> Fluttershy: Natural Beauty > by CapNTilfy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Kindest Love You Could Ever Ask For > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a scorching summer afternoon, and you live for the heat! You're lounging on your favorite beach chair, wearing nothing but your shorts, sunglasses, and a huge smile. "Yeah," you say to yourself. "This is the shit." Your phone rings, and you turn to the table next to your lounge chair, then pick up your phone. Now Calling: ShyShy You smile warmly and your heart skips a beat. It's your girlfriend, Fluttershy. You pick up the call immediately. "Hey ShyShy," you say softly. "What's up?" "Hey, sweetie," Fluttershy says. Your heart skips another beat. Her voice is so soothing to you! "Are you busy right now?" "Nah, not really. Just sunbathing." "There's something I want to show you... can you come on over?" You grin. "Of course! See ya soon!" "I love you." You feel warmth spread throughout your body. "I love you too." You sigh happily as you get off of your lounge chair, then hang up. It's almost been a year since you and Fluttershy became a couple. You'll never forget the first time you laid eyes on her. It was at the first annual Canterlot Pet Show. You thought she was so cute, being all nervous and shy... until she saw the animals. The way Fluttershy's behavior changed. The way her eyes lit up. Her heart-stopping giggle. They all attracted you to her, to say nothing of how beautiful she was and still is! You had to get to know her better. At the end of the show, you walked up to her, only for her to shrink back a little and play with her hair. You introduced yourself, and you were answered with a slightly audible murmur. God, she was so adorable in that moment! You smiled and rolled your eyes, then began to talk about animals. Fluttershy perked up immediately, and the both of you started a conversation. You became fast friends, until the one day that all changed for the better. You and Fluttershy had been friends for a couple of years now. Lately, however, it had seemed like she'd been acting a little different around you. Blushing constantly, giggling often... you had an idea as to what was going on, but you didn't want to jump to conclusions. It was near the end of the day. The sun was setting, and you were walking Fluttershy to her front door. Droplets of sweat began to form on your forehead. "Hey... 'Shy..." Fluttershy turned around with a blush and a smile. "Yes?" "Can I have a hug goodbye?" Fluttershy nodded, then embraced you. You both sighed together. Before she broke the hug, you spoke again. "H... How about a kiss goodb-" Before you could finish, Fluttershy planted her lips on yours. You opened your mouth as you caressed her cheek. She opened hers as she ran a hand through your hair, her fingernails gently scratching your head. You and Fluttershy held each other tightly, even after your first kiss was broken. "I love you." Your eyes widened. Those words just tumbled out of your mouth! Fluttershy giggled and blushed again. "I love you too," she whispered. "See you later!" She closed the door behind herself. You stood still for a moment, then clenched your hands into fists and let out a silent scream of happiness. You arrive at your girlfriend's place and notice a text on your phone. Door's unlocked, I'm in my bedroom. - ShyShy You get out of your car and reach the front door, then close and lock it behind you as you ascend the stairs. Once at the top, you arrive at the door to Fluttershy's room. You knock. The door opens slightly, and Fluttershy's hand comes out. It grabs at the air until you take it, and a familiar giggle warms your heart. "Hey, honey," she says as she laces her finger with yours. "Can you close your eyes when you walk in? I-I'm a little nervous right now." You smile warmly as you run a thumb up and down the back of Fluttershy's hand. You always thought her shy side was so endearing. "You don't need to be nervous around me, babe," you say softly. "I know, I just can't help it sometimes." "All right," you say as you shut your eyes. "They're closed." You hear Fluttershy's door creak open as you feel yourself being pulled forward. She takes a deep breath as the door closes, then silence follows. "...ShyShy? You okay?" "Mmhm... just... working up some courage." You run your thumb up and down Fluttershy's hand again. "I'm right here," you say softly and reassuringly. "Take your time." You hear Fluttershy take another deep breath, then sigh. "On three." You nod. "One... two... three!" You open your eyes, and your jaw drops. Your girlfriend is standing before you... ...and she's completely naked. You make a squeaking noise as every single sexual fantasy you've had involving Fluttershy resurfaces. The ones you'd been having ever since you saw her in that nearly skintight wetsuit on the beach for the first time. "I-I... I've decided to become a naturist," Fluttershy says shakily. "I-I see..." You know Fluttershy's feeling a little insecure, but you can hardly help yourself! "I w-wanted you to the be the first... none of the girls know yet." You feel a warmth in your chest, and it soothes you a little. You look into Fluttershy's nervous opal eyes, and you force yourself to relax. "Consider me honored," you say as you caress her cheek. "I can only imagine how much courage that must have taken." Fluttershy heaves a sigh and embraces you. "Oh, thank goodness! You have no idea how much that means to me." You grit your teeth and desperately try to think of unsexy things as you return the hug. At least she's happy. After all, that's what really matters. Fluttershy abruptly breaks the hug with a squeak. It is then that you realize you have a raging erection. An uncomfortable silence follows for a moment, then she laughs softly. She takes you by the hand and guides you to her bed, gesturing for you to sit down. "It means a lot to me that you think of me as sexually attractive." You raise an eyebrow. "You're not freaked out?" Fluttershy giggles. "Of course not, honey." She takes your hand and caresses it with the back of hers. "I know you... I trust you... and I love you so much... so, so much..." She scoots close to you and runs a hand through your hair. "It makes me very happy that I could turn you on." You snort. "Turn me on?" You take a deep breath, then exhale with a happy sigh. "Fluttershy... baby... you. Are. Fucking. Gorgeous. I mean, do you have any idea how many times I've masturbated thinking about you after our date at the beach? That wetsuit... just... holy shit! Your giggle makes my heart rate skyrocket, you have an amazing personality, a magnificent body... and now here you are in front of me naked, and it's taking all of my willpower just to not grab you and have hot, passionate sex right here and now, making love to yo-" Fluttershy cuts you off with a long, hard, and deep kiss, hugging you tightly as she runs a hand through your hair. You slowly return the embrace, stroking her back. She breaks the kiss and pulls back, teary-eyed. "Fluttershy..." Fluttershy laughs softly as she wipes her tears away. "Just when I thought I couldn't possibly fall deeper in love with you..." She leans into you. "I can't hold it back any longer." "Hold back what?" Fluttershy dips her hand under your shirt and places it on your bare chest, causing you to sigh happily at her touch. She leans into you and whispers into your ear. "Love... I've wanted to have 'hot, passionate sex' with you all week." In the blink of an eye, your shirt is lifted up and tossed to the side as Fluttershy shoves you down to a laying position. Before you can blink again, you find yourself tasting her tongue. You decide to keep your eyes closed as you both bury your hands in each other's hair. You break the kiss, seamlessly transitioning to another one. And another. And another, stronger than the others. You feel your heart beat furiously as Fluttershy lowers her hand to your shorts. You've been dreaming about this for eons, and it's finally happening! Fluttershy breaks the kiss with a seductive smile upon reaching your zipper. "I thought you'd want to see my reaction," she says huskily. Slowly, almost painfully so, she drags it down while gazing at you lovingly. "ShyShy..." Fluttershy giggles, then pulls the zipper down and takes your shorts off. Not wasting any time, she pulls your underwear off, then pauses with a blush. "O-Oh, m-my..." You chuckle. "That's just how much I love you, baby." Fluttershy stares at your cock for a moment, then slowly wraps her fingers around it, causing you to gasp. She starts pumping it, and you hiss through your teeth and arch your back. You close your eyes as you breath stutters. "Feeling good," Fluttershy asks in a purring tone. All you can do is nod. "You're about to feel even better." Fluttershy lets go of your member, then swiftly covers it with her mouth. "Holyshit!" You grab Fluttershy's head as you receive your very first blowjob. She moans softly, sucking hard as she licks you cock slowly. The heat of her breath increases your pleasure greatly, causing you to let out a loud moan of your own. "F-f-fuck..." you moan again. How in the hell is she so good at this? Several minutes of pure ecstasy pass, and you begin to feel a familiar tingling sensation. "S-s... ShyShy..." Fluttershy stops, then begins kissing a trail up your body, sucking on your chest and neck. She stops once she makes eyes contact with you. Her pink hair falls from her shoulders and lands near your face. It's just you and Fluttershy, in a sea of pink. She takes her pointer finger, then gently runs it across your lips as she sighs happily. "I love you," you all but whisper as your heart pounds. Fluttershy smiles sweetly. "I love you too." You get up, then lay your girlfriend down. "It's your turn now, love." You shoot over to her, giving her a deep and fiery kiss. She embraces you, gently stroking your back as you kiss her again and again and again. You want to taste more of Fluttershy, so you lick her neck. Kiss her jawline. Nibble her ear. Lick her breastbone, causing her to spasm. A fire begins to burn in your loins as you suck her nipples. Fluttershy loudly moans out your name as she arches her back. You lick a trail downwards, kissing her stomach twice, then slow down as you near her love canal. You hear her panting, and decide to pause for a moment to let her catch her breath. ...Nah, who are you kidding? You dive right in, and you're rewarded with a full-bodied jolt and a loud gasp. Fluttershy cries out your name, and she clutches her bedsheets with white knuckles. The taste of her inner walls are fantastic, and you can't help yourself. You keep licking and slurping until she shakes violently, moaning loudly and coating your face with her juices. You slowly rise up to her face, noticing her tongue sticking out with one eye open. "Th-That was heavenly..." You peck Fluttershy on the nose and caress her cheek. She jumps you, then positions herself while taking your hand. She takes a deep breath, then impales herself on your member. You both moan together until you reach a certain barrier, and you lace your fingers together. She takes a deep breath, then nods. With a slight thrust, you break the barrier. Fluttershy cries out in pain and grips your hand tightly. You smile warmly as you run your thumb up and down the back of her hand. "I'm here, ShyShy. You're gonna be just fine." Moments later, Fluttershy recovers, and she starts bouncing up and down as she closes her eyes. You let go of her hand, then glide your own hands to her hips, gently caressing them. Fluttershy bites her lip with a soft moan, then starts groping her breasts as she gyrates her hips. You hiss through your teeth as you experience a spike in pleasure, then sit up and grab hold of her. Within a moment, you both find a rhythm as you pant and moan into each other's ears. You take a deep whiff of Fluttershy's skin, then kiss her, beginning a passionate makeout session during your fucking. Your bodies writhe together, radiating heat as sweat forms on your forehead. Fluttershy breaks a kiss, then rests her head on your shoulder as her moaning intensifies. You stroke her hair gently until her vaginal walls spasm and your girlfriend abruptly tightens her grip, climaxing hard. You gently rub your cheek against hers until she comes down from her orgasm, then nibble her ear and kiss her neck. "D... Don't stop, sweetie... please don't stop, I love you so much." Fluttershy moans softly in your ear. "You want it all inside?" Fluttershy nods, then laces her fingers behind your back, gasping and shuddering as another orgasm hits her. You feel a familiar tingling sensation, and you shut your eyes with a moan. Fluttershy rubs her cheek against yours, then gently sucks on your neck. You moan again as your climax rushes forward... ...then releases. "F-F-Fuuuuuck!" Electricity courses through your body as you pump your fluids into Fluttershy, who responds with a gasp and guttural moan. Once you finish, you detach from Fluttershy and lower yourself down as she lays on top of you. Her hair is matted and her forehead is sweaty. She's blushing with a smile. You chuckle. "Just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any more beautiful." You run a hand through Fluttershy's hair as she grabs the covers and drapes them over the both of you. She giggles, then pecks your chest a couple of times. "So... was that nudist thing a front so you could build up the courage?" "Yes and no." Fluttershy closes her eyes with a happy sigh. "Do you have any idea how liberating it feels when you feel wind all over your body? It's quite the experience." "Well, I'd be more than happy to join you... even though I apparently just did. Maybe... we could go to a nudist beach together sometime?" Fluttershy's head shoots up. "Goodness, no! I'm not quite ready for that yet." She smiles lustfully as she crawls up to your face, keeping physical contact. "But you know what I am ready for?" You bury your hands in Fluttershy's hair and kiss her hard, sighing into her mouth. She breaks the kiss with an alluring gaze. You don't just like this new side of her... you love it. Just like you love every other thing about her. You want more. You crave more. "Sit up, baby," you say in a horny tone that even surprises yourself! Fluttershy blinks and blushes, then complies. You sit up as well, then line yourself up and slowly insert your still rock hard cock inside her. Fluttershy's breath stutters as you fill her insides until you hilt her. You take a deep whiff of her neck, causing her to shudder, then begin your second round of lovemaking. "You're so perfect for me, baby," you whisper into her ear as you hold her hips. "You're so beautiful... so very beautiful... god I love you..." Fluttershy takes one of your hands, lacing her fingers with yours as she kisses you with a generous amount of tongue. She directs your hand lower until it reaches her clit, then strokes it as she moans into your mouth. You stroke her hair with your free hand, constantly moving your head during the kisses as you moan along with her. Fluttershy screams in your mouth, twitching wildly as her grip on your hand tightens. Her vaginal walls pulsate for several seconds, then she sighs as she transitions from one kiss to another. You remove your hand from Fluttershy's hair, then snake it to her free hand and lace your fingers with hers. Another kiss. Another kiss. You move your hand from her clit, then move both of them to her breasts. Fluttershy moans softly as you caress her tits and rub circles around her nipples. She speeds up her bouncing, then squeaks as she achieves another orgasm, releasing a remarkable amount of cum all over your lap. Fluttershy lets go of your hands and buries her hands in your hair as she breaks the kiss with a hearty moan. "Don't stop hon, I can feel another one coming..." She locks up and pants frantically before crying out your name. You thrust harder, finally feeling another orgasm build. "S-ShyShy... ShyShyyyyy!" Your vision blurs slightly as you hold Fluttershy close during your intense shared climax. Once you both reach afterglow, Fluttershy detaches with a barely audible moan. You lay back down, and she returns to laying on top of you as you both gaze lovingly into each other's eyes, kissing passionately while you stroke her hair. "Hey... ShyShy?" "Yes?" "Next time we have sex, can you wear that wetsuit?" Fluttershy giggles, a sound that will never get old to you. "Of course, sweetie." You close your eyes with a happy sigh as you feel her kiss your neck. "I love you, Fluttershy." You take by the hand and lace your fingers with hers. Fluttershy tightens the grip. "I love you too." A hot summer afternoon. Passionate first-time sex with your endlessly beautiful girlfriend. Naked intimate cuddling as your love for one another strengthens. What more could you possibly ask for?