> Slumber Party Games > by Knox Locke > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Truth Or Dare? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After living in Canterlot for a while and establishing a routine as princess, Twilight had made sure to schedule specific times every week to spend quality time with each of her best friends. Yesterday, she'd helped Applejack harvest some apples and make cider. Tomorrow, she'd be going to the spa with Rarity, which often included bumping into Rainbow Dash there. Today, Twilight and Pinkie were having their weekly get together, which was a slumber party at Sugarcube Corner this week. Eventually, the time to start party games had arrived. [Pinkie's Perspective] Ooh! Time for party games! First up, Truth or Dare! Not quite as fun with only two players, but still fun nonetheless! The first few rounds went by without much occurring. Pinkie did find out that Twilight sometimes suffers from something called Somnambulism. Hmmm... Maybe it has something to do with Somnambula? Well, anyways, it was during the fourth round that Pinkie decided to try to find out something really juicy. "OK, Twilight," she said with a slight smirk, "truth or dare?" "Truth," Twilight said. 'So predictable,' Pinkie thought. 'She's always afraid of what twisted dares I might come up with.' "OK," she said aloud, knowing exactly what to ask to trip Twilight up. "Who are you interested in? Romantically, that is." There it was. The question Twilight always seemed to avoid like the plague. She watched as Twilight's face paled. "Well, I... Uh... Um, I..." she spluttered. Deciding her friend had been stirred up enough, Pinkie decided to give her some lenience. "OK, Twi," she said. "Here's what we'll do. You don't have to answer that question." Twilight sighed in relief at this. "But," continued Pinkie, adopting an ominous tone and a mischievous grin, "you only get one chance to trip me up. You get to ask me truth or dare one more time. If I can't tell the truth or I can't do the dare, we continue the game as if this round never happened. However, if I can complete the dare or tell the truth, you lose." Twilight perked up an eyebrow. She obviously thought this sounded a little tame compared to a lot of Pinkie's antics, and even Pinkie knew it was. She had only wanted to make Twilight squirm a bit with that last question. Hence the reason she was giving a fairly easy out. Despite this, Pinkie had no intention of losing. "OK," Twilight agreed with a slight hesitance in her voice. "Truth or Dare?" "Dare," Pinkie said without hesitation. "OK, then," Twilight said. [Twilight's Perspective] Twilight lost herself in thought for a moment before coming up with the only thing she could come up with to possibly stop this chaotic party pony. "OK," she said with a smirk. "I dare you to kiss m-" The last syllable of her sentence was cut off by Pinkie's lips pressing against hers with romantic passion. As fast as it had started, it was over, and Pinkie sat there smiling as if nothing had happened. Twilight, on the other hand, was sputtering out utter nonsense, attempting to put her thoughts into words despite her thoughts being a garbled mess. "But, but... How did... You just... But, you - I... Just, I you -- what?" was basically what Twilight said. Pinkie just laughed at the overwhelmed alicorn. "How could you do that?" Twilight asked, still wide-eyed and panicked. "You have a special somepony!" She picked up her tea and quickly started taking big gulps. She was hoping that the large teacup would help hide some of the blush she could only assume was quickly spreading across her face. "That's easy," Pinkie said nonchalantly. "You're one of my freebies." Twilight did a spit take with her mouth full of tea, which was sent washing over the poor, innocent, hyper-intelligent Gummy who just happened to be in the way. "Your what?" she asked. "You know, a freebie!" repeated Pinkie. "A hall pass?" "Yes, I know what a freebie is, Pinkie!" Twilight said. "But why am I one of yours!" "Because I knew your reaction would be priceless if you ever found out," she replied cheerily, "and I was right!" Twilight froze for a moment, processing that last statement. She lifted her hoof and opened her mouth as if to speak, but she closed it again without doing so. She repeated this series of actions multiple times before finally deciding this might be best if left alone. "OK, then," she said. "Cheese Sandwich is my other one," Pinkie said, "but I doubt I'll ever be able to cash that one in." "Pinkie," Twilight said, her head still reeling from the events of the last few minutes, "please shut up." Pinkie complied and remained silent for a moment. The moment ended when Pinkie suddenly started laughing hysterically. "Pinkie?" Twilight said, giving the pony literally rolling on the floor a confused glance. "What's up?" "Your wings for one thing!" she said between fits of laughter as she pointed at Twilight with tears in her eyes. Twilight gave her another confused glance before turning to look towards her back. Sure enough, her wings were completely spread and stiff as a board. "Oh, dear Celestia," she muttered, "Please tell me that hasn't been happening for long." "Only ever since I kissed you!" Pinkie howled out with her bursts of uncontrollable laughter. "WHAT?!" Twilight screamed, a look somewhere between shock and embarrassment plastered on her face. "Face it Twilight!" Pinkie said, still laughing. "You kissed a mare, and you liked it!" "Oh, shut up and cash in your hall pass," Twilight said, wanting to get a rise out of Pinkie. Pinkie laughter came to an abrupt end, leaving her in a coughing fit from practically choking on air. "What?!" she yelled after recovering. "You heard me," Twilight replied. It was only then that she caught herself. Why did she say that? She was going to back out as soon as she saw Pinkie's reaction, so why hadn't she done so? Twilight's eyes widened as Pinkie pounced with a wide smile on her face.