Twilight Discovers Bubble Wrap

by MyAwesomePony

First published

While walking through Ponyville, Twilight lays her eyes upon a very strange kind of rectangle

The purple unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, had discovered a very unusual gadget. So unusual, in fact, that the unicorn took the mysterious rectangle to the Golden Oak Library to take a really good look at this.... this.... thing and study it further to come to a really concrete conclusion on what the hay was the thing. With the help of a certain cotton candy maned pony. But she finds something interesting about this strange object...


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Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

"Ugh, Pinkie. Would you stop playing with that thing?!" Twilight yelled while pacing around the Library.

She had been up all night trying to research what this thing was that Ponyville's resident baker was playing with at the moment. The purple bookworm's mane was frizzled up and unkempt, like she had just escaped from a tornado and then put it in a blender for 10 minutes. She tapped a hoof to her chin, deep in thought.

"Okay, well. This clearly isn't working." Twilight said to the baker.

"What do you mean, Twilight. This seems to be working perfectly, as perfect as newly baked cupcakes."

"Not this thing, Pinkie." She gestured a hoof to the unusual grey rectangle with little circles. "It's the fact that none of my books seem to explain whatever this thing is, and there still is no response from the princess."

Twilight was getting really irritated with the clueless baker. After all, she was the one making those annoying popping sounds that made Twilight want to punch a hole through her wall, this is what happened.


The purple unicorn herself, Twilight Sparkle, was having a magnificent day in Ponyville. She glanced around the quaint little township as everypony was just doing their own thing. She saw some fillies eating some ice cream as they trotted by, the bookworm couldn't resist a snicker as she watched them squabble over which ice cream flavor was better. Fillies were always so innocent minded, it was hard not to adore those sweet little angels. As Twilight continued to prance through the beautiful and peaceful village, a mysterious object crash landed right in front of her. The confused unicorn jumped back a little, surprised by unexpected delivery. She looked closer at the object and she didn't know what it was. It was a roll of some sort with a gray rectangle with small little circles inside of them. Weirdest of all, when it landed, it let out a loud pop noise like popcorn. The unicorn picked up the object, not sure what to think of it.

"What in Celestia is this thing, and why did it fall from the sky?." She looked up to find out where it came from, but all she could see were clouds in the blue Equestrian sky. "Eh, nothing a little study can find out. I'm sure I'll find something about this...this...whatever it is." She looked around suspiciously to see if nopony was watching her kidnap this thing, after she was satisfied, she booked it (no pun intended) to the only place where she could hopefully find some answers, the Golden Oak Library.

The young purple dragon was just taking one of his signature naps when the unicorn busted through the door like an FBI agent and woke up the lazy dragon. "Spike!" She shouted, as the dragon woke up and fell off her bed. He got up while rubbing his head in confusion. "Write a letter to the princess."

"Got ya covered." Spike replied as he pulled out a quill and scroll, ready to write.

Dearest Princess Celestia.

I'm sure you have princess duties to do, but maybe you could lend me a hoof. You see, I found this unusual gray object that I am pretty stumped on what this thing is. It appears to have a roll of them, If you know anything about this thing, please respond as soon as possible.

Your faithful student.
Twilight Sparkle.

Spike had just finished writing Twilight's name. He took a big breath and blew on it, causing it to blow into a green flame and go out a nearby window.

"So, what is this thing that you found?" Spike asked, walking up to it.

"I don't know Spike." Twilight answered worriedly. "That's why I need the princess's help, I believe that she's my only hope."

"Why don't you just check your books." The dragon gestured to all of the shelves filled to the brim with books.

"I'm afraid that's not an option, Spike. I mean, it just fell out of the sky. I don;t know where it came from and neither does anypony else. I doubt there would be any books about it." Twilight explained.

Before the lazy dragon could protest any more, the door busted open yet again, revealing Ponyville's resident, cotten candy maned baker. Pinkie Pie, she bounced into the library, with a grin on her face.

"Hey Twilight." She called out. "Where's Spike. I need his cookie reci-" She interrupted herself as she eyed upon the strange object on the wooden floor. "Ooh! what's that?"

"Well, to be honest, I don't know, Pinkie. It fell out of the sky so I don't know much about it yet."

"But how, it doesn't even have wings." She pointed to the object. Twilight didn't know how to respond to that statement. . So she just had a blank expression on her face.

"Well. It has these little circles in it." Spike pointed out. "Maybe you're supposed to step on it?"

"Only one way to find out." Pinkie stated as she jumped into the air, like she was jumping into a pool on a hot summer day. Finally, she landed on the object, it let out a really loud "pop!" sound. Which scared everyone in the room, and the more Pinkie stepped in it, the more pops it made.

*End of flashback*

Twilight continue to pace around nervously.


"Ughhhhh." Twilight groaned like a grizzly bear as her eye twitched, staring intensely at the baker. "If you pop it one more time, I will literally blast you!" Her horn sparked as purple magic spiraled around it as she huffed aggressively as the pink mare took a step backwards, causing it to pop once again. Twilight groaned loudly as she prepared her magic towards the innocent pony and blasted her with her magic as Pinkie was launched backwards and slammed against a bookshelf. Books and paper flied everywhere as the pink baker slided down the wooden wall. As Twilight slowly calmed down, she suddenly noticed what she had just done to the enthusiastic pony.

"Pinkie!" She gasped loudly as she trotted over to her in a quick pace. She held her in her shaking hooves. "Pinkie! I'm so sorry!" She hugged her as a small tear fell down her cheek. "Please forgive me!"

"I do forgive you." She heard a very familiar voice.

"Pinkie? Is that you."

"Of course it's me, silly." She sprang back to life.

"Pinkie! you're back. But how."

"Can you keep a secret?"


"Well, so can I."

All Twilight could do was laugh as they hugged each other again. Suddenly, Spike then burped out a green flame as a letter formed. Twilight looked at the parchment and read it out loud to everyone.

My Dear Twilight.

I've done some research and I believe that the object that you found was called "Bubble Wrap." It actually came form another world. Hope that answers your question.

Princess Celestia.

"That explains why my books didn't help." Twilight said to everyone.

"So can we keep it?" Spike asked.

"Absolutely not!" Twilight replied quickly.

"Could I have it?" Pinkie asked the unicorn.

"Well, I know how much you like it." Pinkie gave her a big smile. "Sure Pinkie."

"Yeah." She fist bumped the air.

"But I think it's best if I don't go over there for a while now. I don't wanna do the same thing to you again."