsteadily on her knees, grabbing onto Octavia’s thighs for support. “I’m so sorry, Tavia,” Rarity said, little pained gasps sneaking into her words. She was sounding a bit hoarser now, closer to Vinyl’s raspy voice. “P-please, I’m sorry…” Octavia was breathing a little hard herself now. She’d had fantasies, hot and sweaty jerk sessions alone in her bed that forced her to launder the sheets and to shower afterward. But… to actually see, Vinyl—or a very close approximation of her—down on her knees like this? Begging for mercy even though she knew she wouldn’t get any… It was enough to make Octavia swoon. She didn’t, instead remained standing tall and steady. Still... She licked her lips as her cock twitched, already stirring back to life in spite of her very recent orgasm. Maybe it was that orgasm talking, but Octavia softened her approach. Just a little. “Perhaps,” Octavia said, reaching down to tousle ‘Vinyl’s’ mane with what could almost be called affection. “But I don’t think you’re sorry. Not sorry enough. Not yet.” She grabbed the mare’s hair and, with something that was downright gentle compared to her earlier treatment, pulled Rarity’s head to her groin, pressing the unicorn’s cheek against her messy cock. “Clean me up. With just your mouth.” Rarity took a deep breath of air, inhaling the smell of Octavia’s cock. Her natural musk was there, of course, but layered both with the familiar smell of cum and Rarity’s own ass. The aroma was heady, enough to make Rarity’s mouth water. She opened her mouth, ready to spit-shine the glorious marecock in front of her. But she hesitated. She was supposed to be Vinyl still. And Vinyl wouldn’t so eagerly suck that fat cock down her throat like she was starving, would she? Recalling herself before she had awoken to her true self, Rarity put on a disgusted expression and put up a token struggle to pull her face away from Octavia’s cock. “What? Th-that was in my ass! You can’t expect me to—” Octavia’s grip on her hair tightened just enough to hurt and she forced Rarity’s face back against her cock, grinding the length of meat against the unicorn’s nose. Rarity’s cunt clenched. “I expect you to do as I say, Vinyl,” Octavia growled, gripping her "girlfriend's" mane a little tighter. “Sorry I don’t always smell like a basket of fucking roses, love.” Octavia’s cock throbbed against Rarity’s face, growing back to full hardness with every passing second. “Where the fuck did you pick up standards, Vinyl? Was the cock you sucked on the way here nicer than mine?” Rarity swallowed thickly, knowing better than to say yes. Granted, saying yes might earn her an especially vicious beating, but as much as Rarity wanted that, Vinyl wouldn’t, now would she? “N-no,” Rarity said, taking another deep breath of Octavia’s wonderful aroma. “I’ll do it. P-prove how sorry I am.” “Less talking, more clearing,” Octavia said in a tone that could charitably be called civil. She loosened her hold on Rarity’s mane, just enough for the unicorn to work. Rarity parted her lips and stuck out her tongue, running it along the side of Octavia’s cock. She could taste everything, herself included, the flavors dancing on her tongue. Octavia’s dick throbbed powerfully against Rarity’s lips and tongue, heat radiating off it, its scent and taste overwhelming Rarity’s senses. She tried to play the reluctant slut, cleaning her girlfriend’s cock out of fear. But she couldn’t quite stick the performance, lapping a little too eagerly, huffing excitedly as she licked Octavia clean and made her cock shine with saliva. Without being ordered to, Rarity angled Octavia’s flared between her lips, sucking the mare’s cock into her mouth. She managed to suppress a moan of delight at the feel of such thick, hot, and weighty meat in her gob, even though she could only shiver at the thought of what Octavia would do to her as punishment for fucking up the roleplay again. Blacken both her eyes, crack a few ribs, face fuck her senseless? Don’t threaten Rarity Belle with a good time. Octavia moaned as Rarity took the cellist’s dick into her mouth. Octavia had always been nervous about getting blowjobs from Vinyl. Not that she didn’t want blowjobs or that Vinyl’s prowess at dick sucking was lacking. There was some part of Octavia terrified she’d lose herself in the moment and push things too far, getting one-time satisfaction and driving Vinyl away. But, she didn’t have to worry about doing that now, did she? “Fuck… lick my balls, Vinyl,” Octavia said, resisting the urge to force the unicorn’s head down on her dick herself. Rarity was no stranger to a ball-licking command and she already had a good idea as to what Octavia wanted. Vinyl might not have been so quick on the uptake, but Rarity had a feeling Octavia might not notice the discrepancy. Rarity relaxed her throat and dove forward managing to cram a good bit of dick down her windpipe before her gag reflex kicked in. She choked a little then backed off, not far enough that Octavia’s cock left her mouth, but enough to give her some breathing room. Rarity pushed herself forward over and over, getting a little further down with each try. She shifted her grip, grabbing Octavia’s ass through her pants and pulling the cellist’s hips towards her with each dive of her head. Eventually, Rarity’s persistence paid off. With a wet, gagging glck, Rarity, at last, managed to swallow Octavia’s schlong, pressing her lips to the mare’s groin and slipping her tongue out to take a swipe of the cellist’s balls. Octavia groaned and hunched over, pressing Rarity’s head down and spurting a bit of precum down her throat. Rarity moaned happily around her throat-full of cock, the vibrations getting her another healthy spurt of pre. Octavia gasped and pulled Rarity off her dick by the unicorn’s dyed hair, stings of saliva connecting Rarity’s lips to Octavia’s flare. Rarity panted, her cunt wet and aching to be touched, drooling arousal onto the floor while Octavia held that fat, delicious cock in front of her face. It took a few seconds for Rarity to remember she was supposed to be in character and she scrambled to say something appropriate. “There, all clean,” she said, her voice even rougher than before, so close to Vinyl’s that Octavia had to remind herself which mare she had kneeling before her. “D-do you believe me now?” Octavia almost nodded before she caught herself. Her cock was throbbing painfully and her balls churred with another thick load of cum. And there was one more thing she desperately wanted to do to her dear, sweet Vinyl. “Oh, I believe you, Vinyl,” Octavia said, bending down and smiling at the mare at her feet. “But my dick don’t.” Octavia grabbed Rarity’s sides, easily lifting the mare up and tossing her bodily onto the couch. Rarity let out a gasp at the rather soft impact, further disoriented when Octavia grabbed her shoulders and pulled her over to the side of the furniture. Rarity found herself with her head hanging over the armrest, looking at an upside-down Octavia as the cellist undid her belt and let her pants fall around her ankles, fully freeing her cock. “I can’t tell you how much I’ve wanted to do this, Vinyl,” Octavia said, giddiness seeping into her voice and she rubbed her cock over Rarity’s face once more, letting it go past the mare’s chin and down to her collarbone. “From the minute I saw you, the cute little punk mare with her loud music and spunky attitude. I just wanted to take you home and fuck you until one of us passed out. Or maybe just until I did.” Rarity shivered, the prospect of Octavia doing to her face what the cellist had previously done to her ass almost enough to make her cum on the spot. “And you’re you just so fucking infuruating too. Sometimes I wonder if you’re doing it on purpose,” Octavia said, leaning as far forward as she could, letting her balls sit on Rarity’s nose as she reached down to grope the unicorn’s tits. “I bet you want me to hurt you, you fucking cunt. I bet you get off on getting slapped around and treated like my own personal fuck toy.” Rarity nodded rapidly, inadvertently rubbing her face against Octavia’s sack, all pretense of playing a part dropped as she was teased with one of her favorite things. She mumbled her agreement into the sweaty flesh. “Shhh, don’t try to talk,” Octavia said. She gave Rarity’s tits a sharp slap and then pulled back, making sure to drag the length of her cock over slut’s face once more. “Save your breath, love. You’re going to need it.” Rarity took shuddering breaths of air, knowing she really should be heeding Octavia’s words but too worked up to actually do it. Octavia snickered and took Rarity’s face in her hands, pushing her thumbs and forefingers into the unicorn’s mouth and forcing her jaw open. She forced more of her fingers in, almost like she was trying to make Rarity swallow her hand. Rarity couldn’t speak to the why of it, but she remained still as Octavia explored her mouth with strong, slender fingers. Once Octavia fingers were thoroughly wetted with spit, she pulled them from Rarity’s mouth and stroked her cock with her hand, slicking it up. Keeping Rarity’s jaw open with her other hand, Octavia lined her cock up with the wet hole, pressing her flare against her toy’s lips. Rarity twisted her head a little as Octavia’s hand shifted from her face to her neck, trying to assist Octavia in getting the cellist’s cock inside her mouth. The flare popped inside with minimal difficulty, as before, and Octavia wasted no time in trusting her hips and ramming the head of her cock against the back of Rarity’s throat. Rarity gagged, but Octavia wasn’t going to pull back and give her space to get her bearings. Octavia gripped the edge of the couch with one hand while the other latched onto Rarity’s throat to hold her steady. Octavia bucked her hips once, twice, thrice. And on the third thrust Rarity’s throat yielded to the spear of meat currently piercing her body. With a hrk, Octavia’s flare popped past the entrance to Rarity’s throat and bulged her neck with its girth. The cellist shifted her grip to the fuck-slut’s tits and began to indulge herself. The sounds of agressive, none-too-gentle face fucking soon filled the livingroom. Octavia had to fight for every inch she pushed past Rarity’s lips and down her gullet, but the battle was wonderful. Rarity’s neck bulged obscenely with the distinct outline of Octavia’s cock, flesh straining to contain the beast. The unicorn choked and gagged, her throat spasming around the intruder. Octavia pounded her dick deeper, stretching out Rarity’s throat, pushing her flare past the unicorn’s collarbone and down deeper into her body. Rarity couldn’t give reason to the feeling, but it felt like Octavia’s cock was bigger now than when she had deepthroated it minutes earlier. Maybe having some degree of control made the pillar of mare meat seem not as big and easier to swallow. Cocks did always seem bigger when they were raping her face or any other part of her. With a happy hiss Octavia bottomed out in Rarity’s throat, feeling the mare’s nose against her ballsack once more. She twisted one of the mare’s nippes between her fingers, delighting in the way she felt the throat around her flex and squeeze in response. Octavia pulled back, extracting inches of dick from Rarity's mouth and bringing with it plenty of spit and throat slime, which naturally dribbled over the mare’s face. She stopped at the halfway point and forced her cock back down Rarity’s barely willing esophagus, an unbidden moan coming from her own throat. Every impact of Octavia’s hips against Rarity’s face made the mare and the couch she was sitting on lurch forward and then get dragged back for the next thrust. Octavia’s balls beat out a steady tempo slapping against Rarity’s face and forehead, leaving a nice little imprint for all to see. Octavia’s mouth opened and her tongue lolled out as she ravaged Rarity’s throat, the power trip of using a pony’s throat like a fleshlight with little care or concern for their well being feeling just as good as the silky muscles squeezing her cock. It might have felt even better. But, as much as Rarity did enjoy being used like a toy bought on discount, her body had it’s limits. Her vision was swimming, darkness eating away at the corners as the lack of oxygen began to catch up with her. She had a feeling that, even if she did the unthinkable and made some sort of signal to stop, the cellist wouldn’t. She might not even notice. So, the only solution was to assist Ms. Octavia in reaching her climax. Rarity wrapped her own hands around her neck, feeling the cock plunging down it though her skin. She squeezed and rapidly moved her hands up and down, jerking Octavia off through her throat. She heard Octavia make a surprised ‘ooooOOOO!’ sound, but it was muffled by the roaring in Rarity’s ears. Octavia hunched over Rarity and slammed herself balls deep in the mare’s mouth once more, letting out a growling grunt as she came. Boiling hot cum shot through her cock, spewing from her flare so hard it was almost painful. She came directly into Rarity’s stomach, the foal batter audible squelching as it landed. Rarity’s belly was filled in an instant and the excess cum shot back up her throat, spilling out of her mouth around Octavia’s dick, more coming out of her nose. Octavia humped Rarity’s face a few more times as she emptied her balls completely into the mare. At last, she straightened up and pulled back, slowly dragging her still hard cock out of Rarity’s throat. Cum and spit came with it, slopping over Rarity’s face when the flare came free of her lips, leaving her even more a ruinous mess than before. Octavia stumbled back and leaned on one of the arm chairs for support, panting happily, her cock twitching and dripping onto the floor. “Apology accepted, Vinyl…” Rarity desperately swallowed down the thick, viscous cum clogging her windpipe. She might have cleared her throat faster by spitting, but she would never disrespect one of her superiors like that. She managed to clear the blockage and at last gasp down merciful lungfuls of air. Air that was thick with the smell of sweat and sex, which just so happened to be Rarity’s favorite kind. “God, I needed that,” sighed Octavia, fanning herself with her hand. “Your acting needs work, but your throat was excellent.” “H-happy to help, Miss,” coughed Rarity. She grinned deliriously, running her hand down her middle and sliding her fingers into her snug little cunt. “So very happy to help…” There was a bustling sound on the other side of the front door, the clink of keys sliding into locks, and the door soon blew open. Through the entrance came Vinyl, a visible bounce in her step as she all but danced into the house, swinging her hip into the door to shut it. She smiled to Octavia, waving an envelope through the air as she approached her girlfriend. If she noticed the cum, drool, and various other slimy fluids coating Octavia and Rarity, she didn’t think to mention it just then. “Hey there, hot stuff,” said Vinyl, raising the envelope again. “Guess what I’ve got?” “You told me you were going to Princess Twilight’s to collect your paycheque,” said Octavia. Vinyl tossed the envelope to her love, who opened it and nearly keeled over from shock. “Fuck me, love, that’s a lot of zeroes… And she meant to write this? This isn’t some sort of clerical error?” “She really liked what I did for that party, so she wanted to sign me on a more permanent basis. And that’s just the signing bonus, I’ll be making even more in a few months.” Vinyl grinned, flicking her shades up to her forehead to look Octavia in the eye. “We can finally afford that vacation house you wanted!” “Vinyl, that’s amazing! You really did come through on this.” “I know it’s been… Rough, lately. Between us. I’ve been busy working, and I know I can be hard to live with sometimes. Maybe a lot of times.” Vinyl crouched down beside Octavia, pecking her on the cheek. “And I haven’t exactly been giving you the attention you deserve. Honestly, I don’t know why you put up with me… But it was all for this. Now, I can focus on you, on us. I wanna work on that album together, like we always talked about, and with this money, we can build a whole new studio together.” “Vinyl, you know I don’t care about the money…” sighed Octavia. Now that she had gotten some of her frustrations out, it was hard for her to even recall why she was so cross with Vinyl in the first place. It was obvious that the love was there, and Vinyl always worked her ass off to make things happen for the two of them. “I mean, it’s certainly a benefit, but it’s not about that.” “I know, I know. But, hey, this is a good step in the right direction, right?” Vinyl grinned as Octavia gave a tiny, somewhat begrudging nod. “Hey, you know I love you, right?” “Of course, Vinyl. I love you too.” “Then let’s get the hell out of here for the weekend. Run away for a few days, just like we used to. Just you and me, a little bit of the bubbly, and a nice hotel room we can ruin together,” said Vinyl. Almost in spite of herself, Octavia smiled and nodded, leaning in to give Vinyl a deeper, more substantial kiss. “Rad. I’m gonna go cash this at the bank before it closes, so start packing.” Vinyl jumped up and all but ran for the door, stopping with one foot on the threshold of the exit. She froze, her brain seemingly rebooting as she slowly marched backwards to the center of the living room. She looked to the left, to Octavia, then to the right, to Rarity’s messy, ruined face, and tilted her head in confusion. Octavia grit her teeth in preparation for the incoming, and perhaps well-deserved, eruption from Vinyl. “Hey, Rares. You dyed your hair?” asked Vinyl quizzically. She gave Rarity a thumbs up. “Lookin’ good. I really dig it. Anyway, see ya.” Without any comment on how rough Rarity looked, or the fact that the culprit was surely the woman with her cock out just a few feet to the left, Vinyl left for the bank. Octavia shook her head and snickered before, with a taxed sigh, she stood up and tucked herself back into her pants. “Thank you, Rarity. I really do feel better, now that I got all of that toxic frustration out,” said Octavia. She patted Rarity on the cheek, recoiling as her hand came back sticky with tears, running make-up, and throat slime. “Blegh. Would you mind cleaning up before you leave? I really should get ready for my trip.” Rarity sat herself up to survey the scene, taking note of the drool, cum, and vomit that stained Octavia’s carpet. Considering the size of the musician’s cock and the ferocity in which she used it, Rarity reckoned it could have been much, much worse. She fingered herself to the memory with one hand, using the other to salute her friend, her superior. “Consider it done, Ms. Octavia.” > Sweet Release > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don’t cum, don’t cum, don’t cum! Rarity bit her lip anxiously, repeating her mantra over and over in her empty little head. Such simple instructions, but far easier said than done. She had been teased since the crack of dawn when her Goddess, still groggy and half-asleep, pulled Rarity from the floor where she slept to use her throat before Twilight’s alarm had gone off, and before Rarity was even fully awake. Once Twilight had dumped two loads of thick cream into Rarity’s eager little belly (a breakfast of champions, as far as she was concerned), Twilight ordered the slut to prepare a light breakfast with a very out of character order of coffee. The Goddess tended to prefer tea, but for today, she knew she’d need the additional caffeine. So many errands, it was a small miracle that the two managed to complete it all. There was plenty of running around from place to place to deliver paperwork necessary for the transfer of certain assets (Rarity still owned some forgotten bits of property from her old life, which just wouldn’t be appropriate for a thing like her). Beyond that was an order to be placed for new books to the library, part of that order requiring Twilight to take the train all the way to Canterlot and back to collect an ancient tome that wouldn’t survive a teleportation. Luckily, Goddess Twilight was a very wise, astute Goddess, and she foresaw that she might need some entertainment throughout the day. That was why Rarity hobbled slowly behind her Goddess, a thick, vibrating dildo shoved into her cunt from the moment Goddess Twilight dragged her out of bed. Furthermore, the new buttplug Twilight ordered had come in the night before, and now seemed like a perfect time to use it; Smooth, cool steel molded exactly to copy Twilight’s fist (albeit slightly scaled down). Finally, before tying her hands behind her back and strapping on her leash, Goddess Twilight attached a clamp to each of Rarity’s nipples, connected by a chain and carrying an 8-ounce metal weight. Now, Rarity was leashed, nude, plugged, and embarrassed in public. Perfectly sufficient entertainment for Goddess Twilight. “What a day…” sighed Twilight, dragging her pet along the road as they neared home. Just a few more blocks, and she could finally relax with a cocktail and her cocksleeve, just as she had wanted to since she left the house in the morning. “If only you weren’t such an idiot, I could’ve sent you off to do this on your own. Today was supposed to be my day off…” “I’m s-so sorry… For being such a brainless bimbo…” Rarity hobbled forward, barely able to string a sentence together. Truth be told, she needed to get home as much as Twilight, if not more. Every second more she was forced to endure without release brought her another step closer to complete and utter madness. “I hope to make it up to you when we arrive home…” “If by ‘make it up to me’ you mean ‘I hit you until you cum’, you might want to shift your expectations. I don’t plan on letting you cum for a bit longer.” Twilight stopped, wiping the sweat from her brow with one hand as she held her hefty tomes under her other arm. She glanced back to Rarity and, with a shrug, tossed the leash on top of Rarity’s horn like a lasso. “Here, take this.” “Eh? Whatever for, Goddess?” “I’m tired of pulling you around all day, so just… I don’t know, yank yourself until we get home.” Twilight had to stifle a yawn as she spoke, and she very tiredly made her way forward. “Don’t be too gentle, I still want you as uncomfortable as you would be if I was pulling you.” “Yes, my Goddess!” Rarity nodded eagerly, then grabbed her leash in a shaky magical aura. Just as her owner had instructed, Rarity yanked at her own leash with her magic, causing her to stumble and hobble forward. It wasn’t quite as satisfying as the raw power of Goddess Twilight’s arms, or the finesse and dexterity of her magic, but it got the job done. It also seemed to amuse both her Goddess and the passersby of Ponyville, who snickered and pointed at the pitiful display all the way to Goddess Twilight’s castle. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Goddess Twilight and her faithful fuckpig arrived home, and Twilight immediately sent Rarity to the bedroom while she secured her new books. Rarity nearly slipped and fell on her way up the stairs, her legs were so weak, but she did eventually manage to make her way to the Goddess’ chambers. It was torture, waiting for Twilight to return, and the ordeal was made no easier on Rarity by the binding on her arms, leaving her unable to adjust the toys in her holes or otherwise shift the onslaught of pleasure to be more bearable. “Goddess, please hurry…” whined Rarity, jittering as she waited by the door. “I’m so horny… I need your cock so badly…” As if summoned by a poor whore’s pathetic begging, the sound of Twilight’s footsteps grew nearer and nearer. Rarity could barely contain her excitement as the door swung open, bringing with it the Goddess. Without a word to her property, Twilight grabbed Rarity by the hair and dragged her to the bed, where she bent the slut over. Twilight kicked Rarity's legs apart and used her magic to snatch the vibrator from Rarity's quivering pussy. "You will not cum until I say so, understand?" Twilight's voice was low, gravelly as she unbuttoned her slacks and produced her fat, slut-ruining cock. "Not a second before I give you express permission." "Yes, Goddess. No cumming, Goddess." Rarity whined with need, her body trembling like a lead in the wind. "Please, Goddess, let me feel your big, hard cock. I need you inside me so bad…" "Squeal for me, pig." Twilight held Rarity in place by the hair and forced every inch of her dick into her all at once. Whether it was an involuntary response or just following her Goddess' command, Rarity let out a squeal of both pain and pleasure, not that there was much difference to her anymore. "God, yes… Take it, you little bitch." Rarity could swear that Goddess Twilight's cock got bigger and harder every time she serviced it. She could never truly prepare for the divine perfection of her owner's bitchbreaker, each glorious inch spreading her to her breaking point. Twilight moved quickly, slamming her hips into Rarity so hard that she threatened to knock the whore over. With each thrust, Rarity's toes curled, her fingers digging into the bedsheets, and a wail leaving her throat. "Scream louder, it makes me so fucking hard…" There was an unbridled aggression in the way Twilight treated her property, the strain of the day's business clearly taking a toll on the Goddess. "I want you to cry, it hurts so bad…" "Goddess, wait…" Rarity bit her lip hard enough to bleed, doing all she could to resist her orgasm, but Twilight was making that quite difficult with how hard she was working her hips. "Oh fuck, yes! You're gonna make me—" "You better not, if you know what's good for you. You think I care if you cum?" snorted Twilight, still drilling her fucktoy with her special brand of almost malicious indifference. "I don't own you to make you feel good. I own you because it's more convenient to jerk off with your body than to date. You should be grateful I even touch your pussy. Not cumming until I say so is the least you can do, to thank me for giving your worthless life a scrap of purpose. So quit being selfish and cry, or—" Rarity couldn't help it. She knew she wasn't supposed to, and she wanted nothing in life more than to please her Goddess, but she just couldn't control herself. Twilight's cock slammed into her one time too many and, before Rarity even knew what was happening, she was letting out a shrill shriek as her orgasm crashed onto her like a ton of bricks. Immediately, Twilight stopped her movements, not even giving Rarity the pleasure of a prolonged, satisfying climax. Just a tip over the edge, followed by a hollow, empty feeling, a fear Rarity hadn't ever experienced before. Twilight didn't say a word as she slid her cock free from Rarity's greedy cunt. "G-Goddess Twilight…" Rarity turned over to face her owner, trying to get a read of her expression. Twilight obviously wasn't happy, but perhaps even more unsettlingly, she wasn't ablaze with fury either. She simply went about returning her clothes to her body, and straightening her hair. "Goddess, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, it was an accident. I just lost control for a bit." "I know." Twilight snapped her fingers and, all of a sudden, Rarity's bindings were gone. Furthermore, her nipple clamps, her leash, and her buttplug all vanished, as well. With another snap, Twilight replaced one piece of gear with another; a stainless steel chastity belt securely locked to Rarity's body, giving no pathway to her disobedient little pussy.  "Goddess? My… You…?" Rarity clawed at her chastity belt out of some perverted instinct, finding herself both perplexed and aroused by her sudden denial. "Is this my punishment?" "It's part of it," said Twilight casually. She turned and headed for the door. "I'll be back. Don't move." And just like that, Twilight was gone, disappearing through the door and leaving Rarity alone and stewing in her fear and her arousal. While she was no stranger to Goddess Twilight deciding if or when she was allowed to touch herself, there was something additionally thrilling about being free to move about and yet physically restrained from feeling her own cunt. Rarity shook herself, disgusted by her behavior. She had failed her Goddess, made her angry. Her focus should be on correcting this mistake, not on how hot it made her feel to be restrained in this chastity belt. But how could she possibly make things up to her owner? Twilight already took whatever she wanted from Rarity, so she didn't have anything else to offer the Goddess aside from her unwavering loyalty and service. For nearly fifteen minutes, Rarity was left alone, anxiously awaiting her mistress' wrath. With each passing minute, her heart seemed to thump harder and louder in her chest. Goddess Twilight was nothing if not creative, so for her to be spending this much time formulating a punishment must mean that she had something sinister planned. Would she beat her? Rarity doubted it, as physical violence was always secondary to Twilight. The Goddess often preferred to humiliate and embarrass her fuckpig into obedience, which she ultimately found more satisfying. So how would she manage to sufficiently humiliate Rarity for such a major infraction? There was a thud from downstairs, the front door swinging open, followed by heavy footfalls and passionate, somewhat muffled moans. Rarity was confused by what she heard, and while her first curious instinct was to investigate, she remembered Twilight's instructions and stood in place. Luckily, she didn't need to wait long to see what the commotion was about, because just a moment later, her Goddess entered the room. And, to Rarity's shock, horror, and arousal, the Goddess had that sinister and creative punishment in tow. "S-Sweetie?" whimpered Rarity, though it was evident that her sister didn't hear her. She was too busy furiously and aggressively kissing Twilight, who carried the much smaller girl under the legs with total ease. While Sweetie's eyes were shut, lost in bliss, Twilight was looking right at Rarity the whole time. "Goddess Twilight…" Twilight ignored Rarity for a moment, just staring a hole through her while her tongue was otherwise occupied. Finally, Twilight pulled away from Sweetie Belle, their lips still connected by a thin strand of saliva. Sweetie gasped for breath, and immediately threw herself at Twilight again; The Goddess didn’t bother kissing Sweetie back, and so the younger sister made do by planting kisses along Twilight’s collar, anything for another taste of the divine alicorn. “Your sister is watching, Sweetie,” said Twilight. Even as she spoke, she never took her eyes off of Rarity. She just drank in the dark, bitter embarrassment in her plaything’s eyes, humiliation at being replaced by her younger sister, of all people. “Shouldn’t we stop?” “I don’t care who watches,” breathed Sweetie. “All I care about is you…” “I… I said I was sorry…” Rarity couldn’t quite put her sorrow into words. Twilight was a very desirable woman with a very high libido, so it was simply ridiculous to believe that any one person or object could satisfy her. And yet, throughout all of this time, Rarity couldn’t think of a time when Twilight had fucked someone else instead of her. In addition to her, of course, but as a replacement to her faithful fuckpig altogether? Never. “P-please…” “Show Sweetie your belt,” ordered Twilight. Even though it twisted up her insides to do so, Rarity obeyed and spread her legs apart. Sweetie craned her head back, giggling to herself at the sight of the cold, unforgiving metal chastity belt. “She can’t control her dirty cunt. That’s why I went to get you.” “Her loss is my gain,” said Sweetie with a wink in her sister’s direction. “Besides, I always thought she needed one of those. She’s always been such a slut. You know she ended up sleeping with all three of the boys who wanted to go to prom with me? At the same time!” “I said I was sorry for that, too,” noted Rarity. “I—” “I don’t care what you’re sorry about. If you’re so sorry, you shouldn’t have fucked up in the first place,” said Twilight. “And as punishment for failing me, in addition to that chastity belt of yours, I am going to knock up your baby sister.” Twilight’s bulge jumped in her pants, and the Goddess clearly drew pleasure from the way Rarity paled at that revelation. “And you’re going to watch.” “Goddess, please… I don’t… You can’t…” “Did you just try to tell me what I can and cannot do?” Twilight dropped Sweetie down to her feet and spun her around to face Rarity, and immediately began clawing at Sweetie’s blouse, ripping the silk fabric from her body and bearing her perfect chest. Whereas Rarity was a near spitting image of a bimbo slut, with big fat udders and a thick, jiggling bubble butt, her sister was perfectly proportioned. Her tits fit comfortably in Twilight’s hands as she groped them, and her ass was plenty plump, but not overtly fat. “It’s like you want me to fuck your sister instead of you.” “N-No, Goddess, that isn’t what I meant! I only meant that I’d do anything, anything else!” Rarity dropped from the bed and to her knees, folding her hands in a display of sad, pathetic begging. All the while, Rarity could feel her cunt burn with desire, and another wave of sickening frustration washed over her. “Y-you could hit me! Beat me! Make me sleep outside in the rain, send me to live with the other pigs at Applejack’s farm, rape my throat until I pass out, just please… Not Sweetie.” “Oh, wow, you were right. It is funny when she begs!” Sweetie slid down to her knees beside Rarity, leaning her head on her big sister’s shoulder. “To be honest, when you first started saying you turned Rarity into a sex toy, I didn’t really believe you. I’ve never been so glad to be wrong.” “There’s always been a pretty obvious problem with you, Rarity. It’s never given us much trouble before, so I guess I was content with ignoring it, but now we have to address the elephant in the room,” said Twilight. She gestured to Sweetie, who took her cue and began work; Her soft, nimble hands set off to work unbuckling Twilight’s pants to free her massive member. “And that problem is that you’re such a disgraceful, horny, perverted, masochistic slut that there’s nothing I can do to punish you. You get off on everything!” “Holy cow, Twi!” Sweetie drooled as Twilight’s thick, veiny, meaty cock spilled out over the waistband of her enchanted slacks. She held the Goddess’ cock up and compared it to her own forearm, giggling with delight at the comparison; Twilight was noticeably longer and thicker. “No wonder Rarity threw her life away for this…” “So I’ve decided that the only reasonable solution, the only effective punishment, is not to do anything to you at all. I’m not going to hit you or fuck you or anything, because you love all of that. Instead, I’m going to take the one thing you love more than anything else…” Twilight grabbed her cock and slapped it firmly against Sweetie’s soft cheek, feeling herself grow harder with each sharp slap of flesh on flesh. “And I’m going to make you watch as I give it to someone else. Maybe that will teach you to follow simple fucking instructions.” “I… I…” Rarity didn’t know what to say. Unsurprisingly, her Goddess was 100% correct. This was the only way to truly punish something like Rarity, who took pleasure in punishment itself. No matter how cruel or upsetting it may have been, Rarity knew in her heart of hearts that she had brought it upon herself. There was nothing she could do except accept what her Goddess dished out and pray for her eventual forgiveness. “Yes, Goddess Twilight. I’ll watch…” “Of course you will. Now be a good cucky and hold Sweetie’s hair for her,” said Twilight with a grin. She let out a satisfied groan as Sweetie finally parted her plump, pillowy lips and took Twilight's flare into her mouth. Rarity gave a sullen nod and obediently went about holding Sweetie’s silky hair from her face as she worked. “See? You can follow directions. If you would’ve just shown this level of competence earlier, I wouldn’t be punishing you, now would I?” “No, Goddess. Please forgive me.” It was difficult to focus on displaying her remorse over the sound of her younger sister messily slobbering on a big, fat marecock right next to her. Truthfully, it wouldn’t be so unbearable if Rarity could just touch herself, not even cum. Yet, with every reach between her legs, her fingers hit a cold, steel reminder of her failure and disobedience. “Sweetie, you’re not even doing it right! Let me show you how, at least…” “Not everyone can be a cockfiend like yourself, Rarity. But that’s okay, I didn’t exactly invite Sweetie over for a blowjob,” said Twilight. Despite this, Sweetie seemed intent on choking herself out with Twilight’s rod, and only took a breath when the Goddess physically separated herself. “I wasn’t kidding when I said I was knocking up your sister. Get ready for some long nights at the office, Rarity. Your niece is going to need diapers, and somebody’s going to have to pay for them. Now get on the bed. Don’t make me ask again.” Rarity scrambled from the floor and took to Twilight’s bed, sitting and watching anxiously. Giggles filled the room when Twilight, using her freakish alicorn strength, scooped Sweetie up as if she weighed nothing at all. With no effort whatsoever, Twilight gently deposited Sweetie not on the bed, but in Rarity’s lap. Something that wasn’t so gentle was the removal of Sweetie’s skirt, torn from her body savagely and baring her snug, smooth twat. Her excitement was visible, made doubly so when Twilight ran a finger up Sweetie's wet, eager slit. "Hold her legs apart," said Twilight, stroking herself to the sight of Sweetie's tight little pussy. Rarity did as she was told, grabbing hold of Sweetie's slim, toned legs and spreading them apart by her thighs. Through a combination of natural flexibility and high school cheerleading, Sweetie's legs easily went up to either side of her head, giving Twilight a clear shot at her twat. "Let's wreck this pretty pussy, shall we?" Rarity could feel her sister's heartbeat quicken, thumping louder in her small, narrow chest as Twilight approached, the fat flare of her cock still glistening with Sweetie's saliva. Twilight wasn't looking at her prize, rather, she looked directly into Rarity's sad, desperate, greedy little eyes when she penetrated Sweetie. Her head spread Sweetie's tight lips, a deliciously snug and warm passage for anyone, especially a mare the size of Twilight. "Oh God, yes…" Sweetie threw her head back in ecstasy, moaning loudly into her very jealous sister's ear. "You're gonna freaking kill meeeee!" "Your sister said the same thing, on her first time. You remember, right, Rarity?" chuckled Twilight, speaking loudly to be heard over Sweetie's moans. She forced her hips forward steadily, deliberately, until she had buried every last inch of her mighty shaft into Sweetie's compact body. "You begged me to fuck you until you couldn't move. You begged me to put a baby in you." "I was stupid. I don't deserve a gift that generous, and I never will," said Rarity. The pit in her stomach grew with each thrust from Twilight into Sweetie. "Even though I would be incredibly honoured…" "Lucky me, because that's exactly what's going to happen to me!" squealed Sweetie. "I've always wanted to be a Mom, you know?" "Goddess, please. I understand I made a mistake, and I don't deserve you, but please don't get Sweetie pregnant." Rarity knew that it was unlikely for her Goddess to show mercy, but she was so desperate that she just had to try. "Fuck Sweetie as much as you like, but please, give me your cum, not her. Please…" "On your back, cunt." Twilight shoved Rarity back, completely ignoring Rarity's request. She pulled herself out of Sweetie for a moment, taking a path around to climb into the bed. Now, she sat just in front of Rarity's head, a familiar position that normally preceded a harsh, sloppy throatfucking. Now, Rarity could only hope to taste her Goddess' cock. "Sweetie Belle, dear? Bring your pussy here, by your sister's face." Sweetie nodded as she repositioned, turning herself around and into all fours; Now, her feet aligned with Rarity's head and, more importantly, her cunt hovered inches above Rarity's nose, dripping sticky juices down onto her features. She wiggled her hips, guiding herself towards Twilight's tool, letting out a moan and a giggle when she felt the powerful alicorn's hands grip her hips and pull her close. It was a uniquely frustrating, taunting, and arousing angle for Rarity, pinned beneath her owner and her sister, looking up to see her Goddess breed a pussy other than hers. The sounds of Sweetie moaning and the slap of flesh on flesh was one thing, but to be eclipsed by the shadow of Sweetie's cunt was another experience altogether. A cocktail of fluids trickled down onto Rarity's face, a mixture of juices from Sweetie's cunt and sweat dripping from Twilight's heavy balls swinging with each thrust. Rarity could even see the bulging outline of her Goddess’ divine cock pushing through Sweetie Belle’s insides as it bred her. Yet, to her surprise, more than upset, more than disgraced, more than even jealous, Rarity felt arousal. Some sick, perverted part of herself wanted this. She wanted to see the woman she loved and idolized be with someone else. Someone with value. Because Rarity knew, in her heart of hearts, that even feeling Twilight’s cock was a blessing, a privilege she had taken for granted.Now she had to entertain her Goddess in other ways, namely by enduring this mockery and humiliation. And, like the pathetic whore Rarity knew she was, she found herself enjoying this punishment as well. “You know, I told her that you’d be jealous. That it’d break your heart to watch me fuck her instead of you,” said Twilight, barely heard over Sweetie Belle’s delighted moans and begging for more, a request Twilight had no qualms with granting. “She insisted on doing it in front of you anyway. I guess it’s only fair. She has to watch you whore yourself around every day. Now you get to watch.” “Oh fuck, yes… I’m close…” moaned Sweetie. “Go ahead, Sweetie. Cum for me, cum on my big, fat cock.” Rarity winced, squeezing her eyes shut, but it did nothing to block out the sound of Sweetie’s orgasm; She squealed as her entire body tightened, her legs squeezing together against the sides of Rarity’s head when she came. Rarity couldn’t see, but she could feel her sister convulse, sticky girlcum spraying down onto her face before Sweetie’s body relaxed, falling to rest atop of her sister. “Do you know why Sweetie is allowed to cum whenever she likes but you’re not?” asked Twilight. She never ceased her movements, never slowed down, never stopped rocking Sweetie’s body and, by extension, Rarity beneath her. “Because Sweetie is a person. I respect Sweetie. I care about what Sweetie wants. Because Sweetie matters, and you don’t. Do you understand me?” “Yes, Goddess…” whimpered Rarity. Though she knew it wouldn’t get her anywhere, Rarity still felt compelled to rub between her legs, her fingers gliding across the smooth surface of her chastity belt. “I understand that I’m just a worthless cunt. I don’t deserve your respect or your love.” “Good. Now ask me to knock up your sister.” Twilight pressed down onto Sweetie’s body as she ploughed her, sliding in and out of Sweetie’s tight flower all the while smearing Rarity’s features with sticky fluids from each thrust. “If your begging amuses me enough, then I’ll forgive you for being such a monumental failure." "Please, Goddess, give her your seed!" Rarity's voice trembled, a renewed sense of desperation in her words. Now, there was hope for forgiveness, and Rarity couldn't let such an opportunity pass her by. "Knock her up! Make her pregnant with your beautiful babies.” Each word set Twilight off, encouraging her to ram her breeding pole deeper into Sweetie’s quivering body. Pinned beneath them, Rarity could feel the impact of each thrust, rocking her body and forcing onto her a reminder of her sister’s pleasure. Such reminders weren’t entirely necessary, as Sweetie’s moans and quivering were perfectly sufficient to display just how good she felt.  Twilight dug in with deep, fast thrusts, pounding away at Sweetie’s deepest, most sensitive parts, each thrust quicker and more passionate than the last. She drilled her small, supermodel-esque body down into the sheets, quickening her pace and intensity until she fucked Sweetie to a second climax; As Sweetie howled with pleasure and satisfaction, one leg twitching incessantly from the sheer force of her pleasure.  Finally, mercifully, Twilight too reached her limit, and buried herself as deep as she could go into Sweetie’s tight, convulsing pussy before finally unloading. Rarity heard each spurt, a shot of Goddess’ addictive cum flooding her little sister’s insides with each thrust. It seemed that Twilight sought to ensure that Sweetie was properly bred, as she slammed her hips into her with each deposit of her seed, forcing it deep into Sweetie and flooding her womb with the potent cream. Twilight’s orgasm was a voluminous one, more than Sweetie could evidently hold in her petite little body, and Rarity recoiled as cum began to drip from Sweetie’s cunt. Not in disgust, but in envy and the grim realization that Twilight had made true to her word; The Goddess surely must have impregnated Sweetie, and Rarity knew that she would soon be caring for a child that was not her own. “Fuck, I needed that,” panted Twilight, wiping a bead of sweat from her brow. She sat back to regain herself and, when she pulled her cock free of Sweetie’s gripping folds, let out a deluge of her seed onto Rarity’s face. Immediately, Rarity’s mouth went open to catch herself a treat, and Twilight shut it with a wave of magic just as quickly. “Down, girl. You can have your treat in a second.” She patted Sweetie gently on the ass, smirking at the way she giggled. “How’re you doing, Sweetie? Was it good for you too?” “The best…” Sweetie rolled over, finally freeing Rarity from beneath her. Even still, Rarity didn’t move. She simply lay there, staring at Sweetie’s well-fucked cunt and the creampie that could have been hers had she not been such a failure. “Can we go again? With Spike? I wanna take you both at once…” “Easy, girl. You’re giving your sister a run for her money. That said… My living pocket pussy is currently on punishment…” Twilight smiled, and blew Sweetie a kiss, though this seemed to be mostly to make Rarity even more envious. “You’re on. But first… Let’s give Rarity a chance. Go ahead, cunt. Eat my cum from your sister’s pussy. If you’re quick enough, maybe she won’t be pregnant after all. I doubt it, considering how deep she took my load, but it’s worth a try.” “Thank you, Goddess!” Rarity moved like a fuckdoll possessed, descending onto Sweetie’s snug twat and forcing her tongue inside. She wasted no time in lapping at her owner’s salty, bitter seed, each taste sending a shudder of perverted delight up her spine. As she ravenously devoured her treat, her desperation from both a desire to avoid Sweetie’s pregnancy and an innate need for her Goddess’ essence, Rarity managed to yelp out a question. “How long, Goddess?” “In the belt? Let’s see, this is the first time you’ve ever cum without permission, so I suppose I shouldn’t be too hard on you…” Twilight tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Hm… Two months in the belt sounds fair. And for the next week, you’ll be sleeping in your doghouse in the backyard, until I think you deserve the floor of my castle. Oh, and of course, throughout those two months, I’ll be fucking Sweetie Belle, and you’ll be watching.” “Thank you, Goddess! So generous, so forgiving!” A cum addict like Rarity had no trouble getting a majority of the seed from Sweetie’s cunt, but she kept licking, lapping, and sucking just to be sure she got every salty drop. “Thank you, thank you!” “You are so pathetic, it’s honestly hilarious. You two have fun, I’m going to go get some water. Maybe see if Spike is around.” Twilight stood up and stretched, cracking her back before taking a step away. She made it all the way to the door before she stopped, turned back to Rarity, and flashed a devilish grin. “Oh, and fuckpig?” “Yes, Goddess?” said Rarity, desperate to please her mistress. “I’ve got that birth control spell on, you idiot. It takes 72 hours to wear off, I can’t get Sweetie pregnant until Thursday.” As Twilight walked away, Rarity felt a wave of multiple emotions wash over her all at once. Relief that Sweetie wouldn’t be bearing a child, embarrassment that she had forgotten something she should have known even in her current, cock-obsessed incarnation, and, most of all, determination to please her Goddess, and to ensure that Twilight would have no reason or desire to dispel that birth control charm for Sweetie. “Man, Twilight can be so mean,” laughed Sweetie. Rarity grinned and nodded, pointlessly rubbing at her belt before diving back in to get any forgotten drops of Twilight’s jizz from Sweetie’s muff. “But of course. Why do you think I love her so much?” > Something Borrowed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity had always been a sucker for a good wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony, the permanent bond between two souls who swore to love each other until the very end. Before Rarity had allowed herself to live her true, honest existence, this was the very height of joy, the most happiness she could realistically imagine anyone feeling. Of course, since her awakening, Rarity had since learned that the true pinnacle of happiness was serving her Goddess, but even still, she could appreciate weddings for what they meant to other people. It was why she was so eager to attend the wedding of a former college friend that, admittedly, Rarity hadn’t kept up with much over the years. Goddess Twilight, in her infinite kindness, even allowed Rarity to attend unsupervised, so she could enjoy the ceremony without distractions (although the fact that Twilight had a mountain of important paperwork to get through would have kept her from attending nevertheless). For a brief, fleeting time, Rarity was able to at least pretend to be a normal woman, visited her old friend, and partook in the ceremony without ruining it for the lucky bride just with her very existence. It was as if her awakening had never happened. Of course, Rarity couldn’t let the wedding end before sucking off all of the groomsmen at various points throughout the service. She was only human, barely. But the fun and festivities were over, and, as was often the case when thinking of weddings for too long, Rarity felt inspired. Despite giving up a majority of her business to Twilight, it would be false to say that Rarity no longer cared about it. Quite the contrary, her passion for sewing was secondary only to her passion for servicing her superiors, and she still designed an odd ensemble from time to time. Specifically, in this case, was a gorgeous wedding dress that she had gotten from her mother at a young age. Her mother told her to improve the dress as she got older, to make it her own, in the hopes that one day Rarity would one day be able to wear it at her own wedding, and give it to her own daughter in the future. Rarity had yet to explain to her mother the nature of her life, and the incredibly low odds that the only woman she loved would ever deem her worthy enough to marry (nevermind bear her child), but that was unimportant. At the moment, all that was important was working on the dress, making it as perfect as possible. Perhaps one day, once she was ready to settle down, Sweetie could take it and carry on the tradition. Even though Sweetie didn’t share the same enthusiasm for romance as her elder sister, it was only fair that she get it, seeing as she was the proper lady between the two. A buzz took hold of Rarity as she approached Goddess Twilight’s castle, that itch that could only be scratched by a bit of sewing. Twilight had warned her before she left that there was a solid chance that the Goddess would not be home when she arrived, and that she should occupy herself until she returned. Certainly, that meant Rarity had enough time to slip into Goddess Twilight’s wardrobe and work on the dress for a bit. So she all but ran through the castle and up to the master bedroom, her sights set on that beautiful dress her mother gifted her. “Oh, you’re back already.” To Rarity’s surprise, Goddess Twilight was waiting for her, apparently unburdened by that paperwork she spoke of previously. Ordinarily, Rarity would be ecstatic to see her owner, especially given she had been in her chastity belt for the last sixty days (although it felt more like 312 days, not that anyone was counting), with no sign of release anytime soon. Even still, with the subject of her sexual obsession standing just before her, Rarity was less concerned with begging for permission to touch her cunt, or, more likely, the honor of sucking her owner’s fat nuts. Instead, Rarity’s wide, teary-eyed expression was taking in the beautiful, elegant white lace that her goddess wore, and the realization that, even all this time later, Twilight still had new ways to hurt her fucktoy. Even before Twilight’s ascension to godhood, she was demonstrably taller than Rarity was, and her ascension to the alicorn race served to make her even taller and more imposing. These days, most people had to look up to meet the princess’ eyes, and Rarity was no exception. With that additional height came hips, curves, and heft that made finding clothes that fit properly quite difficult for Twilight. Ordinarily, this annoyed her, but today was different. Today, she wasn’t ruining her own clothes, but her own pet’s beautiful wedding dress, yet unworn. Her breasts stretched the fabric of the wedding dress to its breaking point, the goddess’ divine tits just barely contained by the silk gown. Her height stretched the midsection significantly, and the ample curve of her ass left a visible strain on the dress’ backside. Worst of all was her third leg: Though Twilight usually used a simple charm to keep her cock safely contained in her clothing, she seemed to forgo such things today, letting the thick length of meat twitch and flop against Rarity’s delicate fabric. Just seeing the tears as they began to run down Rarity’s cheeks was enough to awaken Goddess Twilight’s mighty cock, and send it tenting up through the sheer lace of the dress’ skirt. “Like what you see?” chuckled Twilight sinisterly. Rarity let out a tiny groan, a pathetic, pained little whining noise so pitiful that it made her owner laugh aloud. “Aww, the dumb thing is speechless. I’ve got some words for you, cunt. Tell me I’m beautiful.” “You’re gorgeous, my goddess.” Even so stunned and shattered, Rarity knew an order when she heard one. It was easy, for her to tell the truth. Even squeezed into a dress made for a woman almost half her size, Twilight was absolutely stunning. “So beautiful…” “Prettier than your mother?” “A million times, yes! You’re a queen, the most beautiful and perfect creature in the kingdom,” breathed Rarity, heart thumping in her chest. Her compliments, contradicting her tears, clearly pleased her goddess, and Rarity had to bite her lip when Twilight’s third leg produced a fabric-ruining bead of pre. “You’re beautiful in anything, yet…” “Yeah, I didn’t really need to put this on to look good, did I? Not like you. Even in the finest wedding dress in Equestria, you still wouldn’t hold a candle to me.” Twilight fell onto the bed, the impact causing her to bend and stretch such that a tear grew in the side of the dress. Rarity squeaked, almost physically pained, but said nothing in response. “Oops. Oh well. Not like you were ever gonna use it. Who would ever want to marry a disgusting, pathetic animal like you?” “No one, goddess. I don’t deserve to be a wife, anyhow.” “Of course you don’t. Now get on your knees and jerk me off, you dumb cow.” Twilight’s cock twitched, and another spray of pre-cum splattered against the dress. Rarity gulped down her heart, but did as she was told nonetheless and dropped to her knees before her goddess. She grabbed Twilight’s impressive bulge through the soft fabric of her wedding dress, feeling the appendage twitch and throb in her delicate grasp. She stroked every veiny inch of Twilight’s cock, using both hands to work the imposing pillar of mare meat. “M-may I suck it, Goddess?” begged Rarity, cringing with each sticky drip that leaked from Twilight’s cock onto her wedding gown. “Please, let me taste you…” “Hmm… Not yet. Not until you make me cum in your dress,” said Twilight. She sighed in contentment, letting her head fall back to the wet schlicking sounds of Rarity’s hands jerking up and down her fat dick, so slick with pre that the white silk that clung to her shaft was nearly transparent. “That’s it… I bet when you dreamed of wearing this dress and walking down the aisle, you never expected it to reek of my jizz, did you?” Rarity let out a pathetic little sob as she shook her head, her tears only serving to make her goddess throb even harder. “Your poor mother… If only she knew what a good-for-nothing cunt her daughter would grow up to be, she wouldn’t have bothered giving this to you. I don’t think she’d want her precious wedding dress to end up as my cumrag.” “I don’t care what she wants, Goddess. I only care what makes you happy.” As was often the case, it wasn’t just the awful things that she said that made Rarity’s cunt tingle with desire, but the honesty behind them; As much as she loved her mother, her feelings regarding the dress were secondary to her owner’s pleasure. “If it pleases you to ruin the dress, then it is my only desire to aid you.” “Good fuckpig. Nothing else on this planet matters as much as my hard cock, and since you seem to know that… I think you’ve earned the right to a taste, after all.” Twilight pointed down, and raised her legs up a bit to give her slut better access. “Eat my ass while you jerk me off.” “Yes, Goddess!” It wasn’t what she had been hoping for, and it was an even bigger far cry from any sort of relief for herself. But Rarity was so desperate that she dove tongue-first for her goddess’ asshole with similar desperation to how a man lost in the desert would lunge for a glass of water. It was a bit awkward for her, to reach up above her own head to stroke her master’s massive member while also wriggling her tongue into Twilight’s tight hole, but she managed nevertheless. Once Rarity fell into a groove, it became second nature for her, working her hands in tandem with her licks and kisses all while the goddess’ hefty balls rested against Rarity’s tiny, dainty nose. Rarity huffed her owner’s musk as she tongued Twilight’s asshole, her eyes rolling back from the sheer intoxicating pleasure she was experiencing. “You’re so fucking pathetic. I stole your wedding dress, wore it without your permission, and absolutely ruined it forever! And what do you do?” asked Twilight. “That’s right, you thank me by making love to my asshole. Jerk my cock faster, bitch, I’m getting close.” The slippery sounds of Rarity’s hands against Twilight’s cock grew louder, sloppier, as she moved her hands faster up and down Twilight’s massive bitchbreaker. She inadvertently tore the fabric of her dress with her motions, but at the moment, Rarity didn’t even have time to notice. She was far too busy savoring the delicious taste of her owner’s ass, and the awe-inspiring power of Twilight’s throbbing cock. Twilight’s breathing hitched, growing more savage with each passing stroke, until finally, she let out a groan of utter satisfaction. Rarity could feel Twilight’s nuts pulse against her face, constricting slightly as they emptied their payload. Thick, heavy fountains of cum spurted from Twilight’s flaring head, flooding through the fabric of the wedding dress after just a few ropes. Rarity squeezed her eyes shut, unable to keep back all of the tears as her dress was completely ruined by a gallon of divine semen seeping through the fibers and saturating the silk. She could feel the hot goo drip down onto her head, and she didn’t even have to look to know that Twilight had surely painted the entire front of the dress with the contents of her balls. Even still, Rarity kept stroking and dutifully showing her devotion to Twilight’s asshole until the goddess finally shoved her away, sending her crashing to the floor. “You know what I’ve noticed about myself over the years?” asked Twilight, mostly rhetorical. “My cum has an exceptionally persistent smell. I assume it has to do with my alicorn blood, but if I even drip a little bit of pre on something, the smell never completely goes away.” Twilight stood up and rather haphazardly began removing her dress, moving so quickly that she further stretched and tore at the gown due to her carelessness. Once she was nude, she dropped the sticky, ruined, cum-drenched wedding dress onto Rarity’s dejected body. “So you can dry-clean that dress a million times, and it won’t matter. You’re still going to smell like my jizz sock no matter what.” At that point, Rarity perked up slightly, which bemused Twilight. “What’s that about?” “I… I can have it back?” squeaked Rarity, not daring to dream. “Would you be so generous as to allow me to wear it still?” “Oh, Rarity, you dumb bitch. Obviously, you’re going to wear it. After a few key alterations, of course.” Twilight hummed thoughtfully, then snapped her fingers and conjured a stack of papers, which she gently hovered down to Rarity in a protective bubble of magic (to prevent them from meeting a similar fate to the wedding dress. “I already drew up some plans for you. You’re going to get to work on them as soon as possible.” “Oh, Goddess! You’re too kind!” squealed Rarity, clapping giddily. She leaned in forward to look at the plans her mistress showed her and blushed bright red at what she saw. “Goddess Twilight… Surely this isn’t what I think it is…” “Make the dress. Hope you have another wedding in you, fuckpig, because we’ve got a ceremony tonight.” A few hours later Rarity had never felt more beautiful in her entire life. Her new dress fit perfectly, the white lace dancing down her curves, stopping just at her waist and barely covering her cunt. The top of the dress hung low, displaying every single inch of cleavage possible, and the whole gown was thin enough to easily see Rarity’s pierced nipples through the dress. She hadn’t bothered to clean it since Twilight wore it, so the fabric was still a bit sticky, and carried with it the addicting musk of her Goddess’ cum. It was perfectly whorish to fit with her new style, while still maintaining enough traditional grace and beauty to have brought Rarity to tears were she still a little girl. Even back then, she had always loved a good wedding, and now was no different. Although, were she to tell her younger self exactly the nature of their big day, she’d likely have some questions. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the joining of a dirty, useless, worthless whore and her one true love,” said Goddess Twilight, reading from the holy text necessary to make this marriage binding. Whereas Rarity was in her newly-altered wedding dress and on her knees, like the world’s luckiest puppy, Twilight stood beside her in a full tux (something she had Rarity put together ages ago, in case she needed formal wear), her fly zipped down to allow “the groom” to breathe; Twilight’s hard, drooling cook stared Rarity in the face, with a classy bowtie around the base of her mighty shaft. “Cunt, do you take this cock to be your husband, the owner of your mind, body, and soul, to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, honor him, worship his every inch with your slutty holes, for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, until you draw your very last breath?” “I do,” sniffled Rarity, wiping the tears from her eyes. She always cried during beautiful moments such as this ceremony. Her only wish was that her mother could see her now, but Cookie would have to make do with watching the wedding tape another time. “Oh Goddess, I do…” “And do you take this slut to be your fleshlight, your property to use and abuse, to break, rape, and punish every day, until such time that it proves itself unworthy of your touch, for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, until your whore draws its very last breath?” Twilight’s cock didn’t respond verbally, but it did twitch and produce a thick bead of precum, which Rarity had to physically stop herself from licking off of the floor. “Then, by the power vested in me by Princess Celestia herself, I now pronounce you cock and cumdump.” Twilight held her shaft steady, slowly drifting towards Rarity. “You may now kiss the bride.” Rarity pressed her lips to Twilight’s flare, savoring the salty, masculine taste of her pre, and planted a wet, messy kiss on the powerful cockhead. Before she could pull away, Twilight grabbed the bride by the hair and forced “the groom” down her needy, horny throat, working her hips like a piston to deeply, savagely, unforgivingly rape Rarity’s face. Rarity began to cry again, although whether it was due to the emotion of being married to the love of her life or the giant slab of mare meat punching her in the tonsils remained to be seen. “I love weddings,” purred Twilight. She glanced down at the newlyweds and winked. “You think this is great? Just wait for the honeymoon…” > Mirror Match > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh. Well. That's interesting," hummed Twilight, flipping through her book. Rarity looked up, but said nothing, for two reasons. First and foremost, her Goddess’ previous command for her to shut up, an order Rarity painstakingly obeyed. Not a single yelp, chirp, moan, or grunt escaped her lips for the last half-hour while she diligently worked. The second reason she gave no response was due to her mouth being occupied by that aforementioned diligent work; Goddess Twilight’s shower was being fixed, so it was up to Rarity to shine her heavenly cock, and to lap up every salty bead of sweat from her heavy, stuffy balls. Rarity wasn’t sure if she could actually get drunk from Twilight’s musk, but she was more than willing to find out. “Hello? I’m talking to you, idiot.” Twilight nudged Rarity with her foot, and yet the whore didn’t respond. “Are you ignoring me? Surely you’re not that fucking dumb, wha… Oh, wait. I forgot. Yeah, you can talk now.” “Mmm…” Rarity pulled her face from between her owner’s legs for the first time in thirty minutes, finally inhaling something other than sweat and mare musk. “What is it, Goddess? Something in your book?” “Correct. This is the magic journal I told you about, the one that allows Sunset Shimmer to communicate with me from the other side of the mirror. There was a new entry written in it this morning.” Twilight cleared her throat and turned to the beginning of the passage in order to begin reciting it. “Dear Princess Twilight, I hope this letter finds you well. I’ve been struggling with something lately and, I’ll be quite honest with you, I’m not sure there’s anything you can do about it.” “As if there is anything my Goddess can’t do,” remarked Rarity. “I have these… urges. Nothing sinister or dangerous, but still undesirable nevertheless. I’m being vague, I know, for fear that someone else will read this entry, and I would hope to explain more in-depth in person. Whenever you can make the time to see me and talk about my problem, face-to-face, I would greatly appreciate it.” Twilight grinned, letting the moment breathe for a moment before finishing with “Sincerely yours, your good friend, Rarity.” “Oh! I was expecting Sunset Shimmer, but if it’s the other me… What sort of urges could she possibly have that she wouldn’t want her friends to…” Rarity trailed off as realization dawned on her, and she let out a little gasp of surprise. “You think when she says ‘urges’, she means she’s like me?” “I do. It only makes sense,” said Goddess Twilight. She used her magic to produce a quill, and, with quick, practiced motions, she dexterously wrote out her reply. “As far as I can tell, we’re all more or less 1-to-1 copies of our Mirror World counterparts, with a few superficial exceptions. So if you’re a cock-obsessed bimbo cumdumpster, then I imagine she at least has the potential to be one, as well.” “So what will you do? Are you going to go see her?” Rarity chilled slightly at the thought of there being two of her around, which meant she was no longer guaranteed to be her Goddess’ favorite fuckdoll. “Or p-perhaps let things run their course?” “Neither.” Goddess Twilight signed her name at the bottom of the journal entry and tossed her quill aside. “I’m not going to see her at all. You are.” “Me?!” “What better way to show her all of the pros and cons of her urges than a living example? I’m sending you to her, so that you can give her a little demonstration of what life is like as a walking fleshlight.” "I see. Genius thinking, as to be expected from you," said Rarity, nodding like an eager puppy. "Although, just to be clear… Do you want me to encourage her to be like me? Or dissuade her?" "I want you to shut the fuck up, crawl through the portal, and show her the ropes. It's that simple," said Twilight. She grabbed Rarity by the hair and pulled her to her feet, staring down intimidatingly at her property. "The way I see it, anything in any world unfortunate enough to be you is the lowest of all life. But, to be fair, Mirror Rarity doesn't belong to me, so I'm not going to make any calls on her life. That's what you're for. Teach her what she wants to know, then report back to me. If I'm sufficiently amused with your performance… Who knows? Maybe I'll find that key I misplaced." Rarity's hand subconsciously drifted between her legs, her fingertips brushing the cold steel of her chastity belt. It had been four months since her Goddess had locked her up, and, per Twilight's own word, she technically should have been released by now. However, Rarity had made the error of reminding Twilight two minutes too early, and that "distraction" had caused the all-powerful Goddess to "lose" the key. Even though she had no one to blame but herself for her continued denial, Rarity was still incredibly eager to taste her freedom, particularly if that freedom included feeling her owner's heavenly cock turn her womb inside out. "I shall depart at once, Goddess!" Rarity stumbled forward, spilling out unceremoniously onto the concrete sidewalk. She hit her head a bit when she fell, and a shivering moan escaped her plump lips as she slowly savored the pain. Even as Rarity pushed herself up to her hands and knees (a familiar position for her), she could see a pale hand dip down into her view. Without giving it much thought, she gently accepted the help, allowing the stranger to assist her in standing. "Are you ok, Ms… Oh!" As Rarity stood up, she found herself looking in a mirror, so to speak; still holding her hand was a woman that was her spitting image. Same porcelain skin, same luxuriously shiny purple hair, the same shining sapphire eyes. Though, as Rarity looked a bit closer at her doppelganger, there were a few small differences. She was a tiny bit shorter, not quite as busty or curvy. Rarity recalled Twilight mentioning in the past that the Mirror World's inhabitants tended to be a bit smaller than in Equestria, so Rarity stood just a few inches taller than her Mirror counterpart. "Oh my… It's me!" The Mirror Rarity stepped back a bit, looking her other self over up and down. “My word… Am I really that beautiful?” “Heh… I suppose so…” Rarity cringed internally at the compliment, from herself no less. It’d been a very long time since anyone called her beautiful, and even longer since she had ever thought it for herself. Still, she couldn't exactly fault her Mirror self. Poor girl just didn't know any better. "Nice to meet you… Me." "Likewise," said the Mirror Rarity. She couldn't seem to tear her gaze away from her other self, looking Rarity up and down, this way and that. "We're even wearing a similar outfit…" "Hm?" Rarity looked down at herself and the sapphire dress she wore, almost surprised to see such clothing on her body. The truth was, she rarely thought about what she would wear these days, leaving that for her superiors to decide. But, just as the other Rarity said, their dresses and even their somewhat plain black heels were very similar, though the Equestrian variety was obviously cut and styled such to expose a bit more skin. "I suppose we are. I hadn't given much thought, I sort of just threw on whatever." "Well, it's good to know that even in a completely separate reality, I have excellent taste," said Mirror Rarity with a grin. She looked past Rarity, to the statue that housed the portal between realms, and frowned. "Is… Is Twilight not coming? I'll admit, I was expecting her…" "I'm afraid G—" Rarity stopped herself just in time, just barely resisting the urge to call her owner by the proper title, which would likely make things a bit awkward between the Rarity's. "Sorry, I'm afraid Twilight is a bit busy. Furthermore, she thought it might be best for me to help out in this particular matter." "She said that? This thing is a bit… sensitive, for me." "Well, darling, who can you confide in if not yourself?" Rarity stepped forward a bit, stooping down to whisper into her alternate's ear. "Some might consider us birds of a feather, if you know what I mean." "You mean… You get these urges too?" asked Mirror Rarity. The Equestrian Rarity smiled, and gave her counterpart a little wink. "Not anymore. Because I live a life where those urges are answered," explained Rarity. "You see, darling, in my world… I'm little more than a disposable whore for anyone to use. Literally, anyone who happens to see me has free license to touch, grope, strike, and insult me to their heart's content." "Oh… Oh God…" Mirror Rarity looked this way and that, and, when she confirmed she was alone with herself, she laced her fingers with her Equestrian version's. "I was afraid I was alone! That no one else understood… but of course, you're right! Who would understand me better than… me? Oh, darling, you have to tell me all about it." "Actually, darling, I didn't come all this way to just tell you what it's like. I want to show you first hand, so you may decide how you want to live," said Rarity. "I hope you don't have any plans today." "I, er… I cleared my schedule for the whole weekend, actually. The girls think I'm working on a new design and I require complete solitude to focus, but truthfully?" Again, Mirror Rarity checked to see if the coast was clear before continuing aloud. "I just renewed my subscription to CuntAbuse.com and I planned to… enjoy myself with it until Monday." "Oh dear… pornography? Looks like you need more education than I thought…" sighed Rarity. "Alright, my dear, Rarity… You wouldn't happen to have a nickname you go by?" "Pinkie calls me Rara sometimes, I always found that cute." "Perfect. So, Rara, here's your first lesson. Your pleasure is, was, and always will be secondary at best. You do not watch porn, darling. You are porn." It felt a bit odd for Rarity to find herself in a position of authority, even if her subordinate was herself. Even still, her Goddess had commanded that she show Rara the ropes, and she lived to serve. "Your orgasm is not a right. It's not even a privilege. It's a goddamn miracle. Your only purpose in life is to please your owners and hope that, someday, they are merciful enough to bless you with a smidgeon of satisfaction." As Rarity wrapped up her spiel, and she processed the expression on Rara's face, it occurred to her that she had perhaps come on a bit strong. Such intensity might be better off after the two had gotten a bit more comfortable with each other. Yet, just as Rarity went to amend herself, maybe pull back a bit on the whole miracle thing, Rara let out the moan she had been holding in, and it became evident that the look on her face was not one of horror. Rather, a barely-restrained, horny, perverted desire. "Y-you really mean that?" squeaked Rara. "You live like that?" "Let me show you something." Rarity slowly peeled the hem of her skirt up, giving Rara a healthy eyeful of her stainless steel chastity belt. Rara's eyes went wide as saucers, and she had to cover her mouth with her palm to keep the gasp/moan contained. "It's been four months that I've been locked up like this now." "Who has your key?" "Why, my lovely Goddess Twilight, of course," sighed Rarity wistfully. "She's amazing… And I can help you find yourself an owner too, if you desire." "I… I'm not sure, Rarity. It's such an extreme jump, I don't think I can bring myself to live like you." "Darling. Listen to me. The first 33 years of my life before my Awakening feel like such a waste of time. The biggest regret of my life was waiting until then to be my true self," said Rarity. "And I cannot let the same thing happen to you. You're still young, more time to be used and more time to enjoy it. Please, I'm begging you, at least give it a try. Let me take you someplace, where you don't have to worry so much about your image, and walk you through it. If you decide it's not for you, then that's okay. But you'll hate yourself forever if you never try it for yourself." It was clear that Rara was thinking things over, and Rarity simply sat and watched her protege weigh her options. It was an insane proposition, one that a normal person would have no trouble refusing. Yet this was no normal person. This was Rarity, and even an alternate reality's Rarity was still the same, which meant she was still drawn to this idea no matter how unsafe or insane it might be. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of pondering, Rara looked up to her idealized self. "And you think a test run will be enough to help me decide?" asked Rara. With an almost devious grin, Rarity nodded. "It's how I decided. Though, admittedly, under far less controlled conditions." "Well, if it worked for you…" Rara sighed, then lifted her head up with a tiny smirk. "Then let's give it a try. The train station isn't far, we should be able to catch the next trip to Manhattan." "Sounds perfect. I follow your lead, although I should warn you, darling." Rarity reached up suddenly and grabbed Rara tightly under the chin. "That will be the last time you lead anyone or anything for the duration of my stay. From her on out, you are an obedient whore who does as she's told. Understood?" "Y-yes, ma'am." Rarity smirked, then kissed herself tenderly on the forehead, the way a strict mother would to their child after a stern lesson. "Oh, darling, you're going to do just fine…" "So…" said Rara. "What's the craziest thing you've ever done in your new lifestyle?" "Hm?" Rarity perked up, tearing her eyes away from the cellphone she borrowed from Rara in an attempt to give herself a crash course on the Mirror World. Her studying hadn't turned up too much different between her own home, not from Rarity's admittedly surface level exploration. "How do you mean?" "Well, I mean, you said you're…" Rara looked around the train car and, even though she confirmed that they were alone, she still brought her voice down to a whisper. "You're free to use property. I have to imagine that leads to some pretty interesting situations." "I suppose you could say that. I'll admit, my Awakening was so long ago now that I may have lost a bit of perspective," said Rarity with a tiny shrug. "I don't really have a sense of 'crazy' anymore, because that's just my everyday life now. I suppose I have some interesting stories I could tell, though. Let's see… Is your world's Zephyr Breeze still around?" "Unfortunately." "I'm incredibly sorry. Well, in any case, as a favor to Ms. Fluttershy, I agreed to go on a date with Zephyr," said Rarity. Rara let out a gasp, to which her counterpart gave a solemn nod. "Yes, it was as terribly boring and irksome as you might imagine, at least at first. By the end of it, though… Quite the memorable night." "Blegh. You mean to tell me that you actually slept with that loser?" scoffed Rara. "But he's so pathetic!" "A bit, yes. But after some, shall we say, encouraging words, he was everything you could ever want from a night out. He ended up strangling me until I blacked out. When I awoke, I had been stripped nude, and he was raping me." Rarity glanced over to her protege, taking notice in the way that Rara fidgeted in her place, biting her lip and rubbing her thighs together anxiously. Rarity smiled, and placed a hand on Rara's thigh. "Is it turning you on, darling? Hearing of my escapades?" "So much… Tell me more, please," begged Rara. "If you're so horny, then touch yourself," said Rarity. "No cumming, of course, but it's good practice. Associate pain and discomfort with your pleasure. Finger your sloppy cunt whenever someone calls you something nasty. You'll love it." "But… We're in public! Someone might see me! I don't know if I'd be comfortable…" "When?" "Huh?" Rara tilted her head, thoroughly confused. "When what, exactly?" Almost before she had finished speaking, Rarity had reared back her hand and firmly slapped Rara across the face. The younger Rarity gasped in shock, clutching her face gingerly as she looked to the woman who struck her. "When did I ask about your comfort? When you're told to touch yourself, you touch yourself. Now do it." Rara gulped nervously, but slowly and shakily raised the hem of her dress and snaked her hand between her thighs. She rubbed her cunt through her panties, her eyes heavy with lust and desire. Rarity looked on, heart swelled with pride at the open degeneracy of her counterpart. "Please, keep going," whispered Rara. Rarity grinned, and happily complied. "His hands were so strong around my neck that I felt like my head was going to pop. And for such a 'gentleman', he used my unconscious body like a savage," reminisced Rarity. The memory was enough to get her a bit excited herself, though she didn't have the luxury of pleasuring herself at that moment. "After I came to, I realized he must have been pounding me for ages while I was knocked out. Then, he slammed my head against his doorstep and knocked me unconscious again." "My God… He could've seriously hurt you," moaned Rara. "Oh, he did. When I got home, Goddess Twilight did a scan on me and determined that he'd given me a concussion. I hardly even remember getting home, but that wasn't until after he woke me up by raping my throat. He came in me more times than I could count, some while I was awake, some while I wasn't. It was incredible." The door to their train car slid open, and Rara instinctively pulled her hand away from her pussy, but Rarity intervened; Her hand shot forward to grab Rara by the wrist, holding her steady. The two locked eyes and, with unflinching conviction, Rarity guided the offending hand back in place. All the while, a man from another car stepped into their empty one, a bit trepidatiously, as if unsure of himself. He looked around and, eventually, his eyes fell on the two Rarity’s at the back of the compartment. The seats before them concealed much of the Equestrian variant, leaving only a sliver of Rara’s side easily and clearly visible to their new guest. “Hey, sorry to bother you,” said the man, slowly and uneasily approaching. He couldn’t see precisely what Rara was up to, but he could tell even from where he was that she was a bit off. “My phone is dead and I need to get into it before we arrive. I was hoping you had a charger I could borrow?” “Rub your dirty cunt while you answer him,” whispered Rarity. “Maybe he’ll come closer and take you right here. Go on. Answer him.” “Eh… What kind of phone d-do you have?” squeaked Rara, doing all she could to keep her voice steady while simultaneously circling her clit with her fingers. Her heart thumped as the man took another step, with only a few paces keeping the two separate. If he got any closer, he might be able to smell Rara’s arousal, the sticky, sloppy sounds of her getting herself off. It was exhilarating. “Android,” said the man. Rara felt a pang, and she pouted slightly as she gave her response. “Sorry, I’ve only got an iPhone…” said Rara. “Damn. Oh well, thanks anyway.” “Sorry again…” Rara watched the man walk away, and as he reached the door between cars, she couldn’t help but call out to him again. “Hope you find a charger, daddy!” The man mumbled some form of thanks, then paused as what he heard caught up to him. He looked as if he was going to reply, but, after a split second of consideration, just kept on walking, much to the disappointment of both Raritys. “Aw. He must have thought he misheard you,” pouted Rarity. “Shame, too. He was hot, I would have loved to taste his cock…” “Oh God, oh shit, oh fuck,” stammered Rara. “He could’ve seen me. He could’ve heard me. I just jilled myself right in front of a perfect stranger! And I called him ‘daddy’!” “I know! I’m so proud of you!” Rarity patted her Mirror counterpart tenderly. “Although, a tip for next time? To apologize for being a useless cunt and not having the right charger, you should have offered your throat for him to fuck, at the very least.” “I’ll keep that in m-mind… Can I stop touching now?” Rara’s voice trembled, her meager breasts heaving in time with her heavy breaths. “I’m close…” “Move your hand,” said Rarity. Rara obeyed and, before she could ask any questions, Rarity slapped her right on the clit as hard as she could. The younger whore doubled over in pain, biting down on her lip to contain her scream. “When she was first breaking me in, Goddess Twilight would tie me up, edge me for hours and, as soon as I was about to cum, she’d stomp my clit beneath her boot. This taught me an important lesson, one that I hope to teach you now. Your pleasure is your pain.” “And vice versa…” breathed Rara. “Fuck, it’s so sensitive…” “This could be your whole life. Every day, you could experience this level of pleasure, darling.” As she spoke, Rarity continued to spank her disciple’s pussy, her strikes just hard enough to make Rara squirm against her fingers. “And let me tell you, it only gets better from here.” “I… I want more…” "And more, you shall have. Now close your legs, we can't have you cumming yet." Rarity removed her hand and licked the sticky girlcum from her dainty fingers. “We’re almost at our destination, anyhow.” “Okay… I just need a second…” huffed Rara. “I only wish I packed a spare pair of panties.” “Oh, that reminds me! Your next lesson: Proper slut attire,” said Rarity, clapping giddily. “We’ll need to get rid of anything that covers too much, but that can wait. For now, it might be best to just forgo clothing altogether.” “You want me to walk around town naked?!” For the first time, Rara seemed genuinely indignant by the suggestion. Confused and concerned, Rarity simply tilted her head, completely confounded and positively perplexed. “Er… Yes? The idea is for you to be used by strangers, no?” asked Rarity. “By going nude, we advertise your status as an easy whore, not to mention appealing to anyone walking down the street that might like to see your body.” “But we’ll get arrested!” exclaimed Rara. Again, Rarity was beyond confused by such a declaration. “Why ever would we get arrested?” “Public indecency is against the law here, you can’t just prance around without clothes!” Rarity’s mouth hung slightly agape, and her confusion shifted into disgust at this sudden information. “What?!” “So, let me get this straight,” said Rarity between bites of her salad. “You’re not allowed to show your tits, your ass or your cunt outdoors?” “Correct,” said Rara. “Hm… What about cocks? Surely it’s okay for a man or mare to show off their cock, right?” “Some might argue that as an even bigger no-no, actually.” Rarity hummed to herself, more than a little irritated by the limitations of the law in this strange land. Mirror World was an apt description, as far as she could tell; It seemed that their morals were backwards. Even now, as the two shared lunch at a restaurant that Rarity found far too nice for her, she struggled to come to grips with the world she found herself in. “Hm… Well, that puts a wrench in things…” hummed Rarity. Rara just sort of shrugged, typing idly on her phone. “How exactly are we supposed to get strange men to fuck you if—” “And done,” said Rara, setting her phone back down. She took down the last of her salad, then sipped her lemon water idly. “I’ve got nine matches for now, though two are uncertain as to if they’ll show up. We’ve got about three hours to explore the city until then, if there are some things you think we should get.” “Wait… You found nine men willing to fuck you just by using your phone?” “It’s called Tinder. It’s an app that you use to find dates,” explained Rara. “I did a bit of fishing, made it clear I’m after a hookup rather than a proper relationship. Didn’t take long to get some matches.” “Fascinating! I’ll have to tell Goddess Twilight about this, she’d be thrilled to have an easier way to whore out my holes to the general public,” said Rarity. Finally, it seemed this world got something right. “Well, I suppose you’re right. We’ve got some time to burn, hm?” “Feel like a bit of shopping?” “Actually, could we perhaps get dessert first?” asked Rarity. She was a bit timid and sheepish in her request, which Rara found odd. “I know it’s wrong of me, but I’m actually enjoying this lunch quite a bit. I haven’t had proper food intended for people in ages.” “How long is ages?” “Hm… I had a cold slice of pizza maybe a year and a half ago?” Rarity grinned slightly at the expression she received from her Mirror counterpart. “Goddess Twilight is very controlling of my diet. I normally get her scraps once she’s finished, and she purchased some very nice dog food from Ms. Fluttershy that she feeds me when she’s away.” “She makes you eat dog food?! That’s disgusting!” Though she voiced disgust, the look in Rara’s eyes was nothing less than pure adoration, perhaps even a dash of envy. “Not to mention humiliating.” “Oh, it is! I even have a little doggy bowl to eat out of, on the floor next to Goddess Twilight’s dinner table. That said… I do miss cake quite a bit. The only time I’m allowed any is on my birthday.” Rarity chuckled at the thought. “Last year, Goddess Twilight threw a big party for me. She ordered two dozen chocolate cupcakes, invited all of my friends, even had the event catered. Then she made me sit in the corner and watch as everyone else ate and had fun. On their way out, she made me suck off all the guests and deposit their cum onto the last cupcake, which she saved for me. Isn’t she just the most romantic?” “Is there anything else I can get for the lovely sisters?” Their waiter strolled forward, a polite smile on his face being evidence that he hadn’t heard the previous conversation. He surely just assumed what he had from the moment that the Rarity’s had sat down: This was just a nice lunch date between two identical twins. Nothing strange at all. “Or are we ready for the check?” “We were actually hoping to look at a dessert menu?” said Rara. “Oh, we have a wonderful molten lava cake with a blackberry red wine sauce. A personal favorite of mine.” “Sounds delicious, we’ll just share one. Only… We were wondering…” said Rarity, the look on Rara’s face making it evident that she had no clue what it was that she had evidently been wondering along with Rarity. “Lunch was already so pricey. Is there perhaps some way we could convince you to bring us that dessert on the house?” “Erm…” The waiter seemed a bit confused, and it was evident that he thought Rarity might be joking. “Why exactly would I do that?” “Because you’re a nice guy. Very good looking, too.” Rarity tapped her chin in faux thought. “Oh, and my sister will show you her tits if you do." "Rarity!" exclaimed Rara. "Of course, I'll show you mine, too," said Rarity. As if to prove her point, she pulled the front of her dress down, baring her fat udders to this perfect stranger. After a moment of slack-jawed silence from the waiter, Rarity nudged her "sister" with her elbow and, with slightly shaky hands and brightly blushing cheeks, Rara did the same to show off her much more reasonable assets. "Are our titties to your liking, sir?" "Uhhhh…." The waiter was, understandably, taken a bit off guard by these events, but he slowly nodded his appreciation. Rarity grinned, knowing from experience that she had caught him in her snare. "S-so you wanted a free dessert?" "Ah, but you drive a hard bargain. Why don't we meet you in the men's room to sweeten the deal a bit?" offered Rarity. The waiter nodded eagerly and, without skipping a beat, he ran off to the restroom while the Rarity's tucked themselves back into their dresses before anyone noticed. Rarity grinned to her protege, giving her a little wink. "You're welcome, darling." "You know, I could have easily afforded dessert," pointed out Rara. "Plus, it seemed like he was willing to play along just when we flashed him. We didn't need to do this." "Ah, but we did. See, my Goddess took over my businesses, my stocks, my bank accounts, and all of my property, so I don't have a cent to my name. I'm actually in quite a bit of debt to some people. But that taught me something very important. This is lesson number four, darling: Your body is your only currency. It is all you have of any value, and it is all you can offer to the world. If there is something you want, then you trade your holes in the hopes that your owner is generous enough to give it to you.” “I see. My body is my only currency…” Rara gulped slightly, and slowly stood up from the table. “So. We’re meeting him in the restroom? I’ll admit, I don’t have much experience in these matters. I’d appreciate a bit of guidance…” “Worry not, my dear.” Rarity grinned as she rose to join her counterpart. “Follow my lead and I’ll make you into the greatest cock-polisher in the country.” The two Rarity’s hurried through the quiet restaurant, one with a bit more open enthusiasm than the other; Rarity was over the moon at the opportunity, her mouth watering at the prospect of getting a mouthful of cock in a dirty restroom. This isn’t to imply that Rara wasn’t enthused, because the whore in training was over the moon at this chance to fulfill one of her deepest fantasies. Despite all of that, she had precious little experience, and she was in the presence of a pro. As silly as it sounded even to her, Rara was concerned about looking like a fool in front of her sensei, her sherpa, her older counterpart. Rarity, on the other hand, was exclusively focused on getting a dick in her mouth, which really displayed the difference between a rookie and a seasoned veteran of the game. Rarity led the charge, looking both ways to ensure the coast was clear before pushing open the door to the men’s room and slipping in, followed closely behind by Rara. As soon as the door swung shut behind them, Rarity, ever experienced in these matters, discreetly locked the door behind them. The restroom was abandoned, save for their waiter standing in wait by the open stall at the end. Rarity led her younger, less experienced version by the hand to their horny server. Without a word, Rarity firmly pushed Rara down to her knees, all the while unbuckling the waiter’s trousers with her other hand. The waiter wasn’t anything special between the legs, as far as size went, but Rarity could tell by the look in Rara’s eyes that he was bigger than any cock than the Mirror World native had ever seen in person. Upon seeing her trepidation, Rarity dropped to her knees to aid in the service. She pressed her full, plump lips against his tip, giving it a passionate kiss while Rara simply watched for a bit, heart thumping in her chest until Rarity grabbed a fistful of sapphire hair to drag her in to join. Rara, a bit taken off guard, followed in Rarity’s lead to kiss and lick at the waiter’s cock. Rarity tried not to indulge herself too much, wanting to let her student get get some experience, but she couldn’t help but slurp and suckle like the greedy whore she was. Finally, after being more of a spectator during the proceedings, Rara dove in with a bit more vigor, and, much to the Equestrian’s glee, wholly took the waiter’s cockhead into her mouth with little instruction from her guide. And, despite her lack of any training or real world know-how, a Rarity is a Rarity, and sucking cock was something that came naturally to them. While Rara posed no threat to Rarity as far in terms of fellatio skill, she certainly showed a natural propensity for it. With time, Rarity knew the girl would shape up into an excellent cocksock. Between the two of them working in tandem, it wasn’t long at all before the waiter hit his limit; As soon as Rarity felt the man tense, she pushed her student aside to catch their well-earned load in her mouth. Rara looked on in envy, pouting at the way her instructor relished the fruits of their labor. Finally, after a sticky smile, Rarity stood up and silently unlocked the door, beckoning for Rara to follow. They gave their waiter a little wave before slipping out and returning to their table. Rara bit her lip throughout the whole journey, her legs quivering even as she sat down, and it took every bit of restraint she had to keep herself from pawing madly at her cunt. “That… That was incredible! He just used us, not a care in the world about us getting off,” trilled Rara. “I don’t even know his name! And in a dirty restroom, no less… I feel like such a nasty whore. And this sort of thing happens to you every day?” Rarity nodded, but did not verbally respond, which Rara found a bit odd. Before she could press her mentor, the waiter returned with the check, as well as the cake the pair had ordered. He couldn’t look either woman in the eye, and quickly set both down on the table before scampering away. The cake looked beautiful, rich and luxurious, and Rara picked up a spoon to taste it when Rarity intervened; The Equestria took hold of the plate, hovered her face over the dessert, and opened her mouth to release the mouthful of cum she had been holding onto. A deluge of spunk and saliva cascaded down onto the confection, and the sticky, stringy, off-white goo pooled around the base of the cake, mingling with the raspberry sauce to create a sweet treat much more befitting of a Rarity. “Lesson number five,” said Rarity, grabbing up her own spoon. She took a scoop of the cake, sopped up a bit of extra cum, and took a dainty bite. “There is nothing on the planet, be it filet mignon or caviar or anything in between, that is tastier than a mouthful of cum. Enjoy your treat , and lick the plate clean. You’ve earned it, you eager little slut.” Rara’s heart skipped a beat, and she began to wonder if she might be falling in love with herself. She reasoned that she probably wasn’t, though she was incredibly aroused by the presence of what she had determined to be her ideal self, and so she did exactly as that ideal had instructed. The chocolate was certainly yummy, but, unsurprisingly by now, Rarity was right; The cum was truly the highlight of the dish. It wasn’t long before the Rarity’s had gotten the cake out of the picture and went on to lick the dish clean, like a pair of starved dogs. “Absolutely delicious,” said Rara, licking the last remnants of splooge from her lips. “I need more… God, I’m so fucking horny…” “Come along, darling. Let’s fetch some supplies,” said Rarity with a grin. “We need to get you nice and ready before we ruin you again.” Rara paced the length of the hotel room like a caged animal, all but pawing at the dirt in her anxiety. This was it, there was no turning back after tonight. In just a few short moments, her life was going to be irreversibly changed, and the very idea filled her belly with butterflies. Rarity assured her that this was normal, and that she had felt very similar during her own Awakening, which gave Rara some small comfort. Though she had only known her older, wiser counterpart for such a short period of time, Rara found herself idolizing Rarity, for having the courage to reach out and grab the life she desired, judgement be damned. Rara had only hoped to one day be so brave. Now, by the strange hands of fate, she'd be able to. "I remember my first train," sighed Rarity wistfully, laying out the various lines, towels and rubbers that they'd need for the night (though, admittedly, the condoms were primarily for show). "Goddess, I was so sore the next morning. I still think about it sometimes, such a cherished memory." "So, when they get here, what should I do?" asked Rara nervously. “Should I offer a drink? What should I say? Should I—” Rarity grabbed her counterpart by the throat, stealing away the rest of Rara’s anxious ramblings into a breathy wheeze. Before Rara could respond, she felt a pair of flush, pillowy lips against her own, and a dextrous, experienced tongue invading her mouth. Rarity didn’t so much kiss her alternate self as she did impose her will forth using little more than a powerful tongue and a strong grip. Rarity choked Rara as they kissed, even retaining her grip on the younger woman’s neck when they broke apart. Rara croaked out a moan, and her eyes went up with panic when Rarity grabbed her neck with both hands. Her porcelain face tinged pink, then red, and began turning purplish-blue before Rarity finally released her grip. As soon as her hands were free from Rara’s neck, Rarity jerked her knee up and in between Rara’s legs, smashing into her cunt and bringing the girl to her knees. “F-fuck…” coughed Rara, doubled over in pain. Even as she struggled to choke down a breath, her pussy was a river between her thighs, and Rara threatened to cum right there on the floor. “I want you… to fuck me… to death…” “That. You should say that,” said Rarity with a grin. There was a knock at the door, which perked both Rarity’s right up. “Off of the floor. Our first guest has arrived.” Rara shakily stood up, and strolled across the hotel room to answer the door alongside her fuck toy instructor. Though they reached the door together, it was Rarity who claimed the honour of opening it, and the pair of bimbos were greeted by a very surprising sight. “Oh. You’re both here?” asked Sunset Shimmer, clearly only expecting her Rarity to be present. “Um… Which one of you did I match with?” “Me, I’m your Rarity,” said Rara. She tilted her head in confusion. “So… You’re DeepDickDemon?” “I wanted it to be a surprise when you saw me. Speaking of surprising…” Sunset turned her attention to Rarity. “You’re the other Rarity, then?” “Yes, ma’am. Pleasure to meet you.” Rarity smiled, hesitating slightly when Sunset offered a handshake. “Um… Are you certain, ma’am? I don’t know how much Goddess has told you about me, but most people don’t shake my hand these days.” “Oh, yeah. Fair enough.” Instead of shaking Rarity’s hand, Sunset grabbed a great big handful of her fit, milky tits. “Is that better?” Rarity nodded, and Sunset let out a satisfied little hum, kneading Rarity’s breast casually for a bit before stopping to remove her leather jacket and toss it to the side. “So… Are you both DTF or is it just mine?” “Well, my cunt is currently locked away, but my mouth is always available,” said Rarity. “Even still, the focus is on our friend Rara over here. She thinks she wants to be like me, and I wanted to have her experience a rough fucking. Just so she can get a taste before she commits to the real thing.” “Cool. I’m gonna assume that everything you said in your account was legit? Total sub, no limits, extra rough?” asked Sunset. Rara nodded, which seemed good enough for Sunset. “Your funeral.” “God, I hope so…” peeped Rara. “So, full disclosure, I haven’t gotten laid in weeks, so I’m a little cranky. I’m probably gonna say some mean shit that I don’t really mean. We can hug it out in the morning, alright?” When Rara simply nodded, Sunset began unbuckling her belt, a sight that sent the sluts hearts a flutter. “You ready or…?” “Sunset, I say this with absolutely no exaggeration,” said Rara. “I need you to fuck me more than I need to breathe right now.” “Good.” Sunset didn’t say much more before strutting forward to grab Rara by the collar, all but dragging her to bed. She threw Rara forward, and the whore-in-training fell forward onto her belly. Apparently, this was not to Sunset’s liking, because she quickly and aggressively flipped Rara onto her back before grabbing the front of her dress and yanking it down. Rara froze in fear at the aggression, her heart thumping so loudly that the sound drowned out the sound of her dress tearing by Sunset’s hand. “I want to see your tits,” said Sunset plainly. She grabbed Rara’s petite breasts much more roughly than she groped Rarity, sinking her nails into the soft, delicate skin. “Shame you’re so flat. Kinda prefer big ones.” “You know, if you were to own Rara the way Goddess Twilight owns me, you could just make her get implants,” suggested Rarity. She strolled around the pair and sat on the bed beside her counterpart, looking on with a bit of envy at the way she was being manhandled by the fiery Sunset. “Goddess Twilight has considered making my udders even fatter, but she hasn’t decided on a size yet. Last I heard, she was saying beach ball sized…” “D-don’t you think it’s a little early for that kind of talk?” asked Rara nervously. Even as she spoke, Sunset let her jeans drop and she fished her cock from the depths of her panties; Perhaps due to her equine nature, Sunset was incredibly well-endowed, easily packing a tool twice the size of their waiter from earlier in the day. Rara’s eyes went wide, and her heart stopped when she considered that such a thing was due to be inside of her soon. “Sweet Mary, mother of Jesus, you’re big… Erm, I haven’t even decided if I actually want to be owned yet, or if I would want to be owned by Sunset.” “Standing right here,” grunted Sunset. “Oh, no, I didn’t mean anything by it! Just, you know, since we’re friends. I’d hate to make it weird for you, I just—Ah!” Sunset evidently didn’t care to hear the rest of Rara’s sentence, because she chose that moment to slide half of her length into Rara’s desperate little pussy. She clawed at Rara’s meager tits as she pounded her pussy, leaving lines of angry red in the pasty flesh. Rara wailed, the pain and pleasure almost blinding in its intensity. Rarity smiled as she watched, incredibly proud of her student. The moans, the pants, the way Rara’s legs went up and spread to allow her cunt to be fucked even deeper, it all proved what Rarity already knew; Rara was shaping into an excellent fuckdoll. “Oh, just who do you think you’re fooling, darling? Of course you want this. I’ve hardly had to convince you to go along with anything,” said Rarity. “You were made to be owned. You’re a toy that needs to be played with. A thing that needs to be used. And now you have a beautiful, powerful, slightly unhinged woman pummeling your guts, and you expect me to believe you don’t want this?” Rarity looked up at Sunset’s cocked brow, and quickly bared her tits to the superior woman. “No offense intended, Ms. Sunset. I happen to find ‘slightly unhinged’ to be incredibly sexy.” “Don’t worry about it. If you’re going to be Celestia’s student, you kinda have to be at least a little fucked in the head,” admitted Sunset. “And, not gonna lie, your pussy is pretty nice. Wouldn’t mind having you around to fuck whenever I feel like it.” “See? She’s willing to own you, too! You can’t let this opportunity pass you by, you have to grab it!” cheered Rarity. Sunset burrowed down, slamming her hips against Rara’s thighs hard enough to create a rhythmic slapping that echoed throughout the room. “She’s the perfect fit for you. Don’t think about it, don’t think about anything except how good it feels. How much she’s hurting you. How hard your pussy gushed at the idea of her fattening your worthless tits. How bad you want her to—” “Breed me! Use me like a toy!” squealed Rara, her eyes rolling back in her head. She shrieked in delight as she came, her legs coming in tight to scissor around Sunset, who didn’t slow her assault in the slightest. “Rape me, break me, make me your fucking bitch!” “Aw. They grow up so fast…” “Hey, could you, like, shut up and eat my ass?” said Sunset, though her tone didn’t allow for it to sound like much of a request. “You want me to make her my personal fucksleeve? Help her empty my nuts and then we’ll talk.” “If I wasn’t already claimed by the greatest mare to ever live, I think I might’ve just proposed to you,” said Rarity, licking her lips. She slid in close behind Sunset and gently laid her hands upon Sunset's toned, yet cush, cheeks. With a greedy little grin, Rarity dove into Sunset's ass, burying her tongue into her tight ass. She stayed burrowed between Sunset's glutes, holding on tight while the raging demon plowed the quivering slab of pussy in front of her. Meanwhile, Rara was beside herself, unable to even choke out a moan for the force of her seemingly endless orgasm. With each deep thrust of Sunset’s fat meat, Rara could feel her climax slam into her, again and again for what felt like hours. Her legs, formerly squeezing tightly around Sunset’s core, went weak and limp down the side of the bed. She tried to reach up, to push Sunset away and give herself a reprise, but her arms refused her command. She just lay there, unflinching, nonresistant, unmoving save for the occasional twitch and jump of her thighs. If Rara was still breathing, she did not know how; If she was dead, she knew this must be heaven. And as she lay there, taking her breeding like a good hole, Rara could only muster one thought, like a light flashing in her mind. This is all a cunt like me is good for. Sunset let out a groan of delight as she buried herself in Rara’s abused cunt, her cock swelling as she spewed cum into Rara’s eager womb. Rarity relished in the feeling of Sunset’s hole constricting around her tongue in time with her sprays of sticky seed, and she finally pulled her face from her slightly stuffy little hideaway. Rarity licked her lips, savoring the taste of Sunset’s ass before standing up and taking a seat besides her counterpart on the bed. She laced their fingers together and patted Rara gently on the chest, though the Mirror Rarity couldn’t even muster the energy to turn her head and look at her teacher. “How was it?” asked Rarity, mostly rhetorically. “Sho… Sho good…” slurred Rara. “Want more… Fuck meeee…” “Alright, that was pretty cool,” said Sunset with a grin. “Let’s maybe wait til morning to notarize the paperwork, but as far as owning you and fucking you as hard as I want, whenever I feel like it? I’m in.” “I think I’m in love with your cock…” “I’m gonna grab a drink, maybe take a quick shower. Don’t go anywhere,” said Sunset, finally pulling her bitchbreaker of a cock free from Rara’s pummeled tunnel. She tucked herself back in her jeans and sort of drifted towards the minibar. “If the other guys get here, let em fuck you. I like sloppy seconds.” “Well, congratulations, darling,” said Rarity with a smile. “You found yourself an owner. My work here is done.” “W-wait!” Rara grabbed Rarity by the hand with what felt like the last of her strength, and it was moreso the symbol of the gesture that stopped Rarity from rising, not so much the actual force behind it. “Tell me… What do I do next?” “Where you go from here is up to you. If you wish to keep things simple and casual, just a free use relationship exclusive to Ms. Sunset, then that is perfectly fine. If you want to go deeper… Well, you’ll know what to do when you get there,” said Rarity. She stood up completely, but not before giving herself one last gentle kiss on the lips. “You don’t need me anymore.” “But… Will I see you again?” “I promise to keep in touch. Perhaps Goddess Twilight would be kind enough to set up a separate journal just for us. As for seeing each other?” Rarity giggled. “Do you really think my Goddess would turn down the chance to prove she can hurt her toy more than your Goddess?” There was a knock on the door, surely the next guest, which said to Rarity that she really ought to leave before she found herself too desperate to join in the fun. She couldn’t, she needed to be on her way home. It was as she said: Her work was done. “Goodbye for now, darling. I wish you the best of luck.” Rarity crossed the room to the door and opened it to find not one, not two, but four men standing in wait. Each of them tall, strong, athletic specimens, the type that could be capable of some serious damage if they weren’t careful. For Rara’s sake, Rarity hoped that they weren’t. “Good evening, gentlemen. I’d love to stay and play, but I’m afraid of got somewhere to be.” Rarity turned and winked to her counterpart, sprawled nude and too exhausted to escape from anyone’s grasp, should she so desire. “Rape her good, boys!” And, with that, Rarity departed from the hotel, happy in the knowledge that, thanks to her help, there was one more living fleshlight in the world. > Friendly Competition > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Goddess?” asked Rarity, her nude body kneeling before the grand doors of Canterlot castle. Behind her, she could hear the restless pacing of her mistress, the anxious display filling Rarity with no small amount of dread. “Though I would never doubt you, I just can’t help but wonder… Are you nervous right now? You seem, forgive my blasphemy, a bit afraid” The pacing stopped, replaced by the slowly growing sound of the Goddess’ footsteps. Rarity braced herself, preparing for the inevitable strike, but it never came. Instead, the leash connected to the collar around Rarity’s neck floated into the Goddess’ hand, who firmly pulled her property to her feet. “Objectively, and with no disrespect intended to her, I could make Celestia my bitch if I felt like it,” said Twilight plainly. “She intimidates me as much as an ant intimidates a boot. That said… I have a great deal of love and respect for the Princess. Unlike your life, her opinion of me matters to me. A lot. So yes, I am a bit tense, but afraid? Only an empty-brained cockpuppet like you would ever be stupid enough to even think something like that, never mind say it out loud. I am a God, plain and simple. There is nothing for me to fear.” “Of course, Goddess. You are almighty, of course.” Rarity bowed her head, surprised and a bit disappointed that her owner had decided to keep her abuse purely verbal thus far. “I did not mean to imply anything to the contrary.” “Hmph. If your plan is to embarrass me in front of Celestia, I would urge you to reconsider. You won’t like what I do to you.” “N-no, Goddess Twilight. Never. Please, forgive me, I—” “Quiet. She’s coming.” Sure enough, Rarity could hear the approaching footsteps on the other side of the door. Rarity only had the time to stand up straight and look straight ahead before the doors swung open, and in the doorway stood the Princess of Equestria herself. Celestia was a slender specimen, her moderate proportions betrayed only by her notable height; The Solar Princess stood a bit taller than even Goddess Twilight. Princess Celestia smiled to her student, a smile that the younger princess returned in kind. "Oh, so you do remember where I live, then?" remarked Princess Celestia, an unmistakable levity in her somewhat stern words. "Then I suppose you must have some other excuse as to why you haven't been visiting me?" "You know, I keep meaning to. Somehow, some new world-threatening monster always seems to pop up right before I buy my ticket." Twilight laughed and brought her arms up to hug her mentor. "It's good to see you, Celestia." "And you, my dear. It's been too long." Celestia glanced in Rarity's direction, and her smile shifted. "I see you brought it along with you, after all." "Who am I to deny a request from the Princess of all of Equestria?" Twilight pulled on Rarity's leash, bringing the whore stumbling forward. "I'll admit, I didn't expect you to want to use her. My understanding is that these kinds of things never really appealed to you." "They do not. I prefer a more… observatory role. Either way, that's not all I've called you here for," said Celestia, turning to re-enter her throne room. "I've actually called you here to help settle a wager I had with my sister." “A bet with Luna?” mused Twilight. “This oughta be good. Lead the way.” Celestia laughed her airy, elegant laugh as she turned back to enter the throne room. Twilight strode forward, dragging Rarity behind her. She stumbled forth, her naked body nearly going ass over tea kettle from the force with which her Goddess pulled her along. To her surprise, and Rarity suspected much to her Goddess’ as well, they were not alone when they entered; Luna’s presence, seated at her luxurious onyx throne, was perhaps to be expected, though that was the least of the pair’s concerns. “Well, well, well! Look who finally decided to join us!” cackled Trixie, striking a pose not dissimilar to a supervillain preparing to square off with their nemesis. Rarity was supremely unhappy to see her owner’s rival, but she knew better than to make that feeling known. Instead, she simply seethed beside her Goddess, watching the scene unfold before her. “Princess Twilight Snarkle, a pleasure as always.” “Oh, Celestia, I see you’ve decided to hire a new court jester. I thought Canterlot did away with that tradition ages ago,” remarked Twilight, barely sparing Trixie even a sideways glance. She did, however, look up to Princess Luna, and gave the Mistress of the Night a polite nod. “Hello, Princess. Nice to see you.” “We are quite pleased to see you, Ourself,” said Luna. “Though I do hope you can keep from butting heads with my student for the time being.” “Student? You mean you accepted Trixie as your protege?” Twilight turned to her rival, the lesser mage, and smirked. “Well, congratulations on finally learning some magic, Trixie. It only took you, what, twelve years?” “Oh, I’ve been practicing magic all this time, Snarkle,” shot Trixie. “In fact, I’m surely your equal by now. You may have noticed Trixie’s growth, if your head wasn’t lodged so far up your—” “In any case, you were not summoned here to determine which of you is the better mage.” Ever the peacekeeper, Princess Celestia intervened before the two went for each other’s throats. Rarity quietly wished that Celestia would have let it play out, if for no other reason than to see her Goddess, the greatest woman to ever draw breath, wipe the floor with the narcissistic stage magician. “This isn’t about magic, per say. It’s about your… shared hobby, shall we say." "Oh, don't tell me you have one, too?" complained Twilight, shaking Rarity's leash. "Could you copy my style any harder, Trixie?" "Ha! Trixie? Copy you? That's a good one, Snarkle!" laughed Trixie. "You didn't invent slavery, you idiot!” “Grr…” Rarity very nearly spoke out to defend her Goddess’ honor, if not for a subtle wave of Twilight’s magic shutting her mouth for her. “Hmph…” “In any case, we were curious about how the pair of you handle your servants,” said Celestia, as if nothing strange was occurring at all. “My presumption is that Twilight is a bit harsher—” “While I know it to be true that Miss Lulamoon is the crueler owner,” chimed Luna. “And thus, our wager. We have invited you here to demonstrate the depths of your cruel depravity. Whomever displays more intense and creative domination over their property wins.” Celestia reclaimed her throne besides her sister. “I would offer a prize, but I imagine the knowledge that you are undisputedly superior and dominant to your rival is reward enough?” “Consider your little wager settled, your highness,” said Trixie, wearing a devious grin. “Watch as I make Snarkle’s hold on her slave look like a babysitting service! Oi, sissy slave! Present yourself to your mistress!” The doors to the throne room opened once more, and slowly, in strode a very effeminate figure, balancing three books atop their head. They wore a frilly, pink maid’s dress, the hem of which came to a stop barely halfway down the length of their thick, smooth amber thighs. Their full, scarlet-painted lips were curled into an uneasy smile as they clumsily strutted forward in four-inch crimson heels, coming to a stop beside Trixie. It took a moment of examination, but Rarity soon realized who she was looking it. The smattering of freckles and the dull turquoise hair (though quite a bit longer than she recalled, and done up into a quite adorable pair of pigtails) were the dead giveaways. “Really, Trixie? Snails?” remarked Twilight. “To think you’d resort to robbing the cradle like that. You’re 32, and he must be what? 19?” “20, actually,” chimed Trixie’s pet. “And, um, if you don’t mind… I go by Glitter Shell now. Mistress chose it for me, isn’t it pretty?” “Very pretty,” said Rarity with a smile. She extended her hand. “Hello, Glitter. I’m sure you remember me? I suppose we’re to be helping our owners compete today?” “Hope you don’t mind.” Glitter accepted Rarity’s hand and shook. “Sounds like it’ll be fun!” “Oh, loads of fun.” Rarity grinned. “If you enjoy losing, of course.” "Now, Princess, you are aware that the way I use my slave is a bit, eh…" Twilight shrugged. "Messy. I'd hate to leave your throne room looking like a seedy brothel." "We pay our cleaning staff handsomely to maintain a room that most people are too afraid to dirty in the first place," said Celestia with a smirk. "Let them earn their check, for once." "Your words, Princess, not mine." "Are we done with the excuses? I say you should just go ahead and award me the winner, anyway!" declared Trixie, once again drawing all eyes onto her. She gestured to Glitter, still standing by her mistress' side and balancing her books on her head. "Look at this balance! This discipline! Such things are only possible due to strict training from yours truly, clearly more strict than whatever Snarkle does to her pet." "Congratulations, Trixie, you put books on his head," droned Twilight. "Her head. And it's not just that. Observe!" Trixie clapped twice, and Glitter immediately stood up a bit straighter. "Glitter, dance for your Mistress." "Yes, Miss Trixie," said Glitter. She perked up and boosted herself up onto the toes of just one foot, like a ballerina, and gracefully began to twirl and sway to a tune that only she knew. Even with her increasingly energetic and flowing movements, the books remained atop her head, which was especially impressive when Glitter leapt into the air and spun, landing elegantly back down on the ground with her books still intact. "Impressive, no?" said Trixie to the modest applause of the princesses. "I'll take my trophy now, if you don't mind terribly." "What, you don't think I taught this jizzsock a few tricks? Please, don't make me laugh," scoffed Twilight, rolling her eyes. "Cunt! Sit!" "Yes, Goddess!" Rarity immediately did as she was told, dropping down onto her generously cushioned bottom. "Roll over." Twilight smirked as Rarity instantly obeyed her commands with zero thought or hesitation. "Beg." When Rarity was finished rolling and wallowing in the ground, she resumed her sitting position with her hands folded in prayer, and her mouth hanging open like a panting dog. "Speak." "Goddess Twilight is the most cruel, beautiful, terrifying, wonderful woman in the world! I'm unworthy to lick the bottoms of her shoes!" proclaimed Rarity. She glanced sideways and caught a glimpse of Trixie's irate expression, so she continued on. "She's certainly more great and powerful than any stage magician…" "See how she does what I say, no matter how humiliating?" said Twilight with a smirk. “I’d tell you all the terrible things I’ve done to her to make her so obedient, but I’m afraid the Princess has only cleared the one afternoon.” “If this continues to amuse, I’d be tempted to clear the whole weekend,” remarked Celestia. “Indeed. The animal behavior is especially impressive,” said Luna. “And she didn’t even hesitate to perform in front of us. Most impressive, indeed.” “No performance here, Princess. She’s just that badly ruined,” said Twilight. “I put in a lot of work to teach her how to behave, and then I beat her no matter if she does well or not! It’s the perfect system!” “I always long for my Godess’ beatings!” chimed Rarity. “Sometimes, if Goddess Twilight is too busy and can’t hit me that day, I have trouble getting to sleep. I just need to—” Rarity let out a winded squeal as Twilight swung her leg harshly into Rarity’s cunt, brutally unleashing the full force of her latent earth pony strength against the poor whore’s pussy. She doubled over in pain, nearly crying from the impact, and Twilight grinned at the way Rarity quivered and shuddered. She planted her foot firmly against her toy’s head, pressing her face firmly against the tile. “What do you say to that, cunt?” said Twilight, smirking at Trixie’s unenthused little frown. “Th-thank you,” whimpered Rarity. “For punishing my worthless flesh…” “Good bitch, but I didn’t mean you.” “Oh, so that’s all? Just hit your thing enough and that makes you the better owner?” remarked Trixie. She grabbed Glitter by the hair and yanked firmly, sending her tumbling to the ground with a sick thud. Trixie used her magic to grab Glitter Shell by her ankles and raise them up and apart, causing her skirt to drop and reveal her tiny steel chastity cage. With nary a moment of hesitation, Trixie brought her foot down between Glitter’s spread legs once, twice, three times before releasing her magical grip on her plaything. “See? Anyone can do that, Snarkle. Be more creative, like this! Glitter, what’s the score?” “Oh my gosh… Oh geez…” Glitter slowly sat herself up, clutching her throbbing, trampled, caged package. “That was three, so… 1,134 stomps to my caged sissy clit this month. 512 of them were to punish me for mistakes I made. The other 622 were just for fun…” “Over 1,100 in a month?” said Celestia. “Isn’t it only the 8th?” “Had I known you were so easily impressed, I wouldn't have tried so hard when I was your student, Princess," remarked Twilight, rolling her eyes. "Hm… Actually, I probably would. The idea of being just barely passable, like Trixie, sickens me." "You talk too much, Snarkle," complained Trixie. This drew the attention of everyone in the room, including Glitter and Luna (who were ostensibly on Trixie's side in this conflict). "I talk too much?" “It’s true! You talk too much! Oh, look at me! The Princess’ best student! Equestria’s favorite daughter! God’s most special little angel!” Trixie pointed to her gullet and faux-wretched, like an overly dramatic middle schooler. “Why don’t you actually back up some of that big, dom, mistress talk of yours? Because, from where I’m standing, it seems like you’re all show, no go! Even when you’re the one to set the goalpost, Trixie gets a slamdunk!” “Those are two different sports,” sighed Twilight. “But fine. I was trying to be polite for the benefit of the princesses, but since I evidently talk too much… Cunt!” “Yes, Mistress!” Rarity scrambled before her owner, prostrating at her feet in a display of worship and submission. “How may I serve you?” “I want you unconscious, as quickly as you can manage.” Twilight snapped her fingers and, in a flash of light, her trousers vanished to reveal her fat, powerful cock. “Choke on it.” “Did you want me to actually black out with your cock in my throat?” asked Rarity, tilting her head curiously. “Or were you speaking more metaphorically?” “I don’t like repeating myself, jizz-for-brains.” “Of course not, my Goddess. One unconscious cock sock, coming up!” Rarity pushed herself upright on her knees, then took in a deep breath. She held in that breath for a while, until her cheeks were flushed red and she was feeling quite a bit lightheaded, at which point she snapped down at the waist and smashed her face against the polished marble floor. Rarity jerked herself up after the impact and, without giving herself even a moment to inhale, she forced her Godess’ thick, meaty, delicious cock to the back of her greedy throat. Twilight was very pleased by this sensation, and she grabbed Rarity by the hair and pulled her closer until the cunt’s dainty little nose was pressed to The Godess’ pelvis, and Twilight’s flare was properly ensconced by the twitching, convulsing, quaking tunnel that was Rarity’s throat. “There’s a good bitch. I love watching you give yourself brain damage for me,” said Twilight with a little giggle, watching with a grin as Rarity’s face shifted in shade from bright red to an unsightly blue. Her hacking and choking began to slow, and the light behind the whore’s eyes began to fade, which said to Twilight that Rarity was succeeding at her given task. “Just keep it together, understand? If you puke on Celestia’s floor, they’re going to ship you home in a box.” Rarity couldn’t respond, due to her mouthful of dick and probable concussion, but that didn’t matter. She understood the command, and if Rarity was good at anything, it was following orders. With the last of her strength, Rarity grabbed Twilight around the waist and pulled herself in even closer, swallowing down more of Twilight’s cock than she had in a long time. Her vision doubled, and the room spun around her as she choked on her sole reason for living. The last thing Rarity heard was the sound of her own blood rushing in her head before she passed out, her limp, unresponsive body sliding to the floor with a thud. Thick strings of precum and throat slime connected her face to her Mistress’ bitchbreaker, and if not for her breath visibly moving those strings, Twilight would have been prepared to dig through her library to brush up on her necromancy. Thankfully, it didn’t come to that this time. “Is she going to be okay?” asked Celestia, grinning openly at the show. A quick glance in her sister’s direction showed that the Matron of the Night was enjoying the display just as much. “That seemed to be quite the impact.” “She’ll be fine. I do worse to her all the time,” said Twilight with a shrug. “I typically rape her once or twice before she comes to, but in the interest of time…” Twilight snapped her fingers and used her shimmering purple aura to grab Rarity around her empty little head. There was a high-pitched noise, like nails against chalkboard, followed swiftly by a scream from Rarity, who was jolted awake by her mistress’ magical intervention. Rarity clutched her head, curled over herself and panting down choking, labored breaths. It was Glitter who stooped down to join Rarity, offering her rather scrawny little arm to help Rarity to her feet. “That was pretty impressive, Rarity!” said Glitter with a bright little smile. Though a bit dazed and discombobulated, Rarity was conscious enough by then to return Glitter’s smile. “Miss Trixie is really gonna have to give it to me if she wants to top that.” “Glitter! Did I say you could leave my side?” snarled Trixie. She angrily clapped her hands, and Glitter immediately scampered over to her mistress’ side. She grabbed a healthy handful of Glitter’s hair and tugged, her fiery annoyance nearly enough to catch flame. “Remember who you belong to, or I swear to God I will castrate you right in front of Princess Celestia.” “Y-Yes, Mistress! I’m sorry, I’ll be a better cockhole, I promise!” Rarity couldn’t help but notice that, despite her desperate pleading, Glitter visibly shuddered at the idea of Trixie’s threat. Perhaps to distract from this, Glitter bent forward at the waist, flaring her skirt up to offer her tight, petite little ass to her owner. “P-please, abuse my pussy, Miss Trixie. Hurt me for forgetting my place.” “Hmph. Perhaps a hot load will teach you behave.” Trixie pulled off her skirt in one fluid, dramatic motion and dropped it to the floor. Her concealment charm, surely the same that Goddess Twilight used to keep herself in her clothes, broke upon the skirt’s removal, and Trixie’s impressive cock was allowed to swing freely. As she guided her fat slab of meat to Glitter’s eager hole, a little snort from Rarity distracted her. “Is something funny, Tits McGee?” “Not funny, no. Just an observation,” said Rarity with a smirk. She glanced back to her owner, her God, particularly the fat, veiny cock that she owed her very life to, and bit her lip. “It’s just that Goddess is bigger.” “It’s not just about size, you dumb skank. You also need to know what to do with it. Observe.” Without any further warning, Trixie buried nearly every inch of her formidable equipment into Glitter, who let out a shrill little squeal in surprise. She nearly jumped off of Trixie’s cock, her little legs kicking out underneath her as she was savagely spread by a dick that was frankly too big for any reasonable person to take. “It’s about using every inch to own your property’s mind, body, and soul. Right, Glitter?” “I belong to Miss Trixie’s cock!” squealed Glitter. “My holes are for her pleasure!” “And now we’re just right back to fucking our sex slaves. How does this prove anything?” said Twilight, rolling her eyes. She glanced at Trixie, who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying herself, and shrugged. “Well, if she’s getting a piece, I may as well, too. Get over here, cunt.” “Yes, Goddess, right away!” Rarity took two steps towards her Goddess and stopped, a lightbulb going off in her head. Twilight could see the revelation strike her, but didn’t say anything about it. Instead, she waited for Rarity to approach, and she leaned in to her the cunt excitedly whisper. “Goddess, I had an idea! I know how we can win!” “You know something that I don’t?” asked Twilight, though her question was less threatening than it perhaps sounded. “What am I missing?” “We’re trying to determine which of you is the most cruel, but this whole time, Glitter and I have been having the time of our lives,” said Rarity. “The only way for either side to get any headway in this contest is for one of us to be made unhappy.” “But how am I supposed to do that? I’ve conditioned you so well, you get off to anything I do to you, you freak.” “Of course. But I didn't mean me, I meant making Glitter unhappy. If we can prove there’s a line for Trixie that she won’t cross… Do you trust me?” asked Rarity. Twilight gently laid her hand against Rarity’s face, slowly drifting down until she was within reach to firmly grip Rarity around the throat. “If your little plan doesn't work, I will sew your cunt shut and fuck your sister in front of you every night for the rest of your worthless, pathetic life.” Twilight smiled and, almost sweetly, spat onto Rarity’s face. “So I suppose that’s trust, of sorts.” "I won't disappoint you." "Working out the conditions of your forfeit?" said Trixie. "Or does Glitter's poor hole need to suffer more before you're convinced?” “I do admit, I’m very impressed by you,” said Rarity, slinking forward to her opponents. She stooped down next to Glitter, brushing some of her minty hair out of her face with a tender hand. “Though Miss Trixie isn’t quite as big as my Goddess, she’s still quite a bit bigger than average. And she’s really giving it to you, you must feel so full.” “Miss Trixie’s cock… feels so good!” grunted Glitter, her tongue hanging lewdly from her mouth. “So close…” “Indeed, you’re quite the slave, Mr. Snails.” Rarity flashed a smile and gave a little nod. “You make for an excellent fuckhole, for a boy.” Before she had the chance to take it back, or even be corrected by Glitter, Rarity felt a strong hand around her throat. Her initial instinct was to panic, but, after a second to compose herself, Rarity was able to look up into Trixie’s fiery eyes. Fury was her dominant expression, strong enough to make a mare buckle with just a passing glance, and more than enough to make Rarity reconsider her actions. That is, if this wasn’t exactly what Rarity had hoped to happen. “With Celestia as my witness,” snarled Trixie, her voice dropping with venom. “Her name is Glitter, and if you deadname her again, you’ll need to find a way to suck cock with a wired jaw.” “Oh. My mistake, Ms. Trixie, must have slipped my mind,” said Rarity, barely containing her smirk. “Honestly, I’m surprised you care so much. Given that you’re such a cruel and harsh mistress, and all.” Trixie’s face fell because, in that one moment, with her hand around the whore’s throat, Trixie realized that she had lost. “Well, well, well, would you look at that?” Twilight chuckled as she went out to join the three. She pulled Rarity from Trixie’s grasp and bent her over at the waist before forcing herself into her faithful cocksleeve. Rarity barely had time to moan before her Goddess was raping her holes, matching Trixie’s earlier speed and intensity. “It seems like you care about your slave quite a bit, if you’re so upset about my idiot cumhole misgendering her. Oh, and Glitter? Apologies about that. I’ll make sure she never does it again.” “It’s nothing, Miss Twilight. I don’t mind all that much.” Glitter looked up at her mistress with pleading in her eyes, as if begging Trixie to let it slide and stay in the game. “I’m a girl, but you can call me a boy. It’s ok, honest.” “Grr… No it’s not!” Trixie snapped. “You’re a girl. My girl. And if I have to call you something else just to prove that I’m better than Sparkle… Then it isn’t worth it.” “Is that a forfeit I hear?” said Celestia with a smirk. Luna rolled her eyes before bowing her head. “It seems that way, sister,” said Luna. “Although, speaking honestly, I would not have expected for our little contest to end up this way.” “Me neither. Of course, I always presumed I would be deemed harsher than Trixie, because I genuinely could not care less about this thing,” said Twilight, gesturing vaguely in Rarity’s direction. “But… I’m impressed, Trixie. You shelved your ego for someone you care about, and you would rather lose to me than hurt them. That couldn’t have been easy. That’s surprisingly noble of you.” “Do not patronize me, Sparkle,” grumbled Trixie. Even as she spoke, Glitter began wiggling her hips back, making it very difficult for Trixie to maintain her grumpy little facade. “Hngh… I’m trying to have a conversation, slut.” “Sorry, Mistress…” said Glitter. “It’s just that you feel so good in my pussy… I need more!” “I’m not being patronizing. I meant what I said. You know, Trixie, I don’t really know why we historically dislike each other. Sure, you may be a hothead with a big mouth, but I’ve dealt with worse. And today, you’ve definitely earned my respect.” With one hand holding Rarity by the tail to create a handle by which Twilight could continue pummeling her cunt, The Goddess offered her other hand to her opponent, her rival, and perhaps even her friend. “Why don’t we head back to my place after this, crack open some wine, and pass our fleshlights around?” “Hm… I suppose Trixie could picture worse company. Though, honestly? Wine? For an orgy?” Trixie rolled her eyes. “A bit tame, don’t you think?” “Fine. I’ll bring whiskey, you bring tequila.” “Now you’re talking.” Trixie shook her opponents hand and, almost as if they had agreed on it before hand, both owners took that opportunity to properly pound their property. Glitter moaned and squealed, reaching forward out of some instinct and nearly falling over. Luckily, Rarity was able to reach up and grab her, supporting her fellow servant as they both had conscious thought completely reamed out of their brains. The two laced their fingers together, holding hands before diving forward to deeply kiss. Between the tongue in her mouth and the cock in her ass, Glitter could feel herself straining against her cage, and it only took a few more strokes to have her caged clit twitching and dribbling out cum. Next came the masters, with Trixie unloading buckets into her slave just a split second before Twilight did the same. Waves of hot mare jizz flooded each slave, filling them both to the brink. Twilight sighed a contented little sigh before dropping Rarity onto a sticky pile on the floor, very surprised to see that Trixie was still going. Glitter’s flat, smooth belly began to balloon with cum, giving her a nice little pudge befre Trixie finally released her. Glitter fell with a bit more grace, landing gently on Rarity without spilling more than a drop of her mistress’ seed. “Huh. You keep impressing me, Trixie. That was a lot. Hope you still have more in you for our little party at my place. Speaking of which, Princess, I—” Twilight turned to acknowledge her mentor, initially surprised, but then rather amused, when she realized that Celestia had stopped listening in favor of rubbing her cunt through her silk dress. “Well, I think we’ll leave you be, Celestia, Luna. I know you two prefer just watching, but if you want to have a turn… Well, you know where I live.” Twilight waved goodbye before grabbing Rarity by the hair and pulling her across the floor like a sack of potatoes. Trixie simply clapped twice, and Glitter was on her feet and hurrying to join the mistresses as they departed. She walked with a bit of a limp, and a bit slowly to avoid leaking out a trail of cum behind her, but she smiled with complete and utter contentment. Rarity smiled in her own right before turning her head slightly to address Glitter. “I hope there’s no hard feelings about what I said, Glitter?” said Rarity. “I didn’t mean to actually upset you.” “Nah, it’s ok. Like I said, I don’t really get bothered by that kind of thing anymore. I am what I am, and as long as Ms. Trixie is happy with that, then I’m happy, too,” said Glitter. “My mistress really loves me, even if she won’t say it. Is Miss Twilight like that, too?” Rarity tapped her chin thoughtfully, ruminating over the question. Did Twilight really, truly love and care for her? Was her Goddess persona simply a facade, to facilitate kinky fun for both parties? “Why, I certainly hope not!” > The Awakening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the moment she got off the train that evening, Rarity knew it was going to be a long one for her. She had recently begun closing the Boutique on Fridays. To give herself an extra day during the weekend to handle errands and the like to improve her business. Or so she claimed. Truth be told, Rarity's business mostly ran itself these days, and aside from a few order forms and the similar, Rarity very rarely had any additional administrative tasks to worry about. That isn't to say that these additional Fridays off have gone to waste. Quite the contrary, Rarity made great use of the extra day, not to work on her business, but to work on herself. "This is absurd." Rarity stared up at the looming castle just ahead, the familiar homestead suddenly quite intimidating now that she had talked herself into this. With a trepidatious little sigh, Rarity lowered the brim of her sunhat and strolled up to Twilight's door, giving it a firm knock, the sound of her knuckles against the oak sending booming echoes throughout the castle. It was a bit late, but Twilight was known for being a bit of a night owl, so Rarity still had hope that Twilight would be awake. Thankfully, it wasn't long before Rarity could hear footsteps approaching, and quickly pulled down on her hat to further hide her face just in time for the door to swing open. "Oh, hey, Rarity." Twilight was clearly confused, though not displeased, to see her friend at her doorstep. "I wasn’t expecting you, especially not at this hour. I thought you were in Manehattan for the weekend." "I… I needed to come home, to handle some things," said Rarity, a bit evasively. "May I come in?" "Of course. Come on in!" Twilight gestured to her home and stepped aside so Rarity could enter, which she promptly did. "I was just in the study, getting some papers ready for Princess Celestia. I just brewed a pot of tea, if you'd like to join me?" "That sounds marvelous, darling. I follow your lead." Rarity followed her dear friend throughout the castle, down the main corridor and to the cozy little study in which Twilight spent much of her time. It was a bit small, as far as rooms in a castle go, with a simple bookshelf against the wall, as well as a a rather spacious desk that was currently laden with a small tea tray. Twilight gestured for the seat opposite of her desk, which Rarity claimed with a quiet utterance of thanks. As she got comfortable, Twilight made her way to her tea tray, pouring out two cups of the hot, steaming brew. "Honey, right?" asked Twilight. "Yes, that sounds lovely." Rarity glanced over her shoulder as Twilight prepared their tea. "Have Spike and Starlight turned in for the night?" "They're not here. Cadence needed their help with something in The Empire, they'll be away until Monday." Twilight turned and offered the tea to Rarity. "Is there something you wanted to… talk about…" Twilight trailed off because, as she was offering Rarity her tea, finally did Rarity remove her hat. Without the brim to hide her features, the damage was now out in the open; a busted lip and a few bruises poorly hidden by makeup. The cherry on top was her eye, horribly blackened and swollen, as if she had just come back from losing an intense boxing match. Twilight nearly dropped the tea, only keeping it from the floor with the help of Rarity, who took the cup and took a gentle sip. "Thank you, dear," said Rarity tiredly. "You have no idea how badly I needed this…" "What in Celestia's name happened to you?" asked Twilight. Rarity just sort of sighed, and Twilight gently grabbed her by the wrist. "Rarity, please. Tell me what happened. Who did this to you?" "It's… It's a bit of a story. One that I can only bring myself to share if you swear to me that you won't tell another soul." "Rarity, if someone hurt you—" "I know, I know. But I want to handle this my own way. And I need your help for that," said Rarity. Twilight cocked her brow in suspicion, a question hanging on her tongue but not yet leaving her lips. Rarity could tell what she was worried about, and quickly amended. "Nothing drastic, darling. I don't need your help ditching a body or anything quite so dramatic. I promise, it'll make sense once I explain, just please. Keep this between you and me." "I… Okay. Okay, I won't tell anyone," said Twilight. "But if you're still in danger…" "I'm not. I promise." Rarity set her tea down and waited. Twilight was clearly conflicted but, after a short second of contemplation, the princess sat behind her desk to offer her ear. "I'm not certain if you've noticed, but I've recently been taking trips to Manehattan over the weekends. I've been saying it's for work, but that was a lie. I've been going to Manehattan for… anonymous meet-ups, if you know what I mean." "You mean like… hooking up? With strangers?" Twilight tilted her head, in confusion. "That sounds… unlike you." "I'm sure someone of your stature can understand what it's like to have needs, but no manner by which to meet them. Don't misunderstand me, I know I have it a bit easier than a princess as far as public image goes, which is why I go to Manehattan. Fewer people are likely to recognize me, or care if they do. So I went this weekend, just as usual. Met a nice gentleman at a bar, and we went back to the hotel I stayed at." Rarity chuckled dryly, gently massaging her bruised eye. "Turns out, he wasn't so nice, after all." "Rarity… I am so sorry," said Twilight, covering her mouth with a palm. "What ha— Sorry, no, that's a terrible question. I don't know what I was thinking to ask you something like that, I'm sorry." "We were kissing in our room. He got handsy, started feeling on me, but I didn't stop him. He asked me to… perform oral services on him," Rarity recounted the harrowing tale in a way that made it abundantly clear that she hadn't stopped thinking about it for a second since it happened. "I told him I wasn't ready, and we kept kissing. A few minutes later, he asked again. And again. And I said no, again and again, until he finally had enough and hit me in the face. He told me to do it if I knew what was good for me, and when I refused again… He punched me, and forced me to the ground. He… made me do it. "When he was finished, I cried. And he hit me to shut me up. He told me he'd hit me again if I didn't stop crying. Then he… we… we had sex. And I kept crying, so he kept hitting me. We must have been at it for hours. The sun was up by the time he finally decided he had enough, and he left. I never even caught his name. And Twilight, please listen clearly to this next bit, because I mean it from the bottom of my heart.” Rarity looked up to meet Twilight’s eyes, a surprising expression in her gaze. It wasn’t pain or fear or shame in that look. If Twilight had to put a word to it, the only word she could manage would be “hunger”. “I have been waiting, wanting, praying to God that something like that would one day happen to me,” said Rarity. “And it was everything I wanted, plus more.” Twilight pressed her lips together, her demeanor shifting somewhat. If she was concerned at first, now, the princess seemed to be uncomfortable more than anything. “That was probably a lot to hear at once. Forgive me, I couldn’t think of a gentler way to put this into words.” “Rarity,” said Twilight finally. “You were assaulted.” “Debatable.” “No, not debatable. A man forced you to participate in a sexual act under the threat of physical violence. That is almost the dictionary definition of the word.” Twilight stood up, and restlessly paced behind her desk. She was on edge, clearly, not that Rarity could blame her. “You were sexually assaulted. Abused. Raped. And you’re telling me… You wanted this?” “That is correct. I would always tease the most… sketchy looking guys I could find on my little excursions. It was a matter of time, and it was more than worth the wait.” “Okay. Wow. That’s… That’s a lot. But… If this was your goal…” Twilight stopped to look her friend up one way then the other, as if to ensure that this was truly happening. “And forgive me if this is an insensitive question, but if this was your entire point of going out like that… Then why are you telling me?” A sigh left Rarity’s lips, and she rested the unbruised half of her face in her palm. Obviously, she knew that they’d get to that question. It was the entire purpose of the visit, after all. And yet, as prepared as she was, Rarity still paused, because she was scared. No matter how the situation played out, Rarity was terrified of every potential prospect. Yet, Rarity knew in her heart that she would hate herself until her dying day if she didn’t at least ask. “Because, Twilight, I think you are the single most attractive woman walking the planet,” said Rarity, swallowing down all of her fear, her anxiety, her embarrassment, all for one moment of glory. “And it would make me incredibly, unendingly, unsurpassably happy if you would do to me what that man did in that hotel.” Twilight stopped in place, not immediately responding, which was about what Rarity would expect from her. She had just dropped a bomb, one that would irrevocably change—if not out and out ruin—their friendship. Then, so slowly that Rarity wasn’t sure if she was truly seeing it at first, Twilight’s expression shifted. Her stunned concern gave way to stern, unyielding intensity. She silently lit her horn with magic and, behind Rarity, the door to the study breezed closed with a gentle flourish of magic. The cold metallic click of the door locking, along with Twilight’s fervid gaze, made Rarity feel quite trapped, and wondering if she may have made a mistake. “I promised not to tell anyone what you told me. Now, it’s your turn,” said Twilight, her tone suddenly quite different than before. There was a deep, burning, smoldering fury supporting her words. “Do I have your word?” “I… Yes. Yes, of course,” swore Rarity. “Whatever is said here doesn’t leave this room.” “Good. Because Rarity, I don’t think you have any idea what you’re getting yourself into.” The atmosphere of the situation changed. Twilight was beginning to sound less and less like herself, her gentle, understanding, and kind tone fading with each new word from her lips. There was no compassion in her eyes, not an ounce of tenderness in her voice. Rarity felt her heart skip a beat as Twilight's energy became more ominous, more menacing. Not unlike that man the previous night, when Rarity refused his request. "I know it's a crazy thing to ask of you. Frankly, I was expecting an immediate 'no' from you," said Rarity. "I thought—" "No. You didn't. You didn't think for a second. Not when you were playing rapebait in Manehattan. Not when you let him go after he hurt you. And certainly not when you came here to me," said Twilight. "Let me tell you what I intended to do when I first heard what happened to you, just so you get an idea as to what you're asking me for. My plan, Rarity, was to reach into your mind and withdraw the memory of your attacker. With a simple bit of cognitimancy, one can bottle another person's memory for future viewing from any party with the suitable equipment." "Why would you—" "Using your memory, I'd be able to find your attacker pretty easily. I would track him down. The instant he looked me in the eyes, another relatively simple bit of magic would destroy him. If I was feeling generous, I'd just scorch out the part of his brain that allows him to get an erection. If I wasn't… He wouldn't walk again. Then I'd quietly return here, where I would take the memory of your rape and play it on the biggest screen I can find, so that I may jerk off to one of my closest friend's most painful memory." Now, it was Rarity's turn to be utterly stunned. She had inspected the situation from every angle before she committed, played out every possible outcome. Not once, not for a single second, did she ever expect something like that to come out of Twilight's mouth. This was the point when any sensible person would abandon the absurd plan, escape the trap they had put themselves in, and try to move on with their lives. But, judging by the thumping in her chest and the dampness between her thighs, Rarity was far from sensible. "This is what I mean. You didn't think about this, did you? Because you don't know what it's like to be me. How could you?" snorted Twilight. "And it's more than just this crown, or my responsibility to do good for Equestria. I'm talking about power. Real power. Honestly, I don't know how Celestia keeps it together all these years later. I mean, with the power I have, I could just… leave the sun right where it is. Just stick it right in the middle of the sky and never lower it. I could dry every river and lake, scorch every field and crop. Let the sun roast the kingdom until everything you know and love has withered away. I have that power. And that's only if I feel like taking the scenic route. With a few choice words and an almost comically small amount of effort, I could end you. I could end everyone and everything. No one could stop me, Not Celestia, not Luna, not Discord, and certainly not a woman so fucked in the head that she throws herself at rapists in the hopes that they make her their next victim. I could end the world in the time it takes for you to cook breakfast." That sick, terrified feeling in Rarity's gut only increased, almost as much as her arousal. Could this really be the same reserved, heroic woman that she had met all those years ago? Surely not. The Twilight that Rarity had known would never even think to say such terrible things. Yet, at the same time, the Rarity that the world knew wouldn't rendezvous with strangers from shady bars. Perhaps this was just proof that everyone has their dark side. As Rarity sat there, harrowed and trembling, a question popped into her mind. Not the most pressing question, given the new temperature of the conversation, but one that gnawed at Rarity's mind until she asked it anyway. "T-then why?" squeaked Rarity quietly. "Why don't you?" "Because that would make my friends sad," said Twilight. Her lips broke into a wicked smirk, sinister in the way she bared her teeth. Like a predator preparing to pounce. "And I wouldn't get to play with their lives anymore. I will admit, being the hero that always saves the world can be quite the high." "Do you… foresee that changing?" asked Rarity nervously. "As in, do I foresee myself going rogue and ending all life on the planet because I'm bored?" said Twilight. Rarity slowly nodded. "No. I can control myself, and it truly wouldn't be worth the effort in the end. You don't have to worry about that." "Alright, good. Then my request still stands." "Rarity, you're out of your mind." "Almost certainly. But, if you'll allow me to point out the obvious," said Rarity. "You're clearly not exactly normal, yourself." "And how do you figure that?" "A normal person would have just said no. As opposed to explaining how you could hypothetically end all life on the planet in a level of detail that makes me doubt just how hypothetical your thought process actually is." "Touche. Well, it ultimately doesn't matter. This wouldn't work out, anyway," said Twilight with a shrug. "You may think you want me to hurt you, but you vastly underestimate the depths of my depravity." "Would you kill me?" asked Rarity. "Well, no, I—" "Then I assure you, I can handle whatever you dish out." "Listen to me! This isn't as simple as a quick hookup in a dirty motel, Rarity!" Suddenly, Twilight was descending upon Rarity reaching over the desk to grab her under the chin, holding her face still with an unwavering, unflinching strength that was difficult to reconcile with Twilight's outwardly gentle nature. It filled Rarity with equal parts of dread and exhilaration to be handled so roughly by her friend. "This won't be just one little weekend. I know myself enough to know that if you grant me that level of power over you, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from doing it again and again. I may just ruin your life, Rarity. Is that what you want?" It went quiet for a moment as Rarity seemed to contemplate her actions. Finally, Twilight was getting through to her. She was playing a dangerous game, taking a reckless gamble that she may not be able to pay when the house decided to collect. It was dangerous. Foolish. In Rarity's own words, it was absurd. "Perhaps in the long term, we can build up to that," said Rarity. She tilted her head a bit, almost taunting Twilight with the casualness she treated this ridiculous proposition. "For now, I'd settle for you spitting in my mouth and making me your bitch." "This all has been without addressing the core conceit of your pitch," said Twilight, shaking her head. "That being the assumption that I find you attractive enough to sleep with at all, nevermind make you my sex slave." "Again, if you weren't attracted to me, a simple 'no' at the top would have sufficed. So, the way I see it, there are two paths before us. Either you tell me to get out and we never speak of this again, or…" Rarity opened her mouth, letting her tongue hang out like a panting dog. "Ahhh…" Twilight stared at her friend, eyebrow arched in quiet contemplation. This whole situation was odd, to put it mildly. Rarity was easily the most buttoned-up and dignified member of their friend group, and for her to suggest something so absolutely insane made everything about the scenario smell fishy to Twilight. Even still, it was obviously tempting her. Of course she found Rarity attractive, as anyone would, and the idea of getting to do whatever she wanted to her was beginning to outweigh her caution and paranoia. Finally, after nearly a minute of contemplation, Twilight came to a decision. "Close your mouth, Rarity. Here's what we'll do," explained Twilight. With a notable air of disappointment, Rarity did as she was told. "I'll help you fulfill your sick little kink. One week, probationary status. I'll put you through your training and, if at any point you want to quit, then you just say Midnight and we'll never talk about it ever again." "And if, after a week, I don't stop you?" inquired Rarity. Twilight's facade slipped once more, revealing a sinister, villainous little smirk. "Then your life is forfeit. I own you forever. Your mind, body, and soul. No limits. No backsies.” Twilight offered her hand, like The Devil to a sinner, and smiled. “Deal?” The decision was made instantly, before the proposition was even offered. Without a second of doubt or hesitancy, Rarity took Twilight's hand into her own and shook. “Deal,” she said. Though she was bold in her acceptance, the look in Twilight's eyes sent a shudder through Rarity, shaking her to her core. It was like looking at a different person. The kind, gentle, somewhat anxious Twilight Sparkle was nowhere to be found. This was something else. Something better, Rarity thought. “S-so. When do we start?” Twilight barely had to twitch a finger to send an unspeakable surge of alicorn magic into the air, warping time and space and the very fabric of reality with her will alone. It was a power so incredible, so undeniable, the only word Rarity could think of to describe it would be “godly”. Never before had Rarity felt such an energy from Twilight, not even during their most perilous battles with their most dangerous foes. In the brief moment she had to contemplate, a chill ran down Rarity’s spine as she grappled with that. That meant that Twilight had been holding back her full might, and always had been. So what did it mean for Rarity if Twilight was approaching her proposal with this unshackled power? Rarity didn't get the chance to reach an answer before she was suddenly tumbling down, thrown by some great, unseen force. She hit the wall with a thud and a grunt, sliding down onto the cold cobblestone floor. She looked up, and somehow, she was someplace else; a small, dark, claustrophobic room with stone walls, lacking doors and windows and any other hope for escape. The only light came from a dim bulb hanging from the ceiling, much of the glow obstructed by the foreboding and intimidating form of The Princess of Friendship. Twilight stood before her fallen body, looking down with a sneer as Rarity pushed herself to her hands and knees. “Oomf… You've teleported me before,” grunted Rarity. “It's normally… smoother than that.” “That’s because I'm normally being very, very careful to not turn you into a smear on the floor of wherever it is we're going. Now, maybe a bit less careful,” explained Twilight. “I thought you'd enjoy a little bit of rough handling.” “Of course. Just surprised, is all. You're taking to this quickly.” “Heh. It really does suck, being the hero all the time.” Twilight stooped down to look Rarity in the eyes, and she smiled. “Because I really enjoy hurting people.” “With all due respect, darling, you may be giving yourself a bit too much credit,” said Rarity. Twilight offered her hand, and Rarity took it. “You didn't exactly hurt me yet. Seems like you're going easy on me.” “Are you flirting with me?” Twilight chuckled as she gripped Rarity by the hand, so as to help her to her feet. “If so, I'm flattered.” Twilight's hand shot forward and grabbed Rarity by the throat, the sudden movement paralyzing the seamstress with fear. In a blink, Twilight was pulling Rarity up to her feet, then higher, pinned to the wall and barely able to choke down a terrified breath. Rarity swatted at Twilight’s hand, but the princess didn't even seem to register the contact. “Do you still think you can flirt with me?” said Twilight quietly. “Do you still think I'm going to go easy on you?” “W-well… Judging by… the way you're cuddling my neck,” gasped Rarity, some stubborn defiance from deep within. “Quite easy…” “Heh. Heheheh. I’m going to enjoy this a lot.” Though she laughed, there wasn’t much humor in Twilight’s voice. Instead, her tone was that of restraint, a self-control that was fading with each passing moment. “Take off your clothes.” “Oh? So forward already? You could—” Rarity didn't get to finish her remark before Twilight's hand went across her face, as hard as Rarity had ever been hit by anything before. It stunned her at first, and her tears were soon followed by a sharp, stinging pain. Her hand went up to clutch her cheek; Twilight had hit her, she actually hit her. Even throughout all she'd heard so far, Rarity didn't think Twilight would actually strike her, at least not so effortlessly. The way Twilight slapped her was as if she had been longing to do such for a long, long time. “Take off your clothes,” said Twilight again. Rarity blinked, quivering, pussy twanging as the adrenaline surged through her veins, and she took a moment to speak. “Like… in a sexy way or—” Again, Twilight struck, harder than before. The sound of the slap echoed through the room, and a faint, purplish bruise very quickly began to form, barely seen amongst the other marks from Rarity’s violent rendezvous. “Oh, God…” “Last chance. Take.” Twilight slapped Rarity again. “Off.” Again, another slap, harder than before. “Your fucking.” Again she swiped at Rarity, pawing her face and sending her head dinging into the wall. “Clothes.” Finally, Rarity grabbed at her blouse, tearing at the buttons and shedding her top. Her horn lit with magic, and she used it to unfasten her skirt and send it crumpling to the ground. Her bra was next, the baby blue garment freeing Rarity’s heavy tits, and the matching panties slid down her thighs to bare her gushing, desperate little cunt. Her body exposed, now Twilight could see every bruise, bump, and hickey from the man who assaulted her in Manehattan, and the princess scowled at the damage. “All these bruises…” breathed Twilight. Finally, she released her grasp on Rarity, dropping her back to the ground. “I'm starting to get jealous of the man who hurt you.” “Twilight…” Rarity gulped and, almost without her conscious thought, she slid her hand between her legs and teased her cunt idly. “Darling, please… hurt me as much as you like…” “You're going to regret saying that. Not that it makes any difference. Your fate was sealed the moment you shook my hand.” Twilight snapped her fingers and, with a flash of her magic, made Rarity’s discarded clothes disappear. “Won't be needing those anymore.” “Erm… You did put those someplace safe, right?” said Rarity, clearing her throat. “That outfit took quite a while to design, and I only have the one.” “Oh. Well, I had actually sent them to your bedroom, but in that case…” Twilight snapped her fingers again, and Rarity’s clothes returned to the floor. Rarity reached for them—to fold them nearly and set them aside—but as her fingers neared the crumpled garments, the fabric erupted into a great plume of purple flame. Rarity watched, dumfounded, as her clothes burned before her eyes, until all that remained of her elegant design was soot and ash. All the while, Rarity watched on in shock, horror, and strangest of all, desire. To see Twilight display such cruelty was an incredible sensation, one that Rarity wanted more of. “You… you destroyed it,” peeped Rarity. Even as she stared at the pile of smoldering cinders, she still could hardly believe it. “How do you expect me to get home tonight? I didn’t exactly pack a spare set of clothes.” “I don’t. You’re not going anywhere until your week is up. You know what I do expect, Rarity?” With a flick of her wrist, Twilight sent Rarity tossing and turning over onto her stomach and, before she could make an attempt to sit up, the princess planted her foot against the back of Rarity’s head. The force was firm, but forgiving enough that Rarity wasn’t hurting just yet. “I expect you to mind your tone when you speak to me. I expect you to obey my orders without question. Or is that too much for an airheaded bimbo like you to understand?” Rarity had known Twilight for years, over a decade at this point. They’d been through it all together, from silly disagreements to battles with unknowable, undefeatable ancient evils. And yet, despite that, never had Rarity heard such harsh, insulting words come from Twilight. It was as if she were a different person, and the more Rarity got to know this version of her friend, the more she found herself desiring her. “Yes… I understand,” said Rarity. “I’ll do anything you say.” “We’ll see. I still think you’re underestimating me.” Twilight stepped back, raising the weight of her foot from Rarity’s head. At her direction, Rarity sat herself up and leaned against the wall. Twilight kicked Rarity’s legs apart, and with a small burst of magic, she fabricated a wand vibrator from thin air. She tossed it to Rarity, who clumsily caught it. “Turn it on low and put it to your cunt.” “Um… Okay?” Rarity was a bit confused by Twilight’s intentions, but did as she was told anyway. The buzzing toy sent tingles through her body, still a bit sore from the night before, but she savored the pleasure nevertheless. Things were going swimmingly, far better than Rarity could’ve ever expected, and all she wanted was more. “What now?” “Now… It’s getting late, so I’ll be getting some much needed sleep,” yawned Twilight. Rarity’s eyes went wide, a gesture that Twilight saw and chuckled at. “What? I have you for the whole week, remember? No need to rush in yet. We’ll have plenty of time to have our fun tomorrow.” “Y-yes, but… The way you’ve been talking to me, treating me… I was hoping for a little more than just a vibrator to keep me company.” Rarity moved her hand, or at least she tried to; Her grip around the vibrator didn’t waver, and she couldn’t get the toy to budge even an inch. She tried again, baffled until she looked a bit closer, and saw the faint, almost-invisible lavender twinkle of Twilight’s magic. “Oh no… You enchanted it? Twilight, how long am I supposed to keep this thing on?” “Hm… Until I say you can turn it off, of course.” “But—” “Remember, Rarity, you wanted this. If you want out, say the safeword.” Twilight turned her back to Rarity, her horn twinkling with magic. “If not… Shut the fuck up and tease your pussy for my amusement. Either way… See you tomorrow.” There was another flash of magic and, when the light faded away, Twilight was gone, leaving Rarity alone with her cursed toy and horny thoughts. No doors, no windows, no way to communicate with the outside world. Rarity was trapped, and her only hope was that Twilight stood to her word and came back for her. It was a bit scary, considering the type of person Twilight had revealed herself to be. Rarity bit her lip in anticipation, and grinded her unmovable toy against her horny, throbbing clit at the very thought of what tomorrow had in store for her. Rarity could barely keep her eyes open, her aching, trembling body sticky with sweat as she tried fruitlessly to garner some relief. She thought this would be easy. She'd been teased before, enjoyed her fair share of orgasm denial in the past. This was different. In the past, Rarity’s partners would allow her to cum after a few hours at the absolute most. Never before had she been deprived of sleep from her arousal, her need to cum, but that's precisely what Twilight had designed for her. The first night was tough, but manageable. It was the second night, after Twilight checked in on her and raised the power of her toy ever so slightly, that was the real challenge. Two sleepless nights, and a clit buzzed raw by a toy that stubbornly refused to grant her true pleasure, would be enough to drive most people mad. Naturally, Rarity was having the time of her life, and was moderately disappointed when her toy magically turned itself off. “F-fuck…” moaned Rarity, quivering in a pool of sweat and liquid arousal. “I was so close…” “If you think you'll be cumming anytime soon, I suggest you temper those expectations.” Twilight's voice preceded her arrival, as was the norm for her check-ins. Rarity need wait only a moment before reality warped before her eyes, bearing a path for the princess to enter. Twilight floated above Rarity, looking down at her new toy with a smirk. So desperate, so needy, so absolutely pathetic. Twilight hadn't known it before, but it was becoming clear that this was her preferred version of Rarity. “M-morning, Twilight.” Despite the toy being turned off, Rarity still rubbed it against her horny hole, letting out a pitiful whimper when Twilight banished the wand with a surge of magic. “Good seeing you.” “I'm sure. But you've clearly forgotten yourself.” Twilight landed gracefully before Rarity and brought her foot down harshly between Rarity’s legs. Her boot sent echoing waved of pain and twisted, perverted pleasure through Rarity’s body, earning the princess a satisfying amount of tears from her new plaything. “I told you yesterday, failure to address me with respect will see you punished.” “S-sorry. Princess Twilight. F-forgive me,” Rarity whimpered, like a kicked puppy, but soon found her hips moving of their own accord, absentmindedly grinding on Twilight's boot in search of relief. “I meant no disrespect…” “Get up. It's time we got rid of the training wheels,” said Twilight. “This has been fun, but I'm starting to get bored of watching you edge yourself all night. The very last thing you want is for me to get bored of you.” “Yes, Princess. Right away.” Rarity stood up, shaky legged and on roller skates. “Any chance we could break for coffee first? I'm exhausted.” “I've got something better than coffee. Hurry up “ The Princess snapped her fingers, and a hole appeared in the ceiling of Rarity’s little dungeon; a ladder slid down through the hole, and, after a not-so-gentle nudge, Rarity awkwardly made her way up to the next floor. The princess floated up behind her, landing in front of one of the Friendship Castle’s many bedroom doors. It was an exciting prospect for Rarity. A bedroom, talk of removing the “training wheels”, Twilight's mention of being bored. All of it together sounded like just what Rarity was after in the first place: A nice, hard, aggressive fucking. It was all she could do to contain her excitement, up until the moment Twilight knocked on the door. “You ready in there, bud?” said The Princess. Any voice responding would've been enough to send Rarity panicking, but as it turned out, Twilight was very good at this. She didn't just pick any person, she managed to pick the one person Rarity wanted least of all to see her like this. “As ready as I'll ever be, Twi,” came Spike’s reply from inside the room. “You gonna tell me what this is about yet?” “Like I said, it's a surprise!” Twilight glanced behind her, savoring the fear and regret that plagued Rarity’s face, and dropped her voice low. “Ready for the next step?” “Twilight, no. You can't do this,” hissed Rarity. No one could know, that was the one rule Rarity had given herself at the start of this. No one could know what she was really like, no one but her and Twilight. And yet, the idea of being exposed for the degenerate she was, to a man who had idolized her for years no less, was sending her stomach twisting and turning in a grim, twisted, perverted desire. “You gave me your word that you wouldn't tell anyone!” “You're going to learn one way or another, Rarity, that I do whatever the hell I want. And if you truly want me to use you, then you'll shut your whore mouth and open the door.” The Princess grabbed Rarity gruffly by the horn and threw her forward, almost sending her tumbling into the door itself. “Now, bitch. I won't be asking again.” She couldn't. She wouldn't. One word, and Rarity was done, free to spare herself further humiliation and embarrassment. Just say that word, Midnight, and Rarity could live the rest of her life in peace. Surely, Twilight would honor it, because without Rarity’s consent and obedience, this whole thing would fall flat for the cruel Princess. Just one word, and things would go back to normal. Just one simple word. Rarity’s hand trembled as it approached the knob, gripping the cold, brass knob and giving it a turn. She didn't know why she was doing it, and yet, she couldn't bear to stop herself from opening the door and stepping inside the simple bedroom. He was sitting there on the bed, as if waiting for her, but the way Spike’s eyes went wide made it abundantly clear that no matter what he had been expecting, it wasn't this. Spike’s eyes met Rarity’s and, when he clocked the fact that she was standing before him entirely naked, his eyes darted down to the floor. “Whoa! What the hell?!” Spike was tall, and toned, a formidable and intimidating blend of agility and power, and yet, the way he buried his face in his arms made him look like the same young, dorky kid that had been crushing on Rarity for all those years. “Twi, I thought you said the clone thing was a joke!” “Clone… thing?” questioned Rarity. Just as Spike struggled to make eye contact with her, so too did Rarity find herself looking away in shame. “What clone thing?” “Back when he was still pining for you, I told him that if he still had feelings for you, I could just clone you and let him fuck that instead,” chuckled Twilight. “Thing is, Spike… I was joking.” “Huh? So… You mean…” Spike glanced up, as if to confirm that Rarity was still there, then quickly looked away once again. “She's real?” “Yes. I'm real. I…” Rarity looked up to Twilight. “What should I say, exactly?” “Tell him the truth.” “Okay… Well, I recently… I had a very ‘intense’ encounter with a man,” explained Rarity. “And it made me realize that I want Twilight to… Own me. Abuse me. Do whatever she wants to me.” “And what I want you to do is get on your knees, and repay Spike for all the years of teasing and abuse he put up with for you.” Twilight kicked out Rarity’s leg, sending her tumbling to her knees with a grunt and a groan. “All the errands you had him do for you, just stringing the poor boy along because you knew he had feelings for you. Not even a sincere thank you.” “Are we sure you're not talking about you?” snorted Spike. “I've never thanked you? What do you think this is?” Twilight nudged Rarity forward with her foot. “I didn't even have a go with her yet, I'm letting you call dibs on your childhood crush!” “Yeah… I'm not sure how I feel about this, Twi. I mean, just look at her.” Spike was concerned, clearly, but Rarity couldn't help but notice that his worried tone was somewhat betrayed by the noticeably hardening bulge in his pants. “I know you have a thing for being… rough. But this is kinda fucked up.” “She didn't do this to me. Well, not most of it. I have a bit of a bruise on my cheek from Twilight, but…” Rarity trailed off, her mind barely able to come to grips with what she was about to do. “That's neither here nor there. What matters, Spike, is Twilight is right. My behavior in the past was very selfish, and if this can make up for any old heartbreak…” “Rarity, it's fine. Really, it is,” said Spike. “It was just a silly crush. I wouldn't have known what to do with you even if I got you. You don't have to do this.” “No. I don't have to do any of this, do I? The thing is, Spike… I want to. And there's nothing I want more.” Rarity reached forward for Spike’s waist and slowly undid his fly, pulling his jeans down the length of his legs. Though the dragon himself was apprehensive, his cock clearly wasn't, as it sprung to attention with little coaxing from Rarity. She was taken aback by his size; for such a meek, mellow guy, he was certainly packing a weapon between his legs. Easily the length of Rarity’s forearm and twice as thick at the knot, a bulging, stiff bulb of flesh near the base. Rarity had heard that male dragons, and even certain breeds of females, had knotted appendages, but to hear about one and to see one in the flesh were two wildly differing experiences. “Oh my God…” Rarity gulped nervously, eyes darting from her Princess to Spike, and to the scaled, pointed, intimidating dragon cock between his legs. “You're a lot bigger than I imagined…” “Y-yeah… I get that a lot…” murmured Spike. He looked past Rarity, to Twilight, who was watching the situation unfold with a sinister sort of glee. “And just to be sure… She wants this?” “Yes, Spike. I do want this,” said Rarity. “It's a bit daunting, and scary, but—” “No offense, Rarity, but I really need to hear it from Twilight before I feel okay with this.” “I'm not sure I like that accusatory tone,” droned Twilight. In place of a verbal response, Spike simply stared at her, at which point Twilight broke into a smirk. “Yes, Spike, she wants this. She approached me. I had nothing to do with it.” “Okay, good. Because seeing her like this…” Spike chuckled a bit nervously. “I don't know if I'd be able to resist even if this was some sort of terrible magic.” “Well, you won't have to resist any more. My new whore is going to swallow your cock.” Twilight gave Rarity a swat to the back of the head, not exactly gentle but a far cry from how she had been hitting her in the previous days. This strike wasn't disciplinary, so much as it was encouraging. “Go ahead, whore. Suck him.” “Yes, Princess. Right away.” Rarity gripped Spike just about the knot with one hand, then the other, and slowly dipped her head down to the tip. She hesitated for just a second, just long enough to utter one last request. “Just please, don't tell anyone about this, Spikey.” Before she could get a response, Rarity was in action, taking the sharpish, pointed tip into her mouth. With so much cock to work with, it was perhaps expected that Rarity was taking things slow to start, merely getting a taste of the head and savoring Spike’s husky, satisfied moans from above her. As her tongue worked up and down his shaft, Rarity recoiled a bit in discomfort; she nicked her tongue against the sharp, downward-curving scales along the length “Oh, looks like she got caught by the breeding scales,” chuckled Twilight, clearly amused by the pained whimper coming from Rarity. As Rarity jerked her head back, Twilight met her with a foot to the back of the skull, slowly pushing the whore in training back to her target. “No. I didn't say stop. I don't care if you slice your whole tongue up, you swallow that cock into your empty head like a good bitch.” “You're scary as hell, you know that, Twi?” remarked Spike, though he wasn't really complaining in this instance. The added pressure, both from Twilight's foot and her powerful commands, sent Rarity deep down until she was pleasuring Spike in a way he'd never experienced before due to his unique and somewhat challenging physiology. “Why do dragons even have those stupid scales? Makes rubbing one out a pain…” “It’s an evolutionary holdover from a time before dragons domesticated themselves. Ancient dragon mating rituals weren't exactly what I’d call romantic.” It was so strange for Rarity to hear this side of Twilight, the cherry, knowledgeable, enthusiastic academic, after the harsh words and violence she revealed to be in her core. Obviously it wasn't just Rarity who had another side to her. “The general method was for a male to jump on a sleeping female and rape a litter of eggs into her before she woke up. If she did wake up… The scales are to make it harder for her to knock the male off before he impregnates her. It's actually quite a fascinating development, and the fact that you haven't evolved that away since then has led me to believe that there might be some other biological—” “Yeah, yeah, that's cool, appreciate the lesson, Twi,” said Spike dismissively. “And believe me, it's not that I don't care, it's just that Rarity’s mouth feels awesome right now.” “Fine. I'll put a pin in it for now. Until then… Don't you listen, cunt?” Rarity tensed, the tip of Spike's cock poking the back of her throat uncomfortably, but didn't respond. She simply sat there, paralyzed by fear and anticipation, silently begging for more of this mistreatment from her close friend. “I said swallow his cock!” The bottom of Twilight's foot went forward, pressing Rarity’s face down and forcing the whole of Spike’s length into her hungry little mouth. Rarity choked and gagged, her eyes rolling back when Spike’s tip pushed into her quivering throat. Her mouth was so filled by the knot that there was nearly no room in it for her tongue, and her attempts to retreat for air were met by more downward pressure from Twilight's deceptively powerful leg. “Aw, are you choking? Can't breathe? Is this uncomfortable?” sneered Twilight, all the while one of her oldest friends fought for her life beneath her boot. “Too fucking bad. Spike is impressive, but I'm much, much bigger, and I don't want a slave that can only throat half of my cock. Your comfort doesn't fucking matter, you hear? You can breathe when you make Spike cum, and not a single second earlier. Got it?” Rarity couldn't think, couldn't scrape together a single thought or response. It was all too much, too much cock, too much abuse, and yet, in her twisted, perverse little heart, she knew that she wanted this. She needed this. She needed more of the pain and discomfort. Thankfully, it was becoming more and more evident that Twilight was more than willing to provide her with just what she needed. Two strong, clawed hands grabbed Rarity by the hair, digging into her tender scalp as Spike pulled her in even deeper. He let out a deep, rumbling groan, and his already fat cock swelled in Rarity’s throat. That brief bit of warning couldn't have possibly prepared Rarity for what came next: A heavy jet of thick, scalding cum sprayed down Rarity’s throat and into her belly. The temperature was a shock, no doubt, but almost as alarming was the sheer volume; it felt to Rarity as if a freshly brewed pot of coffee was poured down her gullet. Spike’s load was so hot and so heavy, and came so quickly, that it filled Rarity’s stomach and twisted it up into knots. She gulped down as much as she could, but each body had its limits, and what Spike could give seemed to be a lot more than Rarity could take. Rarity jerked her head away suddenly, so fast that Twilight couldn't stop her, and her stomach emptied itself of its contents. She spewed like a geyser, splattering the floor with mostly hot dragon cum and only just a bit of stomach bile. Sticky strings of fluid dropped messily onto the pile of sick, and the pain, much greater coming up than it was going down, brought Rarity to tears. A pitiful, shuddering sob escaped her, and tears streamed down her messy face to ruin her meticulously perfected face. She held herself up on her hands and knees, barely able to do even that, and stared down at the puddle of filth with a unique sense of stomach-curdling shame. “F-fuck…” panted Spike, his cock still twitching as he tried to catch his breath. “Holy shit… Rarity, are you okay?” “I'll be honest, if you broke her before I got a turn, I'd be a little annoyed,” said Twilight. She looked down at Rarity, frowning at the slut in training and the mess she made. “I assume you're done? For today, at least. I had something else planned, but I wasn't really expecting Spike to go so hard on you.” “You stomped her head onto my cock, Twi. I didn't exactly have my foot on the gas with this.” “Regardless, you don't look to be in a fit state to continue, so—” “M-more…” The word came out so dry and twisted that it was initially unclear if it was English at all. It marinated in the air for a moment, and it took a spell for it to register on Twilight's head, but when it did, she grinned. Rarity had ensured her that she wanted this treatment, but Twilight was still impressed by the depths of her masochism. So deep and hidden it was that it seemed to surprise even Rarity, who paused after hearing herself speak before giving out another tear-warped plea. “I… want… more…” “You just chugged boiling hot dragon cum so hard and fast that you puked it up all over my rug,” said Twilight slowly. “You’re crying right now. A completely disgusting mess. And you’re saying that you want more?” “Not want.” Rarity coughed, sputtering out a bit more cum that lingered in her mouth, and shakily snaked her hand between her legs. She sloppily fingered herself as she looked up to Twilight with stinging, bloodshot eyes, and begged. “Need. I need more. Please.” “Heh. You say you need this?” Twilight reached through reality with her magic and plucked a sheet of paper into being. She offered the paper to Rarity, who shakily took it into her hands; the way she paled, her appearance somehow even more sickly than it was before, absolutely tickled the cruel princess deep in her core. “Then prove it.” “Um… I feel like I’m going to regret asking, but…” Spike sighed, shaking his head. “What’s the paper about?” “The Equestrian Board of Fashion Designers and Creatives, the highest level organization in the Equestrian fashion industry, hereby recognize the recipient of this award, Rarity, for her excellence in her craft, and her contributions to the world of fashion,” read Rarity, her voice barely more than a hushed whisper. “This is the first award I ever received for my work. When I won it… I wasn’t sure if I would make it in the industry, and then I won this, and I knew I had what it takes. I knew I could open my boutique.” “Now the question is, what truly means more to you? A sheet of paper from years ago?” asked Twilight. “Or your friends treating you like a cheap, nasty gutter whore?” She was being glib. Twilight knew it, Spike knew it, even Rarity herself could see through Twilight’s insincerity. It was more than a sheet of paper, in multiple ways. It was a memory, a reminder of a well-earned success. A light amongst the dark. Rarity had looked to this award before, to remind her that it was possible, and all the work was worth it. It was far more than just “a sheet of paper”. It was also, in a way, a confession. Admittance that Rarity was what she claimed to be deep inside, an acknowledgement that she really did want this. One way or the other, this sheet of paper could very well be the most important sheet of paper in Rarity’s entire life. She looked up, staring Twilight in the eyes with an almost startling amount of clarity and certainty, and tightly gripped the award with both hands. With a slow, steady pace, Rarity tore the sheet of paper in two, shredding her treasured memento before their eyes. She stacked the halves onto each other and ripped it again, then again, and again, and with a bitter, inward-aimed venom, Rarity threw the shreds down like a fistful of confetti into her pool of sick. “More,” said Rarity again. Her heart thumped in her chest, blood rushing in her ears as she tried to keep it together. Though her stomach was empty, Rarity felt like she was about to throw up all over again. It was an awful, terrible feeling deep in her core, and she was completely addicted to it. “Please, hurt me more…” “Hey Spike,” said Twilight, not taking her eyes off of Rarity’s pitiful form. “Got another one in you?” “You want me to… Again?” huffed Spike. “You know, there’s a whole guy connected to this dick. Not sure how I feel about being one of your… teaching implements.” “If you don’t want to stick it in her ass, I’ve got a toy that’ll do the job.” “Wait, wait, hold on, let’s not get crazy here…” “Good boy. Be nice and rough with her. I’ll be back for her in an hour or so,” said Twilight. She snapped her fingers, vanishing the mess Rarity had made with a flash of magic. “Starlight is being nosy, I’m gonna keep her occupied for a bit. Do whatever you want to her, Spike. Just make sure it hurts, and that you stay away from her cunt. That belongs to me.” Without waiting for a response, Twilight disappeared in a flash of magic. Spike and Rarity looked at each other a bit awkwardly, the atmosphere of the room being much different now that Twilight was gone. Now that they were alone together, the two were a bit embarrassed by the insanity that they were both willingly participating in. “So… Twilight showed you her true colors, huh?” said Spike, just to break the uncomfortable silence. “It’s, uh… Refreshing, I guess, is the word. To have someone else in on the secret.” “I was quite shocked initially, I’ll admit. But knowing she has such a capacity for cruelty…” Rarity chuckled darkly. “Quite the lucky break, for me. Has she always been like this?” “Yeah, even when we were kids. She liked to pull spider legs off and stitch them back on. Said if you listened close enough, you could hear them scream. I don’t think she’s ever hurt a person before though. Well, not to anyone who didn’t have it coming. Talk about lucky break, with her power and fucked up head, it’s really a miracle that she didn’t turn out to be history’s greatest monster.” It went quiet for a bit, and Spike cleared his throat awkwardly. “So, before we get into this… Do you have, like, a safe word or something? Just in case, yknow?” Truthfully, Rarity had forgotten that her safeword was an option. She could quit whenever she wanted. Throwing in the towel was a valid option here, and she had just completely disregarded it. Slowly, Rarity chuckled, and, with tears still running down her face, she looked up to Spike and smiled. “Just so we’re absolutely clear, darling,” said Rarity with a manic grin. “I’d rather you rape me to death than say that stupid fucking safe word.” “Oh G-God, please, I'm so close!” Seven days. Seven days of torment. Seven days of teasing. Seven days of pain and desire and suffering and fulfillment, the likes of which Rarity had never known to be possible. She hadn't cum yet, and she wasn't sure if Twilight ever intended to let her cum at all. It didn't matter, because to Rarity, this hell was her heaven. Her back was stiff, having laid against the stone floor of her little dungeon, for hours and hours without a break. Her arms and legs were sore as she had been spread eagle and held in place with powerful alicorn magic, unable to budge even an inch. She was sticky with sweat, her heavy chest heaving as she scrambled to breathe, and tears ran a river down her face. She was a mess, and that wasn't even the worst of it. Her pussy ached, quivering in denial and desire beneath the mighty of Twilight's magic; The Princess’ magic was unmatched both in its power and precision, as explained by the woman herself, so much so that she was able to exercise absolute control over every last nerve in Rarity’s body. She focused much of this power on Rarity’s most sensitive parts, revving her up higher and higher until she was certain Rarity could stand no more. “Close? About to cum?” snickered Princess Twilight. “Can't have that, now can we?” Twilight raised her foot up between Rarity's leg, holding the pose just long enough for her to see what was happening next, and stomped down savagely as if to kill a particularly horrible spider. Pain shot up Rarity’s sensitive body and shimmered from her core to the tips of her extremities, and back to her middle in waves. She couldn’t scream, couldn’t call out for help, or mercy. Could hardly even breathe. All Rarity could do was gasp for air, and cry messy tears beneath her friend’s boot. “Life is going to change for you soon, Rarity. When you belong to me, your pain is your pleasure, and your pleasure is your pain.” Twilight slid her foot down, savagely scraping her sole down Rarity’s punished cunt. Her clit was all but screaming for release, and her lips glowed an angry red from all of the abuse. If you looked close enough, the imprint of Twilight’s boot was just about visible against Rarity’s once perfectly pale skin. “Do you understand me?” “Y-yes, Princess. I understand.” Rarity sobbed every word, her voice twisting and trembling, barely able to get even the shortest syllables out. “P-please… M-m-mercy on me…” “Hm… We have been at it for a while…” Twilight tapped her chin, waiting to see the hope glimmer in Rarity’s eyes; Once she saw that light, she snuffed it out with a sadistic little grin. “Fine, just a few more then.” “Oh God, p-please, no—!” Twilight’s magic gripped Rarity once more, and agonizing bolts of prickling pleasure drilled Rarity’s sensitive body. It was too much, too fast. It was the best pain Rarity had ever experienced, better than anything her perverted mind could ever think to dream up. Her vision doubled, and doubled again, with shadows tinging the edges of her sight as she threatened to faint from the overstimulation. This was it, she knew it. She was going to die. There was no chance she could withstand much more of this. Rarity set her jaw, drool seeping from between her clenched teeth and dripping down her chin, and was ready for the void to take her. This time, it was the toe of Twilight’s boot that hit first, as The Princess swung her foot as if Rarity’s cunt was a soccer ball. The darkness in Rarity’s vision gave way to blinding light and dancing stars, and her limbs fought against Twilight’s magic to cover herself up, to defend from more abuse. Thankfully for them both, there was no resisting Twilight’s might. Rarity was open, defenseless, and that was just the way they both preferred it. “You keep using that word,” said Twilight with a frown. “God. You keep pleading, as if there’s anyone with more power over you than me. I’m not here to be your girlfriend, or even your dominatrix. I am your God now, Rarity.” Rarity whimpered and gave a weak nod, but that wasn’t enough. Twilight kicked her again, wrenching a proper sob from her toy. “I want to hear you say it.” “Y-you… You are my God now,” Rarity whined. “You’re my God…” “From now on, you will acknowledge me above all else. You pray to me. You seek my favor. You worship me.” “Yes, my Goddess… I worship… you…” “Prove it.” Rarity’s heart stopped in her chest. She felt a genuine fear response, different from what she had felt before. Twilight had made her prove herself before, and she wasn’t the sort to repeat a trick without escalating. Rarity could barely stomach ripping up her own award, and there was no telling how much further Twilight would go. It wasn’t safe, nor smart, to continue on. Rarity knew that, she believed it in her heart. She should say her safeword and call the whole thing off. “H-how…?” She said instead. “How do I prove it?” To her surprise, the stinging, tingling pleasure assaulting her cunt lowered considerably, hovering around at a low, almost-tolerable buzzing. The magic restraining her arms faded as well, and Rarity’s instincts took over, curling herself up in a ball with her knees to her chest. She squeezed her eyes shut and waited, bracing for impact, but Twilight didn’t hit her just then. In fact, for what seemed like an eternity, nothing happened. Then, when the anticipation was just about too much for Rarity to handle, she heard a metallic clattering in front of her. Her heart pounded, thumping and booming in her head, and after taking a second to work up the courage, Rarity opened her eyes. On the floor before her was a large, pointed, wickedly sharp kitchen knife. It was Rarity’s own, a gift from Twilight a year before after Rarity claimed she wanted to expand her skills in the kitchen. Rarity gulped at the sight, not daring to move without her Goddess’ permission. “Do you know how most peasants worship their Gods?” asked Twilight. She nudged the knife a bit closer to Rarity, who recoiled a bit as the dull side of the blade brushed her knuckles. “With a sacrifice.” “S-sacrifice…?” Rarity shakily sat herself up, and reached for the knife. Her weak, trembling fingers struggled to grip it at first, but she soon held the knife tightly in her grasp. It was strange; Despite having a weapon, and Twilight not, Rarity somehow felt weaker and more in danger than ever. “What sort of sacrifice? Why would I need—” “Meow!” Immediately, Rarity was awash with horror, disgust, fury. No. Of course not. Twilight may be cruel, and she may have quite the streak of sadism, but this was too far, even for her. And yet, when Rarity turned to face the sound, what she saw was the proof to the contrary; Sitting in her velvet bed, unbothered by her sudden change in scenery, was Rarity’s beloved white persian cat. Opalescence sat idly, patiently, as if waiting for Rarity to act. “No. No, no, no,” squeaked Rarity, her tears renewed. She thought she was tapped out, unable to cry anymore. It was almost impressive for Twilight to have proved her wrong. “You can’t make me do this. Please. Some other test.” “You don’t get to pick. Doesn’t work that way,” said Twilight. “If you still want me to own you, then do it.” “I’m being serious, Twilight! It was all good and well when you were hurting me, but I cannot let you hurt my cat.” Despite her insistence, the knife stood firmly gripped in Rarity’s hand. “You simply can’t.” “I won’t. I’m not the one with the knife.” Twilight grinned. “Show me what you’re willing to give up for me, Rarity. And you’d best do it soon, before I get bored and call this whole thing off.” “Twilight, please. This is too far. I know what I said about limits, but this is unreasonable!” Despite Rarity’s shouts, Twilight said nothing. Rarity could feel her heart about to burst, because she knew, one way or another, she was about to lose everything. “P-please. Something else. Anything else.” “I’m going to tell you one more time, and then I’m using the safeword,” said Twilight plainly. “Show your Goddess what you’re willing to sacrifice. Or else you will lose her favor forever.” “P-please… I’m begging you, I—” As Rarity was blubbering, Opal quietly slinked her way across the room, curling up against her mistress. Though her demeanor was often prickly and abrasive, even as far as cats went, Opal was a loving, tender creature at her core. It wasn’t uncommon for her to see Rarity upset, crying like she was now, and seek to console her. It was in her nature. In that moment, Rarity understood the truth. It was terrible, horrific, disgusting for her to even be sitting there considering things, but that was her nature. This was the true her, a depraved, desperate, masochistic disgrace, too twisted to even be considered a real person. This was awful, and yet, this was who she was on the inside, all along. What she showed to the world before was a facade. This was the real Rarity. Rarity scooped Opal up, holding her tightly in place. Someway, Opal didn’t fight it, despite not typically being fond of such rough handling. The cat sat, complacent and unmoving in her owner’s arms, almost as if awaiting her fate. Rarity quaked like a leaf, but raised her hand up high, the sinister tip of the blade aimed downward. She couldn’t bear to look, and so Rarity closed her eyes tight, and gave herself an unsteady countdown in her head. Three. Two. One. Her arm came down with a swiftness, slicing through the air and coming down to her beloved pet in an instant. Rarity sobbed as she felt her empty hand impact her arm, so much adrenaline pumping that it took her a moment to process that something was wrong; When Rarity opened her eyes, Opal was gone, and the knife was laying on the floor in front of Rarity. She jerked her head around the room, searching for her cat, only to see her relaxing idly in the arms of the Goddess. Twilight smiled and, with a gentle twinkle of alicorn magic, made Opal disappear. Rarity watched silently, crying without a sound, as Twilight stooped down before her to pick up the knife. “I only wanted you to cut your hair,” said Twilight with a devilish smirk. Rarity reached forward, her expression blank but for the wet streaks down her puffy cheeks, and took the knife from Twilight. “But it looks like you really want this, after all.” “Opal…” croaked Rarity. “Is she okay?” “She was never here, idiot. I went all this time being nice and kind, do you really think I’d blow my cover and just randomly kill an innocent animal?” Rarity gripped her long hair in a bunch, frazzled and tangled from her week of torment, and swiftly ran the blade of the knife through her once-luxurious locks. She threw the knife aside, and let her fistful of hair dance to the ground, before looking up at Twilight with an unshakable sense of need behind her red, tear-stung eyes. “Please, my Goddess,” begged Rarity. “Fuck me. Fuck me until I stop moving.” In an instant, Twilight was on her, one powerful hand grabbing Rarity by the face and forcing it down against the stones. She pinned Rarity to the floor, belly down, and raised the desperate whore’s hips up a bit. With a flash of magic, Twilight vanished her pants, finally giving Rarity her first peek at what the alicorn was carrying; In all of her days, in all her shady hook-ups, in all the dirty, demeaning, abusive porn she’d consumed, never before in Rarity’s life had she ever seen a cock as long, fat, and powerful as her Goddess’. It was impossibly big, and it was unreasonable to expect anyone to take such an appendage into their body. And yet, as soon as she saw it, Rarity’s hips wiggled, like a dog wagging its tail for its treat. “You know, it’s almost midnight,” Twilight reminded her. “This makes seven days, your probationary period is almost over. Last chance, if you want out.” “Until. I. Stop. Moving.” “You turned out quite well so far. Good.” Twilight held her cock aloft with one hand and slowly guided her fat, drooling flare to Rarity’s tormented, starving little pussy. “We can work out the paperwork once you’re done milking my cock with your guts.” Immediately, from the very first second, it was too much. Just Twilight’s flare splitting her lips was a sensation so intense that Rarity had to dig her fingernails into her scalp to keep herself from passing out. Of course, Twilight was merciless, not giving Rarity even a moment to acclimate. She just slid inch after inch after inch after pussy-demolishing inch of her divine meat into Rarity’s tight little hole. The whore screamed, crying, drooling, when Twilight started working her hips. Each thrust felt like a punch in the gut, the lungs, the heart, with as deep as Twilight was going. Almost as loud as Rarity’s screams and pleas for mercy was the sound of flesh on flesh, and the sound of Twilight’s wet, sticky dick pistoning in and out of Rarity’s cunt. “Oh, I needed this. I needed this bad,” moaned Twilight. “You realize I’m never letting you go now, right? You’ve taken everything I’ve dished out, you endured the worst abuse I could muster, you did the most horrible, despicable, humiliating things, just to make my cock hard. I’m never going to stop hurting you. Until the day you die, you’re going to be mine to beat, torment, and rape to my heart’s content. You’re mine forever now, bitch.” “Yes… Yes, Goddess…” Rarity didn’t know where she was. Rarity wasn’t even entirely sure who she was anymore. All she knew was that, in that moment, with the adrenaline flooding her limp body, was that she had never in all of her days felt more satisfied than she did just then. “I’m yours… Beat me… Rape me…” “Oh, Rarity, you’re such a good little fuckhole. You just needed my help to find yourself. Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time to pay me back with your adoration and servitude.” Twilight pressed her much larger frame down on Rarity, drilling her demolished cunt with her full weight and power. Rarity could feel Twilight tensing, her cock twitching and drooling out even more slick precum, and she knew that could only mean one thing; Her Goddess was close. “I’m about to fill you up, whore. When you feel my load marking you as my property… Then I suppose you’ve earned the privilege to cum. So hurry up and empty my fucking nuts, you worthless cockhole!” All Rarity could do was scream, screech through her teeth, as her Goddess did the impossible and fucked her even harder. Her toes curled in time with Twilight’s unforgiving strokes, each so deep and rough that Rarity was unsure how any of her organs still functioned. At that moment, such things were irrelevant. Rarity didn’t care about how her body was still intact, or her body at all. All that mattered was Twilight’s promise to fill her up to the brim. She didn’t want it, Rarity needed it to feel whole. And thankfully, Twilight didn’t make her wait much longer for what she needed. Like a firehose, Twilight sprayed her mighty load deep into Rarity, with enough force that it could have physically propelled her a bit were it not for Twilight pinning her down. Her load came in multiple waves, at least a dozen heavy sprays of marejizz, but Rarity only felt the first one. As soon as that first spurt coated her insides, Rarity finally lost all control, and came. She screamed like a woman slaughtered, her voice twisting and curdling from the force and strain of her orgasm. It hurt. The sensation was so intense and inescapable that it caused genuine pain, knotting Rarity’s stomach up further with each intensely powerful wave of pleasure. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her vision went white. Before Rarity knew it, she was out, unconscious on the floor with a river of jizz pouring from between her legs. It couldn’t have been more than a few moments before Rarity came to, though she kept her eyes closed for a bit as she recovered. Her body was still sore and tender, but for the most part, she felt relaxed. Refreshed. As if all of her stress had melted away. She let out a wistful little sigh, peacefully enjoying her moment before she would need to rise for her duties. “You know, you really did do a good thing for me.” Rarity’s eyes shot open, and, quite suddenly, she was standing upright. Her dungeon had vanished and, in its place, was Twilight’s castle. It was a corridor, longer than any true hallway in the castle. To her left, several meters down, was a large crystalline archway, leading into a shadowy nothing. To her right, just as far as the door, was the entrance to Twilight’s study. Despite the distance, Rarity could easily see through the opening, to see Twilight sitting alone at her tea table, one arm extended as if to shake hands with some invisible guest. “What in Equestria…?” mused Rarity. She looked down, surprised to see herself in the same blouse and skirt she had worn all that time ago. She touched her hair, bemused to see that it was just as long and extravagant as ever, despite having just cut it herself. Except, that wasn’t right either. That was ages ago, and yet, Rarity remembered it as if it was just moments ago. “What’s happening?” “I mean it. You couldn’t have meant to, but you did.” Rarity jerked her head and, somehow, right in front of her, was Twilight. The Princess of Friendship avoided eye contact, carrying herself with a careful, calculated restraint. “I always had these urges, and nothing to do with them. By offering yourself, you may have saved someone else from being in your place. And they probably wouldn’t be as willing as you.” “I… I’m confused,” said Rarity. “What’s happening?” “I guess I’m thanking you? Doesn’t matter. One way or another, we’re both going to forget any of this happened,” said Twilight. “Just… Feels like I should say it. Since this is the only chance I’d have.” “I was just in the old dungeon, where you broke me in. When you made me cut my hair.” Rarity ran a hand through her hair, still confused to even see it there. “But that’s impossible. That was years ago now.” “I call it the Exit Clause. I didn’t tell you at the time, but the day we shook hands, I cast a fairly complicated bit of magic on the both of us. I set a timer and, after that time expired, it would yank us out of our timeline, and back here. To the moment it all started,” Twilight explained. “Because even sometimes now, it feels too good to be true. I get to have it all. Friends who care for me, a public who adores me, and a toy to be as rough with as I like. Nobody’s that lucky.” “So, what? You think… You think that it’s not real?” said Rarity. “You think I was lying when I said I wanted you to own me?” “I thought it might be some sort of… Cosmic fluke. Sometimes, weird things happen when they otherwise wouldn’t, and considering the stakes we were playing with, that didn’t sit right with me. So I gave us a chance to determine that this wasn’t just pure luck.” Twilight stood up a bit straighter, and finally looked Rarity in the eyes. “Part of the deal, where I’d be your Goddess. The part I didn’t tell you. Every now and then, I would give you a chance to take it back. A chance to change your mind, in case it is just a cosmic fluke. A chance for you to do something differently. But… You didn’t. You never do.” “How many times have we done this?” “No clue. I had to limit my own knowledge a bit, to make things fair. Can’t risk indirectly influencing you, or else what’s the point?” said Twilight. “So, here we are. To your right, is the study. The very moment before you shook my hand. Choose this path, and you’ll refuse. You’ll deny the handshake, you’ll go home, and over the next three days, the charm I cast on both of us will cause us to forget that we even spoke that day. Our secrets will be safe from each other, and things will go back to normal.” “I see. And the left path?” asked Rarity. It was a silly question, and Twilight acknowledged that with her silence. “Right. Before I choose, I admit myself… Curious. Can I ask you something personal?” “Of course. We’re all friends here.” “Are we?” Twilight arched her brow, but didn’t respond right away. “Had I not revealed my true nature to you, and we lived out our lives as we did before all of this… Would your disdain for me have still popped up? Or is it my true self that you have such little care for?” “I don’t hate you, if that’s what you mean. The way I treated you, and the way I treat the others, isn’t a facade. I may be a sadist and a bully, but I’m not a monster. I do care for the people around me,” said Twilight. She paused for a moment before continuing, and admitting her true feelings. “But it’s a choice. If one day, I decided I didn’t want to be a hero, it would be easy for me to sever my friendship with you all. But that’s how I feel about everyone. Celestia warned me about this. Comes with the territory of godhood, she said.” “And if I wasn’t there to take your attention… Do you really think you’d hurt people?” “Truthfully? You got it out of my system, so probably not. Not until you’re all long dead, anyway. I’ve got a vested interest in you all. Wouldn’t want to ruin such a lucky set up, not when you’re all still so engaging.” Rarity snickered at that, to Twilight’s surprise. “What’s that about?” “Nothing, it’s just…” Rarity laughed again, shaking her head. “I love you. Honestly, and I know I’m hopeless, but I love you so much.” Now, it was Twilight’s turn to laugh. “You know, you’ve said that before, but this is the first time I believe it.” Twilight cleared her throat, and gestured to either end of the hallway. “So? What’s your choice?” “Neither of us will remember what I do?” asked Rarity. Twilight nodded, and so Rarity strode forward and kissed her Goddess tenderly on the cheek. “I think my choice is obvious, isn’t it?” Rarity turned, her decision made the instant it had been offered to her, and made her way along the hallway. She didn’t turn, but she heard Twilight’s chuckle from behind her, which reinforced her decision for her. The path wasn’t as far as it seemed, and in a stride or two, Rarity was bounding forward, to the fate she had chosen for herself. From the moment she woke up, Rarity knew today was going to be a long one for her. Another day, another dollar, as far as Rarity was concerned. She’d be busy, run ragged, but that wasn’t out of the ordinary for her. Her alarm had awoken her at 5 AM, which would give her just enough time to shower before she needed to head out. She wasted little time, as there were much more important things to contend with that morning. Less than ten minutes later, she was in her room, wrapped in a towel and preparing her outfit for the day. Before her lay two dresses, two choices of what to show the world today. To her left was a long, tasteful black office dress, the fabric stopping just about at her knees. The narrow, tube-like shape of the dress had a thinning effect, making the wearer seem more slender. To her right was a dress that had an opposite philosophy to the office dress. A pink tube dress that came just barely halfway down the length of the thigh. The top of the gown was tailored such that it would just barely cover the nipple, exposing much of the breast and cleavage. The gown would cling to the body tightly, showing off her every curve and crevice. The difference in style was day and night, one outfit oozing class, while the second was nothing more than a cheap whore’s uniform. No one, least of all someone of Rarity’s caliber and esteem, would even consider wearing it out in public. Rarity grabbed the classy black office dress and held it aloft for a moment. After considering the outfit, she chucked it over her shoulder and to the nearby trash can in favor of the pink affair. She smiled as she dressed herself for another day of servitude in the name of her all-powerful Goddess. Truthfully, Rarity wasn’t even sure why she still had that stupid black office dress. It was boring, tacky, drab, much like the Rarity of old. The Real Rarity was a lot more fun, and she greatly preferred the pink dress.