Bittersweet Release

by Virulent Spines

First published

Shining thirsts for release after a month of longing. Tonight (and he) cannot come soon enough.

Shining Armor always had a passing curiosity in certain sexual things, and with Cadance's blessing and support they took a dive into one together. A month of coy teasing, denial and chastity have come to a head on the final day and soon, Shining Armor can finally have his release.

Fetishes: Chastity, mild genital pain, teasing (both public and private) and orgasm denial.

Bittersweet Release

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Shining Armor’s daily routine always had a tendency to lean towards the mundane. When you were the co-ruler of a prosperous empire, the only heights of excitement in day-to-day activities tended to come with deadlines or special festivities. It was easy then—during meetings, overseeing training, or performing inspections—to let his mind wander.

Given that there was a deadline and a special occasion later that night, it was even harder to keep his mind focused amidst the general malaise of mundanity he had to go through the motions of.

While Captain Topaz went over guard deployments within the castle and a few new outlying settlements, Shining Armor sat in his seat and looked down at the map and schedules before him. It had all been signed off days before, so he knew that the meeting was more of a formality for him. That was why he was staring off beyond the paperwork and table, even as he fought not to daydream about the night to come and the release he’d been waiting a month for.

Shining Armor failed quickly.

Visions entered his mind, dancing over the dull world before him. Cadance and him in bed together, bodies entwined. The heat of her breath and lips on his neck. The tingle of magic drifting down his belly and up his thighs. An end to night after night of so much teasing and...

He felt uncomfortable, ever so slightly. His lower regalia rubbed against and between his thighs, like it always did during meetings; it wasn’t for lack of a proper fitting, though. It just happened to ride up when he sat on his haunches, and the only time he sat down during his days were in meetings like this. Normally, he would have happily and discreetly shifted to remove the tension.

However, sometime over the past few weeks, he’d learned that was a difficult covert task given his current predicament. Instincts were hard to fight in such a short time, though, and a shuffle to the side pressed the fabric against the cage over his flaccid member. In its wake, a faint shiver coursed through his lower barrel and thighs. He took a sharp inhale through his nostrils, pulled from his anticipatory daydreams.

The memory of Cadance’s perfume tickled his nostrils. A groan escaped his lips, quietly he had thought.

“... will see to it that Frosthome has its schoolhouse built in th—Is something wrong, Prince Armor?”

Topaz and the other assembled guards had turned their eyes towards Shining Armor. He looked up and put on a smile. After clearing his throat, he laughed. “Just a little pressure building up, Topaz. Cadance has been looking forward to visiting Frosthome when it’s finally ready. Every night it seems like she can’t wait another day.”

Topaz returned the laugh and smile. “Well, don’t worry, Sir. Construction of the schoolhouse should be done within the week, and we already finished with helping assemble the town hall as well.”

Shining Armor wiped his brow, though it was already free of sweat. “One less thing she’ll have to worry about, means one less thing for me to worry about. I’ll be sure to tell you how grateful she is, Captain.”

A few more chuckles circled the table, and Shining Armor sat back in his seat. It helped relieve the tension from his clothes just a little bit, but it offered no help with the yearning they had stoked. As he took a slow breath and sighed, thoughts of Cadance’s perfume and warm body lingered in his thoughts.

Thankfully, the monthly inspections had passed a week earlier, and there hadn’t been a new recruit to the guard since weeks before. There was paperwork to sign, but that took all of ten minutes. Strolling through the grandiose halls of the castle, Shining Armor looked for Cadance. He assumed, correctly, that he would find her in the kitchen.

There was a banquet scheduled for the coming month. While cooking itself wasn’t due to start until the week of, selection of the menu was an important task. Yakyakistan and Griffonstone dignitaries were arriving, and it offered the difficulty of balancing tastes, hospitality and offenses. Thankfully, Cadance was more than versed in the political intricacies of catering, thanks in no small part to a few invitations for Pinkie Pie’s assistance the first few dozen times the need arose.

As Shining Armor walked into the kitchen, there was the faint clanging of cookery and the sizzle of heat, but he didn’t look around. Instead, his eyes fell immediately on his wife at the far end of the room, closer to the dining hall. She held aloft a small serving tray with her magic as she plucked an hors d’oeuvres from it. Popping what looked from afar like a pastry into her mouth, she chewed and considered it.

To the ordinary eye, Cadance’s reaction was neutral, but Shining Armor noticed the signs. Her front left hoof lifted slightly, while her wings twitched gently. A small shiver of her haunches followed, and Shining Armor chuckled at the thought that Cadance could tickle herself with her wings by accident. She’d loved it, but it wasn’t about what she loved.

“The taste is a bit too sweet. Griffon and Yak palettes are”—her tongue nudged against her left cheek from within—“... a bit more refined.” She picked up a second dish and placed it in her mouth. Shining caught her haunches clench and her previously raised hoof lower, scraping the dazzling horseshoe against the ground. She hated it.

“Much better,” she said with a sweet smile. “Bitter with a hint of sour is something I think they’d both enjoy.” Cadance passed the serving tray back to the chef, who gave a curt nod before trotting back to the ovens and grills. Cadance’s smile grew wider and softer as she turned to face Shining Armor. “Afternoon, sweetie. Did the meeting go well?”

Shining felt his heart flutter at the smile, and he closed the gap to kiss her on the lips. She returned it, pressing into him as he pulled away. He laughed and fought off the shiver of arousal before giving her a fleeting peck on the cheek. “Same as usual. Frosthome will be ready for you to visit in a week if Topaz isn’t trying to butter me up through you.”

Cadance moved to Shining’s side, nuzzling his neck as they walked towards the door that led to the dining hall. “Is he? You think after the last promotion he’d stop, but you can tell him I’m very glad to hear it.”

“Noted.” Shining leaned into Cadance as they walked, offering a smile at a guard who passed through the door and trotted towards the ovens. Once they walked into the empty dining hall, he moved his head up, lips close to Cadance’s ears. His throat felt tight as the whispers left his mouth, “And uhhh, I’m ready for tonight.”

Cadance closed her eyes, her ear flexing as his breath tickled it. “You’ve been saying that for… twenty-nine days? But you’ll probably say it felt like an eternity. Goodness, how time flies,” she whispered back, a schoolfilly giggle escaping her lips. The sound made Shining shudder.

“And I thought you said you were a bad tease before we tried this…” He slowed to a stop, a front hoof wrapping about Cadance’s foreleg. “You know, with our meetings done for the day we… could skip dinner and—”

Cadance tutted, lifting her leg out of his grip to walk ahead of him. “I told you weeks ago, good boys don’t try and weasel their way out, Shiny.” She swished her tail as she passed him, flicking gently over his snout. “You’ll have to wait til ten-o-six, on,” she turned to face him, “the,” she leaned in, lips inches away, “dot.” Her breath tickled his lips, and as he leaned in, she pulled away.

Shining Armor shifted his hind legs, and let out a shuddering, hot breath. “I love you.”

“I know,” she whispered with a smirk. There was the sound of approaching hoofsteps on the crystalline floor, and Cadance’s expression and demeanor softened. Shining Armor was quick to erect his posture, his own look of lust diminishing to a lovesick smile.

“I have a few more errands to take care of, Shiny,” Cadance said, louder. “I’ll see you tonight at dinner.” She gave him a gentle peck on the cheek before turning to walk back into the kitchen.

The guards who entered gave Shining a salute, and he quickly returned it before looking to catch one last glimpse of Cadance as she trotted through the kitchen door.

Dinner passed without incident. The rules from the start had been simple, and they forbade anything too... scandalous. There was no sense in worrying or involving others in their fun, aside from the thrill of both of them keeping secret what they were up to in their private time. Rule number three: it was fine outside of the bedroom only if they were certain they were alone.

Rule number one, of course, was the main draw for Shining through the past month, spent in chastity and teased at and beyond belief. That led into rule number two: he had the ability to end it early if he wanted, with a safe word. Cadance had made sure to challenge him as much as she could to take his “out,” even say it to him now and then. He’d remained resolute, but it had only gotten harder the longer it had gone on.

While Cadance had gone to take Flurry Heart to her nursery, Shining Armor made his way straight to their bedroom. He stood next to the bed, regalia finally stripped away as soon as he had entered their chambers. Bending his head down, he saw the cage about his member and how it hummed gently with blue magic. It hadn’t been enough for Cadance to simply put it under lock and key. The “temptation for such a talented unicorn stallion to pick it would be too great” was her rationale.

She was right, of course. Even with the spell warding it, he had taken one of his first moments alone to prod at the locked chastity cage. Now, minutes before it would be off, he tried once more. The purple hue of his magic danced across the underside of his barrel with a gentle tingle. Inch by inch it approached the cage, and the moment that purple and blue touched, there was a sizzle of o-zone.

A jolt of pain shot through his cock and balls, rippling out quickly into his thighs. He clenched his teeth, sucking in air and letting out a low moan. The pain was gone in an instant, and though Shining had never felt the need to try for longer than a moment, he wondered if it would linger longer if he had. The thought of Cadance doing it directly to him, like a disciplinary spank, made his knees quake and his spine shiver.

Shining looked away from the cage and up to the clock of their chambers. It was ten until ten. Sixteen minutes. He had endured an entire month, so what would such a short time more matter? After a few moments of standing still, he began to pace as his mind wandered.

He thought first of Cadance tucking Flurry Heart into bed, reading her a story. They were natural explanations for how long she was taking, but his thoughts drifted to more enticing affairs. He imagined Cadance taking the slowest possible stroll through the halls from Flurry’s nursery to their room, only two doors down. He imagined her feigning want of an after-dinner snack, and trotting off to the kitchen three stories down. He imagined some momentary greeting with a guard or advisor turning into a minutes-long conversation.

Rule number four, after all, had been that the cage didn’t come off until Cadance said so. Who was to say that she wouldn’t leave him waiting there at their bed for an hour or two longer if she willed it?

The doorknob clicked, and Shining heard the sounds of conversation. “I’ll wish him a good night for you, Citrine. Sleep well,” Cadance said as she walked through the door, keeping the opening as small as she could. She closed the door behind her, and quickly locked it with her magic. “Sorry to keep you waiting.” She trotted slowly towards him and the bed, hips swaying as she did. Shining Armor’s eyes were glued to them.

“Then again,” she continued, “you were going to have to wait a little longer anyway. Sit down, sweetie. I’m sure you were on your hooves for quite a while today.”

Shining did as he was told, stepping onto the bed and then turning about to face Cadance. He dropped onto his barrel, the smooth sheets gliding against his coat and the cage. He let out a low groan. “You have no idea. I was pacing back and forth waiting for you too. Did Flurry get to sleep alright?”

Cadance turned and trotted past the bed, slowly taking off her crown and horseshoes before carrying them in her magic to the dresser. “Out like a light. I think she had a lot of fun playing today. Citrine said she was running around for nearly two hours straight.” She laughed, placing the crown and shoes down on the dresser before taking off the crinet about her neck.

“She really has a lot of… energy, huh?”

“That she does.” Cadance turned to face him. Her eyes drifted to the clock, and Shining followed her gaze; six minutes until ten.

“Twelve whole minutes, all to work my stud up into another frenzy,” her tone was sultry and heavy as she looked from the clock to Shining Armor’s eyes. Her smile turned from happy to wry, and the swaying of her hips somehow seemed to widen. “On your back, Shiny. I want to make sure you didn’t find a way to cheat at the last minute.”

He was quick to obey, moving a few inches away from the foot of the bed and rolling over onto his back. His front hooves were held up over his chest, forelegs hanging only slightly off of the edge. Preempting her asking—as he had done ever since the fourth night—he spread his legs to give her a clearer view.

“Good boy,” she cooed, closing the gap with a sudden flap of her wings. Lifting into the air, she came down with her front hooves on the bed, one on either side of his barrel. Her eyes stayed locked on him for a moment before she looked down his body. Wings folding back, she lowered her haunches to bring her face from above his chest to over his crotch.

She looked down at the cage, leaning closer to feign inspection. In the process she took slow, gentle inhales through her nostrils and long, hot exhales out her lips. He fought to keep his legs and hips from bucking up, clenching his eyes shut and pulling his forelegs closer to his body. A throb shot through his member, a dribble of precum leaking from the tip and drooling out of the cage’s slit onto his belly.

“S-see? Still on…” he mumbled between a moan and a rough swallow of the lump in his throat.

“So it is. I’d expect nothing less from that diligent guard I fell for. Always so eager to please while climbing the ranks.” As she spoke, she lit her horn, and the faint tingle of her magic touched his belly. It slowly moved down towards his caged cock, eliciting a shuddering exhale from him every few seconds. “Some habits are hard to break, right?”

“Soooo hard,” Shining moaned as his hind legs began to tremble. He opened his eyes, and looked up at the ceiling. It was impossible to stop glancing at the clock, however; four til ten.

The tingle of magic grazed over the cage, making it hum louder and vibrate about his aching member. As his cock strained against its confines, Cadance moved the glow towards his balls beneath, kneading and lifting them. “And all that duty probably weighs heavy on a guard, doesn’t it? Even a captain? Even a former-captain made prince?” As she gave his nuts a gentle squeeze, Shining Armor’s hips finally broke through his resistance, bucking up towards her.

“Ah ah. Careful now.” She dropped her magic for a moment, his balls falling with a heavy slap against his coat. When the magic returned, it was about his hips, pressing them down into the sheets. He wiggled back and forth, pushing his forehooves down into the sheets. “You’ll be able to do plenty of that when you’re let out.”

She moved her hooves off of the bed and onto his stomach, pressing gently down on him while her wings began to flap. It was a slow beat, enough to keep most of her weight off of him while making a gentle breeze to waft over him. She leaned her head on his right thigh, nuzzling against it as she moaned. “Isn’t that right?”

Shining gave a quick nod, slow shuddering breaths coming back under his control. After a moment of calm, deep breaths, he muttered, “Yes, C—Mistress.”

Cadance giggled, sliding down his thigh until her lips grazed against the underside of his barrel, leaving a gentle kiss. “You really want it over, huh? To go back to when we can just be Cadance and Shiny in the bedroom?” He gave another fast nod and an affirmative groan. “I’ve really enjoyed this, but I miss it too.”

As she slid up and down against his thigh, her lips peppered the coat about his cock and balls. He continued to fight back the urge to move his hips, but even when he gave in, the magic holding him down was too strong. Eventually, her lips moved to his balls, leaving long, wet kisses against them. “After all, I’ve had to give up a lit—a lot during this month too.” She giggled that same schoolfilly giggle she’d perfected, and Shining Armor moaned.

He looked to the clock; five after ten. One minute. One minute and it would be so close to done. “I want to give it to you. Mistress, I want to… fuck you so hard,” he groaned, his forehooves grinding back and forth on the sheets, twisting them into bunches.

“I know you do, stud,” she moaned, her breath hot against his crotch. “I know you’ve pent up all that want and need for thirty agonizing days. Through all that teasing and aching and yearning,” she punctuated the phrase with a wet kiss against the cage itself, saliva oozing through the slit and making his member throb once more.

Slowly she stepped forward on his stomach and onto the bed. By the time her gentle hooves were close to his throat, she flapped her wings faster and brought them down on either side of his head. His view of the clock was obstructed, but he was counting down the seconds in his head as he looked up at her, his face twisted in agony and lust. “P-please, Mistress.”

Cadance squatted down, her thighs gliding gently against Shining Armor’s as she brought her face closer to his. “Counting down, stud?” Shining nodded quickly, his breath quickening as he continued to squirm against the magic around his hips. “Good, good… Your count might be off, though.”

A pocket watch floated into view and settled between their faces, held aloft in a light blue glow. It took a few moments for Shining Armor’s eyes to focus on it; a few seconds before four after ten.

“Guess who changed the clock earlier today?” Cadance cooed, leaning down towards Shining.

His entire body shuddered, and instead of moaning, he whimpered. “F-fuck, you’re too good…”

“I know, but I love when you say it.” She kissed him deeply, dropping her hips hard until their bellies were against one another. He felt her dripping with need onto his legs, as much as he was throbbing with it. He kissed her passionately, deeply, moaning and groaning and whimpering into her hot, juicy lips. He reached his hooves up, wrapping them about her neck and holding her against him.

Every inch of her body was warm, comforting, soft and now shuddering along with him. The glow of magic about his hips gave way, and Shining Armor began to buck and grind his hips up into Cadance. Her wings unfurled, gentle feathers grazing against the sides of his barrel. He had given up counting, lost to the passion and the want for release he had been holding onto for thirty days.

When the cage’s hum gave out, there was one last tingle of magic about it. He heard a click, and then a sudden surge of pleasure through his haunches as his cock was free. It throbbed and grew while pressed between their bellies. He didn’t break his kiss, and neither did Cadance. Wordlessly, their hips moved together: his down and back, and hers up and forward. He felt, for the first time in months, the soft sensation of her labia against his head, and his cock gave an appeasing throb as he groaned into her lips. She moaned back, pressing her hips down.

Her walls clung to him, and he gave in completely. His hips bucked wildly, his own magic holding on to her flanks to move her up and down against his motions. He moved his hooves from her neck to her withers, and then to her wings. As he prodded the base of each, her eyes shut and the wings fluttered and twitched in reply. Her hips began to move up and down with his magic, farther and faster.

Feeling himself growing close, he finally broke the kiss, throwing his head back and moaning loud enough for it to echo within their spacious chambers. Her own shrill cries joined with his, and with one final buck up, he came.

He held her hips down with his magic until his horn gave out from the sensation quaking through him. His vision blurred with tears as he fired a backed up month’s worth of seed into her. She made no effort to pull away, her entire body shuddering and shaking as she rode out her own orgasm. Her walls clenched down in waves on his member, and she forced her head into the crook of his neck.

Moans faded to heavy breaths from the both of them. Shining Armor felt his cum dribbling out of Cadance and onto his belly. He held her close, their chests rising and falling in opposite rhythm with each other.

Eventually, Shining Armor felt himself softening, and his coarse, aching throat felt calm enough to speak. “You’re… amazing, Cadance.”

She slowly lifted her head up and gave him a gentle, long kiss in reply. Hot breaths through her nostrils tickled his snout, and he let out a chuckle against her lips. When she finally pulled away, she smiled. “Thank you, Shiny. Was it… worth it?”

Shining Armor looked down, unable to see past their upper bodies. He slowly ground his hips about in a circle, a sigh escaping his lips. “I don’t... think I ever came so hard.”

Cadance pulled herself off of him, sliding to his side. She wrapped her forelegs around his barrel, nuzzling the side of his neck gently. “I wasn’t too… mean at the end, was I?”

Shining laughed, his hoof running gently through Cadance’s mane. “Just mean enough, I think.”

As the two laid together, basking in the afterglow and their shared warmth, Shining Armor kissed Cadance deeply. It had felt more amazing than he imagined, but now that it was over, it seemed bittersweet. It had ended so quickly. As they cuddled together, he whispered to her, “So… I know it turned out great for me, and if you didn’t… mind it all that much—”

Cadance giggled. “Ready to go back under lock and key so soon?”

“Well, maybe after a bit of time out of it. I don’t want to deprive you of all this for another month.” He lazily motioned a hoof to his body, unable to move more than that.

She snorted and kissed him again.