> Pommel Horses > by Vis-a-Viscera > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Cuckoo for Coco's Pumps > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Now now, poor dear; we know you can make this rep! Pull, Coco!” Rarity cooed. Spike grimaced at the scene before him. Not at Rarity’s motive, no; she’d more than shown her hand during this troubling time for Coco Pommel. At every angle, she’d set up her meetings, included her in marquees, even aligned her training sessions with her. It all traced back to an outsized sense of responsibility, a need to be where the lack of nurture caused rifts, helping. It was still Spike's favorite thing about Rarity. Hence why Rarity had spent nine months' worth of weekends playing mentor to Coco since her fallout with Suri, with him tagging along; right up his alley. Now, on this day before Nightmare Night, those efforts were bearing fruit - like the light muscle rippling underneath their creamy soft coats. And the nineteen-year-old dragon loomed over the twenty-five-year-old unicorn as she trained alongside Coco, playing the spotter. Around a month ago, though, Spike noticed that their visits ran so long that even he and Rarity couldn't fool around on them like they used to. She’d show up exhausted, tease him all night, then they’d cuddle in the sheets as Spike’s heart throbbed for her intimate touch. It wasn’t like Rarity was shy of running her hands over him - he was ripped, thanks to the gym he and Rarity were regulars at. So no, Spike’s concern was not over Rarity’s motive, but her tone. Especially to Coco, who was only a week older than Spike, despite the foot and a half Spike had on her. Despite Rarity spurring Coco on to finally pull her dumbbell up for her final rep of the day, the trembling in her lip and hands told Spike a different story. Yes, Coco had been exploited before by Suri, but Rarity treating her like a Faberge egg was smothering her. Spike feared Rarity was removing one dependent in Coco’s chaotic life, only to substitute herself.  But of course, with him being so sparingly present thanks to Twilight's revamped schedule, he could only guess at the depth of Coco’s dependency. And if something slipped up for Coco, Rarity might fall apart. Again, because she was so selflessly responsible, one of many things that stirred at his heart. The Rarity-Coco connection felt like a tipping stack of dominoes. And seeing the dominoes fall felt all the more distressing for Spike, stuck as he was holding up the last in the stack.  “Oh Spikey, look! Coco needs no spotter now, and at the Nightmare Night’s chocolate hunt, she’ll blow everypony else away.” Of course, the dread Spike felt in these encounters often ebbed fast, on the flawless tenor of Rarity's voice as it drifted into his ears. It was rich and erotic, with every ‘r’ she rolled between her lips.  Rarity’s shoulders rolled up from her sitting position as she pulled down her own weight bar. Three stacked iron plates rose and clanked into the well behind her; a testament to how long she and Spike had worked to keep her figure trim.  Spike, right at Rarity’s side, helped her bring the weight bar up. His muscles rippled under the tanktop and green shorts he wore. As Rarity gracefully pulled herself up, Spike’s hands at her wrist and back, she sighed contentedly. “I do so love the burn of a good workout. Don’t you, Spikey?”  Feeling how his own turn at this machine had gone sizzling through his pores, Spike nodded in agreement. Thumbs up were a bit much for him right now. “Always.”  “I do feel so out of it, though, with all the support I’ve been giving others. Would you care to show us ladies how it’s done- one last time?” Spike's shoulders sagged - then jumped as he saw Rarity’s eyelashes bat their seductive beat. “Why not? For the ladies.” he conceded. Rarity’s towel run over the bench let his back press against cool and dry rubber plates as he leaned back. Gripping the bar above him in his claws, he pumped back and forth in flawlessly smooth reps. On the tenth retraction of the bar however, his eyes shot to another guest in his iron-pumping regimen - Rarity’s fingers, dancing over his chest. “Oooh, I can definitely see how this gets you stacked, Spikey-Wikey…” The way Rarity’s voice trailed made Spike want to follow it into the sunset leaking through the gym’s windows. Hands teased over Spike's pecs, fingers both the color and lightness of feathers strafing over straps of black cotton.  Spike’s mind drifted to how Rarity would look in black - well, besides the flowing suits and gowns that usually hugged her svelte figure. Then his hazy mind tried to refocus on the fact that his mate was fondling his chiseled chest in front of - “I-um. I wanted to ask if you had the towel to wipe down my machine.” Spike’s head nearly whacked against the pulley bar as he sat up. Coco Pommel smiled sheepishly at him as her left hand’s fingers fluttered. He slowly returned the wave she gave him before Rarity bounded forward to the shorter mare, fluffy cloth in hand.  Spike's frown flashed back full force, just as his head bent downward so Coco wouldn’t see it. He’d never get enough of seeing Rarity’s globes bounce in that bra and sports short set. How he ever got Rarity to go for purple velcro, he’d never know. But the results were breathtaking. A pity it was becoming less and less common that it was Spike’s breath that Rarity seemed to want to take away. Now her focus was on Coco, and the pressure he put on her stood risk of breaking her. Spike sighed heavily, the cloud his breath emitted holding one dying little ember. Well then. Guess it was time to be more involved. For both Coco’s sake… and Rarity's. “Well, Spike; what do you think??” Looking over his scantily-clad costume, Spike shuddered. It’d seemed better when he’d first put it together, but now, knowing Rarity was serious about this Madison Mare Garden event. A pair of fake rabbit ears, a tie collar resting on his bulky neck, and purple trunks resting at the same level as the chocolate-filled basket balanced on his right claw. “It’s amazing, Rarity.” “Oh you say that of everything, Spikey!” Rarity was now kitted out in a one-piece corset, the tips of black leather tipping over her bobbing breasts. “But if Madison Mare Garden needs me in this for your Egg Drop event, then I accept this challenge!”  Spike’s eyes peered at the magic-modified ears of Rarity; they were now half as long as the purple mane curled around it. The blue tufts inside them swayed in her wake as she twirled seductively in her corset. “Is this a theme? Like what Coco’s said she’s gonna wear with you?” Spike heart throbbed over the answer, for better or for worse. “We're both jackalopes, darling.” Rarity’s poses as he showed the poofy tail nestle at the point where the suit dipped between her pert ass. Just below it, another hole let out her true tail, curly and rich purple. Its incessant flicking back and forth drawing Spike’s eyes to it. “It seems you’ve a similar idea. May I ask what you’re going as?” “I mean, Fluttershy, thanks for doing this, but I can’t imagine you’re that experienced in costume shopping.” Fluttershy shook her head, pink locks battling around her head. She studied the shelves. “Oh, no problem. We can get you something nice to last one night. And the Gardens sound wonderful.”  Several strong wing-flaps took her to one of the top shelves, Fluttershy bringing down a farmer's outfit soon after. The green denim of the overalls did match his torso’s sheen, but it took her speaking up to understand just why she’d picked it.. “This should help you around. Especially if they need you to plant flowers.” Just as Spike was about to tell Fluttershy that it wasn’t an actual Garden he was attending, chaos broke out in the store. “Aaaiieeee! A rat!” A crash and some very familiar chattering perked up yellow ears. “Don’t think that’s a rat!” Spike bellowed. Fluttershy’s eyebrows rose, but she kept her cool. “And if it is, it won’t stay long with Angel.“ “Yeah, I think the size difference alone would.” Spike’s jaw clenched as Fluttershy’s last few words registered. “You brought Angel into this store?” “Only to hold my spot in line while I got you! I can explain~” Another crack against wooden shelves, and suddenly Carrot Top and Angel were fighting in the alley before them, the bunny missing large patches of fur. Spike winced at the sight. “Get this rodent off me!” The ponies around Carrot Top seem to be more concerned with running for the exits, though. “He’s just shedding, it’s not that bad!” Flutter’s jaw bared in fright as she realized that Angel's gnawing was getting too close to Carrot’s ear. “No, Angel! Get off from there! You have no idea where her mane’s been!” Carrot Top was too busy knocking over carts and shelves for Fluttershy to approach her properly. As the shelf next to them wobbled dangerously, Spike’s eyes wideneed to the size of dinner plates. His legs pumped toward Fluttershy, pushing her out of the way of the thankfully empty aisle as wood splinter and exploded inches behind them. It also launched a bunny-ear headpiece and a collar before Spike’s eyes.  Spike’s bleary gaze turned back to the carnage before them, the chaos ahead of them with the rabid rabbit and Carrot Top, and made a quick decision. By the time he swiped up the loose items and stuffed them in his pants pocket - then dumped out enough bits on that same floor to buy it two times over - Fluttershy staggered back to Spike. “No worries, I’ve gotten Angel under control.” A flick of her tail from under her white sundress revealed the rabbit was biting into it. “Goody,” moaned Spike. “It certainly is, Angel’s been itching all week. Did you get the outfit too?” One of his sharp claws pointed back to the timber graveyard that had long buried that outfit. “Oh no. Clearly we’ll have to go to another store, and-” Spike’s left hand shot up. “Never mind, ‘Shy. I found an outfit before the wood started falling.” “Um. are you sure? I don’t think I can see it.” “Trust me, Shy’,” Spike’s hand clapped on Fluttershy’s shoulder as she adjusted the giant sun hat still on her head. “You don’t need it to get into any more trouble for me. Thank you, I’m sure I can make do with what I got.” “...Angel.” Rarity paused. “Ah - give my regards to Fluttershy. I hear that pet’s going through something fierce.” Like Flutter’s rainy day fund, Spike didn’t answer. “So, you said you had something to tell me. Hopefully how fast Coco’s bloomed under my nurturing?” Spike glowered a little at that. “Well spill, dear.” Her long eyelashes batted at him, and he had to fight down a gulp. Spike turned to Rarity, pulled in a deep breath and started. “I’m sorry Rarity.. but... please don’t tell me this is what you spent two months propping up Coco for.”  Spike felt the gasp from Rarity before he’d even heard it. “I beg your pardon, Spike?” she asked. Spike continued, his ire stirred up at long last. “Nevermind what I’ll need to be pardoned for, you can’t keep babying Coco! She needs time to cope with Suri’s actions, yeah - but she also needs to learn enough to never need to rely on ponies like Suri in the first place!” Rarity’s arm crossed over her ample chest indignantly. “Honestly, Spike I've treated Coco as one of my own siblings!” “But Coco’s not a sibling, Rarity!” Spike's voice was rising. “And I thought you’d learned a lesson from trying to make your friends into something they’re not! Hasn’t Fluttershy’s model-time with Photo Finish shown that?!” “Yes it has, Spike!” Her eyes burned holes into his own. “It made her miserable being in the spotlight all the time! It made me miserable, watching my efforts turn out to be all for naught. And it’s why I’ve had you shadow us all this time!” Spike’s anger shot away, the revelation shaking him to his core. “You wanted me… to shadow you?”  “Oh, my darling Spikey, I shudder to admit this, but I’m not always the best at reading other ponies. The circumstances that left Coco in my care has proven that.” Her eyes looked to the rug instead of the scales of the dragon before her. “But you learn at the behest of the most powerful pony Equestria’s known. And more than once, you’ve shown so much tender care for everyone you meet.” Spike gasped. “I had no idea, Rarity.”  “A lady never shows her faults until no other choice is available.” Rarity laid a light kiss upon his nose, Spike blushing slightly at the contact. “I can promise you this, Spike. My time alone with her has been for a good purpose. And you'll see how very soon.” Their lips met, pushing lightly right at the edge of each others’ mouths, before Rarity pulled away. “Now, have you gotten ready for the party?” The bag of eggs jostled in Spike’s grasp, his expression reverting back to foreboding dread. “Roger.” “Good job - but I must repeat, it’s Rarity.” Before Spike could respond, Rarity shot him a knowing smirk. “Well, Rarity: I’m ready.”  Spikes’ jaw dropped at Rarity’s curled up in a grin. Coco’s similar bustier was teal instead of black, but it only brought out her eyes and bobbed mane.  “It was her idea, Spike. My only contribution to this exercise... starts now.” And her lips slowly pressed to Coco’s. Goosebumps pricked up on her creamy flesh as Rarity's lips rolled over hers.  By the time their lips broke apart, Spike’s jaw was barreling to the ground floor of the hotel suite they’d occupied. Considering they were on the sixth floor… “Wow.” he breathed. Coco’s voice returned to “W-wait! Rarity, I didn’t know we’d have a visitor this time!”  Spike’s mind reeled. Did Rarity say this was her idea? And... did Coco say ‘this time’!? “Don’t worry, Coco. I saw how you looked at my Spikey-Wikey. And how you stood up during Suri’s dastardly schemes.” Rarity’s hand fished into Coco’s mane, tilting it until two pairs of blue eyes met. “You’ve always been capable of more. Now let’s show Spikey how far you’ve come.“ A lump raced down Coco’s throat. She perched up on the edge of her heels, her creamy chest unconsciously offered up to Rarity’s greedy eyes. Daintily, Rarity leaned forward, catching Coco’s lips in a light kiss. Their bunny ears bobbed and bumped against each other, connecting at the same time each smack of their wet mouths echoed in the room. And between them all, his green eyes narrowing at the show before him, was Spike. His claw fumbled for the bottom of his basket, to set it on the table next to him. However, it ended up gripping the edge of his ridge-ribbed dick, and Spike couldn’t find it in him to move it away. Neither his cock nor his eyes stopped widening at seeing his love make out with a fellow assistant. His hands thumbed at the end of his trunks’ waistband, stretching it out, letting it snap back against his groin. A slight pant escaped his maw. It also got Rarity's focus, as one blue eye cracked open to witness Spike hold both hands out in apology. Rarity’s own hand shot out to make him stop his apology. A moment passed before her index finger pointed down, mouth too busy mashing against Coco’s to put words to her motion. “O-oh! Right, Rarity.” Spike knew the signal anyway - it’d been so long, but his dragonhood throbbed in primal anticipation. Rarity was horny, and he was ready. His claw flipped the tip around his pulsing cock, letting it flap out to the cool suite’s air. Smooth purple ridges dotted it, veins darting around them as Spike awaited further instructions from Rarity. watching as it hardened to its full eleven-inch glory made Rarity’s hips jut into Coco’s again. Rarity’s attention turned back to Coco at the rustle of fabric hitting the floor. She pushed her chest closer to Coco’s, their breasts squishing together. The pony mewling beneath her, however, was going too calmly. So Rarity teased out that inner fire of her apprentice again. “Go harder, Coco-ah!” Coco bit on her Rarity’s lip, the move shocking even her. “Are you okay?” Coco stammered out. Rarity’s only response being to cradle her chin in her snow-white palm. “No, sweetheart… you’re perfect.”  Their lips collided again. Though Rarity started their liplock this time, Coco’s libido was taking over. She pushed against Rarity, flecks of saliva escaping. To Spike’s surprise, Rarity let Coco take command; she leaned back and the shorter mare followed her bend. Soon, she was craning over the fashionista, mouths crushed together. The bag of chocolate eggs swung in Spike’s left arm, one of them falling out to splatter on the floor. His other claw was kneading around his growing cock, his tongue swabbing at each bead of cum as it welled to the tip. By the time Rarity and Coco’s tongues were tangling in each other’s mouths, the dragon’s cockhead was sparkling. Every muscle in his body bulged and strained, purple scales rippling as he breathed.  Rarity soon struck back; swinging her legs around Coco’s slim hips, she quickly wrapped her long limbs around the shorter mare. Again, as in the gym, Coco’s limbs shook dangerously under the weight - in this case, her legs.  Before Spike could rush to help Coco, Rarity’s white horn ignited. Both ponies were soon floating, Rarity grinding against her stomach as her limbs wound tighter around her body. Slowly, both mares floated in Spike’s direction, the aura carrying them over the rich red carpet as their kiss grew hungrier. Just as Rarity broke the spells, Coco broke their kiss to suck in for air, her eyes welling as they took in Spike’s heaving chest. Before Spike could speak, Rarity’s hand shot out to his collar dragging his lips to Coco’s. Coco’s eyes closed as she accepted the kiss. Spike needed further prompting though, and Rarity was all too eager to deliver. “This is also for her, my little Spikey-WIkey.” The name never failed to make Spike’s mammoth member stir. His thick tongue fought with Coco’s, pushing further into the mare’s mouth in tandem with the short mare’s, Coco’s bunny ears drooping as she squealed around his snout. More of her competitive want pushed through and soon, she was fighting for control, her tongue gliding carefully among sharp teeth. She tilted her head to get a better angle for her plundering of Spike’s mouth as her hand moved down his barrel chest, only stopping at the base of his cock. The trip was shaky, her hand twitching at every purple-scaled ab that it crossed. Spike trembled too, swiftly reacquainted with how well his physique had evolved from the days where he barely came up to Rarity’s shoulder. Now, he towered over both mares, still humping each other shamelessly in front of him. Coco’s trembling was also due to Rarity nibbling down her neck, little pricks rising after every slurp against her creamy flesh. Coco gasped into Spike’s maw, the sound rippling around his tongue like so many sweet sapphires. Spike craved more; soon the chocolate basket crashed to the floor, the tendon-thick arm it was once hooked around diving into her cropped blue mane. Gripping those sky-blue strands tight, Spike pulled Coco into him, deepening their kiss.  The second here hand clenched around his cock, though, Spike's control was lost. Moaning deeply, his knees bent slightly, letting her ravage his mouth for a hot minute. Feeling the veins thrum around her dainty grip, she sighed, basking in just how the power over this dragon made her feel. It was addictive; the dressmaker’s palm slid lower, to grip around his medial ring. Rarity was busy at work between both her darlings, the hand not plunging into her pussy yanking down her one-piece corset past her tits. Two C-cup breasts sprang out, just as she pulled back from his massive member a second time.  “Spikey…” she throatily called, her voice barely audible of the sloshing sounds her hand digging into her honeypot. “You were right. I’ve been so nether-ah!-neglectful of you these last few weeks. And if you gush-gah!-get Coco past this little stage of your dic-her development, I’ll be -yes! Oh yes!- happy to rut you-oh!- repay you! Repay you... for lost time.” Coco’s nipples scraping against Spike’s green chest. What came out of Coco’s mouth was a purr this time, As she broke her kiss with a Spike to pull in air. Rarity’s husky pants resurfaced. Hearing the newfound desire had made her clit clamp around the snow-white fingers twisting within it.  Watching Rarity’s finger-fuck herself was indescribably hot to Spike’s already pleasure-fried mind. “S-sure, Rari.”  Any authority left in his voice was within Coco now, sucked out as soon as her mouth latched to one of his nipples. Spike rewarded it by moving his hand lower, to Coco’s gushing cunt. The teal leather of her suit tore under his shaking claw, but it was the puffy lips that it once stretched across that was Spike’s target now. One of his purple fingers swirled at the clit, and Coco mouth’s slid around Spike’s chest, the sweat of their latest exercise sparkling on his pecs. Her bunny ears traced out his colossal collarbone, and his nerves lit up at the sensation. But his eyes were still on Rarity, her purple mane ticking his abdomen, and she knelt before her. Her hand was still twisting in her sopping folds, the other pumping his pink shaft in perfect concert with Coco.  “Coco, cup his sack.” Rarity huffed out above Even as a cream-colored and drifted lower to his  large nuts., Rarity’s pale palm sled to the edge of his sheath. Blue eyes swelled upon seeing the succulent dragonhood before her, her voice a guttural growl Spike had grown to love. “Everything above it’s all mine now.”  Her muzzle opened wide -a practiced maneuver, considering the ridges on her newest meal - and down her gullet went eleven inches of prime-cut Spikecock. In this arena, Rarity was a shameless showoff. Gurgling around his cumhose for several eye-rolling seconds, she pulled back, smacking her lips at the intoxicating taste.  “Pardon, Spikey. Forgot how delecticible this fuc-no, this feast was.” Then she was slurping him back down her muzzle at a more moderate pace, steadily polishing his dickknob with her twirling tongue. Spike cried - a rumbling hiss that blew the faintest trail of embers just over Coco’s mane, thank Celestia - and his fingers sank knuckle-deep inside her. Coco’s cuntwalls clamped around the digits, far greedier than her muffled gasp would leave the dragon to believe. His claws scared aghast her walls, and moans broke free from both the dragon and mare. “S-spike! Deeper!” His free hand moved to one of Coco’s nipples, squishing it between two sharp fingers. Between her leaning on his heaving pecs, and Spike’s mouth tugging on her tit, her cleavage pressed enticingly into him. He drooled over it, only broken by sharp gasps by the fashionista sucking on his throbbing shaft. Her snow-white hand had balled up into a fist, forcing out a lake of glistening cuntsap from between her thrashing thighs with every thrust. Rarity was deep enough on Spike cock to know he was close to climax. She could tell her Spikey-Wikey was about to burst; the ridges on his dragonhood were scraping lovingly under her maw’s roof. Her bobbing head was drawing ever closer to his volcanic climax, she could see Coco’s fingers knead and cup his testes. The twin cumsacs churned against her trained hand, the model thespian clutching them desperate to feel them unload. Rarity’s free hand left Spike’s cock to grip at a fleshy orb of her own, yanking down her corset to twist at her own nipple harshly. The motion made her scream around Spike’s cock as she deepthroated it, the tremors around his giant girth rippling through her love’s nerves like wildfire. It was more than enough. Sparks flashed before Spike’s eyes instead of his jaw this time as he bellowed, his flared member bulging to fill Rarity’s mouth. Her head was pushed back with every jet of jizz packing her throat and stomach, his cockhead too lodged in her throat to slip out. Spike’s fingers jerked out of Coco’s snatch as well, a flood of cum following it. Soon, his cock retreated too, his last spurts salting Rarity’s twitching tongue with cum. Despite Spike sinking to his knees before both mares, panting heavily, neither of them had climaxed yet. The taller mare’s hand’s flew from her fold to pound against the ground. Right beside her, Coco’s fingers pinched at her starving clit, maddeningly trying to find her end and failing.  Both Rarity and Coco craved it more than oxygen itself. Rarity moved first, almost spearing him to the floor as she ground her groin against his softening dragonhood. “Celestia, how I want this…” Her pussy crushed against his flaccid ramrod, lathering it with her juices. She drank in her lover’s wails, Spike hips feebly thrusting to drive his length into Rarity’s gaping pussy. But Rarity’s hips rose just as his drill-like cocktip brushed against her drooling holes. Spike was so hard now, he wondered why her cutie marks hadn’t called for it back. “But… I cannot deny Coco her reward for taking so well to my loi-lessons!” Rarity shuddered enticingly. A shimmy of her hips later, and she was lightly sitting on his sinewy green chest. “He’s all yours, darling.” Coco’s eyes, formerly locked on the river of sparkling juices tracing Spike’s cock to Rarity’s loins, snapped back to the massive member before her. “Ah ah ah!” Another grind of snow-white hips and Spike gurgled at the fountain between them, Rarity pulling back as her sly grin grew. “Not unless you tell him the magic words.” Coco Pommel gulped, still squatting over his stiff dragonhood. Spike couldn’t have guessed the words that would spill from the blue-haired mare in a million years. “I’m going to drain your cock dry, Spike.” she moaned.  Watching Spike’s jaw drop in surprise, Rarity leaned down, purple curls tickling at his scaly face. “I said it before; she can blow anyone away. Now take your real prize, Spikey-Wikey.” Her cushiony thighs wrapped lovingly around Spike’s head, his strong chin brushing into clit folds.  Rarity looked behind her quickly. Her horn lit up around Coco's hips and pulled down, Coco soon impaled on Spike’s throbbing member at last. At the same time, Spike’s long tongue lashed into Rarity's twitching velvet folds, and her magic flared as Rarity came over that tongue, her hips twisting uncontrollably around his pinkest muscle.  Coco’s moan rolled into a shriek as she sank six inches onto Spike’s thick cock. Rarity’s eyes widened at the magical overshot as her climax ebbed away. Her hand wrapped around green head spines, pulled Spike’s snout hard enough against her pussy hard enough to keep him from slurping it. “Coco -oh!- are you okay? Should I pry you off-” “No! No-Rarity! It’s so fucking good!” And she pulled herself up to her haunches, sap trickling around his shaft. Spike’s tail culled out, his hips rising to let that appendage free - and push himself deeper into the blushing Coco. Even though he was all up for Coco bathing his length in sparkling sap, Spike wanted to feel himself deep in Rarity as well. The tip of his tail slowly pushed against Rarity’s flagged one to prepare, Spike noticing Rarity’s tongue slip from her lips at the motion.  One of Spike’s thick fingers curved around his maw, collecting the saliva pooled there and the sticky honey from Rarity’s pistoning thighs. The second it was slickened, he moved it towards Rarity’s tailhole, giving her plush rump a squeeze on the way in. Then two of his fingers aimed at her plot hole, waiting for Rarity to plead again about what was on his mind. Right before he blew hers with his ruthless reaming.   “Spike, what are you do-Ah! Yes. That’s it! Oh! Hah! Hah! Hah!” His claw swerved around her puckered hole. Rarity’s hips caned, moving between his thrusting tongue and swirling talon.  Within seconds, both of Rarity's holes were wet, any move toward them making them gape. But it was Spike’s tail that made the plunge; just as Coco sank onto his cock with a rapt cry, the scaly tip pushed into Rarity’s tailhole. Like every part of the fashionista right now, it was cleaned to perfection, firm to the touch - and trembling as Spike invaded it in one powerful thrust. Rarity hooded, her fingers back to squeeze her massive tits as her loins milked both of Spike’s appendages. And Spike’s cock was cuckoo for Coco’s cunt, ramming into her folds as they milked it repeatedly.  “Spike! Ah! holy-Gah! Hah! Don’t stop!”  Spike soon fell into a rhythm, pounding into the two mares above him from three directions. Rarity’s hips swivel around his tongue and tail, while he drilled Coco deep. The second the burn at his hips slowed his thrusts, his tail slammed into Rarity's tunnel. He lapped at every bit of pussy she offered, soaking in her moans while Coco rode his stiff member. No matter what, one mare was thrashed around his limbs and another was being speared by them. But Coco wanted more. Her orgasm was surging over the horizon, and she lusted full advantage of this moment of dominance. At the pace Spike was ramming into her, she was going to lose her mind on his fat flesh spear. Seeing Rarity bounce on that dragon’s face spawned a wicked idea. Coco leaned forward, her hand reaching out to grasp Rarity’s perfect purple mane. Her fingers gripped into the curly locks her other hand reaching around to clutch on her white teat. As Rarity’s face flushed red. “Spike, go harder! Wreck Rarity! Wreck this s-slut’s snatch!” Rarity’s mane whipped back-and-forth as she howled throatily, a thousand needles teasing at her temple. But with Spike plunging into her dripping holes with reckless abandon and Coco kneading her right breast, she was in heaven. She moaned into Coco’s leering maw, losing herself in the lust just as she did. For Spike however, it was remembrance that propelled him to a second orgasm. This was exactly like at the gym. Spike on his back pumping the weight racks, Rarity over his body to spot him, Coco straining at the shoulder bars. But now, his fears about Coco were floating away, just as his tongue did on wave after wave of Rarity’s climax. “Yes! Oh-Spike-Hah! So close! So deep! Spikey~! The fashionista’s hips twitched violently as her climax approached. And behind her, Coco tugged hard on Rarity's hair, pulling her head back further. Soon she swallowed her lips in another searing kiss, moans trickling into each others’ muzzles. Spike still beat her to it. His cock pummeled into Coco’s cunt, hilting her womb as he sprayed it white. His eyes rolled into his head as both mares followed him over that peak, screaming into each other's mouths as their clits convulsed. Spike’s tongue and dick are drowned in geysers of marecum, their juices splashing around to soak into the floor and the melting chocolate eggs. Coco's hips swirled as her stomach swelled with Spike’s virile seed.  “Ooooh...” Coco purred as her lips broke free from Rarity’s Rolling to her side, Coco mewled, feeling every ridge of Spike's shaft as it slid out of her stuffed slit. “Whoa,” she marveled at her pudgy stomach. “Oh, Spike,” Rarity hissed, crawling off his face as his tail slipped from her abused plot. She twitched as his tongue left her gushing pussy, batting one last time against her diamond-stamped thigh. Spike’s grateful lungs swelled with fresh air. Raising a hand to his face, he wiped off the cum staining his snout, eyes at how it threaded across his talons like rubber-bands. “So besides Coco riding me like a pommel horse…” he asked. “Any other surprises you have for us, Rarity?” “Not for you, my dear. But just to keep it that way…” Coco shivered hare as Spike’s sperm slithered out of her cunt, pint by pint. Collecting it in a ball above their heads, Rarity let it pop, spraying the three of them. Spike spluttered and Coco cried out at the sticky bomb’s impact. “WE have an appointment to cancel.. “ Rarity shook her head. Her glowing purple mane, the only spot of her free of cum, fanned out like a curtain around her nude form. “Isn’t it simple. We lost the chocolate. We’ll make it up to them tomorrow on Nightmare Night. For now… we’re under the weather.”  As the aura faded over her mane, a dirty grin spread over her face. Cloudy with a chance of marecum, Spike didn’t say. “Was this because I said I was-” “Oh, I know of how you dreaded going to Square Garden with a simple costume.” Another flash of light from her horn and purple drapes sailed around the three of them. Rarity stretched out on her taut stomach, soon snuggling against her love. “I must agree; you’re better off spending the night here. Pardon the lack of a bed, but Spikey-Wikey always made a better mattress anyway.” “Did I do good… Rarity?” Her hand traveled over her bottom lip.  “Marvelously, Miss Pommel.” Blue eyes twinkled access the planes of Spike’s chest toward Coco. “As you always have. Now come on in, you’ll catch a cold so far from us.” As Coco slowly crept under the covers on his right, Spike draped his arm over Rarity’s neck. His other hand gave a thumbs up to Coco, the shorter mare nodding slowly before tucking her head against his bulging shoulder.  Both mares were snoring within minutes. Spike looked up at the chandelier-covered ceiling first, a thousand hims shining through its hanging crystals. His thoughts were just as numerous, wondering how Coco’s inclusion into their romance would weigh on Rarity's mind, how long Rarity had primed her from this, whether he could keep up with her if Rarity would accompany her to every fuckfest. Spikes’ current faith in the dressmaker - both of them  - was reinforced. The night was young, and his heavy eyelids closed to welcome him into it. A night of trick or treating was twenty-four hours away. For now, though he’d found his greatest treat right at each end of him. “Also, Spike, if you think this makes it okay for you to pull my mane, I assure you that you’ll lose a claw trying.”  “R-really?” By the time Spike's trembling eyes turned back to Rarity, her disarming smirk had returned. “No. But it’s nice to see I can still get you hot and bothered.” Rarity laid a light kiss on Spike’s cheek.  “Never you fret; there’s nothing that’ll come between us. But there are still those we can raise up together: the damsel, and the dragon.” Spike luxuriated in that fantasy made real. It actually did feel rather invigorating. “Now nighty night, my lovely Spikey. Or should I say, Nightmare Night?” Spike chuckled lightly, settling for a chaste kiss on her forehead, near the base of her horn. The move made her grind her cunstap-slickened loins sliding into his knee, Rarity letting out a soft mewl.  Briefly, Spike planned out a list for the pros and cons of rutting Rarity silly again. By the time he’d gotten to how loud her moaning would wake up Manehattan, thought, he was snoring. That would be a problem for another day, too, it seemed.