Restless Sleep

by Saviors Sun

First published

Twilight wakes Sunset up with her active nightmares.

Twilight has been having sleep depriving nightmares for a little while now and its starting yo have an effect on her girlfriend Sunset.

{Everything I write takes place in a timeline before the 4th movie.}

Restless Sleep

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Sunset awoke to groaning and a slight shuddering behind her. Her eyelids opened about as fast as old garage doors as her neck every so slightly propped up to try snd make sure the things she had just heard and felt weren’t just misfires in her already tired head.

Pulling her aloof arm back onto the bed and rubbing her eyes, Sunset looked behind her to see her bed mate surely enough rolling her head in the pillow. Twilight’s hair was getting more and more frazzled because of the action, her body trying to force her out of whatever she was currently seeing.

With an sigh and a sympathetic look, Sunset rolled over and curled up behind her bedmate. She got close to Twilight’s ear, her left hand resting gently on Twilight’s left arm.

“Twi... Twilight wake up. Common you’re doing it again...” Sunset half slurred in her own half awake stupor, shaking Twilight slightly.

It didn’t take too long for the purple haired girl to rouse from her sleep, her eyes rapidly trying to wash away the dying images on her exhausted mind.

“W-What...” Twilight murmured, turning her head and body around to squint at Sunset and immediately noticing the tired yet worried look on her girlfriend’s face.

“Oh...” Twilight said in a defeated guilty tone. “I woke you didn’t I?” Twilight looked down trying to think of a way to apologize in a way that didn’t sound so copy and paste to the other times this had happened.

Before Twilight could even get words out, Sunset put her hand on her partner’s cheek and laid both their heads down together gently. Sunset closed her eyes and pulled Twilight’s waist closer to her.

“Are you okay?” Sunset finally asked in a serious yet compassionate tone, running her fingers gently through Twilight’s locks.

Twilight is soothed by the touch and curls up to Sunset, her head burrowing into her partner’s neck. Once situated she nods her head in response.

“Are you sure?” Sunset asks, hoping to hear the real answer in Twilight’s voice.

“We’ll talk about it later. Okay?” Twilight offered, not in the best state of mind or awareness to go digging in that hole right now. Still, she knew Sunset would hold her to her words later. That was Future Twilight’s problem, she thought. Present Twilight had to find a way back to sleep. It wouldn’t be too hard to get back to sleep when being held by her favorite person though.

Sunset however tried to remain awake or as close to awake as she could manage in this state of drowsiness. She felt a compelling need to watch over the girl in her arms, making sure she not only found sleep, but stayed in a restful sleep.

But as the minutes passed by, Sunset’s breathing grew softer, her eyelids drooped and her hold loosened. It wasn’t long before her whole body relaxed into slumber.


Sunset awoke again to groaning and a slight shuddering. This time her eyes opening wide and a pained groan escaping her throat. She was only a little upset over the loss of her own sleep. What really bothered her is this was going to affect Twilight’s mood all day and there was nothing she could do to change or help that.

Sunset looked at the conflicted expression in Twilight’s eyes and her heart sank further when she saw tear streaks.

Reaching her thumb up to Twilight cheek, Sunset began gently wiping away the teary sadness. However, right as her finger touched Twilight’s face, a hand shot up and grabbed Sunset’s wrist, catching the sleepy girl by surprise.

“Umm... T-Twilight... that nnng... that hurts!” Sunset protested, trying to take her arm back. Her arm was locked in what felt like a vice grip that was only getting tighter. This kind of strength was completely unwarranted. Sunset knew Twilight’s habits and diets alone shouldn’t offer this kind of strength.

Before Sunset could speak up again or attempt waking Twilight up, Twilight’s eyes shot open to stare into Sunset’s, but they were wrong. The purple irises were there, small as pin pricks, but still there. However, they were in a sea of light glowing blue. A horrifying but familiar sight from a very different Twilight. This time instead of conveying a chaotic lust for power they conveyed a great pain that looked unbearable to deal with.

Twilight’s grip got a bit tighter, leaving red marks on Sunset’s arm that was now starting to go numb. Suddenly, Twilight spoke. Or at least, it sounded like Twilight’s voice only mixed with something not of this world. A voice Sunset hadn’t heard since the Friendship Games a few months ago.

“I can’t keep her down forever...”

Twilight’s eyes only looked more pained as the words left her mouth before closing her eyes entirely and going limp. Her head flopped onto the pillow and the room fell into a deafening silence.

Sunset yanked her hand back ignoring the pain as she shakily scrambled off the bed, swallowing the lump that had formed in her throat. Her breathing now erratic as she stared down at Twilight’s now sleeping figure in the bed. Sunset could barely process the information, her tired mind combined with the shock making it difficult to think at all.

Twilights arms were draped over Sunset’s side of the bed, almost reaching out to the now empty space. Sunset could’t quite find it in her to calm down enough to rejoin Twilight in bed. A glance at the digital clock across the room told Sunset it was 5:51 AM.

“Sun will by rising soon. I can wake up now. Right?” Sunset thought to herself as she moved across the room towards the bathroom.

Turning on the sink, the frazzled girl began scrubbing cold water in her face. The action calmed her down a bit but there was still that nagging thought at the front of her mind. She was scared of Twilight. Sunset had never had a reason to ever be scared of her girlfriend, but that thing?

Gritting her teeth and shaking her head, Sunset left the bathroom and went to the small corner of her apartment that she called a kitchen and starting thinking about breakfast. The mere thought of eating something while feeling like this absolutely sickening her. Twilight however might appreciate something to eat when she wakes up. Plus, something to do might take her mind off what she saw. Of course she’d confront Twilight about this later in the day, but for now Sunset went into her fridge and pulled out some eggs and a skillet as the apartment slowly illuminated with the morning sun’s rays.