
by FluxFeather

First published

Will you heed the call?

Takes place shortly after Twilight's coronation in season 9. Twilight takes her role as ruler of Equestria very seriously, but she can't help but feel she doesn't really belong there. No matter how happy she is to be surrounded by her friends she still feels like she's missing something in her life. After hearing a mysterious voice call out to her, she travels to a village envelopped in eternal darkness from a curse placed upon it by the god of Chaos, Caspian after a long drawn out battle between Helia the goddess of Harmony. An adventure that soon turns into a journey of self-discovery, friendship, and even love.

This is a collab story done by me and 4 other writer's.


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Canterlot, a beautiful city in Equestria and the home of the newly crowned Princess of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle. The Princess of Friendship. Even after all the challenges she and her friends had faced, there was a part of her that still felt a little unprepared for this. With Starlight and Sunburst now running the school of friendship, and her friends all going on with their lives, she felt like this wasn't her destiny like this was not who she was meant to be like there's something missing in her life. But what? "Spike? Spike? Where are you, Spike?" She called.

"Yes, Twilight?" Asked her number one assistant who flew into the throne room where Twilight resided. "You called?"

Twilight sighed. "Spike? Do you ever believe that you were meant for something else other than being my number one assistant?" She asked curiously.

"I'd never given it much thought," He answered. "Why do you ask?"

"I… I just don't feel like this was who I was meant to be," She admitted. "Like I'm meant for something more than this." She sighed. "I bet Starlight's finding it very easy to feel like she belongs."

Meanwhile, in Ponyville, the school of friendship was starting its new semester with a whole bunch of new students who Starlight was just eager to meet. As well, as Sunburst, Trixie not so much. Her new job as guidance counselor was very overwhelming and she could really need some time just to hang out with Starlight like they used to. Trixie went into her office and slammed her head as hard as she could against her desk. "Enjoying your new job as a guidance counselor, Trixie?" Starlight said as she came into her office.

"Ugh," Trixie moaned. "You know Starlight, this has just been a big change and it's all happening so fast that I-!" She was silenced by Starlight putting her hoof against her mouth.

"Shh, I know, things are different now and this is going to be a big change for all of Equestria, but that doesn't mean we just give up on everything. Look, when I was told I was going to be headmare of this school I was terrified, I didn't think I would be able to run an entire school, a friendship one at that, but look, I've made it this far, so lighten up Trix," Starlight told her.

"Um, technically you're not running this school alone. You have your boyfriend, Sunburst," Trixie pointed out, making Starlight blush. "I wonder when he's going to propose to you."

"Oh, what am I doing?! I can't do this!" Sunburst exclaimed as he was pacing around Twilight's old castle where he and Starlight now lived. He was planning on proposing to her, but he was very nervous and questioned exactly how he should do it. "I barely even made it out of the friendzone with her, but marriage is a big change!" He turned to the book with whom he was talking to and grinned.

The book, of course, said nothing, but it did calm him down a bit to be reading a book. He always felt comfortable when reading. Watching from afar was Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. "Yeah, he's lost it," Said the rainbow maned pegasus as they all watched Sunburst talk to a book.

It was silent for a moment until Rarity had decided to break the silence. "Sunburst, darling. I know you want to propose to Starlight, but right now we need to get the castle ready for tonight! Twilight's coming!" She said, getting Sunburst's attention.

"Oh, right, I forgot about that," He replied. "I think I have a spell that would do wonders." He grabbed a book off the shelf with his magic and opened it and carefully read a spell that was written on one of the pages and using his magic he cleaned up the whole castle in less than 10 seconds.

"Show off," Rainbow Dash muttered under her breath. Applejack elbowed her. "Ow!"

As they were singing and preparing the castle for Twilight's return, Rarity and Pinkie were going crazy with the decorations. "Eh, a little more to the left," Said Pinkie Pie as she had Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy positioning a banner that read 'Welcome Home, Twilight' on it. "Eh, a little to the right, raise it up a little bit."

"Ugh, Pinkie, just pick a spot and be done with it!" Rainbow Dash groaned as she was getting very impatient with the pink earth pony.

"And perfect!" Exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

"Finally," Moaned Rainbow Dash as she and Fluttershy landed back on solid ground.

"Is that everythin', Pinkie?" Applejack asked.

Pinkie carefully checked her checklist and yeh, that seemed to be everything, except there was something missing, actually someone. "We're still missing Twilight!!" She shouted.

"Oh, well, I'm sure they're on their way, Pinkie," Fluttershy said in her soft shy voice.

All of a sudden Pinkie's tail started twitching. "She's coming!" She announced. "Everypony hide!!" They all ran to their corresponded hiding spots in the castle foyer as the doors of the castle were opened by none other than Twilight herself.

Everypony who was hiding jumped up from their hiding spot and shouted in unison, "Surprise!! Welcome home, Twilight!!"

Twilight was left speechless, a tear of joy trickling down her cheek as she smiled widely. "You… you guys did all of this… for me?" She asked.

"Of course we did," Said Starlight as she gave Twilight a hug. Twilight returned her gesture as Spike entered the castle with a bunch of packed suitcases full of some of Twilight's most important essentials. " Do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it!" Twilight said as she gazed at all the pretty decor. "It must've taken a lot of work to get all this set up."

"Eh, not really," Pinkie Pie said. "Now, who's ready for a night filled with fun and games?!" Everypony cheered, showing their enthusiasm. Just then as everypony was gathering around for a game of charades. Twilight heard a strange and unfamiliar, but beautiful voice.

"Did you hear that?" She asked Sunburst.

"Hear what?" He inquired.

"Nothing," Twilight said before she joined the others in their night of fun and games.

Chapter One - Unusual Voices

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“OOh, OOh, I know, I know! You’re a duck!” said Pinkie Pie excitedly

AppleJack sighed. “No, you guessed that three times already. Could you give someone else another shot to guess?”

Okie, I will just be back here waiting” said Pinkie, who then proceeded to move to the back of the group.

It was nightfall, and the Mane Six had decided that the last game they would play would be charades. Or, more appropriately, that was the game Pinkie had decided on playing. In reality, not too many ponies cared for the game, but they knew there was no arguing with Pinkie when it came to party games. Due to that, most of them just sat back and watched Pinkie have her fun.

In the midst of this, Twilight was still hearing the same strange voice that she heard the night before. She knew it sounded familiar, but she still couldn’t figure out what it was. Even worse, she couldn’t figure out what the mysterious voice was saying. Despite that fact, the voice was getting harder and harder to ignore. She had to figure out what was going on soon, else she might go crazy. Suddenly, without warning, Twilight found the break she was looking for.

“All right, I am beat,” said Rainbow Dash a bit sleepily “I will be heading back to Cloudsdale now.”

“Alright then, party is over. Time for you guys to head home for the night!” said Twilight, more energetically than even she expected.

“Aww, does it really have to end so soon?” said Pinkie, a bit mournful that the fun had to end.

“Yes, Pinkie, said Applejack, looking at her inquisitively. “Not everyone can stay up and keep moving as long as you can.” She then proceeded to lead Pinkie out the door.

Rarity, who decided to show Fluttershy how to knit mini butterflies, put her equipment away and led Fluttershy out the door.

The final ponies to leave where Trixie and Sunburst, who only left after Starlight convinced her that she would come shortly after, and that she knew Sunburst could be trusted to protect her. Following that, only Starlight, Spike, and Twilight remained in the castle. However, Spike was fast asleep in another room, having decided to turn in after the bunny hop.

After closing the door, starlight then turned and looked at Twilight. “I am sorry, but I don’t quite understand. Why did you seem so eager for everyone to leave?”

Twilight sighed. “You see, for some reason I feel like someone is speaking to me. It sounds familiar, but I can’t quite make it out. And I can’t quite tell what that voice is saying, as it is too distant to make out.”

Starlight then proceeded to hug Twi. “Don’t worry, it’s probably just your imagination. You just need to sleep it off. Trust me, I have dealt with things like this myself in the past.”

Twilight then smiled. “You know what, you’re probably right about that. I guess I should just get some sleep and see if things turn out better tomorrow.”

Releasing Twilight, Starlight proceeded to head to the door. “Well, I guess I will be heading back to Friendship Academy, now. Trixie will be wondering what is taking me so long, and I don’t want to deal with her wrath on a night like this.”

Twilight chuckled. “Well, good night, Starlight. I will see you tomorrow.” After that, Starlight left, leaving Twilight alone in the castle atrium.

Following this, Twilight went back to the main bedroom to try and get some sleep. She reflected on how unusual it was to be back in her old home again, the one where it all started all those years back. It was quite nostalgic, she thought, as she never expected to be back there again after her coronation in Canterlot. It was quite tiny in comparison to that massive palace, but at the same time she kind of liked the smaller size. It made it a lot easier to navigate, and a lot less foreboding as well. With these thoughts in mind, she went to sleep.


Opening her eyes a little bit, Twilight sleepily responded, “Yes?”

“Come here, Twilight. There is something I need to show you.”

Twilight then slowly got out of bed, and headed to the door where the voice originated. She opened the door quietly, being sure to not wake Spike, who was quietly snoring in the corner. She then proceeded down a series of hallways that somehow she knew was where the voice was leading her. The voice led her to one door that seemingly hadn’t been opened for many years. Brushing off the cobwebs and unlocking it, she proceeded to head inside the strange room.

Once inside, all she could see was what appeared to be an old mirror in the center. The mirror kind of reminded her of the one that took her into that strange other dimension that she followed Sunset Shimmer into all those years back. However, unlike that mirror, this one was completely intact. Even stranger, it didn’t have that magical aura that alluded to it being an open portal. In all respects, it appeared to just be an ordinary household mirror.

Which made her wonder: if it really was just an ordinary mirror, why was it locked in this room with nothing else around it? And why would the mysterious voice lead her here of all places, instead of a place with more powerful magical artifacts such as the castle library not too far away?

Seemingly answering her thoughts, the voice responded, “Now in case you are wondering, no, this isn’t an ordinary mirror, and I didn’t lead you here just to look at your reflection. No, there is another reason I led you here. However, I think I would rather show you than tell you. So just proceed to the mirror.”

Twilight, not knowing what else to do, then went up to the mirror. Inside she initially expected to see: her face, reflected back at her. However, that immediately changed when said reflection started speaking back to her.

“Hello, Twilight,” said her reflection. “I am you, or more specifically, I am your inner conscience. Thing is, I know how you truly feel about being forced to take on the roles of two powerful beings all by yourself. It is no easy task, and I am here to warn you that you will wear yourself out if you keep this up.”

Twilight looked at her peculiarly. “Honestly, so far things have been going smoothly. And while I do have my doubts, I feel like life in Equestria is going pretty smoothly.”

“That is true, but you know it won’t always go this smoothly. You know that the timekeeper that Celestia and Luna gave you to automatically power the Sun and the Moon will one day run out of magic, and Luna will stop looking after the dream world. Should those stopgaps fail, it will leave you overwhelmed if you are not prepared for it.”

As she was saying this, the mirror background changed from the small room to an aerial view of Canterlot. However, this wasn’t an ordinary view of the city. Instead, it was a view of the city in chaos. The sun and moon were side by side, creating day and night simultaneously. The citizens of the city appeared to be in shock, and looked as if they haven’t slept in days. A weary Celestia and Luna were helping the citizens to the best of their ability, but even they looked exhausted. And she saw slightly older versions of her friends, who seemed to be really concerned as well.

“Well, is Twilight going to be okay?” asked Fluttershy, who was visibly distressed by what was going on.

“Honestly, we don’t know,” said Starlight, who was also saddened but was trying to console her friends at the same time. “The doctors said they are doing the best they can, but they cannot say for sure.”

Rainbow Dash then looked at Starlight in anger. “That can’t be right! I know Twilight! She is the Princess who defeated supercharged Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow at the same time! She should be able to overcome this!”

AppleJack then put her foreleg around Rainbow Dash’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, hun. Ah still have faith that she can pull through, and so should you. It isn’t easy, but ah know she can do it.”

Starlight smiled. “I love your confidence. Yes, we will be able to do this, don’t worry. Just calm down.” After saying that, she led the Mane Six inside the hospital and the scene faded out.

A suddenly distraught Twilight then looked back at her reflection. “Yes, I can see what you mean. But I don’t know what to do. How am I going to be able to stop this from happening?”

Her reflection smiled. “Simple. You need a partner. One who you trust can take care of the night tasks while you handle the day tasks. Someone that is truly capable of handling that.”

Twilight looked at her strangely. “Well, the only type of pony that can do that would be an Alicorn. And the only Alicorns around are either doing other things or are too young to help.”

“Not necessarily. The pony to help you would have to be someone with great skill in using and understanding magic, but that user doesn’t necessarily have to be an Alicorn per se. However, it would have to be someone you personally trust to do that. Someone who you have trained for many years, and is capable of handling it. I would go on further, but you know exactly who I am talking about.”

“Wait, you don’t mean….” Twilight said before her mind immediately went to Starlight Glimmer.

Her reflection nodded. “She is your best bet, honestly. She is almost as skilled as you, despite not being an Alicorn. And she has faced the dream world before, so she does have some experience with it. But she does need more training before she is truly ready to take up the task.”

“But I made her the headmistress of the school. How am I supposed to get her out of that, while keeping that school open?”

Smiling one last time, the reflection stated “You will find a way.” After that, she witness the room fade away, as felt sleep’s embrace around her once more.

Chapter Two - A Voice That Won't Quit

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Twilight awoke later in the night, her dream, or rather nightmare was still vivid in her mind. All she could see was darkness… as far as she could see, equestria was dark, but yet being blinded by light. Her fur was on fire, but she could feel her fur freezing all at once, her ears bleeding from the deafening silence of the empty streets full of ponies. She was then shown Canterlot, her home, in flames. The city was burning, and in the middle of it, was her. She watched her home burn, heard her subjects suffer, but as much as she tried to help, nothing worked, and in fact only made things worse. On the horizon was a dark shadow, resembling a pony, but one whom she did not recognize.

The pony laughed and began to spin the sun and moon around in its hooves. The dayand night shot by in flashes, the light of day going by faster and faster, the light blinding her as the pony laughed and crushed them in it’s hooves. In a nasally high pitched voice, the pony mocked her for not being enough to stop him.

“If you had half the power your predecessor did, maybe you could have stood a chance against me! Ha ha haaa” the voice mocked, its shadow disappearing as Twilight shot out of her sleep like a bullet.

“Ahhhh!!!: she screamed as she woke, nearly hitting her head on the railing in her old bed. She looked around to see if anyone was in her room, looking for the shadow from her dream, but the only shadow in the room was hers from the moon.

She groggily got up as she walked to the balcony door, opening it with her magic as she prepared her spell to raise the sun and bring the day to a new beginning. Her horn glowed a bright purple as she lowered the moon slow and brought out the sun with the amulet that her predecessors had given her, imbued with their magic of the celestial bodies of the sun and moon. Majestic orange and royal yelows coloring the morning sky like a wonderful canvas, the city she called home dotting the horizon like a beacon.

“Nothing like a bright morning to ease one's mind…” Twilight said to herself as she watched the sun rise from its slumber. She took a deep breath as she sat down, trying to get her mind together, when she heard it again… the voice from the night before.

The voice was no more than a whisper, but enough to the point that she could hear it.. A voice calling to her. She stood up, her mane starting to frizz as she made a cringey face, groaning as she stood up and trotted into her room, grumbling as she found an old groove in her floor from all the times she had paced her room as a younger alicorn.

“Grr… What is this voice I keep hearing!?” she growled as she paced her way around the room, grumbling as the door opened and Starlight walked in, a confused look on her face.

“Am I missing something? Why are you pacing at dawn?” she asked as she watched Twilight pace around again before reaching out a hoof and stopping her. “Something is up Twilight, and you’re not telling me something… What is up!!?” she asked as she sat Twilight down.

Twilight took a deep breath, trying to put out the voice in her mind. She looked at Starlight and with a deep breath, began to tell her friend of the voice calling to her.

“For the past few days, ever since I got here… I’ve been hearing a voice… calling to me, like its trying to lead me to something, but as to what, i'm not sure of, I thought it was just my inner thoughts, but then this morning it came again, a whisper, just saying find me… come…” she said as she looked at the ceiling, her mind trying to make sense of the ordeal.

Starlight sat listening to this point, not trying to interrupt her friend, but knowing that something wasn't right. After Twilight came to a stopping point, Starlight cut in to put in her thoughts.

“You told me about the voice, but you had said it wasn't too big of a deal, but it looks like this is becoming more than just a small thing happening Twilight. I mean, a voice that seems to call to you, now nightmares, who knows what could be next!” Starlight said as she herself began to pace for a minute, before stopping herself and walking back to Twilight, who sat, almost looking like she was on another planet in her mind.

“Twilight… please… come to me… help me, please… follow my voice..” The voice nearly chanted now, demanding her attention, and Twilight herself could no longer ignore the voice either.

She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she stood up, the voice seeming to calm, but its words still echoing in her brain. “I think i know what i have to do Starlight, i need to follow that voice, if i ever want to calm my mind again!” she said as she walked towards the door, Starlight closely in toe behind, a worried look on her face.

“So you’re just going to what? Run off into the woods, trying to find some mysterious voice, that is if the voice even exists outside of your head!” Starlight pleaded, trying to put the ever so important logic back into Twilight's mind, but it seemed that Twilight had already made up her mind on the matter, walking through the castle as if she was being led by a small filly, stopping at every door and hall before going in a new direction.

“I have to find out where that voice is coming from Starlight, you must understand, I can't sleep or even think without hearing that voice, just trust me on this, ok?” Twilight answered as she walked through a small room that led to the main foyer, where she turned towards the map room, her ears perked up and focused on it. “It’s coming from there… from the map, could it be trying to tell me something Starlight?”

“The map has always been mysterious about it’s ways of getting those ponies to do what needs to be done… but this? Blatantly telling you, without lighting up your cutie mark? I don’t think even the map could be capable of this,” Starlight said as she followed Twilight to the room in question, watching Twilight open the door with her magic before following her inside, where the map waited patiently, a small village named Hollow Shade bright on the map, emanating a light as it spoke to Twilight, begging her to go there.

“There… where the voice is coming from Starlight, From Hollow Shade…”

“The same village where you freed Stygian from his own shadow? Where darkness is still alive… no Twilight, you can’t go there, i.. I won't let you,” Starlight answered, worry deep in her face.

“Oh Starlight, why in Equestria would I go alone, I need my friends, I need you… come with me Starlight, please,” Twilight said as she heard the voice whisper again, calling out to her softly, yearning for her to follow it.

Starlight looked to the ground, trying to make heads and tails of what was just asked of her. Twilight asked her to go with her on a crazy wild adventure, like they used to when they were younger. Her mind could see that this could very well be the last adventure that she went on before she retired, and the con of this was just the same. She wasn’t the young mare she used to be, she had aged, like the rest of her friends and the elements, other than Twilight, who wasn't even approaching the prime of her life yet. Could she go? Be a heroine one more time? Or would old age catch up to her.

“Starlight…? Starlight…?” came Twilight's voice, breaking Starlight’s concentration from her deep state and back to the purple alicorn before her.

“Huh… oh.. C-could i have some time to think it over, and maybe tell you my answer… tomorrow?” she answered, trying to keep her eye contact away from Twilight’s gaze, now beginning to dampen, her eyes looking to the ground.

“Oh.. Ok, well then, i might as well get started with my day then, eh?” Twilight answered as she stood up and walked to the edge of the room before opening the door and leaving Starlight to herself, thinking to herself about the choice she had to make… if she could make it…

Chapter Three - The Decision

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Twilight leaves her bedroom to give Starlight some time to herself to think about the situation to what she just told her when she raises the sun. Once she left, Twilight only wanted to check out how much the castle had changed in the one year she left for Canterlot Castle. All she wants to do is try to move away from the mysterious voice that is haunting them both and let nostalgia capture her in its grasp.

Starlight is just as confused when she knows that Twilight simply walks out of her bedroom with a heavy thought in her head. What exactly could she be thinking about? Starlight wasn’t too sure since she saw Twilight raise the sun before her eyes with an amulet, and looked out the window and took in the fresh morning breeze. She lived in her castle for a whole year now; Starlight feels that she is the next Princess of Friendship, but she knows that title will always belong to Twilight and nopony else.

Sunburst walks in through the castle foyer, carrying a box of glazed doughnuts to share with Twilight and Starlight. He cannot believe Pinkie Pie can throw a mean party and still kill it to a high potential. He said, “Gosh… what a fun time last night. I still cannot believe Pinkie Pie can be one party pony and doesn’t stop. There was something odd about Twilight that I can’t put my hooves on, but I am sure it is nothing that high of a preference. And… Oh My Gosh! Princess! Good Morning!!” He immediately bows his head towards Twilight since she is considered the Equestrian Princess, but she instantly ignores him and passes by him. He looked mighty confused and got concerned. He wants to go ask Twilight how she’s feeling but in the end, he will choose to respect her privacy and move on. He meets up with Starlight outside her bedroom door and instantly blushes just by seeing her presence.

Starlight sees Sunburst and gives him a huge smile, as well as giving him a quick morning hug and kiss. Sunburst continues to blush some more and feels even redder on the cheeks. Starlight giggled to him and said, “Why, good morning, you handsome stallion. What brings you around the castle for today? You got something you want to ask me?”

Sunburst just couldn’t stop blushing and said, “Um… No! No, it’s nothing like that at all. In fact, I was gonna see if you and Twilight would like to have some glazed doughnuts with me in the dining hall.” Starlight could tell he was nervous. She lets out a gasp as to what he brings and said she is delighted to join him. She takes his box of doughnuts and takes them immediately to the dining hall to eat them up! Once Sunburst was alone again, he pulled out a small ring box, and inside was a diamond engagement ring. He feels he is getting closer to proposing the question to her, but knowing the kind of excitement that She is feeling right now, he thought it was best if he held onto it for a while longer.

Twilight wonders the old hallway; she still remembers all the goofy times when she did some silly stuff with her friends and with Spike. As of now, she is letting nostalgia control her mind to get away from the mysterious voice that is controlling her thoughts right now. She said, “Has it been just one year? Why do I feel it’s only been yesterday that I just lived in this dusty old castle? Well, I shouldn’t call it dusty since this was my home, and it should remain that way, but… I can’t. The past is the past and I shouldn’t let that consume me. I need to focus on the future, and govern the lands of Equestria and beyond."

She enters the old throne room and her throne still stands to this very day, even the thrones of her old friends. As of now, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity are away in Ponyville to catch up on what has changed in the one year they were gone. Twilight placed a hoof on her old throne and still remembers the great decisions she made on that very throne; how she overthrew the clutches of her old foes, how she managed to plan a great plan to be named Sibling Supreme, how she learned more about friendship on the fun adventures where the Cutie Map took her and her friends, and many more. She sits her flank down on the throne and sighs in relief that something so simple makes her feel powerful. All of a sudden, the voice returned to her mind and said, “You think that nostalgia is enough to make you forget what kind of future you will soon see? This fate is inevitable and all your ponies and friends shall suffer the consequences.

Twilight grasped her head and said, “No… NO! Get out of my head! GET OUT!!” She rolls over from her throne and collapses onto the floor and rolls in pain. As soon as the voice fades, she gasps and sweats in fear, thinking this voice will be the end of Equestria and the rest of the world. “Where? Where is this voice coming from, and what does it want from me? I need to know how to get to Hollow Shades, the source of where this voice is coming from.” She looks to the Cutie Map and sees that all seems okay and normal and no signs of threat anywhere. Twilight is looking anxious and feels her mind is going insane. But then…

On the Cutie Map, a few Cutie Marks were shown on a location that the Mane Six never visited in years, Hollow Shades. Twilight looks up and gasps in awe. Her Cutie Mark is shown at Hollow Shades, but also Sunburst, Starlight, and her friends. Twilight said, “Hollow Shades? We haven’t been there since we defeated Stygian as the Pony of Shadows. Does… does this mean that… the voice is coming from there?”

All of a sudden, Sunburst and Starlight came in busting through the doors and showing Twilight their flanks, showing her that their cutie marks were glowing. Starlight said, “TWILIGHT! You cannot believe what is going on?! So Sunburst and I were in the dining hall, enjoying some glazed doughnuts, saved some for you by the way, and all of a sudden, our cutie marks were glowing!”

Sunburst continues where she left off. He said, “What is even odder is that this was the same reaction when we were called to go back to our childhood home of Sire's Hollow. What does this all mean, Twilight? What is going on?!"

Twilight knows what is happening, and she knows that her friends are gonna come in and ask her the same question as well. She sighs and said, “I think you two should know first before the others get here. This is what’s going on…” She explains the events that happened last night when an ordinary mirror shows her an event that will happen in the near future, thanks to the voice that she hears in her head.

Once she was done explaining, Starlight and Sunburst nod in agreement. Sunburst said, “So let me get this straight… There’s a voice in your head, mostly your subconscious, saying that there is an unavoidable future coming for us if we don’t follow this voice to Hollow Shades? That’s… a bit hard to say, but if Starlight had such crazy adventures with you, I am bound to believe it.”

Starlight even nods to what Sunburst said and continues where he left off. She said, “Yeah, Twilight! Why didn’t you tell us sooner? I am sure we would’ve believed you from the get-go. If you think this voice is found in Hollow Shades, we’re with you all the way. Plus, I do get bored being the head mare once in a while, and I have Trixie reserved to take over as temporary head mare if I'm needed somewhere important. That way, I have an excuse to get her lazy flank out of that office and be an active member of the school other than a guidance counselor. So, when are we going, your Highness?”

Twilight cannot thank them enough for the offer, and it seems they will have another grand adventure on their hooves since the defeat of Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis. Their next trip is back to Hollow Shades to find the source of the mysterious voice. Only Twilight can hear the voice in her head, but she knows that as long as her friends are by her side, nothing is impossible. To when she will find this voice in Hollow Shades, only time will tell...

Chapter Four - The Hollow Shades

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As Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst, Spike, and the mane five stood on the outskirts of Hollow Shades they were amazed to see it wasn't the same as before. Well, the dark red-ish clouds were still hanging over the area, blocking out all light. Suddenly Twilight heard the voice again. "I hear it! We're getting closer!" She said. "C'mon."

As they followed Twilight, a sense of unease flowed through them. "Are you sure we have to go? What if this voice still is just your imagination?" Spike asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. And it is real!" Twilight answered. "And if we don't follow it and heed its call… Equestria will have no future."

"Then let's get goin'!" Applejack said as she started trotting close behind Twilight, the others then followed.

"How will we even know when we find it?!" Rainbow Dash asked as she was getting tired of this whole thing.

"I would think that Twilight would hear it again," Said Sunburst as he stayed close to Starlight's side. And as he was reading a book that he had brought with him.

Twilight had tried to call out for it but was getting no response. She called out again. Still nothing. Until suddenly, it called out again. "This way!" Twilight announced, before galloping ahead, the others galloping after her.

They followed Twilight who was led by the voice to a small village, or at least that's what it looked like from all the old houses. "It doesn't look like there's anyone here, darling," Rarity said as she looked around along with the rest.

"Hello? Anypony here?" Twilight called.

"Halt! Who are you?!" Shouted a mysterious pony.

They turned to see a pony hiding in the dark. "I'm, sorry, we didn't mean to intrude, you see I'm looking for a-!" Twilight had said before she was rudely interrupted by another pony who hid in the dark.

"Stand down, Amber!" Shouted the other pony, who had a southern accent.

"Is that a threat?!" Exclaimed Amber as she brought herself into the light to reveal her coat which was as black as coal, her mane was a beautiful purple, her eyes were frightening as they were a hue of a bright and burning red. And as she revealed her full self they could see she had bat wings, indicating she was a bat pony.

"A bat pony?" Starlight said. "But I thought they were just a myth."

"Oh, we're real," Said Amber.

"Yeah, a real pain in the rump!" Said the pony with the southern accent as he stepped into the light himself to reveal he was just a normal stallion, but there was something about him that Applejack seemed to recognize… and that was the Apple cutie mark on his flank.

"He's a member of the Apple family!" Applejack said in shock. "I always knew a branch of the Apple family lived in these here parts."

"I'm Commander Apple Winesap," He greeted. "I'm the leader of the Apple tribe in The Hollow Shades."

"I am Amber Night, the appointed close guard, well, the only guard for our master. Rainius Songbird," She greeted herself.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle, ruler of Equestria. And these are my friend’s Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunburst," Twilight said as she introduced them all.

The two ponies froze. "Your majesty," Amber said, hastily bowing down before the Princess of Equestria. "Let me escort you to my master."

And with that, Twilight was off with Amber leading her to her master. Twilight gave one quick glance back at her friends before leaving. As for her friends; they stayed behind with the commander, Apple Winesap. As Twilight and Amber were passing by all the villagers, Twilight saw little bat pony fillies and colts with their families and merchants, then they came upon Rainius's throne. "Master. There is someone here to see you. She's the ruler of Equestria," Amber said as she bowed down.

Rainius looked at Twilight. "Are you really the ruler of Equestria?" He asked.

Twilight looked up at the pitch-black that enveloped Rainius. "I am. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and a voice has led me here," She said.

This intrigued Rainius. "A voice you say?" He inquired as he walked to Twilight, revealing himself. A sky-blue coated stallion that was indescribably beautiful with a blonde mane, blue eyes, and… a horn? Twilight looked at all, the other bat ponies and noticed none of them had horns. He was different. "I'd like to hear about this."

"Um… well, ever since I had gone back to Ponyville, I had been hearing this voice and I couldn't sleep or even think, then I was shown a future of chaos. Then I was led here by it," Twilight explained. "I was thinking that maybe you would know why this voice is calling me? What does it want? What does it mean?"

Rainius looked at Twilight before setting a fire with his magic to keep her warm. He sighed. "Long ago, back to the beginning of time. This world was governed by two gods. Helia the Harmonious and Caspian the Chaotic. They had fought numerous times, with the balance of power shifting between them until Helia was finally able to reason with Caspian, and together they forged a balance that would hold the world in order... and so it came to pass, and the two lived in harmony until Caspian plotted to destroy the balance and rule the world. To do this he tricked Helia into entering the afterlife with him, saying that they would return when the world was driven out of balance, but Helia saw through his scheme and held him in the afterlife, for all eternity..." As he showed her holograms of the two gods and how they fought and how they came to create a balance. "But apparently eternity wasn't forever," Rainius said in dismay as he created another hologram of Caspian. "With this being one of the darkest realms in the world, he was able to draw much of his power back, and he brought about a world of chaos amongst our small village. He even unleashed a plague upon our village. It killed my mother." He showed a hologram of when he was a colt sitting next to his mother while she was ill.

Twilight gasps. "That's awful," She said. "How did you stop him?"

"We didn't," He began. He then made a hologram of his father facing the chaotic god. "My father had tried to defeat him, but it wasn't enough. My father was lost, then I was knocked unconscious by a mysterious shadow. And when I had gained consciousness that day, I was the new master of our tribe."

"So, how was he stopped?" Twilight egged on.

"The only one who could stop Caspian was Helia," He answered. He created yet another hologram showing Caspian's defeat by Helia. "But not before he cast a spell on the whole village to shroud it in eternal darkness. And it's only a matter of time now before he regains all his power and can take over all of Equestria."

"There's gotta be a way we can stop him," Twilight replied.

"You said you heard a voice, right?" He asked.

"Yes," Twilight retorted. "But what does it have to with Helia and Caspian?"

Rainius sighed. "On the day this village fell, a voice had called out. I had heard it before I lost consciousness," He said. "Though it was said that only a god could hear the call. Maybe that's untrue."

"Do you think that's who's calling to me?" Twilight asked. "Is that same voice you heard?"

"Maybe, but alas that answer could only be found in the Well of Shade." He replied.

"The Well of Shade?" Twilight questioned. "You mean that place where we freed Stygian from his shadow?"

"Yes, deep within the well contains answers about the past, maybe if we go through there we could find out why this voice is calling to you and what it could be about," Rainius replied. "Twilight Sparkle, I believe you are destined for something more than being the ruler of Equestria. And that voice is calling to you to find out what that is."

"You really think so?" Twilight asked.

"I know so," He replied. "Now, let's head to the Well of Shade." They got up and started heading off. Rainius led with Twilight not far behind. "She's the one. I just know it… Helia."

Chapter Five - Friendly Conversations

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In the Hollow Shades, The rest of the mane six, along with Starlight, Sunburst, and Spike stayed behind with Commander Apple Winesap while Twilight and Rainius were out looking for the Well Of Shade. Rainbow Dash moaned, “I am so bored there’s nothing to do around here!” she flopped onto a guest seat nearby.

Apple Winesap replied to the pegasus in an amused tone, “Maybe you would want to hear a story?"

Pinkie piped in, “A Story?! Oh boy! What's it about?!"

Amber Night joined in. "My master told me this one. He used to go on and on about it. Still does," She said.

Rarity said, “Go on. We would love to hear all about it, darling!”

Amber Night smiled. "It's an old tale. A tale of two gods. Helia the Hamonic… and Caspian the Chaotic," She began. "They would fight constantly, shifting the balance of harmony and chaos between them."

"Ooh! What happened next?!" Rainbow Dash asked, intrigued with hints of curiosity.

"Well, from what I remember from the master telling me is they one day made peace with each other. They vowed never to fight again. Caspian though, betrayed her. He wanted to destroy harmony and take over Equestria. He told Helia that they would seal themselves in the afterlife and would only return if the balance was thrown off, but he was actually planning to only seal her there while he would take over the world. Helia saw past his trick though, and she banished him into the afterlife," Amber said. “Some may think it was a legend, but it actually happened. The master himself had seen when the afterlife could not restrain Caspian."

Fluttershy softly said, “Then what happened?”

"Caspian returned and swore vengeance on Helia. She and him fought, until at last she had defeated Caspian, or so she thought. It was said he ejected his soul from his body and placed it inside one of our villagers, and that the day Helia is found, he will return. And he had cast a curse on the village, blocking out the sun and leaving this place in an eternal night. A night that will never end until the wrong is righted… until he is defeated," Amber said, solemnly.

“That is why we are taking measures until the time comes,” Apple Winesap said with a deep and determined mindset.

Meanwhile, Sunburst was sitting with the group, sitting next to Starlight, still questioning how he will ask her to marry him. He got up and walked away from the group. Apple Winesap noticed this and followed him. "What is troubling you, young stallion?" He asked.

Sunburst sees Apple Winesap with a troubling expression before answering, “It’s nothing really but just can't help but thinking.”

"Thinking about what?" Apple Winesap asked, getting more intrigued.

“Starlight. I am thinking of proposing to her. We've been together for quite a while. I love her deeply but I am nervous about how I can do that.” Sunburst said, as he felt more anxious than earlier.

Meanwhile, while this was happening, back at camp, Starlight was thinking about Twilight. It was then she noticed Sunburst was gone. "Where's Sunburst?" She asked.

"Oh, he's over there talking to Apple Winesap," Answered Applejack.

Starlight replied, “Oh well...I was thinking of going out to find Twilight and Rainius.”

Rarity said, slightly concerned. “Darling, you simply mustn't!!”

Starlight pleaded, “They could get hurt and they’re our friends! Surely they will need somepony to look out after them."

"You could get hurt too, darling!" Rarity exclaimed.

Amber said, “That is why I will accompany Starlight for that purpose. It is too dangerous to go out there alone.”

"If Sunburst asks, tell him that me and Amber went to go find Twilight and Rainius," Starlight asked of her friends.

"Will do," Replied Applejack.

Amber and Starlight went out to look for Twilight, and Rainius.

Back with Sunburst and Apple Winesap.

"Ah, love is such a beautiful thing," Apple Winesap began. "Asking the one you love to wed you can be difficult, yes, but I believe she will accept. You've just got to let down your guard, Sunburst."

Sunburst replied, “Let down my guard?”

"You feel what you feel. And those feelings are real," Apple Winesap said. "Don't be worried about what she'll say."

"But what if she says no?" Sunburst asked.

Apple Winesap replied, “Then you can’t say you didn't try. But, I am certain for sure she will say yes because I can see that in her eyes when you and her are together… That’s a sure sign of true love.”

Sunburst thought for a second, “I guess you are right,” He replied, with hope in his tone.

Apple Winesap nodded his head. “It will be the best choice you’ll ever make, Sunburst. Just don’t worry and go with your heart.” He told him.

Sunburst said, “I will. Thank you.” Sunburst went off to go look for Starlight, but when he got back he had seen her to be gone. "Um, where did Starlight go?"

Applejack responded. "She left to go look for Twilight and Rainius, along with Amber."

Sunburst said, “Which way did they take off?”

"That way," Applejack answered, pointing her hoof towards north of their current location.

Sunburst looked ahead. “Then we would need to follow to make sure they don’t get hurt.” He started to trot off to follow tracks, he looked back. “Anypony coming along?”

Apple Winesap stood beside Sunburst, “I think it’s better off we all go. It is not safe so much

to let one pony go alone there,” He said.

Applejack said, “Agreed! Come on y’all.” As the mane five got up and went out to follow Sunburst and Apple Winesap, to go and find the others.

Meanwhile, Starlight and Amber are walking in the forest. Starlight asked, “How much farther are they?”

Amber replied. "I'm not sure. We just gotta keep going till we find them. Which I think shouldn't be much further."

Starlight heard a snap like twigs but not the kind is small enough to be a stick. She looked around. “Did you hear that?” She turned to Amber.

"Of course I heard that!" Amber said. "But where it came from I am unsure of."

Starlight replied, “It sounds near…” She then heard a much lower growl. She recognized it was a timberwolf growl. But the growl is much lower than the normal timberwolf she knows. “It sounds almost like a timberwolf.”

Amber said, “It is, but...” Before she can reply, A pack of Timberwolves but larger than the normal timberwolves from the Everfree forest that Starlight are used to.

"It's huge!!" Starlight shouted.

"And hungry," Amber said, worried. "We're surrounded!"

They came closer, surrounding both Starlight and Amber.

Starlight exclaimed, “What are we going to do?!”

Amber stared into the beasts jaws of doom, sweat rolling down her face. "I… I DON'T KNOW!!" She screamed at the lilac unicorn.

Starlight and Amber started to scream for help, when the pack got very close to them, opening their jaws, ready to eat them.

Back at the village. "What was that?!" Sunburst asked.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, it's not good," Replied Apple Winesap.

“We probably need to see where it’s coming from!!” Pinkie said, feeling her tail twitch.

Apple Winesap nodded, as he led with the others, to where he saw the pack and he saw both Starlight and Amber crying for help. “Down there!!” He said.

Sunburst exclaimed, “There are timberwolves down there. They're in trouble!”

Rainbow Dash yelled, “How?! They are big and hungry...How are we going to take them down?!”

Sunburst looked at Starlight, “Then we would need all us to play our part to take them down with our best abilities,” He said.

Sunburst lit up his horn, levitating a stone near him. He uses the magic force throwing the stone and hitting the timberwolf near Starlight.

The timberwolves turned growling at the others plus Sunburst.

“Sunburst!” Yelled Starlight.

"Starlight!" Sunburst yelled back. "Don't worry! We'll save you!!" And with that, Sunburst and the others went down there and fought off the timberwolves with magic and brute force. The timberwolves run away, leaving them alone. Sunburst runs to Starlight. "Are you alright?! Are you hurt?!"

"I'm fine, babe," She answered. "Amber?"

"No cuts or bruises here," Amber replied. "Thank you for saving us, although I'm usually the one who does the saving," She said, in a cocky tone. "Now, let's go find the Princess of yours." They got up and continued on their way, unaware of the danger that was ahead.

Chapter Six - The Well Of Shade

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As Rainius and Twilight walked through the outskirts of Hollow Shades, Twilight began to feel uneasy; Twilight knew she had to do this. This was what she was meant to do. "It should be over this way? Just keep walking," Rainius said, as he continued to guide her towards the mystical Well of Shade, or Well of Shadows was another name for it. "Just a little further."

Within the outskirts of Hollow Shades, the wind began to shiver and howl within the distance. As the wind begins to grow louder, Twilight cuddles a bit closer to Rainius to not feel super scared. He chuckled a bit that the Princess of Friendship would behave this way and slowly humor her by accepting her huddling. Rainius said, “Relax, Twilight. I am sure the well is...AHHH!” He tripped before him and Twilight looked to where Rainius hit his face onto the ground. Twilight couldn’t help but laugh at him for making such a klutz move.

Rainius got up and rubbed his head. “Ow...what was that? Huh? Twilight, I think this is it.” They located the Well of Shades and this could be their opportunity to figure out the mystery of why Twilight is hearing that noise inside her head. One thing that is odd and funny to the Well’s entrance is that it is blocked off by a mighty magical spell in order to gain access. Rainius inspects the magical barrier and notices there is an emblem logo. He said, “Twilight, this logo is probably the key to unlocking the well, but what is it? This is something I never saw before in my life, and I am too afraid that I would get this wrong. What do you suggest we do?”

Twilight begins by inspecting the emblem in Rainius’s place and double-checks that it is something relating to Hollow Shades as a whole. Once she was done inspecting it in the last 5 minutes, she concluded, “Well...from what I am seeing, we need to find a key that relates to this emblem and hoping this will break the barrier in front of us. If I remember right, I did see something that looks similar to it not that far back from where we walked from. Let’s go back and see if it’s still there. It’s so odd that it looks like a mix of my cutie mark with yours.” Rainius nods to what Twilight said and begins to make their way back towards what they had witnessed might be a statue. In the shadows, the timberwolves were watching from both ponies and made haste to make a counter-strike against them.

Rainius and Twilight made their way back, and along the way, they began telling each other stories and their hobbies and sharing a small laugh here and there. Rainius never knew how funny Twilight can be without even realizing it. Her story about her late letter to Celestia before she was an alicorn made him laugh so hard. Twilight admits it wasn’t her best time, but it was a good memory regardless. Twilight said, “...And that’s how Princess Celestia almost decided to cage me and send me to the moon, but hey! I am here now and made my teacher proud.”

Rainius said, “Well, next time, do make sure that you have an alarm set and get things done early and not late.” After about ten minutes, they finally reach the statue and the emblem does match the one on the magical barrier. Both nod to each other and search the statue high and low to see where they might find the key. Twilight searched on top but found nothing; Rainius searched the bottom and even he cannot find the key that matches the emblem. Rainius stops, sighs, and says, “Twilight, this isn’t working. I feel we are not looking in the right spot. What are we doing wrong?”

As soon as Rainius had asked that question, a pack of timberwolves jumped from the shadows and stared down at both Twilight and Rainius. Rainius and Twilight huddled together with their backs side to side, they were clearly outnumbered, 20-to-2. One of the timberwolves saw a glare reflecting off from the moonlight of the statue, and it immediately pounced upward and took out a tiny key. Rainius looks at it and gasps in horror. He said, “TWILIGHT! THAT TIMBERWOLF HAS THE KEY! WE NEED TO GET IT NOW!!!”

Twilight immediately zaps the timberwolf down and instantly it drops the tiny key. Rainius was about to grab the key for themselves, but a tiny timberwolf baby got to it quickly enough and ran off into the forest. Rainius followed the baby timberwolf alone, leaving Twilight to handle the pack of timberwolves alone. Twilight was powering herself up to battle the timberwolves. One timberwolf begins pouncing straight at her, but Twilight zaps her magic at it, turning it into a pile of ashes.

Some timberwolves back away to see what she did to their own kind, but they aren’t afraid to fight back. Three timberwolves surround Twilight in a triangle formation, but she sweeps into a 360 and makes the timberwolves into powder dust. All the timberwolves attack Twilight at once, but Twilight channels her stronger energy inside her and creates a large burst of energy, leaving nothing but a black crater and the ashes of the remaining timberwolves. Twilight gasped in fatigue and sat herself down for a minute. Rainius finally came back with the key in his hooves and he is holding the baby timberwolf in his hooves.

Rainius said to Twilight in an unfriendly manner, “You cannot believe what this little guy did. He was running off towards a running river, climbed up a 10-foot hill, and finally, as soon as I was about to grab him, he jumped over my head and ran off back to the river. I managed to grab him when he stopped to grab a berry off the ground. Whoa...you killed off all the timberwolves?" He saw the pile of ashes.

Twilight took a deep breath and exhaled before replying. "Yeah. Those timberwolves gave me a hard time. I thought those battles against my greatest foes were harder, but I guess anyone or anything can be a threat. Wait...why are you holding that baby timberwolf?” Twilight notices that he is still holding the key and she slowly pulls it out of its mouth. She sighs in relief that the key is still intact and drops the baby timberwolf down carefully. She said to Rainius, “Come on. We need to go back to the Well. If not, we are wasting time for nothing.”

Rainius said goodbye to the baby timberwolf and it whimpers that he has no one to call his own. Twilight killed its parents and doesn’t feel comfortable being alone. It follows Rainius and Twilight behind and yaps in sadness that it hates being alone. Twilight said, “No, little one. You cannot come with us. You have to go find your own path. I am sorry that I made your parents into ashes, but I have no time to babysit you.” Twilight pets the baby timberwolf and Rainius follows her behind. The baby timberwolf didn’t listen and still follows them.

Twilight sighs hard and says, “Okay...okay...you can follow us, but keep your distance between us.”

The baby timberwolf kept its distance and became part of the group. After walking back for another ten minutes, they had gotten back to the Well of Shades and Twilight shows the key to the magical barrier and it immediately vanishes. Twilight said, “Alright. We don’t know what lies ahead, but we have to do this. You ready, Rainius?”

“Yes, Twilight. I am ready. We’ll have to leave the baby behind for a bit, so we don’t hurt it. Did you hear that, pupper? Stay here.” The baby timberwolf simply yaps in glee and sits his bottom next to the well. Rainius and Twilight slowly descend into the well and all they see is a bunch of writing on the wall. The shadows have consumed its surroundings, leaving nothing but pitch darkness. Within the halls of the Well of Shade, there lies an ancient painting that made Twilight gasp in horror. The ancient painting on the wall happens to resemble Twilight herself, a physical carbon copy.

Rainius also gasped in awe as to what Twilight saw and said, “Twilight...is that you?! I never knew you existed in another time!!”

Twilight walked towards the mural and replied, “No...It’s not me. I mean, it is me, but that’s not the actual me. I am me; I am here right now. But...what does it mean?”

“It means that you have finally arrived. Welcome, Rainius and Twilight. We have been expecting you both.” Out of nowhere, the mysterious voice heard by Twilight after being crowned Princess of Equestria has finally revealed itself. The voice manifested itself into a spiritual body. For some reason, it has a different body than Twilight and her mane and tail are much longer. She speaks once more, “I am called Helia The Harmonious, but please refer to me by my first name alone. I was once the warrior of this world, but that was such a long time ago. You might think I look like you, Princess Twilight, but no. That was what the artist assumed I looked like in the first place. Although...I need to finish what I never accomplished. The evil spirit, Caspian The Chaotic, resides in...you.” She stares down into Rainius.

Twilight looks to Helia and back to Rainius. She gulped her saliva and said, “No! I won’t let you hurt Rainius! You are not someone righteous.”

All of a sudden, Twilight’s body began to limp on her and she dropped to the ground like a rock. Helia was the one doing this to her and said, “I am sorry. I need to finish Caspian, or else the whole world would suffer a fate far worse than what I have ever witnessed. I hope you can forgive me…” Helia’s physical body exits Twilight's body and Twilight instantly loses consciousness.

Rainius gasped in horror and ran over to Twilight. "TWILIGHT!!" He shouted, trying to wake her. She didn't budge. "AHHHH!! WHAT’S HAPPENING TO ME?!" He screamed as he felt something rip out of him from his chest. It was the one thing all the ponies of Hollow Shades feared. The chaos god, Caspian. He was a tall yellow coated pony with a bunch of chaotic indescribable features. From there, he notices that he is finally free from Rainius’s body and kicks him next to the unconscious body of Twilight Sparkle.

"Hahahahaha!!" The chaotic god laughed maniacally in his nasally high-pitched voice. He finally felt free from being imprisoned in that body for so long. He saw Helia and gave off a smirk and chuckle to his delight. "Aw, Helia. It's been too long. How have things been working out for you, my dear? You’re not still mad about our last encounter all those centuries ago, huh?"

"Caspian!" Helia growled. She used her magic to summon a spear in her hooves, and Caspian laughed evilly and took out a dagger behind his back. Helia looked at him and said, “You have angered my spirit long enough!! I vow to finally end you once and for all; for the families you killed and for making my life a living nightmare, I shall end your life once and for all!!!” She immediately charges straight at Caspian, but he immediately dodges her attack and stabs her chest. Helia saw it coming and avoided his sharp blade charging at her. She swings her spear and pulls the dagger away from him.

Caspian laughed and said, “Now, Now! Don’t let the slithering pest get in your way!” He turns into a snake and slithers past her hooves and makes his way towards his dagger. Helia doesn’t want to let him again.

With Helia and Caspian fighting to settle the score once and for all, it leaves two unconscious ponies of Rainius and Twilight. Will Helia finally Caspian? Will Rainius and Twilight regain their strength and mind to stop these two ancient ponies?

Chapter Seven - The Final Battle

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Starlight, Sunburst, Spike, and the mane five, along with Amber Night and Apple Winesap stood before the unsealed Well of Shade. "It's been unsealed… they were here," Said Amber Night as she stared at the well.

“Are you sure about that?" Rainbow asked.

"This well was sealed. Now it's not. And not just anything can get in there. Look at the mark in the stone," Amber said as she pointed her hoof at a marking in the stone.

"Is that Twilight's cutie mark?" Applejack questioned.

Amber Night nodded. "Yes. Along with my master's cutie mark," She said. "Only them two could've been able to break the seal and enter the well."

“That would explain the entry.” Rarity chimed in. "Though, I must say that marking is absolutely divine."

"Well, what are we all still doing up here?! Let's go down there and look for them!" Said Apple Winesap as he began to walk ahead of the group, but Amber put her right hoof in front of him, stopping him.

“Remember, we still have to keep in mind about how this place can be set on possible traps or even worse- Timberwolves. So if you don't mind. I'll lead!” Amber said as she walked ahead of him leading the group into the well.

Pinkie was right behind Amber. When they got in it was dark. Too dark for Pinkie and others to see.

“I can’t see anything!” Pinkie exclaimed.

"As a bat pony and living in a land of darkness for all my life, my eyes are prone to the dark, so don't worry, I'll guide you," Amber said.

They keep on walking in the dark, under Amber’s directions leading on the path gets a bit dimmed but she knows that she has to keep leading.

“How much further?” Apple Winesap asked, with slight impatience in his tone.

“Not much further. As my sight indicates we are getting closer to them.” Amber replied.

When they got closer, Amber stopped in her tracks having the others stop as well.

“What’s the matter, Amber?” Starlight asked, with concern.

“I hear something. It sounds like it's coming from this way!” Amber said as she led the others in the direction of which she heard the noise. She started galloping towards the sound with the others galloping behind her. When she got to the source of the sound she was horrified. "Master!!" She could see him weakly trying to move. And she could see Twilight's unconscious body beside him.

“Twilight!!” Starlight yelled when she saw her mentor unconscious.

"A… Amber," Rainius said weakly.

"Master, wh...what happened?" Amber asked furiously.

"All has been revealed," He answered.

"Master, what do you mean?" Amber asked.

"Why is there a painting of Twilight in here?" Applejack asked as she observed the portrait on the wall.

Rainius weakly replied. "That's Helia. Or what an artist thought she looked like. Helia has a much different, but yet similar appearance to Twilight,"

"You saw Helia?!" Apple Winesap exclaimed in shock.

Rainius nodded. "I did. As well as Caspian. Caspian was apparently trapped inside me," He said. Everyone gasped.

"So… what happened to Twilight?" Sunburst asked.

"I have always known Twilight would come to Hollow Shades looking for a voice, but I had never thought all this would happen," Rainius responded.

"How did you know she would come here?" Spike asked him.

"It appeared to me in a vision a long time ago… she is very special," Rainius answered. "She is the reincarnated Helia the Harmonious!" Everypony gasped again.

“It seems the legend is true!” Amber Night said.

"We need to get Twilight to a hospital!!" Said, Starlight. "Do you guys have any hospital's here?"

Amber Night shook her head. "Not much anymore, sorry." She answered.

"Then we'll have to take her to Ponyville!" Exclaimed Starlight.

"And how are we gonna do-!" Rainbow Dash began but was interrupted when Starlight suddenly teleported them all to the hospital in Ponyville. "That." She finished her question bluntly.

“We need some help please, hurry!!” Starlight shouted with panic to Nurse Redheart.

Nurse Redheart scurried off to help Starlight, bringing Twilight into the intensive care unit where Twilight is still unconscious. Starlight went back there with her.

A few minutes later Starlight came back. "Well, is Twilight going to be okay?” asked Fluttershy, who was visibly distressed by what was going on.

“Honestly, we don’t know,” said Starlight, who was also saddened but was trying to console her friends at the same time. “The doctors said they are doing the best they can, but they cannot say for sure.”

Rainbow Dash then looked at Starlight in anger. “That can’t be right! I know Twilight! She is the Princess who defeated supercharged Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow at the same time! She should be able to overcome this!”

Applejack then put her foreleg around Rainbow Dash’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, hun. I still have faith that she can pull through, and so should you. It isn’t easy, but I know she can do it.”

Starlight smiled. “I love your confidence. Yes, we will be able to do this, don’t worry. Just calm down.” They suddenly hear a lot of noise outside.

"What's that?!" Fluttershy exclaimed, scared. They all run outside and they can see the two gods, Helia the Harmonious and Caspian the Chaotic fighting in an intense battle against each other.

“You cannot beat me again Helia!!!” Caspian shouted with hatred. “The world will be mine to fall into darkness and chaos!!”

He keeps using his attacks, Helia blocks them with her defense shield that was done by her powerful magic.

“You may have returned. But for your misdeeds, thy punishment will be served!!” She yelled unleashing her light powers striking into Caspian.

Caspian was about to strike when he felt a sharp pain into his chest. The others see that burst of light magic goes, through him.

Caspian laughs at it. "You really think that's going to defeat me?!" He exclaimed. "You are sorely mistaken, Helia! Now all the world shall be plundered into eternal chaos!!" He laughed once more, savoring his feeling of victory as he turned Ponyville into a land of chaos, much similar to what Discord had done, but more chaotic and wicked.

Starlight and the others kept slipping on the soapy ground as they were trying to move. There were houses that were upside down, the sky was pink, the clouds were made of cotton candy and were raining chocolate milk, the day turned to night and back into day in just a few seconds. The animals had all gone berserk and were attacking everypony and everything.

Helia remained her ground, glaring at Caspian. Knowing her magic will not simply defeat him. Helia used her magic to restore some things back to normal, but Caspian's magic was much stronger and was turning everything back into a chaotic nightmare. "When will you learn Helia? That there is a balance between Harmony and Chaos?!" Caspian said.

"Ha… Harmony is balance… brother," Helia said. Everypony gasped.

"Brother?!" Everypony said in unison.

"Helia and Caspian are siblings?!" Amber said in shock. The sky turned a dark yellow, much like it was sunset, but a shade darker.

Meanwhile in the hospital. Rainius had awoken and regained his strength. He was at Twilight's bedside as he watched the doctors use their defibrillator to try to get her heart going again. "Clear!" One doctor said. The doctors used the defibrillator. Nothing. "Again! Clear!!" Still nothing. "Dammit," Muttered the doctor.

Outside, the battle still raged on. With chaos among the ponies everywhere. Starlight and the others still are slipping ground still struggling to move. "Helia!" Starlight shouted, hoping to gain the goddess's attention. She did.

Helia looked down at Starlight. "What?!" Helia exclaimed, a bit annoyed.

“You can’t fight him alone!” Starlight exclaimed when she got her balance on the ground.

“We can win this together by using our friendship and yours!”

“How can we be sure this will work?” Helia replied with uncertainty.

“Trust me our friendship can conquer anything!” Starlight replied.

“Alright," Helia said, landing near Starlight and the mane five along with Spike and Sunburst.

Starlight nodded. As she along with the others walked up to Caspian, who seemed to enjoy his newfound victory. Before, he can claim to conquer all of Equestria. He heard his sister’s voice.

“Brother…” Helia said, with a stern tone.

“Oh, you again? … Back to try to defeat me, sister?” He said, “As I told you before there is a balance between harmony and chaos.” Letting out a small evil chuckle, he charged his horn and was prepared to attack her again.

Helia replied, “You are wrong. Harmony is balance. It always has been. And it always will be. You may think you're all-powerful, but there's a magic that is even more powerful than you or anything out there."

"And what is that?" Caspian said with a bit of a chuckle.

"The magic of… Friendship!" Helia exclaimed before she, Starlight, Sunburst, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack all had combined their magic together, releasing a rainbow laser straight at Caspian that had enveloped him.

"What…?! NO!! NOOOOOOOO!!" Caspian exclaimed. Everything returned to normal. Well, almost everything. Starlight and the others were back on solid ground where they stood upon a normal Ponyville, but now there was a giant white ball in the sky.

Inside that ball were the two gods. "Caspian," Helia whispered. "Take my hoof, brother. Let us go home together." She held out her hoof. He refused. "Brother, please! We need to stop this! It's time we go home, back to the beginning." She then remembered as she thought about the ponies who helped her. "Starlight, take this." She used her magic to place a bit of her soul into a white orb which she gave to Starlight. "Give this to the girl." Were her final words before she grabbed Caspian's hoof, making them both fade into nothingness. The white ball exploded in the sky.

Starlight looked down at the orb. "We need to get this to Twilight, fast!" She exclaimed before they all ran inside the hospital. When they got to her room the doctor and Nurse Redheart came out the door to her exam room. The looks upon their faces were sorrowful.

"We did everything we could. I'm sorry," Nurse Redheart said.

Starlight walked in the room where Twilight laid dead on the hospital bed. Rainius by her side. Tears fell from Starlight's eyes as she stood next to her mentor's head. "You've taught me everything there is to know about friendship, you've saved me from continuing down a dark path from which there would be no return. You've done so much for me. I love you, Twilight." Starlight said before she placed the white orb into Twilight's chest.

Twilight awoke with a gasp of air. She turned to Starlight. "I love you too, Starlight. Your act today has proven you are ready for something more in this world," She said.

"What do you mean?" Starlight asked, perplexed. She had no idea what was going on.

Twilight swerved her horn and enveloped Starlight into a great ball of magic. Starlight emerged from that ball moments later. Except… different. She now had wings and was a bit taller.

She gazed at herself in fear. "Wh… what?!" She said. "No… there must be some mistake! I can't be an Alicorn… or a Princess."

"You are ready, Starlight," Twilight said. "Trust me."

"Well then," Said the voice of Sunburst. "Princess. We do have a matter that needs to be taken care of."

"Oh no, what now?!" Starlight said worriedly.

"This is a good thing," Sunburst replied before he got down on one knee and pulled out a small box from his pocket. He opened it to reveal a beautiful ring. "Princess Starlight Glimmer… will you marry me?"

Starlight was left speechless. Tears were falling from her eyes, but these tears were tears of joy. "YES!!" She screamed, wrapping her hooves around him and embracing him.

Rainius stood next to Twilight. "Well, those two are going to make for a great Prince and Princess," He said. "So, I guess now that Helia and Caspian are gone, that means you'll be returning to Canterlot to continue ruling over Equestria."

"Actually, I may be a good ruler, but it was just not meant for me. As ruler of Equestria, I gotta do what's best for Equestria. And I know exactly what that is," Twilight said as she stared at Sunburst and Starlight. Equestria was going to be in good hooves.


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The sun shone down brightly in the city of Canterlot as today was the day of Starlight Glimmer's coronation as the new ruler of Equestria. Trumpets sounded as a royal guard announced, "Presenting her Royal Majesty, Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria!!" Twilight slowly walked out to the balcony and went to the edge to look down at the crowds of ponies and other creatures below. The ponies in front were mainly photographer ponies. Twilight smiled and waved at everyone. The trumpets had sounded again, which signaled for Starlight to prepare to go out there. "Presenting her Majesty's successor, Starlight Glimmer!!"

That was Starlight's cue. She proudly walked out onto the balcony, where Twilight had been awaiting her. “I’m so proud of you,” Twilight said just barely above a whisper.

Starlight smiled. “Thank you,” She whispered back. “For everything.”

She stood next to Twilight and together they walked forward to face the crowd. Twilight took a deep breath and exhaled before speaking. “As all of you may know, I only ruled for a short time, before fate called me elsewhere… That elsewhere being the Hollow Shades,” She began her speech. "Which means I can no longer rule over all of Equestria. Hollow Shades has been set free from its curse and the light of day returns. I will be living there." Everyone in the crowd went silent. "But as your Princess, I have sworn to do what's best for Equestria… and that thing is." She turned to Starlight. "...To give my sovereignty to you." Starlight looked as if she was about to cry. "And now, may I introduce for the very first time. Your new Princess… Princess Starlight Glimmer!!"

The crowd cheered loudly. Photographers were taking pictures. Starlight didn't know what to say. This was not at all what she had expected. "Go on," Twilight said. "Say something, Princess." She bowed before her former student.

"Like what?" Starlight replied.

"Anything," Twilight answered.

Starlight cleared her throat then began to speak. "Fillies and Gentlecolts… and Yaks, dragons, and changeling's, and other creatures… I thank you all for coming and for those of you who do not know me… I am the pupil of Twilight Sparkle. Who had seen good in me when I couldn't see it myself. She made me into a better pony. And a better friend to others. I don't know where I'd be without her... And I hope that someday I will live up to her legacy by spreading light into the world against the darkness, and create a world with love, peace, and friendship," She said. Twilight had tears beginning to form in her eyes.

The crowd cheered louder than before. Starlight kneeled before Twilight. "Princess Starlight Glimmer, I now present you with the crown of the princess of Equestria," Twilight said before using her magic to place the crown on Starlight's head. It looked nice along with the engagement ring on Starlight's horn that was given to her by Sunburst. She got up and stood next to Twilight who held tears of joy in her eyes. "Long live Princess Starlight Glimmer!! The Princess of Peace!!" The crowd grew louder as they cheered again.

Starlight's eyes watered. She joined Twilight in walking downstairs and outside the castle where the giant crowd of ponies and other creatures awaited. When she got down there she was immediately ambushed by photographers and other ponies. She shook their hooves and smiled as she went by. She was relieved when she saw Sunburst. She ran over to him and nearly jumped on top of him, but she had to keep it cool while in front of thousands of ponies and many other creatures. "Sunburst!!" She exclaimed as she hugged and kissed him.

"How do I look?" Sunburst asked. He wore his normal cape, nothing was really different about him except for the engagement ring on his horn.

Starlight gave a smile. "Like a million bits," She said with a giggle. They kissed again. They stopped as they heard two ponies coming their way. Two ponies they recognized all too well.

"Mom?!" Sunburst blurted out.

"Dad?!" Starlight had also blurted out.

Firelight and Stellar Flare walked gracefully over to their children. Firelight crying but trying to wipe the tears out of his eyes. "Dad? Are you crying?"

"What?! No! I just had something in my eye, is all. I'm alright, Sugarplum," Firelight replied. But Starlight knew otherwise. His response made her giggle.

"Well, since you two are going to be married soon, which was something me and Firelight used to joke about a lot when you two were younger… that means you will be prince of Equestria, Sunburst!" Stellar Flare said. "And I couldn't be prouder." She got up close to Sunburst. "I do hope you have plans for the future, or in case anything goes wrong."

Sunburst gave a nervous smile and chuckle. If he was going to have a plan it would be made by him, and even though he had always thought her plan-making was crazy, he was actually probably going to need a plan or plans for the future. "Of course, mother," He said.

Twilight ran up to Rainius. "I love you, Rainy," She said as she kissed him. Much to the displeasure of Twilight's father Night Light and her brother Shining Armor. As for her mother Twilight Velvet and her sister-in-law Cadence. They were happy for her.

"I love you too, Twily," Rainius replied. This time he kissed her. Shining Armor did not like anyone else calling her Twily. He was about to intervene but was stopped by his wife and mother. "With Hollow Shades finally set free from the curse, we can go live out our happy ending."

"That's not what this is," Twilight said softly.

"Oh? Then what is it?" Rainius inquired.

Twilight took a moment before she responded. "... A happy beginning."

With Starlight being crowned the new ruler of Equestria, Twilight and Rainius were going to go back to Hollow Shades, where they would spend their lives together. This whole transition would be something new to them all, but it wasn't an end. It was a new beginning… A happy beginning.