> One, two, three, run away with me. > by dashix > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter one. April Wisp skipped from rock to rock over a small stream. The sun beat down on her orange coat and her long rainbow mane bounced. She spread her wings and took to the sky giggling with glee. It'd been a while since she could do that and she just felt so free! The orange pegasus sighed then looked to the ground when she heard her name being called, "April! Get back down here!" April's older brother Apple Seed stood on the ground. The light purple colt with a blonde mane was just an earth pony and couldn't catch her but she knew she'd most likely get in trouble if she didn't see what he wanted. She dove towards the ground then skidded to a stop in front of her brother. "What's up?" She asked, brushing off a few leaves. Apple Seed sighed and nodded towards the barn, "mama just finished dinner." April groaned, "5 more minutes!" Like that, April darted up into the sky ignoring her brother as he called after her. She flew in circles, doing tricks in the air as she spun. April took a deep breath. She remembered her mom teaching her a specific trick, actually no, she didn't remember it. She just remembered a lot of spinning. She closed her eyes, she spun once.. then twice.. then three times... ...and went spinning uncontrollably in the sky until she bumped into a familiar blue pegasus with a rainbow mane like her own. "Hey mom," She giggled nervously as she looked up at Rainbow Dash's stern expression. ——————–——————————–——– April Wisp just stared at her food not bothering to touch it as her mother's looked at her sternly. Apple Seed just sat nearby and ate his food hungrily. "Why'd ya go flying off after yer brother here went out and told ya dinner was done?" Her mama, Applejack, asked. April pushed her food away from her with one hoof. "Well one, I wasn't hungry. Two, I really wanted to practice my flying and ya see, there was this trick I was learning and I-" April noticed her parents narrow their eyes, "I'm sorry." After a small pause Rainbow Dash stood up and walked over to her daughter. April gulped then her mom just put her wing around her and said, "You know we love you, right?" April nodded slowly, "but..?" Applejack just sighed, "but ya can't just go flying off like that! We're yer parents so when we say dinner is done, it means come home and be with yer family. Plus, now that Cozy Glow escaped her stone prison and is no where to be found... yer tricks can wait." April groaned again, "ughhh fine." Rainbow Dash took her wing away from her daughter, "If you're going to have attitude with us, go to your room." "I'm going!" As she passed her brother she heard him mutter, "I tried to warn you." April just growled and marched to her room. Right before she entered her room she heard Applejack shout, "and you can clean up these dishes and clutter before ya sleep!" The filly just slammed her door and went to sit by her window. She knew her parents just cared about her safety and were big on behavior but it made her so mad, sometimes she just wanted to scream. As she heard her family finish dinner and go to their own separate tasks, April went downstairs to clean up after dinner. There was no use starting another argument with her mother's. When she was done, the sun had already set and she went back to her bedroom. She laid in bed and covered herself in blankets. April Wisp heard her door open and quickly shut her eyes pretending to be asleep. "Guess she's already asleep." She heard her mom, Rainbow Dash, say. Mama sighed then walked over to April, tucked her in and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I love ya April, goodnight." Applejack then left the room but Rainbow Dash walked closer, "night kiddo, sweet dreams." She wrapped her wing around her daughter in a quick hug then shut off the lights and left. April opened her eyes and looked at her door then lay back down on her side and fell asleep. ———————————————————— Even in her sleep, April Wisp felt like she was being watched. She peeked open her eyes to see her mother's by her bedroom door whispering to each other. She pricked up her ears to hear better. "She's going to be a target. You know it, I know it. I can tell even Apple Seed knows it." Rainbow Dash spoke quietly. Applejack snorted, "and how exactly do ya know Apple Seed ain't the target?" a breif pause "I don't." With that, the rainbow haired mare left the room followed by Applejack a few moments after. All April could do was gasp then fall asleep again and hope for the best. She was unsure of what her parents meant but staying up and thinking about it at this time would help no one. ———————-————————————— April woke to the sound of the roasters. She jumped up and left her room, heading downstairs. Once she was downstairs she sat by the door and waited for somepony to come down. When Apple Seed arrived a few minutes later, she quickly ran to him and said, "I'm skipping breakfast then I'll head to school." Apple Seed shook his head slightly, "mama and mom won't like that." April just nodded, "acknowledged." Then she dashed out the door. It was a beautiful fall day though it looked the same as it did yesterday, the day before, and basically all of autumn before that. The multicolored leaves coated the ground as they slowly but surely fell from the trees. She just sighed then decided to go for a bit of a walk around ponyville before she had to get to school. Either way, she needed her friend Sugar Pie's help. Sugar was a pale pink unicorn with a sort of wavy dark blue mane. AND, she was jaw-dropping gorgeous! April stopped in front of Sugar Cube Corner where she knew her friend would be. She quickly knocked on the door and smiled when her adoptive mother, Pinkie Pie, opened the door. "Is Sugar here?" April asked hopefully. The pink earth pony nodded and called for her 'daughter'. As April entered she noticed Cheese Sandwhich was on top of the counter juggling toy chickens, Pinkie Pie and her daughter Lil' Cheese were packaging some cakes for the next order of sweets, and Sugar Pie was rushing downstairs and heading towards her direction. "Heyo! I was wondering if you wanted to walk to school with me? I wanted to tell you something on the way anyhow." April smiled at her friend. Sugar nodded, "let's go quick then. I'd assume we won't want any Elements or important ponies to overhear?" April just chuckled, "You know me too well." After brief good-byes, the two mares walked off towards the direction of the school house. > Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay so, we both know neither of my parents or rather anyone takes me seriously and it's super annoying. I'm not a filly anymore!" April stomped at the ground. Sugar sighed, "I assume you have a plan to fix that?" "Well now that Cozy Glow has gone missing.. I say we find her, capture her, and turn her back to stone!" Sugar gasped, "I- no! It's too dangerous. Also, you are a filly just not a foal." April frowned then pouted and gave her friend 'puppy eyes'. Sugar rolled her eyes, "that's not gonna work on me." April whined, "pleeeaaaseeee". Her friend just looked away, "ugh, fine." "yay!" Now it was Sugar's turn to frown, "only alicorn magic can turn a pony to stone." "Yeah, but I'm a pegasus and you're a 'very-good-at-spells' unicorn. If we combine our strengths, I'm sure it'll work." "I hope you're right. First we need to actually catch cozy glow and then turn her to stone." "DUH, I'm always right. I have a plan for that too." April just smiled slyly "You take after your mother." Sugar Pie rolled her eyes. "Which one?" "The orange one who never lies, can admit when she's wrong, has a country accent, strong legs, and doesn't purposefully go off on stupid adventures which will most likely get her killed." Her friend said sarcasticly "Nahh, doesn't sound like me." April levitated in the air and didn't a few loops "I meant Rainbow Dash." "That, I can accept." "uh huh. You mean being stubborn, foolish, overconfident, inconsiderate, and-" "awesome!" April cut her off then froze when Sugar glared at her, "sorry." "Nevermind. I'm sorry for talking bad about your parents." "Ugh! My parents! Don't get me started on them! Honestly! They've just become old grumps now-a-days. It's an-noy-ing" She said the last word in a sing-song manor. "Do you really think you should be insulting the ponies who saved all of Equestria from complete destruction numerous times?" "Hey! You started it! and.." April pretended to think for a moment before simply saying, "Yes." Then she flew off while Sugar hit her hoof to her forehead in her friends stupidity. ——————————————————— "Physics Smisics" April Wisp growled under her breath as she and Sugar Pie sat under a tree by an old clubhouse. This clubhouse used to belong to three girls called the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders' or CMC'S for short. "'Smisics' isn't a word." Sugar said bluntly "Can you like- stop being so practical?" "Nope, you're stuck with me." Sugar giggled "Ugh" April muttered under her breath, "why are we friends again?" "Because you love me." April felt herself go red, "do not!" "do too." "do not!" "do too." "do no-" "Can you two stop bickering?" an unknown voice stopped both April and Sugar from continuing their argument. April and Sugar turned to face.. "Cozy Glow!??" The two fillies spoke in unison. "Uh, ye-" Suddenly the pink pegasus was trapped in a light blue bubble of magic unable to move but still able to talk and see. "Hey!" She whined. "This could be our chance!" April jumped up and started squealing happily. "Ugh. Quit it with your parents for once. This is serious. We should just turn her in for Twilight and they'll deal with it." "Excuse me?" Cozy interjected only to be ignored. "Quit it with my parents!? Are you crazy! They'll never respect me unless I do this!" April spat at her friend. "uh, hi-" Cozy started again. "They only 'baby you' because Cozy is around and you're quite the troublemaker." Sugar pointed out unmoved by April's anger. "I want-" Cozy Glow was cut off again. "No! They won't! They don't care about how I feel, they probably just do it for their reputa-" tears started forming in April Wisps eyes. "LET ME SPEAK AND STOP BICKERING!" Cozy shouted angrily drawing the attention of both fillies. When they both finally shut up and we're paying attention, the pegasus took a deep breath. "I want you two to help me at reformation. I want to change and be better, I want to help. I just- I never had anyone for me and I've been able to think a lot in my stone prison causing me to realize that I just want friends." April gasped then seemed to think for a moment, "I don't trust you. You have a past." Cozy looked down in defeat, "but.. I'm willing to give you a chance. As long as you allow Sugar to put a spell on you rendering your wings useless and a tracking spell so we know where you are at all times.." Sugar nodded, "I know this seems sudden, honest but, I know the tales of Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, and many others so I have to agree with dear April." Cozy widened her eyes in shock, "Wait really!? You'll get in trouble though.. And no one will believe me." Suddenly the bubble around Cozy disappeared leaving her free to move again. Sugar put her hoof on Cozy and smiled, "I believe you." April walked over and nodded in agreement. "Just stay still so we can cast the spells." Cozy Glow nodded, shut her eyes tight and waited for magic to engulf her. Sugar's horn lit light blue as she readied her magic. She cast the spells quickly then smiled when they were complete. ——————————————————— April Wisp shot to the sky, looking around to see if any ponies were anywhere nearby. After seeing nopony, she sighed in relief and landed back on the ground gently. She nodded towards a nearby tree. If anypony was watching, she most certainly looked crazy to be nodding at plant-life but April smiled at the tree anyway. Suddenly Sugar Pie and Cozy Glow came into sight, removing their invisibility spell. "What should we do? We can't just y'know, do what normal fillies do. We'll get caught and it won't end well." April sighed. "We could always run away." Sugar said blatantly. "WHAT!?" Both Cozy and April shouted. "That's probably a bad idea.." Cozy shuddered. "Let's do it!" April grinned. "It could be dangerous.." "All powerful magic unicorn, duh." "What about us?" "Well, I'm awesome- and we can fly away or something." April shrugged "shelter?" "We'll find something." "Food?" "Can't sugar just go poof with her magic and get us something?" "I don't think that's how it works." "Well I'll figure it out." "Your families?" April snorted, "They'll live." "Pinkie and Cheese have two other children and I'm just adopted. I doubt much ruckus will be caused." Sugar interjected. "Friends?" Cozy asked. "We just have each other. Well now we have you but you get the point." "You sure? Your parents are important figures in Equestria, they'll probably cause a ruckus." "How'd you know who our parents are?" April titled her head. "Sugar Pie just listed her parents and you look a lot like Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Only people along their family line have rainbow hair anyway." "Makes sense. Let's go!" "Not so fast!" Sugar looked at April. "We must pack certain necessities. You can't possibly think we're just gonna run off with no plan or no- well anything." "Well duh, I thought that's what we were gonna do?" "You're such an idiot." She muttered under her breath. "Hey!" "When should we leave then?" Cozy stepped between her friends before a fight could break out. "Meet here at midnight." Sugar held her head a bit higher. "Deal!" April practically shouted. "Quite!" Sugar snapped then composed herself and teleported away. "Do you two ever get along?" Cozy asked quizicially. "Oh, all the time. We just argue a lot as well." April shrugged, "We always end up sorting things out and just laugh it off." "You guys have a good, strong friendship I presume?" "Hell yeah." April smirked. > Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 CRASH "uh-oh" April Wisp muttered. She had just tripped in the kitchen over a random pile of clothing her brother left out, probably for the upcoming gala. Suddenly she heard her parents getting up from their room so she quickly stood up and rushed outside, away from Sweet Apple Acers and towards the clubhouse. "curse you Apple Seed" April growled to herself as she arrived and put her saddlebag down. Next came Sugar Pie and Cozy Glow each with saddlebags of their own. "We need to go now." Sugar yawned, "why such a rush?" "Let's just say, my parents already know I'm gone." All traces of tired left Sugar and Cozy as April picked up her bag. "I heard of a place we can go." Cozy walked over. "Where?" Sugar asked quizicially. "Theres a small village pretty far away and near the outskirts of Equestria. It used to be Starlight Glimmer's home but I doubt they know we know it even exits." "How'd you figure that out?" "I was eavesdropping once, heh" "AWESOME!" April interjected. "We need to actually, y'know, get there first." Sugar Pie rolled her eyes as April Wisp rushed off towards the forest. Cozy and Sugar started following behind April more slowly. "She has no common sense." The unicorn muttered. "We should catch up to her." "Good idea, Celestia knows what trouble she'll get herself into." Suddenly they heard the sound of several ponies running in their direction, she turned around to see a bunch of ponies from the royal guard, April's parents, and several other townsfolk. "Damn it April, why are you always shouting!" Sugar used her magic to teleport her and Cozy to April's exact location and screamed at her, "RUN!" After a while of running through the forest, the help of a few invisibility spells, and tons of complaints from April, the three fillies arrived. Cozy looked over the town from behind an abnormally large rock. "This is the place." "Are you sure we can be here? Didn't Princess Twilight and her friends come here once? Her friends include our parents." April groaned. "Yes, I'm sure now quit complaining." "It's so small!" Sugar nudged her, "be appreciative." "Fine." April stood up, "should we go over now?" Once the other two nodded and stood up, they went into town. With Cozy in the lead, flanked by April and Sugar on each side, the towns ponies started wondering out of their houses to acknowledge the newcomers. "Uh, hi- we just need a place to stay for a while if that's alright." Cozy announced. Suddenly, a white earth pony walked over, "I'm Double Diamond. Pleasure to meet you! What brings you to our town?" "Just need somewhere to stay for a few days. We're traveling." Sugar Pie stepped forward. "Wonderful!" The colt looked to April. "You look mighty familiar." After a moment of thought Double shot up, "Applejack and Rainbow Dash! That's who you look like!" April nodded, "aren't they awesome!" She said it like a statement rather than a question. "Are they here with you fillies? You younger ponies shouldn't be traveling at night all alone." "We have their consent." "Alrighty then! You can stay with Sugar Belle until you leave." "Another Sugar, how marvelous." April muttered under her breath only to receive a glare from her friend. Rainbow Dash anxiously paced around in the throne room of Twilight's old castle. Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy all sat in their respective thrones while Starlight Glimmer gave Dash a look of sympathy from Twilight's old seat. "They could be anywhere by now!" She continued pacing. "When we see 'em again, they sure gettin' a piece of mah mind." Applejack snorted. "You can punish your daughter later, first we need to find her." Starlight started, "who exactly ran off?" "April Wisp and I believe Sugar Pie." Rainbow stopped pacing and looked towards Pinkie Pie who had a rare but serious expression. Pinkie's hair was deflated and she looked on with a stone gaze, "I can report Sugar is missing." "An' there was third." Applejack added."It was.." She squinted her eyes as if it'll help her remember. AJ immediately shot up and rage shined in her eyes, "Cozy Glow." Rainbow Dash's fur bristled and she started levitating. "If she does anything to my daughter.." She growled. "Then she'll be punished. Either way she needs consequence for mysteriously breaking from her stone prison as well." Rarity offered. After moments of discussion a burst of light came and a scroll dropped. Starlight picked up the scroll and started reading. "Dear my friends from a distant town, Just tonight, 3 fillies walked into our small town. One is a light pink unicorn with a blue mane. The second is another pink one but a pegasus. She has a short lighter blue mane. The third is an orange pegasus with a rainbow colored mane. I believe the third one belongs to Applejack and Rainbow Dash. I just wanted to check with you to see if it was alright. They say they have your consent but even I know you wouldn't send younger ponies on their own so late at night and so far from home. I do hope everything is alright, get back to me as soon as possible. Your friend, Sugar Belle." > Run away with me > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 "At least we know where they are." Starlight offered as Rainbow Dash punched a wall. The others winced at the sound of impact. Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie were talking with a few royal guards, forming a rescue team to bring back their children. Applejack was trying to calm a raging Rainbow Dash, and Starlight Glimmer was writing back to Sugar Belle, notifying her that they would be at the town shortly. April Wisp giggled as she and Cozy Glow talked. Sugar Pie was standing nearby smiling. "Yeah, I still can't believe how uncomfortable being a rock is. The coping mechanisms are as hard as stone!" Cozy smiled as April broke out in a fit of laughter. Sugar didn't find the joke all that funny but since she'd never see April so happy, she just went along with it and chuckled. "I am so glad we ran away with you!" April smiled. "It's literally been a day." Sugar interjected. "I know right! I want this to last forever!" She jumped up so full of light and hope she was practically glowing. Cozy looked up at the sun. It was about noon, the three fillies had been sitting around talking since eight. "Anyway," Cozy offered. "You two hungry? It's about noon." Sugar nodded, "We brought some bits and gems when we left." April nodded as well and looked up at the sun to check for herself. "After we eat, I think I just want a nap." Cozy chuckled then gave her a sad smile, "You're a lot like your mother." Sugar looked up, "You knew our parents?" The pink pegasus nodded. "I studied them for a few months before enrolling in Twilight's school. There I got to get to know them a bit more. Once I became, y'know, stone, I couldn't see but I could still hear everything." April's gaze softened, "Why'd you do it anyway? I know you're not a bad pony." "I well- I was abandoned at a young age, I never knew any other way. I get its not really an excuse but yeah." April gave the other pegasus a firm hug. Suddenly a light blue beam of light shot Cozy Glow, freezing her in place. April jumped back, "Cozy!" The three fillies looked over to see Starlight Glimmer, with her horn lit, leading members of the royal guard and the hero's of Equestria towards them. This included their parents. Sugar lit her horn to surround them in a protective shield when Cozy yelled, "no!" "We need to go, c'mon cozy!" April looked at Cozy Glow, her gaze was anxious, maybe even a bit scared. "I can't move! You two need to run! I can't risk you getting in trouble." "I'm not leaving you behind! I'll stay here and face my stupid parents if I have to." Close enough to hear now, Rainbow Dash and Applejack flinched but their stares were still angry. "GO! I lead you here, it's my fault!" April was about to protest when Sugar Pie grabbed her, "April, we need to go!" With tears running down her eyes, April let herself be dragged away until she saw the desperation in Cozy's eyes. She kept her place even as Sugar tried to pull her away. Even as the older ponies got closer. A beam of light was shot and April watched in horror as Cozy Glow was turned to stone. The orange pegasus walked over to the stone one, devoid of emotion. She whispered in her ear, "I love you." Then April Wisp walked over to Sugar Pie and just sat, waiting for her parents. > "..." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked down on April Wisp. She sat in the kitchen and could see the disappointment and anger in their eyes. "Running away, huh." Rainbow said it as a statement rather a question. April didn't answer or reply so then Applejack spoke up, "We heard ya before turnin' that wicked filly to stone. Do ya really think we're idiots?" "First of all, she's not wicked. Secondly, I did not say idiots." April said with no emotion in her voice but her eyes were stained with frustration and hurt. "But you think we're stupid." Rainbow crossed her forearms. April just looked away, "You can be." "Go to 'yer room. We'll discuss ya punishment later." "Fantastic." April said rolling her eyes and marching up the steps to her room. Rainbow Dash was about to say something but Applejack gave her a look that said 'let her go.' Upstairs they heard a door slam and winced. Apple Seed sighed. "She probably hates you now." "I HATE YOU!" A voice called from April Wisp's room. "You two should talk to her." Apple Seed walked off to work on some farm chores. Rainbow Dash nodded, "April come down here!" "She can't keep runnin' off, especially with villians beyond the point of redemption." Applejack growled. "Cozy Glow js not beyond the point of redemption." April spat. "Huh?" The two older ponies looked up. "You six just never gave her a chance. Nightmare Moon wanted eternal night, oh too bad, she can be reformed! Discord ruled all of life in chaos but he's just so good, isn't he! But Cozy Glow? She commits one wrong and reformation is past her. Oh no! She's back to take over the world? I wonder who locked her up instead of giving her a chance." "Now April listen here-" Applejack started. "NO! You listen. Cozy Glow was never given a bucking-" "language." "a darn chance! She was thrown out immediately! Some hero's you are. So sorry. I'm sorry if I gave her a chance. You guys are just so caught up in your overgrown ego's to see that you were regular ponies before you became elements! You were regular ponies just like me. Then suddenly you start saving the world and no one cares what happens to actual victims! Did any of you stop to think what Cozy was going through? What led her to what she did? NO! YOU DIDNT!" April was crying at this point. "You don't care about what happens to anypony! As long as you guys are heros, right! You never cared about me! It's always 'April this' and 'April that' just for your stupid reputation. I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!" > "No." (sad ending.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- April Wisp sat in her room. She looked out the window. It was so... inviting. She looked back at her door then ran over to the window and jumped out. She had no time to think, no time to regret. She didn't even realize how high up her bedroom was. All she did was gasp as reality hit her. She felt pain. Then the world went black. > "Of course"(happy ending.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- April Wisp sat in her room and cried. Suddenly she heard a knock on her door and bolted upright. "Go away." She growled. The door opened anyway to reveal Rainbow Dash. "We thought a lot about what you said.." April just nodded, telling to her continue. "Your mama is speaking with Twilight, we think we're going to free her but she'll be staying with Starlight and her freedom will be limited. At least until we can be sure she's reformed." April was practically jumping, she ran to her mother and threw her arms around the other pegasus. A smile stretched on the orange pegasus's face. April broke away, "I'm sorry for yelling at you and mama, I don't hate you, I was just frust-" She was cut off by her mom's hoof covering her mouth. "Don't worry, I kind of acted the same way a few times when I was a filly." 2 weeks later... April was flying through the air when she suddenly ran into a familiar pink pegasus. "Cozy.." The orange pegasus whispered. "Hey, I heard what you said after I became stone." The pink pegasus smiled deviously. "Oh I- that- I'm sor-" April began her cheeks turning a shade of red. Cozy leaned over and whispered in her friends ear, "I like you too, maybe a little more than friends." Then she flew off back to the ground where Starlight stood watching the two. After Cozy was gone, April almost fell out of the sky but caught herself, she smiled. "Sweet Celestia, I love that girl- and she loves me."