Part of the Family

by Winter Quill

First published

A pregnant Raven Inkwell spends some quality time with Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis

Raven Inkwell was once Princess Celestia's personal assistant, but she retired along with the princess. It left her feeling like something was missing from her life. Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis were able to provide her something to fill that void by asking her to be the surrogate mother for their foal. It was a task she was overjoyed to take on, and its has been bringing her closer to the loving couple.

Contains: Pregnancy, Pregnant Sex, Threesome, Belly Worship

Editing by Pikemoo

And Growing it Bigger

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Part of the Family
By Winter Quill

Written for the Summer Bumpin’ Art Pack

Retirement had always been an abstract concept for Raven Inkwell, something that Princess Celestia would always talk about doing whenever she was annoyed with the nobles, or the tax laws, or just fed up with ponies asking her to do miracles. The very idea that she would actually step down one day seemed ridiculous, until the day she actually did it.

Raven could have stayed on as part of the castle staff—after twenty years as Celestia’s personal aide no pony knew the inner workings of the palace better then her—but Twilight Sparkle had no need of her services. She already had an exceptional aide in Spike and a second one would be silly. She had stayed on for a few months to make sure that the young dragon had learned all the ropes, but after that she found herself out of a job with nothing but a fat pension and the greatest referral in the world.

She absolutely hated it. She didn’t need to work, but she wanted to be getting something done, or to help other ponies. When Fancy Pants had arrived at her door, his by his side, Raven had hoped that he needed her services in his role as Presider, but that wasn’t what they had in mind for this visit.

It seemed that Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis had need of her, and Celestia herself had suggested they speak to Raven about it. Because of health complications, it would have been far too risky for Fleur to carry a child to term, but they still wanted a foal of their own. They were hoping that Raven would be interested in acting as a surrogate mother, allowing their foal to grow inside her womb.

Even she was surprised by how fast she agreed to it. She had always wanted to be a mother, yet her love life had never been very complementary to that goal. This was her chance to finally have that one thing she dreamed of. And a few months—and a simple transference spell—later, she had that chance.

Which was how she found herself laying on a boat in the middle of Luna Bay, trying to sun herself while feeling the size of a whale. It turned out that she was one of those mares that got huge even with a single foal, making her look like she was carrying twins, if not triplets, and she was sure she would end up getting even larger in the eight weeks until she was due. Apparently feeling left out, her teats had tried to keep up, resulting in her having a rather full set of mammaries gracing her crotch.

She shifted herself on the towel she was laying on, trying once again to find a way to get comfortable as the foal moved in her belly, the point of the child’s horn just missing her bladder.

“You seem uncomfortable,” Fleur said from beside her. The supermodel was laying out on a deck chair, using a small spell to direct more sunlight onto her body. As usual, she looked perfect, not a strand out of place in her mane or tail, her pelt perfectly groomed, and her hoof polish was an exact match for the hint of pink that was in her white coat.

From just glancing at her, most ponies would think she spent hours to look that good, but after spending so much time with her over the last few months Raven knew that she actually did roll out of bed looking like that. It made her jealous at having to spend half an hour every morning brushing her mane to try and get the brown hair into some semblance of order before pinning it up in her usual bun.

“I feel huge,” she finally muttered out, flipping herself from one side of her body to the other, her tail tucking down to keep some modesty as she rolled over, her magic keeping her glasses on her snout. “Though the sun feels nice,” she added a few moments later. She had never gone sunning herself before all of this, and she had discovered it was a rather enjoyable hobby.

“It does enhance your wonderful glow,” Fancy Pants said, coming up from the cabin. There was a small tray in his field, and on it were three wine glasses. The three of them were the only ones on the boat as he was quite adept at handling the whole of the craft. He set the tray down on the table between the two mares and then took up a seat next to his wife.

Raven took the glass that was filled with sparkling water, leaving the wine to the pair of them. She levitated it to her lips, taking a long drink of the cool water even as the bubbles teased her nose. It must have been a special occasion, as they didn’t often break out the wine when they were alone.

“I must say, you both look wonderful today,” he said as he settled down in his chair. Being that they were attempting to relax, he had forgone his usual suit and monocle, leaving him looking rather plainer than usual.

Fleur leaned over and gave her husband a quick kiss on the cheek. “As do you,” she replied. Then the pair took their wine and both sipped from their glasses in time, never talking their eyes off each other.

It still surprised Raven just how passionate the pair of them were behind closed doors, nothing like the slightly stuffy pony she had seen in her time working for Celestia. They seemed to be that wonderful rare couple that loved each other more every day. While they had much in common, they also had very different interests yet she had never once seen the other be anything but supportive of their spouse.

Fancy shared another kiss with his wife, then leaned back in his chair to pick up a novel and his reading glasses.

Raven felt so out of place being pampered by these two, having found herself in the center of their lives. It was like being swept away by a prince, but somehow real. She knew it wouldn’t last, once the foal was weaned, they wouldn’t have any need of her anymore. It wasn’t a day she was looking forward to.

She shifted again, starting to find a comfortable way to lay only to have the foal shift again. With a grunt she rolled onto her hooves, pushing herself up onto all fours. She started walking around the small deck of the boat, waddling a little bit to keep her hind legs from kneeing her swaying belly. About a ten-minute trot was usually enough to help the child get back to sleep and give her a little peace.

After her third lap around the deck, she was surprised to discover that she was no longer alone, as both Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis had joined her, one on each of her flanks. They were both smiling, but for once those smiles weren't directed at each other, but at her.

“My dear Raven, you are looking lovely today,” Fancy said.

She couldn’t help but blush at the complement. “Thank you,” she said, even if she didn’t really feel anything but huge. It felt weird to have their attention on her, like she was getting in between them somehow. It didn’t help that they were constantly moving closer to her, until the three of them were almost touching.

“Motherhood has made you quite radiant,” Fleur added a few seconds later.

Raven looked up at the mare, then over to her husband, unsure of what was going on. It was flattering to have them say such nice things about her, but… why?

The married couple shared a quick smile at each other, then suddenly they were gently pressing against her flanks. “In the months that you have been with us, we have gotten to know you quite well,” Fleur said.

“Yes, quite well,” Fancy Pants continued. “It has been a great pleasure having you as part of our lives, and not just because you have given us the honor of carrying our child.”

Her blush returned, growing even brighter as it burned across her cheeks. She lowered her head slightly, her glasses slipping down towards the tip of her muzzle. “Thank you, and I’ve enjoyed my time with you. You’ve been so generous to me,” she said.

It was true, and sometimes it was more than she could take. The pampering sometimes made her feel like a pet, but they never treated her like that. They always treated her as an equal, even going so far as to join her and her twin sister on a trip to Manehattan to attend the largest pro-wrestling event in Equestria. The high-class couple clearly didn’t ‘get’ what Raven and her sister saw in the overwrought soap-opera with body slams, but they still cheered and jeered along with them.

“It would be foolish of us to do any less,” Fancy said. Then as one the couple stepped forward and turned to stand in front of Raven, bringing her to stop. They looked as elegant as ever, the perfect noble unicorns, and the sort that tried to live up to the ideals of what a noble was supposed to be.

The two smiled at Raven, linking their forehooves together. “So, we have a request of you. One that you are free to refuse. We wouldn’t think any less of you if you do so,” Fleur said, her purple eyes twinkling as she spoke.

“Okay?” Raven asked, looking between the two of them. There was a feeling in the air, the same sort of spark that seemed to be around the couple when they were falling over each other. Yet this time she couldn’t help to think that spark was for her.

Fancy took in a short breath, blowing it out the corner of his mouth and causing the tip of his mustache to flutter slightly. “We would like for you to be a more… intimate part of our lives.”

“Hopefully carrying on well after our foal is born,” his wife added.

Her eyes went wide at this. They couldn’t possibly be asking what they were asking? She must have misunderstood it. “How intimate do you mean?”

“Extremely”, “Carnally”, Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis said at the same time, speaking over each other, then sharing a quick glance and a small laugh.

Her blush was growing so bright, she was sure it could rival the sun. “You want me?” she asked, looking at the couple.

The pair of them nodded. “Of course, my dear Raven, you have been nothing but a pleasure since you’ve come to us,” Fancy said, taking a careful step forward. “We admire you; your strength, your intelligence, and your beauty. It’s rare for us to meet a mare such as yourself.”

“Warm and caring, the sort of mare who makes the day better just by being in it,” Fleur said, also moving closer to the pregnant mare, soon only inches away from her. “We’ve enjoyed our time with you, and miss you when you are gone.”

“You do not have to say yes now, but we would like you to think about it,” Fancy added, giving her a smile.

She swallowed, looking between the pair of them as she shifted her weight from hoof to hoof. This had never happened to her before; it was like something out of the romance novels her sister wrote and not something that could actually happen. A part of her wanted to think they were pulling a prank on her, but she just didn’t believe it. Not with the way they were looking at her, it was the same way they looked at each other.

Raven looked between the pair of unicorns, seeing that both of them were blushing as well, though not to the extent she was. It made them look charming and cute, but in a way she didn’t have a word for. She had enjoyed her time with them, the way they made her feel special for who she was, not just because of what was in her womb. Thinking back, she could remember spending time alone with each of them, talking about herself, her past, her plans for the future, her hobbies and dreams.

At the same time, she had learned about both of them. Fleur’s past in Prance, and Fancy’s somewhat tarnished family name. They had opened up to her, showing her parts of themselves they would never have shown any other pony.

She was still unsure about what they were asking, it seemed like a terrible risk. Yet she couldn’t think of any other ponies she would be willing to take that risk with.

“I would be willing to try, if that’s okay with you?” she offered.

The pair of them beamed. “That would be a wonderful start,” Fancy said.

Fleur responded by leaning down and kissing Raven square on the lips, pressing up closer to her while wrapping a leg around Raven’s neck.

It shocked her for a moment. It had been ages since she had been kissed, and even longer since it had been a mare’s lips against hers, yet this brought all of that flooding back and more. Fleur’s lips were soft, the warmth of them washing over Raven’s and making her feel like she was walking on clouds.

After a few seconds she started to return the kiss, pressing back against Fleur and just letting the moment take her. Her tail was swishing in excitement as the other mare slowly pulled back, allowing them to part.

“Oh my,” Raven said, her eyes fluttering open to look at the other mare. “That was wonderful.”

Fleur giggled, pressing the frog of her hoof against Raven’s nose. “That was just the beginning. Though I do wonder if you could do something for me?”

She nodded, licking her lips, still tasting the slightly hint of raspberry that infused the mare’s lipstick.

“Let your mane down?”

Raven’s blush quickly returned as she reached up with her hoof. “My mane?”

“Oh yes, your mane is lovely, yet you always have it done up. I want to see how it flows when it’s free,” she explained, smiling at Raven.

Her brush grew a little bit brighter as she allowed her horn to start to shine, the light pink aurora starting to wrap around the pin that held her mane up in its bun. She wanted to protest that it was just a normal mane, drab brown with no real shine to it, not like what Fleur had. Yet, the mare was a supermodel, if there was any pony who knew what made a mane look good, it was her, and if she wanted to see her mane down…

The shine of her horn grew brighter around the head of her mane pin, yet she still hesitated for a moment. A tiny part of her told her that this had to be a dream, that two ponies would just out of the blue want her like this. It couldn’t possibly be happening to her, could it?

It only took her a few seconds to decide that it didn’t matter. If it was a dream, it was a very nice dream and it was about to get much nicer. If it was real, well then it would be amazing. Either way, it would be silly to try and second guess what was happening to her. She wanted this, and that was enough for now.

In a single motion, she pulled the pin out of her mane, allowing her bun to unravel. She gave her head a flick, allowing her mane to fly free and around her neck and face. As it settled down, she gave Fancy and Fleur her best bedroom eyes, framed by her glasses. Some of her mane had fallen down over her face, but she didn’t care, it just felt right.

The married couple were staring at her, Fancy biting the edge of his lip while Fleur’s eyes had narrowed, the expression on her face reminding Raven of a griffon about to pounce. She gave them a little smile, flicking her ears and her tail.

Fancy was the first one to speak. “My love, I do believe that you were right, watching her take her mane down was incredibly sexy.” he said.

“I believe I said it would be fucking sexy,” Fleur corrected, the crude language sounding weird coming from such an elegant mare. “And by the sun it was,” she said, then leaned in and kissed Raven again. This time it only lasted for a few moments before she stepped aside, allowing her husband to step up to her and kissing her as well.

His mustache tickled her nose as his lips pressed against hers. This kiss lasted longer, his tongue started to tease at her lips—which she allowed to part—and started to prench kiss her. She returned the kiss, allowing her own tongue to play against his, while Fleur moved back to gently start to rub the side of her belly with her hooves.

Fancy finally broke the kiss, leaning back and smiling at the mare. “Shall we take this into our cabin?” he asked.

“Please,” Raven replied, gasping out the word.

The married couple moved to flank her sides, and walked her back below deck. It wasn’t huge, with one bedroom near the back, and a kitchen and dining area up front. The dining area also hid a rather comfortable bed that she had been sleeping on. Now though, they turned at the bottom of the stairs and went into the main cabin.

It wasn’t exactly the largest room in the world, being dominated by the bed while being lit by some spelled crystals in the ceiling. Small windows also lined the wall, allowing the sunlight to flow in. It smelled like the pair of them, just a hint of it in the air.

“Come, my dear,” Fancy Pants said, offering up a leg while his wife crawled up onto the bed.

Raven took the offered leg, hooking her own foreleg around it and using it to help herself take the step up onto the bed. She didn’t really need the help, her pregnancy didn’t trap her hooves to the ground, but she appreciated the help.

As she climbed up onto the bed, she looked between the two unicorns. “I’ve never been with a couple before, I’m not sure what to do.”

“That’s easy, let’s just lay you down right here,” Fancy said, nosing at her side, a little bit of his magic helping her off her hooves and gently lowering her down onto the soft bed, her body sinking into the thick comforter. She first went down onto her side, but soon was rolled onto her back.

Raven laid there; her hooves tucked up against her body as she looked at the pair of them. From this angle she could easily see between Fancy’s legs, getting a good view of his shaft swaying as it rose up under his belly. It was a nice size for a stallion, not too big and not too small.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Fleur moved down to start kissing along the curve of Raven’s belly while gently rubbing it with one hoof. Starting at the very crest of her baby bump (though it felt more like a mountain) the supermodel kissed her way down towards Raven’s crotch. Only stopping when after reaching her enlarged breasts.

“Have I ever told you how much I love how large your crotch boobs are?” Fleur teased, dropping all pretense of being sophisticated and leaving her as just a mare. “They look so divine. I can’t wait to see how much lager they will get when your milk comes in.” She then wrapped her lips around one of the fat nipples, and started to suck on it.

A jolt of pleasure hit Raven, making her moan out and squirm on the bed. She had never had anypony play with her teats before. It was a very different experience, but one that she was going to keep doing! A moment later, Fleur’s hoof pressed up against her pussy, causing her to let out a second moan.

Above her, Fancy Pants chuckled, reaching down with his magic to gently lift her glasses free of her muzzle. “You will find that my wife is quite skilled at giving pleasure to others,” he said, smiling down at her, his image now slightly out of focus, it caused his blue mane to look like a glow around his head.

Raven responded with another moan as the other mare’s hoof started to rub in slow circles over her wet snatch.

The stallion chuckled and leaned down to give her a quick kiss before nuzzling her. “What would you like me to do?”

“I…” she found that she wasn’t sure what she wanted from him. Her body quivering slightly in anticipation of what could happen. “What would you like?” she finally asked.

Fancy’s eyebrows rose up as he started to smile. “Well, I could think of a few things to do, if you would allow me some discretion?”

She responded with a nod and a moan as Fleur started to tease her tongue all around the mare’s nipples while at the same time a hoof teased over her clit. It was just the lightest of touches, but it caused her whole body to tense for a moment.

This made the stallion chuckle. “I shall take that as a yes,” he replied, then leaned in and kissed her again. This time it was the sloppy sort of kiss that seemed to roll and twist as they moved together. He didn’t stop even as he shifted around until he was laying against her side. She could feel his shaft pressing against her hip even as his hoof started to make small circles across the top of her belly.

The kiss finally broke, leaving them both panting for air. “You have a lovely taste,” he said, nuzzling at the curve of her ear, his horn starting to shine as he did something out of her vision.

Fleur allowed the nipple to pop free of her lips. “She does! I can not wait until these are filled with some proper milk. I am sure it will taste as sweet as you,” she said. Not before leaning back down to lick over each of the hard teats.

Raven closed her eyes, unused to having so much attention paid to her. Even if it had just been one of them, it would have made her feel like the luckiest mare in the world, but together they made her feel like a princess!

The supermodel broke away from her nipples, dropping her head down between Raven’s hind legs. The warmth of Fleur's breath washed over her moist pussy, causing it to wink eagerly at the mare.

“I have always admired the look of a pregnant mare,” Fancy said, nipping gently at the fur on her neck, his horn still glowing. “There have been many mares I have wished to see with child, and while that has always included my wife, I don’t think she would have looked half as good as you do.”

Raven looked up at him, not sure she had heard him right. There was no way she could even look better than Fleur! She was just a glorified secretary, and had nothing compared to the supermodel, but the smile on his face made it clear that he meant every word of it.

Before she could say anything in response, she felt Fleur’s tongue running across the length of her pussy, before pressing in between the thick nether lips. She started to explore Raven’s depths, her nose pressing up against the wet cleft and starting to rub against it.

Raven was wrapped in pure bliss, her hind legs kicking in the air as her tail twisted against the bed. At the same moment she felt something cold being applied to the very crown of her belly. Lifting her head, she was able to catch a glance of a bottle floating above her, drizzling her belly with some sort of cream.

“It’s from Saddle Arabia,” Fancy Pants said, as if that was enough to explain it, the bottle closing and drifting off to the side. The moment it was gone, he started rubbing her belly again, the gentle pressure of his hoof working the cream through her fur and into her skin.

Fleur continued her work at Raven’s cunt, her tongue slowly teasing around her insides, teasing and touching any number of places. It was like being prench kissed on the pussy, which might not have been too far off considering the mare. As she worked her tongue, one hoof slid up to squeeze at Raven’s hip, pressing against her cutie marks.

It was almost too much for the pregnant mare to take. She couldn’t focus between the pair of them, the loving couple loving her with so much tenderness and skill. It made her head spin in the most wonderful of ways. She found herself throwing her head back against the bed, her mane pooling around her as she just let it carry her away.

Fleur continued her expert cunnilingus, her tongue and lips working together, along with the slightly warm touch of magic. It was like she knew every sensitive part inside of Raven, even those that the mare had never discovered for herself. Every single thing Fleur was doing was designed to please her.

Heat was growing in her body, raiding out from her belly and her dripping wet cunt. She could feel Fancy’s hooves rubbing all over her belly, his hard shaft grinding against her side. She tried to light her horn in order to grab his length, to give him some pleasure in return, but all she could produce was a few feeble sparks. Her attention was far too divided for any sort of spell work.

“Don’t worry about that my dear,” Fancy said, as if he could tell what she had been trying to do. “This is all about your pleasure, and giving you that pleasure is all that we desire for the moment.”

“Okay,” Raven whispered out, her forehooves stretching out over her head. She wasn’t sure she had ever felt so good in somepony else’s bed, but for the moment she didn’t care. She just allowed herself to sink down into the pleasure, letting it wrap around herself in a warm glow.

Fancy and Fleur seemed to sense this, and started to work more intently at pleasing her. The touch of their magic growing stronger both inside her pussy and across her belly. All the attention causing the foal sleeping inside to shift and kick at their father.

Soon she found herself starting to whimper, her breaths growing quicker as the heat swelled from deep inside of her. Her pussy was almost gushing out against Fleur’s muzzle, as her skilled tongue made contact with a place deep inside of her, deeper than she had ever known before that instant. Arching her back, she let out a strained cry as her orgasm crashed down over her like a princess tide.

It carried her away, washing her over with bliss and she squirmed and moaned on the bed. It was all too much for her at the moment, overwhelming all her senses and washing away everything in a warm glow. Making her see white even though her closed eyes.

She didn’t know how long it had lasted, maybe seconds, maybe hours, but when it finally started to ebb, she felt herself dropping down onto the sheet, her whole body feeling like pudding.

“Thank you,” she whispered out, panting happily.

“It’s our pleasure,” Fleur said as she moved up the bed to cuddle at Raven’s side, Fancy already taking the other. The married couple each placed a hoof on her belly, holding her close between them.

As she slowly drifted off, held firmly between two of the most loving ponies she had ever met, she couldn’t have been happier.