> A Different Kind Of Distortion. > by ThatAverageDude > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prettiest Pink Pony Princess. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''Now, if you'll do these daily exercises, your back pain will be reduced significantly,'' Thomas explained to the timid mare in front of him. ''Just remember to carry anything heavy the way how I've instructed, and you should be good, Miss Twinkle.'' The human gave the crystal pony a friendly smile, which she returned halfheartedly. ''Thank you... Uhm, I'm still able to work, right?'' she inquired shyly. ''Of course. As long as you don't stress your back too much,'' Thomas responded, quickly jotting down some notes. ''Alright, I see here that I got some room for next Friday, will that work for you?'' ''Okay.'' Was the simple and meek reply. The physiotherapist rolled his eyes inwardly at the response; Shiny Twinkle wasn't known for being shy at all. The mare was a hard working construction pony for crying out loud! Thomas however, didn't show his annoyance, of course, and instead nodded once. ''Great, that means we're done for today, Miss Twinkle.'' The brown haired man spoke happily to the turquoise mare. Shiny was already halfway through the exit when Thomas had ended his sentence, probably not even registering what he had said, and just like that, she was gone in a flash. The human let out a heavy sigh before rubbing his head in clear distress. This wasn't the first time a patient had reacted the way Twinkle did. More than not, he was considered as scary, weird, and intimidating. Owning the only practice in physiotherapy in all of the Crystal Empire—since it really wasn't that well established in Equestria yet—physical contact with other ponies was inevitable. Still, a lot of stallions and mares alike decided to be brave, just for the fact they knew his therapy worked. Heavy labor wasn't uncommon in the Crystal Empire at all, hence why Thomas didn't have to worry of going out of business. After all, pain beats fear in the end. Yet the brown haired man couldn't help but feel like the ponies were treating him like a freak, and it pained him. A lot of weekends were spent alone, preparing stuff for next week, or enacting his only hobby he had; running. Thomas could understand their fear and wariness, though. If there would be, for example, only one physiotherapist back on earth in his town that happened to be a talking pony, he would be freaked out too. Shaking his head to get rid of these somber thoughts, the physiotherapist turned his attention back to his clipboard to read the next and final patient of the day. ''Let's see,'' he muttered to no one in particular. ''Miss... Mi Amore Cadenza!?'' Thomas' eyes widened significantly for a moment, before he quickly regained his professionalism again. Coughing slightly, the human's eyes went over the name once more; just to make sure he'd read it right. 'The princess?' he thought incredulously. He couldn't believe it, and why didn't he notice her name earlier? Regardless if this was a prank or not, Thomas went to the waiting room quite expectantly. Needless to say, he wasn't disappointed in the slightest. The adorable pink princess was sitting patiently on one of his human chairs that he so foolishly had installed just when he had begun his practice. Her front hooves were placed neatly on the seat between her legs to give her more balance, and a huge, content smile was plastered on her face as she hummed a silly tune to kill the time a little. Suddenly, the human became a lot more self aware around the princess. He'd never met her personally, but the physiotherapist had seen her once at the games. Thomas didn't know why, but he immediately felt extremely attracted towards her. The alicorn was stunning to look at, being the princess of love and all of that; a title she certainly had earned in Thomas' opinion. The princess' pink coat was flawless, and her lavender eyes deep and vivid. Two strong wings accentuated her firm back, and her flanks had jiggle in exactly the right places. But the most prominent feature by far in Thomas' mind was the alicorn's mane. Those bright yellows, purples and pink coming together in such a form of art, it should be forbidden. She was heaven to look at, but the human knew he had to make do with just looking. Even if the princess miraculously liked him, which he doubted very much, she was still his patient. Moreover, the alicorn was happily married with the captain of the guards, a stallion that was but all too suspicious of him. A honey sweet voice shattered his mind in an instant, as Cadence addressed herself sweetly. ''Hi, you must be Thomas, right? I've heard a lot about you. It's nice to finally meet you,'' the princess spoke warmly as she extended her hoof politely to the stunned man. Sweet Pete, be merciful! Her voice was like the singing of angels, and Thomas had trouble keeping his composure. Clearing his throat, he gently shook her hoof with his hand. ''It's a pleasure, princess, I hope the seat wasn't too uncomfortable, my apologies for that.'' The pink alicorn waved it off dismissively. ''Don't worry about it, dear, I actually think they are rather stylish. And please, call me Cadence, no need to be formal,'' she replied cutely, giving him a wink. Heat already rose to the human's cheeks at the Princess' words. She was surprisingly laid back around him, and very cute. The physiotherapist had expected her to act high and stuck up, but he was completely wrong about that fact. ''Well, Cadence, let me say that you're the first that actually like the seats.'' Thomas chuckled dryly. ''I've got a lot of complaints about them, so I'll probably remove them in the near future,'' He explained matter of factly. ''It's hard to please everypony, Thomas,'' Cadence knowingly retorted, before giving him a little nudge. ''But why don't you show me the room?'' ''Of course, follow me please.'' The human started to walk back the way that he came from, but Cadence's definition of 'follow' was apparently 'lead' as she began trotting in front of him. The pink princess looked back at the human, and gave the slightest of seductive smirks before swaying her hips a little more than necessary. Thomas couldn't help but blush and stare at Cadence's nice behind going to and fro. Was she deliberately teasing him right now? Stumbling slightly, the alicorn gave him a light giggle before he regained his composure. ''Sorry, I... ah... was somewhere else with my thoughts,'' he lied quickly. ''Really? Because I don't mind at all if you were looking at my flanks, sweetie,'' Cadence replied sultry, easily seeing through his lie and wiggling her butt in the air for emphasis. Thomas blushed furiously at the sight, unable to come up with a comprehensible sentence. ''Anyway,'' he muttered after a while. ''We're here.'' Opening the door, the room itself was pretty small. A desk with some paperwork stood all the way in the back, and in the middle was a simple massage bench for the necessary tests and treatments. Grabbing a chair for the princess, she sat down gently before Thomas began to write a couple of things down. ''Since this is your first visit, would you like me to explain the process we're going through?'' the human asked automatically. ''I've heard enough to get a good grasp about it.'' Was Cadence's quick reply. ''Alright, then why don't you start why you're here?'' Cadence smiled mischievously, placing her haunches a little bit further into the chair before firing away. ''I was doing my usual morning jog, normally without any clothes on, but this time I decided to wear a cute blue tank top, and some tight black biking shorts that hugged my ass just a little too much.'' She wiggled her brows seductively and let out a cute moan. ''It was really hot, so I decided to keep them on,'' she naughtily whispered. Thomas swallowed audibly, pictures of Cadence wearing these tight shorts while she was blushing and her cameltoe easily visible flooding his mind. ''Afterwards it was all sweaty, and the spot at my crotch was very sticky as well,'' she went on seductively, one hoof already going between her legs. ''C-could we please go to the part that's relevant?'' the human stuttered in embarrassment. There was no denying anymore that the princess was teasing him, and doing a very good job at doing so. Her dirty talk had effectively given him a hard on, yet the human tried to ignore it as best as he could. ''Oh? Don't you want to hear what happened after that? It was very pleasurable and naughty of me,'' she softly retorted, biting her lip heatedly and rubbing her hoof ever so softly against her excited clit. Truth be told, Thomas wouldn't have liked to hear anything else, but he remained strong, for the time being anyway. ''No, and please stop rubbing yourself Cadence, just tell me how I can help you.'' ''Hmmm, I came for a sprained ankle originally, but that suddenly healed when I was waiting.'' The pink princess moaned, touching herself feverishly. ''But you can still help me by sticking your hot dick inside of my needy cunt though.'' Thomas was awestruck. She came for a simple distortion of the ankle, yet apparently sex was her plan all along. He couldn't believe what she just had said either, but Cadence wasn't joking. Blushing shyly, she spread her legs wide for him to see, rubbing her hoof agonizingly slow over her aching cunny. It was already damp from her vaginal fluids, and her musk began to invade all of the human's senses, putting him in a daze. ''I've seen how my subjects have treated you with caution and fear, my little human. Especially my husband has been unfair to you,'' she spoke with a pout. ''Luckily, he's away for an entire month, and since a princess has needs, I wanted to repay you a little,'' she explained hotly. The brown haired man could only take in a sharp breath as Cadence embraced him with her magic, slowly floating him over before whispering in his ear. ''Besides, I know you want me, now take me until you've spilled your entire load inside of my wet snatch.'' Moaning again, she placed herself on the massage bench enticingly, wings spread and her ass raised high up in the air, hungrily inviting him over with lust in her eyes. Raising her tail out of the way, the pink princess gave Thomas the best view of her soft pussy as possible, which was heavily leaking fluids that dribbled down her legs slowly. Her pussy lips were foreign for the man, structured like a tear drop that ended at her winking clit. Above that was her puckered pink asshole, and her tail swinging from the left to the right, shaking her ass seductively to get him to move. How could he say no to such an invitation? Almost hypnotized, he began to walk over, his dick throbbing happily at the sight. ''That's it, big guy, come and get me. Claim me as yours,'' Cadence sultry dirty talked, getting more excited as she felt the human approaching. Finally, Thomas was so close that his entire view was filled by nothing but the alicorn's sweet butt. He could smell her clearly, and slowly, used two fingers to spread her wet cunt as wide as possible. Immediately, Cadence gave a loud moan at the touch, blushing a bright red as she felt the human's warm breath wash over her nether region. The insides of her pussy were even pinker than her coat, a couple of sticky strings of liquids connecting the two parts as Cadence shivered in pleasure. Thomas could feel his own arousal rise at the sight, drunken on lust for the mare as he was, he moved in, and softly kissed her open snatch. ''Yessss,'' the pink princess hissed in pleasure, cheeks blushing and tongue lolling out of her mouth as the human gave her the attention she desired. Moving his tongue out, he gave her leaking cunt a tentative lick, his cock twitching at the information his brain was receiving. She tasted sweet and earthy, and Thomas hungrily lapped up more of her fluids. Cadence couldn't help but try to push her ass further into his face, moaning his name repeatedly. Complying to her silent gesture, he began to push his tongue into her love tunnel, twisting and turning it every way. ''Oh Celestia yes, please don't stop,'' the pink mare begged, wrapping her tail around the back of his head to keep him in place. Further Thomas ventured, until his lips met her others, before curiously beginning to explore her insides eagerly. Cadence felt a shiver go down her spine, her clit winking rapidly in pure pleasure at the sexual stimulation she received. His tongue was heavenly on her cunt, juices dripping out freely which were lapped up in earnestness by the human. His pants felt tight, incredibly tight, but he was enjoying himself too much to be bothered by it. Right now, he just wanted to enjoy Cadence's cute squeaks and moans as he worked her snatch, occasionally spreading her lips with his fingers as wide as possible. ''Your tongue feels so good Thomas, ah!'' the princess moaned naughtily, panting hard. The human's breathing was getting more erratic, excitement filling his being as he moved out reluctantly, before inserting two fingers in her hungry slit. The two appendages disappeared all the way, the alicorn's soft cunny desperately trying to suck in more as she clamped her muscles down on the welcomed intruders. Opting to shower her twitching clit in loving kisses instead, he began to slowly pump his fingers in and out of her damp pussy, making the alicorn visibly shudder. ''Oh, faster please,'' she begged him, high on euphoria. The brown haired man complied, speeding up and adding a third finger in the process. The soft squeaks of Cadence filled the room, wings fully extended as he moved his fingers in a steady rhythm while licking at her nub simultaneously. Thomas couldn't take much more, he had to fuck her, and the thought made him as excited as ever. Having lubricated the pink mare well enough, he slowly removed his fingers, slick from her fluids, before holding them in front of the princess. Blushing even brighter, Cadence slowly took one of them in her mouth, before gently suckling her own liquids off of it. She moaned loudly at her own taste, enjoying the texture of his fingers tremendously as they moved eagerly in her warm mouth. Putting his other digits in her wet maw as well, the alicorn gave a surprised squeak when Thomas suddenly gave her ponut a curious lick, her asshole puckering in delight at the touch. ''Thomas, you naughty boy,'' she stated seductively as she bashed her eyelashes at him. ''Do you like my cute little butthole?'' Kissing it softly, he growled like an animal as he gave the exterior another wet lick. ''I love it, Cadence. I love you,'' he stated, completely smitten with the pink princess. ''Then why don't you fuck me already, big guy? Don't you want to put your big cock inside of my little aching cunny? Please, Thomas. Fill me up with your hot dick and rut me crazy like the slut I am,'' the princess dirty talked to him hotly, biting her lip in anticipation. The human didn't know how fast to remove his clothes at those words. Soon, only his boxers remained, and his throbbing manhood twitched in the air freely when he pulled those down in one swift motion as well. Cadence’s cheeks felt warm, and her clit began to wink crazily at the sight of his long shaft. Groping her voluptuous ass lewdly, which resulted in another visible shiver from the princess, he started to prod the tip of his manhood slowly against the opening of Cadence’s love tunnel, enjoying the absolute warmth that radiated from that spot. A slight whimper was the only sound the pink mare made, silently asking him to proceed further. Unfortunately for Cadence, the human had other plans. An arm suddenly from under the alicorn's belly caught Cadence completely off guard, and she gave a loud yelp as Thomas moved her on her back easily. Towering over the submissive princess like a predator, the brown haired man lined up his hot dick with her quivering vent impatiently, giving the mare under him a heated look. Putting her front hooves around his neck, Cadence slowly brought his head down to meet him in a gentle kiss. It made Thomas' head spin; such a simple gesture had made such an extraordinary impact on the human. It felt so innocent, yet oh so forbidden at the same time, which made the man all the more aroused. Finally, he started to push in, both parties moaning loudly as Thomas entered the pink princess enthusiastically. Pleasure rocketed through the human's body as he slowly put in more of his shaft in Cadence's lubricated cunt. She was eager, her pussy felt so tight around his cock, gripping it like a vice at every angle, wanting to make sure he moved it in further. That's exactly what the brown haired man did, soon bottoming out in the pink princess under him with a final grunt. Only pleasure surged through his veins at the sight of the adorable mare; a married pink princess which he was balls deep inside at the moment. ''Please, fuck me hard,'' Cadence whimpered, letting him take complete control over her. He grunted, the tightness around his shaft absolute heaven, before pulling out of her sopping slit reluctantly. He immediately inserted everything back again; a wet slap echoed through the room, and a certain pink princess moaned in sheer ecstasy at the sexual stimulation she was receiving. ''Yes, please, more.'' She breathed erratically, blushing bright red and moving her hips lustfully upwards to meet his. Cadence wasn't the only one who was on cloud nine; Thomas grunted and groaned as he took the princess hard. Kissing her yet again, he began to thrust in a steady rhythm, pre dripping out of his tip as the air filled with the thick smell of sex. ''Ahh, do you like my slutty cunt, Thomas? Fucking your princess so lewdly like the whore she is while her husband is away? Go harder please.'' She panted hotly, his throbbing dick making her feel complete. The human could only grunt at her dirty talk, speeding up and rocking the pink mare back and forth, completely bottoming out each time in the twitching princess. Sweat poured from their faces, making Cadence's mane wild and frazzled, which Thomas absolutely adored as he looked at her lust filled face. Feeling his orgasm approaching, he began to slow down, peppering her body in kisses, taking extra care for her stretched wings, until he was all the way inside of her again. Instead of pulling out, he began to gyrate his hips slowly, taking the princess with him who had her tongue lolled of her mouth in pure bliss. Roaming her body with his free hands, he soon found two little breasts above her crotch, and gently touched the nipples. ''So you do have boobs down there, I like it, very cute,'' Thomas complimented, pleased with his findings. Cadence shuddered at the touch, giving him a very seductive look while the human still rotated his hips to and fro ever so gently. ''Easy, they're really sensitive, but it's heaven when somepony sucks on them, hard,'' The princess revealed, just loving the slow pace he was going at as his dick throbbed and continued to spill pre in her warm love tunnel, taking her hips with him wherever he pleased. ''Oh really? Maybe you should come back for another appointment then, I'll suck on your nipples as long as you want,'' the brown haired man replied sultry, putting a little more pressure on her breasts as he said so. ''Hnng, you know I'll take you up on that offer,'' Cadence whispered. ''Now, are you going to fill me up like the cumslut I am, or are you going to stay inside of me the rest of the day? Hmmm, I don't mind either option.'' Chuckling slightly, Thomas began to trust again, which quickly changed in animalistic movements as he fucked Cadence silly. He couldn't stop now, the feeling of excitement was overwhelming, the continuous schlicking and sloshing sounds of their combined fluids spurring the human on even more. ''I'm getting close, Cadence,'' the brown haired man heatedly warned, feeling his inevitable ending approaching. The pink princess too, was getting very close, all his oral stimulation had already taken a number on her, and his hot shaft inside of her snatch where it belonged was just the cherry on top. ''Then cum inside of me, Thomas. Fill your princess up with your hot semen, I want to feel it overflow in my hungry slit,'' she dirty talked in pure ecstasy. That was all he needed to hear, because not long after, Thomas let out a final growl, taking her to the hilt as he came hard. Load after load of his sticky cum shot deep down in the pink princess, the feeling making his knees weak as he felt Cadence’s own orgasm. The princess let out a long outdrawn moan, her walls clamping down on his dick desperately, milking him for all what he was worth as she put her back legs around his midsection. They stayed like that, shivering around each other and just riding out their orgasms before basking in the afterglow of it all. Thomas was in the clouds, he could feel his seed dribble out of Cadence’s just used pussy, his dick still buried all the way inside of it. The room just reeked of sweat and sex, and the pink mare lovingly kissed the human on the lips again. ''Thank you. That was awesome,'' Cadence confessed truthfully. The brown haired man gave her a huge smile in return. ''So, same place, same time next week then?'' he asked brightly. The alicorn giggled cutely, nuzzling him before growling lustfully. The pink mare softly whispered her response in his ear ''I'll see you then, my little human.'' > Follow-Up Session. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas grumbled tiredly, steadily walking through the dim lighted streets. Darkness still engulfed the Crystal Empire when the physiotherapist made his way to the royal castle. Most ponies were still peacefully sleeping, but apparently, this was not the case for a certain pink princess. Ever since Cadence had made her surprise visit last week to his practice, Thomas' mood had instantly improved; even drastically so. Granted, most crystal inhabitants still tried to avoid him like the plague, but this one special mare seemed to make it all worthwhile. That was until the princess had cancelled her appointment for the day. A couple of nobles all the way from the Neighterlands would be visiting, and she simply couldn't reschedule their arrival to another date. To say the human was downtrodden was an understatement. Thomas understood of course, yet deep down he knew he shouldn't have had his hopes up. Cadence was still a married princess after all, and once Shining Armor would be back from his duty, everything likely would return to the way it was before. But to his utter surprise, the pink alicorn hadn't blown him off completely. She had told him to meet her at the palace doors at five A.M. sharp, giving him a quick peck on the lips before leaving him be. The human had blushed at the intimate contact, a stupid smile on his face as his eyes darted to that sugary behind, Cadence wiggling it just a little more for his viewing pleasure, before closing the door behind him gently. Even thinking about it now made the physiotherapist smile like an idiot. He was completely smitten for the pink mare, and he didn't know if he should be afraid, or just enjoy the ride until it ended. But he so desperately didn't want it to end; she made him feel more happy than he had ever been, and not just because of the sex. That was just a huge bonus in Thomas' opinion. If he could, the human would be more than okay to just snuggle the princess warmly, whispering sweet nothings in her ear as he listened to her heartbeat. Thomas probably didn't even care that he would destroy Cadence's marriage if Shining Armor ever happened to find out. Because truth be told, the human was pretty envious of the stallion, and more than tired of his suspicious behavior towards him. Taking something so intimate that belonged to the captain of the royal guards made the physiotherapist feel powerful, and yet, another part was constantly nagging at him, telling Thomas that what he did was disgusting and completely wrong. The human sighed inwardly at these troublesome thoughts, rubbing the last of the sleep out of his eyes to keep them open. It wasn't even like he meant to have sex with Cadence; she was the one who seduced him for crying out loud! The alicorn apparently knew damn well of his feelings towards her from the get-go, and played him right into her hooves! He hadn't expected anything less from the embodiment of love. Shaking his head, he let his mind wander to what Cadence possibly wanted from him at this unholy hour. 'I don't know what you have planned for me, my sweet princess, but it better be something less obvious than an ankle distortion this time,' he thought jokingly. Fortunately for Thomas, the royal palace was in sight, the two guards that were supposed to stay at attention in front of the door having vanished completely, replaced with the most adorable pink mare he had ever seen. Immediately, the human's chest tightened and his breath quickened at the sleepy smile Cadence give him, who was still dressed in her cute night gown. ''Hi, Thomas,'' she greeted him cutely. ''Mi Amore,'' Thomas simply replied back, nodding his head once. Immediately after, he had the princess' lips locked into a hungry kiss, growling passionately as he held her close to his body. Cadence's flustered face gave away for a sweet moan, eagerly kissing the human back with much vigor. Parting her lips, she allowed Thomas' tongue to explore the insides of her mouth, the warm and wet intruder sending a shiver through her spine. ''You don't know how long I've been waiting for this,'' the pink alicorn hissed throughout their make out session. ''Some dumb nobles aren't going to ruin my fun.'' Thomas' excitement only grew at those words, his chest aching and his heart thumping in his throat for the alicorn in front of him. Breaking the heated kiss for a moment to reply, he rubbed her rosy cheeks gently. A string of saliva connected their mouths, Cadence's eyes so full of longing emotions for him, her pink coat so warm against his skin; he couldn't help but shake and shudder in her embrace. ''Why are you so fucking cute?'' he spoke lovingly to Cadence, who couldn't help but giggle sweetly. ''Because I'm the princess of love,'' she whispered sultrily, capturing his quivering lips with her own once more. This time, her tongue found its way into his warm mouth, exploring it enthusiastically as she worked it into every nook and cranny. The physiotherapist shivered at her touch, Cadence's tongue going over his own again and again as they wrestled for dominance. Not about to stay at the front step any longer, the princess of love began to lead him inside, their mouths still interlocked as Thomas decided to help her out a little. Picking up the smaller mare, she snuggled close to him as he entered the palace, one hand already finding her firm and squishy ass. Cadence's sweet tongue was back in submission after that, as she let him run his own tongue over it hotly. Squeezing her flank, the alicorn let out a cute squeak at the touch, her slit already getting damp at all the stimulation she received. Cadence smelled incredibly sweet, like strawberries, and her tongue was like electricity for the human, every movement of her wet tongue an arousing sensation on its own. ''Tell me what you are going do to me, Thomas. Say it out loud,'' the perverted princess commanded lustfully, her hot cunt making a mess of her night gown. The wet spot between her legs was noticeable, and Thomas couldn't help but let his fingers run over it smoothly, excitedly tracing the outlines of her pussy lips through her thin clothing. The pink alicorn shivered like a log at the touch, moaning indignantly as the human began to apply more pressure, his voice filled with lust. ''I'm going to fuck you silly, Cadence. My dick will be buried entirely in your wet snatch, and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm going to fill you up, cum inside you and claim you as my princess,'' he spoke haughtily, his cock already as hard as a rock, twitching in approval. The princess of love feigned a gasp, stifling another moan at his heavenly touch. ''You aren't going to be too rough with me, are you?'' Cadence hissed between grunts and groans, desperately trying to buck her hips against his fingers. She was in love with those appendages of his, Thomas' teasing fingers on her damp slit making her leak fluids like crazy. Cadence could feel his fingers gently exploring her crotch, which made her moan in pure bliss, but he never ventured in further than a simple touch, making her long for more. The alicorn's night gown wasn't helping her case either. ''Maybe we should go back to the royal chambers where you can properly take me like the slut I am,'' she naughtily suggested, lustfully pressing her lips to his again. ''Yes, my princess,'' was the salute, the human's breath hot in Cadence's face as he gave her another smooch. Motioning for him to let her down, she gave a slight whimper when his fingers left her hot and bothered pussy, her face an adorable shade of red. That only grew when the physiotherapist decided to show the mare her own arousal on his fingers, breathing in its thick scent before eagerly sticking one of them inside his mouth to have a taste of her fluids. It was sweet, but also a little bit tangy and earthy; it made the human shudder in clear excitement, as he slowly shoved the other one inside of Cadence's own mouth. ''You taste so exotic Cadence, don't you agree?'' Thomas whispered, moving his finger sensually around her mouth, the pink alicorn's cheeks burning and her snatch twitching crazily as she moaned at the information her brain was receiving. She sucked on his finger obediently, closing her eyes and leaving his appendage covered in a thick layer of saliva. Her musk was getting evident in the air, Thomas' manhood throbbing happily at the smell and the sexy little mare in front of him. Winking, she moved her tail out of the way to give him a clear view of her crotch area, which was entirely sticky from her pussy juice, making the night gown a clear see through and leaving nothing to the imagination. Just as Thomas remembered, her cunt was shaped into a tear drop, which he actually began to like a lot. Even her puckered butthole was visible, making the view already ten times more pleasing for him. Grasping the stunned man into her magic, she lustfully led him to her massive bedroom. Not a single soul was encountered at their little trip. No maids, no guards, nobody, which Thomas could only conclude was the princess' doing. When they had arrived at Cadence's chambers at last, the first thing the human noticed was the bed. It was huge, easily covering one fourth of the room. Just then, the pink alicorn gently lowered Thomas to the ground, lying on her bed in the most seductive pose she could muster, before beckoning him over. ''Please your princess,'' she commanded, which sounded more like an adorable whimper from a needy mare more than anything, making the human that more aroused. Ever so slowly, Thomas began to approach the beautiful mare, taking his sweet time, before crawling over her bed to where she was lying. ''That's it, big guy, I'm yours to take,'' she whispered heatedly. Thomas now gently grabbed her back hoof, bending down to give it a sweet kiss, all the while keeping eye contact with the horny princess. He repeated the process with her other hoof, moving upwards at a snail’s pace, showering her back legs in kisses and enjoying the haughty looks he received from Cadence in the process. Now he had reached her night gown, and moving it upwards carefully, his price was finally revealed. His dick twitched at the sight, the pink alicorn was completely wet, and her clit was winking at him rapidly, just begging Thomas to please her there. This time though, he decided to go slow. He wanted to draw out the experience as long as possible. Winking at the alicorn, he moved past her wet snatch for now, and instead planted a long sensual kiss on her cutie mark. Moving to the other side, he did exactly the same to her other flank, kissing her cutie mark sensually, Cadence shuddering at the agonizingly slow pace that he was going. ''Let's play with those cute little boobs of yours first, shall we?'' he suggested lewdly. The princess of love could only moan in approval as he moved one of her legs up in the air, his fingers running delicately over her soft mounds and sensitive nipples at her crotch area. ''Y-yes. Please more,'' Cadence begged cutely, biting her lip as the physiotherapist began to move in and pant hot breath on them. Carefully playing with her crotch tits, the human couldn't help but give the pink mare an innocent look. ''Will they get hard as I suck on them?'' he wondered heatedly. ''Yes! Please do it,'' the princess almost yelled, her twitching marehood winking crazily at the thought. Smiling, the human moved his head between her legs, sticking his tongue out to lick one of her nipples, before gently beginning to suck on it. The reaction was immediate, Cadence squirmed under him and her cheeks were flustered with need, the look he was giving her like that of an innocent young colt who just expected to get some milk from his mommy. ''Good boy, Thomas,'' the princess praised, moaning loudly as the human began to apply more suction in return. Thomas was getting in a daze, her sexual smell affecting him little by little, just enjoying the fact that he was sucking on the crotch tits of the mare that he loved. Having teased the pink alicorn more than enough, he began to move his free hand between her legs, easily finding her hot opening and forcing two fingers inside her aching cunny. ''Oh yes please, I need more,'' Cadence exclaimed to the heavens, her adorable squeaks filling the air as the human began to pump his fingers in and out of her pussy in a steady rhythm. The schlicking and sloshing sounds of Thomas' busy fingers were heard all throughout the room, Cadence's marehood desperately trying to keep the welcomed intruders as far inside of her love tunnel as possible. ''My, my, such a wet and dirty little princess. You just love it when my fingers are buried knuckle deep inside your cunt, don't you?'' Thomas stated, happily moving over to her other crotch tit before beginning to suck on that one as well. ''Ah, a-ah! Yesss, please make me cum!'' the princess of love hissed, feeling her orgasm approaching rather swiftly. The human just applied a third finger inside her wet snatch, moving his head from her boobs between her legs and panting hard at the sight. Just looking at his appendages pumping in and out of her quivering vent made him moan, the twitching that she did, her beautiful wings at full extension under him, that adorable blushing face she made at the pleasure she was receiving, it was turning Thomas on like never before. He could feel that Cadence was getting close, and in one swift motion, gave her winking clit a wet kiss, which instantly made the princess go over the edge. Moaning loudly and tongue lolling out of her mouth, her walls clamped down on his fingers as she came hard. ''Ahhhh yessss, oh Celestia, Thomas!'' she exclaimed in pure bliss. Her hot cum rushed out of her quivering vent freely, Thomas trying to not let a single drop go to waste, lapping Cadence's juices up in earnestness and enjoying her taste greatly. The princess was on cloud nine, her state of after pleasure only augmented by her human's hot tongue still licking at her pussy to get as much of her taste as possible, moving his fingers out before sucking those clean as well. Cadence was panting, the pleasure she received was incredible, and she gave another surprised squeak when the human went over her ponut lewdly to get the last of her warm fluids off of her body. The alicorn bit her lip, tentatively moving her tail around his neck the keep the surprised human in place. ''L-lick it again,'' she whispered in pure excitement. Thomas had to blink a moment at the request, his smile widening significantly after a moment when he understood. ''You naughty mare!'' he exclaimed with a smug smile to Cadence. The princess blushed furiously. ''I-it's just something new for me, okay?'' she stuttered in embarrassment. ''If you don't want to do it, that's fine,'' she added quickly. The last thing she wanted was to force Thomas into anything he was uncomfortable with or scare him away. Shining never gave her this much attention, and while she knew he loved her dearly, sometimes, the princess wished he wouldn't just go for a quick rut, which would left her absolutely unsatisfied. Not with her little human, though. She knew it would be an absolute thrill to try it with another species, and with such a sweet man no less. The human had surpassed all of her expectations! When she had learnt that Thomas would be moving permanently to the Crystal Empire, she was more than curious of the man. When she first saw him, his strong looking physique hadn't scared Cadence away; oh no, it had intrigued her. The one time that they actually had crossed eyes at the games, the princess had immediately felt his feelings for her. It actually had flattered the pink alicorn, thinking it was sweet such a different species could still feel attracted to her. But the rumors she heard about to big scary human, especially from her husband, made her have second doubts. She ordered a warrant just to be sure, and gave Shining Armor full permission to search for anything suspicious in his home. When that came back clear, she pleaded her aunt Luna to watch him in his dreams. The results were the complete opposite from what she had expected, though. He felt alone, pained that everypony saw him as something scary; an anomaly, a freak. He just sought companionship, somepony to stop the ache in his heart, and still he went to work with a smile every day, keeping his professionalism in check to help his patients. Immediately, the princess had felt rotten—pity for the human who had nopony to love. Luna had also told her about the feelings he harbored for her, which she knew of course, but it made a devious plan rise up into her brain. With an easy lie, she managed to get her husband away for an entire month, and decided to repay Thomas in the best way possible. Needless to say, it had worked even better than she had imagined, already enjoying his company so much more than with—which she had to admit with shame—her own husband. Originally, her plan was to do just a little foreplay; suck on his dick a little, let him eat her out, and at the end of the month move further, but the strong emotions he emitted the moment he stepped into the waiting room last week, had changed her mind. And, looking back on it, she didn't regret it in the slightest. Right now she had already came once while her human hadn't even undressed himself yet, while she was still pathetically begging him to please her some more. 'I'm going to change that right now,' she thought with a nod, determined. ''You know, Thomas,'' she whispered suddenly, heart racing in her chest. ''I still have my anal virginity, and I want you to take it.'' The human's eyes widened, looking incredulously at the panting princess. ''I—I don't know, Cadence,'' Thomas replied truthfully. The pink alicorn gave him a needy whimper. ''Please, Thomas. Don't you want to look Shining in the eyes, knowing you fucked his wife's asshole before he even had a chance to? I don't mind at all. I actually think it's rather hot,'' she admitted heatedly. The human shuddered in pleasure at her dirty talk, especially when Cadence began to undress him sultrily with her magic, his manhood still rock hard as it was freed from its confines. Just thinking about that name made the physiotherapist's blood boil, the fact that he could take his wife's anal virginity an incredible arousing thought in his mind. His decision was soon made, lowering his head once more; he teasingly gave Cadence's ponut another lick with his tongue. The yelp of pleasure he got was all he needed to lick it again, loving the stuttering voice of the princess. ''Wh-what are you doing?'' she gasped between moans, her pleasure building up again. ''Loving every part of your body, including your cute little butthole. This is what you wanted, isn't it, my sweet princess? Besides, you need to be lubed up thoroughly if I'm going to fuck in you in the ass.'' He smirked at her pleasure filled face, her tail soon finding his head again and bringing him in close. ''Ah! Yes, kiss my ass then, you dirty boy,'' she moaned, his lips finding her puckered star eagerly. Kissing it again, he ran his hot tongue over it once more, coating it in a healthy layer of saliva. His dick throbbed once more at the lewd act, pre already dripping from the tip. This time, the princess surprised Thomas, her horn flaring to life, gently stroking his throbbing shaft with her magic, which resulted in a deep moan from the human. ''No more pleasing me, my little human, I think I'm lubed up enough. Let me do to the work from now on,'' she stated lustfully. Bringing him down on his back with her magic, the human had no say in it as Cadence lined his hot manhood up with her wet asshole. ''Are you ready, sweetie?'' Without warning, she began to lower herself on his cock, Cadence's sphincter stretching tightly around the hot intruder. Pain was evident on the princess' face, but pleasure overtook it soon after. Lower and lower she went, the grunts of Thomas music to her ears. Cadence was so tight, she hugged his shaft with her warm walls perfectly, making incredible pleasure rise through the human's body, and a visible shiver went through his spine as she finally took him to the hilt. Staying there for a moment, the pink alicorn took her time to readjust. She felt incredibly full, but the feeling brought her a weird sense of bliss as well. ''Hmm, you just took the anal virginity of a married princess. Naughty,'' she spoke seductively, bringing his flushed face into a kiss again and moving her rump back up. The sensation was indescribable; the pink princess was trying to relax her muscles before bringing her rump down again. Cadence just loved the shivering of her human underneath her, her tongue playing with his own once more while bouncing on his shaft in earnestness. Pre was filling the princess up, sweet moans of the couple filling the air as the pink alicorn rode Thomas into oblivion. ''C-Cadence,'' he muttered, wet slaps echoing around the bedroom, taking him to the hilt again and again. ''Oh? Are you going to cum? Do it inside my cute little asshole, Thomas. Mark it as your possession!'' she commanded, her movements growing erratic. The human complied, his pleasure reaching a peak, and with a deep moan, came hard, shooting his load deep inside Cadence's butt, sputtering nonsense afterwards. ''Yes! So good.'' The Alicorn panted, coming down on the sweaty form of her partner, who was still balls deep inside her ass. The human was in another universe right now, the princess hugging him close as he came back down to earth. ''Wow,'' he breathed out. Cadence giggled, smooching him on the lips lovingly. ''That was so worth it,'' she cutely growled, nuzzling her cheek with his. The physiotherapist closed his eyes tiredly, but he knew that he had to go to work soon anyway, so sleeping was not an option, especially since he was in the royal castle right now. ''Where is all the staff?'' he asked idly. ''Got rid of them just for you. I felt bad that I couldn't come this afternoon, so I sacrificed a couple of hours of sleep for some fun. I'm sure you wouldn't mind either,'' she replied with a growl, nibbling on his earlobe hotly. Thomas chuckled. ''I wouldn't mind doing this every day,'' he admitted jokingly, but Cadence replied dead serious. ''Maybe we should.'' She waggled her eyebrows for emphasis, while Thomas just shook his head. ''That wouldn't work and you know it. We both have busy schedules, you especially,'' he retorted. ''Well, maybe I have to proof it to you then. Actions speak louder than words, after all.'' ''You're kidding, right?'' ''Am I?'' The look she gave him was completely honest, was she actually considering this? ''Why... Why are you so nice to me?'' the human questioned. He felt so conflicted, she was married, yet offered to have sex with him every day. Was she messing with him right now? The princess tapped her chin once, like she was actually thinking of an answer. ''Because I love you,'' The pink alicorn replied sweetly. Thomas sputtered at her answer. How could she say that so casually? ''Please, Cadence, don't say stuff to me you'll regret later on.'' ''But I mean it!'' she reassured him. ''Why else would I do anal with you?'' She wiggled her rear for emphasis, which still was filled with the human's dick, his semen slowly oozing out of her butthole. ''What about your husband then!?'' he cried out in disbelief. He highly doubted that the captain of the royal guards would be okay with what they were doing. ''Don't worry about him. He doesn't need to know,'' the princess spoke simply, nuzzling his cheek once more. The physiotherapist sighed. This was going to be the start of a lot of trouble; he could already tell. ''I love you, Thomas, don't you love me back?'' Cadence gave a pout, quivering her lower lip cutely. ''You know fully well that I do! You used it against me last week,'' he accused her, half serious, half joking. ''That's because I have such a sweet butt,'' she retorted bubbly. ''Maybe I should start calling you princess candy ass then.'' The thick tension was broken with genuine giggles from the two, Thomas looking at the clock with a groan afterwards. ''It's 6:40. I need to get to work in twenty minutes.'' Cadence nodded, nervously fidgeting with her hooves. ''I... Ah really did have fun today,'' she admitted to the human, her cheeks turning an adorable shade of red. ''Me too. Princess candy ass.'' Cadence gave him a playful push, finally removing herself from the physiotherapist with a long outdrawn moan. ''Ah! You really made a mess of me.'' ''Sorry.'' ''I'll get you back tomorrow.'' ''I don't want to see you in my practice tomorrow, Candy!'' ''Too bad, I'm already hungry for that dick again.'' ''You really are perverted.'' ''Love you too!'' ''Have a wonderful day with those nobles, Candy!'' The pink alicorn giggled. ''Get out of here!'' Quickly stealing one last kiss from the princess, he let himself out, smiling happily when he made his way to his practice. ''And while this informative chart suggests that the political support between the Crystal Empire and the Neighterlands are staggering, economics have concluded with the import of roses and mental herbs raising all of a sudden, that this shouldn't be a problem.'' Cadence nodded her head automatically, her satisfying rut with Thomas breaking her concentration over and over, making the princess bite her lip. She didn't know why she had said that she loved him either, but deep down, she knew it was true. He turned her on so much, just thinking about it made the pink alicorn squirm. ''Freule Mi Amore Cadenza, is everything alright?'' One of the foreign nobles asked her with a raised brow. She gave him a friendly smile. ''Everything is perfectly fine, jonker Edelsteen, please continue.'' The princess smirked inwardly. 'In fact, I haven't felt so good in a long time,' she thought. > Divine Intervention. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''I love you,'' princess Cadence stated innocently to her little human, softly pressing her lips against his cheek in a kiss. ''Stop it, Candy,'' Thomas grumbled, trying his best to ignore the sweet mare next to him, and instead focus on his paperwork. ''I love you,'' the pink alicorn repeated again, giving his cheek a smooch just like she had done before. ''Mi Amore, please,'' the physiotherapist begged, unable to keep a smile from his face. ''How am I supposed to do my job?'' Cadence giggled sweetly at his desperation, batting her eyelashes at him flirtatiously. ''Just admit already that I love you, Thomas. I can do this all day if I really need to.'' The human playfully rolled his eyes at the reply. ''Please, Candy; that’s just the extra endorphins your pituitary gland has secreted into your system that are talking,'' he countered smoothly, his grin widening at the pout the alicorn made. ''Smartass,'' she retorted jovially, nuzzling her cheek with his. Cadence enjoyed the feeling of his bare skin against her own coat tremendously, while repeating the three words she'd been saying for the last five minutes once more: ''I love you.'' The princess' warm lips found the human's cheek again, and Thomas let out a tired groan, secretly enjoying the adorable affection Cadence displayed way more than he would like to admit. ''Alright, I give up, you win! You love me, now can you please let me do my work?'' he asked the pink mare, feigning annoyance before giving her a quick peck on the lips. The alicorn purred, happily pressing her warm body against his own in response. ''Did I ever tell you how cute you are, Thomas?'' She growled seductively, slowly trailing a hoof to his crotch area. However, just when Cadence was about to touch her prize, the human stopped her dead in her tracks, drawing the alicorn's attention to the papers in front of his desk. ''These need to be done, Candy, please. I'm already behind schedule as it is. When I'm finished, we can have some fun,'' he promised the pink princess, chuckling slightly at her disappointment. 'How can she be so attracted to me? She has a husband for crying out loud! But she wasn’t fucking kidding when she said she was going to come over every day to have sex...' he thought incredulously. It was three days since Cadence had invited Thomas to the palace. The breathtaking embodiment of love had visited him every day after that. Needless to say, the human had never felt happier in his entire life. Where the busy alicorn got all this free time, he didn't know, but she never let him go until he was completely satisfied. They looked like a young couple who just tasted the fruits of lust and love for the first time, and sure acted that way. Just this morning, when the physiotherapist had lazily turned on his bathroom light to take a shower, a certain horny mare was waiting expectantly for him. Giving a startled yelp, Thomas jerked back in surprise. ''Cadence? What are you doing here? It's six in the morning!'' he had cried out, but the alicorn just giggled cutely. ''Making sure my little human is clean...everywhere.'' Thomas had to stop a chuckle from rising out of his throat at how incredibly cheesy that line was, but all was soon forgotten when the princess had floated him over with lust clearly written on her face. As it turned out, taking a shower with the embodiment of love was exactly how one would expect it to be. The human smiled inwardly at these thoughts, before Cadence nudged his hand with her head. ''What are you are working on anyway?'' the pink alicorn asked curiously. ''Oh, this?'' Thomas replied, pointing at the stack of papers in front of him. ''It's what we call a physiotherapeutic diagnosis. Basically what’s wrong with the patient in medical terms, so if somebody needed to take over my job unexpectedly for example, he or she is immediately up to date.'' Cadence nodded in understanding. ''Clever and convenient, I like it. So what does this pony have?'' she asked with childlike enthusiasm, pointing her hoof at the papers Thomas currently was working on. ''A subacromial impingement caused by excessive motor control mid, to low cervical, which also results in the scapulothoracic range of motion to be reduced significantly.'' ''...What?'' ''Shoulder pain, Candy,'' Thomas explained nonchalantly, adding a shrug for emphasis. The physiotherapist couldn't help but grin widely at the adorable face she was making right now, it was a mixture between confusion and a pout, which quickly turned into a smug smile. Growling playfully, the princess of love climbed on his lap and put her front hooves around his neck, staring deeply into his eyes. ''You know, it isn't nice to make fun of your princess. I guess you have to royally make up for it, right now,'' she whispered in his ear hotly, grinding against his crotch. The human let out a grunt in pleasure, his dick quickly hardening under the horny alicorn. She was eager, Cadence making his pants slightly damp as she continued her rubbing. ''No more waiting, Thomas. You're going to rut me right now,” she dirty talked to Thomas, capturing his lips in a loving kiss, which he eagerly returned. 'Damn it, Candy! I still haven't finished these,' Thomas cursed inwardly. 'Oh well, guess I'm going to fuck you silly instead.' Moving his tongue out of his mouth, Thomas met Cadence's own halfway, her somewhat thicker saliva hot and a little bit sweet. 'Marigolds maybe?' The human thought, enjoying himself as Cadence continued to grind on him, sending tiny electrical shocks all throughout his body. Unfortunately for the couple, their fun was short-lived when the pink mare suddenly gave a loud gasp, breaking the kiss abruptly. ''Somepony is coming!'' she hissed. Widening his eyes, Thomas did the first logical thing what came to mind: shoving Cadence under his desk, who gave a tiny squeak in surprise. Not a second later, there was a polite knock on his door. Clearing his throat rather loudly, he answered in the most even voice he could muster. ''The door is open, you can come in.'' The knob was enveloped in a majestic golden hue; one that Thomas knew all too well. Sweat dripped from his face when the co-ruler of Equestria, princess Celestia herself, entered the room with a warm smile. ''P-princess?'' he stuttered, tensing up all of his muscles. 'Oh shit, I'm dead. We're screwed. why now?!' he thought in complete panic. Celestia just gave him a friendly giggle. ''It's okay, Thomas. You know you don't have to be afraid of me, right?'' The sun diarch inquired, stretching her wings rather lazily. Realizing his nervousness could be completely justified, the human relaxed somewhat, albeit not much. ''I know, your majesty. You just caught me completely off guard.'' The physiotherapist chuckled dryly. 'Please don't let her be able to smell it,' he begged to whatever entity was listening to him right now. Oddly, Cadence wasn't worried in the slightest. Thomas could tell by the soothing magic she was radiating. Was she prepared for stuff like this? ''I'm sorry, my little human. Next time I'll send a letter to you first before arriving so unannounced,'' she promised the man. Thomas nodded. ''So why are you here, Princess?'' ''To check up on you, first and foremost. It's been almost six months since you've moved here under my authority. How has the Crystal Empire been treating you?'' Princess Celestia asked him, concerned. The physiotherapist wanted to reply, but instead elicited a soft gasp when two very soft hooves found the bulge in his pants. ''What was that?'' The princess questioned, not being able to hear what Thomas just muttered. ''T-that's a rather difficult question,'' the human managed to stutter out almost immediately; Cadence's hooves applying only more pressure which made a shiver go down his spine. Princess Celestia sighed inwardly. It was exactly what she was afraid of. Thomas was way too humble to speak his mind, maybe a little coaxing would do? ''You can be honest with me, Thomas. If the crystal ponies have been unfair to you, I'll make sure something will be done about it,'' she reassured the man. This only resulted in the human widening his eyes for a short moment, before he regained his composure, albeit with gritted teeth. 'Poor man, it's even worse than I thought,' the sun princess thought to herself. Meanwhile, Thomas was getting very anxious again. Him widening his eyes was only because Cadence had successfully managed to unzip his pants with her magic without making any sound, and, pulling it down along with his underwear, had his rock hard cock in her gentle grasp. The pink alicorn's warm breath washed over the tip of his throbbing dick, while she slowly began to stroke his shaft with her hooves, making the human grit his teeth. ''I—ah! It-it's true the ponies here have kept their distance, b-but it's nothing to worry about, I assure you,'' Thomas grunted out, desperately biting his tongue to keep his moans in check. His cheeks began to fluster, Cadence's stroking making him feel on a euphoric high. This was without a doubt the most nerve wracking, yet arousing moment he'd ever experienced in his entire life. “Stupid sexy Cadence…” he cursed under his breath. ''Are you sure? Because you don't look so well, even right now as we're talking about it.'' Pre was already dripping from his cockhead, and without warning, Cadence let her hot tongue go over it to lap it up, making the human go wild. Breathing in loudly, he responded with a forced grunt. ''I'm just overworked.'' Celestia didn't believe him one moment. All the tension suggested this was a rather sore topic for the human. Having come to a conclusion, she decided to change the subject. ''Okay then. Make sure you don't get a burnout, Thomas. Nopony would blame you if you took a couple days off.'' Celestia nodded. ''By the way, do you know where my niece is?'' The physiotherapist almost choked, augmented by the incredible sensation that traveled through his body; Cadence decided it was a good time to slowly insert the first inches of his twitching meat into her hot muzzle. ''N-no idea. Why should I know where the princess of love is?'' Thomas questioned back, playing dumb while Cadence's warm tongue swirled over his head like a lollipop, making more pre drip from his manhood which the horny mare under him swallowed eagerly. ''You had her as your patient not too long ago, did you not?'' At this, Cadence began to bob her head up and down on his shaft, trying to give him as much pleasure as possible. His cock throbbed visibly inside the pink alicorn's mouth, making her hum in quiet contentment. ''Y-yeah. But it was just a simple ankle sprain, nothing too severe,'' Thomas replied back, holding back a loud moan as Cadence did her magic. 'How has Celestia not figured out anything yet?' he thought incredulously. ''I'm glad to hear. I hope my niece was kind to you. She can be a hoofful sometimes.'' ''Oh, you have no idea,'' the human retorted, unable to keep a little grin from his face. Cadence was speeding up, almost taking his entire length into her warm and wet mouth while gently fondling with his balls in the process. Seeing the human grin made Celestia smile as well. Time to set her plan into action, it was now or never. ''Say, Thomas, I know this may be a little bit sudden. But, would you like to accompany me to dinner tonight?'' she asked hopefully. ''YES!'' The human shouted, unable to be quiet any longer as Cadence managed to take him to the hilt, her milking throat so tight around his shaft, he almost came instantly. Celestia was taken aback by his sudden enthusiasm. Then again, it was probably a natural reaction from somepony to be so excited after being asked on a date by a princess, so she understood. ''Great! That means I'll see you at seven in front of the Velvet Wing. Don't be late.'' She gave him a wink before leaving him alone. ''W-wait,'' Thomas spoke up, almost standing up from his seat to stop the white mare, when he realized Cadence was still blowing him vigorously so he couldn't. ''Is something wrong?'' she asked him with a smile. Realizing he’d be better off just rolling with it, he shook his head. ''No... I'll see you at seven then.'' Celestia nodded in satisfaction, turning her back to him once again, but not before raising her tail just a little, giving him a teasing view of her incredibly wet pussy and winking clit. 'W-wait. Did she just—does she know!?' The thought was too much for Thomas, sighing loudly when the sun diarch had closed the door, he came straight into Cadence's awaiting throat, painting it a nice white as she swallowed everything like an obedient mare. He started to pull out, his last few spurts coating the insides of her mouth, the horny princess happily swishing his cum around to get a good taste. ''Holy shit,'' he muttered, enjoying the after state of pure pleasure. Looking down, he saw the flustered face of Cadence eyeing hi innocently. Opening her mouth in a lewd way to show him the contents, she gave him a little show before gulping his spunk down in earnestness. ''I just love the taste of your semen, Thomas. I couldn't wait any longer,'' the pink alicorn confessed with a happy flutter of her wings. Nuzzling his softening cock, she made sure to clean it thoroughly. ''So you're going on a date with my aunty, huh?'' Cadence whispered seductively. ''Sounds hot.'' The human shivered visibly, not knowing he should be terrified on the off chance Celestia actually knew, or be excited because Cadence thought it was hot he was going on a date with her aunt. ''Man, I said it before and I’ll say it again, you really are perverted,'' he commented teasingly. Cadence giggled, removing herself from under his desk, before raising her butt high into the air, wings spread stiffly. ''Your choice sweetie, top or bottom?'' Her answer came rather soon when she felt Thomas’ weight pressed onto her back, breath rigid with lust. ''Top,'' he moaned out heatedly, before plunging his cock into her awaiting depths. Princess Celestia bit her lower lip. Her demeanor on the outside was normal, but on the inside, she was everything but. The sun diarch's nether region was positively screaming at her to touch herself, pictures of her niece sucking on Thomas' dick still filling her mind. ''You've gotten a lot better at hiding yourself with those magic spells Cadence, but the raw emotions you radiate for this human made it even for a novice unicorn easy to pick you up,'' she muttered to herself. ''It was like Luna warned me about. Cadence suddenly getting erotic dreams about Thomas, Shining Armor being away... I've got to stop them before it goes horribly wrong.'' Nodding to herself, she made her way to the royal palace. ''But holy Faust, she knows how to make a show. Weren't it for the fact she is married, I might’ve even joined them,'' she admitted rather shamefully. ''What would a human's dick even look like? Is it like a minotaur or more like a monkey? I bet Cadence was just loving that big, juicy piece of meat.'' Blushing slightly, Celestia pictured herself in her niece's place, just sucking on Thomas' cock without a care in the world. Berating herself sternly, she instead focused on the task at hand. 'Work first, clop later,' she thought with a strained smile, but that smile instantly became more genuine when she saw the stallion she was looking for being escorted by four of her guards. ''I'm glad you could make it,'' the princess greeted him simply. ''Your majesty, why have I been put on standby from my duty?'' a rather confused Shining Armor asked Celestia. The embodiment of the sun only smiled brighter. ''Because you and Cadence are going to accompany me on a double date.'' > The Velvet Wing. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Velvet Wing, one of the Crystal Empire's most luxurious restaurants, was infamous for its incredible assortment of unique dishes. Since a lot of foreign nobles all over the world came here to dine regularly, it wasn't uncommon for the staff to prepare all kind of meat related foods too. Honestly, if you were just a simple pony, you felt highly out of place in this fine establishment, but even the Velvet Wing had to make exceptions for what they considered odd, as a lone human was waiting for the entrance rather anxiously. It took Thomas an incredible amount of time to dress himself properly. His pearly white dress shirt, which he had ironed in a rush, was tucked neatly inside his blue jeans. A pair of black shoes and a belt with matching color divided each piece of clothing. The human's hair was combed, with just a little wax to keep it in place. From afar, he looked like a gentleman, but everypony who saw him up close could easily tell he was clearly nervous. Who wouldn't when you were going on a date with the co-ruler of Equestria to an expensive restaurant? The human had even thought about buying the princess some flowers, but ultimately, decided against it. 'Those are considered food anyway, not something to give as a gift,' he thought to himself. Thomas' legs were shaking, he was the first to arrive with time to spare, but still couldn't help but feel something was off. 'Man, I wish Candy was here. She definitely would know what to do in this situation.' It wasn't the fact that Thomas was afraid of screwing up in front of the princess, it was more so the chance that she knew about him and Cadance. He didn't want things to escalate, especially not for the pink alicorn's sake. 'If it ever came to that topic, I will have to take all the blame on me,' the human had decided. He wasn't going to ruin Candy's marriage, even if he didn't like Shining Armor at all. The human was brought out of his feverish thinking by an annoyed grunt behind him. The bouncer, who had to endure Thomas' nervosity for almost ten minutes because he was constantly pacing back and forth between the entrance, had had more than enough. ''Oi mate, listen up will ya? Either go inside or go away, you're getting weird looks from everypony.'' The physiotherapist muttered an apology. He was so used to getting weird looks it didn't even bother him anymore. Time seemed to march on almost too slow, the sun diarch was late. 'Come on princess Celestia, where are you?' As if on cue, a royal chariot began to descend out of the sky. Its rich colors let everypony know it was definitely made and intended for somepony with a princess status, but to the human's utter shock, it wasn't the princess of the sun who was inside the chariot, but rather, the princess of love. Cadence's curly mane was beautifully woven, only a professional stylist would've gotten the job done. It glimmered and shone almost like a gemstone, and instead of her regular crown, she wore an ivory braid which was tinted in a red and yellow hue. On top of it was a heart, skillfully carved out of a blue sapphire. She wore a light purple dress that went all the way over her back legs and matched the color of her coat lovely. Her necklace was made of the same material as her braid; two rings of ivory with a red and yellow hue that connected to each other with a piece of transparent silk. The top half of her front legs were covered in transparent silk as well, and her royal shoes were the same material as her necklace and braid, just like the openings for her front legs and wings. The purple dress ended in six beautiful waves with just a little more glitter to give emphasis to it. To top it all off, Cadence was wearing just a little bit of make-up to really bring out her natural beauty. She was alluring to look at, which was made all the more difficult due to the pony who was sitting next to her. The human couldn't believe it, but there he was: the captain of the royal guards, Shining Armor, who still should've been on duty outside of the Crystal Empire. Thomas was gaping like a fish. His mouth worked, but no sound came out. Partly because Candy looked so magnificently sexy, but also partly because her husband was with her. 'Okay, what the fuck is going on? Why is Cadence here with Shining Armor? Where is princess Celestia?' The human's thoughts were going a mile a minute, but he instantly regained his composure when Shining Armor noticed him. His face was stern, and clearly displeased with the fact Thomas was standing in front of the entrance of the Velvet Wing. Bowing as a sign of respect, Thomas cleared his throat before addressing them both. ''Princess, milord,'' he spoke evenly. Shining rolled his eyes. He was no fool and could sense Thomas was mocking him, and decided to simply ignore him as a result. His wife however, shockingly did the exact opposite. ''Hi, Thomas!'' she exclaimed excitedly. ''How have you been doing?'' ''Very good my princess. I'm humbled that you would take time out of your day to talk to a low subject like me,'' he replied, a small smile forming on his lips at the irony of his words. Cadence smiled warmly, her composure betraying nothing. ''Well, you've done such a good job with helping me with my injury, such professionalism isn't seen every day.'' The human had to do his best not to chuckle out loud, and instead bowed his head even lower. ''I'm honored.'' Looking back up again at the princess, he silently mouthed the sentence to her that was on his mind the moment she stepped out of the chariot, ''You look fucking sexy.'' This time, a blush crept up at the cheeks of the pink alicorn, knowing her husband was standing right behind her, she flapped her wings once before mouthing back, ''Tonight, you can have me however you like.'' Craning her head backwards immediately after that, Cadence gave Shining Armor a loving smile. ''Honey? Have I told you about how Thomas fixed my ankle sprain?'' The white unicorn perked a brow. ''Is that so?'' he spoke for the first time. Looking the crouching human directly into his eyes, he nodded his head gently. "I should thank you, for looking out for my wife.'' ''It was no problem, milord,'' Thomas retorted, his mind picturing a vivid scene where he was fucking Cadence hard in her soft pussy. 'Really, no problem at all.' ''If you don't mind me asking, princess, were you going to dinner with your husband?'' Thomas asked curiously. The pink alicorn nodded in confirmation. ''Actually, we're going on a double date with my aunt and an unknown special somepony,'' she revealed. Of course she already knew it was going to be Thomas, but she couldn't say this out loud with Shining Armor next to her. The physiotherapist stifled a gasp. His mind trying to put all the different puzzle pieces in the right place. So this was princess Celestia's idea all along, which can mean only one thing; she knows! That's why Shining Armor is here too. Aw crap, then she also noticed Cadence was with me under my desk when she was sucking my dick! What is her plan with all of this? She isn't going to tell Shining, right!? What have I gotten myself into!?' Giving a somewhat hopeless look to Cadence in this grim situation, she only gave him a warm smile in return, making his doubts almost melt like snow before the sun. Her reassuring emotions had a positive effect on the human, almost whispering to him that if things went out of hoof, they were in it together. 'Why do things need to be so complicated, Candy? Why did you have to be a married princess of all things? I want to love you, but instead I'm destroying you little by little. I don't know if I can keep this up much longer.' Just then, a second royal chariot seemed to descend from the heavens itself, its colors almost blinding to look at. It radiated power and authority, and once it stopped for the entrance of the Velvet Wing, princess Celestia herself stepped out of it. She was smiling motherly at the trio who were watching her slack jawed. If Cadence was an angel, then Celestia surely must've been a goddess. Her ethereal mane looked even more surreal than it did usually, flowing in an invisible wind that made her look absolutely stunning. Her normal crown was replaced with one which was made out of the purest of gold, a single red ruby encrusted in the middle. Her royal shoes evenly matched her crown, all with a single ruby in the middle as well. Her necklace, if one could call it that, was ornamented with beautiful intricate patterns. It was made out of a single piece of gold, and at the end, two long phoenix feathers were attached to it. Her dress was impossible to comprehend, it was a long piece that flowed all the way to her tail. Mostly transparent silk, it showed off the princess' legs and divine tail splendidly, but hid just enough of her body in a hypnotizing red that seemed to burn like the core of the sun itself. On her chest, right under her necklace, she wore a corsage which was made to look precisely like her cutie mark. No make-up was needed for the princess of the sun, she was the epitome of hot. ''Good evening, Cadence, Shining Armor,'' she greeted. ''Sorry I'm a little late, but I had to look at my finest to impress my special somepony.'' She turned her attention to the paralyzed human who was rooted to the spot. He couldn't move, and tensed significantly when the alabaster alicorn approached him slowly. He suppressed a yelp when Celestia nuzzled his cheek with his, but Shining Armor couldn't help but let out a gasp at the affection displayed by the princess. ''Hi, sweetie,'' she cooed, ''I'm so happy you could make it.'' She turned back to the royal couple, Thomas still trying to find words for how utterly divine Celestia looked at the moment. ''Cadence, Shining, I would like you to meet Thomas, my special somepony,'' she announced happily. Gauging their reaction, she could clearly see Shining was about to faint in disbelief, while her niece faked a happy squeal. ''That's so adorable,'' the princess of love gushed. ''You have to tell us everything inside.'' Princess Celestia nodded. ''Then shall we go?'' Sticking to Thomas like glue, who finally had found his voice again, the two couples made their way through the fancy double doors of the Velvet Wing. From the outside, the group was smiling, but from the inside, a different plethora of emotions were running wild in each of them. 'Cadence, my dear niece. You can't fool me. I sensed how you felt when I nuzzled Thomas. You try to brush it off as nothing, but deep down you feel hurt. Then what are you going to do when I reveal my true intentions with all of this? Please, don't do anything rash.' 'She's trying to play you, Candy. Don't fall for it! She may be sly, but once it comes to love, you're leagues above her. Show her your resolve and I show you mine.' 'How in Luna's name has Thomas ever captured the eyes of Princess Celestia? Something doesn't feel right here. I bet this human knows more of it than he cares to admit, and I will get to the bottom of this one way or the other.' 'What is your plan, auntie of mine? If you think you can simply make me jealous, you're sadly mistaken. However you look at it, Thomas only loves me and I'm certainly not about to give him up. I love him too much myself for that to ever happen.' As the two couples neared the dining hall, a personal waiter bowed for them, and showed them the way. Once inside, Thomas looked on in awe. Silver chandeliers hanging from the ceiling was the first thing that caught the human's eye. The floor was carpeted in a red color with golden fibers running through it, and the ceiling itself was painted with historical battles and deities alike. Fountains which depicted different famous ponies and fish-tanks with the most exotic aquatic creatures filled the place with coziness. In the back, a band was playing an incredible classical piece of music, and the tables itself were made up with the finest of white cloth. The cutlery was made out of silver, as were the glasses and plates. All in all, this was a kind of restaurant Thomas had never seen before, and likely, never would step foot in without royalty at his side ever again. ''Good evening princesses and gentlecolts. My name is Royal Tip, and I will be your personal waiter for the remainder of the night. Please, have a seat.'' The stallion in question showed his guests to the table. Once seated—princess Celestia and Thomas at one side, and princess Cadence and Shining Armor opposite of them—Royal Tip handed them each a menu. ''May I make a suggestion for a bottle of Vin whine all the way from Prance? '69 is an excellent year.'' Shining Armor nodded. ''That sounds nice, we'll take a bottle.'' The waiter bowed and then left. Meanwhile, Thomas tried his best not to glance at Cadence too often. She deliberately had seated herself in front of him, and was humming a happy tune while browsing the menu absentmindedly. In reality, she was already rubbing one of her hooves over his legs under the table, teasingly trying to venture between them, but never going further. ''So,'' Celestia suddenly spoke up, startling both the human and the pink alicorn. ''Have you already decided what you're going to get?'' Cadence shot her aunt a quick glare, before clearing her throat and answering, ''I guess I'll take the tomato soup with a side of seasoned bread, what about you, sweetie?'' The human had to bite his tongue not to answer, and instead wait for Shining Armor to speak up, as the ''sweetie'' part was clearly directed to him. ''Maybe a simple salad with hayfries and sweet potatoes.'' He nodded in satisfaction. ''Yup, that's what I'm going for.'' ''I guess I'll take the roasted salmon then, sounds tasty,'' the physiotherapist commented, smiling slightly at the perked brow of the white unicorn who was seated opposite of him. ''So you do eat meat then, huh?'' Shining almost sounded apprehensive, but the human couldn't help but show him his canines nonetheless. ''Sometimes, I even eat ponies,'' he jokingly responded, before glancing at Cadence who definitely got his double entendre. Blushing slightly and trying to hide this by studying her menu more closely, she gave the human a gentle rub from underneath the table before deriving the attention off of her to princess Celestia. ''What about you, auntie? What are you going to get?'' ''I was thinking about something pasta related. Nothing too fancy, really,'' she replied nonchalantly. ''I guess we're all set then, Royal Tip?'' The captain of the guards asked. ''It will be done, enjoy the wine in the meantime.'' Clapping his hooves, two more ponies approached the table, one with empty glasses, and the other with the bottle. Pouring everyone a glass of the delicate wine, the ponies left as quickly as they came. ''Now tell me, Thomas, I've been curious to ask ever since we entered the restaurant, how did you and princess Celestia meet?'' Shining asked with a hint of suspicion in his voice. The human tensed up once more. Was he going to tell the truth, or fetch him a lie? It seemed the sun diarch was quicker to respond and went for the former with a hint of the latter; a half lie if you will. ''Oh, I've known my little human ever since he arrived at Equestria. In fact, he came to the Crystal Empire under my authority. So naturally, I checked up on him every now and then, and from there, things just took shape.'' Celestia's silver tongue was unbreakable, even a polygraph test would've yielded under her steel nerves, and Shining seemed satisfied with the answer, for now anyway. ''But I've heard my niece was your patient not too long ago, Thomas, a sprained ankle, correct?'' Thomas cursed the good looking sun princess under his breath; he was so bad at lying, but even now as he was thinking of an answer that sounded convincing and plausible, Cadence beat him to it. ''That's right, auntie. Didn't I tell you this before? Thomas gave me some solid advice and even corrected my trot to reduce injury in the future.'' The princess of the sun gave a sheepish laugh. ''Oh of course, how could I have forgotten?'' 'It seems you're willing to protect him, Cadence, which tells me you really do care for him. But don't think you can start anything sexual while I'm around. No rubbing your hooves with his legs anymore, I don't want you to ruin your marriage over something like this.' 'I'm definitely going to try to make Thomas cum at this table. Just try to stop me, auntie!' 'She's going to try to do something sexual, I guarantee it.' 'This is some nice tasting wine.' At last, the main dishes were served, and once everypony's food was ready to be eaten, the princess of love made her move. Making her horn glow in her familiar cyan aura to lift her spoon, she simultaneously was lifting something very differently. Thomas almost choked on his salmon when he felt a warm pressure in his pants, slowly stimulating his dick to life. One look at the horny mare in front of him was enough to confirm his suspicion. She was very gentle with her magic, almost as if she was treating his hardening meat as her most treasured belonging. The human had to stifle a moan at the incredible sensation, but it was already enough for princess Celestia to give him a concerned look, one which turned stern the moment she saw her niece's smug grin. Up and down her magic went on his shaft, eagerly trying to coax out a climax as quickly as possible. She exactly knew all of his spots, and once she saw her aunt's stern face, silently challenged her to stop her if she dared. 'That's right, auntie, I'm magically jerking off Thomas in a fancy restaurant while my husband is next to me, what are you going to do about it?' As if she could read her mind, princess Celestia's own aura began to shine, and before Cadence even knew what was happening, she had cast a protective barrier all around the human in question, instantly repelling her magic. Thomas grunted in annoyance when the heavenly sensation suddenly vanished, and gave the pink alicorn a questioning look. She pouted cutely, not at all fazed by her aunt's move, before winking at the human who understood what had happened. Not long after, the physiotherapist began to feel funny. Lewd pictures of Cadence filled his mind, her butt raised up high into the air and her dripping pussy ready to be pounded. Thomas bit his lip; he knew the pink alicorn princess was probably behind this someway, because he was as horny as ever. The devious alicorn was pleasuring him through his mind, and instantly, that incredible magical feeling on his dick returned. Hissing through his teeth in pure ecstasy at the sensation, princess Celestia was oblivious to Cadence's magic that had slipped past her own through the food Thomas had been eating. 'How do you like my Trojan pony, auntie? Very stealthy and effective,' she taunted while happily continuing to pleasure Thomas with her magic. The human was getting close, but didn't want to make a mess of his underwear and pants. Glancing at the seductive face of the horny mare, she silently ushered that it was okay for him to cum. Drunk on lust as he was, he couldn't do anything but comply, her magic so warm and pleasurable around his shaft, the moment he climaxed he moaned out loud, instantly covering his pleasure with pained grunts as if he had a tummy ache. Clutching his stomach for believable effect, he let Cadence's magic milk him from every last drop of his seed, but surprisingly, not a single one hit his underwear. ''Are you alright, Thomas?'' Celestia asked with genuine concern. She noticed her barrier was still intact so she didn't suspect a thing just yet. ''Y-yeah, I'm fine. Suddenly got a stinging sensation, but it's going away already,'' he replied weakly. Thomas' mind was still on cloud nine, his face was slightly red and he was sweating, but he felt in heaven. He wanted nothing more but to return the favour to this sexy pink mare, but knew he couldn't for the time being. ''That's a relief,'' Cadence said cutely. ''By the way, this cream that came with the tomato soup is absolutely delicious.'' Thomas widened his eyes in realization, she couldn't mean—? But she apparently did, because his load never hit the fabric of his underwear, which could only mean one thing. And the princess of love enjoyed every single drop of it, all the while looking victoriously at her aunt, who only now began to suspect something was up. Finally getting a closer look at her barrier, she realized in horror that it was utterly destroyed from the inside out. Her niece had outplayed her, and the sun diarch gritted her teeth in clear frustration. 'It seems you leave me no choice, my dear niece. I'm sorry, but this is for your own good.' Clearing her throat rather indignantly to get everyone's attention, the princess smoothly set her own plan in motion. ''Thomas? I want to tell you something. There's a reason I wanted to go on a double date with princess Cadence and Shining Armor, and that reason is, is that I want you back in Canterlot.'' Immediately, Cadence's victorious smile turned into a dark scowl. She couldn't be serious, she was not about to take Thomas away from her! Before the physiotherapist could even make a rebuttal himself, princess Celestia spoke up once more. ''A long distance relationship is never going to work, my little human. Besides, I've asked around and noticed that everypony here seems very uncomfortable around you. I don't want you to feel alienated, because you are still a very special subject to me. That's why I'm offering you a job as my personal physiotherapist. What that means is that you'll be working in my castle, mostly treating sun and moon guards. I'll pay you handsomely and the castle will be available to you at all times. Moreover, since you're my special somepony, royal privileges will be bestowed upon you from not only me, but also my sister.'' When the sun diarch was finally done explaining her offer, Thomas' throat felt very dry. This was a proposal he simply couldn't refuse. 'Oh man, what do I say? I can't say no to this. If I say I'm not interested in being her special somepony, she still is going to offer me the job, I know this. But what reason do I have to refuse such a tempting proposition? She's right about me feeling out of place around here. Everybody knows that! The guards in the palace know me a lot better too, so having them as patients sounds pretty neat.' While he was contemplating for a solution to this conundrum, the human realized another very crucial thing. Princess Celestia just offered herself to me! Not only her, but even princess Luna! They're doing whatever it takes to make sure Candy doesn't ruin her marriage with Shining Armor. They're willing to forgive us for what we did, and forget that it ever happened, all for Cadence's sake!' Thomas' mind seemed to halt. 'Then who am I to refuse and destroy the one I love?' ''That's preposterous!'' princess Cadence suddenly screamed, startling even herself with how loud she was. ''I—I mean, you can't offer Thomas such a good job just because he's your special somepony! Other ponies have to work their flanks off and this, this human suddenly gets a free pass? That's utter nonsense.'' ''You know, I kind of have to agree with my wife here,'' Shining said. ''While I don't like Thomas personally, this is an offer that's too good to be true.'' ''Exactly!'' the pink alicorn piped up. ''He should stay right where he is.'' 'Cadence,' Thomas breathed out, eyes shining. 'Even now, when your marriage is on the line, you wish to defend me?' Tears started to form in the human's eyes. Princess Cadence—no, his Candy, was in a heated argument with her aunt and risking everything for him, to keep him close to her. 'Candy... You really do love me...' 'Then let me go.' 'Stop making it worse for yourself because of me. I can't do this to you any longer.' Wiping away his tears, the physiotherapist uttered the most difficult words he'd ever said in his entire life. ''It's okay.'' At once, the two princesses stopped their argument, one slightly in disbelief, the other totally confused. ''I'll take your offer princess... I'd love to work as your personal physiotherapist,'' Thomas muttered bitterly. His smile was weak, but his decision firm. He couldn't look the sweet and pink alicorn in the eyes anymore, less he would break his own heart. The alicorn in question was gasping in disbelief. So this was it? Her little human, Thomas, forcefully whisked away from her. For what? A marriage with Shining Armor!? To Tartarus with her marriage! She couldn't let her little human go! Then why was she unable to make a sound? Make a cry of protest? Do something, Cadence, anything! But her body wouldn't listen. 'Why? Why can't I do anything?' Deep down, she knew why. For Thomas' sake she couldn't. He had just saved her marriage—for her. How could she go against such an act of love? It was against her very nature, the embodiment she represented. So, with a heavy heart, she smiled brightly one last time, for him. ''I'm happy for you, Thomas. Go with my aunt, I'm sure she will take good care of you.'' ''Honey?'' Shining sputtered. ''Cadence,'' the human breathed out. At that moment, there was nothing but love between the two. A lonely human and a married pony princess, found solace in each other in the most unlikely circumstances. And deep down, they knew, no matter how far away they were, they would always love each other. > Reality and Dreams. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been four months since Thomas had accepted princess Celestia's proposal. Immediately after dinner at the Velvet Wing, the princess of the sun insisted that the human would go with her, denying princess Cadence any form of a proper goodbye. Of course, the pink alicorn still tried to reason that rushing would be a bad idea, and that Thomas at least should stay a week longer in the Crystal Empire before moving back to Canterlot. Celestia wouldn't have any of it. Even Shining Armor—though he was utterly baffled by his wife's response that she so suddenly was okay with Thomas getting a royal function—agreed that the physiotherapist had the right to at least take his time with this life changing proposition he just took. Unfortunately, Celestia was adamant, partly because she knew her niece would try to have sex with Thomas in this extra week whenever she could, and partly because she was pretty pissed she just magically jerked him off while she was next to Thomas the entire time, without her even knowing it! That same night, Thomas was back in Canterlot again. The first few weeks were rough, to say the least. His broken heart ached for Cadence, and even though his patients were a lot better to work with than the ones he'd had in the Crystal Empire, Thomas longed to go back there. He felt hollow at times, and extremely lonely. Princess Celestia had expressed her concerns on multiple occasions, even Princess Luna, who normally wouldn't be awake in the afternoon, visited him to have a good conversation. It helped, somewhat, but he knew only time would truly heal his wound. In the end though, the scar was going to remain. Every try to bed the human was also declined furiously. Thomas stated he really didn't want to have a relationship with Celestia, or Luna for that matter. So, after numerous tries from both the sun and moon princess, they decided to respect the human's decision. ''But if thy just wanna have some naughty fun, you can always wake me up,'' Luna had whispered seductively. Needless to say, Thomas had blushed, but not acted upon this invitation yet. The common pony was pretty oblivious to the human's sudden reappearance, and frankly, they didn't care. Some even greeted him jovially, asking him how it was going and where he was headed. Shining Armor regularly tried to find out more information why the sun princess was so attracted to Thomas all of sudden, but when Celestia told him that the human and her had broken up, his rather fruitless efforts died quickly. And then there was Cadence. Sweet, loving Cadence. Only after a week she already decided to visit Thomas, maybe cheer him up however she could, but to her utter horror, Celestia had made sure that her niece couldn't come close to the physiotherapist at all. Her magic, which was specifically made to repel only her niece, was way too strong, and Cadence had screamed furiously at her aunt. ''I only want what is best for you,'' the alabaster alicorn had muttered sadly in response. ''Then let me see Thomas! He at least has the right to know that I'm here,'' Cadence countered. ''I'm sorry, dear niece. I can't risk it. Please don't make this hard on yourself.'' The princess of love had fumed, cursed her aunt with some colorful choice words, and promptly left the castle. The weeks after, Thomas steadily got better, but not by much. Princess Celestia feared her niece was going to do something she'd regret, but oddly, she never returned after the incident. The sun diarch's magic even confirmed Cadence had been in the Crystal Empire ever since. So, maybe she finally was going to accept the fact that Thomas and her never were meant to be? With a relieved sigh, Celestia concluded that this was the only logical explanation. She couldn't have been more wrong. In a green, lush and grassy field where flowers of all kind bloomed, Thomas was lying, staring at the spotless sky without a care in the world. The sun was pleasant on the human's face, and the smell of all the flora made him smile. He didn't question how he got there, where he was, or why he was looking at the sky. All that mattered was that he was at peace. Yet something was still missing, something very important. He didn't know what, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't figure out who or what it was supposed to be. Until her angelic voice entered his ears. ''Thomas,'' she breathed softly, the wind carrying her tender voice all the way towards the gasping human. He recognized it through and through, and with a jolt, he was standing upright. There she was, not even twenty meters away from him. Her pink coat, her vivid eyes, her curly mane. She was perfect. ''Cadence, h-how?'' he stuttered, his voice thick with emotion and disbelief. She smiled, a smile that turned Thomas's knees into pudding. He felt weak, like he was about to fall, but she rushed to his side, hugging him in a way only she could. Cadence smelled sweet, incredibly so, and he hugged her shivering form back, afraid as if she was going to turn to dust and disappear right in front of him. ''It's okay, I'm here now,'' she cooed, her voice getting hoarse. ''My aunt is never going to separate us again.'' ''I don't understand,'' Thomas replied honestly. How was this possible? ''Maybe we could give you some insight?'' Luna's voice boomed through the sky. She suddenly appeared before the duo, startling Thomas greatly. ''Do not be afraid, Thomas, for we are the reason why you're able to be together,'' Luna explained. ''It pained us to see you this way, and even more so to see our niece fall into pieces. ''That's why we decided to give you the only thing we could; a dreamworld where you two can enact all of your fantasies without repercussions.'' Thomas watched slack-jawed at the dark blue alicorn. Was she for real right now? Cadence nodded her head in confirmation. ''Every night, I'll be waiting here in this flower field for you to show up,'' she spoke, before biting her lip with a blush on her face and adding in a sultry whisper, ''And then you're going to rut me silly.'' A shiver went to the human's spine at the seductive words from the alicorn of love. She was, without a doubt, the most beautiful creature there ever existed, and she was his, every night, all night, for the rest of his life. ''Luna,'' Thomas whispered, getting the attention of the moon diarch who was about to leave the duo alone. ''Yes?'' Letting go of Cadence, he slowly walked over to her, and softly pressed his lips to her muzzle in a kiss. Luna gave a surprised moan, her cheeks lighting up at the unsuspected affection. It wasn't a deep or a lustful kiss, but a grateful one; one that Luna enjoyed as long as possible, before the human broke it gently. ''Thank you.'' Luna looked away, blushing furiously and her wings flapping shyly. ''Twas nothing,'' she squeaked after a while. The moon princess was absolutely adorable, and Cadence couldn't help but show her appreciation as well. ''We really mean it auntie, thank you,'' she stated honestly, before capturing Luna's muzzle in a kiss herself. This time, Luna reacted even more surprised. Blood rushed to her cheeks like a raging river, her own niece being way more playful and aggressive as she managed to put her tongue inside the moon princess' mouth, mixing their saliva together. It was sloppy and passionate; Luna who was taken completely by surprise could do nothing but kiss Cadence back, and once the princess of love had retracted, the dark blue alicorn was panting, the taste of her niece clear in her mouth. ''OkayWeReallyHaveToGoNowBye!'' she spoke in utter embarrassment, teleporting away immediately which made the human chuckle. ''That was surprisingly hot,'' he admitted. ''Oh? You like seeing me kiss with my own aunt? Well, maybe next time we have to invite her over for some more fun. She does taste pretty nice,'' Cadence replied hotly, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. ''Wanna taste for yourself?'' She didn't have to ask twice. Smiling, the human invited himself in, the sweet alicorn giggling at his enthusiasm. Her little human was exactly where he belonged: with his warm tongue in her mouth, and soon, with his hard dick far inside her hot cunt. ''I've waited so long for this,'' she growled playfully, her tongue eagerly pressing back against the human's. The pink alicorn felt hot, extremely hot, and only Thomas could extinguish this fire of raw passion and lust that had built up inside Cadence. His hands roamed all over the pink alicorn's body, stopping at her squishy flanks to squeeze them lightly. Cadence shuddered, the feeling of his wandering hands on her rump extremely pleasing to the horny mare. Meanwhile, Thomas grunted in pleasure. The taste of Cadence sent tiny sparks of extreme bliss through his entire body, making his cock twitch in excitement. He explored her wet muzzle vigorously, tongue wrestling with the lustful female in pure passion. The taste of Luna was still present, and he could easily tell why Cadence liked it so much; it was like citrus, very exotic and pretty different from the more popcorn sugary taste of the princess of love. Either way, the fact that he was swapping saliva from two different princesses at the same time was incredible arousing, and needless to say, his member was erect in no time, silently begging to be released from its cottony prison. Cadence wasn't faring much better either, her quivering vent was leaking fluids like crazy and her clit was winking desperately, making her nether region a complete mess. Her natural smell began to waft through the air, Cadence's back legs shivering at the attention her ass got from Thomas' hands. He was kneading them like dough, occasionally giving her rump a tiny smack, which got an adorable squeak out of the princess every time he did it. Their lips were still interlocked, the smell of a needy mare getting even stronger in the air, making the human's manhood throb in anticipation. ''You've been such a good boy; good boys get rewarded royally,'' Cadence whispered haughtily after they had broken the sloppy kiss. Strings of saliva connected their mouths, both were blushing a bright red and their breaths warmed up their faces, as Cadence went in for another wet kiss. She pushed Thomas on his back, making sure her sticky and damp pussy was rubbing over his crotch as she did so. Humping him like the needy mare that she was, Cadence could feel his hardened dick through his clothing, making her double her efforts. Cadence's crotch area was simply blazing on his dick, Thomas moaning lewdly as her tongue explored every nook and cranny of his mouth. Breaking it reluctantly after a while, the alicorn gave him a wink. ''Have I ever told you how soft my wings are?'' To emphasize, she spread them in their full glory, slowly working her way down to his pants, which was positively wet from her own arousal. ''Looks like you made me a little excited Thomas. Luckily, I'm not the only one.'' Cadence giggled at the sight of his tent that he'd pitched, twitching eagerly when the princess gently began to undress him. Finally, her prize was revealed. Standing at full attention, the princess gasped as Thomas's cock booped her nose, hungrily licking her lips at the tasty treat that was right in front of her. Her wings wrapped themselves around the piece of meat, making the human grunt. Bucking his hips upwards to gain more stimulation, Cadence slowly began to move her wings up and down. She smiled sultry, kissing the tip of his cock which had accumulated some pre already. Letting her tongue run over his cock head, she lapped it up, moaning like a mare in heat as she applied more pressure on his shaft with her beautiful wings. Thomas felt in heaven, Cadence's feathers were so soft and pleasurable on his member. Combine it with her hot muzzle going over his tip simultaneously, and he was sure he was going to burst in mere seconds. It was a surreal experience, one that he tried to enjoy while it lasted. Cadence was only getting wetter, her juices rolling down her legs as she sucked on his cock while her wings were stroking him in a steady rhythm. ''Ah, Candy, that feels so good,'' Thomas moaned between incredible pleasure. She only gave him a pair of bedroom eyes in return, her cute blush as she sucked him off making the experience that more ecstatic. He was getting close, something that the pink alicorn sensed immediately. It only spurred the female on to give him the best orgasm of his life. Sucking on his dick like it was a lollipop, she began to fondle his balls with one of her lilac wings, getting a gasp of pure bliss from the human. ''C'mon my little human. It's okay. Cum in my mouth, mark it with your hot spunk. I want to taste every last drop,'' the princess of love murmured, drunken on lust as she was for Thomas. It didn't take long for the physiotherapist to comply, not a minute later, he gave a long out-drawn grunt. His orgasm hit him like a truck, shooting his seed far inside the wet mouth of Cadence, who swallowed everything eagerly. Her whole muzzle was a mess when she came off of his dick with an audible pop, panting, but oh-so satisfied with what she received. ''Holy shit, Candy. That was so great,'' Thomas commented in his after pleasure. ''It's more than time I'll repay you, not only for this, but also for last time at the Velvet Wing.'' The alicorn giggled. ''But I enjoyed jerking you off magically, if only for your pleasure filled face,'' Cadence confessed. ''Did you know I kept some of your semen that time?'' she whispered afterwards, making the human swallow. ''I rubbed it all over my pussy and masturbated myself with it that same night, pictures of your dick plowing me making me cum buckets.'' Her seductive whisper and gentle ear lick was enough to get Thomas back in the mood again. Softly kissing the tip of her horn, the mare let out the tiniest of moans. Perking his eyebrow, he kissed it again, more sensually this time. A visible shiver, and another, dirtier moan. ''Don't tell me, your horn is actually an erogenous zone?'' ''It is,'' Cadence hissed, her puffy pussy lips drenched with her fluids. ''But it's usually something a mare does to a stallion, not the other way around.'' ''Why? Because otherwise the male has to put a phallic object in their mouth?'' ''Well, yeah. I'm not sure that many guys are comfortable with that idea.'' Thomas snorted, a lewd smile coming over his face, before he kissed the base of her horn, and dragged his tongue all the way to her tip, leaving a trail of saliva in his wake. Cadence moaned loudly. ''Ah, Thomas. You're not really going to suck on my horn, are you?'' The idea of her little human taking her horn in his mouth made her little clit wink ecstatically, the anticipation almost too much for the hopeful mare. Another lewd smile from the human. ''I'm going to suck on it until you cry out my name in orgasm.'' The dirty talk was enough for Cadence to bring one of her hooves to her marehood, teasingly rubbing herself as she bit her lip. ''But it's really not something you should do,'' she gasped in playful response, his kisses on her horn sending waves of pure bliss through her spine. ''Don't try to fight it, princess, my lips will be around your horn, and then my wet tongue will go over it; making it all mine,'' he whispered lustfully. Before she could even reply, Thomas had wrapped his mouth around the tip of her pink horn, slowly getting the first few inches in. Cadence gave a yelp of pleasure, her blush returning tenfold and her hoof going over her hot cunt in wanton need. ''Yes, suck on my horn, please!'' the mare begged, the sexual stimulation she received at both ends incredible. The physiotherapist swirled his tongue over Cadence's horn in earnestness, noting that she tasted almost sour, oddly. It wasn't unpleasant though, and with much vigor, he began to bob his head up and down, slowly trying to fit more of her horn inside his mouth without him activating his gag reflex. Meanwhile, the princess of love was moaning loudly, her hoof going in and out of her needy pussy as Thomas continued to give her a hornjob. ''Such a dirty boy, sucking on your princess's horn. You like it don't you?'' she dirty talked, the squelching sounds of her hoof meeting her clit and pussy lips filling the air up with the smell of sex. Her horn started to glow faintly, indicating Thomas was doing a very good job. Saliva coated the first four inches as the human continued to wrap his mouth around it, making Cadence's breath ragged, her soppy sex even more wet, and her body go in a state of absolute numbness. She could only feel pleasure, her senses getting so sensitive, she was surprised she hadn't came yet. Her horn started to shine, cyan sparks of magic flew from the tip, entering the back of Thomas's mouth, which melted like cotton candy. It was a titillating, pleasant experience, and pretty much tasteless. The magical sparks aroused the human even further, and he doubled his efforts on her horn, making more of it escape from the tip and into his mouth. ''Oh yes, Thomas, I'm about to cum from you sucking on my horn!'' she spoke out loud, the sentence only augmenting her desire for it to happen. Not much later, a sigh of relief was heard as Cadence orgasmed from her own hoof, tongue lolling out of her mouth at the incredible sensation. Her aching walls clamped down, and her hot cum splashed out of her love tunnel onto her hoof, making her body writhe in nothing but satisfaction. She wasn't done, though, because her horn shone even brighter before a load of her magical cum burst from the tip in a shower of sparkles, taking Thomas completely by surprise. He let out a stifled gasp, but otherwise let the cotton candy-like substance melt into the back of his mouth and tongue. ''Yesss, Thomas!'' Cadence groaned, not having horn-gasmed in a very long time. Even when the human removed his mouth, two warm spurts of magical sparkles still shot from the tip and covered his face. He twinkled like a fairy for a moment, until all of it disappeared into nothingness. ''I didn't know ponies could cum from their horn,'' Thomas exclaimed, trying to find something to associate the unique experience with. ''Sorry, I should've warned you. I hope you aren't too mad with me. You know, with me cumming all over your face and in your mouth and such.'' ''Are you kidding? That was awesome! I've never experienced something so magical as this, it was actually very pleasant.'' Cadence blushed a bright red at the reply. Not only did he suck on her horn, but Thomas actually liked her cumming all over him? That aroused her on a whole new level. Now the pink alicorn secretly wondered if he liked sucking on a real horn. Would he still be down for it if she had a cute pink dick? It certainly wasn't out of her magical capabilities to make one for a day. Lewd pictures of her stuffing Thomas's face with her cock filled her mind, and she couldn't help but blush even brighter. She shook her head to get rid of these thoughts, maybe another day. Right now, she wanted nothing more but for her little human to fuck her silly. ''Thomas, I want you, right now. But since our last time got denied by my aunt, I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes.'' The physiotherapist did as he was told, trusting the princess of love completely. ''Now open your eyes.'' When he did, the human's features stretched into a full fledged grin. There she was, his Candy, completely dressed up like she was at the Velvet Wing. This time though, there neither was a Shining Armor, nor a princess Celestia to interrupt them. ''You like what you see?'' she growled. ''Oh yes,'' he muttered, awestruck at the divine beauty in front of him. She winked, turned around for him, and lifted her ass high into the air. Moving her tail and dress out of the way, the human let out a mixed moan of pure arousal and surprise. Cadence was wearing a pair of very seductive red panties under her dress, which were practically soaked from her sexual liquids already. ''Oh my lord. Did you wear those panties when we were dining in the Velvet Wing too?'' She nodded her head shyly. ''Specially for you. I figured you would like them.'' ''I don't like. I love!'' he exclaimed loudly. ''Then come and get it, it's all yours.'' Shaking her tush from side to side for emphasis, Thomas eyed it like a predator would stare at a helpless prey. His cock was rock hard again, ready for some action. Grunting, he grabbed her flanks, rubbing his dick over her damp panties, which invoked a series of groans from both parties. Cadence's wings quickly got erect, the electricity that was her little human's manhood rubbing her over her panties making her feel absolutely divine. She could hardly wait for him to fuck her already. At this moment, Thomas was more than content just teasing this beautiful mare, his cock neatly sandwiched between her butt cheeks and panties. Panting, the princess couldn't understand how Thomas could provoke such pleasures from her, but the feeling of pure completion was only reached when only his hips connected with hers. Not in a million years would Shining Armor come even close to what Cadence was experiencing right now; even if he would make her pregnant and give her a child. ''Please, Thomas, stop teasing. Do I have to beg for it?'' she whined in wanton need. ''No Candy, you won't, ever,'' he spoke in a mellow voice. Moving her panties out of the way, her wet pussy was waiting, quivering to be filled with his dick. Lining his member up with her opening, he gently pushed forward, burying his first few inches inside of her. ''Oh, aah-ah,'' Cadence grunted at the large invader, gripping it with her warm walls from every direction. Her cheeks felt warm as inch after inch of Thomas disappeared inside her love tunnel, until finally, he was completely bottomed out in her. She wanted this feeling to last forever. ''I love you, Candy,'' the physiotherapist spoke lovingly. ''I love you too, Thomas.'' With that, he began to move out, Cadence's insides desperately trying to suck him back in. The emptiness was soon replaced with a wet smack, the friction created by Thomas's thrust back in enough to let them both moan loudly. Slowly, he began to move out again, the horny mare under him begging him to go faster. He complied loyally. Thomas soon found a favorable rhythm to rut his princess senseless, his dick entering and leaving her twat at a steady pace. His balls rammed against her underside again and again, claiming the pink alicorn as his own. Lost in pleasure as she was, Cadence could only take it, Thomas's thrust getting more wild each time he was inside her fully. His heavenly member just reached right in every place, the natural lubricant she produced making it slick and slippery. ''Yes, fuck me! Please, ah,'' the princess of love begged, the sloppy sounds of their rutting and his grunts music to her ears. The physiotherapist's thrusts got more shallow, taking his sweet time to really let her walls clamp down on him. Pre was steadily dripping from his cock head, his endurance losing horribly from the otherworldly pleasure this mare bestowed upon him. ''I'm going to cum,'' he warned Cadence, slowing down just a tad more. ''It's okay, my little human. You know you're allowed to cum inside. Now, fill me up,'' she commanded him hotly. Not soon later, Thomas came for a second time, emptying his load entirely into the pink snatch of the alicorn. The sensation made Cadence go over the edge as well, her insides milking him for all what he was worth. Panting and grunting, the duo both basked in the afterglow of their incredible sex. ''Ah Thomas, you came inside. What if you make me pregnant?'' she teased playfully. He chuckled, ''A centaur as a kid huh? That would be interesting. Or would it just be a pony?'' ''Hmm, either way, I wouldn't mind if you gave me a cute little daughter,'' she replied, before whispering in his ear, ''Don't you want a cute little daughter of your own, hm? A daddies girl who would suck your dick every day? I know I would.'' Thomas blushed at the very wrong and dirty thoughts that entered his mind. ''Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, you are the most shameless and lewd pony I've ever met.'' He gave her a bright smile, ''I love that about you.'' She giggled cutely and snuggled against the human in contentment. They just sat there, enjoying each other's company in a flower field for the longest of time. No words had to be said between the two. After a while though, the comfortable silence was broken by the pondering human. ''So, what happens now?'' Thomas asked her idly. ''Now?'' She hummed. ''Now, we make all of our dreams into reality.'' > Bonus Chapter: Luna. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas was smiling deviously at the princess of love—his own little fluffy alicorn which he could do anything with that his heart desired. The married princess had a matching grin on her muzzle, her wings fully extended while her horn glowed ever so slightly. ''I can't believe this worked,'' Thomas said excitedly, giving Cadence a kiss on her cheek. ''I knew you were good with magic, Candy, but to be able to do this?'' He shook his head while she giggled and nuzzled him affectionately. ''While this kind of magic is Luna's forte, I'm still the embodiment of love. I'd do anything to please my little human,'' she growled lustfully, ''and if this is the way to do it, then who am I to refuse and spend a few weeks figuring out how to accomplish it?'' The physiotherapist snorted playfully. ''Yeah right, Candy. You were the one who wanted to have some fun with your own aunt! I just went with it because I think princess Luna deserves it after all she's done for us.'' ''And because you think it's hot,'' Cadence added in a sultry whisper, gently nibbling on Thomas' earlobe. ''If you could, you'd fuck Celestia too. In fact, I'm surprised you didn't do it with her offering herself to you. I mean, have you seen her ass? That's bigger than the sun itself!'' she teased him. Thomas blushed as pictures of the sun diarch filled his mind, particularly one of her flashing her exposed slit and butthole to him when Cadence was sucking his cock under his desk back in the Crystal Empire. ''You know full well why I declined, Candy,'' he eventually responded, ''I love you, and that's all there is to it.'' The pink alicorn cooed and went on her hind legs to give Thomas a passionate kiss, her tongue gently brushing against his own before pulling back. ''I love you too, my little human.'' She winked and hip checked him playfully. ''Now let's find my aunt in this dreamscape so we can properly thank her. It's been too long since I had some naughty fun with another mare.'' The couple's plan had been simple, but so delightfully dirty at the same time. While princess Luna was the ruler of the night and dreams, she eventually had to sleep as well. So Thomas had come up with the ingenious plan to go inside Luna's dream and surprise the navy blue alicorn—and by surprising her he meant pleasuring her until she would succumb to the sheer ecstasy of cumming multiple times until she was too tired to move. He barely could contain his excitement. Looking around, he noticed they were in a meadow under the most beautiful starry night sky he had ever seen. Hundreds of thousands of stars shone and twinkled in the sea of blue above them. The moon was full and round, complimenting the prettiness of the scene like a broche on a dress. It was like the night had prepared herself for her lover, waiting for his arrival. A soft, pleasant wind blew through the meadow, making the dark green grasses rustle soothingly while the trees danced along in tandem. The air was filled with the smell of rain, little dewdrops accentuating the tips of the greenery as Thomas and Cadence walked through the meadow silently and in astonishment. It was simply beautiful. They didn't have to look for long to find princess Luna. There she was, sitting on her haunches and looking up in the sky, a content smile on her face. She looked so peaceful, like nothing could harm her at the moment. She wasn't wearing her usual regalia, like she was liberated from them. Inside this protective bubble of hers, she was just Luna and nothing else. Her ethereal mane was still the same, complimenting her gorgeous body as it flowed like a gas that was trying to diffuse itself evenly. Thomas noticed how her wings were preened beautifully, fully stretched to show how big and soft her feathers were. He couldn't help but let his eyes trace to the curves of her cutie marks next. While she didn't have that sweet piece of ass her sister sported, Luna was certainly no slouch. Her feminine curves made her slender and appealing to the eye. Finally, her eyes twinkled like two gorgeous polished gemstones. They might as well be the only two stars in the entire galaxy, because they were vast and deep, filled with thousands of years of experience and wisdom. Needless to say, Thomas felt weak in his knees when he finally took his sweet time to appreciate the princess of the night. The color of her coat and her personality made her such a contrast to Candy, but he realized that was what made her very cute too. Princess Luna had a lot of sexual experience before her banishment, but all that confidence that she used to have had evaporated when she had to settle down in what was basically a whole new world. Thomas knew that feeling all too well. She felt alienated for the longest of time, especially when it came to finding a sexual partner. The physiotherapist wasn't sure if she even had sex with anybody ever since she returned. It resulted into her becoming very shy around the opposite sex, especially when she saw a potential partner. Thomas had experienced it multiple times in the past and he thought it was the most adorable thing ever. He really hoped he and Cadence could give the moon princess the time of her life. ''What's the matter, my little human?'' Cadence sang teasingly when she noticed him staring at her aunt. ''Cat got your tongue?'' ''Well, that's—'' Thomas tried to defend himself, only for the sweet princess of love to shut him up with one of her wings. Her grin was predatory as she came in close and whispered in his ear. ''Just imagine my aunt's cute squeaks as your ram your cock all the way inside her warm, inviting pussy. I want you to make my aunt squeal as you pound her, fill her up with your appreciation while I'll watch like the dirty little princess I am.'' She panted hot breath in Thomas' ear who couldn't help but shiver at Cadence's lewd words. ''You're the most perverted princess to have ever lived,'' he answered back hotly, ''you're so sexy.'' Cadence giggled and kissed him again. ''I know I am, my little human. But you have seen nothing yet. Just wait what I have in store for my aunt. You're not the only one who's going to pleasure her. Tonight, everything revolves around her.'' Thomas nodded his head and nudged her gently. ''What do you say we're going to give princess Luna our greetings then?'' Cadence grinned. ''That's the best suggestion you've had all night.'' Luna was watching her sky without a care in the world. She knew she was dreaming, because this was one of her favorites. She could just look at all the stars and count them for hours without ever getting bored. She often dreamed of her little ponies too, but in this case, it was only her and she was perfectly content with that. ''Hi, auntie!'' The princess of the night let out a startled yelp at the familiar voice of her devious niece. Ever since she had arranged that dreamscape for Thomas and her she had become very affectionate and flirtatious with her. Not that she minded the attention at all, of course, but it left her more embarrassed than anything else. ''Cadence?'' she said, perplexed. ''What art thou doing here?'' She couldn't fathom the idea she was simply dreaming this. Moreover, Thomas was with her too, and the looks they were giving her screamed they were up to no good at all. ''Oh, I'm just here to visit my most favorite aunt of all!'' Cadence's eyes turned seductive as she nuzzled her cheek with hers, which made Luna eep. ''Oh, and also to repay you for what you did for Thomas and I,'' she whispered afterwards. She motioned to the physiotherapist while keeping her cheek pressed against her aunt's. ''We're going to drown you in so much pleasure that you're going to burst,'' she added. Princess Luna shivered and blushed furiously, her back legs firmly pressed together. She could feel herself growing wet already, much to her embarrassment, and didn't dare to stand up less Cadence would smell it or even worse. ''Nay, Niece. Like we s-said, twas nothing. Thou don't have to repay us, Thomas neither,'' she babbled quickly, her voice shy as she tried to scoot away from the pink alicorn. ''Oh? We don't?'' Thomas said innocently, closing the distance between him and the moon diarch rather smoothly until his face was only inches away from her muzzle. ''And here I thought you wanted my big fat cock inside that cute pussy of yours. Don't you want me to fuck you silly? Show you the stars for real?'' he whispered, his dirty talk having an immediate effect on Luna. Truth be told, she'd wanted sex with Thomas the moment she'd seen the erotic dreams Cadence had about him. He seemed to know how to please a mare perfectly, and his endurance was out of this world if she had to believe her niece. The navy blue alicorn bit her lower lip. She wanted to scream yes and let go of her inhibitions, but she was afraid after a thousand years of going without sex, she'd seem inexperienced and not a good lay. ''Well… we—'' a sudden gasp escaped her throat as Cadence started to nibble on her neck, the pleasurable bites shooting small tingles through her body, which was only augmented when Thomas gently closed the distance and captured her muzzle with his lips, much like he'd done the first time when she'd shown him the dreamscape she had created. That was enough for Luna to melt in their embrace and let them guide her to her back. Thomas was on top of her now, lightly kissing her and silently asking for entrance with his tongue, while her niece had her fluffy warm coat pressed against hers and continued to suckle and bite on her neck, leaving visible hickeys behind as she went. Luna moaned, her bothered nether region burning with passion as she felt Thomas' tongue roam over hers. His slightly larger tongue was electrifying, his much thinner saliva sweet as she tasted him and continued to swap saliva with him. When the physiotherapist broke the kiss—panting all the way—he gave the shy princess a lewd smile. ''This is just the beginning, Luna. Buckle up, because Cadence and I are going to make you cum until your body has turned numb.'' ''Oh, stars,'' she muttered under her breath. She tried to relax her stiff body as human and pony alike began to pepper her chest in kisses, teasingly going lower and lower as they kept their eyes on her. The fact they were two entirely different species—both male and female and one of her was her surrogate niece on top of that—made the scene incredibly arousing for the moon diarch. She couldn't help but let out a tiny squeak when they had reached her crotch boobs and both were prying her legs apart. Her resistance was nonexistent. Thomas whistled and Cadence cooed at the delicious sight in front of them. Luna's pussy lips were wet with her femininity. Strings of her thick juices connected her thighs, and her clit was winking crazily at the couple. The smell of her arousal was thick too, but not overwhelmingly so. Thomas liked how Luna's labia was structured like Cadence's, the darker blue lips appealing in his mind. ''Can I kiss it first, Candy?'' he asked. ''We can swap places when she's reached orgasm.'' ''Sure, Thomas. Lick my aunt's sweet pussy until she bursts all of her delicious juices over your tongue,'' she encouraged Thomas lewdly with a wink. ''Meanwhile, I'll suckle on her nipples until they're as sensitive as her cute little nub.'' ''W-wait! Cadence, Thomas, we—ah!'' Luna tried to reason, her sentence interrupted as she felt Thomas' heavenly lips plant themselves on her lower ones, embracing them in a wet, lewd kiss. She writhed in his embrace as he began to shower her snatch in sweet nirvana, her nerves firing continuous pleasure through her body. If she thought it couldn't get any better, the indignant moan that escaped her mouth because of her niece sucking on one of her boobs threw that out of the window completely. She kicked her legs in the air out of reflex as both her partners were giving her the time of her life. She could feel how Thomas was plunging his tongue inside of her love tunnel, the wet intruder tasting her most intimate parts yet as her walls contracted all around it. ''Please, more!'' she begged them like she was a horny teenager getting oral for the first time. Cadence had one hoof on her cute mound, fondling and squeezing it while the other was getting sucked on so vigorously and so enticingly that Luna was sure she wasn't having some depraved erotic dream. Luna bit her tongue as her niece just lightly tugged and then suckled, making the nipple extra sensitive. If they were going to keep this up, she wasn't going to last long at all. Her eyes widened then and there as Thomas found her clit and nibbled on it lovingly, the sensation wracking her body as a sudden orgasm rippled through it like a tidal wave. She was lost in a silent scream as her pussy spasmed and squirted a healthy dose of her cum all over Thomas' face. Cadence giggled at the pleasure ridden face of her aunt, cooing at the occasional twitch her body still made as she was riding on her cloud far in the sky. She panted and whimpered in the most adorable way possible, especially when her partners switched places like they'd planned to. ''I wonder how many times we can make her cum,'' Cadence said lustfully, her own twitching marehood shivering with need. She wasted no time lapping up the leftover juices of Luna's discharge, tasting the rich flavor of her aunt as she went to work to make her cum again. ''At least four times,'' Thomas responded, loud enough for the princess of the night to hear. ''I'm not leaving until I've reached that number anyway.'' He winked at Luna and had no trouble suckling on the boob Cadence had previously fondled, lightly squeezing the nipple between his teeth to make it as erect as his cock was right now. ''No, please…'' Luna begged desperately, her sensitive pussy and boobs getting barraged with nothing but pleasure. Cadence was an expert at giving cunnilingus, because she had no trouble finding all of Luna's weak spots. Her muzzle was drenched in her fluids as she ate her out, bumping her nose against her clit every time she went in as deeply as possible. And then there was Thomas with his hands. Those fingers of his were built for fine movements a pony could only dream of. He expertly pinched and squeezed the boob Cadence previously had sucked on while still coating her other boob in a layer of his saliva. The real cherry on top came when he assisted Cadence by making his thumb and index finger rub all over her winking button as well. ''No—we can't… Not so soon after—'' This time, her squeal was loud as another orgasm made her body go numb; only pleasure remained as all nerves fired at once, her sensitive slit clamping down hard on Cadence's tongue as another wave of her cum filled her niece's mouth, who swallowed it with all the eagerness of a little filly entering a candy shop. Luna couldn't move anymore. Her body was drenched in sweat, yet it seemed Thomas and Cadence where going to keep their promise. The former was taking off his clothes already while the latter watched the spectacle haughtily. ''Time for us to join into the fun,'' Cadence whispered to her aunt, who could only prepare herself mentally. Thomas' cock was nothing like a stallion's. It lacked a medial ring, it had a sheath on most of his shaft and the tip of it was mushroom shaped. Just the alien look of it all turned Luna on more than anything. She watched how Thomas came close and booped his erect member against her nose, which made her go cross-eyed for a moment. ''You want to be a good princess and suck my cock?'' he asked her with a grin, already knowing the answer. Luna opened her maw for him, shivering at the salty taste of his glans as he began to insert it into her mouth. She could feel how the spongy, soft skin glided over her tongue, his manly musk invading her nose and making her pussy twitch again. Meanwhile, Cadence had lifted one of Luna's legs and lied down between them, slowly scooting closer until her soft slit had found Luna's in a sweet embrace that was simply electrifying. Her clit booped against hers cutely, the moan that escaped Cadence's mouth filling the air as she began to grind their pussies together, the slicking sound of wet flesh on wet flesh disrupting the innocence of the night. Luna's snatch was getting bombarded with mind-numbing feelings; Cadence's pussy was so hot, their lips kissing each other repeatedly while fluids were swapped and made their crotches a mess. Especially combined with Thomas' cock in her mouth she couldn't focus on anything else. She was slowly sucking on it, enjoying the taste of him as the pink alicorn continued to rub her pussy against her. Cadence's wings were fully extended, and Luna's own wings were sprawled and erect under her too, feathers sticking out at every angle. The regal looking princess had been turned into nothing but a mess of fur, feathers and cum, and she enjoyed every moment of it. Thomas' cock felt so good in her mouth, her niece's slit so heavenly against her own; she hadn't realized until now how much she had missed this. ''Oh, yes, auntie. Does this turn you on? Rubbing pussies together with your own niece while you have to suck the cock of a guy who's been in all of my holes multiple times? Imagine how good it'll feel if he inserts his dick far inside your cunny while he fucks you like the animal he is. Wouldn't that be nice? Wouldn't you want that?'' Luna could only moan in approval as she was now bobbing her head up and down vigorously. She could feel how Thomas' cock twitched every time she brought him to the back of his throat. The pre that dripped from his member only spurred her on. She wanted to taste his life giving essence, she wanted him to breed her like she was some common whore on a street corner. All these lewd thoughts mingled together to get her off a third time. She hummed deeply on Thomas' cock, the vibrations enough to slip his glans into her milking throat. All of her muscles tensed, her pussy feeling on fire as Cadence continued to rub her own twitching snatch against her. The sensation was so pleasurable that Luna's horn had started to glow as well; it had reached its climax in a beautiful display of sparkles while her pussy was tiredly contracting against Cadence's own. All of it was enough for her partners to cum as well. Thomas grunted loudly as he shot rope after rope of his hot spunk far in the back of Luna's throat, where she had no choice but the swallow it all while Cadence squeaked and rode out her own orgasm, her cum warm on Luna's crotch and making her whole body tingle. Eventually, Thomas moved his dick out of Luna's mouth, his taste lingering on her tongue as a few droplets of his cum landed on it. Cadence didn't bother to move yet and just panted heavily with a big smile on her face. ''Now that's what I call a good threesome,'' she cheered, giggling as she tried to make her hind legs move. She stood up and nudged her tired aunt. ''Are you ready for the finale? I still think we have to make you cum one more time. Your horn doesn't count,'' she teased as she brought Luna to her belly. Nuzzling her flank, she lifted her tail for Thomas to show him her absolutely soaked crotch, ready to be ridden into oblivion. ''Take her, Thomas,'' she encouraged him. ''I know how long my aunt has waited for this. Fuck her and make her your slut. Cum inside her pussy until you've stuffed her and she overflows with your semen.'' She slapped Luna's butt for good measure. ''Come on, big boy. Breed her like she's your possession,'' she continued to dirty talk. ''Make her your personal cum-dump. I want to see you shoot all of your sperm inside of that hungry pussy of hers.'' Luna had never heard her niece this lewd, but the way how she was talking about her being nothing but a piece of flesh for Thomas' pleasure was shamefully arousing. Apparently, Thomas thought that too, because he wasted no time in mounting her, his big body covering hers as she felt his cockhead prod at her entrance. Without warning, he moved forward, spreading her pussy lips and sliding in his dick in one go. Luna cried out in pleasure, the rough intrusion and his enthusiasm exactly what she wanted. She couldn't do anything but take Thomas' dick to the hilt as he fucked her like a rowdy stallion. Thomas noted that she was hot, even hotter than Cadence was, but he didn't know if it was because she had came so many times already, or if it was just a natural thing. In any case, he had no intentions of going slow. He was thrusting wildly inside of Luna, lewd slaps echoing in the air as his balls smacked against her underside. He bottomed out inside of her again and again, accompanied by Luna's feminine squeals of more. He tried to enjoy the princess as much as he possibly could in this situation, but Cadence wasn't letting up with her dirty talk, and her pussy was contracting so tightly against his shaft, it was almost impossible not to blow his load then and there. Still, he tried to endure it. He simply loved the submissiveness of the princess crying out for his cock. He idly wondered if it was possible to get Celestia into submissiveness, but he doubted it. In any case, he had his arms wrapped around her midsection, his nose into her neck as he smelled her natural scent and sweat while humping his pelvis as quickly as he could. Her moans and whimpers were too cute, the warm feeling that was slowly spreading from his groin outwards every time he rammed his cock back into her warm hole a drug he was addicted to. He loved how big and furry her ass was—it was something he always had enjoyed with Cadence too. ''Oh? Is my cute little aunt going to cum again like the little brood mare she is?'' Cadence teased her. ''It's okay, do it. Cum and succumb to the pleasure of being fucked silly. Let me hear you say it as you moan Thomas' name!'' ''Yesss, pleassse!'' she hissed, drawing out the syllables as the human on top of her continued to pound her. ''Thomas, make us cum! Pl-please, we are a naughty mare. We—We need—'' The rest of her words were incomprehensible as she turned into a stuttering mess. Luna was seeing stars as she came for a final time, all her muscles refusing to cooperate as nothing but indescribable pleasure remained. She could feel her human partner following not much later, the feeling of getting came inside something she had longed for. It was the perfect culmination of a wet dream she'd ever had. The princess of the night awoke not much later with a jolt. She was panting like she'd participated in the running of the leaves. A very wet spot had stained her sheets and bed at her crotch area; she'd really came multiple times, which meant Cadence and Thomas really had been inside her dream. She put her head back on her pillow, smiling slightly as she reminisced about how good she had felt. 'I thank thee, Thomas and Cadence. For we needed this boost of encouragement to find a suitable partner for ourselves,' she thought appreciatively. She made a mental note to visit them later in their dreamscape to thank them personally, partly because they had managed to screw their rhythm by going to sleep on a Saturday afternoon to catch her dreaming, but also partly because she wanted nothing more than to experience Thomas and Cadence a second time. > Bonus chapter: Celestia. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the first time in a long while, Thomas was genuinely nervous. The physiotherapist's mouth was dry, his heart was beating in his throat, and his hands were slightly shivering. Thick beads of sweat rolled down his cheeks while he swallowed audibly in a desperate attempt to find his voice again. "I'm not so sure about this, Candy," he whispered to the princess of love genuinely. "What if it goes wrong?" Cadence waved off his doubts with one of her fluffy wings dismissively. "You shouldn't worry about it, my little human. I know you can pull this off." She cooed sweetly. "Besides, I know that you want to," she added haughtily, her voice teasing while she bumped her flank against his hip. The couple was meeting each other in their dreamscape, as they did every night. Usually, they'd talk with each other idly about their day, and then make sweet love to each other until it was time to say goodbye again. This night however, was different. The warm sunny meadow they conversed in was a gorgeous area filled with wild colorful flowers of every kind. Thick and tall grasses waved in the wind steadily while a creek further up ahead flowed gently. Both Thomas and Cadence loved this place a lot. They'd come up with it together to heal and soothe their aching hearts which called out to each other every day. Right now, the couple was facing a slight problem. It was around a year ago that Thomas moved back to Canterlot and Celestia issued a magical ban against her niece to see the human personally. The solution Luna provided kept both Thomas and Cadence more than happy. But lately, Celestia was becoming suspicious. It didn't help Luna was a bad liar, and Thomas kept declining Celestia's personal advances on him. At some point, the sun diarch had given up in wooing him. But she definitely wasn't a fool. Her experienced eye saw that Thomas definitely liked her, so she couldn't quite place why he continued to distance himself from her. Thomas had talked about this with Cadence multiple times, until she came up with a devious and extremely lewd idea. "Why not give in to her advances?" She had suggested bluntly. Thomas had sputtered. He knew she got off on the idea of him fucking her aunt, but this was a step further than just some naughty thoughts and fantasies. This was the real deal, besides, it was without Cadence involved, which really held him back. Yet the cute princess of love was persistent, they had to reassure to Celestia nothing was going on behind the scenes. The solution was quite simple to Cadence, let Thomas have some fun with her and she'd stop questioning things altogether. This brought Thomas to the problem he was facing now. "Yes, you're right, Candy." He admitted with blushing cheeks. "I'd love to fuck your aunt, but it just feels wrong without you being there. With Luna it was different, you know?" He shrugged his shoulders, "and Celestia isn't stupid. Wouldn't it be weird if I suddenly started to reciprocate her affections?" The pink alicorn grinned, her muzzle contorting in amusement. "You are such a cutie," she cooed in return, standing on her hind legs and wrapping her gorgeous wings around his back and pulling his face close to her muzzle while she bit her lip. "Whatever happens," she whispered naughtily, "I know you're always mine." She pressed her muzzle against his lips reassuringly. "But," she said between her soft and fluffy affections of kissing him, "I knew you'd never agree with these conditions I set." Her cheeks were rosy as she kissed him more fiercely now, her tongue licking his closed lips and silently asking for entrance. Before Thomas could respond to her feverish kiss she had pulled back again, toying with him while her hot breath washed over his face. "So I have thought of a solution to this problem. Auntie Celestia can't find out about this dreamscape, so we have to go through with it. However, what if--" Cadence whispered something dirty in Thomas's ear that had him blushing like mad. When she was done, she captured his lips again, her soft wings rubbing the back of his head reassuringly while her tongue found his open mouth, softly and lovingly dragging it across his. Thomas was shivering in her embrace as he felt her hot tongue roam over his. Swapping their saliva together like they had done so many times before. When Cadence moved back again to breathe, Thomas couldn't help but chuckle. "You are the lewdest and dirtiest princess in existence, you know that?" He said to her playfully. The pink alicorn giggled and nuzzled her soft coat against his. "So, does that mean you agree with the conditions?" She tittered excitedly, her magenta eyes sparkling with mischief. Thomas cleared his throat, he was still extremely nervous. The risk was enormous, but doing nothing meant their beautiful dreamscape would inevitably crumble before their very eyes. Besides, Thomas would be lying if he didn't want to have sex with Celestia in the first place. He liked her a lot, after all. "Alright Candy, I will do it. For you." Cadence's coo was filled with nothing but lust, love, and appreciation for her little human. "Perfect!'' she panted, horny as she was for him, ''but, before we set our plan in motion..." Cadence used the dreamscape to transform herself into a perfect replica of her aunt. "Let's practice a little with each other." She suggested naughtily. Thomas could only nod his head obediently, as he felt Cadence seductively float him to his back with her magic. Princess Celestia was rubbing her eyes a little tiredly inside the comfort of her personal chambers. She was currently wearing her soft velvet red nightgown while going over some late night administration at her desk. Her regalia was already neatly tucked away for the night while her reading glasses rested cutely on the brim of her nose. Her golden aura sparkled as she turned another page of the stack of papers in front of her with her magic, quickly scribbling something down while suppressing a yawn. The usual divine aura that made her mane sparkle and flow in an invisible wind was nowhere present at the moment. Instead, her natural and gorgeous looking pink mane hung around her face a bit wildly, giving her the appearance of a very young adult while her stunningly beautiful eyes were filled with a deep experience that reflected her age and maturity. At the moment, the sun diarch was nothing more than Celestia, and she cherished these moments tremendously, even with how short they lasted. A longing sigh escaped Celestia's muzzle, surprising herself as she grumbled at her own ineptitude. Of course, Thomas was on her mind again. She felt frustrated with herself that she was unable to woo the human, even though she knew he liked her a lot. She assumed because it was because of his past fling with her niece, but it had been well over a year since that happened. Both Thomas and Cadence had not made a single move to get together again, and as far as Celestia knew, both were actually doing pretty well. ''Then why does Thomas keep declining me?'' She wondered again, her paperwork completely forgotten. The Princess was getting pretty desperate, especially since she could understand the physiotherapist. As the immortal ruler of Equestria, Princess Celestia was respected and equally feared by her lovely subjects. As such, there were only a handful of Ponies she could be herself around. Fewer even, who dared approach her and with whom she could be intimate with. Thomas was one of these persons. She enjoyed his personal company a lot, but no matter how she tried, he kept on politely declining her, stating he was not ready for it yet. At some point she had respected his decision and gave him the space he sought, but somewhere in the back of her mind, she felt like something was off. She couldn't figure out what it was, but she was sure of it. The Princess had made up her mind to ask her sister about it tomorrow to see if she shared the same sentiment. But before she could finish her next thought, a familiar knock on her door brought her out of her stupor. She recognized that polite knock anywhere, besides, only a few had access to her personal chambers whenever they so desired, so that limited the options of who it could possibly be by a lot. ''Right now, though?'' She wondered to herself, checking the time and seeing it was already past ten in the evening. “I hope it is not something urgent.” She cleared her throat, a small smile coming on her muzzle. “Come in, Thomas. The door is open,” she replied sweetly, her tiredness completely forgotten. Whatever it was, Princess Celestia was always delighted to see the physiotherapist. What she hadn't expected, however, was to see Thomas dressed up so handsomely. He was wearing a white dress shirt, a pair of fitting blue jeans, and apparently went to the Barber earlier that day to cut his hair because he looked absolutely stunning to Celestia. For a moment, she was unable to find her voice until the human had closed the door behind him, offering her a nervous smile. “Good evening, Celestia,” he said shyly, which made the Princess coo internally at how adorable he behaved. “I hope I'm not bothering you at the moment.” “Oh, of course not, Thomas,” she said quickly, a small blush creeping on her cheeks. “Please, have a seat.” she motioned with one of her large wings to an empty chair. She could see how Thomas was appreciating her personal chambers like he always did whenever he was invited inside of it for whatever reason. It was a very warm and cozy looking room with a thick red carpet stretching out on the floor to combat the cold. In the back of the room was a big stained-glass window Princess Celestia could look out of and see the entirety of Canterlot clearly. To the side was a fireplace that was lit magically. Besides the candle on her desk, it was the only source of light at the moment, throwing the room in an atmosphere that most would consider romantic. Princess Celestia had to swallow as she realized this while Thomas sat down not too far from her. She couldn't help but feel her heart speed up just a tad as he offered her another one of those contagious smiles that had her stomach aflutter. She cursed herself internally for feeling like a lost little school filly at the moment, but she couldn't deny she had developed a small crush on the human. “To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you at this hour of the day?” She couldn't help but flutter her eyes at him, something that she instantly regretted and made her blush deepen even further. However, to her pleasant surprise, she saw that Thomas reacted shyly at her cute gesture, and not in a way she was used to of him. It was a positive reaction that made her just a little bit more hopeful. To be honest with herself, Celestia had been pretty lonely the last few years, so seeing a potential partner in Thomas had made her extra motivated to do her best. “I couldn't really sleep,” Thomas said honestly, twiddling with his fingers. “I guess it's because it's been some time since I had somebody sleeping next to me,” he admitted. “I love your mane, by the way. It makes you look very cute.” Princess Celestia gasped, her breath catching in her throat. For six months she had tried to win Thomas over, and now it seemed he was finally ready to make the next step himself. The compliment about her messy mane made her cheeks burn in delight. “Thank you,” she whispered back, treading very lightly and not getting her hopes up just yet. “And since you couldn't sleep, you sought my company?” This time, Thomas paused, his eyes twinkling. “And maybe something more,” he added a bit unsurely and breathlessly. The alabaster Alicorn felt her chest flutter again as Thomas said this, as if she was lighter than a feather at the moment. Slowly, he reached out one of his arms until the palm of his hand had cupped her left cheek. She cooed in wanton need and desire while Thomas slowly rubbed his hand across her fluffiness. Princess Celestia had no idea how much she truly wanted this, because one moment he was just running those sweet fingers through her fur and the other, he had both of his hands cupped around her face and he was slowly guiding her quivering muzzle to his lips. He had enchanted her so easily it almost felt like Magic, but Celestia couldn't possibly care at the moment. She allowed him to do with her whatever he pleased, and that prospect excited her on a whole different level. Finally, Celestia's muzzle was softly placed against Thomas' sweet lips. A moan escaped from deep out of her throat as she started to kiss him back wantonly, her lips pressing against him over and over again until she felt his tongue asking for entrance. It was an exhilarating experience for Celestia, especially when she felt Thomas' relatively small tongue pressed against hers, curiously exploring her mouth and tasting her. She shivered in his embrace and met his tongue with much enthusiasm. She brushed her own tongue thickly against his, wrapping around it and pushing him back. Now it was her turn to explore his mouth. His saliva was much thinner than hers and his sharp canines were alien to her, but she enjoyed it all the same. The fact she was so passionately making out with him made the kiss extremely sloppy, as saliva dribbled down his chin to the ground below. Eventually, Thomas broke the heated affection, multiple strings of saliva still connecting his tongue with hers. Both parties panted thickly and hotly. Celestia could only imagine what was going to happen next. “Celestia,” Thomas whispered, genuinely. “I want you so badly right now.” The honesty in his statement combined with that passionate kiss had made Celestia delightfully wet already. She could feel her pussy burning with need and desire for him, her clit winking underneath her chair while her fluid stained her seat. She bit her lip while she slowly nuzzled her cheek against her little human. “So, your plan all this long was to come here to fuck me,” she replied huskily, her clit winking again at her own choice of words. The Princess threw away all of her inhibitions as she teasingly nibbled on Thomas' ear, which elicited a small moan from him. “Admit it,” she coaxed him further. “You want me to turn around for you and show you my cute pussy?” “Yes,” Thomas moaned, roaming his experienced hands through the muscles of Celestia's pristine coat, massaging and relaxing her. Celestia cooed appreciatively. “Want me to moan your name as I allow you to put your cock far inside my royal slit and fuck me silly? I’d do that for you, Thomas,” she admitted honestly, her lust for him taking over all of her senses. “All you have to say is please,” she added teasingly. “Please,” he said immediately, his entire body shivering. Celestia could smell his arousal through his pants already. He was as hard as a rock at the moment for her. The Princess loved his musky scent as her golden aura slowly started to unzip his pants and lower them, quickly followed with his underwear. “That's all I wanted to hear, but before I allow you to fuck me...” she whispered naughtily. She brought both of her pristine wings to his erect dick, letting her thick and fluffy feathers tickle his shaft while she slowly started to move the hot skin of his cock up and down. The sound of appreciation and pleasure she got out of him only made her pussy burn brighter. “Do you like it?” She whispered to him haughtily, slightly shifting in her seat to receive a little auto stimulation by rubbing her wet pussy lips against her chair. Her breath was getting labored as she looked at his alien cock throbbing wildly in her soft grip of her wings. It definitely wasn't anything like she was used to, and that only made her want it more. “How about I use my mouth next? Would you like that? The Princess of the sun sucking on your dick, huh?” She continued to use her fluffy wings to rub his cock gently and lovingly, the tip of her feathers teasingly tickling his glans. At this point, only lust remained in Celestia's mind. She wanted Thomas’ dick so badly. The way how he moaned her name so adorably only added to her lust. Her dirty talk was met with an eager nod from the physiotherapist. “Please Princess,” he begged, “I would like that so much! Please suck my cock!” The aroused Princess had only one thing on her mind as she lowered herself to Thomas' crotch level. She panted hot air on his glans while a bead of pre had formed on his tip. His scent was intoxicating to her. With burning cheeks, she kissed him straight on the tip, earning herself another hot moan from the physiotherapist. She felt Thomas’ hand on the back of her head, gently guiding her to take his cock into her muzzle. She opened her mouth eagerly, letting her thick tongue swirl across his cockhead and getting a good taste of him. She repeated the action, wetting it with her saliva, before she gave in to his gentle coaxing and took the plunge, burying the first few inches inside of her hot muzzle. She felt her aching pussy weeping her fluids at the scent and taste. Celestia moaned sweetly as she went to work, creating pressure with her maw as soon as she moved up and then easily swallowing more of his dick as she went down again. Finding a rhythm was easy for her. She suckled on his cock with all the enthusiasm in the world, like a hungry little teenager she bobbed her head up and down, going lower and lower until her nose booped his pubic hair cutely and his glans tickled the back of her throat. “Ah fuck, Celestia,” Thomas cursed and moaned, his ecstasy reaching new levels. She could feel how he was holding himself back. He wanted to muzzle fuck her until he came down her throat, but as much as Celestia like that idea, she would much rather have him bending her over. So, when she continued to suck on his shaft for a little while longer and realized he could no longer contain himself, she moved off of his dick reluctantly. She moaned eagerly as she looked up at him somewhat submissively, her lower lip quivering a bit while his cock throbbed angrily in front of her. Thomas was panting, his desire to fuck her clearly evident on his face as he gave her a light grin. “Oh, you liked that, Princess?” He now asked, toying with her as he brought his dick to her furry cheek and slapped it slightly. “I didn't know you were such a slut.” Celestia just continued to moan and shiver as Thomas mentioned for her to stand up. She did so with shivering legs, not even bothering to hide the obvious stain she left behind on her favorite chair. Thomas' grin only widened at her obvious excitement. Her arousal hung thick in the air as he continued his dirty talk. “My, you made quite the mess already, Princess. Do you want my cock inside your pussy that desperately, huh?” “Yes please,” she begged, her voice sweet and filled with desire. She moaned again when Thomas ran his hand through her main lovingly before getting close to her ear. “Then turn around for me and beg me for it, Celestia,” he whispered dirtily. He didn't have to tell her twice. Like a bunny in heat, she obediently yet seductively moved her gorgeous body around for him. She still had her tail blocking what Thomas so desperately wanted to see, but her femininity had rolled down her juicy thighs and elegant legs so thickly that it was obvious her pussy was weeping in anticipation for him. Lowering herself so her face was neatly tucked between her front legs, she moved her big ass high into the air. Her red nightgown clung to her feverish body snugly as she raised her tail, showing off her wet, winking snatch cutely in the process. Celestia couldn't remember the last time she was this aroused. Her clit continued to wink at the human, her arousing scent so overwhelmingly potent that it hung all around her room like a thick blanket. “Please,” she whimpered as she looked around to make eye contact with Thomas, whose excitement was clearly showing on his face. “Fuck me, Thomas. Take me like I'm nothing but your breeding mare.” Celestia wiggled her butt from side to side in an attempt to make him move. Her pussy was burning so much it almost hurt. Then, agonizingly slowly, she felt Thomas’s strong hands touch her hips, softly tracing his fingers over her cutie marks before grabbing the soft flesh of her ass rather roughly, kneading it between his hands and giving it a slap. She let out a soft cry of pure pleasure, especially when she felt Thomas line up his hard cock with her burning hot entrance. His glans touched her pussy lips in a lewd kiss, the contact making electricity run through Celestia's body. “Well, because you asked so nicely,” Thomas said teasingly, slowly moving forwards and prying her open. Celestia moaned, her vaginal walls gripping and squeezing the first few inches of the human’s cock hungrily. A deep groan escaped from Thomas' throat as he kept on thrusting forwards, hissing while her quivering slit kept on massaging his shaft from every direction, reassuring him how much she already was enjoying it. Since Celestia was quite a bit bigger than Cadence or even Luna, Thomas had no trouble burying his entire dick inside of the adorable sun Princess. Yet the way how she squeezed him so perfectly made it as if she wasn't bigger than the average pony. “Damn,” Thomas groaned as he hissed, “you're so fucking tight.” Celestia's blush returned tenfold while she panted eagerly. Even though she hadn't had sex in a while, she still had over a millennium of experience and it showed. She continued to give Thomas her best efforts by clamping down on him just right, while he in turn made her body feel like Jelly. Thomas was definitely not as big as the average stallion, but Celestia had to admit the way how he moved himself in her had just felt right. Besides, she knew his stamina would put any stallion to shame. Her entire mind became numb with pleasure the moment the human started to move out again. Especially the moment he bucked himself powerfully back into her winking pussy, she let out a heated moan. “Yes Thomas, fuck me, faster, harder!” Celestia begged, high and drunk on pleasure as she was. It wasn't like the physiotherapist was going to stop now. Quickly, he found a favorable rhythm of thrusting his twitching dick in and out of her adorable snatch. Pleasure wracked the sun goddess' body every time he buried his cock all the way inside of her again. She couldn't help but start to moan passionately and naughtily for Thomas, her squeaks adorably high pitched and filled with a warmth and sexiness that had Thomas groaning and doubling his efforts. He wasn't slowing down as his thrust came in rapid bursts, his balls slapping against her lewdly every time he took her to the hilt. His potent fucking had the Princess’s body rocking back and forth visibly, his hands roaming over her ass, teasing the entrance of her puckering ponut, squeezing her sensitive boobs underneath her quivering pussy, or otherwise gently pinching her winking clit. The culminations of all these combined pleasurable sensations had the Princess a drooling mess, her orgasm arriving rapidly at the rate Thomas was going. “Hnngh, ah!” Her soft pink walls lost their finesse as she now began to squeeze Thomas’s shaft almost painfully so. Her only intention right now was milking him dry. “Are you gonna cum, Celestia? How naughty,” Thomas groaned playfully, “go on then, do it. Moan my name and beg me how much you would like for me to cum deeply inside of you!” “Yes,” Celestia hissed, “Thomas, please cum inside of me. I want your semen to fill me up. Please, Thomas!” Celestia couldn't contain herself anymore as she went over the edge, her walls clamped down on Thomas’ dick like a vice while her pussy spasmed uncontrollably. Her whole body shivered like a log while her tongue lolled out of her mouth, as her orgasm rocketed her entire body until she was completely numb. She didn't think she could ever reach a high like this, but the moment Thomas buried himself inside of her for the final time, giving her what she so eagerly wanted, only a warmth remained like she was high on pure ecstasy. She could feel him shooting his hot cum inside of her, painting her insides a nice white while she continued to moan and ride out the pleasurable waves of her orgasm. Eventually, she lost control of her muscles and lowered herself on her haunches to avoid falling sideways. Thomas settled on her back and hugged her close by wrapping his arms around her midsection. His face was nuzzling her neck while she cooed at him and giggled, enjoying the incredible afterglow with him. “That was,” she breathed, trying to find her words. “Quite exhilarating and unexpected,” she admitted. “But I'm glad you came to me, my little human,” the cute sun goddess said honestly. “Thank you, Princess, really,” Thomas said genuinely, stroking her long slender neck. “I was afraid you might reject me after not displaying interest in you for so long.” Celestia smiled happily. “I understood you needed some time to yourself after all that had happened. Besides, looking back, I was moving too quickly, so do not feel guilty, Thomas. You simply weren't ready for it yet.” She gave him a loving nuzzle. “Tonight though, you have made me a very happy mare.” He reciprocated her affections by nuzzling her back, rubbing his cheeks against hers. “You don't mind me sharing the rest of the night with you, right Princess?” Celestia giggled. “Of course not. In fact, I wasn't going to let you go back to bed after this anyway,” she revealed naughtily. She gave him a wink and giggled at his surprised expression. “What, you didn't think I'd be satisfied with one round, right?” Hungrily, she floated Thomas over to her Queen sized bed, lying him on his back while she joined him by climbing on top of him and enveloping his entire body in her fluff. “My turn to fuck you silly.” What cadence had whispered in Thomas’s ear just a moment ago was so incredibly lewd that he simply couldn't comprehend how she came up with these sexy ideas. “Love sharing magic. It's something only I can perform. I’ll basically share my love I have for you with my auntie and in turn, her and I will be physically connected. Every time you touch my auntie sexually, you will touch me too. Every time she touches you sexually, it would feel to me as if I'm doing it instead. She will share her pleasure with me and I will share mine with her in turn. We’ll amp each other up so much that she'll go completely numb by your cock, and so will I! The best part? Her mind will be so high in the sky that she won't realize you're basically fucking me at the same time. Then, when you're asleep, I shall continue to meet you here as always, and continue to fuck you silly. We’ll be having sex day and night while you can enjoy my auntie and her affections as much as you want.'' “Truly,” Thomas said with a lewd smile as he eyed the Princess of love and couldn't help but chuckle, voicing his thoughts. “You are the Lewdest and dirtiest Princess in existence.”