> Sashimi Girl Sunset > by Dr Sharaz Jek > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer's eyes were hazy. She reclined naked covered by cuts and bruises in the darkness, arms and legs spread, bound at her wrists and ankles by thick knotted ropes to a mattress stained by dried semen, urine, blood, sweat, and her womanly excretions. Silent tears ran down her cheeks, and she whimpered, uncertain how long had passed since this nightmare began. Passed around by the Yakuza, her body was sore all over from repeated violations, especially her ruined, torn lower holes. She couldn't understand what they were saying, but it was obvious she was just another piece of meat to be fucked until she was no longer desirable. A light spilled from the hallway through the open door, a cool draft tickling her bare skin. The businessman's face was well-lined, eyes hidden by sunglasses, his muscular form watched in a dark business suit. She swallowed hard when he unsheathed a stainless steel katana, decorated by dragon symbols carved into it, and she writhed at his approach, heart racing at the idea that her moment had finally come, that he'd defile her one last time and finish her off. He pressed the cold flat of the blade upon her nipples which went erect, dragged the nubs about, teased that he might slice them off at any moment. She shuddered at the visible erection in his pants, tried to cry out only to have it muffled by the ball gag he'd stuffed in. He traced the blade over her stomach, down to her slit, threatening to sheathe it deep inside her. She emptied her bladder, felt an almost comforting warmth pool under her bottom. He laughed, and she curled her face into a sneer, or the closest she could muster with a stuffed mouth, still able to muster up some defiance. That turned to a shiver when he pulled one of her tits, distended it, and rested the blade next to the flesh, threatening to sever it. He unbuckled his pants, unzipped them, and let his cock flop out. Jerking it with a grunt, he was soon full mast, and she would have laughed at the average size if it wasn't about to be stuffed in her. Wasting no time, he slammed into her and she winced, thrust in-and-out, rocking the mattress. He grinned at the range of expressions that went across her burning face, shame, rage, guilt, and most dreadful of all lust, cursing the way her body betrayed her with the unwanted stimulation. Her pussy lips went puffy and inflamed, dripping down her asshole. She tightened around him, closing her eyes and squeezing out tears, resigned to her fate by now. Lost in the heat of the moment, he fucked her hard, her tits bouncing each time he speared her. Shakily she opened an eye, and realized he was so caught up by dominating and humiliating her he'd left himself open. The blade was still in his grasp. He groaned and sheathed himself balls deep, unloading heated splashes into her, pressing himself upon her. She realized it was now-or-never. Narrowing her eyes in determination, she seized the sword in her palm, ignoring the searing bite when it cut into her skin, hissed when she angled it upwards with what little might she could muster. The tip bit into his throat. He gurgled in shock, messy warmth spilling over her curves, staggering back. Still she held onto the weapon with a death grip, twisting it much as she was able to cut at the bind on her right wrist, which she managed to saw away. He stumbled towards the exit, leaving a slick trail behind him, crumpling and reduced to crawling and gagging. Using her bleeding hand she soon slashed open the rest of her binds, adrenaline pushing her, knowing that if she didn't act she would die a horrible, lonely death. She stumbled to her feet, feeling his foul seed run between her inner thighs, and nearly tricked. She was thankful the Yakuza forced her to regularly exercise so her muscles hadn't atrophied. He reached towards her, said something with a mouthful of blood. Probably begging for mercy. She answered with a two-handed swing that chopped through his neck, cutting through muscle and bone, nearly severing it completely as it hung grotesquely and the corpse crumple. She huffed, paled, stomach churning, barely able to believe what she'd done no matter how much she hated him. Her hair hung in a tangled mess, her eyes burned, and she unclasped the gag, yanking it out. Scarlet trickled down the blade. The light gleamed over her sweat beaded skin. She considered claiming his clothes, but they were far too large, plus they smelled foul since he'd voided his bladder and bowels in them, not to mention how soaked they were with blood. Checking over the room, she found little of interest and knew there was little choice but to move on. Her eyes narrowed, adjusting to the light when she sneaked into the hallway, blade at the ready. She'd heard the Dazzlings whimpering and screaming, knew that they'd been betrayed too, no doubt raped multiple times by the same men they'd handed her over to. She spotted another open door, started to creep over, and silently cursed herself for leaving a trail of bloodied footprints behind her. Her head swam, straining to think clearly, her heart heavy with thoughts of vengeance. Cautiously she peeked into the room, where a pair of naked men were making a sandwich out of Adagio, hands bound behind her and gagged, forced to straddle one of the pair who alternated thrusting into her bruised up form. One of her eyes was blackened and swollen shut, her poofy curls now a stringy, bloodstained mess, clinging to a cheek. She shifted an eye towards Sunset with a whimper, uncertain whether she was here to save her...or finish the job. Sunset stalked over decisively, muscles tensing, shutting out the grunts of the man above who was currently loosing himself in Dagi's ass. Shimmer dragged back his head by the hair, slit his throat, strangely calm despite the fury on her face. The one below started to shout words she couldn't understand, and Dagi pressed her thighs around him, keeping him pinned in her. He erupted into the cunt squeezing down on him with a yelp, and Sunset ran the blade though his neck. She then yanked the gag off Adagio who panted and choked on her sobs. “Th-thanks. Are you...going to kill me?” She stared at her savior, broken. Sunset paused, still and silent. Why had she come? To rescue her? Slay her? She honestly didn't know. The moment seemed to hang forever, Adagio still whimpering, trapped between a pair of slack corpses still locked inside her. Sunset felt her heart breaking, seeing her in this state, and forced memories of all the abuse she'd suffered thanks to her, trying to harden her heart, sweaty and bloody hands trembling on the hilt, trying to psyche herself up for the killing stroke. “I should kill you,” she hissed through clenched teeth. “But that would be merciful.” Snot ran from Dagi's nose who nodded. “I-I'm sorry. Do whatever you want to me, but my sisters...” Sunset kicked the carcass off the top of Adagio, who slid off with a thunk onto a filthy floor. She then cut her bonds, taking her by the arm and helping the staggered siren stand, forced to lean on her for support. “Just following orders, huh? Aria and Sonata are no less guilty. But don't worry. I'll get you bastards out of here, if I can. You able to walk?” Dagi managed a weak nod. She said softly, “Go. Please. I'll wait here until you're back.” “Okay. But screw me over again and you'll wish I'd finished you here.” Dagi flinched and nodded again. Sunset stared down at her red-soaked shape and realized she must look like a beautiful nightmare, a crazed angel of revenge. She brushed off some of the sticky mess, but not too much, thinking it like war paint, a second-skin she adorned like armor. With cool detachment she sought out and soon discovered the next siren. In a way Aria appeared even worse off, both her eyes blackened, covered all over in cigarette burns, particularly on her small breasts, lean buttocks, and tight labia. She was easily the leanest of her sisters, which Sunset guessed was partially why she was so angry all the time, but no less attractive in her own way, lithe, limber, and perky, with wiry muscles particularly in her arms since she liked to punch stuff all the time. Currently a gun barrel was pressed to her forehead, her pigtails pulled by the thug who yanked her head back-and-forth, forcing his entire dick down her throat. She stared hatefully at him through teary eyes, gags sounding and drool leaking down her reddened face, completely nude except for the star decorations in her hair and a butt plug shoved up her sphincter. He brutally slammed in-and-out, stared down at her stricken face with a smug grin, Aria's hands on his hips like he'd instructed and on her knees. Bits of his pubic hair stuck between her teeth. With a final, savage hip thrust, he buried himself and emptied his balls. She winced and choke, going cross-eyed as warm cum exploded from her nostrils and filled her mouth. Sunset wanted to intervene sooner, but dared not risk it until he was completely distracted. She moved in, katana at the ready, and Aria noticed her, biting down on the dick still unloading into her. He howled in surprise, and Shimmer chopped off his hand in one two-handed slash. Bone was visible through the spurting wound, hand still holding the gun as it flopped down. Aria rose and spat out a mouthful of semen, blood, and a torn up penis. “Fucker,” she snarled and went for the firearm. A stab to the midsection finished him. Sunset studied the siren, who trembled and pointed the firearm at her. “Shoot me, if that's what you really want. But don't forget without me, you'd still be just another toy to all these guys.” “St-stay away from me! Look, I know what we did was wrong, okay! But you took everything from us!” Aria desperately tried to justify their actions, but after what had happened to the Dazzlings, the horrifying realization of what they'd done haunted her. “Stand down, sister.” Adagio stood in the doorway and shook her head. “She rescued me, too. It was my plan, Sunset. They just went along with it. Losing our ability to sing, being separated from Equestria...I'd thought we'd hit rock bottom.” She sniffled and wiped her face. “N-now, all I can think is that I wish we could take it all back. What we did to you-” Sunset raised a hand. “Forget about it.” In truth she preferred to forget it herself. “I've gotten lucky so far, but it might not last. We'd better find Sonata and get the hell out of here before it's too late. Will you back me up, Aria?” Lowering the weapon, Aria shrugged. “Why not?” Her face was still twisted in a sneer, her gaze distant. She yanked out the butt plug and chucked the object aside with a grimace. “Sonata's pretty much useless on her own.” They marched out, Adagio on lookout at the rear, Sunset in the lead. She considered that they could betray her again, how easy it would be for Aria to shoot her in the back, but instinct told it that was unlikely. They wanted to punish these bastards even more than she did. Creeping along the corridor, past a number of empty rooms, they finally stumbled on their quarry. Sonata was apparently in the worst state of all, sprawled out in a daze on the floor, soaked from head-to-toe in tally marks and glistening semen. The group of men surrounding her were busy depositing more, jerking themselves off to release, while others waited their turns. A camera was set up and captured the moment, no doubt the film to be passed around and sold. A gunshot shattered the air. Skull fragments and brain mattered painted a wall. The barrel smoked, gripped between Aria's sweaty palms, who snarled and bare her teeth. Some of the men ran, cowered, or rushed them, only to cut down by Sunset's blade and more bullets which tore through their skin, the floor soon a bloodied curtain dotted with meaty chunks. Adagio stood on lookout at the door. “Looks like we're clear...for now We could have used that film for evidence, though.” “Tch. I'd rather just forget this whole incident,” admitted Aria who squatted by Sonata. “Hey, are you okay? Wake up!” Sonata sleepily blinked her eyes. “A-Aria?” Her head swam with delirium as the world swam back into focus. “I had this totes horrible nightmare,” she mumbled. “We did something really bad to Sunset, and it came back to bite us in the ass...” “That wasn't a dream,” said Sunset who wandered over, careful not to slip on the gore. “Sunset?! Ah~!” Sonata shot up and cowered before her, arms raised like she expected to taste her blade. “Relax,” said Adagio who pursed her lips. “She saved our butts. Question is, what do we do now? I mean, if we assume this nest is really clear. Do you plan to turn us over to the authorities? Take us back to Equestria to be punished there?” “I've still got a couple bullets,” warned Aria but Adagio shook her head and forced her to lower the gun. “Please, we're sorry! We know we went too far!” Sonata sniffled, barely able to look on the carnage around them. Sunset sucked on her lower lip and considered for a moment. But in truth nearly all the fight had gone out of her. Now she simply felt...empty. “Maybe you three deserve the same fate as them. I don't know. But I'm tired, and I'd rather forget all this happened, too. Just...get out of my sight.” They stared at her a moment, and Aria helped Sonata stand. Within moments the Dazzlings bolted. Convinced the place was clear, Sunset dropped her weapon and softly cried in the gloom. She couldn't bear to tell her friends what had really happened, figured it was better to simply lie, say she was whisked away to some grand adventure in Equestria and couldn't contact them. She would take the truth of this ordeal to her grave. Sinking to her knees and bawling her eyes out, she hoped the Dazzlings would do the same. At least they could take comfort in each other. But who did she know that could possibly understand? Her stomach churned with what she'd done, and she allowed the implications to settle in, uncertain if she could take the guilt, worried it might twist her back into the monster she once was. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer checked up on her apartment, only to learn via a note on the table the rent had been paid up by Rarity while she was away. She would have to thank and pay her back later. Stripping off the tattered clothes she'd collected in the warehouse during her escaped, she hurled herself into the shower and let the steamy water envelope her sore, battered body. She took her time, shampooing her tangled mane, lathering her tender skin, shaving the wild bush of pubic hair. Her wet palms pressed against the wall, and she leaned over, numb. At the least, she'd started to feel human again. After she toweled off she reclaimed her usual attire and slipped into it. Her motorcycle had been towed in her absence, but Rainbow Dash had recovered it and Rarity paid for that, too; another thing she owed her friends. She wanted to run to them, confess what had happened, but again decided it was better to claim she was simply whisked away to Equestria, rather than destroy their innocence. Testing her bike, she rode off into the night, letting the wind whip around her. She went without a helmet, wanting nothing more than to feel the air on her skin, to remind her of all she'd missed. The blocks raced by on her way to her destination. Pulling to a stop and parking, with some trepidation she took the first cautious step up the stairs. Her boots clicked and she sucked in a breath. Her hand trembled, and after a minute's hesitation, she summoned up the courage to knock. Flash Sentry answered. “Sunset?! Come on in.” He moved aside and closed the door behind her. “We've all been worried sick about you. Take a seat on the couch, I'll brew you some coffee and-” She touched her index finger over his lips to shush him. “I'll...explain it all later.” She hated to lie to him; but wasn't that how their relationship had started, before it had all fallen apart? “I need you tonight.” He gulped and froze, uncertain if he misread the implications. “Uh...sure. Whatever you want. You want to talk about it?” “No.” She practically ripped his jacket, shirt, shoes, and pants off, until he was down to his boxers. His clothes were tossed aside and her nails danced down his wiry muscles. He hissed in suppressed delight, and she peppered his skin in hungry kisses. She removed her leather jacket, blouse, and skirt, until she too was down to her underwear, a lacy black set of bra and panties. “I was horrible to you. I treated you like a trophy. Used you.” She wondered if it was karma for her, too. “That was a long time ago. You've more than paid any dues.” He took her hands and squeezed them. “And you made me who I am. Without you, I would've stayed an insecure kid. You gave me confidence, made me try and be the coolest guy around.” She smiled at him and ran her hands through his spiky hair. “And you are. You've become a regular heartthrob.” He blushed. “Ah, I do okay.” She still had a way of making him lose his composure, not helped by her body heat. His heart raced, and he shook a tad, too. He'd dreamed of making love to her many times, but never thought it would actually happen. Grabbing him by the wrist, she dragged him to his dimly lit room, and pushed him back onto the bed. He stared captivated when she unhooked her bra and let her ample breasts topple out. Her hips swayed while she wiggled out of her panties, fully bearing herself to him, but leaving on the 'fuck-me boots' she could tell he loved so much. He studied her as she posed for him. Finally she yanked off his boxers and let his half-erect cock flop out. A few strokes with her palm revealed he was slightly larger than average, not that she would have cared much were that not true. She needed him inside her. Needed to reclaim her body. Pressing her palms to his bare chest, she straddled him and lowered herself down. His tip sunk into her lower lips and he grunted. She pressed her womanhood to him, let him stretch and fill her. She rocked her hips, guided one of his palms to cup her tit and another to a buttock, telling him to explore her, that they belonged fully to each other tonight. She leaned in and kissed him, bouncing atop him, working them up into a sweaty mess atop the tangled sheets. For the moment she could forget all the recent horrors, take command of herself again, watch his face twist in rapture while she made love to him. “I-I should've done this sooner,” she huffed, milking him with her pussy; a trick she'd learned as a unicorn. “F-fuck!” It worked a little too well, and with a groan he unloaded into her. “...sorry.” She laughed, careful to be gentle. “It's okay. I understand it's your first time.” He blushed again. “There's no shame in it. I'm happy to be your first. Still...call me selfish, but I hope you have a lot more in you.” “Oh yeah.” He grinned back, kneading her breasts between his palms, pinching her erect nipples. They surrendered to the moment, lost in each other, the smells of sweat and sex, the slap of their flesh, their warmth and touch. He ran his fingers through her wavy hair, and she smiled back at him, met his lips and nibbled on them. She pulled her little trick again, but this time he was able to handle it better, moaning each time she constricted around him. He throbbed inside her walls, and she found her own overdue release. “Ah~”, she cried and splashed on his crotch. Spurred by this, he gripped her hips and picked up speed, thrusting up into her until he grit his teeth and spilled his seed deep in her. She collapsed atop him, ruffled his spiky hair, cuddled close in a wet, sticky mess. “I...I love you Sunset,” he confessed. Sunset's grin widened. Uncertain whether it was simply post-coital bliss, although she knew he wouldn't lie to her about such things, she tightened her hold on him.  She kept a leg hooked around him, still felt him inside her, neither wanting to leave their amorous embrace. She whispered, “You want to move in with me, Flash?” “Sure. Although you could always move in with me, if you prefer. Maybe show me around Equestria?” “Sounds like a plan.” With a click he turned off the lights by a remote on his desk and they settled down to sleep. She would later learn the fates of everyone, through a little help from Princess Twilight Sparkle, who she confessed to and helped track them all down. Her boss mysteriously disappeared, no doubt punished by those he betrayed her to. The Yakuza presence vanished too, crippled in the area by what she'd done, and deciding to cut their losses and return home. The Dazzlings continued to live in their trailer, still shaken and haunted by what they'd done and endured. While they'd never be friends, she decided to simply forget them unless they stepped out of line again. Twilight would be keeping tabs on them, and her world, in case something like this reoccurred. All-in-all, she was finally prepared to move on with her life.