> Roughing It > by Gassipons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Keeping Warm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After ten minutes of trying to squeeze your form into the sleeping bag, you gave up. You threw it to the other side of the tent and spread your limbs out until you were comfortable. Comfortable enough, anyway. Rainbow Dash smirked from her side, snuggling up into her sleeping bag and thankful she didn’t posses your weird gangly human limbs. As the pair of you settled down, you began to reflect over what had been a very busy but enjoyable day. You, Dash, and Applejack had spent much of the day hiking: waddling through rivers, kicking up dust along forest trails, and occasionally straying off route to admire the plentiful scenery. The day’s excursions had led to the three of you pitching camp in a small clearing. After a few soothing folk tunes from Applejack and a share of thrilling ghost stories from Rainbow Dash, you felt adequately tired and couldn’t wait to ease into a long night of restful sleep. You had pulled the shortest straw and left Applejack with a tent all to herself, while you and Rainbow Dash shared the other. Actually erecting the tent had proven to be quite a challenge. After three failed attempts you had both bashfully asked for Applejack to lend a hoof, and at last everything was in place. Rainbow Dash noticed you rolling onto your side and inattentively wished you a good night, more focused on her Daring Do book than making idle conversation. The waning firefly lantern light filled the tent with a warm orange glow. It threw soft shadows across the sage-green canvas wall, and as you watched them dance about you grew more and more relaxed. From outside, the soft chirping crickets and whispering night time breezes could be heard. All of these elements collaborated into an effective sleeping aid. However, just as the comforting touch of sleep was beginning to pool at the sides of your eyes, something ripped you back into wakefulness. BRRMP A short, bassy thump. You quickly looked around to see Rainbow Dash chuckling away and wriggling in her soft cocoon. ”Sorry, Anon. Hope I didn’t wake ya! That one was pretty loud.” You quickly caught on to the source of the sound and felt your lips press into a smirk. “Not bad.” Her sleeping bag filled with a long, rumbling fart, which peaked in volume before coming to an immediate halt. ”Ahh! Excuse me, seems like all that cheap canned food’s finally catching up!” Her face fell in surprised shock as a hot backdraft of her own devilish aroma puffed out from the opening of the bag, right into her awaiting nostrils. ”Eww. Better plug your nostrils with something, Anon. I got some vicious little stinkers in me tonight...” Her stomach moaned and burbled, causing her to wince. ”Ooh, boy. There’s a lot more where that came from. I could slip outside to go let these bad boys loose in the open air, but I reeeally don’t feel like freezing my rump off right now. Uh... you don’t mind if I just let ‘em out in here, do you?” “What? No, go ahead!” ”Sweet! I’ll try to keep them silent, but...” She slanted over and pushed out a meaty barrage of fumes into the bag, moaning as the sound rolled and reverberated on the hard tarpaulin ground. ”...I can’t make any promises!” Her sweet, beany winds finally drifted over to your side of the tent, and grew more pungent with each breath you took. “Wow. You weren’t kidding about these being bad.” ”Too late now, you totally gave me a free pass to rip flank as much as I want!” Chuckling softly to yourself, you closed your eyes and drew a deeper breath. The moist air smelled of sugary digested baked beans alongside the eggy impact of protein in her diet. With a raspy, comfortable sigh, Rainbow Dash turned over onto her bloated belly. The pressure forced out her longest rip yet; it wobbled through her clenched cheeks with a guttural growl, churning hot air currents in her sealed-off sleep vessel and even causing the fabric to swell. Her pillow soaked up her long and peaceful sigh, and when the tangy miasma welled up through her neck hole she proudly filled her lungs with the intoxicating brew. ”Phew! I am really cooking up a storm in this thing!” Her dozen-course dish of flatus was no longer contained within her sleeping bag—with nowhere to escape, the rotten gases thickened and swirled around the inside of the tent. The wet, marshy heat staved off the cold from outside, as steadily the atmosphere within the tent grew warmer and smellier. ”Hey, Anon! Get a load of this!” You peeped open an eye to watch her bouncing up and down on the spot, releasing a fart at the same time and causing it to chuckle between her rebounding ass cheeks. The undulating effect caused her to break into a fit of hysterical laughter, and the last five seconds poured out with a wet trumpeting sound. Pretty soon, you were laughing along with her. Perhaps it was a side effect of low oxygen levels, or perhaps your sense of humor was more juvenile than you expected. ”Haha! That one stung a little... Maybe I should enter my ass into the turkey calling tournament next time it comes to town!” She sighed, wiping a tear away from her eye, then all of a sudden went silent. Her gaze was locked firmly onto your body. Before you had the chance to ask what was wrong, she began to snicker. ”Wow, Anon! I thought you were BAD at pitching tents!” “Huh?” She gestured her hoof to your crotch, and as you peered down you noticed the massive erection straining against the fabric of your boxer briefs. “Uh oh.” ”Don’t sweat it! We all gotta get our rocks off one way or another, right?” For several seconds, a thick awkwardness joined the thick stench in the air, until Rainbow Dash dusted it away with an understandingly boyish laugh. ”Hey, Anon?” You didn’t turn to look at her, though. How could you pop a boner over something like this? It just didn’t make sense! Were you really this sexually deprived? ”I was thinking...” She lifted her leg, spraying a silent hiss into the loaded bedroll. By this point she was practically broiling herself alive in the thing. ”AJ’s tent is way over on the other side of the clearing. Nopony’s gonna know what we’re doing in here...” Your curiosity seized, you turned to see her friendly face smiling in the subdued orange lamplight. ”Wanna scoot a little closer and share sleeping bags with me?” She paused, adding with a simper, “Well... me and my twenty pounds of fart gas.” All of your nervous pressure released in a short, shuddering gasp. She patted her hoof at the floor and you hauled yourself over to be by her side. ”Just... don’t mention this to anypony, okay? I’ll keep your weird fetish hush hush if you keep quiet about me farting like one of Applejack's prize pigs. If Rarity found out she’d never let it go.” Hunching low, slithering close, you clutched the opening to her sack and pulled it open. Every stinkbomb that had thus far collected inside her sleeping bag came pouring out to warm your face. You breathed the putrid air and couldn’t help coughing it back out again. The process repeated; deep, deliberate huffs followed by an uncontrollable retching cough. Your lungs soon adjusted to the aggressive tang of condensed flatus and the breaths became easier to hold. At this, Rainbow Dash merely giggled before flipping her body over, now facing away from you. Instead of you squeezing into her bag with her, she had a far better idea. Her smoothly supple rump pocketed into your groin, rubbing left to right and then letting out a deeply muffled explosion of wet bubbles. She moaned, shutting her eyes while you caught the heat and vibrations of her flatulence right on your hardening genitals. Two smaller combustions followed, popping loudly from beneath the thick fabric muffler. Each carried enough force to punch into your dick. If she pushed any harder she'd probably split the poor sleeping bag right down the middle. ”Feel nice? I sure as hay hope so! You know how many tins of those beans I ate, Anon?” Another short, pressurized boom cut into your lap. ”Five. I was really hungry after all that flying and walking, and... well, I guess I don’t really need to tell you how long it’s gonna take me to clear all this fog from my guts. I’m gonna be up all night, probably! Could use a little companionship. I’ve got a whole lot of fuel to burn.” She groaned, adjusted her position, and gave you a glorious five second helping of baritone butt-rattling, wafting the opening hole with her hoof to then give you a good strong sniff. Behind the domineering scent of her insides, you smelled the soft unwashed state of her hair. Her fur carried a natural fragrance that reminded you of sweet summer rain and sharp, almost sulfurous ozone. If you pushed past the layer of farts you found that, for a pegasus who hadn't washed for at least three days, she smelled quite agreeable. Your fingers started to play through her mane, gathering the spectrum of colors between your digits and patting them delicately back into place. At first, Rainbow Dash looked back at you with a hint of confusion, wondering if the exposure to her gastric fumes had caused you to go mad, but her face then softened. Her ear perked out, seeking attention, and you didn't hesitate to run your crooked finger up and down its silky surface, watching it tuck down to the side, almost reflexively resting into a subdued state as its owner did the same. As Rainbow Dash's demeanour relaxed, so did her sphincter, and had you not both been surrounded by absolute silence you wouldn't have heard the breathy, whispering SBD that creeped into the bag, wrapping her body with humidity and eventually leaking out to brush your face with a fresh dose of her dizzying scent. However, even if you hadn’t heard it, you surely would have felt it. The escaping winds grew warmer, hotter... so hot that she could have singed a clean hole through the back of the bag. Who needed a campfire when warm, freshly-cooked pony poots were twice as effective? ”So, think you can take it? Trust me, there's a whole lot more where that came from. I’m probably gonna need one of those big meaty human paws of yours on my belly the whole time. That ok? This storm is gonna pass a whole lot faster with you working it down and out!” You spooned closer to the pegasus, taking your hand, roaming across her shielded body, and resting it in place on her delicate little tummy. As you started to circle it with your palm, you could feel the tumultuous air bubbling up inside. Rainbow Dash pushed her rump into you and a low, moaning trombone fart sieved through the fabric, quaking against your hips and coming to a soft, fizzy finish. ”Ahhh..” You huffed the sickly wave of fresh flatus and gave her stomach a stiff rub. She turned to look at you, her eyes full of excited lamplight, as you held her close. This was surely going to be a night to remember. ~ Applejack gathered her splintered courage and carefully skulked from the edge of her tent to the other side of the campfire. At first, she had chalked the strange noise up to a nightmare, but now she knew it was no product of her imagination. Would a potentially dangerous animal be this far out in the forest? Had one been stalking them all day and waiting for a chance to strike? Whatever the sound was, it didn’t sit well with her, and while she expected Rainbow Dash to be irritable upon this rude awakening, a sudden relocation of camp was the most sensible way to avoid an attack. As she drew closer to the tent, she noticed a luminous glow coming from inside. Dash and Anon had forgotten to blow out their lamp, no doubt. The sound came again. The same bellowing, broiling, rumbling roar. It was getting louder, and there was no time to lose. Now in a panic, she ripped open the flap to the tent, and the first thing to hit her was the overwhelming stench. She stumbled back a few steps, waving her hoof through the air to dispel the horrid miasma and agape at what she saw inside. Anon’s head was pressed up against the shape of Rainbow Dash’s rump, with his fingers tightly gripping his exposed cock and jerking it off. Unfortunately, the pegasus didn’t notice her perverse little session now had a spectator, and started releasing a noisy fart. When she finally snapped her attention to the opening of the tent, it tapered into a tight, nervous squeak. ”Hoo-eey! Good galloping galoshes, y’all! Smells like an entire Apple family cookout in here!” ”Applejack! I was- I can explain!” ”Aw, don’t you worry none! I’m jus’ glad that commotion ain’t some big ferocious beast watchin’ us from the undergrowth. Although...” She lowered her head into the warmth of the tent, taking a deep whiff and smiling. ”I’d be lyin’ if I said dinner ain’t got me all gassed up. Reckon you two got room for one more?” Turning on the spot, she backed her plump orange cheeks into the entrance of the tent and cut a thunderous fart that flooded it with a stifling, sour aroma. Applejack slunk inside with a giggle, closing the flaps behind her. The sounds that roared through the valley that night could easily have been mistaken for an angered dragon. Nopony would have guessed the source was, in fact, two very overstuffed mares.