> The Suns and Sirens > by SlimmyCat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Tacocat spelled backwards is Tacocat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The world was out to get her today. Sunset knew that. She couldn’t find her lucky guitar pick during band rehearsal, so her confidence in her playing was bad. Even though the girl’s said otherwise, Sunset knew that she sounded bad. She didn’t want to bring her motorcycle to school because supposedly it wasn’t going to rain. But it decided to rain. So that was the longest walk home.  But after getting home, she changed into more dryer clothes then she checked the fridge and noticed that the fridge looked a little empty, by a little she meant the entire left side was empty. Letting out a loud groan in the large kitchen, Sunset cursed whatever god that was messing with her.  Hopping into the red convertible, waving to the older posh lady that lived next door to her. She really liked living in a mansion,  it was nice but besides her sister who owns the house but had a very hard job that kept her away and Ray, her adorable lizard. Sunset sighed as she pulled out the driveway, narrowly avoiding the mailbox. She may have passed the driving test but she still had a little trouble driving.  After getting her groceries, and food for her sister's dog, whom she forgot to feed, Sunset felt the universe had finally decided to leave her alone.  But her stomach let out a very angry noise. She was driving where basically nobody lived, it couldn’t hurt to take her eyes off of the road for a few seconds.  Sunset reached over and grabbed a carrot. It was looking right at her through the bag.  In retrospect, it was a terrible idea, as she didn’t see a small shadow run out from a very familiar van on the side of the road. But she felt the small bump. She hadn’t even gotten a bite out of her carrot when she felt her car run over something. Slamming on the breaks, she quickly got out of her car, fear settling in her gut as she saw a cat laying on its side.  “TACO!”  Sunset’s body freezing up as she saw running towards the cat was a familiar blue girl. Sonata Dusk, one of the sirens. The girl had tears streaming down her face as she went to the cat's side. Sunset watched in horror as the girl picked up the injured cat. Letting out a small pained meow as Sonata moved it gently. “Sonata, what the hell don’t run out in the street like that,” Sunset heard another voice, running towards the siren were the other two Dazzlings. Adagio and Aria both looked angry but there was obvious panic.  Adagio let out a small huff when she saw the cat.  “Oh boy,”  “Can we save him?” Sonata asked through tears. Adagio looked at her and rubbed her neck. “I don-” “I can,” Sunset spoke up, finally getting the attention of the sirens. Aria and Adagio looked up at her and glared. “Haven’t you done enough, Shimmer?” The purple-haired girl pointed at her, another hand on her hip.  Sunset felt her body rack with guilt as she looked at the slowly breathing cat. She let out a deep sigh and nodded.  “I know and I feel really bad about how everything turned out but that cat is gonna die if we don’t get him to a vet soon enough,” She insisted, pointing to the cat. Then she winced when she saw the younger siren’s face, more tears rushing down her face. Aria groaned and glared at her, giving her a ‘Why the hell would you say that’  “That’s correct, we have time to discuss everything later, we need to get him to the vet,” Adagio agreed, standing up. The other siren nodded her head. Sunset let out a small sigh of relief but it was cut short when Sonata asked a question.  “But the van doesn’t work anymore,  we don’t have a way to get there,” She cried, holding the cat tighter. Adagio frowned at her. Sunset piped up, remembering she had a car and she hit the cat with it. No the image of the cat will not leave her mind and it never will. “We can go in my car since I ran over him,” She blanched at her words but the other three didn’t seem to notice. They glanced at each other before nodding. “Of course, it only seems right,” Adagio said, looking down at the blue siren.  The four girls scrambled into the car and Sunset sped off to the nearest vet. ---------- As they rounded the corner of the vet, Sunset pulled up in a parking lot, Sonata got out of the car, her injured cat in her arms. The girl ran inside, scaring the receptionist. The woman’s eyes widened at the sight of the girl holding the injured cat. “Can you save Taco?” Sonata cried, holding her cat out to the lady. She gulped and ran to the back, opening a door and ushering her to the back. Sunset and the other two entered the building behind her. Sunset stood at the desk, waiting for someone Aria opted to sit down in one of the chairs and read one of the family life magazines. Adagio sighed and leaned against the desk, Sunset standing awkwardly next to her. The taller girl went to open her mouth but was cut off by Adagio.  “You don't need to say anything, Shimmer, you’ve already caused enough problems,” Adagio said, looking over at her. Sunset furrowed her eyebrows. “Okay but you guys were trying to take over the school,” She said, trying to deflect the blame. She shouldn’t though, she just ran over the cat. Adagio rolled her eyes. “It was a terrible idea, but I’m talking about the cat, idiot,”  Sunset let out a nervous chuckle. “Oh yeah, that was a major problem I caused,” She tapped the desk as the room went quiet again. The silence was heavier than an elephant. Sunset glanced around, looking at the cat clock on the wall. 4:25.  Her eyes were drawn back to Adagio, who was staring at the door that leads to the back. She looked anxious, eyes trained on the door waiting for anything. Sunset shouldn’t say anything, but a little reassurance might go a long way. “Hey, I’m sure the cat will be fine, I’ve heard really good stuff about this place,” She reassured, putting a hand on Adagio’s shoulder. She internally cheered when Adagio didn’t cut off her hand.  The siren didn’t look at her, but she felt the muscle under her hand relax. Adagio sighed and looked at Sunset. “I know that it’s just,” She started but was cut off by the back door opening and Sonata walking out with the receptionist and a nurse beside her. The older woman was rubbing her back as the two walked. Sonata’s tears had stopped but she was still sniffling.  Sunset let her hand fall as Sonata walked over to them. The blue-haired girl immediately latched onto Adagio, who rubbed the girl’s back.  A nurse, a woman named Rose walked back to her desk. The woman had some papers under her arm and she placed them in front of Sunset, who panicked internally. Rose opened the file and pulled out three different scans of the cat’s body.  “Sonny go sit next to Aria, I have to look at something real quick,” Adagio spoke to the girl, in a low whisper but Sunset still heard it and it calmed her panic down a little. Sonata nodded her head and trudged over to Aria and sat down right next to her.  The younger siren laid her head down on the girl’s shoulder, who just patted her head but kept reading the magazine.  Adagio walked closer to Sunset, the taller girl scooting over to give her some room. The paper showed that multiple parts of the cat’s front paws have been broken in several places. “The car that ran over him missed his entire body except for the front of his body,” The nurse started to explain. She pointed to the front legs than the jaw which looked unhinged but was still in one piece. Rose pointed to a smaller part of the jaw, small pieces of the jaw were fractured. “This part is fractured, so the vets will need to do surgery on him to remove the small pieces that broke off in his jaw and legs," She finished before collecting the papers and putting them back in the file. Rose handed the file to the receptionist in exchange for a single piece of paper. The older woman glanced at the paper, a quick look of shock before it was overtaken by a look of neutrality. She then placed the paper down in front of them. The woman went to speak but was cut off by someone calling her from the back. "I'll let you two discuss this, if you have any questions, Miss Lock will help you," She gestured to the woman behind the desk, who gave a small wave to the two. Adagio nodded her head and grabbed the paper, eyes scanning the paper. Sunset nodded her head at the woman not knowing what to do, she didn't really have any say in this so she looked over at Adagio. The shorter female was staring at the paper. Adagio ran a hand over her face, a look of unease settled on her face. Even if it's a bad thought, that wasn't her cat she shouldn't be giving a flying fuck about it. But the way Sonata had sobbed and the nervousness of Adagio, also the fact that she ran over it. She also imagined Fluttershy, the animal-loving girl that she was, would be very disappointed in her. Before her mind could change, Sunset took a deep breath and held her hand out for the paper. Adagio glanced up at her, raising an eyebrow. "Uh, can I see it?" She asked, nervously. Adagio rolled her eyes and handed it to her, looking at her with skeptical eyes. Sunset mentally prepared herself for the price. But she wasn't prepared enough. The price punched her in the stomach before stabbing her in the eye. Sunset felt a large boulder slam on her back as she looked at the price. $4,893 for some fractured limbs on a cat. Incredible. Sunset wanted to run in the back and grab the cat, she'll just magic the cat back to health. It could work, maybe. But an option that probably had no good solution, Sunset decided on the one that made more sense. Her sister had a sensible job that made good money, good enough to keep them in a mansion. It wouldn't hurt, she would just have to pay it back. That was like her next fifteen paychecks, it could work or not. Depending on her sister's mood, Sunset could get away with it. She sighed and looked at the receptionist. "Can we pay for it now?" She asked, pulling out a black card. The woman behind the desk widened her eyes and looked up at the card then at Sunset before nodding her head. She pulled a payment terminal out from somewhere and placed it on the desk. With a swipe of her card, the surgery of Taco the cat was paid for. Now, who was going to pay for Sunset's surgery when her sister finds out? Sunset sighed as she felt the boulder on her shoulders grow in size. Putting the card back, she turned to Adagio. The older siren was looking at her in such a way that it was making the teenager sweat. "What?" Sunset squeaked, her cheeks turning red under the gaze of the fluffy-haired girl. The siren shook her head before walking over to the other two. The blue-haired girl had fallen asleep on Aria's shoulder. Adagio smiled softly at the sight before sitting next to Sonata. Sunset turned back to the receptionist, getting the woman's attention. "Do you know how long the surgery will be?" The woman tapped the desk. "I'd say maybe two to three hours, but one of the nurses should come back out to inform you if he needs an overnight stay or not," She informed, smiling up at the teenager. Sunset smiled back at her. "Thank you," "Of course," Sunset nodded and went to sit across from the three, twiddling her fingers together and focusing on a really interesting black tile on the ground. It was going to be a long afternoon. > The afternoon with the sirens. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The surgery for the cat was going to take three hours. Sunset wanted to punch herself, so hard. Curse her overwhelming hunger. That carrot was still sitting in her car. She could sneak out of here and go grab it. Sunset would have already been eating by now, playing something by now. She still had to get all of the audio logs in Tirek's Revenge. She was on 22/50. Almost there. Sunset looked over at the sirens. Aria had moved onto another magazine, Sunset didn't know if she was actually interested in them or she just wanted to waste time doing something. Sonata had moved from Aria's shoulder to Adagio, little drool on her chin. Sunset smiled at the display she then looked over at Adagio, who was staring right back at her. Her magenta eyes pierced Sunset's face. Sunset quickly glances at the clock, a small blush dusted across her face. Only thirty minutes left, they should be done anytime soon. Sunset tapped her fingers against her thigh, anything to get her mind off of the stare from Adagio. The siren gaze was stabbing her in the face. Every few minutes, she snuck a peek at Adagio. The siren wasn't hiding the fact she was blatantly staring at her. Sunset let out a sigh of relief when Adagio finally looked away to look over at Aria. The purple siren mumbled something over to her and Adagio muttered something back. Adagio shook the girl asleep on her shoulder awake. Sonata whined and leaned closer into Adagio, who let out a small chuckle. She shook the girl more and the younger siren finally woke up. The three girls talking quietly to each other until a nurse came out with a cat carrier. A groggy Taco sitting in the carrier, a large cone over his head. The former sleeping siren jumping up and rushing over to the nurse. "TACO!" The older woman chuckled and handed the carrier over to her. "It might take him some hours before he is back to normal," Sonata lifted the carrier to her face, a bright smile on her face. A small tired meow was heard through the carrier and Sonata giggled. Adagio stood up walking over to the nurse who had some papers in her hand. The siren put a polite smile on and talked with the nurse. Sunset stood up stretching her legs and rubbing her back. The youngest siren walked over to the other one still sitting down. Aria glanced up and looking into the carrier before shrugging her shoulders. Sonata pouted and sat next to her. Sunset took a deep breath and walked over to the two. "I'm going to start my car, you can come and wait if you want to," Sunset offered before walking out of the building. The flame-haired girl clicked open her car. She glanced back to see Sonata and Aria exiting the vet building, both looking a bit sheepish. Sunset smiled at them and gestured to the car. "Hop in," The girls nodded and entered the car both sitting in the back. It was a silent sit as they waited for Adagio to finish up, Sunset started her car, putting the AC on for the girls. 10 minutes later, the blonde siren came out of the vet with some sheets of paper. Sonata lowered her window, sticking her head out. "Get in loser," She stuck her tongue out at the girl. Adagio rolled her eyes before getting in the passenger's seat. Sunset looked over at the girl, who put her seat belt on and laid the papers on her lap. "So where am I taking you guys?" Sunset asked, tapping her hands on the steering wheel. Adagio glanced over at Sunset. "We don't have anywhere to go, so I guess just leave us at the van," She shrugged. Sunset bit the inside of her cheek. She already paid for the cat surgery about 5000 dollars. That is already enough but something tells her to help these girls. It is her fault that they don't have their magic and she did run over her cat. Her mind was telling her to take them back to their van and moved along. She paid for the surgery and its gonna cost her a lot. But her heart is screaming at her to take them back to her house. To at least give them a good rest for the night. Sunset put the car in reverse and drove out of the parking lot. The ride was silent until the five-minute mark passed and Aria said something. "Hey I think you missed the turn, this takes us to Downtown Canterlot," Sunset nodded her head."Yep, I know," She stopped at a red light and tapped her fingers on the steering wheel. She peeked over at Adagio. The older siren was glancing out the window. The light turned green and Sunset headed towards her home. The sight of Downtown Canterlot was always gorgeous. The large budlings with beautiful colors and interesting people walking along the street, It always brought wonder to see it for the first time. Sunset smiled and drove to the Blooming Grove Houses. Pulling into the garage of her home, Sunset turned off the car before turning to the girls. Each had their look of shock that made Sunset want to laugh. "Welcome to my home," She smiled and got out of the car. The three girls followed suit following her to the front door. Sunset opened the front door stepping inside and opening the door for the other three. The three sirens looked around, eyes in awe. and they were still in the front hallway. Sunset felt smug at their looks of shock. Just like the other six, looks of disbelief and shock. She placed her keys in the bowl on the table by the door and hung her jacket on the rack. At the end of the hallway, there was another door. Sunset turned around to the girls. "You actually live here, Sunset?" Sonata asked, holding the cat carrier close to her chest. Sunset nodded her head and opened the hallway door. The living room was large, most of the bottom floor was the living room. Sitting on the wall was a large t.v, maybe 60 inches screen. Across from it was a three-piece long gray couch, can fit all seven of her friends. About a few feet away from the couch was a marron colored chair. Sitting in the chair was a large dark brown and light brown dog. The dog looked up at the girls eyeing the girls, watching their every move. "That's Trinket, he's my sister's dog. He won't bother you if you don't bother him," She walked over to the dog and patted his head. He nuzzled into her hand and jumped off of the chair. He stretched his legs and sniffed the air. Trinket glanced at the cat carrier, his eyes trained on the cat inside it. The dog then headed towards the kitchen, where his empty bowl was. "I'm surprised he didn't run up to Taco," Sonata said, placing the cat carrier on the couch and opening the cat carrier. Taco groggily stepped out of the carrier, he sniffed the air before plopping on the couch and falling asleep. The large cone restricting his movements and making him fall to his side. Sonata rubbed his back as he fell asleep. "I guess that solves that," Sonata muttered, sitting next to the cat. She looked up at Sunset. "Trinket won't come to bother him will he?" Sonata asked, putting a finger on her chin and tilting her head, looking like a confused puppy. Sunset looked at the kitchen, bowl next to him, Trinket sat waiting for his food at the entrance of the kitchen. Most of his body taking up the entrance. Sunset widened her eyes in realization as the dog stared at her. "Oh, my bad Trinket," Sunset headed outside and grabbed the groceries that ended up in her trunk. She headed inside and saw the three sirens sitting on the couch. Shaking her head, she went to the kitchen and placed the bags on the table. While she sorted everything, her mind started to wonder. She didn't really ask the sirens if they wanted to stay here. They could have said something on the way here. Her house was huge and she would take them back to the van if they wanted. But they haven't said anything yet so she guessed they wanted to stay here. She filled Trinket's bowl and patted his big head. Wiping her hands, she headed back out to the living room. The siren seemed to be waiting for her, talking quietly to each other or glancing around the room. The three girls glanced up at her as she entered the room. "I-uh-didn't ask if you wanted to stay here, so?" She rubbed the back of her neck, sheepishly. The oldest siren shrugged her shoulders. "I would guess it's up to the individual, I wouldn't mind something softer to sleep on," She mused. Sonata nodded her head. "Yeah, it would be better to sleep here instead of those hard beds," She agreed, placing her hand on Taco. Sunset smiled and glanced at Aria. The purple siren shrugged."I guess it's fine but we need clothes," She said, crossing her arms. Sunset nodded her head. "Of course, we can get your clothes and something to eat on the way back," Sunset offered, smiling at the girls. The three girls nodded their heads. Sunset felt her phone vibrate in her pocket but she ignored it, probably a notification from the group chat or some spam. "Okay but I think you guys are going to have to sleep out here, only three rooms have beds, well two, one is for Trinket," Sunset explained as they exited the house and back into the car. Adagio ran a hand through her hair. "I take it you have showers though correct?" She asked. Sunset chuckled starting the car. "In a house this big, every room has one, plus there is two on the first floor," The girls made their way back to the van. Sunset sat in the car while the girls got maybe a few days of changes of clothes, turning the radio on. Some trashy pop came on as she waited for the girls. Leaning her head back, she wondered what the girls wanted to eat. They were previous sirens, so maybe something meaty. There was that place near the grocery store. It had good vegan options as well. It was called Silver's Italian Place, it was pretty good. Sunset remembered the text from early. She went to grab her phone but she stopped by the doors opening and the sirens getting in. As she buckled herself in, Adagio scoffed. "I can't believe you actually listen to this stuff," She placed her bag on the ground in front of her. "I don't know, I kind of like it," Sonata said from behind her. Aria snickered from beside her."Of course, you do," Sonata stuck her tongue out at the other siren. In retaliation, Aria stuck her middle finger at her, with a huge smirk on her face. Sonata huffed and crossed her arms, glancing at out the window. Sunset shrugged her shoulders and changed the station, some soft punk playing through the speakers. That seemed to quiet Adagio down but Aria seemed genuinely interesting in it. Sunset heard her tapping along to the beat. The ride was silent until Sonata broke it. "So where are we going to eat?" "I don't know, I kinda wanted you guys to choose," Sunset said, stopping at a red light. Her driving was great when other people were in the car. But by herself, well Taco was laying on her couch for a reason and she was now driving the Dazzlings to get something to eat. "Can we go to Silver's, they have good tacos," Sonata offered. Adagio hummed. "They are pretty cheap and have very good food, I don't see why not," Adagio looked over to the driver, who nodded her head. After getting their respected food, Sunset and the girls went back home. As she opened the hallway door, she saw Trinket laying next to Taco. The cat snuggled against the large dog. Sunset heard Sonata squeal and rush over to the animals. Trinket lifted his head and blinked up at Sonata before laying back down. "So the coach is a pullout, a king-size bed, I hope it can fit you all, but if you one can sleep in my bed while I sleep in my older sisters," She informed, clasping her hands together. The sirens looked at each other, eyes communicating. Sunset stood watching for an answer until Adagio spoke. "We will sleep here, it won't be the first time we had to sleep in the same bed," She included, a small smirk on her face as Sunset's face turned red, the red and gold haired girl's mind wandering. "O-ok," She coughed into her hand. "There is a bathroom down the hall, first door on the left, the other is just a toilet and sink," Sunset put her hand by her side. The three sirens glanced at each other until the younger two jumped up and raced to the bathroom. Sunset watched in awe as the youngest siren, speed off, and slammed the door shut. "Sonata you piece of shit," Aria shouted banging on the door. Sonata laughed behind the door. "Not sorry, Aria," She shouted before the shower turned on. Aria groaned and crossed her arms. "Aria, you do know there are more bathrooms in the house?" Adagio said, standing up from the couch. Aria came walking from the hallway, her face red. "Yeah I know, but I haven't had a shower in a few weeks," Now that she mentioned it, the sirens did look a little dirtier. Adagio's formerly bouncy and curly hair seemed to have knots in them. All of them were a little thin and had bags under their eyes. "I know but you don't have to fight for showers anymore, our gracious host has made it clear that we can stay here," Adagio smirked and glanced over at Sunset. The taller girl nodded her head. "Yep, come on let me show you the other bathrooms," "But you might have to wait, three people at once can drain all of the hot water," Sunset offered and lead the other two to the second-floor bathrooms. After settling the sirens, getting them their showers, giving them blankets, and showing them how the T.V works. Sunset finally hit her own bedsheets. Today was a lot. Putting her phone on the charger, too tired to check her notification. She turned her light off and felt her mind drift off to sleep. > The Owner Has Arrived > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset awoke to her phone ringing. The blaring music of PostCrush on her bedside table. The red and yellow-haired girl groaned and sat up. Sunset reached over and grabbed it, not looking at the caller id. "Hello?" She answered, sleep still in her voice. The person on the other end gave a small laugh. "Sorry, did I wake you?" Sunset let her brain register the voice. Rarity. "No I just had a long night," She said groggily rubbing her eyes. She does a glance around her room. The sun was shining brightly through the window, the blue curtains giving the room a teal glow. "What time did you fall asleep?" Sunset rolled her shoulders."Maybe around 2," Another yawn threatened to escape her mouth but she suppressed it. Sitting on the edge of her bed, she stretched her legs. "Sunset, you really need to get your schedule in order," Rarity chided. Sunset chuckled, her voice still raspy. "I know, I'm working on it," "Anyway I called to let you know that I required some models, will you be able to model for me?" Rarity asked, moving on. Sunset stood up from her bed, her feet still in the process of waking up. "No, sorry Rarity, what about Fluttershy? I thought she was your model," Sunset walked over to her bathroom, opening the door to hear Rarity sigh dramatically. "I'm afraid my dearest has been taken from me," Rarity spoke. Sunset rolled her eyes and grabbed her toothbrush. "Fluttershy had to go to some stupid family reunion," The girl on the other end huffed. "Are you mad she didn't take you?" Sunset placed her phone down, putting it on speaker. "Of course not, I could never be mad at her, she's too cute," Rarity gushed. Sunset shook her head. "I hear a 'but' coming up," Sunset heard Rarity whine."But I wanted to meet her family, we've been dating for two years now. I should have already met them by now," Rarity complained into the phone. Already brushing her teeth, Sunset shook her head, foam leaking out from her mouth. Spitting out a mixture of spit and toothpaste, Sunset wiped the edge of her mouth. "Well have you talked about it with her?" She asked, putting the toothbrush back in her mouth. "No, but how am I supposed to approach her with that? Hey, Fluttershy, I wanna meet your extended family now? I sound like a jerk," Rarity pouted, Sunset could imagine her crossing her arms. "You never know Rarity, maybe she does want you to meet her family. She probably thinks you don't want to. You know she has a habit of overthinking things," Sunset responded before brushing her teeth again. "Hm, I suppose your right, I'll talk with her when she gets back," "When does she come back?" Sunset asked, with toothpaste still in her mouth. The words jumbled together. "Three days, I have to be alone for three days," Rarity cried making Sunset roll her eyes. The red-haired girl grabbed a small cup of water and threw the water back in her mouth gurgling it before spitting it out. She wiped her mouth, wiping away any excess water. "Is that why you need models? Trying to distract yourself?" Sunset smirked and grabbed her phone. Walking out of her bathroom she headed to the walk-in closet. "What else am I supposed to do? Watch the clock and wait for her to come back?" Sunset rolled her eyes and changed out of her pajamas into some shorts and an orange tank top. She was either going to play video games or go on a jog. Both options still in the air, she was kinda leaning towards the former. "Well Rarity, I have plans today, have you tried to the other girls?" Sunset asked, closing the door to her closet, phone in hand. Rarity hummed and a flicker of paper was heard. "I was able to get Twilight, I didn't dare ask Rainbow, and the other two are working," "If I see someone, I'll send them your way," Sunset offered, walking over to her bedroom door. Opening the door, she walked down the hallway. "Thank you, darling, if you want I could make you an outfit, free of charge?" Rarity offered, her tone was hopeful. Sunset laughed as she walked down the stairs. As she got closer, the sounds of the television could be heard. There was also the smell of food being cooked in the kitchen. That's weird, her sister gave the maid off until she got back. "Really if you're up for it, then sure," Sunset peaked her head into the living room to see two of the sirens laying on the couch. Sonata was at one end, Taco laying on her stomach. Aria was sitting next to her, Trinket at her feet. They looked up when they noticed Sunset enter the room. Sonata waved with a smile and Aria nodded her head. Sunset gave a small awkward wave and a smile before heading to the kitchen where the delicious smell was coming from. She forgot they were here. Raising an eyebrow, she looked around. If they were here, then where was the other one? As she entered the kitchen, she could see Adagio standing in front of the stove, her signature ponytail nowhere to be found in its place was lower. The siren turned her head to see Sunset enter the room. The taller girl gave a wave as Adagio looked one over at her before turning back to the stove. "Oh sounds like someone's eating today? Is your sister back today?" Rarity's voice pipes up scaring her a little. Sunset chuckled before walking over to the refrigerator. "No she usually messages me a day early, haven't gotten a text yet," She was hesitant to tell about the sirens. Opening it, she got out the jug of orange juice and placed it on the table. Sunset hummed as she grabbed a cup and poured herself a glass. "Haven't really checked either," She murmured sitting down. Rarity let out a hum of her own. "Maybe you should check, remember the last sleepover?" The memory immediately popped into her mind making her groan. Her sister had walked in on one of their many sleepovers and the house was trashed. Sunset had never seen her sister look so angry. Well to be honest, she couldn't really tell since her sister was so stoic. But after years, Sunset was able to tell her sister's emotion to a certain degree. "You're right," Sunset agreed, scrolling down to see her notifications. Her notification were full. There were messages from Rarity, some from the group chat, and other social media notifications. She swiped the ones that weren't important. As she swiped, she stood up and walked out of the kitchen. Her footing stopped and eyes widened. There was a message from her sister. "Gonna be home by 11," She guessed and looked at the time. Her chest started pounding and sweat started forming. It was 10:59. As she looked up, the front door opened and in walked a very tall woman with vibrant red and orange hair. She wore a long brown trenchcoat over a black turtleneck. She had darker brown slacks and black dress shoes. Over her eyes were a pair of shades. The woman turned her head to look at the two girls on the couch then over at Sunset. "I gotta go Rarity," Sunset hung up before letting the girl speak. She put her phone in her pocket before awkwardly looking at her sister. "Uh Welcome back Sunfire," She rubbed the back of her neck and avoided the cold hard stare from the older woman. "You have five minutes" Sunset took a deep breath. "Okay so..." > An agreement and some rules > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Let me get this straight, you ran over their cat, paid my money with it, then let them crash on my couch because you thought I wouldn't be here?" Sunfire questioned, running a hand through her hair. Her sunglasses were off and she had two different colored eyes. One eye was mint green and the other was an amber color. Sunset nodded her head sheepishly. "It's not like they made a big mess, they were just sleeping here," She tried, holding her hands behind her back. Sunfire sighed and shook her head. The sirens watched from the couch. "That's not the issue here kid, you used money that you didn't know what I was going to be using for and invited people in my house without telling me," Sunfire's body language was calm, her voice was low and cold. Sunset hung her head at the tone, she felt tears stinging her eyes. Sunfire frowned and walked over to her. Sunfire placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm not mad at you, just let me know next time," Sunfire attested, her voice warmer now. The younger sister nodded her head and blinked back her tears. Sunfire patted her shoulder and looked at the couch "Now explain the kids on my couch," Sunset chuckled and rubbed her neck. "You remember the Battle of the bands? That happened like half a year back," She asked. Sunfire hummed and made eye contact with the older siren. The orange siren stared back at her and the two had a mini staring contest. Sunset felt the tension rising in the room and she cleared her throat. "These are the Dazzlings," She gestured to the girls. Adagio squinted her eyes before turning away and crossing her arms. "These are the sirens from Equestria, I remember you mentioning them," Sunfire rubbed her chin and looked lost in thought. "What were you guys doing on the side of the road?" She asked, making eye contact with Adagio. "Well after your wonderful sister decided to destroy our magic, everything we had vanished," Adagio started glaring at Sunset, who noticed the floor looked at the wall, sheepishly. "So we had to stick to other measures, to survive in this world," Sunfire's eyes widened. "What measures?" She asked, her voice filled with curiosity and a little caution. Adagio rolled her eyes."If you are thinking of prostitution, no we have not," She confirmed making Sunset let out a small sigh of relief. "What about at the Starswirl music festival, did you guys get enough?" The shorter sister questioned, looking back at Adagio. The elder siren glanced at her fellow sirens. A small conversation was happening through their eyes. Sonata looked at the ground and slumped her shoulders and Aria folded her arms, instead of a scowl she had a frown. Adagio piped up again, her voice solemn."We thought it was for money, but it was volunteer work," She avoided Sunfire and Sunset's eyes, looking ashamed. Sunset frowned and glanced up at her sister, who seemed in deep thought. She hoped Sunfire would let them stay. Sunset couldn't live with herself if they were back in that van and with Winter just around the corner. Sunset's stomach started to tighten, maybe one of the other girls could house them. "Hmm, that is very unfortunate," Sunfire commented, hands in her pockets. Sunset noticed her sister eyeing each of the sires. Sunfire's eyes went back into looking over the girls. Sunset watched the sirens' shoulders tense under her gaze. "Ok, you kids can stay here," Sunfire announced, crossing her arms. Every head turned to Sunfire, eyes widened in surprise. Sunset grabbed her sister's arm. "Really? Are you positive?" Sunfire nodded her head. "Yes, they have nowhere to go, right?" She glanced at the sirens, who nodded their heads. "We have more than five rooms, all we need is some beds and you three would be set," She explained. "Are you serious, this isn't some sick prank is it?" Aria asked, her eyes boring into Sunfire's. The woman let out a sigh and frowned. "You guys haven't been shown any kindness unless you've manipulated someone for it," Sunfire started, staring at Aria. "I'm not pitying you, you guys are where you are because of bad decisions that you've made and all I'm doing is helping you get into a place where you can be happy and safe," "All I'm asking is for you to accept this offer, I will do my best into getting you off your feet," She finished, eyes landing on Adagio. The older siren looked up at Sunfire who had a kind look in her eyes. The orange-haired girl nodded and uncrossed her arms placing them in her lap. "Well girls, do we take it?" She asked, looking over at the other two. Sonata nodded her head excitedly."It's been a long time since we slept somewhere warm," She babbled, earning a punch from Aria. "Shut up," The purple siren glared at her. Sonata in return blew a raspberry at her. Adagio let out a deep sigh and glanced at Sunfire's amused face. "We will be staying until we achieve this safety," Sunfire nodded her head, looking a little happier." Let's discuss some ground rules first," She held a hand up. "There are three rules in this house, and everyone must abide by them," She held up three fingers, making the sirens flinch a little. "One, keep the house clean. Clean up after yourself," Sunfire placed one finger down. The sirens nodded their heads. That's a simple rule, Adagio made them abide by the same rule. "Two, Don't invite people over unless I have met them or have given you the okay," Sunfire's gaze turned to Sunset, who flushed red and rubbed her neck. "You'd think that would be the easiest rule but people love breaking that one," "And three, Don't go into my room, easiest rule ever," Her eyes still glaring at Sunset, whose face turned red. Sunfire shook her head. "And if you do have people over, make sure they don't go in my room either," Her voice not really directed at the sirens, but mostly at Sunset. She placed her hand down. The youngest siren was the one the speak the question on everyone's mind. "What'd you do?" Sonata queried, placing a finger on her chin. Sunfire's eyes didn't leave Sunset. The younger sister shook her head. "Don't answer that question," Sunset piped up trying to cover Sunfire's mouth. Sunfire placed a hand on Sunset's head pushing her down, not putting effort into holding her back. "Her friends were over and two of them had sex in my room," Sunfire recounted, a look of disgust on her face. Sunset's face turned as bright as her hair when she heard the siren's laughing. She hid her face in her hands. "Please can we move on," Her voice came muffled out? Sunfire patted the girl's head. "I still can make them uncomfortable by just looking at them," Sunfire chuckled. "Okay, now I have three weeks before I need to go back to work, so during that time we can get you guys situated," Sunfire clapped her hands together. The siren's glanced at each other, each raising an eyebrow. "First, let's go shop for some clothes,"