> A Round of Donuts > by DougtheLoremaster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Good Ol' Donut Joe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight stepped carefully across the worn, wooden floor of the old building. The tables were warped with age and the floorboards rotted. The timbers creaked and groaned with each step. It had been centuries since the Alicorn had been in the once-bustling establishment. Of course, back then she didn’t have the wings. Slowly, she dragged a hoof across a dust-covered table in the corner. We sat right here. Before her tear-filled eyes, Twilight could see her friends once more. She saw them back when they were young; back when they were still there. The image of the six of them appeared, sitting at the table. They were laughing about the horrible night they had. Twilight wiped a hoof across her eyes and smiled. That gala was such a disaster, wasn’t it? Everything that could have gone wrong, did. And yet, we just laughed. We laughed because it was just so ridiculous. We laughed because we had each other- She paused as her tears began anew. Her heart ached once more as she whispered to the empty room. “Yeah, because we had each other.” As she stared at the empty spot, she watched the image of Donut Joe; the baker, place a round of a dozen fresh donuts on the table. “On the house.” Twilight watched as the image of Pinkie grabbed six of them at once, before Rainbow snatched one on her wing-tips. She stood there watching her friends and her graciously enjoyed the donuts provided by the friendly stallion. Just an hour ago, they had been completely discouraged as one by one, their expectations were shattered by reality. And yet there they were; laughing and joking about it over a hot plate of a dozen donuts. The images of her friends faded and then new ones appeared. This time it was just after her brother married Princess Cadence. The wedding had almost been completely ruined by a Changeling invasion. The Changeling Queen, Chrysalis, had kidnapped Cadence and attempted to replace her. It had been quite a stressful event. And afterward, they went to good ol’ Donut Joe’s Bakery. How insane was that day? Twilight thought morosely. Before her eyes, Applejack had her hat stolen by Rainbow Dash who declared at the Earthpony’s outrage. “You want it? Come and get it.” Craziness ensued as the Earthpony chased Rainbow around the room; overturning tables and smashing some vases on display. Twilight watched her past self sheepishly offer to pay for all damages to the baker. Surprisingly though, Donut Joe just smiled warmly at her and shook his head. Vanishing into the back, he quickly returned with a piping hot tray of glazed donuts. Placing them on the table, the kindly baker just said. “On the house.” We enjoyed those. After enjoying the fresh doughy treats, Applejack was given her hat back and the two worked on fixing the damages themselves. The smiles on the faces of those two, an argument brought to an end; by something so simple, so wholesome. All thanks to Joe. Once more the images faded, and then she saw them reappear once more. This time, however, Starlight was with them. Twilight had just been crowned Ruler of Equestria, and just like the gala, it had been a complete disaster. Everything planned had gone horribly, one after the other. Laughing and joking as they walked in the door, the seven were completely disheveled in appearance. “Can’t believe we had to drink Applesauce!” “Ha yeah! Th’ look on mah brother’s face. Ha, Sugarbelle’ll never let him live that down.” Twilight watched the past images of her friends sit at the same table as always. From the back the old baker came out, carrying a piping hot tray of donuts. It was always impossible to be sad in this place. No matter what happened we could just come and enjoy some delicious confectionaries together. Twilight stared at the empty table of the abandoned building and lowering her head began to cry; the tears streaming down. Her friends, her family, all had been lost to time. One by one, Twilight had watched the table slowly become more and more empty, as her friends told her until next time. “Not this time.” No. This time there were no donuts, this time there were just memories of happier times for the depressed princess. The pain had built up and it had been suggested to her by her latest student, to visit some old haunts. Visiting the old hangout, she had hoped to feel better; after all, it had been impossible to feel bad at Donut Joe’s. Yet, all she felt was her heart break even more. Sitting down in distress, she looked down at the table and laid her head in her hooves; sobbing. And then she noticed it. The familiar aroma reached her nose and glancing up she saw them. Much to the amazement of Twilight, in front of her eyes, was a single tray of twelve piping hot donuts. There’s no way. Reaching for one of the doughy treats, Twilight was surprised she could pick it up. What in the name of Celestia- “Hey there, pouty pony, you gonna just stare at it or eat it?” The voice came from right beside her nearly causing her to jump. It was squeaky and hyperactive and extremely familiar.That voice. It couldn’t be. Turning to look at the spot beside her, Twilight’s jaw dropped in shock at what she saw. “Pi-Pinkie?” There in the previously empty seat sat Pinkie; graciously chomping on a donut. But that’s impossible. “Hey there Sugarcube, sorry we’re late.” Applejack? Am I going crazy? “Yeah, Pinkie heard you cryin’ and well here we are.” Rainbow? What? How? “Dah-ling, your mane looks absolutely atrocious, let me fix that for you.” “Geeze Twilight, you look depressed, care to talk about it?” Rarity and Starlight, too? “H-how have you b-been Twilight?” Fluttershy. Are they really here? Am I hallucinating? Looking around the table, Twilight couldn’t believe it. Her friends, just as wonderful as the day they left, sat around her once more. “But you’re all-” Exchanging glances with the others, Applejack nodded. “Yeah, we are. It’s true Twi, we left ya long ago. But uh, if ya think Pinkie would miss out on a get-together, yer crazier than her.” “A get-together?” “We always gathered here when times were toughest. Or have you forgotten about us?” Twilight blurted out a response. “I would never forget you! You all meant the world to me but you’re- Twilight felt Applejack’s hoof gingerly wipe her tears away as she spoke softly to the bewildered Princess. “Then we’re still here. Even though we had to leave, we will never truly be gone as long as you still remember us.” Twilight watched as Pinkie took the donut from her and with a cheeky grin happily bit down on it. You’re right. Smiling, she watched as her friends vanished once more; her tears no longer falling. You never really left, did you? Still smiling in the empty room, Twilight slowly rose; her heart light and a new spring in her step. As long as you are in my heart, none of you are gone forever. Filled with new life, she addressed the empty room, giving thanks just as she always would. “Thanks, Donut Joe.” As she turned and walked out the rotted front door, she paused in the doorway for a moment, before shaking her head. Maybe she really was going crazy, but she could have sworn she heard a kindly old stallion tell her in a soft voice. “On the house.”