Predators: Honor and Friendship

by LoganRyder

First published

Berserker and Crucified fought on their planet, but came to a new one

When Royce and Isabelle had saved him, he bought them time to escape while he fought his dishonorable enemy. But what if his fight wasn't over yet?

What if the hunt had only begun?

(Takes place during final fight with Tirek, Cozy and Chrysalis in The Ending of the End).

Everything belongs to its rightful owners

Chapter 1: ShowDown

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Royce and Isabelle were currently in the camp of the Predators. This was because they and a few others were captured by aliens known as yautja as part of a hunt led by the Bad-Blood Super Predators. The two went to an totem pole and looked at the victim.

He was another yautja, but he looked as if he was tortured and beaten judging from the way his chest and face were beaten and his body looked malnourished. Royce went to the tied predator and said

"I want off this planet. Take me to the ship." Royce said

The yautja only looked at him

"Ship. You understand me don't you?" Royce said

The predator only looked at the human that faced him and nodded, knowing full well that that he was not just his one chance of release, but the fight with the Bad-Bloods was not theirs.

"I'm gonna cut you down." Royce promised

Having said this, the human cut the chains that held him, causing the yautja to fall to the ground. As he slowly got up, he grabbed the human by the throat.

After a few seconds however, he put him down and grabbed his gear, which were each battered or cracked like his bio-mask. He pressed something on his wrist gauntlets. It showed the planet Earth. As he pressed it, an ship was seen and readying itself to leave the area.

The two however heard a loud noise and saw an all to familiar yautja facing them. The Berserker. The two faced their enemy, who then roared in rage at the two. As Royce backed away, the Crucified Predator activated his ship, which began to start. Causing Royce to run. With another roar, the two charged and clashed with one another.

As the beaten hunter was about to be beheaded from the unfair duel. An explosion however suddenly engulfed the two, thanks to a misfire from Berserker's Plasma Castor.

Crucified was on the ground and mortally beaten and injured. The Berserker had brutally injured his chest mkre then before and was now out somewhere ready to kill him and any other innocent people he would likely encounter. As he got up in pain from the fight, he noticed he was on some sort of battlefield and what he saw next shocked him.

On the battlefield was a large number of anthropomorphic animals or creatures fighting 3 others.

The first appeared to be a large centaur with red skin and a black chest with silver hooves and black and yellow eyes.

The second creature appeared to be a bug of a sort and had green eyes and aura flowing through her, with her bust and rear looking well endowed .

The third appeared to be a young Pegasus Alicorn. She appeared to have blue banged hair and a frilly dress and shoes and had a malicious grin on her face.

The 3 were fighting 6 anthropomorphic equines and 1 baby dragon like the young alicorn, as the battered and injured hunter watched, he saw an all too familiar figure join the frey and gave a look of horror on his face. He grabbed a syringe from his medicomp, which had a green liquid and injected it in his chest, reinvigorating him and allowing him to regain some of his strength.

The ponies were fighting the Legion of Doom in a final battle to save Equestria. As they were fighting, they had managed to capture the young dragon. The insect like alicorn had grabbed the dragon by the wings with her magic and held them tightly.

(Tirek, Cozy and Chrysalis's theme. Eventually Berserker's)

The alicorn child said in a arrogant tone "Now Now professor, we all know that your not the fast one."

As the horrified ponies looked on at their enemies holding the boy hostage, the bug queen had said in a threatening tone

"Enough! Or the little dragons wings get plucked!"

The purple alicorn said with a pleading tone "Please! Don't hurt him!"

"Guys, dont worry about me! Just-AAAAAH!" The young dragon said, only for the pressure on his wings to be more painful.

The three villains only mockingly looked at the little child's pain, and only sadistically, with the centaur mockingly saying to the ponies

"Turns out that the Magic of Friendship wasn't only your biggest weakness, but also a fitting end to you little-"

The centaur however, did not finish his sentence, as his head was suddenly blown apart, spilling blood everywhere.

"What the hay?!" The rainbow Pegasus said in horror

"TIREK!!" The alicorn filly said in fright at her pen-pals demise.

"WHO DID THAT!?" The bug alicorn shouted in demand.

They received their answer when the bug queen was suddenly cleaved in half with an flying projectile and the filly was shot in the back by a laser blast.

" please." The filly said in tears, as her attacker secretly looked at the horrified ponies and the 7 opponents the 3 fought.

The 6 ponies saw the mortally wounded child and have looks of pity and if not more sadness, the yellow, big breasted Pegasus them slowly and cautiously approached the child

"Hang on Cozy."

Before she got any closer, a laser blast almost hit her, causing her to back away in fright. What came next shocked the ponies. An equine in armor and wielding unknown weapons had uncloaked and suddenly appeared in front of them.

The tall humanoid appeared to be slightly taller then the ponies and had pony ears and Pegasus wings and a dark shadowy tail and mane. He approached the little child as she tried to crawl away and grabbed her by the neck and swiftly swung his wrist-blade, beheading her.

"OH MY CELESTIA!" The 6 ponies said all together in shock

The yautja pony hybrid then held the head of the dead child and roared in the sky with victory and triumph, holding out the head of the filly as he roared.

The ponies only looked at who their unexpected savior really was, who then simply began to press a button on one of his gauntlets, which however, did not activate, causing him to angrily growl in annoyance.

"Who the hay is that?!" The orange mare in the Stetson hat asked

The unknown male then turned to them and roared at them, as if to taunt or goad them.

"What did he say?" The dragon asked confused

As the masked equine was about to charge, he was knocked away by an blast, the knocked him into a tree.

He got up and and gave an angry look when he saw that the attacker was none other then his tortured clan rival.

Chapter 2: Fight for Honor

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The two yautja were squaring each other as the ponies watched. Berserker savagely knock backed his foe to the ground and fought him. As they clashed, they were unaware of the audience that was watching them with mixed reactions. This fight was one on one, but in the case of the ponies, the Pegasus Berserker vs the Alicorn Crucified.

(Berserker's Boss Theme: Phase 1)

The ponies were only left both confused and shocked as the two fought one another. The 7 that Crucified and Berserker saw only looked on either with shock or confusion. At the same time, thunder began to crackle in the sky as the two warriors fought one another.

"Um, was this part of the plan or another villain?" The rainbow maned Pegasus said confused.

The other 6 only gave shrugs of confusion as the two fought.

Berserker had managed to trip his opponent and began to pummel his foe with his hands, but Crucified kicked him off and savagely threw him to the ground, enraging the Bad-Blood, who quickly got up and roared in fury and anger.

As the two fought, they were unaware that they were being watched by an large group of numerous species. Stemming from Changelings, Ponies and Griffons to Hippogriffs, Dragons, Pegasi and Unicorns, who all watched as the warriors duked it out.

The warriors clashed and fought, but were proven to be equal. Berserker, not having any of it, gave a look at the 7 ponies and fired his Plasma Castor right at them with a look of arrogance.

Crucified saw the attack and shouted "NO!"

He ran to the 7 and threw a small orb at them, trapping them in a small forcefield that protected them from the blast.

"Huh?!" The dragon said in shock

"Hey!, let us out!" The Rainbow Pegasus said

The honorable hunter didn't heed her and savagely charged his evil rival, and savagely began to pummel his face into the ground, kicking and smashing to the point where his face was fully exposed.

His face was revealed to be green and red and bulbed with large mandibles that hid his bloody lips. His eyes looked red and dark with malice while he showed distinct pony features, such as ears, his Pegasus wings, and large snout similar to a stallion. His mask was on the ground, cracked like the one on the Crucified Predator he tortured.

The enraged Berserker savagely roared at his foe as he looked at his foe, who responded by charging and attacking with a quick fist to the head.

(Berserker's Boss Theme: Phase 2)

The entire crowd of the ponies and all of their allies looked at the 2 yautja warriors clashing at each other confused, with some murmuring

"Who are those two?" One unicorn asked

"Plus what happened to Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis?" An changeling asked

"Are those two another type of pony?" A dragon asked

"I don't think I've seen their kind here before." A Pegasus claimed

"And where did they'd get those kinds of weapons?" A griffon asked

"Whatever they are, that dark one looks kinda scary compared to the other one!" A hippogriff said in fear, as she was referring to the Berserker's monstrous and malicious appearance.

During the fight, Berserker managed to break and knock off Crucifieds battered bio-mask, exposing his face to the entire crowd. He had a less darker complexion compared to his opponent and had a horn on his head and green wings on his back, along with pony ears and normal green lips under his less and small mandibles and his dreadlocks being slightly more green and a well rounded snout of a stallion and a toned chest like Berserker, but more battle scarred.

"YOUR GOING TO DIE HERE!!!!!" The Berserker egotistically boasted to his foe

"BRING IT ON!!!" The Crucified Predator furiously replied

The two roared at each other once more as they circled each other. They clashed and bashed at one another as much as they could. As they did, the Berserker choked and lifted the hunter up the throat and strangled him, but was repeatedly elbowed or punched while doing so and angrily threw Crucified at a large far distance near every other pony and species was.

The battered Jungle Hunter warrior was slowly getting up as Berserker approached and saw some small mud puddle in front of him and had an idea, he pulled some liquid out his pack and poured it on the little tiny mud spot. As he did, the puddle got bigger and bigger and when he decided he put enough, put his hand on it and rubbed it in his chest, legs, back and face. As he rubbed his body, he made sure to not damage or accidentally mess up his own weapons. After he covered himself, he ran to his enemy and activated his cloak.

Berserker was looking around the area and roared at his foe, shouting


The cloaked Predator lunged and savagely fought the Berserker, with the Berserker unable to see his foe due to the mud coating his body heat and temperature from his vision.

Activating his Wrist-blade, Crucified readied for the kill as he snuck behind him and swung his Wrist-blade.

"LOOK OUT!" An voice from the crowd of unicorn ponies said

Berserker however, reacted too late and was suddenly swiftly cleaved in his head, exposing a lot of green blood.

Crucified repeatedly cleaved his face and head over and over and even severed his left arm in one if his frenzy swings and slashes.

Berserker was severely beaten and bloody injured and slowly raised his head at the Jungle Warrior, who then heaved a final swing, which instantly beheaded the Bad-Blood.

The head of the body fell on the ground, shocking the entire audience as they looked on in horror at the gore.

Crucified only gave a satisfied look and took the head, placing it on his belt holster retrieving his bio-mask as well.

As he looked around, he went to the still trapped Main 6 and Spike and pressed an button on his wrist gauntlet and then at the orb, freeing them. He looked at the shocked audience and was about to leave, until he noticed something in the sky behind the crowd.

He ran and pushed them aside and got a closer look and saw that it was a parachute of supplies and yautja signals.

"No.." Crucified said

As he looked on, a voice turned to him and said "Hey!"

He didn't pay her any attention and tried to communicate on his wrist gauntlet, but no signal came.

Crucified gave an look of anger and frustration and tried again ignoring the girls and Spike

"Hey, we're talking to you!" The same voice said

He turned and saw the crowd of species and the 7 ponies and dragon approach him.

Chapter 3: It Begins

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The warrior turned and saw all the species of Equestria look towards him with mixed reactions. He backed away a step and saw as they all faced him.

The warrior only tilted his head confused and was about to say something, until the rainbow Pegasus said

"Alright, start talking! What the hay are you!?"

Crucified angrily removed his mask and roared in her face, causing her to give a look of frozen fear from her facial expression. The girls only backed away in fear as he flared his mandibles and lips.

The crowd of heroes got in fight stances, but as they did, Crucified pressed something on his wrist gauntlet and said in a distorted voice

"What... What..going ..on...?"

The ponies and their allies all looked around confused as one Hippogriff said

"Well to answer the second question, we are or um...were trying to stop 3 of the most wanted evil villains of Equestria. As for the first question, I'm a hippogriff."

An Griffon then said "Well until you and that other guy that looks like a mix of you and a Pegasus came and killed them and then you 2 had a quarrel, plus I'm a Griffon."

The predator only gave a confused look and said

"...Equestria?....But what this planet, is..this...not..Game Preserve..?" Crucified said

The whole audience was confused even more from the warrior and the purple alicorn said in a confused and surprised tone at such a question.

"Well, to answer that no, this is the planet Equis. The specific place your in right now is Equestria. And what is this Game Preserve?"

Crucified then realized that from the statement that he was not only no longer on the Preserve planet along with the humans, but that Equestria was a different planet compared to it. Deciding he has to get some answers.

"Game Preserve..."

The yellow busty Pegasus in a green sweater said in horror "You hunt for living creatures?!"

This statement horrified the audience, but the Yautja replied.

"Yes and No., but for tradition and hunt Strong or Weak creatures ...for..honor. or precious living you."

The crowd only looked in mixes reactions of shock, surprise or even relief at the warrior. Some were even flattered at how he called them "precious".

"What's a Bad-Blood?" The blue Pegasus asked

"He a Bad-blood because he hunts innocent." Crucified replied

"Wait, you mean that other guy you killed was going to KILL us too?!" One dragon said in shock

The warrior only nodded, leaving the audience horrified and disbelieved.

"Well aside from that, what's your name?" The white Alicorn with a flowing mane in a elegant white dress asked


"Well Cross, my name is Celestia."

A dark blue alicorn in a blue shirt and black pants also stepped in and said "Thy shall know us as Luna."

"Wait, your an Alicorn!" The purple alicorn noticed as she saw the warriors wings and horn

"...what?..." Crucified asked in confusion

"Hey, she's right!" The dragon noticed as the two other alicorns took notice too.

The white alicorn said "Amazing, never have I once known of a MALE alicorn, let alone of a different species."

The hunter was left confused at records of these equines, he asked ""

The entire crowd was surprised as Twilight answered "An alicorn is a mix of a unicorn and a Pegasus like me and the other Princesses."

Crucified was confused even more, but decided to not dwwell on it and slipped the subject for now.

"Who.." The hunter once again asked

The 6 ponies and dragon also came up to him. The first one to introduce themselves was the purple alicorn in the white blouse and purple pants and shoes said.

"My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, over there are my friends."

"Ahm Applejack." The blonde, orange coated mare in blue jeans, an orange shirt and go down boots.

"My name is Rarity." The white unicorn in a purple shirt and blue pants and shoes said

I'm...Fluttershy." The yellow Pegasus worth a green sweater and yellow pants meekly said

"I'm Spike." The young dragon wearing a green hoodie, purple pants and shoes said

"Name's Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer of Equestria and soon to be Wonderbolt!" The blue Pegasus in a blue tank top and sports shorts introduced.

"HIMYNAMESPINKIEPIEAMDIVENEVERSEENAPONYLIKEYOUBEFOREANDAREYOUABALUENDOYOULIKEPARTIESOR-" the pink pony in a pink shirt and pants with 3 balloons on the side of her pants said before her mouth was closed by the orange mare.

As the ponies introduced themselves, the warrior then gave a look of worry, which the girls noticed.

"Cross? What's the matter?" Twilight asked

Cross saw the parachutes behind the crowd fall and said ""

The audience was disturbed and surprised at his now serious tone of voice as Applejack said.

"Why? What's wrong?"

Cross points to the parachutes of supplies behind them, which prompts all of the heroes to turn around.

They all noticed the falling objects and crates as Spike said

"What? Those parachuting crates that are falling down here?"

Cross nodded and said in an serious voice "!"

The whole audience was shocked as he continued "!"

"No, if they attack our home, then we have to show them that won't happen!" Twilight said in determination.

"Yeah!" Some Pegasi and unicorns cheered and agreed.

Applejack also said "And if they think that we are gonna go down without protecting our home, they should think again!"

"YEAH!" Some of the other heroes said.

"We may not know you, but you did save us from being killed." Twilight said

"Plus you even saved us when the other guy blasted us." Spike reminded

"Yeah, and nobody messes with Equestria on our watch and gets away with it! Right!?" Rainbow Dash said

"YEAH!!!" The entire audience of heroes said.

Crucified saw the heroes defiance at the Bad-Bloods and slowly nodded his head, saying


The heroes got ready and followed the hunter and saw the parachutes of crates land, Crucified put his helmet on and prepared for the hunt. The moment they did. An explosion had suddenly occurred in the Everfree forest.

"What the hay?!" An male unicorn with a blue mane and white coat in purple armor said in surprise.

His answer were two new predators like Cross uncloaking and appearing, but were different.

The first was shown to have light yellow skin and and wear a silver helmet and weapons, with the left side having a large scar running down the too to the cheek. He had no distinct features for a Pegasus or unicorn, but his pony like ears were noticeable, meaning He was an Earth pony.

The second was shown to be dark blue and had scars on his chest and blood red helmet with an additional breath mask. His gear was a dark red color and his hands had surprisingly noticeable blood drops and scratches.

The two pressed buttons on their wrist gauntlets and the first one said


Chapter 4: The First Hunt?

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The two yautja that had arrived came and goaded their rival were being stared at by all of the heroes of Equestria

The first one was about to attack, but he was suddenly held back by his ally.

"Hound? What are you doing?!" The first yautja asked

The bloody handed predator known as Hound said to his ally

"(No, we can't attack now, they are more large in numbers, it's best we wait.)"

Hound looked and saw that he had a point when he saw both Crucified and the entire allies of Equestria got in battle stances and thus, knowing full well that they would not last long against an entire army.

"For once, I couldn't agree more Phoenix."

With that, the two cloaked away, but not before Phoenix threw an extra medicomp supply at Crucified, who caught it as Phoenix said to Cross

"Be ready, we'll come."

Crucified, with a fearless look replied "I'm not afraid of you."

The Bad-Blood then cloaked away, leaving the ponies and their allies confused as to what just happened. Crucified turned to them and walked away, until Twilight began to follow him said

"Um, why didn't they attack like you said they might?"

Crucified turned to the purple alicorn and said "There.. 2... of.. them, and ....alot... of... you.... remember?"

Twilight looked behind her and realized that he had a point as attacking head on would have been suicide. As she looked on, she saw the hunter leaving the battlefield, heading into the EverFree while still grasping his still bruised and malnourished chest. She ran over to him and said while teleporting in front of him

"Where are you going?"

Crucified answered "To... deal... with... them... like... I ...told.. you?"

"But your hurt! You won't last with those kinds of bruises on you!" Twilight protested


The other ponies and the dragon came in and joined the purple alicorn with looks of concern.

"She has a point, your body looks like it's suffering from the stress of not eating or resting properly." Fluttershy said in pity.

"But...I'm...alive, I'" Crucified protested to her

"No you won't! With how malnourished and bloody you look, who knows what's going to happen if you continue like this." Rarity said with a concerned tone

Crucified saw the looks of fear and concern they gave him and decided that for now he should get some aid and his condition too fight was too severe thanks to his injuries on the Game Preserve and from his fight with Berserker and relented, saying

"Very Well."

The ponies and Spike smiled and helped the injured predator, who slowly began to black out.

Crucified was on a hospital table. He was slowly beginning to awaken as he saw he was not only on a medical table, but the wounds on his body were wrapped in bandages. As he slowly got up, he saw the door left of the room open and a nurse with a white coat, blue eyes and pink hair in a nurse outfit and hat with a little open button on her top, showing some of her cleavage, arrive with a clipboard. She saw the yautja-pony hybrid slowly awaken and blushed at his muscles and alicorn state and blushed at his well trained body.

She noticed the yautja was awake and coming to as she looked and said

"Are you ok? Your body was beaten really badly."


The nurse said "You passed out and fell because of your wounds and from my records on your body, your deprivation of eating or drinking any food or drinks, how are you feeling?"

Crucified nodded and said "I...fine...where... am.."

"Your stuff is on that table next to you. You can take them when you are fully healed. Right now your in the Ponyville hospital."

"Thank you....?"

"....OH! My name is Nurse Redheart. By the way, you have a few visitors."

He looked at the door and saw the girls and Spike heading over to him, he said


"How are you feeling?" Twilight asked him with a smile of relief

"Ok...but...hungry." Crucified responded, with his stomach even growling to further add to his statement

Cross blushed a green color on his cheeks while the girls and Spike only gave looks of amusement at his embarrassed form at how he was.

"Well, you are looking pretty ok. Plus you don't look too malnourished." Redheart said

"Where....are....they?" Crucified asked the girls

"Where is who?" Rarity asled

"The...Bad-bloods...we...saw." Crucified responded in pain

The girls only looked at each other with blank expression as Applejack said

"There comes the bad part."

"Me and all the other allies of Equestria searched for them all around the Everfree Forest where they hid, but they disappeared." Twilight answered

"Plus they kept dead bodies of some royal guards as scarecrows and hung them as a way of taunting us. One even had a symbol on his chest." Rainbow Dash said in disgust

Crucified only looked down as he knew what that meant, his kind always hung and flayed prey that were either weak or unworthy and thus were doing so to taunt them or insult them. As he managed to gain a piece of his strength, he said to them

"I....feel...ok... now. How..long...I...out..?"

"For a few hours." Spike answered

"Nurse Redheart, is he ok to go?" Twilight asked

The nurse pony replied "Well Princess, he looks pretty ok so far, as long as he eats something as his b-day shows signs of deprivation of nutrition and vitamins from no food or water."

"Thank you again." Twilight said with gratitude

The yautja pony nodded and put hus gear back on. He followed the ponies out of the hospital. As they walked out. They managed to reach the outside of Ponyville and saw the residents doing their own thing. Some even gave a few looks at the yautja as he was accompanied by the Elements of Harmony and the Hero of the Empire.

As they walked, they reached the pathway of an castle, with Crucified a little surprised at how this kind of dwelling would've been in a village like Ponyville.

"So...Cross?" Rainbow Dash asked as the group walked

He turned his attention to the blue Pegasus

"We told you what we are, but what are you?" Rainbow asked

Crucified responded ""

"Yautja?" Applejack asked

"" he added

"Why?" Fluttershy asked

"" Crucified said

"How did you get here?" Spike asked

"I...don't.. know." Crucified replied to the dragon

The group continued to the castle as he was asked by the girls and Spike questions of himself, this would be a big day for the Jungle hunter warrior.