> Homo Draconis 2 > by Timzocker201 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dimensional Travel... Again. (Prologue) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a normal day in the Crystal Empire. The streets were filled with Ponies on their ways to their work or sometimes even already on their respective shifts, guarding the Empire or cleaning the streets. Despite the high number of Ponies on the streets, it was a fairly quiet day. Nopony found it necessary to shout at another, nopony found the need to express their disgust at another's sense of fashion and overall, nopony had any intention of breaking that truly peaceful silence. Thus, it likely isn't hard to imagine that suddenly everything stopped and the whole empire looked skywards, when the shield surrounding it flickered and a gigantic silhouette broke through and made its way towards the palace. Normally, this would have caused a mass panic, seeing as the Crystal Empire in particular has had some very disturbing experiences with dark silhouettes intruding into their lands. However, this time it was different. It certainly wouldn't have been, if it wasn't for Celestia visiting a year ago with this exact being in tow and announcing it as the newly chosen Protector of Ponykind. And so, instead of screams and shouts of fear, his appearance today simply caused a few hopeful whispers. "The protector is here!" "Amore bless us, now nothing can hurt us!" "Did somepony say cupcakes?" And with their newfound morale boost, the normally so easily saddened Crystal Ponies went on with their days, the smiles on their faces turning slightly more pronounced than they were before. Meanwhile, high over the streets of the empire, a white Dragon flew. His wings and scales were as white as the snow surrounding the shield and his eyes were slightly glowing a bright green colour. On his back, there lay five mares, peacefully sleeping in the soft, down-like scales on his back, seemingly undisturbed by the cold winds whipping past during their flight in the snowy regions. They touched down in the yard before the palace and Alex slightly shook his back to wiggle the five sleeping mares awake. they all yawned and stretched after having awoke from their peaceful sleep. well, almost all of them. "Rainbow, come on! We're here, time to get up!" Twilight commanded, but Rainbow just stirred slightly and growled. "Ugh, not yet, gimme five more minutes." Twilight rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on, Rainbow, you know we have something to do." "But I'm comfy..." Rainbow whined. "Well, the alternative would be that I cast a fire-spell at Alex..." Rainbow cracked an eye open and gave Twilight a one-eyed glare. "You wouldn't..." she challenged. "Oh, do you think so?" Twilight said, as she lit up her horn and aimed at Alex's back. "Okay, okay, I get it, I'm up!" Rainbow finally receded. She lazily flapped her wings to get airborne, before stretching and yawning, similar to the other mares. she then flew over and set down on Alex's head. "Yo, thank's for the ride. That was probably the best nap I've ever had." "You mean apart from the 256 times you've slept on my back during wather patrol?" Alex teased. "Hey, I didn't sleep, I just... I... I, uh had to watch the weather over the Everfree, yeah, that's it!" Twilight and Applejack giggled in amusement over their antics, before Twilight then got their attention. "Okay, everypony, we should really get going. But first, let me check if we're all here, lest anypony fell of and we don't notice." The others gave her a deadpan look, as if saying 'I think we would've noticed that', but then simply just shook their heads, letting Twilight be Twilight. "Alright, Rainbow?" "Here." "Applejack?" "Here." "Fluttershy?" "Uhm... here." "Rarity." "Present." "Alex?" Alex looked over to her with a questioning expression. "How should I fall off my own back?" Twilight gave him a sheepish look. "Right.. sorry." She cleared her throat. "Uhm, anyways: Pinkie Pie?" No answer came. Twilight looked around, seeing if she was maybe still asleep. Something that was highly unlikely, as in fact nopony has ever seen her sleep at all. "Uhm... Pinkie?" She asked again, but still nopony answered. Then, just as Twilight was about to panic, a pink blur zoomed past Alex's feet and jumped up to his head. "Ohmygoshohmygosh, haveyouseeneverponyissohappy! Ooooooooh, wegottahaveapartysoon!!!" Pinkie screamed into Alex's eye, while hanging from the upper rim of his eye socket. Alex blinked a few times, trying to get the dried spots lubricated again. "Pinkie, could you please tell us the next time you run off? You nearly caused Twilight to twilight here. Oh and also: get off my eye!" Pinkie sheepishly looked over to Twilight. "Sorry." she apologized, before dropping back down, seemingly unfazed by the fact that she just fell almost four stories. "Wait, you made me a verb?" Twilight asked curiously. "Yeah. you know how you always lose your mind when confronted with a poblem? First you get a panic attack, then you go on drawing charts, maps, diagrams and whatever, until you notice that you've completely overdone it and the solution is actually pretty simple. Twilighting." Alex answered. Twilight wanted to deny that she ever did those things, but before she could even open her mouth she heard the voice of her former foal-sitter call out. "Here you are! I was wondering what was taking you so long." "Yeah, Twilight just had a little moment when she couldn't find Pinkie." Rainbow said. "Did she twilight?" Cadence asked. "Well, almost, I... wait, you too?!" Twilight half asked, half shouted as she realized what Cadence just said. "Careful, Cadence, before she starts to twilight!" Rainbow said mockingly. "OOOOkay, I think we have some things to do, now come on." Twilight quickly commanded, before she glid down from Alex's back and made her way towards the Crystal Palace, her friends sharing a short giggle, before following her. "And you actually expect me to fit through there?" Alex asked, as he was looking through a window into a room, where the remaining seven mares stood. "Well, excuse me for being blunt, but I think you are highly delusional." In the middle of the room stood a mirror, around which the seven mares had gathered. Twilight was zooming around the mirror in a way that normally only Pinkie could manage, checking if everything was in order. "No need to get offensive, Alex." She said, while she was checking a few magic readings, "don't worry, I checked multiple times. Once activated, the mirror will pull you in on its own. All you need to do is touch the surface and let it do the rest." Alex was looking around the room, where he found five encouraging faces smiling at him, as well as two mares, one in pink and one in purple, who were gleefully grinning at him for completely different reasons. Alex sighed and looked to the mirror. It was a standing mirror, about two Ponies in height and one in width. Obviously these measurements made it way too small for Alex to fit through, not to mention that he couldn't fit into the room in the first place, due to his size. Thus, the only way for him to even touch the surface was to rear up on his hind legs and rest one foreleg on the wall of the palace, while the other was trying to squeeze through the small window and at least tap it with a claw. However, as soon as he did so, he felt a wave of nausea wash over him. It felt like the world around him was rapidly expanding... or was he contracting? No matter what, after what he thought were several minutes, he finally felt a pull and he saw, how the now massive window he was reaching through slipped past and he was heading directly for the mirror's surface. He braced himself for a shattering crash, as well as the feeling of thousands of glass shards piercing his skind, but this feeling never came. Instead, it felt somewhat akin to stepping through a giant soapbubble. Immediately after he had passed the membrane between worlds, he felt changes being made on his body. He couldn't quite tell their nature, but he definitely knew they were there. And then, he saw the sky. A pure blue stretching as far as the eye could see, until it met with the roofs of what looked like skyscrapers in the corners of his vision. Alex quickly sobered up from the implications that his observation made and he finally heard the winds whipping past him, as he was rapidly approaching the ground. He turned around and looked downwards and found that he was at least half a kilometer in the sky and even though normally this would be no height at all for him, he somehow felt like he was definitely misplaced this high up. He tried flapping his wings, but it seemed to have no effect. So, in a last attempt to soften his landing, he turned back around and stretched every limb he could still feel as far outward as he could manage, hoping to muster enough air resistance to-- WHAM He met the ground full-force, causing a loud crashing sound, as well as an earthquake to ripple though the neighborhood. Strangely enough, though, he felt no pain at all. All he felt was... kind of a pushing sensation, as if something ran into him (which kinda was the case), but other than that, he felt fine. Fine doesn't mean 'normal', though, and he quickly came to this same conclusion, as he noticed that his legs were all laying flat on the ground instead of pressing agains his belly. Also, he didn't feel anything from his wings at all, which put up the question, f they were even still there. Another thing to note was that his hind legs were stretched backwards, bu it didn't feel strange. Quite the opposite actually, it felt normal. He looked down to see what was going on and was surprised when the colour he saw wasn't white, but black. He was looking down at a black coatjacket like he had worn it back when he was still human. He held his foreclaw up to his face and couldn't help but smile in nostalgia as he saw not a claw, but his hand, complete with the fingernail that wouldn't regrow ever since he'd lost it in a work accident. He pushed himself up to his feet and found it strange, at first, to be walking on two legs again. He looked around and gawked when he saw the crater he had left where he landed. He also noted that he seemingly had landed in what looked like a school yard, right in front of a statue depicting a rearing stallion. He made a few testing steps, which ended up being made at a snails pace and ending with a very loud finish. Turns out, while he now has the proportions of a normal human again, he has retained his mass and, from what he could feel, even his overly thick skin and his glands. "Yeah, when Twilight said she would bring somepony from equestria to help, I didn't think that you'd made such a loud entrance." suddenly someone said from behind Alex. He turned around and spotted a girl, who seemed to be barely of legal age. Her skin was orange in colour, while her hair was red with two light green stripes in it. She also wore an orange shirt with a symbol that depicted a sun that was half red and half yellow. Over that she wore a black leather vest , as well as a purple skirt. Alex recognized her almost immediately. "So, I take it, you are Sunset Shimmer? Former Student of Princess Celestia?" He asked her in his old, human voice. "The one and only." she answered. "So, where's Twilight? I thought she wanted to bring more than just one person with her?" Right at that moment, the base of the statue started to wobble and six girls stepped through, each bearing the colours of their pony-world originals. "Hey, Sunset." Twilight greeted, as she laid eyes on her former arch enemy. "Have you seen Al.....ex... what the buck heppened here.... and who are you?" She asked as she noticed the big crater, as well as the man in black coat and with black hair standing next to Sunset. Alex narrowed his eyes in an annoyed expression. "I'm Alex. You know? That guy that saved you from the Dragon Islands?" Twilight narrowed her eyes as well. "There's certainly a lot more black and a lot less white than I can remember on you. And also you are a lot younger than I would have expected." This had Alex slightly awonder. He turned to the base of the statue, which somehow now had the properties of a mirror, and looked himself over. sure enough, he was back to his old, human self. Complete with black hair, latino skin and his black coatjacket that he had bought for only 10 pounds during a sale. Totally worth it. "I don't know what you mean. I think my 30 years are quite apparent." "30 YEARS?!" Everyone, except Sunset shouted in unison. "No offense, but I thought you were, like, over a hundret or so?" Rainbow said. "Why would you think that?" Sunset asked, visibly confused. "Well, he is an adult Dragon." Twilight answered. There was a short moment of silence, and one could actually hear the gears in Sunset's head clicking. She then looked over to Twilight with an almost annoyed expression. "And you think that such a young dragon can actually help us?" "Hey, he may not be a hundret years old yet, but I tell you what: this guy totally smashes those evil dragons back in our world. Sunset wanted to say something again, when suddenly a new set of voices joined in. "Well, Well, well, if those aren't the failbooms, standing next o what looks like their newset failure." The group turned to see who was speaking and they saw a group of three girls and one boy coming towards them. "Yeah there's the group whose singin' sounds like comin' from a trash-can, but wait there in the middle, yeah I think that is a new-man." the boy rapped, as he closed in on Alex. "Man, you're the worst rapper I've ever heard." he said. "Yo, ah tell ya, I'm the biggest rapper man of all time. Im a swag and with these raps these gangsta-girls are all mine!" Alex looked around, smirked and spread his arms. "You do realize that my harem's bigger than yours, do you?" The girls around him looked at him with surprise. "What?" "Nigga, 'bout those girls here I don't give. You. A. Damn! Motherfucker, do you even know, who. I. Am?" "Not a clue." Alex said bluntly. "DUUUUUDE, I'm the brain-whacking, bone-smacking, boulder-breaking Big Bang. Recognize me by my super-douper smashing black fang." Bang opened his mouth to show off a tooth that was obviously painted black. (Paint it Black. Yeah!) "Man I tell ya, dudes like you, they always gimme brain-sting, now stop hiding behind those girls like a fuckin' weak-ling!" Alex raised an eyebrow, before he exhaled and introduced himself: "I'm the all-starin', super-smartin', never-partin' A-Lex. My brain and skin, my bones and muscles always go to full-max. In my hometown everybody always called me face-drum and if you don't stop rappin', I will show you where that came from!" "Whooooooo!" Rainbow and Pinkie cheered. "Nig, ma bones are super-strong, my muscles 'bout to burst! And if ya want a slappin', man, then I will get you first!" Bang rapped, before he swung one at Alex's jaw. It connected with a loud slap, but Alex didn't even flinch. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Bang suddenly screamed, holding his fist and sinking to the ground. The three girls he had with him instantly were by his side and helped him up and intelligently decided that it would be better to just go. "Man, this guy's jaw-line's stingin' like a brute! When we get home I think I'm gonna see the doctor-dude." "Who were they?" Alex asked. "Those were the ones, because of whom you're here. They've been behaving... weird lately." Sunset answered. Alex looked back after the group. "Are you sure? apart from that rapper-guy, it seemed like pretty normal clique-behaviour to me." "To the outside, maybe, but... Twilight, you felt it too, didn't you? That dark aura that surrounded them?" Twilight had a serious look on her face. Sunset had told her about this dark influx, but she didn't know that it was so strong. She looked over at Alex and started to finally give him some much.needed explaination. "A few weeks ago, Sunset felt dark magic seep into this universe. When she located it, she tried to dissolve it with the help of this world's equivalent of the Elements of Harmony. Sadly, they weren't strong enough and so, she asked me for help. We are hoping that the doubled Power of the Elements would be enough to banish the darkness from those four." "And just in case it doesn't, you brought me along." Alex finished. "Exactly. Even if we are hoping we won't need you, the fact is that this dark magic is strong and if we are unable to reform them, then you would have to..." Twilight didn't finish. Everyone around knew what she would say and everyone except Alex dreaded the thought. "Well, anyways, we should really go and see the others." Sunset finally said and led the group towards the school building and into a room, from where one could hear pop songs being played. She opened the door, revealing five girls playing various instruments, but they abruptly stopped, when their counterparts stepped into the room. The two groups eyed one another for a moment, before happy chatter erupted among the. After all, there really is no one that understands you better than yourself, is there? Meanwhile, Alex seated himself off to the side, trying to grasp what he was seeing. Originally, he had thought that they would just use two rainbow-beams of death, but instead their plan seemed to be to sing the darkness out of them. Great. just great. The rest of the afternoon was spent with countless rehearsals of various pop songs that they were planning on singing this very evening. Then, when said evening came, they went outside, where an open-air stage had magically been built during the few hours they spent with their rehearsals. The crowd was already waiting for the song to start when they got up onto the stage and so, Alex simply placed himself in front of it and pretended to be a security guard. Well, he kind of was a security guard after all. It wasn't long, before the target clique, minus the boy was spotted among the crowd. One would think that after being blasted by the rainbow once or maybe even twice for them, they would have learned to stay away from these concerts, but apparently not. The refrain came and with it the rainbow. It hit them on-point and they were quicklly engulfed in a bright light, which held on as log as the song lasted. when they finished, the glow dissipated and the three girls collapsed. the crowd cheered for the song and the twelve girls on stage cheered for their apparent success. "I must say, that was quite the song you had there." A voice suddenly came from the crowd, before those same three girls suddenly grew wings and floated upwards. "Sadly for you, it won't be enough to defeat us!" The crowd panicked and quickly dissipated, leaving Alex the only one standing before the stage. He hopped over the safety barriers and stood directly in front of the floating sirens. "So... it seems plan A has failed. Now we're off to plan B." "I hope by that you don't mean yourself, do you?" One of the sirens said, before all three of them burst into laughter. "Actually yes, I do." Alex said bluntly. "Oh really? Well, too bad for you. We don't have time to waste on such a maggot." All three of them breathed in deep. Six of the twelve girls on stage shouted 'watch out' to Alex, just before the Sirens let out three streams of fire that were whipping down on Alex. The six that had tried to warn him now stood there in shock, while the other six just stood there, wome with a knowing smirk. Meanwhile, Alex remained standing, seeminglyunfazed by the flames and when the Sirens were finall done, he remained burning. His skin had turned a bright red and his eyes were glowing yellow. He looked upwards and said: "Wrong move, bitches.", before unleashing a dark red and blue flame himself, which the sirens barely managed to shield themselves from. When Alex's flames subsided, the Sirens screeched in anger, knowing that he wouldn't simply let them get to their targets, so he would have to be dealt with first and the fastest way to do that would be up close and personal. Meanwhile, the girls on the stage had finally managed to get out of their shock and Twilight was hopping around them. "Quick, next song, next song!!!" They started the next song, while Alex was fighting off the constant barrage of melee attacks from the three sirens. Though, in all seriousness, Twilight didn't really need to hurry that much. due to him actually being hundrets of times more massive than his opponents, he was easily taking anything they threw at him. One of them came from the front, trying to make a flying kick to his face, but he simply grabbed her leg and threw her away. The next one tried to grab him from behind, but had to notice with shock that she simply wasn't strong enough to lift him up and was then quickly met wit a slap to the face. The third cirled around him a few times, trying to confuse him, before going in and scratching him a few times. However, she, as well, only achieved to slightly ripple his coat, before she was met with a fresh taste of dragon-fist. "Girls, this doesn't seem to be working!" "I know. We need to play our trump!" "Got it!" The three sirens flew up into the sky again, breathing in and after a short while releasing three beams of, seemingly, pure light. This was their gravest mistake thus far. Alex felt the familiar trickle of an odem unlocking itself, and he began to glow from the power he was charged with. For, you have to know: Alex is an Albino Elemental Dragon, who carry grave weakness against dark, but are immune against the light. "What?! How are you still standing?! Your colour is black! Your weakness should be light magic!" One of the sirens lamented. Alex smirked and looked upwards towards them. "Well, let me tell you... that you've been misinformed." At that moment, the song reached its end again and another rainbow shot forth. It hit the three sirens and Alex added a beam of light magic to its power. The same glow appeared again, before the sirens lost their wings and slumped back to the ground, unconscious and slowly breathing. Sunset closed her eyes and after a while, she smirked. "The dark auras are gone! We did it!" She proclaimed. Everyone cheered. Everyone, except Alex. Twilight ran over to him, cheering around him. "Alex, we did it!", but alex remained stoic. "Not quite, I'm afraid. those three were shrouded in darkness, yes, but I don't think they were the source." He said. Twilight stopped her cheering and looked at him quizzically. "Huh? Why'd you think that?" "Well... did you see those beams they shot at me? That was light magic. Problem is that I don't think dark entities can use that by themselves." Twilight and Sunset shared a serious look, before both closed their eyes and scanned for dark auras. However, both found none. "Well, no matter what, there's no darkness anymore, so maybe they weren't fully dark entities yet, but got tainted by themselves? Wouldn't be the first time that happened." Sunset said, rubbing her shoulder guiltily. "Really? Well, I don't claim to know magic, so... maybe I'm the one overthinking things this time around? Ah, doesn't matter. come on, let's get home." Alex said, making his way back to the portal. "So... Twilight, have you told Cadence to move the mirror outside before we get back?" Alex asked her, as they were standing in front of the statue again. Twilight stiffened up and looked sheepishly at Alex. "Ehehehe... ehm, maybe they thought of it themselves?" "Why would it have to be moved?" Sunset asked. "Well, back in our world, I am actually way bigger than this, you know? And now I'm afraid that I will rip half the crystal palace apart when I get back." Sunset formed an 'o' with her mouth. "Well, I guess we just have to try and hope to be lucky." Alex finished and thus, the six girls and one man went through the portal. On the other side, six mares exited the portal shortly after. "Hey, the Palace is still standing, so maybe, Alex came back outside?" Twilight said to her friends, as they looked around them. "Euh, Twilight, I think we have some slight complications." They heard from behind them. They turned around and saw Alex standing there. He was back to being a Dragon. However, he was no longer a giant, but looked somewhat like a male, white version of Ember. "Euuh... well, at least you're back to being a dragooo...." Twilight trailed of, as her eyes wandered downwards and her cheeks flushed bright red. Her friends followed suit shortly after. "What?" Alex asked, before looking down himself, where he found an old companion, long thought to be lost. "Well hello, me lad. Long time no see." > One Problem Solved, Infinite Still To Go. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After they gave me a rather awkward introduction into the concept of a 'sheath', we all seated ourselves in a comfortably furnished room in the crystal castle, to contemplate what we would do next. After all, the giant protector of all of Equestria had now shrunk down to the size of a normal Dragon. "Okay, maybe this isn't as bad as it looks. Maybe we can find a way to revert this?" Twilight said while walking in circles in the middle of the room. "Twi, calm down, yer twilightin' again." Applejack commented. "I know, Applejack, I know. It's just that I don't even know what happened and walking in circles helps me think." "Yeah, I don't know... To me, it just seems like you're running in circles." Rainbow joked. "Oh, har har. Now's not the time for bad jokes, you know?" Twilight said, annoyed. "Hey, I can make jokes whenever I want to! Besides, it seemed like we needed to lighten the mood in here a little." Rainbow and Twilight went on arguing about the time and place to make jokes. Well, actually it was mainly just Twilight lecturing Rainbow, but that's only a fact on the side. I quickly tuned them out anyways and went to have my own little chat with a certain deity, who would certainly know a thing or two that I needed to have explained. Yo, Navi, you there? "Yes." Whoa, hey man, where have you been? I thought you left me when I couldn't reach you back there! "I went to get a cup of coffee. Really needed it." Ah... well, whatever. Yo, Navi, I have a little problem here, can you please help me? "What problem? Do you mean your size?" Yep. "Uh... Yeah... you know, that's... kinda my fault." What? How so? "Do you remember when I brought you into this world and gave you that Dragon body?" Well, yes, why? "Well, euh, I kiiiiiinda was a lazy fuck when I did that." ... Come again? "Do you want the full explaination?" If you don't mind? "Ok, here goes: So, first off, normally every entity in every universe has ONE form and one only. Everything and -one which/who can change their appearance are doing just that, changing their appearance. Think of it as changing your skin in a computergame. Anyways, that applies to everything. Every rock, every tree, every living being, they all have ONE form. They all have. All, except you." Wait, what? "Yeah, you see, you also only had one when I brought you here. However, I didn't change it into a Dragon form like you might believe, but I actually just had this empty Elemental Dragon lying around. I gave it some sick stats, made it albino and slapped it into your list of main forms. When it came to your old form, I was about to remove it, but I thought 'Nah, he can't change his forms anyways and maybe this'll come in handy sometime'. Welp, fast forward to now and your contact with the mirror. You see: normally this mirror just does what the changelings do and changes your outward appearance to that of a human. However, you already had a human form, so the universe just used that, slapped whatever of your abilites it could translate into it and voilá. That's why you looked like your old self over there." Ah. Certainly explains some things. "Yeah. However, there were a few more things going on. You see: every universe keeps a checksum of every entity, which, like the name implies, is the sum of all of its abilities and attributes. When you went into the mirror universe and your abilites were transferred into your old body, everything except your size was transferred. That's because the size can only ever be changed within a certain range and yours was far beyond that limit. However, it was okay since, like I said, every universe keeps its own checksum, so it translated what it could, created a new cheksum and everything was fine... Until you went back. You see: when you went back, it didn't change your form again, but did the standard procedure of making the texture change. You were listed as an albino elemental dragon? You became an albino elemental dragon. Good, now to the cheksu- ERROR. Yep, your cheksums didn't match, which normally wouldn't have been a problem, since it could easily be corrected by adjusting the corrupt value. However, like I said before, size can only ever be changed within a certain limit and since you were beyond said change limit, the universe did the next most logical thing and dumped your excess points into your lowest stat... Your virility." Wow... To be honest, this all sounds strangely like computer problems to me. "You probably can't even imagine how close that is to the truth. Also, did you know that you didn't make that trip just once?" ... Ok, now you're just pulling my leg. "No, I'm serious. You made that trip like fifty times or so. The problem is that some of your stuff was already improperly translated when you first came here. Then, when you made your second dimensional travel and you had to be translated again, everything just went apeshit. What followed was a long chain of trial and error for me to seek out what went wrong in your essence and correct it. To top it all off, you actually died a few times when that rapper guy slapped you, because your abilities had been wrongly translated. Then, when everything was finally fixed and I saw you NOT die from that punch, I just told myself 'alright, time for a break' and got myself a BIG share of coffee." Whoa... ehm, sorry... "Ah, don't be. Not your fault, after all. Oh and also: since you now have both of your forms activated anyways, I made it so you can change between them. Just think of how you want to be big again or whatever and it will automatically be set as a trigger." Oh really? Thanks man. "You're welcome. Also, you should probably stop zoning out. I think Twilight's trying to get your attention." I stopped zoning out and saw Twilight waving a hoof in front of my face. I smiled sheepishly and said: "eh, sorry, zoned out for a moment." "Yeah, I noticed." Twilight said flatly. "Anyways, what I said earlier: we could probably try to cast a growth spell on you or something, but I can't guarantee that you get back to your old size and shape." "Ah, don't bother, I already know how to get back to my old self." I just said. "Yeah, well, we could als- what?" Twilight spun around and looked at me quizzically. "I said, I already know how to get back. Don't worry about it. But speaking of worry: there's one thing that bothers me: where did that rapper guy go?" I asked. "What do you mean, 'where did he go'? where should he have gone?" Twilight asked back. "Well, Sunset and you said that there was no more darkness around, but you also said that this whole group was tainted, including that guy. I can't remember him showing up at the concert at all, so it's unlikely that he got hit by your rainbow blast. That leaves the question, where that guy went." everyone glanced at each other, trying to find answers in each other's gaze. Finally, when none was found, Applejack spoke up. "Ah, don'tcha worry. Ah'm pretty sure that Sunset can handle 'im." Meanwhile, in a stereotypically dark cave, a yellow stallion was was making his way into its depths. His cutie mark were two golden capital Bs with two vertical bars going through each and he was wearing a brown beanie. His head hung low and he was muttering things to himself, while he steadily marched forward, albeit a little slowly, probably to gain more time to come up with something to say to whoever he would be meeting here. Finally, he reached a large, circular cavern, which was dimly lit by a multitude of torches that were placed around the wall. Or at least the walls were lit. The room itself largely remained dark, especially the middle. He walked on, before he halted on the border between the flickering light and the darkness. "So... I see you have returned." A low, growling voice suddenly pierced the silence. The stallion jerked back a bit when he heard it and looked down even further. "Y-Yes, my master. B-But, I, uh... I don't really have good news." He said, forcing himself not to start rapping. "I know. Have you not listened when I explained your task? You were meant to fail. Now, what can you tell me about his strength?" The stallion slightly lifted his head. "Well, uh it looked like those sirens wre no match for him. They just were slapped down whenever they went in." He jerked back slightly, when he noticed that he accidentally let a rap slip through. However, his master seemed to be in a good mood, since his slip was met with no consequences. "They then tried to blast him with the magic of the light because I think they mistook him for a creature of the night. It didn't do much, not even a light smack and when they were done he just sent their message in full right back. I also tried to punch him myself with my fist, but all it did was hurt myself while he took it like I missed." "Well, what did you expect? His body may have been changed, but he was still a Dragon. Him having light magic now is certainly a nuisance, but nothing that I can't handle." The earth suddenly started to rumble ever so slightly and one could make out a few glints in the darknes, where the light from the torches momentarily reflected from the moving body of the entity. One could not see what exactly it was that was hiding in the dark, but one could easily tell that it was of formidable size. "All in all, the outcome is within acceptable parameters. You know what to do next. Meanwhile, I will go out and have a little snack." The stallion nodded as his master moved past him with heavy, loud steps. All one could see was that suddenly, the light from the torches on the other side was blocked out by something massive moving past. When the light got through again and the loud steps had stopped, one could hear loud flapping sounds, which the slowly faded into the background. When he finally heard the sounds of his master's departure, Big Bang himself started to move. After all, his master had given him a task and he would be an idiot if he were to disappoint him. A few miles away, there lay a small rock farm, inhabited by a loving couple and their two daughters. It was nighttime and everypony was already in bed. that doesn't mean, though, that everypony was also asleep. The last harvest had been a very good one. they earned a lot of money, which they quickly and intelligently invested into more efficient means of farming. Now, as a little celebration for the success, the couple decided to have a little fun tonight. after all, two fillies were good, but a colt would truly be a blessing. Of course, their daughters knew what was going on. They didn't have a choice after all. the walls of their house were rather thin and their mother tended to make her pleasure well known, especially when reaching her climax. A loud, high pitched moan/scream finally indicated the end of the action and the stallion slumped off his wife's back, down onto the mattress. His wife mirrored the movement, falling over so that she would face her husband. Both were heavily panting and the matress under them was stained with the liquids that were to soon become their third foal. They scooted closer to each other and kissed each other passionately. They broke the kiss and continued to stare, both feeling the pleasure of the other and both happy with their lives. Suddenly, the earth was a shaken by a loud rumble. the farmer got up and went to the window to look outside, but he didn't see anything. A series of similar rumbles followed, seemingly coming closer, before they finally stopped. He squinted, thinking that he saw something, but it was simply too dark. Then, finally, he saw a large shape standing directly beside their house, moving what looked like its head upwards, before smashing down into the roof. Screams could be heard, as their daughters's room was exposed. the farmer quickly ran over, but he was too slow. All he could see when he finally reached their room, was a massive, black jaw that grabbed hold of both his daughters, before it yanked backwards, throwing them into the air. They both screamed as they sailed upwards, before making their way back down, directly towards the waiting maw. the farmer could only look in shock, as both of his daughters were devoured by this monster. Meanwhile, it started to move again, to the other side of the house. The sound of cracking wood was heard again and the farmer knew exactly, what that meant. "SILICA!!" he screamed the name of his wife, while running outside, trying to come up with a way to save her. However, similar to his daughters, he could only watch. His wife struggled, tried to get away with her life, while she was held firmly between two glinting rows of sharp teeth. She struggled, she screamed, she cried and begged and then... she went limp. The teeth severed her spine, cutting her clean in two, before the maw closed and both halves were lost forever. The farmer was filled with shock and grief, which soon turned into pure, heated rage. He looked around him and saw his pitchfork leaning against the wall behind him. In a purely rage-filled decision, he picked it up and threw it vaguely to where he guessed the monster was standing. A metallic 'cling' could be heard, followed by a few thuds where the pitchfork hit and bounced off the ground again. Then, there was silence. A light wind picked up, seemingly coming from right in front of him, which was odd since the farm was located in a nearly completely surrounded valley. When he finally realized where that wind came from, it was already too late and the last things he saw, were two glinting rows of sharp teeth, which suddenly appeared from the darkness in front of him. > Taking Friendship and Painting it White > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've got to say, sleeping in the Crystal Empire certainly is a chill experience... literally. I don't know if being small all of a sudden has reduced my cold resistance, but even the thick blankets they have up here had me shiver through the night as if they weren't there at all. "Actually, yes, your smaller size has reduced your heat resistance. Though, that's not because of magic or something, but simply how biology works. You know, bigger size, more internal volume, more cells producing heat and so on." Oh really? Huh, never would have thought. So, immediately when I woke up the next morning, I immediately stormed out and MADE ALEX GREAT AGAIN. Of course, such a process doesn't go unnoticed by the ponies around me, especially since it was a pretty explosive reaction, literally. Turns out, it isn't just a simple 'poof' and everything's all right. In fact, while there was a 'poof', it could be described more as a 'BOOOM', caused by all that air that got shoved out of place when I suddenly regained my size. "WHAT THE BUCK WAS THAT?!" Cadence suddenly screamed from her balcony, likely awakened by my eplosive growth. "Oh, hey, Alex is back to his old size." Twilight remarked as she, too, stepped out onto the balcony, followed by her friends. "Yep. Turns out, all that air has to go somewhere when I do that. Certainly good to know for later. Who knows how many eardrums I would shatter if I did that in the middle of Canterlot. In that moment, a letter appeared directly in front of Twilight, bearing the royal seal. "A letter from Princess Celestia!" Twilight said enthusiastically. She cracked the seal, unrolled the scroll and almost immediately dropped her smile. She red through the letter, her face slowly taking on a look of utter shock, until she finally reached the end. She dropped the scroll from her magic and did the stereotypical 'shock-stare', while her friends were asking her, what had happened. Apparently, there was an incident with a Rock Farm somewhere east of Canterlot, within the Canterlot Mountains. Normally, they would go into a close village every day to buy the day's supplies fresh from one of the stalls. Also, they had scheduled an appointment, where they were to pick up a few farming tools they had bought the day prior. Now, normally one wouldn't think much of it if someone were to be late to something like this. However, these farmers in particular had never deviated from their schedule and appointments even by a minute. Thus, when they didn't show up, the stallion who was to give them their new property went in to investigate... only to never return. On that note, I find it kinda relieving that these kinda... gullible Ponies even thought about calling upon the authorities before they would go in one after another, until no one was left... Well, not that it would have ade a difference, because the complement of five guards that was sent there first was never seen again either. Thus, Celestia drew upon her trump card and sent the Elements of Harmony, who coincidentally also dragged Equestria's official mascot along. Seriously, it's been a year since I was made the Protector and she still hasn't gotten over her habit to send the Elements... "Give her some time. She's been sending the elements for, what, 7 years now? You know what they say, old habits die hard." Yeah, I guess... It's just kinda frustrating to see your work misdirected to someone else, worst of all by the same person who employed me in the first place... We arrived at the rock farm, or at least what was left of it. The roof of the main house was broken in two places, the water tower was burnt to the ground, ironically enough, and the whole area was shrouded in a sickly sweet stench. We walked over to the house and saw a few splotches of blood sticking to the floor and walls and- "AAAAAAAH!" Rarity suddenly screamed and we all ran over to her. She stood a few meters away from the hole that looked like it broke into a girl's room and was staring at the ground, screaming and struggling away from something. And when we got there, we could see why. Apparently, whichever being did this didn't get all of it's prey, as there, on the ground, lay a single leg in a small pool of blood. Judging by the size and shape, it was likely the left foreleg of an adolescent Pony, likely a mare, judging by the room I just saw. While the six were busy emptying their stomachs into the nearby bushes, I walked over to the house again and looked at the holes. I took in every single clue that I could find, including the lack of footprints... well, apart from mine, of course. "No matter how I look at it, the creature that did this has to be at least my size." I announced to the others, who were still getting over the fact that they've just seem a severed limb. "I don't know how you can stay calm like this. We've just found a severed foreleg and you just stand there like it's nothing." Twilight complained. "You seem to forget that I go into the everfree to hunt manticores on a daily basis." I answered flatly. "Also, you will see even more very soon." "H-how so?" Rarity asked anxiously. "Do you smell that?" Everyone took a short whiff, before covering their muzzles and gagging from the smell. "Yes, that sickly sweet smell. That's what a decaying body smells like... and it's coming from that barn over there." I gestured over to a large barn. And seriously, it was large. Large enough to comfortably let me stad in there. At least, that's what I'd guess from the outside. We went over and looked at the building. It seemed to be completely undamaged, apart from a few signs of usage. This was likely where they were storing their Rocks after farming, but now it was apparently used to store something else. I opened the doors with a claw and immediately, we were assaulted by a wave of foulness and rot, but before anyone of us could complain about it, something else came to assault us as well. It looked like four black wyverns, at least from what skin they had left, which wasn't much. They were definitely undead. Now, I would tell you about the epic battle we had, but the truth is that there was none. One simple swipe of my newly learned light magic was enough to let them crumble to peaces, which was slightly disappointing, to say the least. Regardless, we made our way to investigate the barn and as soo as we entered -- or rather, as they entered, while I was just holding my head in -- we were rewarded with a new find... and a new wave of nausea for the poor six mares I brought with me. Well, at least now we know what happened to the five guards and the vendor. Cruel fate for someone who just wanted to sell some goods, I've got to say. The six bodies were all roughly in the same state. half eaten, half rotten. their bones and their armor were the only things that clearly gave away that these were ponies once. "We should... we should get them to their families, so they can bury them." Twilight said, already starting to walk away, but I stopped her. "No, we have to burn them." The others looked at me, shocked. "B-But why? Shouldn't we give their families a chance to see them off?" Twilight asked. "What we have seen just now were undead Wyverns. I don't know where they came from, I don't know how they came to be, I just know that ponies or any living beings for that matter, don't rot that fast. So, it's likely that these beasts have left some kind of disease in them and I don't want you to get infected." Twilight looked away and blushed, likely feeling slightly embarassed that she didn't think of that, as well as feeling flattered because I was worried about her. "You are right... we can't risk an epidemic to spread from our own desire to bury our dead..." Twilight conceded. I immediately went to work, coveing the whole barn in my flame, with some light magic mixed into it. After all, I couldn't be sure that these things hadn't laid eggs somewhere in there.... even if it seemed unlikely given their undead state. After I had made sure that nothing would be left, we made our way to canterlot to give our report. Poor Celestia now has to write six letters to the families of the dead. And yes, six. Even though this is normally only done for fallen guards, she decided that the vendor also deserved to be honoured for his bravery. Meanwhile, I brought the now mentally scarred mares back home, trying to lift their moods and yet achieving nothing. Rainbow flew off when I passed by her cloud house and Pinkie just vanished somewhere between when we left fluttershy's and when I set down at the orchard. Rarity decided to also leave us there, sying that she could use a bit of walking now, to clear her head a little, so that left only one stop: The Castle. I set down right in front of it and lowered my wing, so twilight could comfortably get off. Starlight had evidently heard my arrival and opened the door to welcome her mentor as soon as she left my back. However, she quickly noticed that Twilight definitely wasn't in a good mood. She looked at me and within just this look, we both agreed that we had to do something about this. "Hey Twilight, now that I fit into your Castle, how about you show me your library?" I quickly asked. Twilight immediately perked up as I voiced my interest in her books, while Starlight gave me a puzzled look. "Wait, you fit into the castle? Did I miss something?" "Indeed you did. Watch." I said, before I changed to my smaller size again. Immediately, a loud bang rang out, followed by a sudden strong wind. Yo Navi, is there a way to slow that down? It's kinda painful to the ears always causing a sonic boom when I do that. "Of course. Just imagine yourself actually growing/shrinking into your new size instead of just popping into it." Oh... yeah, that makes sense... "Of course I can give you a tour through the Library!" Twilight chirped, before almost Pinkie-hopping inside. I followed close, saying "Seems like it worked." As I walk past Starlight. Inside, Twilight led me through the hallways, talking about how she had to draw a map during the first few months she lived in here, because she would constantly get lost. Luckily, by now she knew the Castle through and through by now, so we reached the reading room without incident. There, Twilight and I went through every single book in the room. She told me how she got it and why it stood where it stood and so on. Starlight sat on one of the tables meanwhile, trying to blot out the lecture she undoubtedly had already heard thousands of times. Knowing how much Twilight loved her books, I kept the conversation going, even after we were done with the last bookshelf she had. I asked, I told, she did the same and so, slowly the events of the day seemed to lose their hold in her mind, until we both just sat there, each with a book in their claws/hooves and reading. That is, until someone knocked on the door. Starlight got up to see who was there and after a bit of talking with whoever was there, she came back saying: "Hey Twilight, I'm going to help Trixie out a bit. I'll be back in a few hours." "Yeah, see ya then! And don't forget about those Friendship Lessons!" Twilight replied, to which Starlight just rolled her eyes mumbling something, before leaving us. "So... since Spike's doing some stuff with the crusaders, that means we're alone now, huh?" I noticed. Twilight was silent for a moment, before she replied "Yeah, we're... alone." She paused for a moment, apparently thinking about something. "Hey, how about I show you around a bit more?" She suddenly suggested and honestly, I didn't have anything better to do and it obviously made her happy, so I quickly agreed. WARNING: Porn ahead If you're underage, please skip the rest of the chapter. pff, as if anyone would do that... Twilight had a blast. Of course she did. After all, she was asked to show Alex around her book collection! She listed off every book and told him each individual story that she could remember, which were virtually all of them. And to her delight, he actually seemed interested! He even kept the conversation going after she was finished and together, they discused everything from their most favourite books to different authors, until they drifted off to other topics. Of course, she was wondering how Alex had ever even gotten to read a book, given his size, but she decided not to ask, lest she would ruin the mood. Then, somepony knocked on the door and Starlight said that she would be out doing something with Trixie. Twilight didn't care all too much about it, since it was a perfect opportunity for some friendship lessons, but she would have to do that on her own. Starlight left and they went back to reading books, until Alex spoke out what should have been obvious. "So... since Spike's doing some stuff with the crusaders, that means we're alone now, huh?" That was right. They were alone. she was alone with alex. Alex was alone with her. She glanced over to him. He was reading his book, calmly, undisturbed, fully entranced. It was truly satisfying to look at, for her at least. and she knew exactly, what she wanted to do now. "Hey, how about I show you around a bit more?" It was an old plan she had laid out for just something like this to happen and right now seemed like the perfect opportunity to use it. Too perfect even, but perfect nonetheless. She led Alex around, stepping into each room for just long enough to show and explain everything, before leaving them again and though that was the plan she told Alex about, it was not entirely the truth. With every room they entered and left, Twilight could feel her heart beat faster. She felt herself slowly heating up as they marched through the corridors and she subconsciously started swaying her hips and swishing her tail, as they neared their actual destination. "This is my Bedroom." Twilight said with as calm a voice as she could muster. she opened the door with her magic and alex made a step forward. He then looked down at Twilight, apparently asking for permission. Twilight nodded with a smile, barely keeping herself from just pushing him in. He calmly walked in and looked around. Meanwhile, Twilight remained at the door for a moment, but unbeknownst to him, she silently not just closed, but also locked it. Not to trap him inside, mind you, but to make sure that they would be undisturbed, in case Starlight or Spike came back earlier than expected. Alex seemed completely oblivious to what was happening, which was a good thing, since while Twilight was actually stepping through with her plan, she was beginning to doubt he intent. Was she actually going to do this? Would she be able to do this? And most importantly: would she even get an- "Hey Twilight, can you tell me a bit about this personal collection of yours?" ... Opportunity. Alex stood in front of Twilight's personal bookshelf, just about a ponylength away from it andlooking through the rows. Twilight knew, what she had to do now, even though she was beginning to grow anxious. She stepped in front of him and began telling about the books in her shelf in the most calm manner she could muster. Meanwhile, she was debating with herself, if she should really step through with this. After all, she was now only a literal step away from the point of no return. In the end, the decision could only have had one outcome: yes. She made a step backwards and gasped, as she felt her butt press against his crotch. She had crossed the point. Now, it could only go forward. (Quite literally, since Alex was standing behind her.) She started slowly rubbing her ass on his crotch, humming in delight as she felt a pulsing sensation slowly press between her asscheeks. It laid down on her dock, steadily growing with each pulse, before his dick finally laid down on her back with the tip sitting just below her shoulder. "E-Euh... Twilight? what are you doing?" Alex asked hesitantly. Twilight didn't let herself be deterred by this. There was no going back now. She slipped away from under his shaft, momentarily admiring his length and girth, before she reared up on her hind legs and put her forelegs around Alex's neck. She then stepped over his cock with one leg, squeezing it in between her thighs and holding it directly against her already winking and wettening marehood. "D-Do you remember the day we met?" She started to talk. "When you saved us and... and I actually b-bent over for you?" "No! I mean, yeah, I do, but you don't- you don't have to do that! I already tol-" Alex tried to reason, but Twilight interrupted him. "I know it was just a joke, but... Yes, I did it for my friends, but I also felt a bit... excited. It was likely just the heat of the moment, but then you became our friend. I was happy, of course, but there was also this feeling in the back of my head, like some kind of a dull pain. I thought that maybe I had a dragon fetish of some kind, but then what about Spike? I didn't feel the same about him and he is a Dragon too, right? I even bought some magazines just to check and-- and..." Twilight breathed slowly, to calm herself, before continuing. "I didn't find out what it was until after our visit to the mirror universe. When you stepped out and were still the same size as on the other side. At that moment, I felt the pain vanish. The pain that came from the impossibility between us. When the factor that truly divided us suddenly vanished I could finally see what was wrong." Once again, Twilight breathed in, bracing herself for what she was to say next. "I- I.. I..." She struggled. She couldn't bring it over her lips. "I- hnf!" suddenly, she felt her lips be shut. though not by a claw, but by something wet. Something soft and yet slightly rough. She closed her eyes as she gladly embraced the kiss Alex had dragged her into. His arms enclosed her back, pulling closer and holding her there. "So... you accept me?" She asked hopingly as she parted from his lips." "Seeing as you are literally sitting on my dick, don't you think we skipped a bit ahead of that already?" He asked with a slight chuckle. Twilight looked down, seeing that his cock was indeed still caught between her legs. "I-I s-sorry, I..." She stammered, while slowly stepping off his dick. at least, that's what she wanted to do. However, his claws suddenly slid down and grabbed her flanks, slightly, yet firmly pushing her back down onto his shaft, while he assaulted her with yet another, even more passionate kiss. Their tongues entwined and parted inside of their muzzles, while Alex now gently moved Twilight's hips back and forth, rubbing her marehood on his cock. She moaned into her mouth, voicing her approval and pleasure and adding her own movement to the mix. She gasped, as she felt him start to gently knead her flanks. It was a truly blissful feeling, only made better by the rubbing sensation on her clit and the ever ongoing mess their mouths were making. Then, the next step was about to be made. Twilight let out a moan, and a confused squeal, as she sudenly felt herself be lifted upwards. she looked down and saw that Alex's dick was following the motion, righting itself upwards, until it was pointing directly at her underside. He slowly lowered her again, until her entrance touched his tip and she let out a gasp. "WAIT! P-Please... set me down again." He stopped and after a bit of hesitation, he obeyed her, even though his body was telling him to do otherwise. "I- I'm sorry. I got a bit lost in the moment... I think I... better go now." He said downtrodden. However, before he could reach for the door Twilight called out for him again. "Wait, no! That's not what I meant." He turned around to her again and saw that her face had now taken on a bright pink colour and her wings were stiffened in a wing display. Also, she had moved closer to her bed and was now turning towards it. She then laid her chest and forelegs onto the mattress, while she kept her hind legs on the ground and buried her head in the bedsheets. "I just wanted to.. do it ponystyle... for our first." She blushed even harder and buried her face further into the bedsheets, while Alex was walking over to her with a smile. He stood behind her, marveling at her beautiful wings and mane, but most of all he was entranced by her hips and the marvelous marehood they held. He grabbed his shaft and aligned it so that he could push into her depths. Twilight gasped as she felt the tip kiss her tunnel and she instinctively spread her legs to make room. Yet, she felt it prod in, but never quite penetrate, he was just too big or she was just too small. Then, she felt something else. She moaned as she felt a slight burst of pleasure, when Alex used two claws to spread her labia a bit. His dick came again and this time, she actually felt part of it inside her, but only the very end of the tip. Alex gently pushed against her, so that his dick would hols itself straight and her tunnel open. He then gently removed his claws and started to push in. Twilight panted heavily, moaning and gasping and groaning and squaling just from the sensation of him finally pushing into her and even though she had already spread her legs to make room, they were pushed even further apart. It felt like ages until he finally hit her cervix and every second of it was more pleasurable, yet at the same time more exhausting than Twilight had ever imagined. However, it was also painful. Her cunt clearly wasn't made to get spread by a Dragon and that was apart from her being pretty sure that he was bigger than what should physically be possible. "Are you okay?" Alex asked worriedly, after Twilight had made a particularly strained moan. "Y-Yes, I'm okay... just... don't move for a moment... You're bigger than I expected." Of course, hearing that filled Alex with a bit of pride and it involuntarily made his dick grow just another few millimeters. After a bit of controlled breathing and shifting around, Twilight had loosened up enough to fit Alex relatively comfortably. He started to move, slowly at first, to make sure that he didn't hurt her. Twilight, in turn, started to moan in pleasure. Even though it didn't hurt anymore, she was still way too small for him and this resulted in her feeling every knob, every nudge and every vein on his dick when it rubbed along her inner folds. Alex pulled out, slowly and gently, until only his tip was left inside and he came back with the same speed. Every time he left her tight embrace, it would leave an empty feeling, like her pussy was screaming for him to return, which he then slowly did. However, 'slowly' was soon not enough for her anymore. "P-please, do me faster. I want you-- hnnng! -- I want you to rut me!" She moaned and he obeyed. He picked up his pace, sliding out and back in faster and faster, until she could feel him hammering into her cervix. Every slam into her innermost door casued a short burst of pleasure. Every touch to her flank caused a pressure in her crotch to build and she felt like she was about to pop. Then, Alex leaned down onto her and started kissing her neck, causing her to loudly moand in pleasure. It felt like every kiss was directly pressing down on her clit and as he then started massaging her wings as well, the line was finally crossed. Twilight's moans rose in volume until they became screams of pleasure. Her cunt tightened around his dick, as far as that was possible and she squirted all over his dick. Yet, he didn't slow down. He continued hammering into her, drawing out her climax to the point where she would almost faint. She almost collapsed to the ground, her hind legs only being held upright by alex's grip and dick. By now, she was moaning loudly with every thrust. Her head was laying sideways on the bed and her tongue was lolling out of her mouth. However, Alex was far from done. Suddenly, he lifted Twilight up and onto her bed, where he placed her with her head onto her pillow. He himself climbed onto the mattress as well, all the while keeping his dick in and maintaining his hammering. When he was kneeling on her bed, he grabbed her waist and slowly turned her around. Twilight squealed as she felt the dick inside her turn and her face flushed red yet again as she was again facing her mate. "Wh-why -Ahnnn!- Why did you turn -mmm!- me around?" she asked, interrupted by her own moaning from the continuing pleasure she was subjected to. "You know... your ass and back may be very sexy, but it's your cute face that I wanted to see." Twilight covered her face, trying to hide it behind her hooves and failing utterly at it. "N-No, you can't say that!" "Why? Don't you like being cute?" "No, it's because I think I'm- I'm getting close again!" Alex took this as his cue. He picked up his pace, feverently slamming into her, each push eliciting a pleasured moan from her at such a fast pace that she had barely time to breathe. Each slam into her ended with a wet slapping noise adn his balls were slamming into her assole, which only added to her pleasure. "Yes! Rut me! Make me your broodmare!" His dick continued slamming into her cervix, demanding entrance, but being denied every time. Yet, he tried again, pushing harder, pushing faster, pushing with every inch of his being. she could feel his dick start do pulse and throb inside of her and she knew exactly what that meant. He was getting close and so was she. "Cum, Alex! Breed me! Fill me up! Make me yours!" She pleaded, before pulling him down into the most passionate kiss she could ever give. He, in turn, wouldn't leave her waiting for long. With one last push, his tip finally gained entrance into her deepest chamber and the mix from pain and pleasure pushed her over the edge. Alex shot his first load deep into her, easily filling her up with the first spurt, shooting it with a pressure, high enough that Twilight would've flown off if Alex hadn't been holding her. Her womb was filled and excess started to spill. Then, his second shot came and her belly started to bulge slightly. then came his third... adn fourth adn fifth. Each shot was easily enough to fill her whole womb and by now, she was looking like she was about to give birth already. the pressure inside her was building to the point where not even Alex could keep his dick inside her and was pushed out, where another four shots spurted out, covering Twilight's belly, rump and parts of her face in layer after layer of thick Dragon cum. What was left inside her mixed with her own juices and started spilling out from her heavily abused pussy, forming a small puddle right underneath her asshole. When his last shot was spent, Alex laid down beside Twilight, both panting and smiling in bliss. Although, due to his Dragon physique, Alex wasn't even closely as spent as Twilight was. She snuggled up against him, rubbing globs of his own cum into his scales, but he didn't mind. He was just too glad that Twilight was happy. She fell asleep very quickly from her exhaustion and with her fell her locking spell. Immediately as it didn, Starlight entered the room, with a satisfied smirk on her face. "So, I take it she finally confessed to you?" Alex looked over to her and, after getting over the fact that she obviously had been standing there for a while, just met her smile and nodded slightly. Starlight was satisfied with that answer and opted to leave those two alone and instead went to solve another problem she had come across when she heard those two in Twilight's room. Now... where did we keep the cucumbers again? > The Secrets of the Universe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What's a better way to wake up on a comfortable bed the morning after? To wake up on a comfortable bed the morning after, with a soft, cute, purple furball cuddling into your side. That's the bliss I got to enjoy when I woke up that morning and felt Twilight cling to my side, softly mumbling in her sleep. I brought a claw up to her head and began softly petting her, stroking over her ears and along her mane, down to her shoulders where I then reversed the action. She reacted by slightly pushing her head into my palm in her sleep and soflty smiling. It was a truly blissful moment for me and judging by her face, she too was in heaven. She began to stir slightly and a soft, purple shimmer met my eyes as she opened hers. She spotted me and hummed pleasuredly, before her eyes slowly drifted shut again. Suddenly, her eyes burstopen and she recoiled a few centimeters, panting and having a slightly disturbed look on her face. I was looking a ther in worry, as she seemed to recall last night's events. When finally every came back to her, she hid her face behind her hooves and groaned in agony and embarassment. "I- I'm sorry, Alex! I didn't- I don't know- Why did...?" She stammered, muffled by her own hooves. "I don't know what came over me yesterday, I'm sorry! Oh Celestia, I have ruined our relationship! I forced you into doing such things with me and I didn't even think about what you want!" I decided that before she would twilight again, I would have to show her my side of the situation and what better way to do so than with a good old show of affection? Thus, I just pulled her in and gave her a passionate morning-after-kiss. She stiffened up at first, apparently not having expected such an action, but quickly welcomed it by loosening up and leaning in herself. "Twilight, do you really think I would have let last night happen if I didn't want to? I do not regret anything I did or said and to answer your question from yesterday more clearly: Yes, I do accept your feelings." I said as we parted. The reaction was immediate, as her purple face got a pink tint, which she tried to hide by pressing it into the bedsheets below her. She gave a shy glance over to me, before she suddenly stood up. "Right, we shou-whoa!" She almost lost her balance, as her still swollen belly swung underneath her. She looked down and prodded it carefully with a hoof, before looking over to me, trying to hide her amusement behind a deadpan look. "You know, when I said 'fill me up', I didn't quite expect you to literally do that. At least not this much..." I looked at her and smirked. "You better get used to this soon then. After all, in a few months you might look like this again." Twilight looked at me quizzically for a moment, before realization visibly hit her and she blushed and tensed. She turned her head to the side and her ears flopped down against her head. "Alex, I... I'm sorry, but I think there's something about mares that you don't know..." She righted herself again and looked at me. "We... only get pregnant when we are in heat and... that was not the case with me this time and unless your sperm can survive for half a year, I highly doubt that I'm going to be." "Well, in that case, we will just have to try again when you are in heat, right?" I asked. as a reaction, Twilight smiled a little awkwardly, seemingly happy about the idea, but at the same time questioning if she would be ready to be a mother. "Uh, yeah, right, uhm anyway.. Like I said, we shoul- OW!" She whined as she turned to hop off the bed. She then looked down to her belly again and rubbed over it a little, before she chuckled and smirked at something. "Twilight, what's wrong?" I asked in worry, but she only turned to me with half-lidded eyes and a seductive smirk and sat down on her hindquarters, lifting her forelegs up in a T-pose to display her (still swollen) belly. "It seems you were pretty thorough in marking your territory last night..." She said, striking the most sexy pose a girl has ever myde for me... well, and the only one thus far, but hey, you've got to take what you get. Anyways, with her pose, she displayed to me where my 'excess' from last night had gone, as her whole coat from her throat to her lower belly was covered in a layer of dried dragon semen. In a way, it was one of the most satisfying views I had ever gotten, but at the same time it made me feel sorry for her as I could imagine that this wouldn't be all that easy to get out of her fur. But before she would wash it off, I would make sure to take in every inch of this glorious view. The light white tint in her fur, the subtle lines running from her neck to her lower end, past two cute little nubs which were pushed out ever so slightly by the bulge they sat on. A truly sexy view. So sexy in fact, that it almost made me pop a boner right there, but I could (luckily) control myself... a little. Twilight giggled when she saw my obvious strain to keep myself in check and, just to tease me, she rubbed her own nubs with her hooves slowly, in a way that gave me a nearly unobstructed view on the action. I quickly averted my eyes, causing Twilight to giggle again, before she got back up to her hooves and made her way to a second door in the room that likely led into an adjacent bathroom. "Anyways, I better clean myself up before I do anything else. On that note, I should probably also try to get rid of that bulge, lest somepony thinks I'm preg... Oh, what am I saying?! This is the perfect opportunity to research Dragon genetics!" Twilight suddenly changed into mad scientist mode and levitated a set of vials from a shelf, before darting into the bathroom. Meanwhile, I chuckled to myself, having seen quite a lot of similar scenes during the past year. Although, indirectly being the test subject of this one felt a bit... disturbing. Thus, to distract myself a little, I decided that there was more than just my newfound marefriend that needed cleaning. I looked at the bedsheets and saw the massive stain that we had made last night and thus swiftly did what any good boyfriend would do and took off the stained bedsheets and collected them in a pile. However, I did not know where Twilight kept her fresh ones and it gave me a perfect excuse to walk in on her in the shower. When I opened the door, I was immediately hit with a wave of steam and when my vision cleared, my eyes were welcomed with a sight to behold. Before me, there stood Twilight with her wet mane clinging to her coat and her head turned to her own hindquarters, where she was apparently concentrating on something else she was doing. She hadn't noticed me yet and I decided that that could wait, as my eyes drifted down to where she was looking. I saw one of the vials, held within her magical grip, slowly ascend towards her marehood. She braced herself shortly, before she pushed it in, causing herself to moan in some weird pleasure. She then lightly pressed down on her belly, which let a stream of my semen flow into the vial, filling it near instantly. It was an arousing sight... in a very odd way. Out of the corner of her eye, she apparently noticed me watching and, after a short look of surprise, she gave me a seductive smirk and wiggled her butt. "Like what you see?" She asked and I quickly looked away to not get pulled into this any further. When my head was clear again, I asked the question which I originally came in for and left, as soon as I had my answer. I then quickly changed the sheets and hopped into the shower immediately after Twilight, to rid myself of the salty scent that I had noticed on myself. Then, I made ready to start my day. Aaah, and off we go. Well, I hope there won't be any strange situations this time around. Not like the previous 365 days where I thought this. "I can't make any promises, but I can give you some advice. You remember Starlight walking in on you yesterday?" Euh, yes? "Good. Turns out, after seeing you two, she had a little situation herself, right between her hind legs and unless you want to be caught up in another, very sticky situation, I'd advise you steer clear of her room for now." Taking Navi's advice to heart, I took the long route to the staircase, which allowed me to avoid passing Starlight's door on my way outside. I stepped through the door, changed sizes again and walked towards the Everfree. Time to get some Breakfast. A few days later, I found myself on my usual route through the everfree again. All was quiet and peaceful and I allowed my mind to wander. That was, when I remembered something I had wanted to ask Navi ever since we left the Crystal Empire. Yo Navi? "Hm?" Say, when I asked you about what happened after the mirror incident, you said that I was pretty close with my computer analogy. What exactly did you mean with that? "Ah... huh, how to explain, how to explain... Well... Alright, let's start like this: Do you remember that one game from my father's universe: the SimpsTM? You can imagine your whole universe being pretty much like this to me." Ah, I s- wait a moment, your father? Do you mean my old world's god is your father? "Yep. didn't see that one coming, huh?" Yeah, it's quite a surprise... And right now, you are basically a dude sitting in front of a PC and playing some little game? "Well, kinda... you see, I don't need quite the extensive hardware that you have been using. In fact, the universes we create look like bubbles floating around, which we can access and influence simply by touching it. However, like I said before, it behaves similar to a computer, meaning that behind the scenes there are millions of processes running, files being accessed and data being read. The amount of computational power behind all this is far beyond what you may imagine." Yeah... I mean it is logical. After all, our computers can hardly be as strong as yours if your machine currently is strong enough to simulate millions of devices being run at the same time. Although... does it even work that way? I mean you said that it's basically just a bubble... how do you access it anyways? "Access is actually pretty simple, we just kinda meld with it and then have access to everything. And before you ask: yes I know that the christian bible says that you were created to look like my father and to that I can say... kinda. In actuality, you would probably perceive us as some sort of... 'fluidic light' if that makes sense. However, we like to take material forms just because we can and father likes bipedal forms a lot." And I take it you like quadrupeds? "Exactly. I must say, you are taking this awfully well. Not like the ones I told in my father's universe..." Oooh, that sounds like there's a story behind it! Lemme hear! "Euh, yeah, well.. ok. You see: one time me and my father had a little... dispute over how to run our universes. I tried to tell him that my universe is mine and his is his, but in the end that didn't stop him from doing some divine shit in mine. That's how this whole 'Faust' thing got started, which I then tried to fix by ascending Celestia and Luna and advertised them as 'descendants of Faust'. Anyways, I went to have my little vendetta and told a few hundred people how the 'actual' world looked like. Needless to say they all went batshit." Aaaaaah, so that's how the Simulation-theory got started! "Pretty much, yes. Also, I made it so that the day on which I did this was suddenly perceived by everyone as the inofficial prank day and then, to top it all off, I introduced my creation into his in the form of a kids TV series, which was oddly enjoyed not only by its intended group, but also by adults. I swear, his reaction was priceless." Yep, I can imagine... but if you're realy only light, how did you get a cup of coffee? "Umm... You know, 'Coffee' is actually not a substance, but a form of energy. Think of it as an electrical current that you zap yourself with to momentarily get more energy for whatever you were doing, at the expense of feeling drained afterwards because you just spent more energy than you'd normally have. As for why we've introduced it into our universes: it was literally just a matter of 'Eh, why not?'." Pfff, that's the reason? Wow, you really have some serious issues, you know that? "Remember: anything you perceive as an issue has at some point been created either by me or my father." ... True... Somewhere, in a cave beneath the Badlands, a yellow stallion was sneaking through the darkness. The cave was, at first glance, just a regular old hole in the ground, but the stallion knew better. He knew that somewhere at the end of this cave, there would be a room, which was not at all of natural origin. the problem was, where to find it? He searched through every single cavern he came across and knocked against every wall segment that seemed odd in any way. Yet, he found nothing. "Dammit, this cave could really use a few signs! How should I bring my master something that I can't even find?!" With a huff, he leaned against a perfectly ordinary wall that just so happened to be behind him. But as soon as his weight pressed against the stone, the wall shifted and rumbled and with a sudden jolt, the wall swung open, leaving Big Bang to topple over and fall flat onto his snout. "OW! This shit really fuckin' hurts! Whoever did this better prepare for the worst!" He looked around, trying to find his assailant, but found that there was nopony apart from him. He looked around more thoroughly and noticed that he was in a room. A room that looked very not-natural and definitely held some dark magic vibes to it. He cheered internally, as he knew, he had found what he came for. He went further in, going through every nook and cranny in the walls, looking for what his master has sent him for. Though, when the first room yielded no results, he tried applying pressure on the walls around him, as there certainly had to be another adjacent room. Sure enough, one of the walls actually gave in and revealed another room behind it. Said room was largely empty , as if it was never meant to be seen in the first place. An assessment that only got more weight when one saw the only other object in the room. A small pedestal stood in the middle of the room and atop it, there was a ball. A large, glowing ball. It looked like a black dot which had a silvry ring spanning completely around it. What was distrubing about this thing was that one could clearly see the two rings even when one looked at it from the side, as if the two colours were constantly looking directly at you. Big Bang didn't notice any of this. He just knew one thing: He had found what he came for and thus, with a quick swing of his hoof, he grabbed the orb, placed it into his saddlebags and went to leave. However, as soon as he vrossed the last door, the whole cave was shaken by a low rumble. Bang looked left and right to see what caused this and almost froze in place, as he saw a giant rock roll directly towards him. He immediately did the only sensible thing one could do in a situation like this and started running his ass of. He tried diving into smaller caverns off to the side, but every time he did so, the rock would follow. He quickly decided that this was not gonna work, before he could hit a dead end, which would be literal in his sense. His breathing became laboured, his legs started to ache, yet he kept running. Fueled only by Adrenaline, his legs protested against every step he took, but a quick look back to the gaining rock effectively silenced them. Finally, salvation came in the form of a bright light shining through the entrance to the cave. With one final push, Big Bang managed of gain just a last few centemeters of clearance between him and the rock, before he left the cave and the rock became stuck at the entrance. He looked back, dusted himself off and collapsed to the ground. "Damn, this fuckin' cave was tryna bury me! Now spare me with that bullshit and keep it for TV!" In another cave, a few hours later, the same stallion stood before his master, holding the orb out towards him. "Well done, Big Bang. You have proven your worth yet again." The voice of the master boomed through the halls. Big Bang sighed in relief, as he very well knew what would happen if he were to disappoint his master. Yet, even a proper minion like himself couldn't help but ask questions. "Yo master, you complimented me for that orb there and nothing honours me more... but I can't help but wonder, what I actually brought it for?" The master glared down at his minion and in a low, growling voice he said: "If you expect me to give a stereotypical thorough explaination like these idiots Chrysalis and Tirek, then I'm sorry, but you've joined the wrong evil mastermind." He looked back down to the orb and let a sharp-toothed smile grace his lips. "However, I am in a good mood, so I will tell you this: In this orb slumbers full control over something that no Unicorn or Alicorn has truly mastered, although many have tried and even more still try." > Broken Hearts and Broken Bones > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a calm night in Canterlot and Luna's moon stood high in the sky, lending a soft glow to those, who chose to traverse the City's streets at this late hour. Among them were two stallions, who inhabited the higher districts of the capitol and, as it was, these two found themselves engrossed in a lighthearted discussion. "A truly marvelous night sky we have today, isn't it, dear sir Trottenhoof?" "Quite indeed, sir Goldshimmer. Truly a waste that I don't have my telescope with me at such a time!" "Yes, that is truly a shame. We are close to my estate, however, so if we were to make a short detour, I would be able to retrieve mine." "Ah, what a true gentlecolt your are, Goldshimmer. Of course, I will gladly accept your offer." The two nobles turned into an alleyway which, supposedly, was a shortcut to Goldshimmer's mansion. However, none of the two seemed to notice the complete lack of lighting... or guards. "Tell me, Trottenhoof, how is that son of yours doing? I've heard he has married a thestral, but only after their colt was born?" "Yes, sadly that is true, but do not worry, I have taken appropriate action. Although it is a shame for the poor young Fruitbite, bringing a bastard into my family and on top of that hiding him from me for ten whole years cannot be without consequences. Even though it pained me to take such drastic measures after I had wished for a grandchild for so long..." The other noble looked sympathetically over to his friend. "So.. what did you do?" "I... disowned them. And I cut all ties with them. I know it is cruel, Shimmer, but so is the society we live in. At least that way both parties will be spared the disgust the other nobles would undoubtedly show us." "Yes, quite indeed. although it is truly a shame tha-ah..." A sudden tugging sensation brought him off his track and he felt something wet and sticky run down his neck. He brought a hoof up and touched the offending area, before he brought it back to his face. The tip of his hoof now bore a light shimmer, which seemed to shift ever so slightly with every movement he made. "Goldshimmer, what has happened?" Trottenhoof asked in concern over his friend. However, he didn't get an answer. All he got as a reaction was that Goldshimmer suddenly started to sway. His vision became blurry, as he had finally identified the liquid on his hoof. It was blood. His blood. Nausea overcame him and he felt like he had suddenly entered a ship during a storm. the whole world started to shake... or was it him who was shaking? He didn't know and he didn't care. His only concern was that he suddenly felt... tired. As if his very life had become too heavy for him to carry around. All he needed to do was sleep. Yes, sleep. His vision began to narrow and his conciousness began to slip. Without a warning, Goldshimmer suddenly collapsed with his eyes and muzzle still wide open. Trottenhoof darted over to his friend's side and asked what was wrong, but he gt no answer. Not a vocal answer anyways, as the cloud that was blocking the moon's light was now moving away, allowing its soft glow to reach the earth again and what it revealed made Trottenhoof freeze in shock. A red gash ran over the side of his friend's neck. It was barely long enough to notice and seemed quite shallow. However, it seemed to have hit the artery, which had caused him to die of bloodloss in a matter of seconds. And he would not be the only one that night. Trottenhoof saw a shadow swish by him, faster than he could even make out its shape. He looked in the direction it seemingly went, but he couldn't make out anything specific. Then, he noticed something else. A wet feeling that slowly made its way from his neck. He didn't need to look at it to know what had happened to him. A cold shiver ran through his spine, when the knowledge of his coming death fully set in. He sat down beside his friend. He wanted to beg, to cry, to plead for help... but it would have been in vain, even if he had tried. He was alone in that alleyway. Everypony who would have even tried to help was already sleeping soundly, leaving only those who didn't care and, of course, the culprit himself. His strength faded with every second and so did his vision. He decided to at least die in a somewhat dignified pose and leaned himself against a wall and as his vision slowly faded into black, he spent his last thoughts on his dear grandson. He had never gotten to actually know him and yet, he loved him dearly. Even though he was a shame on the family by noble standarts, Trottenhoof was happy to hear of his existence. He came to wonder about what he did again. Was it the right thing to do? Would his grandson hate him for it? Did he even know him? He could not find peace in these thoughts and he was unable to conclude them either, as his last breaths were taken and his brain ceased all of its functions. When the stallion finally went limp, one could hear ab annoyed sigh and a muttered 'finally' from one of its ends and, if somepony else had been there at that moment, they would have seen a yellow stallion step out of the shadows and smile down on his victims in satisfaction, before he would drag the bodies out of the alley and around the edge. Big Bang opened a lid that led to an old sewer system underneath the city and threw the two bodies down, where they fell onto a pile consisting of his other victims of that night. It were 14 in total. Minor nobles from the upper class disricts of Canterlot, whose vanishing would either not be noticed or not be cared about. Just like his master had ordered him to. The hard part of his job wasn't the killing though, but getting such a pile of bodies out of Canterlot in a timely manner and without being noticed. That was where the old sewer system came in handy. It was built just after the city's founding and thus wasn't yet under the strict ecologic regulations that the new system was built under. As such, it led directly into a cave, through which Bang could easily slip away without being noticed. When he arrived in his master's cave, Bang was panting from exhaustion. Not because he had to flee, mind you, but because even for an earth pony, carrying 14 bodies is a great feat. He dumped them right before his master, who was meanwhile examining the orb Bang had retrieved for him the last time around. "Yo master, it's me! The Big B - A - N - G!" The master looked over to his minion and to the task he had finally fulfilled. "Good. The plan is coming along nicely. I have managed to gain access to this orbs power and with it, I can finally begin building my army." Big Bang tilted his head slightly at what his master had just said. "Didn't you say that stereotypes don't fit? 'Cause a stereotype is exactly what you just did! Also: why do we steal ponies in the night? Wouldn't other species be much better in a fight?" The master covered his snout with a claw in surprise over himself, before he regained himself and answered Bang's other question. "We can't just create from nothing, we need bodies we can use and unless you have a dead dragon or something laying around, I will have to make do with those ponies here as a test run." "Well, I don't have a dragon body layin' 'round... but I know where there's a skeleton underground." Big Bang stated. For a moment, there was silence in the cave, before a low growling could be heard. It wasn't threatening, but actually quite the opposite, sounded... satisfied. Out of the darkness, two rows of teeth formed a wide grin, before the master growled: "Your worth for my cause is rising by the second. Lead me to that skeleton." "Oh isn't this exciting, Rainbow?! A real Dragon Skeleton!!" Starlight squee'd happily. "Yeah yeah, real exciting, woohoo... I swear, you and Twilight are hanging around too much..." Rainbow said in annoyance. Starlight and Twilight had found an ancient Dragon Skeleton in the Everfree during a friendship problem and they wanted to definitely go and analyze it. Unfortunately though, Twilight got caught up in massive amounts of Paperwork, due to the princesses slowly acclimating her to the duties of an actual princess. Not that she isn't an actual princess, of course... And where does Rainbow fit into that story, I hear you ask? Well, she was just unfortunate enough to knowck at the castle's door at the wrong time and got dragged along. "Also, why do you get so worked up about a Dragon Skeleton? And why do we have to do that at NIGHT?! If you want to research Dragons so badly, then you could just ask Alex! I'm sure he'd happily give Twilight a scale or something if you'd just ask." "Yeah... and maybe even more..." Starlight mused a bit flustered. "What was that?" "Oh, nothing! Not a thing! Nothing at all!" She quickly pushed onwards to avoid being questioned about topics that she rather would not talk about, especially since Twilight had asked her to keep it to herself for now. A few minutes later, they finally arrived at the site, where they had found the skeleton. well, at least a part of it. What they had found was the tip of the tail which was poking out of the ground, while the rest of it was still underground. Now, however, they were greeted not by the sight of a bony tail sticking out of the ground, but by a massive hole which they almost fell into. "Euh, is that supposed to be like this?" Rainbow asked. "No... last time I checked, this thing was just a normal clearing, except for the tail sticking out of the ground... right over there where that hole ends... hehehe..." Starlight laughed nervously and made a few steps back. "Yeah.. hehehe... you don't think that thing just... came alive and walked off, right? I mean... that's not *gulp* possible..." Rainbow mused aloud. "A-Are you scared, Rainbow D-Dash?" Starlight tried to sound daring, but her stutter mader her fail utterly at it. "Heh, me? sc-scared? N-No way!" Rainbow said, before she looked down into the hole again, where she could barely make out the outlines of where the skeleton once sat. "Yeah, um... nothingheregottagobye!" She wanted to dash off to somewhere-except-here, but instead of disappearing in a cloud of dust, she just momentarily disappeared, before she slumped down to the ground with her belly facing upwards and her mouth and eyes wide open. "R-Rainbow? Whats wroo-oooong..." Starlight trailed off as she followed her view and her eyes confirmed that she did not hit a tree... Two yellow orbs hung over them, attached to a body that was easily as large as that of Alex and these two orbs contained two black slits... which were pointed directly at them. "OH BUCK!" Rainbow exclaimed, before taking to the air. Starlight tried to quickly cast a shield against an incoming flame... but there was no flame. Instead, she found herself grabbed by one of the beasts mighty claws and was now moving towards its open maw. "RAINBOOOW HELP!!" She panicked. Rainbow turned around and saw her friend in danger. Immediately and without thinking, she sped back and slammed into the Dragon's snout, eliciting a pained roar from him. She didn't have time to celebrate though, as she was hit with the claw that held starlight, which flung her a decent distance away. She recovered in mid-air and wanted to fly back into action. However, before she could do so, she was hit by Starlight, who had been thrown at her by the Dragon. Both mares hit the ground, Rainbow being the one who took the brunt of the impact. They rolled for a while, before they stopped in a heap of hooves and fur. Rainbow freed herself and stood back up and Starlight did the same. Rainbow's whole body ached. Her wings were sore and so was every other muscle in her body. Yet, she tried to stay upright. After all, she had to defend her friend, although in reality, she was in no place to even attempt doing so. They looked up and found that the Dragon was standing directly before them, with predatory glee shimmering in its eyes. The gaze pierced right through Rainbow's soul. Her primal instincts were telling her to run, like the prey she was. Yet, she couldn't move. Every muscle in her body was frozen in fear. Every muscle, but one. She felt a warm trickle run down her inner thighs and she knew exactly what that meant. Rainbow Dash, the most fearless and awesome Pony in all of Equestria... has wet herself. She would have been ashamed of even just thinking that this could happen to her, but frankly, this situation was definitely an exception to that Rule. She knew exactly, how Rarity and Twilight must have felt that one day on the Dragon Islands. The Dragon inhaled deeply and Rainbow could see the flames rising up its throat, as it jerked its head forward again and spat. However, the flames never reached them. Instead, their ears were assaulted by a sudden wave of pressure, before they found themselves shielded behind another set of claws, which were shimmering in a brilliant white. "Just like on the Dragon Islands..." Rainbow thought to herself, before she tipped over and lost consciousness. When I went to bed the day before, I definitely did not expect to wake up before sunrise. Yet, exactly that was the case, as I found myself face to face again with a little colt I knew all-too well. Ever since we met the first time, Fruitbite has been visiting me almost regularly during the late hours. When I asked him, if he couldn't just come during the day, he simply said that then, he was occupied with school and friends and besides, Thestrals are apparently nocturnal anyways. Well, I mean it makes sense with them looking like bats 'n stuff. And so, I found myself awake at night again, with another petting session for our soon-to-be Lunar Guard. "So, how does it feel spending the night with a young colt instead of Twilight Sparkle?" Oh come on, dude, you make me sound like a pedophile! "Yeah, sorry, just wanted to tease you a little. For real though, you've been banging an actual princess. That's definitely something to brag about." Pff, yeah, maybe, but firstly, apart form you I don't have any friends I could brag to... at least none that wouldn't slap or blast me for it... and secondly, you know that Twilight wants to keep it low for now, before she tells her friends. "Yeah, I know. It's actually a bit confusing for me, how she first came at you like there's no tomorrow and now she is trying to keep it quiet... and that's coming from the 'almighty creator' of this universe." Suddenly, the forest was shaken by a loud roar. A draconic sounding roar. I immediately stood up and wanted to go do my job, but there was something else, or rather somepony else, whom I had to deal with first. "Fruitbite, go home. It's probably going to get flamey in a few moments." I told the young colt. "Aww, but I want to come too!" He whined. "No, that's too dangerous. You need to get home now anyways, or do you want your mom to find out that you've snuck out again?" Fruitbite's head sunk in deafeat. He turned around and left the clearing where I had taken up camp for the night. Meanwhile, I made haste to get to the source of the roar, which wasn't all too hard, since I could already see the draconesque shape of my opponent from a good distance away, but what was that thing flying away from him? Obviously it was something the Dragon wasn't all too fond off, as I could see it throw something else directly at that flying object. They collided in mid-air, causing them both to fall down to the ground, while the Dragon set off to move to their impact point. Just before I reached them, I saw the Dragon jerk its head backwards and inhale deeply and I had barely enough time to identify the two objects as Starlight and Rainbow Dash, before the other Dragon started spouting flames. In a split-second reation, I slammed my claw down over them, protecting them from the incoming onslaught of flames and absorbing them into myself. What followed was the classing colour change and fire starting all over my back, illuminating the clearing we found ourselves in. Navi, what can you tell me about this guy? "He's an Elemental Dragon, so he basically has mostly the same abilities as you have, except he doesn't hav a light affinity and he can't absorb odems... Altough something seems off about him." What do you mean 'off'? "I don't know why, but while his Skeleton is definitely draconic, his skin, flesh and soul are not." What's that supposed to mean?! "I don't know, that's what I'm trying to-- WATCH OUT!" The Dragon made use of our little conversation and snapped out at me. I barely evaded its teeth, albeit it made me wonder if it wasn't realizing that I was literally burning, or if it just didn't care. Anyways, I decided that I better make good use of my absorbed flame and used all four of my glands to fire one single high-powered jet of heat directly towards the assailant. However, he managed to bring his wings up in the last moment, using them like giant shields to protect himself. "Like you didn't use them in the same way, like a thousand times by now..." Oh, shut up. Seeing as my attack had gone wasted, I decided to leave him no time to recover and immerdiately went onto him with my forelegs. We both exchanged blows and bites, but since we were physically almost the same, none of us could really get the upper... claw. At least, until through a lucky strike, I managed to latch onto his neck. He tried to get me off, by punching and scratching me over and over again, but I had secured my spot and I was not all too keen on letting go. Instead, I started pressing down harder and harder, until with a sudden jolt and a satisfying crack, I knew that I had struck home. I let go of the dead Dragon's neck and turned around to look after the two mares. At least I thought that he was dead. Though, that minor fallacy was soon cleared up, as I heard growling and stomping before me yet again. Whoa, what the fuck?! I just severed his spine, how is that possible?! "Ok, you remember how I said 'almighty creator'? Yeah, I take that back, because I don't have a clue what's going on. It's like that thing just needed a system reboot and it was all good to go again." The other Dragon stood before me and we went into a staring contest. I knew it was ready to fight, but the problem was that I was not. Truth be told, the fight before in addition to my lack of sleep was already tiring me out and I was certain that I couldn't win a second time like this. That was, when I heard something rustle through the bushes and call out my name. "Hello, mister Alex?" Fruitbite called out, before jumping out of a bush. Navi, didn't I tell him to go home? "Yes, you did." Then why is he here now?! "I don't know, I don't understand children anyways." Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one to take note of Fruitbite. The other Dragon apparently decided that he was a welcome appetizer for the moment and ran towards him. "FRUITBITE, WATCH OUT!!" I called out, with unexpected results. The Dragon skidded to a halt, with his muzzle just before the little colt. He, in turn, was just looking on with an unimpressed blankness on his features. "Fruit...Bite?" The Dragon suddenly said. "Euh, yeah, that's me. Hello, mister Dragon." Fruitbite answered. "Fruit... Bite." The Dragon repeated and I could swear I saw a smile on his face and tears slowly run down his cheeks. However, that quickly became unimportant, as it suddenly let out an infernal roar. It jerked its head back and flung itself all over the place in a display of what seemed to be pure and utter pain. Holy shit, what's going on?! "I don't know (again), but his sould just suddenly started to literally tear itself apart!" Just when Navi had said that, the dragons suddenly started burning from tail to snout. His screams grew louder, as his flesh was slowly turning into ashes, until just his skeleton was left, which then fell to the ground and broke into thousands of pieces. "Well that was weird..." Fruitbite said in a matter-of-fact way that actually made me wonder, who of us two was the badass Dragon and who just a little colt. However, that reminded me that there were two other ponies that I should probably be worried about now. So, I quickly turned around and saw Starlight sit beside an unconscious Rainbow Dash, applying some kind of magic to her, likely to heal her wounds a little. "How's she doing?" I asked as I approached. "Good enough, I'd say. I mean, I'm no doctor, but I can't see any open wounds or broken bones. I think she's just tired. And she probably has had the shock of her life..." Starlight assessed and pointed towards a small puddle slightly offset from Rainbow's behind. "Ah... So, I better take her to a doctor then, lest there is something more serious that we can't see right now." "Ahhhh... about that... You know, Rainbow doesn't like the hospital very much and our local clinic doesn't do nightshifts on sundays anymore, sooo that'll probably have to wait until tomorrow." Starlight said sheepishly. I simply rolled my eyes at that. "Ok, then I'll just bring her home. It's not like you can fly up there anyways. Oh and speaking of home: can you please make sure that the little one over there actually arrives at his, this time around?" I asked her and gestured over to Fruitbite. Starlight nodded and left the clearing together with the little thestral, while I took the still unconscious Rainbow into my claw and flew off. Just before reaching her house, I shifted into my smaller form, slowly this time. I then landed on her doormat and wondered for a moment, why I was even able to stand on the clouds. "Because you were too stupid to just use the window the last twenty times and I am just too nice to let you just stay dead." How did I die? I do have wings in this form! "Yeah, but they're too small and they're not oriented in the correct way to properly lift you up and keep you in the air. Also, they're not placed over your center of mass, so even if they were big enough, you'd just continuously fly loop-the-loops." With that minor physics lesson out of the way, I entered the Cloudominium and I've got to say, it looked absolutely gorgeous inside. In fact, I could swear the foyer would be large enough to enter even in my large form. I didn't want to push my luck though, so I didn't test my thesis. I made my way up the stairs into Rainbow's bedroom and set her down on her matress. She bounced slightly on it when I let her fall, before she settled down and I pulled the covers over her. I watched her sleep peacefully for a while, like the pervert I am, before turning around and making my way ou- Suddenly, I felt something grab my claw. I looked back and saw that, in her sleep, Rainbow had grabbed my claw (don't ask me, how that's possible) and was now holding onto me, mumbling something in her sleep. Honestly, from the awesome flier I know, I would've never thought to one day see something as adorable as this. I looked outside and saw the moon high in the sky. I looked at a clock that hung from the wall and saw that it was about midnight now. Sighing to myself and knowing that I would probably regret this in the morning, I gently pushed Rainbow aside to make room, before I, too, slipped into the covers of her bed. Yep, definitely not a creepy pervert. Warning: Porn ahead! To all of you who are jumping of their chairs now and are cheering that they called it, yeah, you did, now shut up and ready your dicks/cunts, it's fap time! Oh, and also the obligatory: If you're underage, please skip the remainder of this chapter. Thank you Alex lay beside Rainbow in her bed. Still and tense, not moving a muscle. He was trying to sleep for two hours straight now, but it seemed that trying to sleep only made him more awake. He decided to calm himself a little. He just needed to relax and to calm down. And it actually seemed to work! He actually felt himself slowly drifting away from the real world and transit into the dreamscape. Until he felt a slight tug on his chest, followed by slight squeezing and finished by some additional weight suddenly being placed on his chest and belly. He opened his eyes and looked to his left. The bed was empty. He looked to his belly and saw that Rainbow had apparently rolled up onto his belly in her sleep, however that was possbile. She was facing him with her belly down onto his. She was snoring lightly and seemed fast asleep. Not a problem, he would just need to lift her up and- did she just move? Sure enough, in time with her breathing, her hindquarters and tail were moving as well... adn that was a problem. She was currently rubbing herself on his sheath, which of course caused a totally natural reaction, made only worse by her cuteness and defenselessness. His dick freed itself from its confines and slowly rose to its full length. In doing so, it brushed past her lower lips, slowly rubbing up along her clit, over to her tunnel's entrance, where it stayed with the tip barely prodding inside. Rainbow moaned from the sensation, but seemed to stay asleep for now... but then she started to move. Her hindquarters started to lower themselves on their own, slowly pressing down onto Alex's dick. Yet, the draconic appendage was just far too big to be inserted without additional help. Help, that alex gladly provided. He used two of his claws again, to spread her folds, before slowly pressing his dick inside her again. Her legs were spread and the sleeping Rainbow Dash was now panting heavily, as if she was going into labor. Yet, Alex didn't pause. He brought his claws up to her flanks to apply additional pressure onto her flanks and slowly, he managed to sink his pole into her. Until suddenly, with a jolt, all resistance was lost and he hilted himself in her within just a millisecond. Rainbow shot awake and screamed in surprise. She looked around, trying to find her bearings, but i was too dark to see anything. "Where am I? Am I dreaming?" She asked aloud. Then, her memories of the Dragon came back. "Am I... Am I dead?" She looked down below her and saw... something lying beneath her, that exended forwards, to something that seemed like a head. "Are- are you the D-Devil?" She asked fearfully, slowly retreating herself from the figure she saw before herself. Of course, this only caused Alex's dick to sink deeper inside her, which she quickly noticed with a loud moan. A feeling of fullness overcame her and she looked downwards, where she saw that her hips were unnaturally stretched and that her belly was bulging slightly from what was inside her. "Eh, Mister D-devil? Why is your... d-dick inside me?" She asked, not knowing if she actually wanted to know the answer. By that point, Alex was beyond caring. Rainbow had identified him as the devil raping her, so why not go along with it? "Rainbow Dash." He said in the lowest voice he could make, which was VERY deep, given that he was a Dragon. "You have been the Element of Loyalty in your lifetime and have saved Equestria thousands of tims. Yet, your sins outweigh your exploits by far. You aren't even fit for the most severe punishments our hell has to offer and thus, another method had to be found to bring you to justice." "A-And... what would that be?" She asked fearfully. She tried to shift in place, but that only caused the dick inside her to rub into her folds even more. She had to suppress a moan, which she wasn't sure herself would have been out of pain or out of pleasure. She only knew that even though she wouldn't want to admit it, having such a giant dick inside her and in such a menacing situation was far more arousing than she would have ever thought. Strangely, the knowledge over her own powerlessness only added to her arousal. "You, Rainbow Dash, have been chosen to become the broodmare for the next generation of daemon spawn. Enjoy your coming eternity in hell, broodmare!" Alex finished, before grabbing onto her flanks once again and starting to lift her up. "W-Wait, I don- AH! - I don't want to be a b- NGH! - broodmare!" She protested, moaning and groaning over every inch that left her tight canal. "Silence! Do you really think you have the right to object your fate?!" No matter how much he wanted to deny it, Alex slowly came to like his role as the devil. He continued lifting her up, slowly, agonizingly, until just his tip was left inside her. Then, he let go of her, plunging deep into her in one go. Rainbow squealed. It hurt, being impaled so quickly on something that large and yet, she also felt pleasure. The way the devil was handling her, so utterly disgraceful and barbaric, it somehow managed to amplify what little pleasure she could feel over the pain. The pain... the pain? Where had it gone? She was lifted and unceremoniously dropped over and over again and the pain seemed to lesen with every time, making room for even more pleasure to seep in. Her new master placed her on her hooves and began rocking her back and forth, working her into a rythm of regularly being impaled and pulled off again. Though, now her pussy was starting to act up. Not in a way that she was fighting the intrusion, though, but that she was fighting against the exit. It was as if her own body was betraying her, as she slowly felt that every thrust in was causing more and more pleasure, while every time he pulled out made her feel hollow, made her yearn for that feeling of fullness. "Ah! Ah! Ah! I will - Hng! - never give i-hnn- to this!" Rainbow protested, even though her body was screaming at her that it was all okay. That she actually wanted this. No! It was impossible that she would want something like this, She would never- "Are you sure about that? After all, it has been you alone, who was been pumping her hips all this time." Shocked, she looked back at her own flanks. Sure enough, his claws were not there. She was pumping all on her own and yet... she didn't feel compelled to stop. "Give in to the pleasure, Rainbow Dash. After all, if you're going to be here for all of eternity, you should really relax a little." The devil gave a dark laugh after he finished this sentence. And he was right. She was going to be here for the rest of eternity and her own struggles would only add to the torment. Thus, she made a decision. That she would just give in to the immesurable pleasure that was provided to her. She stopped holding back her moans and she didn't even try to keep her face straight anymore. Her tongue fell out of her mouth and her expression became derpy, as she increased her pumping speed. Slap after wet slap sounded up from her greatly abused lovehole and she was enjoying every millimeter of it. Sometimes, she would even stop her pumping, to instead grind herself on her master's dick. A hot feeling began spreading through her body and in time with it, the dick inside her started to pulse. The devil started meeting her thrusts with his own and she knew exactly, what was to come next. "Ah! Yes! give me your daemonic seed, master! Make me pregnant with a ton of daemons!" "Hehe, you seem eager to get your share, don't you? You are not even a broodmare anymore! You are just a slut!" The devil spat, but to Rainbow, it didn't feel like an insult at all. On the contrary, it actually added to the pleasure. With one last slam, the volcano finally erupted. Hot sperm shot right inot her womb with high pressure, causing her to fly forwards and slam her lips into his, with only a bit more than the tip remaining inside her. However, now that she was face-to-face with the 'devil', she actually came to see, who it actually was that she was allowing inside her and it almost made her angry. However, then the second shot came and with it another wave of pleasure. She was reminded of the pleasure they just shared and couldn't help but think about what they could still do together. And so, she decided to just roll with it. The unintentional lip-slam became a kiss of lust-filled passion, meanhwile her belly was filled more and more with potent dragon cum. Her belly was slowly bulging up, trying to keep everything inside. However, her athletic body and the additional muscle mass around her belly ultimately lowered the amount she could take. After the fourth load, she was full to bursting and the pressure of the spent cum pressed Alex out of her, forcing him to shoot his last six loads up onto her back. When the white shower had ended, Rainbow pulled away from the kiss and laid herself down onto Alex's chest. "That was absolutely awesome. Mister Devil." Rainbow said, pronouncing 'mister devil' in a way so that Alex would immediately understand that he had been found out. "Eh, euh, you knew?" Alex asked nervously. "From the very beginning." Rainbow lied. "And it was the best rut I have ever had." She added in a seductive purr. She looked back, where her pussy was currently leaking a lot of excess cum into Alex's scales and the current form of her belly told her that there was a lot more where that's coming from. "Heh, good thing i'm not in heat with how much you pumped in there..." She said, wiggling her butt to accentuate her point. She then turned her attention back to him and looked him in the eyes. "And nothing of that 'I love you' stuff, okay?" She said sternly, but at the same time, a blush suddenly came to her face and she didn't know why. "It was fun and we can do it more often, but more would be... more would..." Why was she losing her grip? She looked down, unsure of why she was suddenly hiding her blush. "Not-Not now." Not Now? She wanted to tell him that it simply wouldn't work! That she was the awesome Rainbow Dash and she couldn't do mushy stuff. So why couldn't she just tell him 'no'? It was frustrating to think about, so Rainbow just let it be and decided the best course of action was to sleep now. And sleep she did. Still lying on Alex, with her forehooves wrapped around his neck and with her head nestled into his shoulder. And even though she consciously thought this to be an overly mushy position... even the part of her that tried to keep her awesome didn't object. > Bonus: What if? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning: Porn chapter If you're underage please skip this entire chapter. Nothing canon in here anyways. "You remember Starlight walking in on you yesterday?" Euh, yes? "Good. Turns out, after seeing you two, she had a little situation herself, right between her hind legs and unless you want to be caught up in another, very sticky situation, I'd advise you steer clear of her room for now." Pfff, really? I think you're overreacting a bit. I'm sure she isn't that mad. "No, she isn't mad... at least not in the sense you're thinking of." Having muted Navi again, Alex took the shorter way to the exit, which led him directly past Starlight's door. However, already when he was a few doors away from her room, he noticed a strange smell. A smell that somehow seemed to cammnd him... To tell him to make a slight detour to whereever it came from. And coincidentally, that seemed to be where he was headed anywaays... why does it lead into Starlight's room? Huh, maybe Navi actually was right? Better not take any risks and just walk- WHAM The door to Starlight's room flew open and before he could even react to it, Alex was caught in a turquoise aura, which was levitating him through the open door. The slammed shut behind him again. The smell that had tried to lure him in here before was now stronger than he could have ever imagined. It was as if his own mind was rebelling against him, telling him to just give in to the urges it provided. He kept floating into the darkness, until he stopped roughly, where he guessed the middle of the room to be. However, there wasn't just the smell now. He could also hear something. A rhythmic wet schlicking as well as panting that was sounding from right in front of him. His eyes adjusted to the low light conditions and as they did, he could spot a soft, turquoise glow in front of him. It illuminated a small area of what seemed to be a bed and it was engulfing a light blue horn. Said horn was attached to a mare, who was facing away from Alex and bobbed back and forth, panting with the rythm of her movement. Behind her, there was a third turquoise glow engulfing a cucumber, which was continuously thrusting into the mare on the bed. It didn't take long for Alex to identify the mare. Starlight Glimmer was pleasuring herself right in front of him and further than that, she was the one making him watch! She wanted him to see her like this, she wanted him to see her need for something to fill her up and Alex couldn't deny that it had an effect on him. His Dragon polearm was already creeping out of its sheath, ready to relieve the need of the mare, that was so obviously displaying her arousal both in scent and in actions. And it was obvious that she hadn't just begun doing this. The cucumber she was using was already coated in a thick layer of her marecum and in the soft glow, one could see that both her pussy and her asshole were spread open, but only her pussy was currently given the attention it so obviously sought. Then, with one last push, Starlight tensed up. She shoved the cucumber in as deep as she could, trying to ride out what seemed to be a mild orgasm. A new layer of her juices was added to the already glistening vegetable, before it was removed from her cunt and unceremoniously plopped onto her nightstand. Starlight turned around and looked at Alex, with a face that clearly displayed her plans. She didn't try to hide it, there was no point. She had already shown him her need, so all that was left was to spring into action. She leapt off her bed and slowly strode towards the dragon, whom she was still levitating in her magic. She didn't look him in the face. There was no need for that. Instead, she kept her eyes constantly on her target. The giant lance that was protruding from his crotch. The very same appendage that her mentor had already thoroughly tested beforehoof. "Euh, Starlight? Are you... okay?" Alex asked hesitantly, although he very well knew what was going on with her. Starlight didn't react at first. Instead, she strode closer to the base of his staff, where she dug her muzzle into his crotch and took a deep sniff of his scent, before taking a long lick along his whole length. "You can't imagine how much I've looked forwards to this... I've been trying to relieve myself ever since I've heard you two going at it yesterday. But no matter how much I did it, it wasn't enough. Everything I could think about were the squeals and screams I heard through the door... and the shrinking dick that I saw when I walked in, which was still bigger than anything a stallion could provide..." Starlight mused in a low, sultry tone. She went back to his crotch, where she took another lick, from his balls along the underside of his shaft, all the way to the top, where she pressed her lips against his tip. She held it there for a moment, suckling on the very end of his cock and softly licking the tiny slit that would soon shoot his seed deep into her. When she found that she had played around enough, she turned around and lowered Alex a bit. At this point, he was feeling like an oversized doll, as he didn't have any control over his movement himself. All he could do was watch, as her magic held him in place, while she impaled herself upon him. slowly, she pressed backwards, her pre-widened and wettened pusy making the effort a little easier, but not at all easy. After only the tip was in, she had to move him with her magic, as her legs were spread too wide to make proper steps anymore. Her inner folds were yearning for him, sucking him in, squeezing him, trying to survey and memorize every inch of his massive drakehood. Every fold that was pushed aside sent a blast of pleasure through Starlight's mind. Every inch that he was pushed further felt to her like two hours with that cucumber and when he finally reached the end, so did she. In a scream of pleasure she came, squirting marecum all over her mate's dick. Her pussy went into rhythmic squeezing, trying to get Alex to shoot his milk into her longing womb, but sadly in vain. Meanwhile, Alex came to note something else. The moment she came, her magic started to flicker and even when her orgasm ended, he wasn't fully engulfed in her aura anymore. He used that to his advantage and lunged forward with his now freed arms and grabbed onto her supple flanks. "Hey! What the-?!" She shouted in surprise, but Alex didn't give her time to react. He used his arms to pump her back and forth on his cock, rubbing his cock hard through her still sensitive little cunt. every pump caused her to squeal and moan in pleasure. She hadn't intended for him to break free, but now that it had happened, she wasn't at all opposed to it. She felt the build up again. The signs of impending release. But she didn't want to come yet! She wanted to draw it out longer!... draw out... With her magic, she pulled him out and off of her, levitating him through the air. Alex gave a confused grunt, as he lost his grip on her flank and a short huff, as he was dropped down onto her bed. Starlight hopped up on him, using her last reserves to re-capture his arms in her magic, before she went to work at his stiff flagpole. She stood over him, slowly walking backwards until she felt it press against her. Then, with the help of her magic, she bent it downand placed it against her entrance. Slowly, she pressed herself onto it again, revelling in the feeling of fullness that once again spread throughout her lower tunnel. She went further and further, until she sat on his lap and his spear was completely lodged inside her. Then, she started moving. up and down, faster and faster and faster and faster yet. She pulled herself off of him, only to impale herself again and ram it into her innermost wall. She panted, she gasped, she moaned and squealed and she kept going. Faster and faster, until the coming release made itself known yet again, but this time, she was very content in letting it come. Her tongue lolled out of hr mouth and she went coss-eyed, as a tsunami of pleasure finally hit her. "C-Cumminggggg!" she screamed. Her body tensed up again and again, her walls sought to squeeze the nectar of life from her partner. And yet again, nothing came. In all her bliss, she didn't notice that her magic had finally failed and that Alex was now on the loose. He grabbed her hooves and in one move, she bought her down onto the mattress, while he lifted himself up above her. Now, she was laying with her back on the matress, belly facing upwards and Alex lodged between her hind legs and towering above her. He was pressing her forelegs onto the mattress, using them to keep hold on his victim. "Aaaah! How... did you?! AH! Ah!" He immediately went to town with her, hammering into her with all his might. "I've finally grown fed up with you spiel! It's time for some payback!" Alex growled, while relentlessly pistoning in and out of her thinly stretched pussy. With every thrust, he hit her cervix and with every pull, he almost turned her inside out. "Ah! I'm sorry! I- HAH!" She moaned. Every thrust he made sent a wave of pleasure through her. He was rough. He was hard. He was exactly what Starlight needed the most right now. A powerful stallion, who would just rut her to the end and even beyond that! Her pussy was leaking juices like crazy, causing wet plaps to resonate throughout the room with each of Alex's thrusts. "Yes, Alex! Rut me! Harder! Deeper!" She moaned. "No. I am not Alex to you anymore. You are just a slut and I am your master! Do you understand?!" He growled. "Y-Yes, mmmmaster! Ah!" Starlight acknowledged, without even thinking about it. By that point, she was beyond thinking and was just going with the pleasure. "Good. Now beg for it you perverted whore!" "Yes! Master, please rut me harder! Destroy my perverted pussy! Make it bleed!" She begged and Alex oblieged, albeit not to the extremes she described herself. He picked up his pace, slamming into her with an eighth of the power that his Dragon body would give, which was already more than any stallion could have mustered! Her cervix gave and he was now slamming directly into the upper wall of her womb. He thrusted, thrusted, thrusted and thrusted more and meanwhile, Starlight was slowly losing whatever senses she had still left. She was moaning like an animal. She thinking like an animal. She was humped like an animal! "Yesh, mashtaah, give it to meeeee!" She squealed. "Huh, you want me to cum? Beg for it!" He commanded. "Mashtaa, pleash! Pleash, fill me wiff your cuhmmm! I want your cumm inshide meeee!" she begged and Alex obeyed. He humped into her, slamming into her walls like a battering ram and making her scream with every thrust. Both of them felt the pressure build and Alex went increased his speed even just a little more, before, with one last slam, his dam broke. His seed rushed out and directly into the back of Starlight's womb, where it bounced off and flew back the way it came. Starlight, in turn, made her pleasure known vocally, as well as physically, as she squirted an equal amount of her marecum into Alex's crotch. Then came the second spurt and her belly bent outwards. Three... four... five... Alex suddenly pulled out and slammed it back inside her, only this time into her ass. Starlight screamed again, in surprise, pain and pleasure at the sime time, as her ass was filled with three further spurts of cum. Starlight was panting heavily. Exhausted from the deed. From the absolutely marvelous bliss that she had been subjected to. The last two spurts were shot all over her bely and face and Starlight absentmindedly licked up what happened to land close to her muzzle. She looked broken. She was broken. Her face was flushed red, her eyes were crossed and her tongue was lolling out. She was twitching at irregular intervals, while both her pussy and ass were leaking cum into her bedsheets. she was on the verge of unconsciousness, barely hanging in there. She noticed the weight being lifted off of her and heard the steps that slowly grew distant. "Fffank you... mashtah~" she forced out, before her consciousness finally slipped. > Zombies... great. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "And you're sure that you really snapped its neck?" Twilight sat in her reading area, flicking through pages of old books, tryiong to find out, what kind of Dragon I had encountered. We came here immediately after we awoke in the morning from our... little adventure. Well, actually I awoke in the morning, and forced Rainbow to come along. Although, honestly, she can be mighty cute when she's groggy. So cute in fact, that I almost gave in to her pleas and let her sleep. "Yes, like I told you. I made sure that I had him in place and then I bit down. I even felt the bones crunch and rub against my theeth as I did so." Twilight and Starlight shivered at the description. Even though they had been present during quite a few of his fights, they've never really overcome the fact that he was a carnivore and things like these were normal for him. "Yeah, right... anyhow, is there anything else that was weird about it? Did it behave weirdly, only walked on three legs or maybe bounced around like Pinkie or something?" Twilight asked, after striking through a few of her listed possibilities. "Well, it did seem to have a conscience of some sort... at least it basically ripped itself apart after seeing Fruitbite..." "Fruitbite? How did that little colt get there?" Twilight asked slightly shocked. "Eh, he was paying me a visit last night, because reasons, and originally, when I heard that roar, I told him to go home. Well, you can see how that turned out." I said in annoyance. "Although I've got to admit that it was only because he didn't listen to me that we got this thing killed, 'cause I was kinda tired already." "Pffff, a little colt rescuing a giant Dragon, Pfwahahaha, that's too good to be true!" Rainbow laughed from her chair. I shot her a short glare. "Need I remind you, who passed out, peeing all over herself? Or who carried you home and put you into bed, only for you to grab my arm and pull me in with you?" Rainbow sputtered, before she shot up into the air and hovered right before him. "Hey! Just so you know, I passed out because I was hurt bad and I was unconcious when I did that other stuff! Also, even if I'd been conscious back then, how should I know that... that..." Her face suddenly flushed red and she quickly looked to the side. She then flew back to her seat, where she crossed her forehooves before her chest and pouted, mumbling something to herself. "Ooo... kay... Wait, 'pulled you in'? How did she manage that? I mean you may be roughly in our size range now, but you still have your old weight, right? How did you even manage to stand on the clouds?" Twilight asked with a suspicous gaze. "Euh, secret Dragon powers?" Alex answered with an uneasy smile "Right..." Twilight said with narrowed eyes. "Anyhow, what about its physique? did anything strike you as odd?" I thought for a moment. Not about what struck me as odd, mind you, but about a way how to tell them. I mean, I couldn't just tell them that literally the god of their world gave me some side onfo, right? "No, you can't! I would really like to avoid refreshing this whole 'Faust' thing. *Shudder* You can't imagine how hard it was getting that out of their system!" Yeah, I know, don't worry. "You saying 'Don't worry' only makes me worry more, you know that?" "Well, there was something with its flesh... it somehow felt like it shouldn't have been there..." I described vaguely. "What, like it was an illusion or something?" Starlight asked. "No, more like it wasn't the flesh of a Dragon. It actually tasted more like... yeah, well, I better not speak any further." Every pony in the room shuddered, when they understood what Alex was implying. They all stared at him for a tense, uneasy moment, before Twilight coughed and broke the silence. "Yeaaah... let's not think about that for now... So, you say that think was an Amalgamation of sorts? That would certainly explain it suddenly falling apart, but that doesn't explain, how it could stand back up after you bit its neck." Twilight started to pace throuhg the Library again, going in circles around the open space in the middle. "Well, maybe it's some kind of undead?" I proposed. "Unlikely. Undead don't usually have that much skin or flesh still on them, because the dark magic makes it rot away. Unless..." Twilight quickly darted over to one of her bookshelves, where she pulled one of the books halfway out of its place. The whole room started to shake and the shelf suddenly began to move to the side, revealing a secret chamber with another, smaller shelf of books. "A secret room? Wow, and here I thought only I had those back in my town." Starlight mused, receiving two very unamused looks from Twilight and Rainbow. "Hehe, yeah, right, not funny..." "Exactly. And yes, I have a secret room in here. After all, I cannot study dark magic without making sure that I am undisturbed." Twilight said. "Wait, dark magic? You study dark magic in here? Butt... uhm, isn't that kinda dangerous? Not that I'm afraid, of course." Rainbow asked insecurely. "Only if I were to fully let those spells consume me. However, since I only ever give them a tiny fraction of what they'd need to fully consume me, I'm perfectly safe. Plus: the spells aren't that powerful that way, so the aftermath is easier to clean up. Still almost burned my whole library with that last one, though..." Twilight explained, while rummaging through one of the shelves, in search for a book. "Also, even if I were to be consumed, the Tree is keeping copies of our memories and minds as backup, in case we get corrupted." "Ah, I s- wait a second, the tree is keeping copies of our memories and minds? As in, it knows what we think?" Rainbow asked uneasily, while covering the top of her head with her hooves. "Umm, that is a very unrefined way of putting it, but yeah, kinda." Twilight answered. "What we like, what we hate, what we thought and did, everything?" Rainbow mildly panicked. "Yyyyeah? Why are you getting so worked up over it?" Twilight seemed more than suspicious by now. "W-worked up? Nahahaha, me, getting worked up? No, I'm not getting worked up." Rainbow defended weakly. "Of course, you're not getting worked up. Definitely not scared of having your darkest fantasies and wildest fetishes discovered, aren't we?" I teased her. "What? Fetishes? Fantasies? Pff, nah, I'm too awesome for mushy stuff like that!" Rainbow proclaimed, getting some shades out of nowhere and putting them on her muzzle. "Of course you are. After all, that would simply be too... devillish for you..." I teased even further, causing her eyes to widen behind her shades and her cheeks to darken. Starlight and Twilight both looked at us with varying levels of confusion and curiosity. "You know, you're acting pretty weird to day... Has something happened between you two?" Starlight asked curiously. "Nope!" Rainbow and I quickly said together, only causing their confused looks to harden. "Right... well, whatever, I found the book that I was looking for. Hold on a second." Twilight said, before quickly burying her nose within the pages of a pretty old looking book. Its cover looked torn in many places and the material looked to be... leather? Well, that was certainly rare... though seeing as it was a book about dark magic, it was hardly surprising. Anyhow, she flicked a few pages, seemingly searching for something, when suddenly her eyes widened and she exclaimed. "Found it!" All attention was on Twilight as she showed us a page with weird-looking texts and a few pictures, most of them showing ponies in various states of decay, as well as a single one that was showing an obviously undead pony on the left, a pony that looked pretty much alive and an equal-sign between them. We all looked in wonder upon the pictures. However, when it came to the actual texts, we all could just stare dumbly. What I first thought to be just a very lousy handwriting, or rather hoofwriting, turned out to be an entirely different language. Twilight noticed our estranged looks, before she turned the page around and blushed slightly in embarassment, apparently having forgotten that none of us can read... whatever language that was. "Eheheh... sorry." She she laughed uncomfortably, before clearing her throat and reading aloud. "Necromancy, Subchapter: The perfect Undead. As you, fellow Necromancer, by have surely noticed, our craft relies heavily on the fine workings of the system. As described in the previous chapter, when raising the dead, we use our magic powers to transfer a dead sould into the state of living. However, when doing so, we can only ever lift part of the sould we have aimed for. That is, why the Undead can only support a fraction of their original body's flesh and they can be destroyed easily. That much you know already. However, in theory, it is possible to pull the whole soul back into the state of life. This would require enormous amounts of energy, not only to lift the soul, but also to trap it in her renewed life. Should this endeavour be successful, then the created Undead would not only possess their original living appearance, but also be capable of most functions of life, including reproduction. Also, they would be virtually invincible, as long as their soul is kept stable." Starlight and I nodded in acknowledgement, while Rainbow had already dozed off after just a few words. Though, there was one thing that was picking on the back of my mind. "What does it mean with 'the system', though?" I asked. "In Necromancy, life and death aren't seen individually, but as states within the same system. Just like matter always seeks to reach a state of minimal energy, so do souls seek to transfer from the high-energy state of life into the low-energy state of death." Twilight explained. "I could've told you too, you know?" Yeah, I know, but if anyone were to ask how I know that then I'm not sure if I could keep you secret for much longer. "Yeah, alright. Thanks by the way. For keeping me secret 'n stuff." "But that's hardly what we were looking for." Twilight suddenly said, ripping me out of my thoughts. "What?" I asked intelligently. "I mean, it clearly states here that it's only possible in theory. That doesn't mean that it's actually possible." Twilight dismissed. "Yet, we have seen something that clearly fits this description." I argued against it. "Well, then you must have seen things the wrong way! Besides, this would be the ultimate worst-case scenario and-" "Twilight!" I interrupted her. I knelt down and grabbed her shoulders, looking directly into her clearly panicking eyes. "I know this is bad, but especially because it is a worst-case scenario, we can't just dismiss it. Just think of what happened at the wedding, when everyone dismissed you and thus almost doomed all of Equestria to be Chrysalis's love-slaves!" "That sounds wrong in way too many ways and you know it." Twilight let her head fall slightly, trying to breathe off her incoming panic-attac, which was already causing her to tremble in my grasp. After a few heavy breaths, her head shot up with a look of determination on her face. "You're right, we cannot take this lightly, we have to act fast. Starlight, I want you to scan the area around Ponyville for any signs of dark magic and immediately tell me, when you find something." Starlight nodded and gallopped out of the room. "Rainbow, you... Rainbow?" Twilight tilted her head in wonder, as she saw her friend sleep in mid-air, her wings flapping automatically to keep her aloft. I couldn't help but take this chance. I charged up just a very minimal lightning odem and then... *bzzt* "AAAAAAH!" Rainbow shot to the ceiling as if she had just been stung by a bee. (Well, what a giant bee I am.) She looked around, trying to find her assailant, before looking down to us and seeing our amused faces. "Ehm, ehehe, umm, I wasn't scared!" she said sheepishly. "Of course you weren't" We both deadpanned. "Anyways, rainbow, I want you to patrol the area in and around Ponyville, in case there are more of these things. Especialy the Everfree Forest!" Twilight commanded. "On it!" Rainbow snapped a salute and flew off, leaving us two alone in the room. Twilight looked over to me, shifting slightly in place, as if she felt uncomfortable, being alone with me now... "So? Any tasks for me?" I asked, snapping her out of whatever thought she was just having. "Ah... n-no, just... two questions." She said, slightly nervous. "First off... what happened between you and Rainbow? Anything you'd want to talk about?" I felt small beads of sweat form behind my scales. Could I really just admit to her that... that I basically cheated on her? Not only that, but even just a few days after we had become a couple? Sorta... On the other hand, I definitely didn't want to lie to her, as I felt that it would just make it all worse than it already was. I'm in some deep shit... "Eh, could be worse." "Well... yeah, something has happened, but... I currently don't want to talk about it. I promise, I will tell you when I'm ready to, but... not now." I said, hoping that she would accept it. "Ok. Just don't get too worked up about it, alright? you know how important you are to me." Twilight answered, shortly followed by her rearing up to give me a short peck on my lips. Phew, crisis averted... for now. "So.. what's your other question?" I asked hesitantly. When i did so, Twilight suddenly tensed up. Her heartrate quickened and her ears were swiveling faster than a radar on overdrive.* She tried to retreat backwards, but my claws were still on her barrel, so she just lightly pushed into them. I knew this behaviour. After all, even if she was intelligent, deep in her core, she was still a prey animal and this were her primal instincts telling her that a predator was near and she had to flee. "Whe-when you didn't want to- to elaborate... It... It tasted like Ponies, didn't it? You know the taste of Ponies, which means that... that you've eaten... Ponies." She started trembling harder, her body apparently revving up its engine to make a mad dash should it need to. I'm in some deep shit... again. "Agreed." Of course, I hadn't eaten any ponies... yet. I didn't want to elaborate, because I was covering for Navi and I thought that they would think it must've been told me by someone, because they trust that I don't eat Ponies. Apparently I was wrong with that one though, seeing as I now held a trembling Twilight in my arms. I must admit, it kinda hurt, but seeing as deep down, they're still prey, I think I kinda understand. Still, even if I understand, I had to come up with something to say. I couldn't just tell her about Navi, now that I'd covered so much for him already, but I also hadn't eaten any ponies whose names I could spill. However, there was a pair of freeloaders, who met a very... fiery end. "Uhm... well... do you remember the FlimFlam brothers?" I implied. As a reaction, Twilight pressed her head into my left shoulder and whimpered slightly. She was breathing heavily and her tremble didn't stop either. "When you... when you look at me, or ponies in general... do you get the urge to... eat us?." "No." I said, although it apparently served little to calm her. "R-really? Not even... a little?" She asked fearfully. I knew I had to do something to calm her, so I went to make my worst mistake that morning. "Well, I've got to admit, having you pressed so tightly against me gives me the urge to eat something else entirely." I said in the most seductive way I could muster. And with that, my attempt to make a turn for the sexy failed utterly. all I had managed with that was that Twilight somehow started trembling even harder than before and tightened her grip around me. "Sorry." I apologized. "I-It's alright. Just..." She paused and took a few laboured breaths, before continuing. "Let's just not talk about this again..." "Agreed. Meanwhile, somewhere in a dark cave, an evil mastermind was sitting in his lair and admiring his work. His black claw softly stroked over the orb the other was holding and his wings twitched ever so slightly, as he felt the surges of power, the orb was emanating. He sat in the middle of the dimly lit main hall of his lair. Before him, there stood about twenty ponies, which had recently found their ends at his assitant's hooves, but were now brought back to un-life with the help of his most valuable treasure. He eyed each of them closely, almost lovingly. Like a father would to his sons. His absolutely beautiful sons. Not in the way of appearances, but in the way that they all followed his every command, no matter how absurd or even dangerous it may be. To them, life was meaningless, as was death. They could not die, but they also weren't truly alive. Just then a yellow stallion of the living sort entered the room and on his back, there was even more material for the new, magnificient army that they were creating. However, something seemed amiss. "These are alot less than in the past. Have you grown incompetent or how do you explain your lacking results?" The master questioned, with a threatening undertone in his voice. "Yo master, please don't speak that voice. And please believe me that I didn't have any choice. The dragon was destroyed and I think they know, so we should really hurry and star up the show!" Bang reported. "Have they now... interesting. While that Dragon was only a test run, I did expect it to last a bit longer... Very well, seeing as this 'Alex' seems to grow in power quicker than I had anticipated, I will use up what we have and then fill up the ranks with a few hundred lesser undead." The master mused. He then turned to his still loyal servant and, for the first time since they have met, seemed to smile warmly down upon him. "Ready yourself, Big Bang, for you will be the stallion to lead our Army to victory." Big Bang just stood there for a moment, shocked over what had just been said. when his master didn't revoke his decision, though, he beamed in glee over his new task. Never before had he imagined, that he would be allowed to serve his master in such an important role and he was determined to fulfill his task, no matter what may come. > Rising Tensions and Internal Release > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A calm breeze flew throgh the valley beneath Canterlot. It was a quiet night and Luna's moon hung full and high in the sky. If one concentrated enough, one could see bats and other nocturnal creatures scramble about, in their hunt for food. However, they were not the only creatures that lived up the otherwise quiet dale below the country's capitol. Or rather, they actually were the only that lived down there. As fort its other inhabitants... they were not just as alive as their animalistic compatriots. Apart from one yellow, living stallion, they were all undead. A horde of magnificent strength, hidden within a few caves, stood ready to make their moves. Their eyes were glowing red in the darkness and rotten flesh hung limply from their animated bones. Only twenty of them had the privilege of holding living flesh and possessing eyes. These twenty were recognized among the horde, as their immediate superiors. How could they not be? They were perfect in all senses. Their flesh undying, their souls relentless and their strength enormous. Every undead would dream to be summoned in such a form. However, there were two individuals, who even these undead would bow their heads to. One was currently standing right before them, a yellow-coated stallion with a brown beanie cap and two black, double-barred Bs as a Cutie Mark. Big Bang was chosen by their summoner to be their leader in the upcoming fight. They were ordered to listen to his every word and fulfill his every command and what kind of strange undead would they be, if they defied the wish of their master? Bang was standing on a small wooden stage just behind the cave's entrance. He looked at his army with a satisfied smile. He was eager to prove his worth to his master. After all, who else would be left for him, after they'd burned down all of the living and left only the dead and undead to roam the lands? Big Bang chuckled at the thought. Even though it was terrifying, he also found it very empowering to know that soon, he and his master would be the last living beings on this Faust-forsaken planet. Then, at some point, he will die as well. Bang didn't know, if his master would just finish his work and kill him as well or allow him to live out his remaining lifetime and frankly, he didn't care all-too much. What he did care about, though, was that upon his death, he wanted to be resurrected as an undead elder. Oh, the undead elder, the absolute pinnacle of necromantic power! Even more perfect than the true undead, the undead elder is capable of not only the incredible feats of a true undead, but even to use necromancy himself, even if they're not a unicorn! On top of that, they are able to recall everything from their previous lives. An abillity, which luckily isn't inherent with the rest of the undead. Big Bang has already uttered his wish to his master, however, it is still purely up to him to decide, if he is truly worthy of such an honor. A calm morning came after an even calmer night. A perfect morning indeed to train those sleep-muscles a bit more than usual. I lay there in the clearing I have since called my home and snore peacefully in a state half-way between slumber and awake. Why I keep this state, I hear you ask? Well, because of what is to happen next. A cloud flies by. Just a normal cloud, nothing more. Totally a natural occurance. Nothing to see up there, totally not a rainbow tail hanging from it or something like that. And totally not- *bzzt* "AAAAAAH!" A rainbow-maned kangaroo hopped off the cloud, as I zapped it with a minor lightningbolt. Honestly, I don't even know, why she's still trying the same stunt every day. I get her almost every time by now and she still keeps trying. Talk about stubborn. "Good morning, Rainbow Dash. Funny how you would fall out of that cloud that just zapped totally by accident." I said, faking surprise. "Yeah, yeah, shut it. You got me again... maybe I'm getting a bit rusty... or maybe I should try another kind of cloud or something..." Or maybe you should try no letting your tail hang off the side when you're trying to prank someone. While she mused, she slowly descended down to my back, where she tested the softer scales. "Well, at least your scales aren't getting rusty, 'cause I really need my nap right now." She said, while nestling in on my back. "Are you really that desperate to get back on top of me?" I teased her. Honestly, I could do this all day, teasing her. Her reactions are just too cute, despite how she's acting normally. "Wh-What?!" She exclaims, giving me the hardest glare she could muster at that moment. "J-Just so you know: I-I didn't give my consent, so you... you basically raped me!" She accused, however, I just couldn't feel threatened by her. "Honestly, it's hard to take you seriously with all that red on your cheeks." I teased even more. Rainbow turned aournd with a huff and crossed her forelegs in front of her chest. "H-Hey, it's not like I actually liked it or something..." Honestly, she's so obvious, if she would say 'baka' right now, I would totally call her a tsundere. "I can arrange for that." "... Baka." Rainbow added. Using god-powers to make ponies say stuff? That's certainly one way to pass the time. "What would Twilight say, if she'd come to know?" Rainbow mumbled. I immediately spin around. "How do you know about that?" "Know about what?" She asks. We both stare at each other, while I slowly come to grasp, that I likely just messed up pretty bad. Rainbow's face slowly contorted into a grin and a devilish glee befell her eyes. "Ohoho, so there's something between you and Twilight and because of that Twilight can't know about what happened between us, huh?" Rainbow concluded, while still keeping her grin. "Listen, Rainbow, I know I made a few mistakes here and there, but please don't tell Twilight..." I plead. "Ok." She said flatly, making me blink for a moment. "What, really?" "Yeah. I won't tell her that you zapped me again. Now, excuse me, I gotta see Twilight and tell her a few other things!" She zoomed of towards the Castle. I tried to grab her, but she was to fast. I made to follow her, stomping throught the Everfree Forest like a stampede, nearly crushing another Pony under my claws... a pony that looked pretty familiar. "H-Howdy, Alex..." Rainbow was speeding towards the castle, eager to tell Twilight what Alex so desperately wanterd her not to know. She didn't know, what exactly had happened between these two and frankly, she didn't care either. All that mattered was her chance to get back at him. She burst through the front door of the castle, almost ripping it off its hinges, before slamming through the door to the map room and shouting. "Hey Twilight, guess what Alex and I- what the buck is that?" Half of the room was occupied by a set of machines, ticking and clacking loudly, as some dials flicked back and forth and two printers printed weird graphs on long rolls of parchment. Twilight was zipping back and forth between thos two scrolls, while Starlight stood beside her and watched two glowing objects that were trapped ion magic forcefields within the machine. One was pure bone and the other seemed to be a foreleg of a... PONY?! "Wha-what's that? Why is there a Pony's foreleg in that machine?!" Rainbow shouted, getting the attention of the other two mares in the room. "Oh, hey Rainbow." Twilight greeted absentmindedly. "Don't worry, it's not from a living Pony. It's from an undead that Starlight had found near Canterlot." Momentarily intrigued, Rainbow glid down towards the two. "Near Canterlot? What was it doing there? How did you even get that leg off of them, I though those buckers were near invincible!" "That's exactly what we're trying to figure out here. Unlike that Dragon you've encountered, this undead simply collapsed upon itself when she hit it with her magic. At least, that's what she told me." "I'm here too, you know?" Starlight complained. "Anyways, I think those graphs here are finished." Twilight walked over to the rolls and looked them over, scrunching her muzzle every now ad then and mumbling to herself. "Interesting..." "Alright, you've told me where that leg comes from, but you didn't tell me, what the buck you are doing here!" Starlight turned from the Graphs back to Rainbow to explain the rest. "Well, you see that bone there? That's from the Dragon. Or, his remains at least. This whole construct here is a machine to detect magical signatures and right now, Twilight is comparing the signature from the Canterlot-undead to the one of the Dragon." Rainbow nodded. She didn't understand all of it, 'cause magic 'n stuff, but at least, she got the part, where they were comparing those two undead and managed to connect the dots. "So, any results yet?" She asked. Twilight momentarily looked up from the scroll she was holding, before lookig back down and skipping back and forth with her eyes. "Yes, actually. They both share certain segments, but the one from the Dragon is longer. that would suggest that the caster's magic advanced quite a bit between these two. The problem with that, however, is that the signature on the dragon seems to be the older one and that would simply be impossible..." Twilightwas thinking hard. there had to be something she was overlooking. Some hidden clue that had yet to found... or something completly obvious that she had completely disregarded because it looked too easy. "Hold on, that looks like... Twilight, those are two different signatures!" Starlight noticed. "Huh?" "Look! The first half of the one from the Dragon looks exactly like the one from the Pony! That would mean that the second half comes from a second caster, or maybe a magical artifact!" Twilight let the info sink in and compared the tho graphs again. Her eyes widened when she saw what she had overlooked. "Holy Celestia, you're right! That means that we are likely facing multiple necromancers at once... Oh, this is bad, this is really bad..." She began pacing again, walking in circles around the map table. Starlight and Rainbow knew the procedure by now, so they patiently waited for the next stage... "Starlight, could you please try to find out, where that undead came from? We need more info." "Alright. I'll be on my way then. Again..." Starlight confirmed and walked out through the door. as soon as she left the room, Twilight turned to Rainbow. "So, Rainbow, what about you and Alex?" "What? Me and Alex? What about us?" Rainbow asked, confused. "When you came here you shouted something about you and Alex, so what did you want to tell me?" "Huh, yeah I did... but what did I want to tell you?" Rainbow had completely forgotten, why she came to the Castle in the first place. WARNING: Porn ahead. If you're underage blah blah blah, you know the drill, let's get to it already! Alex, meanwhile, found himself in a rather... strange situation. It all began, when Applejack suddenly showed up in the Everfree and asked him for help. She said she felt a little sick and thus wanted him to help her with the apple harvest. Sure enough, Alex was ready to help her, even if he'd rather stop Rainbow from spilling the beans to Twilight. However, deep inside his subconscious, he knew that Twilight would have to learn sooner or later and he also knew that he himself would likely try to avoid it forever, so this was likely for the best. He followed Applejack to her orchard, where he changed into his smaller form. Now that he was closer to her height, he could actually see that her face had a light red tint. He immediately asked if she really wanted to get the harvest in like this, but she was stubborn. All she wanted was for him to collect the tubs and the pull the cart to the barn, when it was full. He fulfilled his task withou any complications... if there even was something that one could mess up. Applejack on the other hand seemed... distracted. So distracted in fact, that she missed the trees multiple times, each time landing in a rather... compromising pose, which just so happened to always give Alex a perfect line of sight on her most private parts. He, in turn, would always try to look away, but sometimes just couldn't help but catch a glimpse. Finally, the cart was full and Applejack led him to the Barn, where he was to drop them off. Also, apparently there was something she needed to get, so while Alex was unloading the apples, she was rummaging through the upper levels of the barn. Suddenly, the door slammed shut. Alex tried to open it again, but quickly found that he couldn't do so without completely ripping it apart. Also: what was that scent that suddenly reached his nose? He turned around to find out and gawked at what he saw. Apparently, Applejack had lost her balance when it happened and tripped over a rope, causing her to fall down and entangle herself in said rope, so that now, she was hanging in the middle of the barn, belly facing up and legs stretched to the sides. Her tail was hanging to the ground, giving a perfect, unobstructed view to her swollen, leaking pussy... wait, what? Another wave of that scent reached his nose again, commanding trying to command him to make use of this situation. She was helpless, she couldn't run, she-- NO! Focus! Alex barely managed to push these thoughts away and keep control a while longer. Ok, what first? "Applejack, you need help? come on, i'll get you down there." Alex offered. "N-No!" Applejack answered. "Ok, wait what?" "Ah.. Ah mean..." The red tint on her face had by now become a full-on blush. She was looking to the side, where her stetson had landed after her fall. "Uh, you know... I'm pretty trapped here..." "Yeah, I can see that." "And... no matter how much I struggle, there's no way I could get away from you..." "Wheeeeere are you going with this?" "And even if I'd scream for help, nopony's gonna hear me out 'ere..." Alex slowly understood what Applejack was getting at and he didn't know what to think of it. On one hand, he had just thought about Twilight and how he should really tell her about what happened with him and Rainbow... on the other hand, there was this little voice in the back of his head that was commanding him to take this fertile mare and violate her until she was screaming for him to stop. "I-I... sorry, Applejack, but I thought you brought me here for Applebucking?" Alex managed to say with whatever resolve he had still left. Applejack, meanwhile, was slowly losing her patience. "Yeah, so now come here and buck those apples!" She said, jerking her hips to accent her point. In doing so, she sent a third wave of pheromones directly into Alex nose and this time, they took full effect. His already weakened resolve dissolved almost the instant the scent hit him again and only left a instinct-driven beast behind. Applejack smiled in delight, as she finally saw Alex's erect member pulse out of its sheath, however, this smile quickly turned into a frown of horror, as she noticed how gravely she had underestimated the Dragon. "G-Gosh, yer big..." she almost whispered, as the pheromone-drunk Alex aligned his fleshy spear with her waiting snatch. Her pussy was winking, trying to open itself as much as possible. However, as soon as he touched down on her entrance, she knew that wasn't enough. With a gasp and many laboured breaths, she tried to loosen herself up, to accomodate him better, but regardless, Alex pressed into her much too tight tunnel. She was already way wider than Rainbow or Twilight and on top of that, she was already aroused. Yet, that didn't do much to help her, as she was still stretched out far enough that she could feel her legs spread wide when his shaft went past. Every millimeter gave a gasp, every inch gave a moan. At first, they were of pain, but soon, her heated mind blurred out the unnecessary and what was left was a hormone-filled, dirty pleasure. Finally, she felt him hit her inner wall. She almost screamed upon the impact, but managed to control herself. However, when she looked down upon him, she saw that she was still a good ways away from hilting him completely inside her. Alex seemingly didn't mind though, as he now slowly and agonizingly pulled back out. A feeling of emptiness was left in his wake, which was then suddenly filled again, as he immediately pushed all the way back in. A surprised squeal came from Applejack, but that did little to distract him. He repeated the action, albeit faster this time. Over and over, he repeated the same movements, working himself into a rythm of smashing in and pulling out, pumping into her inner entrance as if he was knocking on a door. Applejack was left to moan and squeal as he went to town with her. The ropes were slowly picking up on the rythm, winging back and forth with every thrust he did and thus adding to the force that Applejack had to endure. Though, 'endure' is hardly a fitting term for the gargantuan amounts of heated pleasure she was getting from this. Her consciousness had long left the scene, leaving only an animal... an animal which needed to be bred. Alex suddenly gripped her barrel, manually swinging her in her ropes, before he lifted her up and pressed her against his chest. She was shoved up and down in his claws, lifting her up from his dick, only to come down with gravity's added force. Her innermost wall was still holding on, but she felt that it was already slightly bulging inwards with every additional thrust. "Hah! Yes, rut me!" she managed to squeal, causing the still hazed Alex to pump even faster and harder. She could feel him start to pulse inside her and her body reacted by squeezing down, meeting the rythm of his throbs. He ssuddenly stopped and turned her around while he was still deep within her. He then set her down on all fours and started straight-up bucking her with all his might. "Yes!" She screamed out in pleasure. His throbs came quicker now and she could feel her body mimick the action. "Cum, Alex! Fill my fertile womb! Buck a foal into me! ahm.. Ahm... Cumminnnnng~!" She squealed at the top of her lungs, as his dam finally broke and her pleas were fulfilled. Alex deposited his seed deep within her womb. However, her earth pony muscles were strong and held her belly taught, which prevented her it from bulging at all. The pressure inside her built and after only two shots, nothing could get in anymore. Applejack collapsed to her side the moment he left her confines, groaning in pleasure as she felt her pussy leak cum over her asscheeks and onto the ground. Meanwhile, Alex was still not done. Six shots flew over her sides, covering her in his white spunk, but for the last two, he had chosen another place. Applejack could only utter a muffled yelp, as he filled her muzzle with the tip of his monstrous dick. Unable to fight back, she had no other choice but to swallow the two last shots, before Alex was finally spent. He pulled his dick out of her muzzle, allowing her head to fall back to the ground, where she now lay panting in overexertion. Meanwhile, the pheromone-infused haze Alex found himself in slowly faded away and the full extent of his actions settled in his mind. However, he felt oddly calm. Sure, he felt guilty that he has done it yet again, but somehow it felt... right. At least until he remembered something that Applejack had screamed in the heat of pleasure. "Wait, 'fertile'? Does that mean that you're..." She nodded. "Heh, but I mean there's no way, since I'm a Dragon and..." "I know it has worked... Ah can feel it." "Pff, yeah sure." "And ah read about Dragon-Pony compatibility in one of Twilight's books..." His fears were confirmed. With the massive load he has deposited within her, there was no way that the impregnation had failed. However, he still felt at peace with it. As if something within him was telling him that everything was just as it was supopsed to be and he should stop worrying. Desperately clinging to everything that may give him comfort now, he embraced that part of his mind, leaving only one last question to be asked: "Do you have a name in mind?" Applejack gave a content smile. She gently stroked her cum-filled belly, before she said a simple, yet fitting name: "Applepunch." > The Swarm (Finale) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had done it again. I had actually done it again. The moment I was freed of the pheromone-infused haze I had been entrapped in, I realized just what a giant dickhead I had become. It had been merely a week since she confessed to me and already, I had cheated on her with not one, but two other mares! What's even worse than that fact alone, was that there was still that voice in the back of my head that was telling me that everything was fine. It was clear to me, I needed help and that help had to come from Twilight. I stood in front of the door to the Library and pondered my next steps. How should I tell her that I cheated on her? Forget that, Rainbow has likely already told her, but how will she react, when I tell her about Applejack? "Oh, I can tell you, she's mad. The moment you open that door, you better be prepared for a fierce battle." Oh shit... really? "Well, no, Twilight's not that bad, but you better get yourself ready, 'cause loyalty is a very big thing in pony relationships." I gulped down my fears and slowly opened the door to the Castle. I was greeted by an empty hallway and to say that I wasn't relieved about that would be a lie. I slowly made my way to the library, being as quiet as my 400+ tons of weight would allow me. I arrived at the double doors that sepearated the hallway from the library. they towered over me like I would nomally tower over the others and for the first time since I arrived here, I felt intimidated. These double doors looked like a gateway straight to hell before my minds eye and I was the one mortal soul, who was stupid enough to risk a glance into the abyss. Slowly, I pushed the doors open and poked my snout inside. "Hello? Twilight?" I called, before I stepped in. Twilight sat in a corner of the library, between two giant piles of books, with one laying open before her and her reading in it with a... smile? Ok, she's in a good mood, so, maybe it isn't all too bad? "Nah, Rainbow just didn't tell her." What? "Yeah, she went in here, blurted something out, before her bird brain got the better of her and she forgot what she was gonna say when they were talking about something else." Yeah, great, back to square one... although, that's likely for the better, if she's going to hear it from me... "Twilight?" I called out a second time. This time, I got her attention. She looked over to me, her smile widening just a bit, as she got up and skipped over to me. "Hey Alex." She greeted happily, before rearng up and giving me a kiss, which only made the guilt inside me burn more than it already did. She noticed the frown I suddenly wore and got back down to her hooves. "Alex, what's wrong?" She asked in concern. I scratched the back of my head, not knowing where to start. "euh, Twilight, there's something I need to tell you... something... happened." Yeah, great start, Alex! Oh man, what am I even doing here? Twilight gasped and held her hooves before her face. "Oh, Celestia, what happened? is somepony hurt? Is somepony... d-dead?" She started hyperventilating, so I quickly waved her off. "No, no, not that bad... well, maybe that bad, but nothing like that..." I sighed and ran a claw over my head scales. "Twilight, I-... a few days ago, I... spend the night... with Rainbow Dash." Twilight looked a bit confused and tilted her head. "That's what so bad? But you already told me that, remember?" I sighed again, as she obviously didn't understand what I was getting at. "Yeah, well, not just like that, Twilight. More like... spend the night, like... we did." She formed an 'o' with her mouth, as she realized what I was getting at adn I looked away from her, to avoid the gaze of pure hatred that was inevitably to come very soon. "And today, just an hour ago, I did the same... with Applejack." Silence ensued. A tense, uncomfortable silence. I still didn't look at her and I was sure, she was glaring daggers into my sould. I didn't know what I should say, but I had to say something... "Look, I-I'm sorry. I didn't want to cheat on you, bu-but there was always this feeling in the back of my head, that everything... had to be this way or something and-" "Oh, that's wonderful!" "Y-Yeah, I know and- wait, what?" I looked over at her again and to say that wasn't expecting her to be beaming at me would be an understatement. "That's absolutely wonderful! Do you know what that means?!" She cheered, leaving me completely dumbfounded. "Uh, no, I-I don't." I answered, almost at a loss for words. "Really? You don't know, what that means?" She asked, becoming more and more like a second Pinkie Pie. Then, suddenly, she went still and closed her eyes, apparently concentrating on something. "Sooo... what does that mean now?" I asked. "Oh, you will see veery soon, but first, we need to wait for a moment." Twilight asked cheerfully, before happily hopping back to her books and continuing to read. Ok, what the fuck? At that moment, I heard Navi cackle and sputter in my head, before he broke out into a laughing fit that would even make Rainbow jealous. Oh, you motherfucker! You knew that she would react this way! "Of course I knew, I 'm a god! It's just that you were working yourself up over it so badly that I just had to ake advantage of it!" Man, I swear, sometimes you're even worse than that jerk, Discord. "Well, duh. Who, do you think, created him?" I rolled my eyes at that state ment and leaned against a wall, waiting for whatever Twilight was waiting for. Suddenly, the door burst open again and Applejack and Rainbow walked in. "Howdy, Twi." Applejack greeted, before looking over to me and blushing slightly. "And, euh... hey, Alex." "Hey, you two. What brings you here?" I greet, just mildly suspicious, that i just so happened to be these two mares to enter right now. "Uh, well, honestly, I just felt that I had to come here fer some reason." "What, you too?!" Rainbow asked in a shout. "It was the same thing with me!" "Oh, wow, that means it's really true!" Twilight chimed in, as she came hopping over like Pinkie Pie would. "Euh, Twilight, what's goin' on here?" Applejack asked nervously. "Oh, one thing at a time Applejack. First things first: congratulations on your pregnancy!" "What?! So you really are pregnant and that wasn't just my mind being stupid? Wo, that's great! That-" Rainbow suddenly stopped, as she noticed that they both apparently knew about the pregnancy without Applejack saying anything about it. She looked over to Twilight and asked, in a slightly panicked tone: "Twilight... what's going on?" Twilight, meanwhile, was still jumping in place like Pinkie would and answered cheerfully: "Oh nothing, just that we're in a heeeheeeerd~! And I~ am~ the alpha mare~!" "Oh. Wow, that's awesome!" Rainbow exlaimed, before she turned around with her forelegs crossed, as she saw the other wo mares smirking at her. "N-Not that I wanted to be in a herd or something." "Of course you didn't." Twilight and Applejack deadpanned. I laughed at their antics, finally having found relief over my constant anxiety from the past few days. "Well, I'm just glad taht you aren't actually mad at me." Twilight suddenly stopped hopping and smiled at me. "Oh, but I am mad at you." Oh shit. She slowly came towards me, never losing that smile of hers, before she reared up and brought her forelegs around my neck for support. "You know, it's normally the privilege of the alpha mare, to be the first one to be pregnant and even though I'm really happy for Applejack, it still stings in the back of my mind, that she's the one to be pregnant first..." She paused for a moment and brought her face closer to mine, until we were touching noses and she was looking at me with half-lidded eyes. "... And you should also know that I won't let you sleep tonight." "Heh, good thing that it's only afternoon..." I said awkwardly. "Oh, but I am the personal student of princess Celestia... A single letter to her can very well change that, you know?" ... Oh shiiiiiiiiit! A few minutes later, Princess Celestia got a letter from her most faithful student, which read: Dear Princess Celestia, Would it be possible for you to lower the sun a few hours earlier today? I need the extra hours for an experiment of mine... Your most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. "Hmm, surely an odd request from Twilight." Celestia mused aloud. "Oh well, it's not like it's the weirdest thing she has asked me yet. That one thing about if I ever had... that experience with a Dragon definitely holds that spot..." A few minutes later, in a cave beneath Canterlot. Big Bang was gallopping through the cave, heaving and panting, but yet not stopping. His master needed to know this. This information had to be delivered as quickly as possible! "Yo, master!" He started, as he reached the large cavern. "The sun has been lowered and outside is now night. Your undead are awake and are ready to fight!" The master looked over to him with an incredulous gaze. "Isn't it a little too early? Have they changed their schedules yet again?" The master pondered for a moment, before shrugging it off. "Oh well, in the end, it will only mean that their end comes earlier. Prepare the armies and climb the walls, when you're ready." Yet a few minutes later, on the walls surrounding Canterlot Night Fire was looking over the valley that lay just a few inches before him. It was quiet, just as it was every night. He wasn't even sure why this post even existed, seeing as no known species could ever climb these walls. Still, he was a loyal guardspony, so he was doing his duty just as he was commanded. He looked over the wall, seeing just the ordinary yet again. Rocks, trees, a few clouds, thousands of strange figures climbing the cliff. He did a double take, as he noticed what he just saw and, sure enough, thousands of little dots could be seen sliwly ascending the rocky cliffs of the mountain. Night Fire froze for a moment, before he remembered the one thing he had to do in such a situation. "SOUND THE ALARM!!!" Back in Ponyville, Twilight was currently dragging Alex in her magic. He was fighting against it as much as he could, but Twilight was extremely powerful, when she was pissed. The fact that Rainbow and Applejack had decided to join in on the fun certainly didn't help things. However, just before they were about to enter Twilight's room, salvation came in the form of a small flash of light and a letter that plopped on Twilight's head. She eagerly opened the letter, but that eagerness faded as soon as she read its contents. Then she just sat there, eyes open in disbelief. "Twilight? What happened?" Rainbow asked after a few moments. Twilight suddenly snapped out of her trance. "Rainbow, get the others, quick!" Without another word said, Rainbow sped off, leaving Applejack, Twiligh and Alex alone in the hallway. "Twi, what happened?" Applejack asked in concern. Twilight' face became dreaded, as she looked over to her friend. "Canterlot is under attack." I was speeding through the night with everything I had. The Elements of Harmony were holding tight onto the scales on my back, while I made haste to arrive in Canterlot as soons as possible. The princesses had told us via letter, that the City was under attack by a horde of Zombies and that they were slowly overwhelming the defenses. The distat City grew nearer and with every meter I closed, I could see more details. The wall that hung over the cliff was completely wrapped in countless undead, while glints of gold were standing atop it and trying to fight them off. I made haste to reach them, quickly dropping in altitude and descending upon the horde with a lance of flame already loaded and ready. I let fire rain upon them, clearing the whole wall with just a single swipe, before setting down within the city's perimeter and dropping off my passengers. "Twilight!" I heard Celestia call. twilight immediately turned to her and gave her a hug. "Princess Celestia! We came as quick as we could. What happened?" She asked. I decided that I had seen scenes in the likes of this too often already and instead went to do my job as protector. Without saying a word, I took off and prepared another fire lance, which I sent directly into the newly coming wave, setting them all ablaze. Burning flesh and loose bones fell down back into the depths, where multiple thousand of them yet seemed to be waiting. However, not for long anymore, as I decided that letting them wait would be very impolite, wouldn't it? I decended upon them, a fire/lightning-mix at the ready, which I blasted direcly into the middle of the group as soon as I arrived. The fire set the center ablaze and I saw the lightning zip through the horde, as one by one the undead fell. However, not all of them seemed to be affected. there were twenty or so more, that seemed to simply shrug it off. Suddenly, I felt something stab between the scales in my left foreleg and with some amazement, I came to notice that there was a yellow stallion with two daggers attached to his hooves running along my claws and slicing into them. I bat him away and refocus my concentration on the undead, when I come to notice even more of these little stings. I look back again and saw with horror that the little bastard was back adn this time, he had brought friends. Twenty or so more stallions and mares were slicing and stabbing between my scales. I tried to shake them off, but they were relentless. "Alex, use your light! These are perfect undead!" I quickly spew out a light odem and, while I unfortunately missed, they quickly ended their attacks in order to evade my beam. Now I knew, what I had to do. Thanks man. "No problem." I got to work, quickly blasting light beam after light beam at these fuckers. However, they were quick as hell. I only got four of them before they managed to evade my attacks. I had to get creative. I missed a few more shots, before I pretended to be spent, while charging another beam of light. The effect was that the remaining seventeen came charging at me again, stabbing and slicing through the thick skin that was protecting my internals. That was when I unleashed my beam... without opening my mouth. I absorbed my own light, causing the energy to spread over the rest of my body and blast the remaining undead. That is, all except one. I still felt stabbing on my tail and with a quick swish, I saw that yellow bastard get flung over. Not letting myself get irritated, I charge another light beam and, with the remaining charge from my last one, I blast him full-force. However, it seemed to have little to no effect on him. "Alex, you idiot, that's not an undead! That's a normal mortal!" What?! Holy shit, that guy's fast. He was already lunging back to me, when I simply just repeated my last trick... only this time with lightning. He zapped himself, dropping to the ground, momentarily paralyzed. I had only charged myself with very little energy, since I thought that this guy might know a thing or two about these zombies. Maybe he even was their caster? However, that thought quickly went out the windo when I saw that he didn't possess a horn. "You are very adept with your blades, little one. Truly, a worthwhile toy. Say, what does a simple mortal like you have to do with such a horde of undead?" I asked as I grabbed him with a claw, holding him tight to avoid letting him escape. The stallion tried to spit into my face, however the blob fell short. I had to suppress my laughter at that, having just witnessed a true failure at badassness. Suddenly, the stallion started to grin like a maniac, as if there was something that I hadn't noticed. "Yo, you gonna kill me and that's totally fine, 'cause all I hadda do was ta gain a little time!" Momentarily amazed to hear the voice of that rapper-bastard from the mirror-verse, I almost didn't notice the shaking earth and the sudden eruption of draconic roars from up in Canterlot. I quickly decided that I had spent enough time playing with my little 'toy', crushing him in my claw before ascending back into the city. Celestia, Luna and the Elements were fighting off another wave of zombies, when the earthquake began. The City shook and trembled, as a hole opened up right in its Center and from it, there rose a pitch-black dragon, that somehow seemed familiar... "Tia?" "Yes, Luna?" "We art just experiencing the biggest deja-vu in all our two thousand years of life." "I know Luna, I know. I feel the same." The two princesses were interrupted, as the dragon let out a guttural roar and went into action. He smashed into buildings, spat fire into the streets and within just a few seconds, the whole city centre was a burning hellscape. Luna and Celestia were frozen in shock, as they saw their little ponies be eaten and burned by the monster. Suddenly, another roar filled the air, just before a white arrow shot into the black lizard. Alex hit the other Dragon directly into the side, causing him to stumble over. But now that they were both there, they saw why that other Dragon seemed so familiar. Apart from the colour scheme, they both looked the same. The two Alicorns were quickly ripped out of their stupor, as Alex was flung off the other Dragon. They went into a brawl, exchanging tastes of their claws and teeth, ripping deep wounds into each other's body. Alex was hit by a swipe of the other's claw, ripping a deep gash into his head, barely past the eye. In turn, Alex bit him into the snout, while simultaneously clawing at his throat and ripping miltiple gashes into it. However, the other Dragon seemed to slowly gain the upper claw. He yanked Alex off his snout and gave him a strong whip with his tail. He was shoved over into a few buildings and stumbled over. The black dragon took advantage of that and quickly went to claw his fallen opponent. However, Celestia and Luna have by now regained their compusure and were joining in on the fight. They both sent lances of concentrated magic flying towards the Dragon. He, in turn, shielded himselffrom their attacks, momentarily giving alex time to take a breath. They circled around him, shooting beams at him from different angles, trying to get through his defenses, but every time, he managed to bring his wings or a claw in to block the attack. Suddenly, the wails of a lost foal pierced though the sounds of the burning City. Luna, who was the more battle-hardened of the two sisters, simply ignored it and continued her assault. Celestia, however, was the more motherly of the two. She immediately whipped around, trying to find the lost foal and momentarily forgetting about her foe. He, in turn, used that moment of distraction and slapped Celestia out of the air. She flew into a wall, hitting the ground beneath, where she remained unmoving. "TIA!!!" I knew my break was over when I saw Celestia get swatted like a fly. Luna went to care for her sister and I found myself yet again face-to-face with my black lookalike. "Well well. now that the minor disturbances are gone, we can finally continue our dance." He suddenly spoke. "Heh, so you can actually speak. I draw my hat in respect." I answered mockingly. "There is no need to fake respect. I have none for you. Long enough have I waited for this day to come. The day on which I can erase all life and make undead reign supreme. And you, my dear counterpart, shall be the first." He breathed in deep and I made myself ready to absorb an odem, when Navi suddenly screamed. "Dark Magic incoming!!" In a split-second-reaction, I countered with a beam of light. the two beams hit, creating a strange orb that seemed to revolve around itself and was slowly shrinking. "RETREAAAT!" I quickly did as Navi said and saw my opponent do the same, just before the ball exploded in a massive shockwave that sent me stumbling even when I was almost half a kilometer away. I roar in pain, as I felt the remainder of the dark energy sizzle over my body, but I was almost relieved to see that my opponent went through the same. Wait, I am his counterpart. That means he is weak against light, isn't he? "Yes, but you are weak against the dark, so watch out. Basically this encounter will end as soon as any one of you gets a full blow in on his opponent." With this new information, I quickly charge a light beam and fire it at the other Dragon. However, he manages to evade and retaliate with a beam of his, which I then evade. this exchange continues on and on. Sometimes, we cause these explosions to happen, when we can't evade, sometimes we destroy a house or two, when our beams are evaded. In the end though, none of us managed to hit the other. Dammit, if only he would hold still for a moment! Be sends another beam of death towards me and I counter with my light. I jump away from the explosion and ponder my next move, as the remaining energy surges through me again. "It's obvious that he won't stay still by himself, but maybe you can make him do so?" Yeah, but- OOOOh, I think, I've got an idea! I send another light beam towards him, which he counters again. I jump away, this time towards the wall where Twilight and her friends are still holding off that undead horde. the explosion comes and we both are momentarily dazed by the remaining energy. A moment which I use to speak to Twilight. "Hey Twilight, can you hit me with a light beam? I have a plan!" Twilight turns around and looks at me quizzically for a moment, before she charges up her horn and sends a light beam my way. I start to glow brightly white from the charge I am getting and I see him prepare a dark energy beam of his own. However, unbeknownst to him, I am secretly blasting my own teeth with lightning. sure, even if I use all of my glands, I would have to blast him more than once to kill him, but... a charged lightning blast will surely suffice as a tazer. "That's ma boy!" Having received a sufficient charge, I lunge towards my opponent and, upon landing I unleash my odem. He does the same and the two beams collide in the middle, creating a giant orb. However, the lightning part remains unaffected, whipping past the orb and hitting the other Dragon head-on. I see him cramp up from the electrical current, just as I make my escape out of the blast zone. the ball compacts more and more and I see in his face the realization that he has lost, just before it all explodes. He was ripped to pieces right before our eyes. The undead collapsed as their master died and fell down into the depths beneath Canterlot. The Dragon himself, meanwhile, no longer resembled one. His bones and flesh were scattered all over the place and his blood was slowly boiling in the heat of the surrounding fires. "Heh, guess Celestia has-" My eyes go wide, as I remember something about a certain Alicorn. "Oh shit, Celestia!" Alex and the six Elements of Harmony are waiting outside a room in the Canterlot Central Hospital. Luna had refused to leave her sister's side, so she was currently in her room together with the best doctor the hospital had. Seconds became minutes and minutes became hours, as the anxious mares waited for news about their ruler. Finally, after what feltt like an eternity to them, the door opened and the doctor stepped out. "How is she? Did it go well?" Twilight immediately asked. The doctor sighed at that and looked at the mare. "I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that she is alive and is no longer in danger." Cheers went through the group, as they hear the news. "However, the bad news is that we had to remover her horn." The cheers died down immediately. "What do you mean 'remove her horn'?!" Twilight asked agitated. The doctor sighed again, before he elaborated. "The base of her horn was cracked, constantly sending pulses of magic energy into her skull. We had to remove it or she would have fried her own brain before the crack could've healed up." Twilight's head sagged and her ears flopped down. "Can we... can we see her? Is she awake?" The doctor nodded. "Yes, she is awake. Princess Luna is already talking to her this very moment. Though, I may ask you to avoid agitating her. She needs to stay calm and rest now." Twilight nodded and the doctor stepped aside, letting the group enter into the princess's room. Luna was sitting by her sister's side and, just as the doctor had said, Celestia was awake. Her horn was no longer there and only a scar, with minor signs of magical healing, was left as a reminder that it was ever there in the first place. Twilight immediately rushed to her side, giving her a hug, as if she needed to test out if she was really there. "Princess, how are you feeling?" Twilight then asked, as she loosened her grip. "I am alive, so much I can tell.... However my new situation will need some getting used to, now that I have become a Pegasus..." Celestia said, trying to lighten the modd a little. "Hey, being a Pegasus is awesome. It's just that you can't... you know... use magic and stuff." Rainbow stated. "Quite indeed, I will have to learn to live without my powers... and speaking of which..." She looked over to Luna, who gave a confirming nod to continue. "It seems that I am no longer fit to rule as princess of the sun." A collective gasp sounded from the group. "WHAT?!" they all shouted in unison. "So, will Princess Luna now be ruling alone?" Twilight asked. The two rulers gave each other a short glance, before Luna shook her head. "Nay. 'Tis true that we possess the power to raise both the moon and the sun, however our rule was always meant to be shared, even when I became nightmare moon and had to be... banished. And especially because of that, we cannot take rule upon ourselves. Not after what had happened." A short moment of silence ensued, before Twilight asked again: "S-Soo... who will be the next ruler?" Another glance beeetween the two sisters, before Celestia gave a soft smile towards Twilight. "My sister and I have talked a while about that and.. we both find that you would make an excellent heir." "Wh-What?!" Twilight exclaimed. "B-But princess, I-I can't! I mean, I don't know how and I mean would I really be able to-" "Twilight!" Celestia said in a calm, yet commanding voice, immediately bringing Twilight to calm herself. "Like I said, we both have talked about this for a long time. Actually even long before all this happened. You are the perfect mare for the task." Twilight stood silent for a moment. She and Celestia looked at each other, carrying a silent conversation. A look of determination overcame Twilight's face. She breathed out and agreed. "Alright, I promise I won't disappoint you." "I know." Celestia said with a smile. "I am glad that I can leave Equestria with a mare I know I can trust." "Thank you princess." Twilight smiled back. Celestia turned her attention to the rest of the group. "I am truly glad that you all came to visit me. However, I will now ask you to leave. I'd like to get some rest." They all nodded and left the room. However, Alex stopped outside and turned to Twilight. "Hey, can we talk for a moment? Applejack and Rainbow as well." The mares looked between each other and then nodded. "Okay then, we will wait outside for you four." Rarity said. They waited until the others were out of earshot, before Twilight then spoke first. "So, what's the matter?" Alex scratched the back of his head, trying to properly phrase what he wanted to say. "Well, now that you're going to become the ruler, you're probably moving to Canterlot, huh?" "Uh, yeah, I guess. Why?" "Well, actually it's more about Applejack and Rainbow than you." He turned to the other mares and continued. "I want you two to remain in Ponyville." "Aww, don't like to be alone, huh?" Rainbow teased. "No. Actually, I'm going to move to Canterlot as well." "What?!" shouted the three mares. "So, ya gon' abandon us? Now that y'all gon' an' knocked me up?!" Applejack accused. "Actually it's exactly because of that. I don't want our kid to be in danger." Rainbow's and Applejack's expressions softened. "Wha-What do ya mean?" Alex sighed. "You know, there's a saying... if you want to keep someone safe, push them away from you... When I was fighting that Dragon earlier, he said something. He had been planning all this for a long time. What if there are others out there, planning similar things right beneath our noses? Twilight will become their new target, but they know that she is strong. They will try to hurt her in other ways and... the easiest way to do so is to hurt someone who is close to her." He looked over the two silent mares for a moment, before he continued. "Even if they don't know anything specific, we all know that it has long become public knowledge that Twilight and I are very close friends and that's okay. I am too big to be spontaneously kidnapped and openly fighting me will at least make a lot of noise. However, you two are a different story. Especially now with the foal you are carrying, it would be easy to overpower you." Rainbow gave an insulted huff. "Okay, relatively easy, but you get my point. I just don't want you two to be connected to us and be targeted because of it." Silence reigned again. Applejack and Rainbow were both looking to the ground and then at each other. "But what 'bout Applepunch? What should I tell 'er 'bout her father?" Applejack then asked. "I believe it is better for her to not know who her father really is. At least not until she can make her own decisions. You have a little sister, you know how easily a kid can slip up and spill some things that were better left unsaid." Alex said. "And speaking of which... I also think we should keep it a secret from the others, including the princesses." "Okay, now you're going a bit overboard." Twilight stated. "I know, sorry, it's just... As much as I trust them, I also know that both, Pinkie and Rarity, can sometimes run their mouths faster than their minds can keep up and... like I said, it's all to keep you safe." Twilight, Rainbow and applejack looked at each other for a long while, contemplating what had just been said. After said while, they all shared a collective sigh. "Alright. I can't say I like the idea, but if you say it's all to keep mah foal safe, ah'd be okay with it." Applejack said. "Yeah, and besides: when I become a wonderbolt, I can be around you all th time, running airshows and such!" Rainbow said. "I think seeing each other will be easier than becoming a wonderbolt, Rainbow." Twilight giggled. "After all, friends visit each other all the time, so it would be weir if we didn't, right?" "Exactly." Alex agreed. "Now, we really left the others waiting long enough, don't you think?" The three agreed and so, three mares and one Dragon finally left the hospital, but not before Rainbow disturbed its sterile calmth one final time. "Wait a second, you'll call your foal Applepunch?!"