Our New Acquaintances!

by TheSuperTransformerFan

First published

The Warners come to Ponyville, and invade Sugarcube Corner, the home of the Mane Six.

It's a beautiful day in Ponyville, and the Mane Six are helping Pinkie Pie Audition for the Royal Jelly Juggernaut! However, they also get a special, chaotic surprise in the form of puppy-dog-like children! What would happen if the Warners...Yakko, Wakko & Dot crashed at Sugarcube Corner?! Hilarity ensues!

A reimagining of the Animaniacs segment, "Acquaintances”, only, the cast of MLP (Pony Life) crosses over instead of Friends!

NOTE: Spoilers for Princess Probz, if you haven't seen the episode! If you only support the official release, then don't read this yet!

MLP is owned by Hasbro & Animaniacs is owned by WB.

Yay! My first Pony Life fanfic!

Not Exactly Friends...More Like Acquaintances!

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It was a beautiful day in Ponyville! The birds were chirping, the sun was out, everyone was enjoying it! Well, if you were to call this normal as someone was digging through the ground inside the town. The digging kept going further and further until finally, it reached the town square RIGHT next to the water fountain!

The digging hole opened to reveal three black & white puppy-dog-like children popping out of the ground and onto the town. One of them had brown pants and no shirt, one of them had a blue shirt and a red cap but no pants, and the other had a pink dress with a flower beret on her head. It was the Warner Brothers and their Sister, Dot.

The oldest Warner brother rolled out his map as his younger brother popped out of it. He spat out a bunch of dirt, it formed a “dirt castle.” “I know we’re not rabbits,” the oldest brother said to the fourth wall. “...but, it’s a Warner Bros. Tradition.”

Dot looked around and saw a lush colorful city with buildings and a bright day sky. “So, this is Pennsylvania?” Dot said as she looked around the town. She made a “gag me” gesture due to it being too colorful and cute.

“I can’t believe we had to come here!” The older brother said. “Of all places!”

“Cheer up!” The younger brother said. “It’s not all that bad!”

Just then, the older brother felt his tummy rumble and realized that he hadn’t had a meal since they left their water tower. “I’m tired.” He said.

“I’m hungry.” The younger brother said as he took a rock and ate it.

“I’m cute!” Dot said. Her brothers looked at her as if she were crazy! “What?” She asked. “I can’t help it if I’m cute.”

“Now, to find some place to stay until the Emmys!” The older brother said as he looked for a place.

“Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?” Dot asked as she saw her sliding by the siblings.

“Hello, sliding nurse!” The younger brother said as he saw her sliding by.

Just then, the older brother had an idea! “Wait a minute!” He said. “I know a few folks who live here!”

“I didn’t know you had friends in Ponyville, Yakko!” Dot said as soon as her older brother realized he knew some friends who lived there.

“Well, not exactly friends...” Yakko told his sister. “They’re more like... Acquaintances!”

(And, cue the intro!)


It’s a sweet life!

Still a little messy, magic life!

Full of surprises! Fast life!

Gaze upon my gems!

It’s a fun life ‘cause we got each other!

It’s a cute life!

Living life in our own way! Come on! Grab a slice of cake!

It’s a sweet, magic, fast, posh, fun, cute PONY LIFE!

A sweet surprise in every bite! Friendship, rainbows, whoo, alright!

They’re our sweet, magic, fast, posh, fun, cute Acquaintances!

(Back to the show!)

At Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie was scurrying about to get some ingredients and new utensils to work on her latest dessert! “Pinkie Pie!” Twilight shouted as she saw how fast Pinkie was going. She noticed an ice cream blob heading right for her! “Aah!“ she dodged it.

Pinkie Pie was rushing about adding the ingredients to her recipe. “She's just about done it.” She narrated. “Oh, yes. Pinkie Pie might have created the perfect dessert!“

As she was doing that and throwing ice cream and cake ingredients around, Rarity took notice of the ice cream glob heading right for her! She screamed as it hit her mane! “I will always love you.” She said calmly. “...but... you've ruined me!” she was on a crying fit about how Pinkie’s ice cream had ruined her mane! “My mane!” she wailed out loud.

Applejack came right to her crying friend. “Easy now, Rarity.” she comforted her before turning to us, the readers! “Did you miss this? I missed this.”

Pinkie jumped up and landed gracefully. “It all comes down to this!” She announced, revealing a larger than life, covered, dynamiting ice cream sundae like the leaning tower of Pisa! “May I present a Pinkie Pie original recipe... the Ice Cream Sundae of Towering Importance!“ As she made her announcement, she jumped up and inflated like a ballon and popped, turning into sugar party dust as she landed on the floor.

Her friends all gathered around her to see what would happen next! “Wait for it...” Rainbow Dash said, waiting for the excitement.

“Three...” Twilight counted down.

“Two...” Applejack continued.

Pinkie Pie regenerated as she said the last number. “One!” She screamed as the towering ice cream sundae started to tilt. The Mane Six were scared at what was going to happen as the dessert started rumbling. “Oops.” she said regretfully. However, three puppy-dog-like children...the Warners, popped out of the sundae with Dot and the younger brother, Wakko popping out from the sides, and their oldest brother, Yakko popping out of the center of the top!

“Hello nurse!” The siblings said as they landed on the ground before them and kissed them on the cheek like they always did.

Rarity wiped her face from all those kisses as did the others. “Ugh!” She said in shock. “Puppy-Dog kisses!” She swatted her hoof away to get the slobber off of her. “Yuck!”

The others were shocked at the arrival of the Warners and didn’t know what to expect. Finally, Twilight spoke up. “Who and what are you?” She asked with curiosity and shock.

“We’re the Warner Brothers!” Yakko and Wakko said to the ponies.

“...and, the Warner Sister!” Dot said to them.

“I’m Yakko!” The oldest introduced.

“I’m Wakko!” The middle kid introduced.

“And, I’m Princess Angelina Contessa—!” The two brothers covered her mouth to stop her long introduction.

“She’s Dot.” The boys said.

Dot uncovered her brothers’ hands angrily. “Hey!” She said. “Why did you do that? I was just about to tell them who I am!”

“We’re burning time in this fanfic, sis!” Yakko told his sister. “So, rope it in!”

“Harumph!” Dot grumbled as she walked over to the bathroom.

Rarity, who had finally wiped her face and hooves clean from all the “doggy-kid slobber” saw the Warners and ready to break the ice as well. “Who are you?” She asked calm, but shocked.

“I’m your dream come true!” Yakko said, jumping into Rarity’s arms. He turned to us. “Someone with a life!” He then heard laughing in the background which annoyed him. “Ahem! Can we please kill the laugh track?” He said to us again. “This isn’t Friends, you know!” The laugh track stopped. “Thank you.” He said.

Rainbow Dash was excited that these new characters were here! “Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh!” She said excitedly. “I can’t believe it! We got some visitors!” She took a closer look at them. “Though you DO look kind of familiar...”

“Your door was open, so we thought we’d move in for a while.” Dot said to other ponies.

“Yeah, don’t mind us.” Yakko said as got to the middle of the crowd and kindly moved some space in between them. “Just go on with your lives such as they are.”

Pinkie Pie was opening the potion closet and Wakko just happened to pop out of one of the bottles! “Hello, Baking Nurse!” He said to her.

Pinkie Pie was shocked that he just popped out of nowhere! “Well, actually, I’m getting these potions out and I’m trying to auction for a cooking TV show.” She said to him.

“I’m sure!” Dot said as she came right to her. “Have a snack!” She shoved a turkey, bones and all in her mouth!

“Listen, you can’t stay here!” Twilight said, using her magic to shove Yakko away from her.

“How about here?” Wakko said from the bedroom as he jumped on the bed.

“Or here?” Yakko called out from the bathroom as he was taking a shower.

“I’ll just stay right here!” Dot said as she lept into Rainbow Dash’s arms and nuzzled against her. “Anyone ever tell you you look like Tom Cruise?” She asked the Pegasus.

“Actually, did anyone ever tell you you DON’T look like Tom Cruise?” Yakko asked as he came by the two girls.

Rainbow blushed with excitement. “Awwww....thanks guys!” She said. “I really appreciate it.” She looked at them again. “Something about them still looks familiar, though...”

“Who says sugar rots your brain?” Yakko asked his sister.

“Do y’all know, like how so not welcome you are?” Applejack asked coming up the siblings frustrated.

“Applejack!” Rainbow Dash was shocked.

“What?” Her friend asked. “They aren’t welcome!”

“Uh....could you hum a few bars?” Yakko asked.

Nearby, Fluttershy hummed sweetly in a melodic tune. “Like, how so not welcome you are...“ she sung harmonic.

Dot came by a little dissatisfied at that. “Put a cork in it.” She said as she put an actual bottle cork in the Pegasi’s mouth, silencing her.

“Huh?” Fluttershy asked confused as she didn’t know what happened as her mouth was corked shut.

“Where did you come from?” Twilight asked them.

“We just flew in from the coast!” Wakko told her.

“On an airplane?” Rainbow Dash asked excitedly.

“No.” Applejack said stubbornly. “Actually, they flew in on a blow-dryer.”

“Hey!” Yakko said. “We dug a pathway to your town!” He felt offended at Applejack’s comment.

“How’d you guess?” Wakko asked, getting out a blow dryer and blowing himself all around the bakery.

Fluttershy uncorked her mouth and saw Wakko on a blow dryer. “Hello?” She asked. “What’s going on?” She asked nervously.

“You know, that’s what I love about Ponyville!” Yakko said to us on a make-believe bike as he whizzed by Fluttershy. “Everypony leaves their doors open!”

“Hey, that’s MY bike!” Dot said as she went after her brother.

“We don’t have a bike.” Yakko said to her.

“Oops.” Dot said embarrassed.

Pinkie Pie was shocked as she saw the Warners cause chaos in her bakery! “You guys are trashing this place!” She said freaked out.

“Don’t be such a fussbudget!” Dot said sternly to her. “Have another snack!” She reached Pinkie’s towering ice cream sundae and shoved it all in her mouth!

“Wait!” Fluttershy said. “I’m think something weird is going on!”

“That’s just Pinkie!” Rainbow said calmly.

“You’re close.” Yakko said. “It’s Wakko!” Fluttershy turned and was shocked to see Wakko on her back.

“Hello, Shy Nurse!” Wakko said as he lept into Fluttershy’s arms, further frightening her.

As Pinkie was gobbling on sweet treats, getting fatter by the minute. Yakko flipped through chairs of the bakery taking some of the ponies off of it, angering a few of the Mane Six. “Listen, everyone, just pretend we’re not here!”

Applejack, Twilight, and Fluttershy angry at them, threw them out of the bakery as the sibling landed on the ground with a thud! “Hey!” Yakko said, getting back up. “She can’t do that to us!” The other siblings got up and nodded as they went back inside the bakery, only to be kicked out again as they landed again with a thud! Yakko got back up again. “On second thought...” he said. “Uh...maybe, she can.”

“Well, one thing’s for sure is that they’re real good at pretending.” Dot said.

Back inside the bakery, Pinkie Pie got some potions and handed them to her friends. “Potions! Potions for everybody!” she announced as everybody gulped their potions down.

“Pinkie, did you have to make that sundae so... dramatic?” Applejack asked as she wiped ice cream off her mane.

“YES!” Pinkie Pie said in glee. “It's just one of the recipes I'm considering for my Royal Jelly Juggernaut audition later today!“

This made Twilight spit out her potion in shock. “You're auditioning for the Royal Jelly Juggernaut?!” she asked with surprise.

“A Royal Jelly who-to-the-what-now?” Rainbow Dash asked confused.

“It's a reality show!” Pinkie said, gulping a potion and fusing her head with Rainbow’s. “Ponyville's greatest dessert makers face off in a jelly battle royale!” Pinkie explained. “Judged by the enigmatic ingenue of irresistible icing herself – Princess Celestia!” Rainbow saw a vision of Pinkie making one of her finest desserts and presenting it to Princess Celestia, and getting a trophy for winning! She unlinked her head with Rainbow’s and galloped back to the kitchen.

“Ooh. A telepathy potion.” Rainbow Dash said, amazed. “Very chill.”

“This is not chill at all!” Twilight said in shock as she rushed over to Rainbow, gulped her telepathy potion down, and linked her head with hers.

“It's the saltiest competition that ever called itself sweet!” Twilight explained seriously. “Even the most precise ponies go home with their heads hung low!“ She imagined Pinkie failing miserably, and getting rejected by Celestia and going down a chute.

She unlinked heads. “Maintaining a clean workspace is vital!” she said seriously. Pinkie gulped as she said this. “No pressure.” she said nervously.

“Exactly! No pressure!” Pinkie said calmly. “It's just a series of incredibly competitive auditions followed by a callback, a bake-off, and a personal interview. Should be a breeze! All I need to do is practice, practice, practice and get feedback from my best buds. TO THE TEST KITCHEN!“ she rushed quickly to the test kitchen.

Her friends followed suit and saw Pinkie’s test kitchen a mess with pans, food and dirty dishes everywhere! Twilight wasn’t sure what to make of it. Suddenly, the Warners came back in the test kitchen, further horrifying the ponies.

“Ahh!” Twilight said in shock. “Not these three again!”

“What are y’all doing here?!” Applejack asked angrily. “Ah, thought we kicked y’all out!”

“Not to mention, that you always mess with our potions and put them in our baking shelves!” Twilight pointed out.

“Goodnight, Everybody!” Yakko said, kissing us ‘goodbye’. At that moment, Rainbow’s mind clicked as she realized who they were!

“Ohmygosh!” Rainbow Dash said excitedly. “You’re Yakko, Wakko & Dot, aren’t you?”

The others were shocked that Rainbow knew who they were. “Rainbow!” Twilight said. “How did you know who they were?”

“Are you kidding?” Rainbow said excitedly to her friend. “These three are the stars of TV’s Animaniacs! I watch their show every Saturday morning, and I love the zany stunts and gags they pull! I just can’t believe you didn’t know that.”

Twilight and the others were horrified as they now knew who they were and what they do! “It's not not worse than I thought!” she said in horror!

“Congratulations!” Yakko said as he clapped. “You finally got who we are! Speaking of which, anypony up for Twidly-winks?” He got out a game of Twidly-Winks.

Rarity screamed in anger as she grabbed the Warners with her magic forcefully! “This is our bakery, and YOU’RE GETTING OUT!!!” She shrieked. But however, it backfired as she and her friends, minus Rainbow Dash were thrown out of the bakery. The others were trying to figure out what happened.

“Hey, if we don’t have a place to help Pinkie prepare for the Royal Jelly Juggernaut...” Twilight asked. “...what will we do?” Pinkie started to get worried as Twilight said that.

“Ah don’t know, Twilight.” Applejack said. “But, we gotta stop those Warners before they make Pinkie’s audition a Royal Jelly Jugger-flop!”

“I know!” Pinkie Pie said with worry. “But will we do?”

“Let’s just do the same thing we do every night?” Rarity suggested.

“Do nothing?” Applejack asked.

“No, that’s Seinfeld.” Fluttershy told them. “What DO we do?”

“We’ve got nothing to do!” Rarity said as she sobbed.

“Sorry, we’re doing that in here.” Yakko said as he opened the door. “If you wanna come in, you’re gonna have to do something.” He then closed the door again.

“I KNOW what we do!” Rarity said frustrated. “I do fashion, Twilight does magic, Applejack does Apple bucking...”

“That’s not ALL I do, Sugarcube.” Applejack said, a little miffed.

“Let me continue!” Rarity retorted. “...Fluttershy cares for her Animals, Pinkie Pie does her Juggernaut...”

“...A Juggernaut that might not even happen.” Twilight said under her breath.

“And, Rainbow Dash is being awesome!” Rarity finally finished.

“Uh, Rares?” Applejack asked. “Hate to tell ya, but Rainbow Dash is in there with those kids.” She pointed to inside the window where the Pegasi and the kids were hanging out.

Twilight tried to open the door, but it was locked. “Aargh!” She grunted. “It’s locked! We can’t get back in!”

Fluttershy tried the door and Twilight was right. It was locked. “We’ve got to break down the door!” She recommended.

“To Pinkie’s bakery?” Twilight asked.

“No.” Applejack said stubbornly. “To the Cirque De Solei.” The door opened and Rainbow Dash came bursting out of a cannon as she whooped in excitement as the Warners followed her as they launched themselves out.

The ponies went back in and were shocked to see the bakery all trashed. Pinkie Pie gasped. “My bakery!” She said in shock.

Dot slid by her. “Don’t worry.” She said. “Have a flan cake!” She opened the tray and shoved the flan cake in Pinkie’s mouth.

“Ugh. This is never gonna work!” Rarity said with shock and exasperation. “How can two cartoons with absolutely nothing in common possibly live together under one roof?”

“Could there be a better straight line than that?” Yakko asked only to be nudged by Wakko.

“That’s Friends!” Wakko pointed out.

“Oh.” Yakko said softly. “Sorry.”

What happened next was a parody of the Brady Bunch theme song followed by a Game Show parody so, I’ll just give you the lyrics. (Cue the new cartoon theme song!)

Here’s the story about a group of ponies

Who spend all day just baking up some treats

Till they meet the wacky Warners

Who made their groovy scene

The Warner Bunch! The Warner Bunch!

And we call them the Warner Bunch!

Now in a Parody of Hollywood Squares, Wakko was ready to make his move! “I’ll talk Pinkie Pie to block!” He said.

Twilight had just about enough as she grabbed Wakko, and then, Yakko and Dot. “Okay, that’s it!” She said angrily. “O-U-T! OUT!” She threw the Warners out of the bakery, and they were out of here!

“I thought they’d never leave!” Applejack said with frustration and relief.

“Awwwwwwwww!” Rainbow Dash said in disappointment. “And, I was just starting to enjoy having them here.”

Twilight shot Rainbow a look which made her eyes widen. “REALLY?!” Twilight asked furiously.

“Uh, but I’d hate to see Pinkie lose the juggernaut!” Rainbow said as she giggled nervously.

“Awwwwwwwwwwww!” Pinkie Pie said in disappointment in response to her bakery being trashed. “Now what am I going to make for the Royal Jelly Juggernaut???” Twilight shot her an angry look which shocked Pinkie to the bone as she giggled to just herself.

As for the Warners, they landed in front of a Suburban house in the middle of a neighborhood. They got back up from their thrust out by Twilight at Sugarcube Corner. But, now they didn’t have a place to stay until the Emmys. “What will we do now?” Wakko asked.

“Yeah.” Dot asked. “Where are we gonna find another bunch of funny, semi-trendy cartoon characters who need us to brighten up their dreary lives?”

“Sibs!” Yakko called out. “Check this out!” Wakko and Dot went over to the sign and read it.

“You are now in...Springfield?” Wakko and Dot read out loud. They saw a suburban town containing homes, a school and a nuclear power plant! “Why did you call us over here, Yakko?” Wakko asked.

“I think we may have found where else we could stay at!” Yakko said. They all looked at where they landed and they realized they were standing right in front of Homer Simpson’s house! The Warners were surprised and excited that they found another place to stay until the Emmys. And, that means...

(Cue The Simpsons Theme song!)


In the kitchen, Homer, Bart, Lisa, Marge, Maggie, Yakko, Wakko and Dot were all eating a little breakfast together. “Hey! What’s the deal?” Homer said in shock and confusion. “Why do we have three kids with big, red noses in our house?”

“We thought we’d stick our big, red noses into your business for a while.” Dot said as she kissed him on the cheek and Wakko ate his donut.

“Cool, man!” Bart said as he saw the Warners. “What are these creatures?”

Lisa came in and was shocked and amazed at what she saw. “It’s Yakko, Wakko & Dot from TV’s Animaniacs!” She said excitedly. “I can’t believe you’re here!” She hugged Yakko.

Bart was surprised that the Animaniacs cast was here! “The cast of Animaniacs is here?” He said excitedly. “Awesome!”

Maggie, sucking on her pacifier didn’t know what to make of this. Marge saw this and she was shocked at the three new guests that were in their house. “Homie, what on Earth are we going to do with these kids?” She asked Homer.

“I don’t know, Marge.” Homer said as he reached for his donut, only to see that Wakko ate it. “D’oh!” He said frustrated and worried at the same time.

“We thought we’d help brighten your lives up.” Wakko said to them.

“Yeah!” Yakko said in agreement. “With friends like you, who needs enemies?”

It was going to be a long and crazy ride for the Simpsons as they would now have to deal with the Warners living with them until the Emmys came along!