Power Ponies and the Amazing Nine

by Postwarmonkey50

First published

This story is set after Rainbow Roadtrip

After Twilight and her friends got back from the Rainbow Festival, their husbands and children eagerly wait for them to come home, only for the husbands of the Mane 6, Trixie, Starlight and Wife of Spike to be sucked into an enchanted comic of the newest graphic novel of Power Ponies, with Twilight and the others coming to their rescue. They encountered new villains, as well as their husbands, including Emily and Spike, turning them into real superheroes. Once they defeated the villains, the wives decided to have a little kinky cosplay romance, and having the best night ever.

Set after the events of Rainbow Roadtrip

Chapter 1: A comical Crisis

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On an ordinary day in Ponyville, the sun began to rise from the mountains of Canterlot, and the citizens got up and were prepared for their daily activities. However, on the steps of a certain Princess of Friendship’s castle, a handful of children were sitting on the porch, eagerly waiting for their mothers to come home.

They were Moonlight Sparkle, daughter of Beau and Princess Twilight. Apple Slice, son of Applejack and Bucky. Crystal Gem, daughter of Rarity and Silver. Warm Breeze and his little sister Comfy Breeze, children of Fluttershy and Genus. Bolt Jr., son of Rainbow Dash and Bolt. The youngest children of the bunch, Peacon Pie and Lemon Pie, children of Pinkie Pie and Frosty. Whilst sitting beside them were Flamethrower, son of Emily and Spike. All of them eager to see their mothers coming home.

‘When are they gonna be here?’ asked Bolt, who, like his mother, was getting impatient of them arriving.

‘Would you relax Bolt?’ said Crystal Gem ‘They’ll get here soon. You know how slow those balloon rides are from Hope Hollow to here.’

‘Crystal’s right.’ said Apple Slice ‘Aunt Starlight and Trixie are busy waiting for them at the balloon landing site.’

‘Wait, isn’t Uncles Chance and Mystic with them?’ asked Warm Breeze.

‘Don’t you remember Breeze?’ said Moonlight, seeing that she’s the only one paying attention ‘They’re inside trying to look after aunt Starlight’s kids and Trixie’s newborn baby.’

‘I wanna see mama and give her a BIIIIIIIIIG cake.’ said Peacon Pie.

‘Nah-uh,’ said Lemon Pie ‘The BIIIIIIIGEST party’

‘Uh, you do realize that both of them are part of the same thing, right?’ said Moonlight whilst she rocked little Flamethrower back and forth.

‘Right, what did we say?’ said the Pie twins.’

‘And besides,’ said Bolt Jr. as he reminded them ‘Our dads are already busy arranging a welcome home party.’

‘Yeah, uncle Frosty said that he wants a turn to arrange the welcome home party.’ said Warm Breeze.

‘I just hope they get here,’ said Bolt Jr. ‘They don’t, I’m gonna go get a hay burger.’

‘You already had two slices of cake and three taco salads before you came here,’ said Crystal Gem ‘How can you still be hungry?’

‘What can I say,’ said Bolt Jr. as he suddenly stood up and suddenly flew around using his super speed, then stopped whilst he smiled with pride ‘Ever since I one day woke up with my mom’s flight and speed, I got super excited. Now I can visit my mom whilst she’s at Wonderbolt practice.’

‘But weren't you disappointed that you couldn’t go because you also wanted to visit aunt Spitfire but she was on leave on her honeymoon ever since she married uncle Blaze and are expecting soon?’ asked Peacon Pie.

Bolt Jr. widened his eyes as he blushed out of embarrassment ‘Oh yeah, right.’

‘I just hope pa and the others will be finished in time before our moms get here.’ said Apple Slice whilst he looked behind at the castle.

From within the large dining room, the husbands were hard at work, trying to get a party ready for their wives. Beau wanted to make sure everything was neat and organized the way Twilight taught him. Frosty got the cupcakes and a pair of cakes ready at the center of the table. Bolt brought in the chairs to get them to their designated spots. Bucky brought the Apple Fritters and Apple Pies at the center too. Silver brought over the plates and napkins, whilst Emily brought over the knives and forks and Genus brought over some punch and tea, whilst Chance made sure that his kids Starshine Shimmer, Lucky Star and Blessed Night were comfortable, whilst Mystic played with his daughter Misty using his psychic abilities as she giggled with joy.

After the last utensils were in place, Emily wiped her forehead with a smile and a sigh. ‘Phew, that should about do it.’

‘You’re telling me,’ said Bucky as he stretched his back ‘I just hope that the girls will like the surprise we made for them.’

‘Oh they will,’ said Frosty ‘I know planning parties is my wife’s thing, but I think it’s high time that someone else would plan a party for her.’

‘Just make sure you don’t get spotted,’ said Bolt as he remembered what his wife Rainbow Dash told him ‘Last time Dashie and the others tried to plan a surprise birthday party for her, she thought that they didn’t want to be her friends anymore. And you do not want to know what she was like when she gets all moody.’

‘Oh we know, we were there.’ said Silver, remembering the attempt he and Rarity tried to bring Pinkie Pie back to her old self ‘She can be really scary when she gets like that.’

‘I’m just glad that the Yaks were able to help her, even the others,’ said Genus ‘I really didn’t like seeing her unhappy.’

‘I know the girls left us in charge of the school whilst they were way,’ said Chance ‘But where were they going? They didn’t say much.’

‘I read their minds.’ said Mystic after he held his daughter, with the others looking at him with flexed eyebrows, for even though he can read minds, they don’t like it when he invades others’ personal spaces. ‘Don’t worry, only about where they were going.’

‘Where?’ asked Chance after he was done attending to his children.

‘They were going to Hope Hollow to the Rainbow Festival.’ said Mystic ‘Apparently Rainbow Dash is invited as a guest of honor there and she’s allowed to bring her friends over.’

‘Oh great,’ said Bucky ‘Another reason for her ego to be boosted again.’

‘Hey, watch it, that’s my wife you’re talking about,’ said Bolt, but ended up rolling his eyes ‘Even if it is true.’

‘I just hope things are okay over there,’ said Beau after he was done arranging for the welcome back party ‘There wasn’t much information about that place. I mean if there was trouble over there, don’t you think that the Friendship map would’ve warned them about that.’

‘Relax Beau,’ said Frosty ‘You’re sounding like Twilight.’

‘In the meantime, whilst we wait for them,’ said Emily as she sat down near one of the chairs ‘We should take a break.’
They saw her pull out a graphic novel, and to their surprise, it was a comic of the Power Ponies, but something was different about them. Beau then asked ‘ “Power Ponies and the Amazing Nine”? I didn’t know you were into that stuff?’
‘Well duh,’ said Emily ‘You know how much I am into superheroes. I mean I watched every movie and collected every comic about every Marvel and DC character that has ever been created.’

‘Ugh, don’t remind me.’ said Frosty ‘I still haven’t gotten over the fact that you tried to dress me up as Rocket Raccoon or Groot. It was so embarrassing, even after I said I wanted to go as the Flash.’

‘Sorry brother,’ said Emily with a sneaky smile ‘You lost the bet, you get to dress in the costume of my choice.’

‘So what’s that comic about?’ asked Bolt as he walked over ‘I know about the Power Ponies from what Spike told me, but I never heard of the Amazing Nine.’

‘The Amazing Nine are actually human superheroes from another world,’ said Emily ‘They were brought over to the Power Ponies’ world after Maniac and the Ponies’ other enemies created a device that nearly destroyed their world. Kind of like Infinite Crisis, but different, cause it merged their world with the Amazing Nine’s. And they teamed up with them to become the League of Heroes.’

‘Really?’ said Silver as he was also interested ‘I never knew that.’

‘Neither did they,’ said Emily. ‘They’re even romantically involved with the Power Ponies.

‘Wait, what?’ said Frosty, until he realized something. ‘Wait a minute.’

He walked over and took a closer look. He then looked at her with a flexed eyebrow as he said ‘You wouldn’t happen to have helped create this, didn’t you?’

Emily blushed and gave a sheepish smile as she said ‘Maybe?’

‘Wait, you made that comic?’ asked Genus.

‘Not really,’ said Emily ‘See, when Spike took me to the Power Pony Convention a month before the Storm King attacked Equestria, we met the creator of the comics. When he saw me, they were fascinated with me, especially over my knowledge of the superheroes I know from my world. And when I told them that Spike and the others were in the comic, he apologized because one of the comics had been enchanted by accident.’

‘And let me guess,’ said Frosty as he rolled his eyes whilst crossing his arms ‘You even told him about our relationships with our wives and you suddenly had an idea to create your own superheroes that would be in love with the ponies and would have a romantic relationship when they somehow met years ago when they were kids after their histories had been rewritten?’

‘Man, you really like making Fanfiction superheroes, don’t you?’ said Bolt.

‘That,’ said Emily until she blushed like a tomato as she said ‘And I sometimes pictured how hot Spike would be in spandex and tights.’

The guys looked at her with flexed eyebrows, with Frosty going ‘O…Kay. Too much info.’

Chance shrugged whilst he covered his babies with their blankets, as did Mystic whilst did the same as Chance asked ‘So where’d you get that one?’

‘I got this ahead in advance,’ she said with a squee ‘The guy at the enchanted comics store from Canterlot said that he wanted me to have this as a gift for the amazing…’

Beau suddenly cut her off when he heard her say what he hoped she hadn’t said. ‘Wait, did you say, “Enchanted comics”?’ he said in both a worried and partial scared tone.

‘Oh come on, that doesn’t mean they’re literally…’. Emily was suddenly cut off as she noticed her comic graphic novel was starting to glow and began to glow bright and brighter, causing the others too look at it panickly, as did Emily as she said ‘Enchanted?’

‘Oh crap.’ said Bolt when he realized what was happening.

Twenty minutes earlier

The children were still waiting for them at the Castle of Friendship’s steps. When all of a sudden, Trusty’s ears perked up and raised his head and looked ahead, gaining Warm Breeze’s attention as he said ‘What is it boy?’

Within a split second, Trusty got up and ran ahead, gaining the kids’ attention. For straight ahead, were none other than the Mane 6, Spike, Starlight and Trixie, walking down the path heading straight for their castle. The kids, who are so excited, they all got up and ran towards their mothers.

As the Mane 6 and the others continued towards the castle, Fluttershy noticed Trusty running towards her. ‘Trusty!’ said Fluttershy with a smile as she knelt down, allowing her to embrace Trusty. ‘Who’s a good boy, who’s a good boy?’ she said whilst she giggled when Trusty licked her a couple of times.

‘Some creature’s happy to see you.’ said Rainbow Dash with a grin.

‘Mom!!’ shouted Moonlight, gaining their attention when they saw their kids running down to them.

‘He ain’t the only one.’ said a smiling Applejack as she and the rest of the Mane Six also ran down to embrace their children.

Twilight knelt down with Moonlight stopping in front of her whilst she gently hugged her daughter, Applejack picked up Apple Slice as she twirled him around, with Rainbow Dash doing the same as she hugged Bolt Jr., but hovered a bit in the air as she twirled. Rarity hugged Crystal Gem tightly, with Warm Breeze and Fluttershy gently hugging one another, whilst they also held onto Comfy Breeze, seeing that she’s still delicate despite her age, whilst both Peacon and Lemon Pie tackled Pinkie Pie over as they were laughing.

Spike walked over and was able to pick up Flamethrower from Moonlight’s gentle grasp, with him saying ‘See little guy, I wasn’t gone for that long.’, with little Flamethrower giggling whilst placing his hands on his father’s face.

‘You know,’ said Trixie as she and Starlight stood near them ‘I can’t help but feel jealous whenever I see them do that. I can’t wait for my daughter to do that someday.’

‘You know,’ said Starlight whilst she realized something ‘In a strange way, neither can I.’

After their kids were done embracing their parents, Apple Slice asked ‘So how was the Festival ma? Was it interesting?’

‘Oh, it was interesting alright.’ said Applejack whilst she rubbed her head.

‘Was the festival everything you guys expected?’ asked Bolt Jr.

‘Eh, yes and no, squirt.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘Huh?’ said the kids in unison.

‘It’s a bit of a long story.’ said Rarity. She then looked around and wondered who was not among them. ‘Crystal, where is your father and the others?’

‘They’re waiting for you at the Castle of Friendship,’ said Crystal Gem ‘They were going to surprise you with a “Welcome Back” party.’

‘What?!’ said Pinkie Pie as she sat up whilst she held onto both of her kids ‘They organized a party and didn’t invite me to do it for them?!!’

‘Daddy said that he felt like he wanted to make a party especially for you,’ said Lemon Pie ‘As a way of saying thanks for throwing the bestest parties.’

‘Plus,’ said Peacon when he remembered her ‘We decided to tell you, because we didn’t want you to have a relapse like what happened last time.’

‘Relapse?’ said Pinkie with a flexed eyebrow.

‘You know,’ said Spike whilst he rocked little Flamethrower back and forth whilst saying in one huge breath ‘That time when you thought that your friends didn’t want to be your friends anymore and you wanted to know why they lied to you and avoided you because they were trying to set up a surprise birthday party for you?’

Pinkie was surprised at first, and then blushed whilst she rubbed the back of her head and nervously giggled, remembering that day ‘Oh yeah, right.’

‘So while we get back to them,’ said Moonlight ‘Why don’t we get back to the Castle and you can tell us how the Festival went?’

Twilight giggled as she stood up ‘Alright Moonlight , let’s go.’

As they walked and held onto their children’s hands, Warm Breeze asked ‘So what happened after you guys got there.’

‘Well,’ said Fluttershy ‘After we got there, we wondered what was so strange with the town. Until we discovered that it was all grey.’

‘Grey?’ asked the kids.

‘See,’ said Applejack whilst she explained ‘The mayor of Hope Hollow, Mayor Sunny Skies, used a Rainbow Generator to try and bring ponies together for the festivities, until the thing malfunctioned and blew up. The mayor thought that it was his fault the generator took away the color of the town.’

‘But, as it turned out,’ said Twilight ‘The town folk gave up on one another over the years when they thought that there was no point in doing the festivities.’

‘Oh, I get it,’ said Moonlight when she realized it ‘Because of that, they gave up on hope, causing Hopeless Magic to take over and took away all the color of the town and the ponies in it.’

Twilight giggled, for she is proud that her daughter is quite smart for her age as she studied just as hard, but also found the time to spend with her friends and family ‘That’s right Moonlight.’

‘Gave up on hope?’ said Bolt Jr. ‘Guess they should’ve called it “Hopeless Hollow”, or maybe Grey Town.’

Rainbow Dash chuckled over Bolt Junior’s attempted joke ‘Something like that.’

‘But,’ said a smiling Pinkie Pie ‘We were really lucky to make some new friends whilst we were over there.’

‘Really mama?’ asked Peacon Pie ‘Like who?’

‘Well, besides Sunny Skies and Petunia,’ said Pinkie Pie ‘Fluttershy and I were in charge of the baked goods. So we asked the bakers residents, the Hoofingtons, to help us out. Only problem was, because of the lack of color, they couldn’t tell from ripe to unripe fruit, thus making their pies not really good.’

‘But thankfully,’ said Fluttershy whilst still holding Warm Breeze’s hand and holding Comfy Breeze ‘We were able to convince their elderly neighbor Moody Root to share some of his apricots with us. Thus by working together, they were able to make pies for the entire festival.’

‘And whilst they were handling the baked goods,’ said Rarity whilst she thought about her friendly encounter with Kerfuffle ‘I met a designer named Kerfuffle. She’s such a sweetheart and she admired my work, so she tried to make some of my designs. And she feels in her heart, despite the lack of colors, she knows which goes where.’

‘So you decided to help her because she looked up to you?’ said Crystal Gem ‘That’s so sweet. I wish I could meet her.’

Rarity giggled of her daughter’s praise over her generous aid to one of the ponies who looked up to her ‘Oh darling, I’m sure we’ll get the chance one day when we’re not working.’

‘And whilst they were doing that,’ said Applejack ‘Ah was helping another pony by the name of Torque Wrench. Y’all should see her work. She did great work on our balloon basket.’

‘Wait, fix your balloon basket?’ said Starlight whilst she was surprised to hear this ‘What happened?’

‘We uh…’ said Applejack whilst she was scratching the side of her head whilst she and the others were embarrassed by what happened ‘Kinda flew into their billboard and broke both that and our balloon.’

‘See, this is why you should’ve used that pendant Chancellor Neighsay had and open a portal there and walk through it,’ said Moonlight ‘Therefore none of you would’ve been in danger in the first place.’

Bolt Jr. acted like a police man as he said ‘Okay, which one of you were driving that thing without a license?’

Pinkie suddenly said out loud ‘How did you know I don’t have a license for that?!!’, causing her to shut her mouth, much to the others’ surprise, but couldn’t help but laugh over Bolt Junior’s joke and Pinkie not having a license to fly the balloon.

‘Anyway,’ said Applejack as she continued ‘Ah helped her fix the billboard as a way of saying thanks for fixing up our balloon.’

‘Cause Granny Smith always said; “You break something, you fix it”. May her soul rest in peace.’ said Apple Slice, with Applejack holding her son close, knowing full well what he went through ever since Granny Smith passed away.

‘Yeah, and whilst Twilight was trying to find a problem about the town’s color loss,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘I was able to find the presidents of my fan club. Barley and Pickle Barrel. They’ve got some promising talent, but they still have a long way to go?’

‘Let me guess,’ said Bolt Jr. ‘They kept crashing against each other and the ground because they can barely get the routine right?’

‘You got that right,’ said Rainbow Dash whilst she chuckled over their epic fail moments ‘They’ve got some promising talent. I thought about bringing them to the Wonderbolt Academy and introduce them to Spitfire.’

‘Uh, isn’t she on leave ever since she got pregnant?’ asked Twilight.

‘After the baby comes.’ said Rainbow Dash. ‘Anyway, I think it’ll be a good idea of having a junior division of the Wonderbolts. Train them like we do for the cadets.’

‘You think I can join?’ asked Bolt Jr. as he got excited.

‘When you’re a little older Jr.’ said Rainbow Dash whilst rubbing her son’s head ‘You’re still a year away from joining flight school after all.’

‘Aw.’ said Bolt Jr. whilst he pouted and crossed his arms, even if he hated to admit that his mom’s right.

‘So with all of you helping,’ asked Lemon Pie ‘Did the festival end in a huge success?’

‘Sure did,’ said Pinkie Pie ‘The town celebrated, they got their color back, and Mayor Sunny Skies proposed to Petunia Petals.’

‘Oh, proposing during the celebration.’ said Crystal Gem whilst she held the left side of her face with hearts in her half lidded eyes ‘How romantic.’

‘Bleg, I still hate mushy stuff.’ said Bolt Jr.

‘Pff,’ said Crystal Gem as she looked at him with a smirk ‘You’re just sour because Apple Bloom turned you down after when you admitted you had a crush on her.’

Within a split second, Bolt Junior’s face went red as a tomato as he shouted ‘How’d you know about that?!!’

Everyone looked at him surprised, with Trixie rolling his eyes as she said ‘Oh great, here we go again. Here comes Rarity and Spike 2.0.’

‘Ahem.’ said two voices, causing Trixie to cringe as she nervously looked at both Spike and Rarity, who were glaring at her over that comment.

‘Uh, no offense you two.’ said Trixie with a sheepish smile.

They finally reached the castle as they walked through the doors, with Crystal smiling with glee as she said ‘I hope we get invited to their wedding. I always wanted to design dresses for the flower girls.’

Crystal then held onto her mother’s hand with both her hands as she said ‘Can I help you design their dresses mother?’

Rarity giggled as she picked up her daughter ‘Of course darling. I think we could both use a good sense of criticism to help us through our designs.’

Fluttershy then asked ‘I hope our husbands didn’t miss us too much. I know how Genus can get worried about me ever since I went with Applejack to solve a Friendship Problem at Las Pegasus whilst Warm Breeze was still a baby.’

‘Oh come on,’ said Spike whilst he tickled Flamethrower’s chin ‘How much trouble could they have gotten themselves into?’
They suddenly heard loud screams in the dining room, causing them to shockingly look down the hall.

‘You and your big mouth.’ said Rainbow Dash as she quickly ran down the hall.

When they opened the hall, to Starlight, Trixie, the Mane Six and their kids’ shock, they saw Emily’s graphic novel glowing whilst acted like a portal, which revealed Emily, Mystic and Chance being sucked in the comic, whilst the husbands tried to remain on the ground.

‘Man, this is why I hate surprises!!’ shouted Frosty as he and Genus were sucked in.

‘Why does this always happen to me?!!’ shouted Bolt as he and Bucky were sucked in next.

Silver got sucked in as he shouted ‘This is why I hate comic books!!!’

Beau was still holding on tight, then noticed his wife, daughter and their friends standing at this door. He shouted ‘Something’s really wrong with this comic…!!’, but then was cut off as he was sucked in last whilst he screamed, causing the graphic novel to stop glowing, slammed itself shut and landed on the messed up table, causing the girls and kids to gasp at the sight what happened.

Moonlight was the first to respond as she nearly wanted to cry as she said ‘W…where did daddy go?’

At the same time, within some kind of void, Emily and the others continued to scream whilst they continued to go who knows where. Finally, after about a minute, a portal appeared, causing them to fall through it, and they ended up falling on the top of the roof of the tallest building they’ve ever seen.

They all grunted, moaned from the pain, with Beau being the first one to open his eyes. ‘What…where are we? he said out of curiosity.

Emily, with some sort of strange hairstyle, stood up as she looked ahead. ‘I think I can speak for everyone when I say…’

And within a split second, everyone shockingly looked at themselves as they were dressed up in some kind of costumes, whilst Emily shouted ‘HOLY CRABCAKES!!!!’

Chapter 2: Return of the Power Ponies

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Emily stood up and looked around, and noticed that they were in the middle of the city, and realized that they were not in Manehattan, but in Mare Tropolis.

‘Oh. My. Gosh.’ said Emily as she was slowly geeking out. And just like that, she shouted out loud ‘We’re in the world of the Power Ponies and the Amazing Nine!!’

She turned around as she looked at the others. She gasped loudly of what she was seeing. For it was Beau and the others, but they were in superhero costumes.

Beau’s costume was in a different darker form, mostly because his costume was grey and black. He wore black boots that reached from all the way to his knees as they had knee guards on them. Armoured pads on both sides of his thighs, a yellow utility belt, with a sword placed inside the back of it. His left arm had black gloves that reached to his elbows, whilst also had shin and elbow guards, but the top of his left arm appeared to be a shield, but folded up. He wore a swallowtail jacket, with a mask/hood covering his face, whilst on his chest appeared to be a clenched red fist.

Bucky was wearing a red and blue costume. He wore dark blue boots that nearly reached to his knees, black pants, blue vest with a large M on top, black sleeves, blue gloves that nearly reached his elbows, whilst his hairstyle was neatly greased and styled, whilst he was wearing a blue mask.

Silver’s costume was glowing blue, but there were also a hint of black on it. His sleeves, pants and gloves were black, but he wore green armoured boots that went from his feet to his knees, wearing a type of pads on both sides of his thighs. He wore a green vest that had a picture of a type of gauntlet on the front of his chest, with shoulder/arm pads that nearly reached his elbows, whilst he also bearing double gauntlets on both his wrists, as if they were his energy source.

Genus’ costume was also different. He wore brown boots that nearly reached to his knees with orange stripes at the top. His pants were black, whilst his vest were also brown, but with black claws on it. His shoulder pads were brown, with black sleeves, whilst he also wore brown gloves that reached all the way to his elbows. He also wore a brown mask with black covering his eyes. But he also had some type of belt buckle that resembled that of a wolf.

Bolt’s costume was more of the showoff type, as it nearly resembled to an old Norse armour. He wore black pants, gold plated armour at his thighs, his knees, whilst also wearing armoured boots. He wore gold armoured gauntlets that covered his wrists, whilst he wore a type of cape, as well as gold chest armour and a helmet. Holding in his right hand was a type of mace that was generating lightning, but on his chest appeared to have some kind of jet wings, whilst they had a thunderbolt on his chest.

Frosty’s costume was made to make him look fast. His entire suit was the color of blue, from his mask to his boots. Except his boots and gloves were dark blue, whilst on his chest had lightning bolts with a white on the background. The lightning also covered his waist, below his elbows and covering his chest as if it were a vest.

Chance’s costume was way different, almost as if he were a hunter. He wore brown boots, black pants, a yellow utility belt, a grey vest with black sleeves. Brown gloves which some type of blasters connected to them as if they were like Deadshot’s. wearing a black mask, military camouflage as well as a bow staff on his back.

Mystic was wearing some kind of costume that made him look like a sorcerer. He was wearing black boots, navy blue pants and long sleeved shirt, wearing a red cape that is tied around his neck using a medallion at his chest, with yellow gloves and a golden helmet that nearly resembles to the ancient Spartans.

Emily inspected herself and she was just as surprised to see what she was wearing. She was wearing black boots that nearly reached to her knees, red pants as well as black, well, what kind of look like a person’s underwear from the outside like Batman once upon a time, with an orange utility belt around it. She wore a red shirt, with a W at the top of her chest that nearly revealed her breasts and had the symbol of a dragon on top of it, black gloves that nearly reached her elbows. Her hair was blonde, but the top of her hair that nearly reached her ears were orange just like her mask.

‘This. Is. Awesome!!’ she shouted once more.

‘We get it!!’ shouted the guys in annoyance, causing her to grin and sheepishly look at them with a sheepish smile.

‘Okay, where the heck are we?’ said Bucky, wanting some answers.

‘We’re obviously in the comic book,’ said Frosty with his arms crossed ‘Or did you forget about the comic book that we got sucked into because my sister bought the comic book from the wrong comic book store.’

‘Now’s not the time for sarcasm Frosty.’ said Genus, trying to calm the group down.

‘Never mind sarcasms,’ said Chance ‘We need to get out of here, we need to get back to our wives and kids.’

Beau tried to change the subject as he spoke to Emily ‘Okay Emily, you know about the Power Ponies and this so called Amazing Nine, how did all that happen?’

‘Well, remember the Power Ponies that Spike and the others told you about?’ said Emily, allowing the others to nod. ‘Well, during their battle with Mane-iac and the villains that teamed up with her, they ended up creating a cosmic crisis.’

‘Crisis?’ asked Frosty ‘Like DC Comic’s Infinite Crisis?’

‘Yeah, see,’ said Emily ‘When I last met with the creator of the comic, I told him about the comic books from our world and spit balled some ideas, and we ended up working together. Since then, we created popular comics and of how they met the Amazing Nine.’

‘And that would be the human superheroes, right?’ said Bolt.

‘Right,’ said Emily as she continued ‘Because of the Crisis, both the Power Ponies’ pony world, and the Amazing Nine’s human world, ended fusing into one, causing both worlds and both histories to merge. And along the way, the Power Ponies met the Amazing Nine. They ended up working together on many occasions, and through some miracles, what was called forbidden love ended up becoming a reality for them.’

‘Wow,’ said Frosty whilst he nodded his head ‘You’ve been spending way too much time in front of those comic books.’

‘Well, because of the fact we’re in a comic book world, and became superheroes,’ said Emily, trying to explain things to them ‘We can find a way out of this.’

Bolt sighed in frustration as he said ‘Fine. If we’re gonna get out of this, we need to play the part.’ Bolt then gestured to themselves ‘So, what are we?’

‘Okay, we’ll start with Beau,’ said Emily ‘He happens to be the Knight Avenger. A warrior who fights for honor and justice with his martial arts skills, gadgets from his utility belt, as well as his sword and shield and vows to fight for the rights of others. His mortal enemy is Vulture Man, a counterpart of his, but just as strong, and his lover is Masked Matterhorn.’

Emily looked at Bucky next. ‘Bucky here happens to be Brass Brawler. He has super strength and invulnerability. He uses his wits to fight against his enemies, as well as heavyweight solutions. His ultimate nemesis is Mighty Man, who has the power to fly and use laser beams, and his lover happens to be Mistress Mare-velous.’

‘Well,’ said Bucky as he realized something ‘I always wondered what it would be like if I had super strength, so, why not.’

Emily went over to Silver as she said ‘You’re Blue Gauntlet, an intergalactic crime fighter from the human world fighting with intergalactic crime fighters known as the Gauntlet Corps. Your power comes from the wrist gauntlets you wear on both your arms. You have the power to create constructs from your mind and use them to your advantage. The only way they get more powerful, is if you use all of your will, love and hope with all your might. Your enemy is Gauntlet Wielder and your lover is Radiance.’

Silver ended up trying it out and created constructs. He was surprised and ended up whistling. ‘Now I could get used to this.’

Emily went over to Genus next. ‘You’re Animus. A human explorer who one day found an ancient totem that can help you summon animal spirits to help you. If you use the elephant spirit, you have super strength, if you use an eagle spirit, you can fly. If you have a lizard, you can heal, and so on. You can act like an animal and fight like an animal. Your enemy is Alienator and your lover is Saddle Rager, cause apparently you have a thing for strong angry women.’

Genus was surprised by this, as he also said ‘Oh boy, I hope my wife won’t get any ideas if she could see me like this.’

Emily approached Bolt as she explained who he is. ‘You’re Thunderjet, an ancient warrior from the old Norse legends. You fly as fast as Rainbow Dash, but you also have super strength and the power to control lightning using your famous thunder mace. Your enemy is Savagery and your lover is Zap.’

Bolt created the spark using his mace. He chuckled a bit as he got excited ‘Now this I like.’

Emily turned to her brother next. ‘You happen to be Accelerate. Like the Flash, you have the power of supers speed. You run faster than lightning and you can even create lightning. But there’s also a twist. He can break the fourth wall like the Marvel Character Deadpool and can do all kinds of shenanigans. Your arch enemy is Speed Walker and your lover is Filly-Second.’

Frosty thought about something, and hid his hand behind his back, and instantly pulled out a large cupcake, much to his surprise. He chuckled a bit as he said ‘Pinkie Pie and Deadpool, eat your heart out.’ allowing him to eat the cupcake in his hand.

Emily turned to Chance next ‘You happen to be Hunter, a warrior much like Knight Avenger, but you have many weapons, gadgets, as well as your most powerful bo-staff to fight the forces of evil. You even hunt down dangerous criminals and bring them to justice. Your most hated enemy is a Mercenary named Painstrike and your lover happens to be the Mare Do Well.’

Chance pulled out his bo-staff and inspected it. He nodded a bit as he said ‘Nice.’

Emily finally went over to Mystic next. ‘And finally, you happen to be Mysticon, a very powerful Sorceror chosen by the most powerful Wizards, Witches, Warlocks, Sorcerers and Druids to help protect the magical balance of the world. You have knowledge of every spell you can think of, and you counter dark magic with the power of light. Your greatest enemy is an evil sorceress named Maria and Dazzling Mage happens to be your lover too.’

Mystic ended up saying a random word as he shouted ‘Ague!!’ in Latin, causing him to shoot a fireball from his hand, surprising him. ‘Whoa.’

‘And finally,’ said Emily ‘I happen to be Fire Dragon, a female warrior from a humanoid planet that came to protect this planet from Death Dragon, an evil Crime Lord that’s determined to take over the planet and enslave the population. She formed the Amazing Nine because we had a just cause to fight for Harmony and Justice. And my lover happens to be Drake Wing, who was once known as Hum Drum.’

‘Wait,’ said Chance ‘Was?’

‘Yeah, in the new timeline after the crisis,’ said Emily ‘Hum Drum got sick and tired of making mistakes and watch the Power Ponies not appreciate him on the team. Masked Matterhorn tried to reason with him, so he ended up punching her in the face and left the team. He soon encountered Fire Dragon. And after uh, ahem, his passionate night with her, he ended up gaining some dragon powers, and can fly. But he also has some sick fighting skills, and became known as Drake Wing.’

‘He strangely sounds like Nightwing’ said Mystic after he read Emily’s mind a bit so he can get the idea of what the comic book world is like.

‘That’s because he’s kind of a parody of her.’ said Emily.

‘Okay,’ said Bolt ‘So let me get this straight. If we help the Power Ponies beat the villains of this world, then we’ll be able to go back home.’

‘It worked for Spike and the others.’ said Emily.

‘Oh yeah,’ said Beau ‘I remember Twilight and the others being stuck in the comic book once.’

Chance then realized something. ‘Do you realize what this means?’

‘What?’ asked Silver.

‘If our wives come to our rescue, then they’ll become the superheroes from the comic like last time.’

They were surprised as they realized it too. ‘Okay, that would be really cool.’ said Bolt.

‘However,’ said Mystic, gaining their attention ‘If we’re gonna survive, then we’ll need some practice first.’

‘You mean train ourselves?’ said Bucky ‘But we don’t have time for that.’

‘He’s right,’ said Genus ‘Our wives would come to rescue us any minute, and we’ll only make fools out of ourselves if we do that, or worst, get them killed.’

‘I think I know how,’ said Emily, then looked at Mystic as she said ‘Mystic, try to say, “Barrier Time Freeze”.’

‘Okay.’ said Mystic as he concentrated, then raised his hands in the air as he chanted in Latin ‘Frigidus limite temporis!’.

And within a split second, a large enough barrier had been created around them, allowing for them to notice that time had froze outside. All of them were surprised when they saw this, then looked at Emily.

‘As an hour will pass by,’ said Emily ‘We’ll be able to do almost an entire week’s training and we’ll also get the hang of this in no time.’

‘Very well then, let’s get started.’ said Beau, then looked at the sky whilst the others were getting prepared ‘I just hope Twilight and the others aren’t worried to death.’

Meanwhile, outside of the comic book, Twilight and the others were nearly in a panic. Fluttershy nearly cried a few times, worrying about her husband, with Pinkie Pie and Rarity attempting to calm her down. Twilight and Starlight were desperately looking through the spell books of the castle, Rainbow Dash was hovering back and forth whilst Applejack, Trixie and Spike attempted to try and comfort the kids as they too tried to calm them down.

‘M…mommy?’ asked Moonlight, nearly on the verge of crying whilst she held onto her mother ‘What happened to daddy?’

‘Shh, it’s okay sweetie,’ said Twilight as she placed her book down and held onto her daughter. ‘I’m sure your father is fine.’

Rainbow Dash then hovered over to Spike as she grabbed his shoulders and said ‘I can’t believe your wife bought a comic from the enchanted comic store.’

‘Hey, don’t blame Emily, okay,’ said Spike as he tried to reason with her ‘How the heck was she supposed to know, I mean none of you even told her about the mishap that happened to us.’

‘That you ended up causing.’ said Rainbow Dash as she was nose to nose with Spike.

‘Wait, what mishap?’ said Bolt Jr.

The girls were little embarrassed about it, with Pinkie zipping over and told them ‘Well you see, long before we faced Tirek and met your fathers, we were going through the Castle of the Two Sisters when Spike ended up being sucked into the comic book. We tried to rescue him, but we got sucked in it too. The moment we got there, we ended up reliving the Power Ponies’ adventure.’

The kids were surprised by it. ‘Wait, you guys were sucked into the comic book and became superheroes?’ said Peacon Pie.

‘That’s so cool.’ said Lemon Pie with a squee.

‘I would hardly call making a fool out of ourselves, get frozen with the world’s biggest hairspray and nearly get destroyed by an evil megalomaniac’s death ray cool,’ said Rarity, remembering hers and the others’ situation ‘All that hairspray nearly did a number on my hair.’

‘Wait,’ said Crystal as she realized something ‘But didn’t aunt Twilight help you out? I mean, she is a powerful Alicorn after all.’

‘Not really,’ said Twilight ‘I tried but somehow it wouldn’t let me.’

‘That’s because the comic book’s world is far different from our world.’ said Spike.

‘Right,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘Even with Zap’s power, I couldn’t fly fast enough like I always did, and Pinkie Pie was much faster than me.’

‘But we have to do something,’ said Fluttershy after she calmed down ‘Genus and the others could be in trouble and need our help.’

‘Mom’s right,’ said Warm Breeze ‘There’s no telling what’ll happen. They could get captured. or worse.’

‘Calm down,’ said Apple Slice ‘Ah’m sure pa and the others can take care of themselves, ah mean if they’re superheroes, then they can seriously kick butt.’

‘But remember,’ said Starlight ‘We all know our husbands, and they couldn’t hurt a fly.’

‘She’s right,’ said Trixie after she rocked her baby a bit ‘I’m even more concerned about what Mystic would do, I mean we all saw him get angry once.’

‘Then there’s one thing we gotta do,’ said Spike as he walked over and picked up the comic book ‘We gotta go in the comic to help them.’

‘What?!’ said the girls as they were surprised.

‘Oh come on,' said Spike as he looked at them ‘This your husbands and my wife we’re talking about. And it’s my fault for not telling her about the enchanted comic place. We have to go help them.’

Twilight took a deep breath, and sighed, for Spike was right, her husband is in danger and she needs to help him. ‘Alright, we’ll do it.’

‘But um,’ said Fluttershy ‘Just a quick recap, what are our powers in there?’

‘Let’s see,’ said Spike as he tried to remember. Then one by one, he told them who they were and what they could do. ‘Fluttershy is the Saddle Rager, a mare that can grow incredibly huge and stronger when she gets angry.’

‘Mom can be pretty scary when she’s angry,’ said Warm Breeze, causing Fluttershy to blush, not wanting to talk about that subject.

Spike pointed to Pinkie Pie and said ‘Pinkie Pie is Filly-Second, the fastest Mare alive…’

‘Momma don’t need to be the fastest.’ said Peacon Pie.

‘Yeah, she nearly outraced aunt Rainbow Dash once.’ said Lemon Pie.

‘They do have a point.’ said Pinkie Pie, but then blushed as she said ‘Except the months when I was pregnant.’

Spike pointed to Rainbow Dash and said ‘Rainbow Dash is Zapp, a Pegasus with the power of summoning the storm.’

‘That’s nothing,’ said Bolt Jr. ‘Mom can summon an entire hurricane so strong it can blow anyone’s clothes off, just like she did with aunt Trixie last month.’

‘That was you?!!’ shouted Trixie as she yelled at Rainbow Dash, causing her to nervously giggle.

Spike pointed at Applejack next ‘Applejack is Mistress Marevelous, an Amazon pony from a warrior race of mares with a lasso that force anyone that is wrapped around it to tell the truth.’

‘Ma is really handy with a lasso, it’s how she and pa met.’ said Apple Slice.

Applejack blushed as she giggled ‘Uh yeah, back when ah thought he was gonna steal our apples.’

Spike pointed at Rarity next as he said ‘Rarity is…’

‘Radiance, the most fashionable and gorgeous of the group, with her bracelets that can think of any constructs and help her fight crime.’ said Rarity. They stared at her surprised as she said ‘What? Sweetie Belle reads them too, sometimes she asked me to read it to her as bedtime stories.’

‘Well Radiance may be gorgeous,’ said Crystal Gem, but hugged her mother ‘But my mom is even more prettier.’

‘Awww.’ said Rarity as she felt touched and hugged her daughter.

Spike then finally pointed at Twilight as he said ‘And Twilight’s Masked Matter-Horn, an Alicorn with heat vision, super strength and laser horn.’

‘But mom already can do lasers from her horn and uses her Alicorn magic to be strong.’ said Moonlight. ‘Well, except for the laser eyes. But she can light herself on fire when she’s angry.’

‘Actually, she hadn’t done that since that time she couldn’t figure out how my Pinkie senses work.’ said Pinkie Pie.

‘Ugh, don’t remind me.’ said Twilight, not wanting to remember the embarrassing and painful ordeal.

‘Well then what are we waiting for?’ said Rainbow Dash, eager to rescue her husband ‘Let’s go get our husbands back.’

‘Alright, hang on everypony.’ said Twilight whilst she focused her magic on the comic book.

‘Alright now kids,’ said Applejack before they left ‘Ah now we just got back, but we gotta get in there and rescue your fathers. So in the meantime, you lot stay here.’

‘We’ll come too.’ said Starlight.

‘Me too,’ said Trixie ‘Trixie knows that Mystic can take care of himself, but Trixie also wants her husband back.’

‘Alright then,’ said Twilight as she finally got her magic to work on the comic ‘Let’s do this.’

‘See you kids later.’ said Pinkie Pie as Spike and the Mane Six, along with Starlight and Trixie, were all sucked into the comic.

As the comic closed, the kids were left alone in the room. Bolt Jr. complained as he crossed his arms ‘It’s so not fair. I wish we could join them.’

‘You heard what they said Bolt.’ said Apple Slice ‘It’ll be too dangerous for us in there.’

‘At least they could’ve let us see the action.’ said Bolt Jr.

Moonlight suddenly had an idea as she said ‘Maybe we can.’

‘Huh?’ said the kids as they looked at Moonlight.

‘I’ve been studying some elite level magic with mom for some time,’ said Moonlight as she instantly teleported a book in her arms ‘And I recently created my own spell, which would allow us to whilst we read the book, we would see how it played out, like an instant movie.’

‘You created your own spell?’ said Peacon Pie.

‘Wow, you really are uncle Beau and aunt Twilight’s daughter.’ said Lemon Pie.

‘Well what are you waiting for,’ said Bolt Jr. as he got excited ‘Crank up that spell and I’ll get some popcorn, sodas and seats.’

As Moonlight did so, Bolt Jr. instantly came back with the chairs, popcorn and sodas. Each of them took their seats and got themselves ready. Sure enough, Moonlight used her spell on the comic book, allowing it to float in the air as she said ‘Alright, here we go.’

And within mere moments, the comic book ended up creating a type of screen, and revealed what was going on inside the comic book. Moonlight sat down and joined them whilst they watched what their parents were doing.
Inside the comic book, Spike and the others made it safely inside the comic whilst standing on their hooves/feet. Some shook their heads, trying to readjust what their surroundings are, as well as the superhero persona they all took.
Rainbow Dash took a good look at her costume and ended up floating in the air whilst raising her fist in the air ‘Aw yeah, the Power Ponies are back!!’

‘Nice to see that they haven’t changed one bit.’ said Rarity as she inspected her costume.

Fluttershy looked at Spike and was surprised ‘Well, almost all of them.’ said Fluttershy as she pointed at Spike.

When they looked, they were all greatly surprised as they saw. For Spike was no longer wearing the Hum Drum costume, but he was now a little muscular, wearing a black costume with the symbol of a purple dragon wings on his chest, and also still kept his dragon wings, but also had a new mask on. They noticed he wore gauntlets, black boots and a utility belt.

‘Whoa,’ said Rainbow Dash as she inspected Spike ‘Somepony got an upgrade.’

‘Funny,’ said Applejack as she also looked at Spike ‘Ah don’t remember Hum Drum getting a makeover.’

‘Spike’s not the only one.’ said Starlight.

When they looked, they were surprised to see Starlight and Trixie. Starlight was wearing a costume that nearly resembled to Mare Do Well back at Ponyville, whilst Trixie wore a dazzling outfit that fitted her personality, whilst also making her look like a sorceress a bit.

‘Mare Do well?!!’ shouted Rainbow Dash ‘What are you doing here?!’

‘Mare who now?’ said Starlight as she was confused by it.

As Twilight calmed Dash down, Spike went over and said ‘Sorry, she’s still ticked about the whole “Mare Do Well” situation.’
‘Who the heck is Mare Do Well?’ said Trixie as she was just as confused.

Applejack explained things as she walked over to them. ‘See, a while back after Dash kept saving most ponies from danger, she let it go to her head and kept bragging about it. So Twi had an idea of showing her up by creating a new hero.’

‘Indeed,’ said Rarity ‘I designed the most fabulous costumes to make it look like a mysterious hero. Mostly the costume inspired me from my favorite book about a detective named Shadow Spade.’

‘Oh, I read about that book.’ said Trixie, gaining surprised looks from the others. ‘What, even Trixie can love a good mystery every now and then.’

Pinkie then darted over as she said ‘And once the costumes were made, Applejack, Twilight and I impersonated Made Do Well and ended up saving ponies to show Dashie up just to teach her a lesson.’

‘Wow, that’s quite the story,’ said Starlight as she was surprised by it. ‘But uh, how did Mare Do Well end up in the comic book?’

Spike then confessed ‘Well see, after the last comic convention that Emily and I went to…’

‘Wait,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘You two went to a comic convention?’

‘Yeah,’ said Spike with a smile and looked at the others ‘It turned out, from what Frost explained, Emily is a huge comic book fan. Back on their world, there are over hundreds of stories over hundreds of heroes and villains. So after Emily and I got there, she ended up giving some ideas, and it ended up being a huge success. They even paid us for the ideas.’
‘Oh,’ said Pinkie Pie ‘So that’s why you two keep getting cheques from them every month.’
‘Anyway,’ said Spike ‘Emily and I gave a few ideas. And after the whole Mare Do Well incident back at Ponyville, we ended up creating two new superheroes as a result for the Power Ponies.’

‘Oh my,’ said Fluttershy as she looked at them ‘That would explain why they look more fitted for action.’

‘So what can you tell us about the two new heroes Spike?’ said Twilight once she was done talking to Rainbow Dash.

‘Well,’ said Spike as he tried to remember well about the two new characters. ‘Mare Do Well’s origin was about how she lost her parents to crime by ruthless criminals, so she took on the guise to fight crime and to ensure that no family would suffer like they did. She fight crime with her martial arts skills and also has gadgets that she uses to fight and solve crimes like a detective.’

‘Whoa, cool.’ said Trixie as she looked at Starlight, then to Spike as she said ‘So what about mine?’

‘You are Dazzling Mage.’ said Spike ‘She’s an enchantress who fights crime and also fights inter-dimensional beasts who want to take over the world, but she also has the same personality like yourself, and she’s can casts spells by talking backwards.’

‘Backwards?’ said Rainbow Dash ‘That’s weird.’

Trixie then realized something as she said ‘Well I happen to be a backwards speaking champion.’

They looked at her with flexed eyebrows as they said ‘You are?’

‘Of course, watch this.’ said Trixie. She cleared her throat as she directs to Starlight.

‘My name is Starlight Glimmer,’ said Starlight ‘And the Castle of Friendship is my favorite place in Ponyville.’

And just like that, Trixie spoke backwards as she said ‘Ym eman si Thgilrats Remmilg dna eht Eltsac fo Pihsdneird si ym etirovaf ecalp ni Ellivynop.’

They were surprised the way she could speak backwards like that. ‘Wow Trixie,’ said Pinkie as she stood near her ‘I didn’t know you could speak backwards like that.’

‘Weird I know,’ said Trixie ‘But Trixie won first place in the Filly’s talent contest for speaking everything backwards.’
‘So uh, what about Spike?’ said Applejack as she pointed at Spike’s new wardrobe.

‘Well,’ said Spike ‘After a few years of crime fighting with the Power Ponies, Hum Drum got sick and tired of not taking some of the credit when he fought alongside them. So he ended up quitting the team.’
‘Whoa, what?’ said Rainbow Dash as she stood next to him ‘Hum Drum quit the team?’

‘Yeah, and…’ said Spike as he nervously looked at Twilight, with the Princess of Friendship cocking her left eyebrow, wondering what was wrong ‘He ended up punching Masked Matterhorn in the face.’

That part surprised them the most, even Twilight when she had a hard time coping over what Spike just said. ‘Ouch.’ said Trixie as she somehow felt awkward for some reason.

‘So Hum Drum ended up getting a makeover?’ said Rarity, noticing Spike’s costume.

‘Well,’ said Spike as he continued ‘After Hum Drum left, he bumped into a female superhero named Fire Dragon. And after they shared a uh, ahem, passionate night…’

They were a little surprised by the last part. ‘Hum Drum ended up getting the physique of a dragon, as well as some its strength and fighting moves, especially wings. From that day on, he ended up becoming a new hero called Drake Wing.’

‘Ah’m just curious,’ said Applejack ‘What else did Emily talk about since y’all started to make the comic book?’

‘Oh she really knows her stuff.’ said Spike as he explained things to them. ‘See, the Power Ponies had something called a “Cosmic Crisis”, the Power Ponies’ world got mixed to a human world that also has its heroes, the Amazing Nine.’
‘The Amazing Nine?’ asked Rarity.

‘Yeah, there’s Knight Avenger, Accelerate, Thunderjet, Brass Brawler, Animus, Blue Gauntlet, Hunter, Mysticon and Fire Dragon. Each of them who vowed to save the world from evil.’

‘So how did they and the Power Ponies restore balance?’ asked Fluttershy.

Spike explained as he said ‘After fighting an ancient celestial being responsible for destroying worlds parallel to our own. After defeating it, they were able to restore it. But in doing so, their histories ended up changing. Like how they met when they were kids, and how they had a romantic relationship with them.’

‘Romantic relationship?’ said the girls.

‘Trust me,’ said Spike as he waved both his hands ‘You don’t want to know. And it turned out to be a best seller.’

‘How so?’ asked Trixie.

‘Well let me think now,’ said Spike as he thought about it. ‘Mask Matterhorn has a relationship with Knight Avenger. Filly-Second has a relationship with Accelerate. Zapp has a romantic relationship with Thunderjet. Mistress Marevelous has a relationship with Brass Brawler. Saddle Rager has a romantic relationship with Animus. Radiance has a romantic relationship with Blue Gauntlet. Mare Do Well has a relationship with Hunter. Dazzling Mage has a relationship with Mysticon and Fire Dragon has a relationship with Hum Drum, or in this case, Drake Wing.’

Spike crossed his arms whilst he smiled and said ‘You wouldn’t believe how many fans tried to write so many shipping stories between the Power Ponies and the Amazing Nine.’

‘Oh we’ll take your word for it.’ said Starlight, not wanting to think about the details.

‘You know,’ said Trixie as she thought about something ‘I always wondered what Mystic would look like in tights.’

The girls were surprised as they looked at her, with Trixie blushing as she says ‘What don’t any of you wonder what they would look like in tights?’

The Mane 6 and Starlight ended up blushing and looked away, trying not to think about it. Spike cleared his throat, gaining their attention as he said ‘I hate to interrupt or anything. But don’t you think we should find Emily, Beau and the others?’

‘Oh right, of course.’ said Twilight. ‘But where should we look?’

‘Well if I had to guess,’ said Spike whilst he was thinking, then looked at the other direction whilst pointing at it as he said ‘They would probably be up there. According to the comics they like to do a little training every once and a while there just to keep them in shape during the daytime.’

‘Then let’s get going.’ said Applejack. They ran towards the edge of the building as most of them flew, and most of them glided by using their horns to go from place to place, whilst Rarity was giving Applejack a lift using her magic.

As they continued going from building to building, they soon landed on a building that was at least two more buildings away. As they stopped to gain their breath, they noticed a large force field around it. ‘Oh my, what is that?’ said Fluttershy as she pointed at the building.

‘Oh, that’s gotta be Mysticon’s power.’ said Spike ‘He has the ability to create a bubble that allows time to go by fast in there.’

‘Why would he make one?’ said Twilight as she looked at it.

‘My guess,’ said Spike ‘They’re trying to train themselves so that they could know how to use their new powers better.’

‘Well at least they were smart enough to think that.’ said Applejack ‘Ah still remember the humiliation we went through when we first went through there.’

‘So what are we waiting for?’ said Pinkie Pie as she jumped a bit whilst getting excited. ‘Let’s go over there and say hello to our…’

But she was instantly cut off the moment something fast darted her way, whilst also punched her in the face as she collapsed onto the ground, taking the girls by surprise. They then saw a mysterious figure appearing from out of nowhere, who was as fast as Filly Second was. He wore a bright teal costume, with black lightning bolts on his chest, wrists and below the knees, but his eyes were generating teal lightning. The girls were surprised to see the speedster.
Pinkie slowly sat up and rubbed the side of her cheek as she said ‘Ow, my face.’

Rainbow got angry as she held onto her pendant, trying to charge it up with electricity as she said ‘Okay then, you asked for…’

But she was interrupted the moment what appeared to be a giant fly swatter, swatted her from behind and was flat on her front like a fly. The girls were surprised whilst the fly swatter construct lifted itself off.

Rainbow Dash looked up whilst her eyes were spinning. ‘Okay, now that’s just insulting.’ said Rainbow Dash before passing out.

Fluttershy tried to get angry, but she was too frightened. But the moment she turned around, she yelped when she saw a grinning human female, as she said ‘Sleep.’

The human female waved her hands around, creating instant mist that slowly began to cover Fluttershy’ face, which in turned caused her to feel drowsy and fell over, making her unconscious.

‘Quick, back to back.’ said Spike.

But it was too late, for the moment when Spike, Twilight and Starlight were back to back, Applejack had already been subdued by an electric shock collar, Rarity had been knocked by the back of her neck, and Trixie…well, let’s just say she panicked and ended up running against the nearest wall, making her pass out whilst Pinkie Pie got hit by knockout gas when she ended up eating it, thinking that it was a piece of candy.

As Spike, Twilight and Starlight were back to back, they noticed the others were unconscious. ‘How are they so organized?’ said Starlight.

‘Surprising, isn’t it?’ said a voice. As they turned, they saw that it was none other than Mane-iac.

‘Mane-iac.’ said Twilight, trying to pretend to be a superhero and to make sure that none of them are suspicious.
‘How are you doing this?’ said Starlight.

‘Oh, didn’t you know?’ said Mane-iac after she let out a loud chuckle ‘Time and again you and the others kept on defeating us, but now that we have new partners, we will ensure that not just Mare Tropolis, but the entire world will belong to us. And once we’re through with you, no one will stand in our way.’

Spike then realized something as he whispered to Twilight. ‘Oh yeah, know I remember. During their secret identity lives, the Power Ponies met the Amazing Nine through their secret identities. They didn’t work together until this issue.’

‘So what’s the chance they’ll help us?’ asked Twilight.

But before any of them could say anything, their arms were suddenly wrapped by Phony Pharaoh’s sheets (Or toilet papers, I don’t know, I’m not good at naming the stuff, so sue me), as well as Shadow Pony’s bonds that were suddenly wrapped around Spike, Twilight and Starlight’s hands, and ended up being forced to land on their knees. Mane-iac walked towards them and stood on her one knee, allowing her to look directly at Twilight, or Masked Matterhorn in this case.
‘Now, the real fun begins.’ said Mane-iac before she let out her evil chuckle.

At the same time, under their disguised bubble, Twilight and the others’ husbands were now getting the hang of their new abilities. Beau was able to master his martial arts skills, as well as his gadgets, sword and shield. Bucky ended up getting a good handle on his super strength, which he can now do with ease. Silver ended up creating every construct he ever could with his gauntlet, as well as firing energy blasts. Genus was able to use every animal instinct and ability that helped him move and maneuver with ease. Bolt made use of his flight and lightning abilities. Frosty made great use of his super speed, with also surprisingly, an amazing fourth wall breaking abilities. Chance could use martial arts with great ease, even with his bo-staff, with Mystic liking his sorcery power as he got excited, with Emily making use of her power as well whilst she laughed with joy.

Sure enough, after their vigorous training, they all panted, trying to gain some air. Once they regained their breaths, they regrouped with smiles on their faces.

‘Wow,’ said Frosty ‘That was actually fun.’

‘Sure is,’ said Bucky ‘I can punch stuff like a bucking bull, bucking a forty foot tree on a hot summer’s eve.’

They looked at him with flexed eyebrows whilst Bolt hovered next to him and said ‘You’ve been spending way too much time with Applejack.’

‘Well of course I do, she’s my wife.’ said Bucky. ‘Besides…I promised Granny Smith on her deathbed that I would look after Applejack, her family and all of Sweet Apple Acres. And I aim to keep that promise.’

‘Wow,’ said Beau ‘I didn’t know that.’

‘That’s not all,’ said Bucky as he looked down ‘When our wives were captured by Chrysalis, faced the Pony of Shadows, going out there trying to find help when the Storm King invaded and getting trapped in Tartarus. I just…’

‘Felt like you can’t do anything but watch and be afraid that if they were to die a large part of you dies with them?’ said all of them, taking them by surprise.

All of them looked down, showing a hint of sadness on their faces. ‘Man, never thought I’d feel this way.’ said Mystic. Which was ironic because he never showed any emotions until Trixie helped him.

‘You know what I wish for?’ said Bolt, this time with honesty ‘I wish we could keep our powers from this world. So that we could protect them.’

‘Maybe once we’re done inside this comic, we’ll ask Princess Celestia.’ said Silver ‘I mean, the look on my little girl’s face when the Storm King invaded, us getting hurt and their mothers disappearing. I don’t want her to go through that again.’

‘And though my kids are still babies,’ said Chance ‘I don’t want them to grow up in a world where every aspect of evil will try to take that away from you.’

All of them felt silent, even Emily, the most exciting one to be in the comic book, all had worried looks on their faces. Beau remembered the day when he met Twilight, and said that she was his real friend, and in time his first love. He gripped his hands and looked at them.

‘You know what, let’s make a vow.’ said Beau, gaining their attention. ‘We vow that from this day on, no matter what comes our way, we’ll do whatever we can to make sure that no one will hurt the ones we love. Not our wives, kids, friends from all around, as well as the place we call home.’

Beau then extended his hand at the center. ‘You in?’ he asked them.

Many couldn’t help but smile as Bolt says ‘Like you even need to ask.’

They all came together and placed their right hands on top of the others, Emily said ‘Let’s make a Pinkie Promise.’

Then all of them said ‘Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.’, causing all of them to laugh a bit.

‘Man,’ said Frosty with a smile ‘Pinkie making me say that is one of the many things I love about her.’

As they released one another’s hands, Emily looked at Mystic and said ‘You mind dropping the force field?’

‘Sure thing.’ said Mystic, causing him to raise his right hand as it glowed. Sure enough the barrier was dropped, whilst everything was now back to normal.

‘Okay,’ said Genus as he looked at Emily whilst Chance decided to look around ‘You know this comic inside and out. What do we do?’

‘Well,’ said Emily as she tried to think ‘The Power Ponies were going on their patrol through Mare Tropolis, until the Amazing Nine’s enemies, who formed their own super villain team to take over the world, even asking the Power Ponies’ enemies to help them.’

‘So all we gotta do is find them?’ said Frosty as he tried to sum it all up.

‘Uh, guys.’ said Chance, gaining their attention as he looked at them ‘We may have a problem.’

‘What do you mean?’ asked Bolt.

‘Two things,’ said Chance ‘One, the villains of this world captured the Power Ponies. Two. I think they’re our wives!!’

‘What?!!’ shouted them as they ran over to the edge of the building and looked down.

To their shock, they saw the Power Ponies being taken prisoner as they were taken to a transport, whilst a bunch of robotic guards took them away. Beau, who realized that his belt had binoculars in it, pulled it out and looked through it. He saw Masked Matterhorn, and to his shock, the moment she turned her face around, was none other than Twilight, but behind the mask.

‘Holy, it is Twilight.’ said Beau.

‘This is not good.’ said Bucky as he and the others did the same.

‘I can’t believe they came after us,’ said Frosty ‘Don’t they remember that being unprepared is what got them captured in the first place?’

‘Well of course they did,’ said Genus ‘They were worried about us, what you expected them to just leave us in here.’

‘We have to help them.’ said Silver.

However, as Bolt saw Rainbow Dash, he suddenly lowered it and looked at her flank. In a way, it turned him on when he noticed that the costume/tights was really snug in all the right places. ‘Although,’ he said to himself ‘Rainbow Dash really looks great in tights.’

Frosty then noticed the same thing with Pinkie Pie, especially her bust ‘Whoa, no kidding. They’re really snug in the right places.’

The other guys agreed as they watched their wives, with Emily rolling her eyes as she said ‘Men.’

Emily then noticed Spike was among them, and ended up staring at his butt too. She then landed a smirk on her mouth as she said ‘Then again…’

She blushed bright red as she shook her head right, then slapped it a couple of times as she said ‘Focus Emily, Focus.’

‘She’s right,’ said Mystic, seeing that he was the first to come to his senses. ‘We need to save them. Emily, you’ve read the comics longer than anyone, where would they take them?’

‘Okay,’ said Emily as the guys were now looking at her two once they regrouped with her ‘If I know them, they’re going to take them to the Power Ponies’ old headquarters.’

‘Their old headquarters?’ asked Frosty ‘Why there?’

‘According to the history once the worlds merged after the Crisis,’ said Emily whilst explaining to them ‘The human villains were able to defeat the Power Ponies and brought ruin to their headquarters. Thankfully they were saved by the Amazing Nine and taken to safety. After the villains’ defeat, the Power Ponies realized that they had nowhere to go, seeing that the villains succeeded into taking their funding away, so the Amazing Nine offered their headquarters as theirs too.’

‘And I take it they were reluctant to accept it, right?’ asked Bucky.

‘At first yeah,’ said Emily ‘But in time the Power Ponies were comfortable with them, even grew to like them, and became friends. But overtime, as the selected members were spending time with them, they grew feelings for them, even fell in love. It’s in this issue, after they defeated both the Power Ponies and the Amazing Nine’s enemies, that the leaders of both superhero teams, admit their feelings, as did the others when they followed their example.’

‘Then what are we waiting for?’ said Chance with a smile ‘Let’s go save our wives and Spike. If we don’t, we’ll never hear the end of this.’

‘Agreed.’ said Emily and the husbands in agreement, causing all of them to dart towards the Power Ponies’ old HQ.

Chapter 3: Heroes vs Villains

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Slowly, but surely, one by one, Spike, Starlight, Trixie and the Mane 6 woke up once their unconsciousness wore off, whilst all of them groaned at the same time as they tried to get up, but discovered that their arms were tied up and raised above their heads.

‘Aw, come on.’ said Rainbow Dash as she was disappointed ‘Not again. I thought we would be better prepared for this.’

‘Clearly we ain’t.’ said Applejack as she groaned a bit.

‘Where are we?’ asked Fluttershy as she looked around.

Spike noticed as he looked. ‘We’re in the Power Ponies’ old HQ.’

‘What happened to this place,’ said Rarity as she looked around ‘It’s just simply hideous.’

‘When the Amazing Nine’s enemies attacked.’ said Spike whilst explaining to them ‘They destroyed the Power Ponies’ HQ and defeated them, but they were saved by the Amazing Nine, even offered to share their HQ with them. They grew close to them after that.’

‘Aw, look who’s finally awake.’ said a voice, taking Spike and the ponies by shock.

To their surprise, they saw all of the Power Ponies’ united enemies, namely Long-Face, Phony Pharaoh, High Heel, Smudge, Shadow Pony, and last but not least, Mane-iac.

‘And here I thought we were going to beat them to wake up.’ said Shadow Pony, longing for some payback.

‘Mane-iac.’ said Twilight, trying to act like Masked Matterhorn ‘I should’ve known you and your cronies were behind all this.’

‘Oh, I can’t take all the credit Masked Matterhorn.’ said Mane-iac after she let out a loud chuckle ‘Though it would be fun to make all of you squirm a bit more if we were.’

‘Be silent!!’ shouted a voice, taking the pony villains by shock as they quickly backed away. From out of nowhere, a handful of villains appeared, along with one in the middle as he said ‘You would do well that you answer to me ever since you joined our little club.’

‘O-of course Lord Hexagon,’ said High Heel, trying to act casual.

Spike was surprised to see the villains making an appearance.

The first villain he saw was a seven feet tall villain, wearing a black skin tight suit, with grey couplings around his wrists and shins, wearing a cape and a double MM on his chest, with a military kind of haircut. The villain was known as Mighty Man.

The second villain wore a type of metallic cowl that makes him look like a type of vulture, whilst his costume nearly resembled to the one Beau’s wearing. This villain was known as Vulture Man.

The next was a ten foot tall anthropomorphic elephant, wearing a costume that nearly resembled to Genus’ costume. This one was known as Savagery.

Up next was another villain, who nearly resembled to Silver’s costume, except his was navy blue, and his one gauntlet looks different, as if it was a designated weapon. This one was known as Gauntlet Wielder.

The next villain nearly looked like Frosty’s, but his costume was more teal colored and the lightning bolts around him were made of black. This one was also a speedster named Speed Walker.

There was another villain, who nearly looked like an Alien, but with blue skin and his costume nearly resembled to Gauntlet Wielder, but different. This one was known as Alienator.

Then there was a female alien, who nearly looked identical to Emily, but her hair was black, as was her costume, this one was known as Death Dragon.

Then there was another villain, but his costume was more of the Mercenary look, but also nearly resembled to the costume Chance was wearing. This was, was known as Painstrike.

Then there was a female sorceress, and her costume nearly looked Like Trixie’s. This one was known as Maria.

However, the one in the middle, was wearing some kind of armour that made him looked like an Intergalactic Warrior, but he is nearly old as time itself, whilst his helmet covered his face. This villain, was known as Hexagon.

Spike was so surprised he wanted to geek out, but realized that it wasn’t the good time doing so. ‘Holy…’

‘Who are they?’ whispered Twilight as she tried to speak to Spike.

‘That there is Hexagon, the ruler of eight dimensions.’ said Spike ‘He was the one who created the Crisis and fused the Power Ponies and the Amazing Nine’s world, and he’s been obsessed into conquering the planet.’

‘And what about the others?’ asked Trixie.

‘They nearly resemble to the Amazing Nine, but different.’ said Spike as he introduced them to the villains ‘’That there is Mighty Man. The one over there is Vulture Man. That big one over there is Savagery. That one there is Gauntlet Wielder. The one there is Speed Walker. The one there is Alienator. That there is Death Dragon, then there’s Painstrike, and that one over there is Maria.’

‘Are they enemies of the Amazing Nine?’ asked Rarity.

‘From their world yeah,’ said Spike ‘As the Power Ponies’ enemies tend to work alone, these guys prefer to work together.’

‘Indeed we do Drake Wing,’ said Hexagon ‘We work well together when we have one goal in common; the destruction of the Amazing Nine and all of you.’

‘You won’t get away with this,’ said Rainbow Dash, pretending to be one of the characters in order to not throw them off too ‘The Amazing Nine beat you before and they can do it again.’

‘We’ll see Zapp.’ said Hexagon ‘But for now, we still have a device to put together, and I wouldn’t let the likes of you get in the way of our conquest.’

He looked at Mane-iac and said ‘You know what to do.’

Mane-iac chuckled a bit as she walked towards the Power Ponies ‘Well, well, well. Who can I use as my next chew toy? Should I start with the power ponies? Or should I start with Drake Wing, or should I say, Hum Drum?’

Spike was surprised that Mane-iac knew about his new persona being the old one. ‘Oh, how do I know,’ said Mane-iac in a sarcastic kind of way ‘I’m crazy, not stupid.’

‘Why are you working with them Mane-iac?’ said Spike ‘You know very well that they’ll probably backstab you once you lot outlive your usefulness, they’ll finish you off.’

‘Oh what would you know.’ said Mane-iac as she turned her back on him.

‘Because,’ said Spike as he reminded her ‘You tried the same thing with Long-Face, Phony Pharaoh, High Heel, Smudge and Shadow Pony remember, and look how well that turned out, you still had your flank kicked by them.’

‘But this time,’ said Mane-iac whilst she was face to face with Spike ‘We now have a stronger team to help finish you all off once and for all.’

She then walked over to Twilight with an evil smirk on her face. ‘A pity things have to end soon Masked Matterhorn. For if there were more time…’

And unexpectedly, she ended up holding Twilight’s right breast, causing Twilight’s face to go bright red ‘We would have more fun.’

‘And thankfully,’ said Phony Pharaoh, standing in his chariot ‘We fought all of you, and we barely broke a sweat.’

When all of a sudden, a type of shuriken landed behind Phony Pharaoh’s chariot, causing it to explode, flinging Phony Pharaoh forward and crashed against the Power Ponies’ holding cell, taking Twilight and the others by surprise, as well as the villains.

Then a female voice said ‘Well, maybe we can give you lot a workout.’

They looked behind, then the roof, where a hole had been opened, revealing a handful of figures. One by one, they all jumped through, then landed in position. The heroes revealed themselves.

There was Knight Avenger, warrior of Justice. Accelerate, fastest speedster alive. Thunderjet, the fastest flyer and warrior of thunder. Brass Brawler, strongest strongman there is. Animus, animal warrior of nature. Blue Gauntlet, intergalactic warrior. Hunter, the name says it all. Mysticon, warrior of all things sorcery. And finally, Fire Dragon, alien dragon warrior from another world.

However, the others recognized them. Twilight was surprised that Knight Avenger happens to be Beau, Applejack was surprised that Brass Brawler happens to be Bucky, Rarity was surprised that Blue Gauntlet happens to be Silver. Fluttershy was surprised that Animus happens to be Genus, Rainbow Dash was surprised that Thunderjet happens to be Bolt, Pinkie Pie was surprised that Accelerate happens to be Frosty, Starlight was surprised that Hunter happens to be Chance, Trixie was surprised that Mysticon happens to be Mystic, and Spike was surprised that Fire Dragon happens to be Emily.

‘Ah, so the Amazing Nine has arrived,’ said Hexagon as he stood tall. ‘Finally, after all these years, we will have our vengeance against you and this world.’

Trying to be in character, Bolt said ‘Think again Hex dork.’

‘Time and again you’re messing with things you don’t understand.’ said Silver.

‘You couldn’t stop us before and we defeated you lot before,’ said Fire Dragon ‘Now we’ll do it again.’

‘We shall see.’ said Hexagon before he chuckled. He then angrily shouted ‘All forces, attack!!’

From out of nowhere, many robots (Say they’re robots that nearly resembled to Ultron’s robots, but different) came from out of nowhere for the attack, as well as many of Mane-iac and the others’ henchman.

‘Staring a battle already?’ said Bolt with a cocky grin.

‘And we’re not even friends yet.’ said Bucky.

‘Just shut up and punch something.’ said Beau, allowing all of them to attacked in different directions.

Beau charged head on and pulled out his sword and shield. He sliced one robot from the left, then another to the right, and used his shield to bash his shield against one of the minions of Mane-iac. He jumped in the air and performed a spinning wheel slice as he sliced at least three robots into pieces. He jumped in the air after he placed his sword away and pulled out what appeared to be concussion bombs at High Heel’s minions, knocking them out cold.

Bucky jumped up and grabbed one of Shadow Pony’s minions whilst giving a strong roundhouse kick against Mane-iac’s henchman. Three of the robots used their lasers to shoot at him, but he picked up the fallen robot and used it as a human shield and ran over to the robots, then ended up swatting their heads off as if they were pesky flies.

Silver flew around using his gauntlet powers and blasted the robots left and right, even engulfed one with his power. He used his gauntlet to make himself a construct robot, and used it to smash a few robots to pieces. He noticed a few more henchman ponies attacking, with Silver saying in a grumpy tone ‘Get away from me.’

He ended up creating a giant fly swatter with his energy after he unmade the robot he created. He swatted them on the ground, then lifted them up and placed them in his own makeshift catapult, and fired them onto the next, causing them to collide one another.

‘Wow,’ said Silver ‘They collided with one another and it ain’t even football season.’

Genus was surrounded by so many of robots. He took a few deep breaths, then looked at the robots and said ‘Normally I would never resort to violence to solve my problems.’

Genus ended up getting into position whilst grasping onto a type of medallion, and he suddenly felt the spirit animal of the leopard. ‘But in this case, I’ll make an exception.’

He used the speed of the leopard to run around them, confusing them. He then used the agility of the monkey to jump around, then used the claws of the cheetah to slice them to pieces. He noticed that the robots were going to shoot them, until he used the armadillo spirit and the lasers ended up bouncing off of him. He jumped out of the way and used the spirit of the elephant and picked up a large heavy object and threw it with all his might, smashing the robots in the process. But he ended up being thrusted against the wall and a debris crushing him, much to Fluttershy’s shock.

Genus was able to get out, but was hurt. He suddenly used the spirit of the reptiles, allowing himself to heal quickly, much to their surprise. ‘Oh, now you’ve done it.’ said Genus as he charged head on, but this time as a wolverine and sliced them to bits.

Bolt flew around and charged his hands up with lightning and shot two flying robots from left and right, even flew through a heavy one that tried to crush him. He ended up creating lightning swords and sliced a few robots to pieces after he spun around a bit. He noticed that there were a handful of henchman attacking, with him smiling.

‘Oh, how shocking,’ said Bolt sarcastically ‘I’m being surrounded by scary bad guys, whatever will I do?’

He charged his hands up with a smirk as he said ‘This may come as a shock to you.’

He ended up shooting lightning through his fingers as if they were pistols, acting like they were six shooters, shocking them as they collapsed on the ground unconscious. ‘But you know you’re fighting a losing fight.’

Frosty stood there for a moment, until the bad guys surrounded them. But as both the robots and henchman ponies attacked from all around, time suddenly stood still as all of them were frozen. He yawned a bit whilst looking at his watch. ‘Too bad this thing doesn’t have a way to check how many calories I’ve burnt, otherwise I would’ve bothered to stay in shape, especially after working at Sugarcube corner for so long.’

He suddenly walked around them whilst giving them wedgies, drawing on their faces with a pen that said “I’m a wiener” on every one of their foreheads. He ended up chuckling, and stood away from them. Within a split second, it looked like time was resuming, causing them to crash against one another, whilst being wedgied as well having the “I’m a wiener” on their foreheads.

The Mane 6 noticed, causing some of them to chuckle out loudly. He then noticed that more of them were coming. ‘Oh dear, oh dear, whatever will I do?’

As they approached, he lowered himself as if he was grabbing something. He then said ‘E-yoink!’, whilst lifting what almost appeared to be another scene, causing the henchman to notice and they instantly fell down, and went smack on the ground whilst they were face first on the ground as well as unconscious whilst they were groaning.

The girls were surprised with this, but not Pinkie, she just got super excited when she couldn’t wait to see what else her husband could do. The last of the henchman ponies who wanted to attack were all nervous.

‘Oh, don’t worry.’ said Frosty, as he suddenly pulled out a large wooden box with a lock on it from his pocket, whilst he said with a smirk on his mouth ‘I got something special for you.’

He then tapped against the box, causing it to shake violently. He then unlocked it, causing a small, but very furry creature to jump out and attack them, causing them to panic and ran away, with Frosty chuckling as he suddenly pulled a large pizza out and ate some whilst he said ‘I just love that furry little guy.’

Emily flew around whilst she fired most of her energy blasts from her fists. The robots kept going around, trying to catch her. As one of them caught her leg, she then said ‘Frisky aren’t you.’

She then blasted them away with her laser eyes. She then landed on the ground, whilst stroking her hair as she said ‘If anyone is going to be frisky, it’s my hubby.’

Spike couldn’t help but drool over her. ‘Wow, she’s so awesome.’

‘Whoa there lover boy.’ said Applejack, trying to remind him not to gain the bad guys’ attention.

Twilight then looked down and blushed, then ended up looking away as she said ‘And for crying out loud, hide your “Little friend” from in your pants.’

Spike noticed, causing him to blush bright red and used his legs to cover it up.

Chance then stood there, getting ready for a brawl with his bo-staff. He leaped up in the air and used his knock out pellets in his belt and threw them onto the ground, causing them to explode, making the henchman ponies pass out and fall flat onto the ground. He even threw a handful of shurikens at the robots, causing them to be sliced to pieces as they fell onto the ground. He used his bo-staff and knocked them left, right, up, down, and side to side. He then detached them and turned them into batons.

‘Always wanted to do this.’ said Chance.

‘Give me a S, T, A!!’ shouted Chance as he knocked three robots away.

‘Give me a R, L, I!!’ shouted Chance as he knocked three henchman ponies away.

‘Give me a G, H, T!!’ shouted Chance as he kicked three robots away as did a twister kick.

‘Give me a G, L, I!!’ shouted Chance as he did the same with the three Henchman ponies.

‘Give me a M, M E R!!’ he shouted again after he used his two gauntlet blasters to blast two henchman ponies and two robots away.

‘What’s that spell?!!’ shouted Chance as he jumped in the air and twirled a bit. He then stuck the landing as if he was an acrobat.

‘Starlight Glimmer!!’ he shouted whilst he raised his two batons in the air, whilst also standing on top of the unconscious henchman ponies and broken robots.

‘Awww.’ said Starlight as she tilted her head to the left a bit ‘He did a cheerleading performance for me.’

At the same time, Mystic flew around whilst the robots surrounded him again. He thought to himself and asked what he should do. He snapped his fingers and then raised his hands in the air, whilst he shouted ‘By the spirits of Octagon!!!’

From out of nowhere, a portal opened and a giant octopus came out, frightening the henchman ponies when they saw it, causing them to scatter, whilst the octopus grabbed the robots and crushed them, whilst also throwing them away.

‘By the ghosts of Wendigo!!’ shouted Mystic ‘Chase the minions of evil away from this place!!’

At the same time, the ghosts of the Wendigo arrived, giving the Henchman ponies a great fright, causing them to run away whilst the Wendigo chased them.

As the fight went on, Twilight and the others were greatly surprised to see how well their husbands were handling things.
‘Wow,’ said Trixie ‘All of them are so…brave.’

Pinkie did a sigh with a smile as she said ‘Aren’t they romantic, coming to the damsel’s rescue like that?’

‘Hey, saving ponies is our job.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘Yeah, but you guys got your butt kicked too easily when you decided to rush in.’ said Spike as he reminded them of that little incident.

Some groaned over it as Twilight said ‘Please don’t remind me. I’m still embarrassed over that ordeal.’

‘Hey look,’ said Starlight as she got their attention ‘They’ve stopped.’

As they looked, they saw many of the robots and minions have fallen, the Amazing Nine, aka, their husbands and wife, stood together, staring down at the villains from afar, whilst the villains attempted to get into position for the butt kicking experience.

‘You may have defeated our forces.’ said Mane-iac whilst her hair was getting ready to grab them.

‘But we still have the upper hand.’ said Death Dragon.

‘Count again.’ said Beau, whilst Mystic used his power to teleport Twilight and the others, as they were suddenly next to them, taking them by surprise.

‘Now the playing field has been leveled.’ said Bolt whilst Rainbow Dash, whilst it felt both weird, but right at the same time, hovered together.

‘The game is over Hexagon!!’ said Twilight, as she remembered that Hexagon was the one that called the shots.

‘Surrender now, or we’ll have to skip right to the butt kicking!!’ said Beau.

‘Very well then,’ said Beau as he stared at them down ‘If it’s a fight that you want, then it’s a fight that you’ll get. Attack!!’

At the same time, the villains attacked, Mystic quickly stopping time, whilst Beau gave out his game plan.

‘Alright, listen up.’ said Beau ‘We each take our opponents, but we try to keep this fight to a minimum as we can.’
‘Got any ideas?’ asked Twilight.

‘We sure do.’ said Emily ‘Twilight and Beau will take on Hexagon, whilst Applejack and Bucky will take on Mighty Man.’
Spike agreed whilst he also said ‘Rarity and Silver will take on Gauntlet Wielder whilst Fluttershy and Genus will take care of Savagery and Smudge.’

Emily then said ‘Rainbow Dash and Bolt will take on Alienator whilst Pinkie Pie and Frosty will take on Phony Pharaoh and High Heel.’

Whilst Spike said ‘Starlight and Chance will take on Mane-iac, Shadow Pony and Painstrike, whilst Mystic and Trixie will take on Maria.’

‘Spike and I will take Death Dragon.’ said Emily whilst she cracked her knuckles.

‘Everyone ready?’ asked Chance, causing all of them to nod, and getting ready for a brawl.

‘Then let’s do this thing!!’ shouted Emily and Spike.

And just like that, the moment time resumed, and the villains pressed on the attack, Twilight and co, including their husbands and wife, were also attacking them head on. Sure enough, both sides clashed in battle.

Spike and Emily fought Death Dragon. Death Dragon and Emily flew around and tried to shoot each other with their laser blasts, even from their eyes. Death Dragon even tried to take a few pot shots at Spike, but he kept dodging them because of their acrobatic skills.

‘Evade me all you want!!’ shouted Death Dragon ‘But mark my words, I will reign supreme!!’

Emily, with her knowledge of comic books, decided to get under her skin as she said ‘At least I did not murder mother and father!!’

It appeared to have worked, for Death Dragon was surprised to hear that. ‘What?’

‘Do not deny it, I know everything!!’ she said, acting like Fire Dragon ‘Mother and father were never going to choose you to rule the throne because they saw darkness in your heart!! So you murdered both of them in their sleep!!’

Death Dragon had no words. For as Emily continued to distract her, Spike climbed up from behind to attack her. Emily continued to act as she said ‘And how could you?! I welcomed you back with open arms, even after all you did!!’

‘I’m only trying to take back what is rightfully mine, sister.’ said Death Dragon with a gripped fist.

‘I’m done apologizing for mother’s decision!!’ said Emily ‘She loved you, but she gave me the throne because she knew you couldn’t handle the power!!’

‘Oh, don’t worry!!’ said Death Dragon with a grin ‘Once I am through with you, I will have what I deserve!!’

‘Deserve this!!’ shouted Spike, gaining Death Dragon’s attention, whilst she reacted too late as Spike gave her a good kick in the face.

Death Dragon collapsed onto the ground, with Emily and Spike standing together.

‘Damn you’re hot when you get like that.’ said Spike with a smile.

‘Then how do you like this for hot, you overgrown lizard.’ said Emily with a smile as she grabbed Spike by the shirt collar and kissed him, surprising him with wide eyes and red cheeks.

Mystic and Trixie continued to cast their spells together whilst they were trying to outfox Maria, but she proved extremely difficult. As the two of them regrouped, Trixie was panting and was also exhausted.

‘Are you alright?’ asked Mystic, worried about his wife.

‘Trixie just, needs to catch her breath.’ said Trixie whilst wiping the sweat from her brow

‘We need to end this, and fast.’ said Mystic whilst trying to charge up his power.

Trixie thought about something, then realized something as she had an idea.

‘Mystic?’ said Trixie whilst she looked at him ‘Can you use your magic to create anything?’

‘Yes, why?’ asked Mystic whilst he looked at his wife.

Trixie whispered in his ear of what she had in mind. He nodded a few times over what she had planned, then agreed by her request. Mystic concentrated and ended up creating two amulets, which looked a lot like Alicorn Amulets, the very one Trixie used to try and beat Twilight some time ago.

As Trixie accepted them, she looked at Mystic and asked ‘These won’t turn us evil, will they?’

‘Don’t worry, I worked out the bugs.’ said Mystic as if he was the one who originally made it.

The two of them put their amulets on, allowing the two of them to glow brightly, surprising Maria as she saw them charging up with energy. Both Trixie and Mystic shouted ‘By the power of the might of Alicorns past!!’

The two of them fired their energy blasts at her, knocking Maria out as she was hurled against the wall extremely hard. She collapsed onto the ground and very hurt.

‘Ooh, nice one.’ said Trixie.

Mystic ended up looking at Trixie’s flank, and he felt his face reddened when he saw how well snug the suit was on her. He slowly placed his hand on her flank, causing her to notice as her face went red.

‘What are you doing?’ asked a flustered Trixie.

Mystic instantly removed his hand as he raised both of them in defense ‘Sorry.’

Trixie suddenly looked at him with half allured eyes ‘Oh just be quiet and do that again whilst you kiss me you doofus.’
Responding to the request, Mystic’s helmet slightly opened to reveal his mouth, whilst he was able to kiss Trixie as he held onto her flank.

Starlight, through her surprise, used martial arts skills to fend off against Shadow Pony. She did a somersault, then kicked her at the back, used her grappling hook to hook it behind Shadow Pony’s belt, causing her to be hoisted up, whilst Chance continued to fight Painstrike as he used his bo-staff to defend himself against Painstrike’s sword.
‘You know what’s really on my mind?’ asked Chance whilst he stood back to back with Starlight once they were surrounded by the two fighters.

‘That we somehow and suddenly know martial arts to fight against fictional villains in a comic book that would likely kill us?’

‘No,’ said Chance as he slightly looked at her ‘That you look great in spandex and tights.’

Starlight couldn’t help but feel flustered whilst she felt embarrassed, which proved it as Chance could feel her blushing ‘Chance…you’re embarrassing me.’

At the same time, Shadow Pony and Painstrike attacked from both sides, causing Chance and Starlight to look one another as they said ‘Switch.’

The moment they did that, Chance delivered a very powerful right hook against Shadow Pony’s face, whilst Starlight delivered a painful roundhouse kick against Painstrike’s face. As the two of them collapsed, Chance and Starlight were suddenly wrapped in Mane-iac’s tentacle mane.

She let out a cackle as she said ‘I have you two know. The power Ponies may have defeated me in the past, but you two will make easy targets.’

Chance remembered something, from all the time that Emily bragged about the comic, he remembered that Hunter always had a way to defeat Mane-iac. So he reached for his utility belt and pulled out a small vial and planted it in his right wrist blaster, freed it and had a straight good shot, causing the vial to shatter on Mane-iac’s head, whilst the liquid poured all over her hair.

‘What the…?’ said Mane-iac as she looked at the liquid. She then looked at Chance as she shouted ‘What is this?!!’
Chance smiled as he looked at ‘Hair remover.’

‘What?!!’ shouted Mane-iac in shock. And within mere moments, her hair began to fall apart, allowing Chance and Starlight to be freed. The moment the two of them landed on their feet/hooves, Mane-iac ran to the nearest mirror, and she saw that she was completely bald, causing her to scream in horror by what had happened.

Chance and Starlight, no longer being able to control their laughter, instantly laughed out loud over Mane-iac, or in this case, Bald-iac, no longer had any hair.

‘Oh man,’ said Starlight as she wiped a tear away ‘Oh man, now that was evil.’

‘Oh, I’ll show you evil.’ said Chance, whilst he grabbed her flank, taking her surprise whilst he rubbed his nose against hers.

Starlight couldn’t help but giggle whilst she blushed at the same time. Bald-iac then yelled ‘You have ruined my mane, I will make you…!!’

At that split second, Chance and Starlight instantly threw knockout pellets at her, causing her to pass out from the smoke as she fell face first on the ground.

‘Now then…’ said Starlight with a blush and a smile ‘Where were we?’, allowing the two of them to kiss as she used her hat to cover their faces.

At the same time, High Heel used her heel based weapon to try and catch the two annoying speedsters, with Phony Pharaoh trying to use his mummified linen cloth, but the two speedsters were just too quick for them.

Pinkie then kept running around as she kept saying ‘Tag you’re it!!’ over and over again whilst poking the side of their heads.

Whilst at the same time, Frosty appeared right behind High Heel as he said ‘Well, well, hello there…’, causing her to instantly slapping her rear, making her yelp as she stiffened up with wide eyes.

‘Hey!!’ said Pinkie as she zipped close to him. She then made a sad face as she said ‘I wanted you to do that to me.’

‘Hmmm…’ said Frosty as he began to think, whilst he instantly pulled out a pizza and ate it whilst he still was thinking. ‘On one condition…’ said Frosty as he talked to her. ‘How fast can you get a huge jar of jelly in here?’

Pinkie then squealed with excitement and instantly ran over to get what Frosty needed. She then came back and brought over the giant jar of jelly.

‘Ha, Jelly?’ said Phony Pharaoh as he looked at it.

‘What are you going to do, make a sandwich?’ said High Heel when she wasn’t amused.

‘Oh, nothing much.’ said Frosty as he stood next to them, surprising them. When all of a sudden. He then said ‘E-yoink!’, whilst lifting what almost appeared to be another scene, causing the henchman to notice and they instantly fell down, and went splat inside the jelly.

They were instantly stuck inside, and no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t get out. Pinkie giggled when she saw them stuck inside. She then tasted the jelly that was dripping from the side when she wiped her finger against it. ‘Mmm, strawberry.’

Frosty then gave a slight smile as he walked over to her, gaining her attention whilst she flexed her right eyebrow. ‘What?’

Within an instant, Frosty zipped right over and grabbed Pinkie, whilst he was leaning her backwards as her right leg was raised in the air, surprising her whilst she blushed. Frosty then remembered an old Deadpool line, but adapted it as he looked right at her.

‘Filly-Second,’ said Frosty as he said ‘There’s no time to explain. But we gotta suck face like there’s no tomorrow.’

Out of instinct, Pinkie slapped the left side of his face, with Frosty ended up rubbing his head against Pinkie’s bust, making her blush as he said ‘Oh, I’ll be gentle, darling.’

Pinkie ended up giving an alluring smile with her one eyebrow flexed whilst she blushed. She then grabbed Frosty and pulled him down ‘Hey!!’

And just like that, Pinkie kissed him, with both Phony Pharaoh and High Heel blushing whilst they were surprised at the same time.

‘Holy shit.’ said High Heel.

‘Is that even legal?’ said Phony Pharaoh.

‘Filly, you’re sucking too much of my…’ said Frosty whilst he was still pretending, with the two villains were now embarrassed as they watched the whole thing.

‘Oh my!’ shouted High Heel whilst she covered her eyes.

Whilst at the same time, Bolt and Rainbow Dash continued to fly around, trying their best to avoid Alienator’s attack. He kept shape-shifting to different forms, trying to beat them or bite them, or claw them. Thankfully, both Rainbow Dash and Bolt were too fast for him.

‘Man this guy’s annoying!’ said Rainbow Dash whilst she was so frustrated.

‘We gotta find a way to beat that thing!!’ said Bolt before they had to dodge again.

‘Got any ideas?!’ said Rainbow Dash as she yelped whilst she was nearly grabbed.

Bolt began to think, for there was a way. He instantly realized something, for he remembered Emily mentioned that he was like that other guy, the alien from another planet. The guy has two weaknesses, Fire and Lightning.

‘I got it!!’ said Bolt ‘You up for a little splash and shock?!!’

Rainbow instantly realized what he was talking about, which she ended up smiling as she said ‘You know it!!!’

Rainbow Dash used her pendant to summon a dark cloud from above her that only focused on Alienator. Luckily for Rainbow, he was standing in a big enough ditch, which made the water raise about halfway to his waist.

‘Ha!!’ said Alienator as he crossed his arms ‘Did you really think that a bit of rain and a giant pond will be enough to stop me?!’

‘Nope.’ said Bolt.

‘But this will!!’ shouted Rainbow Dash.

Within a split second, the two of them shot out their lightning, causing Alienator to be electrocuted as he screamed in pain. Before anyone knew, the pond exploded, causing Alienator to fly in the air and crash right outside of the headquarters. As they saw Alienator fly out, the two of them compared notes.
‘So how far did you think he fell?’ asked Bolt.

‘Not far.’ said Rainbow Dash whilst she also observed ‘my guess is he fell onto a passing garbage truck, now he’ll got all the way to the garbage barge.’

Bolt couldn’t help but stare at her flank, for it really looked amazing. The things he wants to do and he couldn’t help himself.

No longer being able to take it anymore, Bolt said ‘Okay, I’m just gonna say it, that suit really makes you look sexier than before and it compliments your flank well.’

Rainbow couldn’t help but feel flustered, embarrassed as well as puffed up her cheeks as she looked at him, and ended up jabbing her husband’s shoulder with her fist. ‘S…shut up.’

Bolt ended up grabbing her flank, but pulled her in for a kiss, taking her by surprise as her face was red, making her close her eyes whilst she was enjoying it. That was, until Bolt ended up giving her a tiny jolt on her flank, causing her to yelp as she jumped up a bit.

‘That’s payback for the prank you pulled before the zombie cookie incident.’

‘Ow,’ said Rainbow Dash whilst she rubbed her flank ‘That was a long time ago.’

Fluttershy kept dodging Smudge, for even though she may have been brave facing Discord, Chrysalis, the Pony of Shadows, the Storm King and Tirek, she’s not comfortable with the whole violence. Whilst at the same time, Genus used his power to jump around and claw Savagery left and right, as well as giving him a good punch.

That was, until ‘That is it!!’

Just as Genus dodged, Savagery’s trunk instantly grabbed Genus’ leg, causing Savagery to throw him hard against the wall, then ended up falling down on his back, groaning in pain.

Fluttershy, to her shock, saw that Genus was hurt, causing her to fly over to Genus. She placed her hand on her husband’s forehead as she said ‘Genus.’

‘Fluttershy…’ said Genus whilst he groaned ‘I know you don’t like violence. But…kick their butts.’

Savagery then stood a few feet away as he said ‘Aw, what’s the matter, are you going to cry?’

Fluttershy ended up gripping her right hand, and slowly looked at him with anger in her eyes, for now it was on.
‘Are you kidding me?’ said Fluttershy as she stood up.

‘I mean, I know you’re evil and everything.’ she continued whilst she walked over to Savagery, whilst she raised her voice ‘But you would harm, the only man, who ever mattered to me when no one else was?! Really?!!’

Savagery was a little surprised the way she acted ‘Well, you’re just a great big dumb, Meanie!!!’

And in that moment, Fluttershy’s voice changed as she sounded like an angry wombat on a good day, which surprised Savagery ‘There, I said it!!’

And as she talked Savagery down, she ended up growing, as did her muscles and height as her eyes went red ‘What makes you think that you’re so special!! What, the rules of common courtesy don’t even apply to you?!! Why don’t you pick on someone your own size!!!’

And just like that, to Savagery’s surprise, Fluttershy was the exact same height as Savagery, and then roared in his face. Fluttershy punched him hard in the face, then grabbed his leg and threw him far across the room.

Fluttershy jumped right at him, where she ended up stomping Savagery hard onto the ground, whilst at the same time, Genus slowly sat up and saw how Fluttershy was fighting. He couldn’t help but blush when he saw her fight, especially when her suit was now a little tighter around her rear and bust. She then grabbed Savagery and threw him, causing him to crash right onto Smudge. But Savagery ended up being dragged again, with Smudge lying there on the ground, groaning over the hard knocked down pain he had ever received.

‘Rager smash!!’ shouted Fluttershy, causing her to raise her arms and smashed Savagery onto the ground, making the elephant groan in pain.

As Fluttershy kept breathing aggressively, she felt someone poke her. She looked aggressively at the one who did it, but she was surprised when she saw Genus, staring at her with his mouth wide open.

‘Oh dear, um…’ said Fluttershy in her deep voice, thinking that she was in trouble ‘I’m sorry about the uh…’

Genus instantly grabbed her face, pulled her down and kissed her full on the lips, taking her by surprise. Fluttershy instantly closed her eyes, thus reverting back to normal, whilst she embraced her husband with her arms around him.
As they broke the kiss, Genus said ‘You…were amazing.’

Fluttershy blushed bright red and couldn’t help but nuzzle her head against his chest, whilst she sighed with a smile. When all of a sudden, their moment was disturbed when they saw Savagery slowly getting up.

‘If…you think…I’m just…’ said Savagery whilst he stood up, feeling drowsy after the beating he just got ‘Gonna let that slide…you got another…thing coming.’

Fluttershy wanted to make her move, until Genus stepped up and said ‘Oh, don’t worry, we’re done with the fighting. Besides, we have another opponent for you here that not even you can beat.’

‘Oh, and who might that be?’ said Savagery whilst he was still dazed from the beating he received.

When all of a sudden, Genus pulled a little white mouse from out of nowhere, with the mouse squeaking a few times.

‘A mouse!!!’ shouted Savagery out of fright, causing him to panic and run away, making him run into Smudge, whilst the two of them crashed against the wall, knocking them both unconscious as both of them were unconscious on the ground.

Fluttershy and Genus giggled a bit when they saw the two villains goof up. Fluttershy looked at the mouse and said ‘Aw, aren’t you just the cutest little thing.’

As she petted the mouse, Genus said ‘When you guys were captured, we made our way to where you were captured. We bumped into this little guy and we asked him if he knew a way to get inside. After the mouse helped us, I rewarded him with some cheese. He was so thankful, he wanted to give that elephant a good scare.’

The mouse squeaked something, causing Genus to say ‘He also wants me to do this.’

He placed his hand behind Fluttershy’s head and pulled her towards his lips, causing the two of them to kiss, with Fluttershy blushing, but closed her eyes as she embraced her husband, whilst she was petting the little mouse one last time before they had to return back to work.

Whilst from the air, Silver kept flying back and forth, trying to dodge Gauntlet Wielder’s attack, even created a shield. Gauntlet Wielder ended up breaking Silver’s shield and pinned him against the wall with what appeared to be restraints.
‘Struggle all you want, Blue Gauntlet’ said Gauntlet Wielder ‘But we both know you never stood a chance.’

‘That’s because he didn’t have me.’ said Rarity, gaining Gauntlet Wielder’s attention as she created what appeared to be a baseball bat, and swung it hard, hitting Gauntlet Wielder hard, making him fly backwards.

He then stopped and used his ring to fire a large energy beam, with Rarity constructing what appeared to be a U shaped object and redirected it at him. But Gauntlet Wielder dodged it and created a giant fly swatter and swatted Rarity, causing her to land hard onto the ground, despite that she created a shield that allowed her to soften the blows and falls.

Gauntlet Wielder created dual buzz saws and flew straight towards her, but Silver, with his will, ended up creating a giant boxing glove and used it to punch Gauntlet Wielder, taking him off balance and ended up being grabbed by what appeared to be a hand, with Silver throwing Gauntlet Wielder as hard as he could against the wall.

Silver flew over and quickly picked Rarity up. She was able to stand on both her hooves as he said ‘You alright?’

‘I will be,’ said Rarity whilst she had a really annoyed look on her face ‘After I kick that beast in places that will really hurt.’

They noticed that Gauntlet Wielder was up and about and ready for another round.

‘Goodness, that uncouth person really does not know when to quit.’ said Rarity whilst she moved her hair away from her eyes ‘How will we ever take him down?’

Silver then remembered what Emily said, that his gauntlets are powered by three things; Will, Hope and Love. He was able to break free, but Will and Hope wouldn’t be enough, so he had to try another option.

‘Rarity,’ said Silver as he looked at her ‘Would you be a dear and create a magnifying glass?’

‘Oh, of course.’ said Rarity. She created it and held it in front of her, but was confused as she asked ‘Why did you want me to…?’

Silver ended up grabbing Rarity and kissed her full on the lips, taking her by surprise. But within moments, she melted with his kiss and embraced him whilst still keeping her magnifying glass. At the same time, Silver’s right gauntlet began to hum louder and louder whilst it glowed. He aimed the gauntlet at the magnifying glass, allowing him to fire his full blast from his gauntlet. It went against the magnifying glass, allowing its power to be increased. Within mere moments, the magnifying glass ended up creating a much more powerful blast with the power of Silver’s gauntlets. The blast then went against Gauntlet Wielder, whose shields failed to save him as he was blasted all the way to the other side of town whilst also creating a giant hole through it.

Sure enough, the power died down, with Rarity and Silver breaking the kiss as they looked at one another with smiles from both their faces. She then noticed the giant hole in the wall.

‘Goodness,’ said Rarity whilst she looked at it ‘Did we do that?’

‘Indeed.’ said Silver. The two of them then looked at one another as he said ‘I remembered Emily saying that the gauntlet’s being powered by three things; Will, Hope and Love.’

Rarity was so surprised, she placed her hand in front of her mouth ‘Goodness, you chose love, for me?’

‘Just like how my heart chose you.’ said Silver as he cupped her chin.

Rarity ended up cooing and kissed Silver, with the two of them holding each other’s hands.

Mighty Man continued to fly around and fired his laser eyes at both Bucky and Applejack, but the two of them kept dodging his laser gaze. Applejack took out the golden horseshoes and threw it at Mighty Man in order to take him down, but he just blew them away, whilst he rushed towards them, but Bucky ended up throwing a heavy object at him, knocking him back all the way to the wall.
Bucky stood next to her and said ‘You okay?’

‘Ah will be,’ said Applejack, but ended up looking at Mighty Man with a stern look ‘After we deal with that varmint.’

Bucky couldn’t help but stare at her figure, for her costume really looked snug in all the right places. He felt his face being red and ended up saying ‘And I thought you were attractive before.’

Applejack ended up blushing, but nudged at him with a sly smile ‘Don’t go teasing me Hun.’

‘What I’m serious,’ said Bucky whilst he was being honest ‘I even sometimes forget how cute you are whenever you’re stern and serious.’

‘Aw shucks there.’ said Applejack whilst she rubbed the back of her head.

They heard loud rumbling coming from the rubble that Mighty Man got buried under, causing the two of them to get ready. That was, until Chance called out ‘Guys, catch!!’

They looked at what Chance had thrown, and when Bucky caught it, they saw that it was a type of purple crystal, with them wondering what it was, with Chance shouting ‘The only thing that can hurt Mighty Man!!’

Bucky then remembered, from the time that Emily babbled about her comic when she and Spike visited Sweet Apple Acres that time when they went to help Applejack since Twilight and Rainbow Dash went away to solve a friendship problem at the Wonderbolt Academy, which made him nod with a smile, then he looked at Applejack and said ‘Can you use your lasso to restrain him for a few moments?’

‘Partner,’ said Applejack whilst she stretched her fingers a bit ‘I can restrain any varmint from a psychotic chicken to a mad cow.’

At the same time, Mighty Man burst out of the rubble, then shouted ‘I will crush you two into dust!!’

But just as Mighty Man attacked, Applejack used her magic lasso and ensnare the deranged villain. ‘Yee-haw!!’ shouted Applejack ‘Get along crazy villain!!’

‘You think your magic lasso can hold me?!!’ shouted Mighty Man.

‘No,’ said Bucky as he stood near Mighty Man, gaining the villain’s attention ‘But it does come with an accessory.’

Bucky ended up holding the purple crystal, which surprised the villain. Mighty Man ended up falling down on his back whilst he groaned in pain, whilst he said ‘A…Ammonite Crystal.’

‘The only thing that can hurt you.’ said Bucky whilst he approached the villain.

‘But…I…’ said Mighty Man, trying to speak whilst Applejack stood next to her husband.

‘Destroyed the last piece on this world, true. But we’ve found a way to create more.’

Applejack and her husband looked at one another, gave a nod, then the two of them punched Mighty Man so hard, he ended up flying towards an electric fence, electrocuting him, then collapsed on the ground unconscious. Applejack used her golden horseshoes to restrain him, whilst the crystal was placed next to the villain.

‘Man that was fun.’ said Bucky. Until he was suddenly ensnared by a lasso, and ended up being pulled by Applejack, brining the surprised husband close to her as she gave a slurring smile.

‘Aw, just like the day we first met.’ said Bucky as he smiled. ‘But in a very kinky way.’

‘Oh, kinky eh?’ said Applejack as she leaned closer ‘Well, how’s this for kinky?’

Applejack ended up kissing her husband, with him returning the kiss as they kept it for a few moments before they would be interrupted again.

At the same time, Twilight and Beau fought Hexagon on both sides. Twilight flew in the air and used her horn to fire a powerful laser, with Hexagon jumping out of the way, until Beau attacked from behind as he used his shield to bash against Hexagon’s helmet, making a slight crack in the process. He then grabbed Beau at the head and tossed him aside, with Twilight flying down and delivered a very powerful kick to Hexagon’s face.

Hexagon growled, and ended up firing his missiles and blasters, causing Beau to shield Twilight as he placed his shield on his back and held her from behind whilst the shield displayed a large energy shield. As the lasers continued to fire, Beau couldn’t help but smile as he held her close. His hand slowly moves down and held onto her flank, making her yelp when she felt his hand.

‘Beau,’ said Twilight as she blushed bright red on both cheeks and felt flustered at the same time ‘Not in public. And we’re kind of in the middle of something.’

‘Sorry, couldn’t help it.’ said Beau. ‘You know…’ said Beau as he leaned closer to her ear and whispered to her ‘Once we’re done here. You wanna have some fun again tonight?’

Twilight blushed bright red, but she ended up chuckling whilst she held onto his hand and kissed him by the cheek ‘If we don’t have any other plans after this, then yes.’

The two of them heard a crack, then looked at it, then realized that their defense will soon be broken. ‘Uh oh,’ said Beau ‘We’d better get moving.’

‘I’ll try to use my magic to bring him down,’ said Twilight as he looked at Beau ‘You think you can distract him?’

‘Like you need to ask.’ said Beau whilst he took out his sword. Twilight instantly teleported whilst Beau leapt high in the air, gaining Hexagon’s attention as he quickly pulled out his own sword.

The two of them clashed blades at one another as they tried to strike left, right, up, down, even sideways. The two of them clashed their blades again as the sparks began to fly. Beau ended up being on one knee as he struggled against Hexagon’s enhanced strength thanks to the suit.

‘You know you never stood a chance against me.’ said Hexagon as he was faced to face with Beau.

‘Maybe, but I have something you don’t.’ said Beau with a smirk ‘A crazy Alicorn on a bad day.’

Hexagon then saw Twilight, and with her power from her horn, she blasted Hexagon away as he ended up crashing against the wall. Beau and Twilight stood next to one another, until Twilight looked at him with a flexed eyebrow ‘ “Crazy Alicorn on a bad day?”

‘Well you do sometimes get carried away whenever you try to stop the smallest things.’ said Beau whilst he looked at her.

‘Name one.’ said Twilight with a stink eye.

Beau then listed them down as he said ‘That time when you tried to change the Parasprite’s diet that nearly ended up eating everything in Ponyville. That time when you and your friends drove Rarity crazy whenever all of you weren't satisfied with your dresses, when you didn’t believe in Pinkie’s Pinkie senses, when you got turned into stone by a possessed chicken, when you tried to take Discord, Nightmare Moon and Tirek on alone, when you made Spike jealous because of Owlowiscious, the Smarty Pants incident, when you and the others accidentally turned Spike into a giant greedy monster, when you tried to change the Bat’s diets and turned Fluttershy into a bat pony, when you gave the CMC a book on how to create a love poison, when you nearly started a war with the Yaks, and that was before I came here. I was there through the other shenanigans, from helping Starlight looking for a friend to the part before Cozy Glow got all power crazy.’

Twilight winced at every one of them, and ended up feeling embarrassed about all of them. ‘Oh.’

‘But you know,’ said Beau as he was thinking ‘If I had been born in Equestria and grew up next to you…’

‘Then you could lecture or tease me?’ said Twilight as she pouted whilst she crossed her arms.

‘No,’ said Beau as he wrapped his arms around Twilight, then whispered in her ear ‘So that I could be your supporting pillar and your compass to help you point in the right way, just as you once did for me when we first met.’

Twilight couldn’t help but blush, smile, and nuzzled against his face ‘In a way…I’d really love that. And I wouldn’t trade you and Moonlight for anything.’

They then heard Hexagon growl, gaining Twilight and Beau’s attention. He slowly stood up all angry whilst Smudge, Phony Pharaoh, Shadow Pony, High Heel, Mane-iac (Or in this case, Bald-iac) stood near Hexagon, ready for another round, except for the human villains, for all of them took quite a beating, with the rest of the Mane 6, Starlight, Trixie, their husbands, Spike and Emily to stand together, ready for another go.

‘Did you really think that we would be defeated that easily?’ said Bald-iac, still angry about the loss of her mane ‘We will make sure that you will get buried alive for this.’

‘Got any ideas?’ whispered Twilight when she was close enough to Spike.

Both Spike and Emily remembered something, from their last comic convention, then looked at one another, and gave each other a sneaky grin, with Spike saying ‘As a matter of fact.’

Both Spike and Emily took a step forward and spoke to them directly.

‘Well at least we didn’t botch up our last plan like last time.’ said Emily with a stern voice, causing Hexagon to quirk an eyebrow, wondering what they were getting at.

‘Yeah,’ said Spike as he stood next to her ‘We stopped you before when you wanted to use Hexagon’s tech to blow up all of reality, and we will stop you again.’

‘Wait,’ said Hexagon when he heard what Spike and Emily said ‘Blow up, Reality?!!’

He then sternly looked at Bald-iac, Smudge, Phony Pharaoh, Shadow Pony and High Heel, which also showed a slight fear on their faces. He walked over to them as he said ‘You’ve been trying to wipe out this dimension, I’ve been trying to take over, for thousands of years?!! Are you insane?!!’

‘Well,’ said Phony Pharaoh as he tried to point things out ‘You did say to wipe out the heroes and all who resist at any cost.’

‘This is why I wanted to banish you lot to the shadow dimension in the first place.’ said Hexagon. Then he whacked over them a couple of times as he shouted ‘Because you’re all idiots, a bunch of morons, a load of horse dung!! So you know what?!! I’m kicking all of you in!!’

And with one strike, he kicked them all straight to a portal that he opened up in a split second, causing all of them to fall in whilst they screamed in terror. After they were gone and the portal closed, Hexagon shouted ‘I had enough of heroes, for a millennia!!’

And within an instant, Hexagon shot a full lightning blast at the ponies and their husbands, until Chance blocked it, causing him to collapse onto the ground and cringed, not being able to move.

‘Chance!!’ shouted Starlight in fear, seeing her husband being electrocuted.

‘Oh, don’t you worry,’ said Hexagon whilst Chance was still on his knees and arms ‘Once I’m through with him, all of you are on my list.’

But before anyone could respond, Emily had an idea. ‘Chance, don’t give up!! If you’re gone, who will watch your little ones grow up!! All of them fatherless!!’

Chance’s ears perked at that, surprised by what Emily said, but continued on shouting as she said ‘If you’re gone, think of Starshine Shimmer, Lucky Star and Blessed Night!! Picture them being threatened by Chrysalis, when she nearly killed Starlight, and picture them being banished with her to another dimension when Cozy Glow tried to steal the world’s magic, where all of them would…perish.’

Now that, set Chance off. Suddenly, he dropped the nice guy act, and his eyes turned red. He planted both his fists onto the ground and pushed himself up, whilst he was able to firmly plant his one foot onto the ground, allowing himself to stand up. He then screamed in rage, causing his body to turn partially red, whilst his shoulders and fists were nearly engulfed with red fire, taking them, even Hexagon, by surprise.

Chance then walked step by step towards Hexagon, clearly fixated on taking the guy down. Chance eventually stood near Hexagon, causing the villain to try and strike back. That was, until Chance grabbed the villain’s fist, blocking his attack, even with the full power of the suit.

With a powerful swing, he punched Hexagon’s gut, shattering the armour from below, then punched Hexagon’s face, shattering his helmet. Chance then pulled back his fist, and with a powerful punch, he used a Buddha palm to punch Hexagon’s chest armour, completely breaking it and made him jump ten feet away, then crashed against the wall, and then collapsed onto the ground, out cold and unconscious.

Chance panted a view times, breathing with so much anger. The others were clearly worried, with Starlight walking over to him. When she was close enough, she asked ‘Chance, are you okay?’

Somehow, by miracle, the sound of her voice calmed him down as he breathed a bit and the fires dimmed whilst returning him to a normal color. He looked at her and said, with a smile ‘I am the moment I heard your voice.’

Starlight felt relieved and hugged Chance, with him returning it. The two of them were glad that it was over, as well as the others.

‘How did you know that would work?’ asked Twilight when she looked at Emily.

‘See, when I made up Hunter,’ said Emily whilst she looked at Twilight ‘He gained a special power. Whenever he gets enraged, his body turns into that color you saw earlier, whilst also generating fire from his fists and shoulders, as well as gaining the super strength from over three hundred men.’

‘Fascinating.’ said Twilight, for she somehow liked what Emily did.

Spike then noticed that since the villains were defeated, they hadn’t returned to the real world yet, they needed to find a way. He then looked at the others and asked ‘So now what?’

Chapter 4: Back to the Real World

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After Hexagon and the human villains were taken to prison, Twilight and her friends, along with their husbands and wife, went to the Power Ponies’ headquarters (After Spike and Emily were kind enough to show them where it is). All of them were sitting in the same room, thinking about what to do. Half of the Mane 6 sat on their chairs close to the Power Ponies’ table, whilst their husbands did the same. Pinkie on the other hand zipped right into the kitchen, with Frosty making sure that she doesn’t go stir crazy like she did last time. Emily and Spike on the other hand were trying to figure out why they hadn’t gone back to their world yet.

‘I don’t get it,’ said Emily as she gained their attention ‘We beat the bad guys, and save the day…’

‘We should’ve gone back by now.’ said Spike as he wondered the same thing ‘Something’s really off.’

However, unknown to anyone in the room, Beau had an idea. For he secretly read through the “Power Ponies and the Amazing Nine” comics and even though he’s not an obsessed fan like Spike and Emily, he found it rather amusing. He remembered, that in this issue, Knight Avenger and Masked Matterhorn revealed each other’s identities and they wanted to find a way to make their relationships work. He then looked at Twilight, and suddenly felt like the day he fell in love with her all over again, which made him smile. He decided to play the part, however, he decided to spice things up a bit. He took a step forward as he said

‘Masked Matterhorn.’ said Beau, gaining Twilight’s attention.

Very slowly, Beau took off his mask, revealing his face to Twilight. At the same time, Spike and Emily noticed it too and signaled the others as they looked at what the dragon and his wife wanted to see.

‘Look, I get it,’ said Beau, trying to play his part ‘I know you would rather face the dangers of the world and the ones who cause it, but wouldn’t you rather be happy to do it with someone you trust, one that would stand by your side through the bitterness of life, no matter how bleak the future might hold?’

Twilight cocked her left eyebrow, wondering what her husband was up to. ‘As I once said, through the hotness of the sun and the coldness of the night, as well as the flow of life as is the flow of death, I would give up everything in my life just to be with the one who once lit my soul alight with its guiding lantern than in the blackest caverns of its Ghastly Gorge.’

That’s when it instantly clicked. The way he talked was exactly from her romance books, namely stories like “Time for Two”, “One day in Equestria”, “Hugs and the City” and “Sunshine of my Life”. Realizing what he was doing and from what book he was doing, she decided to play along. She turned around and had her arms crossed, holding them together whilst pretending to feel insecure.

‘Oh Knight Avenger,’ said Twilight as she played along. ‘I know your heart’s in the right place, but we’re different. We can’t be together, for nopony would ever approve or our love. I know you mean well, but for someone like me…I just don’t know if I can. You deserve to be with someone else.’

‘Matterhorn,’ said Beau as he walked towards her and held her hands the moment she turned around to face him ‘I don’t care about what anyone thinks about us, I don’t care about how different we are, nor do I want anyone else, I want you, and I’ll do whatever I can to make things work.’

Twilight ended up blushing for real, for even after all these years they were married, he still has a way with words. Playing along, she slowly took off her mask, and looked at him as she said ‘If someone like you can love someone like me. Maybe I can do the same for you.’

The two of them held each other tightly, embracing one another. They then looked at one another as Twilight said ‘Now kiss me you big oaf.’

The two of them kissed one another as if they were in a movie. The others couldn’t help but watched how adorable that was. ‘Aw,’ said Rarity as she cooed ‘That’s so sweet.’
Silver whispered to her ‘Those two got that from Time for Two.’

‘I know, it’s amazing.’

When all of a sudden, a portal opened up among them, gaining their attention as all of them were sucked right in.

Back in Equestria, the comic novel, to the surprise of the kids, sharply opened up, allowing all of their parents to pop out and land on the ground further apart.

One by one, they instantly stood up, and realized where they were. ‘Oh thank goodness.’ said Frosty as he collapsed onto the ground, relieved that they were no longer trapped in the comic book.

Bolt sat up straight as he said ‘I think we can all learn a valuable lesson here.’

‘Oh I agree,’ said Rainbow Dash, who felt the same way her husband did ‘And the lesson is…’

Within a split second, all of them looked at Spike and Emily as all of them shouted ‘No more buying enchanted comics!!!’

The two of them flinched the way all of them shouted. ‘Oh come on, that was one time.’ said Spike as he told them ‘Besides, how was I supposed to know that she bought it from the enchanted comics.’

‘You could’ve told them the full story.’ said Chance as he was standing up and helped his wife.

Within an instant, Peacon and Lemon Pie jumped into their mother’s arms as they shouted ‘You’re back!!’

All the kids ran over to their parents and were really happy to see them, with Chance, Starlight, Mystic and Trixie quickly going over to their babies and gave each of them a hug whilst very happy to see them. ‘Thank goodness,’ said Warm Breeze ‘We were so worried.’

‘And you guys totally kicked bad guy butt!!’ shouted Bolt Jr. when he raised his arms in joy ‘That was awesome!!’

‘Wait,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘How did you know we were fighting Mane-iac and her cronies?’

‘Oh, after y’all went in to save our dads,’ said Apple Slice as he told them ‘Moonlight figured out how to create a spell that would allow us to see inside the comic book so that we could see how you guys were doing. And boy, y’all wrassled them varmints more than ma when she was fighting that raging bull last year at the Rodeo in Appaloosa.’

‘It was nothing really,’ said Moonlight ‘It was an elite class spell and it was difficult, but I was able to figure out how anyone could do it. I even got my Cutie Mark on it.’

Moonlight showed her cutie mark to them, and it revealed a spell book with a six magenta star on it, which surprised Twilight. She couldn’t help but choke up whilst shedding tears of joy.

‘My daughter learned an elite spell and got her Cutie Mark?’ said Twilight as she could barely hold it in. She ended up hugging Moonlight tightly as she said ‘I’m so proud of you.’

‘Indeed,’ said Crystal Gem, whose tone suddenly changed as she said ‘Though it would’ve been a lot better if dad didn’t admire how well her costume looked on her body. It was so embarrassing.’

‘And don’t even get started on the rest of our dads.’ said Bolt Jr. as he agreed with Crystal.

The wives looked at their husbands surprised, whilst some of them cleared their throats and whistled, pretending nothing was wrong. However, their red faces proved that they couldn’t hide it, causing the wives to give their own sneaky smiles when they had something in mind for them.

‘But uh, one question,’ asked Moonlight when she looked at her mother ‘What did you mean by Uncle Spike’s “Little Friend”?’

Twilight instantly stiffened up, realizing that their kids also heard their conversations. ‘Uh…’ said Twilight, trying her best to defend her daughter’s innocence ‘I’ll tell you when you’re older.’

‘But…’ said Moonlight when she really wanted to know.

‘When you’re older young lady.’ said Beau whilst he quickly intervened, trying his best too.

‘Ugh, fine.’ said Moonlight as she crossed her arms and pouted, with Beau and Twilight sighing in relief.

When all of a sudden, the Young Six walked into the room as some were in conversations whilst Silverstream said in her cheery attitude ‘Hello everyone.’

They suddenly saw that the entire room was in shambles, much to their surprise. ‘Wow, did you guys really have that big of a welcome back party?’ asked Sandbar.

‘Uh, it’s a long story there.’ said Bucky as he stood up, with him helping his wife up.

‘But if you want to know,’ said Trixie whilst she rocked her little filly ‘We ended up getting sucked into a comic book because a certain dragon forgot to tell his wife about what happened the last time they had an enchanted comic in the same room.’

‘Hey, how was Emily supposed to know, she only knows like, one out of two enchanted comic book stores in Equestria.’ said Spike trying to defend her.

‘Wait, there are two?’ said Silver as he dusted himself.

‘The first enchanted comic is in Canterlot,’ said Rarity as she remembered what Spike told her and her friends ‘So where is the other one?’

‘In Manehattan.’ said Emily.

‘Okay, we seriously need to look for potential dangers to Equestria.’ said Genus as he got up and helped Fluttershy up like a gentleman.

‘Yes, um,’ said Fluttershy as she was trying to collect herself ‘I really don’t want to go through something like that again.’

Chance held Blessed Night as he said ‘Just make sure you did it in a calmed manner, or did you forget about how you lot yelled and scolded at everypony since they didn’t get the whole point of the journal that all of you published. I mean, didn’t you think to consider writing something like “This book is based on actual events. All characters that were written in this book are actual and real live characters that have been interviewed and desired to share their experience to those who would want a friend” in order for them to click that that’s the reason why you printed the journals in the first place?’

Twilight then groaned at that as she face palmed ‘Why didn’t I think of that?’

‘Wait, how did you know about that?’ said Beau whilst he was surprised that Chance knew about that.

‘Let’s just say, I married a masterful story teller.’ said Chance as he nuzzled his wife, making Starlight blush as she did the same.

‘And don’t get me started on the terrible beat down Silver gave the ponies who were horrible to Rarity.’ said Chance.

The Young Six were surprised by what Silver did, even Twilight and the others’ kids. With Ocellus saying ‘Whoa, you really beat someone to a pulp Mr. Silver?’

Silver groaned a bit as he held onto his forehead ‘Not one of my best moments.’

‘But why’d you do it?’ asked Crystal Gem ‘Why were they horrible to mother?’

Starlight then said ‘Long story short, the ponies thought that Twilight and the others were characters from the journal they published.’

‘Yeah,’ said Beau ‘Long before the guys and I were brought to Equestria, they wrote most of their friendship lessons down onto their journals ever since they were inspired by Princess Celestia’s journal.’

‘They published the journal so that other ponies could learn more about maintaining their friendships and to realize that when it comes to problems, they’re not alone.’ said Genus.

‘Yeah,’ said Bolt when he had a negative memory of the so called admirers ‘Until most of the ponies thought about them the wrong way, thinking they were just characters from a story.’

The kids were surprised by this as Bolt Jr. said ‘Okay, are they really that stupid?’

Frosty also got angry thinking about it as he said ‘And as a result, Rarity lost her popularity through her “Supposed Selfishness”, Pinkie Pie got laughed at every word she says without even trying, Rainbow Dash keeps getting followed by ponies who was fixated on her, especially by a bunch of other kids who wouldn’t know cool if a piece of manure got shoved in their faces, Fluttershy gets criticized for her “Inconsistent assertiveness”, Applejack got swamped by admirers who considered themselves part of the family and nearly drove Sweet Apple Acres bankrupt, and Twilight was regarded less interesting ever since she became a Princess.’

That part, shocked the kids and Young Six even more. ‘Okay,’ said Smolder as she got mad ‘Now I really don’t like them.’

‘If Yona get hands on them,’ said Yona as she got angry ‘Yona smash them to pieces.’

‘Oh, you don’t need to do that.’ said Spike as he sat on a nearby chair.

The kids responded with a ‘Huh?’

‘When the guys and I found out about this when we were away,’ said Emily ‘We feared something like that might happen, so we were able to sent out messages to everypony and creature throughout Equestria to give them a heads up.’

‘Oh you should’ve seen it,’ said Trixie as she remembered like it happened only yesterday ‘Beau and the others yelled at the so called admirer’s ears off of what they were doing were ungrateful, that Twilight and the others had done a lot of good for us ever since they freed Luna from her darkness. And not just Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armour and myself were there to back them up, but so did every pony and creature they helped throughout Equestria and beyond.’

‘Now because of it,’ said Spike as he smirked ‘Everypony who criticized them now knows better. All of them sent apology letters and bits over to them, and more and more ponies are now ordering more fashion from Rarity, they treated Fluttershy with respect, others gave Rainbow her space when she needed it, everypony paid every bit they had to Applejack and her Family from eating their stuff without a second thought, people were more considerate with Pinkie and Twilight was now well respected. Not to mention we had to recall all the journals to make a few changes.’

‘What kind of changes?’ asked Warm Breeze.

‘Well for starters by adding that part of the writing on the journal from what Chance just said’ said Beau ‘And that we added some stuff in the journal from the day all of them first met.’

‘I’m glad you did,’ said Twilight as she let out a sigh, remembering the relief that happened the next day ‘We’re just happy that everypony was able to come to their senses and listened like the two fillies did when they truly understood what the journal was meant to be for.’

‘But anyway,’ said Pinkie Pie after she instantly brought over some cake for them ‘What are you guys doing here?’

‘Don’t tell me you forgot,’ said Gallus ‘You guys were going to let us go with your kids to the Crystal Empire for the weekend to visit Flurry Heart and Raging Halberd.’

The kids were surprised with widened eyes and some gasps. ‘Wait, that’s today?!!’ said Bolt Jr. when he just remembered.

The husbands groaned as they just remembered. ‘Oh right, we forgot about that.’ said Mystic.

‘Wait, visit the Crystal Empire?’ said Twilight.

‘See, whilst you were away for the Rainbow Festival,’ said Beau as he filled her in ‘Flurry Heart and Halberd really wanted Moonlight and the others to come over for a visit. They asked permission from Cadance, Shining Armour and Blade and they approved. They even sent a scroll about an hour before all of you left.’

‘Oh right,’ said Twilight as she remembered ‘I read through it but I didn’t have the chance to respond to them.’

Crystal Gem instantly held her mother’s leg as she said ‘Can we please go mother? We promise we’ll be good and listen to aunty Cadance whilst we’re there.’

Rarity thought long and hard about this. If Cadance and Shining Armour are there, they’ll be sure to keep them in line, and also remembered that Mistmane was also there. ‘Oh I suppose. And I’m sure that Mistmane won’t mind showing all of you her Crystal Décor.’

‘Yay!!’ shouted the kids as they got excited.

Until Rarity then realized ‘Goodness, that means we have to go pack up for your trip and quickly!!’

Rarity then grabbed Silver and Crystal as she said ‘Quick, there is much to do.’, and then teleported back to her house.
‘Quick, come on, let’s go!’ shouted Bolt Jr. as he and his parents quickly went back home.

‘There’s not a moment to lose.’ said Twilight as she, Beau and Moonlight quickly left to gather her things, with everypony else, including their husbands doing the same.

Twenty minutes later

The kids and their parents were at the train station with the Young Six, with the children greeting their parents before the train’s departure.

‘Y’all be good over there now.’ said Applejack.

‘And be sure to listen to Shining Armour, Blade and Cadance whilst you’re there,’ said Bucky ‘They may be familiar with us, but they’re still royalty over there, so be sure to show them some respect.’

‘Ah will Pa.’ said Apple Slice with a nod of acknowledgement.

The conductor then called out ‘All aboard!’

‘Oh, train about to leave.’ said Yona as she pointed at the train.

‘Come on, we gotta go.’ said Smolder.

As the Young Six and kids boarded, Moonlight said ‘And don’t worry, we’ll be back Sunday before dinner, not a minute more and not a minute less.’

As the train left once they were on the train, the parents waved goodbye as Beau said ‘Glad our daughter take’s her punctuality after us.’

‘Same here.’ said Twilight as she was thankful that her daughter can also be like her most of the time. ‘Although…’

Beau noticed that Twilight and the rest of her friends were acting weird for some reason, which the guys took notice.

‘So now that the children are away for the weekend,’ said Starlight with an alluring smile ‘And we were able to find a babysitter for my babies and Trixie’s…’

They were suddenly teleported back inside the castle, however, Spike and the rest of the guys suddenly found themselves in the Amazing Nine’s costumes, as well as Spike in his costume. But when they turned around, to their surprise, their wives were too in their costumes whilst they had their own poses, making them feel aroused.

‘Care for a little cosplay romance?’ asked the girls.

The guys looked at one another, and couldn’t help but make their own goofy smiles. They looked back at them and said ‘Oh, it is on.’

‘But wait,’ said Bucky when he realized something ‘Do we have enough rooms in the castle? Plus when we uh, ahem, make our own noises, we should make sure it’s more secluded.’

‘Oh don’t worry,’ said Twilight as she smiled ‘I used my magic to create more rooms in this castle. And I made sure they’re sound proof so that we can hear the hallway, but not the rooms. Or the rooms from the outside. So we should be able to have our private time for as loud as we need them to.’

‘That’s my cute little bookworm,’ said Beau as he walked over to her and hugged her. ‘Always one step ahead.’

‘So it settles then,’ said Twilight ‘We enjoy our private time, and we’ll meet in the kitchen tomorrow.’

‘Deal.’ said everybody

Everybody went to their rooms, and as soon as the sun sets, the fun will begin.

Chapter 5: Matterhorn and the Avenger

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As the sun had set, the girls and their husbands went to their separate rooms for one heck of a compassionate night. Twilight used a sound proofing spell to ensure no one would hear them. She then turned around, wearing her alluring grin, as well as the Masked Matterhorn costume. Beau couldn’t stop looking at her, for seeing her in that outfit turned him on like fireworks.

‘You know,’ said Beau as he looked at her ‘When you mentioned about you being stuck in the comic book, I didn’t have the privilege to see you in that outfit.’

‘And now?’ said Twilight, still wearing the smile as she did a pose ‘Now that you have?’

‘I’d say,’ aid Beau as he placed his arms behind his back, still wearing his smile ‘I’m more in love with the mare that I fell in love and married.’

Twilight couldn’t help but feel touched by her husband’s words. But she quickly waved it off as she went over to him with a smirk. ‘Well then.’ she replied, causing her to push Beau, which made him trip on something that he didn’t see, making him fall on his back with a grunt.

He looked up whilst his wife was slowly ascending and sat on his waist, whilst she also lowered her until they were face to face with smiles on both their faces. ‘Why don’t we get things started?’

Twilight suddenly stood up and placed her hoof over Beau’s chest, acting as if she had just overcome her predator that tried to hunt the pray. ‘You have been defeated. You will not avenge others in that manner, so you will show some restraint and respect.’

Beau suddenly got her hoof off of his chest, and ended up standing up, ready for combat, with Twilight slightly surprised. ‘Why would I do that, for you were in the way of me getting my target, who had it coming.’

Twilight began to walk backwards whilst Beau walked towards her, as she said ‘B-b-because I’m in charge of a high ranking team, and they’ll come for me.’

Beau then suddenly pinned her against the wall whilst both his hands were placed against the wall, with Twilight’s head in between as she too was against it, with no way to move, with Beau saying ‘No one is coming Masked Matterhorn, my team has sought to that. For now, I will continue to avenge without interference.’

Twilight began to stutter, as if she was really buying into the whole thing. ‘S-step back or…’

Twilight was cut off as Beau placed his lip against hers, taking her by surprise. She began to make lewd moaning sounds during the kiss whilst she kept her eyes closed, with Beau slowly taking off his mask, as well as Twilight’s, undoing her hair as they settled down over her shoulders.

But she was slightly disappointed as Beau retracted from the kiss as he said ‘You didn’t resist me. Therefore, you must be hiding something from me.’

He then placed his hand on her zipper and slowly pulled it down, until it was near her belt, with Beau noticing that she wasn’t wearing a bra. She really had been planning this. He then placed his hands on both her shoulders and slowly pulled the suit off, showing her ample D-cup breasts.

Beau couldn’t help but smile as he looked at her and said ‘Oh, well you look at that.’

‘D-don’t look.’ said a flustered Twilight, who somehow missed that he did that when they did it on their first night.

‘And why not?’ asked Beau with a sly smile, allowing himself to place both his hands on her breasts. They still felt really nice, something that both the husband and wife enjoyed ‘You have a beautiful body Masked Matterhorn, and you need to show it off.’

Twilight moaned softly as she placed both her hands against the wall whilst her left hoof were against the wall too, with her lifting her head up, enjoying the feeling. ‘P-please, s-stop.’

‘You say stop,’ said Beau as he gently groped onto her breasts and moved them around in opposite circles, with her moaning softly with an adorable blush on her face ‘But your body screams for more, and I’m more inclined to listen to your body.’

Very slowly, Beau sucked her left nipple and gently pinched the right one, making Twilight moan as she was enjoying the feeling she was getting on both her breasts. Beau then switched and did the same thing, making her love it even more.
Beau slowly pulled the suit down from her waist whilst he kissed her soft tummy, ‘W-what are you, ah.’ she said as he continued to pull it down.

He noticed that she wasn’t wearing her panty and saw her delicate flower, with Beau making a grin on his face as he said ‘Oh, you’re so bad, not wearing any underwear. You now have my attention.’

Beau slowly placed his face close and kissed above her delicate flower, with Twilight nearly losing it as she said ‘Stop teasing.’

Obeying her, he placed his tongue against her pussy and licked it, whilst he grasped onto both her flanks, making Twilight breathing heavily in ecstasy. ‘B-Beau…don’t…stop.’ responded Twilight as she could barely focus through what Beau was doing, then also saying ‘I…I’m going to…’

Sure enough, she couldn’t contain her climax and sprayed her nectar over Beau’s face, whilst he continued to lick it dry.

After a few pants, she looked at Beau whilst he was standing up as she said ‘How is it…you’ve never lost your touch?’
‘The same way you never stopped looking beautiful.’ responded Beau, making Twilight blush as she could barely contain her smile.

Twilight ended up placing her hoof against Beau’s chest and pushed him, making him land hard onto the ground. He then looked up, and felt a tingling sensation by his lower body, causing his pants and underwear to disappear. The Alicorn only gave an alluring smile, as did Beau whilst they looked at one another.

She slowly lowered herself and was on all fours. She slowly took a hold of Beau’s penis, or Phallus as what Twilight would call, end ended up kissing the tip, then licked it whilst messaging his balls, with Beau saying ‘N-now who’s teasing?’

Twilight ended up licking her lips and took Beau’s whole shaft in her mouth. She soon began bobbing her head back and forth as she took in more of his erection. He could feel Twilight’s tongue swirling around his shaft and sucked on it twice as better than she did the first time with him.

‘Whoa…’ said Beau as he felt close to his climax ‘After all the years we’ve been married and raised our daughter, you still know how to use that amazing tongue of yours. I…I’m so close.’

Pretty soon, Beau couldn’t take it as he said ‘I’m Cumming.’ causing his seed to be squirted inside her mouth.

Though she may had trouble swallowing it the first time, she was able to succeed and swallowed what she could. After she was done, she released his shaft from her mouth and panted with a smile. ‘Oh Beau.’

‘Damn you’re still an amazing genius with your amazing mouth.’ said Beau whilst he was finally able to stand up.

Twilight stood up and gave a seducing smile at Beau whilst she stood up and were face to face with him. ‘I hope there’s more where that came from.’

‘Oh, but there is your highness.’ said Beau whilst he teased her.

And just like that, Twilight jumped up and wrapped her arms around Beau, taking him by surprise. She kissed her husband compassionately whilst she tore his shirt off, leaving them both naked besides the Masked Matterhorn boots she was wearing. As they continued to make out, Beau placed Twilight on her desk whilst she tossed his shirt away.
Beau stopped kissing her as he looked at her and asked ‘Are you ready for a challenge Masked Matterhorn?’

‘Y-yes I am.’ she responded, feeling that very moment the day the two of them had their first night when their bloods were hot and their minds were in total ecstasy.

Sure enough, Beau placed his human Phallus inside Twilight’s delicate flower, making Twilight gasp as she said ‘Ooh, yes Knight Avenger, make me your woman.’

Sure enough, Beau was on top of her as they were now at the center of the table whilst Twilight’s arms were wrapped around him as she said ‘Please Knight…oh fuck it…Beau, fuck me harder, faster.’

Beau could hear her going to her ecstasy state, and did as he was told, humping her faster. And right on cue, her legs were wrapped around his waist as she held him close, with her breasts against her chest. She gasped and breathed harder, with her saying ‘I-I’m so close.’

Twilight threw her head back as she could barely contain herself as she enjoyed this feeling ‘Ooh, Beau.’

Beau continued to pump Twilight up, with his climax closing in. ‘Twi-Twilight.’ said Beau, barely being able to keep himself under control ‘I’m close.’

Twilight was able to speak before she lost her mind as she said ‘P-please Beau…Let’s…fin-finish on the b-bed.’
‘I’ll try.’ responded Beau.

Beau held onto Twilight’s luscious flank, picked her up and continued to make out with her compassionately. He walked over to the bed and was the first to sat down, and were able to move backwards until they were at the center of the bed. He was able to lie down, with Twilight being on top of him.

‘M-made it.’ said Beau as he tried his best to keep his climax in.

‘Beau…’ said Twilight as she had her arms wrapped around him and kissed him at his neck. They then looked at one another face to face as she said ‘It’s my turn to pleasure you now.’

Sure enough, Twilight sat on top of Beau, then continued to fuck him whilst her ample breasts were bouncing. ‘Oh, Twilight…’ said Beau. He then couldn’t help himself as he placed his hands onto her breasts to get a good feeling of them, with Twilight moaning in pleasure, with Beau saying ‘Can’t let you have all the fun.’

Twilight’s wings slowly opened up and fluttered a bit, for she was enjoying the amount of pleasure the both of them were getting. She then held onto his hands whilst he still kept held firmly onto her breasts.

‘I can’t stand it, it’s too hot.’ said Beau as he can barely hold it anymore. Beau held onto Twilight’s hips as she held onto his shoulders ‘Twi-Twilight. I’m g-going to…’

‘I-I know Beau.’ said Twilight as she felt close to her climax too. ‘Cum in me. Go ahead, I’m Cumming too.’

The two of them let out a loud moan, as the two of them had reached their limit as they sprayed their love juices within one another. Sure enough, the two of them nearly went limp, but thankfully, with what strength Twilight had, she was able to lie down next to Beau, with the two of them panting as they were out of breath, whilst the two of them were sweating with smiles on their faces.

‘That…was…amazing.’ said Twilight in between breaths.

‘Great to know,’ said Beau as he felt the same way ‘You still got it.’

The two of them slowly looked at one another, kissed, then broke it as they had smiles of their own.

‘So, what now?’ asked Beau.

‘What do you mean?’ said Twilight, as she used her strength to climb over to Beau’s left side of his body ‘We snuggle and go to bed.’

‘I’d like that.’ said Beau.

The two of them kissed again whilst they enjoyed one another’s embrace. After they broke it, Beau asked ‘So…what are the chances the others are going to enjoy their nights too?’

‘I have a feeling that it’s going to be a good one.’ said Twilight before she let out a giggle, then the fatigue finally took hold and the two of them were fast asleep.

Chapter 6: The Pony of Amazongs and the Strongman

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The doors were locked and no one would disturb them. Applejack got dressed in her Mistress Marevelous costume, with Bucky dressed as Brass Brawler. Bucky wondered how he and Applejack were going to do this. The first time was because she was in heat, but now they’re gonna do a sort of cosplay and do it out of love.

‘So,’ said Bucky as he crossed his arms ‘How are we…?’

He was suddenly ensnared by Applejack’s lasso, taking him by surprise. ‘What the…?’

He turned around, and noticed Applejack was holding her lasso, and had a smirk on her face. Bucky didn’t know if he should feel worried or kinky at the same time.

‘With mah magic lasso,’ said Applejack as she pulled her husband close to her, until they were face to face, with Applejack wearing a grin on her face ‘Y’all will never escape.’

‘Awww,’ said Bucky as he smiled, whilst having a sort of flashback from this ‘Just like the day we first met. We should make an anniversary out of this. Minus the tying people up part of course.’

‘Y’all don’t like being tied up partner?’ said Applejack with her alluring smile.

When all of a sudden, Bucky was able to slip out of the lasso’s grip, then tied it around the both of them, taking her by surprise as she stared at him whilst they were nose to nose, with Bucky saying ‘Only if you don’t mind being caught in my trap.’

Bucky ended up smacking his lips against hers, taking her by surprise, but quickly melted into them, making her enjoy every moment of the kiss. That was, until Bucky quickly slipped out, tied her hands and held them in the air as he was able to find a good spot to have her in her place.

She was about to say something, until Bucky got into character as he said ‘Sorry dear Mistress Marevelous, but you’re not going anywhere. For now that I have trapped you with the one lasso you can’t break, I will once and for all prove, who is the strongest.’

Applejack should feel intimidated, but the way he’s talking, she just can’t pass up a challenge to see who is the strongest. She ended up smiling as she said ‘Y’all think ya can make me say it, ha, don’t make me laugh.’

‘Oh, don’t worry,’ said Bucky as he slowly gripped onto her right breast, making her shudder by his touch as he whispered in her ear ‘I plan to.’

Bucky’s hand slowly stroked Applejack’s chest, whilst massaging both of them at the same time, making Applejack moan, but tried her best to keep it in, so that she doesn’t show any weaknesses at all. Bucky walked behind her and ended up staring at her flank, which caused him to be in heat, for seeing her luscious flank in a tight suit like that is really turning him on.

‘So,’ said Bucky as he was focused on both her, as well as her flank at the same time ‘Are you ready to admit who’s the strongest?’

‘N-never.’ said Applejack whilst she felt Bucky’s hand on her flank.

‘Oh, big mistake on that one.’ said Bucky, causing him to give her flank a lovely smack, making her yelp as she stood upright.

He stood in front of her, still eyeing on her subtle breasts. ‘Ooh,’ said Bucky as he took a good look at her wonderful bust ‘Such amazing assets. I wonder what’s underneath them.’

He slowly stroked his hands from her hips, then all the way up to her breasts, giving both of them a good squeeze, making Applejack squirm a bit. She loved how his hands were on her bosom, but she tried her best to resist his urge. ‘Y’all will never…’

Applejack was cut off as he was finally able to find the zipper from her chest. He reached his hand onto it and slowly pulled the zipper down, causing Applejack to notice as she said ‘D-don’t y’all look.’

‘What’s the matter?’ said Bucky with a sneaky smile ‘Afraid of revealing what’s truly underneath?’

As soon as the zipper was down to past her belly button, he was able to open it up, revealing her magnificent bust he had looked at. Although, he couldn’t pull it down further, on account of the sleeves. So with great strength, he pulled the suit, ripping the sleeves off in an instant.

‘H-hey,’ said Applejack as she was surprised by her husband’s actions. ‘B-Bucky, not so rough.’

‘You got a better way to remove a suit like this from your beautiful body?’ asked Bucky, making Applejack feel flustered.

‘Oh, when ah get out of these bonds, you’ll be, AH!’ said Applejack, until she felt her husband grip on her breasts, whilst he began to kiss both of them and pinch on one of them, making her squirm and shudder and nearly moan out loud.

‘Oh my Mistress,’ said Bucky as he liked making her arouse ‘I didn’t know you were capable of such a weakness.’

‘How dare y’all, I swear ah’ll, AH!!’ said Applejack as she felt one of her husband’s fingers gently stroking her delicate flower, leaving her flustered and wanting more.

Seeing that her suit was still halfway down, he walked around and kept staring behind her flank. Bucky stood on his knees and lowered her suit even further, revealing her amazing flank, partially sweating too. ‘My, my,’ said Bucky ‘Are you afraid of me? It explains why you’re sweating so much.’

‘D-don’t y’all…’ said Applejack, barely getting anything out until she could feel her husband’s gentle grip on her flank.

‘I remembered this tasting like apples once,’ said Bucky as he remembered their first passionate night together. ‘I wonder how they’ll still taste after all these years.’

Feeling so flustered, she felt her old heat habits coming back. No longer being able to take it, Applejack yelled ‘FOR CRYING OUT LOUD BUCKY, STOP TEASING!! LICK ME LIKE Y’ALL NEVER LICKED ME THAT MUCH BEFORE!!!’

‘As you wish mistress.’ said Bucky as he lifted her flank a bit to stare at her flower.

Sure enough, Bucky’s tongue began to stroke her delicate flower, making AJ moan and squirm with every lick she felt. She kept squirming back and forth, left and right, trying her best not to cum early. One lick after the next, she could feel her climax approaching closer. ‘Bucky ah…ah can’t hold on any…’ said Applejack, panting between breaths.

After inserting his tongue so deep in her pussy, Applejack released her climax, no longer being able to control it, allowing Bucky to taste it once more. After the much released climax, Applejack panted, for it felt so good, with Bucky standing up as he said ‘Still tastes wonderful after all these years.’

As Bucky stood in front of her, he untied her hands, causing her to nearly fall over as she leaned against him, trying to catch her breath. ‘You okay there, “Sugarcube”?’ asked Bucky, using Applejack’s line.

‘Ah’m good Bucky. ’ said Applejack as she kept her head lowered, until she slowly raised it with a sneaky smile of her own. ‘But now it’s mah turn.’

Applejack pushed Bucky over, making him trip as he landed on his back, whilst Applejack pulled the torn off sleeves from her arms, staring at him with her alluring smile.

‘Now then,’ said Applejack as she slowly walked over Bucky with her rear facing him as she said ‘Let me show you that we Apples can give as good as get.’

‘Whenever you do,’ said Bucky ‘I believe you.’

Applejack slowly lied down on top of Bucky, with her flank facing towards her husband’s face, whilst Applejack focused on his shaft and placed them between her boobs. She rubbed Bucky’s dick using her breasts, giving him an old fashion titty fuck.

‘Oh horse apples!’ said Bucky as he tried not to curse, but say what the ponies would normally say ‘So happy that you never lost your favorite traditional family touch when it comes to mating.’

‘Oh, believe me partner,’ said Applejack as she looked at him whilst titty fucking him at the same time ‘Y’all ain’t seen nothing yet.’

Applejack kept rubbing her breasts whilst Bucky’s shaft was right in between, whilst at the same time, her mouth had covered his shaft. The more and more she did it, the closer Bucky was getting. After doing it for the next minute, as well as Bucky holding it in, Bucky could feel his climax coming in.

‘Oh, Celestia!!’ shouted Bucky ‘I’m close!!’

‘Don’t hold back on mah account!!’ shouted Applejack before she placed his shaft in her mouth again.

Sure enough, Bucky released his climax, allowing Applejack to swallow his hot seed in her mouth. After she drank it, she looked at him and said ‘Land sakes ah’m I glad y’all didn’t lose yer touch, and ah’m glad y’all are still raring to go.’

‘So am I.’ said Bucky as kept looking at her flank. He suddenly pushed her off, picked her up, and placed her on top of the bed, and him being on top, which prompted them to passionately kiss one another, then they turned around, with Applejack being on top of him.

‘A-Applejack?’ said Bucky, gaining her attention.

‘Y-yes Sugarcube?’ asked Applejack.

‘Remember when you said that you’d be happy to raise a child with me?’ asked Bucky, which Applejack nodded, for she did indeed remember. ‘Would you…like to raise another? If it’s, well, alright with you?’

Applejack was partially surprised when Bucky asked her that. ‘Why do y’all ask?’ said Applejack, wondering why Bucky brought it up.

‘Well,’ said Bucky as he thought about it. Then gave his answer. ‘Well, seeing that you have two siblings, I figured that Apple Slice would have siblings of his own, ponies that could look up to him like Apple Bloom looks up to you. Also…if it’s a girl, I want to name her after Granny Smith, or my little sister. Granny Smith was like a second mother to all of you, and a mother who loved me when my own didn’t, and if my little sister was here, she and Apple Bloom would’ve been great friends, and you would love her to pieces. I wanted to honor them in a way, you know?’

Applejack couldn’t help but shed tears over that thought, so she ended up planting her lips onto his, taking him by surprise as they embraced one another. Applejack looked at him with her alluring smile ‘Ah would love to have another child with you. On one condition.’

‘Anything.’ said Bucky as he held her close.

Applejack couldn’t help but give her alluring smile as she whispered in his ear ‘I get to be on top.’

And just like that, without warning, Bucky grabbed Applejack and flipped her, allowing her to be on top of him, which nearly surprised her, but not really. ‘All you had to do was ask.’

Sure enough, Applejack placed Bucky’s dick into her pussy, with Applejack moaning loudly. ‘Oh Celestia,’ she said loudly ‘Y’all are still big after all these years. Ah love it.’

Slowly, but surely, Applejack lifted her hips up and down, enjoying his shaft as she raised her head in the air. ‘Ah wish a could’ve done this again if ah needed it.’

Bucky instantly groped onto her bountiful rack, which made her moan whilst she held his hands, enjoying this feeling. ‘G-go ahead Applejack,’ said Bucky as he tried to speak through her bouncing ‘Show me that an Apple can still take charge if she needed to.’

Sure enough, Applejack kept bouncing on him whilst he held onto hear bouncing rack. But to make sure that she didn’t miss the rhythm, he ended up releasing her rack and held onto her wondrous flank.

‘Yes, Bucky!! Ride me!! Buck Me!!’ shouted Applejack in ecstasy. It may have been a long time, but boy did it feel good to have him rut her since their first night, with her saying ‘Faster!! Harder!! Rougher please Bucky!!’

Bucky ended up, out of instinct, grab her bountiful rack when wanted to grope her, making her moan loudly as she said ‘Ah!! That’s it!! I’m so close!!’

Applejack ended up hug fucking him as her face was close to his, with Bucky and Applejack moaning loudly through their passionate kissing. Both of them could no longer hold it any longer, and with one great thrust, Bucky ended up releasing his pent up load into her once more into her deepest part of her pussy, with the two of them moaning loudly as they released into each other. Sure enough, after being able to pull out of him, with her pussy still leaking after 15 seconds of climaxing, Applejack went limp as she and Bucky panted heavily. Applejack and Bucky kissed again, then held onto one another.

‘Land sakes,’ said Applejack whilst she panted ‘You were…incredible Bucky.’

‘You’re not so bad yourself AJ,’ said Bucky as he held onto her ‘Even after all these years your still one tough customer.’

‘What can ah say, ah’m a hardcore gal.’ said Applejack with a smirk on her face.

She suddenly felt something on her head, which revealed to be her hat that Bucky was lucky enough to bring it with just in case. She looked at Bucky as he smiled whilst saying ‘That you are.’

Applejack cuddled with Bucky as she said ‘Good thing Big Mac and Apple Bloom is out of town visiting the Apples in Applewood, otherwise they’d worry that I didn’t come straight back home yet.’

‘And first thing in the morning after we make breakfast,’ said Bucky ‘You and the girls are gonna have to share the story about the Rainbow Festival.’

‘Oh don’t worry, we will.’ said Applejack before she kissed his forehead as she said ‘Goodnight Bucky.’

‘Good night AJ.’ said Bucky as he kissed her goodnight before the two fo them fell fast asleep.

Chapter 7: Gauntlet with the side of Radiance

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Rarity and Silver were getting ready for their big night, as Rarity was dressed in her Radiance outfit, with Silver dressed as the Blue Gauntlet. Silver twirled Rarity as if she was a gentle dancer, then held her into her with his arms folded around him.

‘Still graceful after all these years of our marriage.’ said Silver as he kissed Rarity’s neck.

Rarity giggled at her husband’s gentle nature whilst she blushed slightly pink. ‘And you still have the most gentle touch of them all.’

‘What can I say,’ said Silver as he continued to embrace her ‘I received the gentle touch since the day your generosity touched my heart.’

Rarity felt more flustered, but couldn’t help but chuckle at how romantic her husband was getting, until he whispered in her ear ‘By the way, I always loved your sparkling blue eyes. They remind me of sapphires, which happens to be my favorite gem.’

Rarity couldn’t help but blush as she cuddled her head against his. However, she suddenly let go and walked a little forward. She then ended up displaying her enchanting smile as she said ‘So…how about we get things started?’

‘Oh we shall my Mistress.’ said Silver with a cheesy smile, making Rarity giggle, for she still remembered their special night at Las Pegasus. ‘So how should we proceed?’

‘Well…’ said Rarity as she was thinking. She then used her magic to create an aura diamond geode shield, then handed it over to Silver. He accepted it, then looked at her with a flexed eyebrow, with Rarity saying ‘Pretend that you’re using your shield to try and block me, then I will use my, ahem, “secret weapon”, to distract you so much, you will lose your concentration and you will end up losing your shield.’

Silver flexed an eyebrow with an alluring smirk, for he loved the sound of that. ‘Oh, this ought to be fun.’

Rarity grabbed at least a pillow or two using her magic, then playfully tossed them at Silver, who used the geode shield to block her attacks.

‘You shall never defeat me Radiance,’ said Silver as he was in character ‘My shield defies your own power.’

‘That may be Gauntlet.’ said Rarity with a seducing chuckle whilst she walked over, slowly swinging her hips and unzipping her suit ‘But I know your weakness.’

And with a slow move, Rarity removes the top of her suit, revealing her bountiful bosom, which surprised Silver as he said ‘You didn’t wear a bra underneath that?’

Rarity chuckled as she stood near the geode shield. ‘Oh I would,’ said Rarity as she was able to remove the top of her suit ‘But then I wouldn’t do this.’

Rarity placed her bosom against the shield as they pressed against it. Causing her to move up and down, rubbing them with ease, which made Silver flustered as his face went red, for this was the first time he saw his wife do that in like, ever.

‘Holy…’ said Silver, for he was so distracted, he ended up losing his strength, causing Rarity to on purposely break the shield, allowing her to fall on top of Silver, with her smothering him with her bosom.

Rarity lifted herself up and stared right into her beloved husband’s eyes with her alluring smile, as she said ‘Thought that would get you to break your concentration.’

‘After seeing that, how could I not?’ said Silver, which caused Rarity to giggle.

‘Now that I have you distracted,’ said Rarity with her smile and sapphire eyes ‘What else can penetrate through the power of your gauntlet?’

‘The only thing your heart had penetrated was through my heart my love.’ said Silver.

‘S-Silver,’ said Rarity, feeling flustered all over again, but changed her tone as she said ‘Corny much?’

‘Just admitted, you love it.’ said Silver.

Rarity placed her lips against her husbands, delivering their most deepest passionate make out. They then broke the kiss, with Rarity smiling as she said ‘That I do.’

Rarity slowly sat up with her smile still there, and asked ‘Well?’

‘Well?’ asked Silver, wondering what she had in mind.

‘Are you not going to display your hands where they should be?’ asked Rarity as she slowly waved her bosom back and forth.

Obeying her, Silver slowly placed his hands over her wonderful bosom, making her moan as he held them gently and kissed her neck as he was able to sit up straight.

‘Oh Silver…’ said Rarity as she leaned her head partially backwards as she felt her husband’s lips on her neck, which left her more turned on as she gently wrapped her arms around his back.

The two of them broke the kiss as Rarity asked ‘Do you remember that day before our first passionate night at Las Pegasus?’

‘Ah yes,’ said Silver as he placed his forehead against Rarity’s ‘When I wanted to give you the most enjoyable treatment you could imagine, but you didn’t want to because it felt uncouth. But when you changed your mind, you mentioned how lovely it felt.’

‘Oh so true,’ said Rarity, as she remembered their conversation that it felt uncouth for a proper lady ‘But it felt really…enjoyable.’

Silver then held Rarity close to him as he asked ‘Do you wish to repeat the wonderful day between us?’

Rarity looked at him with her half lidded eyes as she said ‘Oh darling, I was hoping you would ask me that.’

Rarity slowly turned around and placed her back against her husband’s chest, gesturing him to try his move. Silver couldn’t help but smile as he gently placed his hands on her bountiful breasts, then slowly moved them in a circular formation, causing her cute moans to come out as she enjoyed the feeling, whilst placing her right arm behind her whilst trying to keep her husband close.

‘That feels so…lovely.’ said Rarity as she enjoyed the feeling when she felt her husband’s touch.

Silver slowly went to Rarity’s horn and gave it a gentle lick, causing her to shiver from his touch. He kept licking it a few times at a very slow pace, but Rarity loved that very feeling on her horn, for she could barely contain her pleasured enjoyment. Her horn ended up sparking, as she enjoyed that very feeling.

‘Looks like someone’s ready for the next course.’ said Silver as he whispered in her ear, making her shiver.

‘Oh, continue to please me in any way you want to beloved.’ said Rarity.

‘Your wish…is my command.’ said Silver.

Silver’s right hand slowly rubbed against her waist, then made its way slowly to her pussy. After a few gentle strokes, she nearly squirmed, but her body had once again enjoyed the feeling from their first passionate night.

‘Oh…how I missed this.’ said Rarity.

‘Then maybe it’s time we took things to the next step’ said Silver.

Before Silver could move, Rarity ended up tripping him as he fell on his back. Rarity ended up taking off the rest of her outfit, all except for the mask. She moved a few steps backwards and used her magic to teleport his pants and underwear off of him, revealing his erected member, with Rarity licking her lips at the sight.

But as she lowered herself and sat down, Rarity placed her flank near Silver’s face, which revealed her delicate flower, much to Silver’s enjoyment. The moment Rarity placed Silver’s member in her mouth, Silver had taken her flank and placed his tong at her love tunnel.

Both the Fashionista and her husband moaned through their pleasures as they greatly began to enjoy them. The pleasures they gave to each other lasted for well over ten minutes. Eventually, they gave in to their pleasures and cummed altogether, which made Rarity and Silver swallow each other’s juices.

Both of them panted whilst Rarity began to sit up. Silver then said ‘Wow. Who’d thunk that after all these years. You still have it in you.’

However, Rarity crossed her arms, which Silver noticed, but also sensed that she seemed a bit nervous for some reason. Thankfully, Silver was able to sit up straight whilst he wrapped his arms around her.

‘Is something wrong?’ asked Silver, concerned for his wife’s wellbeing.

‘S-Silver?’ asked Rarity, whilst partially looking at him ‘Have…you ever thought about having another child?’

Silver was partially surprised, but held onto both his wife’s arms, rubbing them as she said ‘Well…it had crossed my mind from time to time. Why do you ask?’

‘Well,’ said Rarity as she looked forward ‘Remember when you helped us learn a lesson when it comes to siblings?’

Silver remembered, for he helped them realize it when they at one time were at odds with one another. He kissed her by the neck, which she figured that he does know.

‘Well,’ said Rarity as she said ‘When you talked about the things that happened between me and Sweetie Belle, as well as the others, it made me realize that, what if our daughter would like a sibling that she could look up to. And if they were ever to get into a fight or anything, then I could teach the two of them to try and work things out and share my experience with them, of what happened between me and Sweetie Belle.’

‘An admirable trait.’ said Silver.

Rarity then stood up, turned around and looked at Silver as she said ‘Do you think, we could, well, make sure that our daughter would have a relative of her own so that…’

Silver cut her off as he kissed her on the lips, which she was a bit taken aback, but she moaned through her kiss as she enjoyed the feeling of his lips on hers. They broke the kiss as they looked one another.

‘Get on the bed.’ said Silver as he gestured to the bed.

Rarity stood up and slowly walked to the bed whilst swaying her hips, which in turn caused him to smirk when he loved seeing that sight. He stood up and walked over to her the moment she was on bed and spreading her legs, whilst signaling him in a flirting manner to come towards here, which he did on a slow pace.

Rarity slowly placed her leg behind her husband’s back whilst her arms were wrapped around his neck, giving her bestest smile and half lidded eyes.

‘Shall we commence?’ asked Silver.

‘Yes, we shall.’ said Rarity.

Within an instant, Silver placed his shaft within her entrance, making her moan loudly as she grasped his back. ‘It’s been so long since I felt your manhood in me.’

‘Then let’s make this a night to remember my dear.’ said Silver.

Starting at a slow pace of pounding her, causing her to embrace her husband and emits cute moans of pleasure. He kept kissing her neck a couple of times, making her giggle as she enjoyed the feeling. She continued to enjoy the pleasure that her husband had been giving her, with her continuing displaying her moans as both her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist.

‘Oh, S-Silver…’ stuttered Rarity as she enjoyed the feeling ‘T-This feels a-amazing.’

‘Then brace yourself beloved.’ said Silver as he smiled at her ‘Because you’re about to feel the ride of your life.’

Sure enough, Silver began to rut Rarity, making her moan and groan as she was enjoying the blissful pleasure.

‘Oh, oh yes. Keep rutting me Silver!! Keep rutting me like there is no tomorrow!!’ shouted Rarity from the top of her lungs.

Soon enough, both of them couldn’t contain it anymore. Both of them continued to rut in pleasure and enjoyed it so much, the two of them had climaxed. Rarity climaxed over his phallus, whilst Silver climaxed his hot seed into her womb. After the seventh spurt, both of them felt limb, no longer being able to move. Silver enjoyed the feeling of Rarity’s breasts as he wanted to use them as pillows, but chose to get off of her so that she could breathe normally.

Rarity rolled over as she placed her hand on Silver’s chest as she stroked on it, whilst Silver used his arm to embrace her as he held onto her close.

‘For a lady who sees things uncouth,’ said Silver as he couldn’t help but smile as he said ‘You’re still the most elegant and amazing mare I’ve ever met.’

Rarity giggled as she said ‘And you’re still an amazing gentleman, even if others don’t see it that way.’

Rarity held him close, as did Silver before the fatigues started to kick in.

‘I love you Silver.’ said Rarity as she rested her head on his chest ‘And I simply cannot wait for the birth of our next child. Crystal would be so overjoyed that she will have another sibling on the way.’

‘You are most welcome, my beloved.’ said Silver. ‘And whatever trial might come, I know that she’ll come to bond with her sister like you and Sweetie Belle had.’

Sure enough, the two of them passed out with smiles, for it was the most enjoyable that they’ve ever experienced, and knowing that their next child’s future is secured, knowing full well that Crystal would enjoy having another sibling around, so that she too could experience the bonds of sisterhood like Rarity and Sweetie Belle did.

Chapter 8: Animus tames the Rager

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Fluttershy and Genus were alone in the room as they now had their own privacy. Fluttershy was fully dressed in her Saddle Rager outfit, with Genus dressed in his costume. As Genus was standing around, he saw Fluttershy locking the room, but he couldn’t help but stare at her, for that outfit was really snug at every part of her body, which made him feel like he was in heat.

He smiled and said ‘You know, no matter what you wear, you’ll always have that amazing figure.’

Fluttershy couldn’t help but blush whilst she giggled. As she turned around, she stared at his costume, which she couldn’t help but be allured to his body as she walked over to him.

She stood near him, then slowly placed her hand on top of his chest as she blushed with a smile as she said ‘I know I’ve seen your bare chest before, but I can’t help but be drawn to it.’

He held her close as he said ‘The feeling is mutual.’

‘So, um,’ said Fluttershy as she asked ‘How do we start?’

‘Well, we could start gentle.’ said Genus as he thought about it. ‘Or…’

Genus suddenly grabbed her and pinned her against the wall with her hands in the air, which made her yelp when he had her pinned ‘We could go wild.’

‘Um, I don’t know…’ said Fluttershy as she was unsure.

‘Well you are Saddle Rager,’ said Genus with a smirk ‘Maybe it’s time to get angry. For I would really be hot for you when you’re angry.’

Fluttershy blushed bright red as a tomato when he said that to her in an alluring voice. She then made a small roar, until she gasped loudly when Genus groped on her breasts as he said ‘You’re so adorable when you do that.’

‘Genus, I…’ said Fluttershy as she was starting to feel crazy the way he held onto her breasts, for she was starting to enjoy the feeling.

‘Oh, don’t get angry on me Saddle Rager,’ said Genus as he slowly placed his middle finger on Fluttershy’s delicate flower, making her gasp loudly whilst he stroked it as he said ‘You wouldn’t like anypony who would make you angry.’

Genus kissed Fluttershy by the neck, which continues to leave her flustered, whilst her wings were fluttering at the same time, enjoying the feeling her husband was giving her.

‘Oh…Genus…’ said Fluttershy as she slowly grasped onto him.

‘Oh, this won’t do,’ said Genus as he looked at the costume. He then realized something, which made him smirk as he said ‘Oh, I have an idea.’

‘What are you…?’ said Fluttershy, but Genus was fast as he stood on his knees, grabbed the bottom part of the costume, and ripped it opened, revealing both her pussy and her flank.

Fluttershy yelped when she saw Genus do that. ‘G-Genus…?’

‘Actually, I’m Animus. And as Animus…’ He quickly grabbed her hips as he said ‘I tend to act like an animal.’

Genus brought her close as her pussy was near him. He then let out his tongue and began to lick it, making her gasp whilst he face was going red. ‘Oh, oh, oh, Genus, wait…’

Genus stopped, for he then realized that he was going a bit too far. He looked at her and asked ‘Are you alright?’

‘Actually, um,’ said Fluttershy, with her face still red ‘If you don’t mind…could I…make you cum first?’

Genus stood up, but then ended up rousing her a bit as he said ‘I don’t know…are you an animal enough to do it.’

‘I am.’ said Fluttershy in a whispering tone.

‘I’m sorry what?’ said Genus whilst he teased her.

‘I am.’ said Fluttershy in her normal voice.

‘I can’t hear you.’

‘I am.’ said Fluttershy a little louder.

Genus then teased her one more time as he turned around and said ‘Eh, you’re not animal enough.’

Fluttershy then growled, as she said ‘I said. I!! AAAAMMM!!!’

She then grabbed Genus, which surprised him as she threw him on the ground and ripped his pants zipper off, revealing his manhood whilst she ripped off her chest costume, revealing her bountiful bosom. Genus stared at her surprised, which in turn, made Fluttershy realize what she was doing, which she blushed and wiggled her index fingers together. ‘Oh my. I um…hope I didn’t take it too far.’

‘Actually,’ said Genus as he grabbed her and pulled her closer to his face, with the both of them smirking as he said ‘I think that was actually hot.’

Fluttershy couldn’t help but blush by Genus’ remark, which made her giggle. She then grabbed both of her breasts and placed his member between her wonderful orbs. She began to rub Genus’ dick with her breasts, making him feel aroused as well as moaning from her wonderful touch.

‘Holy…’ said Genus as he could barely contain himself ‘How is it you’re still great after all these years?’

‘Let’s just say, I always wanted to do this again ever since our fun at the Castle of the Two Sisters.’ said Fluttershy as she was continuing with her rubbing.

‘Y-Yeah…’ said Genus as he tried to get his moaning under control. ‘I-I remember that you…you were a-afraid that we w-would judge you the w-wrong way because of your b-batty personality. But you were a-able to overcome it.’

‘All thanks to your delicate touch.’ said Fluttershy.

Within that split second, Genus cummed in Fluttershy’s mouth, making her swallow every drop. When Genus was able to get his breath back, he was able to say ‘Yeah not really. You were riding me so much I felt like I was on the softest cloud. Uh…which was not horrible. But really enjoyable. I never knew you were capable of such theatrics.’

Fluttershy looked at him with a cocked eyebrow, with him quickly correcting as he said ‘Sorry, I’ve been reading a lot of books lately.’

‘Let me guess,’ said Fluttershy ‘Twilight wanted you to read some of her newest books, even after you said no?’

‘As Big Mac would say, “Eeyup.” ’, which caused Fluttershy to chuckle as he placed her hand near her mouth. Until he grabbed her and picked her up, making her yelp when it took her by surprise, with Genus smiling as he said ‘But our fun’s not over yet.’

Genus held on Fluttershy’s left breast, whilst he licked and pinched the nipple on the right one. Fluttershy squirmed a bit, but she was enjoying the feeling she was feeling. ‘Oh, Genus.’ said Fluttershy as she was loving his gentle touch.

Genus stood up and held onto Fluttershy’s flank, surprising her whilst yelping at the same time. ‘Genus…What are you…?’

‘That, is called shellshock.’ said Genus as he placed her down on her hooves.

‘And this…’ said Genus as he quickly got behind her and instantly stood on his knees. ‘Is called a coup de grass’

In an instant, Genus held onto her luscious flank, making Fluttershy gasp when she realized what he was going to do. ‘Genus, wait…’

The moment his tongue made contact onto her delicate flower, she gasped loudly whilst she raised her head in the air, whilst sticking her tongue out.

‘Oh…Genus.’ said Fluttershy whilst her wings instantly opened whilst they flapped, for she loved every minute of his tongue.

She kept gasping and panting whilst she was holding onto her breasts. However, unknown to Genus, Fluttershy’s ears slowly turned bat like, indicating that she was about to turn into a bat pony.

The more Fluttershy panted, the more she was getting more and more horny, and her bat pony persona was showing more and more. Within mere moments, Fluttershy had reached her climax and cummed, allowing Genus to lick her squirted juice, right before Fluttershy dropped onto the ground on all fours whilst she panted.

Genus stood up as he said ‘Face it, Saddle Rager. You cannot defeat the one who has the power of…’

Within a split second, Fluttershy turned around and hissed, revealing her bat teeth, red eyes and bat ears, taking him by surprise as he yelped and took a step backwards. She slowly turned and bared her vampire teeth, but made a playful grin at the same time, which Genus took notice and ended up smirking as well.

‘Oh, ho, ho.’ chuckled Genus as he said ‘So the rage of the Saddle Rager has been released. If you think you can take me, then by all means. Bring it on.’

Within that split second, Fluttershy ripped off her top, as she was now topless. Genus could swear that he saw his wife’s boobs jiggled a bit, which made him flustered and red in the face, which she was counting on as she charged forward and tackled him against the wall. The two of them passionately kissed and tongued, but in a near aggressive level. He grabbed her flank, only for her to jump back and ripped his shirt completely off, leaving him bare. Fluttershy ended up smirking as she dropped the ripped shirt.

‘Rager…’ said Fluttershy, trying to be in character, but having a hard time trying to, considering that her bat persona sometimes makes her unable to speak, with her saying ‘…hump.’

Fluttershy ended up tackling him over, surprising Genus a split second before he was flat on the ground. Fluttershy stood up and ended up ripping Genus’ pants clean off, making him completely naked.

‘Oh, wanna play rough eh?’ said Genus as he instantly got up and grabbed Fluttershy.

He threw her onto the bed and ended up ripping her pants off too. Now the two of them were now completely naked, and nothing was going to hold them back. She got up and passionately kissed him, as he did to her, holding each other closely and kissing like there’s no tomorrow.

Fluttershy pinned Genus against the wall as she held onto his wrists, begging each other’s tongues to connect, which they did. Genus picked Fluttershy up and pinned her against the wall, still locking lips as she held onto him tight, especially the fact that her legs are wrapped around his waist.

She pushed the wall and the two of them fell down, with Fluttershy still locking lips as her bat wings continued to flap all crazy, until she leaned her head in the air as Genus held onto her breasts, making her feel more aroused than ever before.

‘Man,’ said Genus as he tried to get her off to get the advantage ‘Who’ve thunk that she would be more aggressive in her bat persona.’

He then remembered that extremely passionate night when he first saw her in her bat persona, and how she carried Comfy Breeze shortly after Fluttershy got pregnant. He then blushed as he said ‘Oh yeah, I forgot about…’

He was instantly cut off when Fluttershy pulled him up, for she was not done with him yet. Fluttershy held Genus’ arms in the air and pinned him, causing her to kiss him hard whilst Genus instantly wrapped his legs around Fluttershy’s waist and to desperately not let go, for this was now getting more fun by the minute.

Fluttershy slowly bounced on Genus up and down, with her moaning, despite still being in her bat persona, whilst her eyes were pointing upwards and her head was raised in the air. Genus tried to get loose, but the way his wife was humping her like that, in the most amazing feeling she was giving him, it was kind of hard to keep his mind focused. Sometimes he wondered how anyone with the proper stamina could last longer without going crazy.

However, he was able to get lose and push her off, allowing him to quickly stand up and picked her up, held her against the wall and was able to get his member back inside her love tunnel. He continued to hump her as he had her pinned against the wall, whilst holding her bountiful booty, whilst her legs were over Genus’ arms and she wrapped her arms around Genus’ neck out of instinct.

Genus then pulled Fluttershy directly towards the bed and helped her lie down, at the center, whilst he joined her as his manhood was back inside her love tunnel. He continued to hump her as fast as he could.

‘It’s over Saddle Rager,’ said Genus as he kept pretending ‘Even in your current form, you are no match for me.’

Fluttershy screeched again through her bat persona, until Genus planted his lips on top of hers, taking her by surprise. Genus continue to hump her as he used all his strength to hold her down whilst he kept doing it, especially as he kept his lips on top of her. Fluttershy soon closed her eyes as she held onto her husband’s face whilst her legs were wrapped around his waist.

Sure enough, the two of them cummed together, releasing their loudest moans through their mouths. One their climaxed died down, the two of them separated their lips and within that instant, Fluttershy was turned back to a Pegasi, but she kept her smile, not being able to look away from both that and her eyes, Genus couldn’t help but kiss Fluttershy by the forehead, making her giggle.

The two of them lied down next to each other in the bed, with Fluttershy kissing him by the cheek as she said ‘You were…amazing Genus.’

‘I could…say the same…thing about you.’ said Genus as he tried to regain his breath.

The two of them cuddled, with Genus asking ‘I’m just curious. How do you keep turning into a bat pony, I thought the problem was gone.’

‘N-not really.’ said Fluttershy as she blushed ‘It still comes back every now and then, but I still have it under control. And I don’t turn into one unless it wasn’t to happen.’

‘But on the plus side,’ said Genus as he held her close ‘You still got it after all these years. Reminds me of our first night together.’

She couldn’t help but giggle as she said ‘I could say the same thing about you.’

Genus was able to get up and wrap the blanket around them, allowing him to hold Fluttershy close.

Before the fatigue kicked in, the two of them said their final words.



‘Never change, okay?’

‘Same to you Genus.’

And just like that, the two of them were fast asleep, waiting for the sun to rise.

Chapter 9: Zapping the Thunder

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As the night went underway, Rainbow Dash and Bolt were alone in the room, having their own privacy from prying eyes. And thanks to Twilight’s spell, they can make all the noise they want. Rainbow Dash was now fully dressed in her Zapp costume and Bolt in his costume of choice. Bolt couldn’t help but stare at her, then he ended up smiling and giggled at the same time, gaining Rainbow’s attention.

‘What?’ asked Rainbow Dash with a flexed eyebrow.

‘Normally I would complement on how cute you are,’ said Bolt, remembering that day ‘And you ended up really flustered. Which in a way, I kinda like it when you act like that.’

Rainbow couldn’t help but blush as she turned away, suddenly with a face filled with regret. ‘Y-yeah. I ended up yelling at you and you eventually apologized to me.’

She then couldn’t help but smile as she looked at him and said ‘And yet I couldn’t stay mad at you, especially since after that apology.’

‘I actually have Twilight to thank for that.’ said Bolt.

‘Twilight?’ asked Rainbow as she was curious.

‘See I kinda asked her for advice since our uh, ahem, little tiff.’ said Bolt as he started, with Rainbow rolling her eyes, not wanting to think that ‘She told me about how you would react if others judged you the wrong way. I felt bad about it and realized what I had to do. But did you know what else I said?’

‘What?’ asked Rainbow.

‘I said,’ said Bolt as he told her what he told Twilight years ago ‘That I love you like no other. The fact that you’re so strong and independent, coupled with the fact that you’re no doubt more loyal than anyone I ever met.’

He walked towards her and held her hands the moment he was close enough to her. ‘That you’re a very special mare and that you still drive me crazy to this very day. Which is why I am so happy to be with you, and that we have our own little one to look after. I would continue to love you till the end of my days.’

‘Wow Bolt,’ said Rainbow as she looked as if she was speechless, despite the blush on her cheeks ‘That was…sappy.’

Bolt simply rolled his eyes at that, but ended up receiving a kiss on the left cheek from his wife, as well as he noticed that she shed a tear or two over what he said. ‘And it’s also very sweet.’

‘So,’ said Bolt as he looked at her with his left eyebrow flexed ‘How do you want to proceed, Zapp?’

Rainbow couldn’t help but chuckle over her husband’s corny tone. ‘Seriously?’

‘Well,’ said Bolt as he rolled his eyes ‘We’re both in costume, so I just assumed that you wanted too…’

Rainbow suddenly pushed Bolt backwards until he stood halfway from her. She then ran towards him and shouted ‘Bonsai!!!’

She instantly jumped up and wrapped her arms around his back, her legs around his waist, and her wings on his shoulders, whilst she passionately kissed a surprised Bolt, but soon went along with it when he enjoyed doing this again with his wife. It may have been a long time, but he could never forget such an experience with her. Although to be fair they did go anal as she stood on all fours.

Bolt tried to stay in place as he tried to stay up as he was about to lose balance, but thankfully he was able to stand right before things could escalate out of control. He gently grabbed both her well toned flank, which nearly made her shiver, but greatly enjoyed feeling his hands on there.

‘Damn you amazing mare,’ said Bolt as he was looking directly at her eyes ‘After all these years that we’ve been married, you’ve still have the most sexiest flank you have.’

Rainbow couldn’t help but feel extremely flustered as her face was red, which was a clear sign of embarrassment, which he took notice. ‘Too much?’

Rainbow on the other hand, smirked with a flexed eyebrow as she said ‘So you like my flank a lot, eh?’

She was able to stand up, then placed both her hands on her hips. She slowly shook her hips, turned around at a slow pace, until Bolt could see her flank, her wonderfully toned flank, that sat so snug from within her suit, which made Bolt’s face lit up all red, and his erection was slowly growing, much to Rainbow’s amusement when she looked at Bolt whilst licking her lips.

‘Eager to get things started?’ teased Rainbow, which left him really flustered.

‘How did I not know you had such an amazing form.’ said Bolt.

‘I’m a mare of many talents, what can I say.’ said Rainbow as she didn’t take her eyes off of her husband.

She ended up stroking her tail against his face, which in turn, left him more aroused as usual. She then crossed her arms as she said ‘So, care to have some more fun with my sexiest flank?’

And within a split second, Bolt jumped up right and pinned her against the wall, much to her surprise as he said ‘Does a jolt of my own answer your question?’

Before she could say anything, Bolt ended up slowly rubbing his middle finger against her delicate flower. Though the suit would’ve provide cover, somehow it left her twice as aroused when she felt his finger there.

She instantly opened her wings as she felt really aroused, but was able to take despite her moaning ‘How…is t-this a-a j-jolt?’

‘Well,’ said Bolt ‘They say that when a lovely couple help massage them in certain parts of their body, they get really tense, as if they had received a jolt of electricity up their body.’

‘O-okay,’ said Dash as she tried to regain her composure ‘I d-don’t know w-where you h-heard that. But that s-sounds ridiculous.’

‘Then how about we get straight to the point?’ said Bolt with a goofy grin on his face.

‘Oh, point eh?’ said Rainbow with her own smirk. ‘You mean like this?’

Rainbow used her wings to lightly whack against his face, which took him by surprise as he instantly released her. Seeing her chance, she ended up tackling him over. She then flew out of the window, and got right back with her own thunder cloud, which shocked him when he realized what she was going to do.

‘Taste the thunder!!’ shouted Rainbow as she raised her hands in the air.

‘Whoa, Rainbow, wait!!’ shouted Bolt as he raised his hands in the air.

Within a split second, she released the lightning, as there was a bright flash in the room. She then suddenly realized what she did, which shocked her with wide eyes, and did her sheepish smile.

She chuckled nervously as she finally said ‘Oops.’

‘Oops? Oops!!!’ shouted Bolt as he stood right up, not realizing that his pants were scorched ‘What the heck Rainbow, you almost killed me!!’

Within a split second, his pants and underpants were turned to dust, leaving his erected manhood exposed, which Rainbow couldn’t help but blush. She then teased him as she said ‘It seems that little lightning seems to have left your friend there wanting more.’

Bolt noticed his erection and ended up looking at Dash. She had a good point, for it did kind of turned him on. Seeing to use this as a perfect opportunity, he then smirked as he said ‘Is that so? Would you like a more personal view them?’

He quickly walked over to her, which left her startled as she instantly walked backwards. She was instantly pinned against the wall whilst his right hand was also against it, leaning close to her face with a devilishly smirk of his own.

‘W-what are you going to…?’ said Rainbow but was instantly cut off the moment her husband’s lips were on hers, taking her by surprise.

Rainbow slowly moaned through their passionate kissing. She felt his tongue to enter her mouth, which she granted entrance as she was so entranced by the kiss, she nearly lost herself.

Although her mind was now entrance to her kiss, the rest of her body wasn’t. Her hand slowly reached out for her husband’s erected partner, allowing her to stroke it as quick as she could. Though it made her husband moan, he was still focused on tonguing his wife.

But as Rainbow continued to stroke Bolt’s manhood, Bolt ended up rubbing her pussy with his left middle finger. The more he kept on doing it, the more she squirmed and couldn’t help but enjoy the feeling. However, after a few strokes, Rainbow’s face was completely red as she retracted herself from the kiss and ended up pushing him, causing him to fall over on his back, which still took him by surprise as he looked at her. She instantly unzipped herself and pulled her top off, revealing her D-Cup breasts. She began to place his manhood between her breasts and rubbed them rapidly, as well as sucking on it like there was no tomorrow as her tongue was wrapped around it, making her husband moan whilst he tightly gripped the carpet on the ground, loving the feeling of her mouth.

‘Whoa shit.’ said Bolt as he squirmed through her mouth’s touch.

He felt Rainbow going faster with what she was doing. Pretty soon, he couldn’t take it as he said ‘R-Rainbow. I…I think I’m going to lose it!!’

Pretty soon, he cummed inside her mouth, swallowing every bit of his cum like it was nothing. Bolt panted from the experience, whilst he slowly began to sit up, with Rainbow on the other hand, licking her lips as she looked at Bolt all flustered.

‘Damn Dashie,’ said Bolt with his own goofy smile ‘You’re still amazing with that mouth of yours.’

Rainbow couldn’t help but chuckle as she responded with a smirk ‘Glad to know I still got it.’

She then stood up and playfully swung her hips ‘Now let’s see if you still have it.’

‘Oh, I’ll show you if I still got it.’ said Bolt as he instantly got up and picked her up via holding her flank.

Bolt pinned her against the wall as they kept tonguing one another through a series of moans whilst Rainbow Dash wrapped both her arms and wings around him, making their kiss more passionate and deep. Rainbow ended up taking off the Zapp headset, as did Bolt take his off so that their headsets wouldn’t distract them from each other as they kept embracing one another.

Rainbow was able to pull Bolt’s shirt completely off, leaving him to be completely naked and allowed him to feel her breasts against his chest. As he kept pinning her against the wall, Bolt was able to grasp one of her breasts and also playing with her nipple at the same time, leaving her aroused and making her moan even more loudly than usual.

Bolt ended up kissing her neck and her chest, whilst Rainbow raised her head in the air, enjoying the softness of his lips onto her chest. He ended up massaging her wings, which she greatly enjoyed. That was, until she was caught by surprise as he removed the rest of her suit, leaving her naked as well, allowing him to lift her up and kissed her on her stomach, which she nearly purred like a kitten.

‘Aw,’ said Bolt when he noticed and smirked ‘You’re such an adorable kitten.’

Rainbow blushed bright red and puffed her cheeks like a four year old and said ‘S-shut up.’

‘Oh, I don’t think I’m the one who has to shut up.’ said Bolt as he carried her over to the bed.

Bolt raised her legs in the air whilst he began to lick her delicate marehood, which made her wings open up completely, despite her back being on the bed. He kept licking her over and over at a very slow pace just to get her more aroused than usual.

‘B-Bolt,’ she was able to say whilst she missed that very feeling ‘S-stop teasing.’

‘And why should I?’ he said ‘You had your turn to turn me on. Now it’s my to turn you twenty percent more on.’

Bolt continued to lick her, but then he quickened his tongue, causing Rainbow to grip her hands hard onto the blankets, with her eyes nearly rolling to the back of her head, loving that feeling, until Bolt ended up using his tongue to dig further inside her pussy at her G spot, causing her a slight gasp, but gripped the blankets tighter.

‘B-Bolt,’ said Rainbow as she was getting close to her climax ‘I…I feel something…I can’t…I can’t hold it in anymore.’

The moment his tongue was deep enough, the Rainbow speedster gripped the bed sheets tighter than usual in each hand, throwing her head back as he wings were still widely spread and moaning loudly too. She couldn’t handle it anymore and ended up gushing her love juice over his face. After he was done swallowing it, he allowed her to lower her legs, picked her up a bit until she was in the middle of the bed. He placed her down and slowly lied down next to her, with Rainbow smiling at him.

‘Just like old times?’ said Bolt?

Rainbow couldn’t help but chuckle as she responded with ‘Just like old times.’

The two of them took a breather before they could continue with the main event. Bolt was deep in thought, clearly thinking about something important. After giving some thought, he decided to speak his mind to Rainbow.

‘Rainbow?’ asked Bolt.

‘Hmm?’ responded Rainbow, still with the smile on her face.

‘Did you ever thought about…raising another child?’

Rainbow opened her eyes, partially surprised, but could tell Bolt was thinking about it.

‘Why do you ask?’ said Rainbow as she partially stood up and looked at Bolt.

‘Well,’ said Bolt as he continued to speak his mind ‘I know you’re an only child from your parents and so am I. But when I see Scootaloo hand out with you and see how well you get along as sisters, even if it isn’t by blood, I’d like Junior to have a that same love and experience like you two have, and I’d really like it if he would also have someone to look up to him and that he could have fun with, even the instinct to look after. Plus…seeing that we named our son after me, I’d really like it to name a daughter after you. That is, if you don’t mind that is.’

Rainbow sat for a while, thinking about what Bolt said. She then made up her mind and looked at Bolt with her gentle smile.

‘Well…I always wanted our son to break the cycle of being an only child.’ said Rainbow as she rested next to him ‘Plus I think it’ll do Junior some good to have a sibling that could look up to him too.’

‘And I would like it if the next child would be a girl.’ said Bolt.

‘Why’s that?’ asked Rainbow.

‘Because when it comes to marriages, the female have an amazing touch in calming the beasts.’ said Bolt as he looked at her ‘Plus I also would like to be a better father. I know I already am with Junior. But I’d like to raise another, to give her that same affection as junior had received. That is…if you want to.’

Bolt couldn’t help himself as he wrapped his hand around her waist, but also held onto her flank for a short time, with Rainbow smiling.

‘I’ll do it,’ said Rainbow as she smiled ‘On one condition.’

‘What’s that?’ asked Bolt.

Rainbow suddenly climbed up quickly as she was on top of him and being nose to nose with a smile as she said ‘I get to be on top.’

Bolt slowly held onto one of her breasts, which made her moan slowly. Rainbow slowly sat up and took Bolt’s hard shaft and inserted it inside of her pussy, which she shuddered, for it was truly an amazing experience. Bolt held onto her hands, gaining her attention as they looked at one another with smiles.

‘I got you Rainbow,’ said Bolt ‘Don’t worry.’

‘T-thank you Bolt.’ said Rainbow as she was trying to regain her focus, even if this was only a temporary moment.

Sure enough, Rainbow began to slowly bounce on top of Bolt whilst her hands rested on his chest. But as she slowly bounced on her husband, her wings automatically opened and began to flutter in the most cute and adorable manner. Bolt couldn’t help but stare at her, picturing her as an angel. Or in this case, a horny angel who happens to be the best athlete and member of the Wonderbolts in all of Equestria, whilst her face was coating a deep shade of red on her cheeks. Bolt continued to moan as he felt his shaft reaching deeper inside of her, which was the way she liked it.

‘H-holy Celestia and Luna’s shining moon Rainbow,’ said Bolt as he enjoyed the feeling ‘This feels so good.’

As Bolt slowly grasped on her well toned flank, Rainbow couldn’t help but smirk as she said ‘W-well hey. Y-you ain’t s-so bad your…self.’

Bolt continued to stroke on her back as he rubbed his hands up and down, from near her wings to her flank, which she greatly enjoyed the feeling of his hands, as if he was giving her a massage.

Bolt ended up groping her breasts, which she moaned as she greatly enjoyed the feeling that he was giving her, which she couldn’t help but roll her eyes and stick her tongue out whilst enjoying feeling his hands as it touched her both hard, and gentle at the same time.

‘G-geez Bolt,’ said Rainbow as she tried to contain herself ‘You sure know when to give a mare a great feeling after all these years.’

‘And you’re still as sexy as ever my Wonderbolt babe.’ said Bolt as he could barely think to utter any proper words.

Rainbow couldn’t help but chuckle out loud as she said ‘S-seriously?’ whilst trying to keep her moan under control.

‘Hey,’ said Bolt as he reminded her of their previous experience ‘I s-seem to r-recall you uttering a bunch of s-stuff whilst y-you were in ecstasy. S-something about me n-not holding b-b-back.’

Rainbow ended up blushing and was about to say something. However, Bolt ended up smirking and held onto her sweet flanks, causing her to moan, including letting her hump him hard, with her head raised in the air and her tongue sticking out whilst her eyes were rolled backwards.

Seeing that she was now distracted, Bolt ended up switching positions, with Bolt being placed on top.

‘Hey,’ said Rainbow Dash, thinking that Bolt was cheating ‘N-no fair. I w-was g-going to…’

Bolt ended up placing his lips on top of hers, which took her by surprise, allowing Bolt to hump her endlessly. Each thrust felt better than the last, with Rainbow on the other hand nearly entranced as she hugged him. But before Rainbow had the chance to wrap her legs around his waist, he ended up quickly grabbing them and held them in the air.

Rainbow couldn’t get the chance to say anything, for the way Bolt held her legs in the air and hammered her in such a fast manner, she moaned like crazy, as she massaged her breasts and then gripped onto the sheets.

‘G-get ready Rainbow,’ said Bolt as he humped her ‘It’s gonna be a big one.’


Then Bolt shouted in his own ecstasy ‘GET READY TO FEEL THE THUNDER RAINBOW DASH!!!!’

As the two of them screamed, they both orgasmed with all they had. Rainbow ‘s juices shot all over his crotch whilst Bolt painted her insides with his hot sticky seed, which continued until it died down the moment he had reached his twelfth spurt. Rainbow moaned softly with some of Bolt’s cum coming out of her, whilst Bolt pulled out and collapsed right next to Rainbow Dash, with smiles on both their faces, panting and exhausted.

Using what strength he had, he was able to pull up the blanket and covered the two of them, with her smiling as she accepted the blanket. The two of them looked at one another and ended kissing one another. Once that died down, the two of them continued to stare at one another, until Rainbow chuckled.

‘ “Get ready to feel the thunder”? Really?’ said Rainbow as she couldn’t hide the smirk on his face.

‘Sorry, I couldn’t think straight.’ said Bolt. But he ended up smirking as he said ‘Admit it, you loved that maneuver I just used.’

‘Heh, I guess I did.’ said Rainbow as she couldn’t help but chuckle.

‘I can’t wait till Bolt Jr. has a sibling of his own someday.’ said Bolt ‘He’s gonna be glad to have a sibling to look up to.’

‘He sure will.’ said Rainbow as she was able to wrap the blanket more around the two of them.

The two of them embraced one another, holding onto each other, not wanting to let go.



‘Thanks for being the most awesome wife that I married to.’

Rainbow chuckled, then wrapped her arm around him as she said ‘And thanks for making my life into one big adventure.’

Sure enough, the two of them fell asleep as soon as the fatigue started to kick in, And the two of them would continue to dream, of what their new child would look like.

Chapter 10: The Accelerated Second

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The moment the door was closed, Pinkie Pie automatically zipped back and forth, making sure the door was well secured, to ensure that nopony would interrupt their special night. Frosty couldn’t help but stare at Pinkie Pie, for the way she moved so superfast he could’ve sworn that his wife was a speedster. However, he was distracted when he saw her bountiful melons bounce from every part of the room she stopped, as well as the fact that her flank looked amazing in tights. He couldn’t help but feel his erection, as it was making his pants feel tight.

Pinkie stopped after she was done, whilst wiping her forehead. However, she noticed her husband’s erection, causing her to smirk as she partially looked at him the moment she turned around.

‘Well, well, well,’ said Pinkie Pie with her flexed eyebrow and crossed her arms ‘Looks like someone is eager to get started.’

‘After seeing all of that because of the tights you’re wearing, how could I not.’ said Frosty, then he blabbed ‘You look amazing in tights.’

Pinkie Pie giggled in her usual bubbly tone. ‘Glad you liked it. I was worried that it would make my butt look big. But now that I’ve seen that, it was really worth wearing it.’

Frosty then walked over to her and held her close. He gently kissed her, but Pinkie passionately kissed him back as she held him so tight, he felt like he couldn’t breathe. Frosty ended up stroking her delicate flower, making her moan through their compassionate kissing. They broke the kiss as Pinkie stared at him with her alluring eyes, damn she still has beautiful eyes, which Frosty couldn’t help but stare in them.

‘Do you like the color of my eyes?’ said Pinkie as she batted her eyes.

‘How could I not.’ said Frosty ‘But what I’m always attracted to is the sweetness of your kiss.’

‘Oh, you mean like this?’ said Pinkie as she kissed him again, which he greatly enjoyed, whilst also holding onto her flank and lifting her up just so that he could hold onto that amazing booty.

Pinkie broke the kiss as she suddenly zipped left to right, which confused Frosty as he kept looking back and forth to where Pinkie Pie kept on moving. She suddenly nipped his shirt, leaving him topless, even his mask.

‘How the heck does she…’ said Frosty, until he stopped himself, raising his hand in the air as he said ‘It’s Pinkie Pie, don’t question it.’

Pinkie was now nose to nose with her smile as she said ‘That’s right.’

He yelped as he jumped a bit backwards. ‘Damn you have a lot of energy.’

‘And now both your arms have been tied up.’

‘Wait, what?’ said Frosty, until he suddenly realized his hands were tied up and was being held in the air. He was now greatly confused of how the heck she did it. How the hell she was able to do all that shit was beyond him. But as he learned a long time ago, from what Twilight and her friends have told him. Never, ever, ever, ever, question Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie let out an alluring smile whilst she placed both her hands onto her hips, slowly swinging them as she approached him. She was then face to face with him as she said ‘And now without further ado. I will now claim the prize I have been seeking.’

She slowly lowered herself until she was standing on his knees, staring at where his crotch was hidden, behind the tights he was wearing.

‘I wonder what it’s condition is going to be,’ said Pinkie as she licked her lips ‘If it will be exposed after being hidden behind something so tight?’

Damn she was making him feel horny. His body was now in tension. His breathing grew sharper, and he could barely look away from both her beautiful eyes and that amazing tongue of hers.

She then went forward to his belt and held his tights with her teeth. She slowly pulled it down with a smile. And just like that, his erection made his phallus stand proud, which she then blushed as she had a feeling she was going to see it again.

‘Oooh, so big and long.’ said Pinkie as she looked at it.

Though it was strangely scary and awkward, Frosty couldn’t help but feel aroused and turned on at the same time. For now he really wants her mouth to cover his manhood.

‘You know,’ said Frosty as he looked at Pinkie Pie ‘Normally I would be afraid of things like this. But for some reason, I feel like I want to go straight to the grand finale.’

‘Oh, I don’t think so Frosty,’ said Pinkie with her alluring smile whilst she gently held onto his manhood as she said ‘The main event isn’t until the two of us have released our special milk.’

‘Uhh….’ was all was Frosty could say, for he had no response to that.

Pinkie only let out her bubbly giggle, whilst her head was slowly reaching towards Frosty’s manhood. He mouth slowly opens, allowing her to wrap her tongue around it with one slow lick. Frosty moaned loudly, for he never thought that his wife would have that much of a great touch. But then again this is Pinkie Pie he was talking about.

Frosty moaned and squirmed, not even sure how to handle this. During this blissful experience, he tried to think straight. He looked at the rope and noticed that it wasn’t tied up properly. He realized that though Pinkie Pie can tie proper knots when it comes to balloons, but when it comes to actual rope, she never ties them up tight enough.

He tries to untie the ropes around his hands, thanks to a trick that a certain Apple Mare taught him. But the more he kept doing that, the more he moaned, for Pinkie Pie was continuing to suck his manhood like there was no tomorrow, for if he didn’t know any better, she was secretly sucking on so much candy, pretending to be his…

Frosty instantly realized the mistake he made, causing him to feel like he was going to barf, for he couldn’t believe had just thought of something like that. That did the trick though, which would allow him to untie the rope. But as he got loose, he felt his climax approaching. No longer being able to keep still, he ended up slowly holding onto hear head without her realizing it, thanks to her poofy hair.

‘P-Pinkie Pie!!’ shouted Frosty as he was now close to his limit. ‘I-I think I’m going to…’

And just like that, Frosty released his load inside Pinkie’s mouth, making her swallow every drop until he was done squirting. Sure enough, Pinkie released his manhood from her mouth and licked her lips, whilst Frosty’s legs on the other hand trembled a bit, making it look like he was about to fall down every minute now.

‘Mmm,’ said Pinkie Pie whilst she licked her lips ‘Now that was oh so good.’

‘I’m glad you’re having fun Filly Second.’ said Frosty, as he suddenly grabbed Pinkie Pie and picked her up, surprising her as she was now face to face with him, whilst he was smirking at the same time, whilst he began to pant a bit. ‘But now it’s my turn.’

Frosty then grabbed her outfit by the shoulders and ripped them off, which surprised Pinkie when she saw how strong he was. He then lifted her up, went over to the bed and dropped her on it. But before Pinkie could speak, Frosty then showed his goofy smile as he watched Pinkie.

‘But you cannot defeat me, because…’. And within a split second, he held out in one hand what appeared to be whipped cream, and the other hand had two tubes of sprinkles and strawberries inside, with him saying ‘For I know your one weakness.’

Pinkie Pie pretended to gasp as she somehow knew that Frosty would do that.

As Frosty slowly began to add the whipped cream on both her breasts and her special marehood, Pinkie Pie pretended to lose her powers as she said ‘Oh no, I’m l-losing my s-speed. I-I can’t t-take it.’

After the whipped cream were placed on both her breasts and marehood, Frosty slowly added some sprinkles around the whipped cream, as well as a cherry on top of them.

‘And now,’ said Frosty with his own smile whilst holding Pinkie Pie near him ‘For the main course.’

Frosty slowly began to lick the whipped cream, sprinkles and cherries from Pinkie’s breasts slowly, whilst allowing him to grope on both of them, making her moan in the pleasure. He kept licking and licking until he was able to get to the tip of her marvelous breasts, making her moan when he was licking her nipple, then sucked on them a bit.

‘O-oh,’ said Pinkie as she enjoyed her husband’s love making maneuver, whilst slowly holding onto Frosty’s head ‘F-Frosty. K-keep going.’

However, whenever Frosty continued to lick them, Pinkie couldn’t help but giggle, for it was really ticklish for her. ‘Hey, that tickles.’

Frosty stopped as he looked at her with a smirk whilst saying ‘And now…for the grand finale.’

Frosty lowered his head to where Pinkie Pie’s special delicate flower is located, but it was covered with whipped cream. That…he will have to fix.

He took it slowly and licked from one piece of whipped cream to the next, with Pinkie Pie beginning to feeling anxious of wanting to feel his tongue. And it was worth the wait, for the moment he was done with the next layer, he had finally reached for her delicate flower. He began to lick her at her flower, which made her squirm, for she was loving every inch of that lick. He even went inside her flower and touched her G spot, causing her to close her legs as she wrapped them around his head, as well as gripping the blankets tightly with both her hands, for she really enjoyed her husband’s touch.

‘Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh…’ said Pinkie Pie as she was loving her husband’s tongue inside of her.

After the final lick, Pinkie couldn’t handle it anymore, so she ended up releasing her love juice over his face, which allowed him to drink every drop.

As she panted, and slowly sat up straight, Frosty licked his lips a bit with a smile as he said ‘Salty and extra sweet. I don’t know about the salty part, but you my special lady friend, are just so sweet, I feel like I want to embrace you for all time.’

‘Aw, Frosty.’ said Pinkie Pie as she hugged him, with the left side of her head against her bosom ‘Even after all these years since we got married, you’re still a sweet talker.’

‘What can I say,’ said Frosty as he held her close, loving her hug by the minute ‘I fell in love with one of the sweetest mares in all of Equestria, and she still is to this very day.’

Pinkie couldn’t help but shed a few tears of happiness and pushed Frosty onto the bed so that she could be on top. She kissed him full on the lips as they held onto one another. Pinkie released her kiss from him, allowing them to look into each other’s eyes.

‘Flatterer.’ said Pinkie Pie with a smirk.

‘I try.’ said Frosty with a smirk of his own.

Pinkie then wrapped her arms around her husband’s neck and kissed it a couple of times, making him shiver a bit.

‘Now then,’ said Pinkie Pie ‘Shall we get to the main event?’

‘Sure, but uh, shouldn’t we clean ourselves up first?’ asked Frosty, whilst gesturing the whipped cream and sprinkles all over their bodies.

‘Not a problem,’ said Pinkie Pie as she instantly pulled a bathtub from out of nowhere ‘I’ve come prepared.’

Frosty was surprised that Pinkie Pie pulled a bathtub from out of nowhere. He just hopes that Twilight won’t be mad when the floor might be wet from all the water.

‘And don’t worry about the water spilling,’ said Pinkie ‘I added a big sponge underneath, so that it’ll absorb the water when it does spill over.’

‘How you do all this is beyond me Pinkie.’ said Frosty as he walked over to her.

‘I’ll never tell.’ said Pinkie, until she grabbed him and held her husband close. She could feel his manhood, which she ended up having an alluring smile ‘Now let’s have some fun.’

Pinkie then pulled him backwards, causing the two of them to fall in the bathtub that ended up leaving a big splash. The two of them were all wet, but surprisingly, Pinkie still kept her poofy hair despite being wet.

‘So while we let the warm water help was us off,’ said Pinkie as she held her husband close whilst she was on top ‘We can have some real fun.’

Pinkie then giggled with her alluring smile as she said ‘Funny, I already feel turned on just being in here.’

‘Well then lady Pie,’ said Frosty as he held onto her bosom, which left her nearly aroused as he said ‘Shall we get to the main event.’

‘Oh, we shall.’ said Pinkie before she made her first move and passionately kissed him before they fell into the bathtub.

They kept splashing the water around as they continued to passionately make out. Each caressing each other’s bodies. Partially to wash off the cake decorations, and another just to have an excuse to hold one another’s bodies, as well as trying to make them moan. Thankfully, though the water may be warm, there wasn’t any soap inside, so they dipped each other’s heads into the water and continued to kiss one another. Sure enough, they popped their heads out of the water and gasped a bit for air, and were still able to keep the smiles on both their faces.

Once they were dried off and stood near the bed, Pinkie gently pushed Frosty onto the bed as he was now on his back. With Pinkie crawling over all sexy like. They kissed a few times on the bed before Pinkie was able to take Frosty’s manhood and gently guided it into her delicate flower, making her moan with pleasure.

‘Let the final round commence.’ said Pinkie Pie.

Sure enough, Pinkie Pie gently moved her hips up and down as her bountiful bosom bounced with grace, making her moan whilst both of Frosty’s hands were on her hips. He couldn’t help but massage her luscious flank. But the more Frosty did that, the more aroused Pinkie felt, and the more she moved her hips faster.

She kept moving her hips as fast as she could, making her moan and groan like crazy. The way she kept groaning, nearly made Frosty think that there was a little bit of Limestone in her as well, for the growling almost sounds the same. But the more Pinkie moved, the more they were close into releasing their load.

‘P-Pinkie I…I feel it coming!!’ shouted Frosty.

‘Y-yes Frosty!!’ shouted Pinkie ‘B-Buck! I’m gonna cum!! It feels so good!! Buck me harder!! Buck me faster!! OH YES!!’

Sure enough, both of them couldn’t take it anymore, causing the both of them to climax inside each other, making them both scream loudly through their moans. After about six spurt, the two of them panted from exhaustion. Frosty pulled out and collapsed next to her, whilst Pinkie Pie was able to cover themselves with their blanket.

‘Damn you still got it girl.’ said Frosty as he slowly wrapped his arm around her.

‘You’re not so bad yourself my sexy stud.’ said Pinkie Pie as she did the same.

‘In a strange way, when the both of us are under a lot of stress, we should do this more often.’

Pinkie giggled a bit before she pecked him on the cheek. ‘Oh, I agree. Though we’re gonna have a hard time to explain to the twins about this.’

‘When they’re old enough.’ said Frosty ‘Just think, if they’re old enough, they could probably go out with Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake.’

Pinkie nearly squealed out loud, for the thought about it just makes her excited ‘I know right?’

The two of them yawned, for the fun they had took a lot out of them. The two of them snuggled together, and said to each other goodnight before they instantly went to sleep.

‘Goodnight Pinkie Pie.’ said Frosty.

‘Goodnight Frosty.’ said Pinkie, allowing the both of them to go to sleep.

Chapter 11: The Hunter and the Mare Do Well

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As soon as the doors were locked, both Chance and Starlight were feeling nervous. Though they did have their first passionate night and Starlight was carrying triplets, they wondered how they were gonna do the whole cosplay thing, seeing that they’ve never done it before. However, Chance kept staring at her outfit. It looked tight and snug at the same time in all the right places. However, he quickly turned his head to make sure she didn’t notice.

He wasn’t the only one staring. Starlight looked at Chance a couple of times too. She never realized how great he looked in tights. She felt flustered a couple of times seeing his but showing through his tights, especially since his chest was exposed. She couldn’t help but feel flustered at the same time just from seeing him. Then again maybe it was just her suit that felt a bit tight, but she wasn’t complaining.

‘You know,’ said Chance after he pulled his gloves off and placed it on the table ‘I’m not that much into comic books like Spike or Emily are. But seeing you in that? Now I’m having second thoughts.’

Starlight couldn’t help but feel flustered whilst she held onto her face with both her hands, whilst she blushed red as she said ‘C-Chance. You’re embarrassing me.’

‘Aw,’ said Chance as he teased her a bit ‘I thought the all powerful Bat Mare didn’t show any emotions, but my sweet little Glim-Glim did.’

She the blushed bright red, then had a crazy idea whilst she smirked. She then turned around and pretended to be Mare Do Well.

‘I am vengeance of the night.’ said Starlight as she was pretending to be in character. ‘I am the courage of the innocence, I am the defender of all. I am. Mare Do Well.’

Chance couldn’t help but chuckle, for the way she pretended to be Mare Do Well was just too cute. ‘Aw, Glim-Glim is so cute.’

That tears it, she then got really angry as she got too deep. She then pinned him against the wall, as she got serious. ‘You go around hurting the innocence!! Steal what doesn’t belong to you!! Threaten to ruin the lives on others!! And the worst part is, YOU DIDN’T EVEN SAY YOU WERE SORRY!!’

Now that was scary, which surprised Chance. But then again he couldn’t help but give an alluring smile as he held onto Starlight’s flank and held her closer.

‘Why Mare Do Well,’ said Chance ‘I didn’t know you were capable of such theatrics. And here I had to go through great lengths to please you.’

Starlight couldn’t help but feel flustered, then ended up giggling in her cute matter. Chance then gently placed his lips on hers, causing the two of them to engage in a full make out session. Starlight ended up grabbing him by the shirt and pulled him. But thankfully, before she fell flat on the ground, she teleported the both of them on the bed, allowing a soft landing for them. She then wrapped her legs around his waist so that she could hold him in position. She would’ve kept him in position if Chance didn’t have a sneaky idea.

He was able to reach for her horn and ended up gently stroking it with his fingers, making her moan like crazy. But he then tried a different tactic. He ended up rubbing the horn faster and faster, making her moan and fluster like crazy as she was able to release the lip lock whilst her eyes were nearly backwards as her tongue was sticking out.

‘Oh Chance!! Oh, buck yes!!’ shouted Starlight as she enjoyed it, which was weird, because his member is not even in her delicate flower yet.

After another stroke, sparks began to fly out of her horn, making it sparkle like fireworks in the air. His hand tickled a bit because of the sparks and sparkles. He couldn’t help but chuckle, especially the look on Starlight’s face as she panted whilst her tongue was sticking out.

‘Perfect.’ said Chance as he leaned down and placed his tongue against hers as they danced around. Starlight was caught by surprised, but quickly gave in as she wrapped her arms and legs around him, keeping him in place as they continued.

They then broke the kiss as they looked at each other with their own alluring smiles. She slowly grabbed his shirt whilst they kept staring at one another. Then she ended up doing something very unexpected; she placed her hooves against his chest and kicked him off of her, whilst she instantly ripped his shirt off as he collapsed onto the ground.

Chance landed on his back on the ground, but looked at Starlight whilst she was slowly standing up, still holding the pieces of his torn off shirt, then tossed them away. He was quite surprised by the display that she had just delivered. He couldn’t help but smile over her theatrics.

‘Wow,’ said Chance as he looked at her ‘Okay, how was it you’ve never showed that before?’

‘Let’s just say that I was nervous the first time I wanted to do that to you.’ said Starlight as she continued to walk towards him. ‘But now that we’re doing a whole cosplay romance. I can’t help but wanting to do more of this.’

‘Oh, you cute little Unicorn,’ said Chance as she sat back up ‘You truly are a mare of many talents.’

Starlight couldn’t help but giggle. Oh that cute giggle, how he loved it. The way she giggled and laughed, it always made him smile, for he always loved to make her happy. Since the day he came, he always liked her. But overtime, it blossomed into love. He can’t help but want to place his lips against hers again. Which he did the moment he pulled her down and made her yelp, whilst at the same time, they embraced one another with another kiss.

As they kissed, they stroked one another’s bodies, with Starlight’s hands behind Chance’s back and head, with Chance’s hands were on both her waist and her flank. He continued to move his right hand as he placed it beneath her delicate flower. He used his middle finger to stroke it, which in turn made her yelp and moan at the same time, for even though she may be wearing a costume, she could feel his finger as if they were still naked. Starlight broke the kiss, then looked at him with an alluring smile, as well as a flexed eyebrow.

‘Well, well, well,’ said Starlight as she looked at him ‘Seems I’m not the only one who’s eager to get started on things.’

‘How should we proceed lady Light of the Glimmering Star.’ said Chance in a more poetic tone.

She couldn’t help but look at him surprised, then blushed red on both her cheeks. ‘Wow,’ said Starlight with her own alluring smile ‘I’ve never heard you say that before.’

‘Eh, when we became a couple,’ said Chance as he placed his forehead against hers ‘I kept thinking of wanting to say the right things just to show you how much I love you. But I still kept them, even after two of the amazing things that happened to us. The day we got married, and the day when our little ones came into this world.’

‘Chance…’ said Starlight before her husband interrupted her.

‘And the one thing that always made me happy,’ said Chance with his own smile ‘Was watching you smile and hearing you laughter.’

Starlight could feel her tears being welled up and ended up kissing him. She broke the kiss and said ‘That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.’

‘And you know what else is sweet?’ asked Chance, letting her go whilst saying ‘Letting you take the lead. I mean it’s more of a gentleman’s move to led the lady take the lead on this one, is it not?’

Starlight walked over to Chance and placed both her hands against his chest. Her horn glowed, allowing her to use her magic to instantly remove his pants and underwear in just a matter of seconds. Chance wanted to be surprised, but he couldn’t help but smile, knowing that she really wanted to do this.

‘You know me so well.’ said Starlight as she gently pushes her husband, with him landing on the bed with his back.

He looked at Starlight and saw her stroking her body with her one hand as it reached towards the zipper up front. She slowly pulled it down in a sexy alluring kind of way. As the zipper finally reached to the waist, Starlight grabbed the shirt of her costume and removed it from her body, revealing her breasts to her husband. Which he looked forward to since they all agreed to make it a fun night.

Starlight slowly lowered herself until she was on her knees. She held then wanted to place Chance’s manhood between her breasts, until she did the unexpected. She used her horn to cast magic on her breasts, making them go from D-Cup to E-Cup. Chance was surprised by this whilst he nearly wanted to sit up.

‘Since when could you do that?’ asked Chance, clearly aroused by this sudden turn of events.

Starlight picked it up and giggled, oh that sweet giggle. ‘It’s a little something I learned from Sunset when she and Ignis spend their first wild night together.’

Chance quirked an eyebrow at that. ‘I didn’t know she could do that.’

‘Neither did me or Twilight until she brought it up.’ said Starlight.

‘One question,’ said Chance ‘Are you gonna also…?’

He pointed at his manhood, which made her blush as she said ‘I would never.’, until she partially looked away as she mumbled ‘Well maybe a little.’

Chance smirked at that as he said ‘Well what’s stopping you?’

She was a little surprised at first, but she immediately smiled at this and ignited her horn again. And as such, his member also grew a little, which made him moan for some reason, and Starlight was a little surprised by this.

‘Whoa,’ said Chance, and ended up saying something stupid like ‘Who’d thunk that enlarging one’s member can make you feel pleasured already.’

Starlight then laughed a bit, for the way he was acting made her laugh a bit. She then decided to focus on that said member and placed it between her breasts. She then began to thrust his shaft in and out between hear breasts, making Chance groan and moan like crazy as he gripped his hands on the bed sheets.

‘Holy mackerel Starlight.’ said Chance ‘Your mouth really can be a dangerous weapon if any guy were to fawn over you.’

Starlight cocked her left eyebrow when Chance blabbed like that. Then again he was probably in ecstasy earlier than expected. Which nearly made her giggle. Or would’ve, if she wasn’t busy having her husband’s manhood in her mouth. She continued to play with it as she kept rubbing her breasts. She then had a sneaky idea. She ended up using her magic to make her cups go from E-cups to F-cups, as well as making his manhood grow a bit too.

‘Holy hell!!’ shouted Chance ‘I can’t hold it anymore!!’

And just like that, he cummed right in her mouth. Though she would’ve swallowed more of those drops, she ended up gagging a bit, for she clearly underestimate the amount of cum she would take in her mouth the moment she made her husband’s manhood grow a bit.

Chance, realizing that his wife gagged, quickly got up and held her by the shoulders in order to take a good look at her.

‘Honey, are you okay?’ asked Chance.

‘I’m…I’m fine Chance.’ said Starlight as she gagged some more, but was able to breathe normally again once things had settled. ‘Clearly I underestimated the amount of cum you’d produce.’

‘Clearly,’ said Chance, agreeing with her once he wiped the sweat from his forehead. ‘That’s another one for the books.’

‘Books?’ asked Starlight.

‘You know, the “How to please your lovers” book.’ said Chance as he smirked a bit.

Starlight immediately blushed, for she was greatly surprised that Chance could remember that.

‘Wow,’ said Starlight as she partially looked away ‘I’m surprised you remembered that.’

‘Why wouldn’t I?’ said Chance as he held the side of her face, causing the two to look at one another. ‘It was one of the most memorable nights I ever had. And that we ended up doing it on Hearth’s warming eve no less.’

Starlight smiled at that too. ‘Yeah, it was the best.’

‘And you know what,’ said Chance ‘I’m glad our kids were born just in time for Hearth’s warming. It was quite funny to see how well they were reacting the same way Moonlight reacted.’

Starlight giggled, for she couldn’t stop laughing that time when Chance was covered in cookie batter when the little ones were fooling around.

‘Oh, I love it when you giggle and laugh.’ said Chance with his own alluring smile ‘It’s so…hot and sexy.’

Starlight instantly stopped as she looked at Chance whilst blushing. She ended up holding onto both sides of her face, for she felt slightly embarrassed. ‘’C-Chance…you’re embarrassing me.

‘But now that you finally got be all hot and bothered,’ said Chance as he held onto her flank, which Starlight nearly wanted to moan, considering the way he held onto her flank, especially whilst she was massaging them ‘Now it’s my turn.’

He slowly pulled the rest of her outfit down, revealing her wet flower. It must’ve been wet down there the whole time, for the suit really did work wonders there. But then he tried something different, he pushed her off, causing her to stand up, as well as Chance.

‘Hey,’ said Starlight as she pouted, which nearly made Chance wanna giggle. ‘What gives?’

‘Now, now my love.’ said Chance as he slowly cornered her to the wall ‘We may have gone all nice and slow when we first started out, but now it’s time for the Coup De Grâce.’

He suddenly turned her around and pinned her against the wall, which took her by surprise.

‘C-Chance, what are you…?’ said Starlight before she was cut off.

Chance slowly used his middle finger to rub against her flower, taking her by surprise as she moaned whilst she raised her head in the air.

‘Now it’s time for some,’ said Chance as he slowly went to ear, and whispered to her ‘Real fun.’

Starlight nearly felt flustered, causing Chance to slowly stand on his knees, used both his hands to hold onto her flank and raised a bit in the air, revealing her delicate flower, making her slightly gasp, nearly wanting to grip on the walls.

And in a slow pace, Chance placed his tongue near her delicate flower, slowly licking it, making her feel more aroused than usual. Starlight began to stick out her tongue, for the bliss of pleasure began to nearly overwhelm her. His licks were slightly picking up speed, which nearly made her feel crazy, especially since her tail was swishing against his face.

‘Oh Chance…’ said Starlight as her eyes was nearly looking at the back of her head.

Within a moment, Chance ended up sticking his tongue inside her delicate flower, making her moan like crazy, for Chance had really hit her delicate spot on the inside.

‘Oh Chance!!’ shouted Starlight ‘D-don’t stop! Keep g-going!!’

After going into her delicate flower with his tongue, Chance was close into making Starlight climax. Sure enough, Starlight pressed her hands against the wall as she kept her head raised.

‘Oh Chance, I’m g-going to…!!’

And just like that, she released her climax, allowing him to drink every last drop from her. As soon as she stopped climaxing, she suddenly fell backwards, allowing Chance to catch her, then ended up lifting her up. She began to pant a few times, for it took a lot out of her, especially when her husband did something new. Then again, using her magic to make her breasts grow a little bigger was also new.

‘Wow,’ said Starlight ‘That was…amazing.’

‘I always wanted to sweep you off of your hooves.’ said Chance with a goofy grin on his face.

Starlight giggled as she gently slapped her hand against his chest as she said ‘Oh, stop you.’

‘Oh, don’t worry, we’re not gonna stop just yet.’ said Chance as he moved his head closer to hers ‘Our fun is just beginning.’

Starlight couldn’t help but smile and blush. The two of them then kissed and walked straight towards the bed. He gently placed her on the bed like she was the most delicate flower in the world. He then climbed near her and was then on top of her. He kept his goofy grin, allowing him to gently kiss her, which Starlight returned as she held onto his back, not wanting to let her hubby go.

After they broke the kiss, Chance asked ‘So…shall we proceed?’

‘Oh, we shall.’ said Starlight, showing her flirteous smile.

Going slow, Chance placed his phallus inside of Starlight’s delicate flower, making her groan, but also with a slight moan. Even though she had already lost her virginity when she and Chance had their magical night on Hearth’s Warming Eve, she still feels aroused, as if she was in need of a good bucking.

As soon as they were in position, Chance slowly thrusted inside of her in a slow pace, in order for her to enjoy the feeling a little bit longer. Starlight moaned like crazy as she massaged her breasts, for she really missed that feeling. He slowly wrapped his arms around her, for if there’s one thing he loves more than anything, is to hold his wife close to him, the one pony that made him smile and feel happy when he was alone. As he continued with his slow thrusting, Starlight slowly wrapped her legs around his back, whilst her fingers were nearly clenched onto his back.

Starlight moaned loudly in his ear, obviously being taken over by the bliss of pleasure, or her hormones were acting up, but we’ll let you decide. But to spice things up, he began to thrust his beloved faster, making her moan crazy as the bliss began to slowly take her over.

‘Oh Chance!!’ shouted Starlight as she held onto her husband ‘Give it to me!! Yes, give it to me!!’

As the thrusting continued to speed up, the bliss began to take the both of them over, not wanting the pleasure train to end.

‘Starlight!!’ shouted Chance ‘It’s coming!! And it’s coming hard!!’

‘Yes, Chance!!’ shouted Starlight ‘COME INSIDE ME CHANCE!! UNLEASH YOUR LOAD!! DON’T HOLD BACK!!’

And within that split second, both of them released their climax, causing the both of them to scream in delight. After a few spurts, the bliss finally wore off. Chance was able to collapse right next to her, but was able to keep his arm wrapped around her. The two of them panted with smiles on their faces. Chance slowly rubbed her hip, which nearly made her purr.

‘Wow Chance,’ said Starlight as she looked at her husband ‘You were amazing.’

‘So were you my dear Glim-Glim.’ said Chance as he kissed her neck.

‘You dork.’ said Starlight after she let out a giggle.

‘Part of what I love you so much,’ said Chance as he held her close ‘Is that beautiful smile of yours, as well as your laughter.’

‘Aw, Chance.’ said Starlight as she held her husband close, whilst using the blanket to cover both of them.

The two of them were now comfortable now that the warmth of the blanket had begun to take effect.

‘Goodnight Starlight,’ said Chance as he kissed her again ‘Sleep well tonight.’

‘You too Chance,’ said Starlight, letting out one last giggle before she went to sleep ‘You too.’

Within moments, the two of them were fast asleep, resting up for the next day.

Up next, Trixie and Mystic. After that, Spike and Emily. And after that, the final conclusion of this story. You’re welcome readers.

Chapter 12: Dazzling Mysticon

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As Trixie and Mystic were alone for the night whilst the doors were closed and locked behind them, Trixie ended up giggling and clapping her hands together like a schoolgirl, for she was really excited. Mystic looked at her and he couldn’t help but chuckle. He could never think anything bad about Trixie. She proved that she wanted to help him, which she did, and he will always be grateful for that.

He looked at her in her superhero outfit. Though the outfit she was wearing looked amazing on her, it didn’t hold a candle to the outfit she was always wearing whenever she would do her magic show, or when they want to spend some time together whilst taking a break from their usual magic performance. But tonight, it was her night, and she became really excited. He read her mind that she wanted to do this again. Then again, in a strange way, he wanted to do this again too. He still had a lot to learn when it comes to emotions, but he’s made such a huge improvement thanks to Trixie and her friends.

But then he suddenly saw himself in a mirror, and in a strange way, he suddenly liked the Mysticon outfit he was in. ‘You know,’ said Mystic as he suddenly admired the outfit as he posed in it ‘I could get used to this outfit. I even like this helmet.’

Trixie couldn’t help but giggle when she saw her husband admiring himself in the mirror, like a boy pretending to be a superhero.

‘Oh, I like it too.’ said Trixie as she walked over, then stood in front of him. ‘But I’m not so sure about the helmet.’

‘Why?’ asked Mystic ‘What’s wrong with it?’

Trixie slowly removes his helmet, which made her smile whilst she said ‘It hides too much of your handsome face.’

Mystic couldn’t help but blush underneath his helmet. Causing him to slowly remove his helmet and produced his own smile.

‘You know,’ said Mystic as he slowly removed Trixie’s mask too. After it was removed, he placed his right hand on the right side of her face ‘I feel the same way about you wearing the mask. It hides too much of your beauty.’

Trixie couldn’t help but blush and nuzzle in his hand. She slowly placed both her hands onto his face. The two of them slowly reached their lips towards one another until they interacted.

Mystic placed both his hands on Trixie’s hips, whilst Trixie’s arms were wrapped around her husband. As they held onto one another, Mystic used his power to allow the two of them to float whilst they twirled around, for this was truly a great feeling between them. Sure enough, Trixie took notice, which made her giggle as she lets out a happy sigh.

‘No matter what you do,’ said Trixie with her smile ‘You always find a way to sweep Trixie’s hooves.’

‘Only when someone like you helped me see there’s more to things in life than just wallowing in self pity.’ said Mystic ‘And for that, I will always love you.’

Trixie couldn’t help but giggle again, for she remembered when she first met him, he was emotionless, lifeless even. But during the past few months she helped him open up a bit more. She never met anyone who was denied of happiness, but got it back in time. But falling in love with him was the biggest bonus that came along with it, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

‘And besides, being in love does come with perks.’ said Mystic.

‘And that would be?’ said Trixie as she cocked one of her eyebrows.

He suddenly held onto her flank and held her up whilst she let out a yelp. ‘I got married to a wonderful mare like you.’

Trixie couldn’t help but giggle once more, whilst she grabbed her husband’s head and kissed him once more. Sure enough, he lowered himself and landed on the ground on his feet, with Trixie being able to stand on both her hooves too.

‘Trixie wishes to try something.’ said Trixie after she broke the kiss and looked at him in the eyes.

‘Oh, like what?’ asked Mystic.

Trixie ended up smiling as she said in backwards whilst holding up a smoke bomb.

‘Prits su dekad no eht tops!!’ shouted Trixie before she dropped a smoke bomb.

As the smoke covered them, Mystic ended up coughing a lot, considering her doesn’t like smoke. He already smelled enough of that when he was being experimented on back on his world.

When he opened his eyes after the smoke was slowly settling, he was surprised by what he was seeing. Trixie was just standing there, smiling, arms placed behind her back, waving her body back and forth, whilst she was completely naked. He would’ve felt aroused too if he had not felt a draft, which he realized he was naked too.

Mystic looked at her with a cocked eyebrow, yet with a smirk, saying ‘You’re eager to get this started, aren’t you?’

Trixie giggled, and gave her alluring smile to him whilst slowly walking over to him and swinging her hips, saying ‘And what if I am?’

Mystic suddenly had an idea, something he never tried before. He ended up using his psychic ability to levitate her, which surprised her. She couldn’t move, whilst Mystic walked over to her with his own alluring smile, saying ‘Because I’m about to try something new.’

He then held onto her hips and brought herself slowly to him whilst he was staring directly at her delicate flower. He slowly got his tongue out and placed it against her clit. Trixie gasped at that, whilst leaning her head backwards.

‘Oh sweet Celestia!!’ shouted Trixie ‘I…didn’t think you were so straight forward with this!!’

He simply smirked at that and continued to lick her delicate spot. But he didn’t place his tongue inside it yet, for he just enjoyed licking at the top, which made her squirm in the air, shaking her hips back and forth, whilst her tongue was sticking out. Even though she was placed in the air, she could somehow move her arms and slowly placed both of her hands on top of his head, not wanting to let him go.

‘Q-quit teasing Mystic.’ said Trixie whilst her tongue was still out and her eyes were rolled backwards. ‘Get to what you really want to do.’

Mystic complied. But before he could get to that, he slowly dragged her over to the bed in case he would accidentally drop her. As he was close to the bed, he did what his wife asked him to do. He placed his tongue deep inside her, causing her to moan loudly as she still had the facial expression.

‘Oh sweet Celestia!!’ Trixie cried out as she was able to move her legs and wrap them around his head ‘Go on my dear Mysticon!! Make the Great and Powerful Dazzling Mare into a goddess!!’

Mystic placed his tongue deep inside of her, making her gasp loudly as she leaned backwards.

‘M-Mystic…I’m going to…’ said Trixie as she could barely say anything.

And with once more touching inside of her with his tongue, Trixie squirted her own magic juice out of her flower, making her moan loudly. After he was able to swallow every drop, he was able to drop her onto the bed, giving her a soft landing whilst she panted like crazy as she still kept her smile. Mystic on the other hand walked over to her and sat right next to her whilst her back was still on the bed.

‘So,’ said Mystic as he looked at her with a goofy grin ‘Was the “Great and Powerful Dazzling Mage” pleased with a trick that has never been seen before?’

Trixie reached her hand out and held onto her husband’s shoulder, instantly pulled him down as his back was on the bed too, allowing Trixie to kiss her husband. The only thing either of them could do was moan as their lips had engaged. They then pulled from one another as Trixie and Mystic smiled at one another.

‘Trixie is greatly impressed.’ said Trixie ‘You managed to out trick Trixie with something she had never done before.’

‘I’m glad you liked it Trixie.’ said Mystic ‘I didn’t want to face any harsh comments from Mon Cowell, and we haven’t even joined the “Equestria’s got Talent” show.’

Trixie couldn’t help but laugh. But the moment she stopped, she ended up looking at him with her alluring smile. She was then on top of him and said ‘Would Mystic love to see a trick from the Great and Powerful Trixie?’

‘What do you have in mind?’ he asked her.

Trixie then suddenly tossed another smoke bomb on the ground, covering the entire area with smoke. Mystic couched for a few minutes, but the moment it cleared, he saw that he was tied up with his arms in the air, leaving his member erected and out in the open. He saw Trixie walking over to him with a smirk on her mouth.

‘All fair’s in love and war my love.’ said Trixie with her own alluring voice.

She slowly reached out for his member and placed them between hear breasts. She began to play with them whilst she held it in her mouth, making Mystic moan like crazy as he lifted his head up.

‘Holy…’ said Mystic, though he may not show a lot of emotions, he knows what kind of emotions one would get if they were ever to get pleasured, even if it’s sometimes the other way round ‘Sometime I w-wonder if t-the real m-magic you h-had all along is f-from your m-mouth Trixie.’

If Trixie wasn’t busy giving his manhood some special treatment, she would probably laugh right now. She continued to rub hear breasts between his manhood, and she could tell from the look on his face, he was enjoying this kind of treatment. She then used her magic to do what Starlight taught her from what Sunset taught her. She used her magic to make her breasts grow a little, which got him more aroused, from the look on his face.

‘T-Trixie,’ said Mystic, for he was beginning to feel the buildup from his climax ‘I…I d-don’t know what’s…happening. B-but I-I think I’m g-going to…’

And with one more suck, Mystic released his climax in her mouth, nearly making her cheeks bulge out from his seed. She was able to swallow every drop of it. Once he was properly “milked”, Trixie released Mystic’s member from her mouth, whilst her husband was trying to catch his breath, for it was truly an amazing feeling. He watched as Trixie licked her lips before she wiped it, with Mystic noticed that her hair looked a little messy. Using his power, he was able to untie himself and land back on his feet.

He stood near her and wiped her hair from her face just so that he could see her eyes. He held face with both his hands before he kissed her horn, which nearly made her yelp, for her horn is very sensitive. But she just looked at him with an alluring smile and pushed him to the bed. As he sat down, Trixie sat on his lap, whilst also wrapping her arms around her husband and kissed him, with Mystic holding her flank. Trixie was practically moaning in his mouth whilst he held her close.

As Mystic was occupied with their compassionate love, he was able to read her mind. It took him off guard, but he looked at her surprised.

‘Are you sure Trixie?’ asked Mystic.

‘Trixie’s sure Mystic.’ said Trixie, still keeping her smile ‘Taking care of little Misty made me realize that we’d make the perfect parents. But Trixie also realized that raising a family in a wagon isn’t going to help. Which is why Trixie is happy that you were thinking of building us a house and a place for us to live in.’

‘And the amount of shopping we had to do to make it a proper home.’ said Mystic ‘I’m just glad the others contributed to it. Plus we have to thank Rarity for the makeover.’

‘It was a bit much.’ said Trixie as she thought about it. ‘But Trixie is just happy that Trixie didn’t have to lift a finger to help.’

‘Even if you did get a scolding from Starlight afterwards.’ said Mystic as he remembered her episode. ‘I don’t need to be a mind reader to tell that she can be very scary.’

‘Ugh, don’t remind me.’ said Trixie as she suddenly shivered at the thought ‘Trixie still hasn’t gotten over the face she made when she scolded me for being an airhead.’

‘Yeah, usually that’s Rainbow’s job.’ said Mystic, causing Trixie to laugh out loud at the comment.

‘But still,’ said Mystic ‘If we’d have another, a little boy would be nice. And when he’s a little older, he’ll have an older sister to look up to who is graceful and beautiful. Just like her mother.’

‘Awww.’ cooed Trixie as she hugged her husband, for that was the sweetest thing she had ever heard. She then looked at him again and said ‘Do you want to be on top.’

‘I think…’ said Mystic as he held onto his wife ‘That the Great and Powerful Trixie will have the right to be on top.’

‘You truly are the best Mystic.’ said Trixie.

Sure enough, Trixie was able to get her husband’s member inside her womanhood, making her moan and shudder. Even though they already did it on their first night, it had been a while since they had done it. She slowly moved her hips up and down, thrusting herself whilst her husband held onto her hips, making Trixie raise her head in the air, as did Mystic whilst he enjoyed feeling the love.

‘Prepare to be amazed,’ said Trixie as she kept riding him ‘Of the amazing feats of the Great and Powerful…’

Out of instinct, Mystic slapped her fine flank, causing her to yelp in surprise.

‘H-hey,’ said Trixie whilst she continued to ride him ‘Y-you d-didn’t let the g-great and p-powerful T-Trixie finish.’

‘S-sorry,’ said Mystic, trying to keep his moaning under control ‘It’s just that…w-whenever y-you go on l-like that. I-I feel l-like I’m g-getting turned on a-and horny at the s-same t-time.’

Trixie giggled at that response. She then stopped and lowered herself, saying ‘Well then. Shall we commence with an old fashion hug fuck then?’

‘How does that work?’ he asked with a grin. He could read minds, he just wants to see how she would be able to do it.

Trixie simply shook her head whilst rolling her eyes whilst she smiled. She then focused on him saying ‘Oh, I think you’ll love this.’

She then picked her husband up and held him in a hugging position. ‘Now,’ she said with a smirk ‘Watch as I work my own magic.’

Sure enough, Trixie began to hump her husband, but at the same time, Mystic was doing it too. With both of them doing it at the same time, both of them felt twice as aroused. As they continued with their hug fuck, Trixie began to cling onto her husband as her nails were nearly clenched against Mystic’s skin. If she had talons it would’ve hurt. But he just enjoyed the softness of her hands, which made him want more. Even Trixie felt the same way, for he enjoys feeling her husband’s skin, whilst she continued to have sex with him at the same time. She really needed to thank both Twilight and Starlight for lending her the book about how to please their husbands.

Trixie continued to ride him, as did Mystic. Until both of them began to feel their climax growing.

‘M-Mystic,’ said Trixie as she kept it up whilst having her eyes shut ‘T-Trixie is going to…’

‘S-Same here.’ said Mystic as he kept her in place ‘I wanna feel the love.’

‘Then feel it you shall!!’ shouted Trixie.

At that split second, both of them shouted as they climaxed at the same time.

Sure enough, the both of them collapsed onto the bed, with both of them panting and partially sweating at the same time. Mystic used his power to levitate the both of them to the center of the bed, allowing them to wrap a blanket around them. As they embraced one another, Trixie couldn’t help but snuggle against her husband.

‘You know what Trixie?’ said Mystic.

‘Hmm?’ said Trixie in response.

‘I’m glad I met someone like you that came into my life.’ said Mystic whilst holding her closer.

‘Trixie thinks that she is very lucky that somepony like you came into my life.’ said Trixie ‘Her life would’ve been so dull without you.’

‘In a world like this? Not really.’ said Mystic, which Trixie couldn’t help but chuckle.

‘I love you Mystic.’ said Trixie.

‘Mystic loves you too.’ said Mystic, teasing her a bit in a second person, which Trixie couldn’t help but gently slap him on the chest whilst she chuckled.

Soon the fatigue kicked in, and the two of them fell asleep, awaiting for the sun to rise.

Chapter 13: The Drake and the Fire

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After a certain Drake and human had locked the door, Emily couldn’t help but giggle loudly whilst also feeling giddy at the same time. Spike on the other hand couldn’t help but chuckle to see his wife act like that.

‘I still can’t believe this,’ said Emily with a wide smile on her face ‘I was able to relive a comic book adventure, got to be a superhero. And now we get to go all out in cosplay costumes.’

‘I still can’t believe that the girls would suggest cosplay.’ said Spike ‘After what happened on our last adventure in the comic book, the girls didn’t want to go anywhere near them.’

‘Yeah,’ said Emily whilst she looked down, thinking about her own experience ‘I still can’t believe I bought that thing. I didn’t know it was literally enchanted.’

‘Yeah trust me,’ said Spike as he rubbed the back of his head ‘I never felt so embarrassed after that whole ordeal me and the others went through.’

‘But still,’ said Emily as she looked at Spike ‘Who came up with a dumb idea of creating an enchanted comic book that sends people in those things?’

‘Apparently the guy who created the comics wanted to create something that’ll allow folks to live the adventure and act like the heroes they want to be.’

‘Still,’ said Emily ‘He could’ve found a nicer way of doing that without the real life death experience.’

‘Yeah,’ said Spike as he smiled ‘But I got to live the dream again. Eh…though I think Twilight and the others were slightly ticked that I ended up dragging them into that mess.’

‘Hey, that wasn’t your fault,’ said Emily ‘How were you supposed to know that the comic was literally enchanted. You just thought that the place you bought it at was trying to make a proper advertisement.’

‘Heh, that’s one way to put it.’ said Spike as she sheepishly grinned and rubbed the back of his head.

‘But still, it was kinda fun too.’ said Emily, whilst she began to inspect herself in her costume ‘And I really love this outfit.’

‘Yeah, so do I.’ said Spike as he admired his wife in her costume, especially if it was showing off her ass a bit.

Emily took notice, whilst she let out an alluring smile whilst she looked over her shoulder whilst she said ‘You like what you see lover boy?’

Spike blushed a little bit red, but couldn’t help but smile and chuckle. After they’ve been together for so long, it felt kind of like a dream. Back then he was heartbroken because Rarity had fallen in love with Silver. He didn’t blame him, for as long as she’s happy, he’s happy, even though he had a hole inside of his heart.

But ever since Frosty and Emily came to Equestria, Emily was the first to notice Spike’s broken heart, so she spent as much time with him trying to cheer him up. Overtime, the more they spend time together, the more they bonded and soon, had a romantic relationship. Though Rarity may sometimes be at the back of his mind, the fact that someone like Emily came into his life, he never thought he would be happy again. Despite him having hiccups along the way, like him trying to help cover for Starlight and Trixie when the stage pony made the Friendship Map disappear, trying to remind Twilight to help the sick foals whilst trying to spend time with Flurry Heart, as well as trying to entertain both Dragon Lord Ember and Prince Thorax and were afraid that they wouldn’t get along, she was always there to help him. She, to Twilight, Starlight, Spike, Thorax and Ember’s surprise, even put both the leader of the Changelings and Dragons in their place when she lectured them that it was his first time being an ambassador and he just didn’t want to feel responsible if something bad were to happen. And instead of getting mad, Ember liked Emily because she had a temper of a dragon. Thorax already liked her because Thorax, before he changed, had secretly visited Spike and Emily, so that he could learn more about friendship.

Spike was really lucky to have someone like her in his life. He felt that he didn’t deserve it, but he couldn’t be any more happier than he already is. And he wouldn’t change it any other way.

‘Oh, I’m liking it.’ said Spike. He instantly took off his shirt and tossed it aside, with Emily couldn’t help but blush as she smiled with half lidded eyes at the same time.

As Spike stood close to her, Emily rubbed her finger in circles on Spike’s scaly chest, whilst he held her close to him at the same time.

‘So, shall we get started?’ said Emily.

‘You can take the lead if you want.’ said Spike.

Emily couldn’t help but push Spike playfully backwards whilst she said ‘I thought you’d never ask.’

She instantly jumped onto him, causing the two of them to fall over on the ground, whilst the two lovers compassionately kissed one another.

They broke the kiss whilst the two of them smiled, with Spike saying ‘How is it possible that I fell in love with an amazing woman?’

‘Because from what I read, and from what Dragon Lord Ember told me,’ said Emily with a flirteous smirk ‘Dragons have a thing for strong women.’

‘Well she’s not wrong there.’ said Spike as he held onto her hips with his hands, kissing her by the cheek and neck that made her spine shiver a bit, but in an joyful way.

‘You really are a sweet dragon.’ said Emily whilst she returned the kiss.

She grabbed his shoulders and pulled him up, allowing them to sit upright whilst continuing to hold one another. They then broke the kiss as Spike grabbed the strap behind her outfit. As he pulled away, he mistakenly broke the strap, causing her top to fall off, revealing her breasts. She then smirked and crossed her arms.

‘My, my mister dragon,’ said Emily as she looked at him sideways whilst keeping her smirk on her mouth ‘I didn’t know you were of the straight forward kind of dragons.’

‘Wait,’ said Spike as he looked at her with a flexed eyebrow ‘You weren't wearing a bra the whole time?’

‘Well…’ said Emily as she ended up blushing, whilst she was slowly fidgeting ‘After Twilight and the others got back, I was hoping we’d get in a little down time. You know, as in getting a babysitter and doing this kind of cosplay for a while.’

Spike was surprised that Emily wanted to do a cosplay for a while. But not just any kind of cosplay, but them pretending to be superheroes whilst doing it.

‘Wow,’ said Spike ‘I knew you were into superheroes, but I didn’t you were into it that much.’

‘What can I say,’ said Emily as she unfolded her arms and held Spike close ‘I sometimes crave for some excitement every now and then.’

Emily stood up and ended up waving her hips in a seductive manner, turned around and ended up posing whilst she placed her right hand on her hip, whilst slowly looking at him in a very seductive manner.

‘Well then?’ said Emily ‘Are we going to have some fun or what?’

Spike was so entranced by what she was doing, he ended up drastically getting up on both his feet and quickly untied his pants like a crazy lunatic. Emily couldn’t help but chuckle out loud, for the way he was going is quite cute.

Sure enough, his pants were down, except for his underwear, figuring he’ll let her have the honor of taking down his pants to reveal his manhood.

(Author’s note: Sorry, I kind of laughed at this part whilst I was writing it)

Spike slowly walked over to her and reached for her shoulders whilst she leaned onto him. He began to massage her shoulders, which made her partially moan through her closed mouth. Spike continued to be gentle with her, but remembering his dragon claws and the fact that he could accidentally hurt her, he didn’t want to take that chance, so he was extra gentle with her.

‘You know,’ said Spike ‘I had no idea how perfect your skin feels.’

‘Normally I would tease your scales and everything,’ said Emily whilst her right arm slowly reached out to the back of his head in order to hold him close ‘But not to the dragon I fell in love and married to.’

‘I wouldn’t mind actually,’ said Spike whilst he kissed her neck, which nearly made her shudder. ‘I actually like it when you do that every once and a while.’

Emily then looked back at Spike with her half lidded eyes, whilst she said ‘So…how do you wanna do this?’

‘Lady’s first.’ said Spike ‘Because a lady should always take the lead.’

Emily couldn’t help but smirk at that, causing her to turn around, gently guided him to the bed and pushed him, allowing him to fall on it. He looked at her surprised whilst she said ‘Then allow me to take the lead on this one.’

She then removed his underwear, revealing his manhood, but also saw it had undergone an erection. She ended up smirking, whilst playfully looked at him and said ‘My, my. Looks like someone is eager to get started.’

Spike ended up having a goofy grin whilst he replied ‘Can I help it if you’re this alluring and attractive?’

She slowly grasped onto Spike’s manhood, which nearly made him shudder because of her gentle touch. She then slowly rubbed it up and down, eager to get started. Spike grunted whilst he gripped onto the blanket.

‘Oh dear,’ she said in a teasing smirk ‘I haven’t even started yet and already you’re beginning to feel aroused.’

‘C-can I help it if y-you have a m-more gentle touch?’ said Spike, trying to make sure he stayed in the moment instead of exploding in her face.

‘Oh, so you prefer a different touch, eh?’ said Emily with an even bigger smirk on her mouth.

Spike lifted his head and looked at her with a flexed eyebrow and said ‘What are you…?’

She then pulled out a feather whilst she bounced her eyebrows and waved it back and forth, causing Spike to yelp in shock as he said ‘No, no, wait…!!’

She then tickled his groin with the feather, causing Spike to laugh out loud as he gripped on the blankets tighter.

‘So,’ said Emily as Spike continued to laugh as if he was going to wet himself ‘How’s that for a so called, “Gentle Touch”, lover boy?’

‘No!! Emily!! Stop!!’ shouted Spike as he continued to laugh hysterically whilst also wiggling his legs.

Still holding Spike’s erection, Emily then moved her face towards his member and licked it, making Spike yelp out loudly, for he didn’t know if he should feel aroused or that he was still ticklish. But he did shout ‘HOLY SHIT!!!’ whilst he couldn’t contain himself.

Deciding to take a different tactic, she then placed his member in her mouth whilst she used the feather to tickle Spike’s balls, which made him flail and squirm at the same time. Now he was both aroused and out of breath, but he couldn’t decide. No longer being able to hold it in, he ended up climaxing in her mouth, allowing herself to swallow his seed.

She lifted her head from his member and sat up, smirking whilst she licked the cum from her mouth, whilst she said ‘So. Did you enjoy the new kind of touch dragon boy?’

‘Are you sure,’ said Spike as he began to pant, from both the laughter and the pleasure ‘That you’re not Death Dragon? Cause I can’t imagine that Fire Dragon would do something like that to her love.’

‘Well, you know what they say,’ said Emily as she crossed her arms, whilst her bust was above her arms ‘Every culture has a different way of showing our love. I mean just look at both Sandbar and Yona.’

Spike stared at her wide eyed. ‘Wait, what?’ said Spike ‘Those two…have a thing for one another?’

‘Well Sandbar does,’ said Emily ‘I’ve seen the way he looks at her. Not sure about Yona though. Haven’t figured out how Yak romances work. And uh, to be honest, neither do I know how dragon romances work.’

‘Neither do I.’ said Spike ‘I just went with it.’

‘So,’ said Emily as she changed the subject whilst she placed both of her hands on the bed ‘Now that I just went with your manhood, would you like to went with me and my love tunnel?’

Spike immediately felt flustered. ‘D-dammit Emily, how is it you still turn me on?’

‘What can I say,’ said Emily as she playfully wiggled her hips whilst she pulled the final garments down, revealing her naked body as she said ‘I know certain parts to get through any man. A secret that only women know that would make a man stand on all fours begging for a fun time.’

Spike’s erection felt stiffed when he heard her say what he heard her say in those words. She slowly walked over to him, then sat on his lap with a smirk on her mouth as she said ‘So, are you ready to eat out of me, dragon boy?’

Out of the heat from his face, he grabbed Emily and flipped her over, causing her to be at the bottom whilst Spike was on top. Emily couldn’t help but giggle as she said ‘Well, someone’s eager to get started.’

‘After that display,’ said Spike with a smirk of his own ‘How could I not?’

Spike soon lowered himself until his face was right in front of her delicate flower.

‘I hope you know what you’re asking for.’ said Spike as he showed his long dragon tongue.

‘Believe me when I say this Spike,’ said Emily as she was about to brace herself ‘No man ever had a tongue like yours that could reach the distance.’

‘Wow,’ said Spike as he looked at her surprised ‘I didn’t know you could muster words like that.’

‘Can I help it when I feel horny?’ said Emily.

Spike couldn’t help but smirk at that remark. Instead of going in, he decided to tease her a little bit. Emily moaned through her closed mouth, trying to regain her composure, but something about Spike’s tongue always left her more aroused. Humans doing that to one another is one thing, as is ponies doing that to one another, even dragons. But when mixed species do it, like a dragon to a human, it felt like heaven. Now he knows how her brother felt when he and Pinkie Pie had a wild night.

‘Oh, Spiky Wikey,’ said Emily, using Rarity’s words whilst she wasn’t thinking ‘How is it possible that you didn’t have a girlfriend and did that before I came here?’

‘Well unlike most girls,’ said Spike as he focused on her and said ‘You’re unique in your own way.’ before he continued his tongue on her delicate spot.

‘Don’t hear them hear you say that.’ said Emily.

And as predicted, Spike used his long tongue to place it inside her delicate flower, making her gasp loudly as she grasped onto the blanket and raised her head, enjoying the feeling that Spike had been giving her.

‘Holy,’ said Emily as her eyes were nearly halfway up and said ‘Why the heck didn’t you try this before?’

‘Eh, what can I say,’ said Spike through his muffled tone whilst his tongue was sticking out ‘I’m a Drake of many talents.’

‘Of that part, I have no doubt.’ said Emily whilst her hands automatically cupped her breasts, making her feel more aroused.

Spike continued to fool his tongue inside of her, making her squirm and love this great feeling more often. She ended up folding her legs around Spike’s head, which he didn’t mind, for he loved to turn her on.

‘Oh yes,’ said Emily ‘Make me feel good like your Rarity blow up doll!!’

(Sorry, I just had to write that down.)

Spike instantly opened his eyes in a muffled squeak and ended up making Emily cum hard as she screamed the moment his tongue overdid it, but Emily didn’t care, for she loved his tongue inside of her.

As Emily panted with an open mouth whilst she was smiling, Spike, despite his mouth being filled with cum, looked at Emily shocked and said ‘How did you know I had something like that?!!’

Emily, despite being sweaty and smirking at the same time, looked at Spike as she said ‘Whilst I tried to cheer you up from your downer funk, I tried to help clean your room, and I ended up finding it behind some of your stuff that was in a large pile. Believe me, it took all my willpower to ignore it and not tell Rarity about it.’

Now Spike’s face was bright red and he ended up placing both his hands on his head and groaned out loudly whilst he also fell over on his back with a loud thud. ‘Please promise me you won’t tell her that, otherwise I’ll be labeled as the world’s biggest pervert.’

Emily ended smirking, even though she felt bad for Spike that she nearly blackmailed him over it. She kept her grin as she said ‘Oh, I’ll let it slide, on one condition.’

‘Like what?’ asked Spike.

Emily backed up a bit until her head was on the pillow, whilst she spread her legs a bit and said ‘You release your full load in me.’

Spike immediately perked up at that and sat up, with his own goofy grin as he said ‘Now that, I can do.’

Spike quickly crawled to the bed in order to be on top of her. The two of them couldn’t help but smirk at one another. Without a second though, both Spike and Emily engaged their lips onto one another, with Spike gently holding onto Emily’s shoulders, with Emily rubbed on her husband’s scaly back. She had to admit, despite being scaly, he was surprisingly buffed, despite his past interactions with Garble and the other dragons.

Whilst trying to be gentle as he can, Spike inserted his member inside his wife’s womanhood, making her moan through the kiss. She somehow enjoyed her husband being hard, and Spike felt more flustered and never realized how tight she was when they first had sex.

Spike slowly thrusted inside of her, moving back and forth at a slow pace in order to build up the climax between both of them. Emily slowly grasped onto Spike’s back, whilst also wrapping her legs around his waist, wanting to keep him as close as she can. Spike on the other hand couldn’t help but wave his tail back and forth, for he was really enjoying feeling him being inside of her. He then slowly pulled her up, allowing the two of them to be hoisted up.

As they broke the kiss, Spike asked her ‘Would you like to do an old fashion hug fuck?’

Emily smirked whilst she giggled at the same time ‘Oh my sir Drake. Surely you jest with your alluring visage and hot body.’

‘Not as hot as yours, I’m sure.’ said Spike as he couldn’t help but smirk himself when he saw her flustered like that.

‘Oh, just shut up and keep on pounding me you scaly hunk you.’ retorted Emily.

With some help, Spike was able to sit up, with Emily sitting on his lap. The moment when Spike had both his hands on Emily’s butt and Emily grasping onto Spike’s back, the two of them began to pound right away, feeling synchronized with their love making.

As Spike gave Emily’s ass a good squeeze, she nearly yelped as she said ‘Oh, you sure have a crazy touch there.’

‘And you are surprisingly tight.’ said Spike.

Both the dragon and human continued to hump one another, feeling synchronized and aroused at the same time, whilst their climax was building up at an alarming rate.

‘Emily…I…’ said Spike as he felt his climax coming.

‘I know. I…can feel it too…’ said Emily as she felt the same.

Within a few moments, both of them climax as both of them yelled loudly. As soon as their climax had died down, Emily and Spike collapsed onto the bed, both of them panting. For that was a well deserved experience. Emily and Spike slowly looked into each other’s eyes, which caused the both of them to smile. They then engaged their lips, enjoying the warm feeling from each other’s embrace.

‘Damn, you’re one hell of a stud.’ said Emily before she chuckled.

‘And you’re one hell of a woman.’ said Spike ‘Are all humans this amazing.’

‘Eh, from time to time.’ said Emily whilst she shrugged.

Both Spike and Emily slowly reached for the blanket and covered the both of them over with it. They couldn’t help but smile as they looked into each other’s eyes.

‘Thanks for a great night Emily.’ said Spike.

‘I should be saying the same thing to you.’ said Emily.

The two of them hugged one another, with Emily saying ‘You’ll always be the best dragon out there.’

‘Thanks. And you’re the best human out there too.’ said Spike.

Within a few minutes, the fatigues kicked in, causing the both of them to fall asleep, wondering how the others were going to be like in the next morning.

Chapter 14: The end of a Great Night

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It was early in the morning, Luna was lowering the moon and Celestia was raising the sun, and the animals began to wake up, as well as ponies so that they could start the day. From the Ponyville train station, a train had just arrived at 9 AM, with passengers coming out as if they had eagerly been waiting to arrive. But among them, were none other than Twilight’s old friend Moondancer, and her husband Lunar, whilst holding their child Comet, walked among the populace and arrived at the Ponyville train station.

As they walked down the stairs, Moondancer asked ‘Are you sure they wouldn’t mind us visiting with Comet? I mean her children and the others are visiting the Crystal Empire today.’

‘Oh, don’t worry, I got an early message from Beau,’ said Lunar ‘Apparently they had to leave the next day early because both Flurry Heart and her half little brother Raging Halberd had gotten the bad case of the Horsey Hives, so they had to cut their visit short. They’ll be here in an hour. And knowing them, they wouldn’t dare miss the family breakfasts they have.’

‘Family breakfasts?’ asked Moondancer.

‘Put it this way,’ said Lunar as he held his wife close, with Moondancer tickling her child’s chin ‘Every Saturday, Twilight and her friends come together to have breakfast together. They enjoy seeing their friends, their husbands and kids together in the same room. They had a lot of laughs out of it.’

‘And they don’t mind setting up extra for us?’ asked Moondancer.

‘Don’t worry, they won’t mind.’ said Lunar as he reassured her ‘We were going to visit them anyway, and they wanted us to be part of their breakfast entourage when they heard we were coming over for a visit.’

Moondancer suddenly heard her stomach growl louder than anything else, making her blush as she held onto her stomach. ‘Well, when you put it that way. It’s a good thing we skipped breakfast.’

‘Except for Comet,’ said Lunar ‘He really was cranky if he didn’t have something to eat. That reminds me, we need to see if Comet’s old enough to have his first solid food, and not teeth onto any books again.’

‘Aw,’ said Moondancer as she thought about the cute moment Comet had done ‘He looked so adorable, it’s as if he had a love for books since the day he was born.’

Lunar ended up giggling and said ‘And we had to pay a fine for the book and replace it because both the spine was bent and the pages had been covered in drool. I had no idea Comet could drool so much. I didn’t drool that much when I was a baby, did you?’

Moondancer adjusted her glasses and said ‘Not really, I didn’t really remember everything else that happened whilst I was getting older.’

‘Yeah, you looked adorable as a baby.’ said Lunar, with Moondancer looking at her husband with a flex eyebrow, with him saying ‘You wouldn’t believe how many baby pictures your sister had been keeping when I last talked to her.’

Moondancer blushed and grumbled ‘So that’s why my sister wouldn’t stop giggling for the next two months when I last visited her.’

‘Anyway,’ said Lunar ‘Before there’s any more drama, We’re here.’

They saw the castle up ahead. Wondering what everyone and everypony in the castle had planned once they get inside. Sure enough, both the couples stood in front of Twilight’s castle and knocked on the door loudly, hoping someone would answer.

Sure enough, a certain human girl opened the door, a certain girl named Emily. However, there was something unusual about her. When they took a good look at her, she was wearing some kind of boots and underwear (Her superhero persona’s costume), whilst she was wearing a very baggy shirt, but at the same time, a little bit half tired.

‘Oh, hey you two.’ said Emily as she was able to smile ‘Glad you could make it.’

‘Sure have.’ said Lunar, but he couldn’t focus because he and Moondancer were focused on what she was wearing.

‘Well, don’t just stand there,’ said Emily, ‘Come on in. We were just about to make breakfasts so that the kids wouldn’t miss out.’

As they walked in, Lunar whispered to Moondancer ‘Am I the only one who notices that she’s dressed into something weird.’

‘Looks that way.’ said Moondancer.

As they walked down the hall, they went straight to the kitchen. The moment when Lunar and Moondancer walked in with Emily, they were greeted by Twilight, who was wearing a type of mask for some reason.

‘Oh, Moondancer,’ said Twilight as she hugged her friend in her sleeping robe ‘I’m so glad you made it.’

‘We wouldn’t miss it Twilight.’ said Moondancer, who was partially surprised to see her wearing a mask. Lunar on the other hand couldn’t put his finger on it, but it looked strangely familiar.

‘Come on in,’ said Twilight once she broke the hug ‘The kids are due to be back any minute, so we won’t be able to eat breakfast until they all get here. However, we got some coffee ready for you if you’d like.’

‘Sure Twilight, thanks.’ said Lunar.

As they walked in, both Lunar and Moondancer couldn’t hide the surprise looks on their faces, for as they were busy cooking breakfasts to get everything ready, they saw that the Mane 6, Starlight, Trixie and Spike were wearing sleeping robes, with the husbands in the same. But something was off. All of them were wearing something strange and their hairstyles looked very different too.

‘Here you go,’ said Emily as she held a tray with two cups of coffee and a baby bottle for Comet ‘Get them whilst they’re fresh.’

As both Lunar and Moondancer took their cups, Comet instantly brought it over with his magic, allowing him to drink the baby bottle on his own. The couple continued to stare at them, until Lunar cleared his throat, gaining some of their attention.

‘Uh, excuse me,’ said Lunar ‘Could I ask all of you something?’

‘Sure, what is it?’ said Beau whilst he was drinking his cup.

Lunar then asked them a straight question ‘Did all of you had Cosplay sex?’

With that instant, everyone who was drinking their coffee did a spit take, for the question caught all of them off guard, causing them to look at the couple once some had stopped coughing up the bits of coffee they swallowed. They all looked at the two after the initial shock had worn off.

‘Okay, how the heck do you know that?!’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘Well for one, Emily’s wearing some kind of warrior woman outfit from the leg up.’ said Lunar as he pointed things out.

‘And there’s the fact that Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash has their hairstyles done the same as the Power Ponies.’ said Moondancer.

‘With Beau, Bolt and Silver wearing masks.’ said Lunar.

‘And Fluttershy still wearing the mask.’ said Moondancer.

‘And don’t forget the fact that all of them smelled like sweat and shame as well as some parts of their bodies who are in pain after going all out on one another, hence forth why their bodies are somewhat in pain.’ said Comet when he paused from drinking and then drunk again.

The others looked at the baby surprised with wide eyes, with Lunar saying ‘Uh, what?’

‘Gaga, Gogo’ said Comet when he paused and drink again.

(Sorry, I’m so sorry, I just had to add that one there. I laughed for an hour when I added that. Little something I picked up from Anchorman: Legend of Ron Burgundy)

Both the parents just shook their heads and decided to ignore it, even a handful of others. Except for Pinkie Pie, who somehow smiled with a wide grin. For something tells me she has a knack for sensing these things.

Rarity giggled nervously at first, then said ‘Well, yes, about that darling.’

‘We uh, kinda got sucked into a comic yesterday.’ said Silver whilst rubbing the back of his head with a sheepish grin.

The couple were surprised to hear this, with Lunar asking ‘Wait, you guys got sucked into a comic?’

‘Well for the humans in this room besides you,’ said Beau as he spoke up ‘This was all our first time. The second time was for our wives and Spike.’

‘You got sucked into a comic before?’ asked Moondancer when she looked at Twilight surprised.

‘We sure did,’ said Twilight ‘Spike bought a comic from the house of enchanted comics whilst we were trying to help straighten out the Castle of the Two Sisters. Then we ended up getting sucked inside the comic book and became the Power Ponies.’

‘And let me guess,’ said Lunar when he figured something out from both the half costume and hair they had ‘Twilight was Masked Matterhorn, Rainbow Dash was Zapp, Applejack was Mistress Marevelous, Rarity was Radiance, Pinkie Pie was Filly Second, Fluttershy was Saddle Rager and Spike was Humdrum.’

Pinkie Pie popped over and said ‘Right on the nose.’

‘Wait,’ said Moondancer when she realized something ‘The house of enchanted comics? I thought they closed that place down years ago.’

‘Apparently the owner didn’t take the hint.’ said Spike.

‘So how did you guys get stuck again?’ asked Lunar.

‘Well whilst we tried to set up a welcome home party for our wives after they got back from Hope Hollow,’ said Frosty ‘Emily bought a comic from that place and we ended up getting sucked in there too. Twilight and the others came after us to rescue us.’

‘Or rather the other way around when they got captured easily, again.’ said Emily with both a smirk and a chuckle. The girls groaned at that whilst Rainbow Dash gave her a stink eye. Emily then said ‘Well it’s true, it’s not our fault you have a habit of charging in without thinking a strategy. You just go for it like always.’

‘She does have a point.’ said Pinkie Pie.

‘So after that,’ said Spike ‘Whilst we got captured, we ended up facing human villains.’

‘Human villains?’ said Lunar and Moondancer at the same time.

‘Yeah,’ said Emily when she remembered that day at the convention ‘Apparently when I last visited, I met the writer and artist of the comic. And they were so surprised to see me, they asked a ton of questions. I even told them of all the superheroes I know from my world’s comics. So I spit balled some ideas to them and they were able to make a whole new universe. They even made a convincing crossover between the human heroes and the Power Ponies.’

‘Not to mention your obsessive way that you wanted them to date the humans.’ said Frosty as he pointed at his sister.

‘Yeah, that too.’ said Emily as she chuckled from the embarrassment.

‘We ended up kicking bad guy flank in that comic.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘Got that right.’ said Bolt whilst he held his wife close to her.

Trixie ended up giggling, and said ‘Trixie enjoyed being a superhero in there. It was quite a lot of fun.’

‘After we got out,’ said Silver ‘We decided to talk for a bit to our kids and our students who came over. They decided to go to visit Flurry Heart. And we uh…’

‘We decided to have some fun in cosplay.’ said Fluttershy as she felt somewhat embarrassed.

‘Yeah,’ said Genus ‘Though I gotta admit, you turning into a Bat Pony was quite hot.’

The others looked at Fluttershy surprised, with Applejack asking ‘Y’all turned into a Bat Pony again?’

‘Um, It’s not something I wanted to talk about.’ said Fluttershy ‘But um, it’s still there every now and then. I sometimes turn into a bat pony and sneak into Sweet Apple Acres every now and then to trees that Applejack doesn’t go to.’

‘Oh, so that’s why some of the trees look like they were having a bad day.’ said Bucky whilst he thought about it.

‘So,’ said Genus when he spoke for Fluttershy ‘I was worried about her so I decided to follow her. I tried to sneak around and didn’t find her, until she tackled me over in her bat pony persona. I was able to calm her down and before I knew it, we ended up doing the thing at the Castle of the Two Sisters.’

They were surprised by that part, with Starlight saying ‘So that’s why Comfy Breeze was born a Bat Pony.’

‘Yeah,’ said Genus, until he smirked and rested his chin on both his hands as he looked at Fluttershy ‘But in the end, I was able to tame the bat within her.’

Fluttershy ended up being flustered and blushed bright red whilst covering her face, with Genus holding her shoulder and rubbed it gently.

Moondancer looked at Twilight puzzled, with her replying ‘I tried to get the bats to stop eating Applejack’s apples, until my spell accidentally turned Fluttershy into one. It took a lot of us to contain her though, but we were able to free her from her persona in the end.’

‘Though Fluttershy did try to tell them otherwise,’ said Chance, then looked at Applejack ‘If a certain pony wasn’t so stubborn.’

Applejack gave Chance a stink eye, but sighed when he was telling the truth, with Genus saying ‘Though I guess with Twilight turning Fluttershy into a Bat Pony was less worst than the time she paired Rarity and Rainbow Dash up.’

Twilight groaned at that, with Beau saying ‘Really dude?’

‘Well it’s true.’ responded Chance.

‘Wait, what happened between Rarity and Rainbow Dash?’ asked Lunar.

Some felt uncomfortable, but Spike spoke up. ‘See a while back, Twilight wanted to show the other students how friends could spend time together with common interests, and Twilight made the choice of pairing Rainbow Dash with Rarity.’

‘Turned out that was a big mistake,’ said Emily ‘Because neither of them had anything in common. Rainbow wanted Rarity to try out Buck Ball with her, but got distracted designing fashion stuff.’

‘Again.’ said Bolt as he looked at Rarity.

Emily continued ‘And Rainbow kept dismissing Rarity’s fashion shopping and destroyed most of her gems because she didn’t have the patients to try others’ hobbies.’

‘Again.’ said Silver as he looked at Rainbow Dash.

‘So they declared their friendship over because of it.’ said Spike ‘So Bolt and Silver came up with something to make them sting by having their kids saying to them that kind of hurt their egos a bit.’

Both said Ponies looked at their husbands as they said ‘That was you?’

Emily continued ‘So after they apologized to one another, both Silver and Bolt gave them quite the lecture.’

‘Yeah,’ said Frosty ‘Like Pinkie Pie who can’t force Friendships on others, they can’t force others to like and do the same things they like whenever they hang out.’

‘That’s right,’ said Bolt ‘I reminded Rainbow Dash that she tried to make Fluttershy watch the dragon migration with them and she ended up getting kicked in the gut and nearly fracturing her rib in the process.’

Both Lunar and Moondancer looked at Fluttershy surprised, leaving the shy pony ashamed of what she did back then.

‘Not to mention,’ said Silver ‘She tried to make Applejack be the judge at the next generation of fashion designers and she nearly ruined it for them because she was a little too honest.’

Applejack felt ashamed about that too, with Bucky comforting her.

Bolt them smiled and said ‘We even used Rarity’s old playbook to make them realize what they were doing to one another. And they were able to see the light.’

Silver spoke next ‘And our kids didn’t like to do their hobbies either, but it turned out Bolt Junior suddenly liked the fashion he was wearing, for it spoke out the real him, and Crystal Gem turned out to be great with a soccer ball.’

‘They also reminded them that they kind of owed one another too.’ said Starlight.

‘They do?’ asked Moondancer.

‘Like what?’ asked Lunar.

‘Well,’ said Bolt as he started ‘Rainbow Dash owed Rarity after she help made their dress for the Grand Galloping Gala and helped clear her name when the Wonderbolts accused her for something she didn’t do.’

‘And Rarity owed Rainbow Dash after she helped her get her Cutie Mark and saved her life whilst she knocked out the only flying team that tried to save her before she went splat on the ground.’ said Silver.

‘Hey,’ said an in dignified Rarity ‘I was scared to death.’

‘You could’ve screamed without waving your arms around like a doofus,’ said Bolt ‘And you should’ve listened to Twilight when she told you not to fly so close to the sun because those wings were both experimental and they could burn out quickly if you fly too close to it.’

‘But then you were showing off, again.’ said Beau as he crossed his arms.

Rarity began to pout as she crossed her arms a bit.

‘You know, it still puzzles me.’ said Beau whilst he was deep in thought.

‘What is it?’ asked Moondancer.

‘Mind if I tell them.’ said Mystic, with the others agreeing. He told both Lunar and Moondancer what the others wondered. ‘Ever since the Friendship Map came along, most of the time the map had paired them to go on certain adventures. For example; Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rarity, Twilight and Fluttershy, then it was Pinkie Pie and Rarity, then it was Applejack and Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Twilight, and in some rare occasions it sent Starlight and Sunburst, Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. But out of all the Friendship Quests that all of them went to, Rarity and Rainbow Dash never got sent together.’

‘Your point honey?’ asked Trixie, though she may not show it, she does care.

‘Well think about it,’ said Mystic ‘Seeing that all of them are different, the map paired up certain individuals and they got along great. None of you were comfortable spending time with one another, but after the quest you guys got along like peas in a pod.’

Moondancer pondered about it. ‘You know, he does have a point. How come Rarity and Rainbow Dash were never paired to go on adventures together, besides the finding artifact part I mean.’

‘Been wondering about that ourselves.’ said Twilight.

‘But I assume they eventually adventured together?’ asked Lunar.

‘Yeah, right after we had a serious lecture from our husbands.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘Hey, don’t blame us,’ said Bolt ‘Someone had to drill some sense into your heads eventually.’

‘It’s the husband’s job anyway.’ said Silver.

‘I have to admit,’ said Rarity ‘I have to agree with you on that.’

‘yeah,’ said Applejack ‘I mean it was because of y’all, ponies from all over Equestria don’t judge us that badly anymore.’

‘What can we say,’ said Bucky ‘Nobody messed with our wives.’

‘And well,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘Some of us have been thinking into expanding the family.’

‘Really?’ asked Moondancer.

‘Sure are,’ said Applejack ‘We felt like Apple Slice deserves a sibling, one that looks up to him. Mah sister and ah have been in tough spots before, which is why we wanted our boy to learn the same lesson.’

‘Same with me,’ said Rarity ‘I wish that my daughter would also have a sibling so that they could learn to be there for one another, even during their hard times.’

'Me too,' said Rainbow Dash 'I was an only child from my side of the family, same with Bolt. We both talked about it and we decided to expand the family too, so that Junior would have a sibling of his own.'

Trixie blushed a bit as she said ‘Trixie has thought about having another child too. Trixie wouldn’t wish her daughter to be alone like Trixie was when she was growing up.’

‘Yeah,’ said Spike, but then he smiled and said ‘But I think we can all agree on one thing.’

‘What’s that Spike?’ asked Twilight.

‘Three words.’ said Spike with a smirk.

At right on cue, everyone shouted at the same time ‘Best!! Night!! Ever!!

And right on cue, Moonlight and the others arrived through the front door, with Moonlight saying ‘Sorry we’re late, the train took a little longer than expected. I hope we’re not late.’

‘Not at all honey.’ said Twilight with a smile ‘All of you are just in time, now come over to the table before breakfast gets cold.’

After they got settled, Moonlight and the rest of the kids, along with the Young Six, all joined their families for breakfasts. Though the kids are too young to understand, the Mane 6, Starlight, Trixie, even Emily, could all agree, it was the best night ever. Though one day, when their kids are out for a sleepover or a visit, they just might want to have some fun again.