> The Human of Equestria at War > by Xaf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: When sleeping change your life. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was in my room playing video games on my computer. Most precisely Hearts of Iron 4 or Hoi4 if you want. I love this game, managed a country, and change the history of the Second World War but it was most enjoyable with mods. The one I love the most is the Equestria at war mod even if I'm not a huge fan of My little pony, I like to play with this mod and sometimes watch the show. Right now, I stop the computer and go to see my friends. If you want to know more about me well, my name's William or Willy for the ones who are closed to me. I have a good job and I'm a fan of grand strategy games. I'm the type of guy who can be very patient and think before doing something. I think it's good enough, I'm not good to present myself in detail or I don't like it. I walk to the park not too far away from my house, this is where I will meet my friends. When I arrived I saw them and walk toward them. "Hey, guys." "Sup William?" "I'm doing pretty fine. What about you guys?" "Oh you know, the usual. You go to work, come back to your house, wait for free days, play a little or something, and see your friends." Like he said the usual since we all find a job we do a lot of times what he just said so yeah, the usual. "Alright then. What are we waiting for? Let's go walk a little and do something after that." After that, we talk about what we do when we have free time for ourselves, the families, and the everyday news. We go to a restaurant and after that go to see a film. We finally parted away and I walk toward my house. When I arrived, I take a shower, brush my teeth, and decided to play a little before I go to bed. I think you know what game I play. No? Alright, here something to help you: strategy. You don't find it? Okay because I want you to find it I will help you one last time. It's one if not my favorites game with my favorite mod which is a grand strategy game. No? Come on, I bet you didn't even try. Okay, here the answer: Hoi4 with Equestria at war mod. I play with the Griffonian Empire, one of the most enjoyable nations of the mod I think. I played with all the nations with a focus tree so it's a lot in this mod. When I want I do a world conquest but I needed sleep so I did the basic: unite the Herzland, take all the north and Aquileia; It's all I did and after that, I go to sleep. If only I knew it could have changed my life forever. Somewhere. I wake up in what seems a room not a chamber or something like that, more like... a facility. It's really strange, is it a dream? Or it is reality? I take the dream option. Because I remember just going to sleep and I'm pretty sure nobody followed to my house and kidnapped me. I explore a little and find out it was a facility but why am I here? It's strange. After sometimes, I open a door and enter the room. Since there was nothing in here, I started to leave until... "Finally, you're here. Hello and welcome." I turn around to see something which was not here when I enter: a blue... sphere? "Okay, what's going on? Did I became crazy or something?" "You don't have to worry, I'm not here to hurt you and no, you're not insane. You're here because you have been selected if you can say that." Okay, now I think I can freakout, no? "Selected? Could you explain please?" "Of course sir. If you want to understand completely, I was created by someone who disappeared a long time ago. My functions are to select someone, take the said person to another world, and follow him or her in an adventure at his/her A.I companion." "Okay... first question, how can you take me to another world? And second, is it me who choose or it's you who choose the world?" "All I can tell is my creator was not human or a simple living being. The rest is classified even for me and the others. And to answer your second question, you can choose from a list of worlds proposed by one of my functions." Not human and even not a simple being? A... god or something very close to it? Anyway, it's good to know I can choose a world even if I need to choose from a list. "I would if I say I'm not curious and don't want to try it." "I think I can agree with that, it's been a long time since I watch the others take humans and go to another world. But with you, I can finally accomplish this dream." "Wait, what? I can understand there is a lot more of your kind or like you call it but... why me of all the people?" "Let's just say it's one of my functions which tells me what human is the right one if I can say that. Anyway, I think you want to see the list." I nod and immediately a blu screen appeared before me. On it, there were a lot of worlds and all the information about each world. Chikyū, Naruto A world of ninja with five great nations which dominate the planet: Country of Fire Country of Wind Country of Water Country of Earth Country of Lightning. Each one of them is lead by a powerful ninja. A world of legends like the ones with the tails demons and powers. An example of all the description you can find on the list. You have all the types of worlds: from games, anime, books, and many more. After some search, I found something interesting, a category called 'Hoi4'. I don't think and selected it and there were more options: -Hoi4: Kaiserreich, 'What if Germany won WW1?' mod. -Hoi4: Old world blues, the Fallout mod. -Hoi4: Furherreich mod. But the most interesting one for me even if the others are mod I like: -Hoi4: Equestria at war mod. For me, the choice was very simple. I select the Equestria at war and another thing happened. There were some countries' names. "What is it?" "It's where you will appear plus I forgot to tell you when we choose a human they usually became legends in the world they end up. And since I choose you, I can see your mind and your memories, and forgive me about that but it's something that always happens when one of my kind choose a human." Even if don't like it, it's not his fault. I can forgive that. "Don't worry, it's not your fault. So what did you see in my mind?" "I saw you always wanted to lead a nation, create your empire, and these grand strategy games were the only ones which let you do that. So I can change something which shouldn't happen or could have happened in this world." Hmmm interesting. But what could he change? "Like what?" "Well, I can make sure a civil war had been started for years. So you don't have problems with the politics at the beginning to make sure to be elected or something like that. Plus I think it's the only choice we have since no one will trust you if you try to be elected or have citizenship." He's not wrong about that, maybe if I choose Equestria I will have a chance for citizenship but it's not what I want. Like he said I want to create my nation. And Equestria is not challenging I think. With this nation, you can be powerful very fast if you play well with it. "I think we can do what you just said." "Very well. All you need to do sir-" "William, call me William." "Of course William. All you need to do is to choose where you want to appear with a civil war around you." I decided to select a nation on Griffonia. The griffons' continent even if there are ponies' nations. After I select Griffonia, some countries' names appeared. -The Griffonian Republic. Race: Griffons. -The Kingdom of Griffonstone. Race: Griffons. (Between the Herzland in the south, the empire territory in orange if you found the map, BlackRock's bandit, the black country, and others. The color is purple if you want to find the kingdom.) -The River Republic. Race: Ponies -The City of Flowena. Race: Griffons. (The little purple state or city-state if you want.) -The Kingdom of Wingbardy. Race: Griffons. -The Kingdom of Aquileia. Race: Griffons. -The Kasa Free States. Race: Zebra. Minorities: Ponies, Griffons, and Deers -Asturland. Race: Deers (These two are under the River coalition and I can't find an updated map or something to show the territories, sorry.) "I choose..." (This is where I need you guys. You will be the ones who decide where William will end up!) > CH 1: Into the River Lands. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I choose... The River Republic." It's a very good nation, plus I want to see how the ponies will change with this civil war thing. "Very well. All you need to do now it's to land your hand on me.". I walk toward him, I was about to do what he told before I stop in my track. Something bothers me, how will my family and friends react when they'll see I just disappeared like that. Without a goodbye or something like that. "Are you alright William? Is something wrong?" "It's just... how can I go to another world and let my family and friends know that I will never be with them again." "Understandable. It's not an easy task but you don't have to worry. My creator thought about this problem." "And what is the solution?" "At the moment we will start the transfer into the world you choose, a clone who will be like you in everything, personality, relations, etc... will be created and act as you would act in everyday life." I know it sounds stupid but I'm a little happy about it. At least, they will not be heartbroken by my disappearance. I resume what I was doing and lead my hand on him. After that, a flashing light appeared from nowhere and everything went black. Unknow location. I wake up in a forest, not too far away from a river. God, my head hurts maybe the transfer which does that. I stand up and walk toward the river when I stop before it, I use my hands to take water and wash my face. Thankfully, the cold water made my headache less painful. I take the time to look to myself thanks to the river. My clothes change, I have now clothes people used during WW2 and a back bag: (artist link) "I like this taste of clothes." Well thank you. "Wha-" I'm the one who brings you here if you don't remember. "Oh! Yeah sorry about that. I didn't know you could talk to me in my head." No problem about that. You can also talk to me in your mind. It would be awkward if you talk to me like that when someone is right beside you. Not wrong about that. I saw I have a rifle and a pistol with me, it will help if someone attacks me. I'm lucky my dad was in the military and train me to defend myself with everything I could possess if individuals attacked me. (Forget the device on the rifle) Now, where do I go to find civilization? Hey. What is it, William? Well, first we need to find you a name. What about... Walter? Walter... I like it. I'm happy he likes it, now I can finally put a name at the one who brought me here. The problem is I don't know where to go. If by any luck do you have a map or something? Right away. After he said that, everything change around me. It was like the time stopped itself, the leaves on the trees stop moving and the water as well. At the same time, a screen appeared before me, on it, there was the map of the forest and the river. I don't know the region where we are but I could see a town on the map not too far away. "So here's a town. Well, time to go I think." The screen disappeared and the time restart to move if I can say that. I take the direction where the town was. On the road, I take my time to admire the nature around me, it's not every day you go to another world with a rifle in your back. However, something was not right. There was a sound in the air which started to be more usual, since sometimes now. In the beginning, I thought it was nothing but the more I'm close to the town the more these sounds were loud and usual. "I don't think its friendly sounds." Agree. It looks like there is a fight not too far away, probably an attack on the town we saw on the map. "Then let's go to see what is happening." I run toward where the sounds were. When the town could be seen, I stop and hide behind a tree. I think it's better if I lay down on the ground. I lay down and use the rifle's visor to see what is happening without putting my life in danger. From what I see, Walter was right. The town is attacked by a little armed force, what surprises me the most is the fact the ponies are anthropomorphic. I have two choices: I help the town or I try to find another one. Since I have a rifle with a visor, I can help the defenders by eliminating their enemies one by one. I find a new spot that gives me the best view to shoot them. I know it sounds stupid but I was excited the first time I will use a weapon on someone. I always wanted to go into the military like my father, I used to be a soldier for 3 years before an accident made me stop being one. A bomb when I was on a mission to extract a VIP. Let just say my father wanted me to stop and the military staff agreed. To reward me, they gave me a medal for my exemplary attitude and courage. I take my time to aim at the head of a pony, I stop breathing to make sure the gun doesn't move too much. When I was sure, I pulled the trigger and the bullet go right in his head. He drops on the floor dead, his companion who is at the left of the body looks at it confused and scared. I must use this element of surprise the most I can. I continue to kill the attackers one by one. It takes them sometimes but they finally saw the sun reflect on the visor's glasses and point their weapons at me. I start running to a new position and take cover to make sure the bullets don't hit me. When I take a cover, I always make sure to kill at least 2 soldiers before hiding again. I'm lucky they don't know how to aim with a rifle, I swear one of them killed a bird. My strategy was simple, the kill I did was to take their attention so the defenders can attack them without the fear to be killed. And dear god, this was perfect! Since the invaders feared being killed by me, all of them tried to kill me but they forget about the town's militia and I let you think of what happened. The remaining soldiers start to retreat, I decided to come out of my post and walk toward the town. Some ponies of the militia saw me and walk toward me. I stop walking and let them approach me. A mare who was the captain of the militia, I guess, also stopped walking and look at me. We stare at each other for a moment, I take the time to look at her and the rest of the town. The mare had a white mane and black skin and fur? She had beautiful blue eyes. The town was damaged, not too much but still, some houses were a little destroyed, surely it's not the first time they were attacked. After quite sometimes, all the ponies started to come toward us but were stopped at a certain distance. The captain decided to broke the silence. "I don't know what you are but I must thank you for your help. Without it, I fear we would have been beaten." "No problem ma'am. I'm always weeling to help somepeople in danger" They all start to look at me like if I said something wrong. "Did I say something wrong?" "You said 'some people', not somepony" Said a voice in the crowd. "Oh right, let's just say it's one of the words my species use at the place of somepony or all the other words like that." They all nodded and the mare decided to retake my attention. "I suggest you come with us so you can tell everything you know and let you have somethings to thank you for the help you provided." I nod and start to follow her with two 'soldiers' at my sides. I look at the sky, thinking at the same time: So, this is it. The dawn of a new adventure, of my new life. > CH 2: The New River Warlord. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mare guides me to what looks like the main building of the town. We enter and walk toward a table. She told me to sit down and we started to talk about what happened. From what I've understood, these ponies were not regular bandits but the militia of a warlord who is apparently not the carrying type. "And why this warlord is so obsessed by this town?" "Because this town is symbolic and strategic. We are in Coltstream, the town where the River Confederation and the Summit were born, and plus we have a lot of guns. If this warlord takes this town, he will have a legitimate claim on the once River Republic territories and even the entire River Lands." Now I understand why this warlord is obsessed with this town. Coltstream is very important in the River ponies' eyes. As the captain said, this is where the River Confederation and its Summit were born but something is not right, why all the River Lands? Why not the leadership of the faction remnants? "You say that if this warlord takes Coltstream he will have a claim on all the River Lands, why not the leadership of what is left of the Confederation?" The mare looks at me dumbfounded, it looks like I say something stupid. What? I don't know but there is something that is bound to what I said about the Confederation. She started to talk again. "Don't you know what is happening in the River Lands right now?" I raise an eyebrow at this question. "There is something I should know?" "The entire world knows that all the River nations are in civil wars." "Wait... What?!" "You heard me." I couldn't believe it! The whole River nations are like the River Republic, a civil war in each one of them! But I thought Walter's civil war thing was only on the River Republic! Goddammit, well at least I have already some relations here, maybe I can do something. We need to talk about this whole civil war thing. Yes. Some applications will need to be done after your discussion. "Very good then. I think we should stop this warlord before he does something big." A little time after I say that, we heard someone running outside. A pony burst from the door and run toward us. He stops and tries to retake his breath. I already have my suspicions of what is happening. The captain stands up and looks seriously at the pony who was from the town's militia. "What is it?" "Another attack has been spotted! This time, however, the warlord send a lot of troops! It will be like 5 against 1!" "Another one already?! Is this warlord crazy or stupid?!" Shouted the mare. Fuck! And when I thought I could take a little nap and talk with Walter. This warlord really needs to be dealt with before he does something very stupid. So, they surpass us 5by 5 to 1. What should we do? I remember some houses have their windows placed toward where the attack should come from and I saw that we have 4 machineguns. "I maybe have a plan. How much time do we have before they arrived?" "At least 4 hours." Answer the messenger. "What is your plan?" "Follow me." We walk toward the houses I talk about and knock at the door. I heard a "Coming!" and after sometimes a pony more precisely a mare open the door. She doesn't know what to do until she saw the captain of the militia. "Hello, Captain Shadow Star. May I know the pleasure of this visit?" Shadow Star, it fits her well. She had a black fur and a star with something which should be the 'Shadow' thing as a cutie mark. "We need to go to your house for something. That or the enemy attack will succeed." "What?! Another attack but they have already done one! Are they crazy?!" "I think they are but the problem right now is to defend ourselves. Our savior of earlier *point toward you* as a plan and it includes your and some other houses." "Of course, come in." We enter the house and tell them to follow me. I use the stairs to go to the other floor of the house. I open the window and look outside, the terrain was an advantage for us, there was the forest we could use for an ambush when the attack will happen and it was an open field even if there was some natural cover. I look at the ponies to see them with confused looks. "I remember to have seen 4 machineguns when I arrived here. If we place them in different houses and make an entrenchment line over here *point toward the limit of Coltstream* we can make sure to keep the attackers away from Coltstream for sometimes with the machineguns making sure they don't come to close." They look at me, impressed by my plan. Shadow Star smiled and nod, we go outside and walk toward where the barracks were, the messenger was sent to tell the patrols around Coltstream to go to the barracks. I ask myself if we only go to the barracks to tell my plan to the fighters. "Shadow Star can I ask you a question?" "You already did *giggle* and just you know, call me Shadow." "I have this odd feeling that we don't just go to the barracks to tell my plan, am I right?" She smiled at me. "You'll see when we will arrive." Well, it seems we became good friends or partners. Indeed. Maybe you don't see it but you already have made some advances in the creation of your new nation. Then, I'm happy to hear that. Can we stop the time just so we can talk without being interrupted? After I say that to Walter, time start to stop. Shadow Star begin to stop moving and everything around did the something. Everything became white around m and a screen appeared before me, it was the map of the region where you can find Coltstream: Wild-Vodina. A little region in the south of the Republic territories and at the border with what should be the Kingdom of Wittenland, there were only four provinces from what I could tell, the warlord we are hostile is from the western province. I don't know about the other two, are there warlords controlling them or no one claim it? We will saw that later for now I have a discussion to have with Walter. "So, Walter. We need to talk about the civil war thing. I thought it was only on the River Republic, not the entire River Lands!" "I wish to know as well. It seems something malfunctioning when we appeared here making the civil war too much bigger than it was meant to be. On the bright side, it will be easier for you to unite all of the old River Confederation." "You're not wrong about that. Thank you for this precision." "I'm happy to help. Oh and William, very soon you will need to choose your path." "My path?" "Yes. Will you take the path of communism, the harmonic path, the supremacist path, or the non-aligned? This will be your choice very soon." After he said that, everything was back to normal. I start to follow Shadow Star and we arrived at the barracks, all the soldiers who protect this town where here. Shadow Star made sure to have their attention. When she did she informed them about what will happen, the ponies started to freak out a little until Shadow Star said I had a plan. Everyone looked at me and so I explain to them what we will do. "And now I think about it, we should send a squad in the forest and surprised them." All of them look at me with interest and smile on their face. I thought we have finished here until Shadow Star decided to do something that surprised me. "My friends! Today we were attacked by the warlord of the west, we thought it was our end but from nowhere, William here found us and without asking him, he helped us. And now in a critical time, once again he helps us with a plan which will lead us to victory!" The ponies start to cheer in my name, I was shocked but also happy. Shadow Star turns to face me with a smile and hope in her eyes. "Today, we not only found a new creature, a new friend... no, today we found...our... warlord!" The cheers were louder and plus when I look outside I saw all the town population who heard the news spread them and more cheers were heard. I didn't think helping them with a fight and only a plan would make me a warlord. I smiled and go outside and go on a box so everyone can saw me from where I was. "My friends! Never before, I thought I would have been chosen to become a warlord. Never before I thought that one day I would lead a group and maybe more to a fight. I thank you for your trust and I promise you all, we will prevail against the barbaric and stupid warlord and his followers. We will take revenge for what they did to this beautiful town!" Everyone clapped and cheered after I said that. Shadow Star and all the soldiers salute proudly when I looked at them. I walk toward them and give instructions on what to do. The enemy will be here in some hours, we need to act fast. Some hours later. Everything was ready. The 3 machineguns were in their respective houses the other one was somewhere else, the trenches and soldiers in them were ready and the civilians were evacuated to the barracks. (That what the machineguns looks like, artist link.) I look from a window of one of the houses on the battlefield. The plan should make sure this little attack is stopped quickly. I was talking with Shadow Star about the signal for the machineguns to open fire. The plan is to make sure the attackers think they can easily crush us by not making the machineguns open fire until they are close enough. That also why there are trenches. There is also another thing in the plan but I will not talk about it. After sometimes, a messenger runs toward us. "Warlord, I bring important information!" "About the enemy?" "Yes! They are not too far away from what the scout squad said but there is another thing." "And what it might be?" Asked Shadow. "The army which will attack us is lead by the warlord himself but it's not only that. All the ponies who are under his command are with him civilians like the military. That's why they are so much." "You're kidding me right?" "I assure you, warlord, it's the truth." I can't believe it, this warlord is so obsessed by Coltstream that he is ready to do everything to make it even with civilians. And when I thought I wanted to not let him make something stupid, it seems it's too late now. Another messenger arrived. "Sir, they are here!" I looked outside to see the whole enemy army. They were at least 125 if you count the civilians in. I look at the center of it and saw what I guess the warlord. If you are asking how I do that well I have binoculars. The warlord was a little old from what I saw. Maybe that's why he is crazy enough to make bloodshed that will happen very soon. Sadly, I couldn't make sure that my militia doesn't kill them. Or maybe, I can do something. I run toward the trenches with Shadow and the two messengers and make sure my troops were ready. I look toward the other warlord and saw him shouting orders to his ponies. After sometimes, they started to open fire and charge at us. Well, it will be a bloodbath. Battlefield, third POV. This battle will be the one know has "Where his Legend begun". The invader's army, at the orders of the warlord, charges at William's army like when armies did during WW1. While charging toward the trenches, some soldiers started to shoot toward the ponies in the trenches. Unluckily for them, the defenders were protected and hiding by them. William seeing the enemy's bullets coming toward them decided it was time to act with the first part of the plan. "OPEN FIRE!" After he shouted this order, the ponies in the trenches open fire to the enemy that brought so much pain and death to Coltstream. Now with William, they saw hope and the end of the crazy warlord. Sadly most parts of the army were civilians who were just sent to death. The bullets were raining, two ponies were trying to fall back, one of them was injured by a bullet in the leg. When they were close to finding a hiding place, they were sho in the back but not by rifles but by machineguns. The machineguns started the rain of bullets and loud noises. The invaders were terrified, most part of the army tries to retreat but what they didn't know was that they run into a trap. Behind was the last machineguns pointed toward them with a squad of veterans who fought a lot of times against the crazy pony who was the warlord. Before they could do anything, the machineguns shoot a little killing some ponies. The rest scared from what just happened and by the horrific sight of the bodies shredded by the machineguns, surrender. The enemy warlord seeing this, take the rest of his army, and charge toward the trenches. The rest was hesitant and that William saw this. He ordered his ponies to stop firing and take aim at the warlord. He stopped breathing and aim at the heart, everything slowed around him. He takes a last look at the pony who did a lot of death today and pulled the trigger. The sound of his rifle was heard by everypony who was on the battlefield. The other warlord stopped in his track, feeling a sharp pain at his heart level. When he looked down, he saw that the bullet pierces through his heart. He takes a last glance at the town he always wanted to conquered before falling to the ground dead. His death was the last death of this battle. > CH 3: We all need to choose a Path. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the warlord's death. The warlord body fell to the ground, the two sides were silent. The fight ceased when everyone heard William's rifle shot the last bullet of the battle. William was the first to go out of the trench, he looked around and saw all the enemy soldiers who were still alive surrender to his troops. He walked toward the dead body of the warlord, being watched by each side. He stopped before the body and made something no one thought he will do: he knelt and with his hand, close the eyes of the dead pony. He stood up and walked toward where all the prisoners with some guards were. He saw Shadow Star talking with two ponies. They noticed him and Shadow Star smiled and approach him as well. "Good first battle won warlord. I'm glad you are on our side and not the side of the now-dead flankhole that was the other one over here." "Trust me Shadow, I'm happy that I wasn't with him. I think I would have died faster with him than being with you. And, please call me William, we are friends don't forget that." "Alright, William. So... what should we do with them?" William looked at the prisoners. They were not in great condition: some looked like they didn't eat for 3 months, others were beaten and have a lot of wounds and others were too young to see the atrocities of war so why were they here? Well, just because the crazy pony wanted to take the city at any cost. William was angry right now but at least he killed him, he doesn't really know if they are happy because they face don't let any emotions show but only fear. "Take them somewhere where they can rest and make sure they eat something and that their wounds and injuries are healed. Don't forget to order some soldiers to watch them." Shadow Star nodded and immediately order what William wanted. Feeling tired from the fight and all the stress which was brought by it, he decided to go to sleep so he asked Shadow Star where he could find a bed and she guided him to a house. He goes into it and finds the bed and sleep on it. The next day, William POV. I swear sometimes you can be under too much pressure. It's only the first day I spent in this world and I already lead a group and a town for God's sake! Now, I have to make sure the new ponies I have under my care are well treated. I leave the house I used to sleep and walk toward where the "prisoners" were. Two guards were outside the building and when they saw me, one of them open the door and the other one informed me about our guests' health. Before I could do anything, time stopped and a screen appeared before me. On this screen was something that looked like the compliance mechanics in the game. I saw that it was pretty good: 57 percent of compliance. After sometimes, I heard Walter's voice. "I think you have guessed it was the compliance like in your game. Here it represents the compliance of the ponies you take from the other warlord. How it is already so high? Well, you give them everything they didn't have for a long time, plus you treat them well unlike the other warlord. Unlike in the Hoi4 game, the compliance increases thanks to your actions and not by days. It will be too long. It's the same things when you decide to build factories or to do a national focus." After he said that, two more screens appeared, it was the construction list and the national focus part you can find in the game. Actually, I don't really have any factories available, I think I need to make sure someone is willing to help me with that. The national focus was named "To gain their trust". There was a little description and the effect when it will be done is 30 percent more compliance. That's cool. I need to help them more and we will have it very quickly. "And for the factories? How do I have at least one?" "For that, you need to make sure the State and/or the government, here it will be only you, have people who are willing to help you with that. In the beginning, they will give you civilian factories but later they can give you military factories or you can convert a normal factory to a military one, also don't forget the consumer goods. You people will need to have things to live after all. See ya later!" Everything was back to normal. There were some guards inside the building to make sure random ponies come inside and do something to them. I walk toward the prisoners and knelt before a family. They looked at me in fear, so I decided to give them some food and tell them everything will be alright and it worked. They started to relax and I thought questioning them could let me know what they have been through. "Can I ask you some questions?" They looked at each other before nodding. "Just to know you, I won't force you to answer my questions but if you answer I can make sure to help you." They nodded again. "Very well. First of all, what was wrong with the warlord earlier? He was the craziest guy I saw in a while." The father decided to answer first. "Well, he was a supremacist. Not the kindest part of it. He was a kleptocrat, the one who wants to install a nation based on stealing and the one at the head of it is a thief. He and his sympathizers came each day to take something from us and if we had nothing, they would send us to a mine or do manual works. Plus the education was impossible for us. Only the ponies born by the superior class like he called it could have an education and the others were just like slaves." I feel bad for them. Just like in the game. When you have an ideology and when you pass your mouse on the symbol of your ideology, you always have a description of the actual sub ideology like I called that, for example, ideology: communism and sub ideology: anarchism or marxism to only say some of it. And all this stallion said was true and it was in the description of a kleptocrat who is also a supremacist. "Don't worry, here you will be treated as living beings and not like tools. I will also make sure you can have a proper education, well at least the children. I think most of the adults had an education before... you know." All of them nodded and smiled. A screen appeared showing the compliance's bar increase to 60 percent. Well, the best thing to do is to find a school for them and trying to have at least a factory. I was walking toward the school with two soldiers since some ponies didn't really like the idea to have an unknown creature as a leader and I can understand that. I just became a warlord in one day! I could defend myself but it's more intimidating when soldiers are with you. Since we were in an industrializing time, you could see cars and all this type of stuff. I asked Shadow Star to find someone willing to help with the industries we need. The principal of the school greeted me and we go to her office. Before that, we did a visit to the school, and all the students and teachers were happy to see me. Inside the principal's office, we talked about the education issue with the new ponies. I tell her the story I was told earlier and she quickly understood the situation and agreed to make sure the children were educated. After that, Shadow Star met me with a stallion with I presume his wife who looked a little rich. Sometimes, rich people make me sick. They are the type of person who sometimes makes you feel miserable. Maybe I can give it a try, they are our chance I think. "William, meet Jackpot Star and his wife River Breeze. We are friends since school." "It's an honor to finally meet you, warlord. It's good to know we have finally someone to guide us in these dark times." Said River Breeze. "Don't worry. I only did what I thought was right. I just came out of the principal's office and I have good news, the foals of the ponies we have saved from the enemy warlord will finally have an education." They smiled at this news. "I'm happy to hear that. I think their nonexistent education comes from the fact the bastard was a kleptocrat, right?" Asked Shadow Star. "Indeed, the type of freak I hope is not too much present in the whole Riverlands." We all agreed about that and Jackpot Star decided to bring the main topic of our conversation. "Shadow Star told us about your factory problem. It seems we can give you a civilian and another one which was going on sale, we can make sure to give it to you and arrange it to be a military factory." Two factories, it's a beginning plus one of each type. Sounds fair to me. "Sounds pretty good. The problem is I don't really have the things to pay you for this generous offer." "Please dear, we give it to you for free. After all, it's to show you our gratitude to have defended Coltstream and its ponies." Said River Breeze. I smiled and moved my hand toward Jackpot Star gesturing a handshake. "Deal?" He shook my hand answering just after that. "Deal." Somedays later. Everything was perfect, the foals were in classes, the old prisoners are now fully integrated and they have homes now thanks to the help of my civilian factory which is also with the military factory working thanks to the help of the ponies we have integrated. I was at my house which was also the best one and the most noticeable in Coltstream. Some guards were outside to make sure no one sneaks in it. I was thinking about Shadow Star. She was an independent and strong mare who can make others respect her. It's something I like to see in a woman or mare in this case. It's not every day you saw that. Did I mention she was a pegasus? (I don't remember saying what type of pony she was. Tell me if I'm wrong and also precise what I said she was so I can change this and not confused everyone. Thank you if you do that!) At the same time, someone knocked at my door. I opened it to found one of my guards with Shadow Star behind him. I dismissed the guard and welcomed Shadow inside. "Make yourself at home." She nodded and take a place at the table. The room was big with an open kitchen. There were a TV and a radio. My weapons were in my chamber right now. I need to find a room where I can put them. "Do you want anything to eat or drink?" "Do you have some alcohol by any chance?" Wow, I didn't think her the type of drinking beer or alcohol. I know for sure I'm not like that. It can happen I drink some during parties or something like that but other than that then it's a no. I looked in the fridge and found one. I place it before her and take a seat. "So, why did come to see me?" She opened the bottle and started drinking before answering. "A pony came here and claimed to be a messenger sent by the two other warlords in the region. You know, the ones who control the last provinces of the region." "Yes, what about that?" "When they heard you defeated our enemy so easily, they started to freak out because they thought you would come for them so they allied. The problem is the warlord who controls Rjekograd, the old capital of the ancient River Republic, decided to attack them. It's all the pony said and he gave us this letter. Apparently, there is everything else in it." She gave me the letter she spoke about and I started to read it. Dear Warlord William, We hope this letter will find you soon! We have heard about your strategy skills and we beg you to help us! The Rjekograd's warlord decided to attack us in our weak state from the fighting we have done recently. If you help us, you will be also get read of this threat for a long time and we are willing to reward you in the best way possible! Sincerely, Warlords Saphire and Starry Diamond. "Interesting. First of all, what type of reward could it be, and second... how the fuck did they know my name?!" Shadow started to laugh at my reaction and soon I joined her. I stand up and walk to my room and take my weapons. Shadow saw me and finished her bottle before standing up. She walked toward me and also take the rifle she always has with her. "So, William what's the plan?" "Make sure to take a good number of soldiers and also make sure we have a good garrison. I'll make sure everypony knows about this." She nodded and started walking away. I said to my guards at the front door to follow me and they were replaced by the ones who were patrolling. Some minutes later, Shadow was followed by a large number of soldiers with the 4 machineguns. I also order them to make sure everyone was here to listen to what I had to say before we left Coltstream. When everyone was here I started my speech. "My friends, I thank you that you came here. I know what you might think. What the fuck is just happening right now? Well, it seems that our neighboring warlords in our region have asked for our help. The Rjekograd's warlord has sent an army to conquer the region. I know you might disapprove that we are going to our neighbors' help but think about it? What will happen when they will be conquered hmmm? We will be the next and the problem is will we be able to win this fight? So this is the best thing we can do right now plus the warlords promised to reward us for our help! My friends this is maybe the time where we are going to show the world, our determination to win and to reunify the Riverlands under one banner! So who is with me?" All the ponies scream their enthusiasm and the soldiers cheered. We have a bigger army thanks to the ponies who wanted to join and now we have trucks thanks to the new factories. I met Shadow with another pony who was the one who will guide us to the battle and also the messenger send by you know who. The soldiers started to go into the trucks with everything they needed and the machineguns were also taken. Shadow Star and I were in the same truck the guide was. After making sure everything was ready, we left Coltstream toward the next step of unification. Some hours later. Third POV William's army can be seen on the road, not too far away from its destination. Thanks to its man/ponypower, Coltstream provides a big army to William. At least 100 hundred soldiers with him go to the other warlords' help. In reality, Coltstream has more than one thousand ponies inside of its borders but William doesn't and can't force them to go to war. If he does that, he will lose everything he did till now. The guide made the convoy stop itself before what looks like a town. Some ponies saw the convoy and panic started to gain the town. Soldiers take positions, ready to defend all the ponies inside of it. Before anything could happen, two mares decided to walk toward William's position. The guide went out of the truck followed by William, Shadow Star, and some soldiers as well. (You can easily have 10 soldiers in it. Also creators link.) The two mares looked at each other before looking at William with interest. To be fair, William was a little taller than everyone. Humans were a little taller than all species in this world except the dragons, yaks, minotaurs, and the Princesses. One of the mares was a unicorn and the other one was an earth pony. The guide walked toward them and tell them who the "visitors" were. The mares smiled and walked toward the group. "Finally, I thought we were out of hope and luck! Thank you so much for coming, please follow us." The mares guide them into what looks like a temporary base. They walk toward what should be a war room with a map of the region on the table. William and Shadow Star were at one side of the table and the two mares on the other side. "Before we start anything, thank you for coming, your help is our only chance to fight the warlord who wants to invade us right now. The name's Saphire and her here it's Starry diamond." Saphire was an earth pony, the strongest of all the ponies except for the alicorns. Starry Diamond was a unicorn, the only type of pony who can use magic except for the alicorns again. "Well, nice to meet you. I think you already know my name, the pegasus with me is Shadow Star, my second in command." Shadow Star looked at him surprised. Never before she thought William would make her important like that, she smiled at this and thank William internally. The four of them looked at the map and where the enemy should pass. The enemy should pass through a ravine before they can attack William and his allies. But thanks to his strategic skills, William came up with a plan, make an ambush. All of them agreed and they packed everything they need and their little armies started to go where the ravine was. Timeskip. The Rjekograd's army was in the ravine, marching toward its target. Nobody expected what would come next. After some time, the army was at the end of it but the thing, there is a lot of vegetation and what was in the vegetation? Hiding machineguns only waiting for the signal to open fire. The other part of the plan is that all the pegasus were on the height of the ravine waiting to take the enemy by surprise. William thanks to his rifle's visor, saw who was in the charge of the army. The pony looked like a pure military guy with the uniform of an officer, maybe taking him as a prisoner could be important for the warlords of Wild-Vodina. Taking a deep breath and aiming at the officer from his position, William shot at his leg. The officer screamed in agony after he felt a sharp pain in his right leg. All the ponies started to panic, asking what was that and where did it come from. The machine-gunners take this as the signal and started to shoot at their enemies, killing a lot of them. It was a massacre. The other ponies of the warlords started to shoot as well. Panic was in the rank of the enemy army but some officers successfully regain a normal state in some part of it. The resistance to survive the ambush was strong. The enemy warlord has for sure a competent army compared to the last one. Seeing this, Shadow Star saw the opportunity to launch the assault. She made the signal when she takes her rifle and a grenade and launched it into the mess, killing a lot of ponies. The screams of pain were heard, some were crying. The unicorns under the warlords' command used their magic to create shields to protect the others from the bullets. The pegasuses were launching grenades, destroying the enemy lines. Saying this, the second in command of the Rjekograd army ordered the retreat and all the ponies were running for their life. All the wounded enemies were still laying on the ground while William and his allies' army cheered in their victory. The most important thing is that Saphire, Starry Diamonds, and their soldiers cheered in William's name. Before doing anything else, William ordered to take care of the wounded. After sometimes, William was told to see Saphire and Starry Diamond. When he arrived the two warlords were with their entire army waiting for William, when he arrived all the ponies started to smile. Saphire was the first to talk. "William, today you saved us all thanks to your strategic skills. Some hours ago you decided to help ponies you didn't even know and in the letter we sent you we said we will reward you." Everypony looked at each other smiling like never before and looking at William with hope and pride. "Warlord William, will you accept us in your group?" "Today you proved us you were the one who can unite the old River Republic and maybe even the whole Riverlands. Please accept our loyalty to you." William was shocked, he didn't really know what to do. Maybe some ponies don't want to do that but the only way to know is to accept. He looked at Shadow Star when he saw her smiled he knew what to do. He walked toward the two warlords and put a hand on their shoulders. "Let's make sure we unite all of this mess." Everyone knows what it means and everyone cheered in joy. The whole region was united now the next stape was the River Republic. After that, William saw that the time stopped and a screen appeared. It was like in the Crusader Kings when you can create a duchy, a kingdom, and an empire. William didn't know what does this means until Walter explained it to him. "Here you can proclaim the unification of the region like in the Crusader Kings game the different here it's that duchies are replaced by regions, kingdoms, and empires by nations. Like in the game you need to have some conditions before doing that thing." "I thought it was only Hoi4 game thing." "It happens when you choose a world, the said world will also take things from a world where it looks very similar and since these two games came from... Paradox studio thing I think well I think you know what I mean. Also, the name change thanks to the type of ideology you have." "Interesting." "Now, I think about it, it's time you choose your path." After Walter said that, a screen appeared before Walter with different choices. "How do I know the ponies will agree with me?" "Don't worry, I'll make sure you don't have problems." (Very Important: This is where I need you guys, like the last time you will be the ones who choose William's future! Choose carefully because the ideology you choose will change things and will not have the same possibilities you can have with another ideology.) The choices were: Communism. Supremascist. (Fascism if you want) Harmonic. (The one which looks like a little democracy but not entirely) And Non-Aligned. (Could be a lot like oligarchies or monarchists.) "I choose..." > CH 4: The Monarch in Rijekograd. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I choose... the path of the old ways." "Non-Aligned then. Very well. When we will return to the normal world, you and your 'nation' will be non-aligned. Well, in reality, more your nation, you will be the same as before so..." "I know what you mean. I will be myself but that choice will make sure that the ponies under my care will easily accept the ideology I choose." "That's right, now time to show you the possibilities of the non-aligned path." After Walter said that, a screen appeared and show me everything I need to know about the ideology I chose. Ideology: Non-Aligned. Description: The Non-Aligned ideology regroups all the types of government and sub ideology that is not supremacist, communist or harmonic. It's also the ideology where you found most of the monarchies of the world but remember that some monarchies who are imperialists are supremacists. You can also found some things like authoritarian democracies and republics, a military junta, or oligarchies just to say the least. Possibilities: Unlike the other ideologies, the non-aligned can let you change ideology if you want to. You can also have puppets or collaboration government which are non-aligned like you. You can proclaim yourself the leader of a military junta, the president of an authoritarian democracy/oligarchy, or be crown as the king of your (newborn) nation. "Well, it's very interesting." "Glad you like it, also you can create your nation as I said earlier as if you were in Crusader Kings, you have all the condition to create it." I look at the screen and saw that I can create a region (which is the duchy version of this world if you see what I mean), the region of Wild-Vodina. I hit the button 'create' and something appeared: 'Congratulations, you have successfully proclaimed 'The Duchy of Wild-Vodina'. I thought it wasn't duchy or maybe I created the region but since I take non-aligned and more precisely the monarchist sub ideology, the region name fits with it. Cool! I came back to the normal world. We were actually at Coltstream, the news about our victory against the enemy was heard in the entire Duchy now. (Important: I need you guys. I don't know what flag I should use. If by any chance one of you is good to make something with Gimp or photoshop and could post it on the internet because fimfiction needs the image to be on the internet so I could use it, I would be grateful. Or if you find a good flag then I'll take it.) The first thing I saw was that the house where I lived was much better than last time. It was HUGE. Well, Walter's effect thing works perfectly. Before I could walk toward it, a lot of civilians saw me and run toward me, some soldiers made sure that they don't come too close. Each second, more ponies came to cheer my name and to celebrate our victory. It's like a star who just arrived and all the fans want to take a picture with their idol. "It seems you're quite popular now." Said a voice behind me. I turn around to find Shadow Star with Saphire and Starry Diamond walking toward me. I chuckle at that and when I was walking to my house, I wave at the ponies who were held by some soldiers. I saw that some of them have cameras so I turn to them and wave while at the same time they took some pictures. I was joined by my two warlords friends and Shadow. I let them enter my house and holy fuck, it's HUGE! I walked around to see all the new things that were in this house, clearly, it's for an important person so... me. There were some guards outside who make sure no one enters it. I go to my room and I open the door. Everything seems normal until I saw an open wardrobe with inside special clothes. (Take the last one at the right) It was an officer's uniform, black and red with a cape and a white officer's hat and also white gloves. That's what I think right now. I take them and started to change my current clothes with them. I look at myself in a mirror, I really like the look of these clothes. I go out and walk into the living room. Shadow looked at me and you can tell she was shocked to see me like that. Sapphire and Diamond look at me as well and they have the same reaction Shadow Star had. I chuckle and sit on a chair. I saw that a pony in a waiter dress come to us and ask if we want to drink something. I said I wanted some wine if we have some and my three friends asked for some alcohol. After some time, the waiter came back with our drinks and left us after we take them. "If I'd known you were going to become a king, I would have to make sure you have a better house when I came the last time." Said Shadow Star. "Oh? That's so sweet of you."She giggled a little before drinking again. "Kvragu, this Java alcohol is so good." "Is that Croatian?" I said a little shocked. I know she talks another language because her accent said she was not British or American when we first met but to thought she talks Croatian is surprising. Sapphire looked at me awkwardly. "You mean Rivers? That's not surprising though, all the ponies here talk Rivers." "Remember he is not from here Sapphire. Maybe 'Croatian' means Rivers from where he comes from." Said, Starry Diamond. After that, we chat for the rest of the day and make sure to prepare for another attack that could come in the next days. Rijekograd, third POV. Rijekograd, the old capital of the now-dead River Republic. Under the rule of a communist warlord who is well known in the entire Riverlands, the one and only General Secretary Caramel Haze. Caramel Haze, before the Great Collapse, was a radical communist believing that the River Coalition could only be united by military strength and communism. Here some history for you. After the Great Collapse, General Secretary Caramel Haze and his comrade Nova Whirl launched an uprising against the council that controlled Rijekograd and succeeded. The problem was, who should lead? And from that moment it was literally a war between Nova whirl, leader of the moderates and popular among the citizens, and Caramel Haze, leader of the radicals and chief of the communist army in the River Republic's territories. Thanks to his relations and position in the River Popular Army or RPA, he gained control but the moderates split up from the radicals and form their own nation. Also, there is a lot of warlords that came between the moderates and the radicals who have some territories here and there but not very important and their armies are not really good. When the 6th Division return, all the ponies in Rjekograd thought they win and bring new territories into the fold but when they saw how much a lot were wounded and a lot of soldiers didn't come back, they were shocked and didn't understand what is happening. The officer in charge of the expedition was asked to see the General Secretary. You should know if you have to see the General Secretary because you failed a vital mission just before that say goodbye to your family, it's maybe the last time you will see them. He arrived in the office and salute Caramel who was sat on a chair. He told the officer to come closer. "Tell me, officer," said Haze, looking at the officer's eyes intensely, "When adults said something to their foals, they make sure that's what they said is a rule and an order the foal must follow, hmmm?" "O-Of course, General Secretary." The officer couldn't stop looking into Haze's eyes, this look is always make sure that you can't stop looking at Caramel that's one of many reasons he can be scary. "Well, then if we tell that I'm one of these adults and you, you are the foal. If I tell you to do something you will do it, don't you think?" "I-I c-can only agree, sir." The pony was stressed, Caramel was known to be very unpredictable. He always tells something like if you chit-chat with him but in a blink of an eye, you're already dead or if you are lucky, he will let you live. What does this pony want? It's to unite the Riverlands under Stallionism at ANY cost. "You see, military and family lives are two different things of course but there is a lot of similarities and when I order something I expect good results. Now, I ask you, officer: WAS THIS MISSION TOO DIFFICULT FOR YOU?! YOU LOST TO A BUNCH OF WARLORDS WITH PONIES WHO DIDN'T RECEIVED ANY PROPER TRAINING A SIMPLE SOLDIER GETS BEFORE HE OR SHE INTEGRATES THE ARMY! HOW COULD YOU LOST AGAINST THEM AND LET MORE THAN HALF OF THE 6TH DIVISION DIE AGAINST THEM?!" Haze was furious and here you saw why he can be scary. He talked like anything was normal and just like that he was like an enraged beast, ready to destroy what or who angered him. His outbursts were so unpredictable and because of that, you could be paralyzed by fear for a whole minute if you were lucky enough that he didn't kill you before you realized you were paralyzed. The officer was going to say something when two Red Guards take him away. At the same time, another officer came into the office. "Druže Glavni Tajnik Caramel Haze, may I speak with you?" (It wants to say 'Comrade General Secretary') "Of course comrade, what is it?" "Our new weapon from Stalliongrad finally arrived." Caramel smiled knowing he had something that will really help him. Coltstream, third POV. In Coltstream, everyone prepared for an ambitious attack, an attack against Rijekograd itself. William ordered to prepare for the future assault. Right, he was in a meeting with some promoted officers including Shadow Star, Sapphire, Starry Diamond, Jackpot Star, and his wife River Breeze. "I want and it's a priority that our soldiers have proper training. The last time we won because we had strategic advantages but it will not always save us if our soldiers aren't trained." Said, William. "Of course my lord. We will begin their training after the meeting." Affirmed one of the officers. "But what is our plan then? Rjekograd can be an impenetrable fortress if its defenses are organized." Asked another one. "Good question. My spies told me they're making trenches and improvised bunkers. Also, I've heard they have received something but I don't what it is and who sent it." Said Sapphire. "Very well. Their information will help us. Now, what could destroy their defenses easily without sending waves of ponies?" "Grand Duke, I have an idea." Said one of the ponies. "What is it then?" The pony took a box he brought at the meeting and take some blueprints from it. He placed them on the table and unrolled them. William took a closer look and saw something very interesting. (Think it's a blueprint) "As you can see, I thought we could start to improve our fire capacity and troops support. And I thought since we will attack Rjekograd which is occupied by a good army, why not improved our firepower with artillery?" William looked at it, watching every detail: it's an M3 Howitzer, used by Us soldiers in WW2. The gun uses the barrel of the 105 mm Howitzer M2 and shortened and fitted to a slightly modified split trail carriage of the 75 mm pack Howitzer. (Thanks, Wikipedia.) "Good work officer Lake. This will definitely help us, Jackpot Star do you think your company can help our military industries to produce a lot of it?" "Of course William. You can count on us." "Very well. I will make a plan before going to the city, for now, train the troops and make sure they are ready. I want the factories to start artillery production." Jackpot Star and his wife nodded and everyone goes to do what they were asked for. Shadow Star, Starry, and Sapphire followed William to prepare a plan. They gather in one of William's rooms and close the door t make sure they are not interrupted. "Can you please bring the map Shadow?" She nodded and brought the map to unroll it on the table. It was showing the city of Rjekogra and how much it was big, after all, it's the old capital of one of the most powerful countries of the Riverlands. "We need to make sure we can take it in one assault. I don't want too many casualties on our side, at least we now have artillery being produced." "I agree with you but what is making me scared is what is the gift they received. My spies told me they couldn't find it. Apparently, the security and restricted areas doubled so there is no way we can find it plus I'm pretty sure they hid it." "Fate will tell us, very soon." For the next hours, they prepared the plan that will maybe bring them victory against the RPA and the General Secretary. In Rijekograd, Haze was looking through one of the many windows his office has. He looked toward the direction where the 6th division came back, defeated. He knows that the one that defeated them has the characteristic of a military genius. He smiled at this thought. "At last, we will finally saw if our Revolution is strong enough against..." He looked at a file where you could find some information about the other warlord that pushed back his army. He saw the title of this warlord, 'Grand Duke' and it's all they know about him except for his strategic skills. "If our Revolution is strong enough against a monarch." Some days later, third POV. Finally, after days of preparations, the Duchy of Wild-Vodina was ready to attack the Commune of Rijekograd. Willaim was looking at his troops making the final checks of materials. The newly M3 Howitzer or we should say R1 Destruktor. (It's in Croatian it just means destructor.) Yes, they decided to rename, William didn't mind he thought it was pretty cool. He waited for some minutes to make sure everything was ready, he kept his new clothes he found in his room those days ago and his troops have military uniforms now. (There are holes so the ponies aren't bothered by their ears) After making sure everything was ready, the Grand Duke sent the signal to leave. The transports took the way toward the exit of Coltstream. As they were making their way toward the exit, a lot of citizens gathered to cheer and wish their Grand Duke and soldiers good luck. The trucks leave the city and take the direction toward Rijekograd. It takes some days to arrive but they were finally at their destination. Soldiers come out of the trucks and the canons were detached from them, the soldiers started to place them and take the munitions these R1s use. William takes a look at the city thanks to his gun visor. He knows a lot will die during this attack, brave defenders who will fight until the end, and courageous attackers who will charge like fearless beings. An officer came toward him, followed by two soldiers. The R1s were ready to fire they just wait for the signal and then, a storm of fire and steel will fall against the city. "Grand Duke, the artillery is ready. Say the word and we will start the attack." Willaim turned slowly toward the officer looking directly into his eyes. "Tell me, officer. Do you have a family?" The pony was confused, he didn't know why William was asking this question. "Of course. Why this question my lord?" "Because you are lucky that your family is not in this city right now. By my very words, innocents will die: children, wives, and husbands. And this will haunt me, I already know that." He took a deep breath before saying his bloody words. "Open fire at will, officer." He nodded and turned toward the canons with soldiers waiting for the orders. "Fire at will!" The canons started to fire. A loud sound could be heard in the city, a lot of ponies, citizens like soldiers, looked at the sky thinking it was the thunders from a storm which did this loud sound. The ponies in the trenches saw orange things coming toward them, the captain finally recognized what these oranges things were and started to yell. "TAKE COVER!" But just after she said that a shell hit the ground and exploded killing the ponies who were not too far away from the impact. After the first one hit the ground and exploded, the others did the same thing, you could vaguely hear the screams of pain and the ones who shouted orders. The worst was when some shells hit right into the city, killing the ones who war always kill: citizens. Panic and fear filled Rijekograd, the artillery destroyed countless building civilians like militaries. The worst who was worst than the precedent, it's when the shell hit an ammunition depot which was filled with explosive ones, ravaging the city a lot more. The bombardment lasted for at least five minutes, five long minutes of hell: blood, fire, tears, steel, fear, panic were the things you don't want to see at the same time because they create a monster of a hell that could tear you apart if you only look at it. After the five minutes, William ordered the end of this hell and send the infantry. The RPA soldiers seeing the rain of fire stopped tried to reorganize their defenses but before they could some of them had their heads pierced by a bullet. The army of the Duchy started to shoot at the enemy, without taking too many casualties from the pitiful resistance the RPA soldiers tried to put. William was at the head of the assault, each time he saw an enemy he killed him/her like right now, he aimed toward the head of an RPA soldier and shoot killing him. After some fighting, William and his army were not too far away from the main building where Caramel Haze is. But, before they could reach it an explosion killed the group of ponies at William's left and a loud sound of something was coming closer like if it was something which rolled and this sound was... "Oh no." Said William realizing what was the thing making that noise. He looked before him to see it! "Everyone, take cover!" He ordered. The tank shot again killing another group of three ponies. The machineguns on it started to open fire killing some ponies in the process. "We need to destroy it!" Said Shadow Star. "How?! I don't have anti-tank grenades on me!" "There is a rocket launcher here!" Shadow was pointing toward a depot that was damaged by the artillery but what was inside was in relatively good condition. She was pointing toward a rocket launcher, William run toward it and took it, and went back to his cover. "Okay, William you can do this. Come on it's not your first time using a rocket launcher, you've done that in the army before." Said William to himself before, standing up and firing at the tank, destroying it in one shot. The ponies started to move toward the enemy HQ now that the way is clear. After making his way into the HQ, William finally arrived before Haze's office door. He opened it and enter the room. He looked at his surrounding before seeing Haze looking at one of his windows. The General Secretary turned around to face the Grand Duke. William came closer and pointed his pistol at Haze. "Grand Duke, we finally meet. After all those days of waiting, we are at the finale. This battle has sealed the old River Republic territories." "General Secretary, what do you mean by that?" At that Haze chuckled. He finally meets someone who was a decent commander and a military genius and here they were discussing like friends. "You know, you and I have a lot in commons. The two of us want to unify these lands and stop all the suffering and for that, we are ready to make sacrifices and look, because of those sacrifices you made: the death of innocents and soldiers killed on the battlefield, you have claimed victory and defeated me. Now, you are a strength to be recognized. Only a fool would dare to attack you. You have succeeded to beat my army which was more powerful than yours in number and... relations if you know what I mean." William couldn't disagree with him. With his victory, he took Rijekograd and now have an important territory and he could just destroy the warlords who were here and there. So yes, this battle just sealed the fate of these lands. "You are right but that doesn't mean I like what I did. All these deads will haunt me like the ones I already killed in the past back from where I come from. Now, General Secretary, I order you to surrender you and your army. Your fate will be decided by justice from all the things you have done which are: assassinations, deportation in forced work camps, and many other horrible things. The ponies told me so no I don't that up just now." Haze hearing that smiled, he knew this day would have come one day or another. "Oooh I know but I have a question for you Grand Duke. Do you think I would have been the one who would have to lead them if I won?" "Maybe, I don't really know." "You see? You don't know either like the rest of the ponies outside and to answer it's no. I would have maybe united the Riverlands but I would have never had a place in the future and now imaginary nation I wanted to create. Why? Because I'm a monster, everypony knows that." Two soldiers of William's army enter the room after William gave them the signal to enter. They took one arm each and started to take Haze out of the office and to guide him into a jail. "Before you go, General Secretary." The soldiers stopped to move, Haze turns his head to the side to look at William, his back facing Haze and the soldiers. "Only time and fate will tell us." Then the three ponies started to walk again, leaving the monarch alone in a room overlooking Rijekograd.