> Strength Training > by Bendy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Vow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You awoke, dazed, and confused. Your vision was blurry. You could not quite tell your surroundings. You could see an orange-ish blur in front of you but you could not make it out. However, you had a strong suspicion that was your friend Applejack. Beside her, you could see a purplish blur.  “Are ya okay Anon?” asked a southern accent you knew all too well. “Yeah… I think so. What happened?” you asked. “I'm… I’m…. sorry Anon, ah accidentally killed ya again. Ya told me a funny joke, and I applied a little bit too much force with a pat on yer back.” “It's Okay, Applejack I forgive you. I know you didn't murder me on purpose." Your vision now became more clear. From your prone position on your back, you could see Applejack's thick, muscular thighs. They were about as thick as wine barrels. Slowly you moved your eyes up her legs to meet her torso. Her stomach was well-toned and flat, despite her extremely wide hips. Her hips were so wide, you would only make it about halfway two touching the other one on the other side of her. You moved on from there to look upon her chest to see her absolutely massive breasts. Two enormous spheres of titty fleshed were presented to you. Each one was like the size of a beach ball. Despite their enormous size, they seemed to defy gravity and stood perfectly straight, and were perfectly smooth.  In fact, her entire body in general seemed to be impossibly smooth and shapely. Like her hips, her shoulders were wide and imposing. You would not be able to touch both her shoulders at the same time without leaning to one side to touch just one of them. While her arms were not as thick as her legs. They put the greatest bodybuilders you knew on Earth to shame. Her hands had pint-glass-like thick fingers. Pint glasses on steroids possibly. Advancing onward, you moved up past her shoulders under her thick neck before finally reaching her equine-ish face. Her face did have some human-like features to it. Forward-facing eyes... about the size of basketballs.  Her snout was nowhere near as large when compared to a horse you knew from Earth. Her mouth was human-like, with luscious and plump lips. Her long blonde hair only added to her beauty. And her stetson hat made her look pretty badass. At first, the uncanny valley did creep you out, but you got used to it over time. Or maybe it was the fact they had huge asses and boobs. You did not know Applejack's exact height from head to hoof. But you yourself guessed that she stood somewhere between ten and fifteen feet tall.  Twilight on the other hand... was much larger. Easily about twice Applejacks height, with even more imposing features. Her being an alicorn must have been something to do with it. Unlike you, they were naked. You wore your black tuxedo to cover yourself. “Anon, we need to fix this issue.” came Twilight’s voice. The volume of her voice was quite louder than Applejack's even as she spoke softly. “What issue?” you asked confused, making to stand up. Even from here, Twilight was so tall that you could not reach up a quarter the way up her legs. “Everyday interactions with ponies ends up with you being killed far too often. Plus I have to come along and resurrect you each time you end up dead. So, we need to help you get stronger with strength training. Your body is far too weak to exist in Equestria.” “Why would I need to get stronger if you are always here to help bring me back from the abyss?” Twilight sat herself down to reach eye level with you. Her massive, purple eyes stared deeply into your soul. Her eyes were bloodshot, fresh with tears. “It hurts me deeply to see your mangled corpse, Anon. I cry every time I see your lifeless body in a bloody mess when somepony accidentally kills you.” she said softly. “Oh. I’m sorry Twilight.” you said in a sorrowful tone. “It’s not your fault Anon. It’s ours. We should have helped you sooner.” “It’s Okay Twilight. I am willing to accept your help as long as it doesn’t involve pain.” A long awkward silence filled the air. “This involves pain, doesn't it? you said nervously. “If it makes you feel any better you will be drinking our protein-rich milk to make you stronger. You will also have relaxation periods where we will suck your dick to help relax you from a hard workout session.” “I’m dunno. I’m not sure… if--” “Pony milk makes yer dick bigger.” said Applejack. You dropped to your knees. “I pledge myself to your training with an unbreakable vow.” Twilight and Applejack gasped in shock. “Anon, you didn't have to do that. We are now basically forced to rape you if you refuse sex to save your life. If you break the unbreakable vow by refusing sex you will die permanently." said Twilight. “Not the brightest tool in the box, aren’t ya?” said Applejack. “Oh… shit. Is there anyway, I can break this unbreakable vow.” you said. “No. You can’t once you make an unbreakable vow. It cannot be undone.” said Twilight. “I’m a fucking idiot. I’m sorry I put your through this.” you shouted. “To my castle now, little human.” said Twilight in a stern voice. “You need to start your workout pronto. I wanted to ease you into it, but you have somewhat forced us to go hardcore already.” “Will you still suck my dick?” “Of course. You will just have less break time for what we intended. If you don’t have sex with one of us for at least two hours. You will die.” You gasped in horror as Twilight visibly grew in size before you by a few inches. “Why did you make yourself bigger?” you asked in a low, nervous voice. “To make myself heavier for you when you’re ready to work out with me. Now off you go. We shall meet you there soon.” You ran as fast as your two human legs could carry you, leaving behind Applejack’s apple orchard. Your fate was sealed. You have no choice now to be grinded into dust by massive pony booties. To Be Continued  > Basic Training > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You were now situated within a gym, various gym equipment was spread throughout the room, such as; treadmills, stationary bikes, rowing machines, and weight benches, and simple benches.  Unlike back home on Earth, they literally had weights that were made from the same material from a neutron star, although they were not blindingly bright. If somepony found those too light there were literally weights that were called 'alicorn weights'. You were sat on a wooden bench. Before you stood the imposing figure of Fluttershy. Her massive body loomed over you. She stood at around ten to fifteen feet tall or so. She was of a more slender build when compared to Applejack. Nonetheless, her legs were still quite thick. Her hips were still wide enough you would only be able to touch one of them at a time.  The size of Fluttershy's breasts however were much bigger. Easily twice the size that of Applejack's beach ball like breasts.  Fluttershy made to turn around, her hooves clopping hard upon the stone floor as she did so. You were now given a good look at her absolutely huge backside. Each cheek of her ass was like that of a bean bag…. a really…. really big bean bag. They were thick and bubbly, and perfectly round. Not soggy in the least. It was as if her ass was carved by the heavens themselves. Her large, pink tail only made her ass even more beautiful. Big as Fluttershy’s ass was, Twilight’s ass was even more monstrously large. "Has my unbreakable vow been reset?" you asked. "Yes. You have not broken the vow in any way. Your vow timer has been locked and reset the moment you entered this gym. I will warm you if you break the vow at any point." said Twilight, standing before Fluttershy.  “Oh, that’s a relief.” your body suddenly became encased in a purple glow for a brief moment. “What spell are you casting on me?” “An auto-healing combined with an auto-resurrection spell to stop you from dying during your workout.” said Twilight.  "Can you add a pain nullifier?"  "No pain, no gain. I'm sorry, but it is the only way." she spoke softly, looking down at you with a sad, sympathetic expression. You gulped in fear. “Can we…  at least do a gentle warm-up before we begin?” you said in a low, nervous voice. Without a word, Fluttershy turned around to face you.  “I’m going to pick you up. Okay, Anon?” she spoke softly, much softer than all the other ponies you knew so far. “Yes. Fluttershy, you can pick me up.” “I need you to strip naked Anon before we begin.” You quickly took off your clothes. But you found yourself hesitating when you were down to just your underpants. Your erection poked through your underwear. “Don’t be shy Anon. Strip down. You don’t want to break your vow.” said Fluttershy softly. Reluctantly you pulled down your underwear to reveal your penis to the massive horsewoman. You were embarrassed and blushed hard as you felt weak and exposed. “Don’t feel ashamed Anon.” she said softly. She leaned forward, bringing her double beach ball massive breasts closer to your face in the process, they cast a dark shadow as they loomed over you. She moved her right hand from underneath you, she gently took grip around your butt. She placed her other hand on your upper back. Now with both hands, she lifted you up and cradled you in her arms like a baby.  "Uh, Fluttershy? How are you not breaking my bones?"  “I am able to suppress my strength. Not many ponies can do that.” she spoke softly, before pushing your body into her soft, right breast. “Drink up, Anon. You need your strength.” Your body sank into the soft, malleable flesh of her breast. You shuddered at the great softness and warmth of her breast pushing against your body. Your cock poked hard against her soft breast. Her soft fur against your bare skin made things only even better. You opened your mouth wide and took her fat, bloated nipple into your mouth.  You looked up nervously at Fluttershy as your teeth rested gently on her nipple. “Don’t be afraid to bite down hard on my nipple. You can't physically hurt me. For example, I can lift entire neutron stars with my bare hands. I went for a swim within the core of a hypergiant star before. I even use a black hole’s gravity to give myself a massage on a daily basis.” You pulled your mouth away from her nipple. “You can survive being in the presence of a black hole? Just how strong are you ponies?” “Very… very strong. Now drink up, Anon. You need your strength.” Without a word, you latched on hard onto her nipple, and you subsequently began to suck on her nipple with force. Fluttershy cried out a throaty moan, as thick, creamy milk spewed from her nipple into your mouth. You moaned heartily into her breast as her milk flooded into you. Her milk was sweet and creamy to the taste with a hint of vanilla. A powerful tingling sensation coursed through your entire body as you drank down her milk. The sensation ran through your body as you felt slightly painful electric shocks flow through it, starting from the top of your head to the tips of your toes as the waves washed over you. Your heart was pounding in your chest. Your muscles were contracting painfully and you were sweating profusely. You took deep breaths through your nose as you continued to drink down her delicious milk. You could not help but grind your cock against her soft breast. True to Applejack's word, you felt your cock growing larger. Your member grew inch by inch from each passing second, depressing deeper and deeper into Fluttershy's soft breast. Your balls became heavy underneath you as they too grew in size. You uttered a muffled scream of pleasure around her fat nipple, which made her giggle happily. You thrust your cock back and forth against her soft titty flesh, uttering muffled moans and groans as you did so.  Many sounds filled the room. The sounds of you sucking upon her nipple with throaty moans, while she in turn moaned herself. There were the loud sound of slapping against flesh as you slammed your growing balls against her tit. Your balls were now currently the size of grapefruit and still growing.  With a loving hand, you caressed the side of her huge breast. Like soft dough, your hand sank into her plush flesh. You subsequently pulled your hand away and watched in amazement as it returned to a perfectly smooth shape. You brought your hand back down again and lovingly rubbed the soft flesh between your fingers. Fluttershy cried out in bliss as you massaged her breast. Abruptly, Fluttershy pulled away when your cock reached about fifteen inches long and slightly thicker than your own upper leg. You now had a pair of balls the size of coconuts underneath you. Your cock defied gravity and did not bend down in the slightest as it stuck out from your body. “That will do for the moment.” “Does your milk keep growing cocks bigger and bigger?” you asked. “Yes. But we can fix that issue with penis shrinking spells if necessary. Now let’s move to phase two of your warm-up.” Fluttershy lifted you up further to her face. She opened her mouth wide and brought you closer and closer to her mouth. Her warm breath bombarded you as your cock came into her mouth. Her breath smelled minty fresh, so there was no real issue at all. Gently she closed her mouth. Her huge, plump lips came to encase the base of your member. Your balls touched against her plump, wet lips. Your face rested against her lower snout and your feet were touching her chin. Your body was shaking uncontrollably. Your eyes came to a close as you sighed in pure bliss. You uttered a loud moan when her soft, wet tongue came to wrap itself around your member. With a powerful tug of force from her hands, she used her hands to move you back and forth as she pushed you against her face. Your long, thick cock rubbed against her soft lips, along with an absolutely wonderful sensation of her incredibly soft tongue touching off your member each time your cock was brought back into her mouth. Loud slurping could be heard as she sucked you off vigorously. You cried out in absolute pleasure as your legs weekly kicked her chin. Great warmth and softness encased your member within her loving, wet mouth. Your cock was moist and slick with her saliva. You were a quivering mess within her hands. Your whole body was shaking uncontrollably and you were sweating profusely. Your heart was beating in your chest. A tingling sensation was coursing through your cock as you found yourself at near release already.  "Cum for Mama Fluttershy." she spoke telepathically in your head.  As if by her command you subsequently released into her. You screamed as you released glob after glob of your creamy human spunk into her mouth.  Fluttershy cried out as she grew violently in size. Your cock slipped out of her mouth from her massive growth spurt. Your entire body became encased within her titaness hands, drowning out the light. You heard the sound of Twilight screaming as well as the sounds of destruction.  "Oh my." Fluttershy simply said. She opened her hands. Above you stood a skyscraper tall Fluttershy. Her breasts were so large that you could not even see her face. Her boobs were basically like football stadiums. "Let me fix this." said Fluttershy. Fluttershy snapped her fingers and she was back to... normal size. You were returned to the gym as if nothing happened. Except for the fact that Fluttershy was now an alicorn.  Twilight gasped in shock. “This seems more complicated than anticipated. Your cum seems to have made Fluttershy... stronger... I can't even read her power level it’s off the charts. Even beyond Celestia and Luna combined. Fluttershy, you are the single most powerful being in known existence at the moment.” “Oh my. I wonder if Anon can handle my ass now?” said Fluttershy,  blushing in embarrassment. “Fluttershy, I made an unbreakable vow. Even if you kill me you can bring me back to life.” you said with patriotic vigor while giving her a salute. “Okay Anon. This is going to hurt… a lot. Even now, at a reduced size I feel a lot heavier before I became an alicorn.” Fluttershy lifted you up to her face and gave you a simple, soft kiss on your lips… entire face. She gave you a warm smile before she gently placed you down on a black gym mat upon your back.  She turned around and showed you her massive backside, casting a dark shadow as it loomed over you. “My body is ready.” you said in a low, nervous voice. > Hard Training > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy’s massive butt loomed over you as you lay prone on a black gym mat. Each cheek of her ass was like an oversized bean bag. Your fifteen-inch cock stood primed and ready. It was probably not large enough for her since she stood somewhere between 10 to 15 feet tall. “Be… be gentle.” you whimpered.  “I’ll be as gentle as I can.” she said softly. Fluttershy lowered her ass slowly down. For a brief moment, you were allowed to make contact with her ass and feel a wonderfully soft and warm sensation of it against you.  Before she lowered herself down even further. You screamed out in pain as you were subsequently crushed into oblivion. The very atoms that made up your body were simply destroyed by the great weight of her rump. And the abyss took you as you simply faded Into darkness. A moment later blinding light shone through as you were back in the world of the living. Her massive ass loomed over you, just barely out of reach from touching you.  “Are you okay, sweetheart? Was that too painful?” she asked, her voice ripe with concern. “It wasn't too bad. I only existed for a brief moment there.” “I need to cast greater protection. You need to feel the pain, I'm sorry.” Your body flashed with a yellow glow. Fluttershy soon after gently rested her huge ass down upon you. You screamed in pain as crushing pain came down upon you like a tonne of bricks. However, your screams of pain were muffled into her ass. Her massive ass pressed down hard upon your body. The soft fat of her rump folded around you like soft dough, pushing against the sides of your body.  Fluttershy whimpered. “I’m sorry Anon.” she shouted, crying in anguish from hearing you in such pain.  Nonetheless, she soldiered on and started to grind her hips back and forth over you. By your perspective, she might as well be rolling back and forth over you with a steamroller. You could hear her wailing in grief as she inflicted terrible pain upon you. Through it all, you were constantly screaming, but your voice was muffled by Fluttershy’s fat ass. The cheeks of her massive, bubbly rump could be heard making loud meaty slaps against each other as she rolled back and forth over you. It was a rather pleasant sound, but you couldn't really appreciate it since you were in agonizing pain. Something similar was happening to her tits. You could hear them smacking against each other. On and on Fluttershy moved her hips back and forth over you. This continued for quite some time before she lifted her ass off your body and held it over you by a few feet.  “Ahhhhhhhhhaaaa!” you screamed in pain. Your body was covered in sweat. Tears were dripping down your face. Your whole body was trembling. Your body was covered in bruises from the hard impacts of her massive ass. “Are you Okay Anon?” she asked softly. “I….I….. yes. Fluttershy. Keep going. Show me no mercy.” you said in a low voice. Your body flashed with a yellow glow for a brief moment, before she came down upon you with a powerful slam, pounding you into smithereens. You returned to the world of the living again, before she slammed down upon you once again.  And... again and again, and again.  The sounds of heavy, meaty slapping could be heard as her enormous ass pounded you into oblivion over and over. You could hear the cheeks of her ass slapping against each other as she bounced up and down upon you. There also came the sounds of her tits slapping against each other. Fluttershy lifted her ass up, and shifted her body over you. You could feel a powerful heatwave from her marehood washing over you. Along with the strong scent of her musk. You sighed in bliss at the feel of your cock touching the lower lips of her hot vagina. Her thick, plump marehood was soaking you wet with her marecum. It leaked a continuous stream of her thick creamy liquid upon you. Some of the liquid managed to seep its way into your mouth.  Her lovecream did taste like sweet vanilla. However, you could not really appreciate the taste of it. For you were in agonizing pain from the aftershock your muscles felt when she was sitting on top of you.  “Applying weight protection.” she said softly as your body glowed with yellow light. Fluttershy dropped her ass down your lap with a heavy slam. You screamed out in pain at the crushing weight of her ass. Your head was situated between the canyon of her ass cheeks. Your voice echoing like a cave through it. Your muscles ached, just barely being able to withstand the weight of it. At the same time, your cock plunged its way into her marehood. The powerful walls of her vagina tightly hugged your member with a surprisingly gentle appliance of force. Gentle since her ass was applying crushing pain to you. “I’m so sorry about this Anon. I wish there was some other way.” she said in a sorrowful tone. “.... I…. I forgive you Fluttershy.” you said in a low, weak voice. Without a word, Fluttershy lifted up her massive ass, taking you to the point of nearly exiting you, before slamming herself down on you soon after. The powerful walls of her marehood clamped down hard on your member squeezing it to the point of near breaking point. “Ahhhhhaaaa!” you screamed in pain from both the hard impact of her ass and the tight squeeze of her marehood. Over and over and again she slammed up and down upon you with her massive ass, squeezing your cock tightly each time she did so. You were screaming in pain during the entire process, your voice echoing through the canyon of her butt. Torrents of her marecum poured out from her marehood, drowning you in her creamy liquid. Somehow, you still could breathe even if your head was submerged in reproductive liquid. And despite feeling absolute agonizing pain, you found yourself near the point of release. With a loud scream of pain, you came, showering her insides. Blast, after blast of your creamy spunk, shot into her marehood. She made a loud horsey whinny, as she unleashed a tidal wave of marecum upon you. The vice tightness of her marehood clamped down hard on your member holding you in place as her lovecream washed over you. From a third-person perspective, you could see Fluttershy’s tits and ass ripple like a stormy ocean while she uttered a deep, throaty moan. Her beautiful, pink butterfly cutie marks were glowing with blinding light. Fluttershy began to rapidly grow in size. Your cock slipped out of her during the process of her growth.  The weight of her ass left you as the canyon of her backside expanded outward, freeing your body from under her oppressive weight. Her air ballooning ass quickly rolled over Twilight, smothering her under her growing butt. The growing mare soon burst through the ceiling while her ass bulldozed down the walls from all around her. Like a rapidly approaching tidal wave, her cheeks rolled over Ponyville, smothering all in her wake.  Those who found themselves under her ass began to give her ass loving appreciation by licking, kissing, and rubbing her succulent ass. It was very difficult for you to do so since you found yourself in an ever-expanding cave that was the gap between her asscheeks.  Fluttershy’s monstrous cheeks rolled over the countryside flattening down mountains and crushing them under her. Her mountainous tits came crashing into Canterlot mountain, smashing it into pieces. More and more growth flowed through her. Until she had the entire continent of Equestria covered under her ass. Stopping just short of reaching the ocean. Her ass cheeks rested on the beaches at the seaside.  Her head was above the clouds, and out in space. Her massive breasts created great dark shadows over the world under her, each one of her tits was basically the size of Equestria. “Oh… my.” she simply said, blushing in embarrassment. Fluttershy snapped her fingers and took you back into the gym. Many voices could be heard sighing in sadness from across Equestria. Fluttershy stood over you with her normal ten to fifteen feet tall body. She hid her face behind her long, pink hair, her cheeks blushing in embarrassment over what just happened. Twilight from behind her however was frowning, with her arms crossed. You were back to lying prone on the gym mat. “That wasn’t nice, Fluttershy. I was enjoying being under your ass.” said Twilight bitterly. “We have to keep giving Anon his strength training. Bring in the others, it’s time to go hardcore.” You gulped in fear. “I need rest. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.” you said, rubbing your right arm, wincing in pain. “Not yet Anon. You need more training before you earn your rest.” said Twilight, making her way to stand on Fluttershy’s left side. Her massive body towering over her. You heard a door opening behind you. Four more giant horsewomen made their way inside.  Rainbow Dash came to stand behind you. She was the thinnest of all the horsewomen you knew so far. It wasn't really saying much since she was still 15 feet tall or so. What she lacked in thickness she made up in muscle. Her breasts were ‘small’ only about the size of watermelons.  She was joined by Pinkie Pie on the left. Pinkie Pie's hips were particularly thick. Even thicker than Applejack’s. They, however, did not have the same muscle content then Applejack’s rear. They were bubbly in shape as they contain more fat content. Nonetheless, they were not soggy in the least despite everything. You have seen Pinkie's backside before, it was easily the second biggest by a good margin. However, she did pale in comparison to Twilight who was the largest by far. Applejack made to stand next to Pinkie Pie on her left. And last but not least Rarity made to stand next to Fluttershy. Rarity was a fine balance. She had hips as big as Applejack's. While at the same time her tits were nearly as large as Fluttershy's double beach ball breasts. Twilight herself, who stood about thirty feet tall had ass cheeks that might as well be blimps. Her breasts too were blimp-like.  Their massive tits loomed over you, casting dark shadows over you. Without a word, Rainbow Dash leaned down and picked you up. She brought you to her small watermelon, right breast, and pushed your face into her nipple. You opened your mouth and suckled on her nipple.  You moaned at the taste of her sweet, skittle flavored, thick, and creamy milk pouring into your mouth. Your cock twitched hard, gaining another inch in the process, taking you up to sixteen inches long. Your muscle pain started to fade as her milk healed your bruised body. You cried out in protest when she abruptly pulled you away from her nipple. For your body was still in quite a bit of pain and you were not fully healed. You didn't protest for very long since you were pushed into another pair of soft tits. Applejack's left tit.  “There-there, partner, you can drink from me now.” said Applejack. You buried your face into Applejack's nipple and began to drink from it. The force of your head pushing back the soft titty flesh during the process, while Rainbow Dash held you in her hand. You moaned at the taste of her thick, creamy milk, tasting faintly of apples. Unfortunately, you didn't have too much time to enjoy it before you were passed onto another horsewoman. Rainbow Dash gently placed you into the palm of Rarity's hand. From there, Rarity lifted you up towards her right breast. You took her nipple into your mouth and subsequently began to suck upon it. You moaned in bliss, drinking down her sweet, whipped cream flavored milk into you. Unfortunately, once again you were soon passed on to another horsewoman. Rarity pushed you into Pinkie Pie’s right breast. You quickly took her nipple into your mouth and began to drink it down. Pinkie’s sweet, candy-flavored milk flowed into your mouth. It was a mixture of all kinds of sweets. You let out an annoyed groan as you were passed on to another far too soon. You were placed into Twilight’s hand.  She subsequently lifted you up and placed you against her right breast.  You tried to wrap your mouth around her huge nipple. But that proved to be impossible. Twilight sighed sadly and reluctantly passed you on to Fluttershy.  Fluttershy took you into her arms, placing one hand on your ass, and the other upon your back. She brought you to her massive, double beach ball right breast. Your nineteen-inch dick poked hard against her titty flesh, digging deeply into the soft fat. You leaned forward and took her nipple into your mouth. You moaned at the taste as Fluttershy’s thick, creamy milk flowed into you, with a hint of vanilla. Your cock twitched hard, growing longer and longer as it pushed into her titty flesh. This time you were allowed to bask in drinking down breast milk. You felt your muscles rippling, and your body tingling all over. The pain you felt earlier washed away completely. You looked down to your arms and chest to see that they were bulging with muscle. You went mad with lust, and began to thrust your cock back and forth against her soft breast. Fluttershy moaned softly as she felt your cock poking her titty flesh with hard and firm thrusts from your massive cock. You growled angrily as she pulled you away from her breasts. Just before you were about to voice your protest you found yourself between her massive, double beach ball breasts.  Your long, fat cock came to rest on top and in the middle of her tits. Your member was so long that it nearly reached her mouth. You basically had a tree-like dick now, and about as thick as an oak tree. Your watermelon sized balls rested gently against the underside of her tits. Her horn became wrapped in golden light. She pulled her hands away from you. Her magic held you in place in mid-air. She placed her hands on each side of her massive breasts and squeezed them together. “You like Mama Fluttershy’s big tits. Don’t you, my little human?” she said in a hot breathy voice. You simply nodded, drooling at the sight of her huge boobs. She parted her tits slightly, allowing your cock to slip between her massive breasts. With your cock now trapped within her massive tits she squeezed them together, sandwiching your member in their great, warm, and heavy softness. Your cock was strong and able to withstand the weight of her tits without feeling terrible pain. Your balls underneath were covered by her heavy titty flesh. They as well stood strong and firm and were more than capable to withstand the weight of them. Fluttershy leaned her head down, and opened her mouth wide, taking your tip into her mouth. You cried out, wildly thrusting your cock between her massive breasts.  This was accompanied with a loud, meaty sound of your balls slapping against her tits.  Fluttershy sucked on the tip of your thick cock, bobbing her head up and down with loud slurping sounds and soft moans. With both hands on her massive breasts, she bounced them up and down upon your dick. At the same time, she squeezed her tits, intensifying the wonderful feeling of her soft breasts covering your cock.  Loud slapping sounds could be heard as she smacked her tits against your member. All the while she continued to lovingly suck on the tip of your cock with loud slurping sounds. A tingling sensation coursed through your balls all the way to your tip. She sensed that you were near release and pulled her mouth away from your cock.  With both hands she squeezed her tits together, smothering your dick in the wonderful softness of her breasts and spoke in a hot breathy voice. "Cum for Mama Fluttershy." You uttered a loud cry and unleashed between her breasts. Your thick, creamy essence flooded the gap between her tits and spilled down onto her well-toned stomach like a flowing river. She squeezed her tits together through your orgasm and bounced them up and down, causing you to shake uncontrollably as you continued to cum on her tits. A large pool of your seed was forming underneath you as you came. You sighed in bliss when the last of your seed plastered her tits. Your cock was still hard, however, and ready for more action, and throbbed powerfully between her tits. You heard the sound of clopping hooves. You looked down to see the others drinking the cum pool underneath you.  You looked at the cutie marks on their asses glowing with blinding light as your cum began to affect their bodies. Horns and wings appeared upon them as they transformed into alicorns. This did not happen to Twilight since she was already an alicorn, to begin with. You looked up to Fluttershy to see that her right hand was covered in a thick coating of your cum. She gave you a nasty grin before she started to lick her hand, moaning in bliss while doing so. There came a low rumbling sound as the six mares exploded outward in size at the exact same time, instantly doubling in size. For a brief moment at least. Fluttershy’s horn was glowing with a blinding light, holding them and herself in place to stop them and her from growing any further. You watched as the tits and asses wobbled about like a stormy ocean, creating delightful slapping sounds. Fluttershy grunted, struggling to stop them and herself from growing any further.  Fortunately, she was able to maintain her magic despite the pressure. Their tits and asses stopped wobbling about wildly, and gave her the all-clear. With a simple snap of her fingers, everyone was returned to normal size.